Table of Contents
The Purpose 4
Collaboration 8
Performance Standards 13
Position Expectations 15
Committee Work 18
Tools of the Trade 21
Timeline of Yearly Service 25
Orientation 29
Judge Selection & Recommendation Process 37
The Operational Manual
The Indiana State Fair Board’s Operational Manual outlines the purpose and expectations
of the Fair Board recognizing the policy making responsibilities and the advisory role it has
to the Indiana State Fair Commission and the Executive Director, who reports to and is
accountable to the Commission. Additionally, the Operational Manual defines the
standards and expectations, while identifying desired outcomes for the group, emphasizing
how successful boards, both governing and advisory, consider the possibilities and shape
the future. The operating plan and vision of how the Fair Board functions is outlined in the
Operational Manual as a resource tool for Board Members.
Indiana State Fair Board Role and Responsibility
The Indiana State Fair Board has specific policy making responsibilities per statute,
including but not limited to, establishing committees to assist with planning the fair,
approving the annual premium books, approving breed champions to be included in the
celebration of champions, approving fair dates, and participating in the Commission’s
strategic planning process. The Indiana State Fair Board also offers advice to the
Commission and staff related to agriculture and livestock, including department staffing
and judges. The purpose of the Indiana State Fair Board is to help define the success of the
Indiana State Fair, the signature event of the Indiana State Fairgrounds & Event Center.
The Board’s mission is to create tomorrow’s traditions by honoring the Indiana State Fair’s
past while shaping its future. The Board is a body made up of elected and appointed
members and is responsible for maintaining strong connections to the Purdue University
Extension Service, the agriculture and livestock community and local rural communities
and their county fairs.
The Board’s responsibility is to focus on the continued improvement of the Indiana State
Fair’s agricultural education impact and overall sustainability. With a vision “to be
recognized as the best State Fair in the country,” a collective dedication to professionalism,
safety, stewardship and agricultural education should equal a passion and loyalty to this
cherished institution.
The Board should advocate with special focus on all customers including exhibitors, patrons
and organizational partners. With this in mind, Board members will actively participate as
a member of one of several standing committees, contributing input, ideas, comments,
suggestions and support.
The Indiana State Fair Board has statutory authority to establish an annual Premium
Book(s) for the State Fair, which will set forth the General Terms & Conditions, Schedule,
Loading and Unloading of Livestock Schedule, Qualifications, Animal Testing, Breed
specific Terms & Conditions, Entry Fees and Premiums for all State Fair Exhibits and
In addition, the Indiana State Fair Board will approve Fair Dates, and with Staff input,
will make recommendations to Commission staff on key aspects of the Fair, including the
hiring of judges for livestock and competitive events.
The Indiana State Fair Board will:
serve with a passion for the Indiana State Fairgrounds & Event Center’s mission,
vison, core values and culture;
work as a team with camaraderie amongst themselves and all entities of the Indiana
State Fairgrounds & Event Center, and its members will have the ability to
collaborate toward a shared common goal;
represent a wide variety of experience, expectations, open-mindedness and thinking
“outside of the box”
recognize and embrace the diversity of its guests, customers, vendors, exhibitors and
identify, evaluate and attract resources using their time, talents and treasures on
the local, state, national and international levels;
participate in the Indiana State Fair Commission’s strategic planning process for
the Indiana State Fair and the Indiana State Fairgrounds & Event Center;
have the ability to question, adapt, evolve and advise;
be a “voice” of consistent messaging in the State of Indiana, advocating to legislators
and citizens alike, regarding the State funding required to maintain the
Fairgrounds’ facilities and keeping the traditions of the Indiana State Fair a
serve as an outreach arm of the Indiana State Fair communicating and educating on
the subject of agriculture to the suburban, rural and urban audience.
Indiana State Fair Board Priorities
Continued agricultural education to non-agricultural entities
Attracting all demographic groups to the Indiana State Fair
Remaining relevant in all that we do
Maintaining a differentiation among our competition
Indiana State Fair Desired Outcomes
The Indiana State Fair must always be focused on agriculture remembering our
heritage and shaping an increasingly diverse future.
The Indiana State Fair must always be a relevant, entertaining, fun and unique
gathering place; a destination for traditions and new memories each year.
The Indiana State Fair must always strive to be the best in educating, celebrating
achievement, and respecting our customers.
Commission, Board and Staff Collaboration
The Indiana State Fair Board, Indiana State Fair Commission and Commission Staff must
all work collaboratively, as a team with common goals, to ensure the continued success of
the Indiana State Fair. The collaboration will occur on many levels and in many forms, but
it is predicated on each group, and the individuals who comprise each group, fully
understanding its purpose and the role it plays in the planning and operation of the State
Indiana State Fair Board
The Board is responsible for advising the Commission and staff on matters related to
agriculture, livestock and judges. Further, the Board participates in the Commission’s
strategic planning process and coordinates with Staff to ensure the successful execution of
the strategic plan. Both the Commission and Board are responsible for ensuring that the
mission and vision of the organization are carried out through the execution of the annual
Indiana State Fair.
