Is it legal?
A parents’ guide to the law
3rd Edition
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
We live our lives within the law.
The law reflects the attitudes and beliefs of society. From employment
to welfare legislation, people generally accept that the law is there to
protect them, act as a balance and check against exploitation and
wrongdoing and make sure justice is done.
Over the years, the law has become more complicated and more involved in
different areas of people’s lives. Sometimes the law can be seen as meddling
and intrusive, particularly in areas of private life; there has to be a balance
between people’s right to live as they wish and the right of the law to intervene
on behalf of society. This balance between the needs of society and people’s
individual rights applies to families. In the past parents claimed the right of
ownership over their children, arguing that family life was a private matter.
But nowadays few would argue in favour of young children being sent up
chimneys, or put to work in factories or the mines from five years old. No-one
would question the need for laws that protect children from cruelty, even from
their parents. In family life, the absolute power of parents over children has
been replaced by an interweaving of law, custom, judgement and negotiation.
It makes for a potentially more democratic and healthy family, and society,
but at times it can be confusing and frustrating for parents. Law-makers,
too, can feel frustrated at the limits of law to affect and change family life
and relationships.
This booklet is for parents and carers. Its aim is to help them know when
the law has something to say about their families’ day-to-day lives. Equally
important, it helps them know the limits of the law. It is a reminder that whilst
law permeates parents’ and children’s lives to an unprecedented degree, it
must work alongside parents to foster healthy and effective families. For it is
families who raise children, helping and guiding them to adulthood.
The booklet was first published in 2000. This third edition covers the law in
England and updates and expands information on a range of issues. However,
it cannot provide a complete list of all the legal issues relating to parenting.
It is not about when the law has to step in on major issues, for example,
adoption, fostering, child protection, children in care or bereavement.
The law and family life 2
1 What the law says about parents and children 4
2 Is it legal to? Frequently asked questions 8
3 Home life 11
4 At school 15
5 Out and about 21
6 Growing up 27
7 Children in trouble 32
8 Balancing parenting and employment 36
9 Partners and parents 43
Helpfile 50
This booklet should not be used as a substitute for expert legal advice
for any of these or other specific situations. Parents with a particular
query should refer to the helpfile at the back of the booklet for a list of
organisations to contact. There is also information on getting in touch
with a solicitor.
Published October 2007
Family & Parenting Institute
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
Legal advice
Finding a good solicitor is not always easy. Choose a solicitor
in the same way as you would choose any other service by
shopping around. Find one who specialises in your area of
concern. Many solicitors offer an initial interview free or at a
cheap rate, and will advise you if you have a case.
Always ask what their fees are. Legal aid has been
replaced by the Community Legal Service Fund.
For a directory of solicitors who offer this service,
look at
What is a parent?
That sounds like an easy question to answer, but it
isn’t necessarily. Being a parent in law is not always
the same as being the biological parent, being on the
birth certificate, raising or loving a child. In the majority
of cases, a child’s biological parents have the rights
and responsibilities of parenthood as set out in many
different laws in England and Wales. But sometimes
the court may take over the responsibility of deciding
who should look after a child, for example, children who
go to live with foster parents, or in residential homes or
who are adopted.
The law on parents’ and children’s rights and
There are some important Acts that try to define the different
rights and responsibilities of parents towards their children. The
law in England and Wales used to talk of a parent having rights’ and
‘duties’, but in recent times, the language has changed to one of
parents having responsibilities’ and parents’ rights being balanced by
children’s rights.
1933 Children and Young Persons Act
This important Act imposes criminal liability for the abandonment, neglect or
ill-treatment of any children under 16 years old by anyone over 16 years old.
This responsibility cannot be transferred, so a parent is still liable even, for
example, if a babysitter hurt or neglected the child. The adult must be shown
to have wilfully assaulted or neglected the child, or acted in a manner likely
to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health’ of the child.
A parent is guilty of neglect if they do not ensure that the child has food,
clothing, health care and housing.
1989 Children Act
This Act was a landmark law, redefining the relationship between parent
and child. It changed the previous emphasis from one of duty and rights of
the parent to one of responsibilities. The Act uses the concept of ‘parental
responsibilityto describe the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and
authority parents have for their child. In this Act, a child is a person under
the age of 18.
The law and family life
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
Parental responsibility
Parental responsibility means being responsible for:
l Your child’s wellbeing
l Looking after your child
l Feeding and clothing your child
l Making decisions about their schooling
l Deciding whether to consent to medical treatment
l Representing them in legal proceedings
l Making decisions about where to live
l Making decisions about their religious upbringing.
The law sets out who has parental responsibility. You have it automatically if
you are:
l The biological mother of the child
l The biological father of the child, and were married to the mother at the
time of conception or birth, or you married the mother after the birth of the
child or, for babies born since 2003, you registered the birth of the baby
with the mother
l You are adoptive parents once an adoption order is made.
Even if the marriage breaks down, both father and mother will continue to have
parental responsibility. Unmarried fathers did not have the same rights and
responsibilities as a married father. The Adoption and Children Act 2002 now
gives an unmarried father parental responsibility where he and the mother
register the birth of their child together. Even if the unmarried father’s name is
not on the original birth certificate, you can now re-register the birth at a later
date, adding the father’s details. This will give the father parental responsibility.
See But the Act is not retrospective, so unmarried fathers
with children born before 1 December
2003 can still only get a parental
responsibility agreement, either by:
l Making an agreement with the
l Or by applying to the court for a
parental responsibility order.
Unmarried couples wishing to
obtain a parental responsibility
agreement have to:
l Obtain a form from a solicitor or
family court
l Go in person to the local magistrates court or County Court to get it signed
l Send it to the Principal Registry of the Family Division.
You should note also that an unmarried father who has not got parental
responsibility will have to apply for a court order to obtain the right, if the
mother dies.
Children Act 2004
This was a very important new Act which brought in the re-organisation of all
the services in Local Authorities (LA) that provide help for children in their
area, under a government programme called Every Child Matters. The aim is to
improve the wellbeing of children in the LA so that every child can:
l Be healthy
l Stay safe
l Enjoy and achieve
l Make a positive contribution
l Achieve economic wellbeing
Education, health and social services for young people, and the youth justice
system are no longer totally separate sectors in the LA. They now have a duty
to co-operate together and to share information about children in their care
with other professionals, in order to safeguard and promote the welfare of all
1 What the law says about parents
and children
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
children. To ensure that all parts of the children’s services work together to
provide joined up’ help for children, each child will have a unique file in a
database so that if anything goes wrong, each professional knows what the
other is doing for the child. By 2008, each LA will have appointed a Director
of Children’s Services to ensure that the ideas behind this programme are
being fully carried out. By the summer of 2006, 80 per cent of LAs had made
this re-organisation.
The Act also places a duty on LAs to promote in particular the educational
achievement of looked after children. At the same time as this Act came in, the
government published proposals for earlier help for families having problems
caring for their children, to try and prevent children being taken into care.
The Act also established a Children’s Commissioner for England (they had
already been established in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland), to promote
the interests of children up to the age of 18, and up to 20 in the case of
looked after children and those with learning difficulties. The Commissioner
cannot investigate individual cases, but if they think that there is a particular
unfair or unjust situation, e.g. in a children’s home, which raises questions that
apply generally, then they can hold a full inquiry and make recommendations to
the government to change their policy. It is their job to see that the aims of the
Every Child Matters programme are carried out.
Childcare Act 2006
This Act is the first Act to deal solely with early years and childcare. It is
expected to come into force in 2008. It gives LAs new duties, which include:
l A duty to improve pre-school development and learning from birth to five
and to reduce inequalities in pre-school children. The Act sets up the Early
Years Foundation Stage of learning for pre-schoolers and provides better
access to childhood services by setting up children’s centres, often at
l A duty to provide information and advice, and sufficient childcare for all
working parents in the LA, especially those with disabled children and
those on lower incomes.
l Making sure that all childminders and other professionals caring for children
up to the age of five, and after school (e.g. in after schools clubs) up to the
age of eight are registered, and that they are inspected by Ofsted.
1998 Human Rights Act
The Act (which came into effect in 2000) puts some basic human rights into
UK law, based on the European Convention on Human Rights. The Act says
that people of all ages, including under 18s, have a right to be protected from
inhuman and degrading treatment, and a right to respect for their private and
family life. The Human Rights Act is expected to have a profound effect on
many aspects of family and child law, for example, determining paternity, and
some youth offending policy, such as child curfews.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
In recent years, children have come to be seen as individuals who also have
human rights. The most important statement of children’s individual rights was
the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), ratified by the UK
Government in 1991. Almost every country in the world has signed up to the
Convention to date, with the notable exceptions of Somalia and the United
States. The Convention contains three groups of rights:
l Rights to provision: children are entitled to education, to the best possible
health care, to an adequate standard of living, to play, to family life and to
alternative care if the family is unable to provide for them.
l Rights to protection: children are entitled to protection from abuse,
neglect, sexual or economic exploitation, abduction or discrimination, and to
have their best interests given primary consideration.
l Rights to personal freedoms and to participate in decision-making:
children are entitled to have their views listened to and taken seriously, to
respect for their opinions, beliefs and religion, to privacy and information.
