The Elementary Student & Parent Handbook, officially approved by the Henry County Board of Education on
June 14, 2010, contains important information about policies, procedures and programs of Henry County
Schools. Students and parents should read this handbook at the start of the school year and keep the handbook
for future reference. The policies stated in this handbook will be in effect from August 2, 2010, until the start of
the 2011-12 school year.
The policies of the Board of Education and the services of the school system are designed to protect the
wellbeing of students and the rights of students to a quality education in Henry County Schools. To view a
complete listing of all Board of Education policies, please visit the Henry County Schools website at
(click - Board of Education / eBOARD / Policies).
The Henry County School System will abide by any policy, regulation, or legislative requirements that might arise
during the school year. Please check the school system website for any updates to this handbook or other
Student handbooks are reviewed annually between February and May for the purpose of adding, deleting, and
revising content. Parents, students, and employees are encouraged to submit comments and suggestions
regarding student handbooks to Dr. Ethan Hildreth, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services.
Mr. Ray Hudalla, Chairman - Fairview/Stockbridge
Mr. Brian Preston, Vice Chairman - Hampton/Flippen
Ms. Pam Nutt - Locust Grove/McDonough/Ola
Mr. Erik Charles - Fairview/Stockbridge
Mr. Charles Vickery - McDonough/Ola
Mr. Michael Surma, Superintendent
The Henry County Board of Education holds public meetings on the second Monday of each month. Please call
the Superintendent’s Office or check the website for the time and location of these meetings.
The Henry County School System provides quality educational programs for students. All schools in the system
meet the Standards for Public Schools in Georgia, and are accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges
and Schools and the Georgia Accrediting Commission.
1-877-SAY-STOP (1-877-729-7867)
Parents can help make school a successful experience for their children. Consider the following
recommendations to help your child have a good school year:
1. Help your child have a stress-free start to each school day. Be sure that your child gets at least eight
hours of sleep and provide him or her with a good breakfast. A child cannot concentrate if he or she is
tired or hungry.
2. Listen attentively to your child as he/she talks about school. Praise your child each day for something he
or she has done. Have a special place to display work your child brings home from school.
3. Encourage your child to think of school as exciting and important. Attitudes developed during the
elementary school years will set the tone for your child’s entire school experience.
4. Keep the lines of communication open between you and your child’s teacher. Inform the teacher of any
family situations that could affect your child’s behavior or performance.
5. Do not compare your child’s progress with that of brothers and sisters or other children. Each child’s
abilities are different and each has different strengths and weaknesses.
6. Provide your child with many books and pictures. Read to your child and have your child read to you.
Review your child’s homework each day.
7. Help your child build confidence in his/her school and teacher. Show an interest in school through
visiting and participating in PTA/PTO activities.
8. See that your child attends school regularly and arrives on time.
Age Requirements
To enroll in school, students entering Kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before September 1. First grade
students must be 6 years old on or before September 1. Parents must provide a copy of their child’s proof of age
at the time of enrollment.
Attendance Zones
Students must attend school in the attendance zone where their custodial parents/legal guardians (hereinafter
“parents”) reside. Students may not attend other schools in the system except with written permission of the
Henry County Board of Education.
Parents who move to another attendance zone within the county after the start of the school year have the option
of allowing their child to remain at their current school for the remainder of the school year. In such cases,
parents must receive written approval to cross attendance lines and must be responsible for transporting their
child to and from school. At the beginning of the next school year, parents would be required to enroll their child
in the school they are zoned to attend. For additional information, please contact the Administrative Services
However, the Board of Education shall notify parents by July 1
of each year regarding which schools have
available space. Parents may elect to enroll their child in a school outside their attendance zone if such school
has classroom space available after its assigned students have been enrolled. The parent shall assume the
responsibility and cost of transportation of the student to and from the school. A student who is allowed to
transfer to another school at his or her election may continue to attend such school until the student completes all
grades of the school. However, this policy shall not apply to newly opened schools with available classroom
space for a period of four (4) years after the school opens.
A non-resident student who is not approved by administration shall be withdrawn from the Henry County School
District with notice to the parent/legal guardian and referred to the student’s county of residence. Georgia law
authorizes the School District to seek reimbursement from the parent/guardian for the costs of educating a non-
resident student and for attorney’s fees if legal action is necessary.
Parents shall provide to the school a certified copy of any order regarding the custody of the child. Student
enrollment forms, as well as other official documents of the school, must be signed by the natural parent or legal
guardian with whom the child resides. Educational decisions concerning the child are reserved for the enrolling
parent, although both parents can be involved in the process. If there is a disagreement between the two parties,
the enrolling parent’s decision shall be the governing decision.
It is a crime for any person to make or attempt to make a change of custody of a minor child by removing the child
from school without permission of the person who enrolled the child in school, even if the person attempting to
remove the child has a court order granting that person custody. Court orders that specifically authorize or direct
the release of custody by the school will be followed. The school will not interject itself in custody or visitation
disputes between parents.
The school will give to noncustodial parents, upon request, all information required under the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the laws of Georgia unless there is a valid court order directing the school
not to divulge such information. If such an order exists, a certified copy must be presented to the principal.
If a student resides with any person other than a natural parent, a certified copy of the court documents that
establish legal guardianship will be required at the time of enrollment. For information regarding petitions for
temporary guardianship, please contact the Probate Court of Henry County at 770-288-7600.
Proof of Residence
To enroll in Henry County Schools a student must reside in Henry County with a natural parent or legal guardian,
or the student must be under the care of a state agency with placement in Henry County. Proof of residence is
required when a student initially enrolls in a school, whenever a change of residence occurs, or anytime proof of
residency is requested by a school official. The principal or his/her designee will accept the following
records as proof of residency:
1. A current and valid lease or rental agreement and two (2) current utility bills (gas, electric, water,
sanitation, or cable). Records must include the name and street address of the parent/guardian enrolling
the student. Rental agreements must identify the parent/guardian as the tenant of record fiscally
responsible for the residence. Persons listed as occupants of a stated residence are not considered
tenants for the purpose of this policy.
2. A current property tax statement, settlement statement, homestead exemption notice, or property deed
and two (2) current utility bills (gas, electric, water, sanitation, or cable). Records must include the name
and street address of the parent/guardian enrolling the student.
3. An Affidavit of Residency- A parent/guardian who resides full time in Henry County, but is unable to
provide the records listed above, may complete a Henry County Schools Affidavit of Residency at the
school system administrative offices located at 33 N. Zack Hinton Parkway, McDonough, GA 30253. Said
Affidavit must be signed and executed in the presence of authorized personnel of the Henry County
Proof of residence is subject to investigation. Students enrolled under false information are illegally enrolled and
will be withdrawn from school. Parents/guardians may be charged tuition for the period of time their child is
illegally enrolled. Knowingly and willfully providing false information regarding proof of residence violates state
law and may subject one to fine and/or imprisonment. For additional information, please contact the
Administrative Services Department.
Emergency Contact Information
It is critical for the school to be able to contact parents at any time students are at school. The school must have
the parents’ current address and home, cellular, and business telephone numbers. Emergency contact persons
and their telephone numbers are needed in case a parent cannot be reached. This information is required at the
time of registration and whenever a change occurs with the parent’s address, telephone, or emergency contact
Physical Examination and Immunization
Upon initial enrollment in a Georgia public school, parents must provide a certificate that their child has completed
a nutritional exam and an eye, ear, and dental examination (Georgia Form #3300). All new students enrolling
into Henry County Schools (K - 12), and all current students rising to the 6th grade must have obtained two (2)
doses of the MMR (Mumps) and Varicella (Chicken Pox) vaccines. Parents can obtain a Georgia immunization
certificate (form 3231 ) from their physician or from the Henry County Health Department. Georgia law requires
immunizations be listed on the Georgia certificate of immunization.
Parents may request in writing a temporary waiver of Georgia’s immunization requirements for a justified reason,
including but not limited to medical reasons and/or religious reasons. Parents requesting a temporary waiver
based on medical reasons may be asked to provide the school district with a certificate from the local board of
health or treating physician certifying that immunization is undesirable. Parents requesting a temporary waiver
due to religious reasons must provide the school district with a sworn affidavit that immunization requirements
conflict with the religious beliefs of the parent or guardian. The written request for temporary waiver of
immunizations must be made yearly and renewed yearly.
Grade Placement
If acceptable documentation for determining grade placement is not presented at the time students are enrolled,
students will be temporarily assigned to a grade until determination as to final grade placement can be made. For
more information, refer to Henry County Board of Education Policy JBCD, Transfers and Withdrawals.
Social Security Number
At the time of enrollment in Henry County Schools, parents are asked to provide their child’s Social Security
number. The enrollment of students will not be denied for declining to provide the student’s Social Security
number or for declining to apply for such a number.
Transfer Students
Prior to admission, the school must receive a certified copy of the student’s academic transcript and disciplinary
record from the school previously attended. A student may be admitted provisionally if the name and address of
the school last attended and authorization to release all academic and disciplinary records to the school
administration is provided.
Transcripts from non-accredited schools will be considered on an individual basis. Additional information and
testing may be required in order to make a determination of how much credit may be accepted from the student’s
previous school. School credits or work completed under an individual tutor may not be accepted for credit.
Any student who is under suspension or expulsion in another school system must clear that
suspension/expulsion before any consideration will be given to their enrollment.
Withdrawal from School
At the time of withdrawal, students must return all textbooks, library books, and other school-owned items. Any
such items not returned, and any other school-related expenses for which the student is responsible (such as
lunch charges), must be paid for at the time of withdrawal. The school may withhold grade reports, diplomas,
and/or certificates of progress until restitution is made for lost or damaged textbooks and/or media materials.
In situations where a custodial parent enrolls a child in school, that same parent must be the person who
withdraws the child from school. However, the custodial parent who enrolled the child in school may give written
permission to the school to allow a noncustodial parent to complete withdrawal procedures.
School Attendance
Attending school regularly is very important if students want to succeed in school. Georgia law requires that all
children between the ages of six (6) and sixteen (16) attend school unless they have a lawful reason to be absent.
State policy defines the school year as 177 attendance days.
Students who have more than five (5) days of unexcused absences during the school year will be considered
truant. The legal penalties for truancy include referral of students to Juvenile Court and referral of parents to
State Court. Any Georgia resident who has control or charge of a child who is convicted of violating mandatory
school attendance requirements will be subject to a fine of not less than $25.00 and not more than $100.00,
imprisonment not to exceed 30 days, community service, or any combination of such penalties per absence.
