This guide is a product of the voluntary program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) 3Ts for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Child Care Facilities - Training,
Testing, and Taking Action Approach.
EPA's 3Ts program is not a federal requirement under the National Primary Drinking Water
Regulations. Therefore, this guide is not intended for use by public water systems that are
subject to compliance under the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions or other National Primary
Drinking Water Regulations under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).
The 3Ts program approach is voluntary and provides tools and informational materials for
schools, child care facilities, states, territories, and Native American Tribes to implement lead
testing programs in drinking water, at their discretion.
This document does contain overviews of federal regulatory requirements concerning lead in
drinking water that apply to public water systems. EPA has made every effort to ensure the
accuracy of the discussion in this guidance. In the event of a conflict between the discussion in
this document and any statute or regulation, this document would not be controlling.
The general description in this document does not substitute for any law or regulation. Many
states (or tribes) and localities have different, more stringent requirements than EPA’s, some of
which may apply to schools and child care facilities even if they are not a public water system.
Therefore, schools and child care facilities should not rely solely on this guidance for that
compliance information.
This document does not impose legally binding requirements on EPA, states, or the regulated
This document does not confer legal rights or impose legal obligations upon any member of the
Office of Water (4606M)
EPA 816-F-22-009
July 2022
chk with Ying]
The purpose of this Lead Sample Collection Field Guide is to provide clear
instructions to designated personnel on how to effectively and accurately
collect samples to test for lead in drinking water in schools and child care
This Guide is a product of the voluntary program of the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
3Ts for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Child
Care Facilities - Training, Testing, and Taking Action Approach (referred to as “3Ts program”
Before collecting samples, go to Module 3: Planning your 3Ts Program to
establish a plan for:
(1) Communicating (e.g., methods and frequency to communicate
results and actions to parents and staff);
(2) Training (e.g., who an
d how personnel will be trained);
(3) Testing (e.g., prio
ritize outlets for sampling and identify the type of
lead samples to collect); and
(4) Taking Acti
on (e.g., identify the type of short-term and/or long-term
measures to take if l
ead is detected).
Transparency and communication are key to developing a successful
program for reducing lead in drinking water in schools and child care
facilities. Use the 3Ts p
rogram resources
, including step-by-step instructions
and interactive tools, to cr
eate your plan.
Funding for Reducing Lead in
Schools and Child Cares
Schools and child care facilities
may be eligible for funds to
conduct lead testing and
remediation through the Water
Infrastructure Improvements for
the Nation (WIIN) Act grant
program. Contact your state
program listed here:
WIIN 2107:
Testing in
School and
Care Program
Drinking Water
Grant Program
Connection to US EPA Drinking Water Regulation --
Lead and Copper Rule Revisions
The Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) includes provisions for public water
utilities to conduct sampling in schools and child care facilities. However, as part of
President Biden’s E.O. 13990 regulatory review of the LCRR, the agency received
stakeholder input suggesting improvements to these and other provisions. EPA will
be considering these suggestions as part of a planned immediate rulemaking and
non -regulatory actions to equitably improve public health protection and improve
implementation of the rule to ensure that it prevents adverse health effects of lead
to the extent feasible. For more information, visit EPA’s Review of the National
Primary Drinking Water Regulation: Lead and Copper Rule Revisions.
Why is this important?
There is no safe blood lead level in children. Children are most susceptible to the effects of lead
because their bodies are still developing; therefore, they tend to absorb more lead from any source,
including drinking water, than adults. Lead exposure in children can cause adverse health effects
both physical (e.g., impaired growth and hearing loss) and behavioral (e.g., reduced IQ and attention
span, hyperactivity, and learning disabilities).
The only way to know if there is lead in your drinking water is to test each fixture used for human
consumption (i.e., drinking, food preparation, brushing teeth, dishwashing, and hand washing). EPA
suggests that schools and child care facilities implement lead testing programs for reducing lead in
drinking water as part of their overall plans for maintaining healthy learning environments.
It is important to establish a program that includes routine testing and evaluations to limit
lead contamination, as well as routine practices to ensure that you are providing safe
drinking water to students and staff.
It is important to identify lead fixtures and plumbing materials and be familiar with the
source of your drinking water. Some schools and child care facilities are served by nearby
public or private water systems, while others operate their own water systems and are
regulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). Even when water entering a facility
meets all federal and state public health standards for lead, older plumbing materials in
schools and child care facilities may contribute to elevated levels lead in their drinking
water. The potential for lead to leach into water increases the longer the water remains in
contact with leaded plumbing materials. As a result, facilities with intermittent water use
patterns, such as schools and child care facilities, are more likely to have elevated lead
concentrations in their drinking water.
