Request for Proposal: 2023-05
Food Service Operations
Return Proposal To:
Merced Community College District
ATTN: Charles Hergenraeder, Director, Purchasing & Risk Management
3600 M Street
Merced, California 95348
Telephone (209) 384-6300
E-mail purchasingbids@mccd.edu
Table of Contents: Page
Request For Proposal Instructions and Requirements
Food Service Operations
Scope & Requirements
District Responsibilities
Company Information and Signatory
Non-Collusion Affidavit
Executive Summary
The Merced Community College District seeks proposals from qualified vendors to provide
comprehensive food and dining services for its Merced and Los Banos Campus.
The Merced Community College District was established on July 1, 1963. Its territories encompass
portions of Merced, Madera and Fresno counties. The District consists of one community college
campus in the City of Merced and a center in the City of Los Banos. The District’s total Full Time
Equivalent Students (FTES) for 2021-2022 was 8,619.
The selected vendor will provide a level of service to students, faculty, staff and visitors comparable to
the finest auxiliary service operations and to provide a service that is responsive to the needs of the
College and its students. This mission will be accomplished by achieving customer satisfaction through
a total quality management perspective.
The services will include, but not be limited to, the following types of services:
Cafeteria services for Merced Campus
Catering services (non-exclusive)
Downey Center Café (Currently under construction)
Los Banos Campus Food Service (The District is currently in the planning stages of
adding a full service café at the Los Banos Campus)
The District Board of Trustees of Merced Community College District will consider contracting with a
food service provider for the dining and catering services pursuant to this RFP. Interested respondents
must be licensed and must meet all other requirements as may be required by law. Vendor selection
shall be made in accordance with state rules and District policies. The District reserves the right to add
services during the contract period under the same terms and conditions of this agreement.
Dates and Timeframes:
Advertisement of RFP March 30, 2023 and April 6, 2023
Non-Mandatory tour of campus facilities (MCCD) April 6, 2023 at 9:00a.m.
(LBC) April 6, 2023 at 1:00p.m.
Last day for questions April 11, 2023 at 10:00a.m.
District will respond by April 14, 2023 at 2:00p.m.
Deadline for submission of proposals April 24, 2023 at 2:00p.m.
Expected date for board approval of contract May 9, 2023
I. Request for Proposal Instructions and Requirements
All prospective Bidders interested in submitting a response to this Request for Proposal (RFP).
Bidders must comply with the provisions of these instructions for completion and submission of the
Proposal. The failure of a Bidder to comply with the Request for Proposal Instructions and
Requirements may result in rejection of the Bidder’s Proposal for non-responsiveness.
1. Responsible Bidder Proposal
Only Proposals submitted by Bidders with the relevant experience, qualifications and capacity to meet
the needs of the District will be accepted. A “responsible Bidder” is a Bidder which has the financial
resources, personnel, facilities, integrity, and overall capacity to consummate the contract successfully.
A “responsible Proposal” is a Proposal which meets all terms, conditions and specifications of the
Request for Proposal.
The District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to accept or to reject any one or more items
on a proposal, or to waive any irregularities or informalities in the Proposal or in the Request for
Proposal process. The District reserves the right to proceed or not to proceed with this RFP, based
solely on the determination of the District to terminate the selection process at any time.
2. Preparation of Proposal
a. Submission of Executed “Hard Copy:” Bidders interested in this opportunity must submit five
(5) copies of the Bidder’s Proposal in typewritten or equivalent format, answering the questions
and completing the form(s) that are furnished. Mistakes may be crossed out and corrections
entered adjacent thereto, and such corrections must be initialed in ink by the person signing the
Proposal. Please deliver, the proposal document in a sealed envelope. Addressed to: Merced
Community College District, Attn: Charles Hergenraeder, Purchasing Department, 3600 M Street,
Merced, CA 95348. Please indicate “RFP 2023-05 Enclosed” on the lower left corner of the
envelope. The Proposal must be received on or before 2:00 p.m. PDT on Monday, April 24,
2023. Postmarking alone prior to this time is not sufficient. Faxed proposals or proposals sent via
electronic mail, will not be accepted in lieu of a hard copy. Failure to meet the deadline will result
in disqualification of the proposal without review.
