General Information for Presenters
It is the presenting author's responsibility to ensure that:
-a disclosure slide is included directly after the title slide;
-disclosure information is provided verbally to the audience;
-trade names, commercial company logos, and taglines are removed from
all slides.
Registration Desk Opening Hours
Tuesday 25 October 16:0020:00
Wednesday 26 October 07:00 18:00
Thursday 27 October 07:00 18:00
Friday 28 October 07:00 14:00
Your official participant name badge is required for admission to the Congress Centre and
to all Symposium events. For security reasons, participants are requested to wear their
badge at all times. Your symposium material can be collected at the Bag Distribution
Speaker Preview Room
This room has been designed to allow speakers a place to prepare their presentation.
Speakers are able to update presentations up to 4 hours before their session starts using
computers located in the Speaker Preview Room.
We kindly ask that all speakers come to the Speaker Preview Room and sign in. This will
serve as an indication to the relevant session Chairs and/or moderators whether or not
you are onsite.
All presentations will be delivered at a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels on a PC with
Windows 10 and PowerPoint 2019.
If your presentation is in the morning please come the day before. Your
presentation will be placed on a server.
Speaker Preview Opening Hours:
Tuesday 25 October 14:00 18:00
Wednesday 26 October 07:00 18:00
Thursday 27 October 07:00 18:00
Friday 28 October 07:00 14:00
In order to prepare your PowerPoint presentation, please find below the seating capacity
of each room where sessions are being held:
Room 111+112
1000 Pax
Room 211 500 pax
Meeting with your Session Chair / Moderator
Speakers should plan to meet with the Session Chair in the session room where the
session is to be held 10 minutes before the session is due to start. The purpose of this
meeting is to discuss general session arrangements. Your session Chair has been
encouraged to contact you prior to the meeting to request a copy of your presentation
and a short bio with which to introduce you.
You are not required to stay in the room for the entire session; however, you will need
to be present 10 minutes before your presentation.
Introduce yourself to the session Chair. He/she will instruct you to seat yourself either
on the podium or in the front row.
After the session Chair introduces you, position yourself at the podium and place the
microphone approximately six inches from your mouth. A laser pointer will be available
for use at the podium.
Please explain any acronyms used in your oral presentation as well as your visuals for
the benefit of all attendees.
All presentations are to be in English followed by questions in English.
Length of Presentation
The length of time allotted for each presentation depends on the overall length of the
session and the number of speakers in the session. Please ensure you keep track of
your presentation time as each session has a strict time limit. Structure your
presentation so that you present the main points and allow sufficient time for questions
and discussions. There may not be enough time to go into all of the details, so please
communicate only the most important points.
PowerPoint Guidelines
1. Please note that we accept only computer based PowerPoint presentations.
Slide/Overhead/VCR projectors will NOT be available. To ensure your
presentation runs smoothly, please submit your presentation at the Speakers
Preview Room at least 4 hours prior to your presentation.
An AV technician will be available to assist you and to load the PPT presentations
prior to the start of the sessions.
2. Make sure slides are legible.
Use a sans serif typeface such as Helvetica or Arial.
Avoid using anything smaller than 24 pt font.
3. Keep the slides simple.
Keep title to one line.
Test slides for legibility and contrast.
4. Include your contact information and website URL on the final slide.
5. Language: All presentations must be in English
6. Check spelling using spell check programme or a proofreader.
General instructions
All presentations are held in Microsoft Powerpoint on a PC running Windows.
If you are using other software than Microsoft Powerpoint on a PC running Windows
(example : OpenOffice, Powerpoint for Mac, Keynote) please make sure your
presentation is converted to Microsoft Powerpoint for Windows PCs before you travel to
the Symposium (preferably by trying the converted presentation on a Windows PC).
