SESD Operating Procedure Page 2 of 22 SESDPROC-113-R2
Field Measurement of ORP Field Measurement of ORP(113)_AF.R2
Effective Date: April 26, 2017
Revision History
The top row of this table shows the most recent changes to this controlled document. For
previous revision history information, archived versions of this document are maintained by the
SESD Document Control Coordinator on the SESD local area network (LAN).
History Effective Date
SESDPROC-113-R2, Field Measurement of Oxidation-Reduction
Potential (ORP), replaces SESDPROC-013-R1
General: Corrected any typographical, grammatical, and/or editorial errors.
Title Page: Changed the EIB Chief from
Danny France to the Field Services
Branch Chief John Deatrick, and the Field Quality Manager from Bobby Lewis to
Hunter Johnson.
Section 2.2: Figure 6 modified for clarity.
Section 3.3: Use of overtopping cell described consistent with current practice.
April 26, 2017
SESDPROC-113-R1, Field Measurement of Oxidation-Reduction
Potential (ORP), replaces SESDPROC-013-R0
January 29, 2013
SESDPROC-113-R0, Field Measurement of Oxidation-Reduction
Potential (ORP), Original Issue
August 7, 2009
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1 General Information ............................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Purpose........................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Scope/Application ......................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Documentation/Verification ......................................................................................... 4
1.4 References ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 General Considerations ................................................................................................ 5
1.5.1 Safety .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.5.2 Records ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.5.3 Shipping ...................................................................................................................... 6
2 Background ........................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Instrumentation............................................................................................................. 8
2.3 Redox Chemistry ......................................................................................................... 14
2.4 Applications ................................................................................................................. 15
2.5 Limitations ................................................................................................................... 16
3 Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 18
3.1 Standard Solutions ...................................................................................................... 18
3.2 Verification and Calibration ...................................................................................... 19
3.3 Measurement ............................................................................................................... 20
3.4 Reporting ..................................................................................................................... 21
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1 General Information
1.1 Purpose
This document describes procedures, methods and considerations to be used and observed when
conducting field Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) measurements in aqueous environmental
media, including groundwater, surface water and certain wastewater. The measurement of soil
ORP is a non-standard measurement and procedures should be developed on a project-specific
1.2 Scope/Application
This document describes procedures generic to all ORP measurement methods to be used by
Science and Ecosystem Support Division (SESD) field personnel when collecting and handling
samples in the field. On the occasion SESD personnel determine that any of the procedures
described in this section are inappropriate, inadequate or impractical and that another procedure
must be used to obtain an ORP measurement, the variant procedure will be documented in the field
logbook, along with a description of the circumstances requiring its use. Mention of trade names
or commercial products in this operating procedure does not constitute endorsement or
recommendation for use.
1.3 Documentation/Verification
This procedure was prepared by persons deemed technically competent by SESD management,
based on their knowledge, skills and abilities and has been tested in practice and reviewed in print
by a subject matter expert. The official copy of this procedure resides on the SESD local area
network (LAN). The Document Control Coordinator (DCC) is responsible for ensuring the most
recent version of the procedure is placed on the SESD LAN and for maintaining records of review
conducted prior to its issuance.
1.4 References
Faulkner, S.P., W.H. Patrick, Jr., and R.P. Gambrell. 1989. Field techniques for measuring wetland
soil parameters. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 53:883-890.
Megonigal, J.P., W.H. Patrick, Jr., and S.P. Faulkner. 1993. Wetland identification in seasonally
flooded forest soils: soil morphology and redox dynamics. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 57:140-149.
D.K. Nordstrom and F.D. Wilde. 2005. National Field Manual, Chapter A6, Section 6.5: Reduction
Oxidation Potential (Electrode Method). USGS.
Pankow, J.E. 1991. Aquatic chemistry concepts. Lewis Publishers, Inc. Cheleas, Michigan. USA.
Pruitt, B.A. 2001. Hydrologic and soil conditions across hydrogeomorphic settings. Dissertation.
The University of Georgia, Athens, GA. USA.
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Soil Survey Staff. 1998. Keys to soil taxonomy, 8th Edition. United States Department of
Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Washington, DC. USA.
Standard Methods. 1992. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th
Edition. Prepared and published jointly by: American Public Health Association, American Water
Works Association, Water Environment Federation. American Public Health Association,
Washington, DC. USA.