Arrival and Dismissal Times
Students are expected to report to school by 7:55 a.m. and to remain for the full school day. Students should not
arrive at school prior to 7:15 a.m. The school day ends at 2:30 p.m.
The Henry County Board of Education is not responsible for the supervision and safety of students prior to the
beginning of the school day or after the end of the school day. The Henry County Board of Education does not
expect its staff to exercise charge over students who are left at the school campus before the beginning of the
school day or who are not picked up after school in a timely manner.
Absences /Tardies / Early Check-Outs
Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes on time and each day. On the FIRST DAY students return
to school after an absence, parents should provide the school with a written note explaining the reason for the
absence. The note should include the date(s) of the absence, the reason(s) for the absence, and the signature of
the parent or of the doctor who treated the student. If students are frequently absent and tardy, the principal may
ask the parent to provide more information, such as medical documentation, about the absences or tardies.
Parents must sign in students who arrive at school after 7:55 a.m. For early checkouts, parents should send a
note to their child’s teacher stating the reason and the time the child will be checked out. Parents must go to the
school office to sign out their child. Parents are encouraged to make every effort to schedule doctor and dentist
appointments outside of school hours. Parents should not check out students for the purpose of avoiding car
rider traffic. Disciplinary action may be taken against students not in attendance for the full school day for
reasons that cannot be excused.
Tardies means the failure by a student to be in the assigned classroom or instructional space at the assigned
time without a valid excuse, or arriving at school after the morning tardy bell (check appropriate school’s bell
Absence means the non-attendance by a student in an approved regularly scheduled class or activity, regardless
of the reason for such non-attendance. An exception is when a student participates in an approved activity (such
as, but not limited to, field trip, academic competition or approved athletic event), he/she may be excused from
school, counted present, and shall be responsible for any work missed during the time he/she is away from
Excused Absences
Absences, tardies, and early checkouts will be excused for the following reasons:
1. Student illness that would endanger the students health or the health of others.
2. Serious illness or death in the student’s immediate family which would reasonably necessitate absence
from school in the determination of the principal or his/her designee.
3. A scheduled medical, dental or eye examination.
4. Special and recognized religious holidays observed by the student’s faith.
5. An order of a governmental agency, such as a court order or a pre-induction physical exam for military
6. An inability to attend school due to weather or other conditions making school attendance impossible or
unreasonably hazardous.
7. Attendance upon a trip or event having significant educational value, provided the principal is notified of
the absence in advance and he/she determines the trip or event has significant educational value.
8. Unusual or urgent circumstances requiring the student’s parents to be outside of Henry County overnight,
and where the parents determine that it would be in the student’s best interest to accompany them. If
prior notice cannot be given, a written explanation is to be provided no later than the first day the student
returns to school after the absence.
9. Take Your Child to Work Day. Students who participate in this event will be excused but will be counted
10. To visit with a parent serving in the armed forces of the United States or the National Guard. If such
parent has been called to duty for or is on leave from overseas deployment to a combat zone or combat
support posting, a student shall be granted excused absences, up to five(5) school days per school year,
for the purpose of visiting with his/her parent.
A student who serves as a Page of the General Assembly during the school year shall be counted present at
school in the same manner as an educational field trip.
Unexcused Absences
Unexcused absences will be subject to attendance investigation and can result in penalty as imposed by the
Compulsory Attendance law.
Participation in Extracurricular Activities
If a student is marked with an unexcused absence for the school day, the student will not be allowed to participate
or attend extracurricular activities scheduled for the same day that the student is absent.
Making Up Missed Assignments or Tests
It is the student’s and parent’s responsibility, not the teacher’s, to make arrangements for make-up work.
Students should ask their teacher for any missed assignments on the first day they return to school. If students
are to be absent for three or more days, parents may phone the school by 10:00 a.m. and a list of assignments
will be ready to be picked up by 3:00 p.m. The number of days allowed to complete make-up work will be
determined by the principal or his/her designee, but will not exceed the number of days the student was absent.
A grade of zero (0) will be given for graded assignments missed and not made up.
Elementary school students are required to study all of the subjects listed below during the school year:
1. Reading 5. Social Studies 9. Physical Education
2. Language Arts 6. Written Expression 10. Spelling
3. Mathematics 7. Art 11. Penmanship
4. Science/Health 8. Music 12. Technology
Organization of Classes
All classes in Kindergarten through grade 5 will primarily be taught as heterogeneous, self-contained classes.
Classes and individual students may engage in limited departmentalization for the purpose of enhanced
instructional effectiveness. Students may receive instruction from more than one teacher in their core academic
courses (language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies) to address individual needs.
Instructional Materials
Textbooks and other instructional materials are the property of the school and are loaned to students to use
during the school year. Students are expected to handle these materials carefully and to keep them in good
condition. Students should be sure their name is in each of their textbooks. Replacement textbooks will not be
provided until the school receives payment for any textbooks lost or damaged by students.
Media Center
Students may check out books from the media center to take home, and may also use filmstrips, tapes, records,
and other items in the media center. The media center is open all day during each school day. Students are
responsible for items they borrow from the media center and will be required to pay for any items they lose or
The Henry County School District believes in the philosophy of assigning students homework in grades K-5 based
on the following best practice. Homework should:
A. Provide time for students to practice what they have learned in class.
B. Prepare for new information or elaborate on information that has been introduced.
It is apparent that practice is necessary for learning and mastering knowledge of any type. To this end, although
there may be some exceptions, the school district provides guidelines on approximate times your child may
spend on homework based on their grade level.
Kindergarten- Assignments should be those that require little parental assistance.
First Grade- Approximately 0-20 minutes (collectively)
Second Grade- Approximately 0-30 minutes (collectively)
Third Grade- Approximately 0-40 minutes (collectively)
Fourth Grade- Approximately 0-50 minutes (collectively)
Fifth Grade- Approximately 0-60 minutes (collectively)
Specifically, the following suggests ways that parents should support their child in successfully completing
homework tasks.
Help set up a consistent, organized place for homework to be done.
Help your child establish either a consistent schedule for completing homework or help him /her
create a schedule each Sunday night that reflects that particular week’s activities.
Encourage, motivate and prompt your child, but do not sit with him/her and do the homework with
him/her. The purpose of the homework is for your child to practice and use what he/she has
learned. If your child is consistently not able to do the homework by himself/herself, please
contact the teacher.
If your child is practicing a skill, ask him/her to tell you which steps are easy for him/her, which
are difficult, or how he/she is going to improve. If your child is doing a project, ask him/her what
knowledge he/she is applying in the project. If your child is consistently unable to talk about the
knowledge he/she is practicing or using, please call the teacher.
Homework that is designed to practice specific skills or concepts should be checked for accuracy.
(i.e. Addition facts: 6 + 5= 11; 2 + 4 = 6) Practicing a skill incorrectly may foster habitual errors or
misconceptions. “Practice does not make perfect, it makes permanent.”
Finally, teachers should not grade homework by determining the percent correct. Homework and practice should
be used as instructional tools to help foster mastery of the outlined skills and concepts, and provide opportunities
for students to refine and extend their knowledge of content taught throughout the school year.
Grading System
Student achievement will be evaluated based on class participation, completion of classroom and homework
assignments, tests and quizzes, and special projects. A report of student progress will be issued after the
completion of each grading period. The report card format will vary by grade level.
Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, & Third Grade: Students will have their progress monitored
towards mastery of the Georgia Performance Standards. Students and parents will receive feedback via the
report card every grading period. The levels of progress a student may demonstrate during the course of the
school year are defined as follows:
Level 1: Limited or minimum progress toward achievement of the standard (EMERGING)
Level 2: Progressing toward achievement of the standard (PROGRESSING)
Level 3: Consistently and independently achieves the standard (MEETS)
Level 4: Consistently and independently achieves the standard with evidence of exceeding the standard
The goal of Henry County Schools is to ensure that every child reaches mastery in all areas. During each grading
Period, there will be numerous opportunities for students to demonstrate mastery of the standards. In addition,
Parent/Teacher Rubrics have been developed to denote specifically what warrants student mastery on any
Fourth, & Fifth Grade: Students receive numeric grades in all academic subjects (reading, language arts,
mathematics, science/health, and social studies). Grades in art, music, physical education, and written
expression are reported as S, N, or U. The report card is sent home every grading period.
Letter grades and numeric grades are defined as follows:
S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement U = Unsatisfactory
90–100 = A 80–89 = B 74–79 = C 70–73 = D Below 70 = F
If schoolwork has been changed or modified from regular class assignments, an asterisk (*) will appear by the
For grades four and five, semester grades reflect the averages of the three six-week reporting periods. Final or
yearly grades are determined by averaging the two semester grades. Parents are asked to sign the report card
and return it to the school. At the end of the year, parents may keep the report card as a record of their child’s
Standardized Testing
Standardized tests are administered to students as required by law. Students in grades 3 through 5 take the
Georgia CRCT in the spring of each school year. Students in Kindergarten are administered GKIDS (Georgia
Kindergarten Inventory of Developmental Skills). The results of each such test are used to identify students’
strengths and weaknesses in academic areas, and to evaluate the effectiveness of educational programs.
Parents will be notified when test scores are returned to the school. Questions about test scores should be
directed to the principal.
Promotion, Placement and Retention
Georgia law requires that the placement or promotion of a student into a grade, class, or program should be
based on an assessment of the academic achievement of the student and a determination of the educational
setting in which the student is most likely to receive the instruction and other services needed to succeed and
progress to the next higher level of academic achievement.
Henry County Schools uses Promotion, Placement and Retention Rubric to determine student placement for the
following school years in grades Kindergarten, First, Second, and Third. Each of the rubrics outlines specific data
points the school uses as criteria for promotion, placement and retention. Specific questions or concerns about
academic performance should be directed to the teacher(s) and/or administration of your child’s school.
Students in Grade 3 will be required to demonstrate “on-grade-level” performance in the area of Reading on the
state Criterion Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) to be recommended for promotion to the next grade level.
Students in Grade 5 will be required to demonstrate on-grade-level performance on the CRCT in the areas of
Reading and Mathematics to be promoted to the next grade level.
Should a student not meet grade level expectations on the CRCT, the student will be recommended for retention
and provided with an opportunity to receive additional support during the school year to address identified areas
of academic deficiency. Once the student has received appropriate assistance, the student will be retested with a
CRCT or alternative assessment instrument that is appropriate for the student’s grade level. If the student
demonstrates grade level or above performance, he/she will be promoted to the next grade and provided with an
academic prescription to support continued academic success. Should the student not demonstrate grade level
performance, he/she will be retained in the same grade for the next school year and provided with an academic
prescription designed to address identified areas of academic deficiency.
