TXTing 101: Finding Security Issues in the Long Tail of DNS TXT Records
Olivier van der Toorn
University of Twente
Roland van Rijswijk-Deij
University of Twente
Tobias Fiebig
TU Delft
Martina Lindorfer
TU Wien
Anna Sperotto
University of Twente
Abstract—The DNS TXT resource record is the one with the
most flexibility for its contents, as it is a largely unstructured.
Although it might be the ideal basis for storing any form
of text-based information, it also poses a security threat, as
TXT records can also be used for malicious and unintended
practices. Yet, TXT records are often overlooked in security
research. In this paper, we present the first structured
study of the uses of TXT records, with a specific focus on
security implications. We are able to classify over 99.54%
of all TXT records in our dataset, finding security issues
including accidentally published private keys and exploit
delivery attempts. We also report on our lessons learned
during our large-scale, systematic analysis of TXT records.
Index Terms—DNS, Security, Measurement, Classification
1. Introduction
The Domain Name System (DNS) is critical to the In-
ternet’s infrastructure but has long outgrown its original
purpose of resolving names to IP addresses. Applications
nowadays rely on DNS to prevent email spoofing (SPF)
and to verify SSH (Secure SHell) and TLS (Transport
Layer Security) key fingerprints (SSHFP and TLSA). With
DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH), it has now even become pos-
sible for browsers and browser-based malware to retrieve
DNS information directly [1].
Of the existing resource record (RR) types, the TXT
RR is the one that provides the most flexibility in terms of
content. Its use and format have been subject to changes
and debates over the years. While DNS TXT records
initially were supposed to only hold descriptive text (RFC
1035), RFC 1464 tried to structure the record type by
introducing a key–value store format, which, e.g., SPF
and DKIM use. In practice, the freedom of an unstructured
resource record remains, which allows anyone to publish
any text-based information. This makes TXT records ideal
We would like to thank Daniël Meinsma for starting this research
by finding (malicious) PowerShell code samples in TXT records. This
work has been partially funded by the EU H2020 projects CON-
CORDIA (#830927), CyberSecurity4Europe (#830929), and Safe-DEED
(#825225). Furthermore, it has been funded by SIDN-fonds, an indepen-
dent fund on the initiative of SIDN, the registrar for ‘.nl’ domains. The
research leading to these results has also received funding from SBA
Research (SBA-K1), which is funded within the framework of COMET
Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies by BMVIT, BMDW, and
the federal state of Vienna, managed by the FFG.
TABLE 1: Overview of TXT records in our dataset.
Class Percent # of Records
A Standardized 68.95% 50,304,343
B Non standardized 31.05% 22,655,424
C - Legitimate, well defined 14.40% 10,504,491
D - Legitimate, not well defined 15.48% 11,292,795
E - Unclassified 1.17% 858,138
candidates for malicious and unintended practices, yet, the
TXT records are generally overlooked in security research.
This paper aims at filling this void, by providing a
longitudinal view of how DNS TXT records are used in
practice, focusing on unconventional use cases and their
security implications. Our dataset consists of all TXT
records from OpenINTEL [2], [3], amounting to roughly
75 billion TXT records collected between March 2015 and
December 2018. The breakdown of the TXT records in Ta-
ble 1 shows that the majority has a well-defined purpose,
being either standardized or non-standardized (83.35%).
This includes email verification and the verification of
domain ownership. For 15.48% of TXT records, the un-
derlying use case is not well-defined, but matching them
against regular expressions suggests legitimate use cases
(e.g., references to DNS services, dates). Finally, 1.17%
of the TXT records fall outside the previously mentioned
categories. This leads to the question of what type of
information is contained in this tail of TXT records.
Our main contributions are: (1) A structured and his-
torical analysis of TXT records spanning more than three
years. We highlight changes in how, and how often, TXT
records are used. (2) An in-depth analysis of the so-
far neglected tail of TXT records, focusing on security
implications. (3) Our lessons learned, especially in terms
of the amount of manual labor involved, in systematically
analyzing security issues in TXT records.
2. Background and Related Work
DNS and TXT Record Use. DNS originally only tied
domain names and IP addresses together, but has been
continuously extended to keep pace with the technical
requirements of the ever changing Internet. Major changes
include the introduction of new record types, e.g., SRV,
DNSSEC, DNS-over-TCP, and the introduction of DNS-
2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW)
© 2020, Olivier van der Toorn. Under license to IEEE.