Stumm, W. and J.J. Morgan. 1981. Aquatic chemistry: an introduction emphasizing chemical
equilibra in natural waters, 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York. USA.
USEPA. 2001. Environmental Investigations Standard Operating Procedures and Quality
Assurance Manual. Region 4 Science and Ecosystem Support Division, Athens, GA.
USEPA. 2007. Safety, Health and Environmental Management Program Procedures and Policy
Manual. Science and Ecosystem Support Division, Region 4, Athens, GA.
Wikipedia entry. Reduction Potential.
Retrieved April 2, 2009.
1.5 General Considerations
1.5.1 Safety
Proper safety precautions must be observed when verifying or calibrating instruments for
measurement of Oxidation-Reduction Potential. Refer to the SESD Safety, Health and
Environmental Management Program Procedures and Policy Manual (most recent version)
and any pertinent site-specific Health and Safety Plans (HASP) for guidelines on safety
precautions. These guidelines should be used to complement the judgment of an
experienced professional.
Reagents commonly used in the preparation of ORP calibration standards are toxic and
require care when handling. When using this procedure, avoid exposure to these materials
through the use of protective clothing, eye wear and gloves. Safety precautions when
handling and preparing verification solutions should include gloves and eyewear to prevent
dermal and eye contact, and a mask to avoid inhaling dust particles when handling dry
materials. Vigorous flushing should be used if the reagents or solutions come in contact
with skin or eyes. Following is specific information on commonly used solutions. The
application of the solutions is described in detail in Section 3.1, Standard Solutions, of this
Quinhydrone (CAS# 106-34-3) is a skin and respiratory irritant and is poisonous if
ingested. Safety precautions when handling quinhydrone should include gloves to
prevent dermal contact and a mask to avoid inhaling dust particles when mixing dry
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material to prepare calibration standards. Vigorous flushing should be used if
concentrated material comes in contact with skin or eyes.
Zobell’s solution is also an irritant and toxic if ingested. The same handling
precautions apply when mixing and using Zobell’s solution as when using
quinhydrone. Zobell’s reacts with acid to form harmful byproducts, including
hydrocyanide gas.
Lights solution contains ferro- and ferric-cyanide compounds in sulfuric acid.
The components are toxic and burns are possible from contact with this solution.
Potassium iodide solutions have lower toxicity than most calibration solution options.
General ingestion, skin contact, and eye contact precautions apply.
Unused quinhydrone, Zobell’s, Light’s or other calibration reagents and solutions should
be returned to SESD for disposal in accordance with the SESD Safety, Health, and
Environmental Management Plan (SHEMP).
1.5.2 Records
Documentation of field activities is done in a bound logbook. All records, including a
unique, traceable identifier for the instrument, should be entered according to the
procedures outlined in the SESD Operating Procedure for Logbooks (SESDPROC-010,
most recent version) and the SESD Operating Procedure for Equipment Inventory and
Management, (SESDPROC-108, most recent version).
All field ORP measurements pertinent to the sampling event should be recorded in the field
logbook for the event as outlined in the SESD Operating Procedure for Logbooks
(SESDPROC-010, most recent version), or managed electronically with appropriate
backups as described in SESD Operating Procedure for Control of Records (SESDPROC-
002, most recent version).
1.5.3 Shipping
Shipped material shall conform to all U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) rules of
shipment found in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR parts 171 to 179),
and/or International Air Transportation Association (IATA) hazardous materials shipping
requirements found in the current edition of IATA’s Dangerous Goods Regulations.
All shipping documents, such as bills of lading, will be retained by the project leader and
stored in a secure place.
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2 Background
2.1 General
Oxidation is the process of liberating electrons or gaining oxygen. Examples of oxidation include
conversion of elemental iron to rust, elemental sulfur to sulfate, and elemental hydrogen to water
(Pankow 1991). Reduction is the process of gaining electrons resulting in the charge on some
atomic unit in the species to be reduced. Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) or redox potential
(hereafter, referred to as redox) is a measure of the intensity or activity of an aqueous environment
or soil to mediate reactions of important elements in biological systems (e.g., O, N, Mn, Fe, S, and
C) and other metallic elements.
