Concur Invoice:
Invoice Pay
User Guide
Last Revised: April 20, 2024
Applies to these SAP Concur solutions:
Concur Expense
Professional/Premium edition
Standard edition
Concur Travel
Professional/Premium edition
Standard edition
Concur Invoice
Professional/Premium edition
Standard edition
Concur Request
Professional/Premium edition
Standard edition
Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide i
Last Revised: April 20, 2024
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Permissions ................................................................................................ 1
Section 2: Overview .................................................................................................... 1
Invoice Pay Country Availability ................................................................................... 1
Configuration ............................................................................................................. 1
Definitions ................................................................................................................. 2
Payment Methods and Cycle Times ............................................................................... 3
Required Roles and Primary Users ................................................................................ 4
Payment Manager ................................................................................................. 4
Payment Release Manager ...................................................................................... 4
Invoice Configuration Administrator or Invoice Admin ................................................ 4
Vendor Manager .................................................................................................... 5
Invoice Accounting and Payment Extract Job Schedules .................................................. 5
Section 3: Accessing Payment Manager ...................................................................... 5
Section 4: Navigating and Using Payment Manager ..................................................... 6
Navigating Payment Manager ...................................................................................... 6
Using Payment Manager .............................................................................................. 7
Section 5: Managing Payment Methods ....................................................................... 7
Managing Card Vouchers ............................................................................................. 7
About Card Vouchers ............................................................................................. 7
Email Notifications ................................................................................................. 9
Changing the Payment Method and Adjust Payments ............................................... 10
Managing Checks ..................................................................................................... 10
About Check Services .......................................................................................... 10
Working with Multiple Check Configurations ............................................................ 12
Accessing Check Configuration .............................................................................. 13
Viewing and Editing Check Configurations .............................................................. 13
Activating and Deactivating Check Configuration ..................................................... 14
Managing Funding Accounts....................................................................................... 14
About ACH Funding Accounts ................................................................................ 14
Working with Multiple Funding Accounts ................................................................. 20
Accessing Funding Accounts ................................................................................. 21
Viewing or Editing Funding Accounts ...................................................................... 21
Activating and Deactivating Funding Accounts......................................................... 22
Moving Batches to Active Funding Accounts ............................................................ 23
Managing Virtual Cards ............................................................................................. 23
Accessing Virtual Card Accounts ............................................................................ 25
Issuing Virtual Cards to Vendors ........................................................................... 25
Updating Virtual Cards ......................................................................................... 31
Viewing or Editing a Card Account ......................................................................... 35
Activating and Deactivating Virtual Card Accounts ................................................... 35
ii Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide
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Configuring Batch Settings ........................................................................................ 37
Section 6: Managing Vendor Information .................................................................. 39
Updating Vendor Information ..................................................................................... 39
Importing Vendor Banking Information ....................................................................... 40
Understanding the Vendor Experience ......................................................................... 41
Email Remittance Notifications .............................................................................. 41
Remittance Advice for ACH and Check ................................................................... 43
Section 7: Monitoring and Managing Payments ......................................................... 46
Searching for Payment Batches, Demands, or Invoices ................................................. 46
Searching for Payment Batches ............................................................................. 46
Searching for Payment Demands ........................................................................... 47
Searching for Invoices ......................................................................................... 48
Viewing Payment Demands and Invoices ..................................................................... 49
Viewing Payment Demands in Payment Batches ...................................................... 49
Viewing Invoices in a Payment Demand ................................................................. 50
Viewing Invoices with a Credit .............................................................................. 51
Managing Payment Demands and Invoices .................................................................. 52
Changing Funding/Issue and Payment Dates .......................................................... 52
Processing Payments Outside of Invoice Pay ........................................................... 54
Changing Payment Method Types .......................................................................... 55
Placing Payments on Hold .................................................................................... 55
Voiding and Reissuing Checks ............................................................................... 58
Managing Credits for ACH and Check ..................................................................... 59
Changing the Payment Amount ............................................................................. 61
Adding Invoice Comments .................................................................................... 62
Adding Images to Invoices ................................................................................... 65
Releasing Pending Batches ................................................................................... 66
Exporting Payment Data to an Excel spreadsheet .................................................... 67
Managing Unresolved Invoices and Failed Payments ..................................................... 68
Why Invoices Require Action or Fail ....................................................................... 68
Reprocessing Invoices .......................................................................................... 69
Resolving Failed Payments ................................................................................... 70
Moving Payment Demands From Inactive to Active Funding Accounts ........................ 71
Changing the Funding/Issue or Payment Date for Failed Invoices .............................. 72
Importing Payment Confirmations .............................................................................. 73
Section 8: Running Extracts ...................................................................................... 74
Running the GL Extract ............................................................................................. 75
Running the Payment Confirmation Extract .................................................................. 75
Payment Confirmation Extract Information ............................................................. 76
Verifying Voided and Reissued Checks ................................................................... 76
Running the Positive Pay Extract ................................................................................ 78
Positive Pay Extract File Information ...................................................................... 78
Reconciling Payments ............................................................................................... 80
Viewing Invoices in the Extract ............................................................................. 82
Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide iii
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Searching for an Invoice ...................................................................................... 83
Section 9: Using Provider Payment Manager ............................................................. 84
How It Works ...................................................................................................... 84
Availability and Payment Cycle Timing ................................................................... 84
Accessing Provider Payment Manager .................................................................... 84
Searching for Payments ....................................................................................... 85
Viewing Payment Details ...................................................................................... 87
Section 10: Special Cases ........................................................................................... 88
Use the "Is Emergency Check Run?" Field to Expedite Payment ..................................... 88
iv Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide
Last Revised: April 20, 2024
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Revision History
April 20, 2024
Updated the Managing Funding Accounts section for new
currencies for ACH/EFT payments.
February 24, 2024
Added the Managing Virtual Cards section. Other minor edits
June 17, 2023
Added information about the new Payment Release Manager role
in the User Roles and Primary Users, Configure Batch Settings,
and the Release Pending Batches section.
Added a Configure Batch Settings section in the Payment
Manager Procedures section.
Restructured and updated guide content throughout for better
usability and workflow. Minor edits throughout.
March 18, 2023
Updated procedures with the renamed menu option, Remove
From Hold, in the Remove a Demand or Invoice from the On-
Hold Status section.
February 10, 2023
Updated the Check Timing image in the Check section under
August 20, 2022
Added a note in the Payments Methods and Payment Cycle Time
section regarding check and ACH payments not being processed
on bank holidays.
June 18, 2022
Minor edits throughout; no cover date change
January 21, 2022
Updated the copyright year; no other changes; cover date not
January 20, 2022
Removed information about Invoice Pay ACH.
December 11, 2021
Updated the table showing the five-banking day payment cycle
dates for the funding account batch close to settled payment.
January 20, 2021
Added note about 200 funding accounts.
October 17, 2020
Removed information about the Supplier Portal since it has been
retired and updated images.
July 2, 2020
Updated information about email notification to vendors paid via
ACH or check.
April 20, 2020
Renamed the Authorization Request check box to Request on the
guide’s title page; cover date not updated
January 18, 2020
Updated information about the Credit Memo.
January 8, 2020
Updated check timing image.
January 7, 2020
Updated the copyright; no other changes; cover date not
February 20, 2019
Updated the Provider Payment Manager images showing link to
the App Center.
Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide v
Last Revised: April 20, 2024
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
February 9, 2019
Added information about the Provider Payment Manager.
February 1, 2019
Updated the copyright; no other changes; cover date not
November 17, 2018
Updated note to clarify supported currencies for ACH payments
and clarified text in Handle Credits section.
October 26, 2018
Added more information about credit memos and renamed
"Concur" to "SAP Concur" where applicable.
August 7, 2018
Added a note to the last page to identify the control numbers and
entity name.
July 21, 2018
Minor wording change.
May 24, 2018
Updated the timing table on page 5 to state that time set after
4pm CST are processed the following day.
May 17, 2018
Added more detail under Handling Credits about the paid amount
on the Payment Demand List page.
April 11, 2018
Changed the check boxes on the front cover; no other changes;
cover date not updated
April 2, 2018
Added information about ACH payments.
March 26, 2018
Added images of single invoice ACH and check email.
March 6, 2018
Corrected name of city from which checks are mailed.
January 16, 2018
Added information about email notification to vendors paid by
ACH and check.
January 3, 2018
Updated the closing time of batches for processing.
September 7, 2017
Updated that checks are mailed to St. Louis TX.
July 6, 2017
Added more information about supported payment method types
and currencies.
April 24, 2017
Added a note about payment methods and payment cycle timing
and added information about account number for checks and
April 14, 2017
Added information about the check envelopes.
April 5, 2017
Added information about payment originator name.
January 4, 2017
Added information about character limits for vendor name on US
December 13, 2016
Changed copyright and cover; no other content changes.
December 5, 2016
Updated the guide content to new corporate style; no content
September 9, 2016
Added note about reissued checks and updated from where
checks are mailed.
October 17, 2014
Invoice Pay now supports Australian Dollar currency (AUD)
vi Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide
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Older revision history has been removed.
Section 1: Permissions
Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide 1
Last Revised: April 20, 2024
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Invoice Pay
Section 1: Permissions
You may or may not have the correct permissions to use this tool. You may have
limited permissions, for example, you can affect only certain groups and/or use only
certain options (view but not create or edit).
If you need to use this tool and do not have the proper permissions, contact your
company's Concur Invoice administrator.
In addition, be aware that some of the tasks described in this guide can be
completed only by SAP Concur staff. In this case, your company must initiate a
service request with SAP Concur support.
Section 2: Overview
Use Invoice Pay to pay your companys supplier invoices in Concur Invoice.
Invoice Pay provides the following benefits:
Fully Managed Lifecycle: The entire invoice lifecycle, from invoice
receipt to final payment, is managed in one system. One common set of
data drives all events.
Streamlined Control and Visibility: Automated payments are made
daily, grouped by optimum pay date per vendor terms. Payment Managers
can adjust individual pay dates and amounts and access all records to
answer inquiries from internal employees or suppliers.
Cash Flow Management: Payment Managers have complete control of
day-to-day and month-to-month management of cash flow. Necessary
funding amounts are clearly displayed.
Payment Release Management: Payment Release Managers can control
when payment batches for approved invoices are released to payment
providers to issue payment to suppliers.
Invoice Pay Country Availability
For information about Invoice Pay and payment methods country/region and
currency availability, refer to the Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay Setup Guide.
Configuration for Invoice Pay is usually a one-time task that may require infrequent
ongoing updates. For example, you may need to create a new funding account to
accommodate a new merger partner. Or, if a check is issued from in-house stock,
you may need to update the Next Check Number value to prevent check number
Section 2: Overview
2 Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide
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For more information about configuring Invoice Pay and initial set up for
specific payment method types, refer to the Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay
Setup Guide.
ACH: Automated Clearing House is a secure payment transfer system between U.S.
financial institutions that acts as the central clearing facility for all Electronic Fund
Transfer (EFT) transactions that occur nationwide. Concur Invoice uses the CTX EDI
820 compliant format for this transaction.
Bank: The institution providing funding services.
Batch: A collection of payment demands scheduled for payment and sharing the
same funding account.
Batch Close: The date the batch no longer accepts new payment demands.
Batch Open: The date the batch is created and begins accepting payment demands.
Batch Schedule: The defined close and send dates for the batch.
Batch Send: The date the system sends the payment demands for processing.
Batch Settings: The location where the batch close time and date, and schedule
frequency are configured for funding accounts and check configurations.
Credit Memo: A batch type that shows that a payment demand batch has an
outstanding credit with a vendor.
Due Date: The scheduled payment date. This is calculated at initial creation from
Invoice Date plus Payment Terms and may be overwritten.
Funding Date: The date on which the payment batch will be funded.
Invoice: A request for payment of goods and services.
On-Demand Import: An import that can be performed from within the Concur
Invoice user interface, instead of using SAP Concur overnight services to perform the
Payment Cycle: The number of days from initiation of funding invoice to actual
Payment Demand: A collection of invoices to the same supplier.
Payment Terms: The period (in calendar days) allowed to a buyer to pay off the
amount due to a vendor (net 30, 60, 90 as examples).
Payment Method: Manner in which funds will be provided to the vendor.
Section 2: Overview
Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide 3
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Payment Provider: Third party company who facilitates payments to vendors
behalf of clients outside of Concur Invoice.
