Immunizations Policy
Policy Number: S - 2
Policy Statement
Reason for Policy
Effective: Fall 2007
Last Updated: 9/8/2022
Responsible University Office:
Division of Health Sciences at IUPUC
Responsible University Administrator
Division Head
Policy Contact:
Administrative Assistant, 812-348-7250,
Division of Health Sciences at Indiana University-Purdue University Columbus students.
Policy Statement
Prior to registration in any practicum course and at the student's expense every full-time
or part-time Division of Health Sciences student must have completed all immunization
requirements. Any student who has a medical contraindication for receiving an
immunization is responsible for contacting their advisor or appropriate person on their
campus for further instruction.
Reason for Policy
To protect students and patients/clients from exposure to infectious diseases.
Immunization Requirements:
MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella):
2 MMR vaccinations, OR
Documentation of a positive Rubella IgG, Rubeola IgG and Mumps IgG
Tuberculosis: Students admitted to the Division of Health Sciences must have a 2 step
PPD or a Quantiferon Gold test before they begin the Division of Health Sciences
program. If completing the two step PPD, here are the steps:
The first PPD must have been administered/read within 1 year of
beginning the Division of Health Sciences program.
The second PPD must be administered/read within 30 days of the start of
the fall semester.
Returning students must have only 1 PPD administered within 30 days of
the start of the fall semester.
If a student has a positive PPD reading > 10 mm. of induration, a negative
chest x-ray is required. At least annually, the student must complete the TB
Screening form for review to determine if a follow up chest x-ray is required.
Hepatitis B Vaccine Students must comply with one of the following:
Provide documentation of completion of the three step Hepatitis B
vaccination series, OR
Decline the Hepatitis B vaccine. This is not recommended. However, if the
student declines the vaccine a declination form must be completed.
Hepatitis B vaccine series in progress. Must provide documentation of
vaccinations administered to date. It is also strongly recommended that the
student have a Hepatitis B Surface Antibody titer drawn (can be drawn any
time after 4-6 weeks of receiving the Hepatitis B series) to determine if they
are immune.
Chickenpox (Varicella);
Vaccinations: 2 Varivax immunizations at least one month apart, OR
Positive Varicella IgG titer.
Tdap: Tdap required within the past 10 years.
Flu Shot:
An annual flu shot is required. This must be administered between August 1
November 1 annually.
6. COVID-19 vaccination:
The division of health sciences follow the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) recommendations and Indiana University (IU) policies
related to COVID vaccines.
Immunization Records: Documentation for all required immunizations is uploaded into
the certified background medical document tracker by each student prior to attendance
in any Division of Health Sciences at IUPUC course.
Students who have signed a declination for the Hepatitis B Vaccination: Any student who
has signed a declination to accept the HBV vaccination series can receive the series and
any recommended booster dose(s) at any time at the student's expense.
Booster dose(s) for Hepatitis B Vaccine: If a routine booster dose(s) of HBV vaccine is
recommended by the U.S. Public Health Service at a future date, each student who
received the HBV vaccination series will receive the booster dose(s) at the student's
expense or sign a declination.
*Evidence of receipt of all immunization requirements should be in the form of a signed
statement from the healthcare provider or copy of titer results from an approved
provider. In case of noncompliance with this policy, students will be prohibited from
attending clinical and didactic courses.
Required immunizations are an essential ability. Please see policy S_4.
Last approved by Policy and Procedure Committee 5/13/2021
Last approved by Faculty & Staff Council 5/26/2021
Last approved by Policy and Procedure Committee 8/31/2022
Approved by Faculty & Staff Council 9/8/2022
Adapted from IUSON Core policy number: S_01.
Adapted from IUSON Core policy number: F_01, old policy number: I-D-17.
Reviewed and revised by Policy & Procedure Committee on 8/26/2021.