For use at 10:00 a.m., EDT
July 18, 2007
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Monetary Policy Report to the Congress
July 18, 2007
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Monetary Policy Report to the Congress
Submitted pursuant to section 2B of the Federal Reserve Act
July 18, 2007
Letter of Transmittal
Washington, D.C., July 18, 2007
The Board of Governors is pleased to submit its Monetary Policy Report to the Congress
pursuant to section 2B of the Federal Reserve Act.
Ben Bernanke, Chairman
Monetary Policy and the Economic Outlook 1
Economic and Financial Developments in 2007 4
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 1
Monetary Policy Report to the Congress
Report submitted to the Congress on July 18, 2007,
pursuant to section 2B of the Federal Reserve Act
The U.S. economy generally performed well in the rst
half of 2007. Activity continued to increase moderately,
on average, over the period; businesses added jobs at
a steady pace; and the unemployment rate remained at
4½ percent. Overall in ation, however, picked up as a
result of sizable increases in energy and food prices. At
the same time, core in ation (which excludes the direct
effects of movements in energy and food prices) held at
about the same rate as in 2006; this measure smoothes
through some of the volatility in the high-frequency data
and thus is generally a better gauge of underlying in a-
tion trends.
Although real gross domestic product appears to have
expanded at about the same average rate thus far this year
as it did in the second half of 2006, the pace of expansion
has been uneven. In the rst quarter, consumer expen-
ditures and business xed investment, taken together,
posted a solid gain. However, homebuilding continued to
contract, and manufacturing rms adjusted production to
address stock imbalances in that sector that had emerged
over the course of 2006. In the second quarter, housing
activity declined further in response to the continued
softness in home sales and still-elevated inventories of
unsold new homes; personal consumption expenditures
(PCE) also slowed. Even so, the available data point to
solid gains overall in other components of nal sales, and
with manufacturing inventory imbalances signi cantly
reduced, growth in real GDP apparently sped up.
Job growth in the rst half of 2007 was driven by
sizable increases in service-producing industries. In the
goods-producing sector, manufacturing employment con-
tracted, especially at rms closely tied to the construction
industry and at producers of motor vehicles and parts.
Employment in residential construction, which had turned
down in mid-2006, decreased only modestly further over
the rst half of 2007 despite the substantial decline in
Real hourly compensation increased over the year end-
ing in the rst quarter, the most recent period for which
complete data are available. In the second quarter, howev-
er, gains in real compensation were probably curtailed by a
steep, energy-driven rise in consumer prices. Employment
continued to rise apace in the rst half of 2007 in the face
of moderate growth in output. As a consequence, growth
in labor productivity—which had slowed in 2006 from the
rapid rate observed earlier in the decade—appears to have
remained modest. The cooling of productivity growth in
recent quarters likely re ects cyclical or other temporary
factors, but the underlying pace of productivity gains may
also have slowed somewhat.
Financial market conditions have continued to be
generally supportive of economic expansion thus far
in 2007, though there was a notable repricing in the
subprime-mortgage sector. In recent weeks, the deterio-
ration in that sector has been particularly marked, and
markets for lower-quality corporate credits have also
experienced some strains. Nonetheless, spreads on such
corporate credits have remained narrow on the whole,
and business borrowing has continued to be fairly brisk.
On balance, equity markets posted sizable gains through
mid-July, in part because of continued robust corporate
pro ts and an upward revision to investors’ outlook for the
economy. The improved outlook led market participants
to mark up their anticipated path for the federal funds
rate, and intermediate- and long-term interest rates rose
signi cantly. The foreign exchange value of the dollar has
declined moderately this year as the pace of economic
activity abroad has strengthened.
Overall consumer price in ation, as measured by the
PCE price index, picked up noticeably in the rst half
of 2007, largely because of a sharp increase in energy
prices. After moving down over the second half of 2006,
the prices households pay for energy subsequently turned
up and by May were 14 percent (not at an annual rate)
above their level at the end of last year. Food prices also
contributed to the step-up in overall in ation this year.