If the student’s parent/guardian or teacher appeals the decision to retain the student, the principal will establish a
placement committee composed of the principal (or the principal’s designee), the student’s parent/guardian, and
the teacher(s) of the subject in which the student failed to perform at grade level. For students receiving special
education or related services, the Individualized Education Plan committee shall serve as the placement
The placement committee will review the overall academic achievement of the student, the student’s CRCT
performance, and the standards for promotion adopted by the Henry County Board of Education. A decision to
promote the student must be unanimous and must determine that, if promoted and provided accelerated,
differentiated, or additional instruction, the student will be likely to perform at grade-level expectations. Once the
placement committee reports its decision, that decision will be upheld by the Henry County Board of Education.
After-School Enrichment Program
The After-School Enrichment Program is offered at all elementary schools where a sufficient number of students
register to participate. Parents are required to pay a weekly fee for their child’s participation in the program.
Registration for the program is completed at the school during the hours of the After-School program. The
program begins immediately following school and is available until 6:00 p.m. The program is designed for
students who are able to participate independently in age-appropriate activities within a 1:17 instructor/student
ratio. Activities include social, physical, and intellectual activities and interaction with other children.
Counselors work with individual students, small groups, and classes. Parental permission is not required for
students to see the counselor or to participate in classroom guidance activities. If individual students wish to
speak with a counselor, they should tell their teacher. Parents should call the school or send a note to their
child’s teacher, counselor, or principal if they want their child to meet with a counselor.
Early Intervention Program
The Early Intervention Program serves students in Kindergarten through fifth grade who are performing below
grade level. This program is designed to help identified students obtain the academic skills necessary to reach
grade level expectations in the shortest possible time. For more information, contact the principal or the
Leadership Services Department.
Gifted Education Program
The gifted education program, Special Activities in Gifted Education (SAGE), is offered in all schools for students
who qualify for the program according to regulations established by the Georgia Department of Education.
Students may be referred for eligibility testing by teachers, counselors, administrators, parents, or by the students
themselves. Elementary SAGE students receive instruction from the gifted education resource teacher one day
per week. Parents should contact the school’s SAGE teacher, the principal, or the Learning and Teaching
Department for more information.
Hospital / Homebound Services
Henry County Schools will provide hospital/homebound services to students when the requirements of the law,
including but not limited to Ga. Rules and Regulations 160-4-2.31 have been met and after approval has been
granted by the school official designated by the Superintendent. Any student or parent desiring to request
hospital/homebound services shall fill out all referral forms provided by the Henry County School District and
provide such medical referrals and releases of records as requested by the Henry county School District. Certain
students may not be eligible to receive hospital/homebound services, including but not limited to students who
may endanger the health and safety of the instructor or other students with whom the instructor may come in
contact, abuse of chemical substances where hospitalization is not required, and other students that do not meet
the eligibility standards set forth in applicable law.
Once the referral form is received and approved, an educational service plan (“ESP”) will be developed for the
provision of the hospital homebound services and services will be provided in accordance with the ESP. Students
who are served in the program will be counted present just as if they were at school. Parents who would like for
their child to be served by this program should contact the school for a referral as soon as the child’s illness is
diagnosed. For additional information, contact the principal, the Learning and Teaching Department, or the
Special Education Department.
School Nurses and Clinic Aides
School nurses and clinic aides serve as care providers and advocates for the promotion and protection of the
health status of students. School nurses and clinic aides collaborate with parents, educators, and community
health resources to provide information and/or services to address students’ needs. For additional information,
contact the principal or the Administrative Services Department.
School Nutrition Program
Hot meals are served daily and all meals are nutritionally balanced. Applications for the free/reduced price meal
program are sent home with every student at the beginning of the school year and are available from the school
office at any time. Meal prices for elementary schools are as follows:
Breakfast: $1.15 (reduced price - 30 cents)
Lunch: $1.80 (reduced price - 40 cents)
Extra milk: $ .30 cents
Adult visitors are charged $1.50 for breakfast and $2.75 for lunch.
Meal charges at elementary schools may not exceed a balance of $14.75. After the limit is reached, a student
will not be allowed additional charges. If a student does not have money to purchase a regular meal, they may
be offered an alternate meal consisting of a sandwich and beverage.
School Social Worker Services
School social workers build effective relations among students, parents, school personnel, and community
agencies. The social worker establishes communication between the school and the home when chronic
problems such as excessive absenteeism or personal and behavior problems interfere with a student’s education.
Referrals are made to a social worker when a problem cannot be solved within the school. For additional
information, contact the Administrative Services Department.
Special Education
Special education services are provided to students with disabilities who need specialized instruction. Programs
are provided in all areas of disability: intellectual disabilities, specific learning disabilities, emotional/behavioral
disorders, severe emotional/behavioral disorders, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, visual
impairment, hearing impairment, speech/language impairment, autism, significant developmental delay (ages 3-
5), and traumatic brain injury. Parents who suspect their child may have a learning or behavior disability should
contact the principal or the chairperson of the school’s Student Support Team.
Under provisions of the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship, parents of students who receive special education
services may choose to transfer their children to other public or private schools in Georgia. For additional
information, please visit the Georgia Department of Education website at http://public.doe.k12.ga.us, or contact
the Henry County Schools Special Education Department.
State-Funded Instructional Extension Program
The State-Funded Instructional Extension Program (SIEP) provides low-performing students with additional
opportunities for academic support beyond the regular school day. The SIEP provides qualifying students with a
minimum of 120 hours of additional instruction through a variety of delivery models. At the elementary school
level, SIEP instruction may be delivered before school hours, after school hours, or on Saturday. For more
information, contact the principal or the Learning and Teaching Department.
Student Support Team
The Student Support Team (SST) is a committee of experienced teachers, counselors and administrators who
provide suggestions for teachers to implement with students who are exhibiting academic and/or behavior
difficulties. School personnel and parents may refer students to the SST.
Title I Program
The federally funded Title I program provides instructional support in reading and mathematics as a supplement
to students’ regular classroom instruction. The program aims to accelerate the learning of students who are not
functioning at the expected achievement level for their age and grade. Eligibility for Title I services is based on
the academic performance of students. Funding for the Title I program is not available to all schools. For
additional information, contact the principal or the Leadership Services Department.
The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to provide students an effective and safe learning environment. Included
in this section are prohibited behaviors and consequences for such behaviors.
Each student is expected to:
1. Behave in a responsible manner at school, on school buses, at school bus stops, and at all school-related
functions on or off campus.
2. Demonstrate courtesy and respect for others.
3. Attend all classes, regularly and on time.
4. Prepare for each class, take appropriate materials to class and complete assignments.
5. Obey all District rules and cooperate with the school staff in maintaining safety, order, and discipline.
6. Communicate with your parent/guardian about your school progress.
Additional Behavior Requirements
The District may impose campus, classroom, or club/organization rules in addition to those found in the Student
Handbook. These rules may be listed in the student and campus handbooks, be posted or distributed in
classrooms, or be published in extracurricular handbooks, state or national organization bylaws, and/or
constitutions. Sponsors and coaches of extracurricular activities may require and enforce additional standards of
conduct for student participation in extracurricular activities.
Organizational standards of behavior concerning an extracurricular activity are independent of the Student Code
of Conduct. Violations of these standards of behavior that are also violations of the Student Code of Conduct may
result in disciplinary actions being taken against the student, including but not limited to the student being
removed from participation in extracurricular activities, exclusion from school honors, suspension and expulsion
for violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
Behavior Code
The behavior code governs students’ conduct on school grounds; off school grounds at a school activity; off
school grounds at a non-school activity, but where the misconduct leads to a disruption of school or any other
violation of the student code of conduct; and, en route to and from school or any school-sponsored activity on the
bus, and at the bus stop.
The behavior code is organized into four categories of prohibited behaviors: Section-1 Offenses, Section-2
Offenses, Section-3 Offenses, and Section-4 Offenses. Additional information regarding prohibited behaviors and
disciplinary actions follows these sections.
Parents and students should carefully review ALL
information contained in the Code of Conduct. Students are
subject to disciplinary action for engaging in or attempting to commit any of the prohibited behaviors listed in the
Code of Conduct.
Section 1 Offenses
1. Behavior detrimental to learning, including but not limited to unexcused tardies to school or class, and
disruptions of the learning environment.
2. Being disrespectful to students, school personnel, or other persons.
3. Being in an unauthorized area.
4. Being insubordinate to school personnel or school volunteers.
5. Deliberately giving false or misleading information, including but not limited to forgery and altering
6. Displaying or using a cell phone, pager, or other electronic communication device during the school day
without the consent of the principal or his/her designee. Cell phones must be turned off during the entire
school day and may not be used on buses.
7. Exhibiting gang affiliation, as evidenced by a common identifying sign, symbol, tattoo, graffiti, attire, or
other distinguishing characteristic.
8. Fighting to a degree that does not constitute physical abuse.
9. Gambling.
10. Inappropriate physical contact between students.
11. Inciting or advising others to engage in prohibited behavior.
12. Leaving school or skipping class without permission.
13. Possessing, using, selling, buying, giving away, bartering, or exchanging any tobacco product or smoking
14. Possessing, using, selling, buying, giving away, bartering, or exchanging any material, substance, food
item, or personal belonging that is inappropriate for school without the consent of the principal or his/her
15. Using profane, vulgar, obscene, insulting, or threatening language, gestures, graphics, or materials,
whether spoken, written, gestured, or communicated in person or via any electronic device.
16. Violating the policies for bus conduct (see Bus Conduct).
17. Violating the policies for student dress (see Dress Code).
18. Violating the policies for using electronic resources (see Electronic Resources - Acceptable Use Policy).
19. Violating any other Board of Education or school rule, including but not limited to failing to report to
detention and/or violating the rules of the In-School Suspension program.
Section 2 Offenses
1. Causing or contributing to the disruption of school operations.
2. Damaging or vandalizing school or personal property.
3. Engaging in gang-related activity that encourages, solicits, promotes, condones, causes, assists, or abets
any illegal or disruptive act.
4. Physically abusing others.
5. Possessing any alcoholic beverage.
6. Possessing any drug or unlawful substance, any substance represented to be a drug or unlawful
substance, and/or any drug paraphernalia.
7. Sexual misconduct, including but not limited to harassment, possessing, accessing or viewing obscene or
vulgar materials, indecent exposure, entry into areas designated for the opposite sex only, using an
electronic or other device to take inappropriate, indecent, vulgar, sexual or obscene pictures of students
or school employees and/or sexual contact.