Supplier/Vendor: Party providing goods or services to the client.
Vendor Import: Overnight or on-demand, the importing of supplier banking,
address, contact, and other information via a data file or direct input using the user
Voucher (Card): A client credit card is provided to a supplier who in turn is
authorized to debit the client card account on receipt of an email notification
("Payment Authorization Voucher") generated by Concur Invoice on behalf of the
Payment Methods and Cycle Times
Payment method types determine how invoices created and approved in Concur
Invoice will be paid to vendors. A default payment method type can be set for
vendors in Concur Invoice so that invoices are assigned that method on creation. If
configured, the payment method type can be modified on the invoice before final
A payment cycle is the number of days it takes from the date a payment batch
closes in Concur Invoice to the date the payment settles in the vendors bank
account. Payment method types can have different payment cycle times and depend
on other factors such as country, currency, and payment provider the payment is
made from.
SAP Concur does not handle issuing payments to vendors, but instead partners with
third-party companies (payment providers) and securely passes data to them to
process payments.
Invoice Pay payment method types include:
ACH: Electronic money transfer facilitated by a third-party company
(payment provider) from the payer’s bank account to a vendors bank
account stored in Concur Invoice.
Check: Physical check printed with the payers banking information and
mailed by a third-party company (payment provider) to a vendor at the
address stored in Concur Invoice.
Card Voucher: Intended for invoices paid by credit card when the vendor
stores the payers card on file. A remittance email is sent to the vendor
authorizing them to charge the card on file to pay the invoices in the
remittance email.
Single Use vCard: Virtual credit card created from a corporate credit
card registered with a third-party company (payment provider) and sent
in a remittance email to a vendor to charge one-time for the exact
authorized amount of the virtual card.
Payment Provider: Payments made to suppliers using a third-party
company (payment provider) in the App Center.
Section 2: Overview
4 Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide
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For more information about each payment method type and its payment cycle
time, refer to each applicable section in the Managing Payment Methods
section in this guide, and the Using Provider Payment Manager section for
PAYPVD payments.
Required Roles and Primary Users
The user roles described below are required to set up and use Invoice Pay.
For more information about assigning roles and permissions, refer to the
Shared: User Administration User Guide and the Shared: Users Setup Guide
for Standard Edition.
Payment Manager
This role is required to use Payment Manager. This role is entirely responsible for
managing the pay process through Payment Manager. The User Admin role can grant
this role to one or more users depending on need.
For information about configuring Payment Manager, refer to the Concur
Invoice: Invoice Pay Setup Guide.
Payment Release Manager
This role is required to access the Release Payments option from the Actions
menu on the Monitor Batches page. When you are using the Require Batches to
be Released setting for Invoice Pay batches, this role allows Payment Release
Managers to manually approve/release Invoice Pay batches in pending release status
before payments are sent to payment providers for processing.
The User Admin role can grant this role to one or more users depending on need. Its
a best practice to have at least two users assigned the Payment Release Manager
role, one primary user and one backup user. Users with this role must also have the
Payment Manager role assigned.
For more information, refer to the Configure Batch Settings and Release
Pending Batches section in this guide.
Invoice Configuration Administrator or Invoice Admin
The Invoice Configuration Administrator role is used to configure vendor default
settings and access to change vendor banking information in Invoice Settings.
The Invoice Admin role is used to configure vendor default settings and access to
change vendor banking information in Invoice Settings.
Section 3: Accessing Payment Manager
Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide 5
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Vendor Manager
The Vendor Manager role is responsible for creating and managing vendor profiles for
Concur Invoice. For Invoice Pay this includes updating vendor profiles with a default
payment method type and the information required to process payments by that
For more information, refer to the Managing Vendor Information section of
this guide.
Invoice Accounting and Payment Extract Job Schedules
It is best practice to have Accounting Extract and the Payment Confirmation Extract
jobs align by scheduling them as managed jobs to run on the overnight processing
job chain.
Section 3: Accessing Payment Manager
To access Payment Manager, click Payments > Payment Manager.
The Monitor Payments > Payment Batch List page appears.
Section 4: Navigating and Using Payment Manager
6 Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide
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Section 4: Navigating and Using Payment Manager
Navigating Payment Manager
Payment Manager consists of an Invoice Search function and primary pages as listed
Monitor Payments: Search for and track batches, payment demands,
and individual invoices within those batches. Change funding and payment
dates for an invoice, change the payment method to Client Pay, and add
and review notes to suppliers.
Invoices Requiring Action: Act on invoices that cannot be successfully
added to an existing payment demand.
Failed Payments: Act on invoices that were not paid successfully.
Payment Confirmation Import: Perform an on-demand import of
payment transactions. This data, from the client financial system making
disbursements to the vendor, is imported into Concur Invoice and updates
the payment status of invoices.
Extract Reconciliation: Review extracted payment amounts from the
client system alongside actual payments made within Invoice Pay.
Banking Import: Download a template and provide banking information
for a vendor, then upload this data into Invoice Pay for immediate update.
For more information, refer to the Concur Invoice: Vendor Banking
Import User Guide.
Check Configurations: Configure check funding accounts and check
formats to pay suppliers who request check payments.
Funding Accounts: Configure one or more funding accounts that will be
used to pay suppliers.
Notices of Change: Review and acknowledge alerts from banks about
changes to a client's banking data contained in a Notice of Change (NOC).
GL Extract: Perform an on-demand general ledger extract (this feature is
restricted - consult your SAP Concur representative for more information).
Positive Pay Extract: Extract check information daily to send banks a
list of verified or voided checks to help prevent check fraud.
Payment Confirmation Extract: Use this extract to reconcile invoice
pay data in Invoice Pay against the same data extracted by the Standard
Accounting Extract (SAE) in your ERP system.
Section 5: Managing Payment Methods
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Using Payment Manager
With Payment Manager, you can facilitate ongoing management of payments as well
perform initial pay configuration.
Payment Manager allows you to:
Manage funding accounts and check configurations
Configure batch settings to control the close schedule and setting for
manual approval/release of batches before payments are sent to payment
providers for processing
Batch ACH, Check, and Card Voucher payments for processing
View necessary funding amounts and manage cash flow
Adjust pay dates, funding dates, and paid amounts
NOTE: Times displayed by the dates shown here are reflected in your
local time zone setup for your profile.
View, correct, and reprocess exceptions and failed payments
Communicate with suppliers regarding payments
Reconcile accounting extract data with actual payment data
Section 5: Managing Payment Methods
Managing Card Vouchers
About Card Vouchers
Some suppliers accept card voucher payments. Suppliers initiate payments by
entering a buyer card number into a card reader when authorized to do so by the
buyer. For these supplier-initiated card scenarios, you can specify Card Voucher
(VCHER) as a payment method.
Although not all suppliers accept card payments, there are multiple benefits to
paying on a card, including points and rebates, and improved cash flow
management. In addition, by paying by Card Voucher in Concur Invoice, you can
automate the pay event and have complete visibility in Payment Manager.
Configuration of the Card Voucher payment method requires that you determine
which suppliers use this method, and then distribute the card information to these
For information on setting up the Card Voucher (VCHER) payment method,
refer to the Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay Setup Guide.
Section 5: Managing Payment Methods
8 Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide
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Timing for payment (authorization) for a supplier to debit the on-file client credit
card is based directly on the Pay Date value. This value is determined by a
combination of the Invoice Date ("January 1
") and Vendor Terms ("30 days")
negotiated between the client and supplier. Using these dates, on January 30
early as 12:01 am the Payment Demand and Payment Processing jobs cause the
payment voucher authorization email to be sent to the supplier so that it appears in
their inbox the morning of the payment date.
Card Voucher payment method types work the same way as any other payment
method type:
Vouchers go into pay demands, pending the optimal pay date
Multiple invoices can be paid on one pay demand (one voucher)
Visibility of future payments (cash flow) and past payments
Ability to change to the Client Paid option for rush payments
When Concur Invoice detects a Card Voucher payment method for a supplier, the
system does the following:
1. The system detects an invoice (via capture, import) whose vendor is using
the Card Voucher payment method.
2. The Invoice Pay Date value is set by the system using the combination of the
Invoice Date and Vendor Terms fields.
3. After final approval, the invoice becomes part of a pending payment demand
and is now visible in Payment Manager.
4. On the optimal pay date, a payment voucher is emailed to the vendor that
The Voucher Notes text (via import - specified at vendor level)
The Notes to Supplier ("Remittance Description") text (if included
specified at the invoice level)
5. The supplier keys in the buyer’s credit card number and the payment amount
into a card reader.
6. On authorization, the supplier keys in information and is subsequently paid by
the card company.
1. The buyer receives and then reviews the credit card bill, reconciling the
vendor debit charge against the original authorized charge.
2. If the charges match, the buyer pays the credit card bill.
Section 5: Managing Payment Methods
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(Required) Full card numbers must be communicated to vendors as a one-
time event outside the automated process in Concur Invoice. For security
purposes, full card numbers are not included in remittance email
To secure full card numbers, and specify the correct card in multi-card
scenarios, consider using the vendor-level Voucher Notes field under the
following scenarios:
Level of Detail: "You are authorized to use the card you have on file"
or "the card ending in -4539"
Multiple Cards: "You should use card ending in -2867 for construction
projects, or in -9784 for all other projects"
Buyer Contacts: "Contact Sue Smith at 425-497-6436 with any
questions about this authorization."
Email Notifications
For vendors using card vouchers, Concur Invoice sends a payment voucher email
notification on the date of the pay date that includes details of the invoice, the
amount and authorized amount, and a single line showing both the Voucher Notes
and Notes to Supplier text fields.
The supplier receives the email on the payment date and then codes in the card
number for the authorized amount.
To provide additional information to the vendor, use the Notes to Supplier field at
the invoice level for this purpose.
For more information, refer to the Adding Notes to Suppliers section in this
Section 5: Managing Payment Methods
10 Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide
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Changing the Payment Method and Adjust Payments
You can change the payment method to Client Paid for an individual invoice or
payment demand using the Payment Method Type field. Now the voucher is
prevented from being sent, and another payment method outside of Invoice Pay can
be implemented (overnight check, etc.).
Currently, this is the only method you can use to change the card voucher payment
method, as it is not possible to change from VCHER (Card Voucher) to ACH or Check,
or from ACH or Check to VCHER (Card Voucher).
If a supplier is normally paid by check or ACH, but allows a card voucher for some
payments, set up two vendor records for the same vendor, differentiating only by
payment method, for example:
The vendor record #1 is "Acme Vendor (Check)" with default pay method
check, and vendor record #2 with identical address information is “Acme
Vendor (Card)” with default pay method card voucher (VCHER)
Both Invoice Amount and Pay Amount field data are included in the
authorization, and can support a "short-pay" adjustment, for example:
Invoice Amount: This amount equals $1,000
Authorized Charge Amount: But is authorized for $800
Why?: "One of the five printers was damaged; we are reducing
payment by $200."
Managing Checks
About Check Services
When check payments are requested by suppliers, SAP Concur issues the check to
the supplier on your companys behalf. The process leverages your companys
existing bank. No funds are transferred to and from SAP Concur.
The check issued resembles your companys own stock. SAP Concur manages all
security, processing, envelope stuffing, and mailing. Check envelopes are white with
windows for return and delivery addresses. The return address and delivery address
are printed on the check and are visible through a window.
NOTE: View and copy services for voided checks are available through your bank, as
this service is not handled by Invoice Pay Check services.
NOTE: The vendor named printed on US checks has a 60-character limit.
For check configuration and security features, refer to the Concur Invoice:
Invoice Pay Setup Guide.
Section 5: Managing Payment Methods
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The Invoice Pay Check service supports the following countries and currencies:
United States, including Puerto Rico and US Territories.
NOTE: Concur Invoice prevents any check payment from being created if the
recipient’s address is outside of supported countries and US Territories.
Checks are mailed from St. Louis, MO. Delivery time depends on proximity to St.
Louis and handling by the US Postal System.
The following figure illustrates the payment cycle timing for check payments
beginning with the close of a payment batch and ending with the supplier receiving
the physical check in the mail.
NOTE: Check payments are not processed on bank holidays.
Section 5: Managing Payment Methods
12 Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide
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Working with Multiple Check Configurations
Your company can have one or more check configurations to support paying invoices
from single or multiple bank accounts. Common scenarios supporting multiple check
configurations include:
Merger and acquisition: A company is merged with or acquired by the
client company and each company pays their invoices from their own bank
Universities: A university has multiple schools within their system, and
each school pays their invoices from their own bank account.