DOI 10.1109/EuroS&PW51379.2020.00079
A more subtle way to add new functionality to DNS is
overloading existing resource record types. TXT records
have been commonly used for this, as they were initially
built to hold descriptive (free) text. While some attempts
were made to structure (RFC 1464) or discourage (RFC
5507) using TXT records this way, several common appli-
cations leverage them. For example, TXT records are used
for various forms of email validation and spam preven-
tion, including SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, but DNS TXT
records can also be used as a way of finding contacts [4],
or to monitor IoT devices [5]. Besides these legitimate
use cases, malicious uses include adding large records to
create more efficient DNS amplification attacks [6], or
creating a command and control channel for malware [7],
[8], [9], [10], [11], [12]. Most recently, spam campaigns
have started to query DNS TXT records from JavaScript
embedded in their HTML payload to dynamically redirect
to target URLs [1].
DNS Measurement Studies. Initially, DNS-related mea-
surement studies focused on passive measurements that
investigate clients’ use of DNS [13], [14], while active
measurements provide a better understanding of the op-
erational side of Internet infrastructure. To make such
measurements reliable, research have to account for: (1)
DNS not necessarily being consistent across several van-
tage points, (2) the large amount of involved data, and
(3) measurements being temporally consistent. To address
these issues, van Rijswijk et al. build OpenINTEL, a
platform for longitudinal DNS scans [2], [3].
Streibelt et al. [15] actually use inconsistencies in DNS
replies to measure DNS. In their specific case they use
reply differences based on EDNS0 to measure DNS load
balancing (RFC 1794). Studies into the use of specific RRs
include Fiebig et al. looking into PTR records [16], [17],
and Portier et al. taking a first look at TXT records [18].
The latter however focused mostly on quantifying the well
known parts of TXT record use mostly email and veri-
fication related tokens and did not explore the unstruc-
tured tail of TXT records, and what security implications
are tied to these records. Portier et al. do mention TXT
records may leak information but do not explore what kind
of information or in what quantity information is leaked.
Even though, our analysis is based on a larger volume
of TXT records 75 billion TXT records collected
over a three-year period instead of 1.4 billion records
collected over a two-year period we see comparable
results in the high-level classification of records. Portier’s
‘Protocol enhancement’ accounts for 76.60% compared to
our ‘Standardized’ category of 68.95% of TXT records.
They reported 15.61% as ‘Domain verification’, whereas
we observed 14.40% in this category. Finally, Portier
et al. classified 7.78% of records as unknown, which
only amounts to 1.17% in our classification. An in-depth
comparison of results is out of scope for this paper.
3. Methodology
Dataset Description. We use data from OpenINTEL for
our research. OpenINTEL is an active DNS measurement
platform developed at the University of Twente in collabo-
ration with SURFnet, SIDN Labs, and NLnet Labs. Since
March 2015, OpenINTEL collects daily DNS snapshots
Figure 1: Growth of number of domains and TXT records.
TABLE 2: Dataset statistics.
Domains/day TXT records/day TXT records/domain
min 194M 34M 0
max 325M 73M 848
mean 247M 53M 0.22
std 42M 11M 0.66
and currently queries around 65% of the global DNS name
space, covering the zones .com, .net, .info, .mobi, the new
ICANN gTLDs, and a set of ccTLDs such as .nl, .se,
.ca, .fi, .at, .dk and .nu. We extracted all TXT records
gathered between March 2015 and December 2018. As
summarized in Table 2, on average we observed 53 million
TXT records and 247 million domain names per day.
Note that even though every domain only has 0.2 TXT
records on average, we see a high variance, with individual
domains containing hundreds of records at the apex.
Figure 1 shows the number of TXT records collected
over time. The number of TXT records grows by a factor
of 2 (from 35 million records in 2015 to 73 million
in 2018). By comparison, the overall DNS name space
expands only by a factor of 1.5 (from 128 million domains
in 2015 to 191 million in 2018). A possible explanation
for the increasing use of TXT records are email defenses
like SPF and DKIM: the majority of TXT records are
related to email, and stricter email policies from large
providers (e.g., Google, Microsoft and Yahoo) [19], [20]
may explain this rise.
Note that these statistics are subjective to the set of
zones measured by OpenINTEL, which has grown over
the years [21]. Furthermore, the drop in domains be-
tween 2017-03-01 and 2017-05-01 was caused by a major
webhoster blocking (and later unblocking) OpenINTEL.
