Mr. Imtaiyazur Rahman
CEO & Whole Time Director
Ms. Dipali Hemant Sheth
Independent Director
Mr. Rajeev Kakar
Independent Director
Mr. Narasimhan Seshadri
Independent Director
Mr. Deepak Kumar Chatterjee
Independent Director
Ms. Jayashree Vaidhyanathan
Independent Director
Mr. Flemming Madsen
Non-Independent Director
Mr. Dinesh Kumar Mehrotra
Non-Executive Chairman and
Independent Director
Mr. Edward Cage Bernard
Non-Independent Director
corporate overview
Mr. Dinesh Kumar Mehrotra
Mr. Edward Cage Bernard
Mr. Flemming Madsen
Mr. Narasimhan Seshadri
Mr. Deepak Kumar Chatterjee
Mr. Rajeev Kakar
Ms. Dipali Hemant Sheth
Ms. Jayashree Vaidhyanathan
Mr. Imtaiyazur Rahman
Non-Executive Chairman
Mr. Dinesh Kumar Mehrotra
Chief Executive Ofcer
Mr. Imtaiyazur Rahman
Company Secretary and
Compliance Ofcer
Mr. Arvind Patkar
Chief Financial Ofcer
Mr. Surojit Saha
M/s. G. D. Apte & Co. Chartered Accountants
AXIS Bank Ltd.
Registered Ofce
UTI Tower, ‘Gn’ Block,
Bandra-Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051
Statutory reportS
financial statements
For the last 56 years, at UTI, we
have been driven by our indomitable
conviction in our capabilities. We
have been propelled by our constant
commitment to create sustainable
value for our stakeholders. And in
this process, every action taken, every
step advanced and every outcome
of our decisions has been a result
of our conviction, capabilities and
commitment towards our goal. These
are the foundational stones that have
helped us build trust, brand name
and a rich legacy to reckon with.
Every action for achieving one’s
goal needs CONVICTION.
Every step of preparation to grow
Every challenge leading to results,
is backed by COMMITMENT.
So, read on to know more about how our Company’s exceptional resolve,
proficiency and dedication has translated into robust performance, prosperity
and progress as we endeavour to deliver on our promises.
corporate overview
About this Report
Basis of Reporting
This year, UTI Asset Management
Company Limited, marks the
first step towards our Integrated
Reporting <IR> journey. As one
of our principal communication
documents catering to our
stakeholders, this Report contains
comprehensive information on
our operational and financial
performances. It elaborates how
these influence our strategic
direction, resulting in our ability
to create sustainable value.
Our Approach to
Through this Report, we aspire
to provide our stakeholders
with an overall depiction of the
organisation’s value creation
ability using both financial and
non-financial resources. The
Report provides insights into
our key strategies, operating
environment, material issues
emanating from our stakeholder
engagements and their respective
mitigation strategies, operating
risks and opportunities,
governance structure and our
approach towards long-term
Reporting Period,
Scope and Boundary
The reporting period for this
Integrated Report is 1April 2020
to 31 March 2021. It provides an
overview of our operations and
business development activities.
The Report, further covers
information on our business
segments in India and abroad
and associated activities that
enable short, medium, and long-
term value creation.
Reporting Standards
and Frameworks
In this Report, we have attempted
to bring in more transparency
and accountability through
additional disclosures and
information, following the guiding
principles of the International
Integrated Reporting Council
(IIRC). The other statutory reports,
including the Director’s Report,
Management Discussion and
Analysis (MD&A) section, the
Corporate Governance Report
and the Business Responsibility
Report, are in line with the
Companies Act, 2013 (and the
rules made thereunder), Securities
Exchange Board of India (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015,
and the prescribed Secretarial
Navigation Guide
This Report has been broadly
divided into three sections
– Corporate Overview,
Statutory Report and Financial
We have introduced a
reader-friendly navigation
panel for the readers to easily
identify and comprehend
the section that they are
reading at any given point.
The tab highlighted in BLUE
connotes the
current section that the reader
is looking at.
Statutory reportS
financial statements
Dear Shareholders,
It is encouraging that after the economic
impact felt by countries across the world due to
Covid-19 induced pandemic, most economies
are gradually recovering with cautious optimism.
Despite the adversities, this crisis has made
humanity come together, highlighting our
cumulative spirit and resilience. ‘Comeback from
Setback’ is possibly an appropriate articulation
of 2020–21.
What kept us engaged in 2020-21
To begin with, I would like to highlight a
landmark event, wherein we were successfully
listed on both the National Stock Exchange
(NSE) and the BSE. It marked the welcoming of
our valued retail and institutional shareholders
into the Company. The NSE further included
the equity shares of UTI AMC in the Nifty500
index w.e.f. from 1 March 2021. Besides, as
a testimony to the commitment of delivering
value to our stakeholders, we took the leap by
coming out with our first public Annual Report,
in the form of an Integrated Report <IR>.
As a Company, we have always believed in
constantly evolving. And this <IR> is a part
of our evolutionary journey. It is a step closer
towards our endeavour of maintaining integrity
and transparency in all our communications.
Our entry in this space is in line with the existing
global trends of reporting.
Last year, despite the challenges and the
subsequent business impact, we managed
to progress; determined and backed by our
commitment of delivering increasing value for
our stakeholders. We restructured our sales
and marketing functions, focussed more on
distribution & digital outreach, improved our
fund performance, incorporated ESG processes
and strengthened credit research processes.
Additionally, we put in place policies and
governance systems wherever required for a well-
run listed Company.
The pandemic made us rethink our priorities.
However, our conviction of becoming a more
robust investment-led organisation is something
we have never deviated from. We have been
progressively continuing to do so, supported by
our rich 55+ years’ legacy and lineage. The
same was reflected in the performance of the
Company during the year.
Last year, despite the
challenges and the subsequent
business impacts, we managed
to progress; determined and
backed by our commitments of
delivering increasing value for
our stakeholders.
corporate overview
Industry developments
The capital markets crashed during the end
of March 2020, the sentiments of which
carried through early April 2020 – marking an
unprecedented downslide in recent memory
since the 2008 financial crisis. Despite the
initial uncertainties, the markets remained
buoyant, with increased participation from retail
and institutional investors. It is encouraging
that many international organisations like the
International Monetary Fund and the World Bank
have forecasted the GDP growth rates amongst
the highest across emerging economies like
ours. The strong rebound expected in private
consumption and investment growth is likely to
propel the economy forward.
Our response to Covid-19
Apart from strengthening ourselves as an
organisation, we focussed on three priorities
during the year smoother business conduct,
safeguarding our employees while conducting
business and ensuring that we provide our
investors and partners with convenient digital
tools for them to transact seamlessly. We are
continuously building interfaces for fintech,
payments and other digital distribution platforms
to ensure excellent connectivity and a better
customer experience. We have implemented
digital KYC for virtual interaction with new
customers to ease our investors’ and partners’
investment journeys. These, together with many
other initiatives, would enable us smoothly
conduct our business without getting much
affected by the situation outside.
Active Equity and Debt Funds will drive the
evolution of the MF industry. Despite the
cyclicality of flows, India is well and truly on track
to ensure the financialisation of savings across
the board while money is moving out of physical
assets. Moreover, mutual funds are still much
smaller than bank deposits, signifying more
room for growth. One of the emerging themes
in Equity Funds will be increasing awareness
about ESG Funds, passively managed ETFs and
index funds. Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and
Index Funds are yet to gain significant traction in
India. However, there is a positive trend towards
these funds, especially from the public sector
fund mandates and first-time investors investing
through fintechs and digital platforms.
On a concluding note, I would like to
express my gratitude towards all our valued
stakeholders. They have continuously supported
and encouraged our Company and the
Management, and we are deeply thankful
to them for the same. Your unwavering faith,
support and inspiration have helped us build a
value-creating organisation. I would also like to
express a special thanks to our employees. They
have demonstrated exceptional flexibility and
adaptability in the wake of Covid-19. Lastly, I
extend my best wishes for all shareholders and
their families during these testing times, wishing
everyone the best of health.
Warm regards,
Dinesh Kumar Mehrotra
We are continuously
building interfaces for
ntech, payments and
other digital distribution
platforms to ensure excellent
connectivity and a better
customer experience.
Statutory reportS
financial statements
For us, a signicant
development during
2020-21 was the high
share of our gross sales
under Equity Funds. This
was visible in incremental
market share.
Dear Shareholders,
It gives me immense pleasure to present our Company’s
first Annual Report after its public offer and listing on the
Stock Exchanges. The listing was a momentous occasion
in the illustrious history of UTI and I would like to take this
opportunity to thank the Government of India, SEBI and the
Shareholders for their support in the successful completion of
the IPO.
The past year was undoubtedly challenging in many ways.
We witnessed several developments that affected business
and the macroeconomic environment across countries.
The shared experience of combating the Covid-19 induced
pandemic has strengthened multilateralism in global trade
relations. Despite the uncertainties around renewed waves and
new variants of the virus, the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
expects the global economy to grow by 6% in 2021, up by
30 bps relative to their previous forecast. With the pandemic
emerging as a critical risk during March 2020, the major
benchmark indices viz. SENSEX and Nifty50 fell to 29,468 and
8,597, respectively, as on 31 March 2020. The Equity and
Hybrid category funds saw significant erosion in the market
value due to correction in the equity market. The financial year
2020-21 began amidst challenges but ended with optimism.
The BSE Sensex hit a record high during 2020-21 on 16
February 2021 to cross the 52,000 mark – a testimony to the
confidence of investors in India’s growth story. The economic
initiatives and welfare measures of the Government of India
along with large scale vaccination programmes also helped in
boosting investor sentiments.
