Human Resources
Hiring Guide
This document was prepared and is maintained by
Human Resources.
Effective Date: March 1, 2007
Revised: September 2022
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Employees Classes ........................................................................................................................................ 4
A&P position ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Executive Service Position ....................................................................................................................... 4
USPS position (Staff) ............................................................................................................................... 4
OPS position ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Faculty position ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Budget authority ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Compensation process .............................................................................................................................. 5
Position number assignment ................................................................................................................... 6
Appointment Types ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Regular appointment ................................................................................................................................ 6
Interim appointment ................................................................................................................................ 6
A&P Visiting appointment ....................................................................................................................... 6
USPS Probationary appointment ............................................................................................................ 6
USPS Time-Limited appointment ............................................................................................................ 7
Search Procedures ....................................................................................................................................... 8
What is a search and when is one required? .......................................................................................... 8
When does a search require the use of a search committee? ................................................................. 8
What is the difference between search committee and interview panel? ............................................... 8
Interview Panel .................................................................................................................................... 8
Search Committee ............................................................................................................................... 8
Procedures for posting on the UCF Employment Opportunities website .............................................. 9
Creating an account for UCF Talent Management System ............................................................ 9
Creating a requisition ......................................................................................................................... 9
Procedures for advertising ....................................................................................................................... 9
Screening applications ............................................................................................................................. 9
Interviews ............................................................................................................................................... 13
References .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Background checks ................................................................................................................................ 14
Candidate Selection Procedures ................................................................................................................ 14
Procedures to complete the hiring process ............................................................................................ 14
Offer ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
Submitting an Offer ............................................................................................................................... 15
Documentation needed for Talent Acquisition approval ...................................................................... 15
Salary ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
FAQs ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
Appendix A-Hiring Process for Candidates with Alternative Employment Preference or Recall Rights
.................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Difference between Alternative Employment Preference and Recall Rights....................................... 17
Eligibility guidelines .............................................................................................................................. 18
Identifying candidates with Alternative Employment Preference or Recall Rights ............................ 18
Interview and selection process for candidates with Alternative Employment Preference or Recall
Rights ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
Hiring a candidate with Alternative Employment Preference or Recall Rights .................................. 19
Additional questions about Alternative Employment Preference and Recall Rights .......................... 19
Index of Hyperlinks ................................................................................................................................... 20
This document serves as a reference guide regarding the procedures, processes, and documentation
required to hire employees following State and Federal law, university regulations, policies, and rules and
is updated routinely as new changes are implemented. In that regard, prior to beginning a new search,
please review the most recent version of the guide (as noted by the effective date on the title page) from
the Human Resources website under Talent Acquisition.
For information regarding additional procedures, processes, and other requirements specific to your vice-
president or college, please contact your area vice-president or college personnel representative for
Employees Classes
A&P position
Administrative and Professional (A&P) positions receive certain benefits, amount of leave, and
notification of termination that are exclusive to the A&P pay plan. There is no probationary period.
Professional jobs typically oversee the design, implementation, and delivery of processes, programs, and
policies using specialized knowledge and skills normally acquired through advanced education and/or
specialized training. Professional jobs are generally exempt under the Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA),
and have responsibility in a field, function, or specialty area.
Executive Service Position
Executive Service (ES) positions receive certain benefits, amount of leave, and notification of
termination that are exclusive to the ES pay plan. ES positions serve as chief level or higher
classifications reporting directly to the president, provost, or senior vice president. ES is reserved
for positions that direct a major functional area with institution-wide scope/impact and the work
of other professional employees.
The requirements and processes ES are set by the university. The Division of Retirement refers
to this class as Senior Management Service Class (SMSC).
USPS position (Staff)
Many University Support Personnel Services (USPS) positions are typically recognized through
collective bargaining agreements and/or state statute. Certain benefits, amount of leave, and notification
of termination are exclusive to the pay plan. University Support Personnel System (USPS) employees
earn regular status in the USPS after an original successful completion of a designated twelve (12)
probationary period
OPS position
Other Personnel Services (OPS) positions are temporary employer/employee relationships typically used
for the completion of short-term, temporary, or intermittent tasks, and for a short-term or temporary need.
These are “at will” positions that do not require notice periods for separation. Other Personnel Services
positions do not qualify for paid holidays, leave or other benefits. Certain OPS positions may qualify for
insurance benefits depending on hours and a measurement period. Adjunct faculty, especially adjuncts
hired to provide instruction for a semester, are typically provided short-term, one-semester contracts.