The primary means for the Board to collaborate with the Commission and Staff are:
1. Board Meetings
a. Board meetings are an opportunity for Members to have discussion and gain
further knowledge on the Committee activities and accomplishments,
updates from Commission Staff on elements of the Fair’s operations and the
Fairgrounds operations, Commission activities, strategic planning and
current information related to the Commission’s finances and master
planning. Board meetings may include action items requiring a vote of the
Members, making attendance at these meetings critical to the progress
toward the Board’s goals both short and long-term.
2. President’s Advisory Council
a. The President’s Advisory Council will set the overall direction for the Board,
make committee assignments and oversee the creation of goals and objectives.
3. Committee Structure
a. The four committees of the Board are responsible for collaborating with staff
to develop goals and objectives and to ensure their successful
b. The Chair of each committee will report the activities of the committees to
the full Board for discussion, and when necessary, approval.
4. Commission Meetings
b. The President of the Fair Board and the appointed member of the board
selected by the elected members will advise the Commission on the activities
of the Board at Commission meetings. Staff will bring matters related to the
administration and operation of the Fair before the Commission for
discussion and approval.
5. Department Liaisons
a. The Committees will serve as liaisons to Fair departments, advising Staff on
matters related to the operation of the Fair.
b. Commission Staff will carry out the day-to-day duties of running the
departments with advice from the Board.
c. Committees will collaborate with the Commission Staff administrators
responsible for each department on any issues, observations, desires, etc.
d. The Board does not supervise or direct Commission Staff
e. Along with staff, the Board is responsible for compliance with the terms and
conditions established by the Board within fair departments to which a Board
member may be assigned.
f. Any issues related to the performance of Commission Staff overseeing Fair
Departments in the execution of their duties and responsibilities will be
addressed through the Commission Staff responsible for the department.
g. Any further issues related to the performance of Commission Staff in the
execution of their duties and responsibilities will be addressed through the
Chief Operating Officer and/or the Executive Director.
6. General
a. The Board’s primary role and contribution is the provision of ideas, advice or
recommended solutions related to the administration and operation of the
State Fair.
b. The Board is also responsible for participating in the Commission’s overall
strategic and long-term planning for the organization.
Indiana State Fair Commission
The Indiana State Fair Commission is the governing body for the entire organization and is
charged with fiduciary responsibility for both Fair and non-Fair activities. The Fair Board
has specific policy making responsibilities for the annual state fair and advises the
Commission and staff related to agriculture and livestock, including department staffing
and judges.
1. The Executive Director of the Commission represents the Commission in all matters
related to the day-to-day operation of the Indiana State Fairgrounds & Event Center
and the Indiana State Fair.
a. The Executive Director represents the Commission at Fair Board meetings
and will advise the Board on the activities of the Commission.
b. The Executive Director, along with the President of the Board, will advise the
Commission on the activities of the Board.
c. The Executive Director has assigned the Chief Operating Officer to serve as
the primary staff liaison with the Board.
2. The President of the Board is a voting member of the Commission.
a. The President will advise the Commission on matters related to the Board
and the State Fair.
b. The President will vote, as a representative of the Board, on all matters
brought before the Commission related to Fair and non-Fair activities.
3. An appointed member of the Board selected by the elected members of the Board is a
voting member of the Commission.
a. The Board member will advise the Commission on matters related to the
Board and the State Fair.
b. The Board member will vote, as a representative of the Board, on all matters
brought before the Commission related to Fair and non-Fair activities.
4. The Commission will take action when required on matters brought before it by the
Board, Executive Director and Staff related to the operation of the facility and the
State Fair.
5. The Commission and Board will provide the necessary resources to hold the annual
Indiana State Fair.
6. The Commission will uphold its statutory responsibility and carry out the mission
and vision of the organization.
Indiana State Fair Commission Staff
The Indiana State Fair Commission Staff, led by the Executive Director, is responsible for
carrying out the administrative and day-to-day operational functions of the Indiana State
Fairgrounds & Event Center, including the Indiana State Fair.
1. Indiana State Fair Commission
a. Through the Executive Director, the Staff reports its activities to the
b. The Staff is responsible for executing the strategies, goals and objectives
adopted by the Commission.
c. With the Board, staff is responsible for ensuring compliance with terms and
conditions established by the Board in the Premium Book.
2. Indiana State Fair Board
a. Staff coordinates, manages and supervises the Fair departments, apprising
the Board on matters related to the operation of the Fair.
b. Staff will carry out the goals, objectives and expectations of the Commission.
c. Staff will communicate and consult with the Board throughout the planning
and implementation process for the State Fair
i. This will be done formally through Board meetings and Committee
ii. Communication with the Board will be ongoing and constant and is
not limited to formal meetings. It will occur however and whenever is
needed to carry out the duties of managing the facility and State Fair.
