Dissertation Guidelines
These guidelines provide a framework for thorough presentation of your research. The discussion in
some parts of the chapters will differ for quantitative and qualitative research studies. The research
questions normally drive selection of the methodological approach(es) and design of the research.
Quantitative research includes laboratory and field experiments, quasi-experimental studies,
secondary data analysis of existing databases, and other studies that collect and analyze numeric data.
Qualitative research includes ethnographies, phenomenological studies, sociolinguistic or discourse
analysis studies, histories, cultural studies, and naturalistic inquiry. Mixed-methods research
combines both quantitative and qualitative approaches, as is common in case studies, surveys and
action research. There are no separate guidelines below for mixed methods. Dissertations using those
methods will usually benefit from both the guidelines for quantitative research and those for
qualitative research.
These are guidelines only. You must consult with your dissertation chair and committee members to
determine the elements of your dissertation as well as the order of those elements.
Dissertations are typically structured as follows:
Chapter 1 Introduction (broad overview of the research)
Chapter 2 Review of the literature (and conceptual framework)
Chapter 3 Methodology
Chapter 4 Results or Findings
Chapter 5 Interpretations, Conclusions, and Recommendations
Dissertation proposals should include the elements normally found in Chapters 1, 2, 3, and the
References of a dissertation.
Both your proposal and dissertation are major written documents that must convey complex ideas. It
is your responsibility to present those ideas clearly and concisely. Both documents are also to comply
with the style specified in the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th
This is a suggested guidebook for the preparation of doctoral dissertations reports. Students
are advised to visit with their major advisor for the structure and format of their actual
dissertation reports.
This dissertation outline is a modified version of the Doctoral Student Handbook of Graduate
School of Education of the George Washington University. Thanks to Dr. Mary Futrell and Dr
Janet Heddesheimer of The George Washington University, Graduate School of Education and
Human Development
This chapter introduces and provides an overview of the research that is to be undertaken. Parts of
Chapter 1 summarize your Chapters 2 and 3, and because of that, Chapter 1 normally should be
written after Chapters 2 and 3.
Dissertation committee chairs often want students to provide a 5-10 page overview of their proposed
“dissertation research” before undertaking a full literature review and detailed development of the
methodology. Some may call this a “prospectus” and some may call it a first draft of Chapter 1.
Whatever the terminology, the final draft of your Chapter 1 is to include accurate summaries of the
final drafts of your Chapters 2 and 3.
It is important to undertake preliminary examinations of the literature before finalizing the “problem”
and research questions of your proposed research. (These terms are defined below.) Exploration of
the literature sometimes reveals that your initially-chosen focus has already been extensively
researched. Contradictory results may offer you an opportunity to do research that clarifies the
reasons for the contradictions. If the results consistently support or contradict your expectations, you
will probably have to find other research questions that have not yet been well researched.
Note: The items listed below are not intended to be headings in the dissertation, but simply outline
the elements that are included in a typical dissertation.
1-A. Overview: Briefly explain why the study is being undertaken and what main questions or
foreshadowed problems will be addressed. Do this in a general manner, because it will be done more
specifically in the following sections.
1-B. Statement of the Problem: Discuss the problem to be addressed in the research the gaps,
perplexities, or inadequacies in existing theory, empirical knowledge, practice, or policy that
prompted the study. The problem may be a theory that appears inadequate to explain known
phenomena, the lack of empirical data on a potentially interesting relationship between X and Y, or a
common practice that appears ineffective. First state the problem generally, and then state the
specifics that your research will address. In quantitative research, the specifics will include the
constructs studied.
That your favorite reading program is rarely used in schools does not constitute a problem;
widespread impaired reading in inner-city elementary schools is a problem. That your favorite
conjectures are not represented in prevailing theory does not constitute a problem; that the theory
does not explain applicable phenomena is a problem. That a certain group has been omitted from
prior studies can indeed constitute a problem, because theory, policy and practice have not been
shaped by knowledge of that group.
Problems usually have underlying causes that may be well-known or the subject of speculation. They
also have consequences that are often apparent. You should briefly discuss these causes and
1-C. Purpose
The purpose of research is to acquire knowledge to address the problem or certain aspects
of it. Quantitative research tries to fulfill that purpose by answering questions and/or testing
hypotheses. Qualitative research tries to fulfill that purpose by starting with foreshadowed problems,
conjectures, or exploratory questions. Mixed-methods research may use both approaches.
1-D.1. Research Questions or Hypotheses
Research questions address problems of the study. Each research question seeks answers to a specific
problem situation described in your study. The type of the data and its availability determine the
research questions. For instance, research questions should relate to the conceptual framework. Each
question should address and target a separate problem situation.
A good hypothesis clearly states the expected relationship (or difference) between two variables and
defines those variables in operational, measurable terms. The hypothesis (or hypotheses) logically
follows the review of related literature and is based on the implications of previous research. A well-
developed hypothesis is testable, that is, can be confirmed or dis-confirmed. The qualitative
researcher is unlikely to state hypotheses as focused as those of a quantitative researcher, but may
have and express some hunches about what the study may show.
1-D.2. Significance of the Study: Discuss the potential significance of the research. Significance
comes from the uses that might be made of your resultshow they might be of benefit to theory,
knowledge, practice, policy, and future research. The potential significance should be based upon
your literature review in Chapter 2.
1-E. Conceptual Framework: Briefly summarize the theoretical foundation or conceptual
derived from the literature review that is reported in Chapter 2. Conceptual framework is the
theoretical foundations helping us understand the problem situation and its dynamics. It includes
your study variables and depicts the established or predicted relationship(s) among these variables.
You may adopt an existing conceptual framework or develop your own modified version based on
the literature review.
1-F. Summary of Methodology: Briefly summarize the methodology of the research that is
described fully in Chapter 3.
1-G. Limitations: All studies have limitations to their internal validity, generalizability,
and applicability. The researcher has no control over limitations. You have a responsibility to
forewarn readers of the limitations and the reasons for them. Some limitations arise from the
delimitations of the studyboundaries to make the study manageable, such as studying only one
sub-population of interest, addressing only parts of a problem, or perhaps examining only short-term
effects. Some limitations arise from accommodating ethical concerns. Others come from
shortcomings in methodology.
Quantitative Research:
Research Questions and/or Hypotheses
Qualitative Research:
Foreshadowed Problems, Conjectures,
or Exploratory Questions
Present the research hypotheses stated fully
exactly as you state them in Chapter 3.
Present the foreshadowed problems,
conjectures, or exploratory questions
stated in 3-B below. State them fully
exactly as you state them in Chapter 3.
1-H. Definition of Terms: Briefly define key terms in the research that might not
be well understood by the readers. Cite a source for each definition derived from the literature. It is
acceptable for this section as well as sections 1-E and 1-G to appear in other chapters of the
Scholarly research is always a leap from the known to the unknown. The literature review and
conceptual framework are used to construct a platform of the known from which you jump.
Constructed carefully, the literature review and conceptual framework can maximize the chances of
your spanning the abyss and reaching something substantive when you land. Constructed carelessly,
they can undermine your research.
The literature review should carefully examine prior research and thought relevant to key aspects of
your anticipated research. It should be used to inform:
a) The problem to be addressed and its significance
b) The theoretical foundation or conceptual framework
c) The research questions, hypotheses, foreshadowed problems, or conjectures
d) The research paradigm and the methodology
The subsections indicated below are of the process and components of a literature review and not
necessarily subheadings of Chapter 2.
2-A. Introduction: Topic(s), Purposes, and Methods of the Literature Review: A literature
review usually begins with an indication of the topic(s) to be covered and the purposes of the review.
The methods of the review should be briefly described. Indicate the indices and other methods used
to search for applicable literature, the terms searched with each, and the years searched (usually the
last ten or twenty years, plus key literature from earlier years). A review should address each topic
highly applicable to the problem. For problems that are not well researched, the literature review may
also address other topics that are tangentially related and might help inform the study. If the literature
on a topic is voluminousit is not uncommon to find more than 100 studiesyou should be
selective, covering the literature most applicable to the focus of your proposed research, as indicated
by the research questions, hypotheses, foreshadowed problems, or conjectures. Consult with your
advisor before beginning the literature search to make sure you are covering the topics and years of
research that he or she thinks are appropriate.
2-B. Description and Critique of Scholarly Literature: Each major theoretical discourse,
conceptual discussion, and empirical study should be described and critiqued briefly. Both the
strengths and weaknesses should be identified. For theoretical discourses, indicate the source of the
theory, overlaps and disparities with other applicable theories, and whether and how well the theory
has been empirically verified. For conceptual discussions, indicate the sources of the concepts,
overlaps and disparities with other applicable concepts, and whether and how well the concepts have
been empirically verified. For empirical studies (including qualitative ones) indicate the research
questions, methodological strengths and weaknesses, results (both their magnitude as well as their
statistical significance or extent of cross-verification), conclusions, and implications. It is important
to note that a scholarly review of the literature should focus on primary sources such as refereed
journal articles rather than secondary sources such as course textbooks.
Organizing the written review can be a challenge because the review has several simultaneous
purposes. Often the best strategy is to organize the studies under major topics, theories, constructs,
research questions, or methodologies. When a given study addresses more than one organizational
category, you might critique it under the first applicable category, and then briefly refer to it under
each subsequent applicable category. Alternatively, in the subsequent organizational categories, you
might extend the critique as appropriate for that category. When considerable literature falls within
one organizational category, it might be organized within second level categories. Otherwise the
description and critique of literature might be presented chronologically. Lesser literature sometimes
can be described and critiqued jointly, for instance, by indicating, “Several other smaller studies
found ...... (Anderson, 1995; Baxter, 1992, Castro; 1999).”
You should avoid creating a biased review that only covers prior literature that supports your
predispositions and disregards other literature. Similarly you should consistently critique the
literature. Do not ignore weaknesses in studies supporting your predispositions and do not be
hypercritical of studies that contradict your predispositions. Failure to conduct a fair-minded review
is likely to compromise your research.
2-C. Inferences for Forthcoming Study: Once you have described and critiqued the individual
sources, you should analyze and synthesize across them to draw inferences applicable to your
anticipated research. The inferences generally should be about:
(a) the problem to be addressed in your research and its significance,
(b) possible research questions, hypotheses, foreshadowed problems, or conjectures,
(c) possible theoretical or conceptual framework to be used
(d) possible research paradigms and methodologies to be used.
The inferences might be stated at the end of each major topic of your review or after all the relevant
topics have been discussed. The following questions may generate useful inferences: What does the
literature state about the extent of the problem, its underlying causes, where it is most and least
severe, and its consequences for theory, knowledge, practice, policy and/or research? How have
results of empirical studies varied according to the questions/hypotheses/conjectures that have been
addressed? What conceptual frameworks have been applied and with what insights? How might the
conceptual frameworks be modified or synthesized to provide new insights to this problem? Which
research paradigms and methods have yielded the strongest results and which the weakest results,
and why?
2-D. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework for Forthcoming Study (May appear in chapter 3).
The problem and research questions, hypotheses, foreshadowed problems, or conjectures were
explained above under Chapter 1, but the “theoretical framework” or “conceptual framework” has
not yet been explained. These are a theory or set of interrelated constructs that provide perspective or
“lens” through which the research problem is viewed and through which the choices about the
research will be made. They help narrow down and focus the research. Note that a theoretical or
conceptual framework works like a telescope or microscope, and thus it both enhances what you can
see and also restricts your breadth of vision. For that reason, a conceptual framework should be used
judiciously to help inform your study rather than to dictate all aspects of it. Sometimes important
breakthroughs occur when a researcher abandons the commonly-used conceptual framework and
applies one never before used with a given problem.
The methods are the procedures used to acquire empirical evidence and analyze it for purposes of
answering research questions, testing hypotheses, and examining foreshadowed problems, following
up on conjectures, and going forward from exploratory questions. The choice of methodology should
be made in light of the literature review and with careful deliberation. Small oversights can
sometimes undermine a long and difficult study. Your committee will help you think through the
appropriateness of proposed methods and will probably suggest some refinements.
Your approved proposal is considered a blueprint for research. You are expected to do everything
indicated in that blueprint. In experimental research, it is usually expected that no changes will be
made unless you encounter unanticipated problems that require modifications. In other quantitative
research, such as quasi-experimental, longitudinal and secondary data analysis, additions over and
beyond the blueprint may be appropriate to deal with unanticipated opportunities. In qualitative
research, the proposal outlines the broad parameters of the study, but usually several details are
expected to be decided during the actual data collection and analysis. Changes in the planned
research should be made only after consultation with your full dissertation committee. Changes in the
collection and handling of data from humans will generally require re-submission for IRB approval.
A few important aspects of the methods cannot be known until after the study has been conducted,
such as the response rates from samples, errors or accidents in carrying out the planned methods, and
whether the collected data meets the assumptions of the planned statistical analyses. Consequently,
whatever is written in the research proposal about methodology may have to be updated some when
preparing Chapter 3 of the dissertation.
The subsections indicated below are the components of the methodology and not necessarily
subheadings of Chapter 3. Mixed-methods studies may benefit from the guidelines below for both
quantitative research and qualitative research.
3-A. Methodology: Briefly re-introduce the problem and provide an overview of the methodological
3-B. Conjectures, or Exploratory Questions: State the conjectures, or exploratory questions that
guided the inquiry. The conjectures or exploratory questions can be descriptive, associational, and
causal. Qualitative research answers questions in a holistic manner based on all or most of the
available information, cross-verifying among several sources of information. The process often
involves continual drawing of tentative inferences throughout the ongoing data collection and
verifying those inferences with the subsequently-collected data.
3-C. Research Procedures: Describe in detail how the inquiry was undertaken.
Generally the description should be thorough enough that other skilled researchers could
approximately replicate your study from the description.
a) Introduce the epistemology that will guide the inquiry.
b) Explain the theoretical perspective that will drive the research, and why it was selected.
c) Indicate the methodology used and why it was selected.
d) Indicate the specific methods used and the justification for them. How were sites, cases, and
informants selected? Why? What access did you unsuccessfully seek? Which people perhaps tried to
minimize contact with you and which repeatedly sought it out? How did you collect your data? Why?
What verification procedures were used in the field? How did you protect against imposing your
biases on the data? Describe and append any interview guides, protocols, rubrics used to assist in the
data collection.
e) Indicate how you managed your qualitative data. Did you take notes or make audio/video
recordings? Was any data not analyzed? Why?
f) Indicate how you analyzed and interpreted your data, making sure the analysis was consistent with
the selected methodology. If you inferred themes, explain how. If you coded the transcripts, explain
the coding system and checks for coding reliability and validity. How did you analyze the data from
the coding? How did you triangulate or otherwise verify findings? How did you interpret the full set
of data?
3-D. Human Participants and Ethics Precautions: Summarize potential risks to humans from
whom data is collected in your research, and summarize precautions taken to ensure informed
consent (when needed) and to minimize the risks to participants in your research. This information
can be drawn from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs - Institutional Review Board
(IRB) Submission Form that must accompany your proposal when it is submitted for review and
approval. (Reminder: You must have approval from the Institutional Review Board before beginning
data collection from or about humans!) Also address other ethical issues, such as your possible
conflicts of interest and personal biases that could have influenced the research, and how you
minimized their effects. After receiving IRB approval, participant recruitment and data collection
will begin.”
Data analysis, whether quantitative or qualitative, is intended to summarize a mass of
information to answer the research questions, test the hypotheses, examine the foreshadowed
problems, and explore the conjectures. The results are generally reported in Chapter 4 and then
interpreted in Chapter 5. That is not possible for some modes of qualitative research, where analysis
and interpretation are closely intertwined, but even then, the interpretation in Chapter 4 should be at a
low level, with higher level, overall interpretations reserved for Chapter 5.
The text should tell a story and teach the result in an order that will be intuitive, interesting, and
easily understood by a reader not previously informed about the subject. The text should highlight
and emphasize what is most important. It should present more briefly the less-important results.
Deciding which results are most important should be based on consideration of: (a) the epistemology,
theoretical foundation, or conceptual framework that guided the study, (b) the main questions,
hypotheses, or conjectures of the research; (c) the magnitude and statistical significance or cross-
validation of results, although when results were strongly predicted and not found, that is also an
important finding; (d) the consistency of the results across multiple measures of a construct and
across similar constructs; and (e) the potential implications for theory, knowledge, practice, policy,
and future research. Do not bury your reader in a flood of computer-generated statistics. That is
likely to confuse them and make nothing memorable. Important results should generally be shown in
a table, chart, or graph, and mentioned in the text. They may also be illustrated with an example or
two. Less important results might be shown in a table, but not mentioned in the text, or presented
briefly in the text and not shown in a table or graph. If there are less important results whose complex
details may be of interest to a few people, put those results in an appendix and have the text briefly
reference the appendix.
Standardize key terminology in this chapter and throughout the dissertation. While the use of
synonyms for key concepts and variables can minimize irritating repetition, it may also leave readers
unsure whether the differing terms represent somewhat different things.
The results need to be reported in sufficient detail to justify any subsequent conclusions and
recommendations, which are normally reported in Chapter 5. When you sit down to write Chapter 4,
review both the guidelines for it herein and the guidelines below for Chapter 5. Then, as you write
Chapter 4, keep a separate list of points that might be discussed in Chapter 5.
4-B. Text: The text should focus on the most important results and devote less attention to the less
important results. All results should be indicated, but not necessarily reported individually. For
instance, if you did a series of analyses relating the outcomes to demographic characteristics, and
there were no statistically-significant results and that was not surprising, it may be preferable to say
that in one sentence rather than report each of those individual results. The text should also note
patterns and inconsistencies
among the various results. Make sure to briefly report response rates and item-completion rates for
each data-collection effort.
4-C. Reporting Statistics: Mean values should almost always be accompanied by their standard
deviations, and the “n”s (unless the “n” is consistent for all analyses). For main results, it is desirable
to report both the “p values” (of statistical significance) and indications of the magnitude of the
results, including mean differences and effect sizes indicated by omega squared, r squared, etc. When
results are not significant, discuss whether low power of the statistical analysis may have obscured
real differences or relationships.
4-D. Tables, Graphs and Charts: Tables are a good way to present many results in a condensed
format, but most people find large tables of data overwhelming, so the text should highlight the most
important results. You might also bold the most important results in the table. Graphs and charts
naturally highlight results, if kept reasonably simple and presented well. In every case, there should
be preceding text introducing a table, graph or chart. There may also be text afterward, discussing
additional points.
4-E. Raw Data: Raw data for individual participants is usually not reported in the dissertation,
unless there were only a small number of participants. Some illustrative quotes are, however, often
included. Make sure that your use of quotes does not violate representations made in your Informed
Consent materials. When the full data set can be printed on a few pages, it may be included in an
Appendix. Note: The APA Manual indicates that raw data should be kept for at least five years, and
that you are generally obligated to make your data available to others for reanalysis.
This is the chapter in which you give meaning to the results partly by tying them to past theory,
research, policy, and practice and partly by extrapolating them to future theory, research, policy, and
practice. Chapter 5 is a time for imagination and boldness, but with scholarly caution. The
interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations must have some basis in your study and are more
credible if also based on prior literature.
Chapter 5 is often the weakest one in the first draft of the completed dissertation. Students often are
exhausted from the prior work and are rushing to finish Chapter 5 by a deadline. They usually fail to
appreciate that Chapter 5 requires a change in mindset. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 require the student to
progressively narrow the focus and then Chapter 5 requires them to broaden their perspective.
Try to take a break of at least several days after completing Chapter 4 before you start writing
Chapter 5. Prepare for writing Chapter 5 by reading the guidelines below; your statement of the
problem, significance, and limitations in Chapter 1; your literature review in Chapter 2; your whole
Chapter 4; and your notes made when writing Chapter 4 of points that should be included in Chapter
The subsections indicated below are of the common components of Chapter 5 and not necessarily the
subheadings of the chapter.
5-A. Summary: Begin with a very brief summary of the problem addressed and the main
results of your research. Indicate whether or not the hypotheses were supported.
5-B. Conclusions: The results should be interpreted in light of the full set of results, the applicable
literature, the theoretical foundation or conceptual framework used, and the limitations of the study
and literature. What do the results mean and what do they not mean? What are the possible causes of
the results? What are the possible consequences of the results?
Conclusions are generalizations that tie back to the existing literature. The conclusions may be about
the problem that was addressed or about theory, conceptual frameworks, policy, practice, or research.
Conclusions indicate what is now known when your results and the prior literature are considered
together. For each conclusion, you should briefly cite the results and literature that support iteither
before stating the conclusion or after stating it. Double check each conclusionwhile some of your
results may support a given conclusion, some of your other results may actually contradict it. If the
literature reports results similar to yours from studies with different populations or settings, that can
be a basis for cautious generalization beyond your population and setting. On the other hand, if there
are no other studies similar to yours, or the other studies’ results contradict yours, be careful not to
over-generalize your results. Conclusions may be included in the Interpretation section or a separate
following section.
When addressing these questions it is useful to distinguish what was learned with reasonable
assurance, what was suggested only tentatively, and what was not learned. When the evidence is
overwhelming, make your statements authoritatively. When the evidence is only suggestive, add
caveats to your statements such as, “The results suggest ...,” “It appears ...,” or “It could be that ....”
Informed speculations are appropriate and useful in the interpretations, as long as you signal the
reader that you are speculating.
Interpretation: The interpretation of statistically significant and large results is usually straight
Interpretation of statistically significant and small results is often bungled by doctoral students and
even sometimes by mature scholars. Statistical significance only means that
some association or difference probably (with a small chance of error) exists in the population, NOT
that it is important. Statistically significant small associations or differences may be of little or no use
for organizational or programmatic purposes. On the other hand, if an expensive program or structure
has provided little improvement, it may be important to know this so that efforts are made to improve
the program or structure, or to redirect the resources to better uses. Finally, the failure to find
statistically significant results may be due to low power, and may hide a real association or difference
in the population.
While statistical significance is rarely tested in qualitative research, the underlying principles
expressed in the above paragraph are applicable. It is important to assess the magnitude of the results.
Small results may be useful for refining theory or informing management, but they should not be
touted as means of making large improvements in practice.
5-C. Recommendations: Recommendations are suggestions for action that are based upon the
results and the applicable literature, with consideration for the limitations of both. The implications
can be for modifications or new initiatives in theory, practice, and policy. They can also be for future
researchnew problems that have become apparent, new research questions raised by the results,
and conceptual frameworks and methodologies that seem to hold promise or should be avoided in the
future. When formulating implications, try to anticipate implementation difficulties and unintended
negative consequences. There always can be multiple implications for a given purpose, and the first
implication that you generate may not be the best one. The tone of implication can range from
tentative to advisory to exhortative, although the latter is inadvisable in dissertations, because they
are considered the work of neophyte scholars.