AES Vision
Our vision at Abbeville Elementary School (AES) is to provide our children with
opportunities that will inspire them to think and learn. Our goal is to create an
environment which encourages and supports healthy development socially,
emotionally, and intellectually. An environment that is educational, fun, and
nurturing. Establishing this type of environment will translate into exceptional
benefits that will positively impact our children, their families, and our
With the collective efforts of our faculty and staff in reaching our objectives, we
will increasingly witness our children entering with excitement and anticipation
about their learning experiences. The students will feel safe and secure. During
their time at Abbeville Elementary, they will grow and realize their strengths and
work to strengthen their weaknesses.
Dear AES Families,
Welcome to Abbeville Elementary School, home of the Yellow Jackets! We are
excited to collaborate with you this year. We believe that the partnership
between home and school is crucial and can provide one of the most enriching
experiences for your family. Research has shown that children with involved
families tend to excel in school. Therefore, we encourage you to visit the school
frequently, become a part of the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), and
volunteer to help enhance our campus and playground in any way possible.
We truly want you to be an active part of our school community!
The purpose of this Parent-Student Handbook is to acquaint you with the various
programs, procedures, and services available at our school. Additionally, the
Henry County Code of Conduct is an essential resource that you can find on the
district website, and paper copies have been distributed to all students. Our
practices and protocols are designed to ensure the safety and security of our
Our main goal is to cultivate well-rounded and disciplined children who will
eventually make positive contributions to our world. As the AES faculty and staff,
we hold high expectations for both student learning and behavior. We
anticipate that all students will demonstrate respect by behaving appropriately
at school and not disrupting valuable instructional time for anyone. Together,
we can make sure this positive environment is maintained! I am eager to
embark on this wonderful journey with AES this year, where we will encourage
thinking, learning, and growing.
Once you and your child have thoroughly reviewed the information in this
handbook, kindly sign the forms provided at the back of the book and return
them to the school as soon as possible. If you have any questions or need
clarification about any information presented in this handbook, please don't
hesitate to contact the school at 334-585-3679 or reach me on my work cell at
334-441-6078. Our utmost desire is for your child to have a multitude of delightful
and constructive experiences at Abbeville Elementary School.
Your Partner in Education,
Tameka Hicks
Tameka Hicks, Principal
AES Faculty & Sta
Tameka Hicks, Principal
Linda Lawrence, Assistant Principal
Guidance Counselor
Scharona Grimsley Dawkins
Loretta Turner
Demetria Mills
Library Media Specialist
Jennifer Teat
ARI Local Reading Specialist
Rita Brown
OMI Local Math Coach
LaMonica Buck
Kristie Chambers
Gennifer Alexander
Paige Cheatwood
Annie Bryant-Spann
Skylar Kerns
Chelsea Marguriet
Haley Vaught
Dalice Adkison
Kristy Bush
Andrea Guilford
Haley Robinson
Nacole Roney
Angie Smith (ELA & Social Studies)
Theo Paige (Math & Science)
Kristen Jenkins (Math)
Nick Wilson (Science & Social Studies)
Jacob Godwin (Math)
Dr. Kati Goodrich (ELA)
Trinity Morris (Science & Social Studies)
Life (PE)
Brandon Buck
Alan Capps
Resource Teachers
Beth Milton (Gifted)
Tina Campbell (Self-Contained)
Virginia Jernigan (Collaborative Education K & 1
TBA (Collaborative Education 2
& 3
Vitito (Collaborative Education 4
Bailee Gist (Speech)
Shannah Loper (Interventionist)
Resource Officer
Officer DeWayne Atkinson
Devonna Carter
Tosha Davis
Sandra Hanchey
Barbara Hudson
Abra Charese Jackson
Vanessa Key
Teresa Thornton
Vacant- EL Paraprofessional
Austin Blackshear
Jarvis Parks
Cafeteria Staff
Stacie Pitts (Manager)
Bethany Skinner
Cheryl Hudson
Kayla Sanborn
Staff Contact Via Email
*Staff can be contacted using first name initial with whole last name
*Exception: Mrs. Scharona Grimsley Dawkins’s email address is [email protected]
HCS Vision & Mission
Vision Statement:
“Empower, Engage, Educate”
Mission Statement:
Henry County Schools: “Where students are inspired to learn, and teachers are
empowered to teach.”
Core Values and Beliefs:
We believe:
All students can learn.
High expectations of all stakeholders are necessary to achieve
goals and expand opportunities for all.
A safe and physically comfortable environment promotes student
Equity, fairness, accountability, and fiscal responsibility are the
foundations of our decisions.
Diversity and individual learning needs are respected, included,
and valued.
Education is a shared responsibility that positively impacts the
quality of life.
Facilitating open communication between school staff, learners,
parents, and community promotes a sense of involvement and
commitment to the entire educational process.
A school community should be a safe and caring environment that
promotes respect, self-worth, creativity, and academic growth.
Title I School
Abbeville Elementary School is a Title I Schoolwide School that receives federal program
funds that are used to improve the academic achievement of all students. The Henry
County School System is committed to providing technical assistance and support for all
schoolwide programs.
Abbeville Elementary School (AES) receives an annual allocation, based on the
percentage of low-income students, to distribute to schools which are eligible
to receive Title I services. A copy of the AES Title I and Parental Involvement
Plans, as well as the school electronic Continuous Improvement Plan (ACIP) are
available for review with the principal, in the media center, and in the HCS
Central Office as well as located on the system and school websites.
AES Registration Requirements
The Henry County School System is committed to enrolling without barriers and providing fair
and equitable services to students with limited English proficiency, children with disabilities,
migratory children, neglected or delinquent youth, homeless children and youth, and
immigrant children. For further information see the LEA Title I Plan, EL Plan, and/or Homeless
Children and Youth Plan available in the school principal’s office, the superintendent’s
office, or on the Henry County website (Departments +
Federal Programs + Documents + Federal Programs Documents).
Biological parents or legal guardians are the only people allowed to register
students. Appointment times may be made by contacting the school counselor
or registrar.
Documentation of Age – Enrolling students will submit, for age verification
purposes only, a certified birth certificate or suitable alternative including, but
not limited to religious, hospital, or physician’s documents that show the date
of birth; a baptismal record; an entry in a family Bible; an adoption record; an
affidavit from a parent; previously verified school records, etc.
***Act #2016-297 requires local education agencies to allow a child who is six
years of age on or before December 31 to enroll in first grade. This extends the
time frame from the current date of on or before September 1 for first grade
only. It does NOT extend the time frame for enrollment in kindergarten.
Original Immunization Record – “Blue Slip”
Social Security Card (optional) – Disclosure of your child’s social security
number is voluntary. Your child’s identification number will be used in
conjunction with enrollment as provided in Ala. Admin. Code §290-3-1-.02(2)
(b)(2) and will be used as a means of identification in the statewide student
management system.
Proof of Residency
Parents or guardians of all registered/enrolled Abbeville Elementary School
students must submit verification of residency at the beginning of each
school year. Enrolling students must reside within the municipal limits of the
Henry County Schools with a parent or legal guardian and must provide
proof of such residency.
Students applying for admission for the first time to the HCS must complete the
registration form. Registration information for students transferring from another
public school in Alabama will be obtained through the Power Schools student
database. Transfer students will also complete supplemental information forms.
School Day Schedule
Morning bus drop off.
Morning car drop off.
Breakfast begins. All students (walkers, bus, and car riders) should
report to the cafeteria upon arriving on campus.
Teachers on duty in classrooms.
Breakfast ends PROMPTLY at this time for all car riders. Bus
students WILL be served as they arrive.
Students begin entering homerooms.
First bell rings. Announcements are made.
Tardy bell rings. Parents must sign their child(ren) in after 7:50 a.m.
Students receive the key to success -- an education!
Early Check-outs end*
Car Riders are dismissed from their classrooms
Bus Rider Dismissal
All car riders must be picked up no later than 3:15.
*For the safety of AES children, students may not be checked out after 2:00.
If you have scheduled appointments for your children around this time, you
will need to check them out prior to 2:00.
Please be aware that car riders will NOT be released without an approved AES Dismissal
Tag. One tag per student will be issued at no cost. Additional tags will cost $5.00 each.