Journey of MF industry and UTI AMC
The Indian MF industry, recorded a healthy 18% CAGR for
the decade, registering more than five-fold growth in AUM
from INR 5,92,250 crore as on 31March 2011 to INR
31,42,764 crore as on 31March 2021. For the year 2020-
21 itself, the industry grew by 41%, along with increasing
geographical spread and broadening of the investor base.
For us, a significant development during 2020-21 was the
high share of our gross sales under Equity Funds. This was
visible in incremental market share, even though it was
impacted by net outflow for the industry and also maturity of
closed-ended schemes. During the year, UTI Mutual Fund
added 5.52 lakh new SIP accounts, a jump of over 62%
compared to the previous year.
Overall, we witnessed good equity performance,
stabilisation and turnaround in Income Fund performance,
regained lost market share, added investor folios, expanded
distribution through banks, fintech, and increased digital
I am happy to inform you that we have continued to focus
on the smaller cities and towns of the country. As a result,
as of March 2021, 23% of our total MAAUM (Monthly
Average Assets Under Management) came from B-30 cities
compared to 16% for the industry. We will continue to
maintain our focus in these cities.
corporate overview
Our Group companies
Our AUM, other than domestic mutual funds, reported
growth of 18% Y-o-Y, amounting to INR 9.78 lakh crore as
on 31 March 2021 as compared to INR 8.28 lakh crore as
of 31 March 2020. The growth was led by UTI International
(70% Y-o-Y ), which looks after the offshore business of
UTI AMC. UTI International, with its offices in Singapore,
London, and Dubai, has investors spread across 35
countries and is mainly focussed on investors in Asia, Europe
and Middle East. During the year, the International business
saw significant development, growing by ~70% to USD
3.65 Billion in March 2021 from USD 2.09 Billion in March
2020. The growth has mainly come in our India Dynamic
Equity Fund, which has crossed an AUM of USD 820 Million
and is the 10th largest Indian fund amongst UCITS funds
and J Safra Sarasin Responsible India Fund which has
mobilised USD 125 Million in 6 months and is most likely
Europe’s first ESG compliant India fund. Given our track
record and relationships with investors and distributors, we
are confident of substantial growth in this business.
UTI RSL, manages the pension assets under the NPS of the
PFRDA. It has a market share of 28.75% in the NPS. During
the last one year, we have recorded strong growth of 36% in
the business with the AUM growing to INR 1,66,210 crore
from INR 1,22,201 crore.
UTI Capital Private Ltd. is focussed on growing the private
capital investment management business of UTI AMC.
During the year, backed by the success of the UTI Structured
Debt Opportunities Fund I, we launched UTI Structured Debt
Opportunities Fund II in the month of September 2020.
Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) business in India is still in
the growth phase and we feel that with our strong capability
in AIFs, we will be able to substantially grow this business.
Momentum in digitalisation
It was a year when business houses realised the criticality
of digitalisation and the need to adapt to remote ways
of transacting. At UTI AMC, we could transition rapidly
since we have been implementing a comprehensive digital
transformation programme to build our organisation’s
efficacy, capacity, resilience and cost-effectiveness. We took
multiple initiatives with respect to application modernisation,
hybrid cloud architecture adoption, business process
digitalisation, enterprise data platform adoption and
cybersecurity enhancement. We also have a Board level
Digital Transformation Committee.
We realise that data analytics and our enterprise data
platform will enhance our customers’ experience further,
thereby increasing customer loyalty and retention. With a
strong digital framework, we are deploying our resources
to capture growth from the digital strategy. Our information
security policies help us to ensure the confidentiality, integrity
and availability of information adequately.
We implemented the next generation front-end trading
system, Bloomberg Asset and Investment Manager. The
new state-of-the-art trading system will help us improve our
trade execution by providing a more responsive, agile and
efficient interface for our dealing operations, with simplified
risk and compliance monitoring. This will also help us
reduce our tracking error and costs.
Highlights of performance in 2020-21
AUM and Market Share
In terms of the AUM growth across MFs, PMS and Advisory
services, we witnessed a healthy growth to touch INR 11.61
lakh crore, compared to INR 9.80 lakh crore recorded in the
corresponding period last year. In our Mutual Fund QAAUM,
we registered a growth of 20.7% compared to the industry
growth of 18.8%. As of 31 March 2021, we recorded a AUM
of INR 7.84 lakh crore under PMS, INR 1.66 lakh crore under
Retirement Solutions, INR 1,576 crore under UTI Capital, and
INR 26,822 crore under UTI International.
Within domestic mutual funds, AUM for the quarter in
respect of Equity Funds, including ETFs/Index funds,
increased by 46% Q-o-Q to INR 93,331crore as on 31
March 2021. This was primarily driven by passive equity
funds (69% Q-o-Q increase in Quarterly Average AUM
as on 31 March 2021). Overall, this performance resulted
in the gain of market share from 5.56% to 5.69% during
the Q4 of 2020-21. UTI Mutual Fund captured 6% of the
overall industry net inflow.
Operational highlights
Our brand recognition and goodwill among our investors
and partners assisted in the following operational
developments during the year:
We manage 138 (excluding 10 segregated portfolio)
domestic mutual fund schemes, comprising Equity,
Balanced/Hybrid, Income, ETFs/Index, Liquid and Money
Market Funds as of 31 March 2021.
With ~23% of our AUM, we continue to have a high
concentration of MAAUM in B30 markets.
As of 31 March 2021, our distribution network included
- 163 UTI Financial Centres (UFCs), 278 Business
Development Associates (BDAs) and Chief Agents (CAs)
and 39 Official Points of Acceptance (OPAs). Apart
from this, we have partnered with approximately 56,600
Mutual Fund Distributors (MFDs), PSU & Private Banks,
National & Regional Distributors and fintechs.
Statutory reportS
financial statements
As of 31 March 2021, UTI MF offered 138 Schemes/
Plans (excluding 10 segregated portfolios), out of which
24 were Equity Funds; 98 were Debt Funds; 1 Liquid
Fund; 9 were ETFs/Index Funds, and 6 were Hybrid
Our Monthly Gross SIP inflow increased by 37% Y-o-Y
basis to INR 339 crore as of March 2021 from INR 247
crore as of March 2020.
With Total Live Folios amounting to 1.1 crore as on 31
March 2021, our client base accounted for 11% of the
total folios managed by the Indian MF industry.
We had the lowest complaints against folios at 0.0006%
as compared to other AMC players in the industry as of
31 March 2021 (Source: AMFI).
Enhancing brand & visibility
We endeavoured to promote our brand prominence through
investor segmentation. During the year, we launched our
media campaign which reached 2 crore+ people. We
started a financial literacy programme for college students
and promoted campaigns like Swatantra, Millenial Money
Matters, Equal Rights Equal Responsibilities, and Expert Se
Poocho, among others. We also launched our marquee
event named ‘The Colloquium’ on 18 March 2021 with the
theme ‘Investing in the post pandemic world’.
Product development
During the year, we launched UTI Small Cap Fund, UTI
Bank ETF, and UTI Nifty 200 Momentum 30 Index Funds.
We are planning to launch more funds during the coming
financial year after assessing the market conditions and
based on the product gaps in our portfolio.
Financial highlights
For the year ended March 2021, we recorded a consolidated
Net Profit of INR 494 crore as against INR 271 crore for
2019-20, showing a Y-o-Y growth of 82%. During the year,
we undertook stringent cost control measures to manage
our costs efficiently. Along with improvement in our PAT
margins, our Return on Equity also reached a three-year
high, touching 15% for 2020-21.
Enhancing investment management and risk
Our Fixed Income team has significantly enhanced its
processes, including implementation of Early Warning
System while strengthening the Research team. We also
strengthened our risk management capabilities including
technology enhancement, to mitigate risks and enable
sustained growth of the Company.
ESG practices
Considering the significance of ESG parameters, we have
proactively initiated measures for incorporating ESG aspects
in our business strategy and for setting up a Board level ESG
Developing talent of our people
We believe that the skills and talents of our employees
are critical for our success and reliable performance.
We continued focussing on training and development,
empowering our people and bringing inclusion. The
HR team is focussed on improving the work culture and
conducting learning engagement initiatives, benchmarking
compensation, and long term incentive plan, among others.
With the view to building a young and vibrant organisation,
we onboarded 55 trainees during the year and are looking
to hire fresh graduates from colleges across the country.
In order to attract and retain talent, we have an Employee
Stock Option Scheme.
Covid-19 appropriate protocols
As soon as the pandemic broke out, we set up a core
internal team to monitor and address the situation, took
measures for smooth functioning of business with various
customer centric measures, adopted digital ways of working,
provided requisite technological support, adhered to
Government guidelines and initiated outreach programmes.
We continued to focus on delivering stress free services to
our investors during these trying times and took all possible
steps to ensure smooth and efficient business operations.
We undertook measures to ensure our employees protection
& good health and facilitated a seamless transition to work
Going forward, we are
focussed on delivering
consistent growth in terms
of revenue, protability,
market share, and
fund performance with
emphasis on high-yielding
products – like equity and
xed income.”
10 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
from home, supported with processes and tools for remote
working, communication and collaboration. While the crisis
tested the teams’ resilience, it also helped sharpen our value
proposition to our investors and partners.
Future business outlook
Going forward, we are focussed on delivering consistent
growth in terms of revenue, profitability, market share, and
fund performance with emphasis on high-yielding products –
like equity and fixed income. Our broad distribution network
facilitates us to reach out to individual investors, particularly
in B30 cities and other underserved areas, where we already
have a stronghold. We will continue to strengthen our
relationship with our institutional and PSU clients. Alongside,
we will also particularly focus on developing relationships
with MSME and SME institutional clients.