Parents may worry that this interest in children’s rights undermines their own
responsibility and authority to bring up their children. But the UN Convention is
not intended to replace the role and authority of parents; in fact some of its
articles acknowledge the central and vital role parents play in raising, helping
and guiding their children. Parents are the keepers of children’s rights, almost
entirely when they are young, and as they grow older, parents can help and
support their children to think and act for themselves. Encouraging children to
participate in family discussions may help prevent or reduce arguments and
difficulties later.
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
Is it legal to smack my child?
It is against the law for one person to assault another. At the moment it is not
illegal for a parent to smack a child, but if the smacking goes beyond the line
of ‘reasonable chastisement’, a parent could be charged with assault. There is
no clear definition of reasonable chastisement. It is unlikely to be thought
reasonable if it leaves marks on the child, such as visible bruising, minor
swelling or it causes mental harm, or if the child is hit with a cane, stick, belt
or other implement. The Government has now voted to limit but not completely
remove the defence of reasonable chastisement it has removed it for ‘actual
bodily harm’ but it is still intact in relation to ‘common assault’.
Is it legal for children to work?
The law about children working is complicated. The Trades Union Congress
and NSPCC have estimated that there are over 200 pieces of legislation,
including European and international legislation and local by-laws about
children working. The Children and Young Persons Act 1933 (CYPA) sets
14 as the minimum age for a child to be employed, on a part-time basis, but
there are restrictions in place over the type of work and the number of hours.
No-one under 16 can work in a butcher’s shop, in a fairground or amusement
arcade, deliver milk or work in a commercial kitchen.
l 14 year-olds may do light workonly and cannot work for more than two
hours on a school day; they cannot work before 7.00am or after 7.00pm on
school days. On a Saturday or a day during the school holiday, they cannot
work more than five hours and on Sunday no more than two hours. They
cannot work more than 25 hours in one week and must have at least two
consecutive weeks’ holiday in a year.
l 13 year-olds are allowed to take part time employment, on a more restricted
basis, if local by-laws allow it. This work would include employment by their
parents in horticultural or agricultural work, or some categories of light
work. Some local authorities allow 13 year-olds to work; others forbid it.
Local authorities set out the number of hours allowed a day, time of day,
rest and meal breaks and other
conditions. They are not allowed to set
out longer hours than are allowed for
14 year-olds.
l Children under 13 are not allowed to
work, with some exceptions. They
can take part in performances,
sports and modelling, but a licence
needs to be issued.
l 15 and 16 year-olds are allowed
to work, but not more than two
hours on a school day, not before
7.00am or after 7.00pm. They can work for up to
eight hours on a school holiday day or on a Saturday, and for
up to 35 hours a week during the school holidays.
From October 2007, 16 and 17 year-olds are entitled to a minimum wage of
£3.40 an hour. The rate is £4.60 for people aged 18-21, but below 16,
employers are able to pay as little or as much as they wish. There are no laws
about being paid more on Sundays, but some employers will do so.
Can I legally stop my child leaving home?
A parent cannot stop a child leaving home by locking them in or physically
restraining them. But parents have a legal responsibility for their children until
their child reaches 16, so they can take action in court to bring their child back
if he or she runs away. Once the child has reached what is known as the ‘age
of discretion’ (around 16) it is very unlikely that the court would force the child
back home, unless it could be shown that the child was in danger.
Can my child go to the doctor without my knowledge?
Children and young people can visit their doctor at any time. However, children
under 16 can only consent to treatment if the doctor believes that they fully
understand all the issues that are involved. If someone under 16 is judged not
to be mature enough to consent to the treatment, the consultation itself can
still remain confidential if the child wants it to. From 16, young people can
consent to treatment, although if they refuse treatment, their decision can be
overridden more easily than with an adult. In some cases where decisions over
2 Is it legal to? Frequently
asked questions
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
treatment are difficult, for example, treatment for anorexia, the court may be
asked to make the decision.
Is it illegal to take my child on
holiday during term-time?
There is no law making it illegal
for parents to take their children
on holiday during term time,
although the Government and
schools are strongly opposed to
parents doing so. The law says
that schools have the discretion to grant up to ten days authorised absence in
a school year. Each application will be considered individually by the school
head, who will take into account factors like the child’s general attendance
record, the child’s age, and the timing and length of the holiday. If parents take
their children out of school without discussing it first with the school, the leave
will be considered unauthorised, and the child could lose their place.
Can my teenager buy fireworks?
No-one under 18 can buy fireworks. No-one under 16 can buy caps, cracker
snaps, party poppers or throwdowns.
It is an offence to throw fireworks in the streets, with an £80 fine. Under the
Fireworks Act 2003, it is now illegal for under 18s to possess fireworks in
public places.
If my child injures someone or damages something by accident, am
I liable?
There is no cut and dried answer, but legal opinion suggests that a parent
would not usually be liable. The court would have to determine whether the
child had caused an accident through failing to take ‘reasonable care’ and so
had been negligent. That decision would be partly based on the age and
understanding of the child, but it is extremely unlikely that anyone injured or
with damaged goods as a result of the child’s negligence would sue the child.
The parent is not automatically liable for the child’s negligence and would only
be liable if it could be proved that the parent themselves was negligent.
The law has to tread carefully when
entering the private world of the home.
However, in the home, as in other areas
involving children, there is a general
duty to protect a child.
Leaving children alone
It is not against the law to leave
children on their own in the home.
However, a parent could be charged with
‘wilful neglectif they leave a child alone when that
may result in the child being harmed or injured. Leaving
your child alone will depend on whether you and he/she feel
comfortable and confident about doing so. The parent remains responsible
for the child until the age of 16.
Contrary to common belief, there
is no law setting out the minimum
age for babysitters. Babysitters
do not need any qualifications or
a certificate. It is a matter for
parents’ judgement. Where a
parent uses a babysitter under 16,
and the child is injured in the
babysitter’s care, it is possible that the parent could still be held responsible
and be deemed negligent.
Buying a pet
Children can buy a pet themselves from the age of 16. The RSPCA website
is full of useful information about choosing and looking after a pet.
3 Home life
The NSPCC has produced a leaflet,
Home Alone for parents. It suggests
that babies and young children
should never be left alone and
children under 13 only for short
periods. See or
phone 020 7825 2500.
The DCSF has published a leaflet,
Is your child missing out? School
Attendance: Information for Parents,
available for download only from
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
The internet
Just under 60 per cent of households now have access to the internet at
home, and children in primary and secondary schools use the internet in
lessons. It is a global network, so enforcing laws about the internet is very
difficult. Countries have different laws and who could police them? There are
laws making the production and dissemination of obscene material and child
pornography illegal, which apply to books, films and the internet. It is unlikely
that a child would stumble across child pornography on the internet by
accident, as it is not openly advertised. However, unsolicited ‘gifts’ advertised
on a website can contain offensive or potentially harmful files. Children should
be taught not to open them. But there are many sites which, though not illegal,
parents would not wish their children to see: pornographic, violent and racist.
There is no law preventing children finding these sites. It is up to parents to set
some ground rules with their children. In addition, many internet service
providers operate safeguards which can help block unsuitable sites.
Buying on the internet
No-one under 18 can buy goods using a credit card on the internet, just as in
shops. However, several banks allow children as young as 12 to have debit
cards, which can be used to purchase goods. A recent survey by the charity
NCH found that very few sites use age verification software, although the
Gambling Act 2005 places a duty on gambling sites to use and update this
software regularly. The temptation for children and young people to buy is
becoming stronger: companies use all kinds of marketing ploys like banner
ads and pop-up boxes on sites visited by children and young people, and the
increasing popularity of auction sites are putting a lot of pressure on children
and young people to buy over the internet. Companies are beginning to
develop pre-paid cards, like mobile phone cards, which young people could buy
from certain shops and then use online. But it’s still early days. In general,
parents should make sure that their children understand the rules about online
buying, and think about whether they are prepared to use their own credit
cards for purchases their children might want to make.
Downloading files from the internet
There has recently been a great deal of media interest in file sharing and
downloading from the internet, mostly related to music. Child Net International,
a not-for-profit organisation, has produced an excellent guide for parents
which can be downloaded here
musicLeaflet.pdf. The guide looks at the legal issues to do with sharing
copyright music and film as well as the wider issues of harmful content/
contact, privacy and security, and the legal risks.
Chat rooms
Chat rooms are very popular with secondary school age children, but parents
need to be aware of the risks involved. In a chat room, people may assume
different names, characters, even ages. The problem of chat rooms is you or
your child not knowing the stranger your child is chatting to. So, children need
to be as internet-wise as they are streetwise; many of the same rules apply.
Many chat rooms are monitored and any inappropriate behaviour results in the
person being ejected. The general laws about harassment, stalking and
intimidation also apply to the internet. Chat rooms can be great fun, but
parents and children need to agree a few basic rules:
l Children should never give their name, address or phone number to
someone they don’t already know
l A child should never send photos to someone he or she has met in a chat
room without telling their parents first
l Parents should be aware of which chat rooms their child is visiting
l Children should never arrange to meet anyone they have talked to online
unless they are accompanied.
