Litigation Funding Agreement
Legal Justice Pty Limited
ACN 162 351 055
THIS AGREEMENT is made on the Agreement Date referred to in this agreement
LEGAL JUSTICE PTY LTD ACN 162 351 055, a company duly incorporated
according to the laws of Australia and carrying on business at 316 Pacific Highway, Lane
Cove in the State of New South Wales (“Litigation Lender”)
THE CLAIMANT referred to in this agreement.
A. The Claimant was booked to be a passenger on a Cruise arranged by the
Defendant on rivers in Europe during 2013.
B. Although the Claimant booked and paid for a Cruise on the basis that it would be
a luxury river cruise, the Defendant did not provide a luxury river cruise, but
provided in lieu an itinerary primarily consisting of transportation by bus. The
Defendant engaged in deceptive conduct, inter-alia, by failing to inform the
Claimant in a timely manner of its inability to provide the luxury river cruise
which the Claimant had booked.
C. The Claimant is entitled to pursue the Claim against the Defendant as a
Representative Proceeding.
D. The Litigation Lender has agreed to provide financial assistance to the Claimant
by way of paying the Claim Costs in accordance with the terms of this agreement.
E. The Claimant agrees to make certain payments to the Litigation Lender in
accordance with this agreement, based on money the Claimant recovers from the
F. The Claimant has been advised to obtain independent legal advice in respect of
this agreement, and has either obtained that advice, or had a reasonable
opportunity to do so.
G. The Claimant has read and understood the terms of this agreement.
1. Interpretation
1.1. Definitions
In this agreement, whether the context permits:
Agreement Date means:
the date appearing in the Schedule to this agreement, if the Claimant signs a
paper copy of this agreement; or otherwise
the date on which the Claimant accepts the agreement by clicking the button
labelled “I accept” on the Website.
Claim means any legal proceeding against the Defendant in relation to the Cruises in
which the Claimant is a party, or is a member of a class referred to in such legal
proceedings and includes any appeal from any such legal proceedings.
Claim Costs means the costs and expenses reasonably incurred in relation to the
Claim, before or after the date of this agreement, including:
a) Professional fees and disbursements of solicitors conducting the Claim;
b) Professional fees and disbursements of barristers conducting the Claim;
c) Court filing fees and all other court fees;
d) Experts’ fees and expenses; and
e) Witnesses’ fees and expenses.
Claimant mean the person whose name was provided electronically as the Claimant
prior to that person clicking the button labelled “I accept” on the Website.
Court means the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
Cruise means the arrangements made by the Defendant which were marketed as
being “cruises” on European rivers between but including May 2013 to July 2013.
Business Day means a Business Day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or Public holiday
in the State of New South Wales.
Defendant means Scenic Tours Pty Limited ABN 85 002 715 602 trading as “Scenic
Tours” and “Evergreen Tours”.
Defendant Costs has the meaning specified in clause 7.
Lead Claimant means the Claimant who issues the Claim as the representative party
for all of the Claimants.
Other Claimant means any person other than the Claimant who is a member of the
class referred to in the Representative Proceeding.
Personal Information has the meaning given to it by the Privacy Act.
Proceeds of the Claim means any money, goods, services, benefits or other
consideration received by the Claimant in respect of the Claim whether provided as
a result of a judgment, or settlement, and includes interest. However, Proceeds of
the Claim shall not include any money ordered by any Court to be paid to the
Claimant by the Defendant by way of legal costs. Proceeds of Claim shall also not
include any money or other benefit provided to the Claimant prior to 1 April 2014.
Privacy Act means Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
Representative Proceeding means proceedings commenced under Part 10 of the
Civil Procedure Act 2005 of New South Wales by the Lead Claimant on behalf of
the Claimant and the Other Claimants in relation to the Claim.
Solicitors means such firm of solicitors as is retained to prosecute the Claims.
Website means the page appearing at the Internet address,
and the pages which are linked to that page.