Proposal Contents: Proposals must include the following items, all of which must be submitted
concurrently and executed as required by these Request for Proposal Instructions or by the form
of document:
Proposal cover letter on Bidder letterhead
Appendix A: Bidder signatory page
Appendix B: Non-collusion affidavit
Responses to address all areas as described in Scope and Requirements
b. Questions: Any questions regarding the information contained in this Request for Proposal must
be submitted in writing via email to purchasingbids@mccd.edu no later than April 11, 2023 at
10:00a.m., prior to Proposal due date of Monday, April 24, 2023 AT 2:00p.m. Bidders may
request clarifications or make other inquiries concerning this Request for Proposal or the
requirements hereof. In your correspondence, please include: the Name of the Bidder, Street
Address or P.O. Box Number, City, State, Zip Code, and Bidder’s email and phone number contact
information. Please note in the email “subject line” that this is “RE: RFP#: 2023-05 Food Service
Operations” Communications with any representatives of the District about this RFP by your firm
or your firm’s representatives concerning this RFP is not permitted during the term of the
submission and evaluation process, except as specified herein. Communications regarding this
RFP in any manner (except as set forth above) will result in the immediate rejection of your firm’s
c. Tour: There will be (2) Two Non-Mandatory tours:
Non-Mandatory tour (1) One at the Merced Community College District Campus Cafeteria,
meeting at the Purchasing Office, Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 9:00a.m.
Merced Campus Map:
Non-Mandatory tour (1) One at the Los Banos Campus Student Lounge, meeting at the Los
Banos Campus, Building A, Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 1:00p.m.
All vendors are strongly encouraged to attend the tours. If attending please confirm with Charles
Hergenraeder at 209-384-6300 or [email protected]
Los Banos campus Map:
d. Copies of this Request for Proposal: can be obtained by emailing purchasingbids@mccd.edu
or on the Merced College Purchasing Department Bid website at: https://www.mccd.edu/about-
merced-college/divisions/admin services/purchasing/bids/
e. Modifications to Submitted Proposal: A Bidder submitting a Proposal may modify its submitted
Proposal in writing, to be received by the District at or prior to the deadline for submission of
proposals. Modifications to the submitted Proposal that are not in writing may not be accepted
and may not be deemed modifications to the submitted Proposal.
3. Signature
A legally authorized employee of the Bidder must sign the Proposal. Please refer to the “Bidder
Information and Signatory Page” form (Appendix A). An unsigned proposal may be rejected for non-
4. Non-Collusion Affidavit
Each Bidder shall submit with its response a duly completed and executed form of the Non-Collusion
Affidavit. The required form of the Non-Collusion Affidavit is included as Appendix B of this RFP. The
failure of a Bidder to submit the completed and executed form of Non-Collusion Affidavit with its
Proposal may result in rejection of the proposal for non-responsiveness.
5. Evidence of Responsibility
Upon the request of the District, a Bidder whose Proposal is under consideration may be asked to
submit to the District satisfactory evidence showing the Bidder’s financial resources and organization
available for the performance of the contract. The failure of such a Bidder to submit requested materials
in a timely manner will result in rejection of the Bidder’s Proposal for non-responsiveness.
6. District Modifications to Proposal
The District reserves the right to modify this Request for Proposal or any portion hereof by written
addendum issued to all Bidders who have previously obtained this RFP from the District. All addendums
issued by the District pursuant to the foregoing shall be deemed incorporated into the Proposals.
7. Evaluation of Proposals and Award
The District will award the contract to the responsive and responsible Bidder whose Proposal is most
advantageous to the District. The District reserves the right to negotiate with and/or request best and
final offers from selected bidder(s), as the District may deem appropriate in its sole and absolute
The issuance of this Request for Proposal creates no obligation on the part of the District, and the
District reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals, or to waive any irregularity or informality in a
Proposal or in the Proposal process. Award of the sale by the Board will be based upon a
comprehensive review and analysis of the Proposal(s) as to which best meets the needs of the District.
The District will be the sole judge of the suitability of the Proposal, and the Bidder shall abide by its
8. Contract Terms & Conditions
The District will award a one year contract. In accordance with Ed Code 88004.5, the District shall
consider any renewal on a year to year basis. The District has no obligation to renew the contract. By
submission of a proposal, the Contractor agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the proposal
and contract documents. The District reserves the right to cancel the contract resulting from this
agreement with ninety (90) days of written notification.
9. Conflict of Interest
No officer, member or employee of the District and no member of its governing bodies shall have any
pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in this contract or the proceeds thereof. No Bidder or member of
Bidder’s family shall serve on a District board, committee, or hold any such position which either by
rule, practice or action nominates, recommends, or supervises Bidder’s operation or authorizes funding
to Bidder.
10. Public Record
Government Code Sections 6250 ET. seq., the Public Records Act defines a public record as any
writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business. This applies to Proposals
submitted pursuant to this Request for Proposals. The Public Records Act provides that public records
shall be disclosed upon written request, and that any citizen has a right to inspect any public record,
unless the document is exempted from the disclosure requirements. The District cannot represent or
guarantee that any information submitted in response to the Request for Proposals will be confidential.
