Combined Initial and Final Follow up Info. Final
Please check only one box above.
Name of Facility
City State
please include ODH Form 718)
Certain Injuries (OAC
Utility Failure (more than 8 hours)
Misappropriation of Resident Property
Allegations of Abuse/Mistreatment
Death Other than by Natural Causes
Storm Damage
Allegations of Neglect
Injury of Unknown Source
Missing Resident
Communicable Disease (Call Infectious Disease (IDPR) for initial outbreak notification only at
(405) 426-8710. Updates not required for ongoing outbreak).
Suspected Criminal Act* Physical Harm*
*If Physical Harm and Suspected Criminal Act, indicate if Local Law Enforcement Agency
contacted in the 'Notifications Made' box at the right.
Part B
Description of Incident. Please include injuries sustained as well as measures taken to protect the resident(s) during
investigation. (500 characters max) If additional pages are needed, see the optional page below.
Relevant Resident History. Please include relevant resident history (i.e. cognitive status, fall risk assessment, relevant care plan
instructions prior
to this incident, etc.) (500 characters max) If additional pages are needed, see the optional page below.
Part C
For 5 day and final reports, please include a summary of the investigation (include investigative actions, findings and
factors) and corrective measures implemented to prevent recurrence. (500 characters max) If additional pages are needed,
see the optional page below.
Failure to document credible protective/preventative measures at the time of initial reporting and/or failure to provide
evidence of
a thorough investigation with corrective measures on the final report may require the OSDH to perform
an onsite visit to
determine if acceptable measures are being taken to protect residents.
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Protective Health Services
ODH Form 283
Revised 07/2024
Notifications Made
(Check all that apply)
Resident's Legal representative
DHS: Adult Protective Services
Local Law Enforcement
Agency Name:
Appropriate Licensing Board
Nurse Aide Registry
(ODH Form 718 Attached)
Attorney General
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Long Term Care
123 Robert S Kerr Ave, Suite 1702
Oklahoma City, OK 73012-6406
p. (405) 426-8200
Person Completing Form
Incident Location
Staff Involved
Incident Type
(For allegations against nurse-aides or nontechnical services workers,
Please complete Parts A & B for 24-hour notifications. Include Part C for 5 day and final reports. All
incident reports/notifications may be submitted to toll free fax number 1-866-239-7553.
Incident Date
Facility ID
Point of Contact Email
Part A
OPTIONAL PAGE. Use this page as needed to provide further information. (5,200 character max)
If additional space is required, please attach a supplemental document.
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Protective Health Services
ODH Form 283
Revised 07/2024