From October 2003 Microsoft closed all its online chat rooms stating that they
feared they were being used by abusers to get to children and young people.
No other company has yet followed suit. Many young people use Instant
Messenger (IM). This is like texting a friend on a mobile phone. Instant messages
can be sent to just one friend or a group of named friends. Strangers cannot
enter this area without being invited, and it is usually used by a network of
friends. A good website for more information is
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
Watching DVDs
DVDs are classified according to whether the content would harm a child, and
whether through watching the DVD, a child may cause harm. The DVD may not
receive the same classification as when it was shown in a cinema. It is against
the law to supply a DVD to anyone below the age stated in the classification.
See “Going to the cinema” for more details on film and DVD classifications.
Computer and console games
All computer and console games must by law have age ratings marked on
the front and back of the box. Detailed information on the meaning of these
ratings can be found at
The 1944 Education Act created the
post-war British education system.
The school leaving age became 15
(now 16). The Act brought in free
schooling for all. Since the 1944 Act,
there have been many more laws
passed about education. The
Education Reform Act 1988
established the National
Curriculum, and the School
Standards and Framework Act
1998 introduced a legal power to
limit class sizes. The Human Rights Act
1998 states that no child shall be denied a right to
education. The Education Act 2002 improves schools’ child
protection procedures. The Children’s Act 2004 transferred the duty to care
for children’s education to the children’s services department.
Early education and childcare
Every three and four year-old child in England is now entitled to a free early
education place, for at least two and a half hours a day, five days a week,
during term time. This may be at a nursery school or playgroup, or in nursery
classes at schools, or with childminders who belong to an approved network.
Your child is still entitled to this free education even if the place normally
charges fees. To find out more information, visit
From 2008, when the Childcare Act 2006 becomes law, all local authorities
will have to ensure that there is sufficient childcare available for all working
parents who need it, especially those in lower income groups and those with
disabled children.
Starting education at five
Once a child reaches the age of five, you have a duty as a parent to make
sure that your child receives a full-time education. This usually means attending
school, but parents do have a right to educate their child ‘otherwise than in
4 At school
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
schoolunder the 1996 Education Act. Children educated at home do not have
to follow the National Curriculum or take SATs tests, but you must make sure
that your child receives an appropriate education. You do not need any special
permission to educate your child at home. You do not need to be qualified as a
teacher either. Children starting school must attend on the first school day of
the term following their fifth birthday. Some children’s services admit these
children twice a year, in the autumn and spring terms; others also admit children
at the beginning of the summer term. Legally parents are entitled to wait until
their child is five but in practice, schools often want to admit children before
they are five, even if the child has just turned four in August, for example.
Schools do not have to hold a place if the parent wants to wait, so parents may
fear they will lose their child’s place. Although some schools may allow for
deferred entry, the place must be taken in that academic year. If parents worry
that their child is too young to start school, it is a good idea to discuss it with
the head teacher.
Is it my legal right to choose
a school for my child?
It is your responsibility to apply
to primary and secondary
schools on behalf of your child.
The School Standards and
Framework Act states that you
have the right to state which
primary and secondary school
you want your child to attend
and the reasons for your preference. But the children’s services (CS) or in
some cases the school makes the decision about which children to admit.
The CS must meet parents’ wishes unless:
l This would prevent the best use of resources at the school. This argument
is used when the school is already full or when a child with challenging
behaviour applies outside the normal start of term
l This would exceed the limit on class size set by the Secretary of State (in
infant classes up to 30 pupils to each qualified teacher)
l The school has a special identity, for example, a Catholic or Hindu school
and your child does not have a link with that special identity
l A child has been excluded from two or more schools in the last two years
(this does not apply to exclusions that have been overturned or that took
place before the child reached the age of five).
A parent has the right to appeal to an independent panel if their child is not
offered a place in the chosen school. This does not apply to nursery schools.
Information about choosing a school and about appeals should be available
from Children’s Services at your local authority, from schools and the local
library. Since April 2007, the Education and Inspections Act 2006 requires
local education authorities to provide advice and assistance to parents of
children living in the area of the authority to help them choose a school for
their child.
Is my child entitled to free school lunch?
Families who receive any of the support below are entitled to free school
l Income support
l Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
l Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
l Child Tax Credit (providing they do not also receive a Working Tax Credit
and have an annual income that does not exceed £14,495).
Check with your child’s school to find out how to claim.
Can schools charge for trips and activities?
Schools cannot make a compulsory charge for events and activities, including
transport or admission costs to museums, swimming pools etc. However they
are allowed to ask for a voluntary contribution towards the costs. No child
whose parents are unable to pay should be prevented from joining in the
activity. But if there are not enough voluntary contributions and the school
can’t make up the shortfall, they are allowed to cancel the activity.
Schools are allowed to charge parents compulsorily for residential trips or
music lessons. However the governors must determine a charging policy, saying
when any charges will be made and when the costs may be remitted.
The Advisory Centre for Education
(ACE) has published two helpful booklets
on choosing a school and making an
appeal. They can be downloaded for a
charge at or
bought call 020 7825 2500. ACE
also gives free telephone advice, Monday
to Friday.
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
What if my child has to miss school?
The law puts the responsibility for children attending school squarely on the
shoulders of parents. If your child has to miss school for legitimate reasons,
for example, a dentist’s or doctor’s appointment, you should inform the school.
The DCSF does not accept that shopping or birthdays are good reasons for
missing school.
Can I be prosecuted if my child truants?
By law, the parent is responsible for making sure their children (up to 16) get
a full-time education. If your child does not attend school regularly, the local
Children’s Services (the CS) could take legal action against you. The CS is
responsible for making sure that parents fulfil their responsibilities. Even if your
child is missing school without your knowledge, you are still responsible, and
could be committing an offence. Head teachers are now able to issue penalty
notices of up to £100 to parents who fail to take responsibility for their child’s
regular school attendance.
The CS would usually offer support and help, perhaps from an Educational
Social Worker to stop the child truanting. The parent of a truanting child may
also be asked to enter into a Parenting Contract, which is a contract between
the parent and the school (or Children’s Services). The parent agrees to make
sure the child arrives at school on time and goes to bed at a set time. However,
the CS could prosecute a parent if all else fails. Parents could be fined up to
£2,500 or imprisoned for up to three months for failing to ensure that their
child attends school regularly. Magistrates can impose a Parenting Order,
which means that a parent has to go to a parenting class.
What is the law on children
being excluded from school?
There are two kinds of
exclusions – fixed period and
permanent. It is not lawful to
exclude a child indefinitely. It
must be for a specified time, or
permanent. From September
2007 measures ensuring that parents take responsibility for their child whilst
they are excluded or suspended will come into force. These measures will
require parents to ensure that their child
is not in a public place in the first
5 days of exclusion the Local
Authority will have to make
arrangements for the child to
receive suitable education from
the sixth day of exclusion.
Fixed period
A child cannot be excluded for
more than a total of 45 days in
one school year. Government
advice suggests one to three
days. Only the Head can
exclude a child, and it must not
be for minor offences such as not wearing
uniform correctly, wearing jewellery, not doing homework
or truancy.
Permanent exclusion
This is a very serious issue and should be done only as a last resort if all other
strategies have failed. Only the Head can exclude a child. First time or one-off
offences can lead to permanent exclusion if they are serious enough, for
example, supplying illegal drugs or carrying a weapon.
Does my child have to sit the SATs tests in school?
At present, all state schools in England have to set SATs tests at ages seven,
11 and 14, and publish the results. However, there has been strong criticism
of the stress young children face taking SATs, and the Government has now
made the tests for seven year-olds less formal and less stressful. From spring
2005, SATs were made less formal for seven year olds and now include an
assessment of the child’s progress over the year from their teacher. Tests for
this age do not have to be taken in May. The Welsh Government has
completely abolished SATs tests for all children. Strictly speaking, there is no
law compelling children to take the tests, but schools and LAs will expect
children to do so. Head teachers have limited powers to exempt children from
SATs for exceptional reasons. If a child misses the tests on a particular day,
they can be taken on another day. Every school year, schools must send
The Advisory Centre for Education
(ACE) has published two very detailed
booklets for parents on what to do if your
child is excluded. They can be downloaded
for free from Or
call 020 7354 8318 to buy the booklets.
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
Playing out
There is no law prohibiting children from
being out on their own at any age. It is a
matter of judgement for parents to
decide when children can play out on
their own, walk to the shops or school.
Many parents worry about letting their
children out; the most common
concerns are traffic, and the fear of
their child being bullied or abducted. Many
organisations give advice, for example, taking it in stages,
giving children a feeling of independence bit by bit. A survey of parents by
Kidscape found that most parents allowed children:
l From age 9 to cross local roads
l From age 11 to use local transport during the day
l From age 12 to go with a friend to the cinema
l From age 15 to be out with a friend in the evening.
It is helpful for parents to agree rules with children, for example, to stay with
friends and not wander off alone, and what to do if they are approached. Some
parents ask children to ring them when they arrive at their friend’s house or
when they are about to come home.