If the District receives a request for any document submitted in response to this Request for Proposals,
it will not assert any privileges that may exist on behalf of the person or business submitting the
Proposal. Rather, the District will notify the party whose Proposal is being sought. In the event that a
party who has submitted a Proposal wishes to prevent disclosure, it is the sole responsibility of that
party to assert any applicable privileges or reasons why the document should not be produced, and to
obtain a court order prohibiting disclosure.
11. RFP Preparation Expenses
The District will not be responsible for any expenses in the preparation and/or presentation of the
Proposals or for the disclosure of any information or material received in connection with this
solicitation, whether by negligence or otherwise.
12. Proposal Submittal
The responding firm assumes the sole responsibility for the complete effort required in this RFP. No
special consideration shall be given after the Proposals are opened due to a firm’s failure to be
knowledgeable about all requirements of this RFP. By submitting a Proposal in response to this RFP,
the firm represents that it has satisfied itself, from its own investigation, as to all of the requirements of
this RFP.
The District reserves the right to request additional information or clarification if necessary, or to reject
any and all Proposals with or without cause, and waive any irregularities or informalities in the Proposals
submitted. The District further reserves the right to make such investigations as it deems necessary as
to the qualifications of any and all firms submitting Proposals. In the event that all Proposals are
rejected, the District reserves the right to re-solicit Proposals. The District reserves the right, in its sole
and absolute discretion, to negotiate with responding firms as determined by the District to be in the
best interests of the District.
Documents and information submitted in response to this RFP shall become property of the District
and generally shall be available as required by applicable law.
II. Current Food Service Operations
Merced Community College Districts a vibrant and exciting educational environment serving the
residents of Merced, Los Banos Campus and its surrounding communities and is interested in
partnering with an innovative firm to provide quality food service operations.
The Merced College café is designed to seat approximately 210 students and 80 in the Staff dining
room (Staff Dining Area is Temporarily Closed). The state of the art kitchen is 2768 sq. ft. and includes
an office, storage, walk-in freezer, and restroom facilities.
The College also houses a culinary program as part of its instructional offerings.
Merced Community College District is located in Merced and is a comprehensive two-year community
college offering Associate degree programs, vocational certificate programs and college and university
transfer programs.
The District currently has a contract with PepsiCo for beverage vending services (subject to change).
As the data below illustrates, the District offers an outstanding opportunity for an existing food service
or established hospitality firm to expand its marketplace. Sales are increasing, and District leadership
is strong and innovative. Specific sales figures by campus are listed below.
1. Historical Annual Cafe Sales:
Annual Sales for Main Campus Annual Sales for Los Banos (Kiosk)
2019-2020 $ 504,642.36 2019-2020 $ 10,851.00
2020-2021 $ 36,307.47 2020-2021 $ 15.00
2021-2022 $ 312,992.88 2021-2022 $ 928.00
*Note: sales are from July 1 through June 31.
2. Enrollment
The academic and vocational programs offered by the college are designed to meet the educational
needs of the community through courses offered at convenient times on the college campuses. The
annual enrollment beginning Fall 2019 through spring 2022 follows:
Merced College District
Faculty and
III. Scope and Requirements
1. Food Services Program: It is the District's desire to contract with a qualified vendor who is capable
of successfully providing food and dining services at the Merced Campus. These services include
management of the cafeteria at the Merced College campus as well as catering services (non-
exclusive). The vendor will be responsible for providing all labor, including management; supplies,
materials, and additional equipment (excluding built-in fixtures) necessary to provide the food
services as specified herein and in the proposal response.
It is the District's intention that the food services program should complement the District's and the
College's educational missions and to serve the students and the staff. To accomplish this, the
Vendor is requested to:
a. Disseminate information and feature displays which educate consumers in becoming
better informed and in developing healthier habits, e.g., nutritional requirements,
nutritional content of foods served, and recognizing, deceptive packaging and labeling of
food products.
b. Employ environmentally sound practices which will further the Colleges' and the District's
efforts in recycling, water and utility conservation including composting efforts.
c. Work with the District facilities department to promote recycling and to control waste
products. In consideration of the environment, the District is mandated by the state to cut
waste and comply with recycling efforts. At a minimum biodegradable paper and plastic
products are mandatory; Styrofoam products shall not be used.
d. Provide a good working environment for their employees.
e. Endeavor to employ students enrolled at the colleges whenever possible.
f. Participate in the District’s web page to advertise catering menus, daily specials and
convey important information to the District at large.
g. Labeling in a manner that clearly shows all food ingredients.