Lead can enter your drinking water through the corrosion of lead-containing plumbing
materials within your facility or through the water service line connected to your school or
child care facility.
Building age and plumbing installations/repairs may increase the risk of elevated lead levels
in your drinking water if corrosion occurred in the plumbing materials. Factors to consider
may include:
o Buildings older than 1930: Likely to contain lead pipes that can contaminate water
o 1930 - 1986: Likely to contain lead solders used to join copper pipes together. Lead
pipes are possible.
o 1986 - 2014: “Lead-free” solders used on plumbing joints, brass fixtures or plumbing
components may have lead. Lead pipes are very unlikely.
o 2014 - Present: Even if “lead-free materials” were used in new construction and/or
plumbing repairs, lead leaching may occur. Lead pipes are very unlikely.
Is this Lead Sample Collection Field Guide for me?
This Guide is designed to support any school or child care personnel (e.g., maintenance staff, child
care support staff, on-site water system staff) who is asked to collect lead samples in drinking water
at their facility.
The information and resources included in this guide will help the designated personnel
understand the procedures and process to follow to collect lead samples and provides actions to
consider based on laboratory results. For more details on remediation, refer to
Module 6 in the
3Ts Toolkit or 3Ts Manual (published October 2018; EPA 815-B-18-007).
The sampling collection procedures outlined in this guide also meet the minimum requirements
for schools and child care facilities that are recipients of funding from their state grant program
as part of the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act. States may have
additional procedures or processes to follow.
If you have questions about the WIIN grant program, you can find your state program at: EPA’s
WIIN 2107: Lead Testing in School and Child Care Program Drinking Water State Grant Program
This guide assumes that each school and child care facility will run its testing program
independently. However, as you read through this guide, check with your state drinking
water/environmental program, certified laboratory, plumbing professional, or public water
system to see if they can help you with the sample collection.
How do I use this Lead Sample Collection Field Guide?
Blue text indicates a hyperlink to a resource. Click the text to navigate to the link.
Text in brackets [ ] contain a hyperlink to applicable sections (i.e., Prepare, Collect, Results)
within the guide. Click the text to navigate to that section.
Section icons (below) are hyperlinked. Click the icon to navigate to a section of interest.
Prepare……… 1
Before collecting samples, facilities should develop a plan for (1) Communicating; (2) Training; (3)
Testing; and (4) Taking Action. Preparation is key for testing lead in drinking water. Use the “3Ts Plan
eBuilder” to create your plan at 3Ts program website.
Remember the importance of due diligence and the role you,
as the collector, are serving to help protect the children at your
facilities. It is important for personnel collecting the lead
samples to follow the steps as outlined in this Lead Sample
Collection Field Guide and use the sampling instructions
provided by your selected certified laboratory.
Use these steps to ensure proper preparation and effective
Prioritize sample sites based on the plumbing profile
questionnaire (Module 4 in the 3Ts Toolkit
) and your
existing knowledge of the building.
Decide which certified laboratory will analyze your
samples for lead and ask if they can help you collect
the samples. To find approved, certified labs, visit EPA
Certified Labs.
Develop a coding and labeling system that clearly identifies each sample before collection.
Collect all the materials listed in the [Prepare the Sample Site] subsection below, before
conducting sampling on-site.
How Can Water Systems H
Your public water system are critical p artners
in helping schools and child care f acilities test
for lead. They may be able to:
Offer technical guidance.
Help you develop sampling plans or
plumbing profiles.
Assist with sample collection and
laboratory analysis.
Support you in communicating lead
sample re sults to the community.
Help interpret results and determine
potential lead sources.
For more information, see the 3Ts for Public
Water Utilities factsheet or visit EPA’s Final
Revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule to learn
more about the role of the system in sampling.
Lead Sa
mpling Considerations
There is no safe blood lead level in children. Children are most susceptible to the effects of lead because their bodies
are still developing; therefore, they tend to absorb more lead from any source, including drinking water, than adults.
A sample test is a snapshot of the lead level taken at the time it was collected. Prior low or non-detected lead
levels should not be used to assume that an outlet or facility is lead-free. Lead levels at an outlet or within a building
have been shown to vary over time.
Regularly scheduled testing and routine maintenance are essential to reducing lead in drinking water. Consult with
your public water system for guidance.
Results from one outlet should not be used to generalize the lead levels at other outlets in the facility. Lead
contamination can occur both in fixtures and in building plumbing, so a sample taken at any given outlet is not
representative of the entire facility.
Buildings and fixtures built before 1986 are most likely to have lead solder and/or plumbing components that
contain lead. The 1986 Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Amendments included a “lead ban” requirement stating that
only “lead-free” materials could be used in new plumbing and plumbing repairs. However, it is likely that lead pipes,
high-lead solder, and fluxes were used until 1990. The Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act of 2011 made the
definition of “lead free” more stringent by lowering the lead maximum lead content permitted. Up until 2014, even
those plumbing materials labeled as “lead-free” could contain up to 8% lead.
