2021 Core Surgical Training
Supplementary Applicant Handbook
The National Recruitment Office for Core Surgical Training is Health Education England London
and Kent, Surrey and Sussex.
London and Kent, Surrey and Sussex are recruiting to posts on behalf of England, Scotland,
Northern Ireland and Wales.
Working alongside the Royal College of Surgeons we manage a centralised process aimed at
delivering a fair and consistent process for all applicants.
For more information about Core Surgical Training please refer to the Royal College of Surgeons
For careers advice please visit the Health Careers Website.
Detailed information including person specifications, competition ratios and the national medical
specialty recruitment applicant handbook are available on the national specialty training website.
This handbook aims to provide applicants with information regarding the 2021 Core Surgical Training
CT1/ST1 recruitment process.
General information regarding recruitment to all specialty training posts is available on the national
Specialty Training website and in the 2021 Applicant Handbook. These can be accessed via the
links below:
Please note that all communication with applicants will be via Oriel, or via
the contact details you provide as part of your Oriel application. You must
ensure that your contact details are correct and kept up to date throughout
the recruitment process.
Summary of changes for 2021 recruitment
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak there will be some changes to the way the recruitment process will
run in 2021. Details of these changes are provided throughout this handbook in conjunction with
central guidance issued by the national recruitment team that applies across specialties. You can
find the central guidance in the resource bank of the HEE specialty training website
https://specialtytraining.hee.nhs.uk/Resources-Bank. You must read both this Supplementary
Handbook and the Medical Specialty Applicant Guide before beginning your application.
CST recruitment has 2 models for assessing applications in 2021: plan A and plan B. We are
planning to assess all applications using plan A throughout 2021 recruitment, however, in the event
that the COVID-19 pandemic worsens to the point where plan A cannot be completed (for example if
interviews need to be cancelled due to clinician or administrative team availability) then we will
switch to plan B. Plan B will consist of selection by the validated self-assessment score alone. All
applicants will be notified via Oriel if a switch to plan B is required.
Plan A for recruitment will involve the following stages (which are outlined in more detail in the
relevant sections of this handbook):
1. As part of the Oriel application form you will be asked to provide a self-assessment score
depending on your personal achievements. Please see advert-linked document ‘2021 CST
Self-Assessment Guidance for Candidates’ for full guidance on how to complete your self-
assessment scoring.
2. Your self-assessment score, as submitted on your application form will be used to shortlist.
The top scoring 1100 applicants (approximately) will then be invited to upload evidence of
their achievements to the Evidence Upload Portal
3. The evidence you upload will be reviewed by surgical consultants. They will verify that you
have claimed the correct number of points and can change your score if they feel your
evidence merits a different score from your self-assessment. This produces your verified
evidence score. Applicants will be given the opportunity to appeal, more information on this
process will follow after the application closing date.
4. After the evidence verification process is complete, the highest scoring 960 applicants
(approximately) will be invited to attend a remote interview
5. A combination of your verified evidence score (1/3 of total score) and scores at interview (2/3
of total score) will be used to determine your final total score and ranking.
Plan B
Plan B will follow the same stages as plan A except that there will be no remote interviews. An
applicant’s verified evidence score then becomes their total score and this is used to determine
rankings. Please note that we will only switch to plan B in the event that plan A cannot be completed
due to COVID-19.
Timeline and Key Dates
Core Surgical Training CT1/ST1 recruitment will follow the below timeline:
Advert appears
Monday 2 November 220
Applications open
At 10am on Thursday 5 November 2020
Applications close
At 4pm on Tuesday 1 December 2020
Evidence upload portal opens
Wednesday 23 December 2020
Evidence upload portal closes
Thursday 7 January 2021
Results of evidence verification
released to applicants and appeals
window opens
Thursday 21 January 2021
Appeal window closes
72 hours after results of evidence verification are
released to applicants
Invite to Interview sent on
Tuesday 9 February 2021
Interview Dates
Monday 22 February Friday 5 March 2021
Preferences open date
Monday 8 March 2021
Preferences close date
Tuesday 16 March 2021
Initial offers released by London &
Kent, Surrey and Sussex (on
behalf of all regions)
By no later than Monday 19
April 5pm on Thursday
18 March 2021
Hold deadline
At 1pm on Friday 16 April 2021
Upgrade deadline
At 4pm on Monday 19 April 2021
Interview scoresheet release date
To be confirmed
Please note that all dates are subject to change, appropriate notice will be given to applicants
should changes be required.
Reasonable Adjustments
If you are an applicant that wishes to request reasonable adjustments, please go to:
For further information, please refer to the ‘Reasonable Adjustments Guidance’ that can be found on
the webpage below:
Self-assessment and submitting an application
All applications must be submitted on Oriel before the national deadline of 16:00 (GMT) on
1/12/2020. Under no circumstances will late applications be accepted.
Providing a self-assessment score is a mandatory part of your application form. Please see advert-
linked document 2021 CST Self-Assessment Guidance for Candidates’ for full guidance on how to
complete your self-assessment scoring.