The Vendor shall require that all food service personnel wear clean, distinctive uniforms, and shall
follow general food service industry established hygiene practices in food handling. The Vendor shall
be responsible for the supervision, direction and annual safety training for his/her employees in Food
Handling Safety, Right to Know, Blood-borne Pathogens, and hazardous waste training. All equipment
used by the Vendor shall be maintained in safe operating condition at all times, free from defects or
wear which may in any way constitute a hazard to any person or persons on college property. All
electrical equipment will be properly grounded. All employees will wear proper personal protective
equipment while working on college property.
The Vendor shall immediately honor any request by the District for removal of any of the Vendor’s
employees who are deemed unsuitable by the District for any reason.
The District shall entrust the Vendor with duplicate keys to the food service areas. The Vendor shall
have control of the entrances and exits of the cafeteria/kitchen, and will assure that the same are locked
and unlocked at such times as will accommodate all uses of the food service location and otherwise
maintain the locations’ security. Should Campus Security officers need to unlock any access to the
food service location, re-securing same area will become their responsibility. The District will have the
right to enter the location and all parts thereof at all times. If the College decides to change any of the
locks on any of the doors in or about the food service location, it shall provide duplicate keys for such
new locks to the Vendor. The Vendor shall not change the locks on any doors. If the Vendor loses any
of the keys that are entrusted to it, the Vendor is responsible for the cost of changing any and all locks
or similar devices.
The District seeks to partner with a Vendor who has a commitment and a track record of exceptional
customer service. The successful food services vendor will be expected to participate in the college
community by:
a. Interacting with College committees as appropriate.
b. Remaining responsive to the suggestions, concerns and changing needs of the students
and staff
c. Promoting healthful eating habits
d. Employing environmentally sound practices
e. Providing a good working environment
f. Cooperatively co-existing with the vending services vendors, the District’s Facilitates
department, the college bookstores, Los Banos Campus and other operators with whom
the District may have contracts.
g. Partner with Culinary Program including student to train in the cafeteria and provide
access to cafeteria for Instructional purposes.
Note: The Vendor will agree to carry beverage products as specified in the District Beverage contract.
Vendor is to include in proposal any proposed in-kind contributions in the form of complimentary hosting
of college gatherings, such as awards banquets and student receptions. The exact amount of in-kind
contributions is negotiable but should be part of the Vendor’s proposals and is considered to be an
indication of the Vendor’s commitment to the mission of the District and its three colleges. The minimum
resign contribution are shown in Food Service Contract.
District students and staff require quality food at reasonable prices. The students desire food that is
“quick and eat” and in the “grab-n-go” category. They may purchase a pre-made wrapped sandwich, a
stir-fry, sushi, burritos, noodle soups or burgers with fries. In addition, staff and the students desire
diverse, healthy and fresh food offerings. The District expects that a diverse and changing menu will
be provided with seasonal updates and attention to special holidays. Proposals should include a plan
to address the food needs of students as the number one customer, but should also include ideas on
how to satisfy the faculty and staff of the colleges. All serving stations and bars are to be well stocked
throughout the entire posted serving times, such that the last customer is offered the same range of
food selections as the first. Serving lines are to be well-staffed with adequate personnel. A sufficient
quantity of menu items should be available throughout the entire serving period. Proposals should
include both vegan and vegetarian options.
All food shall be garnished for attractive presentation. Food items at service stations and salad bars
shall be readily identifiable with attractive and individual labels. Any food appearing discolored,
unappealing or not in a proper state of freshness shall not be served. The Vendor shall adhere to the
general food service industry guide.
The District agrees to use available information networks to promote menu offerings. The vendor may
submit monthly/weekly menus and special events for distribution to faculty staff and students via college
information networks. The Vendor will restock advertised menu items regularly.
The District expects that the Vendor to maintain a high quality of the dining experience, including
vigorous maintenance and regular changes to the interior space, with fresh signage and paint, and
changing fixtures and artwork.
2. Downey Center Café: The selected vendor shall be responsible for the operation of the Downey
Center Café. Services to include, food service, drinks, coffee and other related items as needed. The
Downey Center Café is located in the Downey Building and can seat approximately 22 students.
Note: The Downey Center Cafe is currently under construction
3. Catering: Catering is seen as an opportunity for Merced Community College District to put its best
foot forward to the community. Catering events on campus range from coffee breaks, pizza, and
sandwich delivery to luncheons, formal receptions and dinners. Vendor will have the opportunity to
submit proposals for these events.