If you (or the person picking your child up) do not have the tag, you will be
required to park in the staff parking lot, report to the front office for ID verification
and student sign-out. Students will ONLY be released to adults listed on their
Emergency Card!
Changes of transportation plans will NOT be accepted over the telephone.
Transportation changes should be sent to the teacher in writing the morning of
the change. You may come to the school in person to hand deliver a written
note or you may fax us at 334.585.1122 BEFORE 1:30 PM. PLEASE do not rely on
e-mail messages.
School Hours
Students should not arrive before 7:10 a.m. As students arrive, they should follow
these procedures:
1. Students in grades K-6th who are eating breakfast should go directly to the
cafeteria doors and line up. Pre-K students are to report to the cafeteria upon
arrival. At 7:15 students may move to their grade level buildings. Students are
not to be in classrooms before 7:15 unless picked up by faculty member.
2. Students reporting to school after 7:50 a.m. must be signed in by the
parent/guardian/adult bringing them to school in the main office.
3. Dismissal times are as follows:
1st Bell-2:40 Car Rider’s Dismissal
Kindergarten through sixth grade car riders will report to the front of the
building for pickup.
2nd Bell-2:50 Bus Riders…Kindergarten through sixth grade students will
report to their bus line teacher at the 2nd bell. Teacher/staff member
will walk their bus line students to their buses at approximately 2:50 and
remain with their assigned students in that bus line area until all students
have loaded buses.
Late Check-Ins/Pick-Up
Excused late check-ins should not be permitted for any cause unless authorized by the
principal/designee. A parent/legal guardian must come to the main office to sign
students in when they are late. Any student reporting to school after the homeroom bell
rings at 7:45 must be signed in to obtain a tardy slip before reporting to their classroom.
Excessive tardies will be referred to the principal.
Parents/guardians must sign students out through the main office before leaving school.
Anyone picking up a child must be on the student’s check-out form, or the school must
have permission before the child can be released by parent or guardian. The school
should be notified in writing by the parent/legal guardian of anyone else picking up their
child/children in the absence of the parent/legal guardian. The school assumes no
responsibility for a student after the student has been checked out.
In accordance with school board policy, it is necessary for each student to have a
pickup form in the office with the names of those that can check out your child in the
event that you cannot. If you must add a name, report to the main office to see an
administrator, guidance counselor, or secretary. Please be sure that both
parents’/guardians’ names are on the pick-up/check-out sheet, if you are both in the
household. The school may request identification at the time of check-out.
Arrival & Dismissal
Car Riders
Children must be dropped off and picked up in front of the school. Vehicles
will drive down Elm Street in one direction in the mornings at drop off
between 7:20-8:00 and during the afternoon pickup between 2:35 until after
busses. Students will load cars after all traffic has been stopped. Parents must
remain in their cars and must not enter the building while students are
moving to bus/car lines and exiting the building. Please do not park in
teachers’ parking lot. Parents/guardians please remain in cars when picking
up students.
Bus Riders
Students may not be approved to ride any bus other than their assigned bus.
For special circumstances, a written note must be approved prior to the
transportation change. Please include contact numbers in the event the
change cannot be approved. If proper written documentation is not
received and approved, the child will have to go home on their regular
TRANSPORTATION. Changes should be made prior to 1:30 p.m. daily.
On the registration form, parents should indicate the transportation plan.
Parents/guardians must provide written changes of transportation needs and
should instruct their child to give these notes to their teacher upon
immediate arrival in their classroom. Teachers will collect all notes and send
them to the office. Please only call for emergency changes.
Parents/guardians may also bring in notes to the main office.
Early Dismissal
In the event that a child needs to be checked out of school early for any
reason (i.e. sickness, dentist/doctor appointment, etc.) a parent or a person
listed on the emergency card must come to the school office and sign the
student out before 2:00 pm. The student(s) will be called to the office. If the
person trying to check-out the child is not listed on the emergency card, the
child will NOT be released to this individual. To protect instructional time,
parents will not be allowed to go to the classroom during check-out.
Checkouts will be communicated to parents on the grade report received
every nine weeks as “tardies.” ANY STUDENT CHECKING OUT EARLY WILL
Parents are encouraged to visit the school. Lunch guests are always welcome!
Please stop by the office to sign in. In order to better protect our students,
visitors and staff, all visitors will be required to show a valid, government-issued
ID. If the purpose is to have a conference, please contact the teacher ahead
of time and schedule an appointment.
Teachers will notify the office of any visitors they have scheduled for the day.
If you would like to observe in your child’s class, you may contact the
teacher to set an appointment. We ask that you sit in the back of the room
and refrain from any conversations with the teacher or your child while the
children are in class. Please review the reminders below about visiting our
All visitors may only enter the building by way of the front doors. No one
will be admitted through a side entrance. Accessibility is available per
All visitors should sign-in at the office and get a visitor sticker. Visitors
should refrain from taking pictures and engaging with other students in
the classroom.
When students are checked in late, parents will need to say their good-
byes in the office. Parents will not be able to walk students to class.
The office will deliver any backpacks, homework folders, jackets or
glasses to the students that are dropped off during class times.
Please let your child's teacher know in advance if you plan to celebrate
your child's birthday at school. Birthday snacks may be served at a time
convenient for the class on your child's birthday. No balloons, flowers, etc.
will be delivered to the classrooms. Party invitations for parties outside of the
school day may not be handed out at school unless each child in the class
is invited.
Family Trips During the School Year
We love family trips, too! However, parents are discouraged from taking
their children on trips during regular school days, as the absences will
generally be considered unexcused. Exceptions will be made for trips of
educational/cultural significance with prior approval of the principal.
Parents should send this request to the principal, for approval, in
advance of the trip.
Students may be given a “recess break” each day. During this time students
may drink milk or juice and eat a snack. Fruits, vegetable sticks, nuts, cheese
and crackers, or peanut butter and crackers are appropriate snacks for
recess time. Candy, cookies, desserts, and other sugar-laden foods are
discouraged. Students CANNOT call home for snacks.
Lunch/Breakfast Prices
All AES students will receive free breakfast and lunch for the 2023-2024 school year.
Child Nutrition Program
I. The Henry County Board of Education shall provide nutritious and
adequate meals to all students at no cost. The school principal, in
conjunction with the Child Nutrition Program Director, is responsible
for ensuring the Child Nutrition Program is operated in compliance
with federal, state and local laws and regulations as well as policies of
the Board.
II. It is an objective of the Henry County School System that all students
can participate in the school lunch program. The Child Nutrition
Program Director shall determine, in accordance with federal
regulations, those students eligible for free or reduced-price lunches.
III. The Henry County Board of Education Child Nutrition Program (CNP)
lunchrooms shall incorporate food safety practices as outlined under
Hazard and Critical Control Point (HACCP) guidelines, Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) shall be developed for handling,
storage, preparation, and serving of all foods.
IV. Food from competitive sources, such as, McDonald’s, Hardees,
Subway, etc., may not be delivered to school or brought into the
cafeteria. Carbonated drinks and energy drinks are not allowed in
the cafeteria. Food may not be delivered to school unless it is in an
emergency case where a student left their food at home. Students
who bring meals from home are encouraged to pack nutritious meals
and they must bring them in a lunchbox or plain packaging. Students
will NOT be allowed to warm food in the microwaves.
V. The Superintendent is instructed to develop all policies and
procedures in compliance with state regulations.
It is the intent of the Henry County Board of Education to provide an opportunity for
each child to eat a nutritious breakfast and/or lunch during the school day. It is also the
policy of the Henry County Board of Education to comply with all federal program
regulations pertaining to the National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs. The
National School Breakfast and Lunch Program regulations do not allow for meal charges.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to deposit money into their meal accounts regularly,
whereby a draft of the account may be made on a daily basis as the meal is
purchased. Checks returned to the school CNP for insufficient funds shall be processed
according to Policy 7.42 Insufficient Funds and Worthless Checks.
Blackboard Messenger
Henry County Schools uses an automated calling system to notify parents and students
of upcoming events as well as emergency notifications. By signing this handbook, you
give the Henry County School System (and any School your student attends) permission
to notify you via text or phone call and assume responsibility of any monetary costs
associated with cellular communication. If at any time you wish to opt out, please notify
Henry County Schools immediately.