Determine Which Fixtures to Sample
Many factors can contribute to selecting and prioritizing sampling locations. Some considerations:
Oldest kn
own fixtures because these are more likely to contain lead (especially those installed
prior to the Lead Ban Act of 1986);
Sampling sites should be those used for human consumption;
Outlets that are used by children under the age of six or pregnant women (e.g., drinking
fountains, nurses office, early childhood education classroom, kitchen, teachers’ lounges);
Areas with known service lines or lead pipes;
Areas with corroded plumbing; and
Frequency of use. The longer the water remains in contact with the lead plumbing material, the
potential increases for lead to leach into the water.
Testing each fixture used for human consumption
is important. During the first sampling round, if you
are not able to sample all fixtures in the building, the above factors can be used to prioritize the
sampling order. For example, first round samples may include drinking water fountains, water bottle
refill stations, sinks and kettles in kitchens, and nurse’s office sinks. If faucets are rarely used, consider
taking them out of service or designating them “not for human consumption,” if they cannot be
sampled. For more information on prioritizing sampling site locations, refer to
Module 4 in the 3Ts
Toolkit and answer the Plumbing Profile Questionnaire.
Select a Certified Laboratory
Your school or child care facility should identify a
certified laboratory to analyze the water samples.
Use a laboratory certified by the state or EPA for
testing lead in drinking water. Certified laboratories
have been validated by EPA or the state to use
appropriate analytical techniques that guarantee
accuracy and precision.
Visit EPA’s Website or your state WIIN grant program
to find a list of certified drinking water labs and refer
to Module 4 in the 3Ts Manual for a list of
considerations when choosing a laboratory. Your
selected certified laboratory will be able to provide
sampling bottles, labels, relevant paperwork, and
specific instructions. Some may also offer to send
qualified individuals to collect the samples for you
(Be sure to check with the laboratory to determine if
there will be an extra cost for their sampling
Questions to Ask Certified Laboratories
What is the cost of the laboratory’s services and
what is included?
Costs will vary, depending upon the extent of the
services provided (e.g., if only analyses are conducted
or if sample collection is provided as well), and some
laboratories may have bulk analysis rates for many
How quickly do I need to send back the
Each laboratory has a different way of storing and
preserving your sample f rom the minute you collect it,
so ask how long you have to send it back.
What analytical techniques do you use?
Ask, do you use EPA -approved methods that can meet
low enough reporting limits (e.g., at or below 1 µg/L)?
This way, you can confirm the accuracy of the results
The laboratory will send a report back to you after their analysis is complete.
This report will show the numerical level of lead detected in the water samples. If a report is difficult
to understand, refer to Module 5 in the 3Ts Toolkit
, call the laboratory with questions, or contact
your local water system.
Note: EPA strongly discourages the use of do-it-yourself (DIY) testing kits. These kits can be inaccurate
and many only indicate if lead is detected (i.e., no numerical values are provided). A numerical number
is needed for you to take the appropriate short-term or long-term action to reduce lead exposure.
Develop a Coding and Labeling System
The next step is to create a coding and labeling system that will allow each unique outlet to be
identified by location, type, and other relevant characteristics (e.g., room number, floor, etc.).
Use the 3Ts factsheet Develop a Code System for Samples (see Module 4 of the 3Ts Toolkit
) to
create a labeling system. Additionally, create a document to record your sampling data and actions
taken based on the results; for example, use the 3Ts Sampling Data eTrackers.
How Do I La
bel My Sample Locations?
Code each outlet using a system that will allow each unique outlet to be identified by location, type, and other
relevant characteristics. Following is an example from Module 4 in the 3 Ts Toolkit:
Floor -Room Number -Outlet Type -Sample Type -Sample Number
Example: 3
floor (003), room 312, drinking water (DW) fountain, first draw sample ( P), 15
outlet collected
Prepare the Sample Site
Schools or child care facilities should request, from the certified laboratory, the appropriate number
of bottles and paperwork prior to sample collection.
Certified laboratories should send sampling bottles, labels, instructions, paperwork, and return shipping
box. Determine how many sample containers you will use for each fixture, and make sure the laboratory
has sent the appropriate number of containers. Leave the containers sealed until it is time to collect the
samples. For more details – view the 2-Step Sampling at the Tap in Module 5 in the 3Ts Toolkit
Note: Container size may vary.