Merced Community College District expects the Vendor to provide the very finest catering program to
both the college and local community. The catering rights will be granted on a non-exclusive basis and
the Vendor’s proposed program must earn business by providing the best quality, prices and service.
Vendor must demonstrate the knowledge, experience, and capability necessary to meet the College’s
full range of catering needs. Merced Community College District will expect its food services partner to
provide high quality catering services for a variety of College and outside events. Services should
include event planning and coordination as well as competitive pricing. In addition, the Vendor will be
required to market the facility, along with the District, to encourage outside parties to use facilities for
conferences, parties, meetings, dances and other such events. The Vendor must provide a full formal
catering menu and a description of how to manage functions from initial inquiry through execution to
completion. A commission structure shall also be proposed separately for these types of events, shown
in Contract.
There are distinctly different levels of service to be provided to the College. The Vendor will provide a
basic catering guide with available items and prices. All prices will include all costs associated with a
given service. Catering guides shall include at least three levels of menu pricing to reflect the
differences in services ranging from (1) table linen with decorations, glassware, and silverware, (2)
paper and disposables, and (3) pick-up/carry-out. The Catering Guide shall also include a statement
that the Vendor will work with customers to create custom menu choices. Any request for change in
catering brochure pricing structure by the Vendor must be submitted in writing to College representative
and will be subject to prior approval.
The Vendor shall conduct the catering services operation in a safe, efficient and sanitary manner. The
Vendor shall comply with any and all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations affecting the
operation of the food service.
The District, as represented by official college student clubs and college activities, reserves the right to
hold food sale fundraisers.
The Vendor shall be responsible for cleanliness of the kitchen, including facilities and fixed equipment,
preparation and serving areas. This includes the bussing and cleaning of table-tops in the main
cafeteria dining areas and may include daily buffing of the floors in both the servery and dining areas.
Sanitation grades less than 100% will be unacceptable and negligence in sanitation will result in
contract default on the Vendor’s behalf. Appropriate District staff shall be assigned the task of
examining sanitation reports and performing spot checks on the Vendor.
The Vendor is required to maintain all appropriate health regulations and exceed the average of
inspection reports. Further, the Vendor will keep the kitchen, the servery, and the dining hall (tables,
chairs, and floors) orderly and spotless. This is the sole responsibility of the Vendor and is not a
service provided by our Facilities Department. The appropriate District staff assigned will make
random inspections throughout the contract period and will vigilantly demand excellence in cleanliness.
The District will furnish maintenance staff as required for the proper maintenance and repair of facilities.
It is the Vendor’s responsibility to maintain the fixed equipment used in the operation thereof, in
conjunction with established District procedures. If equipment is inadequate or failing, the Vendor
should submit a written request for replacement and work directly with the college Maintenance and
Operations department along with the District’s architect to determine the appropriate strategy for
repair, replacement or upgrades.
Please initial in the attached space below to show that your firm understands this statement and is
willing to be responsible for cleanliness and operational upkeep of equipment: _________
4. Los Banos Food Service
The vendor shall provide food service to the Los Banos campus. Located at 22240 Highway 152, Los
Banos, CA. 93635. The Los Banos Campus is located approximately 35 miles from the Merced College
campus. At this time there is no cafeteria, refrigerator or food storage space available at the LB campus.
The Los Banos Campus currently has a self-pay Kiosk system. Please Note: The District is currently
in the planning stages of adding a full service café with barista equipment, cold storage, and cold food
service counter.
5. Communication: The food service provider is expected to communicate with the District at least 60
days in advance of price changes, tax changes, and changes to the menu. Additionally, the District
expects the operations management team to abide by all state and local health department regulations
and procedures. The operations manager is expected to communicate with the District with any
violations noted during health inspections within 5 days of the visit. The café manager is also expected
to post inspection reports in a visible area (location to be determined by the District). To ensure effective
communication between the operations manager and the College, the operations manager will be
expected to attend regular Campus Advisory meetings as required by College administration.
The Vendor shall conduct a specific and continuing program of inquiry and evaluation through campus
meetings and “how did we do?” comment cards to determine the level of satisfaction of the college
community with the food services offered. The results of this self-evaluation and feedback process
shall be shared with the College President and Deputy Chancellor on a regular basis.
6. Contract Dates: The food service program must be available while classes are in session, including
final exams week. The Vendor(s) should open during peak hours when high demand exists, as well as
during those hours when services of a lesser scope are required. Exact hours will be determined before
the contract is awarded and further information is contained in each college section.
Los Banos Campus
(in person
(in person only
and online)
Full-Time Faculty
and Staff
The District will work with the Vendor to ensure that food service facilities are available for transition at
the end of summer break, as necessary.