8. Terroristic threats. A terroristic threat occurs when one threatens, whether spoken, written, or transmitted
by an electronic device, to commit an act of violence.
9. Theft, including but not limited to attempted theft, extortion, bribery, theft by deception, and/or possession
of stolen property.
10. Verbally abusing others, including but not limited to threats, intimidation, or acts of bullying, including but
not limited to harassing or taunting in person, on the internet, or other mode of electronic communication.
11. Violations that constitute a misdemeanor under Georgia law.
12. Misuse of electronic or technological resources or devices, including but not limited to unauthorized
access to the system network, creating or using false user names, passwords or proxies or transmitting
malicious programs or viruses.
13. Failure to report to a teacher or administrator the knowledge of an event, device, object, or substance that
could cause harm to self or others. Refusing to comply with assigned disciplinary consequences. Any
act that endangers the welfare or safety of other students or staff.
14. Accumulation of seven (7) or more Section 1 offenses.
Section 3 Offenses
1. Physical abuse or inappropriate physical contact of persons other than students or school personnel.
2. Possessing, using, selling, buying, giving away, bartering or exchanging any counterfeit money.
3. Possessing, using, selling, buying, giving away, bartering or exchanging any weapon, explosive
compound, or an object that can reasonably be considered and/or used as a weapon.
4. Using, selling, buying, giving away, bartering, exchanging, or being under the influence of any alcoholic
beverage whether at school or any school related activity or prior to attending school or a school-related
5. Using, selling, buying, giving away, bartering, exchanging, or being under the influence of any drug or
substance declared unlawful, any substance or chemical that is mood altering when taken, or any
substance represented to be a drug or unlawful substance.
6. Violations that constitute a felony under Georgia law.
7. Falsifying, misrepresenting, omitting, or erroneously reporting information regarding instances of alleged
inappropriate behavior by a teacher, administrator, or other school employee toward a student.
Section 4 Offenses
Students are prohibited from engaging in or attempting to commit physical acts of violence against school
personnel (teachers, administrators, or other employees). Such acts will be handled as follows:
1. Attempting to make inappropriate physical contact with school personnel: A student who is alleged
to have committed such an act will be suspended pending a disciplinary hearing. A student found to have
committed such an act will be disciplined by short-term suspension, long-term suspension, or expulsion.
2. Unintentional but inappropriate physical contact with school personnel: A student who is alleged to
have committed such an act will be suspended pending a disciplinary hearing. A student found to have
committed such an act will be disciplined by short-term suspension, long-term suspension, or expulsion.
3. Intentional physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with school personnel: A student
who is alleged to have committed such an act will be suspended pending a disciplinary hearing. A
student found to have committed such an act will be disciplined by short-term suspension, long-term
suspension, or expulsion.
4. Intentional physical contact that causes physical harm to school personnel: A student who is
alleged to have committed such an act will be suspended pending a disciplinary hearing. A student
found to have committed such an act will be expelled from school for the remainder of his/her eligibility to
attend public school and will be referred to juvenile court. The Henry County Board of Education has the
discretion to enforce the permanent expulsion of the student, to permit the student to re-enroll in public
school for grades 9 through 12, or to permit the student to re-enroll in school.
Disciplinary Actions
Some of the disciplinary actions that may be used for student violations of the Code of Conduct include the
Warning/Reprimand: Students will be warned that they may be punished if the misbehavior continues.
Time-Out / Isolation: Students will be removed from the regular classroom and will complete their assignments in
the administrative office or other location in the school.
Short-Term Suspension: Students subject to a short-term suspension will be suspended from school for not more
than five (5) days. This includes suspension from all regular school activities, extracurricular activities, athletic
participation, and other school events.
Long-Term Suspension: Students subject to a long-term suspension will be suspended from school for more than
five (5) days, but not beyond the end of the current semester. This includes suspension from all regular school
activities, extracurricular activities, athletic participation, and other school events.
Expulsion: Students subject to an expulsion will be suspended from school beyond the end of the current
semester. This includes suspension from all regular school activities, extracurricular activities, athletic
participation, and other school events.
Permanent Expulsion: Students subject to a permanent expulsion will be permanently suspended from school at
all times after the effective date of the permanent expulsion. This includes permanent suspension from all regular
school activities, extracurricular activities, athletic participation, and other school events.
Jurisdiction To Take Disciplinary Action
School administrators are authorized to take disciplinary action for misconduct that occurs:
1. On school grounds;
2. Off the school grounds at a school activity, function or event;
3. Off the school grounds at a non-school activity, function or event, but where the misconduct leads to a
disruption of school or any other violation of the student code of conduct; and
4. En route to and from school or any school-related activity, on the bus, and at the bus stops.
Authority to take disciplinary action also extends to any off-campus non-school-related actions by students, at any
time of the year, which have a direct or immediate impact on school discipline, the educational operation or
function of the school, or the welfare of students or staff. Such act could include, but is not limited to, a felony, a
delinquent act which would be considered to be a felony if committed by an adult, an assault upon another
student, a violation of the laws prohibiting controlled substances, or sexual misconduct. A student whose
presence on school property may endanger the welfare or safety of other students or staff, or whose presence
may cause substantial disruption at school, may also be subject to discipline.
Disciplinary Authority of Teachers & Administrators
Teachers shall maintain discipline and order in the classroom, and are authorized to assign students to
detention, refer students to the office, and employ any other discipline and behavior management
techniques except for short term or long term suspension or expulsion of a student, discipline which is
forbidden by law, or discipline which is permitted under the Student Handbook or by Henry County policy
to be administered only by an Administrator or Disciplinary Hearing Officer.
For any day assigned to detention, students will be required to spend a period of time, not to exceed one
(1) supervised hour, completing assigned school work. No other activity will be allowed during detention.
Transportation of students assigned to detention is the responsibility of the student and his/her parents.
One (1) day advance notice shall be given to allow students to make alternate transportation arrangements
for those days when assigned to detention.
2. School Administrators
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, school administrators (principals and assistant principals)
have the authority to administer any discipline or behavior management technique which a teacher is
permitted to use, may assign students to in-school suspension, assign students short-term suspensions,
may assign students out-of-school suspension up until the time of a disciplinary hearing (even if for a
longer period of time than a short-term suspension) and refer any disciplinary matter to a student
Disciplinary Hearing Officer for a disciplinary hearing. Any student who has been suspended pending a
disciplinary hearing shall be allowed to make up school work that is missed due to the suspension pending
the disciplinary hearing, and shall be permitted onto school grounds to pick up class assignments at the
office unless an administrator determines that allowing the student to pick up work assignments at the
office constitutes a danger to other students or staff. Although generally progressive in nature, discipline
should be appropriate for the misbehavior and the age of student. Consequently, administrators have the
latitude of assigning discipline in relation to the misbehavior. For example, students who engage in more
serious acts of misbehavior, such as fighting, are not entitled to a warning before any other disciplinary
action is taken.
The principal is the designated leader of the school and, in concert with the staff, is responsible for the
orderly operation of the school. In cases of disruptive, disorderly or dangerous conduct not covered in the
Student Handbook, the principal or his/her designee may undertake corrective measures which he/she
believes to be in the best interest of the student and the school provided such action does not violate
School Board policies or procedures, or state or federal laws.
Disciplinary Hearings
Disciplinary hearing officers are independent decision makers appointed by the Board of Education to hear
disciplinary matters. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary here within, disciplinary hearing officers have the
authority to issue a short-term suspension, long-term suspension, or expulsion of any student found to have
violated the Code of Conduct. If a hearing is called, the student will be suspended from school until the hearing
can be held. The hearing will be held no later than 10 school days after the beginning of the suspension unless
the parent and school mutually agree to an extension. Prior to the hearing, students and parents will receive a
notice to include the following:
1. The rules which the student has allegedly violated.
2. A description of the student’s acts.
3. The names of the witnesses who may testify against the student (witnesses may be added prior to and
during the hearing).
4. The maximum punishment that the student could receive.
5. The time and place for the hearing.
6. That the student is entitled to require witnesses to be present at the hearing and the student will have the
right to present evidence, examine any and all witnesses presented and have an attorney, at the
student’s expense, to represent the student. School administrators should be notified prior to the hearing
if a subpoena is to be issued by the superintendent.
At the hearing students and parents will have the right to present witnesses and evidence, to examine any and all
witnesses presented, and to have an attorney, at the parent’s expense, to represent the student. The decision of
the disciplinary hearing officer may be appealed by submitting a written notice of appeal to the superintendent
within twenty (20) days from the date the decision is made.
The disciplinary hearing shall be conducted no later than ten (10) school days after the time when the student has
been suspended for the alleged offenses, unless the parent and school mutually agree to an extension or the
conduct of the student or parent causes a delay beyond said ten (10) day period.
A student disciplinary hearing is formal, although the strict rules of evidence as applied in a court do not apply in a
disciplinary hearing. The Disciplinary Hearing Officer will determine the innocence or guilt of a student accused of
violating the Student Code of Conduct. Although the school has the burden of establishing guilt, the student
should be prepared to present evidence and witnesses to support their innocence.
The Disciplinary Hearing Officer shall make a verbatim or written record of any information orally presented at the
hearing. All statements and documentary evidence shall be kept on file by the Superintendent or designee for a
period of sixty (60) days after the date of the disciplinary hearing if no appeal is filed and for an additional thirty
(30) days after the completion of an appeal, at which time all items will be destroyed. A transcript of the hearing
shall not be prepared unless there is an appeal to the Board of Education.
All parties shall be afforded an opportunity to present and respond to evidence and to examine and cross-
examine witnesses about any matters logically relevant to the charge against the student. The Disciplinary
Hearing Officer may limit unproductively long or irrelevant questioning.
The parents or legal guardian of the student and any victims may give testimony at the hearing and make a
statement to the Disciplinary Hearing Officer concerning their feelings about the proper disposition of the case
and to answer any questions. The student may be represented by counsel at the student’s expense at the
hearing. If parents intend to be represented by counsel at the disciplinary hearing, the parents must notify the
school twenty-four (24) hours prior to the start of the hearing so that the school district may elect to retain legal
counsel to represent its interest. All parties shall be entitled to subpoena witnesses for the hearing. A student or
parent/guardian shall submit all requests for subpoenas to the student’s principal at least forty-eight (48) hours
prior to the time of the disciplinary hearing.