New laws could now make it difficult for young people to hang out in the
neighbourhood. The Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003:
l Gives the police powers to disperse groups of two or more people, even if
no offence has been committed
l Gives the police powers to return to their homes young people under 16
who are out unsupervised in public places after 9.00pm, again even if no
crime has been committed.
These powers apply only in specified areas, which must be notified in the
local press. They are supposed to apply only to serious and persistent anti-
social behaviour.
parents at least one written report about their child’s progress. Parents also
have a right to see and have a copy of their child’s school record.
Bullying at school
Every child has a right to learn in a secure and safe environment. All schools
must have a bullying policy to deal with all types of bullying. This should
include details of what the school will do if bullying occurs and a clear
statement of sanctions, as well as measures to prevent bullying.
5 Out and about
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Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
There is no law on the age limit when a parent can take a child of the opposite
sex into the changing rooms, although some pools set their limit at 8 years old
to coincide with the age they let children swim unaccompanied. Parents should
use their common sense and be aware of the wishes and feelings of their
children; once they are over 10 or so, it makes more sense for them to use
same-sex changing rooms.
Mobile phones
A child or young person under 18 can legally own a mobile phone, but cannot
open a normal phone account, where a monthly charge and the cost of the
phone calls are paid. This is because generally young people cannot enter into
contracts on their own. A parent would have to either act as guarantor or put
their name to the contract, which would mean that they are responsible for
paying the phone bills.
A young person can legally buy a “pay as you go” scheme on a mobile phone,
which does not involve making a contract.
Marketing and advertising through mobile phones will increase hugely over the
next year or so. The Mobile Marketing Association has drawn up a code of
conduct, based on legislation and regulation about advertising to children via
mobile phones. Among other things it states:
l Advertisers cannot ask for personal details from children under 12 or send
them any marketing or adverts unless the parent agrees
l Children’s details cannot be passed on to other companies unless the
parents have given specific consent
l Adverts involving pornography, gambling, or alcohol must not be directed at
children and young people under 18.
For more information about the Code of Conduct, go to
Going to the cinema
Films shown in the cinema or available on DVD are all classified by the British
Board of Film Classification. The BBFC’s duties fall under various laws, including
the Cinemas Act 1985 and the Video Recordings Act 1984. From August
2002, the classifications were amended, and they are set out below:
U This is an advisory classification. Ufilms should be suitable for
audiences aged four years up. The BBFC states works aimed at
children should be set within a positive moral framework.”
Uc These films are particularly suitable for pre-school children.
PG Parental Guidance. Unaccompanied children of any age may watch.
A ‘PG’ film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. But
parents need to think whether a younger child may find it too upsetting.
12A The classification is 12A in the cinema, and 12’ for DVD. No-one
younger than 12 is allowed to see a 12Afilm in a cinema unless
accompanied by an adult. No-one younger than 12 is allowed to rent or
buy a ‘12’ DVD.
15 No-one younger than 15 can see a 15rated film or rent/buy a DVD.
18 No-one younger than 18 can see an ‘18film or rent/buy a DVD.
R18 These films can be shown only in specially licensed cinemas to adults
of 18 years upwards. They can be bought or rented only from licensed
sex shops.
For a more detailed description of what levels of language, violence, sexual
activity etc is allowed in each category look on the BBFC’s website, to get their classification guidelines.
Hate crimes and racial harassment
Police forces are taking what are called hate crimes’ increasingly seriously.
This means a crime where the person committing the crime is doing so
because of a hate or prejudice about the person or group being attacked.
The victim might be attacked because of their race, their religion or because
of homophobia; and the crime might range from harassment, stalking, and verbal
abuse through to physical assault. There are specific laws against racial
harassment, most recently in the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 which
comes into effect in autumn 2007. It will make it a criminal offence to use
threatening words or behaviour with the intention of stirring up hatred against
any group of people defined by religious beliefs or lack of religious beliefs.
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
When should my child get their own passport?
All children, from new-born babies up, must now have their own individual
passport. Once they become 16, they can have a standard ten year passport.
Before then, children have a five year passport. Children who were already on
their parents’ passports before October 5 1998 can still travel abroad with that
passport until either they reach 16, or the passport expires. All applications for
passports, including those for babies and children, must be made with two
photographs of the applicant taken against a white background.
For more information and online application forms, go to the UK Passport
Office, Forms can also be obtained from Post Offices.
The waiting time is longer during busy holiday periods.
Seat belts
The law is very clear and specific about wearing seat belts. Everyone (with
few exceptions) must wear a seat belt if there is one fitted. A driver can be
prosecuted if a child under 14 is not wearing a seat belt. New laws controlling
the use of seat belts and other child restraints came in in September 2006.
Under 3 years:
l You must use a child restraint appropriate for the child’s age in all vehicles
l Rear facing baby seats must not be used where there are air bags
l The only exception is travel in taxis without a child restraint.
3 years to 135cms or to 12 years (whichever comes first):
l You must use (in front and back seats) the appropriate child seat or
booster seat/cushion, where seat belts are fitted
l Three exceptions are for the rear seat of taxis without a child restraint;
short distance trips of unexpected necessity (where a restraint is not
available); and where there is no room in the back because two child seats
are already there.
12/13 years and over:
l Must use an adult seat belt if there is no child restraint.
Fines range from £30 to £500, if the rules are not complied with.
Under the Road Traffic Act 1988 it is an
offence for anyone to cycle on the
pavement, and the Police Reform Act
2002 has introduced fixed penalty
notices to people caught cycling on
the pavement. This offence applies to
children and young people as long
as they are judged to understand,
which courts usually interpret as
from age 10. If a young person is
caught, they could be issued with
a fixed penalty notice and their
bike seized, and auctioned off by
the police although policy guidelines
state that fixed penalty notices should not be given
to anyone under 16. It is already a crime to cycle in shopping
centres and on paths in parks. Fines of £20 can be issued, and those who
do not pay will be taken to court. Given that in some parts of the country,
particularly traffic-heavy urban areas, it could be very dangerous for children
to cycle on busy roads, it may be a good idea to ensure that at least, children
go to a cycling proficiency course. In addition, it is worth finding out what cycle
lanes your local authority provides. By law, they are responsible for creating
cycle lanes, and the Government has promised to quadruple the number of
cycle lanes by 2012.
Are children required by law to wear cycle helmets?
It is not compulsory to wear a cycle helmet. But cycling and road safety
organisations strongly recommend that they should be worn, as they offer
protection from falls.
Other laws about cycling
l You must ensure that your brakes are efficient
l You must always stop when required to do so by a traffic warden or police
l You must not ride dangerously
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
l You must not leave your cycle on the road so that it might be a danger to
l You must not carry a passenger on a bike which is not built to carry more
than one person
l You must make sure that your front and rear lights are lit at night and that
your cycle has an effective red reflector.
Useful information can be found at
Using motorised scooters
It is illegal to drive motorised scooters on roads and pavements unless they are
insured and taxed and registered with the DVLA. No-one under 16 can ride
them, even though they are less than 50cc.
Driving motorbikes
A young person can obtain a licence for a moped from the age of 16, and for a
motorbike from 17.
Driving cars
A young person can get a provisional driving licence for a car from the age
of 17.
Under the law, a child is a person under
the age of 18. Once they reach 18, the
law treats them as adults. The law
offers special protection and provision
to children under 18. But the law is
inconsistent. Young people cannot
vote until they are 18 but can fight
in the army from 16. They must go
to school until they are 16, and can
be taken into care until 17, but are
deemed criminally responsible at
the age of 10. So, on the one hand the
law considers them children in need of protection,
and dependent on their parents, and on the other, as adults able to
make, and be responsible for, their own decisions. The law offers confusing
messages to both parents and children. The list below should help parents and
children to know what they can do and when.
Young people can vote at 18. After a recent review on the issue of allowing
young people to vote at 16, the Electoral Commission decided in 2004 that
the law should not be changed. For more information, go to
Bank accounts
A child can have a bank account (and own property) from birth, with the
parents able to operate it. Banks normally allow children from 8-12 to make
their own deposits and debit withdrawals. From 13, most banks offer cashpoint
cards, and over 16s can get a chequebook. No-one under 18 can have an
overdraft, or a credit card. The advice website of the National Association of
Citizens Advice Bureaux ( has a useful section on
young people, money and consumer rights.
6 Growing up
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
Age of consent for sexual relationships
The age of consent for heterosexual and homosexual relationships is 16.
Young people over 16 can obtain contraceptive advice and treatment without
parental consent. Doctors can also provide advice and treatment to under 16s,
if they believe that the young person is mature enough to understand. Other
health professionals such as school nurses can also give contraceptive advice.
Doctors usually encourage under 16s to tell their parents that they are seeking
contraception. However, young people often want the service to stay confiden-
tial. Doctors owe a duty of confidentiality to their patients and may not tell a
parent without the child’s consent.
A child can get married at 16 with the consent of the parents, and from 18
without parental consent. A marriage without the full and free consent of both
people is a forced marriage and can be annulled as invalid. Force includes
emotional pressure. If a young person under 18 is forced into a marriage and
forced to consummate the marriage, then that is rape. For more information
and advice, contact the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Community
Liaison Unit (email or phone 020 7008 0230 9.00am-
5.00pm, and 020 7008 0135 out of office hours.) The website is also helpful.