Presentations in Acrobat PDF format, Word format, Keynote or Prezi are NOT
Computer projection will be available. A single computerized system will manage
all projections and will send the presentations to the assigned session rooms
automatically. This method guarantees an easier management, a higher quality of
projection and a quicker and smoother running of the presentations. The use of personal
laptops, Ipads, etc (MAC and PC) for presentations in the session rooms will not be
In the Speakers Preview Room, a technician assists the speaker to transfer his or
her presentation into the central Symposium network. When the transfer is complete, the
technician performs a quick run of the presentation with the speaker to check whether
the presentation runs correctly and all parts of the presentation are copied.
Desktop computers will be available at the speaker’s secretariat for last minute changes
and reviewing your presentation.
No more changes can be made inside the session rooms where the session takes place
In each session room, a technical assistant starts each presentation at the right time using
the computer connected to the central Symposium network. When the presentation is
launched, the speaker has control and can navigate with a remote device.
In the session rooms : the Lectern displays your slides as well as your notes.
Technical instructions
Presentations as well as all audio-visual material should be presented in English (slides,
DVDs, ...).
General instructions
Prepare a slide disclosing all commercial relationships or other activities that might be
perceived as a potential conflict of interest. This slide should be shown at the beginning
of your lecture (2
All presentations are held in Microsoft Powerpoint on a PC running Windows.
If you are using other software than Microsoft Powerpoint on a PC running Windows
(example : OpenOffice, Powerpoint for Mac, Keynote) please make sure your
presentation is converted to Microsoft Powerpoint for Windows PCs before you travel to
the symposium (preferably by trying the converted presentation on a Windows PC).
Presentations in Acrobat PDF format, Word format, Keynote or Prezi are NOT accepted.
Speakers are kindly requested to respect the allotted time to guarantee a smooth running
of the sessions.
Computer projection will be available. A single computerized system will manage
all projections and will send the presentations to the assigned session rooms
automatically. This method guarantees an easier management, a higher quality of
projection and a quicker and smoother running of the presentations. The use of personal
laptops (MAC and PC) for presentations will not be allowed
In the Slide Preview Room, a technician helps the speaker to transfer his or her
presentation into the central symposium network. When the transfer is complete, the
technician performs a quick run of the presentation with the speaker to check whether
the presentation runs correctly and all parts of the presentation are copied.
Desktop computers will be available at the Slide Preview Room for last minute changes
and reviewing your presentation.
No more changes can be made inside the session rooms where the session takes place
In each presentation room, a technical assistant starts each presentation at the right time
using the computer connected to the central symposium network. When the presentation
is launched, the speaker has control and can navigate with a remote device.
In the session rooms: the lectern displays your slides as well as your notes
Technical instructions
During the Symposium, presentations will run on PowerPoint 2019 with a resolution of
1920 x 1080 pixels. This is a 16:9 format and NOT a 4*3 format. If your presentation is
in the 4:3 format then the presentation will have black stripes on the left and right of the
screen see difference on screenshot below.
Transforming a 4*3 presentation can be done by changing the Slide Size from 4*3 to
16*9. This function can be found under the “Design” menu. Be careful when you do
this and double check every slide carefully as the layout of your slides and
pictures may have changed. Adjust them accordingly so they look ok in 16*9 format.
Your presentation should be prepared in PowerPoint 2010, 2013,2016 or 2019.
Preferred page setup is landscape orientation with high-contrast lettering and readable
fonts (minimum font size = 24)
Use high-contrast colors: light text on dark background or vice versa
A maximum of 7 lines / slide and 5 words / line will improve the communication value of
your slide.
Suggestions to improve a PowerPoint presentation
In general : the smaller your Powerpoint presentation (in size) the easier to handle
Any movie/image file must be in the same folder of the Power Point presentation
and must be copied in the folder before being included in the presentation.
o Example: create the folder "PRESENTATION" and copy the necessary files
for the presentation in it; then create the Power Point presentation including
the films that were in the "presentation" folder. Finally save everything in
the "presentation" folder.
o Alternatively: use "Pack and go" or "Package presentation for
CD/DVD/USB". For ease of possible assistance if there is a problem with
your movies (not playing on standard machines because codecs under
which the movie was recorded are unknown and uninstalled on standard
machines) we recommend not to use the new feature in Powerpoint
2010/2013 to EMBED the movies inside your presentation. We advise to
LINK to the movie file.