7. Operational Costs to Vendor:
1. Food products and kitchen supplies
2. Taxes, insurance, and labor, including wages, benefits, Social Security tax, Workers'
Compensation and unemployment insurance
3. All linens, towels, and laundry service, and disposable supplies including biodegradable
paper plates and plastic products including cups and utensils
4. Uniforms
5. Routine sanitation and cleaning of kitchen and service equipment necessary to the
operation of food services
6. Replacement of District china, glassware, silverware and other small items, as agreed upon
at time of inventory
7. Telephone expenses and office supplies
8. Garbage and trash removal requirements
9. Pest control
10. Transportation and vehicle costs required for food service operation
V. District and College Responsibilities
1. The District and college shall provide, as mutually agreed, the space and facilities
reasonably required by the Vendor for the efficient operation of its food services, all of which
shall be and remain the sole property of the District and the College. The District and the
College shall provide all necessary keys to ensure the Vendor's supervisory personnel have
adequate access to the food service and preparation areas.
2. The Administration Service has final responsibility for administration of the contract and
resolution of any disputes. The Vendor and on site management staff will report directly to
District Administrative
3. The District reserves the right to have designated representatives review, inspect and
evaluate the operation and condition of the food service and facilities at any time with
respect to the quantity, quality, grades and nutritional value of food proposed for purchase,
the methods of service, the prices of menu offerings, the hours of service, and sanitation
and maintenance of facilities and equipment, all of which shall be maintained at levels
satisfactory to the District. The District shall have input on the menu cycle and selection,
both for the food service menu and the catering menu. The District reserves the right to
approve any changes in menu or schedule other than those mentioned in this contract.
4. The District shall be responsible for base building functionality including the maintenance
and repair of the building and of all plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical
systems necessary to the operation of the building.
5. The District shall make major capital purchases, replacements or additions to the buildings
as is necessary at the discretion of the District and in conjunction with the Vendor.
6. The District reserves the right of authorized Administrative Services personnel, or
authorized representatives thereof, to conduct unannounced audits of cash control
procedures, and financial reporting practices of the Vendor.
7. The District is responsible to ensure that all required food service equipment is operational
at start-up and throughout the term of the contract in cooperation with the Vendor.
8. The District reserves the right to have separate contracts with providers outside of the
scope of this agreement.
9. The District agrees to use available information networks to promote menus offerings. The
Vendor may submit monthly/weekly menus and special events for distribution to faculty
staff and students via college information networks. The Vendor will restock advertised
menu items regularly.
VI. Scoring
Proposals will be evaluated according to criteria related to college needs and the willingness of Vendors
to partner with the college. The quality and variety of the menu, student/staff satisfaction measurement
methods, the company’s management, staffing, financial stability, and financial terms will be
considered. The District will expect proposals to include responses to questions regarding the quality,
nutritional value, comprehensiveness, variety, ethnicity and cost of menu items proposed, method of
delivery and hours of operation, proposed staffing plans and commitment of on-site management and
the credentials of unit management personnel, including the Vendor’s culinary education. The District
expects the Vendor to provide comprehensive financial information, a proposed commission schedule
and financial contribution offered to cover cost of pro-rated utilities (electricity, gas, and water) for
operation of food services. The District expects the Vendor to provide a proposed method of self-
evaluation to insure the food services program continues to meet the changing needs of the college
community and a projected schedule for implementation of food services by the beginning of fall session
2023. The District will consider responses of former and current clients in terms of expectations, delivery
of services, quality of food services and staff, compliance with state and local health regulations,
adherence to schedule, ability of Vendor’s management to converse verbally and in writing with people
of diverse cultures, and general overall satisfaction with Vendor performance.
The financial stability of the company and capability to perform a contract of the scope required and
previous experience of the Vendor in providing food services similar in nature and scope to other
comparable agencies will be an integral part of the District’s evaluation process.
1. Company Information - 8 points (1 point each)
1. Provide a letter of intent summarizing in a brief and concise manner, the Vendor’s
understanding of the scope of work. The letter must be signed by an official authorized to
make such commitments and enter into a contract with Merced Community College
District. The letter must include the officer’s title or authority. The letter should not exceed
two pages in length.
2. Provide the main contact person and whom to notify as to short-listing, oral presentations,
and recommendation of award. Include contact person’s phone number and email
3. Identify the type of business entity involved (e.g.; corporation, sole proprietorship,
partnership, joint venture, etc.) If Vendor is a corporation, provide a copy of the
certification from the California (or other state) Secretary of State verifying Vendor’s
corporate status and good standing, and in the case of out-of-state corporation, evidence
of authority to do business in the State of California.