Table 3 summarizes events impacting our measurements.
Categorization of TXT Records. To get a structured
view on the TXT record ecosystem, we partition the set
of TXT records based on regular expressions, and group
similar classes into broader categories. We were careful
to match a TXT record to a single regular expression,
in order to prevent the record from being counted twice.
Our process was iterative, we performed a heavy-hitter
analysis to identify the current majority classes and built
our regular expressions iteratively until the Other category
did not contain unidentified items anymore. TXT records
classified as ‘SPF’, ‘SenderID’ or ‘DKIM’ are part of the
E-mail category. In addition, we identify the categories
Verification (e.g., Google site verification, Facebook do-
main verification), Patterns (IP addresses, dates), Encoded
(usually Base64), Crypto Coins and Miscellaneous (in-
cluding service-specific tokens and hosting advertisement
slogans). We group the remaining TXT records in the
Other category, which includes unclassified records.
TABLE 3: Major events impacting our measurements.
* Date Event
(A) 2015-03-26 Major cloud provider cleans up SPF records
(B) 2015-07-03 DDoS protection service account hashes peak
(C) 2016-02-09 Start measurement .NL
(D) 2016-04-06 Start measurement .info, .mobi + new gTLDs
(E) 2016-07-07 Start measurement .ca
(F) 2017-03-01 Major webhoster blocks OpenINTEL
(G) 2017-05-05 Major webhoster unblocks OpenINTEL
(H) 2017-06-18 Start measurement .ru + .рф
Figure 2: Evolution of TXT records over the span of three
years (* annotated with events listed in Table 3).
Table 4 shows the distribution of records over our
categories for a single day (2018-12-31), for which 0.46%
of the records are left unclassified. Figure 2 shows how our
categories evolve over time. We marked events (labeled
AH) that influenced the evolution of categories. Most
events relate to the expansion of the OpenINTEL mea-
surements (events C, D, E and H ) or the major webhoster
temporarily blocking the measurements (events F and G).
Other events are large CDNs removing 1.80M SPF records
of the form v=spf1 -all at once (A) and 2.64M
account hashes suddenly appearing in TXT records (B).
Reproducibility. We used 101 regular expressions
for our classification, which are available on our
website: https://www.tide-project.nl/blog/
4. Analysis of the Long Tail
As the structured part of TXT records has already been
explored in the past [18], we focus on the Other category,
i.e., the unstructured tail of TXT records. Figure 3 shows
the evolution over time of the number of TXT records in
the Other category, broken down by the classes identified
in Table 4. Although the Other category represents on
average only 1.28% of TXT records, it has grown signif-
icantly over the measurement period from 174K to 858K
records (4.9x growth). We identified several events that
contribute the most to this trend: In September 2015 (A)
and later in August 2018 (
D), we witness a rise of TXT
records of a single character. We discuss these events in
Section 4.1.3. In November 2015 (
B) and later in July
2016 (C), there is a sudden rise in the Base64 Encoded
MX records, which we discuss in Section 4.1.2.
4.1. Undefined Purpose
4.1.1. BaseN Encoded Records. We observe that 8.17%
of all records are encoded with some form of BaseN, e.g.,
Base64. Portier et al. [18] suggested that a one source
of these records is a federation mechanism of Microsoft
Exchange Servers [22], which we indeed find for 0.20%
of records in our dataset. Furthermore, we found a major
TABLE 4: DNS TXT record categories on 2018-12-31.
# of Records % of Total Plot
Records 72,959,767 100.00%
E-mail 50,304,343
49,656,480 68.06%
310,823 0.43%
200,991 0.28%
118,928 0.16%
Keywords 17,121 0.02%
erification 10,504,491 14.40%
erif. Keywords 10,504,491 14.40%
atterns 3,770,930 5.17%
at. Keywords 3,766,532 5.16%
at. Kwd. Begin 4,396 0.01%
Encoded 7,215,892
5,957,428 8.17%
1,256,263 1.72%
Coins 89
AL 89
Miscellaneous 305,884
Keywords 200,402 0.27%
47,089 0.06%
19,755 0.03%
ertising 15,074 0.02%
13,899 0.02%
9,665 0.01%
Other 858,138
335,920 0.46%
Char 278,540 0.38%
mail 228,672 0.31%
14,425 0.02%
mail 221
vascript 178
vkey 63
ecutables 22
Figure 3: Evolution of selected categories of TXT records
over the span of three years.