Type of expense: Vendor invoices may be for capitalized or non-
capitalized expenses and, depending on the type of expense an invoice is
for, determines the bank account the invoice is to be paid from.
Invoices can only be paid from a single check configuration and are batched to a
check configuration based on a matching payment group.
Each active check configuration must have a unique set of Country/Region,
Currency, and Payment Group(s) (Applies To) fields.
Payments Groups are linked to items in a list from List Management and selected on
an invoice from a drop-down list field in the Invoice Details (Header) section. Only
one payment group per invoice is supported.
A common use case is a Company list field and, based on the company an invoice is
for, determines the check configuration it should be paid from.
For information about configuring payment groups, refer to the Concur
Invoice: Invoice Pay Setup Guide.
Section 5: Managing Payment Methods
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Accessing Check Configuration
To access check configurations:
1. In Payment Manager, under the Configuration section, click Check
Configurations. The Check Configuration List page appears.
Viewing and Editing Check Configurations
To view or edit check configurations:
1. On the Check Configuration List, select the desired check configuration
Click Actions > Open Check Configuration
Double-click the funding account directly
2. View and modify the information as required.
3. Click Save.
NOTE: If there are more than 25 check configurations, the page will paginate
and additional check configurations can be viewed on the next pages.
Section 5: Managing Payment Methods
14 Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide
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Activating and Deactivating Check Configuration
Check configurations must be in Confirmed status and active for payments of
approved invoices being paid by check to be batched and sent to vendors.
To activate a check configuration:
1. In Payment Manager, under Configuration, click Check Configurations.
The Check Configurations List page appears.
2. Select the check configuration, click Actions, click Open Check
Configuration. The Check Configuration window appears.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the Account tab, change the Active field to Yes.
4. Click Save, then click Close to close the window.
If you need to stop making payments from a check configuration, deactivate it by
following the same steps above and change the Active field to No.
NOTE: If a check configuration is deactivated and has open batches, the batches will
still close, but the payments will not be sent to the check payment provider to
be processed.
Managing Funding Accounts
About ACH Funding Accounts
With Invoice Provider ACH, electronic fund transfer (EFT) payments are handled by a
third-party company (payment provider). Funding accounts are configured in
Payment Manager to manage batching and release of payments to be processed by a
payment provider.
For information about setting up funding accounts for Invoice Provider ACH,
refer to the Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay Setup Guide.
Invoice Pay ACH supports the following countries and currencies:
Canada Dollar (CAD)
3 Bank Days
Euro (EUR)
Eurozone Countries and
4 Bank Days
Pound Sterling (GBP)
United Kingdom
4 Bank Days
*US Dollar (USD)
United States and territories
5 Bank Days
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*Existing functionality
With an accepted and active provider funding account, an invoice with a payment
method type of ACH is batched for payment from the provider funding account.
Payment batches for provider funding accounts close on the batch close date. Concur
Invoice then sends the payment provider the required data via API to process the
payments in the batch to vendors.
Data sent to the payment provider includes:
Provider Account ID of the funding account
Payment providers store the client’s bank account information provided in
the funding account setup process. The Provider Account ID is used to
reference the client’s bank account that payments are funded from.
Vendor banking details
The vendor banking details in the Concur Invoice vendor record associated
to the invoices being paid.
Information remittance advice
Invoice number, paid date, notes to supplier, and, if applicable, account
number with the vendor.
This information is passed to the vendor’s bank with the ACH payment to inform the
vendor what the payment is for. The Doing Business As company name provided in
the funding account setup process is also included to inform the vendor who the
payment is from.
The total amount of the batch is debited from the client’s bank account in a single
transaction on the funding date to fund the ACH/EFT payment(s). The payment
provider sends Concur Invoice confirmation that the payments have settled in the
vendors’ bank accounts, and the invoices in Concur Invoice are updated to a status
of Paid with the payment information. The Payment Confirmation Extract can then be
used to extract the payment information from Concur Invoice to post in the client’s
financial accounting system.
Multiple invoices for the same supplier with the same payment due date are grouped
in one payment to the supplier. Remittance information for invoices being paid is
sent to the suppliers bank with the payment.
Funds for failed payments are returned to the clients bank account. The return
process can vary by banking system and receiving bank and is not controlled by SAP
Concur. The return process can vary by banking system and receiving bank and is
not controlled by SAP Concur.
The payment cycle time for Invoice Pay ACH payments may vary by payment
provider or country and currency of the payment. The days of ACH/EFT payment
cycles are banking weekdays. Below are the payment cycle times by payment
provider and supported country and currency.
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16 Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide
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Worldline is currently the only payment provider for Invoice Pay ACH.
Canada Dollar ACSS Payments
CAD funding accounts must have a batch close time set to 7:00 AM (PST) or earlier
for the payment process to be initiated by Worldline the same day as the batch close
Date. It is a three-day payment cycle from the date the batch closes to when the
payment settles in the vendor’s bank account as shown in the following table (for
funding accounts with a batch close time after 7:00 AM (PST) add a Day 0 to the
beginning of the payment cycle).
Payment Cycle Day
Date Field in Concur
Invoice Payment
Day 1
Concur sends data to Worldline
for payments to be processed.
Worldline initiates ACSS debit
from client’s bank account for
the batch total.
Note: In Concur Invoice
Payment Manager if the close
time of the funding account is
set to 7:00 AM (PST) or earlier
the payment process will be
initiated on the same day as the
Close Date. If the close time of
the funding account is set to
after 7:00 AM (PST) the Close
Date will be the day before this
Send Date
Day 2
Debit from client’s bank account
The status of the payment
demand and invoice in Concur
will be updated to Paid and the
payment data is available to be
extracted with the Payment
Confirmation Extract.
Note: Client’s bank sets the
time in the day clients must
have sufficient funds in their
bank account.
Funding Date
Day 3
Credit to vendor’s bank account
Payment Date
Section 5: Managing Payment Methods
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Euro SEPA Payments
EUR funding accounts must have a batch close time set to 1:00 AM (PST) or earlier
for the payment process to be initiated by Worldline the same day as the batch Close
Date. It is a four-day payment cycle from the date the batch closes to when the
payment settles in the vendor’s bank account as shown in the following table (for
funding accounts with a batch close time after 1:00 AM (PST) add a Day 0 to the
beginning of the payment cycle).
Payment Cycle Day
Date Field in Concur
Invoice Payment
Day 1
Concur sends data to Worldline
for payments to be processed.
Worldline initiates debit from
client’s bank account for the
batch total.
Note: In Concur Invoice
Payment Manager if the close
time of the funding account is
set to 1:00 AM (PST) or earlier
the payment process will be
initiated on the same day as the
Close Date. If the close time of
the funding account is set to
after 1:00 AM (PST) the Close
Date will be the day before this
Send Date
Day 2
Worldline holds the funds to
confirm they are sufficient and
Day 3
Debit from client’s bank account
Worldline initiates payment to
credit vendors’ bank accounts
for the payment demand
The status of the payment
demand and invoice in Concur
will be updated to Paid and the
payment data is available to be
extracted with the Payment
Confirmation Extract.
Note: Client’s bank sets the
time in the day clients must
have sufficient funds in their
bank account.
Funding Date
Day 4
Credit to vendor’s bank account
Payment Date
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Pound Sterling BACS Payments
GBP funding accounts must have a batch close time set to 1:00 AM (PST) or earlier
for the payment process to be initiated by Worldline the same day as the batch Close
Date. It is a four-day payment cycle from the date the batch closes to when the
payment settles in the vendor’s bank account as shown in the following table (for
funding accounts with a batch close time after 1:00 AM (PST) add a Day 0 to the
beginning of the payment cycle).
Payment Cycle Day
Date Field in Concur
Invoice Payment
Day 1
Concur sends data to Worldline
for payments to be processed.
Worldline initiates debit from
client’s bank account for the
batch total.
Note: In Concur Invoice
Payment Manager if the close
time of the funding account is
set to 1:00 AM (PST) or earlier
the payment process will be
initiated on the same day as the
Close Date. If the close time of
the funding account is set to
after 1:00 AM (PST) the Close
Date will be the day before this
Send Date
Day 2
Worldline holds the funds to
confirm they are sufficient and
Day 3
Debit from client’s bank account
Worldline initiates payment to
credit vendors’ bank accounts
for the payment demand
The status of the payment
demand and invoice in Concur
will be updated to Paid and the
payment data is available to be
extracted with the Payment
Confirmation Extract.
Note: Client’s bank sets the
time in the day clients must
have sufficient funds in their
bank account.
Funding Date
Day 4
Credit to vendors bank account
Payment Date
Section 5: Managing Payment Methods
Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide 19
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US Dollar ACH Payments
USD funding accounts must have a batch close time set to 7:00 AM (PST) or earlier
for the payment process to be initiated by Worldline the same day as the batch Close
Date. It is a five-day payment cycle from the date the batch closes to when the
payment settles in the vendor’s bank account as shown in the following table (for
funding accounts with a batch close time after 7:00 AM (PST) add a Day 0 to the
beginning of the payment cycle).
Payment Cycle Day
Date Field in Concur
Invoice Payment
Day 1
Concur sends data to Worldline
for ACH payments to be
Worldline initiates ACH debit
from client’s bank account for
the batch total.
Note: In Concur Invoice
Payment Manager if the close
time of the funding account is
set to 7:00 AM (PST) or earlier
the payment process will be
initiated on the same day as the
Close Date. If the close time of
the funding account is set to
after 7:00 AM (PST) the Close
Date will be the day before this
Send Date
Day 2
Debit from client’s bank account
The status of the payment
demand and invoice in Concur
will be updated to Paid and the
payment data is available to be
extracted with the Payment
Confirmation Extract.
Note: Client’s bank sets the
time in the day clients must
have sufficient funds in their
bank account.
Funding Date
Day 3
Worldline holds the funds to
confirm they are sufficient and
Note: US corporate bank
accounts can return debits up to
2 banking days after the
settlement date. Worldline waits
until this period expires before
paying the funds out to vendors.
Day 4
Hold period expires and funds
are confirmed.
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20 Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide
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Worldline initiates ACH payment
to credit vendors’ bank accounts
for the payment demand
Day 5
Credit to vendors bank account
Payment Date
Working with Multiple Funding Accounts
Your company can have one or more funding accounts to support paying invoices
from single or multiple bank accounts. Common scenarios supporting multiple
funding accounts include:
Merger and acquisition: A company is merged with or acquired by the
client company and each company pays their invoices from their own bank
Universities: A university has multiple schools within their system, and
each school pays their invoices from their own bank account.
Type of expense: Vendor invoices may be for capitalized or non-
capitalized expenses and, depending on the type of expense an invoice is
for, determines the bank account the invoice is to be paid from.
Invoices can only be paid from a single funding account and are batched to a funding
account based on a matching payment group.
Each active funding account must have a unique set of Country/Region, Currency,
and Payment Group(s) (Applies To) fields.
For example, the following image shows how three funding accounts can be active
because all are assigned to unique payment groups (Applies To field).
Payments Groups are linked to items in a list from List Management and selected on
an invoice from a drop-down list field in the Invoice Details (Header) section. Only
one payment group per invoice is supported.
A common use case is a Company list field and, based on the company an invoice is
for, determines the funding account it should be paid from.
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For information about configuring payment groups, refer to the Concur
Invoice: Invoice Pay Setup Guide.
Accessing Funding Accounts
To access funding accounts:
1. In Payment Manager, under the Configuration section, click Funding
Accounts. The Funding Account List page appears.
Viewing or Editing Funding Accounts
Use the following procedure to view or edit an existing funding account.
To view or edit funding accounts:
1. On the Funding Accounts List, select the desired funding account and:
Click Actions > Open Funding Account
Double-click the funding account directly
2. View and modify the information as required.
3. Click Save.
NOTE: If there are more than 25 funding accounts, the page will paginate and
additional funding accounts can be viewed on the next pages.
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Activating and Deactivating Funding Accounts
ACH/EFT funding accounts must be in an Accepted status and active for payments of
approved invoices being paid by ACH to be batched and sent to vendors.
If you need to stop making payments from a funding account, it can be deactivated.
NOTE: To activate or deactivate multiple funding accounts at once, the selected
funding accounts must all be in the same active status and the same account type.