The faster rate of increase in overall prices has had only
a modest effect on in ation expectations: Surveys suggest
that near-term in ation expectations have risen somewhat
in recent months, but measures of long-term in ation
expectations have remained within the range of recent
The rate of increase in the core PCE price index ticked
down from 2.1 percent over the twelve months of 2006 to
an annual rate of 2.0 percent over the rst ve months of
2007, primarily accounted for by more-favorable readings
between March and May. Although higher energy prices
this year added to the cost of producing a wide variety
2 Monetary Policy Report to the Congress July 2007
of goods and services that are included in the core index,
these effects were offset by other factors—most notably,
a slowdown in the rate of increase in shelter costs from
the very high rates seen in 2006.
The U.S. economy seems likely to continue to expand
at a moderate pace in the second half of 2007 and in 2008.
The current contraction in residential construction will
likely restrain overall activity for a while longer, but as
stocks of unsold new homes are brought down to more
comfortable levels, that restraint should begin to abate.
In addition, the inventory correction that damped activity
in the manufacturing sector around the turn of the year
appears largely to have run its course. Thus, stock adjust-
ment is unlikely to be a drag on production in coming
quarters. Consumer spending should also keep moving up.
Employment and real wages are on track to rise further,
and, although the dif culties in the subprime-mortgage
market have created severe nancial problems for some
individuals and families, the household sector is in good
nancial shape overall. Businesses are also continuing to
enjoy favorable nancial conditions, which, along with
a further expansion in business output, should support
moderate increases in business investment. The positive
outlook for economic activity abroad bodes well for U.S.
Core in ation is expected to moderate a bit further over
the next year and a half. Longer-run in ation expectations
are contained, pressures on resource utilization should
ease slightly in an environment of economic expan-
sion at or just below the rate of increase in the nation’s
potential to produce, and some of the other factors that
boosted in ation in recent years have already receded
or seem likely to do so. As noted, increases in shelter
costs, which helped push up core in ation in 2006, have
slowed appreciably this year. In addition, the paths for
the prices of energy and other commodities embedded in
futures markets suggest that the impetus to core in ation
from these in uences should diminish. And although unit
labor costs in the nonfarm business sector have been ris-
ing, the average markup of prices over unit labor costs is
still high by historical standards, an indication that rms
could potentially absorb higher costs, at least for a time,
through a narrowing of pro t margins.
Nonetheless, the possibility that the expected modera-
tion in in ation will fail to materialize remains the pre-
dominant risk to the economic outlook. The more-favor-
able readings on core in ation in recent months partly
re ect some factors that seem likely to prove transitory.
Moreover, the economy appears to be operating at a high
level of resource utilization, which has the potential to sus-
tain in ation pressures. In addition, an upward impetus to
costs could emanate from other sources, including higher
prices for energy and other commodities or a slower rate of
increase in structural productivity. Another concern is that
high rates of headline in ation, if prolonged, could cause
longer-run in ation expectations to rise and could thus
become another factor sustaining in ation pressures.
Significant risks also attend the outlook for real
economic activity. On the downside, the fall in housing
construction could intensify or last longer than expected.
In addition, persistent weakness in the housing sector
could spill over to other sectors, especially consump-
tion. But upside risks also exist. For example, consumer
spending appears to be rising less rapidly of late after a
period of large increases that pushed the personal saving
rate into negative territory; increases in consumption
could return to their earlier pace. Exports could also
boost aggregate demand more than anticipated, espe-
cially if economic conditions abroad continue to exceed
The Conduct of Monetary Policy
over the First Half of 2007
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) left the
stance of monetary policy unchanged over the rst half
of 2007. At the time of the January meeting, available
economic information pointed to a relatively favorable
outlook for both economic growth and in ation. While
manufacturing activity had softened, the housing sector
had shown tentative signs of stabilizing, and consumer
spending remained strong. Readings on core in ation had
improved some from the elevated levels reached in 2006,
and in ation expectations continued to be stable. Never-
theless, the prevailing level of in ation was uncomfortably
high, and elevated resource utilization had the potential
to sustain in ation pressures. Against this backdrop, the
Committee decided to leave its target for the federal funds
rate unchanged at 5¼ percent and reiterated in its policy
statement that some in ation risks remained. The Com-
mittee also explained that the extent and timing of any
additional rming would depend on the evolution of the
outlook for both in ation and economic growth as implied
by incoming information.