We are paying particular attention to growing our group
AUM by accessing new markets, marketing our international
funds, Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) and Portfolio
Management Services (PMS) products. The EPFO, CMPFO
and ESIC mandates have helped enhance our credibility
and we are leveraging our track record to pursue other
The Retirement Solutions industry is in a nascent stage
with a small percentage of the working population being
under pension and social security schemes. There is a vast
potential for the industry. It is expected that within the next
10 years, Pension AUM is likely to cross Mutual Fund AUM,
increasing our business opportunity.
Overall, the MF industry is undergoing a fast transformation
today. However, with a low AUM to GDP ratio and overall
penetration as a percentage of GDP, India still lags behind
countries like the US, Canada, France, and Brazil. The MF
industry is still largely untapped. There are multiple growth
drivers like overall economic growth, a growing investor
base, higher disposable income levels, investable household
surplus, higher awareness levels, and a favourable
demography. These drivers have immense potential and
are likely to propel growth going forward. The AMCs with a
strong retail brand, large distributor network, and significant
presence in B30 cities, will have the advantage of growing
faster. UTI AMC is well positioned on all these fronts.
Striving to make a difference
Our consistent focus has been on our investors and
stakeholders. We have been working relentlessly to enhance
value for them by implementing relevant strategies, building
a stronger brand which is known for its integrity and
innovation. The listing of UTI AMC has brought in enhanced
governance practices & disclosures and it is our endeavour
to transform the organisation as one of the finest investment
institutions, with highly skilled & strengthened investment
team, committed to the welfare of all our stakeholders.
Our business strategies are aligned to increase brand
visibility, realise the potential opportunities, meet emerging
challenges and work towards sustained growth. We
endeavour to build the talent of our human resources, offer
differentiated products and services and achieve excellence
in all our operations. We strive to enable our investors
to achieve their long-term financial goals. We aspire to
provide them the best-in-class services to ensure a smooth
investment journey for them. I am thankful to the Board of
UTI AMC as well as the Regulators for all their support in
our efforts.
On a closing note, I am pleased to inform you that the
Board of Directors (subject to the approval of shareholders)
has approved a final dividend of INR 17 per share for
2020-21 which is approximately 61% of the PAT.
On behalf of the entire Board of Directors and the
management team, I would like to thank you for your
continued trust, guidance and support to us.
With warm regards,
Imtaiyazur Rahman
Chief Executive Ofcer & Whole-Time Director
Statutory reportS
financial statements
UTI Asset Management Company (hereinafter
referred to as ‘UTI AMC’, ‘the Company’, ‘we’)
is one of the largest asset management company
(AMC) in India, in terms of Total Assets Under
Management (AUM)*. It is also the eighth
largest AMC in terms of mutual fund Quarterly
Average Assets Under Management (QAAUM)
as of 31March 2021.
UTI AMC is a team of one
of the largest professionally
managed money managers. Our
investments are spread across
Indian equities, fixed income,
private equity and private debt.
Our portfolio includes the
management of the domestic
mutual funds of UTI Mutual
Fund. We provide Portfolio
Management Services (PMS)
to institutional clients and high
net worth individuals (HNIs),
and manage retirement funds,
offshore funds and alternative
investment funds as well. We
cater to a diverse group of
individual and institutional
investors through these wide
varieties of funds and services.
Back in 1964, we were the first
to establish mutual fund in India,
and since then, we have built
a strong presence in the AMC
space. Today, we enjoy a rich
legacy and brand recognition.
Our proven track record of over 55 years
speaks volume of the credibility we have
earned in the mutual fund (MF) industry
through our conviction, capabilities and
The large structural growth opportunity
prevalent in the Indian MF industry today
is more pronounced than ever. Against this
backdrop, our size, diverse client base and
strong product portfolio, along with our
pan-India reach, especially our substantial
presence in B30 cities, extensive
distribution network and widely recognised
brand, bodes well, for us to capitalise on
future growth prospects of the Indian MF
industry. With an international presence of
more than 20 years, we have established
ourselves with the eminence of being
an Indian AMC with an international
*Including Quarterly Average AUM of UTI Mutual
Fund, and Closing AUMs of Portfolio Management
Services, UTI International, UTI Retirement
Solutions Ltd. and UTI Capital Ltd.
12 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
Total AUM
Domestic MF AUM
Business Development
Associates (BDAs)/Chief
Agents (CAs)
Mutual Fund Distributors
Employee Strength
Live Folios
present in
No. of UTI Financial
Centres (UFCs) in India
Our Reputation
Indian Mutual
Fund Company
Years of
No. of Schemes Managed
(as on 31 March 2021) excluding
10 segregated portfolios
Statutory reportS
financial statements
To be the most preferred
Mutual Fund
To be the most trusted and admired brand for
all stakeholders
To be the most efficient wealth manager with a
global presence
To deliver best-in-class customer service
To be the most preferred employer
To create innovative products that maximise ROI
To be a socially responsible corporation that
focuses on well-being of all
Organisational Structure
Manager for
UTI Venture
Co. Ltd.
for Venture
for Pension
UTI Capital
Pvt. Ltd.
for Private
Equity &
Debt Funds
Manager to
UTI Mutual
Services to
to Offshore
PMS (includes
EPFO and
Postal Life
14 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
Shareholding Pattern
T. Rowe Price
State Bank
of India
Life Insurance
of India
Bank of Baroda
Investment Funds
Statutory reportS
financial statements
Our Subsidiaries
UTI International Limited
The offshore interests of UTI AMC are managed
by UTI International Limited (UTI International), a
100% subsidiary of UTI AMC. UTI International was
incorporated as a limited liability company under the
laws of Guernsey on 30 January 1996. It is regulated
by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission.
UTI International comprises of two subsidiary entities:
UTI Investment Management Company Mauritius
Limited, Mauritius, regulated by Financial Services
Commission of Mauritius
UTI International (Singapore) Pte Ltd (UTIIS) which
holds a full Capital Market Services license and is
regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore
In addition, UTI International has a branch office
in London, regulated by the Financial Conduct
Authority of UK and UTIIS has a branch office in
Dubai, located in DIFC and is regulated by the Dubai
Financial Services Authority. The offshore business
has 26 employees based across the three offices
located in Singapore, Dubai and London. From these
offices, it caters to Institutional (B2B) and Distribution
(B2B2C) clients in Asia, Europe and Middle East.
This company is chiefly engaged in the Investment
Management of Equity and Debt Funds as
authorised by its Memorandum of Incorporation.
UTI International’s products are primarily managed
by the Investment team at UTI AMC – across Equity,
Fixed Income and Private Debt. Additionally, it also
manages some opportunistic yield products like Fixed
Maturity Plans (FMPs) for international clients. The
company’s most substantial growth has come from
Europe, particularly in the All Cap Equity fund. It also
manages fund structures in the following jurisdictions
to meet varying client demands:
Ireland (UCITS)
Cayman Islands
Dubai (DIFC)
The Offshore business has clients spread across 35
countries and are primarily institutions – Pension,
Insurance, Banks and Asset Managers.
USD 3.65
Total AUM (as of 31 March 2021)
(INR 26,822 CRORE)
Growing by ~70% (from USD 2.09 Billion
in March 2020) (INR 15,765 crore)
GBP 22.53
Gross Income
for 2020-21against GBP 1.31 Million
in 2019-20
GBP 14.65
Net Prot
for 2020-21against a net loss of GBP 5.77 Million
in 2019-20
Mr. Ajay Tyagi
Fund Manager –
International Equity and
Domestic Equity Funds
16 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
UTI Retirement Solutions
UTI Retirement Solutions Limited (UTI RSL) was
incorporated by UTI AMC on 14 December
2007 under the Companies Act 1956, for
managing the pension assets under the National
Pension System (NPS). It is a 100% subsidiary of
The company was appointed by Pension Fund
Regulatory & Development Authority (PFRDA) as
one of the Pension Fund Managers to manage
the Pension Assets/Funds of Central Government
Employees, State Government Employees and
the Private Sector NPS Subscribers under the
National Pension System (NPS). It started its
operations from 1 April 2008.
This company was amongst the first set of
companies, along with LIC and SBI, established
for managing Pension Funds under NPS. As a
result, it enjoys the first-mover’s advantage in the
pension sector.
The company’s Assets Under Management
(AUM) have grown rapidly since the start of its
operations. It has strong experience as a Fund
House to run and manage Retirement Plans that
have given reasonable market-related returns.
UTI RSL draws its expertise of Fund Management
activity from its parent company.
Overall Market Share under
National Pension System
Gross Income
for 2020-21against INR 14.25 crore
in 2019-20
Net Prot
for 2020-21against INR 4.36 crore
in 2019-20
Total AUM
(as of 31 March 2021)
Statutory reportS
financial statements
UTI Venture Funds Management
Company Private Limited
UTI Venture Funds Management Company
Private Limited (UTI VF) was incorporated on 27
March 2001, under the Companies Act, 1956, at
Bengaluru, Karnataka. The company is registered
with SEBI as a Venture Fund Management Company.
It has a subsidiary, UTI Private Equity Limited,
engaged in Investment Holding as authorised by the
Financial Services Commission. However, UTI Private
Equity Limited, Mauritius is under the process of
winding up under section 309 (1)(d) of Companies
Act, 2001.