4. Provide a listing of office locations where national and/or regional personnel are located.
5. Provide a brief history of company, including number of years in business.
6. Provide a description of the standard services offered by the company.
7. Provide a listing of professional organizations of which the Vendor is a member.
8. Provide information regarding the subcontracting of any services.
2. Qualifications and Experience 12 Points (3 points each)
1. Provide a brief statement of qualifications that includes the company’s size, geographic
location in relation to the project, and the office that will support the contract for this project.
2. Include information regarding previous or current contracting experience with any
community colleges or other public/education agencies in California.
3. Provide a list of all accounts cancelled or not renewed in the last five (5) years. Include
contact names and telephone numbers, length of service at each account, and reason for
4. Vendor must furnish a representative client listing of up to five (5) current clients that the
District may contact (include the name, phone number and email address of the current
primary contract representative and the date the account was acquired). The District
prefers that the client references be similar to Merced Community College District’s
student population and be located in the California Central Valley Area.
3. Food Service Program 33 Points
1. DINING SERVICES: 10 points
a. Outline plan to provide everyday food service for students, staff, faculty and guests in the
cafeteria. Include proposed cafeteria menu with portion and pricing information.
b. Describe any national, regional, and/or proprietary concepts proposed for cafeteria including
a plan to assess remote areas of the campus to provide food services with carts, kiosks or
food truck.
c. Describe any special promotions, advertising, merchandising, special services, menu
enhancements, marketing plan and other features proposed for the cafeteria.
d. Outline plan to provide everyday food service to students, staff, faculty and guests for the
Los Banos Campus. Plan to include service based on the current amenities. In addition,
provide plan for food service when the Los Banos campus café has been completed.
e. Outline plan to provide everyday food service to students, staff, faculty and guests at the
new Downey Center Café.
a. Submit an assessment and specific catering plan proposal including:
b. Catering guide to include at least three levels of menu pricing to reflect the differences in
services ranging from (1) table linen with decorations, glassware, and silverware, (2) paper
and disposables, and (3) pick- up/carry-out.
c. Staffing levels per customer for seated service lunch and dinner functions as well as for
receptions and buffet service.
d. Provide a detailed marketing plan to be implemented which will support the attainment and
retention of catering customers. Describe how a successful non- exclusive catering program
will be built and maintained. The program must earn business by providing the best quality,
prices and service.
e. Describe Vendor experience with catering. Include overview of experience working with
student clubs and organizations regarding catering and food service.
3. QUALITY OF FOOD: 9 points
a. Provide source of supply and length of supplier relationship. Indicate the USDA grades of
food they intend to supply.
b. Indicate the training given to staff on food preparation with specific emphasis on sanitation
both at initial hire and ongoing.
4. CREATIVE IDEAS: 5 points
a. Submit any creative ideas specific to Merced Community College District or which are used
in comparable situations to enhance foodservice participation not already presented in this
proposal. In addition, please provide sufficient background information as to how such
ideas were generated, the process for implementation and what assistance was necessary
from the client to affect a successful outcome.
4. Staffing and Supervision – 8 Points (1 point each)
1. Indicate the number of personnel proposed to staff the college location. Provide an
organizational chart, including position/title and whether full-time or part-time. Provide
resumes for those in management positions. Provide position descriptions for those not in
management positions. Indicate the training that staff receives in providing service to
customers both at initial hire and ongoing.
2. Detail the qualifications and responsibilities of each position and their salary ranges, with
minimums and maximums.
3. Contract Manager/Site Supervisor: list experience of proposed contract manager/site supervisor.
Include current job description and resume, if applicable.
4. Include statements regarding employment policies to include, but not be limited to discrimination,
drug/alcohol abuse, and background checks and fingerprinting. The successful Respondent will
verify that personnel assigned to the College are citizens of the United States of America or
individuals who have been lawfully permitted to work in the Unites States of America as
evidenced by documentation from the Immigration and Naturalization Services.
5. Submit proposed operating hours.
6. Submit staffing schedules for one complete week both during the academic year and
summer/holiday/break periods. Schedules must include position titles.
7. Provide schedule of management coverage in terms of days and hours.
8. Identify the location of your home office and the specific office that will have direct responsibility
for the Merced Community College District’s foodservice program.
5. Quality Assurance/Sanitation/Safety 10 points (2 points each)
1. Submit a plan to provide quality assurance with respect to all aspects of the campus food
program. The plan should include:
a. Corporate, regional and local area visitation schedule by job title.
b. Length of visit and who will be called upon.
c. Follow-up procedures for customer complaints.
d. A plan for ongoing as well as periodic customer service monitoring.
e. Forecasting, merchandising, production and quality control techniques such as taste
testing, temperature testing, sample recipes, utilization of leftovers, identification and
deletion of unpopular items and related tasks.
f. Provisions to provide pro-active attention to customer needs.