To activate a funding account:
1. In Payment Manager, under Configuration, click Funding Accounts. The
Funding Account List page appears.
2. Select the inactive funding account, click Actions, click Activate Funding
The Active status on the Funding Account List page will change to Yes.
After a funding account is activated, new approved invoices will be batched
for payment to it.
NOTE: Funding accounts can also be activated by opening a funding account
and changing the Active field to Yes.
To deactivate a funding account:
1. On the Funding Accounts List, select the desired funding account(s).
2. Click Actions > Deactivate Funding Account.
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After a funding account is deactivated, no new invoices will be batched for
payment to it. Existing open payment batches will remain with the inactive
funding account until action is taken on the batched payments.
For information about actions for payments, refer to the Manage
Payment Demands and Invoices section in this document.
Moving Batches to Active Funding Accounts
Open payment batches for inactive funding accounts can be moved to an active
funding account with the same Country/Region, Currency, and Payment Group
(Applies To) field values. Open batches can only be moved from funding accounts
when the active status is No.
Batches can only be moved one funding account at a time. Multiple inactive funding
accounts cannot be selected when using the Move Batches to Active Funding
Account action.
To move open batches from an inactive funding account to an active
funding account:
1. On the Funding Accounts List page, select the desired funding account.
2. Click Actions > Move Batches to Active Funding Account.
After open batches are moved to an active funding account, they will appear
under that funding account on the Monitor Payments page.
Managing Virtual Cards
A card account is created in Concur to register a corporate credit card with a virtual
card payment partner to create virtual credit cards (virtual cards) from. Like ACH
funding accounts and check configurations, multiple card accounts can be created if
different corporate credit cards need to be used to pay invoices.
Concur vendor records are assigned the virtual card payment method type to default
invoices to be paid by this method. The Contact Email field in the vendor record
must be populated with the vendor email address to whom should have access to
virtual card details for processing payments.
Invoices with the virtual card payment method type are batched to the card account
payment is to be made from. Virtual card payment demands and invoices can be
managed from the Monitor Payments page.
On the close date of virtual card batches, Concur Invoice sends the payment partner
data via API to create virtual cards from the card account. An individual virtual card
is created for each payment demand in a batch for the payment demand amount.
Section 5: Managing Payment Methods
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The virtual cards are single use cards that a vendor can charge one time for the
exact amount the card was created for. Once the virtual card is created, Concur
Invoice sends a remittance email to the vendor that includes:
A link and instructions for the vendor to access the details of the virtual
card that are needed to charge it.
The authorized amount the card is for.
The card's expiration date for when it needs to be charged by.
The invoices being paid.
After the virtual card is created and remittance email is sent to the vendor, payment
demands and invoices will be updated to a Paid payment status, and data available
to be extracted on the Payment Confirmation Extract. Information about the virtual
card will also be updated on the Invoice List page of the payment demand.
Prior to a virtual card being charged by a vendor, it can be cancelled by an Invoice
Payment Manager user from the Monitor Payments page in the batch Actions
menu. After the virtual card is charged, it will be closed and cannot be charged
again. The payment date of the payment demand will be updated with the
settlement date of the charge.
If a virtual card is not charged by a vendor before its expiration date (Valid To Date
field), the card will expire and cannot be charged by the vendor. Expired and
canceled virtual cards are moved the Failed Payments queue to be managed in
Payment Manager.
Invoices paid by virtual card are added to an open batch scheduled to close the day
before or as close to the payment due date of the invoice. A virtual card will be
created and sent to the vendor on the same day the batch closes. Invoices paid by
virtual card will be updated to a Paid payment status after the virtual card has
been issued to the vendor.
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Accessing Virtual Card Accounts
To access virtual card accounts:
1. Click Invoice > Payments > Payment Manager.
2. Click Card Accounts in the Configuration section. The Card Account List
page appears.
NOTE: The Card Account List page is paginated and displays 25 card accounts on
each page.
For information about setting up a card account, refer to the Concur Invoice:
Virtual Card Pay Setup Guide.
Issuing Virtual Cards to Vendors
Your company needs to work directly with their vendors to confirm if they accept
virtual cards as a form of payment and whom they should be sent to. Many banks
and credit card issuers, who support virtual cards, offer their customers services to
help identify from a list of vendors who accepts them. Your company should reach
out to their bank or credit card issuer representative to see if they provide this type
of service.
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26 Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide
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After vendors confirm they will accept virtual cards as a form of payment, vendor
records must be updated with the correct information in their Concur vendor profile
for invoices to be paid by virtual cards. Vendor records can be updated in Concur
Invoice with the virtual card payment method like all existing vendor update
methods: manual entry in Concur Invoice, an Excel import, a CSV import file, or API.
For information about configuring vendor records, refer to the Concur Invoice:
Invoice Pay Setup Guide.
Remittance emails from Concur Invoice are sent to the vendor once a batch closes
and the virtual card is created.
NOTE: Once the virtual card is issued to the vendor, the invoice will display with a
Paid status and the payment date the card was charged on the Payment
Demand List page in Monitor Payments.
Once the remittance information is reviewed, the vendor can click the link in the
email to access the virtual card in the payment providers URL. In the URL, the
vendor can view the details of the virtual card to charge it in their accounting or
point of sale system.
A page displays requiring the vendor to complete authentication steps.
The vendor clicks the Generate Code button to create a one-time passcode, which
will be emailed to the same address the remittance email was sent to. It should take
less than one minute for the vendor to receive the passcode email.
Section 5: Managing Payment Methods
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The vendor enters the passcode and then clicks Submit and View Card.
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28 Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide
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The virtual card is then displayed to the vendor with the full credit card number, 3-
digit security code, billing information, and other information needed for the vendor
to charge the card.
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Virtual card numbers are generated on-the-fly. The vendor can see the full credit
card number display, but Concur Invoice only stores the last four digits of the card
number which is displayed on the Invoice List for Payment Demand page to track
payment processing.
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If the vendor didnt charge the card before the expiration date, they will see a No
Longer Active message display for the expired card.
Once the virtual card is sent to the vendor, the invoice will display with a Paid
payment status and payment information for invoices to be extracted is then
available for clients to post to ther accounting system.
Once the vendor charges the card in their accounting system and the transaction
settles, the card will be closed. The Payment Date field on the Payment Demand
List page in Monitor Payments will be updated with the date the transaction settles.
New virtual cards will be issued for each future payment to the vendor.
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Updating Virtual Cards
After a virtual card is sent to the vendor, updates to the card when it is charged,
expired, declined, or canceled are received from the payment partner and payment
demands are updated in Concur Invoice.
To view if a virtual card has been charged:
1. On the Payment Demand List page, select the virtual card payment you
want to view.
2. On the Actions menu, select View Invoices.
The Invoice List for Payment Demand window appears.
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The vCard Status will be Charged and the Payment Date will be populated
with the settlement date of the charge.
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In the Days To Expiration field in the Card Account window, you can configure
the number of days a virtual card will remain active and can be charged after being
issued. When a virtual card is issued, it will have an expiration date (Valid To Date
field) associated with it. This date is calculated by adding the number of days in the
Days To Expiration field from the date the card was issued (Issue Date field).
Virtual cards will expire if the vendor does not charge them before the expiration
date (Valid To Date field). Payment demands for expired cards will display in the
Failed Payments queue in Payment Manager. Expired cards can be reissued in the
same or different form of payment.
You can cancel virtual cards before they are charged. After a virtual card is created
and sent to the vendor, an option to cancel the card displays on the Actions menu
on the Payment Demand List page.
When a virtual card is canceled, Concur Invoice sends a request to the payment
provider to cancel the card. The payment provider then cancels the card with the
card issuer.
Canceled virtual cards are displayed in the Failed Payments queue. You can then
choose to manage this payment outside the system or change the payment method.
You can also decide to reschedule the payment in the next available batch, which will
automatically re-issue a new virtual card to the vendor.
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NOTE: Once a virtual card is charged, it can no longer be canceled.
To cancel a virtual card:
1. On the Payment Demand List page, select the virtual card payment you
want to cancel.
2. On the Actions menu, select Cancel vCard.
3. In the Cancel vCard message, click Yes to confirm that you want to cancel
the card.
NOTE: Attempting to cancel the card once its already been canceled will
display a message stating that the previous cancellation request is
already in progress and to please wait a few minutes before retrying.
4. A new Cancel vCard message displays stating that payment cancellation has
been submitted to the payment partner and that the process will take a few
minutes to complete, click OK to continue.
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When the payment cancellation process completes, the canceled card displays
on the Failed Payments page.
NOTE: Virtual card payments in the Failed Payments queue can only be changed to
be paid by ACH. The ability to change a failed virtual card payments to be
paid by check will be available in a future release.
Viewing or Editing a Card Account
Use the following procedure to view or edit an existing card account. If you need to
create a support ticket about a question or issue with a card account, reference the
Account ID associated to the card account.
To view or edit a card account:
1. On the Card Accounts List, select the desired card account and:
Card Account
Double-click the card account directly
2. View and modify the information as required.
3. Click Save.
NOTE: If there are more than 25 card accounts, the page will paginate and
additional card accounts can be viewed on the next pages.
Activating and Deactivating Virtual Card Accounts
Use the procedures below to activate and deactivate an existing card account.
Deactivating a card account is useful when your company changes banks or credit
cards issued by a bank. When this happens, you will want to deactivate the old card
account to discontinue its use. Also, if a card account is configured incorrectly, you
can deactivate it and create a new card account with the correct configuration.
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For information about actions for payments, refer to the Manage Payment
Demands and Invoices section in this document.
To activate a card account:
1. On the Card Account List page, select the account you want to activate.
2. On the Actions menu, select Activate Card Account.
The activated card account displays as Yes in the Active column on the Card
Account List page.
After a card account is activated, new approved invoices can be batched for
payment to it.
To deactivate a card account:
1. On the Card Account List page, select the account you want to deactivate.
2. On the Actions menu, select Deactivate Card Account.
The deactivated card account displays as No in the Active column on the
Card Account List page.
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Configuring Batch Settings
With the Batch Setting feature, you can control when and how frequently payment
batches for approved invoices are released to payment providers to issue payment to
The Batch Settings tab can be configured for funding accounts and check
configurations. Batch settings can be set up during initial account configuration or
modified later, if desired.
Batch setting configuration includes:
Defining the close schedule and required release preference
Determining which users will sign off and release payment batches and
assign them the Payment Release Manager role (only if using the Require
Batches to be Released setting)
You can set the close time and date for when batches close and are released and
choose whether an additional user is required to approve the batch before it is
released for payment. If the additional release step is required, these users need to
be assigned the Payment Release Manager role.
If the Require Batches to be Released setting is configured and once the close
time and date pass, batches display on the Monitor Payments page with a Pending
Release status until the Payment Release Manager has approved and released the
batch to be sent to the payment provider.
Refer to the Release Pending Batches section in the Monitor Payments section
in this guide.
NOTE: Existing clients who want to access the Batch Settings feature can contact
their SAP Concur representative. Once the feature is activated, existing clients may
need to adjust their existing account configurations.
NOTE: Batch Settings is currently only available for ACH funding accounts and check
configurations. Batch Settings for virtual card accounts will be available in a future
To configure batch settings:
1. In the Configuration section of Payment Manager, click the link for the
desired configuration: Check Configurations or Funding Accounts.
2. On the account list page, double-click on the desired account to open it.
You can also select the account and then open it from the Actions menu.
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38 Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide
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3. In the account window, select the Batch Settings tab.
4. In the Close Time lists, select the time and time zone for the close schedule.
NOTE: The Close Time fields are only visible for funding accounts. For check
configurations, the Close Time fields are located on the Account tab.
5. In the Close Date section, in the Frequency list, select the close date
frequency preferred: Daily or Weekly.
The Frequency field defaults to Daily to maintain the existing functionality of
batches being created and scheduled based on the payment due date of
approved invoices.
The frequency can be changed to Weekly so batches are only created and
scheduled for select days of the week.
6. If the Frequency field is set to Weekly, select the check boxes for the day(s)
of the week batches can be created and scheduled.
7. (Optional) Select the Require Batches to be Released check box if you
want to require an additional user to manually approve/release invoice
batches before payments are sent to payment providers for processing.