Safety procedures in the event of a FIRE OR EXTREME WEATHER CONDITIONS will be
conducted regularly. We encourage parents to listen to the television and radio stations
should weather conditions require the early closing of school. Please be advised that
information will be sent through Remind and SchoolCast. Please be sure that your
telephone numbers are kept current.
Evacuation Procedures
Tornado, fire, bus evacuation, and lockdown drills are conducted
periodically in the school. Students are taught within the first two weeks of
school the procedures to follow if the fire alarm, tornado signal, or lockdown
code is sounded. Fire drills are generally conducted monthly throughout the
year. Tornado drills are generally conducted four times a year. Lockdown
drills are practiced twice a year. Bus evacuation drills are practiced once
with all children and twice with students who ride the bus as their
transportation to and/or from school.
Parents are requested not to check students out when the school is under
emergency tornado warning conditions or during other times of inclement
weather unless instructed to do so. Standard emergency procedures will be
followed. Parents should not call the school during emergency situations or
inclement weather as the telephone lines must remain clear. In the event
school has to close early due to inclement weather parents should use the
following procedures:
1. Have a plan for your child(ren) to be picked up before the need arises.
Emergency plans cannot be developed over the telephone during the
closing of school.
2. Listen to local radio stations and check social media for information
about closing early for all Henry County Schools.
3. Buses will run and car riders will be dismissed as usual. There will be a
delay if we are under a tornado watch or warning at that specific time.
As soon as the watch or warning is over, we will dismiss.
4. Abbeville Elementary has access to a Safety Crisis Management Plan.
5. Parents will be informed of the reunification process in advance when
given the student handbook at the beginning of the school year. Parents
will be notified through school cast and remind of the unification process
as well. The teachers will have a list of students and approved check-
in/check-out adults that are allowed to check students out. Students will
remain with their teacher until proper adult authority has been verified
and approved.
If an evacuation is necessary, students and teachers will relocate to the First Baptist
Church. When students are evacuated to First Baptist Church, teachers and staff have
an emergency bag with class rosters of students and parent information. Parents will be
notified via Remind and the SchoolCast Phone System of students’ location. When
parents arrive, students will not be allowed to go with anyone that is not on the student's
contact information/emergency contact. Students will have to be signed out by parent
or authorized person. Abbeville Elementary School will not dismiss students until we are
sure they are in the right care.
Media Release
Unless the school is notified in writing stating otherwise, students may be
photographed or videoed, and pictures may be used for public relations
purposes through commercial print, television media, the Internet and/or
system media productions. Student names may also be listed in commercial
print, television media, the Internet, and/or system media productions. For
questions regarding this procedure, contact the school principal.
When a student is withdrawn from school, a transfer slip is prepared for
parents’ convenience to facilitate enrolling in another school. Transfer
information may be obtained by contacting the school office. Students
should have turned in all textbooks, library books, and be up to date on any
payment due to the office, library, or cafeteria. All school records will be
forwarded to the new school when requested by the new school’s personnel.
Worthless Check Policy
Abbeville Elementary will accept checks as payment for breakfast, lunch,
and other related services (i.e. fundraisers, etc.). The Henry County Schools
system is contracted with Nexcheck, LLC for the collection of any returned
checks, to recover the funds in a private and professional manner. Henry
County Schools will automatically be reimbursed the amount of the check
from Nexcheck. Nexcheck will then collect the amount of the check plus the
maximum fee established by law.
Nexcheck requires that the check received by the school system be a
printed check with the individual’s name, address and one phone number.
For any returned checks without this information, Nexcheck will attempt to
collect, but the amount of the check is not guaranteed. If Henry County
Schools collects the funds for these type checks, they may also charge a
Non-Sufficient Funds fee according to the maximum allowable by law. If
collection of these type checks is not made within two weeks, the check will
be turned over to the school authority for processing through the District
Attorney’s office and the school authority shall become responsible for the
debt. No bad debts may be written off at the end of the school year.
Dress Code
The procedure of Abbeville Elementary School is to follow the guidelines set
forth in the Code of Student Conduct concerning student dress code. Parents
will be called if a student is in violation of this dress code. Primary students
should wear clothes considered play clothes since activities involving paint,
glue, glitter, etc. may be incorporated often in the curriculum. Care will be
taken, but children should not be under undue stress from home to not soil
their clothes in this manner. Purses, perfume, scented lotions, jewelry (except
small earrings, watches, and/or medical ID tags), fake fingernails, etc. are not
appropriate for a primary school environment. If any of the above becomes
distracting in an instructional situation, parents will be notified. Tennis shoes
are encouraged; flip-flops and high heeled shoes are not ideal for play at PE
and recess.
Medication Administration
The State Department of Education, the Alabama Department of Public
Health, and the School Health Services Advisory Task Force have
recommended guidelines for medication administration. Following those
guidelines, the Henry County School Board has written a policy that states
the members of the school staff not administer internal medication to
students except in cases where it is prescribed by a physician and is
requested in writing by the parent or guardian. Listed below is the
procedure to be followed if a child needs prescription or nonprescription
medicines administered at school.
I. Prescription Medicines
A. Routine Medicines
i. If the child is on a medication that is given daily throughout
the year, a form that authorizes the school to give the
medication MUST be signed by a physician as well as the
parent or guardian. Some doctors have these forms in their
offices. They are also available in the nurse’s station.
ii. Prescription medicines MUST be in a prescription container
with a prescription label that identifies the child, the
medicine and dosage prescribed, how often the medicine
is to be given, and the current date. The parent or
guardian should request two containers from the
pharmacist with one labeled for school use.
iii. If a child is on a controlled medication such as Ritalin or
Phenobarbital, DO NOT let your child bring it to school. The
parent or guardian MUST take a month’s supply to the
school nurse.
B. Antibiotics and Other Temporary Prescription Medicines
i. If an antibiotic or other prescription medicine has to be
given temporarily and needs to be given during school
hours, it MUST be in the container that has the prescription
label on it with the child’s name, the current date, the
name of the medicine and the dosage prescribed.
ii. Written instructions from the parent or guardian are also
needed that include the time and the dosage to be given.
Written instructions may be written on a medication
authorization form.
C. Schedule
i. If the doctor prescribes specific times medicine is to be
given, the parent or guardian should ask the doctor if times
can be adjusted to avoid as many school doses as
possible. If a medicine has to be given at school, the
parent should ask the pharmacist for a second container
labeled specifically for doses to be given at school. ii.
When possible, the parent or guardian should give the
child’s medicine at home. If a medicine is brought to
school and is forgotten at school, the child may miss a few
doses. If the medicine stays at home, this problem can be
avoided. Below is a suggested schedule for giving
prescribed medication.
2 times per day
> Before School
- Supper
3 times per day
> Before School
After School -
4 times per day
> Before School
After School -
II. Nonprescription Medicines
A. If a child has a history of medical problems that require
nonprescription medicines such as aspirin or Tylenol to be given,
an authorization form MUST be signed by the physician with
written instructions from a physician describing the child’s needs.
B. Nonprescription medicines MUST be in the original container
with the child’s name clearly marked on the container.
C. If a child needs a Tylenol or other nonprescription medicine for
only one day, it is recommended that the parent or guardian
come to the school to give it to the child.
D. Cough drops may not be in the student’s possession at any
Influenza Disease Information
The Alabama Department of Public Health Immunization Division
recommends every year for everyone ages six months and older to
receive the influenza vaccine.
Scoliosis Screening
The Alabama State Department of Education and Alabama Department of Public
Health requires that school districts in Alabama offer and provide scoliosis screening for
male and female students in grades 5 through 9 if the child's parent request it to be
done. Screening is performed by observing the uncovered spine, viewing the student
from the back, side, and front and also from all sides with the student bending forward. If
a spinal problem is suspected, the child will be rechecked at a second screening.