Post-doctoral Associates (PDA) are also provided OPS contracts; however, they receive some limited
benefits and may have employment for up to a year offered to them. Please see OPS policy for further
Faculty position
Instructional faculty members are employees who are typically assigned to teaching, research, and
service. Many faculty are also employed largely as researchers, librarians, clinicians, and/or
administrators. Faculty may be non-tenure earning, tenured, or tenure-earning, and their assignments are
determined by the needs of the department, college, or unit. Regular faculty hired with Educational and
General (E&G) funding generally have the expectation of being offered continuing employment. Clinical
and research faculty appointments are dependent upon the position funding, which could include support
through Contract & Grants (C&G) or Auxiliary funding. Please refer to the Academic Affairs
Administration office for the faculty hiring process.
Budget authority
The first step in the recruitment and hiring process is to obtain budget authorization from your area finance
business center. Strategists within the Finance Business Center and HR Business Center should meet to
have a workforce planning (WFP) and Budget discussion. Note that budget authorization must be obtained
for all searches, including those that are simply replacements for recently vacated positions, to confirm the
availability of funds. Please contact your area VP or college Dean’s Office directly for assistance in this
To confirm budget availability for C&G positions, contact the Office of Sponsored Research.
For a better understanding of Local and Auxiliary funding sources see the statements below:
Local funds refer to all other funding sources, such as the following:
Student Activities funded by the activity and service fee paid by students to support student
government and student clubs and organizations, including the Student Union and the Recreation
and Wellness Center. Expenditures for these entities are funded by the activity and service fee and
by revenue generated through functions in the facilities.
Concessions funded from vending machine revenue. These funds are allocated across the
university and can be used for events and other expenditures that support the university.
Student Financial Aid loans and scholarships funded from federal, state, and private sources and
disbursed to students.
Technology Fee – funded by technology fees paid by students to enhance instructional technology
resources for students and faculty.
Auxiliaries some auxiliariespositions are partially or wholly funded by student fees. The primary auxiliary
areas include Housing, Student Health Services, Parking Services, Computer Store, Telecommunications,
Continuing Education, Dining Services, and the bookstore.
Compensation process
The hiring official should begin with communication with the Compensation department as stated in the
UCF SOP_HR_Job and Workforce Management - Staff. When establishing a position, the department
will need to submit a Job Assessment Questionnaire through WorkDay. The Compensation Partner will
determine if the position should be assigned to an existing job code, if the current job code needs to be
updated, or if a new job code needs to be created. For positions that have not been reviewed in the last
two (2) years, the position profile in WorkDay must be reviewed and any changes should follow the UCF
SOP_HR_Job and Workforce Management - Staff and submitted for appropriate analysis. For the current
Compensation pay practices, procedures, and guidelines, please visit the Compensation Practices and
Procedures section of the HR website.
Position number assignment
A position number is the number associated with the specific position that will ultimately be assigned to
the selected candidate. New position numbers for all budget entities are automatically assigned when a
position is established through WorkDay.
Appointment Types
Regular appointment
This is an original or continuing appointment. A recruitment search is required for all regular appointments
unless the hiring official has applied for and has been granted a waiver of search by either the President or
the Office of Institutional Equity. Regular appointment employees are entitled to all rights, privileges, and
benefits of regular, full-time, or part-time employment in accordance with applicable university regulations.
Interim appointment
This is a limited time appointment of an existing UCF employee that spans six (6) months or more, who
assumes full responsibility for another position at or above a manager level. This appointment may require
a change to the incumbent’s position number. The incumbent’s current position will remain open while
he/she is in interim appointment status. Only current employees are eligible to assume this appointment
type. Interim appointment employees are entitled to all rights, privileges, and benefits of regular, full-time,
or part-time employment in accordance with applicable university regulations.
A&P Visiting appointment
This is an appointment of a person having professional qualifications when either the person or the
position is not expected to be available for more than a limited period. This can apply to positions that are
vacant where an external or internal candidate is selected to temporarily fill the position.
a. If a search is conducted, the appointment to this position cannot exceed four years in duration.
If a recruitment is commenced for a director level or above, the appointment will require
the use of a search committee.
b. If no search is conducted, the appointment to this position cannot exceed one year in duration.
Visiting appointment employees are entitled to all rights, privileges, and benefits of regular, full-time, or
part-time employment except the right to continued employment in accordance with applicable university
c. No UCF employee may serve in a Visiting one-year term more than once in their service to the
university and no more than a cumulative total of 4 years in any visiting capacity.