EPA’s 3Ts program recommends
250 mL plastic bottles that have
wide openings. However, you
may need a smaller container
depending on the purpose of the
sample. A smaller amount of
water sample may be necessary
for detailed fixture evaluations
to pinpoint where lead is getting
into the drinking water, so
appropriate corrective measures
be taken. Due t
o the different compositions and dimensions of fixtures (e.g., water fountain, cold
water faucet, ice-making machine, central chiller unit) there are different sample collection procedures
for each fixture, refer to the [Collect
] section for more details. Consult with your laboratory to confirm
they will be able to analyze the smaller sample volume. For more details see Module 5 in the 3Ts Toolkit
-- Detailed Fixture Evaluation.
Source: Variability and sampling of lead (Pb) in drinking
ter: Assessing potential human exposure depends on
the sampling protocol. Triantafyllidou, et al. December
16, 2020; Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Prepare the site location(s) and get ready to begin the sampling process.
low is a list of items you will need to gather before collecting your sample. Place a checkmark by each
item as you collect it.
Materials Needed Before Conducting Sampling Procedure
Hand wipes or bottled water for washing hands. Avoid using water from the fixtures you are
A permanent marker to keep careful track of which locations you have sampled on your
sampling plan (Pens may bleed or smear).
A notepad to record observations at the fixtures and any other relevant information.
A stopwatch to keep track of flush times (refer to the [Collect] section for more details on
when this would apply to you).
Labeled sample containers (from the laboratory) to collect the water.
Sampling form to document additional details about the sampling environment. Use the
3Ts Sampling Data eTrackers
. The chain-of-custody form from the laboratory may also ask
for these details.
A small table to place materials on while collecting samples. Do not place materials on the
floor as they are easily contaminated there and more susceptible to being accidentally
knocked over.
For more information about the 3Ts Sampling eTrackers, visit the [Receiving Results] subsection below.
Materials Needed Before Conducting Sampling Procedure
Disposable plastic gloves (non-latex or nitrile) may be used to collect samples and avoid
direct contact with the sampling containers. Some laboratories may send sample
containers preserved with acid.
Labeled reference map of the building’s floorplan or plumbing system to use while
Signs alerting building users not to use the fixtures until after you have collected your
samples. These should be posted prior to the sampling date.
At the moment of taking the sample, the water should have sat in the pipes for at least eight (8)
hours, but for no more than eighteen (18) hours, prior to collection.
These samples are typically collected in the morning before the facility opens and before the
fixtures have been used.
Example Sign
Do not use any water (including flushing toilets) in the building. We are collecting lead samples and this is a
procedural requirement.
Sampling Date: Friday, October 1, 2021
Time: Do not use water from 8:00 PM Thursday September 30th to 8:00 AM Friday October 1st
We appreciate your cooperation!
There should be no water usage at the school or childcare facility before sampling.
Plan accordingly to wash your hands, fill up any water bottles for personal consumption, and
use bathroom facilities before arriving on-site.
Prior to the sampling date, post signs with the date and time period of non-use to alert
building users that they should not turn on any water (including flushing toilets) in the
building. With teachers, maintenance, sports teams, and clubs potentially using facilities
after hours, be sure to communicate about sampling beforehand so there is no confusion or
accidental usage.
Take the following assurances before sampling:
Make sure the area is free of potential contaminants, your materials are ready, and
you are fully prepared to begin sampling. It is better to focus on being thorough
while sampling, rather than collecting samples quickly.
Place a checkmark by each task as you complete it. After reviewing and completing
the tables in this section, you can move onto the next section: [Collect
Assurances to Take Before Conducting Sampling
The night before, post signs alerting people not to use the fixture (EPA recommends the
water should sit in the pipes for at least 8-hours, but no more than 18-hours, prior to
sampling). These samples are typically collected in the morning before the facility opens
and before any fixtures have been used.
Do not close the shut-off valves to prevent their use prior to sample collection, as this may
result in nonrepresentative results. It is important for the system to run normally to
receive results that represent typical use.
Do not use the facilities’ restrooms or sinks that morning prior to sampling.
Wear gloves to avoid contaminating the samples and for your own safety, as some
laboratories may send sample containers preserved with acid.
Make sure there is no food, drink, or other substance around the sampling location that
could contaminate the sample.
Double check that all containers have been labeled and have no visible indication of
contamination (such as an ajar lid or hole in the container).
Verify with your map and sampling plan that you are at the correct fixture with the
correctly labeled sampling containers.
Set up your table next to the fixture with the sampling containers unopened and labeled,
in addition to any other necessary materials. Keep containers closed until you are ready to
collect the sample.
When you open the container, set the lid on the table facing up to avoid contamination
from contact. Keep the threads also facing up. If the threads or container interior are
touched, do not use the container.
Do not remove aerators prior to sampling. See Module 5 in the 3Ts Toolkit for details on
Determining aerator/screen debris contribution”.