Armed forces
A young person can join the Armed Forces from 16 with parental consent, and
from 18 without parental consent.
Tattooing and body piercing
It is illegal to tattoo anyone under 18. It is legal for children to have their ears
and other parts of their body pierced from birth, with parental consent. There is
no minimum age at which children can have body piercings without parental
consent; the law is not clear, and, like other decisions to do with health, young
people are able to give consent if they are considered mature enough to
understand the issues and consequences of their decision. However, female
circumcision is illegal, even if the circumcision takes place outside the UK.
Young people must be 17 before they can own or buy an airgun and
ammunition for themselves. It is an offence to fire an airgun in any public
place, defined as anywhere the general public has access.
It is not against the law for a child to smoke (although the smokefree law
applies to all), but it is illegal to buy cigarettes before the age of 16. It is also
illegal for shops to sell cigarettes to children under 16. From October 2007,
the legal minimum age to purchase tobacco will rise to 18 years.
If a child of 10 or older buys or is given an illegal drug, he or she can be
arrested and charged with possession of drugs, or with supplying drugs. If
there is an illegal drug in your house, it is an offence and you could be charged
with possession. The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 classifies drugs according to
their level of seriousness, with more severe penalties for the use of Class A
drugs (ecstasy, LSD, heroin and cocaine) and less severe penalties for Class B
(speed) and Class C drugs (some tranquillisers). Cannabis has until recently
been a Class B drug, but from January 2004 has been reclassified as Class C.
This means that although cannabis use and dealing is still illegal, it attracts
reduced penalties. The Government has launched a drugs helpline and website
for young people, parents and carers, called The
national Frank helpline is 0800 77 66 00.
Gases, Glues and Aerosols
It is not illegal for children and young people to use solvents, but a shopkeeper
can be prosecuted for selling solvents to anyone under 18, if they know the
solvents will be used for sniffing. No-one under 18 can buy a butane gas
lighter. The Government has recently banned the sale of aerosols to all under
16 year-olds, with a maximum fine of £2,500 if they break the law. Police have
powers to stop and search young people they believe are carrying spray paint.
The reason for the Government’s action is to try to reduce graffiti.
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
There is no law prohibiting children and young people from the age of five
drinking alcohol at home. The Licensing Act 2003 has kept the legal age of
drinking in pubs and licensed premises at 18. Children and young people
under 16 cannot go into a pub on their own they must be accompanied by
an adult. 16 and 17 year-olds can drink beer, wine or cider with their meal if
accompanied by an adult. The police have legal powers to confiscate alcohol
from under 18s found drinking in public. Under the 2003 Act it is now illegal to
sell liqueur chocolates to a child under 16. It is an offence for anyone to sell
alcohol to a person under 18 on licensed premises or knowingly to allow
another person to do so. The Licensing (Young Persons) Act 2000 also made
it an offence to buy alcohol on behalf of a person under 18.
The Gambling Act 2005 brought in new controls on children and young
people playing fruit machines, effective from September 2007. By September
2009 all fruit machines will be phased out from take-away food shops and
other non-arcade sites. Children under 18 can go into arcades but cannot play
on machines giving more than £5 payout or a stake of more than 10p. From
16, young people can buy Premium Bonds or a National Lottery ticket and
scratch card. Children
must be 18 to go into
a betting shop or to
participate in a bingo
game at a club, although
they can go to the club as
long as they do not play.
Carrying a knife or similar object in a public place (including schools) is an
offence. Shops must not sell knives or similar items to children under 16 (with
the exception of small pocket knives). The Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006,
expected to come into force in 2008, will restrict sale of such knives to over
18 year-olds only. It will also give new powers for a head teacher (or other
authorised person e.g. another teacher) to search pupils and their possessions
for knives, if they have reasonable grounds to believe the pupil has a knife
at school.
Stop and search
It is unlikely that your child will be
stopped and searched by police,
but it is useful to know about it.
Stop and search is the term used
to describe the right of police
officers to stop and search people
to detect certain types of crime.
They can stop and speak to
anyone at any time. But they
should only stop people to
search them if they have
good reason to suspect a
person is carrying:
l D r u g s
l W e a p o n s
l Stolen property
l Tools to be used to commit a crime
l Or if the person matches a description.
No-one should be stopped and searched simply on the basis of their age, race,
colour or looks. The police can only usually stop and search people in a public
place, and can only ask people to take off their coat and jacket and gloves.
They cannot ask people to take off any more clothing in public. Juveniles
(children 10-17 years old) can be stopped and searched in the streets without
an adult being present.
The Children’s Legal Centre has produced a
useful fact card You and the Police, The Basic
Facts, available from their website
(50p each, free to children and young people).
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
The age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales is 10 years. This is the
age at which children can be held responsible if they commit a crime, and it is
one of the lowest in Europe. There is no common age in Europe it ranges
from 7 in Ireland to 18 in Spain. In Scotland it is 8; in France, it is 13, in
Germany and Italy 14 and in Scandinavian countries, 15. The Crime and
Disorder Act 1998 abolished the assumption in law that a child under 14 did
not know the difference between right and wrong. The assumption now is that
a child of 10 and over has sufficient understanding and maturity to realise they
have done wrong.
Crimes committed by children under 10
If a child under ten commits an act which if he or she had been ten and over
would have been an offence, the court can make a child safety order. The
orders can also be made to prevent such behaviour, or if the child has behaved
‘anti-sociallyor is likely to cause alarm to others. The order means that a child
can be placed under the supervision of a social worker or a Youth Offending
Team worker to ensure that the child receives protection and support and is
prevented from repeating the offence. Children under ten cannot be put in
custody (that is, in prison or a secure training centre). They can be taken into
local authority care.
A parenting order can be made at the same time as a child safety order. The
aim of this is to provide support for the parents.
Crimes committed by children over 10
Government legislation has introduced a raft of measures aimed at cutting
youth offending. However, that is only half the story. Young people are more
at risk of crimes committed against them than any other part of the population.
Whilst on the one hand, the Government are investing in a range of measures
such as holiday playschemes, support for mentors and personal advisers for
young people and funding education schemes to try to divert young people
away from crime, they are, at the same time, bringing in more laws governing
the behaviour of young people, which result in more young people getting
caught up in the legal system.
Some of the measures which the
Government has brought in are:
Antisocial Behaviour Orders
The Crime and Disorder Act 1998
introduced these Orders and they
were expanded by the Anti-Social
Behaviour Act 2003. They can
be imposed by either the police
or a local council against anyone
from age ten upwards whose
behaviour is considered antisocial.
This is defined as causing damage to
property, doing graffiti or behaving in a way likely to
cause harassment, alarm or distress to people. The Order restricts
where a young person can go, and what they can do, and it is a criminal
offence to break the order. Breach of an ASBO will often lead to a
custodial sentence.
Child curfews
First introduced by the Government in the 1998 Crime and Disorder Act and
expanded by the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003, these now give local councils
the authority to impose a curfew in a particular area, banning unsupervised
children under sixteen between 9.00pm and 6.00am, or at some other
specified time. If a child of 10 is found outside at this time, a child safety order
may be made. However it is not a crime to break the curfew it is intended as
a deterrent, and is not supposed to prevent young people going to youth clubs
and other social activities.
Final warning system
The final warning system has replaced cautioning. A first offence will bring
a reprimand or a final warning, depending on how serious it is. After one
reprimand, the next offence will bring a warning or a charge. If a young person
receives a final warning, they will be referred to the local Youth Offending Team.
7 Children in trouble
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
Intensive supervision, surveillance and tracking
This programme, launched in 2001, targets persistent young offenders, aged
10 to 17, and is promoted as an alternative to prison. It combines intensive
supervision by Youth Offending Teams, alongside surveillance such as electronic
tagging to try to prevent re-offending. The maximum period it can last is six months.
Restorative justice
Under this scheme, the offender and the victim meet and the offender makes
reparation, either to the victim or to the wider community, depending on the
crime and what they agree at the meeting. The idea behind it is to give young
offenders an understanding of the effects of their crime.
The Government has set up a new website for young offenders
with information on the criminal justice system as it relates to young people.
Children and young people in custody
The Home Secretary now has the power to order children as young as 10 to
be locked up. Children aged 12-14 can be sent to a secure training centre if
they are persistent offenders. Children 14 and over can be sent to prison.
The number of young people being locked up continues to increase, despite
the Government introducing alternatives to custody. In October 2006, there
were over 3,300 children held in custody in England and Wales, some of them
a long way from home.
Are parents held responsible if their child commits a crime?
Parents are not held directly responsible for the criminal acts of their children.
However, there is a belief that youth crime is partly caused by poor parenting,
and so the Government and the Youth Justice Board are looking at ways to
support parents and getting them to come on parenting courses. Parenting
courses are offered by many organisations, for example, Parentline Plus, and
many parents attend voluntarily. However, the Government has brought in
Parenting Orders. These can be imposed where:
l A child safety or an anti-social behaviour order has been made
l A final warning has been issued
l A child has already committed an offence
l A parent has been taken to court for
failing to make sure their child
attends school
l A child has been excluded from
school for serious misbehaviour
l A parent has refused to enter into
a parenting contract or breached
their parenting contract.