Considerable confusion arises on the use of the terms oxidation and reduction as they apply to the
media under study. The following introduction reproduced from an online ‘Wikipedia’ article on
the topic lucidly explains their relationship in ORP measurement:
Reduction potential (also known as redox potential, oxidation / reduction potential or
ORP) is the tendency of a chemical species to acquire electrons and thereby be reduced.
Each species has its own intrinsic reduction potential; the more positive the potential, the
greater the species' affinity for electrons and tendency to be reduced.
In aqueous solutions, the reduction potential is the tendency of the solution to either gain
or lose electrons when it is subject to change by introduction of a new species. A solution
with a higher (more positive) reduction potential than the new species will have a tendency
to gain electrons from the new species (i.e. to be reduced by oxidizing the new species)
and a solution with a lower (more negative) reduction potential will have a tendency to lose
electrons to the new species (i.e. to be oxidized by reducing the new species). Just as the
transfer of hydrogen ions between chemical species determines the pH of an aqueous
solution, the transfer of electrons between chemical species determines the reduction
potential of an aqueous solution. Like pH, the reduction potential represents an intensity
factor. It does not characterize the capacity of the system for oxidation or reduction, in
much the same way that pH does not characterize the buffering capacity.
In short, a numerically positive redox potential or ORP represents an environment conducive to
the oxidation of an introduced substance by reduction of the original media.
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2.2 Instrumentation
ORP measurement systems are a practical implementation of electrochemical cells, which use
metal electrodes in a solution to generate an electric current or voltage. If a platinum electrode is
immersed in water with hydrogen bubbled into the solution, the H
is oxidized as follows:
= 2H
+ 2e
In the electrochemical half-cell illustrated below in Fig.1, hydrogen gas oxidizes to hydrogen ions
and free electrons, comprising an oxidation-reduction couple. This couple reaches an equilibrium
state that maintains the reference potential of the electrode. The electric potential develops on the
wire connected to the platinum electrode, but is difficult to measure in practice in the isolated half-
cell. However, when used in a complete electrochemical cell, the cell illustrated is used as a
reference to measure other half-cells against, and is called a Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE).
Figure 1
If, as shown in Figure 2, a SHE is connected with a salt bridge to a second half-cell in which a
reduction reaction is taking place, the electric potential between the two cells can be measured. In
the case shown, the potential of the right cell will be +0.34 Volts in reference to the standard
hydrogen electrode on the left. This would be represented as an Oxidation Reduction Potential
(ORP) of +340mV on the hydrogen scale, or simply as Eh = +340mV.
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Figure 2
In field practice, the hydrogen electrode is difficult to reproduce. To conduct field measurements,
a reference electrode is needed that is simple to maintain and will generate a potential that can be
referenced to the standard hydrogen electrode. These requirements are met by the Saturated
Calomel Electrode (SCE) and the Silver/Silver Chloride Electrode (SSCE - the SSCE is also
commonly identified as an Ag/AgCl electrode). The SCE contains a small amount of elemental
mercury, and while useful for certain applications, would rarely be used at SESD. The SSCE or
Ag/AgCl electrode is generally used as the reference cell in SESD instrumentation.
In Figure 3 below, a SHE is connected to an Ag/AgCl electrode. In this example of an
electrochemical cell, both cells reach an equilibrium potential. At that equilibrium state, the
potential of the Ag/AgCl cell is 220mV more positive than the standard hydrogen electrode.
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Figure 3
This half-cell potential of the Ag/AgCl electrode in reference to the SHE is used to convert
measurements taken with an Ag/AgCl reference back to the hydrogen scale. While the laboratory
Ag/AgCl half-cell shown has a potential of +220mV, practical reference cells have varying
potentials based on temperature and filling solutions as shown in Table 1 below.
Table 1
Half-cell Potential of Ag/AgCl reference electrode
derived from USGS NFM, Table 6.5.2 (9/2005)
Molarity of KCl filling solution
*interpolated value
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Note: YSI sondes and Thermo electrodes typically use 4M KCl filling solutions. Eureka sondes
typically use 3.3M KCl filling solutions.
In Figure 4, below, the relationship between a hydrogen electrode, a reference electrode, and a
platinum sensing electrode in an arbitrary media is shown. In this case, the ORP of the media in
reference to the silver/silver chloride electrode is 150mV. To obtain Eh, the potential of the
reference electrode in relation to a hydrogen electrode is added to the potential of the sensing
electrode in relation to the reference electrode. In practice, the potential of the reference electrode
in relation to a hydrogen electrode is not measured, but obtained from Table 1 above.