USPS Probationary appointment
This is an appointment to a position in a class for the designated period, where the employee meets the
minimum qualifications for the position. Continuous successful performance is required to successfully
complete a probationary period. Each employee will serve only one initial probationary period upon hire
with the university, except for those covered by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) Collective
Bargaining Agreement. Probationary employees are entitled to all rights, privileges, and benefits of
regular, full-time, or part-time employment except the right to continued employment in accordance with
applicable university regulations.
USPS Time-Limited appointment
This designation must be made to the position at the time of recruitment. The hiring department has three
options available with a Time Limited Appointment:
a. If a department elects to select a candidate without a search, the duration of the appointment
will be no longer than twelve (12) months.
b. If a search is conducted, the department will need to a job change action annually to continue the
time-limited status.
c. If the candidate selected is named in a grant, no search will need to be conducted.
Time-Limited employees are entitled to all rights, privileges, and benefits of regular, full-time, or part-
time employment except the right to continued employment in accordance with applicable university
Search Procedures
What is a search and when is one required?
A search is defined as the process of filling a job or position vacancy via public announcement (“posting”)
and recruitment, followed by consideration of all qualified applicants. A hiring official may choose to use
an internal posting where it is believed that a suitably diverse and well qualified pool of candidates can be
obtained from within the University. A search is required for all positions, unless specifically exempted.
For a description of search exemption categories, please refer to the
Request for Exemption from Posting
form. For assistance with using this form contact the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE). NOTE:
Exemptions in two categories require approval by OIE PRIOR to extension of an offer. They are
indicated on the form.
If a UCF employee who has received notice of layoff (or has already been terminated by the university due
to layoff) applies for a position and meets the required qualifications as described in the posting, he or she
may have alternative employment preference or recall rights. In this situation completion of the search may
not be required. Please refer to Appendix A of this guide for information regarding the hiring process for
a candidate with confirmed UCF alternative employment preference or recall rights.
When does a search require the use of a search committee?
Use of a search committee is required for A&P positions at the Director level and above as part of the
search process, regardless to whether the position is posted internally or externally. In all cases where a
committee is used, the hiring department must follow the Search and Screening Guidelines
posted on the
Office of Institutional Equity’s website.
What is the difference between search committee and interview panel?
Interview Panel
An interview panel is a team committed to interviewing and aiding the selection process for a position.
The panel process is beneficial because it provides varying perspectives, helps to minimize biases, and
involves employees and customers in the hiring decision. An interview panel should be composed of at
least two (2) individuals who have a strong knowledge of the position and its requirements. There are no
specific diversity requirements; however, UCF strongly encourages diversification of the panel. Although
the interview panel provides recommendations, they are not charged with eliminating candidates from the
pool; this is the responsibility of the hiring official. The hiring official is required to review all
applications and participate in the interview process.
Search Committee
Search committees play a vital role in recruiting, evaluating, and recommending the most qualified
candidates for employment. Search committee members are often the first university employees that a
candidate will meet. Each committee member has an opportunity to represent the university as a diverse
and welcoming community. The search committee size, composition, and scope will vary based on the
specific position being recruited for. However, it is required that search committees consist of at least
three (3) members. The role of the hiring official is to appoint the committee, provide the charge, and
receive the recommendations prepared by the committee after a thorough review of the credentials of the
qualified applicants. The hiring official is never a member of the committee. Once the committee has
completed their review and makes recommendations to the hiring official, the hiring official is the person
who will make the final decision on the selection. For more information about the duties and
responsibilities of a search committee in the recruitment process, please see the University’s Search and
Screening Guidelines posted on the OIE website.
Procedures for posting on the UCF Employment Opportunities website
Creating an account for UCF Talent Management System
Job postings are created in Workday
by the hiring manager and users in the Human Resources Business
Centers. Access to Workday will be determined and granted by the user’s role in Workday automatically.
Creating a requisition
To advertise a vacancy on the UCF Careers website, a job requisition to post the position must be created
in Workday. For more detailed information on how to create a requisition in Workday, visit the Knight
Vision Workday training catalog on Recruiting, Hiring & Onboarding and select how to Create a Position.
All job requisitions without exemptions are required to be posted for a minimum of five (7) calendar days.
Positions may be “open until filled”. If open until.