A Parenting Order means that a
parent must attend a maximum of
12 parenting guidance or counselling ses-
sions. If they do not, they can be fined.
Parenting Orders have recently been extended to
parents whose children are viewed as at risk of offending, even
if they have not yet committed an offence. A Parenting Order could
involve a residential weekend course for the parent. It can last for up to 12
months. Breach of a Parenting Order is a criminal offence and can result in a
fine of up to £1000 and/or community service.
From September 2007, under the Education and Inspections Act 2006,
schools will be able to apply for Parenting Orders.
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
Right to ante-natal time off
All pregnant employees have the right to take reasonable amounts of paid time
off work for ante-natal appointments, including the travelling and waiting time.
The Government is thinking about whether to give fathers the right to take
time off for ante-natal care.
Maternity leave
All women must take a period of compulsory maternity leave following
childbirth. It is unlawful for an employer to allow a woman to work during her
compulsory maternity leave, which is two weeks from the date of birth, or four
weeks from the date of birth if the woman works in a factory. New rules have
come in for all babies born on or after 1 April 2007. All women are entitled to
52 weeks maternity leave from April 2007, regardless of how long they have
worked for their current employer. It is the mother’s responsibility to notify her
employers of her intention to take maternity leave by the 15
week before
the week the baby is due. She will need to tell them that she is pregnant, the
week the baby is expected to be born, and when she wants her maternity
leave to start.
When she wants to return to work the mother must give her employer eight
weeks notice. She is entitled to return to the same job.
Maternity pay
Women are either entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) from their
employer or Maternity Allowance from social security. SMP can be paid for 39
weeks. The first six weeks are paid at 90 per cent of her average weekly
earnings. The remaining 33 weeks are paid at a flat rate, currently £112.75 a
week (April 2007). To qualify for SMP, a woman must have been employed for
26 weeks up to her qualifying week and on average earn more than the lower
earnings limit for social security 87 as at April 2007). Maternity Allowance
for women who are self- employed or otherwise not entitled to SMP through
their employer is paid weekly by social security. The amount a woman receives
depends on how much she earns, but to qualify, she has to have worked for
26 weeks during the 66 weeks before her
baby is due. She must also have earned
at least £30 a week in 13 of those
weeks. It is paid for up to 39 weeks.
The current rate is £112.75 a week or
90 per cent of normal wages if lower
than £112.75 a week.
Adoptive parents now, from April
2007, have the same rights to
maternity leave and pay as natural
parents. The leave period is
calculated from the date the
adopted child is matched with the parent.
Paternity leave and pay
A right to two weeks paid paternity leave is now available for married, unmar-
ried and all same sex partners who have been employed for at least 26 weeks
at the 15th week before the baby is due. The leave has to be taken in a one or
two week block and must be completed within 56 days of the birth, or an
adopted child’s placement. If the baby is born early, paternity leave must be
completed within the period from the actual date of birth up to 56 days from
the due date. The payment is the same as SMP (£112.75 as at April 2007).
Following paternity leave, employees have the right to return to the same job.
Notice has to be given to the employer at least 15 weeks before the baby is
due. The Government intends to increase paternity leave some time in 2008.
Rights during birth
Everyone wants a baby to be born safely and the health services are committed
to discussing birth options with prospective parents. All parents have a right to
a birth at home, but circumstances may change and a hospital birth may be
advised. Although most doctors and hospitals welcome birth plans, they do
not have a legal obligation to follow them. There has been a huge growth in
Caesarean births in recent years. In the past they have been performed if
there was thought to be some danger to either child or mother. If parents are
interested in choosing a Caesarean section, they should discuss it with the
doctor. However, there is no legal right to a Caesarean. Equally it is against
the law to force a sane woman to have a Caesarean against her will. For
8 Balancing parenting and
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
more information on rights during childbirth, try or
Registering your child
Parents must register their child’s birth within 42 days of the birth. People
usually go to the Register Office, which will have already been notified by the
hospital. Parents receive, free of charge, a short birth certificate and a form
to register the baby with the doctor. A longer birth certificate is available for
a charge.
A parent is not compelled by law to vaccinate their baby; it is a matter of
parental choice and judgement. Mass vaccinations have protected most children
from childhood diseases which could be fatal. Parents are strongly advised to
discuss vaccinations with their health visitor and doctor, and to ask for
information on which to make a decision about vaccinations. In 2003, the
courts ruled that two girls should be given the MMR vaccination against their
mothers’ wishes, after the separated fathers, who wanted the children
vaccinated, had taken them to court. It is thought to be the first time the courts
have ruled on MMR vaccinations.
Returning to work
All women have the right to return to the same job if they return at 52 weeks
or earlier or in very exceptional circumstances, an equivalent job on the same
or better terms and conditions.
Flexible working
Returning mothers have no legal right to work reduced or flexible hours on
their return to work. But since April 2003, all parents of children under six
(under 18 if the child receives disability living allowance) have had a right to
request flexible working, and the right to have that request taken seriously.
From April 2007, this right was extended to all carers. You must have already
worked for 26 weeks for your employer and comply with other conditions
before you can exercise the right. A particular procedure is laid out for
employers to follow in considering these requests and they can only turn the
request down on one of a list of set grounds. For more information, go to
The Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform website gives
details on how to apply for flexible working at
Parental leave
Both parents can take parental leave. The right exists if parents have been
employed at least one year. Parents can take up to 13 weeks unpaid leave for
each child (18 weeks if the child is disabled), to be taken in blocks of 1-4
weeks, up to the age of five (up to 18 if the child is disabled). Adoptive parents
can take the leave up to five years from the date of placement of the child.
Employers are not obliged to allow parents to take more than four weeks a
year for one child. Parents can take parental leave for each child. There is
flexibility between employer and employee to arrange parental leave to suit
them, for example, a few days at a time, or even the whole 13 weeks at once.
Emergency Family Leave (time off for dependants)
This leave was introduced in December 1999 to help parents deal with
domestic emergencies. Parents can take time off:
l when a dependant is ill or injured
l when childcare breaks down
l to deal with matters arising from the death of a dependant
l when a parent has to deal with an unexpected incident at school.
Employers are not legally obliged to pay for the leave. The amount of leave
should be reasonable and not usually more than two days. This kind of leave is
not meant to be used to cover a long illness. You cannot apply for this leave if
you know about the event in advance, e.g. if you have to take your child to a
hospital appointment in a week’s time.
Working Families publish a range of free fact sheets on all of these topics,
available from: Working Families, 1-3 Berry Street, London EC1V 0AA. Their
website, is full of information and advice. Their
free legal helpline is 0800 013 0313.
Taking children to work in an emergency
Occasionally parents may need to take their children to work, perhaps
because the school is closed for the day. There is no law which prevents
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Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
parents taking their children into a workplace, but whether it is acceptable or
not depends on the company or organisation. The Health and Safety at Work
Act 1974 requires all employers to make sure that a workplace is safe for
employees and anyone who visits the premises. If a child had an accident at
the workplace, the liability would depend on the individual circumstances.
Parents would need to talk to a solicitor.
The law and pre-school education
Pre-school education is extremely varied. It includes childminders, school
nurseries, private, local authority or voluntary day nurseries and playgroups. No
matter who owns and runs them, they must all be registered and inspected by
the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted). All three and four year-olds are
entitled to free part-time early education. From the start of the first term after
they reach three, all children are entitled to three terms of free education. The
minimum is five two and a half hour sessions a week for 33 weeks of the year.
It can be in nursery schools, playgroups, day nurseries, accredited childminding
networks. Parents can choose which is best for their child, although, on a note
of caution, it may also depend on local availability.
Although the Government is keen that all three and four year olds should
have the benefit of early years play and education, there is no legal obligation
on parents to send their child to early education. To find out how to claim your
place, visit It is against the law for teachers,
nursery workers and childcare workers to smack children.
The law and childminders
In law, anyone who looks after one child or more under eight, on domestic
premises, for reward, for more than two hours a day must be registered as
a childminders (unless they are related to the children). Childminders are
registered with, and checked by, Ofsted. Childminders in England are not
allowed to look after more than three children under five (including their own)
and three children under eight and are checked by the Criminal Records
Bureau. From September 2003 it became illegal for childminders to smack the
children in their care.
Home childcarers
Home childcarers are a new idea introduced
by Government. They look after children in
the child’s home, rather than their own
home. This allows greater flexibility for
parents, and also allows them to claim
childcare allowance under the Working
Tax Credit scheme. Currently, before a
home childcarer can be approved they
must already be a registered
childminder. This means they will have
already had training and safety checks
as a childminder. Children’s relatives cannot apply
to be home childcarers unless they are also prepared to look
after other children as childminders.
The law and nannies
Nannies are not covered by the same laws and regulations as childminders.
There are no specific laws requiring them to be checked by the Criminal
Records Bureau or to register with the local authority. Parents must make
their own arrangements with nannies, but it is important to follow up all
references. Nannies are bound by the general duty to ensure children are kept
safe from harm. Many people are calling for nannies to be registered and
checked like childminders. At present it is not against the law for nannies to
smack the children in their care, as long as the parent agrees. See for useful information about nannies, and other
childcare options.
