Spring 2007 6.012 Microelectronic Devices and Circuits Prof. C.G. Sodini
Device Characterization Project #1 – February 7
Due: February 14
2007 at recitation
(late project reports will not be accepted)
Please write your recitation time on your project report.
The goal of the device characterization projects in 6.012 is to expose students to real
microelectronics devices: current-voltage characteristics, parameter extraction techniques,
and models. These projects use the MIT Microelectronics WebLab, an online
microelectronics device characterization test station that Prof. del Alamo and his students
have been developing for a while in his lab at MIT. The MIT Microelectronics WebLab
is an experimental set up designed to allow the educational use of professional
microelectronics characterization equipment by a large number of users through the
Access to WebLab is provided through the MIT iLab Service Broker available at
http://ilab.mit.edu. Your first step is to register by clicking on the "New user registration"
button. Then select admission in the "6.012 students" group. Registration is not automatic
but actually must be approved by the system manager. You should therefore register early.
Your one-stop shopping location for help, of any kind, regarding this assignment is
through the "Report a Bug" tab in the iLab website. If you have trouble in the registration
process, send a note to <[email protected]>. The WebLab team welcomes your
feedback at <[email protected]>. A manual for the use of this system can be
downloaded from this site after logging in.
Engineers working at the cutting edge often use state-of-the-art design and simulation
tools in their work. This is worthwhile even if it means dealing with a few bugs, small
annoyances, and less than optimal documentation. WebLab 6.0 and the MIT iLab Service
Broker are the latest generation in online microelectronic device characterization. In spite
of extensive testing, it is possible that a few bugs remain. As engineers working at the
state-of-the-art, you should approach this project in a conservative way and carry out
your assignment as early as possible. You should also seek help if you find any
In the device characterization projects of 6.012, you will carry out a fairly detailed DC
characterization of several microelectronic devices using an HP4155B Semiconductor
Parameter Analyzer. This professional tool is basically a fancy curve tracer that allows
you to obtain current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of semiconductor devices. The first
device to be characterized is a p-n junction diode.
In this assignment, you will carry out the device characterization before the relevant
theoretical material is presented in lecture. This is due to scheduling constraints, although
we hope it will give you a strong motivation to learn the theoretical material when it is
Asignment: pn diode characterization
This problem is about characterizing a pn diode that is currently connected to the MIT
Microelectronics WebLab. One or more identical devices (labelled pn Diode) are
available in WebLab under the Devices menu. The details of the device connection are
available on-line. Refer to Appendix A for basic information about the pn diode.
You have to do the following:
1) (25 points) Obtain I-V characteristics of the pn diode. Take measurements between -2
and 1 V. In the measurement results panel of WebLab, graph your results in the
following way:
Graph 1 Linear plot of I-V characteristics (V in x-axis in linear scale, I in y-axis in linear
scale). Take a screen shot of this graph.
Graph 2 Semilogarithmic plot of I-V characteristics (V in x-axis in linear scale, I in y-
axis in logarithmic scale). Note: in a logarithmic scale, WebLab graphs the absolute of
negative currents. Take a screen shot of this graph.
You might need to go back and forth a few times trying different measurement point
distributions so that sufficient data is taken in all regions of interest. Think also about
issues involved in sweeping voltage vs. sweeping current. The maximum current the
HP4155B can support is 100 mA. The minimum current you should be concerned with is
1 pA.
2) (20 points) When you are happy with the results, download the data to your local
machine and port them into your favorite spreadsheet program or MATLAB for graphing
and analysis. Then do the following:
Graph 3 Linear plot of I-V characteristics (V in x-axis in linear scale, I in y-axis in linear
scale). Print out this graph.
Graph 4 Semilogarithmic plot of I-V characteristics (V in x-axis in linear scale, I in y-
axis in logarithmic scale). Note: in your spreadsheet program, you will have to compute
the absolute of the current before you can graph it in a logarithmic scale. Print out this
3) (20 points) Study the ideal model for the I-V characteristics of the pn diode in
Appendix A. Devise a simple scheme to extract from the measured data the saturation
current, I
(in A) and the temperature of the diode, T (in K). You can find the values of
the fundamental constants that you need in Howe & Sodini. Illustrate your procedure
graphically and give the extracted values.
4) (10 points) A more realistic model for a pn diode includes a parasitic series resistance,
as discussed in Appendix A. Using the values of I
and T derived in the previous section,
devise a simple scheme to extract from the measured data the series resistance, R
(in ,
of the diode. Illustrate your procedure graphically and give the extracted value.
5) (25 points) Compare the experimental characteristics with those predicted by the
theoretical models for the pn diode given in Appendix A. To do this, graph together the
experimental measurements, the predictions of the ideal model, and the predictions of the
model that includes series resistance. Plotting the I-V characteristics of the model that
includes series resistance is a bit tricky because I is on both sides of the equation. A good
way to do it is to solve for V, then compute V vs. I, and finally plot I vs. V.
Turn in the following graphs:
Graph 5) Linear plot of I-V characteristics (V in x-axis in linear scale, I in y-axis in
linear scale). Show experimental data points with symbols, ideal model with dashed line
and second-order model with continuous line. Print out this graph.
Graph 6) Semilogarithmic plot of I-V characteristics (V in x-axis in linear scale, I in y-
axis in logarithmic scale). Show experimental data points with symbols, ideal model with
dashed line and second-order model with continuous line. Print out this graph.
Additional information and assorted advice
•If you encounter a problem with WebLab, the diodes, or the assignment, please report it
using the Report a Bug link, available after logging in to http://ilab.mit.edu. If you are
unable to log in after registering, please report this to [email protected].
•The required graphs need not be too fancy, just simply correct. They must have proper
tickmarks, axis labelling, and correct units. When there are several lines, each one should
be properly identified (handwriting is OK).
•You have to exercise care with this device. Please do not apply a higher voltage than
suggested. The pn diode is real and it can be damaged. If the characteristics look funny,
try one of the other devices and let us know.
•It will be to your advantage to make good use of the Set-up management functions that
are built into the tool under the File menu.
•For research purposes, the system keeps a record of all logins and all scripts that each
user executes.
Note on collaboration policy
In carrying out this exercise (as in all exercises in this class), you may collaborate with
somebody else that is taking the subject. In fact, collaboration is encouraged. However,
this is not a group project to be divided among several participants. Every individual
must have carried out the entire exercise, that means, using the web tool, graphing the
data off line, and extracting suitable parameters. Everyone of these items contains a
substantial educational experience that every individual must be exposed to. If you have
questions regarding this policy, please ask the instructor. Prominently shown in your
solutions should be the name of the person(s) you have collaborated with in this
Appendix A: DC I-V characteristics of pn diode
Ideal model
The ideal I-V characteristics of a pn diode are given by:
= 1exp
where I
is the saturation current.
Second-order model
"Real" diodes suffer from a number of parasitics. One of the most important ones is the
presence of parasitic series resistance, R
. This reduces the voltage that is available to
the junction from an external one V to an internal one V-IR
. Hence, the DC I-V
characteristics of the diode are given by:
= 1exp
The I-V characteristics look as in the graphs below.
Figure 1: Sketch of I-V characteristics (ideal and with series resistance) of p-n junction
in linear and semilogarithmic scales.