ÓDavid Gries, 2018
We assume you know about arrays in some language, like Python, Matlab, C, and so on. Arrays in Java are
similar, but there are differences from language to language.
One-dimensional arrays
For any type T, T[] (pronounced “T-array”) is the type of an array of elements of type T. Here are two examples:
1. int[] An array of elements of type int.
2. String[] An array of elements of class-type String
Below is a declaration of an int-array b. Declare an array of any type in a similar fashion.
int[] b;
This declaration doesn’t create an array; it simply indicates the need for variable b. In Java, an array is actually
an object, so a variable of type int[] contains a pointer to the array object. Thus, the above declaration results in a
variable b that contains null (unless it is a local variable, which is not initialized).
The following assignment actually creates an int array of 3 elements and stores (a pointer
to) it in b, producing the array and variable b shown to the right:
b= new int[3];
The array elements are assigned default values for their type, in this case, 0. For a String
array created using new String[3], each element would contain null.
b.length is the number of elements in array b. In this case, b.length is 3. Note that length is
a variable, not a function; b.length() is syntactically incorrect.
As in most programming languages, once created, the length of the array cannot be changed,
But, of course, one could assign another array to b, for example, using b= new int[60];
Referencing array elements
The index of the first element of any array is 0. With b containing the value int[]@2, as
shown above, the elements are b[0], b[1], and b[2]. To the right, we show how array b is
changed by execution of these statements:
b[1]= 5;
b[0]= b[1] – 2;
The language spec indicates that b’s array elements are in contiguous memory locations
and that it takes the same constant time to reference any array element. Example: retrieving the
value b[0] takes essentially the same amount of time as retrieving the value b[2].
Array elements occupy adjacent memory locations and take constant time to access
Consider an int array b. Its elements are guaranteed to occupy adjacent memory locations. We explain. An int
value takes 4 bytes. Suppose b[0] is at location 100. Then b[1] is at location 104, b[2] is at location 108, and in
general b[i] is at location 100 + 4*i. This means that b[i] can be accessed with this formula 100 + 4*i.
Such a formula can be used to get to b[i] no matter what the type of i. It takes the same amount of time to access
b[0] as it does to access b[1000]. We say it takes constant time.
Array initializers
We can write a sequence of statements as sown below to create an array and initialize its elements:
int[] c= new int[5];
c[0]= 5; c[1]= 4; c[2]= 0; c[3]= 6; c[4]= 1;
That’s awkward. Instead, use an array initializer and write the declaration like this:
int[] c= new int[] {5, 4, 0, 6, 1};
ÓDavid Gries, 2018
The array initializer is a list of expressions separated by commas and delimited by braces {}. Note that no
expression appears between the brackets []. The size of the array is the number of elements in the array initializer.
Heres another example: create a static array whose values are abbreviations of the days of the week:
static String[] weekDays= new String[] {“Mon”, “Tue”, “Wed”, “Thu”, “Fri”, “Sat”, Sun”};
Multidimensional arrays
One can create a rectangular 5-by-6 array d like this:
String[][] d= new String[5][6]
This rectangular array is viewed as having 5 rows and 6 columns. The number of rows is given by d.length, but
the number of columns is given in a strange way:
d[0].length number of elements in row 0
d[1].length number of elements in row 1
The reason for this rather strange (at first) way of accessing the size of a row will become clear in the next section.
One can have 3-dimensional, 4-dimensional, etc. arrays in a similar fashion.
Java implementation of multidimensional arrays
Below is a declaration of a 2-dimensional array with an array initializer to give its elements.
The 2-by-3 array is depicted to the right. This shows you how multi-dimensional array initializers
can be used.
int[][] e= new int[][] {{3, 5, 9}, {4, 7, 6}};
The implementation of this array in many languages, including old ones like
Fortran, Algol 60, and C, would put the values in row-major order in contiguous
memory locations —that is, first row 0, then row 1, etc., as in the diagram to the right.
But Java does not. Instead, this Java views this two-dimensional array int[][] as a 1-dimensional array whose
elements are 1-dimensional arrays. Array e looks like this:
Thus, object e, whose type is int[][], contains a “row” of two pointers to objects of type int[], each of which contains
the elements of that row.
This explains the weird notation e[i].length for the number of elements in row i. e[i] is a 1-dimensional array,
and e[i].length is the number of elements in it.
You should continue to think of rectangular arrays as just that: a rectangular array. But know that its
implementation is different. Further, know that this implementation allows us to have 2-dimensional arrays whose
rows have different lengths, as we show the document Ragged/jagged arrays.