If there are multiple floors, it is typically recommended to sample from the bottom floor
and continue up. Start sampling closest to where the water pipe comes into the building
and work away. Refer to Module 4 in the 3Ts Toolkit for more details.
In this section, you will learn about the appropriate sampling techniques and best
practices to obtain accurate results, as well as how to properly ship your sample to the
laboratory for analysis. There are three potential sampling types that this guide covers
(Refer to Modules 4 and 5 in the 3Ts Toolkit for more details on sample types):
First-draw Samples
Flush Samples
Sequential Samples
mportant Notes:
Collect all samples from cold water taps. Although EPA encourages routine
maintenance of hot water heaters, this guidance does not include sampling hot
water outlets or hot water heaters, because hot water is not recommended for consumption
(drinking/cooking). Refer to Module 6 under “Temperature Control”
in Remediation and
Establishing Routine Practices in the 3Ts Toolkit.
After collecting the samples, you will need to ship them to the laboratory in a timely manner
(typically within 2 weeks). Carefully follow any packing and shipping instructions the laboratory
has sent. If no instructions were provided, please review the [Shipping Your Samples
] section in
this guide for additional directions.
First-draw Samples
First-draw samples are typically collected in the morning before the facility opens and before the
fixtures have been used. Collect samples from the cold water tap.
First draw samples represent the water that may be consumed at the beginning of the day or
after infrequent use. These results will indicate if the fixture and its parts are a source of lead in
your water.
First draw samples are collected before a facility opens and before any water is used (including
flushing toilets) after an 8- to 18-hour stagnation period. EPA recommends the water should sit
in the pipes for at least 8 hours, but no more than 18 hours, prior to sampling. Using this
approach maximizes the likelihood that the highest concentrations of lead will be found because
the first 250-mL sample is collected after the water has sat in the pipes for at least 8-hours.
The flow rate when collecting the sample should be consistent and as high as feasible, without
splashing or overfilling.
Below is a checklist of steps you can use to complete a first-draw sample. Please refer to
instructions sent by the certified laboratory or your state program and use those if they differ
from the steps below.
Instructions for First draw Sampling
1. Double check you have the correct sampling bottles for the sampling site.
2. Label containers with your coding identification (ID) (use the permanent marker),
if not already done.
3. Take out your recordkeeping document (e.g., chain-of custody-form, 3Ts Data
eTracker) for immediate access.
4. Put on gloves.
5. Place the opened container under the fixture ready for water collection.
6. Turn on the fixture and immediately fill the 250 mL container to the top (or
appropriately sized container based on the sample purpose), but do not overflow.
7. Turn off the fixture.
8. Close the container according to the laboratory’s instructions. Tightly cap the
container and set it aside.
9. Record any observations that may impact the lead sample results, such as a leaking
faucet, water discoloration, or variable water pressure. You may also take photos
that will be useful when interpreting results. Reminder: Record the date, time, and
sample type.
10. Repeat steps 1-9 at each sampling site until you have the appropriate number of
samples requested.
11. Prepare the shipping container and send samples to the laboratory according to
the laboratory’s instructions.
Flush Samples
Flush samples are taken after the water from the fixture has been running for a specific amount of
time, commonly 30 seconds. Collect samples from the cold water tap.
A flush sample is typically needed if the results of the initial first-draw sample detect lead.
Flush samples are used to further determine if lead is coming from the fixture itself or from
interior plumbing. Your state program or certified laboratory may instruct you to collect a flush
sample, or you may do so on your own based on an elevated lead level that was previously
The purpose of the flushing is to rid the pipes of stagnant water so that you can better identify
he source of lead. These results will indicate if the pipes behind the fixtures and its parts are
ource of lead in the water
Flush samples are collected before a facility opens and before any water is used (including
lushing toilets) after an 8- to 18-hour stagnation period
For a more accurate result, samples taken from different fixtures that are near each
ther should be collected on different days
or drinking fountains or other fixtures that are close together, a single flush sampl
y be representative of their shared interior plumbing
The f
low rate when collecting the sample should be consistent and as high as feasible, withou
plashing or overfilling
A’s 3Ts program recommends conducting a 2-step sampling procedure to identify if there i
ad in the outlet or behind the wa
Step 1 is collecting the first-draw sample and step 2 is collecting the flush sample.
u may collect flush samples in the same sample event or on a different day. Collecti
he samples in the same sampling event may reduce cost and provide you with mor
nformation on lead levels sooner. In this case, the flush sample is collected immediate
fter the first-draw sample
f the first-draw sample and the flush sample are not taken in the same sample event
and your elevated lead level of concern is found in step 1, do not consume the water
hile preparing to take the flush sampl
elow is a checklist of steps you can use to collect a flush sample. Please refer to instruction
ent by the certified laboratory or your state program and use those if they differ from the step
Instructions for Flush Sampling
1. If
you did not collect the first-draw sample first, follow steps 1-4 in First Dr
Sampling checklist and then proceed to Step 2.