The principal business of UTI VF is to manage
venture capital funds and private equity funds. The
company has been creating value for its portfolio
companies by providing industry knowledge, access
to local talent and through its business network in
the Indian and overseas markets.
INR 1.30
Net Prot
for the year ended 31 March 2021, as against
a Net loss of INR 0.47 crore in 2019 - 20
INR 2.19
Gross Income
for 2020-21against INR 0.74 crore
in 2019-20
18 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
UTI Capital Private Limited
UTI Capital Private Limited (UTI CPL) was incorporated on
13 May 2011, under the Companies Act, 1956, at Mumbai,
Maharashtra. It is a 100% subsidiary of UTI AMC and is
mandated to manage and grow Private Capital investment
management business. As of 31 March 2021, UTI CPL has four
funds under management or advisory, which are:
UTI Structured Debt Opportunities Fund I
– Launched in August 2017 and final close in May 2019
– Total commitments of INR 695 crore (In Commitment Period)
UTI Structured Debt Opportunities Fund II
– Launched in September 2020
– Total commitments of INR 447 crore (Final Close Not Yet
India Infrastructure Development Fund
- Total assets of INR 205 crore (In Exit Period)
Pragati India Fund
- Total assets of INR 27 crore (In Exit Period)
The Audited Statements of Accounts of the subsidiary companies, together with the Reports of their Directors and
Auditors, for the period ended on 31 March 2021, are attached to this Annual Report. None of the companies
became or ceased to be subsidiary during the year 2020-21. The Company did not have any Associate
or Joint Venture Company as on 31 March 2021.
INR 1,576
Total AUM
INR 0.18
Net Prot
for 2020-21against a Net Loss of
INR 1.43 crore in 2019-20
INR 9.16
Gross Income
for 2020-21 against INR 8.04 crore
in 2019-20
Statutory reportS
financial statements
1971 19861964 2002 2003 2006
UTI established
by the
Government of
India under the
UTI Act, Passed
in 1963
Launched First-
ever Unit-Linked
Insurance Plan
India’s first pure
Fund called
Master Share;
Mutual Fund
became the
part of Indian
Lexicon with UTI
Master Share
UTI Mutual
Fund with SEBI
under the SEBI
Mutual Funds
Axel Portfolio
Established UTI
Limited as a
Joint Venture
UTI Asset
Company Limited
20 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
2007 2010 2011 2017 2019 2020
UTI Retirement
Solutions Ltd.
with UTI AMC
as its Sponsor
Initiative – UTI
UTI Capital
Private Limited
appointed as
one of the two
Fund Managers
of the EPFO
crossed INR
1,00,000 crore
Fund (AIF) - UTI
Structured Debt
IPO and got
listed on NSE
(National Stock
Exchange) and
BSE successfully
appointed as
one of the two
fund managers
of the Postal
Life Insurance
Corpus; UTI
Mutual Fund
Investor Folios
crossed 1crore
Statutory reportS
financial statements
At UTI AMC, we have always
endeavoured to create healthy
returns for our shareholders. And
to improve shareholders’ value,
we believe it is essential to build
a resilient business model and
earn higher protability through
ethical business practices.
We are one of the pioneers of the Indian MF industry. We pride ourselves
on our long-term track record of product and solution innovations that
endeavour to deliver consistent and stable returns across economic
cycles, eventually driving AUM growth.
We have, to our credit, launched many funds in the past, which were first
in their respective categories in India. Also, five of our funds have over
25 years of track record.
Stable Investment Performance
Over decades, we have been delivering consistent and stable investment performance. Our investment philosophy aims
to provide investment outperformance against benchmarks and competitors. Our rigorous investment research processes
consider both qualitative and quantitative factors. These are further led by rating systems and proprietary research
methodologies emphasising risk mitigation and drive performance through robust investment decisions.
India’s 1st
Fund — UTI
Unit Scheme
Yield Fund —
UTI Dividend
Yield Fund
India’s 1st
Tax Saving
Fund —
Index Fund
— UTI Nifty
Index Fund
22 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
Performance Analysis
Despite the severe headwinds faced on account of Covid-19 during 2020-21, we made significant progress on delivering
against our set targets.
Our strategy entails focussing on high-yielding products
like Equity and Fixed Income through active fund
management for achieving higher profitability. Thus, we
have all the desired levers to move ahead and capture
the profitable assets in the market. At the same time,
we have also undertaken many initiatives to bring down
our costs through investments in technology, process
improvements and employee training to improve our
bottom-line overall.
Inputs Outcomes Capitals Impacted Stakeholders Impacted
INR 3,226 crore
Zero Debt
INR 494 crore Profit after Tax
16.50% Return on Capital
15% Return on Equity
INR 38.97 Earnings Per Share
43.62% Dividend Payout Ratio
61.28% Dividend Payout Ratio
In order to create robust value for our shareholders, we have constantly been improving our protability. As we
advance, the AUM size, product mix, and our improved cost structures, adopted to manage on an automated
and integrated basis, will drive our enhanced protability. We have also been bringing down our costs while
consciously increasing the proportion of more protable products. With a substantial contribution coming in
from B30 cities in higher fee products like Domestic Active Equity and Hybrid Funds, we are likely to improve our
protability in the future while enhancing shareholder value.
Hence, to achieve profitable growth, we focus on the
Increasing our market share in high-yielding Equity,
Hybrid and Debt products
Bringing in new investors into UTI fold
Focussing on underpenetrated markets
Growing other lines of business like PMS, AIFs,
International and Retirement businesses to contribute
significant revenue to the overall business
Matrix 2019-20 2020-21 Percentage/bps Growth
Revenue 889.96 1,198.63 34.68%
PAT 271.46 494.14 82.03%
PAT Margins 30% 41% 1,100 bps
ROE 10% 15% 500 bps
Total AUM 9,79,847 11,61,256 18.51%
Equity-oriented AUM 79,376 1,28,200 61.51%
Hybrid-oriented AUM 62,201 70,726 13.70%
Debt-oriented AUM 8,38,270 9,62,130 14.78%
*PAT: Profit After Tax *ROE: Return on Equity *AUM: Assets Under Management
(INR in crore except per equity share data)
Statutory reportS
financial statements
UTI AMC is a name synonymous with trust. Our 55+
years rich legacy has helped us establish ourselves as
a leading and pioneering brand in the Indian Mutual
Fund industry.
Our independence and focus on Asset Management business differentiates us from many of our competitors who are part
of the diversified financial institutions which carry out varied activities. Our in-house analysts provide independent and
objective analysis to our investment professionals. We believe that there is a likelihood of fewer conflicts of interest with other
business lines through this independent focus compared to our competitors. Besides, our stronger relations with a broad
set of intermediaries and in-house skills allow us to remain at the forefront. Despite not having a bank or a big financial
conglomerate as a part of our business group, we enjoy excellent relationships with leading private and foreign banking
partners. We share cordial relationships with the banking partners’ distribution teams, national distributors, Mutual Fund
Distributors (MFDs) along with other fintechs and payment platforms.
Pure-play AMC
Ability to form stronger
and deeper relationships
with intermediaries as
Strong focus on AMC
business with particular
in-house skills towards
fund accounting and boosting
efciencies and cost effectiveness
24 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
Inputs Outcomes Capitals Impacted Stakeholders Impacted
55+ Years’ experience
INR 11,61,256
Total AUM
Strong know-how
138 Mutual Fund
schemes managed
1.10 crore Live folios
11% of client base managed
as a proportion of the Indian
MF industry
Our national footprint, coupled with an extensive presence in many metropolitan and rural areas, and
established presence in B30 cities, has allowed us to leverage our brand name and also helped us create
a reputation for ourselves. We have constantly endeavoured to build on this reputation by adopting
appropriate strategies and recruiting the right people for the right jobs.
We will continue to leverage our existing strengths of brand awareness, reach, product diversity,
and strong relationships. As we do this, we will also continue serving a diverse portfolio of funds
and services. This balanced approach enables us to operate through market cycles. It reinforces
our ability to cater to our investors’ requirements and also helps reduce concentration risks for
our business, while leveraging our competencies. This ability will help us gain a higher market
share eventually.
For service,
integrity and
Ability to provide
consistent quality
Recruit and
retain skilled
In the past, we have been named amongst the top five preferred industry brands as per the Nielsen
Mutual Fund Studies for the period December 2015 to January 2016 and for the month of September
2017 – a clear testimony for our brand.
Statutory reportS
financial statements
We are a professionally managed
Asset Management Company
backed by an eminent Board of
Directors and a vastly experienced
senior management team.
UTI AMC, as a team, is guided by the vision of a senior management team
with profound market knowledge and experience. The know-how of our senior
management team helps us identify and capitalise on strategic opportunities
and respond to the changing industry, macroeconomic and regulatory dynamics
in India. Our track record of managing money over multiple market cycles is
a true testimony to the same. We follow a disciplined and rigorous investment
process, strongly supported by our in-house fundamental research, a data-
based framework for portfolio construction and internal risk management
Our investment performance is backed by our experienced and professional
44-member investment team, with a 700+ years of cumulative experience
across Domestic Mutual Fund, PMS, Retirement Solutions, Alternate Business
and Offshore businesses.
Team Strength
Domestic Equity
MF Management
Domestic Fixed
Income MF Team
RSL Investment
PMS Investment
Offshore Fund
26 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
Inputs Outcomes Capitals Impacted Stakeholders Impacted
Fund management team
700+ Cumulative years
of experience
Different skill sets and
Periodic review of fund
Robust fund management
Better and faster decision-
We have various protocols to refine the performance review processes for our fund managers and research analysts. This
helps us optimise the performance of the team and incorporate best practices. Our rigorous investment research process
takes into account both qualitative and quantitative factors. The process includes rating systems and proprietary research
methodologies that emphasise risk and performance through comprehensive review procedures, driving investment
decisions. We have also implemented a next-generation front-end trading system, Bloomberg Asset and Investment Manager.