If you are a dual qualified (medical and dental) applicant, please note the following when
completing your employment history on the Oriel application form:
If you are a dentistry first applicant call your pre-medical jobs ‘Dental’ and avoid the term
SHO. Completing your MRCS does not preclude you from applying to CST.
If you are a medicine first applicant and you have worked in surgical specialities before
dentistry, doing your second degree ‘resets the clock’ on the 18-month limit of surgical
experience. You may have to provide evidence of maintaining your foundation training
competencies whilst studying for your dental degree.
Longlisting is the process of checking that applicants meet the minimum requirements to be eligible
for a Core Surgical Training post. You can find the eligibility criteria on the person specification here:
https://specialtytraining.hee.nhs.uk/Recruitment/Person-specifications. More information about
longlisting can be found in the Medical Specialty Recruitment Applicant Handbook in the resource
bank: https://specialtytraining.hee.nhs.uk/Resources-Bank
As the number of expected applications for CST exceeds the maximum capacity for both the evidence
verification process and remote interviews, shortlisting will be done in two stages for 2021 CST
The first stage will use the self-assessment score provided as part of the Oriel application form to
decide who will progress to the evidence verification stage. Applicants who score highly enough in
their self-assessment will be invited to upload evidence for their claimed score to the evidence upload
portal between 23/12/2020 and 7/1/2021.
Guidance on how to score your self-assessment can be found in the advert-linked document ‘2021
CST Self-Assessment Guidance for Candidates’
Therefore, it crucial that you complete your self-assessment honestly and accurately at the
time of application. It is not possible to change your self-assessment score after you have
submitted your application under any circumstances.
Any instances where applicants are found to have deliberately over-scored their self-
assessment may be treated as probity concerns. This may lead to being removed from the
recruitment process or a referral to the GMC.
Submitting Supporting Evidence
Applicants will be provided with further instructions about how to upload evidence to the portal after
the application closing date. Applicants should ensure that they present the evidence in the requested
format. Failure to do so could result in your evidence being rejected and/or the self-assessment score
being revised downwards.
Failure to submit all evidence by the stated deadline will result in your application being withdrawn by
the recruitment team.
Recruitment administrators will not be able to upload evidence on behalf of applicants and once the
deadline for submission has passed, applicant access to the evidence portal will be withdrawn.
Evidence Verification
The second stage of shortlisting is the evidence verification stage. Submitted evidence will be reviewed
by consultant surgeons and verified against the self-assessment scoring criteria. Where the evidence
submitted does not match the self-assessment score awarded, the verified score will be adjusted
On completion of the verification process applicants will be sent their verified score together with the
verification panel’s feedback explaining any changes to score. Where the applicant disagrees with
the verified score awarded, they can lodge an appeal.
If the applicant self-assessment score differs significantly from the assessor score then
applicants should expect to be contacted by an assessor as part of a probity process. Please
ensure that your contact details on Oriel are correct and kept up to date as these are the details
that will be used to contact you.
Appeals against verified scores must be lodged within 72 hours of the scores being sent to applicants.
No additional evidence can be submitted but you can request a review of the evidence already
submitted via the portal. Your appeal request should clearly explain why you feel that the score should
be adjusted, based on the evidence that was initially submitted and verified. Appeals received after
the 72-hour deadline will not be considered.
Appeals will be reviewed by consultant surgeons who will decide whether verified scores should be
changed or not and you will be informed of the outcome. The outcome of the appeal is final and there
is no further recourse for dissatisfied applicants. Disagreements over self-assessment scores fall out
of scope of the MDRS Complaints Policy.
Once the evidence verification and appeals processes have been completed then the applicants with
the highest verified scores will be invited to book an interview slot via Oriel.
Interview Booking and Interview Process
Applicants will need to book an interview slot using their Oriel account. Slots are offered on a first
come first served basis and will need to be booked by the deadline stated in the invitation to
interview. Further information on how to book an interview slot can be found in Oriel Applicant User
All interviews will be undertaken online using Microsoft Teams between Monday 22
February and
Friday 5
March 2021.
There is an Applicant Declaration which all applicants must agree with and adhere to in order to sit an
online interview. The Declaration also contains a list of vital steps you must undertake before the day
of interview. You can find a copy of the Applicant Declaration here:
As soon as the link to join the online interview has been received, applicants should ensure that they
test this from the device they plan to use for their interview as you may need to source an alternative
device to ensure connectivity if you experience any issues. Any applicants unable to connect should
contact the recruitment team at the earliest opportunity. When testing the link, applicants should reach
a screen that states that the host will commence the meeting shortly or similar wording. If you are
unable to connect directly from the link, try pasting the URL link into the browser, or try using an
incognito browser.