All student discipline proceedings and hearings conducted by either the Disciplinary Hearing Officer or the Board
of Education are confidential and are not subject to the open meetings law. Any written records, transcripts,
exhibits or other documents assembled or used in any manner with regard to the conduct of any student discipline
hearing are not public records and are not subject to public inspection.
When a hearing is appealed, the Henry County Board of Education will review the transcript of the hearing, make
a decision based solely on the record, and notify students and parents in writing of the Board’s decision. At the
hearing before the Board, students have the right to be represented, at the students’ and parents’ expense, by an
attorney. Students and parents may appeal the Board’s decision to the State Board of Education by giving the
Superintendent written notice within 30 days of the decision of the Henry County Board of Education.
Academic Honesty
Coursework submitted by a student must be the student’s own, original work. Students shall not cheat on any
assignment by giving or receiving unauthorized assistance, or commit the act of plagiarism. Students who
commit such acts are subject to receiving a grade of zero (0) on the assignment in question as well as disciplinary
Alcohol and Drugs
A student shall not possess, sell, use, transmit, or be under the influence of any alcohol or mind altering
substance, narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, cocaine, marijuana, controlled
substance, counterfeit drug, alcoholic beverage, anabolic steroid, or intoxicant of any kind. A student shall not
possess, sell or use any drug or alcohol paraphernalia or related object of any nature. Use of prescribed
medications dispensed by a registered pharmacist is allowed, so long as said medications are used in
accordance with school rules governing the possession and use of prescribed medications. All prescription drugs
shall be kept in the original container and shall not be distributed to other students. Students who see or become
aware of any alcohol and/or other drugs or drug related objects must not touch the material nor remain in the
presence of the person or group possessing it. Students must notify a staff member immediately of any alcohol,
drugs, or drug-related objects, or be subject to discipline, including but not limited to expulsion.
Bullying is prohibited. Georgia law defines bullying as an act which occurs on school property, on school
vehicles, at designated school bus stops, or at school-related functions or activities, or by use of data or software
that is access through a computer, computer system, computer network, or other electronic technology of a local
school system.
Bullying is (1) any willful attempt or threat to inflict injury on another person when accompanied by an apparent
present ability to do so; (2) any intentional display of force such as would give the victim reason to fear or expect
immediate bodily harm; or (3) any intentional written, verbal, or physical act, which a reasonable person would
perceive as being intended to threaten, harass, or intimidate that: (A) causes another person substantial physical
harm or visible bodily harm; (B) causes substantial damage to another person’s property; (C) is so severe,
persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or (D) has the effect
of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
Bus Conduct
Bus drivers have complete charge of students riding the bus and will report misbehavior to the school
administration. School administrators or his/her designee are responsible for disciplining students for bus
misbehavior. To help maintain order on the bus, drivers have the authority to assign a special seat on the bus to
any student. Video/audio recorders are placed on school buses for the purpose of aiding supervision and may be
used as evidence that misbehavior has taken place.
For the safety of all students who ride the bus, students are expected to obey the following rules:
1. Students will not be allowed to enter or leave a bus at any place other than at the students’ usual stop or
school unless authorized by the principal or his/her designee
2. Students may not ride a different bus unless they present to the driver a note from the parent that has
been approved by the principal or assistant principal.
3. Students who must change buses at any school must follow the rules of that school.
4. Students may not reserve seats, and must stay in their seats while the bus is in motion.
5. Students must keep the center aisle of the bus clear at all times.
6. Students must obey the directions of their bus driver.
7. Students are not allowed to consume food or drink on the bus.
8. Students may not transport balloons, flowers, glass containers, or animals (dead or alive, including
insects) on the bus.
9. Students must not litter the bus, throw anything out of the window, or cause damage to the bus.
10. Students must obey all bus safety rules and all rules listed in the Behavior Code. In addition, Georgia law
prohibits the following acts while on a bus:
11. Acts of physical violence.
12. Bullying.
13. Physical assault or battery of persons on the bus.
14. Verbal assault of persons on the bus.
15. Disrespectful conduct toward bus drivers or other persons.
16. Unruly behavior.
17. Using any electronic devices during the operation of a bus, including but not limited to, cell phones,
pagers, audible radios, tape or CD players, or any other electronic communication device in a manner
that might interfere with bus communications equipment or the driver’s operation of the bus.
18. Using mirrors, lasers, flash cameras, or any other lights or reflective devices in a manner that might
interfere with the driver’s operation of the bus.
If students violate the rules for bus conduct, school administrators may take disciplinary action, including
suspension from riding the bus for as many as ten days and/or suspension from school for as many as five days.
If bus misbehavior is severe, a disciplinary hearing may be called.
Except as otherwise set forth herein, the general progressive discipline plan for bus misbehavior is as follows:
Violation: A documented warning from the driver.
Violation: Parent contact by the school administrator.
Violation: Bus suspension for one day.
Violation: Bus suspension for two days.
Violation: Bus suspension for three days.
Violation: Bus suspension for five days.
Violation: Bus suspension for ten days or disciplinary hearing.
Fighting on a bus is among the most serious offenses committed by students, as it endangers everyone
riding the bus by causing the driver’s attention to be diverted. Fighting on a school bus may result in
immediate suspension from the bus and/or school with no prior warning or disciplinary action being
During the period of bus suspension, parents/guardians will be responsible for providing the student’s
transportation to/from school. Bus suspension is not an excused absence or tardy.
If a student causes damage to a school bus, parents/guardians will be required to repay the cost of any damage
to the bus. At the discretion of the principal, parents/guardians may be asked to meet with school officials to
develop a school bus behavior contract for the student.
Criminal Offenses
Students who violate regulations in the Code of Conduct are subject to discipline by Henry County Schools.
Students who commit offenses that violate local, state, or federal laws are subject to charges by law enforcement
Damage to Textbooks and/or Media Materials
If students lose or damage textbooks and/or media materials, parents will be charged the full replacement cost
and students may be subject to disciplinary action. Replacement textbooks and media materials may not be
issued until restitution is made. Georgia law provides that grade reports, diplomas, or certificates of progress may
be withheld for failure to pay for lost or damaged textbooks, or other instructional materials for which the student
is responsible.
Damaging or Setting Off A Fire Alarm
It is a crime to willfully damage or destroy a school fire alarm so as to endanger human life, or to set off a school
fire alarm with no reasonable belief that a fire exists on the school premises.
Disruption of a Public School
It is unlawful for any person, including parents, to disrupt or interfere with the operation of a public school.
Georgia law prohibits the upbraiding, insulting or abusing of any teacher, administrator, or bus driver upon the
premises of any school in the presence and hearing of a student.
Dress Code
Students should come to school with their hair neat and well-groomed. Students must wear shoes to school
(skate-shoes are not allowed). Clothing should be neat, clean, and worn properly (pants and skirts shall be worn
at the waist). Clothing should not be too tight, too loose, too short, or too long, and should not have inappropriate
writing or pictures. Extreme hair styles and unnatural colors that, in the opinion of the principal or the principal’s
designee, would interfere with learning or be a health or safety hazard are not permitted. Wearing any clothing,
jewelry or other item symbolizing gang affiliation is prohibited. If students wear inappropriate clothes to school,
as determined by the principal or the principal’s designee, parents will be called to bring other clothes for their
child to wear.
Electronic Resources - Acceptable Use Policy
Student access to the Internet and computer resources is a privilege, not a right. Students who violate rules for
the use of electronic resources shall be subject to revocation of these privileges and potential disciplinary and/or
legal action.
Regulations for use of the school system’s electronic resources include but are not limited to the following:
1. Do respect the privacy of other users’ files and follow directions of staff; do not damage computers or be
wasteful of resources.
2. Comply with network policies (student and staff log-ins) including but not limited to not circumventing
desktop protection applications or using proxies to bypass school filters.
3. Use the Internet for appropriate educational resources as directed by staff.
4. Use electronic resources only with permission of a teacher or school administrator.
5. Respect and uphold copyright laws (giving credit to the rightful author and not distributing protected
materials or software) and do not download or transmit confidential or copyrighted information.
6. Immediately report security problems or violations of these conditions to appropriate school system staff.
7. Do not use language that is obscene, insulting, purposely inaccurate or offensive to others.
8. Do not change computer desktops or icons.
9. Do not access inappropriate materials or show others how to access or use them.
10. Do not access or view any obscene or vulgar materials.
11. Do not disseminate personal information regarding minors or staff members.
12. Do not transmit computer viruses or any other malicious programs.
13. Do not intentionally damage or disrupt Internet/WWW services or network/hardware/software that
provides delivery of electronic resources.
14. Do not install or remove software on any computer or server.
15. Do not share user ID’s or passwords.
16. Do not utilize inappropriate user ID’s or passwords.
17. Do not post or transmit messages or information and attribute to another user.
18. Unauthorized connection or otherwise access to school and system databases or other software is not
The Internet Safety Policy and school system measures are designed to address safety and security when using
direct electronic communication. Electronic resources are defined as the following: Internet, World Wide Web
(WWW), chat rooms, podcasts, wikis, electronic mail/data, online resources/services, network information,
licensed software, portable media, telecommunication resources, and all hardware on which any of the above are
accessed. Communication over networks is not considered private. As needed, school officials can and will
search data or e-mail stored on all school system-owned computers and networks.
Henry County Schools has taken precautions, which are limited, to restrict access to controversial materials;
however, on a global network it is impossible to control all access to such materials. A user may accidentally or
purposely discover controversial information. Use of any information obtained via electronic resources is at the
risk of the user. Henry County Schools makes no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, regarding
the electronic resources and services it provides. Henry County Schools will not be responsible for any damages
a user may suffer, including but not limited to loss of data or cost incurred from a commercial service. Henry
County Schools will not be responsible for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through any
telecommunication or electronic resource.
Gang-Related Activity
Exhibiting gang affiliation and/or engaging in any gang-related activity is not permitted. For the purpose of this
handbook, a gang is defined as any group or association of three (3) or more persons, whether formal or informal,
as evidenced by a common name or common identifying sign, symbol, tattoo, graffiti, attire, or other distinguishing
characteristic, that encourages, solicits, promotes, condones, causes, assists, or abets any illegal or disruptive
Students shall not use any speech or commit any act or omission in furtherance of the interests of any gang-
related activity, including but not limited to:
1. Soliciting others for membership in a gang;
2. Requesting any person to pay protection, bullying, or otherwise intimidating or threatening or physically
harming any person;
3. Inciting other students to engage in any gang related activity;
4. Defacing any school property with any kind of gang graffiti.
Laser Pointers
Students are not permitted to possess or use laser pointers. Students who commit such an act are guilty of
committing a Section 1 Offense.