Section 6: Managing Vendor Information
Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide 39
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NOTE: This user must have both the Invoice Payment Manager and Payment
Release Manager roles. Best practice is to have at least two users assigned
the Payment Release Manager if using the Require Batches to be Released
setting, one primary user and one backup user. For more information, refer to
the User Roles and Primary Users section of this guide.
8. Click Save to save the new close schedule.
NOTE: If the schedule changes after there is an open batch, the system will
wait until the current batch is completed (using the old schedule), then open
a new batch using the new schedule.
Section 6: Managing Vendor Information
Your company is responsible for maintaining the accuracy of vendor data. Your
companys Vendor Master List is the source for all vendor data, including banking
information, net pay terms, and default pay methods. Information flows from your
companys ERP to Concur Invoice via the Approved Vendor Import (overnight
processing), and quick updates can be made via on-demand imports. This
information is maintained in the Vendor Master List your companys ERP.
Updating Vendor Information
Vendor data is updated in the following ways:
Approved Vendor Import: Your companys Import/Extract Administrator runs the
Approved Vendor import in an overnight job run, or in an Over Night Processing
(ONP) job run. All vendor data may be updated using this method.
On-Demand Import in Vendor Manager: Your companys Vendor Manager uses
options in the Vendor Manager > Import Vendors tab to upload vendor data. This
information appears immediately in the user interface. All vendor data except
banking information may be updated using this method.
On-Demand Import in Payment Manager: As the Payment Manager you use the
Payment Manager > Banking Import to upload vendor data. This information
appears immediately in Payment Manager. Only banking information may be updated
using this method.
NOTE: Your company can turn off the ability to update banking details on-demand in
Payment Manager. To do this, Invoice Processing Admins must clear (disable) the
Allow Payment Manager to change banking information option in Invoice
Settings. By limiting the on-demand functionality, your company can maintain
change management controls within your ERP and make changes in the Vendor
Master List (updating via the Vendor Import) and Vendor Banking Import.
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Importing Vendor Banking Information
The vendor banking import allows you to import banking information associated with
the supplier. This information is used to determine which bank account an ACH
payment demand will be sent to.
For more information, refer to the Concur Invoice: Vendor Banking Import
User Guide.
Active vendor banking information can be downloaded from Concur Invoice from the
Banking Import page by clicking the Vendor Banking Download option on the
bottom right of the page.
The vendor banking information is exported in the Excel Banking Import template.
Click the Audit Trail link to view a list of users who have previously downloaded the
vendor banking details.
NOTE: If you do not see the Banking Import link listed under Configurations in
Payment Manager, your companys administrator has disabled this feature and all
banking import functionality is unavailable for Payment Managers.
For more information, refer to the Concur Invoice: Invoice Settings Setup
Guide and the Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay Setup Guide.
Refer to the documentation listed below for additional information.
Professional Edition only
Import Vendors via Overnight Vendor Imports
For more information, refer to the Concur Invoice: Import and Extract
File Specifications - Approved Vendor Import, V2 (Current) document.
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Import Vendors On-Demand, General Vendor Information, and
For more information, refer to the Concur Invoice: Vendor Manager
User Guide.
For more information, refer to the Concur Invoice: Vendor
Management Lifecycle Setup Guide.
Standard Edition only
Import Vendors via Overnight Vendor Imports
For more information, refer to the Concur Invoice: Import and Extract
File Specifications - Approved Vendor Import, V2 (Current) document.
Import Vendors On-Demand and Scheduled
For more information, refer to the Concur Invoice: Vendor Import (On-
Demand) User Guide for Standard Edition.
For more information, refer to the Concur Invoice: Vendor Import
(Scheduled) User Guide for Standard Edition.
Understanding the Vendor Experience
Email Remittance Notifications
Vendors can receive email remittance notifications when they are paid with Invoice
Pay. Email notifications include full remittance information for when, how, and for
what they are paid. This applies to both partial and full payments.
Email information contains the invoice date, invoice amount, invoice number,
payment date, payment method, and any notes that may exist on the payment
submission. For check payments, emails will include the check number. The paying
company name must be in the Subject field and in the header line of the email.
The email address for notifications is determined by what is entered in the Vendor
Contact field of the Approved Vendor Import. Only a single email address is
supported in this field.
To ensure vendors receive email notifications, select (enable) the Send vendor
payment email notifications for Check and ACH Concur Invoice Pay types
option is selected (enabled) in Invoice Settings. For Standard Edition, this setting
does not display in the UI but defaults to enabled.
For information about the invoice setting, refer to the Concur Invoice: Invoice
Settings Setup Guide.
If a payment fails after an email notification is sent, you are responsible for following
up with the vendor regarding payment.
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NOTE: Payment of invoices that occur outside of Invoice Pay (Client Pay) do not
trigger email notifications.
Example Email for Check Payments
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Example Email for ACH Payments
Remittance Advice for ACH and Check
Remittance Advice is included in ACH (US) and Check (US and Canada) payments.
Main information includes:
Buyer's company name (that is, the Doing Business As name stored with
the payment provider)
Vendor name, and (if included on the vendor record) buyer’s account
number (these are included once at the top of the remittance data for
checks and for ACH in the reference segment of the EDI data)
Information per invoice includes the invoice number, invoice date, paid
amount, and notes to supplier (if applicable)
If multiple invoices are being paid on the same check, a list of all invoices is shown.
Information per invoice includes the invoice number, paid date, paid amount, and
notes to supplier (if applicable).
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To maximize the amount of information that can be provided, each line of ACH and
CHECK Remittance Advice is displayed line by line for an unlimited number of lines,
up to 70 characters per line, wrapping to the next line(s) as required. For checks, the
first page includes 11 lines of remittance, and additional remittance lines are
included on the back of the check as needed. For ACH, remittance data is
transmitted as part of the actual pay information and is the standard detail level for
remittance advice.
NOTE: The supplier will need to work with their bank to ensure they can view ACH
remittance advice details.
Page 1 is shown in the figure below:
INV#13907000007-0112 | 2012/01/19 | 100.00 USD | NOTES Payment of bill Nov & Dec 2010
INV#13907000007-0117 | 2012/01/19 | 500.00 USD
INV#13907000007-0119 | 2012/01/19 | 300.00 USD
INV#13907000007-0121 | 2012/01/19 | 400.00 USD
INV#13907000007-0123 | 2012/01/19 | 600.00 USD | NOTES Several items water-damaged; reducing
payment by $200
INV#13907000007-0150 | 2012/01/19 | 800.00 USD
INV#13907000007-0152 | 2012/01/19 | 100.00 USD | NOTES Service List: Air-conditioner repairs,
carpet cleaning, grounds upkeep, window washing, asphalt repair, vending machine repair for floors 1
through 20
INV#13907000007-0153 | 2012/01/19 | 400.00 USD
Page 2 (and additional pages) is generated as needed, as shown in this figure:
INV#13907000007-0154 | 2012/01/19 | 400.00 USD
INV#13907000007-0200 | 2012/01/19 | 400.00 USD
INV#13907000007-0201 | 2012/01/19 | 400.00 USD
INV#13907000007-0220 | 2012/01/19 | 600.00 USD
Acme Vendor
NOTE: ACH Remittance Advice is limited by each banking system and, at this time,
only the US system allows SAP Concur to send remittance details via the banking
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A sample check image is shown below:
Address 1 and Address 2, but not Address 3, are printed on the client check. This is
typically of sufficient detail to deliver a printed check.
NOTE: The numbers that appear above the vendor address are control numbers that
are used to troubleshoot issues if they occur. The name that appears in the box
above the remittance details is the name of the SAP Concur entity.
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Section 7: Monitoring and Managing Payments
Use the Monitor Payments section to track cash flow and funding requirements for
your company. Doing so lets you adjust due dates, add comments, and answer
company and vendor questions.
You can expect to field questions such as "When was that invoice paid?" or "Why was
I short-paid for that service?" You can drill down to an invoice on the Monitor
Payments page > View Payment Demands > View Invoices and quickly
determine the invoice status. You can also read and/or update the invoice with notes
to the supplier.
Searching for Payment Batches, Demands, or Invoices
You can use options in the Monitor Payments page to search by funding account,
account status (Open, Closed, Sent), and within a range to return a group by
specifying the close and send dates within a date range.
Searching for Payment Batches
To search for a payment batch:
1. On the Monitor Payments page, use the filter options in conjunction with
one another:
Funding Account identifying attribute, such as Any or the specific
funding account name (for example, Capitalized)
- AND -
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Status, such as Any, Open, Closed, Sent
- AND -
The Close Date and Send Date range as a date range using the
calendars or typing the date in directly in a MM/DD/YYYY format
2. Click Search.
To search for a payment batch by its ID:
Enter the identification number (it is case-sensitive) directly in the Batch ID field:
Searching for Payment Demands
To search for a payment demand:
1. With the payment batch open, use the filter options in the Monitor
Payments page in conjunction with one another:
Vendor with identifying attribute, such as Begins, Contains, Ends with, or
- OR -
Status, such as
Equals or Does Not Equal,
Any, Client Pay, Failed, Paid, Pending Payment, or Unsent
- OR -
Amount, such as Equals, Greater Than or Equal, or Less Than or Equal
2. Click the search icon ( ) to begin the search, or the X icon ( ) to reset the
search criteria.
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Searching for Invoices
To search for an invoice:
1. In the Invoice Search field, enter at least three characters contained
anywhere within the full Invoice ID, and then click the invoice you want to
The invoice displays in the Invoice window.
2. (Optional) View the details of the vendor being paid using this invoice:
Click the View Payee Details link.
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The Payee Details window appears.
3. Click Close to exit the Payee Details window.
Viewing Payment Demands and Invoices
Viewing Payment Demands in Payment Batches
Opening a payment batch allows you to drill down and view the payment demands
included in the batch. Note that some scheduled batches may be "emptied" of
demands due to changes made by users. This batch remains visible and open to
incoming demands that logically fit its time and date schedule, after which the batch
closes just as any other.
To view the demands in a payment batch:
On the Monitor Payments page, click Actions > View Payment Demands.
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With the payment demands displayed, you can now view the following information:
The funding account used to fund the payment demand
The related batch identification number in which the payment demand was
The close and send dates associated with the payment demand
As applicable: The paid amount and credit amount in the batch
Within each payment demand row, each column displays the following:
Payment Demand identification number
The vendor being paid
The method of payment (ACH, Check, Client Pay)
The status of the payment (Unsent, Sent, Closed, Pending Release)
The date the demand was funded
As applicable: The date the demand was returned on
As applicable: The check number used if paid by check
As applicable: Whether the demand includes a credit memo
Viewing Invoices in a Payment Demand
Opening a payment demand allows you to drill down and view the invoice included in
the demand.
To view invoices in a payment demand:
1. On the Monitor Payments page, select the desired payment demand.
2. Click Actions > View Payment Demands.
3. Select the invoice in the Invoice List for Payment Demand page to view
details about the invoice.
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With the invoice displayed, you can now view the following information:
The vendor who originated the invoice this invoice is associated with
The method of payment to the vendor
The status of the invoice (Sent, Unsent, Client Pay, etc.)
Date the invoice was funded from the funding account
Date the invoice was paid
(Optional) If returned, the date the invoice was returned on
Within the invoice row (figure above), each column displays the following:
Invoice identification number
The invoice number associated with the invoice
The due date for payment on this invoice
Notes to the supplier
TIP: Hover over this area to view the note in its entirety
The amount for this invoice
The total amount paid for this invoice (if different from the Amount
4. Click Close.
Viewing Invoices with a Credit
Opening a payment demand with a credit allows you to drill down and view the
invoices included in the demand.
For more information, refer to Managing Credits for ACH and Check in this
To view invoices with a credit:
1. On the Payment Batch List page, in the Actions menu, select View
Payment Demands, or double-click the item that you want to view.
Payment demands with credits will display the credit icon.
2. On the Payment Demand List page, select the desired payment demand
with a credit. The total credit amount and the total paid amount in the batch
appear in the page header.
3. Click Actions > View Invoices or double-click the payment demand. The
Invoice List for Payment Demand page appears.
4. Select the invoice with a credit (specified on this page by a negative amount
in the Amount column) and, in the Actions menu, select View Payee
Details to view details about the invoice.
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NOTE: With the invoice displayed, you can also view the credit amount and
the paid amount for the payment demand in question.