This implementation will help us improve our trade execution by providing a more responsive, agile and efficient interface for
our dealing operations, thereby, helping us simplify risks and compliance monitoring.
In our endeavour to deliver investment outperformance against benchmarks and competitors, we follow a disciplined and
rigorous investment management process:
Going ahead, through our focus on better talent recognition, we intend to invest in the human and organisational
resources needed to increase the number of companies covered by our in-house research team. We strive to
strengthen our fund strategies further. This will enable us to increase our AUM and facilitate new product launches.
Yield and duration management as key objective
Achieved through a combination of top-down and
bottom-up approach
Research process
Takes qualitative and quantitative factors into
account along with proprietary ratings and research
Arrives at a universe of issuers in which to invest
Portfolio constructed in the light of investment
objectives and investment strategies
Emphasis on risk, diversification and performance
Comprehensive review mechanism
Supports the investment and divestment decisions of
fund managers
Equity Investment
Fixed Income
Investment Process
Investment process
In-house research team
Proprietary framework - qualitative and quantitative
Portfolio construction data framework
Diversity of styles with discipline
Bound by the investment process
Risk guidelines
Team culture
Experienced and professional team
Emphasis on collaboration
Interactive process – formal and informal
Performance measurement
Based on the performance of the fund against
benchmark and peers over different periods
Statutory reportS
financial statements
At UTI AMC, we understand
that a strong distribution
network and a transparent
approach leads the industry’s
growth. With this thought at
the core, we seek to continue
developing our network and
increasing our geographical
reach. We are constantly
expanding our existing
comprehensive multi-channel
distribution channels that bring
the stability of ows.
UTI AMC enjoys the best of both worlds through its strong in-
house capabilities and an extensive network of external distribution
channels. We reach out to our clients through a number of
distribution channels, including Mutual Fund Distributors (MFDs),
direct distribution and Banks & National Distributors (BNDs). Our
existing distribution network includes 163 UTI Financial Centres
(UFCs), 278 Business Development Associates (BDAs) & Chief Agents
(CAs) and 39 Official Points of Acceptance (OPAs) at KFintech
locations, most of which are located in the B30 cities. Furthermore,
our products are empanelled with most of the banks. Our channels
include distribution arrangements with domestic & foreign banks
and national & regional distributors. We also have dedicated
sales teams for institutional and PSU clients in place while offering
products through UFCs, digital applications, and website. Besides,
our investors are also able to invest in our schemes through mobile
*of MF QAAUM as of March 2021
28 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
Our UTI International offices in London, Dubai and
Singapore, through which we market our offshore and
domestic MFs, enable the offshore investors to invest in
Our presence is supported through our sales and
marketing strategies focussed on establishing and
At UTI AMC, we are committed to enhancing our geographical presence and open branches where there is business
potential, that may help us garner a protable growth and bring in new investors into the mutual fund fold. We plan
to strengthen further and deepen our relationship with our institutional and PSU clients. Our target is to particularly
focus on developing relationships with MSME and SME institutional clients to expand our domestic mutual fund
investor base. We also endeavour to grow our share of the provident fund business of institutional clients and target
institutional clients who are yet to invest in our domestic mutual funds to increase our overall reach.
maintaining retail and institutional management. Each
distribution channel has the requisite oversight and
manpower to service the potential opportunities in the
marketplace. They also enable us to bring down the
average cost of distribution in the long run.
Pradesh 1
J&K 1
Punjab 5
Chandigarh 1
Haryana 5
khand 3
Uttar Pradesh 13
Delhi 5
Rajasthan 10
Gujarat 15
Goa 2
Maharashtra 22
Madhya Pradesh 5
Telengana 4
Andhra Pradesh 7
Puducherry 1
Tamil Nadu 10
Kerela 5
Karnataka 11
Odisha 6
Chhattisgarh 3
Jharkhand 4
West Bengal 13
Bihar 5
Assam 4
Meghalya 1
Tripura 1
Map not to scale. For illustrative purposes only.
Our Pan India Reach
Inputs Outcomes Capitals Impacted Stakeholders Impacted
163 UTI Financial Centres
694 Districts covered
Increased scalability
Increased reach through
enhanced branch radius
Smoother operations
Social & Relationship
Statutory reportS
financial statements
The Indian Mutual
Fund industry is
expected to continue
propelling forward.
The anticipated growth
will be underwritten
by supportive industry
dynamics and long-
term structural
drivers, including
nancialisation of
household savings,
increasing market penetration of
Mutual Fund products, favourable
population and urbanisation
trends. At 6.7%, Mutual Funds
currently constitute only a small
portion of the gross household
nancial assets*, with the gure
likely to be lower in B30 cities.
Higher share from B30
of overall MF MAAUM as
compared to industry
*As of September 2020. Source: RBI Bulletin
AMCs generally incur additional distribution costs to
onboard retail customers. This again requires higher
spending on infrastructure and marketing capabilities.
As a result, AMCs with a strong existing presence in
B30 markets are better positioned to penetrate these
markets and enjoy a better play on operating leverage.
At 23%, we have a higher proportion of our Monthly
Average AUM (MAAUM) attributable to B30 cities as
compared to industry. We have a strong foothold in
these cities with a high share, with our BDA network being
in existence for nearly 3 decades. Furthermore, our broad
distribution network in B30 cities provides us economies
of scale, particularly in distribution, marketing, and back-
office activities, bringing in cost efficiencies. Since the
B30 customers are generally stickier in nature, they offer
comparatively higher profit margins.
30 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
Overall, the B30 cities currently
contribute to a lower share for
the industry as compared to the
T30 cities. This further goes on
to indicate that there is a lot of
untapped potential in these cities.
Although the figure may not be as
high, on a positive note, the share
has been increasing Y-o-Y since
2014-15. The shift has been led
by individual investors, who have
historically been inclined towards
equity funds.
At UTI AMC, we believe we are
well-positioned to capitalise on
the favourable industry dynamics,
including the under penetration
Going forward, our established presence in B30 cities positions us well to capitalise on future growth in those
underpenetrated markets. However, expanding further into these markets may require substantial investments in
marketing and distribution, which could impact our prot margins. As a result, we have been adopting an approach
to leverage the network of our long-standing MFDs, Banks and Distributors as well as through Digital presence. This
will help bring in the right balance between online interfacing and in-person interaction, eventually lowering the
cost of customer acquisition, compliance and other processes. And will help us reach more remote areas without
incurring substantial costs.
UFCs (106) and BDAs &
CAs (276) in B30 Cities
of MF products, owing to our
established presence. We are
in the right space to attract new
clients and positions through
our broad-spread distribution
network, wherein we can reach
a wider spectrum of individual
investors. Our broad client base
also provides us with a number of
opportunities, including cross-
selling of different funds. Out of
the current network of 163 UFCs,
106 are based out of B30 cities,
further testifying our focus towards
As per regulatory norms set by the
Regulator, a certain proportion of the
total AUM needs to be parked aside
towards spreading financial awareness
and investor education, in order to drive
the industry forward. We believe this
step is in the right direction. Being the
pioneers of this industry, we take pride
in having conducted investor education
and awareness programmes in the
smaller towns of India, well before it
was made mandatory. We believe that
this is imperative to make the investor
from a small centre more confident
to invest in mutual funds. In order to
effectively communicate with potential
investors across the country, we have
been concentrating on investor education
in local languages to create higher
awareness about mutual funds.
Inputs Outcomes Capitals Impacted Stakeholders Impacted
106 No. of UFCs in
B30 cities
276 BDAs and CAs in
B30 cities
56,600 No. of MFDs
23% Share of our MAAUM of
B30 cities
8.9% Folio growth in B30
Higher share of MAAUM in
B30 cities as compared to the
Social & Relationship
Statutory reportS
financial statements
At UTI AMC, we believe
in being ready for the
future. And today,
digital is the future. The
companies who have
adopted digital and
can better embrace it
will drive growth in the
times to come. There
is a strong reason to
believe that technology
and digital adoption will
enhance organisational
efciency, bring in cost
optimisation, improve
customer acquisition and
experience while also
ensuring data security.
With this philosophy,
we have undertaken a
comprehensive digital
transformation project
to build our Company’s
efcacy, capacity,
resilience and cost-
Our digital transformation
programme involves multiple
initiatives incorporating
application modernisation,
hybrid cloud architecture
adoption, business process
digitalisation, enterprise
data platform adoption and
cybersecurity enhancement.
However, the larger focus
of this programme is the
implementation of a ‘cloud
first’ vision. The idea is to
focus on the adoption of
applications and services
to reduce time-to-market
and ensure high availability,
scalability, security and the
cost-optimised deployment
of applications and services.
Thus, leading to a reduced
cost of ownership and
Further, to ramp up the
digitalisation across the
board, we will continue
investing in digital marketing
and other customer and
distributor-facing digital
initiatives. Our constant
endeavour is to make
our services seamlessly
accessible on mobile
platforms by building,
improving and maintaining
mobile applications for our
salesforce. We are doing
the same to ensure that the
customers, distributors and
employees increasingly use
mobile platforms to access
our services.
We intend to scale up the
frequency and pace of our
digital marketing campaigns.
