Front cover
Machine Learning with
Business Rules on IBM Z:
Acting on Your Insights
Chris Backhouse
Stéphane Faure
David Griffiths
Mike Johnson
Yann Kindelberger
Ke Wei Wei
Hao Zhang
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 1
Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z:
Acting on Your Insights
This IBM Redpaper™ introduces the concept of operational decision management based on
machine learning (ML) and covers these topics:
򐂰 “The need for a solution” on page 3
򐂰 “Operational Decision Manager for z/OS for Business Rules” on page 4
򐂰 “Machine Learning for z/OS for real-time scoring” on page 8
򐂰 “Scoring for smarter decisions: ODM & ML integration” on page 13
򐂰 “Bringing it together” on page 11
򐂰 “Integration example with ODM on z/OS calling ML on z/OS” on page 15
򐂰 “ODM and Scoring Decisions” on page 21
򐂰 “Summary” on page 24 presents use cases for machine learning, for business rules, and
for a combination of the two.
򐂰 Appendixes
“Appendix A. The REST client” on page 27
“Appendix B. Sample calls” on page 31
“Appendix C. Additional materials” on page 35
Important changes since this document was written:
This document was written for an older release of Operational Decision Manager for z/OS
(ODM for z/OS). ODM for z/OS 8.9.1 required the writing of custom Java code to access a
Watson Machine Learning for z/OS Scoring Service (this can be seen in “Java
implementation within ODM” on page 19). Since that time ODM for z/OS version 8.10.1 has
been released and much improves the integration experience. Integrating the two products no
longer requires custom Java code. Using ODM for z/OS 8.10.1 or later you can use an
automated wizard in the ODM tooling to:
򐂰 Browse and select a model from Watson Machine Learning
򐂰 Import the Machine Learning data model into your rule project
򐂰 Automatically generate a template rule that integrates a call to the Watson Machine
Learning scoring service
Should I read on?
Continue to read this document for:
򐂰 Individual introductions to ODM for z/OS and Machine learning
򐂰 Discussions on the benefits of using the two technologies together
򐂰 Information on integrating if you have not yet updated to ODM for z/OS 8.10.1
2 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
Follow this link to learn about the machine learning integration in ODM for z/OS 8.10.1
Digital computing is rapidly changing our world and by 2020 analysts expect there to be 75
billion connected devices in the world. The users of these devices have ever more demanding
expectations. These users want the companies to provide service that was unheard of 20
years ago. They expect to be able to consume services right now, wherever they are, and
tailored to their personal needs. Mobile, social, analytics, cloud, and cognitive technologies
are transforming the way that we do business.
The key to successfully accomplishing this transformation is knowing how to best leverage the
assets you already have and are betting your business on. It is reported that 90% of the
world’s data has been created in the last 2 years. It is further reported that 80% of the world's
corporate data sits on, or originates from, the mainframe. Mainframes process 30 billion
transactions a day and enables $6 trillion in card payments each year. Clearly then, you
cannot talk about digital transformation without talking about the mainframe and how
organizations can exploit the rich value in their existing IBM® Z® investments.
There is much talk about how to expose these valuable Z assets to the rest of the business
through technologies such as IBM z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition as RESTful APIs.
However, what good is an API if the application that is sitting behind that API is not business
relevant or agile enough to meet the demands of its customer base?
The key to this problem is Business Decisions, which are the implementation or
operationalization of the business policies of your company. How you make them, how you
change them, who changes them and how fast you can change them is the key to a
successful digital business. It is the Business Decisions within the applications that give these
powers over the customer experience:
򐂰 To differentiate your company from others
򐂰 To differentiate one customer’s experiences from another
򐂰 To maximize the likelihood that a customer to chooses to do business with your company.
There are many ways to implement the decisions and business policies in a company.
Historically these decisions have been coded into applications that are written in languages
such as COBOL on the mainframe. Over the last 10 years, the use of Business Rule
Management Systems, or more recently termed Decision Management Systems, have
established themselves as a key technology in this arena. More recently, though, we have
started to see the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based technologies. Machine
Learning is key AI technology that has reached maturity and is finding its way into more and
more business applications.
This leaves us with a difficult question to answer. Which of these seemingly competing
technologies should you be choosing to implement your Business Decisions. Or should you
be choosing at all?
This IBM Redpaper
introduces the concepts of a decision management system and IBM
Operational Decision Manager for z/OS. Then, we introduce these topics:
򐂰 Key concepts of Machine Learning for real-time scoring in a z/OS environment
򐂰 IBM Machine Learning for z/OS as the key implementation of this technology on z/OS
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 3
We then compare and contrast the different approaches to decisions and show how — rather
than being competing technologies — they are actually complimentary, each playing a key
part in successful decisioning on z/OS. The article concludes with an example of how you can
integrate the two technologies at run time to create truly responsive agile business decisions
for z/OS applications.
The need for a solution
Every industry is struggling to keep pace with change, whether it is driven by regulatory,
market, or customer forces.
For example, a bank might have a lending policy that states, “Customers whose credit rating
is above average are entitled to a discounted rate on their loan.” The traditional development
lifecycle to implement at change to this policy requires work by these staff members:
򐂰 A business analyst to document the detailed requirements and to design and develop this
򐂰 An architect to identify which applications on which platforms have implementations of that
business policy
򐂰 One or more teams of developers take those requirements and interpret them into an
application design
򐂰 One or more teams of developers to code and embed the decisions into the various
򐂰 The application development is then followed by a lengthy testing process.