Parents of students found to have signs of a possible spinal abnormality will be asked to
see their own physicians for further evaluation. If you do not wish for your child to be
screened for scoliosis, disregard the scoliosis consent form. If you would like your child to
be screened for scoliosis, complete the scoliosis consent form and return it to the school
Sunscreen ACT (2017-278)
Allows students in public and nonpublic schools to possess and use FDA regulated over
the-counter sunscreen at school and school-based events. Section 1. (a) Any student in
a public school under the jurisdiction of a local board of education or in a nonpublic
school may possess and apply Federal Food and Drug administration regulated over
the-counter sunscreen at school and at school-based events notwithstanding any other
provision of law, including any role of the State Board of Education or the State Board of
Nursing. Section 1. (c) Any student, parent, or guardian requesting a school board
employee to apply sunscreen to a student shall present to the nurse a Parent Prescriber
Authorization Form (PPA) containing a parent or guardian signature. A physician
signature or physician order shall not be required.
Backpacks SJR 8 ACT (2017-17)
The Backpack Act provides awareness of the dangers of heavy backpacks. Go to for more information.
Student Attendance
It is the belief of the Henry County School System that there is a direct relationship
between attendance and the performance of students in the school system.
I. All students should attend school regularly and be on time for all
classes to receive the greatest benefit from the instructional program
and to develop habits of punctuality, self-discipline, and individual
responsibility. Students who have good attendance generally
achieve higher grades, enjoy school more, and continue to
successfully complete high school.
II. Alabama State law requires that every child between the ages of six
(6) and seventeen (17) years attend school. It shall be the policy of
the Henry County Schools to enforce this law. (See also Policy 5.10
Enrollment/Admission, and
Policy 5.41 Compulsory School Attendance Age.)
III. Regular attendance is the actual attendance of a pupil during the
school day as defined by law and regulations of the State Board of
Education. A student who is absent or tardy without the
principal’s/designee’s approval shall have his/her parent(s)/legal
guardian reports such absences or tardies to the school center in the
manner prescribed by the Henry County School System Attendance
a. The Attendance Policy shall prescribe attendance requirements
including, but not limited to, provisions for excused and
unexcused absences, opportunities to make up work assignments,
and reporting absences.
b. Students shall be excused from any examination, study, or work
assignments for observance of a religious holiday or because the
tenets of his/her religion forbid secular activity at such time. The
school principal /designee shall implement this provision on an
individual basis pursuant to Alabama statutes and State Board of
Education rules.
c. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student who
avails himself/herself to the provisions of this rule.
d. Any absence not approved by the provision of this policy is an
unexcused absence (i.e., work, truancy, or parental neglect).
Students may not make up work if the absence is unexcused.
IV. Student attendance will be monitored on a daily basis and parents
contacted as required by law.
V. A person designated by the Superintendent or his/her designee shall
investigate truancy problems.
VI. Parents will receive an automated text, email, and phone call when
their child is absent or tardy. Tardies include check-ins and check-
Written Excuses
A written excuse will be required of all students, grade K-12) after each absence to be
presented upon the day of return of the student to school.
A. The principal of the school or his/her designee will determine the excused
or unexcused status of an absence. If an acceptable reason for
excusing an absence is not presented within five (5) days of the return of
the student to school, the absence will be coded unexcused.
B. Absences beyond seven (7) days per year will be excused only with the
documentation of a physician, except as specified by Board policy.
C. Students in K-8 are only allowed to use 10 parent notes per school year.
Each day counts individually.
Henry County Response to Instruction (RTI)
Response to Instruction is a process of core classroom tiered support for all students in
Henry County Schools. The Response to Instruction process at each school is designed
around the Henry County RTI Framework which consist of universal screening, tiered
instruction, intervention expectations, and professional development. The goal is success
for ALL students through tiered support!
Child Find
Help the Henry County System locate, identify, and evaluate individuals from birth to
age 21 who have disabilities. Children may be eligible for special education services in
one or more of the following areas of disability:
Autism Other Health Impaired Deaf-Blind Specific Learning Disabilities
Speech Language Emotional Disability Hearing Impaired Traumatic Brain Injury
Intellectual Disability Visually Impaired Multiple Disabilities Developmentally Delayed
Orthopedically Impaired
Speech Therapy
Speech therapy is available to any student who requires such services.
Typically, a child is referred to the speech pathologist by his/her parent or
classroom teacher. After a speech and hearing evaluation, if therapy is
judged to be necessary, the child is enrolled. The student is usually scheduled
to attend one or two 30-minute sessions per week. The child is seen on an
individual or small group basis. Enrollment continues until such time as his/her
speech production is within normal limits or until maximum benefit has been
Special Education Services
The Henry County Board of Education provides special education services to children
ages 3-21 residing within Henry County. The Problem-Solving Team, outside agencies, or
parents/guardians may make a referral. Anyone wishing to make a referral may contact
your child’s school or Dr. La’Keisha Newsome, Special Education Coordinator at (334)
585-2206 ext. 1230. The Henry County Board of Education prohibits discrimination against
any student on the basis of race, ethnic group, gender, economic class, or nationality.
Promotion of any student in a special education program, except for gifted students,
must be based on his/her accomplishments of goals stated in the IEP in conjunction with
all other regular program requirements. However, a special education student (except
gifted) may not be placed at any grade level unless the student has attended school for
a commensurate number of years equal to the proposed grade placement; i.e., for a
special education student to be placed at the sixth (6th) grade level, he/she must have
been enrolled in school for at least five (5) years.
Henry County Section 504 Program
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was written to protect qualified individuals
from discrimination based on their disability. Individuals with disabilities are persons with a
physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities.
This law covers persons who are perceived or have ever been perceived to have a
major physical or mental impairment. Anyone wishing to make a referral may contact
Miss Linda Lawrence ext. 2002 (building based 504 liaison) or Dr. La’Keisha Newsome at
(334) 585-2206 ext. 1230. The Henry County Board of Education prohibits discrimination
against any student on the basis of race, ethnic group, gender, economic class, or
Henry County Gifted Program Services
Gifted students are those who perform at or who have demonstrated the potential to
perform at high levels in academic or creative fields when compared to others of their
age, experience, or environment. These students require services not ordinarily provided
by the regular school program. Students possessing these abilities can be found in all
populations, across all economic strata, and in all areas of human endeavor.
Teachers, counselors, administrators, parents or guardians, peers, self, or any other
individuals with knowledge of the student’s abilities may refer a student. Additionally, all
second-grade students will be observed as potential gifted referrals using a gifted
behavior checklist. For each student referred, information is gathered in the areas of
Aptitude, Characteristics, and Performance. The information is entered on a matrix
where points are assigned according to established criteria. The total number of points
earned determines if the student qualifies for gifted services. The gifted acceleration
process is in place in Henry County to address gifted acceleration. To make a referral for
gifted, contact the Principal, Counselor, or Gifted Specialist at your child’s school.
All discrimination complaints based on sex, handicap, race, national origin,
religion, color, creed, or age should be directed in writing to one of the
designees listed below. Complaints should follow the grievance procedures
outlined in the Henry County Board of Education Policy Handbook. Copies of
these handbooks are in each principal’s office, AES main office, each school
library, and the town libraries in Headland and Abbeville.
Title IX and 504 Coordinator
The Henry County School System does not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and
provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The
following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-
discrimination policies.
Dr. Dennis Brand, Sr.
P. O. Box 635
Abbeville, Alabama 36310
Phone (334) 585-2206 or 1-800-684-2700 ext.1232
Dr. La’Keisha Newsome
P. O. Box 635
Abbeville, Alabama 36310
Phone (334) 585-2206 or 1-800-684-2700 ext. 1230
Abbeville Elementary School recommends in the early childhood grades that
homework should consist of the parent or guardian reading aloud to the
student. As the student becomes a more proficient reader, the student may
read aloud to the adult. Written homework (a few problems, a few
sentences, or a short story) should take 15 to 30 minutes of honest effort to
complete. Students should study sight words (AES Buzz Words) and phrases
Textbooks & Workbooks
All textbooks issued are the property of the State of Alabama and the public-
school system and shall be retained for normal use only during the period pupils
are engage in the course of study for which the textbooks are selected.
1. Care and Responsibility of textbooks:
a. Keep the book clean outside and inside;
b. Refrain from marking the book with pen or pencil;
c. Keeping the pages free of finger prints;
d. Avoid turning down, tearing, or otherwise damaging pages;
e. Refrain from placing the book where it may become soiled
or damaged;
f. Keep the book protected with a book cover.