2. Turn on the fixture and start your stopwatch. Time the water so it runs for a fixed
amount of time, usually 30 seconds. Maintain a consistent rate of flow during that
3. A
fter 30 seconds, fill the 250 mL container (or appropriately sized container bas
n the sample purpose) to the top, but do not overflow
4. Tur
n off the fixture
5. C
lose the container according to the laboratorys instructions. Tightly cap th
ontainer and set it aside
6. Record any observations that may impact the lead sample results, such as a leaking
faucet, water discoloration, or variable water pressure. You may also take photos
hat will be useful when interpreting results. Reminder: record the date, time, an
sample type.
Instructions for Flush Sampling
7. Repeat steps 1-6 at each sampling site until you have the appropriate number of
samples requested.
8. Prepare the shipping container and send samples to the laboratory according to
the laboratory’s instructions.
Sequential Samples
Sequential samples involve collecting a series of water samples at a single fixture, without flushing
beforehand or running the water between samples. Collect samples from the cold water tap.
The purpose of a sequential sample is to pinpoint if your source of lead is from the fixture itself.
The samples you collect will represent water that was in contact with the fixture and any piping
or plumbing behind the wall.
How you collect the sample will depend on what fixture you are collecting the sample from. See
the Detailed Fixture Evaluation in Module 5 of the 3Ts Toolkit for specific instructions on how to
conduct sampling for each of these fixtures:
Drinking Water Fountains Cold Water Faucets
Drinking Water Fountains with Icemaking Machines
Central Chiller Unit
Shipping Your Samples
Most certified laboratories will provide shipping containers, so take advantage of this and closely
follow their instructions for packaging and shipping.
Bring the shipping kit with you to the sampling sites so that you can place finished containers
directly into it after confirming they are appropriately labeled.
Use the labeling system you created in [Develop a Coding and Labeling System]. Document
your sample event information (e.g., date and time of sample collection, sample type, fixture
location, etc.) for each sample collected [Use the 3Ts Sampling Data eTrackers.]
The lab typically will ask that you complete a chain-of-custody (COC) form to ensure the
contents of your sample are safely received by the appropriate entity [Figure 1
]. Use the
information from your Data eTracker or other recordkeeping to fill out the COC form.
Figure 1. Example of a Chain of Custody Record.
Figure 1. Example of a Chain of Custody Record.
[Figure 1] shows an example COC form that your laboratory should send you with the
shipping instructions. Once completed, make a copy of the COC for your records and
place the original in the shipping container. The last step is to pack your samples and get
ready to ship them.
Coordinate with your laboratory regarding a return date for your samples, typically within the
next two weeks.
It is very important to ship your samples in a timely manner. Upon receipt, the
laboratory will acidify the sample to preserve it (unless they have already provided you
with preserved sample containers). If the laboratory fails to receive or analyze your
samples in time (as instructed), you may need to re-collect the sample and pay for the
additional sampling bottles the laboratory will send you.
Follow any directions provided by the laboratory and consider the following best
practices for shipping:
Ship your sample as soon as possible, preferably the same day after sampling is
conducted. Prepare ahead of time and avoid shipping on Fridays, around
holidays and long weekends, or during other times when shipping services may
be delayed.
This section will cover the steps you can take after you receive the lead sample results from your
selected laboratory. The steps include receiving and interpreting your results, taking action to address
problem fixtures, and sharing the results with your school or child care community.
Receiving Results
The laboratory will provide you with an estimated time frame that you will receive the results.
Use the 3Ts Sampling eTrackers to record your lead sample results for each fixture.
Interactive Tool: EPA 3Ts Sampling eTrackers
3Ts Sampling
eTrackers were developed
to assist schools and
facilities to track and document
event information (i.e., inventory,
grant recipients
also includes the
elements needed
to report
to your
state. You
the eTrackers
3Ts Sampling eTrackers
Common Lead Concentration Units
Use this table to convert units of
measurement. Different units of
measurements are often used
between programs or documents.
Unit Conversion
Parts per billion (ppb) 1 ppb = 1 µg/L = .001 ppm = .001 mg/L
Parts per million (ppm) 1 ppm = 1 mg/L = 1000 ppb = 1000 µg/L
Microgram per liter (µg/L) 1 µg/L = 1 ppb = .001 mg/L = .001 ppm
Milligram per liter (mg/L) 1 mg/L = 1 ppm = 1000 µg/L = 1000 ppb
Interpreting Results
Once you receive your lead sample results, you will need to determine which fixtures or plumbing
material need immediate, short term and/or permanent actions.
