CSUEU Members
Internal Job Search Process,
Preparation & Tips
An Informational Overview
An Informational Overview
This slide presentation is only intended to
provide a general overview of the competitive
application process and may not include all
aspects of the job search process.
The information contained in this slide
presentation is does guarantee a successful
result from any competitive job search process.
This slide presentation is expressly for
informational and education purposes only.
Everything Begins With Approval
to Fill a Position Vacancy
New and/or replacement full-time,
part-time & temporary vacant positions
are approved by appropriate
department/college authority(s) before
a job is posted & a job search begins.
Job Announcement/Posting is created.
Job searches are internal and/or
A competitive process occurs to fill a
job vacancy(s).
Job Announcement
Staff job announcement(s) are essentially based upon CSU Classification &
Qualification Standards & department Position Descriptions.
Job announcement(s) typically include
- Salary (or Hiring Range)
- Department Overview
- Position Overview
- Qualifications
- Experience, knowledge, skills & abilities
- If applicable; Specialized and/or Preferred Skills
- Filing Deadline
- Application Procedures (e.g., application, cover, resume, references)
- How to Apply
- Other Requirements (and/or Applicant Information)
- Notice to Applicants
Job announcement(s) are posted/widely advertised (unless internal
Job announcement(s) are typically posted for a minimum of (14) calendar days..
Before Applying
It’s a Competitive Process
Read Job Announcement carefully
Conduct a honest assessment of your qualifications
Decide whether you possess the experience &
qualifications being sought
If you do not possess the experience & qualifications; save
yourself disappointment. Don’t apply.
If you possess the experience & qualifications stated;
Remember – not only must you possess “minimum
qualifications”; the Search Committee must determine your
qualifications to be among the best” qualified to continue.
If you are a 9.3 applicant you may be competing against
external and other 9.3 applicants.
Before Applying
Application & Preparing Other Requested Materials
Write in a literate, thorough & clear manner.
Composition, grammar, punctuation & spelling count!
Edit as necessary & regularly proof-read before finalizing.
Record relevant education, experience, knowledge, skills,
abilities, & if applicable, specialized and/or preferred
skills specific to the position for which you have applied.
Again, be certain to provide all materials requested (e.g.,
application, cover letter, resume, references, & other
materials, if applicable).
Forward your application materials to the URL stated.
Be timely; apply before the closing deadline.
Staff Search Committee
The hiring department assembles a Search
Committee; this body adheres to the Staff
Search Guideline
The Search Committee is typically comprised
of individuals from the hiring department,
and may also include those from other
departments and/or colleges.
The composition of a Search Committee
includes a Committee Chair, Committee
Members & an EEOD.
Staff Search Committee
Filling job vacancy(s) may occur via an
external and/or internal search.
The Search Committee follows a process
defined by the Staff Search Guidelines to
arrive at the “best” qualified candidate(s)
among applicants “meeting minimum”
Ultimately, the Search Committee refers the
“best” qualified candidates possessing the
education, experience, knowledge, skills,
abilities and specialized skills as per the job
posting to the hiring manager for
Process Example
HR, Search Committee & Hiring Manager
HR Posts Job
HR Refers
Applicants meeting
The Committee Via
A Process Identifies
Best” Qualified
The Committee
Interviews “Best
The Committee
Refers Best
Qualified to Hiring
Once the Job Posting Closes
Applicant materials must be received on or
before the closing date.
Application materials typically include, but
are not limited to:
- Online Application
- Cover Letter
- Resume
- Reference information
- Other requested material(s), if applicable
Not including all materials requested may
result in an applicant’s disqualification.
Once the Job Posting Closes
Application materials are “pre-screened” for
minimum qualifications”.
Applicants not meeting “minimum
qualifications” are not referred.
Only applicants meeting “minimum
qualifications” are referred/reviewed by the
Search Committee.
Late applications received after the filing
closing date are not referred.
Incomplete applications are not referred.
Remember this is a competitive process.
Internal & external applicants may compete
for the same position.
You Made It This Far
Preparation is Key
- More Tips -
If You Are Invited to Interview
Preparation is Key – Remember It’s a Competitive Process!
Use the Job Announcement to thoroughly acquaint yourself with the position
for which you have applied; as well as the education, experience, knowledge,
skills and abilities requirements.
Know your strengths & weaknesses; be able to speak to both.
Anticipate & rehearse; how you perform in the interview will influence the
outcome of your candidacy.
Interviews are typically conducted by the Search Committee & subsequently the
Hiring Manager.
Interviews may be conducted by telephone, Skype and/or in-person.
Do not assume anything; you must compete by providing thoughtful &
relevant job-related responses.
Do not assume your reputation precedes you or is a factor.
You Made It This Far
Preparation is Key
- More Tips -
If You Are Invited to Interview
Preparation is Key – Remember It’s a Competitive Process!
Listen carefully to each interview question; answer the question asked & not
the one you choose to answer.
Answer in a specific & concise manner. State how your education,
experience, knowledge, skills & abilities are applicable to the position for which
you applied.
Refrain from vague, or general responses lacking specifics and/or substance.
Be prepared for scenario questions and/or exercises exhibits your critical
thinking & problem solving ability(s) & skill(s).
Be professional, confident, engaging & personable.
As appropriate; say why you feel you are “best” qualified for the position.
Have relevant post-interview questions to ask about the position.
Dress appropriately
Be very familiar with the “minimum qualifications of the
job for which you applied.
Before applying Ask yourself whether you possess the
education, experience, knowledge, skills & abilities as
stated in the job posting.
Be prepared to discuss your qualifications & articulate how
they are transferrable to the job you are seeking.
Speak to relevant strengths But also be prepared to
address areas in which you may require development.
If invited to interview; prepare, prepare & prepare.
Rehearse for your interview.
Dress appropriately.
Arrive on-time for an interview
Be personable; exhibit interest & energy.
Interact with all committee members
How you perform in an interview may influence your
On average; you have 30 - 45 minutes to make a strong
Questions &
MBF/March 2015