2. Parents and pupils must accept liability for any loss, abuse, or damage in
excess of that which would result from normal use:
a. For loss of textbook, the pupil will be assessed current cost
of replacement.
b. For damage of textbook, the pupil will be assessed a
variable of:
1. Full price if new when issued;
2. Seventy-five percent of full price for books two years old; 3. Fifty
percent for books three years old or older.
3. No textbook will be issued to any pupil until all charges for lost or
damaged textbooks have been paid.
3. All textbooks must be returned to the issuing school by the pupil when
he/she is promoted or transferred and when he/she terminates his/her
attendance for any other reason.
Promotion and Retention
No student will be recommended for retention unless their case has been presented to
the school problem solving team (PST). Promotion or retention decisions for students who
transfer after the beginning of the final quarter of the school year will be made on a
case-by-case basis.
Grades K-8
To be promoted to the next grade, a student in grades K through 8 should be proficient
in reading and mathematics at grade level standards as determined through an
academic audit. The process of making promotion/retention decisions for students in
grades K through 8 should also take into consideration a variety of factors including age,
previous retention, maturity, motor coordination, capacity for learning, and academic
progress. The determination process should involve the principal and teacher(s) with the
authority for determining promotion and retention resting entirely with the teacher(s)
and principal, except that a kindergarten student may be retained only upon
approval/agreement of the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s). If a student needs to be
retained based on the school’s determination of the student’s academic performance
and/or other factors, the parent(s) or guardian(s) of that student shall be informed as
early in the school year as possible. In all cases, the decision of whether a student should
be promoted or retained shall be made on the basis of which grade placement
provides the student a better chance of progressing in his/her educational
If a student is retained twice in any grade or is more than two years older than typical for
the current grade level placement, he/she may be placed in the next higher grade
level upon principal or teacher recommendation(s) and the approval of the
Superintendent or designee.
Grading Procedures/Report Cards/Progress Reports
Report cards for kindergarten through sixth grade are sent home every 9 weeks during
the school term. Progress reports for kindergarten through sixth grade will be sent home
approximately 4 ½ weeks prior to each report card. Documentation that the reports
were received should be returned to your child’s teacher within three school days.
Parents may check up to date grades via the PowerSchools Parent Portal. Duplicate
reports will be printed for a $1.00 fee.
The following scale will be utilized for Kindergarten – sixth grades:
A – Excellent………………………..90 – 100
B – Good……………………………80 - 89
C – Fair………………………………70 - 79
D – Poor………………….………….60 - 69
F – Failure……………….…………..59 and below
Debts/Books/Report Cards
1. All school debts (pictures, textbooks, library books, lunch, etc.) are required
to be paid.
2. Students are responsible for textbooks and library books checked out by
them and will be required to pay for lost and damaged books.
3. Report cards (K-6) are issued at the end of each nine (9) weeks of the
school year.
4. A service charge of $30.00 is required on returned checks. After first
returned check only cash will be accepted.
Parent Teacher Conferences
An effective communication system between the school and home greatly enhances
the effectiveness of a child’s learning. Conferences between parents and teachers are
encouraged to discuss a child’s academic progress, social interaction, and unique
concerns. The first conference will be at the end of the first nine weeks for parents to
pick up the grade report and discuss their child’s performance. Additional conferences
will be scheduled at the teacher and parent’s discretion. Conferences may be
scheduled by calling the school’s secretary or by sending a note/emailing the teacher.
Conferences may be scheduled during their planning period or after students have
been dismissed after 3:00 p.m. most school days. We do not interrupt the instructional
day for parent/teacher conferences. Please schedule conferences at mutually
convenient times. An open-door policy is in place at AES. When available the principal
and/or assistant principal will be willing to meet with you.
Conferences will only be conducted with the legal guardian of the student. The policy
of the Henry County Board of Education is to assure the custodial parent and/or
guardian access to student education records and to restrict the release of such
records and/or directory information to third parties as set forth in the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.
Class Placement
Abbeville Elementary School assign students to their next year class through
collaborative efforts of their current classroom teacher, counselor, assistant principal and
principal. When applicable, special education teachers and/or instructional specialists
also provide input. Many factors are considered in the process of creating balanced
classroom groups including learning styles, gender equity, academic achievement level,
behavior, study work habits, and peer relations. Parent requests for specific classroom
teachers are not accepted. However, some parents may like to offer input as to their
children’s learning needs. If you have questions about the specific process at your child’s
school, please contact the building administrators.
Monday Info Folders
Each Monday, your child will bring home a YELLOW “information folder.” You will find the
weekly newsletter, tests and work samples/assignments from the previous week. Please
sign the papers and return all to school the following day. This is an excellent way for
parents and teachers to communicate with each other.
Daily Communication
Abbeville Elementary School recognizes that communication with parents is important
in regard to success in school. Teachers will communicate via text through the REMIND
101 texting system only and not via personal cell phone numbers.
Some teachers send folders home daily with homework, school calendars, memos,
etc. The folder should be checked and returned each day. Money should be sent in
a sealed envelope labeled with your child’s name, teacher’s name, and purpose of
the money. Anything sent to school (notes, money, etc.) needs to be placed in this
folder. Folders will be checked daily. Please note we do not check book bags. Verbal
messages brought by your child cannot be accepted by the teacher. Please send
written correspondence only. These should be placed in your child's daily folder.
School-Wide Discipline Plan
The faculty and staff at Abbeville Elementary School believe every student has the ability
to make good choices and become a successful student. With the use of positive
discipline, a child can learn to control their own behavior while motivating themselves to
learn. Teachers recognize that children who don’t have self-control need to be taught
directly these expected behaviors. Students who are taught to
internally control their own behavior will possess this skill throughout life. In the first weeks
of school the classroom teacher will discuss, model and teach expected behaviors.
We, the faculty and staff of Abbeville Elementary School, work toward self-discipline.
Self-discipline is a learning process whereby the student learns self-control and
recognizes his/her own responsibilities to society.
Teachers and the students will work together to build a community where students can
take ownership in the successfulness of the classroom. Teachers will present discipline in
positive terms and students will have the opportunity to solve problems in a caring
environment. Teachers will use rewards and consequences to help shape student
behavior, but these will not be the primary focus. The emphasis will be on helping
children understand what choices they have and how these choices affect their lives.
We will be respectful, responsible, and resourceful always.
1. Students must respect their teachers, responsible adults, and classmates.
Students will keep their hands and feet to themselves and will use kind
words at all times. All harassment allegations will be thoroughly
investigated by the principal.
2. The throwing of objects (ex. Rocks, sticks, pinecones, dirt, etc.) is strictly
3. Students that fight will be immediately sent to the principal’s office for
disciplinary action.
4. Students are expected to follow all classroom procedures.
5. Students are expected to work to the best of their abilities at all times.
6. Students are expected to complete all assigned work.
7. Students are expected to treat the school campus with respect and will
be expected to take care of it.
8. Students are expected to use appropriate language at all times.
9. Students are expected to be prepared by having their own supplies and
10. Every student will receive a copy of the Henry County Code of Conduct.
It contains a complete list of acceptable and unacceptable behavior
and punishment for each. It also explains Due Process that will follow the
guidelines in this booklet in making decision concerning, expulsion, time-
out room, or alternative school.
11. Students who chronically exhibit poor behavior are subject to be denied
the privilege of participating in field trips and/or extra-curricular activities.
12. Failure to comply with school rules will result in disciplinary action
according to the AES Progressive Discipline Plan. Students will be
expected to adhere to the Henry County Learner Code of Conduct.
Students will be given the rules and reminded that a violation of these
and other rules will result in punishment. No student will be punished
unless counseled as to why he/she received the punishment.
13. Abbeville Elementary School will use the Positive Behavior Support
program to encourage appropriate behavior in the classroom. Students
will be rewarded periodically for adhering to the discipline policies.