After school clubs and holiday playschemes
These clubs can be run by local authorities, voluntary organisations or private
companies. They are usually run by session, and are inspected by Ofsted.
Workers must be checked by the Criminal Records Bureau.
New legislation which aims to improve pre-school childcare services comes
into force in 2008. Local authorities will have a duty to make sure that there is
sufficient childcare in their area for all working parents who need it, especially
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Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
those on lower incomes and with disabled children. The care can be from the
private or voluntary providers as well as schools etc.
Employment rights for parents with older children
Life can become significantly more difficult once children pass the age of five.
If you have children over the age of six you do not have the legal right to ask to
work flexibly or take parental leave. Yet, as every parent knows, covering school
holidays can be a nightmare. However, mothers and to some extent fathers,
have rights under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 to be granted flexible
working as long as there is no strong business justification for turning them
down. Even as children become teenagers many argue that it is important that
parents are there to talk things through and to be there for their children.
Parents are entitled to take Emergency Family Leave throughout; in fact, the
definition is quite broad, to allow time off to help elderly relatives for example.
This section is a brief overview of
some of the issues for couples in
their role as parents, or future par-
ents. It does not go into great
detail about specific legal
processes. It is always useful to
know your legal rights before
making any important decisions
about your relationship. For more
information, contact the organisations listed at
the end.
Marriage, registered partnership and cohabitation
Cohabiting means living together without getting married or entering into a
registered civil partnership (for gay couples). Cohabiting has increased
substantially in recent years. A quarter of all children are now born to cohabiting
couples. But cohabiting couples are inadequately protected by law. The law
can treat them differently from married couples or those gay couples who have
registered as civil partners. Even if you have lived a long time with your partner
and you have had children together, you will not necessarily acquire the same
rights. There is no such thing in law as ‘common law wife/husband’. Common
law marriage was abolished in 1753. Unlike in some other countries, there is
little protection in law for cohabiting partners.
Registration of marriage or of a civil partnership
While couples may perform purely religious marriage ceremonies and deem
themselves to be married, the marriage is only recognised in civil law if it is
registered and performed by an authorized person at a place which is licensed
to perform marriages.
9 Partners and
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Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
Many married couples own their property jointly and if a spouse dies, the
surviving spouse will inherit it. However, some married couples still do not
necessarily own their property jointly, and if their husband or wife dies, it will
not automatically pass to the surviving spouse. It can still happen that the
property is only owned by the husband, although there are now laws to protect
the wife if this is the case.
Cohabiting couples can also own their properties jointly. If the property is
jointly owned, it can in law be held in one of two ways, whether the couple is
married or cohabiting or in a registered civil partnership.
l Joint tenants: The majority of properties are held this way. This means that
if one legal owner dies, their share passes automatically to the survivor.
However married spouses will not have to pay inheritance tax, whereas the
surviving partner of a cohabiting couple will have to do so.
l Tenants in common: In this case, each person owns the stated share,
and each may leave their share of the property to whoever they wish. The
partner may have to pay tax.
Cohabiting couples must ensure they have made proper arrangements over
ownership of property, and have recorded what they each intend if the
relationship breaks up, or one partner dies.
Tax and benefits
If you cohabit, you and your partner are taxed as separate individuals. Married
couples can transfer assets between themselves without having to pay Capital
Gains Tax, and can inherit assets from each other without having to pay
inheritance tax.
There is no distinction made between married and cohabiting couples or
registered civil partners when being assessed for means-tested benefits,
Working Tax Credit or Child Tax Credit. Both partners’ resources and needs
are jointly assessed. Child benefit is also paid irrespective of the couple’s
marital status. However, other benefits do take marital status into account, for
example the Widowed Parents Allowance is only payable to widows who were
married and to partners who have registered. Cohabiting partners cannot claim
a widow’s pension. Visit your local Citizens Advice Bureau for advice on
specific tax and benefit claims.
If one partner becomes ill, or mentally incapable of dealing with their financial
affairs, the cohabiting partner may find it difficult to arrange things for them. In
hospital there can often be a problem deciding who is next of kin, particularly
if there are family disputes. There is no legal term ‘next of kin’; however
cohabiting couples could sign a Health Care Proxy and Living Will form, which
can give authority to the cohabiting partner to participate in decisions about
treatment and medical care. It is available from hospitals and from the Terence
Higgins Trust, Age Concern also offer advice about living
wills and health proxies.
The state pension is paid to individuals whether married or cohabiting who
have paid sufficient National Insurance. The pension starts from the age of
retirement currently 60 for women and 65 for men, but from 2020 it will
be 65 for all women, affecting women born after 1955 earlier. See for further information. Married women
who have not earned enough National Insurance can get a pension based on
their husband’s National Insurance, even if they are divorced. Cohabiting
women who have not earned enough National Insurance to qualify for a full
pension may get a proportion. However if they have earned very little National
Insurance (less than 25 per cent) they will not receive any state pension.
When a spouse or a registered civil partner dies, the surviving spouse is likely
to receive a proportion of the pension of the deceased, but this is not the case
for surviving cohabiters.
If you are married and you have not made a will, your entire estate on death
goes to a surviving spouse, where there are no children, parents, brothers or
sisters. If there is a surviving spouse and children, the spouse will get the
personal possessions, and a fixed sum, currently £125,000 and a life interest
on half of the rest of the estate. The other half will go to the children at age
18. The spouse will inherit any funds in a joint bank account. On their death, it
will go to the children. The same rules apply to registered civil partners. If you
are not married or a registered civil partner, you do not have the right to
automatically register the death of your partner. If cohabiters have not made a
will, the estate does not pass to the person you are living with, so it is vital to
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Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
make a will. Only jointly owned property held as joint tenants will go to the
other co-owner. Get advice from a solicitor. Cohabiters are at a disadvantage
in terms of inheritance tax, as unlike married couples, a surviving cohabiter will
have to incur inheritance tax.
As stated earlier, married and unmarried couples’ parental responsibilities are
treated differently in law, although the Adoption and Children Act 2002 gives
parental responsibility to unmarried fathers when they sign the birth certificate.
The Child Abduction Act 1984 makes it a criminal offence for a parent,
guardian or any person with custody to remove a child from the UK without the
consent of another person with parental responsibility. If your child has been
taken out of the UK without your consent or you are worried that your child
may be taken out of the UK by your partner or spouse, you can contact any of
the addresses in the Helpfile at the back of this booklet.
Gay relationships
The Civil Partnership Act 2004 now gives gay partners increased legal rights,
although the Government has drawn back from conferring the same legal
rights to unmarried heterosexual partners. Gay couples who register have a
new legal status as “registered civil partners” and acquire a package of rights
and responsibilities. Ending the partnership involves going to court, to obtain
on order for dissolution.
These rights include:
l Joint treatment for income-related benefits
l Joint state pension benefits
l Ability to gain parental responsibility for each other’s children*
l Eligibility to claim a survivor pension and eligibility for bereavement benefits
l The right to register the death of a partner
l Recognition under inheritance rules
l Fair arrangements for property division on dissolution.
*Where children are involved, the civil partnership is in a similar position to a step-parent married
to one of the child’s parents. You can obtain parental responsibility for the child by agreement
with the other parent with parental responsibility or by court order.
Separation and divorce
The differences in law and in policy
between married and unmarried parents
are set out below.
Splitting up
Married/registered civil partners:
The couple have to go through a
legal procedure to obtain a divorce
or in the case of a civil partnership,
dissolution. No one can apply for a divorce
within the first year of marriage.
Unmarried: The couple can split up at any time with no legal
process necessary.
Grounds for separating
Married/registered civil partners: There is only one ground for divorce or
dissolution the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage or civil partnership,
which must be evidenced by one of five facts:
• adultery
• unreasonablebehaviour
• desertion
• separationfortwoyearsifbothpartnersagree
• separationforfiveyearsifonepartneropposesthedivorce.
Unmarried: No grounds are needed for an unmarried couple to separate in law.
Finance & assets
Married/registered civil partners: Either partner can claim a share of the
family assets, even if they are in the other’s sole name. The court can make
orders for the transfer of property and splitting of assets. It has the power to
share a pension between the partners on divorce or dissolution. There are no
fixed rules for dividing the money or other assets between the parties. It is up
to the court to decide, or for the couple to reach their own agreement. There is
no law which says that property must be split equally. There are laws which tell
the court what it should take into account when deciding how to divide the
assets. The first consideration is the welfare of any children of the household.
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Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
They will take into account the financial needs of the parties, the length of the
marriage or civil partnership, the contributions both parties have made to the
marriage or civil partnership (both financially and nonfinancially particularly
important to women who have stayed at home to bring up the children), the
parties’ earning capacity and the disability of any child.
Unmarried: One partner cannot automatically claim a share of the other
partner’s assets (for example, house or car) – only if it can be shown that
either it is jointly owned, or that he or she has a stake in the property.