Besides, we also plan to
increase the number of
digital platforms such as
WhatsApp and chatbots,
through which we interact
with our current and potential
customers. We will continue
building interfaces for fintech,
payments and other digital
distribution platforms to
ensure seamless connectivity
and enhance customer
reach. Going ahead, we will
also continue encouraging
the adoption of digital
tools, which have proven
particularly important during
the Covid-19 pandemic.
32 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
Acceptance of digitalisation has started reecting in growing online transactions
The initiatives we have been undertaking today are preparing us to remain ready for tomorrow. We are adopting these
initiatives across all our functions right from operational, nance and investments to marketing. Going ahead, we will
continue embracing newer technologies to ensure that we create more convenience, reduce friction and deliver faster.
We will consistently continue to invest towards the right infrastructure. And build a more secure environment with our
IT and digital teams working in collaboration. Furthermore, we will also continue adopting Articial Intelligence (AI)
and Machine Learning (ML) to churn Big Data, thereby taking the Company to the next level of growth.
Inputs Outcomes Capitals Impacted Stakeholders Impacted
24x7 Digital channels
UTI Buddy
700+ No. of digital
marketing campaigns
INR 27.7 crore
Investments towards IT
and cybersecurity
4,28,264 No. of digital SIP
75.34% Growth in number
of digital SIP transactions in
2020-21 as compared to
94% Total gross sales of
Equity, Debt & Hybrid Funds
through online platform
Social & Relationship
Assisted Journeys
Customer Service for Product and
Investment Enquiry
24x7 Availability in 6 Languages
Chat with Agent Service
Call-back to Customers
Outbound Voice Bot
Building Community
Engagement on Multiple
Touch Points across Social Media
UTI Swatantra Investor Education
Content Distribution
Launched Two Investor Education
Campaigns for ELSS & for Women
Simplifying Life
Digital KYC
Missed Call Services
Flexi Savings Plan
Quick Invest
Quick Pay Feature
Personalised and
Contextual Journey
Multi-media Marketing Platforms
Relevant Content Delivery through
Preferred Channels
Consistency and Personalisation in
Customer Experience
Progressive Profiling Campaigns
UTI Buddy Office on the go App
and Web Interface
Online Empanelment of MFDs
Initiate Transactions for Investors
to Reduce Sales Cycle
API Integrations with Partners and
24x7 Digital
Anytime, Anywhere Convenience
Website and Mobile App
Chatbot UNO and WhatsApp
Number of digital purchase
transaction (in lakhs)
FY 18
FY 19
FY 20
FY 21
Sales through digital platforms (as a %
of Equity and Hybrid MF Gross Sales)
FY 18
FY 19
FY 20
FY 21
Statutory reportS
financial statements
At UTI AMC, we have consciously created a positive
working environment promoting employee safety, growth
and goal attainment. All our efforts are directed towards
encouraging our employees to perform to their highest
ability. We strongly believe that our ability to continue
delivering value for all stakeholders centres around
our ability to attract, develop and retain dedicated and
talented people. Our focus is on building a team that is
inspired by our purpose and attracting individuals who
take emotional ownership of what they do.
No. of employees
hired during the
year 2020-21
Average years of
employee tenure
Gender ratio for
males to females
34 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
Our success directly depends
on our team of employees.
And so, we are continually
implementing several measures
to strengthen our workforce
further and improve their
motivation and development. For
example, we provide merit-based
employee compensation, which
is benchmarked to our industry
and will continue doing so in
future. Further, we use a balanced
scorecard system as part of
our performance management
system. It facilitates a holistic
assessment of our employees’
performance, supporting our ‘pay
for performance’ culture.
Our Company has always
emphasised and will continue
to focus on training and
development of our employees.
To this, we first identify short
and long-term organisational
capability requirements. Then
we establish training and
development strategies and
plans aligned to our business
objectives. Our mentoring
programme further supports
the professional growth and
development of the Company’s
new hires.
Besides, our Employee Share
Ownership Plan (ESOP) fosters
a culture of ownership and
alignment of employees’ interests
with that of our business. We
believe this ownership model
and our emphasis on team-
oriented management is likely
to further promote a shared
sense of purpose with our clients.
Additionally, it will help contribute
to low staff turnover and attract
and retain quality talent critical to
our success.
We will also continue to
pursue our strategy of external
recruitment from the market and
merit-based internal promotions,
with a particular focus on
recruiting young talent.
At UTI AMC, we endeavour to create an atmosphere where employees are constantly motivated and self-driven to
achieve their personal and business goals. Therefore, we will continue to provide industry-benchmarked salaries,
incentive-based compensation (including ESOPs) and conduct specic training programmes.
Inputs Outcomes Capitals Impacted Stakeholders Impacted
1,474 employees
373 Female employees
INR 379 crore
Employee benefit cost
22 Training and
skill development
5,919 Hours of training
conducted during the
year 2020-21
702 employees trained
during the year
Statutory reportS
financial statements
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
parameters are the top three non-nancial performance
indicators in today’s business environment. Over the
last couple of years, they have gained signicance and
become critical for long term competitive success. Today,
a structured disclosure of performance is an essential
requirement for businesses. The increased attention
around the environment, well-being of employees,
societal concerns and transparency in the business
are central factors while measuring the sustainability
and societal impact of an investment in a company
or business. In line with this, at UTI AMC, we have
proactively initiated concerted efforts in benchmarking
our processes and policies with the global best practices
across the domain of ESG.
We have undertaken a thorough review of policies, processes, disclosure requirements on ESG in a phased manner. In
order to bring the required focus to the continuously evolving ESG landscape that impacts our business, we have embarked
on the process of setting up a Board level ESG committee. The vision behind setting up this committee is to support
the organisation’s commitments towards the environment, health and safety, corporate social responsibility, corporate
governance, sustainability, and other relevant public policy matters. The committee will provide guidance, leadership and
necessary oversight for:
Embedding ESG
aspects into the
business strategy
and monitoring
and related
Engaging with
the stakeholders
by overseeing
relating to ESG
and assessing
development and
improving the
understanding of
ESG aspects
Ensuring efficient
and timely
disclosure of
ESG aspects to
36 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
Furthermore, significant progress has been made in the journey
to becoming an ESG benchmarked-organisation within the Asset
Management segment. We are in the process of putting together
the ESG integration framework that is also applicable to our
group companies, namely UTI International Ltd., UTI Retirement
Solutions Ltd., UTI Venture Funds and UTI Capital Pvt. Ltd. The ESG
framework is the first major step towards integrating essential ESG
aspects into our business operations. This framework draws from
global best practices and standards. It will serve as the guidebook
for strengthening existing management systems and cater to ESG
disclosure requirements of various stakeholders such as regulatory
authorities, shareholders, civil society, industry associations, media/
rating agencies.
Simultaneously, we have also initiated work on developing the
materiality assessment for ESG aspects. This exercise will help
identify and prioritise organisation-specific ESG considerations.
It will use focus group discussions and guidance provided
by sector-specific ESG standards such as Global Reporting
Initiative’s Financial Services Sector Disclosure and Sustainability
Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
for Asset Management and
Custody Activities. This will be followed by developing the Annual
ESG Report for UTI AMC as per Global Reporting Initiative’s
Standard ‘In Accordance – Core’. It will serve as the Company’s
ESG performance report card along with the improvement
plans going forward. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is
an international independent standards organisation that helps
businesses, governments, and other organisations understand
and communicate their impacts on climate change, human rights
and corruption. It is one of the most widely adopted standards for
ESG disclosures. The majority of Fortune 500 companies choose
to report as per GRI Standards. Moreover, demonstrating our
commitment to work towards global concerns like climate change,
we would be reporting on the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions
inventory for the organisation in our ESG disclosure, along with
plan to mitigate GHG emissions from our business operations.
We are now at
the cusp of our
ESG journey, and
there is a need
for continuous
improvement as
we progress to
keep pace with
the changing ESG
landscape. We will
be considering
getting rated
by leading ESG
rating agencies
to benchmark our
performance within
the peer group
and the industry
at large to identify
further areas of
SASB is now part of Value Reporting
Statutory reportS
financial statements
Low Mutual Fund penetration levels in India are
primarily due to the lack of awareness about this
asset class. As per SEBI’s investor awareness survey
conducted in 2015, mutual funds/SIPs were used by
only 10% of the respondents as investment and saving
avenues. This clearly indicates the necessity to create
better investor awareness. Overall advertisements by
fund houses and robust market performance are likely
to boost investors participation. This is further likely
to help deepen mutual fund penetration among new
investors, particularly in B30 markets.
Keeping the investors’ interest in mind while also encouraging higher
participation, SEBI’s regulations directed AMCs to keep aside at least
2 bps of daily net assets for investor education initiatives. This was to
boost awareness of capital markets investment products. As a responsible
organisation, we embarked upon our investor education journey in 2010.
We incubated the ‘Swatantra’ platform with the primary objective of
creating awareness about financial planning and the benefits of investing
in Mutual Funds among the common people.
UTI Swatantra
UTI Swatantra is our flagship investor education initiative. In 2013, UTI
Swatantra became India’s largest investor education programme
based on reach, making it to the Limca Book of Records. Since then,
Swatantra has undergone several changes. It is striving to mirror even
more customer responses by comprehending how customers interact
with media and how they eventually consume it. Basis this, in 2019, we
refreshed the platform by creating a multi-channel approach entailing:
Regular publications in print media
Talk show radio programmes
Presence on social media
Objectives of our Well-
structured and Efciently
Implemented Investor
Education Programme:
Protecting investors by educating them
on their rights and responsibilities
Empowering with the knowledge to
evaluate different financial products
and make informed decisions
Enabling investors to understand and
manage risks
Reducing investors vulnerability to
fraudulent schemes
Expanding outreach of financial services
and products
Planning an informed retirement and
Participating in financial markets with
38 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
1. Chatbot
We launched Chatbot in October 2020 to enhance the consumer
experience on our website. It is aimed at deriving more insights from users’
journey to find a better opportunity to engage through their personalised
journey. Thus, helping them make a more informed investment decision, and
all with the click of a button.