When the Committee met in March, data suggested
that the ongoing weakness in the housing market had not
spilled over to consumption spending, and the strains in
the subprime-mortgage market did not appear to be affect-
ing the availability of other types of household or busi-
ness credit. Although investment spending had been soft,
it was expected to pick up, primarily because of strong
corporate balance sheets, continued high pro tability, and
generally favorable nancial conditions. Nevertheless,
sluggish business spending and the deterioration in the
subprime-mortgage market suggested that downside risks
to growth had increased. At the same time, readings on
core in ation had stayed somewhat elevated, and increases
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 3
in the prices of energy and non-energy commodities had
boosted the risk that the expected deceleration in in ation
would fail to occur. The FOMC decided to leave its target
for the federal funds rate unchanged at 5¼ percent and
noted in the accompanying statement that its predominant
policy concern remained the risk that in ation would
fail to moderate as expected. In light of the increased
uncertainty about the outlook for both inflation and
growth, the statement indicated that future policy adjust-
ments would depend on the evolution of the outlook
for both in ation and economic growth as implied by
incoming information—a characterization that has been
repeated in the two postmeeting FOMC statements since
In May, the data in hand indicated that the adjust-
ment in the housing sector was continuing and appeared
likely to persist for longer than previously anticipated.
Moreover, growth in consumer spending seemed to have
slowed in the early spring. Nonetheless, because the prob-
lems in the subprime-mortgage market apparently were
contained and business spending indicators suggested
improving prospects for investment, the economy seemed
likely to expand at a moderate pace over coming quarters.
Despite more-favorable readings for March, core in ation
remained somewhat elevated from a longer perspective.
In ation pressures were expected to moderate over time,
but the high level of resource utilization had the potential
to sustain those pressures. As a result, the FOMC decided
to leave its target for the federal funds rate unchanged at
5¼ percent and repeated in the statement that its predomi-
nant policy concern remained the risk that in ation would
fail to moderate as expected.
At the June meeting, data appeared to con rm that
economic growth had strengthened in the second quarter
of 2007 despite the ongoing adjustment in the housing
sector. Business spending on capital equipment, which
had faltered around the turn of the year, rmed somewhat
in the spring, and nonresidential construction advanced
briskly. In addition, the inventory correction that had held
down economic activity late last year and early this year
seemed to have mostly run its course. Moreover, defense
spending and net exports appeared poised to rebound
after sagging in the rst quarter. These factors more than
offset a slowdown in the growth of consumer spending.
Readings on core in ation remained favorable in April
and May. Nonetheless, a sustained moderation of in ation
pressures had yet to be convincingly demonstrated, and
the high level of resource utilization had the potential to
sustain those pressures. Under these circumstances, the
Committee decided to leave its target for the federal funds
rate unchanged at 5¼ percent. In its policy statement, the
Committee repeated that its predominant policy concern
remained the risk that in ation would fail to moderate as
At their meetings over the rst half of 2007, FOMC
meeting participants continued the discussions they had
formally initiated last year regarding their communica-
tions with the public. The discussions included a review
of the role of the economic projections that are made
twice a year by the members of the Board of Governors
and the Reserve Bank presidents and which are included
in the Board’s Monetary Policy Report to the Congress.
In addition, participants exchanged views on the possible
advantages and disadvantages of specifying a numerical
price objective for monetary policy. They also discussed
the appropriate role of meeting minutes and policy state-
ments. These discussions remain ongoing, as participants
continue to evaluate the best available means for improv-
1/28 3/16 5/4 6/30 8/10 9/21 11/10 12/14 2/2 3/22 5/3 6/30 8/9 9/20 11/1 12/13 1/31 3/28 5/10 6/29 8/8 9/20 10/25 12/12 1/31 3/21 5/9 6/28
Selected interest rates, 2004–07
Target federal funds rate
Ten-year Treasury rate
: The data are daily and extend through July 13, 2007. The ten-year Treasury rate is the constant-maturity yield based on the most actively traded
securities. The dates on the horizontal axis are those of FOMC meetings.
: Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve.
4 Monetary Policy Report to the Congress July 2007
ing communication with the public in furtherance of the
Committee’s dual mandate for both maximum employ-
ment and stable prices.
