Outlook 2013: Email Template with Attachment
Do you need to send an email that has an attachment over and over again? The tutorial below
gives you the details and steps to make an email template with an attachment. Also included is
adding the Choose Form command to the Quick Access Toolbar.
First, create your email message with the attachment and no signature. Your signature will be
added to your email at the end.
From the File tab, click Save As.
In the File name text box, type a name for the template.
From the Save as type dropdown, select Outlook template (*.oft).
Click Save.
It will automatically save it into the Outlook client program folder on your computer. See my
screen shot below for my Outlook templates.
Now that the template is created and saved we need to add the Choose Form command to your
Qutlook Quick Access Toolbar. Under Choose commands from: All Commands, select
Choose Form and click the Add button, so it will be on the right side pane. Click OK.
To open this email template, in Outlook, click on the Choose Form icon (that we added to the
Quick Access toolbar). It will look like this:
In the Look In: select User Templates in File System to select and open your template.
Your template email will open and be ready for you to personalize and send.