2.1. The Litigation Lender shall pay:
2.1.1. all of the Claim Costs on behalf of the Claimant; and
2.1.2. any liability of the Claimant in respect of any Defendant Costs.
2.2. The obligations of the Litigation Lender to make payments in accordance with
clause 2.1 of this agreement apply only for so long as the Claimant is not in breach
of any of the Claimant’s obligations under this agreement.
3.1. Upon the Claimant receiving any of the Proceeds of the Claim, the Claimant shall
pay to the Litigation Lender:
3.1.1. The Claimant’s share of the Claim Costs and of any Defendant Costs; and
3.1.2. 15 percent of the Proceeds of the Claim paid or provided by the
Defendant; and
3.1.3. 18 percent of the Proceeds of the Claim paid or provided by the Defendant
on or after 30 November 2014, in addition to the 15 percent thereof
referred to in clause 3.1.2.
3.2. For the purposes of the calculation required by clause 3.1:
3.2.1. the value of any part of the Proceeds of the Claim which does not consist
of Australian dollars shall be converted to Australian dollars on such
reasonable basis as the Litigation Lender determines; and
3.2.2. subject to the approval of the Court, the Claimant’s share of the Claim
Costs and of any Defendant Costs shall be calculated by the Litigation
Lender based on sharing those costs between the Claimants in the same
ratio as the ratio between them of the Proceeds of the Claim to which they
are respectively entitled.
3.3. The Claimant shall not be entitled to assign or grant any security over the
Claimant’s actual or potential entitlements to the Proceeds of the Claim.
4.1. The Claimant shall provide all assistance reasonably required by the Litigation
Lender or by the Solicitors in relation to the Claim and shall provide any relevant
documents which the Litigation Lender or the Solicitors may reasonably request.
4.2. In all of the Claimant’s dealings with the Litigation Lender and with the
Solicitors, the Claimant will act with honesty and with the utmost good faith.
4.3. The Claimant acknowledges that, if it provides any false or misleading
information to the Litigation Lender, to the Solicitors, or to the Court, this may
adversely affect the Claim. The Claimant shall indemnify the Litigation Lender
for any breach by the Claimant of the obligations under clause 4.2.
5.1. The Litigation Lender shall provide to the Claimant regular, accurate reports as
to the progress of the Claim.
5.2. The Litigation Lender and shall provide to the Claimant any further information
as the Claimant may reasonably request in relation to the Claim.
6.1. No settlement of the Claim pursued as a Representative Proceeding, can take
place until the settlement is approved by the Court after it conducts a hearing to
determine whether the settlement is fair and reasonable and adequate. The
Litigation Lender shall notify the Claimant of any proposed settlement and of the
Claimant’s right to object to the Court in relation to any proposed settlement. The
Claimant will be bound by an order of the Court made in the Representative
Proceeding approving a settlement of the Claim.
6.2. The Claimant may not make or accept an offer of settlement in the Claim or have
any negotiations or other communications with any representative of the
Defendant in regard to settlement, whether directly or through lawyers or other
intermediaries (other than the Solicitors), without the prior written agreement of
the Litigation Lender.
7.1. The Claimant acknowledges that the Claimant may have contingent liability for
costs incurred in the Claim by the Defendant should the Claim not be successful.
7.2. The Litigation Lender agrees to pay the Defendant Costs, and indemnifies the
Claimant against Defendant Costs in respect of the Claim. However, the
Litigation Lender shall not be liable to pay the Defendant Costs, or indemnify the
Claimant to the extent that liability for the Defendant Costs arises out of any
dishonesty of the Claimant, or other breach by the Claimant of this agreement.
8.1. The Claimant shall not take any proceedings other than the Claim in any court or
tribunal against the Defendant relating to the same or similar facts upon which
the Claim is based, or take any other steps as a result of which the Proceeds of
the Claim may be reduced.
9.1. The Litigation Lender may have already entered, and may in the future enter into
agreements with Other Claimants, and the Claimant shall have no rights in
respect of any such other agreements.