2. Quora Handle
We started our Quora handle in the name Swatantra Kumar in October
2020. The idea behind this was to reach and engage with a high intent
audience seeking information to make their investment decisions.
Some of the initiatives that we undertook around the year as stated below:
3. Interactive ‘Expert Se Poocho’ page
We also launched a page on in November 2020. This was
to connect the consumers with a panel of qualified investment advisors.
4. Launched Third Season of the Radio Show ‘#Mutual
fund 101’ in January 2021
We launched our radio show on the channel Radio One across 5 cities. This
is a weekly morning drive time show where experts (MFD’s) from each of the
5 cities engage with listeners by telling them all about investing in mutual
funds. It throws light on how people with varied goals/age/profile/income
can start their investment journey.
6. Other Marquee Initiatives
Conducted FB Live shows with experts
Created engaging, byte-sized content using innovative formats
Repurposed existing content to build better connect
Produced regional content in 11 languages to reach larger
5. The Colloquium
We launched our virtual marquee event named ‘The Colloquium’ on 18
March 2021 to extend our knowledge-sharing objective about the prevailing
market trends. It targeted our key clients to encourage enriching conversations
with prominent thought leaders.
Registrations Witnessed
Statutory reportS
financial statements
We have always aimed to increase brand salience through
specic investor-segment led conversations as well:
1. First Time Jobber Segment
We targeted people in the age bracket of 18-30 years who may
have just begun their wealth creation journey. To provide solutions
to this audience on First Easy Step to start investing in mutual
funds, we promoted Index Fund and investment through SIP for
various life goals.
Initiatives under this campaign were:
Investor Awareness Programme (IAP): We started this
financial literacy programme for college students to start
their future on the right note.
People Reached through TV
Campaigns via Movies, News and
Regional GEC Channels
Conducted across
105 Cities
Unique Listeners’ Reach
through Podcasts
Millennial Money Matters (Podcast): We created
this podcast series comprising 4 episodes. We
presented different stories in each episode to show
how one can manage his/her first paycheque and be
smart with money.
40 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
Total Reach through the
Tax Campaign
Share of Voice (SOV) on
Television in the MF Category
2. Launched Women Investor Education
We launched ‘Equal Right Equal Responsibilities’ campaign
to raise awareness and drive investor education amongst
independent, working women.
Audience Reach through Women
Investor Education Campaign
Besides, we also created some thought-provoking video-
based content on the same lines and promoted it on TV and
digital platforms.
3. Tax Campaigns
We ran an investor education campaign for promoting ELSS
with dual benefits. Generally, in the month of March, people
tend to panic because of last-minute tax planning. We created
more awareness and shared information on tax saving and
wealth creation through this campaign run around tax filing
time across TV and digital platforms.
Statutory reportS
financial statements
Dinesh Kumar Mehrotra is the Non-Executive Chairman and Independent Director of the
Company. He has previously served as the Chairman and the Managing Director of LIC.
He has also served as the Executive Director of International Operations at LIC. He holds
a B.Sc. (Honours) degree from the University of Patna. His appointment as an Independent
Director of the Company was approved by the shareholders at the Annual General
Meeting held on 23 August 2017.
Edward Cage Bernard is a Non-Executive Director of the Company. Prior to joining the
Company, he was associated with the TRP group as a Vice Chairman, T. Rowe Price
Group Inc. as a Director on the Board and as a member of the firm’s Management
Committee. Currently, he is also associated with T. Rowe Price Group Inc. as a Senior
Advisor. He holds a B.A. degree in Religious Studies from Brown University and an MBA in
finance from New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business. His appointment
as an Non-Executive Director of the Company was approved by the shareholders at the
Annual General Meeting held on 22 August 2019.
Flemming Madsen is a Non-Executive Director of the Company. He is the Head of Global
Financial Intermediaries at T. Rowe Price. He is a Vice President of T. Rowe Price Group,
Inc., T. Rowe Price International Ltd and member of the EMEA Distribution Executive
Committee. He has been associated with T. Rowe Price for 21 years. His total 37 years’
experience in the financial industry includes capital markets transactions, investment
banking, and asset management. His appointment as an Non-Executive Director of the
Company was approved by the shareholders at the Extra Ordinary General Meeting held
on 20 January 2010.
Mr. Dinesh Kumar Mehrotra
Non-Executive Chairman and Independent Director
Mr. Edward Cage Bernard
Non-Executive Non-Independent Director
Mr. Flemming Madsen
Non-Executive Non-Independent Director
DOA: 11 April 2017
DOA: 01 October 2018
DOA: 20 January 2010
Board of Directors
42 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
Deepak Kumar Chatterjee is an Independent Director of the Company. Prior to joining the
Company, he was associated with SBI Funds Management Private Limited as the Managing
Director and Chief Executive Officer and SBI Capital Markets Limited as a Executive Vice
President. He was also associated with IIFCL Projects Limited as its Chief Executive Officer
and IIFCL Asset Management Company Limited as a Director. He holds a B.Sc. (Honours)
degree in Physics from University of Delhi, an M.Sc. degree in Agricultural Physics from
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi and an MBA from University of Delhi. He
is also a Certificated Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers. His appointment as an
Independent Director of the Company was approved by the shareholders at the Annual
General Meeting held on 25 September 2018.
Rajeev Kakar is an Independent Director of the Company. He currently serves on the
boards of various banks and financial institutions such as Eurobank Ergasias SA (Greece),
Gulf International Bank (GIB Bahrain), Gulf International Bank (GIB Saudi Arabia) and
Commercial International Bank (Egypt). He started his career in 1988 at Citibank NA,
where he worked for 18 years and in his last role, was the Managing Director and Division
Head for Turkey, Middle East and Africa region. In 2006, he moved to become the Global
co-founder of Fullerton Financial Holdings Pte. Ltd., headquartered in Singapore (a wholly-
owned subsidiary of Temasek Holdings Pte. Ltd., Singapore), where he served for 11 years
in various roles including serving on its Global Management Board, as its Executive Vice
President, Head of Consumer Banking and Head of Central and Eastern Europe, Middle
East and Africa region. Simultaneously, he also was the Founder of Dunia Finance LLC in
UAE, where he operated as its Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer. He holds a
B. Tech. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
and a Post Graduate Diploma in Management from the Indian Institute of Management,
Ahmedabad. His appointment as an Independent Director of the Company was approved
by the shareholders at the Extra Ordinary General Meeting held on 16 December 2019.
Mr. Deepak Kumar Chatterjee
Independent Director
Mr. Rajeev Kakar
Independent Director
DOA: 25 September 2018
DOA: 20 November 2019
Narasimhan Seshadri is an Independent Director of the Company. He has four decades of
experience in the banking industry, having served two major public sector banks viz Canara
Bank and Bank of India. Prior to joining the Company, he was a Director on the board of
NPCI and a whole-time Executive Director on the Board of Bank of India. He holds Masters
Degree in Commerce from Bangalore university: Masters in Divya Prabandam MA (DP)
from Sastra University and Masters in Banking and Finance (MBA Banking and Finance)
from IGNOU/Indian Institute of Bankers. He is a certified associate of the India institute of
Bankers. His appointment as an Independent Director of the Company was approved by
the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting held on 23 August 2017.
Mr. Narasimhan Seshadri
Independent Director
DOA: 14 October 2016
Statutory reportS
financial statements
Dipali H Sheth is an Independent Director of the Company. Dipali serves as Independent
Director on the Boards of four other companies. Prior to joining the Company, she was
associated with RBS Business Services Private Limited as the Country Head of Human
Resources, Standard Chartered Bank as Head HR South Asia, Procter & Gamble
Distribution Company Limited and DCM Limited. She holds a B.A. (Honours) degree in
Economics from University of Delhi, passed out from the DCM Management Centre, and
is an accredited Coach from ICF and Gallup, USA. Her appointment as an Independent
Director of the Company was approved by the shareholders at the Extra Ordinary General
Meeting held on 16 December 2019.
Jayashree Vaidhyanathan is an Independent Director of the Company. She currently
serves as a Co-Founder and CEO of BCT Digital, a technology company specialising
in AI and Predictive analytics. Prior to BCT, she was associated with Scope International
Private Limited as Head of Technology and Strategy and served as a partner with
Accenture Services Private Limited. She has also served as an Independent Director
in Altran, a $3.2 Billion Global Engineering and Innovation consulting firm and
Mahindra Sanyo Steel. She holds a B.E. degree in Computer Science Engineering from
University of Madras and an MBA from Cornell University. She is also a Chartered
Financial Analyst from the Association for Investment Management and Research.
Her appointment as an Independent Director of the Company was approved by the
shareholders at the Extra Ordinary General Meeting held on 16 December 2019.
Imtaiyazur Rahman is the Chief Executive Officer and Whole-Time Director of the
Company. He has more than 30 years of experience in management, business leadership,
leading change and forming strategic alliances. He joined the UTI Group in 1998 as part
of UTI Investor Technology Services Ltd. and joined UTI AMC Ltd. in 2003. He was also
the CFO of the Company from 2005. In his role as Group President & Chief Finance
Officer, he headed the functions of Finance, Accounts, Taxation, Information Technology
and Board related matters. He is a Science graduate, Fellow member of Institute of
Cost Accountants of India and Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Certified Public
Accountant (USA) and GAMP (ISB-Kellog).
