Convertri Tutorial Forms Setup and Troubleshooting © Architech Labs 2020
Forms Setup and
Convertri Tutorial Forms Setup and Troubleshooting © Architech Labs 2020
Before We Start…
Convertri uses an Atomic Forms system, which means forms are built of individual
components rather than a single form block.
This means you’ve got a lot more flexibility than you have with most page-builder systems
but on the flip side, they can take a bit more wiring up.
This walkthrough will take you through setting up a form, as well as how to fix common
issues. But, just in case you need a quick fix, here’s the two most common reasons your
form may not be submitting your data:
Your submit button is set to the wrong mode. If you set your submit button to Link
or Download, this will override the submit function.
You’ve not assigned types to field inputs in your form. This means Convertri won’t
know which field matches up with the data your autoresponder is expecting.
You’ll discover how to fix both of these in this guide.
How to Build a Form
Now: building a form, soup to nuts.
There are two elements to every form: form inputs, which are the elements you drag onto
your page for your prospects to enter their details, and the behind-the-scenes Forms
Configuring the Form
It is a good idea to configure your forms before you add input elements to your page. There
are three ways to do it: API, HTML, or Email.
Form API’s let you connect to popular services for easy integration (e.g. Mailchimp)
HTML lets you embed your own form code
Email lets you send submitted form information to your email
When a form is successfully connected to your page, a red check will appear on the Forms
button in the top toolbar.
TIP: You can also add Google Forms to your pages. Find out how to do that here.
Convertri Tutorial Forms Setup and Troubleshooting © Architech Labs 2020
To set up an API form:
API’s are the third-party services Convertri integrates with, e.g. Mailchimp or Aweber. To
connect an API service and add a form:
1. Click the Forms button in the top toolbar.
2. In the Configure Forms dialog, click the type of service you want to integrate:
Autoresponder, or Webinar. Then, choose your service from the menu.
3. If you haven’t integrated your service already, you’ll be prompted to open
Integrations in a new tab. You can integrate your services (or remove them) at any
time by heading to the Dashboard, and clicking Integrations in the left hand menu.
4. Depending on the service you connect, you’ll be prompted to choose the list you
want your form to add prospects to.
5. Connect the form fields in your service to the form inputs you’ll add to your
Convertri page. When you select a field type here, that’s the field the information
will be entered into in the autoresponder or webinar service. If you want to collect
information that doesn’t have a corresponding field type, you can use any one that
isn’t already mapped and match it using the Properties panel when your Form Input
elements are selected. Some form fields are fixed, so they cannot be changed.
6. When you’re done, click Thank You Page URL to enter the URL of the page you
want your prospects taken to after they click Submit.
7. Click Done.
Convertri Tutorial Forms Setup and Troubleshooting © Architech Labs 2020
You can connect both autoresponder and webinar services to one form, to sign up
prospects to both lists at once: simply repeat steps 2-5 to add another service.
Your form is connected to your page, and you can now add form inputs.
To set up an HTML form:
You can use HTML for any service that provides an HTML form embed, which includes 99%
of autoresponders. You can find your HTML form embed code in your autoresponder. It
should look something like this:
The specific service used in this example is Mailchimp, but it will work the same way for any
service. Some services offer both an HTML and (usually much shorter) Javascript version
only copy the HTML version! Convertri cannot get the data it needs from the Javascript
NOTE: With HTML forms, Convertri is simply hosting code provided by your
autoresponder. This means the redirection (thank you page) step will be set in the
autoresponder rather than Convertri.
1. Click the Forms button in the top toolbar.
2. In the Configure Forms dialog, click HTML Forms, New Form, and then Form from
HTML Code.
3. Give your form a name, and enter the HTML code for your form. Click Create.
4. Click the small arrow to the right of your form name to connect it to the page.
5. Click Done.
Your form is connected to your page, and you can now add form inputs.
Convertri Tutorial Forms Setup and Troubleshooting © Architech Labs 2020
To set up email form notifications:
You don’t need an autoresponder service to collect form data. You can get form
information sent directly to the main email address on your account. Here’s how:
1. In the Page Builder, click Forms in the top toolbar.
2. Click Email in the left hand menu, and toggle email notifications to On.
3. Edit the subject line if you need. Email notifications will be sent from
[email protected], so be sure to add that to your VIP or
contacts list.
4. When you’re done, click Thank You Page URL to enter the URL of the page you
want your prospects taken to after they click Submit.
5. Click Done.
Your form notifications are all set up, and you can now add form inputs.
Adding Form Inputs
Once you’ve connected a form service, HTML form or an email form, it’s time to add the
form inputs. These are the elements your prospects will interact with on the page.
You can find form inputs in the Form Elements menu on the Elements tray.
Convertri Tutorial Forms Setup and Troubleshooting © Architech Labs 2020
Convertri currently has the following form
inputs available:
First Name a text input automatically
assigned to the “first name” field type
Last Name a text input automatically
assigned to the “last name” field type
Email a text input automatically
assigned to the “email” field type
Text Input a text input with no
automatically assigned type
Submit a submit button
Multiline Textbox for longer messages
and responses
Checkbox for multiple choice questions
Radio Button for single choice
Dropdown dropdown menus, e.g.
countries or states
Credit Card Input automatically
assigned to “credit card” field types
Bump Sale a checkbox you can
connect to an additional product
Each one needs to be “mapped” to a form field type, which you will have seen when you
configured your form. Put simply, Convertri needs to know what kind of data to expect, so
it shows up correctly on the other side.
NOTE: Some form input elements are mapped automatically with their corresponding
types. For example, First Name, Last Name, and Email. Credit card input form elements are
already mapped to your payment processor’s settings, so they don’t need to be configured.
Here’s how to add form inputs:
1. In the Page Builder, click the Form Elements button in the Elements tray. Choose
the input you want to add first, and drag it onto your page.
2. In the Properties panel, click Form Field settings to map your form fields to the
values you assigned when you configured your form service. Choose your field type
to make sure the input is sent to the form service correctly. If you want to collect
Convertri Tutorial Forms Setup and Troubleshooting © Architech Labs 2020
information that doesn’t have a corresponding field type, you can use any one that
isn’t already mapped and match it using the Forms dialog.
3. Choose whether this field is Required, and whether you want the field validated, i.e.
as a real email address.
IMPORTANT: If you’ve got more than one form entry field on your page with the same
type, Convertri will send the one that has the most data in it. So if you’re using an API, you
can have multiple forms on your page all attached to the same list, and Convertri will
always send the data from the one that’s been filled in.
Submit Buttons
Finally, to complete your form, you'll need a Submit button.
1. Click on Form Elements in the Elements tray, and drag a Submit button onto your
2. With your Submit button selected, in the Button Settings section of the Properties
panel, choose Sign Up from the Mode dropdown menu.
3. You can also change the button’s colour, font and style in the Properties panel.
IMPORTANT: Only the Sign Up mode will submit a form. Other modes such as Purchase or
Download will trigger different outcomes, so if your viewer has added form data this will
not be sent.
Convertri Tutorial Forms Setup and Troubleshooting © Architech Labs 2020
Forms Troubleshooting
So you’ve followed the instructions above, but something’s not quite right. Let’s find out
what’s happening.
My form isn’t submitting data!
You’ve set up a test form, filled it out and hit Submit but nothing’s come of it. Here are
some common reasons:
Your Submit button is set to the wrong mode. Head to the Properties panel, and
make sure your Submit button is set to Sign Up mode.
You’re in Preview mode. Try submitting your form on the published page instead.
You’re checking the wrong place. When you have a third party API such as
Mailchimp, you need to check there for form responses. Email form notifications
will be sent to your Convertri account email. HTML form responses will be sent to
wherever is specified in the code: either a third-party service, your own email, or
anywhere else.
My form data is all mixed up!
Are you collecting first names as if they’re last names? Are you asking them their favourite
colour, only for their response to show up under “shipping address” in your autoresponder?
Convertri Tutorial Forms Setup and Troubleshooting © Architech Labs 2020
Your form fields are mapped incorrectly. Form fields must be set up in your
autoresponder, and they must correspond with the form inputs you put on your
Convertri page. For example, in Mailchimp, you need to create a new form and add
fields for Name, Email, or any other data you want to collect. Then, in Convertri, you
need to map the form inputs to those fields to make sure the right data goes to the
right place.
I have an HTML error!
Adding HTML forms can be tricky, which is why we say go with a third-party service if you
can. These are some common HTML form errors, as well as what they mean. There are too
many possible solutions to fit in this guide, but these should give you a lead:
There is no “action” attribute. Without one, the form just sits there, because you
haven’t specified a next step.
You’ve only copied and pasted some of the code. Check you haven’t missed out
the opening and closing <form> tag.
TIP: If you’re still having issues, pop over to the Knowledgebase or email support at