Indiana State Fair Board Performance Standards
All members of the Indiana State Fair Board, whether appointed or elected, are expected to
meet and exceed the performance standards of the Indiana State Fair Commission. The
following is a concise list of these essential standards which allow for the successful
implementation of the Indiana State Fair as well as the year-round stewardship of the
Indiana State Fair Commission.
Members of the Board
shall speak with one voice
shall be present at meetings of the Board
shall actively prepare for each committee and Board meeting by thoroughly reading
and preparing questions on the pre-meeting materials distributed
shall be engaged in meetings by asking questions and offering input
shall actively promote the Indiana State Fair around the state and the country
shall actively participate in fund-raising activities of the Foundation
shall support the mission of the Indiana State Fair Commission
shall support the Commission Staff by being responsive to their requests
shall work in a collegial manner with all Commission Staff
shall represent the Indiana State Fair Commission in a positive manner with all
internal and external people and organizations
shall abide by the Code of Conduct of the Indiana State Fair Commission
Governance Policy Manual
Expectations of Indiana State Fair Board Members
In addition to the performance standards of the Indiana State Fair Commission, members
of the Indiana State Fair Board are also expected to:
actively participate in the Commission’s strategic planning process;
serve on at least one standing Board committee;
act as the face of the Indiana State Fair by representing at county and other state
fairs; festivals and events; philanthropic organization meetings; local, state and
national events; and Indiana State Fair competitive and public events;
function as an advisor by providing guidance, feedback, ideas and advice on matters
related to agriculture and livestock and as requested by Commission Staff during
the Indiana State Fair;
participate in activities related to fundraising.
Annual Elections & Expectations of Indiana State Fair Board’s Officers
The Indiana State Fair Board elects its appointed member to serve on the Commission and
its officers at its organizational meeting in October of each year.
The President must be from the elected membership of the Board and shall serve for a
one-year term. In the event the President becomes unable to serve, the members of the
Board shall elect a replacement. The President:
serves as the presiding officer of the Board.
makes committee assignments in consultation with the Commission’s Chief
Operating Officer, Vice President and Secretary of the Indiana State Fair
serves as a voting member of the Indiana State Fair Commission.
establishes a schedule of meetings for the Board in conjunction with the
Commission’s Chief Operating Officer.
The Vice President may be from either the elected or the appointed membership of the
Board and shall serve a one-year term. In the event the Vice President becomes unable
to serve, the membership of the Board may elect a replacement. The Vice President:
serves as the presiding officer of the Board when the President is unavailable
is responsible for the orientation of new members.
is responsible for ensuring there is an annual review and update of the
Indiana State Fair Board Operational Manual.
The Secretary may be from either the elected or the appointed membership of the Board
and shall serve a one-year term. In the event the Secretary becomes unable to serve, the
membership of the Board may elect a replacement. The Secretary:
reviews and attests meeting minutes and other formal Board documents.
An appointed member of the Board will be elected by the elected Board members to serve
as a voting member of the Indiana State Fair Commission. In the event the appointed
Board member becomes unable to serve, the elected members shall elect a replacement.
Expectations of the Indiana State Fair Board Committee Chair
A Committee Chair must effectively coordinate the functions of their committee. He/She
will notify committee members of meeting dates, meeting agendas and meeting notes. A
staff member will also be assigned to each committee to assist the Chair with some of these
tasks. It is important that the Chair be able to delegate tasks to committee members to
keep everyone involved. The Committee Chair will work alongside the President and keep
him/her updated on what is being discussed and accomplished in these meetings. As the
Committee spokesperson, the Chair will speak on behalf of their committee at the full Fair
Board meetings, and effectively report on committee functions and productivity.
The members of the Indiana State Fair Board recognize that they are accountable for their
actions whenever representing the Indiana State Fair. In advancing the mission of the
Indiana State Fair, all Board Members agree that debate and discussion will be limited to
committee and Board meetings. Fair Board members, after issues are discussed and
decisions made, will respect the Board’s process and the Indiana State Fair by speaking
with “one voice.”
Though members of boards frequently assume otherwise, it is a legal fact that no board
member, whether elected or appointed, has individual authority over or to represent the
organization, unless it has been explicitly delegated to that individual, or to an office he or
she holds. The power of a board lies within decisions made as a group. This means that all
members need not agree with all board decisions, but in the end must show respect for
them. This one voice builds a Board’s influence, integrity and fosters respect from staff and
key stakeholders. A Board Member who publicly undermines Board decisions is not
upholding the standards of a Board Member.
If a Board Member is in direct violation of the Code of Conduct as written in the Indiana
State Fair Commission’s Governance Policy Manual, including but not limited to its
provisions about proper use of authority, the President shall address the situation with the
Board Member. If there is a threat to the unity and teamwork of the Fair Board, or the
integrity of the institution that is the Indiana State Fair Commission, the Commission
Chair shall weigh in on the situation.
Committee Work
The Board’s primary responsibility is to help define the success of the Indiana State Fair.