Economic Projections for 2007 and 2008
In conjunction with the FOMC meeting at the end of June,
the members of the Board of Governors and the Reserve
Bank presidents, all of whom participate in the delibera-
tions of the FOMC, provided economic projections for
2007 and 2008 for this report. The central tendency of
the FOMC participants’ forecasts for the increase in real
GDP is 2¼ percent to 2½ percent over the four quarters of
2007 and 2½ percent to 2¾ percent in 2008. The civilian
unemployment rate is expected to lie between 4½ percent
and 4¾ percent in the fourth quarter of 2007 and to be
at about the top of that range in 2008. As for in ation,
FOMC participants expect that the increase in the price
index for personal consumption expenditures excluding
food and energy (core PCE in ation) will total 2 percent
to 2¼ percent over the four quarters of 2007 and will drift
down to 1¾ percent to 2 percent in 2008.
Economic activity appears poised to expand at a
moderate rate in the second half of 2007, and it should
strengthen gradually into 2008. The ongoing correction in
the housing market seems likely to continue to weigh on
the rate of economic expansion over the near term. But as
that process runs its course, the rate of growth of economic
activity should move up somewhat. The pace of consumer
spending may be restrained in the near term as households
continue to adjust to the latest run-up in energy prices and
to softer house prices; still, household balance sheets are
generally in good shape, and increases in employment
and real wages over the next year and a half should be
suf cient to sustain further gains in spending. Regarding
business investment, solid gains in real outlays on equip-
ment and software seem likely in light of the anticipated
expansion in business output, continuing strong pro ts,
and generally favorable nancial conditions. Opportuni-
ties to realize signi cant gains in ef ciency by investing
in high-tech equipment should provide ongoing support to
equipment spending as well. Investment in nonresidential
buildings also seems to be expanding briskly. In addition,
prospects are favorable for continued increases in demand
for exports of U.S. goods and services.
FOMC participants generally expect core in ation to
edge down a bit further over the next year and a half. In
assessing the apparent slowing of core in ation this spring,
participants recognized that the monthly price data are
volatile and that some of the recent improvement may
prove to have been transitory. Nonetheless, they believe
that the current environment will be conducive to some
further moderation in underlying price pressures. The
participants’ forecasts for real activity imply a slight
easing over the next several quarters of the tightness in
labor and product markets. And although core in ation
is expected to remain under some upward pressure in the
near term from the pass-through of the increases to date
in the prices of energy and other commodities, those cost
pressures should subsequently wane. Accordingly, with
long-run in ation expectations contained, diminished
cost pressures should result in some moderation in core
in ation.
IN 2007
Real GDP increased at an annual rate of 2¼ percent in
the second half of 2006, and it appears to have risen at
roughly that pace, on average, over the rst half of 2007.
Although consumer spending and business xed invest-
ment posted moderate gains, on balance, during the rst
half, the contraction in residential construction exerted
signi cant restraint on economic activity. The rise in real
GDP in the rst quarter was also damped by a downswing
in inventory investment, a dip in defense spending, and an
unusually sharp drop in net exports. The available infor-
mation suggests that GDP growth rebounded in the second
quarter as the drag from inventory investment waned and
as defense expenditures and net exports snapped back
after their rst-quarter declines. In the labor market, hir-
ing continued at a steady pace throughout the rst half,
Economic projections for 2007 and 2008
Change, fourth quarter to fourth quarter
Nominal GDP ......................................................... –5½ 5
Real GDP ............................................................... 2 –2¾
PCE price index excluding food and energy .......... 2 2
Average level, fourth quarter
Civilian unemployment rate ...................................
Change, fourth quarter to fourth quarter
Nominal GDP ......................................................... 4½ – 5½ 4¾ – 5
Real GDP ............................................................... 2½ – 3 2½ – 2¾
PCE price index excluding food and energy .......... 2 2
Average level, fourth quarter
Civilian unemployment rate ................................... 5 About 4¾
1. Change from average for fourth quarter of previous year to average for
fourth quarter of year indicated.