Off-Campus Behavior
Any student who is arrested, indicted, or has a Juvenile Court complaint filed against him/her which alleges the
child committed a felony or a delinquent act which would be a felony if committed by any adult, and who makes
their continued presence at school potentially disruptive to the school or a danger to persons or property at the
school, shall be immediately suspended from school and all school activities with the matter being submitted to a
Disciplinary Hearing Officer.
If the Hearing Officer finds there is sufficient evidence to believe the child committed a felony or a delinquent act
which would be a felony if committed by an adult, and the student’s continued presence at school would be
potentially disruptive to the school or a danger to persons or property at the school, the Hearing Officer shall issue
short-term or long-term suspension or expulsion from school, or placement of the student in an alternative
educational program as deemed appropriate by the Hearing Officer.
Personal Belongings
Personal belongings such as toys, CD players, electronic games, playing cards, and cameras may not be brought
to school or on class field trips unless they have been approved as part of a class assignment. If such items are
brought to school, they may be taken up and kept in the school office until parents come to claim them. Also,
students are subject to disciplinary action for bringing inappropriate items to school without the consent of the
school administration. The School District is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal belongings.
Reporting Criminal Conduct
Any action or failure to act by a student which is a violation of any law or which an administrator or teacher
believes may be a violation of a law may be reported to the School Resource Officer or any other legal authority.
School Resource Officers
School Resource Officers (SROs) are employed by the Henry County Sheriff’s Department. An SRO is based at
each high school, and serves the middle and elementary schools that feed into the high school. The supervisor of
the SRO unit provides additional assistance to schools and SROs as needed.
The primary goal of the School Resource Unit is to provide a safe learning environment for students and teachers.
The presence of Deputies on school campuses and at school-sponsored events helps deter misbehavior. The
SRO seeks to establish positive relationships with the school community, and is a valuable resource for students,
parents and teachers regarding matters of safety, security, and criminal law. Whenever incidents of crime or
threats to safety occur, the SRO is able to respond quickly and with the full authority of a law enforcement officer.
School Safety Zone
School safety zones are defined as in, on, or within 1000 feet of any real property leased, owned, or occupied by
Henry County Schools. It is unlawful for any person to carry, possess, or have under his/her control any weapon
or explosive compound while within a school safety zone, at a school building or school function, or on school
property or a vehicle furnished by the school. Violation of this law is a felony. However, an individual over the
age of 21 years old (except students) who are in possession of a weapon and/or has a weapon locked in a
compartment of a motor vehicle and has a lawful gun license or permit, may transit through a designated school
zone to carry or pick up a student. Furthermore, it is unlawful for any person to remain within the school safety
zone without a legitimate cause or need. Failure to leave the premises when requested is grounds for a charge of
a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. Disruption of or interference with the operation of any public
school shall be considered a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.
Sexual Harassment
It shall be a violation of this policy for any student to harass any other student through conduct or communications
of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment may include but is not limited to the following:
1. Verbal harassment or abuse;
2. Pressure for sexual activity;
3. Repeated remarks to a person with sexual or demeaning implications;
4. Unwelcome touching;
5. Suggesting or demanding sexual involvement accompanied by implied or explicit threats;
6. Sexually-orientated kidding, teasing, or jokes;
7. Graphic or degrading comments about an individual or their appearance;
8. The display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures; and,
9. Physical contact or blocking movement.
Sexual harassment does not refer to occasional compliments of a socially acceptable nature or consensual
personal and social relationships between students. It also does not apply to age-appropriate behavior between
very young students. Rather, it is behavior which is not welcome and which is personally intimidating, hostile
or offensive.
Sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other conduct of a sexual nature by employees or volunteers
toward students is unwelcome by definition, and will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Any student who
alleges sexual harassment by a student, teacher, administrator, or other school system employee may complain
directly to a principal, guidance counselor or other individual designated to receive such complaints. All
allegations of sexual harassment shall be fully investigated and immediate and appropriate corrective or
disciplinary action shall be taken as appropriate.
Student Allegations of Employee Misconduct
Instances of alleged inappropriate behavior by a teacher, administrator, or other school employee toward a
student should be reported to the principal or to the Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services.
As authorized by Georgia law, if it is determined that a student deliberately falsified or misrepresented information
alleging employee misconduct, the student will be subject to disciplinary action that may include suspension or
Student Questioning by Officials
School Administrators: Principals and Assistant Principals have the responsibility and authority to question
students for the purpose of maintaining a safe and orderly school environment. Though it is important to inform
parents about issues of concern, parent consent is not required prior to the questioning of students.
Department of Family and Child Services (DFCS): DFCS officials investigating suspected child abuse are
permitted to conduct reasonable interviews and inspections of children. Notice to parents is neither required nor
desirable when the object of that investigation may be the parents. If the investigation involves suspected child
abuse by individuals other than those residing in the child’s household, parents will be informed that such
interviews are being requested.
Guardian Ad Litem: The Guardian Ad Litem is a trained professional appointed by the court to represent the best
interests of minor children in court cases. Any request to interview a student or to inspect the student’s school
record should be submitted in writing along with court documentation establishing the Guardian Ad Litem
relationship with the child.
Law Enforcement: School Resource Officers, as well as Probation Officers of the Juvenile Court, are permitted to
question students at school without prior parent approval. Law enforcement officers from other agencies
investigating non-school related matters may question students with the consent of the parent/guardian. Law
enforcement officers who have a detention order or warrant for arrest, or states that the situation involves pursuit
of a suspect linked to a felony crime may question students without parental consent.
Student Searches
To maintain order and discipline in the schools and to protect the safety and welfare of students and school
personnel, school authorities may search a student, student desks, student lockers or student automobiles at any
time. In addition, a student may be searched if administrators have reason to believe the student is in possession
of an article or substance which is illegal, prohibited by school rules, or dangerous. Students are given the
opportunity to produce the item sought, or to voluntarily empty their pockets, pocketbooks, or book bags. Students
may be asked to remove their jacket, vest, shoes, or socks, A School Resource Officer may be summoned if
there is reason to believe any search should be continued beyond the parameters set forth above. A student that
refuses to allow an administrator to search him/her will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including
If a search yields illegal or contraband materials, such items shall be turned over to proper legal authorities for
ultimate disposition. If recovered items are not illegal but are in violation of Board policies, the items will be held
by the school until claimed by the student’s parents or guardian.
Students shall not possess, transmit or use tobacco or tobacco-related products in any form, including, without
limitation, lighters, rolling papers, and matches.
Vandalism or Damage to School Property
Students who deface or destroy school property will be charged with the full cost of the damage and will be
subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Code of Conduct
It is unlawful for any person to carry, possess, or have under his/her control any weapon, explosive compound,
firearm, or any toy or object that resembles a weapon while on school property, at a school function, on or off
campus, or on a bus or other transportation furnished by the school unless authorized by law. Any person
violating this rule will be reported to the appropriate authorities for prosecution.
Weapon: Includes any pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, taser or stun gun, or any weapon designed or intended to
propel a missile of any kind, or a dirk, any knife regardless of the length of the blade, straight edge razor or razor
blade(s), spring stick, metal or wooden knucks, blackjack or any flailing instrument consisting of two(2) or more
rigid parts connected in such a manner as to allow them to swing freely, which may be known as nun chahka, nun
chuck, nunchaku, shuriken or fighting chain, or any disc of whatever configuration, having at least two points or
pointed blades which is designed to be thrown or propelled and which may be known as a throwing star or
oriental dart, or bat, club, or other bludgeon type weapon, chains, pipes, sticks or any weapon of any kind or any
object that is used as a weapon.
A student in possession of any such item will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Code of Conduct,
with the matter being reported to law enforcement authorities.
Explosive: Includes any bomb, firebomb, Molotov cocktail, firecracker, fireworks, stink bomb, bullet, shell, gun
powder, grenade, missile, or any other type of explosive device and/or substance.
A student in possession of any such item will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Code of Conduct,
with the matter being reported to law enforcement authorities.
Firearm: Includes but is not limited to any weapon, including a starter gun, which will or is designed to or may
readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; the frame or receiver of any weapon; any
firearm muffler or firearm silencer; any destructive device; or any type of weapon which will expel a projectile by
the action of an explosive or other propellant and which has any barrel with a bore of more than one-half inch in
diameter. A destructive device includes any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas, bomb, grenade, rocket having a
propellant charge of more than four ounces, missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-
quarter ounce, mine, or any similar device.
Any student in possession of or having under his/her control a firearm while at school or a school function on or
off campus, on school property, or ona bus or other transportation furnished by the school system, will be
immediately suspended from school. The matter will be submitted to a Disciplinary Hearing Officer and reported
to law enforcement authorities. Per Georgia law, students found to have committed this offense by the
Disciplinary Hearing Officer will be expelled from Henry County Schools for not less than one (1) calendar year.
Upon appeal, the Henry County Board of Education may modify this expulsion requirement on a case-by-case
Toys such as cap pistols, nerf guns or the like, water guns, and rubber knives are not permitted. Please
caution your child concerning toys that resemble weapons. Possession of these items can result in
suspension or expulsion from school.
If a student is injured or becomes ill at school, every effort will be made to contact the parent and to take action at
the parent’s direction. If a parent cannot be contacted, school officials will take reasonable actions to preserve
the health of the child. Parents must notify the school if their child has health problems that could result in a
health emergency and should explain the procedures the school should follow.
Asbestos Plan
The Henry County Board of Education has a state-approved asbestos plan. A copy of this plan is available in the
principal’s office. For more information concerning asbestos plans, please contact the Facilities/Maintenance
The school faculty and staff are happy to recognize student birthdays. However, because learning time is very
important, no birthday parties may be held during the school day for students or teachers.
Book Bags, Sports Bags and Other Bags
Students are allowed, but not required, to use a book bag to carry textbooks and school supplies. However,
students are discouraged from using a rolling book bag because such bags often create tripping hazards. If
students choose to use a rolling bag, they must carry the bag when entering and exiting the bus. For safety
reasons, book bags may not be placed in the center aisle of the bus. All student bags are subject to search.
Bus Transportation and Safety
Video Cameras on Buses
Each bus may be equipped with a video camera. Students may be videoed on each trip. The videos provide a
record of student’s behavior on the bus. Upon written request, a parent may make an appointment to view a tape
of their child if a disciplinary issue has been identified.
Transportation To and From Designated Bus Stops
Students will be picked up at their designated bus stop and returned to their designated bus stop. Students may
only ride their assigned bus. It is the responsibility of the Henry County School System to transport students from
bus stop to school and from school to bus stop. Parents are responsible for the child until the child enters the bus
at his/her designated bus stop. The Henry County School System shall not be responsible for the student after
he/she returns to the designated bus stop.