Figure 4: AS numbers with Base64 encoded MX records.
CDN adding Base64 encoded records to zones pointing to
them (>0.01% of records in our dataset). After contacting
the CDN, they confirmed that they added these records
to the zones, but did not disclose the purpose of these
records. We did not perform an in-depth investigation of
the remaining 7.96% of other BaseN encoded records.
4.1.2. Base64 Encoded MX Records. Of all TXT records
0.31% (228.672) fall in this category. This type of TXT
record has seen two sharp increases in use: first on 2015-
11-27 (
B) when 14,039 records of this type were added,
and then between 2016-06-17 and 2016-07-03 (C) when
122,573 records were added.
When decoding these records we observe MX-record-
like patterns (priority, host) in 228,631 domains with such
a record, 99.86% (228,321) of which have an MX record,
yet none of these domains’ MX records matches the
decoded TXT record. Figure 4 shows the top five AS
numbers from which these records originate, with 93.33%
(213,088) coming from ‘NAMECHEAP’ (AS 22612).
These records may be used in an email system where
the MX address of a domain is obfuscated, i.e., through a
public MX record (the regular MX record), and a ‘private’
MX record Base64 encoded into the TXT record.
Figure 5: Single character TXT records over time.
Figure 6: AS numbers hosting ‘~’ TXT records.
4.1.3. Single Character TXT Records. From the start
of the measurement until 2015-09-03 (
A) the number
of records containing a single character has been sta-
ble around 61,000 records. On 2015-09-03 this number
increased to 239,302 records, and increases a day later
to 526,561 records. We note that two metrics change
significantly due to massive addition of these records:
Firstly, the composition of characters changes. On 2015-
03-01 the most used character is ‘0’. On 2015-09-03
this changes to ‘~’. The records added on 2015-09-04
did not change the distribution, as mainly ‘~’ records
were added. Additionally, the distribution of characters
does not change significantly afterwards, as shown in
Figure 5, which presents a snapshot of the distribution
of characters on the first of every month. Between 2017-
08-02 and 2017-08-04 (
D ) 66,826 records consisting of a
single character have been added. These records mainly
consisted of ‘~’ (99.98%).
Due to major rise in the ‘~’ character we investigated
where these TXT records originated from. Figure 6 shows
that the majority (99.99%) of these ‘~’ records origi-
nates from the network of ‘CONFLUENCE-NETWORK-
INC’ (AS 40034), notorious for spreading malware and
having many of their IP addresses listed in numerous
blacklists [23]. Note, that on 2016-02-01, 2016-10-01, and
2016-12-01 these records also come from ‘NEUSTAR-
AS6’ (AS 19905), a DDoS protection service. Disregard-
ing the ‘~’ records, it is likely that single characters
records are the effect of typos when creating TXT records.
However, the ‘~’ records seems like a form of domain
identification for a major network, as a large part (94.05%)
shares the same AS number and the domains point to
the same name servers. Both, in the case of ‘Base64
encoded MX record’ and ‘Single character TXT record’,
we speculate that this particular use of TXT records is
heavily guided by management and configuration choices,
in which specific service providers or ASes use TXT
records as a way to tag their domains.
4.1.4. Other. Finally, we found empty TXT records and
records referencing executables. On 2018-12-31 we mea-
sured 14,425 empty TXT records, associated with 14,422
domains. These TXT records originate from various AS
numbers, with the top contender being ‘UNIFIEDLAYER-
AS-1’ (AS 46606) hosting 12.01% (1.885) of related
domains. These observations suggest this phenomenon is
the result of management mistakes, potentially caused by
improper removal of TXT records, or a default record
set for new domains. Empty records are unlikely to have
security implications.
(a) Domains with a single key (b) Domains with two keys
Figure 7: Statistics of domains with keys in their records.
We found three TXT records referencing executables
(on 2018-12-31). Two of these point to an URL of a
downloadable (Windows) executable. However, when try-
ing to access these URLs we get either a not found or
a permission denied error. The third record consists of
‘calc.exe’. This is interesting, as researchers commonly
use the execution of ‘calc.exe’ in Proof-of-Concept ex-
ploits against Windows systems. However, we were unable
to identify the specific use of the identified record.
4.2. Mistakes with a Security Implication
4.2.1. Certificates. The last day of our dataset contains
43 certificates and 17 certificate requests. We processed
each of these with openssl to verify if the records contain
valid certificates or certificate requests and found 16.28%
(7) certificates to be valid. The others were truncated, and
openssl marked them as invalid. Of the certificate requests,
29.41% (5) are valid. Worryingly, one of these certificate
requests included the private key.
85.71% (6) of the valid certificates contained refer-
ences of the domain where the TXT record originated
from. As for the certificate requests, those were all issued
for the domain where the TXT record originates from.
This tells us that most of these certificates and requests
are linked to the functioning of the domains.
While domain ownership verification through DNS
TXT records to obtain a certificate is common (RFC
8555), performing certificate requests via TXT records
is not common practice. Concerning the certificate them-
selves, RFC 4398 proposed a specific CERT RR to store
certificates, but to our knowledge the effort has been aban-
doned, and the small number of certificates we observe
does not indicate that TXT is commonly used for this
purpose. While publishing certificates via TXT records
is not a security risk in itself, the fact that we found
private keys accompanying requests still suggests security-
relevant configuration mistakes [24] are being made.
4.2.2. Public and Private Keys. We observed a rise of
TXT records containing public and private keys at the
end of 2018 (not including the aforementioned certificate
containing a private key). This is due to 28 domains which
have added key-pairs on 2018-10-19. At the end of the
measurement period, the number of domains exposing
keys has grown to 89. On the last day of our dataset (2018-
12-31), 60.67% (54) of the domains have a single key
in their records, and 39.33% (35) of domains have two
keys in their records. We have analyzed these keys and
classified them into different types, as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7a shows the key type distribution of do-
mains with a single key. 55.56% (30) of these do-
mains publish a private key in their TXT records, while
24.07% (13) publish a public key. In 16.66% (9) of
the cases, the TXT records is used for DKIM which
includes the ----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----
part. This means that not only the wrong key is being
published, but it also renders the DKIM record unusable.
One domain publishes a GPG public key through its
TXT record. Furthermore, there is one domain with a
certificate issue request, with accompanying private key,
as mentioned in Section 4.2.1.
Figure 7b shows the key type distribution of domains
with two keys in their TXT records. In 94.29% (33) of
the cases we found a matching public and private key
pair. One domain published the same private key in two
separate records, one with, and the other without, a leading
dash. One domain published two different public GPG
keys in its TXT record.
The fact that we observe a number of private keys is
worrying not just in itself, but also because the disclosure
of public-private key pairs in practice invalidates security
measures as forgery prevention using DKIM. For example,
if an adversary has access to a domain’s private key used
for DKIM signing, they can send emails in that domain’s
name with the receiving party assuming the origin of the
email is legitimate as it is signed with the correct private
key. Furthermore, the wrongly posted public keys at least
show a misunderstanding of the underlying security tech-
nology. We have notified the domain-holders who publish
private keys so they can mitigate this issue.
4.3. Malicious Use Cases
4.3.1. Commands. We investigated if the TXT records
in our dataset contain commands, specifically commands
with malicious intent. In our dataset there are six records
containing Command Line Interface (CLI) commands.
One record targets Windows with a command to kill
Internet Explorer, while the other commands target Linux.
Two of the Linux commands aim to test for the Shellshock
vulnerability [25], for example:
() { :;}; echo "shellshock.fail"
Further two records contain curl commands. The re-
maining command forces apt (the Linux package man-
ager) to retrieve packages over IPv4, after which it makes
sure curl is installed, proceeds to download a script from
runclound.io (with curl) and finally runs it in bash.
These kind of records may be used as (reliable) shell
script distribution, since DNS traffic is rarely blocked,
while HTTP traffic to specific websites may be dropped.
4.3.2. JavaScript. On the last day of our dataset 172
records contain JavaScript. The ten most common cat-
egories in these records are shown in Figure 8: 35.71%
(40) of these records are used to load additional JavaScript
files; 16.07% (18) contain JavaScript code for analyt-
ics purposes, and 16.07% (18) of these records refer-
ence Google Ads. Furthermore, these records are used in
15.18% (17) of cases to test if sites are vulnerable to
cross-site scripting, typically through calling alert()’.
These types or records may be used to stealthily
insert JavaScript code into browsers [26]. As these are
dynamically inserted it is unlikely that they leave a long-
lasting trace.
Figure 8: Distribution of JavaScript on 2018-12-31.