Federal Reserve Governors
Reserve Bank presidents
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 5
although job gains fell short of those recorded in 2006, and
the unemployment rate remained at 4½ percent. Headline
consumer price in ation was boosted by a reversal of the
downturn in energy prices in late 2006 and a step-up in
retail food prices, while core in ation was little changed.
Real hourly labor compensation increased over the year
ending in the rst quarter, although gains in the second
quarter were probably eroded by the energy-driven pickup
in overall in ation. Conditions in nancial markets have
remained generally supportive of economic expansion
thus far this year despite deteriorating conditions in the
subprime-mortgage sector. Investors seemed to become
more optimistic about the outlook for the economy: Inter-
est rates rose, credit spreads on corporate bonds stayed
narrow on the whole, and equity markets recorded sizable
The Household Sector
Consumer Spending
After exhibiting considerable vigor in late 2006, consumer
spending slowed somewhat over the rst half of 2007.
Spending continued to be bolstered by the strong labor
market and the lagged effects of earlier increases in house-
hold wealth. However, these positive in uences were
partly offset by the rise in energy prices this year, which
drained consumers’ purchasing power, and by reduced
home-price appreciation, which limited recent gains in
Percent, annual rate
Change in real GDP, 200107
NOTE: Here and in subsequent figures, except as noted, change for a given
period is measured to its final quarter from the final quarter of the preceding
SOURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Percent, annual rate
Change in PCE chain-type price index, 200107
NOTE: The data are for personal consumption expenditures (PCE).
Through 2006, change is from December to December; for 2007, change is
from December to May.
OURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Excluding food and energy
Percent, annual rate
Change in real income and consumption, 200107
SOURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Disposable personal income
Personal consumption expenditures
1966 = 100
Consumer sentiment, 19942007
1985 = 100
Conference Board
: The Conference Board data are monthly and extend through June
2007. The Reuters/University of Michigan data are monthly and extend
through a preliminary estimate for July 2007.
: The Conference Board and Reuters/University of Michigan Sur-
veys of Consumers.
6 Monetary Policy Report to the Congress July 2007
wealth for many households. Surveys of consumer senti-
ment have remained in a favorable range this year.
Real PCE rose at an annual rate of 4¼ percent in the
rst quarter. Spending on light motor vehicles (cars, sport-
utility vehicles, and pickup trucks) got off to a fast start
this year, expenditures on energy services were boosted by
unusually cold weather in February, and outlays for other
goods and services posted sizable gains after a steep run-
up in the fourth quarter. The available data imply a much
slower pace of spending growth in the second quarter, as
sales of light motor vehicles softened and real spending
on goods other than motor vehicles turned lackluster.
Real disposable personal income (DPI)—that is, after-
tax income adjusted for in ation—also started the year on
a strong note after a large increase in the fourth quarter.
Wages and salaries and some other major categories of
personal income continued to rise appreciably in nominal
terms throughout the rst half. However, these gains were
eroded in real terms by the energy-related jump in in ation
in the spring, and, as a result, real DPI rose at an annual
rate of just 1½ percent between the fourth quarter of 2006
and May 2007, compared with an increase of more than
3 percent over the four quarters of 2006.
Even given the sharp deceleration in residential real
estate values, household wealth has remained support-
ive of spending growth. One reason is that the surge
in equity values in recent quarters has allowed overall
household wealth to keep pace with nominal income
despite the softness in home prices. In addition, because
changes in net worth tend to in uence consumption with
a lag of several quarters, the increases in wealth during
2005 and 2006 are likely still providing a good deal of
impetus to spending. These increases in wealth, which
have provided many households with the resources and
inclination to raise their spending at a rate that exceeds
income growth, have been a factor pushing down the
personal saving rate over the past couple of years even
as interest rates have moved up. After uctuating in the
vicinity of 2 percent from 1999 to 2004, the saving rate
subsequently dropped sharply, and it stood at negative
1¼ percent, on average, in April and May of 2007.
Residential Investment
Residential construction activity remained soft in the
rst half of 2007, as builders continued to confront weak
demand and an elevated inventory of unsold new homes.