Parents should ensure students are at their assigned bus stop five minutes before the bus arrives. Contact the
Transportation Department for information regarding bus pick-up/drop-off times and locations or to discuss any
concerns regarding bus routes or drivers. Parents should not interrupt bus routes or attempt to board buses to
discuss issues with drivers.
For safety reasons, students should obey the following rules while at the bus stop:
1. Always stand a safe distance from the road (at least five feet).
2. If you must cross the road to board a bus, wait until the bus has come to a complete stop, the proper
warning signs are displayed, and the driver motions for you to cross.
3. Always cross the road in front of the bus, never behind the bus.
4. If you must cross the road after exiting from the bus, cross at least ten feet in front of the bus after looking in
both directions for traffic and after the driver motions for you to cross.
5. Never run to or from the bus.
Cancellation of School
In case of severe weather or other emergencies, official information about school closings will be broadcast on
Atlanta television and radio stations.
Child Abuse
Georgia law requires that school employees report to the local Department of Family and Children Services
(DFCS) any suspected cases of child abuse or neglect. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in
prosecution of the employee. Once a report has been made, official representatives of DFCS have the right to
come to the school to interview the child. Parent permission need not be obtained by the department or the
Clubs & Organizations
As required by Georgia law, schools must provide to parents a list of all clubs and organizations available for
students. Schools will send this information to parents at the beginning of the school year. Included with this list
will be a form parents should use to notify the school if they wish to prohibit their child from participation in any
club or organization. Please contact your child’s school if you have not received this list and notification form. If
any new clubs or organizations are formed during the school year, schools will send information to parents,
including a parent permission form for student participation.
The meetings of any school activity group will be conducted under the supervision of an adult professional
advisor. Students who participate in such activities must follow the rules established by their school. Clubs will
meet on a scheduled basis so as not to conflict with academic instruction.
Emergency Management Plan / Emergency Drills
The Georgia Emergency Management Agency reviews and approves the school system’s comprehensive School
Safety Plan and each school’s Emergency Management Plan. A copy of these plans is available from the
principal or the Administrative Services Department. Fire/evacuation drills will be held on a monthly basis. Drills
for severe weather, lockdown of the school, and bus evacuation will be held at least once each year.
Field Trips
Classroom teachers schedule educational field trips to nearby locations throughout the school year. These trips
are designed to supplement different aspects of the curriculum and to introduce students to the resources of the
Parents will receive notices of field trips well in advance of the scheduled trip and will be asked to sign a field trip
permission form. Sometimes a small contribution may be requested to help defray transportation or facility costs.
No student will be penalized in any manner or denied the opportunity to go on the field trip for failure to contribute.
Individuals or organizations often offer the opportunity to students to travel during weekends or school breaks, or
even during times when school is in session. Unless these opportunities are approved by the Henry County
Board of Education, matters of interest or concern must be addressed to the individuals sponsoring these trips.
Absences from school due to student participation in such travel will not be excused unless approved in advance
by the principal.
Gum Chewing
The school system has a three-part policy on the use of gum at school and on the bus: 1) NO GUM, 2) NO GUM,
and 3) NO GUM! Students are expected to follow all parts of this policy.
Head Lice
Since head lice are so easily spread from one student to another, students with head lice (or eggs, often referred
to as “nits”) cannot remain at school. If a student has head lice, their parent will be asked to pick-up their child.
Students will not be allowed to return to school until proof of effective treatment is provided and an examination
indicates the student no longer has head lice or nits. In the event that head lice are a recurring problem,
clearance from the Henry County Health Department or a physician may be necessary before the student may
return to school.
Highly Qualified Teachers
As required by the No Child Left Behind Act, parents will be notified if their child has been assigned a teacher, or
has been taught by a teacher for four (4) or more consecutive weeks, who is not considered “Highly Qualified”
according to the provisions of the Act. Teachers must be fully certified by the Georgia Professional Standards
Commission and teach in their field(s) of certification to be considered “Highly Qualified.” Parents may request
information regarding the teacher’s professional qualifications, including the following:
Whether the teacher has met the Georgia Professional Standards Commission requirements for
certification for the grade level and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction;
Whether the teacher is teaching under an emergency or other provisional status through which Georgia
qualifications or certification criteria have been waived;
The college major and any graduate certification or degree held by the teacher;
Whether the student is provided services by paraprofessionals, and if so their qualifications.
Homeless Children and Youth
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Act defines homeless children and youth as those who lack a fixed, regular, and
adequate night-time residence. Should you have questions concerning your specific rights under this provision,
please contact the School Social Worker or the Administrative Services Department.
If a child becomes too ill to remain in class, his/her parent will be contacted so the child may be cared for at home.
Children should not be returned to school until fever and/or vomiting free for 24 hours. The principal should be
notified in writing if a student has a chronic illness or disability that could require special or emergency treatment.
Contagious Illness: If a student has been identified as possibly having a contagious illness, the school system will
follow the infectious disease reporting protocol including recommendations from the Health Department. The
parent/guardian must provide a release to school signed by a medical doctor indicating the date the student can
return to school.
Parents are responsible for providing accident or medical insurance coverage for their child. The Henry County
Schools do not maintain insurance coverage of students. As a service to parents, information regarding accident
insurance that can be purchased at a nominal cost is sent home at the beginning of each school year. Students
must submit proof of insurance coverage prior to registration for any athletic activity. Please check with the
principal to determine which, if any, class or activity may require insurance. If an activity requires that a student
maintain insurance and the student cannot provide proof of such insurance, then the student will not be eligible to
participate in activity.
Lost and Found
Each school has a “Lost & Found” area where lost items are turned in and may be claimed. Items that are not
claimed by the end of the school year will be discarded. Items of clothing that may be removed, such as coats
and sweaters, should be labeled with the student’s name.
Lunch with Students
Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their children at school. On such occasions, parents are encouraged to
purchase a school lunch but are permitted to bring food to the school for consumption by themselves and their
children. Commercial foods may not be delivered to the school without prior approval by the principal.
When students must take medicine at school, parents should bring medicine and related equipment to the
principal or his/her designee and complete a Medication Authorization Form. Medicine cannot be given without
written permission and instructions from the parent. Please do not send medicine to school by students.
All prescription and over-the-counter medicine must be kept in the school office unless approved by the
principal. Students are subject to disciplinary action if they possess medicine at school without the principal’s
consent, distribute medicine to other students, or use the medicine in a manner that is not prescribed. Students
who need to carry prescription asthma or diabetic medication are permitted to keep these items in their
possession if prior written permission from the parent is provided with a physician signature and/or current
Students who need to carry epinephrine auto injectors are permitted to keep this item in their possession. The
student’s parent/guardian shall provide the following to the school: (1) written statement from a physician detailing
the name of the medication, method, amount, and time schedule by which the medication is to be taken; (2) a
statement confirming the student is able to self-administer auto injectable epinephrine; (3) a statement by the
parent consenting to the self-administration; (4) a signed release allowing school personnel to consult with the
child’s physician regarding the student’s medication; (5) a signed authorization releasing the school system and it
employees and agents from civil liability if the self-administrating student suffers an adverse reaction as a result of
self-administering auto-injectable epinephrine.
Prescription medicine, including inhalers, must be in the original labeled container. The label must include
the student’s name, the name of the medicine, instructions for dispensing the medicine, and the doctor’s name.
Pharmacists can provide a duplicate labeled container with only the dosage to be given at school. Over-the-
counter medicine must be in the original container and marked with the student’s name. Sample medications can
only be given when accompanied by a physician’s note indicating the sample is for the student’s use.
Parents should pick up unused medicine from the principal or his/her designee. Any medicine not picked up will
be discarded at the end of each school year. Medicine will not be sent home with the student.
Notice of Equal Opportunity
The Henry County Board of Education maintains a policy of equal educational, athletic, and employment
opportunity. The intent of such action is to ensure the absence of discrimination towards a particular race, color,
religion, gender, handicap/disability, age, or national origin in any school, program, or school system policy which
might affect the administration, or treatment of students or the employment of personnel in connection with the
educational programs, or activity in Henry County Schools. Students and parents should bring such concerns to
the attention of the principal. Employees should address such matters with their immediate supervisor. Concerns
regarding this policy should be submitted in writing to the appropriate person as discussed above. For additional
information, please contact Jessica Stormer (Section 504/ADA Coordinator), Dr. Ethan Hildreth (Title VI and Title
IX Coordinator), or Dr. Raymond Bryant (Sports Equity Coordinator). For compliance information, contact Dr.
Ethan Hildreth.
Notice of Pictures of Students
Unless the parent/guardian requests otherwise, pictures and/or recordings of students may be taken by the news
media, individual schools, or the school system during the school day or at school events. Such pictures or
recordings of students may appear on school and school system websites, or in other public places.
If the parent/guardian wishes to prohibit the taking of any picture or audiovisual recording of their child by the
news media, the school, or the school system, notification must be filed, in writing, within 30 days of the
beginning of the school year or the date of enrollment. Pictures and/or recordings that identify students as
receiving special education instruction will not be publicly displayed. Regardless of parental consent or
notification, the school system has the right to record students with video cameras for safety and /instructional
purposes, and at extracurricular activities.
Parent – Teacher Conferences
Parents are encouraged to arrange a parent-teacher conference when the parent would like more information
about their child’s performance at school. Parent-teacher conferences can be an effective way of helping
students improve their schoolwork. To schedule a conference, parents should contact the teacher or an
administrator. Teachers are not available for conferences during instructional time.
Parent – Teacher Groups
Parents are encouraged to become actively involved in the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) or Parent-Teacher
Organization (PTO) at their child’s school. These organizations provide opportunities for parents and teachers to
work together for the betterment of the school and the benefit of students. Parent-teacher groups hold regular
meetings in the schools.
Since parties take away from class time, no more than two parties are permitted during the school year. There
can be no surprise or planned parties for teachers.
No pets of any kind are allowed at school without permission from the school. Teachers may give special
permission for pets to be brought to school as part of a special display or activity if approved by the principal.
Under no circumstance is a potentially dangerous pet to be brought to school. Pets or animals are not allowed on
the school bus.
Pledge of Allegiance
Students will be given the opportunity to recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of
America during each school day. Parents should notify their child’s teacher in writing if they do not wish for their
child to participate in reciting the Pledge. Students who do not wish to participate may either stand or remain
seated during the Pledge.