Results from one outlet should not be used to generalize the lead levels at other outlets in the facility
nor to determine the overall quality of your drinking water throughout the building.
Lead contamination can occur from fixtures, building plumbing, and/or lead service lines (i.e.,
the pipe that connects a water main to a user's premises). Refer to Module 4 in 3Ts Toolkit
more details on Do You Have a Lead Service Line?
A sample result is a snapshot of the lead level taken at the time it was collected.
Prior low or non-detected lead levels should not be used to assume that an outlet or
facility is lead-free.
Lead levels at an outlet or within a building have been shown to vary over time whether it
be from usage frequency, seasonal variations, new or aging fixtures, or changes made by
your public water system.
It is important to establish a program that includes routine testing and evaluations to limit lead
contamination, as well as routine practices to ensure that you are providing safe drinking water to
students and staff.
Make sure you know your 3Ts Program Remediation Trigger (PRT) or level of concern before you
receive the lead sample results.
Contact your appropriate state agency and discuss your state’s requirements.
If you are a recipient of funding from your state’s Water Infrastructure Improvements
for the Nation (WIIN) Act, the state will provide the PRT, unless you choose a lower
Visit EPA’s
WIIN 2107: Lead Testing in School and Child Care Program Drinking
Water State Grant Program Contacts to find your state program.
The numeric value for taking action is determined by you or your state. If that lead level
of concern or PRT is detected in your sample results, you should take immediate action
to reduce the lead exposure for that source.
Review your plan (which you prepared before sampling) to determine the action(s) you will take when
lead is detected.
The 3Ts program recommends taking immediate action (e.g., within 24 hours) for sample results
with “elevated lead levels” based on the 3Ts PRT or level of concern you selected.
Taking Action
Remember, there is no safe blood lead level in children. The 3Ts program recommends that you take
appropriate action on each drinking water outlet with a detected lead level; starting with the results
that exceed your level of concern or PRT.
Solutions to lead problems typically should be addressed on both a short-term and a long-term
When selecting a remediation solution, you should engage the local health
department, public water system, and other available resources to ensure the
organization performing remediation is qualified and reputable.
Ask vendors for information on the schedule, health precautions that must be taken
during and following remediation and request regular status updates on their progress
prior to agreeing to work with any particular organization. Refer to
Module 6 in the 3Ts
Toolkit for more details.
It’s important to remember that each result is intended to identify a specific source of lead. It’s
not an indication of the lead levels throughout the entire building or the water system.
[Figure 2
] shows some steps you can take to address fixtures that you have been tested for lead.
There are immediate, short term (i.e., temporary), and permanent actions you can take
to prevent lead exposure. Refer to Module 6 in the 3Ts Toolkit, which includes
information on follow-up sampling, best practices for flushing, and remediation options
and considerations.
Ask your state program or local water system for tangible recommendations regarding your
specific lead sampling results.
An elevated result that exceeds your PRT or state action level will require follow-up sampling,
which could include flush samples, service line flush samples (further discussed in the [Collect
section), or a detailed fixture evaluation to pinpoint which part of the outlet or plumbing is
adding lead to your drinking water (discussed in more detail in the Detailed Fixture Evaluation in
Module 5 of the 3Ts Toolkit).
Note: Use the 3Ts Sampling eTrackers to track whether follow-up, remediation, and/or
replacement actions have been taken for each of the outlets sampled.
If your lead sample results detected lead levels that exceed your PRT or state action level, the 3Ts
program recommends taking immediate action (for example, within 24 hours) and use the remediation
options (i.e., short or long-term control measures) that you put in-place to reduce exposure.
See recommendations in [Figure 2] and refer to Module 6 in the 3Ts Toolkit for more details.
If your lead sample results detected lead levels below your PRT or state action level, the 3Ts program
recommends taking action to further minimize potential exposure.
Actions may include posting a sign at the fixture to inform that lead was found, installing filters,
implementing routine flushing, removing the fixtures from service, or replacing drinking water
fountains. See recommendations in [Figure 2].
Next, start preparing for the next round of testing. Lead testing is an iterative process that
requires continuous efforts to help provide safer drinking water for your community and to
contribute to a healthy school or child care environment for all.
o At a minimum, EPA encourages annual sampling even when a sample result is non-
detect or low. Lead in drinking water can vary widely in space and in time (i.e., between
buildings, within buildings and even at the same fixture over time), as the combined
result of water chemistry, hydraulics, lead plumbing sources and water consumption
patterns. Refer to Module 6 in the 3Ts Toolkit
, which includes remediation options and
routine practices.