Managing Payment Demands and Invoices
Changing Funding/Issue and Payment Dates
There are times when you may need to adjust the due date of a payment to pay
early for a discount or simply to manage cash or research an issue with goods
Use Change Dates functionality to adjust dates from either the Funding/Issue Date or
Payment Date perspective. The Funding/Issue Date and Payment Date fields are
interlocked and work in tandem. The interval between the two is always constant
change one date and the other changes to maintain the interval.
For example, if you decide to move the Payment Date value up a week for an early
pay discount, Concur Invoice will automatically consider any non-banking days, then
calculate and generate valid funding and payment dates.
For example, if the Thanksgiving holiday of November 25th is chosen as the value for
the Proposed Funding Date field, the system performs the calculation and moves
the date out one day to the next available valid date. The system adjusts the
Payment Date field value, allowing for the required interval of time to process the
payment while also considering weekend non-banking days.
Please note the following:
You cannot change the funding or payment date for an invoice with credit.
When changing the payment dates for checks, the system does not
calculate for holidays.
If you have configured schedules in Batch Settings, changing the payment
dates will override schedules you have configured in Batch Settings and
adjust the payment to the date you choose.
NOTE: If you change dates and remove all payment demands from an existing batch
(change payment date or amount, etc.), that batch remains with an Open status.
You can then use the empty batch to accommodate any demands that fall within the
original, scheduled processing date.
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To change the funding or payment date:
1. Open the desired demand or invoice.
2. Choose the Change Dates command from the right-click or Actions menu to
select either Change Funding/Issue Date or Change Payment Date.
Or select either Change Funding/Issue Date or Change Payment Date
from the Change Dates menu.
3. Select the new date. Depending on which command you select, the system
performs the following calculations:
Change Funding/Issue Date: This is the date the invoice will be funded
and precedes the actual payment date. Select this command, enter a date in
the Proposed Issue Date field, and the system calculates if the date is valid
(does not fall on a non-banking day) and then adds the number of days
required to process the payment, resulting in a payment date.
Change Payment Date: This is the date the supplier will receive payment
and falls after the funding date. Select this command, enter a date in the
Proposed Payment Date field, and the system calculates if the date is valid
(does not fall on a non-banking day) and then subtracts the number of days
required to process the payment, resulting in a funding date.
4. Click OK. The system evaluates the dates and returns a new payment or
funding date.
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Processing Payments Outside of Invoice Pay
Sometimes a payment must be made outside of the Invoice Pay system. Invoice Pay
allows for these instances with the Mark as Client Pay feature, which removes the
invoice from the pay process, marks the invoice with a status of Client Pay, and
retains a record of this action. Your company must then manage the payment to the
Examples of why a vendor may require payment outside of Invoice Pay:
The vendor may require payment in a currency (such as Danish krone), a
wire transfer of funds, or delivery of a check in person. Invoice Pay does
not support these payment methods.
A vendor, who accepts ACH payments, may change banks and you are
having trouble validating the new bank account number. To pay this
invoice on time, you can switch the pay method from ACH to Client Pay,
cut the vendor a check, and send the check by overnight mail.
Marking an invoice Client Pay simply tells the Invoice Pay system to ignore and not
pay that item. Any pay method other than ACH or Check will be ignored by Invoice
NOTE: Payment of invoices that occur outside of Invoice Pay (Client Pay) will not
trigger an email remittance notification to the vendor.
For check configurations, if you elect to pay the invoice using in-house check stock,
ensure you prevent stock check number from being duplicated by Invoice Pay. To
prevent duplicate check numbers, you should update the number value in the Next
Check Number field on the Check Configuration page. This action alerts Invoice
Pay to move to the number increment you specify.
For more information on check funding accounts and changing this value,
refer to the Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay Setup Guide.
To mark a demand or invoice as Client Pay:
1. Search for the desired payment demand or invoice.
2. Select the demand or invoice.
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3. Click the Mark as Client Pay button or select Mark as Client Pay from the
Actions or right-click menus.
A record of the payment method (status = Client Pay) is maintained in the
system for historical tracking and audit trail purposes. You can view payment
method details on the Invoice List for Payment Demand page when the
invoice is opened.
Changing Payment Method Types
You can change the payment method type for a demand or invoice within a payment
demand (Check or ACH) from one to the other. Once the payment type is changed,
the system removes the invoice from its scheduled batch and reschedules it for
payment within the next logical batch by vendor and payment type.
To change the payment method type for a demand or invoice:
1. Search for the batch containing the payment demand.
2. Open the payment demand.
You can change the payment method here on the Payment Demand List
page or you can drill further into the demand to open the Invoice List for
Payment Demand page and select one or more invoices within the demand
for the payment method change.
3. Select the demand or invoice(s).
4. On the Actions menu, select Change Pay Method to ACH or Change Pay
Method to Check.
Placing Payments on Hold
A payment demand or invoice in Unsent or Failed status can be removed from the
payment cycle for additional review by placing a hold on the payment. This feature is
used whenever a payment must be reviewed, for example, due to damaged goods or
adjustments that must be made to the final amount. Once rectified, you can then
release the hold and the payment is placed into the next logical payment cycle.
Payments placed on hold are included in the Not Processed amounts totals on the
Extract Reconciliation page.
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NOTE: You cannot put credit payment demands on hold.
Options for Handling the On-Hold Demand or Invoice
When the demand or invoice is on hold, you can elect to pay using the Client
payment method. You can also decide to change the funding and payment dates, but
in doing so, the payment is automatically activated and placed into the next logical
payment batch.
To place a hold on a payment demand:
1. On the Payment Demand List page, open the payment batch containing the
payment demand.
2. Select the demand, or one or more invoices within a demand.
3. On the Actions menu, select Put Payment On Hold or right-click on the
invoice and select this same option from menu.
The system removes the marked item from the payment cycle by placing it
into an On Hold batch, marking the item with a status of On Hold, and
removing the close and send dates from display.
Removing a Demand or Invoice from On Hold Status
You can remove the hold status from a payment demand or invoice by applying new
funding or payment dates or by selecting Actions > Removed From Hold. In either
scenario, the payment is placed into the next logical payment batch based on the
due date and method of payment.
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To remove a payment demand or invoice from On Hold status:
1. Search for the payment demand or invoice using the On Hold option for a
given Funding Account status.
2. Select the desired payment demand.
3. Select Actions > Remove From Hold.
The payment is then reactivated and removed from the On Hold payment
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Voiding and Reissuing Checks
When a supplier does not receive a check payment for a demand, you can elect to
void the original check and issue a new one. This can be done only if the demand has
a payment method of Check and a Status of Paid.
On successful re-issue, the system performs the following actions:
The superseded check's number and associated payment date are cleared
A new payment demand is created and scheduled for the next batch
The audit trail is updated with comments and an action of Reissued Check
Payment for all the invoices in the demand
Workflow is rolled back to the previous step (Extracted) and a status of
Not Complete is applied so payment processing can occur again
The new payment ID and updated payment dates are displayed
NOTE: Clients are billed for each check that is printed and delivered. This means that
if a check is voided and reissued it will be counted as two charges: one for the first
check and one for the reissued check.
To void and reissue the check:
1. Search for and locate the desired payment demand.
2. Select the specific demand within the batch.
3. Select Actions > Reissue Check.
4. In the Reissue Check window, enter the required comment.
5. Click OK.
This comment will appear in the audit trail.
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Managing Credits for ACH and Check
Invoice Pay can manage invoice credits through the Payment Manager for ACH and
Check items only. You can configure this functionality for each funding account or
check configuration.
When enabled, the functionality includes the following features:
Vendor credits can be applied automatically to invoice payments. Invoice
payments for less than the credit amount are not sent, allowing the client
to use up their existing credit. Once there is an invoiced amount higher
than the vendor credit, Invoice Pay will send a payment for the remaining
balance. The credit information will be included in the remittance file.
NOTE: For the credit memo to apply, it needs to be created first before the
positive invoice.
Only one credit memo is applied per invoice and the oldest credit memo
will be applied first. For example, if you have a $5,000 invoice and a $25
Credit Memo and a $1,000 Credit Memo, if the $25 Credit Memo is older,
the system will apply the $25 credit instead of the $1,000 credit.
The vendor code and address code must match in the credit memo and
invoice for the credit memo to apply.
Concur Invoice only applies the credit memo when the total amount of the
payment demand is more than the credit memo.
The Payment Batch List and the Payment Demand List pages display
a batch type, credit memo, which appears when there is an outstanding
credit with a vendor. If there are credits available, the Credit Memo batch
type appears and will be referenced each time a batch is run to determine
if there are any available credits that can be used to offset the incoming
debits. As long as there are available credits, the status of the Credit
Memo batch will always be Open.
NOTE: There will only be one Credit Memo batch per funding account.
The Payment Demand List page displays the Credit Amount and Paid
Amount values in the list header. The credit amount represents the total
dollar value of the credits included in the batch, and the paid amount is the
sum of the amounts paid by SAP Concur and the client.
NOTE: If a payment batch contains some payment demands that are marked
as client pay, the paid amount on the Payment Demand List page might
differ from the total amount listed on the Payment Batch List page.
The Funding Account page now has an Apply Credit Memos option
where the Payment Manager can enable credit handling.
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NOTE: If credit memos and positive invoices are processed at the same time,
credit memos might not be applied. The reason for this is that once
the invoice has gone through final approval, the invoice pay demand
process job runs. This job picks up the invoice and places it into a pay
batch for payment. At this time, the system also scans for any credits.
If the payment demand hasnt been created yet for the credit memo,
the credit memo will not be applied to the positive invoice. Ensure the
credits are processed first and that they are in a credit memo batch
prior to giving final approval for the positive invoices.
For information about enabling the credit memo feature, refer to the
Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay Setup Guide. For information about
viewing invoices with credits, refer to the Viewing Invoices with a
Credit section in this document.
Example 1
On the Payment Batch List page, the Credit Memo icon indicates that the system
applied the credit to a batch and that money still needs to be paid out.
The line item in inv credit funding acct (Credit Memo) on the Payment Batch
List page indicates that there is a credit will be used for future invoices.
On the Payment Demand List page, the Credit Amount and the Paid Amount
values show information about the batch. The credit amount is included in the
payment demand, which the Credit Memo icon indicates.
If the Payment Manager double-clicks the payment demand, they will see the
Invoice List page for this payment demand, which shows the paid amount and the
credit amount.
Example 2
Assume that we have a payment demand with both new debits and credits. This time
a debit exceeds the vendor credit amount. The credit amount is first loaded into the
payment demand, followed by the debits. The system applies the full credit to the
debit, and the remaining balance is paid to the vendor. In this case, the vendor
credit is $0.00.
The Payment Manager cannot change any dates for payment demands with credits,
since credits are not tied to a specific date but remain open until the debit exceeds
the credit.
The Payment Manager can use the Mark as Client Paid option if they want to
remove a credit from Invoice Pay without applying it.
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The Payment Manager can change the payment method from ACH to Check for
invoices. For credit requests, the Payment Manager may want to make this change
to apply an existing credit as soon as possible.
NOTE: This example would only be applicable if the vendor has both ACH and Check
Changing the Payment Amount
The amount associated with an invoice can only be changed at the invoice level. This
option is useful when a supplier has delivered a good or service that falls short and
the payment must reflect this. When the payment amount is adjusted, the total
amount to be paid is not changed. The amount the system tracks to be paid within
the demand is adjusted and that amount is what is paid out.
When using this feature, note the following:
Only a single invoice can have its amount changed at one time
Amounts edited here will NOT match the estimated pay amount in the SAE
The difference in the amounts must be reconciled in your ERP system
NOTE: If you change dates and remove all payment demands from an existing batch
(change payment date or amount, etc.), that batch remains with an Open status.
You can then use the empty batch to accommodate any demands that fall within the
original, scheduled processing date, after which it closes.
Changes to the amount of an invoice that has already been extracted by the SAE but
not yet paid by Invoice Pay will result in different pay data between the client
financial system and Invoice Pay. Under these conditions, you can use the Payment
Confirmation extract to reconcile the differences. The SAE provides an estimate of
pay data - best practice when working with Invoice Pay is to use the Payment
Confirmation Extract as an alert to pay data differences and to view a complete list
of SAP Concur-generated pay data.
TIP: Use the Payment Confirmation Extract to reconcile Concur Invoice with your
financial system.
For more information about this extract, refer to the Running the Payment
Confirmation Extract to Confirm Payment section of this document.
To change the payment amount for an invoice:
1. Search for the desired invoice.
2. Select the invoice.
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3. Click Actions > Change Payment Amount.