All positions must be advertised and posted with minimum qualifications as designated on the class
specification. All other job-related qualifications must be listed as “preferred qualifications.” Preferred
qualifications are required for all A&P, USPS, & OPS postings. Search criteria must be applied to all timely
candidates. Candidates who apply to USPS postings will be released to the hiring departments once Talent
Acquisition has reviewed the candidate pool for preferences. A department has the option to post multiple
vacancies with same position title, work location and work schedule utilizing an Evergreen posting in
Workday. Evergreen requisitions allow you to have a steady flow of candidates for pool positions.
Procedures for advertising
A hiring official may choose to advertise to UCF employees exclusively. These internal postings do not
require a second source of advertising. USPS or OPS positions posted as external postings are not required
to have a second source of advertising but have the option to utilize outside sources if they chose too. In
addition to posting to the UCF website, A&P positions must be advertised, in at least one outside source
(published in hard copy or electronic version) to attract a broad pool of applicants. Talent Acquisition
provides options for online ads with CareerBuilder, Higher Ed Jobs, and Diversity Jobs as well as a
partnership with Job Elephant. Job Elephant creates postings for its clients and provides a portal to view
and access them, as well as provides recommendations for each posting based on market research and
previous ROI. Please contact Talent Acquisition for more information. Professional organizations
websites and listservs are also acceptable as second sources of advertising.
“Achieving diversity and inclusion at UCF is a team effort. In partnership with Talent Acquisition and
the Office of Institutional Equity, hiring officials will make outreach efforts that encourage all qualified
individuals to apply and will source high-performing candidates from all segments of our
society. Examples of actions hiring officials can take include communicating vacancies to informal
professional networks, posting vacancies on professional organizations’ websites, and ensuring diversity
in the search committee/interview panel.”
Screening applications
The hiring official is responsible for retention of all public records (such as correspondence and
applications). All search materials are considered public records and are to be retained for four years so
that equal opportunity and affirmative action compliance reviews can be performed. For additional details
refer to the Records Retention Schedule
The hiring official may not accept search or application materials in confidence. Any such materials
submitted will not be accepted in the process until the candidate agrees that it can enter the public document
file. Hold them in a separate file and notify the candidate that the materials were not a part of the
requirement. After that, State of Florida records-retention procedures apply.
In cases where the applicant pool is either not diversified or not large enough, the hiring official may choose
to reopen the posting to enhance the pool and attract other candidates. Adequate diversity is defined as a
pool of candidates representing two genders and at least two different ethnic groups among the candidates
who meet qualifications. If the search has been reopened and the pool is still not suitable, the hiring official
should document why the search cannot be diversified and should seek approval from Talent Acquisition
before proceeding.
Candidates must possess the minimum qualifications, (i.e., the appropriate degree and experience) on the
closing date. “Appropriate experience” is defined as experience gained within that occupational category.
Certain experience gained in any setting will be valid for meeting minimum qualifications. For further
clarification, contact Talent Acquisition.
Enrollment in the final semester of a required bachelor’s or master’s degree typically will not be interpreted
as meeting the minimum qualifications. If a department wishes to consider candidates who are close to
completing their degree, they must advertise and post for “[Level of degree] required by starting date.” with
Talent Acquisition’s approval prior to post.
Original applications and resumes, if applicable, used to apply for the positions must qualify the
applicants for the minimum qualifications of the positions they have applied for to be considered for
the positions. Candidates not meeting minimum qualifications based on all the documents submitted
at the time of application (original application and resume, if applicable) should not be considered
nor interviewed for the position.
Candidates applying to a USPS posting will be released to the hiring official by Talent Acquisition
following the posting close date. A Talent Acquisition consultant will review the candidates and flag
candidates who have the following preferences:
a. Veteran’s preference Applicants who have been granted Veteran’s Preference and meet the
minimum qualifications of the position stated on the job posting should be given preference in the
selection process and must be interviewed. Hiring officials must use the minimum qualifications
(not the preferences) indicated on the job posting to determine whether the applicants who have
been granted Veteran’s Preference meet the minimum qualifications for the positions. Applicants
requesting Veteran’s Preference must submit a copy of their DD-214 by the closing date of the
position to be given preference. Applicants who request preferences but do not qualify for
preference or provide documentation at time of application submission will not be granted veteran’s
preference. tagged/flagged in Workday
b. USPS preference Applicants who have been granted USPS Preference and meet the minimum
qualifications of the position stated on the job posting are highly recommended to be given
consideration and preference in the selection process. Hiring officials must use the minimum
qualifications (not the preferences) indicated on the job posting to determine whether the applicants
who have been granted USPS Preference meet the minimum qualifications for the positions.
c. Written notice/Recall preference (alternative employment preference or recall rights)
Applicants who have been granted Written notice/Recall Preference and who meet the minimum
qualifications of the position stated on the job posting should be interviewed if the position is
located on the same geographic campus as the current/prior employee’s position.