Sharing Results and Actions
Regardless of the sample results, maintaining records is important for future sampling and remediation
efforts, schedules for upkeep and maintenance, and communicating with your school community and
partners and contacts that assisted you.
It is critical that you share your results and actions you took to reduce lead exposure with your
community members, including students, parents, staff, and anyone else who uses the building.
You can use resources from the 3Ts Toolkit to prepare your communication plan.
Module 1 of
the 3Ts Toolkit includes newsletter templates, a parent letter template, a postcard template, a
customizable poster, and other guidance to help you communicate your testing program along
with the lead sample results and actions taken. It is important to be transparent in your
communications and to keep your community updated about past, ongoing, and upcoming
Figure 2. Steps to Consider After Receiving Your Sampling Results.
Taking Action After Receiving Your Sampling Results
Did the results exceed your 3Ts
Program Remediation Trigger?
Immediate Response
- Use your actions as determined in your 3Ts plan
- Use actions recommended in 3Ts Module 6
Shut off
Post "Not for
Consumption" signs at
out to
your water system
Share test
results with stakeholders (see
awareness and public education
(see posters/factsheets)
Conduct further
sampling and
implement control
Short Term Control Measures
- Provide and maintain point of use
(POU) filters. See li st of certified
filters at -
A Consumer Tool for
Identifying Point of Use (POU)
Reduce Lead
Flush fixtures prior to
Provide bottled water
out to
your water system
Permanent Control M easures
- Replace problem pipes or
- Provide and maintain filters
at problem fixtures
- Replace any other plumbing
containing lead
- Reconfigure plumbing
Follow-Up Sampling
- Ensure additional samples are taken before
facility opens or water is used
- Sample fixtures that have been replaced or
reconfigured piping
- Compare results to original sa mples to see i f
remediation efforts were successful
What was the sample result?
Below the Program
Remediation Trigger
Recommended Measures to
Minimize Exposure
- Use your actions as determined in
your 3Ts plan
- Continue the testing, monitoring,
and/or routine maintenance options in
your 3Ts plan to minimize e xposure to
lead in drinking water
- Consider implementing additional 3 Ts
routine maintenance,
procedure, and aerator cleaning
- Implement short-term and permanent
remediation action plans accordingly
- Provide and maintain point of use
(POU) filters. See li st of certified filters
at -
A Consumer Tool for Identifying
Point of Use (POU) Drinking Water
Filters Certified to Reduce Lead
- Post a sign at the fixture to inform that
lead was found and any action the
user should take
- Share test results with stakeholders
(see templates
Recommended Measures
- Use your actions as determined in your 3Ts plan
- Continue the testing, monitoring, and routine maintenance
measures in your 3Ts plan to ensure there is not lead in the
plumbing system
- Consider implementing additional 3 Ts routine maintenance
flushing procedure, and aerator cleaning options
- Share test results with stakeholders (see templates)
Helpful Resources
This Lead Sampling Collection Field Guide builds on EPA’s continued efforts to provide proactive steps to protect children’s health. Specific to lead testing and
water quality, EPA develops tools and materials for schools and child care facilities to use.
Visit the accompanying Lead Sample Collection Video: https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/3ts-reducing-lead-drinking-water
3Ts Revised Manual for Reducing Lead in Drinking
ater in Schools and Child Care Facilities:
Toolkit: https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/3ts-reducing-lead-drinking-water
3Ts Sampling eTrackers: https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/3ts-reducing-lead-drinking-water#mod7
List of EPA Certified Labs: https://www.epa.gov/dwlabcert/contact-information-certification-programs-and-certified-laboratories-drinking-water
Lead Testing in School and Child Care Program Drinking Water Grant Contact Information: https://www.epa.gov/dwcapacity/wiin-2107-lead-testing-
EPA’s Website on Certification of Laboratories: https://www.epa.gov/dwlabcert
EPA’s National Accredited Laboratory List: https://www.epa.gov/lead/national-lead-laboratory-accreditation-program-list
EPA’s Website on Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Childcare Facilities: https://www.epa.gov/dwreginfo/lead-drinking-water-schools-and-
EPA’s Information on Maintaining or Restoring Water Quality in Buildings with Low or No Use: https://www.epa.gov/coronavirus/information-
EPA’s Consumer Tool for Identifying POU Drinking Water Filters Certified to Reduce Lead: https://www.epa.gov/water-research/consumer-tool-
EPA’s Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act Lead Testing in School and Child Care Program Grant:
3Ts Child Care Poster: https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/3ts-child-care
EPA’s Extended Closure Factsheets for Child Care Facilities and Schools: https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/audience-factsheets
EPA’s Sample Collection Guide for Child Care Facilities Comic Strip: https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/3ts-reducing-lead-