Figure 4
In Figure 5 below, a field instrument is represented as separate electrochemical cells. The
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Ag/AgCl reference electrode uses a ceramic frit or other means to provide the essential salt bridge
to the environmental media. The platinum sensing electrode is immersed in the environmental
media and connected internally in the instrument to measure the potential (voltage) between the
two electrodes.
Figure 5
In this illustration, the ORP is measured as 340 mV. This measurement is made in reference to
the Ag/AgCl reference electrode and would be reported as such, or as E
= 340mV.
In some cases it will be desirable to report the reading on the hydrogen scale, or Eh. To do so, the
potential of the reference electrode against the SHE, obtained from Table 1, is added to E
For our example:
340 mv Measured ORP (E
) of sample
+ 204 mV Eh of Ag/AgCl electrode (ORP of Ag/AgCl electrode referenced to SHE)
544 mV Eh of sample
Both the +340 mV field reading and the adjusted +544 mV Eh can properly be referred to as ORP
results. It is only through specifying the reference scale that the ambiguity can be eliminated.
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In Figure 6, below, the theoretical cells shown above have been configured as a practical field
instrument. The salt bridge is commonly provided by a ceramic frit connecting the environmental
media to the reference electrode. In multi-parameter sondes, the pH probe commonly uses the
same reference electrode as the ORP probe.
Figure 6
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Redox Chemistry
In acid-base chemistry, the pH of a system is defined as the negative logarithm of the hydrogen
ion activity (simplified in practice to the hydrogen ion concentration):
pH = -log {H
Similarly, Pankow (1991) described the negative logarithm of the electron activity (pe) as the
master variable for describing the equilibrium position for all redox couples in a given system:
pe / - log {e
It can be shown (Pankow) that pe is related to Eh by
Eh = pe*(2.303*R*T)/F
R = gas constant = 8.314 J K
T = temperature,
F = Faraday constant = 96.485*10
C mol
At 25°C (298°K) this simplifies to
= pe * 0.05916
pe =E
/ 0.05916
According to Faulkner et al. (1989) redox is a quantitative measure of electron availability and is
indicative of the intensity of oxidation or reduction in both chemical and biological systems. When
based on a hydrogen scale, redox (E
) is derived from the Nernst Equation (Stumm and Morgan
= E
+ 2.3 Η (R Η T)/nF Η log (ϑ
= potential of reference, mV
R = gas constant = 81.987 cal deg
T = temperature,
n = number of moles of electrons transferred
F = Faraday constant = 23.061 cal/mole-mv
{ox} and {red} = activity of the oxidants and reductants, respectively
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2.4 Applications
When interpreted properly, redox combined with other conventional water quality parameters is
useful in developing a more complete understanding of water chemistry. Several applications of
redox are identified below:
1. Redox could be viewed as an extension of the oxygen scale. In this model, the DO probe
spans the aerobic scale and the redox probe extends that scale to measure anaerobic
conditions. Inferences to geochemistry and chemical speciation can be made from the
oxidative state of the system. Application to metal sequestration, metal-iron, -sulfide, -
methane complexation, and the subsequent bioaccumulation potential is possible.
2. Redox can be used to identify anaerobiosis at or near the water column and sediment
interface in streams, lakes, and estuaries.
3. Redox may be useful in determination of stream jurisdiction and wetland delineation in
that it can indicate conditions of soil saturation.
4. Based on redox, a pe (or EH) vs. pH stability diagram can be developed to aid in nutrient
exchange studies including the timing, release, and partitioning of important water and
sediment quality pollutants such as nitrogen and phosphorus species. Most importantly,
redox can be used to address error associated with chamber-effect during closed chamber
measurements of the water-sediment interface. Redox probes placed inside the contact
chamber and inserted approximately ten centimeters into the underlying sediment can be
used to monitor changes in sediment redox caused by the chamber, and steps can be taken
to reduce chamber-effect.
5. Redox may be useful in establishing water and sediment quality standards applicable to
6. Redox is used to assess the potential of a groundwater system to support various in situ
reactions with contaminants, such as reductive dechlorination of chlorinated solvents.
7. Redox can provide a useful indicator of conditions that might compromise the performance
of Clark-type dissolved oxygen (DO) probes. In general, anaerobic conditions occur at a
redox range of +150 mV to +300 mV (pH-dependent and adjusted to hydrogen reference
electrode). When redox drops below this level, DO measurements as determined with a
Clarke-type probe are highly suspect as the semi-permeable membrane does not
discriminate between partial O
and sulfides. Consequently, the meter may be reading
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2.5 Limitations
In most environmental media, redox reactions will not reach equilibrium due to low concentrations
or multiple redox species. Consequently, redox measurements can generally be considered semi-
quantitative in environmental media, unless certain conditions exist.
The USGS in the Interferences and Limitations Section 6.5.3A of their National Field Manual
succinctly describe some of the issues encountered in the application of ORP measurements. This
section is reproduced here, unedited:
Measurements should not be carried out without an awareness of the interferences and limitations
inherent in the method.
Organic matter and sulfide may cause contamination of the electrode surface, salt bridge,
or internal electrolyte, which can cause drift or erratic performance when reference
electrodes are used (American Public Health Association and others, 2001).
Hydrogen sulfide can produce a coating on the platinum electrode that interferes with the
measurement if the electrode is left in sulfide-rich water for several hours (Whitfield, 1974;
Sato, 1960).
The platinum single and combination redox electrodes may yield unstable readings in
solutions containing chromium, uranium, vanadium, or titanium ions and other ions that are
stronger reducing agents than hydrogen or platinum (Orion Research Instruction Manual,
written commun., 1991).
Do not insert redox electrodes into iron-rich waters directly after the electrode(s) contact
ZoBell’s. An insoluble blue precipitate coats the electrode surface because of an immediate
reaction between ferro- and ferricyanide ions in ZoBell’s with ferrous and ferric ions in the
sample water, causing erratic readings.
Many elements with more than one oxidation state do not exhibit reversible behavior at the
platinum electrode surface and some systems will give mixed potentials, depending on the presence
of several different couples (Barcelona and others, 1989; Bricker, 1982, p. 5965; Stumm and
Morgan, 1981, p. 490495; Bricker, 1965, p. 65). Methane, bicarbonate, nitrogen gas, sulfate, and
dissolved oxygen generally are not in equilibrium with platinum electrodes (Berner, 1981).
Misconceptions regarding the analogy between Eh (pe) and pH as master
variables and limitations on the interpretation of Eh measurements are explained
in Hostettler (1984), Lindberg and Runnells (1984), Thorstenson (1984), and
Berner (1981). To summarize:
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(1) Hydrated electrons do not exist in meaningful concentrations in most
aqueous systemsin contrast, pH represents real activities of hydrated protons.
Eh may be expressed as pe (the negative logarithm of the electron activity), but
conversion to pe offers no advantage when dealing with measured potentials.
(2) Do not assume that redox species coexist in equilibrium. Many situations
have been documented in which dissolved oxygen coexists with hydrogen sulfide,
methane, and ferrous iron.
• The practicality of Eh measurements is limited to iron in acidic mine
waters and sulfide in waters undergoing sulfate reduction.
• Other redox species are not sufficiently electroactive to establish an
equilibrium potential at the surface of the conducting electrode.
(3) A single redox potential cannot be assigned to a disequilibrium system, nor
can it be assigned to a water sample without specifying the particular redox
species to which it refers. Different redox elements (iron, manganese, sulfur,
selenium, arsenic) tend not to reach overall equilibrium in most natural water
systems; therefore, a single Eh measurement generally does not represent the
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3 Methodology
3.1 Standard Solutions
Care should be taken not to contaminate standards and samples and to verify the expiration date
of all standards prior to use. All meters should be verified or calibrated according to the
manufacturer’s procedures.
Standard solutions for calibration and verification should be selected to meet project requirements.
SESD generally maintains a stock of Zobell’s solution suitable for most projects. The
characteristics and use of the common standard solutions are described below.
Zobell’s solution contains potassium ferri- and ferro- cyanide compounds. The
solution is available as prepared solutions or premeasured reagents for mixing by the
user. Zobell’s has moderate toxicity but will react with acid to form harmful
byproducts, including hydrocyanide gas. It has a shelf life ranging from several days
to several months depending on the manufacturer. Stock and working solutions of
Zobell’s should be stored in dark bottles due to its light sensitivity.
Quinhydrone solutions are mixed at the time of use by adding quinhydrone to pH 4 or
pH 7 buffers. At 25°C, the E
of quinhydrone pH 4 and pH 7 verification solutions are
462mV and 285mV respectively. An advantage of quinhydrone solutions is that they
offer a span of calibration points that may be appropriate for particular applications.
Quinhydrone is a lightly ‘poised’ solution in that it offers less driving force towards the
calibration point: a compromised instrument is more likely to be revealed in a
quinhydrone calibration. A quinhydrone calibration/verification solution is created by
adding 10g of quinhydrone to 1L of pH 4 or pH 7 buffer solution (ASTM D1498). The
solutions are mixed on a magnetic mixing plate for a minimum of 15 minutes to create
a saturated solution with undissolved crystals remaining. Quinhydrone solutions are
usable for 8 hrs from the time of mixing.
Light’s solution consists of ferrous and ferric ammonium sulphate in sulphuric acid.
The solution would rarely be used at SESD due to its high acidity and associated
handling difficulty. Spent solutions with a pH<2 would be regulated as a hazardous
waste. Light’s is a highly poised solution that may allow a marginally functioning
electrode to pass calibration.
A prepared potassium iodide solution is available which has low toxicity and a long
shelf life. The solution may stain clothing or surfaces if spilled.
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3.2 Verification and Calibration
ORP instruments may be verified or calibrated, depending on the application. The approach
chosen should be selected based on project needs and information presented in Section 2.4.,
Limitations. Standard laboratory practice in making ORP measurements is to verify the accuracy
of the instrument prior to use, and this practice should be followed when true quantitative results
are required. In a verification, the instrument in its direct-reading mode is checked against a
standard solution in a pass/no-pass test, and no corrections are applied to subsequent
measurements. In most applications, the ORP information is used semi-quantitatively and for
these applications, the instruments may be calibrated to the standard solutions. In an instrument
calibration, the instrument probe is placed in the standard solution and the difference between the
standard measurement and the known ORP value of the standard is used by the instrument to make
adjustments to the subsequent measurements.
In verification of an ORP instrument, the instrument is set to absolute mV reading mode or the
internal calibration offset is zeroed out. The instrument probe should then be placed in the standard
solution and the reading verified to fall within +/-10mV of the predicted reading for the standard.
Instruments with single-purpose electrodes are most suitable for this approach. If the instrument
fails the verification, standard solution quality should be considered and instrument maintenance
performed per the manufacturer’s procedures.
In most SESD field practice, the end data use is semi-quantitative. In this case, the instruments
can be calibrated to standard solutions appropriate for the project using the manufacturer’s
recommended procedure. One minute after the calibration, the instrument should display a stable
reading within +/-10mV of the predicted reading. An instrument failing this test should be
recalibrated to determine if the problem is inadequate equilibration time. In the event of continued
instrument failure, aging or contamination of the standard solution should be considered.
Subsequently the electrode should be serviced according to the manufacturer’s procedures.
Common service procedures include cleaning the platinum electrode with mild abrasives or acids
and refilling or replacing the reference electrode.
Prior to a mobilization, all ORP instruments will be checked for proper operation and verified or
calibrated against standard solutions. During the field mobilization, each instrument will be
calibrated or verified prior to, and verified after, each day’s use or deployment.
Even though it is not necessary to re-calibrate ORP instrument at regular intervals during the
day, it may be appropriate to occasionally perform operational checks to determine if site
conditions, such as an extreme temperature change or submersion of a filling solution port have
impacted the instrument’s performance. If an operational check is warranted, the field operator
should follow the appropriate verification/calibration steps as described above.
The predicted ORP values of standard solutions will be obtained from the manufacturer of
prepared solutions, literature, or appropriate values listed in this procedure. Care is in order, as
the predicted ORP value is specific for the type of reference electrode used by the probe (either
Ag/AgCl or calomel) and the molarity of the filling solution in the reference electrode. To use the
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solution with another electrode or filling solution, the expected ORP readings for the solution
should be converted to Eh for the probes intended for the solution as per the Reporting section of
this procedure. Then a table can be compiled for the electrode in use by subtracting the E
the electrode and filling solution in use. This will be done at the Field Equipment Center (FEC)
for the solutions stocked.
Verification solutions should be managed per the manufacturer’s directions regarding storage and
handling. After instrument verification or calibration, the solution cannot be returned to the stock
solution container, although a separate container of working solution can be maintained.
Spent solutions and working solutions should be returned from the field to the SESD laboratory
for proper disposal by the SHEMP, or handled as directed by the SHEMP. Properly handled stock
solutions may be returned to the FEC for use at that facility.
3.3 Measurement
ORP measurements should be conducted in a fashion that prevents the addition or loss of any
potential oxidants or reductants. Results could be compromised by exposing the sample to air or
allowing H
S to off-gas from anoxic samples. Like dissolved oxygen measurements, ORP
measurements should be conducted in situ or by using a flow-through cell evacuated of air (see
the SESD Operating Procedure for Field Measurement of Dissolved Oxygen (SESDPROC-106,
most recent version). Good results are commonly obtained with the use of an overtopping cell
where the environmental media is pumped into the bottom of a narrow cup (generally field
fabricated from a sample container) containing the instrument sensors. The sensors are continually
flushed with fresh media as the cup is allowed to overflow. Caution should be exercised at very
low flow rates where the media in the cup could potentially re-oxygenate.
When using multi-parameter probes for ORP measurements, the general guidelines for probe
deployment described in the SESD Operating Procedure for Field Measurement of Dissolved
Oxygen (SESDPROC-106, most recent version) and the SESD Operating Procedure for In situ
Water Quality Monitoring (SESDPROC-111, most recent version) apply.
ORP probes must be operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Reference electrodes in multi-parameter probes may require regular filling or replacement. Single
parameter ORP electrodes may require regular filling and operation in an upright position to assure
that proper salt bridge flow is maintained. Platinum electrode surfaces are easily contaminated
and polishing or cleaning of the electrodes should be performed as recommended by the
Measurements in field logbooks should be recorded to the nearest mV. The type of reference
electrode in use and its filling solution should be recorded in at least one logbook as part of the
field project records.
ORP is a temperature sensitive measurement, but ORP instruments are not temperature
compensated. Consequently, the media temperature should always be recorded at the same time
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as the ORP is recorded. Likewise, as ORP is often pH dependent, pH should also be recorded at
the time of ORP measurement.
3.4 Reporting
In the absence of a specified reference scale, ORP data has no meaning. Therefore, the reference
scale used should always be specified in reporting or discussing the ORP data. ORP measurements
converted to a hydrogen scale can be reported as “E
”. Data reported as the direct field
measurement without correction might be described as “ORP referenced to Ag/AgCl electrode” or
”. The expectations of the data user should be ascertained or the measurements should be
reported in both systems.
To apply corrections to obtain E
from the direct field measurement, the known half-cell potential
of the reference electrode is added to the recorded field ORP value:
+ half-cell potential of reference electrode
The following table, reproduced from Section 2.2, presents the half-cell potential of a silver/silver
chloride reference electrode at various temperatures and with various molarities of KCl filling
Table 1
Half-cell Potential of Ag/AgCl reference electrode
derived from USGS NFM, Table 6.5.2 (9/2005)
Molarity of KCl filling solution
*interpolated value
Note: YSI sondes and Thermo electrodes typically use 4M KCl filling solutions. Eureka sondes
typically use 3.3M KCl filling solutions
A multi-parameter probe with a silver/silver chloride reference electrode and 4M KCl filling
solution is used to record a stream ORP measurement of 146mV. The stream temperature is
recorded as 15°C.
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From the above table, the half-cell potential of an Ag/AgCl reference electrode filled with 4M KCl
is 209mV at 15°C. Then:
+ half-cell potential of Ag/AgCl reference electrode
= 146mV + 209mV
= 355mV
As noted in Section 3.3, Measurement, ORP measurements are sensitive to temperature, and may
be sensitive to pH. As the instruments do not compensate for these parameters, ORP data should
always be reported with the temperature and pH of the media at the time of measurement.
Final reporting values of Eh or ORP should be rounded to the nearest 10mV. The following
spreadsheet formula can perform the rounding of an interim result located in spreadsheet cell ‘A1’: