Sample PowerPoint Presentation for Job
Interview, January, 2017
It is increasingly common for human resource departments to require their job
applicants to work up a PowerPoint presentation for their job interview. Job interview
Powerpoint presentations are a requirement when presentation skills are a required
qualification for the job. Hiring managers use your presentation to judge your public
speaking skills, ability to stay calm under pressure, how knowledgeable you are about a
certain topic and more. In this article, we’ll get into the different types of presentations
for job interviews, go over a sample PowerPoint Presentation for a Job Interview ,
discuss the elements that you can also include, and go over general job interview
PowerPoint presentation tips.
The screenshots from an example PowerPoint for a job interview throughout this
document are by no means a complete sample of what can be done on a job interview
PowerPoint. Regardless, it demonstrates some of the elements that an applicant should
include in such a presentation. The example PowerPoint presentation demonstrated in
this article is completely fictionalized.
First, there are different types of PowerPoint presentations that a job applicant can
prepare for the interview. It depends on the type of position that the job seeker is
applying for and what the company is requiring in the presentation. The following are
just three kinds of PowerPoint presentations for job interviews:
1. Background Presentation
The sample PowerPoint presentation shown in screenshots in this article
demonstrates this kind of job interview presentation. You give a background
presentation when the company wants to get a general idea of how you present
yourself and what your personality is like.
2. Demonstration Presentation
A demonstration presentation is one in which you demonstrate your knowledge
of a particular topic or how you would follow a process.
For example, a person who is applying to be a graphic designer may show step
by step in a PowerPoint presentation how they would design a particular logo for
a client.
Another example: There is an applicant for a position as a history instructor at the
local community college. If they get the job, they are going to teach American
History. So, the school asks them to demonstrate with a PowerPoint presentation
how they would teach that subject.
3. Sales Person Presentation.
With this kind of job interview presentation, the applicant shows the potential
employer how they would sell their company’s products. They want to see how
creative and innovative the applicant can be in their sales techniques. The
applicant can also show how knowledgeable they are about the company’s
The first slide is where the potential employer should get the best impression of you. It
needs to stand out. It should include the following:
1. Name and contact information
2. Professional photo
Although not always necessary, it can also include:
1. A descriptive statement, also known as a vision statement
2. Photos of previous work
3. Three to four characteristics about yourself
The first slide above gives a hint of who this person is. The applicant also presents the
information in an easy to follow manner.
In the second slide, the applicant is showing why the company should hire them. Here,
the applicant is just giving glimpses into why the company should hire them. The point is
not to just repeat the resume and cover letter. You do not need to go into a lot of detail
with this information on a PowerPoint. The interviewers can look at your resume and
cover letter for further information. An interviewer can also look at this information and
know how the applicant will contribute to the company. For instance, with this
presentation, they’ll note that the applicant will bring her energetic and outgoing
personality to the management position.
As you can see, the information is presented in a simple, but eye-catching graphic.
Using graphics like this in a job interview presentation will make it stand out and shows
personality on your part.
In this slide, the applicant goes over three accomplishments from a previous job. These
are not all of their accomplishments, which is good, because again, the hiring manager
can look at the resume for further information.
As you can see, a nice picture of a lake at Sunset is included. Including personal
pictures in your presentation can give the people interviewing you for the job a further
sense of who you are as a person. For instance, the people interviewing this applicant,
Lillian Orangegrove, will learn that she has a love of sunsets.
There are other types of slides that a person can make when they are preparing a job
interview PowerPoint presentation.
1. Work Samples
A work sample slide shows work that the applicant has done on previous jobs.
For instance, a person who is applying to be a web developer can show
screenshots and give links to websites that he has done for past clients.
2. Testimonials.
An applicant can put testimonials by other clients on one of their job interview
PowerPoint slides. Testimonials allow the people who are interviewing the
applicant for a position to see what other clients say about them.
There are elements you can use in a PowerPoint for a job interview that can make your
presentation stand out. These include motion paths (animations), sound, and even
video. These work especially well when the company is looking for a creative
For instance, a person who is applying to be a film editor can attach a video reel of her
previous work in one of the PowerPoint slides.
1. You need to find out what kind of presentation the job interviewers are expecting
from you.
2. You should put extra effort into how you design your PowerPoint. A presentation
that has too much text, pictures, and objects on each slide is cluttered. A cluttered
PowerPoint will only prove to the job interviewers that you are an unorganized
3. Do some research into the company so that you know what their culture is like and
the type of person they are looking to hire. This information can help you when
you are preparing your presentation.
4. There needs to be a clear message throughout your job interview PowerPoint.
That means you need to decide what your overall message is, and then present
information that builds around that message.
5. Before the presentation, practice multiple times. You want to ensure that you have
the timing right. You should also practice again and again so you can memorize
the additional information you are going to say about each slide. Hiring managers
may not allow you to use a print out with speaker notes as a reference during your
presentation. Also, practice in front of a mirror, so you know how you look while
you are presenting. You can also record yourself to make sure you sound
confident and that there are no word crutches such as “um” and “ah.
6. Ensure that your presentation is readable and has no mistakes. To do this, have
someone else look at it for you. Also, make sure you are using a readable font
face. You want the person interviewing you for the job to be able to read the
information on the presentation.
For further help, you can also turn to Prescott Papers. We have professionals who
specialize in PowerPoint that can help you put together a PowerPoint presentation for
your job interview. We can help you with the organization and readability of your
presentation. We’ll even compare it to your resume and cover letter (as long as you
provide that information) to make sure the PowerPoint is not just a regurgitation of your
resume and cover letter.
If this process is daunting to you or it’s been a while since you’ve used PowerPoint,
Prescott Papers is a great option. Besides, your use of our service and all of your
information is kept completely confidential. We also offer fast and reliable support.
Overall, the PowerPoint presentation you give for your job interview can be the
difference between getting the job and not getting it. Therefore, it needs to be cohesive
and professional while giving the potential employer a glimpse into who you are and
what you will be like as an employee.