In addition, each Board Member is expected to serve on at least one committee, working
directly with program area Commission Staff. Committees will be chaired by a member of
the Fair Board. The committees can be expanded to include other interested supporters
outside of the board. The agendas for these committee meetings will be developed by the
chair and staff. Meetings will be held as needed throughout the year.
The primary contribution of Board Members shall occur at the committee level through
such activities as discussing issues, fostering ideas, exploring new opportunities, advising
on programming, and recommending outcomes to the Board as a whole. Board members are
key in all actions of this work at the committee level with Commission Staff providing the
necessary research to properly advance an idea.
Livestock Committee staff administrator is the Livestock Manager or Chief
Operating Officer
Fundraising/Youth Development Committee staff administrator is the Chief
Development & Strategy Officer.
County Fair Engagement Committee staff administrator is the Chief Financial
Officer or designee.
Competitive Events & Exhibits Committee staff administrator is the Vice
President of Marketing
*Each committee will have a staff administrator and that person/title is subject to change
Livestock Committee
The Livestock Committee will advise, collaborate and provide strategic vision to the
Livestock Manager and/or Chief Operating Officer for Indiana State Fair livestock and
companion animal events and competitions. The vision of this committee is to work from a
holistic view of livestock exhibition and agriculture production in Indiana, the Midwest and
the United States. This committee adds value to the Indiana State Fair by contributing
related experience and expertise as a result of participation in livestock competitions,
animal production and business management. The committee’s mission is to identify and
advise on the implementation of initiatives and best practices that allow the Indiana State
Fair to be the country’s premier livestock and agricultural education showcase.
Fundraising/Youth Development Committee
The Indiana State Fair is the largest and best state fair when it comes to showcasing the
talent of 4-H members and other youth organizations. Celebration of Champions, Grand
Drive and Supreme Drive are established events that highlight the champion 4-H
winners. The vision of this committee is to identify funding opportunities that not only
sustain these programs, but also enhance and improve them. The goal is to expand support
of youth programs by linking the Foundation to community members and businesses, to
enhance the recognition of youth accomplishments. This committee is responsible for
recommending for approval breed champions to be included in the celebration of champions,
and establishing the formula for determining monetary awards, based on recommendations
of the Indiana State Fair Foundation.
County Fair Engagement Committee
It is essential for the members of the State Fair Board to advocate for the Indiana State
Fair in their local communities, especially at their county fairs. The vision for this
committee is to enhance the communication between the Indiana State Fair and County
Fairs. The goal of this committee is to develop outreach strategies to stay connected,
strengthen relationships and grow interest for and participation in the Indiana State Fair.
The Committee shall advise in the recruitment of new Board Members and the continued
discussion of State Fair dates. The County Fair Advisory Committee will develop and
formalize presentations and programs to be exhibited at County Fairs and Festivals that
promote the State Fair.
Competitive Events & Exhibits Committee
The Competitive Events & Exhibits Committee will advise, collaborate with and provide
input to the Entertainment & Events Manager and the Programming & Exhibits Manager.
The vision of this committee is to consider the many current non-livestock competitive
events and future non-livestock events ensuring their need and determining appropriate
changes in the implementation of the events. The committee’s goal shall be to ensure that
the Indiana State Fair provides a venue for the most appropriate and most effectively run
competitive events. A member of the Fair Board will be assigned to the key events to advise
and provide input in areas of planning, organization and implementation of said events
thus resulting in the highest quality of competitive events and experience for participants.
Such events and exhibits may include Ag/Hort, Indiana Arts, Band Day, Cheerleading,
Baton Twirling, Youth Talent, Pioneer Village, Indiana Brewers’ Cup, and the Wine &
Spirits Competition.
Tools of the Trade
Fair Tools
Fair-Time Housing
Appropriate Fair-time housing will be provided for Board Members residing outside
of Marion County.
Parking Passes
Each Board Member receives 2 parking passes for the duration of the Fair. These
parking passes are intended for the use of the Board Member and family.
Complimentary Fair Tickets
Each Board Member receives 200 complimentary fair tickets. It is the intent that
these tickets be used as Board Members travel the State in the summer and find
opportunities to bring new fairgoers to the Indiana State Fair and to provide guest
services to those who may need a renewed enthusiasm for attending.
Midway Ride Passes
The Commission purchases a limited number of Midway ride passes as a small
reward for those who commit their time and energy to the Indiana State Fair. These
passes allow the bearer to visit the Midway for free. Each pass allows 4 people to
ride at a time. Ride passes can be checked out for up to 2 hours at a time. There is
limited availability on these passes so the Board Member should reserve one in
advance. Contact Executive Secretary, Pat Hudson, to obtain a pass.
Golf Carts
Each Board Member will receive a 4-passenger golf cart with a roof (if available from
golf cart vendor) for the duration of the fair. Board Members shall notify
Commission staff if the member choses to share a golf cart, bring their own golf cart,
or opt out of a golf cart so expense savings can be realized.
Vehicle Magnet Signs
Each Board Member will receive set of two (2) vehicle magnet signs for the summer
to promote the Fair as they travel throughout the State of Indiana.
Year-Round Tools
Per Diem
To better assist members in filing for per diem and mileage reimbursement under
IC 15-13-5-6 (a)(1) the following guidelines have been developed. The current per
diem rate is $100 set by the General Assembly in the biennium budget overriding
IC 4-10-11-2.1(b). Mileage reimbursement rates are adjusted semiannually by the
Indiana Department of Administration and are based on a 6-month average of gas
Qualifies for Per Diem
1. Meetings of the Indiana State Fair Board
2. Committee Meetings of the Indiana State Fair Board (excluding conference
3. Official State Fair events that are designated “Per Diem Events” or when
members are asked to participate in official State Fair events (mostly applies
to President)
4. 18 days of the State Fair
Does not quality for Per Diem
1. Department, staff, breed & stakeholder meetings
2. Phone calls/telephonic participation in meetings or conference calls
3. Set-up or staff days prior to or following the State Fair
4. Traveling to County Fairs or the County Fair Convention
5. State Fair Board Elections
Qualifies for Mileage Reimbursement
1. Travel to Fairgrounds for Board and Committee meetings
2. Department, staff, breed & stakeholder meetings
3. Official State Fair events regardless of their designation as a “Per Diem
4. Travel to County Fairs & the County Fair Convention
5. Travel to State Fair events that attendance was optional and not
Does Not Qualify for Mileage Reimbursement
1. Spouse travel
2. Travel to Elections
Board members will be provided with appropriate uniform apparel annually for
their position, including but not limited to a short-sleeve shirt and cap. In addition,
each member will have a magnetic name tag and a Board Members’ pin.
Identification Badge
Each Board Member will be provided an identification badge good throughout the
year providing identification to Commission Staff and our guests as well as entry
onto the grounds. These badges are non-transferrable and should never be shared
with anyone. The identification badge does not allow free access to year-round
events at the Indiana State Fairgrounds & Event Center. If a Board Member
desires to attend a ticketed year-round show/event, the Board Member should
communicate such desire to the Chief Operating Officer. Should the Commission
be in possession of desired tickets to the show/event, designated Commission staff
will provide such tickets to the Board Member based on availability.
Year-Round Parking Pass
Each Board Member will receive 2 year-round parking passes for their vehicles to
allow for free entry to the grounds on a year-round basis, however this pass does
not allow free access to year-round events at the Indiana State Fairgrounds &
Event Center.
Timeline of Yearly Service
General Project Management Deadlines
The below represents key tasks and responsibilities that occur each year, and the
suggested time frame.
Final recommendation/guidelines should be provided and/or decided as far in advance prior
to that year’s Indiana State Fair to allow staff time to properly execute.
New Program Development
Budget Considerations
Entry Book Rules & Guidelines Finalized
Entry System Features
Judge Recommendations
All Year
Review status of short and long-term goals both at Committee and Board level.
Continue to identify opportunities for growth and improvement to enhance customer
Work with a spirit of communication and collaboration as a unified Fair team.
Assist with informing the fair going public about the new elements and/or changes
that will be expected during the upcoming year’s fair. This could be schedule
information, entertainment, livestock updates, when/how advance admission is
available, entry system, themes, etc. It is important that the Board Member be privy
to talking points to help guide conversation.
Provide information on potential donors for the Indiana State Fair Foundation,
specifically Celebration of Champions. This should be a year-round process, however
a particularly important focus leading up to fair.
Ambassadorship for the Indiana State Fair across the state through visits to county
fairs, community events and national junior species shows encouraging fairgoer and
exhibitor attendance.
Regardless of type (elected or appointed) and status of term, Indiana State Fair
Board Members should communicate positively about their duties and
responsibilities so to inspire appreciation of constituents and potentially create
interest for future candidates.
Identify areas to monitor or assess in the current year’s fair for improvement in
future years.
Participate and observe as many parts of the Indiana State Fair as possible to
develop a better understanding of all events and activities. Analyzing areas that
may not be as familiar to Board Members might allow them to ask thought
provoking questions or contribute ideas from an alternative perspective.
Interact with fairgoers, exhibitors and employees to gain information about what is
working and areas that may need improvement or consideration moving forward.
Participate in committee meetings during the fair that serve as brainstorming
sessions to determine goals and topics that need considerations and/or resolutions
for the following year. Solutions do not have to be reached during the fair but
gathering ideas while they are front of mind will allow committees to address them
immediately following the fair.
Participate in meetings with key stakeholder groups including trade organizations,
associations, community groups, clubs, etc. that may be able to provide
recommendations for consideration during the planning process.
Review identified goals and improvements and begin developing solutions to
improve customer experience.
Contact with the aforementioned groups is an opportunity to share the successes of the
Indiana State Fair and encourage participation and philanthropic support for following
year’s fair.
Board Members are responsible for reviewing/understanding “Entry Book”
documents prior to approval including any/all department sections and terms and
conditions. While most of these determinations arise from specific departments it is
important that Board Members have a working knowledge as they are posed
questions by constituents.
Board Members should work toward identifying potential Foundation donors for
solicitation prior to the end of year.
Help staff identify potential avenues for additional fundraising support for all types
of education opportunities including associations, guilds, commodity groups, etc.
Participate in strategic planning for the coming year
Key Statue Citations from the Indiana State Fair Board Code
IC 15-13-7
Chapter 7. Annual Agricultural Fair
IC 15-13-7-1
Annual state agriculture fair; required
Sec. 1. (a) The commission and board shall hold one (1) state agricultural fair each
year. The fair must emphasize agriculture and agribusiness.
(b) The commission is responsible for the following:
(1) Personnel.
(2) Management of the facilities.
(3) Contracts and contract procedures.
(4) All fiduciary responsibilities.
(c) The board is responsible for the following:
(1) Committees established under IC 15-13-5-5.5 to assist with planning the
(2) Approving the annual premium books for the fair that set forth the
general terms and conditions, schedule, loading and unloading of livestock,
qualifications, animal testing, breed specific terms and conditions, entry fees,
and premiums for all fair exhibits and judges.
(3) Advising on matters related to agriculture and livestock, including
department staffing and judges.
(4) Approving breed champions to be included in the celebration of
champions, and establishing the formula for determining monetary awards,
based on recommendations of the Indiana State Fair Foundation.
(5) Approving future dates of the fair.
(6) Fundraising to support youth development.
(7) Advocating for the fair within the community.
(8) Participating in the commission’s strategic planning process.
(d) The board:
(1) shall assign a delegated board member to a committee of the board; and
(2) may assign a delegated board member to at least one (1) department
during the fair.
With assistance of staff, the delegated board member is responsible for
compliance with the terms and conditions established by the board within the
delegated board member’s department during the fair.
(e) The board shall provide a list of recommendations to the commission concerning
the hiring of judges for livestock and competitive events during the fair. The
commission may use the recommendations provided by the board to hire judges for
livestock and competitive events.
As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.4.
IC 15-13-5-5.5
Standing committees
Sec. 5.5. The board shall establish standing committees to assist with planning the fair
with the assistance of staff. Committees related to the following activities are required:
(1) Livestock and competitive events.
(2) Fundraising and youth development.
(3) County fair engagement.
(4) Any other committee established by the board.
As added by P.L.92-2019, SEC.16.
IC 15-13-7-2
Policies of the commission
Sec. 2. In holding the fair, the commission and the board is subject to the policies of
the commission.
As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.4.
IC 15-13-7-3
Operation of the fair
Sec. 3. The executive director employed under IC 15-13-2-10 is
responsible for the day to day operation of the fair.
As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.4.
IC 15-13-2-2
Membership of commission
Sec. 2. (a) The commission consists of the following members:
(1) Five (5) members appointed by the governor.
(2) The presiding officer of the board.
(3) The director of the Indiana state department of agriculture appointed under IC 15-
11-3-1 or the director's designee.
(4) The director of the Purdue University cooperative extension service or the director's
(5) A member of the board serving under IC 15-13-5-2(a)(4) who is appointed by a
majority of the members of the board serving under IC 15-13-5-2(a)(5).
(b) The following may serve as nonvoting members of the commission:
(1) The chairperson and vice chairperson of the advisory committee appointed under IC
(2) A community representative who represents the communities near the fairgrounds
and is appointed by the commission.
District Map
Quick Facts
More than 400 events occur on the grounds each year
First Fair was in 1852 we are the 6
oldest fair in the country; moved to current
location in 1892
The Fairgrounds encompasses 250 acres comprised of more than 80 buildings, barns
and other structures
The Fairgrounds offers over 1 million square feet of indoor event space
The Fairgrounds has seen over $152M in renovations and capital improvements over
the past 17 years
The Fairgrounds has an annual Direct Economic Impact of $197.4M on the
Indianapolis economy; the Fair itself accounts for $31.4M.
The Fairgrounds hosts over 2 million visitors each year making it one of the top
tourist attractions in the State of Indiana
The Fairgrounds’ best attended year-round events include the Indianapolis Home
Show; Indianapolis Boat, Sport & Travel Show; Indiana Flower & Patio Show;
Christmas Gift & Hobby Show; Indy Fuel Hockey Games; and the Mecum Auto
Average attendance for the Indiana State Fair is 900,000 making it the largest
attended event in the State each year
The Indiana State Fair boasts the largest 4-H contingency at a state fair in the
country with over 45,000 square feet of space dedicated to project exhibits in
addition to the hundreds of thousands of square feet of livestock exhibits.
The Coliseum Complex Renovation price tag was $63M; $53M for the Indiana
Farmers Coliseum and $10M for the Pop Weaver Youth Pavilion (funding for the
Youth Pavilion came from private donors)
The Indiana State Fair Commission is a quasi-State agency; roughly 70% of revenue
is earned revenue while 30% comes from State support
The Indiana State Fair Foundation’s mission is to support the year-round
agriculture, youth development and campus stewardship of the Indiana State
Fairgrounds & Event Center. The Foundation will focus on raising philanthropic
funds in three areas: agriculture education, youth development, and campus
preservation. The Harvest Dinner during the Indiana State Fair is a
fundraising event to support the Celebration of Champions. Donations made to
these events benefit the youth development fund which supports the Celebration of
Champions by providing monetary awards to both livestock and non-livestock 4-H
The Fairgrounds employs approximately 80 full-time, 30 part-time and 150 event
employees year-round, and an additional 850 seasonal employees during the State
The Indiana State Fairgrounds & Event Center’s education program is in its twelfth
year and has hosted over 75,000 students in that timeframe. Field trips are
scheduled April-May and September-November each year, and self-guided field trips
are offered to schools during the annual Indiana State Fair.
The Indiana State Fair Commission is currently landlord to five different
organizations: Indy Fuel, Contemporary Services Corporation (CSC), State Board of
Animal Health, Purdue Extension Marion County and the Indiana Veterinary
Medical Association in Discovery Hall.
The IUPUI basketball program calls the Indiana Farmers Coliseum home to their
men’s basketball games as well as some of the women’s games.
The Indy Fuel, an ECHL hockey team, also calls the Indiana Farmers Coliseum
home for their season. The Fuel also manages the ice programming in the Pop
Weaver Youth Pavilion including public ice skating and the youth hockey program.
Tours & Experiences
Each year Commission Staff will provide tours for incoming Board Members, as well as
existing members if they are interested, of the following areas:
Campus Driving Tour
Deaf School and Off-Campus Property Driving Tour
Maintenance and Supplies Walking Tour
Public Safety Center Walking Tour
Administration Building Walking Tour
Communications Building Walking Tour
These tours will occur throughout the year and coincide with meeting dates to
accommodate busy schedules among Board Members.
In addition, a conscience effort will be made to have Board Members job shadow
Department Superintendents as well as Staff Directors during the Indiana State Fair as
schedules allow.
Livestock Judges
Selecting and hiring of judges for 4-H and Open Class Livestock competitions is different
for each species, as there is a varying degree of involvement by State and National species
and Breed associations, as well as the existence of a judge database by species.
The goal in hiring any judge is to hire a qualified individual, without bias or
personal/business relationship with exhibitors, breeders, staff, or Board/Commission
members. Most often, this results in judges from outside of Indiana. This is particularly
true for the major species (Swine, Sheep, Cattle, Goats).
The Indiana State Fair Board Members may provide judge recommendations to the
Livestock Manager or Chief Operating Officer any time, up to December 31
of the
subsequent August Fair. Submissions will be made on the 4-H and Open Class Livestock
Judge Recommendation Form, available on the Indiana State Fair Board Portal, and
attached to this document.
Additionally, anyone may make a recommendation, for any department, by submitting the
information to the Livestock Manager or Chief Operating Officer. Recommendations will be
vetted through the appropriate process, based on the species, as indicated below.
Following details the judge recommendation process for each species:
4-H Horse & Pony
Horse & Pony Superintendent submits judge names to Livestock Manager or Chief
Operating Officer that originated from the Indiana 4-H Online Database, at the
Superintendents discretion.
4-H & Open Llama & Alpaca
Llama & Alpaca Superintendent submits judge names to Livestock Manager or
Chief Operating Officer that originated from the judge databases managed by ALSA
& ILR.
4-H Beef Cattle
A three - person Cattle Department committee submits a list of names to the
Livestock Manager or Chief Operating Officer
Open Cattle
The Angus & Hereford Association submit recommendations to the Livestock
Manager or Chief Operating Officer via their individual State Fair Breed Managers.
o Judge recommendations are taken from Hereford & Angus Associations as
they have the largest per head numbers year over year.
4-H & Open Dairy Cattle
The State Fair Breed Managers submit names to the Livestock Manager or Chief
Operating Officer that they receive from their National Associations.
4-H & Open Swine
The Indiana Purebred Swine Meeting processes and submits a list of 4-H Judge
names and specific Open Judge names to the Livestock Manager or Chief Operating
4-H Sheep
A three-person volunteer committee, made up of individuals involved in the sheep
industry, submits a list of names to the Livestock Manager or Chief Operating
Officer. This committee is a new addition for 2019.
Open Sheep
Breed Managers submit individual names which originate from either their state
and/or national breed association.
4-H & Open Dairy Goats
The Dairy Goat Superintendent submits names to the Livestock Manager or Chief
Operating Officer which originate from the National Dairy Goat Association judge
4-H & Open Poultry
The Superintendent submits names to the Livestock Manager or Chief Operating
4-H & Open Rabbits
The Superintendent submits names to the Livestock Manager or Chief Operating
4-H Dog Show
The Superintendent submits names to the Livestock Manager or Chief Operating
4-H & Open Pygmy Goats
The Regional/Indiana Director for the National Pygmy Goat Association submits
names of sanctioned judges to the Livestock Manager or Chief Operating Officer.
4-H & Open Meat Type Goats
The Livestock Manager or Chief Operating Officer requests a recommendation list
from the American Boar Goat Association and vets a short list via a three-person
volunteer committee.
Open Draft Horses
The Superintendent requests names from the National Draft Horse Breed
Associations and then submits vetted names to the Livestock Manager or Chief
Operating Officer.
Showmanship Judges
Most showmanship judges are provided by the Livestock Manager or Chief
Operating Officer.
Once all recommendations have been received, the Livestock Manager or Chief Operating
Officer will present the full list of all recommendations, by species, to the Livestock
Committee for approval.
The Livestock Committee may approve the list, make additions to the list, and/or remove
recommendations from the list.
Once the list is approved by the Livestock Committee, the Livestock Manager or Chief
Operating Officer shall make a selection from the approved list.
Prior to confirming any judge, the Livestock Manager or Chief Operating Officer will vet all
names through the North American Livestock Show & Rodeo Managers Association
(NALSRMA) Rule Infraction Database (RID), which compiles all judges or individuals
barred or disqualified from any other show on the basis of unethical practices referred to in
the International Association of Fairs and Expositions (IAFE), National Code of Show Ring
Lastly, all judges are required to complete a background check prior to being confirmed or
hired. This background check is limited to National Sex Offender Registry unless suspicions
arise from search results.
Judges will be announced publicly in the following manner:
Open class Livestock Judges will be posted on www.indianastatefair.com on a rolling
basis, as judges are confirmed, beginning on or around March 1
of each year.
4-H Livestock Judges will be posted on www.indianastatefair.com on May 16
each year, the day after the 4-H Animal Identification Deadline.
Competitive Events Judges
The selection of judges is different for each competitive event. The events are listed below
with an explanation of how judges are selected and contracted.
4-H Cat Show: 3 judges
The respective Event Coordinators provide a list of prospective judges to the
Entertainment and Events Manager.
Indiana Arts Department: 90-100 judges
Indiana Arts coordinators provide a list of prospective judges to the Indiana Arts
Superintendent and Promotions and Events Manager.
Purdue Extension Ag/Hort Department: 10-15 judges
Promotions and Events Manager reaches out to 4-H for contact and past judges;
some suggest other judges or judge themselves.
4-H Competitive Exhibits: 150-200 judges
4-H Youth Development Program Specialist collects all judge information and sends
to the Promotions and Events Manager.
Indiana Brewers’ Cup Competition: 150-200 judges
The event targets BJCP certified judges. The judge coordinator on the Brewers’ Cup
Committee checks all judges and verifies that they are experts or BJCP certified.
The Marketing Coordinator sends out a registration link through Ungerboeck.
Indiana State Fair Wine & Spirits Competition: 20-30 judges
The event targets wineries and distilleries to suggest judges and takes
recommendations from experts in the industry. The Promotions and Events
Manager will send out a registration link through Ungerboeck.
Indiana State Fair Queen Pageant: 3 judges
The Entertainment and Events Manager searches for and hires the judges.
Band Day Competition: 8-10 judges
The Entertainment and Events Manager contracts a judging organization, Team
Pageantry or Central States Judges Association. The organization secures and pays
the individual judges.
Baton Twirling Competition: 4 judges
Cheerleading Competition: 14 judges
Youth Talent Contest: 5 judges
The respective Event Coordinators provide a list of prospective judges to the
Entertainment and Events Manager.
Fiddle Contest: 3 judges
Traditional Arts Indiana recommends judges to the Entertainment and Events
Manager’s Intern.
Once all judge recommendations have been received, the Promotions and Events Manager,
the Entertainment and Events Manager and/or the Vice President of Marketing will
present the full list of recommendations, by event, to the Competitive Events & Exhibits
Committee for approval.
The Competitive Events & Exhibits Committee may approve, make additional, and/or
remove recommendations from the list until June 1
The approval process will commence annually.
Once the list has been approved, the Promotions and Events Manager, the Entertainment
and Events Manager and/or the Vice President of Marketing will request contracts for the
number of judges needed. The remainder of the list will stand as alternatives.
4-H and Open Class Livestock Judge Recommendation Form
Judge Name:________________________________________________________________________
Supporting Information:
Recommended by:____________________________________________________________________
Once all recommendations have been received, the Livestock Manager or Chief Operating
Officer will present the full list of all recommendations, by species, to the Livestock
Committee for approval.
The Livestock Committee may approve the list, make additions to the list, and remove
recommendations from the list.
Once the list is approved by the Livestock Committee, the Livestock Manager or Chief
Operating Officer will make a selection only from the approved list.
Final selection will still be subject to NALSRMA RID list verification, and satisfactory
background check, as well as availability and affordability of individual judges.