14. Adhere to the Abbeville Progressive Discipline Plan as indicated below.
15. All students are expected to follow our AES “STING Expectations.”
S- Safety First
T- Take Ownership
I- Inspire Others
N- Noble Behaviors Matter
G- Growth Mindset
Cell Phones
Henry County Board of Education may permit any student to carry cellular telephones
when such use of expressly and specifically permitted by the school administrator,
teacher or employee who is acting in a supervisory capacity at the time of use. Any
student in violation of the policy may be subject to suspension or disciplinary action by
the school administrator and/or the Henry County Board of Education. Students are
strongly encouraged to refrain from posting or sharing inappropriate videos or images on
social media platforms, or in group chats of any kind, especially during school hours.
When students do not follow the school-wide discipline plan they will receive consequences based on the philosophy
of progressive discipline. Progressive discipline uses a consistent approach that starts with a minor consequence for
first offenses to a more severe consequence for repeat offenses. Minor behavioral issues will be handled by the
teacher (classroom, media, computer lab, or PE). They will use their discretion when they believe the classroom
behavior requires a referral. The following is a sampling of the consequences teachers may use:
Student Cell Phone/Electronic Device Policy (HCCC pg. 23)
Understanding that the use of technology, including cell phone/electronic device usage has become an integral part of today’s
society, possession of these devices shall be permitted at school. However, students shall be held accountable for and taught
appropriate cell phone use. Please note the consequences below:
Offense: 1 Day of After
School Detention
Offense: 3 Days
Offense: 5 Days
Alternative School
Offense: Student
referral to discipline
Offense: Student referred
to the Superintendent and
Board of Education.
Students whose actions violate the state and/or federal laws (threats, harassment, sexting, pornography, etc.) shall be turned
over to law enforcement agencies and shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in addition to school punishment.
Students who are caught using a device to cheat will also receive a zero on the test and shall not be given an opportunity to make it up.
Absolutely no cell phones/electronic devices (student or teacher) will be allowed in testing rooms where state assessments are being
administered. Violations will enter consequences at the 4
offense level.
Step #1
Verbal Warning
Step #2
Student will move to next step according to behavior chart. (ex. move clip, change color, etc.)
Step #3
Parent Contact & Time Out in Class (Teacher must document time and date of contact.)
Step #4
15 Minute Break Detention & Reflection Sheet (Teacher Assigned and Covered)
Parent must be notified. Copy of reflection sheet with date and time break detention occurred must accompany the referral sent
Step #5
Required Parent Conference (Via Google Meet, Zoom, or In Person)
** In the event the parent refuses to show, the child will be placed in TOR.
Step #6
Office Referral (TOR or Corporal Punishment by Administration) Admin will call parents.
Offense: 1 Day TOR
Offense: 3 Days TOR
Offense: 5 Days TOR
Step #7
Office Referral #2 Alternative School (Repeated Class II Offenses/Class III)
Step #8
Office Referral #3 Hearing Before Local School Disciplinary Committee) 10+ Days
Step #9
Immediate Suspension from School Pending Hearing
Fight (minor) 3 Days TOR
Fight (minor) 5 Days TOR
The undersigned hereby acknowledge by our signatures that we have read or had read to us the Abbeville Elementary School
Progressive Discipline Plan. We understand that these steps apply to all learners at AES.
Student Signature ____________________________________________________ Date ___________________
Parent Signature _____________________________________________________ Date ___________________
Principal Signature __________________________________________________ Date __________________
AES Progressive
School Discipline Plan
Student Name:
The Guidance Program exists to meet the needs of the students. Whole group guidance
sessions for each class consist of activities that will benefit students in the areas specified
by a state and local curriculum guide. Small group sessions are also organized and
conducted as needed. Parents and teachers may request that students be counseled
individually, or students may request individual counseling sessions for themselves. The
counselor and classroom teacher (based upon the specific needs of the student)
decide the frequency of the individual sessions.
Field Trips
A parent must accompany any student with behavior concerns i.e. -- students who have
been assigned to TOR for a full day or more within the same semester of the trip, based
on teacher requests on a field trip. If the parent does not go on the trip, the student will
stay at school in another teacher’s classroom with work assigned. A student with severe
behavior concerns i.e.-- being out of school suspended within the same semester of the
trip, will not be allowed to go on a field trip. The student will stay at school in another
teacher’s classroom with work assigned. All field trips are based on principal’s approval.
Parents must have prior approval from the principal to allow their child out to travel in a
private vehicle after the field trip.
If the parent keeps the child at home, the absence is unexcused. All teachers, students,
and parents taking part in field trips must wear school identification and/or armbands
issued by the teacher. Students who participate in field trips are expected to travel to
the field trip activity as a group and to participate in and remain with the field trip group
for the duration of the activity. Students will travel to and from all field trip activities in the
transportation vehicle provided by the school system.
Chaperone Guidelines
Purpose: The sole purpose for chaperone services will be to aid the teacher in preserving
the well-being of each student by maintaining and enforcing policies, instructions and
guidelines. The chaperone will function in an official capacity as a representative of
HCS and should conduct himself/herself accordingly.
Qualifications: Preferably, a chaperone will be one who has a child participating in the
activity for which services are needed. All chaperones are expected to model
appropriate behavior and refrain from the use of alcohol and tobacco products. All
chaperones MUST be approved by the principal. **Anyone not willing to abide by the
guidelines will be escorted from the school campus and/or event by the school resource
Chaperones Will:
Wear arm bands/nametags as designated by school.
Submit a medical release form to the sponsor.
Stay with the students at all times and be ready to assist when called
Encourage all students to visit restrooms prior to leaving.
Know the students for whom they are responsible at all times.
Check all tables, restrooms, and areas where the students might
have been for any articles left behind, and to ensure that venues
are left as neat and clean as they were found.
Model appropriate behavior for students at all times.
Refrain from the use of vapes, inappropriate language, alcohol and
tobacco products.
Keep a positive attitude
Chaperones may not bring along children of any age who are not
enrolled in the class taking the field trip.
Regular field trip costs will apply to the parent/chaperone.
Parents are expected to represent his/her child in a respectable
manner. **No bonnets, pajamas, or revealing clothing while in
attendance of a school event or chaperoning.
Physical Education
Each student is required to have at least 30 minutes of physical education daily. Safe
athletic shoes should be worn at PE. Students are expected to participate in all activities
unless a parent note is sent to the teacher. The physical education teacher should be
notified of any medical problems preventing participation. If a student suffers a broken
bone, muscle sprain, or any other serious injury that prevents participation, a doctor’s
release MUST be received by the school nurse before the student will be allowed to
participate in PE.
Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
Our Parent Teacher Organization is a tremendous asset to Abbeville Elementary
School. They will provide materials for classrooms; organize volunteers to help with any
and all activities at school, and conduct fundraisers throughout the year. Any person is
eligible to be a member of PTO. Dues and monies raised will be spent to achieve PTO
goals set at the first general meeting. These goals will benefit all children and their
education. There will be at least three general meetings during the school year. These
include an Open House at the beginning of the year, a winter program in December,
and election of officers meeting in the spring.
Media Center
The Media Center’s hours of operation are from 7:45 – 2:30, Monday – Friday. We hope
you will visit our library and check out all the resources we have available! We are
constantly improving our circulation and want books in the hands of children.
The media center always needs volunteers. Please contact Mrs. Teat to sign up to help
shelve and process books or assist students in choosing books!
Check-out Policy:
1. Students in all grade levels may check out books.
2. Parents may check out four books at a time.
3. We encourage students to choose books at their appropriate reading
level and interest area.
4. Parents and teachers may check out big books and books on tape.
5. Reference books may only be checked out to teachers for use in
Library Fines: Fines are not charged for overdue books. However, students are required
to pay for lost or damaged books. There will be a charge for any lost library item. When
a book is checked out, the patron assumes full responsibility for it. Any book which has
been lost, defaced, torn, left in the rain, or otherwise misused to the extent it can no
longer be read, will have to be paid for by the responsible patron.
Parental Involvement Policy & Plan
Abbeville Elementary School (AES) will use its parental involvement funds to purchase
supplies, equipment, and materials that will enable us to provide parents with materials
to help meet the needs of their children. We will provide workshops and activities to
build and foster stronger parent and community involvement. Workshops offered will
address issues such as family literacy and parenting skills through work sessions and
technology classes. Our efforts to increase student achievement, improve student
behavior, and develop better study skills are goals that we plan to reach through
services and the purchase of equipment, materials, and supplies.