On the day of the interview, each applicant should click on the link and join the call 5 minutes prior to
their allocated time. Before the interview commences, applicants will be briefed on the interview
process and will be required to confirm their identity with the interview administrator. It is therefore
important that applicants have suitable photographic ID available (passport or UK photo driving
license). In addition, applicants will be required to move their camera to show the entire room where
they are undertaking the interview, to confirm that nobody else is present. Once identity has been
confirmed, the administrator will advise the interview panel that the interview process can commence.
Applicants should ensure that their camera and microphone are turned on and working correctly prior
to joining the call. Interviews will be terminated where the panel cannot see the applicant.
The interview must not be recorded by either the applicant, the administrator or the panel members.
On completion of the interview, the applicant should terminate their connection to the call and the
interview process is complete.
Interview format
The interview will consist of one 20-minute interview station with 2 sections completed in the
following order:
1. Management question lasting for 10 minutes
2. Clinical scenarios lasting for 10 minutes
There is no break in between the management and clinical questions and they are asked by the
same panel members.
The remote panel will be comprised of a maximum of two consultants and there may also be a lay
representative on the panel whose role is to check for fairness and consistency.
The two sections contain the following components:
Management Section
- 1 pre-prepared 3-minute presentation. Applicants will receive the presentation title and
instructions via Oriel as part of the invitation to interview
- 2 minutes of questioning on presentation
- 1 management scenario question. The is question is provided during the interview and
encourages the applicant to think on their feet.
- 5 minutes allowed to answer question
Clinical Section
2 clinical scenario questions lasting 5 minutes each. These questions are provided during the
interview to encourage applicants to think on their feet.
Interview scoring criteria
The different sections of the interview will be scored according to the following points system:
Management Section:
0 No Evidence
1 Very Poor
2 Weak
Presentation skills
3 Satisfactory
4 Good
5 Excellent
6 Outstanding
Management Question
Probity & Professional integrity and
awareness of safety & ethics
0 No Evidence
1 Very Poor
2 Weak
3 Satisfactory
4 Good
5 Excellent
6 Outstanding
Judgement under pressure &
Clinical Scenarios (each clinical question is scored separately according to the same
points framework):
Clinical skills & knowledge
0 No Evidence
1 Very Poor
2 Weak
3 Satisfactory
4 Good
5 Excellent
6 Outstanding
Judgement under pressure &
Preferencing of posts will be available prior to offers being made. You will be able to preference
posts between Monday 8 March 2021 and Tuesday 16 March 2021. After the first iteration of offers
are made (date TBC), preferencing will reopen between offer iterations, in light of enhanced
For guidance on how to submit your preferences please refer to the Oriel Applicant User Guide.
For full guidance on enhanced preferencing, please refer to ‘Offer Exchanges/Enhanced
Preferencing in the 2021 Medical Specialty Applicant Handbook:
Applicants may preference either traditional 2-year Core Surgical Training posts, 2-year uncoupled
Improving Surgical Training (IST) Pilot Posts, run-through IST pilot posts (in General Surgery,
Vascular Surgery, Urology or Trauma and Orthopaedics), the run-through Otolaryngology pilot
programme, the run-through Paediatric Surgery Pilot programme or a combination of any of these.
Detailed information about the Improving Surgical Training programme is available at
Further information and guidance will be released in due course regarding the different types of
programme available and how to submit your preferences.
Offers, references and scoresheet
Following interview all applicants will receive a total score, a unique ranking and will be deemed
successful or unsuccessful and will be informed of this via Oriel.
One third of your total score will be your verified evidence score. One third will be your score in the
management section of the interview and one third will be your score in the clinical section of the
Offers will be made to those successful applicants that have ‘matched’ to a post and will be based on
the applicant’s ranking and preferences. Initial offers will be made via Oriel on Thursday 18 March
Following initial offers being released, further offers will be made in subsequent iterations.
Applicants have 48 hours from the time of offer (excluding weekends) to confirm via Oriel whether
they wish to accept, reject or hold their offer. Offers made after the hold deadline will only have the
option to accept or reject.
References will only be requested when an offer has been accepted.
Scoresheets will be released to ALL applicants on Thursday 18 March 2021; therefore, you do not
need to request your scoresheets after interview.
Once an applicant has accepted a Core Surgical Training CT1/ST1 post, their information will be
passed to their relevant region who will contact them directly to complete the allocation process.
Further information on how to request a deferred start date or training less than full time (LTFT)
can be found in the 2021 Applicant Handbook.
Next steps/roles and responsibilities
If you accept an offer of a training programme your details will be passed on to the local training
programme director around 14 weeks prior to your start date, and to the first trust you have been
appointed to 12 weeks prior to your start date. Therefore, you should not expect to receive any
communication from them prior to this time.
Enquiries and FAQs
Should you have any queries relating to the recruitment process for Insert Specialty you can contact
the London and Kent, Surrey and Sussex recruitment team via our online enquiries portal -
Useful Links
Health Education England -
London and KSS
Oriel 2 Resource bank
Oriel 2 home page
HEE Specialty Training
Royal College of Surgeons
IST website
Core Surgery Recruitment