򐂰 Co-ordination to ensure that the new business policy rolls out uniformly across all
platforms and applications.
Unfortunately, the decision logic is now hidden in the code of one or more applications
potentially across different platforms and different development teams. Over time, as changes
are added to the business policy, the code becomes more complex, making changes and
auditability increasingly difficult.
Also, there is a challenging gap between the business team that owns the business policy
behind the decisions and the final implementation of the decision in the application. It is
difficult to verify with the policy owners whether the decision has been implemented correctly.
One solution to the problem is to externalize key parameter values of the decision. In the
above example, this might be the level of discount that is offered to a customer. This approach
can work in some cases, but its success is limited. Changes to the decision are restricted to
the values that have been externalized by the application development team. Often a
completely new application is required to manage the changes and lifecycle of those
externalized values.
A much better solution is to use decision automation, externalizing the logic that implements
the decision from the application. This solution allows for changes to the business policies to
be made in a much more focused and agile way that is separate from traditional application
changes. The approach that is shown Figure 1 has many advantages.
򐂰 When making a change to the decision, it is far easier to identify where to make the
change because all the automation of the decision in concentrated in one place.
򐂰 By externalizing the decision, it can now be shared between multiple applications and
potentially across multiple platforms. As a result, less development work is needed to
implement changes to the decision.
4 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
򐂰 If the decision is separated from the application, it can be implemented in a way that
allows subject matter experts to be directly involved in the management and maintenance
of the decision.
򐂰 With the implementation of the decision external from the application, we can also reduce
the amount of testing effort that would be required for a change to the decision. With the
decision encompassed as part of the application any changes within the application would
require extensive testing to the application. The tests must ensure that there have been no
unwanted side effects to the application caused by the change of code. With the decision
externalized the testing can be scoped down just to the changes to the decision. Then, the
only testing that is required for the rest of the application is at the points where it calls the
externalized decision.
Figure 1 Decision Externalization
Operational Decision Manager for z/OS for Business Rules
This section introduces the concepts of Operational Decision Manager for z/OS (ODM) as a
solution for writing, managing, and maintaining business rules for use in context of a business
What is Operational Decision Manager for z/OS?
IBM Operational Decision Manager for z/OS is a comprehensive decision automation
platform that helps you capture, analyze, govern, and automate rules-based business
decisions with optimized runtime options for integration with z/OS applications.
With IBM Operational Decision Manager for z/OS, IBM offers a comprehensive and
easy-to-use platform that allows users to capture, automate, and manage frequently
occurring, repeatable business decisions as business rules. By externalizing decision logic
from COBOL, PL/I and Java code this solution makes it possible for business users to
collaborate with IT easily and consistently in the adaptation of the applications that are
essential to business operations on z/OS.
Enabling rules-based, decision logic to be defined and maintained by nontechnical
subject-matter experts, IBM Operational Decision Manager for z/OS brings these benefits:
򐂰 Single place of truth to access, share, and update business decisions
򐂰 Better alignment between the business and the IT teams
򐂰 Improved quality of decisions and the speed with which they can be changed
򐂰 Traceability on how decisions are made within the applications
򐂰 Tools for users, administrators, and developers to edit and manage rules
򐂰 Powerful decision server to execute business decisions
򐂰 Robust decision repository to centrally host the business decisions
򐂰 Sharing of business decisions across applications and platforms
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 5
ODM use cases
The following are sample use cases and solutions that can help you realize a faster return on
investment with Operational Decision Manager for z/OS
򐂰 Risk and counter fraud detection across credit cards and banking
򐂰 Automation of underwriting decisions in the insurance industry
򐂰 Automation of claims processing in the insurance industry
򐂰 Intelligent operations and crew scheduling in the airline industry
򐂰 Optimized and personalized pricing and promotions in the retail industry
Why Operational Decision Manager for z/OS?
Operational Decision Manager for z/OS business rules applications bring these key benefits:
򐂰 Development and deployment of business-critical applications that can keep pace with
market requirements
򐂰 Increased participation by the business in application development and updates
򐂰 Enablement of business policy updates by individual members of a team. These updates
are managed by a single tool and deployed to multiple platforms
򐂰 For IT organizations, implementation of application-modernization projects by
incrementally externalizing their business decisions from z/OS applications to ODM.
򐂰 Execution of business rules as part of your business decision that is closely coupled to the
existing z/OS applications for the best performance and system management
򐂰 Native support for COBOL, PL/I, and Java-based applications
򐂰 High performance, low-latency runtime components to execute rule-based decision logic
on mainframe systems with optimized access from CICS, IBM, and z/OS batch
򐂰 Multiple execution alternatives for closest integration with existing application architecture
򐂰 Support full interoperability and sharing of decisions across IBM Operational Decision
Manager offerings on Public Cloud, Private Cloud, x86, Power, and Linux on Z
򐂰 Integration with IBM Z DevOps infrastructure
򐂰 Java-based rule execution, which lowers costs by offloading the heavy lifting of the
business rules execution to IBM Z Integrated Information Processors (zIIP)
Using Operational Decision Manager for z/OS
The key to using operational decision management is the ability to express the business rules
in a natural language format. That way, both the IT and the business teams can understand
them. This vocabulary is fully customizable and comes from the Business Object Model
(BOM) which is created by the tooling from the eXecution Object Model (XOM). The XOM
describes the format of the data that will be passed in from the calling application. The key
principle is that the BOM allows you to abstract away from the IT nature of the data and
application. As a result, you can write rules that are understandable to the business. Figure 2
shows the relationship between a simple XOM, vocabulary, and business rule.
6 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
Figure 2 Relationship of XOM, BOM Vocabulary, and Business Rules
The XOM can come from any of the following sources
򐂰 COBOL copybooks
򐂰 PL/I header files
򐂰 Java classes
򐂰 XML Schema (dynamic execution model)
These are imported to the ODM tooling to create the BOM and vocabulary. Rules are written
using the vocabulary of the BOM. Multiple rules (often thousands of rules) are bundled
together in a Decision Project. The Decision Project is deployed to a Rule Execution Server
(RES) as a Decision Service. The RES handles the requests for a particular decision from the
application based on runtime data. This runtime data is passed as input parameters to the
RES. The RES can simultaneously execute multiple requests, from multiple clients, for
multiple decisions, and even multiple versions of the same decision.
Using ODM allows the decisions to be separated from the client code. When the decisions
need to be changed due to business requirements, it is only these decisions and not the
application that need to be changed. New and changed rules are automatically redeployed to
the rule servers. You don't have to change the application code.
The decision applications can be developed in any of these environments:
򐂰 An Eclipse-based environment
򐂰 Rule Designer, which is targeted towards IT rule developers
򐂰 Decision Center, a web-based development and rule-repository environment that is
targeted towards both IT rule developers and business users.
Figure 3 shows the relationship between the different components.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 7
Figure 3 Operational Decision Manager Components
Rule Designer. The Eclipse-based development environment for IT Rule Developers.
Here you can import the XOM and create the BOM and vocabulary.
You can also write and test rules as part of a decision and deploy
directly to Rule Execution Servers.
Decision Center – Enterprise Console. The web-based interface for administering the
Decision Repository. Here, you see all the versions of rules and
decision artifacts that are stored in the repository and manage the
repository itself.
Decision Center – Business Console. The web-based interface for developing rules for
both IT rule developers and business users. Here, you see all versions
of rules and decision artifacts, author rules, test changes to rules, and
deploy these rules to Rule Execution Servers.
Decision Center Repository. The database that stores the decision artifacts to allow sharing
between rule authors and decisions.
Rule Execution Server. The rule runtime server that evaluates the decisions, based on the
data passed in by the applications and the deployed business rules.
Running Decisions on z/OS
The business rules for the decision can run on any of these platforms. Whatever the platform,
ODM uses the same core Rule Execution Server. This approach ensures that whichever
platform runs your decision, you are assured that for the same input data you get the same
output response. However, for z/OS we additionally support COBOL and PL/I languages and
provide dedicated, optimized integration with other z/OS components. These z/OS optimized
servers are referred to as the zRule Execution Server or zRES.
8 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
Figure 4 shows the optimized deployment options for z/OS.
Figure 4 Deployment options for zRule Execution Servers
The client applications can be either z/OS Batch applications, CICS applications, or IMS
Batch or Message Processing Region applications. (Java applications are also supported and
execute in the same way as a Java distributed application that calls a standard ODM RES.)
For each of the client types, ODM supplies a stub that is link edited into the calling application.
The stub provides the simple API that the application can use to call to a zRES. The stub is
responsible for routing the request to the configured server. All communication between the
stubs and the server environments is optimized to be either in process or cross memory to
ensure optimum performance.
The zRES servers can run in any of the following configurations:
򐂰 zRES Stand-alone: A dedicated started task address space for executing rules
򐂰 WebSphere Application Server: Deployment to both full and Liberty profile
򐂰 CICS JVM/Liberty: For CICS applications, the zRES can be hosted within the CICS Java
򐂰 Embedded batch: For long running z/OS batch jobs, ODM can start an instance of a
zRES in process
More detailed descriptions of the deployment options are provided here:
򐂰 Redbooks -
򐂰 IBM Knowledge Center -
Machine Learning for z/OS for real-time scoring
This section introduces the process of configuring IBM Machine Learning for z/OS for
real-time scoring.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 9
What is Machine Learning for z/OS
IBM Machine Learning for z/OS is an end-to-end, enterprise, machine-learning platform. It
helps you create, train, deploy, and monitor machine-learning models to extract value from
your mission-critical data on IBM Z, while keeping the data where it resides.
With IBM Machine Learning for z/OS, IBM offers a complete machine-learning solution that
can extract hidden value from enterprise data. This solution helps organizations quickly ingest
and transform data to build, deploy, and manage high-quality, self-learning, behavioral models
using IBM Z data. Because the data is securely in place and processes in real time, you can
more accurately anticipate customer and business needs.
Machine learning use cases
IBM Machine Learning for z/OS enables:
򐂰 Quick model development, tuning, and deployment
򐂰 Continuous monitoring and audit on model performance
򐂰 Proactive notification if model quality degrades, with the option to automatically retrain a
model with feedback data
򐂰 Easy management of thousands of models
򐂰 The following are sample use cases and solutions that can help you realize a faster return
on investment with Machine Learning for z/OS:
Enhanced credit card fraud detection for fast deployment using the most current data
for modeling with flexibility to adjust as fraud patterns evolve
Real-time analytics to prevent improper claims payments before they are paid out
Automated loan decisions to decrease loan failure rates while growing revenue from
more approvals
Optimized patient experience both at point of care with a healthcare provider and point
of sale at the pharmacy
Reduce outages by monitoring IBM Z generated IT data and logs and predicting trends
of key performance indicators
Why Machine Learning for z/OS
The key benefits of running machine-learning applications on z/OS are as follows:
򐂰 Gain new insight with machine-learning technology from the current and historical data on
򐂰 Combine insight from structured and non-structured data from Z and non-Z data
򐂰 Deliver in-transaction predictive analytics capability with real-time data.
򐂰 Minimize the latency, cost, and complexity of data movement.
򐂰 Maintain security and governance of data for analytics at lower cost.
򐂰 Leverage the strength IBM Z to provide incomparable available, reliable, scalable, and
high-performance machine-learning services.
򐂰 Simplify development and deployment tasks significantly based on IBM Z DevOps
infrastructure, so mainframe developers and administrators can leverage machine
learning easily.
򐂰 Integrate closely with hardware and software in IBM Z stack, such as IBM Open Data
Analytics for z/OS, WebSphere® Liberty Profile for z/OS, and CICS TS.
򐂰 Support interoperability across IBM Machine Learning / Data Science Experience
offerings on Public Cloud, Private Cloud, x86, Power, and Linux on Z.
򐂰 Provide built-in solution templates for typical mainframe use cases.
10 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
򐂰 Lower cost by offloading the machine-learning workload to IBM Z Integrated Information
Processors (zIIP).
Using Machine Learning online scoring services
IBM Machine Learning for z/OS (MLz) has a two-tier architecture, as shown in Figure 5.
򐂰 Some Machine Learning for z/OS components are containerized and orchestrated by
Kubernetes, which runs on Linux on distributed platform or Linux on Z.
򐂰 Other components run on z/OS, because they need to be colocated with applications to
meet high-availability requirements and service level agreements for real-time prediction.
Figure 5 IBM Machine Learning for z/OS architecture
Machine Learning for z/OS integrates tools, libraries, and runtimes for data scientists to
develop, evaluate, and test machine-learning models. These integrations include proprietary
tools such as these:
򐂰 Visual Model Builder for organizations that do not write code
򐂰 Cognitive Assists for Data Scientists (CADS) to accelerate model selection and hyper
parameter tuning
Also, Machine Learning for z/OS integrates open source tools that data scientists are familiar
with, such as Jupyter Notebook, R, or Apache Spark.
Besides an integrated development environment for data scientists, Machine Learning for
z/OS offers RESTful services to manage the lifecycle of machine-learning models. These
services extend from data ingestion and model training, to deployment and performance
monitoring. You access and manage the services directly through Machine Learning portal
Machine Learning for z/OS online scoring service
There are different approaches of using machine-learning models in applications. For
example, a model that identifies fraud credit card transaction should be embedded in an
online application. When the prediction result of the model shows that a transaction is
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 11
suspicious, the transaction should be blocked. In this case, the model needs to be deployed
to an online scoring service.
Machine Learning for z/OS online scoring service runs in Liberty for z/OS, which can be a
stand-alone Liberty server or CICS Liberty JVM server.
Figure 6 Flexible deployment options of Machine Learning for z/OS online scoring services
Applications can use models through online scoring REST APIs. COBOL applications can
also use the EXEC LINK call to access the online scoring service in the same CICS region.
Bringing it together
If you compare “ODM use cases” on page 5 and “Machine learning use cases” on page 9,
you see a large amount of overlap. With both capabilities having a role as decisioning
technologies, it can be confusing to choose an optimal approach for a particular decision.
Business Rules
The approach taken by business rules to decisioning is very prescriptive. In the prescriptive
approach, explicit rules are evaluated against the incoming data. Different algorithms might
determine how exactly those rules are applied, but it is a very deterministic approach
because someone who knows the rules can know what response the rules will return. This is
both the strength and the weakness of business rules.
With legislation such as GDPR, businesses are being called on to describe what they are
doing with end users' data, and how they are processing that data to arrive at a decision. With
business rules, it is easy to show how the companies’ policies are being implemented at
runtime against the user’s data. Also, where business rules are implementing policies for
government regulatory requirements, having prescriptive, easily readable rules that
implement those regulations gives a very easily, and auditable, way to show compliance.
12 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
However, a decision implemented by using business rules can only be as perceptive as the
person who writes the rules. Consider the example of writing a decision regarding whether to
lend someone money to buy a car. You might observe the following strange trend: People who
are buying yellow cars are far more likely to default on their loan.
Unless you do research regarding that aspect of the loan applications details and the
likelihood of loan defaults, the rules that you write cannot cope with that situation. This is
where Machine Learning can enhance the business rules.
Machine Learning
Machine learning uses past data to take is a predictive approach to make a calculated guess
about a potential future occurrence. There is great power in this approach when you have the
historic data to use as a unique data source for future decisions. Returning to the example
above of the car loan, if the historic data that you capture includes color of the car, the
learning algorithm can easily detect the higher tendency for people who buy yellow cars to
default on their loans.
However, historical factors alone cannot determine the entire decision. Again regarding the
preceding example, what would happen if a 12-year-old applied for a loan to buy a car? We
might unwisely base the entire decision on the historical data only. When we ask machine
learning what the likelihood is of a 12-year-old defaulting on a loan, the prediction would likely
show that there is no risk of a 12-year-old defaulting on the loan. The history shows that it
never happened; no 12-year-old ever defaulted on a loan. Yet, this example is obviously
nonsensical. Age of the applicant would not be the only historical factor that the machine
learning considered. And other checks would be in place to stop the loan application from
getting this far. Nonetheless, this example illustrates both the power and the limitations of
historical data.
Also at the highest level, even if you have the best possible model the response from any
machine learning predictive model can be accurate to only a certain percentage. You mitigate
this limitation with a learning feedback loop, which detects when the accuracy of a model
deteriorates. But even with that safeguard, you cannot know with 100% certainty that the
response from machine learning is valid.
Strengths and weaknesses of Business Rules and Machine Learning
So, do we conclude that both approaches are flawed, and neither is suitable for use in critical
business decisions? Well, obviously not. Each approach has strengths that independently
add value in many use cases.
However, it is more rewarding to look at how the two approaches complement each other. In
combining the two technologies, the relative weaknesses of each approach are
counterbalanced by the strengths of the other. Therefore, this paper advocates the combined
Approach Strength Weakness
It can explicitly implement our business policy
and it is very easy to audit the reasoning behind
the result returned by the rules.
Rules can only be as perceptive as the person who
has authored the rules. If there aren’t rules to check
for a particular condition, that condition does not form
part of the business decision.
Ability to account for conditions across historic
data. This ability is only limited by the range,
amount, and quality of historic data that you can
give it.
It doesn’t implement and enforce our business
policies. It is also a ‘black box’ in that it is difficult to
audit the reasoning that went into the particular score
that is assigned to a particular input to the model.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 13
approach. This approach provides the best features of both technologies, so that you get the
most flexible, dynamic, but still auditable, business decisions.
Scoring for smarter decisions: ODM & ML integration
Predictive analytics uses historical data to find patterns. The outcome of such analysis is
often mathematical scores that are best applied when combined with an experienced person
to deliver the smarter decisions.
A smart decision system encapsulates business rules and predictive models. Business rules
codify the best practices and human knowledge that a business builds up over time.
Predictive models recommend the best action at any given time based on these resources:
򐂰 Statistics
򐂰 Mathematical algorithms
The combination of those two disciplines enables organizations to optimize their decisions.
A solution combining technologies such as predictive analytics, and business rules can
improve customer service, reduce fraud, manage risk, increase agility, and drive growth.
Solution architecture
Figure 7 shows the relationship between the key components that implement a scoring
execution solution for smarter decisions.
The client application that runs in CICS or IMS on z/OS interacts with a component called
“Decision Services Orchestration.” This component is responsible for orchestrating the calls
to the following three services:
򐂰 Data Preparation
򐂰 Predictive (“Scoring”) Model Execution
򐂰 Business Rules Execution
Figure 7 Key components
14 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
This “Decision Service Orchestration” component can be implemented in the CICS/IMS
application or in an integration layer that runs on z/OS, such as IBM Integration Bus or
WebSphere Liberty.
Data Preparation
Before the execution of the scoring model, the data might need to be prepared and formatted
before sending it to the scoring execution engine.
In some scenarios, the IBM Db2® Analytics Accelerator can significantly accelerate the
preparation of those data. The accelerator calculates some aggregates in real time and
removes many of the burdens that are associated with the traditional batches for data
Predictive Model Execution
Predictive model execution allows the analysis of every individual incoming transaction. This
form of execution assigns each transaction a “score” based on specific factors that are
indicators of the quality of the transaction. Those indicators might be calculated during the
data preparation stage.
The IBM Machine Learning scoring engine for predictive model execution can be used on IBM
Business Rules Execution
The business rules execution step refers to the core logic of how the business decision is
made, taking the input of the context and the predictive behavior of the subject of interest.
Basically, a business rule is a statement that describes a business policy or procedure.
Business rules describe, constrain, or control some aspect of the business. IBM Operational
Decision Manager can automate the decision-making process.
Simplified solution architecture
This architecture can be simplified when you allow ODM to handle the orchestration, rules,
and data.
Figure 8 Simplified architecture for decision services
Figure 8 shows the approach that we document in the remaining pages of this Redpaper.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 15
Integration example with ODM on z/OS calling ML on z/OS
Solution overview
Figure 9 shows an optimized infrastructure solution based on these components:
򐂰 IBM Machine Learning for the scoring engine
򐂰 ODM on z/OS for the business rules management system
Figure 9 The Infrastructure
In this example, the decision service orchestration is implemented in ODM. ODM calls the
Machine Learning scoring service running on z/OS.
Invoking IBM Machine Learning on z/OS
Environment description
Here under the list of software that is used for the integration of ML and ODM:
򐂰 Operational Decision Manager for z/OS 8.9.1. The Rule Execution Server (RES) is
running on a stand-alone Liberty profile.
򐂰 IBM Machine Learning for z/OS The Scoring Service is running on a stand-alone
Liberty profile.
The RES and the Scoring Services Liberty profiles are two different instances of Liberty
running in the same z/OS LPAR.
Technical Use Case
The technical Use Case for the invocation of the ML Scoring Services is the following:
If no valid token available then,
ODM sends a request (with userid/pass word credential) to the Authentication
Service running on Linux
The authentication service verifies the credential with LDAP on z/OS server and
returns a JWT token
End if
16 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
ODM sends a JSON request and attach the security token in the “Authorization” Header.
JSON Request/Reply Schema for the authentication call
The JSON Request and Reply format for the authentication is the following:
Request message format
{ "username": "tsoyann",
"password": "ya1217nn" }
Reply message format
"username": "tsoyann",
"_messageCode_": "success",
"message": "success"
JSON Request/Reply Schema for the ML call
The JSON Request and Reply format depends on the model that is built within Machine
Request schema format
You get the JSON Request format from the Machine Learning user interface. Go to the 'Model
Management' part of the product, select the 'Models' tab, and finally the model that was
previously saved. Figure 10 shows a screen capture of the detail of the model that is used in
this test.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 17
Figure 10 Model panel showing Model deployment ID and schema
Example 1 shows the full JSON request schema of the selected model.
Example 1
"name": "RATING",
"type": "integer",
"nullable": false,
"metadata": {
"name": "RATING",
"scale": 0
"name": "AGE",
"type": "integer",
"nullable": false,
"metadata": {
"name": "AGE",
"scale": 0
"name": "INCOME",
"type": "integer",
"nullable": false,
"metadata": {
"name": "INCOME",
"scale": 0
18 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
"name": "CARDS",
"type": "integer",
"nullable": false,
"metadata": {
"name": "CARDS",
"scale": 0
"name": "EDUCATION",
"type": "string",
"nullable": false,
"metadata": {
"name": "EDUCATION",
"scale": 0
"name": "CARLOANS",
"type": "integer",
"nullable": false,
"metadata": {
"name": "CARLOANS",
"scale": 0
"type": "integer",
"nullable": false,
"metadata": {
"scale": 0
Reply message format
Example 2 shows the reply message format when you invoke the scoring service:
Example 2
"EDUCATION": "Elementary school",
"features": [
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 19
"RATING": 0,
"CARDS": 3,
"nodeADP_class": 1,
"prediction": 1,
"AGE": 23,
"INCOME": 20000,
"rawPrediction": [
"nodeADP_classes": [
"probability": [
Java implementation within ODM
A Java class has been created in the XOM. This Java code performs both the call to the
authentication service and the call to the scoring service.
Java code calling the authentication service
Example 11 shows the Java code to perform the authentication. The following steps are
1. Set a SSL connection with the authentication service
2. Create the JSON request message. In this example, the user/pwd are hardcoded in the
source code.
3. Call the authentication service.
4. Process the reply from the authentication service.
20 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
Figure 11 Java code calling the authentication service
Java code calling the scoring service
The following screen capture shows the Java code to call the scoring service. The following
steps are implemented:
1. Set the HTTP request.
2. Create the JSON request message.
3. Call the scoring service.
Figure 12 Java code calling the scoring service
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 21
Java code to process the response of the scoring service
The following screen capture shows the Java code to process the response of the scoring
service. The following steps are implemented:
1. Check the response code from the HTTP request.
2. If there is an authentication problem, then
Request a new token
3. Extract the prediction and the probability value from the JSON reply message.
4. Return the score, which is the probability multiplied by 1000.
Figure 13 Java code to process the response of the scoring service
ODM and Scoring Decisions
This section describes the steps that are needed to make a call to the Machine Learning
scoring engine with IBM Operational Decision Manager for Z.
Enable a rule to make a call to the scoring engine
What is the interface to the scoring model
The scoring model that ODM will use has been trained with historical data and deployed to
the scoring engine. See MLz documentation on how to do this.
This model will have specific input values that the scoring model will be called with to return a
The scoring interface is described by a schema. The interface will be described in Java as a
method call.
22 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
The Project
The rule project which makes the RESTful call to the rule engine might look like the following
򐂰 score takes six input parameters to return a score.
򐂰 getToken the get token is used to obtain credentials from the scoring engine to make the
scoring request.
Figure 14 Example showing a rule project with a Business Object model for the ‘score’
Some observations about the Java code to call the score
In the previous section, the java project implementation could have used the javax package to
manage the JSON formats, based on the following imports:
Figure 15 javax imports
The code that is used is supplied, as is, as a download with this paper.
Authorization and Certificates
To make a score that uses the mechanism, you must get a token. getToken() is the code that
specifies where the keystore is on the system. The keystore must contain the certificate,
which is supplied from the backend system from which you are requesting a token. See MLz
documentation for further information.
In our test environment, we override the Verify of the hostname. We are using the IP
addresses as the CN and not a host name. See Subject Alternative Name in the certificate
for further information.
The scoring model
In this paper, the model that has been deployed to the ML engine on z/OS has the following
You need to deploy a model in your MLz setup to obtain the ID.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 23
Import the java code into ODM
To have a project like the preceding example, make an Eclipse project for the Java code. For
the Java code, see Example 4 in “Appendix B. Sample calls” on page 31. Then in your rule
project, associate the Rule Project References to this Java Project.
Figure 16 Import the java code into ODM
In the preceding example, the java project zml is going to be referenced by this rule project.
The java project is added to the project references.
Next, you create a new BOM entry / import the XOM to this project.
Figure 17 Creating a BOM entry
The preceding example shows selection of the XOM from the Java object to make a new
BOM/XOM entry.
Now that the XOM code has been imported, Rules can now be written to make a score with
the input values.
24 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
Figure 18 Changing visualization for the score
In the preceding example, we changed the verbalization for the score to feature spacing
between the input variables.
The goal of this paper was to introduce two products:
򐂰 Machine Learning on Z
򐂰 Operational Decision Manager on Z
On its own, the Machine Learning approach is good at perceiving and learning from historic
data. Machine Learning is not so good at abstracting and reasoning when there is no
contextual capability. It is good at identifying patterns in historic data.
On the other hand, decisions based on rules are good at reasoning in defined problems, but
have no learning capability and handle uncertainty poorly.
ML use cases
Machine learning is branching out across different fields. One of the most interesting fields is
healthcare, for example, building predictive scoring models to predict heart rate failure.
A challenge of using machine learning in healthcare is a "black box problem." With this
problem, the machine learning algorithm can’t explain how it arrived at a diagnosis, even
when it is correct.
Machine learning is transforming all areas of business, including how financial institutions and
other industries are approaching tighter compliance requirements and risk management.
Deploying a financial risk model to determine customer credit worthiness and incorporating
the data into business applications.
This risk assessment and management takes place securely in place and in real time. As a
result, financial institutions more accurately determine credit worthiness and achieve other
business needs.
Financial institutions need to continually weigh the risks of their transactions, and they
determine their risk level through credit scoring.
Business Rules use cases
Repeatable business decisions can be captured and automated to improve your business
responsiveness, minimize compliance risk and streamline workflow processes. A business
rules management system adds agility and real-time decision making to your day-to-day
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 25
operations. At the same time, such a system enables quick optimization and change
management capabilities to keep up with the pace of your business.
Once you separate business rules from applications, you get business agility.
Empower business analysts and policy managers to develop and maintain the decision logic
themselves, without having to depend on IT, with an easy-to-use, and with a low-code
interface that facilitates collaboration.
Business Rules management systems are used extensively in the finance, healthcare, and
insurance industries, where the business is governed by legislative and changing rules.
Combining Technologies
The combination of increased requirements and the development of advanced new
technologies brings a new era: scoring based on machine learning and business rules
Improved accuracy and speed with systems that can constantly analyze feeds of data and
events, reveals the risks and opportunities, and lets you make real-time decisions.
By combining these two disciplines, you get the best of both a deterministic and a
probabilistic approach. As a result, you can make the best decisions given the data at any
given point in time.
Real-time authorization and decisioning that applies thousands of data points and
sophisticated modeling techniques to help increase the accuracy of approvals of genuine
transactions. Credit card companies have deployed this technology across global networks to
counteract fraudulent transactions. Their systems work by assigning a score to every
transaction, which is then used to help judge future payments.
The paper outlines how the two products work together to make more accurate decisions:
򐂰 The decisions can be governed by scoring.
򐂰 The input data can be scored against a model.
򐂰 The model predictions make better decisions based on the rules, in a specific time frame.
򐂰 You can make a REST call from Java to make a ‘Score’ from the Machine Learning
product on Z.
򐂰 The Java that you use to make the call can be imported into Operational Decision
Manager on z/OS and used by a rule to generate a score.
As shown in this document, it is relatively straightforward to make a REST call to obtain a
score. Use of Machine Learning scores in your decisions generates much better decisions.
Business Rules enable decisions to be made based on your machine-learning scores.
Machine Learning models enable more accurate and better decisions to be made based on
predictive analytics.
26 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 27
Appendix A. The REST client
This appendix illustrates technical integration between a RESTClient and IBM Machine
Learning for z/OS scoring engine. As of today, only the previous implementation is coded in
the Java code that we shared. It differs from URL formats and JSON message formats. They
are not compatible.
JSON Request Schema
Example 3 shows a JSON Request Schema:
Example 3
"name": "RATING",
"type": "integer",
"nullable": false,
"metadata": {
"name": "RATING",
"scale": 0
"name": "AGE",
"type": "integer",
"nullable": false,
"metadata": {
"name": "AGE",
"scale": 0
"name": "INCOME",
"type": "integer",
"nullable": false,
"metadata": {
򐂰 IBM Machine Learning for z/OS
򐂰 Scoring engine (z/OS):
򐂰 Authentication Services (Linux):
򐂰 Client: Firefox RESTClient plug-in
Note: As of today, the Credit Scoring demo is set up to call a IBM
Machine Learning for z/OS scoring engine with a different JSON
format than and later. (The old format seems not to be supported
any more).
Use Case
򐂰 RESTClient sends a request (with user ID/password credential) to the
Authentication Service.
򐂰 The Authentication Service verifies credentials with the LDAP on z/OS
server and returns a JWT token.
򐂰 RESTClient sends JSON request and attaches the security token in
the “Authorization” Header.
Note: The security token is set with an expiration delay.
28 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
"name": "INCOME",
"scale": 0
"name": "CARDS",
"type": "integer",
"nullable": false,
"metadata": {
"name": "CARDS",
"scale": 0
"name": "EDUCATION",
"type": "string",
"nullable": false,
"metadata": {
"name": "EDUCATION",
"scale": 0
"name": "CARLOANS",
"type": "integer",
"nullable": false,
"metadata": {
"name": "CARLOANS",
"scale": 0
Authentication Call
Figure 19 Request for an authentication call
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 29
The token can be inspected with the JWT parser at
Figure 20 Response for an authentication call
Call to the scoring engine with the JWT token:
Note: In this example, 23 is the deployment ID for the model I want to call.
JWT token value is now in the “Authorization” header.
Figure 21 Request for a call to the scoring engine
{"RATING": 0, "AGE": 23 , "INCOME": 20000 ,"CARDS": 3 , "EDUCATION": "Elementary
school" ,"CARLOANS": 2 }
30 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
Alternate format:
"values": [[ 0, 23 , 20000 , 3 , "Elementary school" ,3]]
Figure 22 Response for a call to the scoring engine
Raw response:
What we extract is the second value in probability (probability that a credit will be reimbursed),
but typically a generic interface returns the prediction and its probability.
Official Documentation
"EDUCATION": "Elementary school",
"features": [1.542732973188525, 0.18163105730685303, 2.154997652294818, 3.5465936339179884,
"RATING": 0.0,
"CARDS": 3.0,
"nodeADP_class": 1.0,
"prediction": 1.0,
"AGE": 23.0,
"INCOME": 20000.0,
"rawPrediction": [-1.3854002341744618, 1.3854002341744618],
"CARLOANS": 2.0,
"nodeADP_classes": [0.0, 1.0],
"probability": [0.20014309868625246, 0.7998569013137474]
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 31
Appendix B. Sample calls
This appendix is a collection of samples to facilitate making a call to zML to make a score
Sample Java code
To build request to invoke scoring model.
Example 4 shows an example of ML Scoring:
Example 4
import javax.json.Json;
import javax.json.JsonObject;
import javax.json.JsonArray;
import javax.json.JsonReader;
import javax.json.JsonNumber;
public class MLscoring1 {
//private static String token =
private static String token = null;
private static int failCount = 0;
@param args
@throws Exception
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
32 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
", 1, 51, "F", 8, 28326, 1, "CA"));
public static double score(String uri, int education, int age, String sex, int
negtweets, int income, int activity, String state) throws Exception {
if (token==null) token = getToken();
URL url = new URL(uri);
HttpURLConnection urlc = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
urlc.setRequestProperty("Authorization", token);
urlc.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
String query = "{\"fields\":[\"EDUCATION\", \"AGE\", \"SEX\",\"NEGTWEETS\",
\"INCOME\", \"ACTIVITY\", \"STATE\"],\"values\":[[" + education + "," + age +
",\"" + sex + "\","+ negtweets + "," + income + "," + activity + ",\"" + state +
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(urlc.getOutputStream());
if (urlc.getResponseCode() == 401 && failCount<3) {
//token = getToken();
return score(uri, education, age, sex, negtweets, income, activity,
} else if (urlc.getResponseCode() == 200) {
failCount = 0;
// get result
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new
JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(br);
JsonObject obj = (JsonObject);
JsonArray arr = obj.getJsonArray("values");
System.out.println("array = " + arr);
arr = arr.getJsonArray(0);
System.out.println("array = " + arr);
JsonNumber num = arr.getJsonNumber(0);
double score = num.doubleValue();
System.out.println("score = " + score);
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 33
return num.intValue();
} else throw new Exception("HTTP Error " + urlc.getResponseCode() + " : " +
public static String getToken() throws Exception {
System.out.println("Requesting new token ...");
System.setProperty ("",
"/Users/mikejohn/Documents/Machine Learning /certificate/CDL/keystore.jks");
System.setProperty ("", "password"); sslsocketfactory = (SSLSocketFactory)
URL url = new URL("");
HttpsURLConnection urlc = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
public boolean verify(String hostname, sslSession) {
return true;
urlc.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
String query = "{\"username\": \"tuser01\",\"password\": \"xxxxxxx\"}";
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(urlc.getOutputStream());
if (urlc.getResponseCode() == 200) {
// get result
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new
JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(br);
JsonObject obj = (JsonObject);
String token = obj.getJsonString("token").getString();
return token;
} else throw new Exception("HTTP Error " + urlc.getResponseCode() + " : " +
34 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 35
Appendix C. Additional materials
This paper refers to additional material that can be downloaded from the internet as
described in the following sections.
Locating the web material
The web material that is associated with this paper is available in softcopy on the internet
from the IBM Redbooks web server:
Alternatively, you can go to the IBM Redbooks website:
Search for REDP5502, select the title, and then click Additional materials to open the
directory that corresponds with the IBM Redpaper form number, REDP5502.
Using the web material
The additional web material that accompanies this paper includes the following files:
File name Description
Test-model-hao0208.tar.gz Sample code that is referenced in Appendix B. Sample code for class MLscoring2.
Downloading and extracting the web material
Create a subdirectory (folder) on your workstation, and extract the contents of the web
material .zip file into this folder.
36 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All rights reserved. 37
This paper was produced by a team of specialists from around the world.
Mike Johnson
David Griffiths
Chris Backhouse
IBM Hursley Park ODM Development Team
Hao Zhang
Ke Wei Wei
IBM China MLz Development Team
Stéphane Faure
Yann Kindelberger
IBM Client Center Montpellier
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38 Machine Learning with Business Rules on IBM Z: Acting on Your Insights
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