2 Briefly describe the approach to sanitation and safety practices and the anticipated program to
train and reinforce standards in the foodservice facility.
3. Outline sanitation and safety self-inspection procedures for all food service operations at the
three Merced Community College District. Provide a sample copy of any checklist used during
4. Submit data to support the existence and quality of programs your company brings to the
operation with respect to providing a safe, sanitary (with a particular emphasis on proper food
handling), and secure foodservice environment.
5. Provide a brief description of your company’s overall policy/philosophy regarding
Environmental Sustainability. Describe the company’s environmental sustainability program
and how it would be incorporated at the College campus. Provide a plan to address
environmental issues: organic foods, vegetarian menu, biodegradable paper & plastic
products, recycling, and composting.
6. Licenses, Insurance, and Litigation 4 points (1 point each)
1. The prospective company must provide documentation of insurances required as well as all
licenses required by the State of California to perform the duties required by the service to be
2. The prospective company must submit a properly executed IRS Form W-9, Request for
Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification.
3. Indicate whether your firm has filed for bankruptcy within seven (7) years.
4. Disclose the number and type of instances, by account for the past two years, in which accounts
under the supervision of the proposed District Manager and/or Food Service Director/Manager
received unsatisfactory ratings from the regulating health department.
7. Financial Capability 10 points (5 points each)
1. Include the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow Statement from the prior two (2)
fiscal years. Financial statements shall be prepared in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles. Said statements and reports should be from the corporate entity making
the proposal rather than its parent corporation. Complete audited financial statements are
2. Include a list of comparable type and size community college and primarily commuter campus
accounts in California along with annual revenues, number of students and the name/contact
person (e-mail and telephone) for the person(s) most knowledgeable about your performance.
8. Financial Proposal 15 points (5 points each)
1. The Respondent should propose a financial offer to the College, which may include a minimum
guarantee, commission on net sales, profit sharing and/or other value added programs. “Net
Sales” shall be defined as all sales less sales and use tax. Commissions should be broken out
by cafeteria and catering.
2. The Respondent shall describe what in-kind services they are prepared to provide to each
college. Further, please indicate any scholarships or other types of support your organization
is willing to propose to support the mission and goals of the District and college.
3. Contractor shall also submit a year-one pro forma financial statement of revenues and expenses
for the foodservice operations. Revenues should be broken out by cafeteria/catering, etc. The
foodservice proforma statements are to include only those revenue and expense items directly
associated with the Merced Community College District operation.
Appendix A
Company Name:
Business Address:
Telephone: Fax:
Email: Web Site:
Type of Firm: Corporation: Proprietorship:
Partnership: Joint Venture:
Other (please describe):
Business License Number:
Number of years in business under firm name:
Full names of firm’s owners (> 10% ownership), officers and managing employees:
Has the firm changed its name within the past 3 years? YES NO
If yes, provide former name(s):
Have there been any recent (within the last three years) changes in control/ownership of the
firm? YES NO
If yes, explain:
Have officers or principals of the firm ever had their business license suspended or revoked for
any reason? YES NO
If yes, please explain:
Name and title of person completing responsible for submission of this Proposal and the
responses to this questionnaire:
Signature: Date:
Name & Title:
Phone: Email:
Appendix B
STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ______________________
I, ______________________, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that I am forgoing
(Typed or Printed Name)
________________________ of _____________________________________, the party submitting the
(Title) (Contractor’s Name)
Proposal (“the Contractor”). In connection with the foregoing Proposal, the undersigned declares,
states and certifies that:
1. The Proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership,
company, association, organization or corporation.
2. The Proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham.
3. The Contractor has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Contractor to put
in a false or sham RFI, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with
any other Contractor or anyone else to put in sham RFI, or to refrain from submitting this Proposal.
4. The Contractor has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement,
communication, or conference with anyone to fix the Proposal price, or that of any other Contractor, or
to fix any overhead, profit or cost element of the Proposal price or that of any other Contractor, or to
secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract or of anyone interested in the
proposed contract.
5. All statements contained in the Proposal and related documents are true.
6. The Contractor has not, directly or indirectly, submitted the Proposal price or any breakdown
thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not
pay, any fee to any person, corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, Proposal
depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham Proposal.
Executed this _____ day of ____________, 20__ at ________________________________.
(City, County and State)
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is
true and correct.
Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ____________