The parent advisory council will continue to meet each grading period to discuss
pertinent aspects of the parent involvement plan. The council will discuss aspects of the
plan and offer suggestions and ideas that will be included. Information gained from
parent surveys will also be used. AES will continue to inform and encourage input from
During our annual parent meeting, we will discuss needs and list recommendations for
spending allocated funds. Parents will collaborate with the faculty and staff to decide
the most effective way to use these Title I funds.
Abbeville Elementary School shall hold its annual meeting for the parents/guardians of
AES students during the middle of August. Parents will be notified of the meeting by the
School Cast program, newspaper announcements, and a posting on the school
marquee. The topics covered in the annual meeting will be presented in a morning
session and an evening session to provide the opportunity for all parents/guardians to
attend. Some of the topics to be discussed include areas in which the parents indicated
on the May survey were of interest. Topics to be discussed are:
1. Title I participation, its services, and parents’ rights
2. An explanation of the school’s curriculum and the state’s content
3. The Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)
4. Parents’ Right-to-Know
5. The school Parental Involvement Plan
6. School-Parent-Student Compacts
7. The Parent Center
8. Parent Survey
9. Tips on helping with homework
10. Improving reading and math skills
In addition to the annual meeting, Abbeville Elementary School shall hold its Open
House prior to the start of school. The parents/guardians and students will locate their
child’s classrooms and meet with the teachers. Parents are notified of the meeting by
the SchoolCast, AES web-site, newspaper announcements and social media posting.
AES leadership and faculty understand the importance of parental involvement and
offer parent meetings to accommodate the various parents’/guardians’ work schedules.
Our annual meeting shall be offered during the school day and in the evening. Our
Parent Center shall conduct workshops to further address at home needs as seen by the
parents/guardians. The Parent Center shall be open every school day from 8:00 a.m.
until 9:00 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. until 3:15 p.m. to allow parents to pick up materials and
information. The Parent Center will also be open thirty minutes before each PTO
meeting. Various pamphlets and flyers are available in the guidance office for
parents/guardians. The parent facilitator, an administrator, or designee shall make every
effort to meet with parent/guardian at any time.
Abbeville Elementary School believes that parents/guardians are to be involved in all
aspects of its Title I programs. We shall have three parent representatives on our
Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) advisory council who are involved in AES activities.
Parents will be given surveys at the end of the year. The information gathered from the
returned surveys will provide input on activities, training, and materials that the school
should offer to the parents/guardians for the upcoming school year. The results from the
surveys help determine what is needed in the parental involvement plan as well as in the
At the annual meeting, Abbeville Elementary School will hold a general meeting where
information about the schools Title I programs, the curriculum, and forms of assessments
will be discussed. Parents shall learn about the CIP, various programs and the Course of
Study objectives in reading, math, language, science, social studies, and physical
education. They shall also learn about scheduling parent-teacher conferences. Student
handbooks will be available for parents/guardians who need them. Parents/guardians
shall be given the opportunity to visit appropriate areas of the school. The faculty will
provide additional information about expectations, on the subjects taught and
assessments given to their child.
Abbeville Elementary School shall gather its Advisory Council to review, evaluate, and
revise the CIP plan in April. Two parent representatives shall be present. All
parents/guardians are notified of the review process through School Cast and letters
sent home making parents/guardians aware that the plan is under review and that a
copy is available in the principal’s office, library, guidance office, and Parent Center.
The communications will inform parents/guardians of their right to have input in revising
the plan and of their right to submit any concerns in writing to the school even after final
approval of the plan.
Abbeville Elementary School will develop and/or revise its school-parent-student
compacts in July of the upcoming school year. Various components will be included in
the compact in order to meet the state requirements. The new compacts will be
modified to better identify roles of each stakeholder. The compacts shall be referred to
at different times throughout the school year such as during conferences with student
and/or parents/guardians. Explanation of the compact will be discussed with each of
the stakeholders and the signing of the compact shall indicate that there is a
commitment in working together to ensure learner success in the school.
AES Parent Partnership
Abbeville Elementary School shall work to ensure that a partnership between
parents/guardian is established to improve overall student success in the social aspects
as well as academic achievement. AES shall:
1. Provide training at the annual meeting for parents/guardians about the
State’s academic content standards and State student academic
achievement standards, state and local assessments, the requirements
of Title I, how to monitor their child’s progress, and working with teachers
to improve their child’s achievement level. Parents/guardians will
schedule meetings with teachers to discuss pertinent information
2. Provide materials and training to help parents improve children’s
achievement. AES shall promote activities and programs for families to
become involved in the educational process in order to provide
academic assistance at home and at school by using compacts,
volunteer programs, parenting classes, open house, statewide parenting
day, and parent/teacher conferences. The Parent Center will be
equipped with materials that parents can check out to assist them in
helping their child gain success in school. Audio-visual resources such as
videotapes and CD ROMs will be available to further enhance the
learning environment at home. There will also be discipline material
available for home use. AES shall also provide community resource
guide information for DHR, Henry County Extension Program, 4-H, Child
Advocacy Center, and Truancy prevention.
3. Educate the faculty and staff in the importance of parental contributions
and develop open communication with parents/guardians as valuable
partners in the goal of their child’s academic achievement. AES shall
work to build relationships with parents and the school. Abbeville
Elementary School shall work with the teachers and other staff members
through in-service trainings, faculty meetings, and grade level meetings
to emphasize the importance of parental involvement and fostering a
partnership with parents/guardians.
4. To the extent appropriate, coordinate parent involvement programs and
activities such as the parent resource center that encourages and
supports parents/guardians in participating in their child’s education.
Spanish speaking parents/guardians will be provided with pamphlets,
and meeting notices, translated into Spanish using TransAct. Bilingual
parents, community members, or older children assist in translation when
needed and appropriate.
5. Ensure that information regarding school programs, parent meetings,
and activities is sent in a format, to the extent practicable, in a language
the parents understand. Information on all meetings and parent notices
is sent to parents/guardians of the ELL students in Spanish.
6. Provide other reasonable support for parental involvement activities
under this section. Abbeville Elementary School makes every attempt to
work with parents in meeting their request to enhance their child’s
education. The survey conducted in May will show how parents feel
about having meetings on Saturday. AES may hold at least one meeting
on a Saturday.
7. Upon request, parents will be provided with the professional
qualifications of their child’s teachers and/or paraprofessionals including
their certification status and degree(s) in accordance with the Parents’-
8. Parents will be given a copy of state assessment reports with or before
the first report card. Letters will be sent to the parents of children enrolled
in the classroom of any teacher who is not highly qualified.
Abbeville Elementary School to the extent practicable provides opportunities for parents
with limited English proficiency and parents with disabilities to participate in school
functions. Based on need, the notices of parent meetings may be sent to Spanish
speaking parents. Abbeville Elementary School doesn’t have any migratory students at
this time. AES makes every effort to accommodate parents/guardians with disabilities
and the buildings are handicapped-accessible.
Abbeville Elementary School (AES) understands that engaging parents in the education
process is essential to improved academic success for students. It further recognizes that
a child’s education is a responsibility shared by the school and family during the entire
time a child attends school.
Therefore, Abbeville Elementary School shall foster and support active parent
involvement so that our school and our parents work together as knowledgeable
partners in educating children.
Although parents may be diverse in culture, language, and needs, they share the
school’s commitment to the educational success of their children. Abbeville Elementary
School recognizes its responsibility to eliminate barriers that impede family involvement,
and to create an environment supportive of comprehensive family involvement
programs that have been developed in collaboration with parents. Therefore, this policy
shall establish programs and practices that reflect the specific needs of Abbeville
Elementary School students and their families.
Abbeville Elementary School supports the development, implementation, and regular
evaluation of a parent involvement program at Abbeville Elementary School that
includes parents at all grade levels in a variety of roles. Parental involvement programs
will be comprehensive and coordinated in nature. They will include, but not be limited
to, the following components of successful parent/family involvement programs based
on National PTA’s National Standards for
Family Engagement (Parents/Family Involvement Programs):
Communication between home and school is regular, two-way, and meaningful.
Informing parents of pertinent information regarding their child is essential.
Responsible parenting is promoted and supported. AES recognize that parents
are their child’s first and most important teacher.
Parents play an integral role in assisting student learning. AES encourages parents
to involve themselves in their child’s learning experiences at school as well as at
Parents are welcome in the school, and their support and assistance are sought.
The parents are encouraged to exercise their right to visit their child’s classroom,
eat lunch with their child, view their child’s records, and meet with faculty and
staff about anything that concerns their child.
Parents are full partners in the decisions that affect children and families. Parents
are encouraged to fully participate in decisions that affect their child’s education
and well-being. Provide opportunities for parents to share in decisions about
policies through surveys and parent meetings.
Community resources are made available to strengthen school programs, family
practices, and student learning. Abbeville Elementary School is committed to
working with community agencies such as DHR, Child Advocacy, SpectraCare
and Henry County Extension, 4-H, as well as any other agencies that provide
services to children and families.
Abbeville Elementary School is committed to professional development opportunities for
staff and leadership to enhance understanding of effective parental involvement
Abbeville Elementary School also recognizes the importance of administrative leadership
in setting expectations and creating a climate conducive to parent participation. AES
recognizes the value of staff development and provides opportunities that will enhance
the faculty’s ability to further develop and expand parental involvement.
Abbeville Elementary School supports the implementation of this policy. A copy of this
policy will be distributed to every parent, guardian, and teacher by including this
document in the student handbook. Support will be provided to parents and teachers
as they plan and implement effective parental involvement programs. Parental
involvement is the key in establishing an effective program. We understand the value of
parental input and work to implement suggestions and ideas; therefore, we commit to
devoting time and resources in implementing the contents of this policy.
Abbeville Elementary School ensures that parents will participate in an evaluation of
content and effect of this policy on student success. The evaluation will be used to
improve and/or create practices to enhance parental involvement. At a minimum, this
policy will be reviewed and revised yearly.
If parents have concerns about the Parental Involvement policy, their concerns may be
expressed to:
Federal Program Director
Alabama State Department of Education
200 N. Ripley Street
Montgomery, Alabama
Home Language Survey
Each student who enrolls in Henry County School must complete a Home Language
Survey. The parent or student may fill out this survey. It if is determined that the student’s
language is not English; the English Language Learners (ELL) Coordinator, Jill Barber, is
contacted. The student will be given a Language Assessment to determine his/her
understanding/ability to perform in a regular classroom situation. A team made up of
regular classroom teacher(s), principal or designee and the ELL Coordinator will discuss
assessment results and decide the best plan for the student. All students will be in regular
Physical Education classes. At other times students could be given instruction in a
resource room or be helped in the regular classroom by another person. All students are
monitored and mainstreamed as progress is made. Student(s) will be evaluated on their
class work. A Language Assessment will be administered to determine the student(s)
ability to work in the regular classroom. All students will have the same services and
opportunities to participate in activities in the school.
Equal Opportunity
A student shall not be admitted to, or excluded from, any federally assisted education
program on the basis of a surname of language-minority status. {No Child Left Behind
Act of 2001. Title III-Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant
Students, Part C, Section 3302 (f)}
Google Classroom
Please see and return Internet Acceptable Use form to give permission for Henry County
BOE to create/maintain a Gmail/GSuite for Education account for your student to
participate in Google Classroom activities (including homework).
Privacy Act
The parents or guardians of students under the age of 18 have the right to request to see
their child’s records. Students 18 years old or older may request to see their school
The school must have a signed statement from the student or his/her parent before a
transcript will be sent to an employer, a college admission office, etc.
Statement of Equal Opportunities
It is the policy of Abbeville Elementary School that no student will be denied access to
programs of service, or treated differently on the basis of race, sex, religion, belief,
national origin, ethnic group, limited English-speaking ability, handicapping condition, or
economic condition.
The Henry County School System is committed to providing high quality education for all
students. Because of this commitment, this policy is developed for students who use
English as a second language, who are immigrants, who are migrants, and/or who are
Each student who enrolls in HCS must complete a Home Language Survey. The parent
or student may fill out this survey. If it is determined that the student’s language is not
English, the English Language Learners (ELL) Coordinator is contacted. The student will
be given a Language Assessment to determine his/her understanding/ability to perform
in a regular classroom situation. A team made up of regular classroom teacher(s),
principal or designee and the ELL Coordinator will discuss assessment results and decide
the best plan for the student. All students will be in regular Physical Education classes. At
other times students could be given instruction in a resource room or be helped in the
regular classroom by another person. All students are monitored and mainstreamed as
progress is made. Student(s) will be evaluated on their classwork. A Language
Assessment will be administered to determine the student(s’) ability to work in the regular
classroom. All students will have the same services and opportunities to participate in
activities in the school.
Student Rights
EL, immigrant, migrant and homeless students have the same responsibilities and rights
as all students in the school.
Communication to School
Principals/designee will be provided information and materials about ELL, immigrant,
migrant, and homeless students, and they will sign-off when receiving such materials.
The principal and/or his designee will have the primary responsibility of explaining all
information and materials to these students and their parents in a manner and form
which they can understand.
Migrant and Homeless
Migrant and homeless students who come into the system will be provided the same
quality educational opportunities as all other students.
A student shall not be admitted to, or excluded from, and federally assisted education
program on the basis of a surname of language-minority status. [No Child Left Behind
Act of 2001. Title III- Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant
Students, Part C, Section 3302 (f)]
Parents Right-to-Know
The Henry County School System implements the NCLB Parents Right-to-Know provision
by providing parents with copies of all required notifications/forms. These include both
English and Spanish (and other languages as needed) versions of the required
documents. TransACT is used as a resource for documents.
Student Enrollment
The Henry County School System is committed to enrolling without barriers and providing
fair and equitable services to students with limited English proficiency, children with
disabilities, migratory children, neglected or delinquent youth, homeless children and
youth, and immigrant children. For further information see the LEA Title I Plan, EL Plan,
and/or Homeless Children and Youth Plan available in the school principal’s office, the
superintendent’s office, or on the Henry County website (Departments + Federal Programs + Documents +
Federal Programs Documents).
Notifications of Rights Under FERPA
The Family Educational Right and Privacy Act (FERPA) afford parents and students over
18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s
education records. They are:
1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45
days of the day the district receives a request for access.
2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records
that the parents or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading.
3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information
contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that
FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. (One exception which
permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with
legitimate educational interests.)
4. The right to file a complaint with the U. S. Department of Education
concerning alleged failures by the district to comply with the
requirements of FERPA. The office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy
Compliance Office, U. S. Department of Education, 600 Independence
Avenue S. W., Washington, DC 20202-4605.
Sexual Harassment
Employees and student shall not engage in conduct constituting in sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment is illegal and will not be tolerated. The Henry County School Board
shall investigate all allegations of sexual harassment and take appropriate action
against employees or students who engage in sexual harassment. (See Board Policy File:
GAEA and Code of Conduct)
Asbestos Notification
The Henry County Board of Education has removed all friable asbestos from its facilities;
however, there are areas within the school system that contain suspected non-friable
asbestos materials. Such areas may include floor tile, attic/roofing material, and thermal
insulation beneath crawl spaces and in attics. For more information contact the school
office for the school’s Asbestos Management Plan.
Handbook Acknowledgement Form
(Please complete the Handbook Acknowledgement Form in your child’s beginning of the year packet. Any additional
changes and/or information will be communicated via social media, written notification, or emails.)
Abbeville Elementary School STUDENT-PARENT HANDBOOK
I have read and understand the AES Handbook.
I have read and understand the Federal Law pertaining to:
Parents Right-to-Know Teacher Qualifications
Parents Right-to-Know Limited English Proficient
Parent Involvement Plan for AES
I have read and understand my responsibility as a library patron.
I would like for my child to bring his/her library book home each week.
Student’s Name: _________________________________________
Parent’s Signature: _______________________________________
Parent’s Email address: __________________________________
The Henry County Schools Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national
origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts
and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries
regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Lori Beasley, Superintendent
Henry County Schools
100 Trawick Street
Abbeville, AL 36310 334.585.2206
Abbeville Elementary School’s website is
The Henry County Board of Education’s website is