USB memory sticks are recommended to facilitate the presentation download
at the Slide Preview Room. It is also possible to download the presentation from a
personal laptop at the Slide Preview Room, provided that the speaker stops at the
Slide Preview Room at least two hours before the beginning of the session.
Only single projection is available in the session rooms, as the Organiser does
not foresee the double projection.
Please don’t use timer controlled transitions. Timer controlled transitions are
transitions that will switch to the next slide after x seconds or minutes. This will
interfere with our cue light system and confuse you during your talk.
Do NOT save the picture as BMP or TIFF (size is too big)
Images with .gif and .jpg extensions are recommended to obtain a light
presentation (other kinds of extensions - recognizable by Power Point - will be
accepted all the same).
Save the pictures used in your presentation on your CD, DVD or USB-stick (In
case of problems we can re-insert the original).
Movies must not exceed 50 MB each (50 mb is not necessary the limit, we can
handle larger movies without any problems but the video may not show up
smoothly). Always bring your movies on DVD or other support, and inform the
technicians at the Slide Preview Room the day before the presentation.
MPG (MPEG), MP4, MOV, WMV or AVI are the only acceptable video formats
Save the videos used in your presentation on your USB-stick CD or DVD (In
case of problems we can re-insert the original).
Movies should start automatically on your slide : on the lectern there is no mouse
to click on a movie to start it
If you use hyperlinks to websites in your presentations, please download the
website to your USB-stick CD or DVD. Try to avoid many different folders on the
Save the graphics or spreadsheets (Excel) used in your presentation on your
USB-stick CD or DVD (In case of problems we can re-insert the original graphics
or spreadsheets). It is also a good idea to save your graphics as a picture to
avoid having your numbers changed automatically by Powerpoint from using , as
decimal point to . or vice versa.
Try to avoid use of non Standard Windows fonts. If you are using specific, non
Standard Windows fonts (or if you are using Apple fonts not known on Standard
Windows) then: include the fonts you have used on your USB-stick CD or DVD
Please give your filename an extension “.PPT”.
Check your presentation on a Windows (preferably Win10 with powerpoint 2019 )
machine before you bring it to the conference. This will avoid a lot of stress at the
conference: you will not have to fix things that are not working after the
conversion from Apple to Windows at the conference
Always try the medium with your presentation on another PC before bringing it to the
conference. And as always make an extra copy of your USB or CD/DVD.
Tips on Presentation Style
1. Speak loudly, slowly and clearly, and let your confidence and enthusiasm show.
Avoid speaking monotone and ensure that your voice can be heard. Vary your
vocal variety change the tone, volume, speed and pitch of your voice.
2. Please remember that most participants are not native English speakers. Avoid
speaking too quickly as this may affect the audience’s ability to understand you.
3. Your stance/posture affects your physiological state. Stand upright with chest
high as good posture helps in exuding an air of confidence.
4. Talk with your audience; avoid reading your slides. Engage with the audience as
far as possible and make eye contact.
5. Encourage questions: be patient and listen to the question without interrupting
the person asking the question whilst he/she is in mid-flow.
NOTE (1)
Example: create the folder "PRESENTATION" and copy the necessary files for the
presentation in it; then create the Power Point presentation including the films that were
in the "presentation" folder. Finally save everything in the "presentation" folder.
NOTE (2)
To avoid it, follow this procedure: Select the slide where to put the film, then the "Films
and sounds..." item in the "insert" menu. Now click on "Film from file...". Select the desired
film and press the button "OK". To the question "do you want to reproduce the film during
the presentation automatically?" answer "YES".