School Supplies
Parents are expected to furnish pencils and paper for their child’s use at school. Each elementary school
operates a school supply store that sells supplies at reasonable prices. Parents may send money for their child to
purchase supplies at the school store or they may purchase supplies elsewhere.
Silent Reflection
At the start of each school day, the school shall conduct a brief period of quiet reflection for not more than 60
seconds. This moment of quiet reflection is not intended to be and shall not be conducted as a religious service
or exercise but shall be considered as an opportunity for a moment of silent reflection on the anticipated activities
of the day.
Solicitation of Students or Employees
Solicitation of students or employees by any business, industry, organization, or individual for the purpose of
selling a product, service, or membership is prohibited on school grounds. The selling of any article or
subscription, or any other activity undertaken for the purpose of raising funds or collecting monies in or through a
school is prohibited unless the particular activity is approved by the Henry County Board of Education.
Please do not allow your child to bring items to school to be sold to students or employees.
Student Records
In accordance with state and federal regulations, the Henry County Board of Education has established policies
and procedures to ensure the confidentiality of student records. Parents having questions regarding their child’s
student record information should contact the school principal.
The following information describes the practices observed concerning student records:
Directory Information: Directory information is that which may be considered of general interest to students,
parents, or the public. The following student information is classified as directory information:
1. The student’s name, address, date and place of birth, and photograph.
2. The weight and height of members of athletic teams.
3. Awards and other recognition connected with student performance at school.
Unless the parent/guardian or eligible student request otherwise, directory information may be disclosed
to the public upon request.
The parent/guardian or eligible student has the right to refuse to allow any of their student information to be
designated as directory information. To exercise this right, written notification must be filed with the principal
within 30 days of the date of enrollment.
Academic Information: Academic information includes items such as individual student attendance and
discipline records, transcripts, and test results. Such information is confidential and access is restricted.
Student records are available to students’ parents/guardians. The rights afforded to parents/guardians can
transfer to the student when the student reaches eighteen years of age. Professional personnel, in the normal
functions of the school and as approved by the superintendent, may access student records.
Exceptions to restricted access of student records include the following:
1. In the event that part or all of a student’s record may be made available in compliance with a judicial order
or any lawfully issued subpoena, advance notice of such compliance will be given to parents and eligible
2. In the event of an emergency, appropriate persons will be given access to a student’s records if
knowledge of information contained therein is necessary to protect the health and safety.
3. If students move to another attendance area within the school system or seek to enroll in a school outside
of the system, students’ records will be sent to the new school upon official request from that school.
In questions of record inaccuracy, misleading information, or information in violation of the privacy or rights of
students, parents/guardians should contact the principal to request an opportunity for correction or deletion of said
material in the student’s record.
Supervision of Students at School
Students are under the supervision of the school staff during the regular school day. The school is not
responsible for students on school grounds during any time other than the school day or during school-sponsored
events after the school day. Schools cannot be responsible for supervising students prior to 7:15 a.m.
Telephone Use
Students will not be allowed to use the office telephone except in case of an emergency. If students become ill,
their parents will be contacted by someone on the school staff. If students need to make arrangements to go
home with someone else, they must have their parent send a note to school. Students may not call home to
make such arrangements after arriving at school.
Transportation Changes
Students may not make changes in the way they usually go home unless they have a note signed by their parent.
Parents should give specific dates and instructions to explain any change to the way their child should be
transported home. The principal or assistant principal must approve the note.
Last minute requests for transportation changes can confuse and upset students. To avoid such confusion and
disruption of the school during dismissal time, parents are asked to notify the school as early as possible if it
becomes necessary to make an unanticipated change in the way their child should be transported home.
Video/Audio Recorders
Video/audio recorders are used on school buses for the purpose of aiding supervision. Video/audio recordings
may be used in the classroom for the purpose of improving instruction, developing strategies for dealing with
student behavior or as evidence that misbehavior has taken place.
Parents are encouraged to visit the school for conferences and school activities. When parents would like to eat
lunch with their child at school, the school office should be notified by 9:00 a.m. so the lunch count can be
increased. Students may not bring relatives or friends to school as “spend-the-day” visitors. Approval by the
principal or his/her designee is required for any visitor to observe in classrooms.
As required by Georgia law, visitors to the school must report to the school office to sign in when they
arrive. Visitors must wear a visitor’s badge while at the school.
Certain Federal Laws And Guidelines
Henry County School District is in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act, the Hatch Amendment, the Vocational Education Guidelines, and the Gender Equity in
Sports Act. Please review the following selection of federal laws and regulations pertinent to your child.
A. Health Education
Classes in health education may not be offered separately on the basis of sex except that separate sessions for
boys and girls are permissible during times when materials and discussion deal exclusively with human sexuality.
B. Gender Equity In Sports
As required under O.C.G.A. § 20-2-315),students are hereby notified that the Sports Equity Coordinator for the
Henry County School District is the Coordinator of Athletics, Leadership Services at 770-957-7189. Inquiries or
complaints concerning sports equity or alleged gender discrimination in sports may be submitted to the Sports
Equity Coordinator.
C. Student Records
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) afford parents and students over 18 years of age
("eligible students") certain rights with respect to the student's education records as follows:
1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of the day the District
receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal [or
appropriate school official] a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The
principal will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and
place where the records may be inspected.
2. The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the parent or eligible
student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s rights of privacy. The parent
or guardian should write the school principal, clearly identify the part of the record in question, and
specify why it is inaccurate misleading, or in violation of the student’s rights of privacy. The district will
notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding
the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided
to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.
3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's
education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. The
following is a limited, non-exhaustive list of some of the disclosures permitted by FERPA with consent.
a. FERPA permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate
educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the district as an administrator,
supervisor, instructor or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law
enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the school board; a person or company with
whom the district has contracted to perform a special task, (such as an attorney, auditor,
medical consultant, or therapist); or parent or student serving on an official committee, such as
a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or
her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review
an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
b. FERPA also permits disclosure of personally identifiable information without consent to
appropriate officials in health or safety emergencies so long as the disclosure of the information
is necessary for the receiving party to respond to the emergency nature of the situation and
made to protect the health or safety of the student or others.
c. FERPA permits disclosure in response to a lawfully issued judicial order or lawfully issued
d. FERPA permits disclosure of education records without consent to officials of another school in
which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the
District to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that
administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave, SW.
Washington, DC 20202-4605
The School District has designated the following types of personally identifiable information about
students as "Directory Information":
Student's name, address and telephone listing;
Date and place of birth;
Dates of attendance;
Participation in officially recognized activities and sports;
Weight and height of members of athletic teams;
Video and audio images and recordings;
Diplomas, honor and awards received;
Major field of study; and,
The name of the most recent previous educational agency, institution, or school attended by the
D. Research and Student Surveys
The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) affords parents certain rights regarding the school's
conduct of surveys, collections and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams.
These rights transfer from the parents to a student who is 18 years old or an emancipated minor under State
law. These include the right to:
1. Consent before students are required to submit to a survey that concerns one or more of the following
protected areas ("protected information survey") if the survey is funded in whole or in part by a program
of the U.S. Department of Education:
a. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student's parent;
b. Mental or psychological problems of the student or student's family;
c. Sex behavior or attitudes;
d. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;
e. Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships; legally
recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or ministers;
f. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student, the student’s parents; or
g. Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility.
2. Receive notice and an opportunity to opt a student out of:
a. Any other protected information survey, regardless of funding;
b. Any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening required as a condition of
attendance, administered by the school or its agent, and not necessary to protect the
immediate health and safety of a student, except for hearing, vision, or scoliosis screenings, or
any physical exam or screening permitted or required under State law; and,
c. Activities involving collection, disclosure, or use of personal information obtained from students
for marketing or to sell or otherwise distribute the information to others.
3. Inspect, upon request and before administration or use:
a. Protected information surveys of students;
b. Instruments used to collect personal information from students for any of the above-mentioned
marketing, sales, or other distribution purposes; and,
c. Instructional material used as a part of the educational curriculum.
The School District has adopted policies to protect student privacy in the administration of protected
information surveys and the collections, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales, or
other distribution purposes. The School District will directly notify parents of these policies at least
annually at the start of each school year and after any substantive changes. For surveys and activities
scheduled after the school year starts, parents will be provided reasonable notification of the planned
activities and surveys listed below and are provided an opportunity to opt their child out of such activities
and surveys. The following is a list of the specific activities and surveys covered under this requirement:
i. Collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales or other distribution.
ii. Administration of any protected information survey not funded in whole or in part by the U.S.
Department of Education.
iii. Any non-emergency, invasive physical examination or screening as described above.
Students or parents who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with:
Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C.
Students and parents are hereby notified that the Coordinators for Henry County School District are:
Dr. Ethan Hildreth, Administrative Services (Titles VI, VII, and IX), Philip Mellor, Special Education Services (ADA)
and Jessica Stormer, Learning and Teaching Services (Section 504). Coordinators may be contacted at: Henry
County School Schools, 33 North Zack Hinton Parkway, McDonough, Georgia 30253, 770-957-6601.
Please complete and return within five (5) days of receipt of the Student and Parent Handbook.
Student & Parent Handbook
The Student & Parent Handbook contains important information about the policies, procedures and programs of
Henry County Schools. Students and parents should read the handbook at the start of the school year and keep
the handbook for future reference.
Each of the undersigned hereby acknowledges having read and received the Henry County Schools Student and
Parent Handbook (“Handbook”) for the year set forth. Each parent/guardian named below has also received,
read, and discussed the requirements of the Handbook with his/her child, including but not limited to the code of
conduct, disciplinary procedures, dress code, and the requirements of and penalties for violation of Georgia’s
compulsory attendance law, and each parent/guardian and student named below agree to fully abide by the
____________________________________________ ___________________________
Print Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name Print Student Name
____________________________________________ ___________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian Date
____________________________________________ ___________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian Date
____________________________________________ ___________________________
Signature of Student Date
____________________________________________ ___________________________
School Grade
Homeroom Teacher/Advisor: ________________________________________________________
Clubs & Organizations
Schools must provide to parents a list of all clubs and organizations available to students. Parents/guardians
should review this list and notify the school in writing if they wish to prohibit their child from participating in any
school club or organization. If any new clubs or organizations are formed during the school year, a permission
form for student participation will be sent to parents.
: I have received a list of the school clubs and organizations available to students for the 2010-
11 school year. I understand that I must notify the school in writing if I wish to prohibit my child from participating
in a particular club or organization.
_________________________ ________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
My child is not allowed to participate in the following school clubs and organizations: