A How-To
A few years ago, a friend of mine asked me to organize a “celebration of life” after his passing. I answered, no.
Only because I didnt like the idea of us getting together to shower him with our love and appreciation without
him present. I convinced him to have a living tribute for his next birthday, celebrating the life he has lived.
Looking back, I was grateful for hosting and organizing a living tribute because a few months later my friend
passed away. This is when I realized that many of us are hesitant in expressing our feelings for others and feel
reluctant to show how much we care for them. Why is that?
Expressions of gratitude build strong bridges between people, it releases warmth in us, and can even change
lives. But how can we make it easier?
We are excited to introduce an easy and fun impactful movement: Say It Now. We created a straightforward
guide to jumpstart your journey with Say It Now and a series of gratitude expressions.
Say It Now
to people who have impacted and shaped your life.
to enhance relationships with those who mean the most to you.
to share how you are stronger and happier because of someone elses existence.
because your words can change lives, and become part of someones most memorable moments.
welcome to
In this Say It Now guide you will find activities that allow you to choose your own gratitude expression through
writing a letter, sharing verbally, or arranging a living tribute event.
Join the movement by sharing your Say It Now expression using #SAYITNOW on any social media platform,
and tag four people you challenge to do the same.
With gratitude, Walter Green
Founder of the Say It Now movement
Say It Now before it’s too late.
Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3
Why Gratitude? ............................................................................................................ 5
Gratitude Expression Option 1: Wrien Expression ......................................................................7
Gratitude Expression Option 2: Verbal Expression ..................................................................... 9
Gratitude Expression Option 3: Living Tribute Event ....................................................................11
Why Gratitude? Exploring Gratitude ................................................................................ 15
Why Gratitude? Post-reflection Questions ......................................................................... 16
Action 2: Reflect on Their Impact .....................................................................................17
Action 5: Post-reflection Questions ................................................................................. 18
Gratitude Expression Option 1, Action 3: Write Your Leer ........................................................ 19
Gratitude Expression Option 1: Wrien Expression Examples ..................................................... 20
Gratitude Expression Option 2, Action 3: Plan Your Verbal Expression ...........................................22
Gratitude Expression Option 2: Verbal Expression Examples .....................................................23
Gratitude Expression Option 3, Action 3: Writing a Gratitude Message for the Living Tribute Event ...........25
Gratitude Expression Option 3, Action 4: Plan Out the Event ..................................................... 27
Living Tribute, Invitation Template ..................................................................................28
Gratitude Expression Option 3: Living Tribute Example ...........................................................29
Guide to Planning an Incredible Living Tribute Event ..............................................................30
Table of contents
The only mistake
we make about
expressing gratitude
is never expressing
it at all.
Walter Green
Welcome to
Say It Now:
A How-To Guide
get started!
Your Journey with Gratitude
1. Begin with Your Why
2. Next, Choose Your Gratitude Expression
Written Expression
of Gratitude
Use the quiet power
of words to express
gratitude to someone who
matters to you.
Go to page 7.
Verbal Expression
of Gratitude
Deepen that connection
and spend quality time
with someone special
by sharing your gratitude
with them.
Go to page 9.
Living Tribute Event
Expression of Gratitude
Host a celebration of
gratitude and gather
people to honor
someone who has
touched many lives.
Go to page 12.
3. Share Your Journey
Why Gratitude? – Deepen your understanding of the power of gratitude by exploring
reflection questions and thought-provoking videos. Explore to understand why gratitude is a
superpower that we all have and can experience with others.
Want to take it a step further?
Share your experience with others in your life so they too can join the Say It Now
movement by doing their own expression of gratitude.
Use the hashtag #SAYITNOW to share your story on social media
and tag four friends to do the same.
Why Gratitude
The word gratitude stems from the Latin root word grata or gratia, which means given gift.
Gratitude can have a few different meanings depending on the context and on the person.
Gratitude is a positive emotion that comes
from something good that happened to you.
When a positive experience occurs, it can trigger gratitude and we may experience feelings
such as warmth, comfort, happiness, admiration, love, and other positive thoughts and
emotions. Gratitude can be practiced and expressed in many ways.
Gratitude is a state of being and an expression towards someone who has made a positive
impact on your life. Whether it changed you for the better, helped you during tough moments,
or gave you the support that you needed, gratitude is more than acknowledging someone.
Explore interesting questions and a few awesome videos to reflect on what gratitude means to
you. Go to page 15 to get yourself started.
An event that helped you:
Overcome challenges
Become a better person
Develop a deeper
understanding of yourself and
An event of:
Receiving something that was
unexpected and/or impactful
An event of:
Overcoming a challenge with
the support of others
Having trust
Feeling safe to share
Being supported during
something difficult
Gratitude can be experienced as:
Remember, any of these experiences can occur directly or indirectly.
When someone’s action is meant
to have a specific impact on you.
When someone’s action has a
peripheral impact on your life.
Expressing gratitude can be challenging. Some find it difficult to identify their emotions and feelings.
Or find it challenging to express and pick the right words. Others may feel uncomfortable, unnatural,
or odd. Some can find it hard to reflect and identify someone they are grateful for.
There are many tools available to overcome these challenges, which we have shared in this guide.
Bear in mind that dealing with challenges is how we can grow and there is a solution for every
challenge! This is also known as having a GROWTH MINDSET.
Research has shown that gratitude is strongly and consistently connected with greater
happiness. It can help people feel more positive emotions, enjoy good experiences, improve
their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.
When we share our gratitude with others, we appreciate what we have and what others have
done for us. We all can experience challenges, doubts, difficulties, and tough days.
After completing your gratitude expression, go to
page 16 to complete your post reflection.
Reflecting on your expression of gratitude is part of
what makes this shared experience so meaningful.
Reflect on the journey for wisdom or self-exploration,
the joy of the experience, and inspire others to do
the same.
Giving thanks can make you happier. Harvard Health. (2021, August 14). https://www.health.harvard.edu/
none of us are
Walter Green
A small gesture, action, words, and support can change how we feel, think, and act.
Recognizing those who support us is a way to show real and authentic love, appreciation, and
recognition. This can bring joy, gratitude, and a deeper connection between both individuals.
Letter writing can be seen as a gift
because someone has taken their time
to write and think and express love.
Soraya Diase Coffelt
Gratitude Expression Option One: Written Expression
Why wait to tell others how much they
have impacted your life?
Identify the person
Think about a person in your
life who has had an influence
to share your gratitude with.
This can be a family member,
a friend, a colleague,
a mentor.
Reflect on their impact
Now, think about the moments
of impact this person has had
on your life. What difference
have they made?
If you need help getting started,
you can find some thought-
starters on page 17.
Write your letter
Once youve reflected on the
details you appreciate in
the person, use your answers
to put your thoughts to paper.
Check out the tips on
writing your gratitude letter
on page 19.
Writing a letter of gratitude is a great way to share with someone on how they have made an impact in
your life. It can also help create a stronger relationship. Explore the examples found on pages 20-21.
Action Action
Share your letter
Now that your letter is written,
you are ready to take the
next step, which is sharing
the letter with the recipient.
Remember, you can also drop off
the letter in person, send it by
mail or email it to them.
Take a moment to reflect on this
experience, your relationship with
this person, and how sharing
gratitude has enriched your life.
Go to page 18 to explore a few
reflection questions on your
gratitude experience.
Want to take it a step further?
Share your experience with others in your life so they too can join the Say It Now
movement by doing their own expression of gratitude.
Use the hashtag #SAYITNOW to share your story on social media
and tag four friends to do the same.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
Gratitude Expression Option Two: Verbal Expression
Why wait? Deepen your relationships through the
power of gratitude and quality time.
Identify the person
Think about a person in your
life who has had an influence
to share your gratitude with.
This can be a family member,
a friend, a colleague,
a mentor.
Reflect on their impact
Now, think about the
moments of impact this
person has had on your life.
If you need help getting
started, you can find some
thought-starters on
page 17.
Plan your verbal
Once you have thought about
what you want to say, you are
ready to put it all together.
Check out these tips for
writing your expression down
on page 22.
Reconnect with others and support your overall well-being by spending time with others. Check out some
examples found on pages 23-24.
Action Action
Meet up
Set a time and day to meet
with the special person and
your gift of gratitude. Let the
magic of gratitude unfold!
Take a moment to reflect on this
experience, your relationship with
this person, and how sharing
gratitude has enriched your life.
Go to page 18 for some reflection
questions on your gratitude
Want to take it a step further?
Share your experience with others in your life so they too can join the Say It Now
movement by doing their own expression of gratitude.
Use the hashtag #SAYITNOW to share your story on social media
and tag four friends to do the same.
No one who achieves success does so
without acknowledging the help of
others. The wise and confident
acknowledge this help with gratitude.
Alfred North Whitehead
Gratitude Expression Option Three: Living Tribute Event
Life is all about celebrations, especially of those
who have deeply impacted you.
Identify the person
Think about a person in your life
who has had an influence to
share your gratitude with. This
can be a family member, a
friend, a colleague, or a mentor.
Reflect on their impact
Now, think about the moments of
impact this person has had on
your life. If you need help getting
started, you can find some
thought-starters on page 17.
Write your gratitude message
Writing is a powerful process that can place your thoughts into
words and sentences that can change everything. Through writing
we can share memories, events, stories, and experiences that
can give others an understanding of our life.
A well written tribute message can use various elements to
captivate listeners and connect everyone to a specific feeling.
Check out pages 25-26 for tips on how to write a gratitude
message for the living tribute event.
A living tribute is a way to come together and honor and celebrate a special person by sharing
gratitude together. We all can be easily caught up with the stresses of life, so why not pause, take
some time, and connect together to Say It Now. Check out some examples on page 29.
Remember, expressing feelings can help others
know how meaningful their impact is!
Plan the event
Creating a successful event requires
planning and execution, problem solving
and having fun!
Whether you are planning to host a living
tribute event in person or virtually, use
the guide on pages 27 and 30 for tips
on hosting an incredible event that will
be memorable and impactful.
Take a moment to reflect on this
experience, your relationship with this
person, and how sharing gratitude has
enriched your life.
Go to page 18 to explore a few reflection
questions on your gratitude experience.
Want to take it a step further?
Share your experience with others in your life so they too can join the Say It Now
movement by doing their own expression of gratitude.
Use the hashtag #SAYITNOW to share your story on social media
and tag four friends to do the same.
Gratitude Expression Option Three: Living Tribute Event
Why Gratitude?
Feel free to answer independently or share in a
discussion with others (i.e., family or friends).
What does gratitude mean to you?
What does it look, feel, and sound like?
Exploring Gratitude
How do you express gratitude to others?
What do you say and do?
Why do you think expressing gratitude
is important?
The Science Behind Gratitude
Did you know that gratitude supports our relationships and personal well-being?
The Science of Gratitude
A Neuroscientist
Take on Gratitude
Watch the
following videos
to learn more.
Why Gratitude?
Post-reflection questions
What did you learn or what stood out from this experience
of expressing gratitude?
Think about what you learned from your journey. What are you grateful for?
Is there anyone you want to share this activity with or share your
gratitude with next? Write down the why and their name below:
Don’t forget to share this resource with anyone in your life who you think may have someone in their
life they want to show gratitude to. Challenge others to join!
Lets spread gratitude to every person, and lets
Reflect on Their Impact
Lets highlight some big moments of appreciation.
Explore the following thought-starter questions:
What difference did this person really make in your life?
What does this relationship mean to you?
Are there any updates in your life that you wish to share with this person that
may be connected with their impact on you? Example: because of their support,
you were able to overcome a certain challenge, land your dream job, etc.
Briefly share a few well wishes to this person. Example: I wish them a lifetime
of happiness. I wish them health and love.
How did you feel having shared your gratitude?
How do you imagine the recipient of your gratitude felt?
Post-reflection Questions
Think about what you learned from this experience.
What stood out and what are you grateful for?
Write Your Letter
Be specific
When you write about specific moments or events that left an impression on you, dont forget to
share what those specific moments were. How did it make you feel and why was it important to you?
Think about where you were, what they did, why you want to show gratitude, and how they have
impacted your life. You want to write the same way you speak, as if you were speaking to them
directly. Dont forget, you are sharing a unique perspective on a shared experience!
Use simple and easy to understand language.
Show your gratitude
When you reflect on what you are grateful for, tap into your emotions and memories to create a
connection to those involved.
Share a photo of you and the person you are writing this letter for, or a picture that is meaningful to
your gratitude experience.
Dont forget to add the date to the letter. This way the reader can always look back and remember
when you wrote the letter for them.
Edit your letter
When you have finished your letter, give yourself a break and then come back to it. This way you
can use a clear mind to make any changes you wish to make.
Remember, be heartfelt and sincere throughout your letter.
Handwritten letters are always a great option because it is often viewed as an extension of yourself
– a personal touch in a digital world.
Here are a few tips on writing your gratitude letter.
Written Expression
Example One
Dear Dad,
Thank you for being the greatest dad. Since I was little, I loved how you have
always been there for me. All the soccer games you attended, the birthday parties
you planned, and the community bbq that you threw for everyone.
I remember the day you said you wouldn’t make it to my game, but somehow you
made it happen. I admire that you are always honest, sincere, and hard working.
Whatever happens, you always find a way to be there for me, as a support and
You have taught me that being kind and generous without expecting anything in
return is the key to happiness. You have also helped me be a great friend because
you are a great friend to me.
I wish you happiness, health, and more adventures with me and those who you
Please click here to access a template pdf of above.
Written Expression
Example Two
Dear Mrs. Singh,
You were the best teacher I had in high school. When I started grade 9, you were
the first teacher who asked me how I was doing and always checked in to see if I
needed any help. I appreciate your kindness, smile, and generosity. Thank you for
making my first year in high school so memorable. I was super scared to move to a
new city, school, and start all over. Your kindness and time really helped me feel
safe and comfortable.
I wanted to share that I have successfully been accepted to the college of my
dreams. Thank you for teaching me how to be resilient and work hard through any
challenges. Most importantly, how to balance school, family, personal, and friends.
You taught me that I am the captain of my life, choosing how I want to sail my boat,
even though there are things I cannot control, like the weather or winds, but I
should continue sailing forward and be prepared for any storms or sunshines.
Thank you!! I wish you a beautiful year filled with love!
Please click here to access a template pdf of above.
Plan Your Verbal Expression
Write it out
Using your answers from the thought-starter questions and write or type out your gratitude message
for the special person you are planning to meet.
You can begin by sharing a challenging moment you experienced and how you overcame it with
their support. Or you can begin with stating your intention for the meeting and why you decided to
connect with them.
Remember, there is no right or wrong way of how you want to start and share your gratitude. Pick a
flow that feels comfortable and easy.
When you are sharing moments or events that left an impression on you, don’t forget to share what
those specific moments were, how they made you feel, and why it was important to you.
Think about where you were, what they did, why you want to show gratitude, and how they have
impacted your life. You want to write the same way you speak, as if you were speaking to them
directly. Use simple and easy to understand language.
Plan a time together
Reach out to set a date and time with the person. You can meet at a coffee shop, restaurant, invite
them over, or even connect via a phone call or any digital video platform.
If you wish to keep your gratitude expression a surprise, simply say that you want to reconnect and
catch up.
Make it memorable
Bring flowers or baked goodies to enhance the experience. Cherish the time together by
maintaining your attention on the person, using your listening skills, and sharing your gratitude
through a hug – with permission of course!
Take a picture of that moment together and discuss how the experience made you both feel.
Gratitude is a moment of appreciating someone who has impacted you.
You have been my friend since grade 11 and I am grateful for our friendship.
Thank you for helping me with those crazy hard assignments! Thank you
for the fun times in the summer and always listening to my problems.
Thank you for your familys love and always feeding me amazing food.
Thank you for being the sunshine in my life!
I love so many things about you, from your smile, to your kindness and
how you can support others so easily.
I wrote a small poem for you to thank you! You are an amazing friend.
P.S. I hope you enjoy the cookies I made for you too!
Your bestie, Alex
Gratitude unlocks sunshine in your life.
The way you have been is so beautiful for my eyes.
Your guidance and smile removes all gloom.
And fills my heart with flowers that forever bloom.
You have supported my world like a ray of light.
Thank you for being kind, loving, and so bright.
I wish you love, happiness, and peace. The way you
have given me the same with such ease.
Verbal Expression
Example One
To Sidra,
I really appreciate you
Your helpful, giving ways
How your generous heart and
Your unselfishness displays.
Thank you!
I thank you for your kindness
I will not soon forget
Your one of the nicest people
I have ever met.
To a friend, brother, and an amazing human
being. Thank you for always having my back,
being a positive influence in my life, and sharing
your wisdom.
You have helped me learn that challenges in life
are growing opportunities. You were there for me
during all the tough days. I wish you nothing but
success. Hope you like my artwork that represents
everything I admire about you!
From: James Robinson
Verbal Expression
Example Two
Writing a Gratitude Message
for the Living Tribute Event
Writing is a powerful process that puts your thoughts into words and sentences that can change
everything. Through writing we can share memories, events, stories, and experiences that give
others an understanding of our life.
A well written tribute message can use various elements to captivate listeners and connect everyone
to a specific feeling.
Use the following tips to help you.
The basics
Begin by addressing the person by starting with “Dear” or “To”.
Remember to keep the message short (3-5 minutes), as most people cant focus for too long
when someone is speaking.
Depending on how much time you have and how many people are attending, ensure that
everyone is aware of how much time they have to speak. This way everyone gets a chance to
share their expressions of gratitude.
The beginning
Start with thanking the guests who have attended and the special person for being there. If you
are not the host of the event, don’t forget to thank the host.
If you are the host, explain what “A Living Tribute” is and why you decided to host one. Briefly
explain why sharing our gratitude is important.
If you are not the host, explain why you decided to attend the living tribute and what gratitude
means to you, including why it’s important.
The tribute
Kick off with how you know the special person, what relationship you share, how long you have
known them. You can also start with a funny story, quote, or one memory before you explain how
you know the guest and so forth.
Next, talk about memories you have with the special guest. Dont forget to share how those
memories make you feel and why they are important to you.
Continue with sharing how the special person has impacted your life. You may share any
challenge(s) you experienced and how the special guest supported you with this, directly or
indirectly. You can also share any lessons you have learned from them.
Don’t forget to thank them and share why you are grateful!
Close with your wishes for the special person. What do you wish they continue to do or have?
What do you wish for them now and in the future?
Be specific about what actions the person did that you are grateful for. When you share details,
it shows how much it meant or impacted you.
You can always surprise everyone by wrapping up the living tribute message with a creative
gesture, such as a song you want to sing, a poem you wrote, pictures you want to share, etc.
matter. Special
are a treasure.
Walter Green
Plan Out the Event
The basics
People who can support
Guest list
Day and location
Other important details
Building it out
Create a support team for the planning.
Assign or pick tasks to be responsible for. For example one person can take care of inviting
others, a second can take care of the decor, and a third can take care of food.
Create an invitation using digital tools like canva.com or evite.com.
Be open to asking guests to bring those they think would like to join.
Ask guests to RSVP/confirm by a certain date. Make sure they know how to reach you – phone,
text or email!
Remember, you can host a Living Tribute Event in person or online!
Hello (name of the guest or leave it blank),
My name is ____(your name)____ and I am planning a Living Tribute for ____(special person’s name)___. I
know ___(special person’s name)___ through ___(how do you know the special person)__ and they have
deeply impacted my life in many ways.
It is important to celebrate those who we are grateful for, especially voicing our recognition together on how
a person has impacted our lives. I am hosting a Living Tribute by gathering all those who want to celebrate
___(special person’s name)__. This is my way of taking part in an incredible initiative on gratitude called Say
It Now.
Showing gratitude is such a powerful message and can highlight how a person’s actions and words have
inspired, influenced, and encouraged someone. It is important to share our gratitude as it deepens
connections, relationships, enhances our sense of purpose, and brings happiness in everyone’s lives.
Please feel free to extend this invite to anyone else who may want to be part of this experience. You can
attend the Living Tribute event by coming prepared with any form of gratitude expression that you are
comfortable sharing.
Here are some ideas:
Write a letter or poem of gratitude
Sing a rap or song
Share a story of gratitude
Create a video thanking the person and what they have done
Create a poster highlighting the person’s strengths and what you admire about them
Write out a simple thank you statement
To ensure everyone gets time to express their gratitude, each individual has 3-5 minutes to speak.
To get yourself started, complete the following worksheet: Reflecting on the Person.
Please RSVP if you are attending the event and have your gratitude expression ready by (due date).
Together, we will be sharing our gratitude on (date and time) at (location/web meeting link) where
we will be surprising (name of special person).
If you are unable to attend, share your expression with me at (email) and I will make sure to share it
on the day.
Thank you kindly,
(Your Name)
(Contact Details (email or phone)
Invitation Template
Please click here to access a template pdf of above.
Living Tribute Event
Honoring Mateo Chang
In our life, we’re fortunate to know a special person
that makes us realize how rich we truly are.
Join us to share our gratitude to an incredible person
who has given a great deal of love to all!
Date: Saturday, November 14, 2022
Location: 879 Barb Street, City, State, ZIP
Time: 7:00 pm
RSVP: Jane 555-852-9875
Please click here to access a pdf of above that you can fill out yourself.
Guide to Planning an Incredible
Living Tribute Event
The basics
Use your support team to plan, help, and share tasks or responsibilities. Think of games, food,
managing the guest list, location, etc. Make sure everyone is communicating!
Have the final guest count and confirm everyone knows the details.
Ensure the location is easily accessible, such as a local park, a favorite restaurant, or someone’s
place (if hosting in person).
Ensure the day and time works for most guests.
Check in with everyone to see if they have their gratitude message ready to be shared. Provide
any support or clarification if needed.
Send out a reminder a few days before.
If hosting a virtual event, support anyone who may have trouble accessing it.
Event details
Remember to ask for food preferences or allergies.
Use decor like balloons, streamers, flowers, or T-shirts, etc.
Order a cake with the message “Say It Now” or another special wish.
If its a surprise, ensure the special person is arriving later, this way the guests can all get there
in time.
Once the guests have arrived, introduce yourself as the host and begin with what Say It Now
is to get things started.
Invite others to share their message of gratitude.
Celebrating the event
Capture memories by taking pictures, videos, and being present. Make sure everyone is
comfortable with capturing the moments.
Introduce guests to each other or introduce yourself to others. Start a conversation with:
How do you know the special person that the tribute is for?
What does gratitude mean to you?
What are you grateful for today?
Invite others to share their message of gratitude.