Maintenance for other partner
Married/ Registered civil partners: After divorce or dissolution the first call
on the nonresident parent’s income is for maintenance for children. The courts
can decide how to divide the assets, and if and how much levels of maintenance
should be. A married spouse or registered civil partner has a legal right to
maintenance for themselves; courts will take various factors into consideration,
like the income, earning capacity and financial resources of both partners, the
contributions made to the welfare of the family, age and length of marriage
and so on. Maintenance payments may be ordered for a certain period only.
Sometimes couples adopt the “clean breakoption, whereby courts impose a
clean break financially for both partners. Maintenance for children is not
affected by the clean break.
Unmarried: There is no legal right for one unmarried ex-partner to claim
maintenance for themselves.
Maintenance for children
Married/Registered civil partners: The non-resident parent or registered
civil partner has an obligation to maintain the children after divorce or dissolution.
Unmarried: The non-resident parent has an obligation to maintain the children
after separation. The father’s paternity may have to be proved. In both instances,
if parents cannot agree a level of financial support, or if the parent with care
receives income support, family credit or Jobseekers Allowance, they can
make an application to the Child Support Agency for an assessment. The Child
Support Agency is to be replaced with a streamlined body more focused on
enforcement, but until the new organisation is set up the Child Support Agency
will continue its work as normal. Their rules apply to both married and unmarried
parents, and set out the amount of money a nonresidential parent must pay in
support of any child. The amount depends on the income of the non-resident
parent. has very practical advice on property and
inheritance issues as well as on the rights of children of cohabiting couples.
Contact with children
The Children Act 1989 sets out the law relating to all children after divorce,
dissolution or separation. As long as both parents have parental responsibility,
the law does not distinguish between married and unmarried couples. The
Children Act abolished the old rules of custody and access and simplified the
law. Parents do not have to go to court to sort out arrangements for their
children the courts much prefer that parents and any other person with
parental responsibility (e.g. civil partners) reach an amicable solution between
themselves and their children. However, if no agreement is reached, the courts
can intervene.
l The court makes its decision based on the best interests of the children.
l The Children Act sets out a checklist of things to be considered in reaching
a decision over arrangements for a child. The wishes and feelings of the children
are a factor and the court will want to find out what the children want.
l A residence order made by the court states where the child will live and
with whom. These orders can allow shared parenting.
l A contact order made by the court requires the person the child is living
with to allow the child to visit or stay with the person named in the order.
For more information about children and divorce, visit, or the website of National Family Mediation.
Parentline Plus, the helpline for parents, have lots of information on divorce,
separation and contact with children on their website,
The Child Support Agency is to be replaced with a streamlined body more
focused on enforcement, but until the new organisation is set up the Child
Support Agency will continue its work as normal. The Child Support Agency
run a helpline (08457 133 133) to deal with any queries. They also publish a
number of useful booklets, for example, For parents who live apart.
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Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
Legal Advice
l National Association of Citizens
Advice Bureaux
Myddleton House, 115-117 Pentonville
Road, London N1 9LZ
Phone: 020 7833 2181
l Community Legal Service (CLS)
CLS Directory Line: 0845 345 4 345
l Children’s Legal Centre
University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park,
Colchester, Essex C04 3SQ
General advice line: 01206 872466
Young people’s free phone number:
0800 783 2187
National Education Law Advice Line:
0845 345 4345
Child Law Advice Line: 0845 120 2948
(advice for parents on legal issues,
e.g. contact and residence)
Lines open Mon-Fri 9.30am - 5.00pm
They do not provide advice on
criminal offences/juvenile justice.
l Resolution First for Family Law
PO Box 32, Orpington,
Kent BR6 8QX
Phone: 01689 820272
l Advice Services Alliance
(Advice Now)
Bramah House, 65-71 Bermondsey
Street, London SE1 3XF
Marriage & Divorce
l NCH (It’s Not Your Fault website)
l Relate
Herbert Gray College,
Little Church Street, Rugby,
Warwickshire CV21 3AP
Appointments booking line:
0845 1 30 40 16
Mon-Thu: 9.00am - 7.00pm;
Fri: 9.00am - 5.00pm;
Sat: 9.00am - 1.00pm
l National Family Mediation
7 The Close, Exeter, Devon EX1 1EZ
Phone: 01392 271610
l Child Support Agency
(The Child Support Agency is to be
replaced with a streamlined body
more focused on enforcement, but until
the new organisation is set up the
Child Support Agency will continue its
work as normal)
National Helpline
PO Box 55, Brierley Hill DY5 1YL
Phone: 08457 133 133
Wills & Legacies
l Age Concern
Information Line: 0800 00 99 66
l Terence Higgins Trust
l British Agencies for Adoption
and Fostering
BAAF, Saffron House,
6-10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS
Phone: 020 7421 2600
l Fostering Network (formerly
National Foster Care Association)
87 Blackfriars Road,
London SE1 8HA
Phone: 020 7620 6400
l National Childminding Association
Royal Court, 81 Tweedy Road,
Bromley, Kent BR1 1TG
Phone: 0845 880 0044
Child Protection
l Childline
45 Folgate Street, London E1 6GL
Phone: 020 7650 3200
Helpline: 0800 1111
l N S P C C
Weston House, 42 Curtain Road,
London EC2A 3NH
Phone: 020 7825 2500
Helpline: 0808 800 5000
Child Abduction
l Child Abduction Unit (Office of the
Official Solicitor and Trustee)
81 Chancery Lane,
London WC2A 1DD
Phone: 020 7911 7045/7047
l The Foreign and Commonwealth
Phone: 020 7008 8737 (travel section
What if it all goes wrong”)
l Reunite, International Child
Abduction Centre
Advice Line: 0116 2556 234
Internet Safety
Support For Parents
l Parentline Plus
Helpline: 0800 800 2222
Textphone: 0800 783 6783
l Advisory Centre for Education
1C Aberdeen Studios, 22 Highbury
Grove, London N5 2DQ
Phone: 020 7354 8318
Advice line: 0808 800 5793
(Mon-Fri: 2.00pm - 5.00pm)
Family & Parenting Institute
Is it legal? A parents’ guide to the law
l Education Otherwise
PO Box 325, Kings Lynn PE34 3XW
Helpline: 0870 7300074 (gives out
recorded details of volunteers able to
take calls)
Email: eoemailhelpline@
l The Department for Children,
Schools and Families (DCSF)
The DCSF has a website for parents Useful
for information about the school
curriculum, tests, choosing a school
and educating children at home.
School Attendance
Health & Safety
l Patients Association
PO Box 935, Harrow,
Middlesex HA1 3YJ
Phone: 020 8423 9111
Helpline: 0845 608 4455
l Child Accident Prevention Trust
4th Floor, Cloister Court, 22-26
Farringdon Lane, London EC1R 3AJ
Phone: 020 7608 3828
l K i d s c a p e
2 Grosvenor Gardens,
London SW1V 0DH
Phone: 020 7730 3300
Helpline: 08541 205 204
Mon-Fri: 10.00am - 4.00pm
l F r a n k (government drugs helpline)
Phone: 0800 77 66 00
l B r o o k (sexual health advice
and services)
421 Highgate Studios, 53-79
Highgate Road, London NW5 1TL
Phone: 0800 0185 023
Mon-Fri: 9.00am - 5.00pm
(young people’s information service)
l National Childbirth Trust
Alexandra House, Oldham Terrace,
Acton, London W3 6NH
Phone: 0870 770 3236
Enquiry Line: 0870 444 8707
l Association for Improvements in
Maternity Service
5 Ann’s Court, Grove Road, Surbiton,
Surrey KT6 4BE
Helpline: 0870 765 1433
l Working Families
(formerly Parents At Work)
1-3 Berry Street, London EC1V 0AA
Phone: 020 7253 7243
Legal Helpline for low income
families: 0800 013 0313
l British Board of Film Classification
l UK Passport Office
Passport Adviceline: 0870 521 0410
(24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
l Electoral Commission
Trevelyan House, Great Peter Street,
London SW1P 2HW
Phone: 020 7271 0500
l Government advice and information
for young people about the law, crime
and the consequences of offending
l R S P C A
Enquiries Service, Wilberforce Way,
Southwater, Horsham, West Sussex
RH13 9RS
Phone: 0870 33 35 999
First edition written by Gill Keep with Carolyn Hamilton, Children’s Legal Centre.
Second edition revised and updated by Gill Keep.
Third edition revised and updated by Alison Chrystal, retired solicitor and Sophie
Linington, Family and Parenting Institute.
Many thanks to all contributors and those who helped with the text, in particular those
listed below. The responsibility for the text rests with the Family and Parenting Institute.
• AdvisoryCentreforEducation(JuliaParnaby)
• HodgeJones&Allen,solicitorsespeciallySeanCarroll,SimoneMcGrath,John
Sheehan, Helen Sheeran and Philip Tsamados
• WorkingFamilies(SarahJacksonandRachelRoe)
• NationalChildmindingAssociation(MelanieParks)
• SolicitorsFamilyLawAssociation(EmmaCollinsandLouisaCross)
Published by Family and Parenting Institute
©FPI September 2007
ISBN 978 1903615 53 9
Family and Parenting Institute
430 Highgate Studios
53-79 Highgate Road
London NW5 1TL
Tel 020 7424 3460
Fax 020 7485 3590
Free updates
ISBN 978 1903615 53 9
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