Applicants for a search with a search committee
Hiring officials and search committee members should guard against conflicts of interest. No individual
with a conflict of interest in the screening process should be appointed to or continue as a member of the
search committee. Potential candidates for the position should not be involved in the establishment of job
preferences and screening criteria. It is a conflict of interest for a committee member to participate in
support activities for a candidate, such as serving as a candidate’s reference.
Search committee meetings are open to the public and notices of the meetings must be prepared in advance.
Notice templates can be found on the HR website (A Z Index). Once the meeting notice is prepared, an
email should be sent to
requesting that the meeting notice be posted on the University
calendar. The meeting notice should be submitted to Human Resources a minimum of 48 hours before the
meeting takes place. Members of the public may attend as observers only. Committee interaction with any
visitor is not required.
Additionally, minutes of the search committee meetings must be prepared and uploaded on the selected
candidate’s profile in Workday for review as part of the offer approval process. There should be a
corresponding document reflecting the meeting minutes uploaded for every search notice. Minutes include
the decision points of the committee, the criteria for each round, and how they were applied. They should
refer to each candidate by name and action taken. Detailed discussion does not need to be recorded in the
minutes. Additionally, search committee meetings should not be audio or video recorded.
Search committee members should be familiar with the requirements of the position and the criteria that
will be used to screen candidates through each stage or “round” of the search. The job description, the ads
placed, and other pertinent written materials should be provided to committee members. Search committee
chair and members will have access to applicants and job information through Workday. Applicants will
go through stages of the hiring process following the submission of their application. Multiple rounds may
be completed during one meeting.
Round 1 – Does not the minimum criteria
Round 2 – Meets the minimum criteria
Round 2 – Not hired-not interviewed
Round 3 – Meets preferences
Round 3 – Not hired-not interviewed
Round 4 – Interview 1
Round 4 – Not hired-interviewed
Round 5 – Interview 2
Round 5 – Not hired-interviewed
Round 6 – Interview 3
Round 6 – Not hired-interviewed
In the Screen stage, the committee compares the qualified applicants’ credentials against the established
preferences to identify the strongest candidates. Ranking of applicants (i.e., strong, moderate, weak) is
recommended. However, rating on point values is not recommended because their validity is hard to
For candidates who applied but did not submit supplemental documents or did not complete the online form
as requested, the committee may document that fact as the reason the candidate did not advance. Where it
is in the best interest of the university, continued attempts to recruit such candidates are appropriate. Please
note that all similarly situated candidates must be given the opportunity to submit any outstanding,
incomplete documents.
The search committee chair can access the UCF Department Pipeline Diversity Metrics Ethnicity report
in Workday after they have determined those candidates’ meeting qualifications for an interview. The report
indicates self-identification of protected class status by race/ethnicity and sex. A diverse pool is defined as
two genders and at least two different racial/ethnic groups. If the search has reasonably reached the
appropriate applicant pool through robust and effective recruitment, but the applicant pool is not diverse,
the hiring official may contact Talent Acquisition to request a waiver. When a broader recruitment effort
would reasonably let the university achieve its goal of diversity and inclusiveness, the recruitment process
should continue to enhance the applicant pool.
Candidates must possess the minimum qualifications, (i.e., the appropriate degree and experience) on the
closing date. “Appropriate experience” is defined as experience gained within that occupational category.
Certain experience gained in any setting may be valid for meeting minimum qualifications.
Applicants for a search without a search committee
The HR Business Center Staff are expected to work with hiring managers and department leadership to
develop recruiting strategies and talent sourcing plans that meet their departmental needs. The Hiring
Official and the Primary Recruiter will have access to applicants and job information through Workday.
Applicants will go through stages of the hiring process following the submission of their application.
In the Screen stage, the Hiring Official and the Primary Recruiter will have ability to screen the applicants’
credentials against the established preferences to identify the strongest candidates and move applicants
along the hiring stages.
For candidates who applied but did not submit supplemental documents or did not complete the online form
as requested, the hiring official may document that fact as the reason the candidate did not advance. Where
it is in the best interest of the University, continued attempts to recruit such candidates are appropriate.
Please note that all similarly situated candidates must be given the opportunity to submit any outstanding,
incomplete documents.