Mr. Rahman is on the Board of UTI International (Singapore), UTI International Ltd.
Guernsey, UTI Venture Funds Management Co. Pvt. Ltd., UTI Capital Ltd., UTI Retirement
Solutions Ltd., IOT Infrastructure & Energy Services Ltd. and Association of Mutual Funds
in India. He was also a member of the working group for risk management in liquid
schemes constituted by SEBI. Prior to joining the Company, he was associated with Sumeet
Machines Ltd, Leasing Finance India Ltd, Bells Controls Ltd, New India Rubber Works (P)
Ltd. and S. Gupta & Co.
Ms. Dipali Hemant Sheth
Independent Director
Ms. Jayashree Vaidhyanathan
Independent Director
Mr. Imtaiyazur Rahman
CEO & Whole Time Director
DOA: 20 November 2019
DOA: 20 November 2019
DOA: 28 April 2019
44 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
Senior Management
Mr. Vetri Subramaniam
Group President
and Head of Equity
Mr. Imtaiyazur Rahman
Chief Executive Ofcer
and Whole-Time Director
Mr. Surojit Saha
Chief Financial Ofcer
Mr. Amandeep Chopra
Group President
and Head of Fixed Income
Mr. Arvind Patkar
Company Secretary
Statutory reportS
financial statements
Mr. Vivek Maheshwari
Senior Executive Vice President,
Head of Risk and Compliance Ofcer (MF)
Mr. Indranil Choudhury
and Head of Human Resources
Mr. Vinay Lakhotia
Senior Executive Vice President
and Head of Operations
Mr. Gaurav Suri
Senior Executive Vice President
and Head of Marketing
Mr. Peshotan Dastoor
Group President
and Head of Sales
46 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
Mr. Balram Bhagat
Chief Executive Ofcer
– UTI Retirement Solutions Ltd.
Mr. Rohit Gulati
Chief Executive Ofcer
– UTI Capital Ltd.
Mr. Praveen Jagwani
Chief Executive Ofcer
– UTI International Ltd.
Mr. Sandeep Samsi
Executive Vice President,
Executive Assistant to CEO
and Head of Corporate Communications,
Strategy & Investor Relations
Mr. Siddamurthy
Raghunath Reddy
Executive Vice President
and Head of Information Technology
Statutory reportS
financial statements
Risk management is one of the key focus areas for
us at UTI AMC. We have established processes and
systems in place to ensure a robust company-wide
risk management. Our Board of Directors formulates
and periodically reviews our risk management
policies, procedures and processes. These entail
delegation of investment and nancial responsibilities,
establishing prudent investment norms, approving
and disseminating guidelines and restrictions, and
establishing counter-party limits. The Board also
reviews the performance of funds against the relevant
benchmark and competing funds. Besides, we have
a well-qualied team of professionals with rich
experience, which reports to the Board.
Market : The risk of uncertainty is associated
with any investment decision. Price volatility often
arises due to unanticipated fluctuations in factors
that commonly affect the entire financial market.
Market risk is the possibility of loss arising from
changes in the value of a financial instrument
due to changes in market variables such as equity
prices, interest rates, exchange rates or other asset
prices, or higher volatility of funds or returns as
compared to the benchmark or competing funds.
Position limits
Price movement alerts
Stress Tests and Value at
Risk (VaR)
Board of
Risk Management
Internal Audit &
Operating Risk
Audit Committee of the Board
(5 Directors)
Risk Management Committee of
the Board (5 Directors)
Risk adjusted performance
Description Mitigation Measures
48 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
Operational: The risk of loss from
inadequate or failed internal processes and
systems or from external events, including
employee errors, improper documentation
of transactions, failure of operational and
information security procedures, computer
systems, software or other equipment,
business interruptions and inappropriate
behaviour of employees or vendors.
Straight through processing
Segregation of front office and
back office
Inbuilt systems control
Concurrent Audit (Dealing and
Internal Audit Function
Adequate risk disclosures and
trained sales team
Credit: The risk of loss in the market
value of debt securities due to downgrading
by credit rating agencies or default in
payment by issuers.
Investment: Our funds are
exposed to underperformance risk with
respect to both the relevant benchmarks
and competing funds due to investment
related risks, which include market risks
and credit risks.
Liquidity/Concentration: This
risk mainly arises in respect of open-ended
funds, which typically allow investors to
redeem their units at any time. If a significant
number of investors opt for redemption from
a particular fund simultaneously, the fund
may face liquidity risk. The risk is particularly
high in respect of Income Funds, considering
the low level of debt securities actively
traded in Indian markets and the high
concentration of investors in select funds.
Counter-party exposure limits
Committee’s approval above
predefined limits
Independent review of external
credit ratings
In-house Credit Research Team
Comprehensive Investment
Regular monitoring of funds
Quantitative investment
Inbuilt System Control
Review of equity holdings
Review of portfolio
Review of investors’
Covid-19 impact: As a part of our response to the Covid-19 pandemic, we reinforced our operational risk
management and enhanced our business continuity programme. It helped us scale beyond the physical office premises
and enabled our employees to work from home with secure remote access (including usage of virtual private networks
and two-factor authentication for software as a service-based application). Additionally, we also adopted certain
policies and procedures to manage various risks applicable to our operations. Even under a digital environment,
the basics of the risk management process remain the same. Hence, even during these testing times, we continue to
operate within strong governance structures, and we will continually endeavour to enhance and strengthen it.
Description Mitigation Measures
Offsite DR Centre
Business Continuity Planning
and periodic DR Drills
Comprehensive Insurance
Board of Trustees and
Compliance Officer
Early warning signal
framework and system
Investment in high rated
debt securities
Restrictions on unrated
Review of Credit VaR
Review of Performance
Research Fund
Independent dealing room
Performance-based Incentive
Independent risk management
Position limits for single
Line of credit
Minimum regulatory liquid
Statutory reportS
financial statements
At UTI AMC, being part of the Mutual Fund industry,
our business is dependent on relationships with our
several stakeholders including customers, employees,
shareholders, business associates, communities,
and regulators, among others. We believe that a
successful business is all about strong relationships.
While engaging with our stakeholders, it is highly imperative to take cognisance of the material aspects
that could impact our ability to create value over the short, medium and long-term horizons. This belief
fosters an inclusive approach focussed on understanding their needs, interests and expectations.
We regularly engage with them and periodically review these material aspects in the context of the
macroeconomic environment, changing business environment, social, emerging trends and feedback
from stakeholders. In identifying the material issues, we follow a process to determine those issues
which could significantly impact the sustainability of the business across various cycles. As a result,
enabling us to create value for both, the organisation as well as the stakeholders.
Recording the responses
and ltering those
on the basis of their
needs, demands and
Rating them by the level
of importance for us
and from stakeholder
Development of
mechanism to
communicate with them
on a regular basis
Arrive at the material
aspects for the
Consider these as
priorities, at Board
level to comprehend if
these can be included
as part of strategic way
Process used to identify material issues
50 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
Material issues identied by the us through our engagements
with our stakeholders:
Parameters of high importance
Customer-centricity Economic
Responsible business
Customer service Economic performance
Ethical practices, anti-bribery, and
Data protection and information
Risk modelling and management Transparency and disclosures
Stability of system and processes Financial performance Responsible investment
Innovation and IT deployment Cost control and profit margin Community well-being
Customer protection and satisfaction Market/Product competition Risk and capital management
Product quality Industry trends Climate change
Technological advancement
Delivering appropriate
shareholders’ returns
Grievance mechanisms
Brand loyalty and Company
Diversity and inclusion
Investor awareness programmes and
financial literacy
Employee engagements
Occupational health and safety
Human rights
Gender diversity
Talent retention and succession
Operational excellence
Waste management
Statutory reportS
financial statements
Increase geographical reach and expand
distribution channels
Deepen presence in T30 cities
Continue to leverage long-standing relationships with MFDs to reach
more remote areas without incurring substantial costs
Broaden distribution network enabling reach to individual investors
(B30 cities and historically underserved areas)
Developing relationships with small and medium-sized institutional
#Strategy 1
Continue to develop PMS, Offshore and
Alternative Funds businesses
Focus on distribution partnerships, including co-branded and white-
labelled funds
Expand in-house distribution and client coverage capabilities, including
making further in-market hires overseas
Strengthen relationships with wealth platforms and local banks
Expand alternative investment funds business
#Strategy 2
At UTI AMC, our focus has been on developing strategies
that eventually help deliver long-term value for us and
the stakeholders at large. Our strategies are specially
designed to respond to the current and expected future
operating environments promptly. Thus, strengthening
our capability and potential to create value.
52 ANNUAL REPORT 2020-21
corporate overview
Continue to attract, retain and develop
human capital
Ownership model and emphasis on team-oriented management
Hired 158 personnel including management trainees in 2020-21
#Strategy 3
Drive superior investment performance
across our categories of funds
Increase the number of companies covered by the in-house
research team and fund strategies
Launch new products and enable AUM growth
Refine performance review processes for fund managers and
research analysts continuously, to optimise performance
#Strategy 4
Actively pursue additional partnership
Explore opportunities to establish strategic partnerships with
established distributors, including aggregators with extensive
networks of sub-brokers
#Strategy 5
Leverage technology and digitalisation to
enhance efciency and cost optimisation
Improve customer engagement and ensure data security
Continued investments in digital marketing and other customer-
and distributor-facing digital initiatives
Build interfaces for fintech, payments and other digital distribution
#Strategy 6
Statutory reportS
financial statements