The Update Payment Amount window displays.
4. In the Payment Amount field, enter the new amount without currency sign
or comma.
5. In Notes to Supplier field, add any notes that you need to communicate to
the supplier.
6. In the Payment Adjust Notes field, add a comment explaining the changed
payment amount.
7. Click Save.
Adding Invoice Comments
If you need to communicate with a supplier or AP users regarding how or why an
invoice was paid, you can add comments to an invoice for general notes to the
supplier or specific payment adjust notes.
Suppliers will see this information on email notifications when payments are
processed. AP users will see this information when reconciling payments and can
view and edit notes to answer questions about actual payments.
Remittance advice is information accompanying payment to a supplier that informs
them what invoice number(s) this payment covers, and any additional remarks that
explain the payment amount, date, or status.
For more information, refer to the Remittance Advice for ACH and Check
section in this document.
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Payment adjustment notes provide the supplier and AP users with information
explaining payment resolution for the invoice. Payment adjustment details are then
tracked for invoices resolved using variants of the Client Paid payment method:
Client Pay, Paid, Void, and Cancelled options.
As a Payment Manager, you can add or edit payment adjustment notes when
changing the payment amount or paid date and updating the invoice with the actual
check number or a check image.
NOTE: The ability to add payment adjustment notes is only applicable at the invoice
level. Notes cannot be added at the demand or batch level.
NOTE: If an invoice is extracted with the Client payment type, manually changing the
payment type to ACH or Check in Add Payment Details will not generate a
payment demand. The invoice would need to be voided and recreated with the
correct payment type (ACH or Check) since the ability to manually create a payment
demand is not available.
To add payment adjustment notes:
1. Search for the invoice in the Invoice Search field.
2. Open the desired invoice.
3. Click Actions > Update Payment Details.
4. In the Payment Adjustment Notes fields, enter your comments.
5. Click Save.
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Notes to suppliers are added as supplemental invoice information and display on
remittance email notifications for the vendor. Adding notes to an invoice is also
beneficial for tracking information for historical or auditing purposes.
If you need to communicate with a supplier regarding how or why an invoice was
paid, you can add a note to an invoice. For example, you could explain to the
supplier why your company is short paying an invoice, due to damaged goods.
Invoice owners and AP Users can be given permissions to add notes to suppliers on
an invoice during creation or initial review. As the Payment Manager, you can add or
review comments later in the pay process by opening the invoice in Payment
Notes can be viewed whenever an invoice is opened by hovering the cursor directly
over the Notes to Supplier column area for the invoice.
Notes can be edited after they are saved. However, once the batch including the
invoice closes, the ability to add or edit notes is locked and unavailable.
NOTE: The ability to add notes to the supplier is only applicable at the invoice level.
Notes cannot be added at the demand or batch level.
To add or edit a note to the supplier:
1. Open the invoice by first searching for the payment batch, opening the
payment demand the invoice is associated with, then opening the invoice.
2. With the invoice open in the Invoice List for Payment Demand page, click
Actions > Update Notes to Supplier (or right-click the invoice and then
click the command as shown in the figure below).
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3. In the Notes to Supplier window, type the message to the supplier. A
maximum of 500 characters is supported.
4. Click OK to add the note and return to the Invoice List for Payment
Demand page.
Adding Images to Invoices
You can upload an image, such as an invoice or W-9 form, for a specific invoice. This
action is restricted to a single invoice at a time since you must open the invoice to
access the Upload Image menu item.
To add an image to an invoice:
1. Search for the invoice in the Invoice Search field.
2. Open the desired invoice.
3. Click Actions > Upload Payment Image.
4. Follow the instructions in the Upload Image window to upload the image.
5. Click Upload.
6. Click Close.
7. To view the uploaded image, click Action > View Payment Image.
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Releasing Pending Batches
If you are assigned the Payment Release Manager role, you are required to review
and manually process scheduled batches before payments are released to be sent to
payment providers. Batches with a Pending Release status display on the Monitor
Payments > Payment Batch List page after you have approved and released the
batch for payment.
For more information about the Payment Release Manager role, refer to the
User Roles and Primary Users and Configure Batch Settings sections in this
To review and release payment batches:
1. On the Monitor Payments > Payment Batch List page, in the Status list,
select Pending Release to view all batches requiring review.
2. Select the check box for the payment batch you want to review.
3. Click Actions > View Payment Demands or double-click on the payment
batch to review invoices included in the payment demand.
4. Once invoice and payment demands are reviewed, click Back to Payment
Batch List link to return to the Payment Batch List page.
5. Select the check box for each payment batch that you have approved and are
ready to release for payment.
6. On the Actions menu, select Release Payments.
Payment batches now display on the Paymend Batch List page with a Sent
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NOTE: If the close and send date are in the past, this action recalculates the
send date to be accurately reflected based on when you released the batch.
Exporting Payment Data to an Excel spreadsheet
You can view invoices in each batch in real time by exporting data to an Excel
spreadsheet so you can review payment data, such as payment demand ID, vendor,
payment method, status, funding date, payment date, return date, check number,
and amount.
Use the Send to Excel link on the Payment Demand List page to export your
batch data. The Send to Excel feature exports all records on all pages from the
Payment Demand List page. If you have records on more than one page, the
system exports all of them to the Excel spreadsheet.
To export data to an Excel spreadsheet:
1. On the Payment Batch List page in Payment Manager, select the relevant
filters to find the batch that you want to export, and then click Search.
2. In the list of results, double-click the batch that you want to export to Excel.
The Payment Demand List page appears.
3. Click the Send to Excel link (located in the lower right corner).
This opens an Excel spreadsheet with the data that you exported.
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Managing Unresolved Invoices and Failed Payments
Why Invoices Require Action or Fail
An invoice requires action whenever the Invoice Pay system cannot successfully add
the invoice to an existing payment demand.
A payment demand will fail if the bank account information for the supplier is
incorrect or if the system is unable to fund the payment due to insufficient funds in
the client funding account.
Use the Invoices Requiring Action and Failed Payments sections of Payment
Manager to identify and resolve issues relating to all invoices that the system could
not include in a payment batch. Using the available options, you can elect to:
Add a due date
Reprocess the invoice
Mark the invoice as Client Pay and pay it outside of Invoice Pay
Schedule payment in the next available batch (failed payments only)
You can decide to act on an invoice requiring action in the following ways:
Resolve the issue and reschedule by batch or date
First, resolve the issue preventing the demand from being funded or paid,
and then:
Schedule in next available batch
Change the funding or payment date
Leave the issue unresolved to meet a due date
If the issue cannot be resolved, or the next available batch will not pay
the vendor in time, select the Mark as Client Pay option to move the
demand from the pay process and deal with it outside of the system.
For more information, refer to the Processing Payments Outside of
Invoice Pay section in this document.
NOTE: Supplier account information that has changed may be available for viewing
in the Notices Of Change List page located in the Configuration section. For more
information on using this feature, refer to the Tracking Vendor Changes section in
this guide.
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Reprocessing Invoices
Invoices that cannot be placed into a valid payment demand need to have payments
reprocessed. This occurs when Concur Invoice cannot determine a valid funding
account or check configuration to create and batch the payment from or when an
invoice is missing a due date. These invoices display on the Invoices Requiring
Action page.
Invoices can be reprocessed but you must first resolve the issue preventing the
invoice from being included in a payment batch.
You can resolve the issue by:
Marking the invoice as Client Pay and paying the invoice outside Invoice
Refer to the Processing Payments Outside of Invoice Pay section in this
Adding a due date to the invoice if it was previously missing
Changing the due date for an invoice
Reprocessing invoice payments once the issue has been resolved, such as
selecting a valid funding account
To reprocess an invoice:
1. In the Payments section, click Invoices Requiring Action.
2. Select the desired invoice.
3. Click Actions > Reprocess Invoice.
The system will attempt to process the invoice again.
To add a due date to an invoice:
1. In the Payments section, click Invoices Requiring Action.
2. Select the desired invoice.
3. Click Actions > Add Due Date and select a new date for the invoice.
The invoice is removed from the Invoices Requiring Action page and
included in the logical payment batch that matches the due date and funding
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Resolving Failed Payments
A payment demand will fail if the bank account information for the supplier is
incorrect or if the system is unable to fund the payment due to insufficient funds in
the client funding account. These failed payments display on the Failed Payments
page with the failure reason appearing in read text.
You can resolve failed invoice payments individually or select multiple invoices to
resolve a group of failed payments. To resolve a group of failed payments, all
invoices must share the same funding account. If you select multiple invoices that
have different funding accounts an error message appears.
You can resolve failed payments by:
Rescheduling invoice payments to the next payment batch
Changing the due date
Marking the invoice as Client Pay (and pay outside of Invoice Pay)
To resolve failed payments:
If the failure is due to invalid banking information, you must mark the
invoice as Client Pay and pay the invoice outside of Invoice Pay.
If the payment is due to insufficient funds, you can reschedule invoice
payment in the next available payment batch (via a payment demand)
where the batch close date and demand funding account, vendor, and due
date match the attributes required to fund and pay the invoice.
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To reschedule invoices to the next payment batch:
1. In the Payments section, click Failed Payments to open the Failed
Payments page.
2. Select one or more invoices to reschedule.
3. Click the Schedule in Next Available Batch button or selection this option
from the Actions menu.
The system removes the invoice(s) from the Failed Payments page and
includes them in the next payment batch that can logically fund the
Moving Payment Demands From Inactive to Active Funding Accounts
You can create multiple funding accounts; however only one of the accounts can be
the active primary funding account. A payment demand that is associated with an
inactive funding account can be moved from the inactive to the active primary
funding account. There are two possible methods, depending on whether the
payment demand is in the Failed status.
To move a payment demand from an inactive to an active funding
1. In the Payments section, click Monitor Payments.
2. Search for payment demands associated with the inactive funding account.
3. Click Actions > View Payment Demands.
4. Select the desired payment demand.
5. Click Actions > Fund from Active Account.
The selected payment demand is now moved to the active funding account.
To move a failed payment demand from an inactive to an active funding
1. In the Payments section, click Failed Payments to open the Failed
Payments page.
2. Select one or more payment demands to reschedule.
3. Click Actions > Fund from Active Account.
The failed payment demand is moved to a new payment batch that is funded
from an active account.
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Changing the Funding/Issue or Payment Date for Failed Invoices
Changing the date for which an invoice should be paid can be approached from
either the Funding/Issue Date or Payment Date perspective - the interval between
these two dates remains the same.
To change the funding/issue or payment date for failed invoices:
1. In the Payments section, click Failed Payments to open the Failed
Payments page.
2. Select one or more payment demands.
3. Click Actions > Change Dates > Change Funding/Issue Date or Change
Payment Date.
The Change Funding/Issue Date or Payment Date window appears.
Depending on which command you select, the system performs the following
Change Funding/Issue Date: This is the date the invoice was to be
funded but experienced an issue. It precedes the actual payment date.
Select this command, enter a date in the Proposed Issue Date field, and
the system calculates if the date is valid (does not fall on a non-banking
day) and then adds the number of days required to process the payment,
resulting in a payment date.
Change Payment Date: This is the date the supplier expects to receive
payment and falls after the funding/issue date. Select this command,
enter a date in the Proposed Payment Date field, and the system
calculates if the date is valid (does not fall on a non-banking day) and
then subtracts the number of days required to process the payment,
resulting in a funding date.
4. Click Change to accept the new funding or payment date (the two fields work
in tandem) - the system recalculates the new dates for this invoice and
moves the invoice to the payment demand whose vendor and funding account
matches that of the invoice.
If issues causing a failed invoice cannot be resolved, it is often best to remove the
invoice from the pay process and pay the supplier directly with a check or cash.
For more information, refer to the Processing Payments Outside of Invoice
Pay section in this guide.
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Importing Payment Confirmations
Concur Invoice does not automatically have visibility into payments made outside of
Invoice Pay, but such visibility can be provided by enabling a simple import. The on-
demand Payment Confirmation Import imports invoice data from your companys
financial system making disbursements to the vendor. This data is imported into
Concur Invoice and updates the payment status of invoices. The on-demand method
is ideal for smaller numbers of invoices or whenever a handful of invoices need
updating. The overnight job works well for importing large numbers of invoices.
For a company to maintain a comprehensive view of their pay status at any given
time, it is crucial that the Payment Confirmation import be included as a daily job.
Doing this provides Concur Invoice a complete record of payments, which can be
beneficial to internal users.
There are two methods of importing invoice confirmation data:
Overnight Job: This method is ideal when many invoices must be
updated. The overnight import updates Concur Invoice with actual
payment information.
On-Demand Job: Using options in the Payment Confirmation Import
page, you can import data coded into an Excel spreadsheet. This method
is ideal for smaller numbers of invoices or adding comments or details to
selected invoices at one time.
The Payment Confirmation Import does not include:
Instructing Concur Invoice for when or how to pay something
Updating a paid invoice with custom field data such as project or account
For more information, refer to Concur Invoice: Import and Extract File
Specifications - Payment Request Confirmation Import V2 (Current).
Imports are performed on the Import Payment Confirmations page where you
Download the template (or optionally provides your own)
Populate the spreadsheet with invoice confirmation data
Upload and import the template data
Review the import details for any issues
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For more information, refer to Concur Invoice: Payment Request Confirmation
Import User Guide.
Section 8: Running Extracts
There are three extracts you can run in Payment Manager:
GL Extract: Perform the data extract from the client financial system for
analysis in the Extract Reconciliation page as required.
Positive Pay Extract: Perform a data extract to assist administrators to
prevent check fraud when working with the Check payment type.
Pay Confirmation Extract: Perform a data extract to view final payment
amount details that are paid under Invoice Pay.
Each Extract Runs page includes Search and Download File functionality. Each
extract run creates a file that can be searched for and analyzed for data, such as a
failed row.
Typically, a company would schedule these extracts with SAP Concur daily. With this
functionality, you can run these extracts without the need to contact SAP Concur
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Running the GL Extract
Run the GL Extract to perform an overnight General Ledger (GL) extract on an on-
demand schedule.
NOTE: Running the extract does not affect the complementary overnight extract job.
To run the GL extract:
1. Click GL Extract.
2. Click Run GL Extract Now.
There may be preceding jobs in the job queue, which cause a delay before the
system runs the extract and generates the output file.
Running the Payment Confirmation Extract
Use the Payment Confirmation extract to view final payment amount details that are
paid in the Invoice Pay system. This is useful whenever your company needs
visibility into final Invoice Pay payment methods and amounts, and when the original
(estimated) pay data provided to your companys financial system by the SAE is
different than the actual final pay data resident in Invoice Pay.
The Payment Confirmation extract allows you to reconcile invoice pay data in Invoice
Pay against the same data extracted by the SAE into your companys financial
system. This extract is useful whenever the client wants to review:
The pay data differences whenever the Payment Manager has changed
terms for invoices already extracted using the SAE
A complete list of all SAP Concur-generated pay data, such as the Check
Number field
The Payment Confirmation extract depicts final payment information, and therefore
is a similar concept to the Payment Confirmation Import (in you can update Concur
Invoice with final pay data, for payments made). Unlike the Expense Pay extract
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however, the Invoice Payment Confirmation extract does not provide intermediate
steps such as sending ACH data and registering any possible ACH failures.
NOTE: The Payment Confirmation extract is not intended to provide correcting of
journal entries.
Payment Confirmation Extract Information
The following fields are included in the Invoice Payment Confirmation extract:
Request Key
Request ID
Invoice Number
PO Number
Request Name
Pay Method
Payment Amount
Adjustment Notes
Payment Date
Check Number
Payment Status
The Invoice Payment Confirmation extract includes the following vendor fields:
Vendor Name
Vendor Code
Vendor Address Code
Verifying Voided and Reissued Checks
A Payment Status field in the extract denotes whether a check was voided. A PAID
status is applied when a check is originally issued. If you void and reissue a check in
Payment Manager, the original check status becomes VOID, and the replacement
check is marked with a status of PAID.
For example, in the following table, note the dates, action, and status, with special
attention to the new check numbers under a void and reissue scenario.
Check Number
Payment Status
January 1st
Client issues check
# 0123
January 8th
Void and Reissue is
# 0123
January 8th
New check is issued
# 0456
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To run the Pay Confirmation extract:
1. Click Payment Confirmation Extract.
2. Click Run Payment Confirmation Extract Now. The following message
The extract has been requested and this may take a few moments to run.
Please check back to download a file once completed.
After you click this link, the extract with the current data in the system is run.
After the extract is run, the extracted report displays on the Extract Runs
page. At this point, the extract is available for download.
3. Click the desired extract file and then click Download File to open the
extract file.
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Running the Positive Pay Extract
Positive Pay is a best practice method of preventing check fraud by only allowing a
list of verified checks to be cashed by your bank. Use the Positive Pay extract to send
your bank a list of check payments that your company has authorized and issued to
Concur Invoice transmits daily check information to the client, who in turn passes
this data directly to their corporate bank who will, in turn, use it as a Pay/No Pay
reference when client checks are processed. Each check number is verified against
the list and, if matched, is paid by the bank or, if not found, is refused payment. If a
check is voided and reissued, that too is included in the extract to ensure payment
via the new check number.
Positive Pay Extract File Information
A set of extract fields available in the Positive Pay extract yields data as the bank
requires, eliminating most bridge programs and streamlining the overall process. The
extract file contains the following data in separate columns:
Bank Data
Account Data
Check Data - Date & Type
Event Data - Issue or Void
Amount Data
Vendor Data - Name
Count Data
For more information, refer to the Concur Invoice: Import and Extract File
Specifications - Positive Pay Extract guide.
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To run the Positive Pay Extract:
1. Click Positive Pay Extract.
2. Click Run Positive Pay Extract Now.
The following message displays:
The extract has been requested and this may take a few moments to run.
Please check back to download a file once completed.
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After you click Run Positive Extract Now link, the extract with the current
data in the system is run. After the extract is run, the extracted report
displays on the Extract Runs page. At this point, the extract is available for
3. Click the desired extract file and then click Download File to open the
extract file.
Reconciling Payments
Invoice Pay allows you to reconcile all payments made from outside of the Invoice
Pay system alongside those made within Invoice Pay in one location.
On the Extract Reconciliation page, you can do the following:
Compare all payment amounts extracted from the client's system to actual
payments made using Invoice Pay
View invoices in the extract
Search for and view each extract
Drill down to an invoice to view invoice details
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NOTE: Invoice Pay debit banking details from the client account do not include a
specific payment demand reference ID.
The Extract Reconciliation page includes the following information:
Extract Information
Job Name
The name of the extract that was run.
Date and Time
The day and time when the extract was run.
Run Number
The sequential number assigned to each extract job per
currency (multiple currencies render multiple rows - one for
each currency).
The currency used for payment (for example, USD).
Payment Information
Paid Amount
The sum of payment amounts for all in Paid status.
In Process Amount
The sum of payment amounts for all in Pending Payment status.
Not Processed Amount
The sum of payment amounts for all payment amounts tied to a
payment demand that is in Unsent or Failed status.
Invoice Pay Amount
The sum of payment amounts for all invoices in that extract
included in Invoice Pay*
Extracted Amount
Sum for all invoices extracted:
Unsent or Failed statuses, and
Invoices Requiring Action (queued)
* Invoices paid using the Client Pay method are not included in this amount.
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Viewing Invoices in the Extract
On the Extract Runs page, click any invoice link to examine invoice details. The
Extracted Invoices page lists all invoices in the extract so you can review the
invoice total amount, the amount paid on the invoice, the payment method, and the
Invoice Pay status (if applicable).
On the Extract Runs page, click any of the invoice links to view invoices by their
category, such as Paid, In Process or Not Processed
For example, if you click on the Paid Amount link, all extracted invoices with a Paid
status display.
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After opening an invoice in the Extracted Invoices page, click on the View menu
to filter invoices by their payment demand grouping, such Not Processed Invoices
or Invoice Pay Requests.
Searching for an Invoice
Options on the Extracted Invoices page of Extract Reconciliation allow the user to
search for an invoice.
To search for an invoice:
1. On the Extracted Invoices page, enter search criteria:
Invoice identifying attribute, such as Invoice ID, Invoice Number,
Vendor, Payment Method, Amount, Invoice Pay Status, and Payment
- AND -
Qualifier, such as Begins With, Contains, Ends with, or Equals
- AND -
The search criteria, such as an amount, identifying number, status, or
vendor name as required
2. Click the search icon ( ) to begin the search, or the X icon ( ) to reset the
search criteria.
Section 9: Using Provider Payment Manager
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Section 9: Using Provider Payment Manager
The Provider Payment Manager feature offers clients, who use external payment
providers, the option to view details and status of their payments in Concur Invoice
without having to log into their providers' systems.
NOTE: The Provider Payment Manager feature is designed to be used with an App
Center payment provider and will not display data for any other payment method.
How It Works
When an invoice is marked (as the PAYPVD payment method) to be paid by a
payment provider and the invoice is extracted, the invoice is available for the
payment provider to retrieve. The invoice displays as Pending Retrieval on the
Provider Payment Summary page. The date and time the invoice was queued is
also displayed. At this point, the payment provider may retrieve the invoice and will
then provide all status updates on the Provider Payment Summary page.
Availability and Payment Cycle Timing
The supported payment methods, the timing of payments, and supported countries
and currencies depend on the payment provider with whom you have a contract.
Accessing Provider Payment Manager
To access the Provider Payment Manager feature:
To access the Provider Payment Manager feature, click Payments > Provider
Payment Manager.
The Provider Payment Summary page appears.
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Searching for Payments
To search for payments:
1. To search for payments, fill out the form on the Provider Payment
Summary page by using the table below as a reference.
Payment Status
The status of the payment, which can be one of the
Canceled The payment was canceled by the
payment provider
Card Authorized The card was authorized by
the merchant
Card Email Sent An email with card
information was sent to the vendor
Card Settled The card was settled by the
Check Mailed The check was mailed
Check Printed The check was printed
Check Processed The check was processed
Check Voided The check was voided
Paid The payment was successfully made
Pending Retrieval The payment has not yet
been retrieved by the payment provider
Processing The payment is being processed
by the payment provider
Rejected The payment was rejected by the
payment provider
Retrieved The payment was retrieved by the
payment provider
Returned The payment was returned by the
payment provider.
Invoice Number
This is the number of the invoice.
Invoice ID
This is the ID of the invoice.
Vendor Name
This is the name of the vendor.
Payment ID
This is the ID of the payment associated with the
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86 Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide
Last Revised: April 20, 2024
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Select Date
This is the type of date for which the search should be
performed, which can be one of the following:
Payment Due Date
Invoice Date
Payment Date This is the payment
settlement date that the payment provider
returns to Concur Invoice. Note that a payment
provider is not required to provide this date.
Start Date
The start date for the date selected in the Select Date
End Date
The end date for the date selected in the Select Date
2. Click Search.
The search result appears at the bottom of the Provider Payment
Summary page.
Section 9: Using Provider Payment Manager
Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide 87
Last Revised: April 20, 2024
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Viewing Payment Details
To view the details of a payment, click on the payment ID in the list of payments.
The Payment Details page appears which displays detail of the particular payment
including invoice details and payment history.
Section 10: Special Cases
88 Concur Invoice: Invoice Pay User Guide
Last Revised: April 20, 2024
© 2004 - 2024 SAP Concur All rights reserved.
Section 10: Special Cases
The following are special cases Invoice Payment Managers should be aware of.
Use the "Is Emergency Check Run?" Field to Expedite Payment
When a pending invoice will be late for payment and must be expedited within a 24-
hour cycle, you may draw on the use of the Is Emergency Check Run? check box
field to do this. This field, available in Invoice Admin > Forms & Fields, is added
to the Payment Request Header form, and optionally associated with an "Emergency"
policy (as an example) so that, when selected, an attribute is added to the invoice
denoting that rapid payment is required.
Once the late invoice is queued, you may take advantage of an optional, additional
extract job (Standard Payment Request Accounting Extract (Emergency) that
executes within the default 24-hour cycle, allowing rapid approval and extract so
that a late payment found in the morning may result in a check-based payment to
the vendor that afternoon.
NOTE: This feature is not related to Invoice Pay. It is a payment feature for clients
who do their own payments outside of Invoice Pay.
NOTE: The client may need to work with SAP Concur support to set up the Standard
Payment Request Accounting Extract (Emergency) job run that supports this feature.
For more information about extracts, refer to the Concur Invoice: Import and
Extract Specifications Payment Request Accounting Extract guide.