The Hiring Official and the Primary Recruiter can access the Departmental EEO Report after they have
determined those candidates meeting qualifications for an interview. The report indicates self-
identification of protected class status by race/ethnicity and sex. A diverse pool is defined as two genders
and at least two different racial/ethnic groups. If the search has reasonably reached the appropriate applicant
pool through robust and effective recruitment, but the applicant pool is not diverse, the hiring official may
contact Talent Acquisition to request a waiver. When a broader recruitment effort would reasonably let the
university achieve its goal of diversity and inclusiveness, the recruitment process should continue to
enhance the applicant pool.
Candidates must possess the minimum qualifications, (i.e., the appropriate degree and experience) on the
closing date. “Appropriate experience” is defined as experience gained within that occupational category.
Certain experience gained in any setting may be valid for meeting minimum qualifications.
Applicant statuses in Workday
User types such as Hiring Manager, Primary Recruiter, Search Chair, and Search Manager will have access
to applicants and job information through Workday. Below are the stages applicants will go through
following the submission of their application.
o (USPS only) Candidates will not be visible. Candidates will be moved to the Assessment
stage by the Talent Acquisition Center once reviewed for preferences.
Reference Check
Background Check
Ready for Hire
Telephone interviews may be conducted as a means of narrowing the list of candidates down to a small
number of finalists. If the hiring department chooses to conduct telephone interviews as a screening
process, it must apply consistently to all the applicants (including internal applicants) whom the department
is interested in for the position.
To allow for a more efficient hiring process, finalists interviews can be conducted in-person or virtually,
with the exception of senior roles. However, all candidates in the round must be interviewed in the same
format meaning, if the decision is made to conduct finalists’ interviews virtually, then all finalists are to
be interviewed virtually. A hybrid approach is not permitted without permission from Talent Acquisition
Center and the Office of Institutional Equity. Such permission may be provided in limited circumstances
based on state or federal law travel restrictions, unexpected flight cancellations, or pandemic-related
Virtual interviews offer distinct advantages, including lower cost, reduced travel, and scheduling flexibility,
but are not meant to replace in-person interactions.
Regardless of the format chosen (In-Person, Phone, Zoom, WebEx, Skype, etc.), interview questions must
be structured in the same order and allow an equal amount of time for each candidate to respond. In
accordance with Federal and State laws and University policies, interview questions must be job-related
and not pertain to a protected status, such as Race, Gender, Age, National Origin, Religion, Sexual Identity,
Disability, or Veterans Status.
For senior roles, interviews may start as virtual, but finalists must be brought to campus for in-person
interviews before making an offer. Senior roles are identified as Assistant Vice President (AVP) and above
or Vice Provosts and Associate Deans and above. In-person finalists’ interviews may be less than three;
however, there must have been at least two virtual rounds beforehand, with the most recent round having
at least three people. Any exception to this must be approved by Talent Acquisition prior to the final
The current location of a candidate should not influence the ranking of finalists. Departments establish
their own policies regarding the payment of any travel expenses for interviewees. The hiring department
must apply those policies consistently for all interviewees in each search.
Results of interviews as well as non-selection rationales for all applicants must be entered in Workday and
will be reviewed as part of the offer approval process. HR Talent Acquisition highly recommends changing
the applicant status once a decision is made in real time and notify those applicants not moving forward in
the process and no longer under consideration.
The “Employment Reference Check” form is a general guideline for reference checks. The hiring
department will decide at time of creating a job requisition whether they will conduct the employment
reference checks electronically in Workday or manually. If the hiring manager decides to call the reference
to complete the employment reference form, documentation of the completed reference checks must be
uploaded into Workday under the selected candidate’s profile. This form can be located on Human
Resources website under (A – Z Index).
The hiring official may perform reference checks on all the finalists, successful interviewees or just the
selected candidate. However, at least two employment reference checks must be completed on the selected
candidate. The hiring official also has the option to request a Letter of recommendation and add additional
reference questions to the approved UCF employment references. In order of requirement:
1. Employment references must be obtained from current or previous supervisors/managers who can
provide job-related information about the candidate.
2. If item #1 is not possible, references may be obtained from someone in a supervisory/managerial
chain of command position who has had a working/reporting relationship with the candidate.
3. If the department is unable to secure item #1 or item #2, please contact Talent Acquisition.
Persons contacted for reference checks should be advised that their comments will be used in making the
selection decision and will become public record.
If the selected candidate is an internal candidate, references are not required. Please initiated a Workday
Help case to Talent Acquisition with your intent to hire an internal candidate. Talent Acquisition will
review the internal candidate’s performance evaluation for good standing. Talent Acquisition will advise
the hiring department of the internal candidate’s status.
Background checks
The kNEXT (Knights Experience Team) will complete a criminal background check on the selected
candidate when the candidate is moved to the background check. The hiring official may request that a
background check be run prior to final selection. The purpose of any background check is to determine
whether criminal history is such that it would preclude a candidate from being hired. A criminal history is
not necessarily a bar to employment. The criminal history of a finalist will be carefully considered by
Human Resources against his/her qualifications for the position, taking into consideration the needs of the
university and the requirements of the position.
Candidate Selection Procedures
Procedures to complete the hiring process
Once a selection is made, the hiring official should complete, or ensure the search committee has completed,
at least two reference checks on the selected candidate. The hiring department’s Primary Recruiter will
need to obtain at least a copy of the original transcript of the highest degree earned from the selectee.
Change the status of all the applicants in Workday to reflect the selected candidate, and non-selection
rationale should be entered for all remaining applicants.
Note: A copy of the transcript is acceptable for processing; however, an official transcript must be submitted
to the kNEXT (Knights Experience Team) within 30 days of the hire date for domestic transcript. Original
official international transcripts must be submitted to the kNEXT (Knights Experience Team) within 90
days of the hire date and verification with translation and approved accreditation will be required. A list of
the approved agencies is listed under Educational Translations and Evaluations in the A-Z Index on the
Human Resources website. If the official sealed transcript is mailed or electronically sent by school or
clearinghouse directly to the hiring department, the department may open the sealed/emailed transcript,
verify receipt of the highest degree indicated on the application, and add the reviewer’s initials and date
before forwarding the official document to the kNEXT (Knights Experience Team). Official transcripts can
be submitted to the kNEXT (Knights Experience Team) by email, uploading the transcript to the selected
candidate’s profile in Workday or by interoffice mail.
Submitting an Offer
The offer is typically the first point for initiating an offer process for an applicant by the hiring
department’s HR business center. An offer is required for every hire. Below is the information captured
in an offer letter.
The offer letter contains the following:
Personal Details
Job Details
Position Details
Offer Details
Onboarding Details
Additional documents (i.e., clauses, relocation agreement)
Documentation needed for Talent Acquisition approval
The following additional documentation should be uploaded by the hiring department’s Primary Recruiter
in Workday under the selected candidate’s profile if applicable:
A copy of the secondary advertising source must be uploaded.
Copy of official/unofficial transcript. In lieu of uploading the transcripts, it can also be sent
interoffice. Should you receive an electronic transcript the department may verify receipt of and
add the reviewer’s initials and date before uploading the official document.
If search committee was utilized, search committee meeting notices should be uploaded. For each
notice there should be a corresponding document reflecting the meeting minutes. All applicant
names should be listed under the round they were assigned during the search committee process
A copy of any waiver(s) or exemption(s) to the hire process that were granted by (OIE) Office of
Institutional Equity or Talent Acquisition.
Employment of relatives form with the appropriate organizational chart (if applicable).
A copy of any preliminary compensation analysis (if applicable).
A copy of telephone employment references (if applicable).
Offer letter should be carefully reviewed prior to submission to ensure that all applicable fields and
documentation needed have been accurately completed. If the offer is submitted incomplete, the offer card
will be sent back or declined and sent to the hiring department for completion before it will be processed.
Departments are discouraged from providing verbal offers if the salary is going to exceed the 1st quartile
of the assigned salary grade, until the Compensation COE has provided guidance on the appropriate
starting salary. If the intended offer salary is above the 1
quartile of the salary range, the Compensation
COE will need to be engaged to analyze the request. The compensation team will review the requested
salary and determine if the proposed salary creates any parity or equity concerns. The compensation team
will prepare a write up that includes an appropriate starting salary range. The HRBC/Primary Recruiter
should include this range recommendation on the applicant’s profile.
Talent Acquisition will review the checklist to verify that all required items are complete. If checklist
items are met the offer will be extended to the selected candidate.
What if the applicant interviewed recently for a same title or similar position?
Occasionally a candidate is considered for two or more identical or nearly identical positions a short time
apart. If an appropriate opportunity was offered for the candidate to interact on campus with the potential
colleagues/supervisors, and the supervisors recently interviewed the candidate appropriately for the other
positions, a repeated interview may not be necessary. Contact Talent Acquisition with any questions prior
to proceeding.
What is the difference when interviewing an internal and external candidate for the same position?
Both internal and external candidates must have the same interview experience. Equal opportunity
guidelines require that each candidate be granted the same opportunity to succeed in the search. However,
tours of campus or briefings by related departments may be skipped for internal candidates.
How many applicants do I need to interview?
The University requires that in-person on campus interviews be conducted for a minimum of three
candidates. When posting multiple vacancies with same position title, work location and work schedule,
the minimum number of interviews will need to be adjusted. The goal is to leave two interviewees in
contention when a selection is made. If two positions are available, four interviewees would be the
minimum. If three are available, five interviewees would be acceptable. The hiring official must contact
Talent Acquisition before proceeding if he/she cannot identify from the pool the minimum number of
finalists necessary to be interviewed.
What to do if an applicant requests information regarding the search process?
This sometimes takes the form of asking for guidance about improving credentials for the future or asking
why they did not advance in the search. The University advises hiring officials to provide access to the
public record of the search. Verbal discussions of an applicant’s candidacy are discouraged. The procedure
for requesting public documents is available in the (OIE) Office of the Institutional Equity website.
Appendix A-Hiring Process for Candidates with Alternative
Employment Preference or Recall Rights
As stated in the “Search & Screening Procedures” section of this guide (see “What is a search and when is
one required?”), current UCF employees who have been given notice of layoff, or former UCF employees
who have been terminated from the university due to layoff, may have alternative employment preference
or recall rights to an available position and, thus, completion of the search process may not be required.
Difference between Alternative Employment Preference and Recall Rights
Employees who have been given notice of layoff, but who have not yet been terminated, are to be given
preference when they apply for appropriate (equivalent or lower) positions on the same geographic
campus. The alternative employment preference period occurs after notice of layoff, but before
Employees who have been terminated because of a layoff have the right to be offered employment for
same or similar positions for which they apply on the same geographic campus. The recall rights period
commences after termination and extends for either one year (for USPS and out-of-unit A&P employees),
18 months (for employees covered by the Police Benevolent Association collective bargaining agreement)
or two years for in-unit A&P and faculty.
Eligibility guidelines
Regular USPS, A&P, and Faculty E&G employees who have been given notice of layoff or have been
laid off are eligible for either alternative employee preference and/or recall rights (see above). For more
information on eligibility, please go to UCF Layoff Regulations
Identifying candidates with Alternative Employment Preference or Recall Rights
Departments should post vacancies as usual via Workday from the time recruitment is approved to begin
for a minimum of one week. Note that if an employee with alternative employment preference or recall
rights is selected, after consulting with Talent Acquisition, the search may be concluded at that point and
the online requisition completed as normal in Workday.
Candidates will identify themselves as having alternative employment preference or recall rights via the
online application. Much like the veterans’ preference extended to USPS employees, this information will
be verified by Talent Acquisition (for A&P and USPS positions only) and will be readily visible in
As part of the hiring approval process, Talent Acquisition will verify that recall rights and alternative
employment preference were given to those eligible to receive it.
Interview and selection process for candidates with Alternative Employment Preference or
Recall Rights
Hiring officials are required to interview those candidates that have been identified as having alternative
employment preference. Employees with alternative employment preference must meet the minimum
Employees that have been verified to have recall rights must be interviewed and must be hired if they
meet the minimum qualifications of the position.
If several employees who apply meet these criteria, the order of selection should be made first based on
those that have recall rights. If several employees have recall rights, then the employee best suited for the
position should be selected.
If a unit does not select any of the employees with alternative employment preference or recall rights in
its candidate pool, such a decision must be countersigned and supported by the Layoff Committee.
Hiring a candidate with Alternative Employment Preference or Recall Rights
If upon consultation with Talent Acquisition a unit identifies and selects a candidate with alternative
employment preference or recall rights, the unit may discontinue the search at that point and complete the
online requisition as normal in Workday.
Additional questions about Alternative Employment Preference and Recall Rights
Alternative employment preference and recall rights are governed by the UCF Layoff Regulation (for
most USPS and out-of-unit faculty and A&P employees) or Article 13 of the BOT-UFF Collective
Bargaining Agreement (for in-unit faculty and A&P employees).
UCF Layoff Regulation
BOT-UFF Collective Bargaining Agreement
Additional layoff information specifically addressed to affected employees may be found on Human
Resources’ website under Employee Relations (see “Layoff Q&As”).
Index of Hyperlinks
Human Resources Website
Request for Exemption from Posting form
UCF Classification and Compensation Project
Other advertising sources df
Employment Reference Check forms