$a=(new-object net.webclient);
if (gci -Path $p | where {$_.Name -like \'v4
\'}) {
try {$a.DownloadFile(\'https://filebin.ca/<CODE A>\', $c);
ren $c t.exe;
start $g }
catch {$a.DownloadFile(\'https://files.fm/down.php?i=<CODE B>\', $c);
ren $c t.exe; start $g }
else {
try {$a.DownloadFile(\'https://filebin.ca/<CODE C>\', $c);
ren $c t.exe;
start $g }
catch {$a.DownloadFile(\'https://files.fm/down.php?i=<CODE D>\', $c);
ren $c t.exe;
start $g }
sleep 180;
rm $g
Figure 9: Malicious PowerShell code.
4.3.3. PowerShell. Finally, we found one case of Power-
Shell code, see Figure 9 (the actual download URLs have
been replaced). This code was hosted by two domains
between 2017-06-20 and 2018-06-22. VirusTotal marked
the file as malicious. Interesting about the downloaded
executable is that it will install a scheduled task to perform
additional DNS lookups of the same TXT record, in
essence auto-updating itself via DNS. This behavior is
comparable with the DNSMessenger malware [7], which
gathers PowerShell payloads via DNS TXT records.
5. Ethical Considerations
While the TXT records used in this research are, techni-
cally, publicly available, we have taken care not to expose
information about the individuals, or companies, behind
the domains that might expose security vulnerabilities
caused by improper use of TXT records. This paper is
meant as a learning experience, showing the security
pitfalls related to TXT records, rather than blaming parties
for their “misconfiguration. We have notified the domain
owners with private keys in their TXT records and hope
these keys will be revoked and removed from the records.
6. Discussion and Conclusions
In this paper, we explore the unstructured tail of TXT
records to uncover uses of TXT records which might
have security implications. While analyzing the dataset
we became progressively aware of the pitfalls one will
encounter when attempting such a task, which we will
discuss in this section.
Our analysis, as well as work by Portier et al. [18],
show that the majority of TXT records belongs to well
defined use cases. Our work builds on this observation
and we progressively remove clearly defined categories,
an approach that allows us to classify 99.54% of the TXT
records in our dataset. For the remaining TXT records,
we have not been able to define clear categories, as these
remaining records are highly diverse, both semantically
and syntactically. Any further analysis of this category
would imply slow manual labor coupled with deep domain
knowledge with a likely low “return of investment” in
terms of identifying security-relevant records. Analyzing
the tail of the TXT records is therefore not only a needle
in the haystack problem, but it also becomes a human
intelligence problem.
Still, our quest has not been fruitless. The use of
public-private key pairs clearly points to flaws in using
and understanding more sophisticated mechanisms such as
DKIM. Also, looking for code-specific regular expressions
brought to light examples of JavaScript injection and mal-
ware auto-updates, which indicate that the DNS is used as
a form of malicious code delivery. Albeit rare, finding such
samples enhances our understanding of malware behavior
and DNS misuse. With DoH we expect this behavior to
only increase: for instance, instead of relying on TXT
records to deliver miner executables [12], attackers could
also distribute cryptomining scripts in the browser [27].
Another major challenge is the lack of context. Our
active measurement dataset allows us to perform a wide
search of the tail of the TXT records. However, we are not
able to see how these records are used in practice, or if
they are associated with domain names used for malicious
activities. We believe that context information could be
provided, for example, by passive DNS data. Additionally,
active DNS measurements cannot look beyond known
labels (second level, in our case). The malicious activity
might be ‘hiding’ at lower levels.
Finally, we note that the remaining 99.54% of the
TXT records might not necessarily be secure. Our regular
expressions explicitly accommodate for typos which we
commonly see in the data (‘sfp’ instead of ‘spf’, for
example), a common issue in IT operations [24]. The
consequence of these human errors might be severe, since
they might lead to a false sense of security or, e.g., broken
email delivery. A large-scale quantification of these types
of errors remains currently open for further analysis.
Mitigation techniques can be viewed in two ways, the
first is how to prevent leakage of information through
errors. The most common practice here is consistently
monitoring the correctness of deployed records. This in-
cludes monitoring deployed records for potential informa-
tion leakage. The second part is preventing, e.g., payload
delivery via DNS. Especially with the rise of DoH, this be-
comes a major challenge for defenders in networks. While,
e.g., blocking TXT records in DoH implementations for
browsers might sound like a promising prospect at first,
this only mitigates a part of the problem, as ultimately all
RRs might be abused for malware delivery via DoH.
To support further research in this direction, we provide
the 101 regular expressions we used for the classification
of DNS TXT records on our website: https://www.
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