9.2. The Litigation Lender has disclosed that its director and shareholder is a relative
of the founding partner of the Solicitors, who is also a Claimant, and that the
Solicitors act on behalf of the Litigation Lender.
10.1. Any dispute between the parties to this agreement in relation to any mathematical
calculation required for the purposes of this agreement shall be referred for
determination to an independent accountant, who shall act as an expert and not
as an arbitrator. Such independent accountant shall be appointed by agreement
between the parties or, failing such agreement, by the President of the Institute of
Chartered Accountants Australia.
10.2. Any dispute between the parties to this agreement in relation to whether any offer
of settlement should be made or accepted shall be referred for determination to
an independent barrister of at least five years’ standing, who shall act as an expert
and not as an arbitrator. Such independent barrister shall be appointed by
agreement between the parties or, failing such agreement, by the Solicitors.
10.3. Any other dispute between the parties to this agreement shall be referred for
mediation by a mediator appointed by LEADR. However, such mediation shall
not prevent a party from instituting legal proceedings.
11.1. In the course of the conduct of the Claim, the Litigation Lender may collect
Personal Information concerning the Claimant.
11.2. The Litigation Lender shall use such Personal Information only for the purposes
of the Claim. This use may extend to advertising in order to make contact with
Other Claimants.
11.3. Otherwise, the Litigation Lender shall protect the Personal Information of the
Claimant as required by the Privacy Act.
12.1. The Claimant cannot assign any of the Claimant’s rights hereunder without the
Litigation Lender's prior written consent.
12.2. The Litigation Lender shall not be entitled to assign and novate any of the benefits
or obligations on its part to be enjoyed or performed herein.
13.1. This agreement is not intended to create a partnership, joint venture, agency or
employment contract.
14.1. The parties must keep confidential all information obtained in investigations or
negotiations leading to this agreement and also the terms of this agreement and
all information exchanged between the parties pursuant to the terms of this
15.1. The Claimant does not waive any legal professional privilege in any material
disclosed to the Litigation Lender all of which such disclosures are only for the
purposes of the Claim contemplated in this agreement.
16.1. Any notice required or permitted to be given under this agreement shall be in
16.2. Any such notice may be served on the Litigation Lender at the address shown in
this agreement, and any such notice may be served on the Claimant at the address
for the claimant provided to the Solicitors.
16.3. Any such notice shall be delivered personally, or sent by prepaid mail or sent by
email, provided that no notice is received by the sender indicating a failure to
deliver such email.
16.4. Any party may change its address for service by notice served upon the other
parties to this agreement.
17.1. The invalidity or unenforceability of any one or more of the provisions or
subclauses of this agreement will not invalidate or render unenforceable the
remaining provisions of this agreement. Any legal or invalid provision in this
agreement shall be severable and all other provisions will remain in full force and
18.1. A legally binding contract in terms of this agreement shall be formed between the
Parties upon:
the Claimant providing an executed copy of this agreement to the Litigation
Lender or to the Solicitors, if the Claimant signs a paper copy of this agreement;
or otherwise
the Claimant clicking the button labelled “I accept” on the Website.
22.1 This agreement shall be governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia.
22.2 The parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of New South Wales in relation
to any dispute arising under this agreement.
23.1 In this agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:-
23.1.1 Expressions indicating the singular number shall be capable of indicating the
plural number and vice versa.
23.1.2 Expressions indicating natural persons shall also be capable of indicating bodies
corporate and vice versa.
23.1.3 Headings shall not form part of this agreement and shall not be relevant to the
construction hereof.
23.1.4 In the event that any of the provisions of this agreement is unenforceable, then
the other provisions of this agreement shall remain of full force and effect.
23.1.5 In the event of any ambiguity in the construction of this agreement, the ambiguity
shall not be construed against any party on the basis of that party being
responsible for the preparation of this agreement or for the inclusion of any clause
in this agreement.
23.1.6 A reference to the Claimant includes a reference to their successors, heirs and
assigns to the intent that all such successors, heirs and assigns are bound by the
terms of this agreement.