In the single-family sector, new units were started at an
average annual rate of 1.18 million between January and
May—more than 30 percent below the quarterly high
reached in the rst quarter of 2006. Starts in the multifam-
ily sector averaged a little less than 300,000 units during
the rst ve months of 2007, an amount at the lower end of
the range of the past nine years. All told, the contraction in
housing activity subtracted nearly 1 percentage point from
the change in real GDP in the rst quarter of 2007—almost
as much as in the second half of 2006—and the drag likely
remained substantial in the second quarter.
1. According to the published data, real DPI rose at an annual
rate of 4¾ percent in the rst quarter. However, a substantial part of
the increase occurred because the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
added $50 billion (annual rate) to its estimate of rst-quarter wages and
salaries in response to information that bonus payments and stock option
exercises around the turn of the year were unusually large. Because the
BEA did not assume that these payments carried forward into April,
real DPI fell sharply in that month.
Wealth-to-income ratio, 19842007
NOTE: The data are quarterly and extend through 2007:Q1. The wealth-
to-income ratio is the ratio of household net worth to disposable personal
OURCE: For net worth, Federal Reserve Board, flow of funds data; fo
income, Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Personal saving rate, 19842007
: The data are quarterly and extend through 2007:Q2; the reading fo
2007:Q2 is the average for April and May.
: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 7
The monthly data on home sales have been erratic this
year. But after smoothing through the ups and downs, the
data suggest that demand has softened further after falling
at a double-digit rate between mid-2005 and mid-2006 and
then holding reasonably steady in the second half of last
year. On average, sales of existing homes over the three
months ending in May 2007 were 4½ percent below their
average level in the second half of last year, while sales of
new homes were down 10 percent over that period. The
further weakening of housing demand this year likely
re ects, in part, tighter lending standards for mortgages,
and it occurred despite mortgage rates that were relatively
low by longer-run standards. The ongoing slippage in sales
has made it more dif cult for homebuilders to make much
of a dent in their inventories of new homes for sale. When
evaluated relative to the three-month average pace of sales,
the months’ supply of unsold new homes in May was
more than 60 percent above the high end of the relatively
narrow range it occupied from 1997 to 2005. Moreover,
these published gures probably understate the true inven-
tory overhang in this sector to the extent that they do not
account for the surge in canceled sales in the past year;
such cancellations return homes to unsold inventory but
are not incorporated in the of cial statistics.
The rate of house-price appreciation slowed dramati-
cally in 2006 after nearly a decade of rapid increases, and
prices appear to have moved roughly sideways in the rst
half of 2007. The purchase-only version of the repeat-
transactions price index for existing single-family homes
published by the Of ce of Federal Housing Enterprise
Oversight, which tracks sales prices of the same houses
over time, rose at an annual rate of just 2 percent in the
rst quarter of 2007 (the latest available data) and was
up just 3 percent over the year ending in the rst quarter,
compared with an increase of 10 percent over the pre-
ceding year. For April and May combined, the average
price of existing single-family homes sold—which does
not control for changes in the mix of houses sold but is
available on a more timely basis—was about 1 percent
below that of a year earlier.
Household Finance
Household debt expanded at an annual rate of 6 percent
in the rst quarter of 2007, somewhat below the pace of
Millions of units, annual rate
Private housing starts, 19942007
OTE: The data are quarterly and extend through 2007:Q2; the readings fo
2007:Q2 are the averages for April and May.
OURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census.
Mortgage rates, 19992007
Fixed rate
Adjustable rate
: The data, which are weekly and extend through July 11, 2007, are
contract rates on thirty-year mortgages.
: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation.
Change in prices of existing single-family houses,
Average price
: The data are quarterly, and changes are from one year earlier. The
repeat-transactions index extends through 2007:Q1. For the years preceding
1991, that index includes appraisals associated with mortgage refinancings;
beginning in 1991, it includes purchase transactions only. The data fo
average price extend through 2007:Q2, and the reading for Q2 is the average
for April and May compared with the same period one year earlier.
: For repeat transactions, Office of Federal Housing Enterprise
Oversight; for average price, National Association of Realtors.
8 Monetary Policy Report to the Congress July 2007
8¾ percent posted in 2006. The deceleration was pri-
marily the result of a signi cant step-down in the rise
of mortgage debt, which re ected the sharp slowing of
house-price appreciation and the slower pace of home
sales. Consumer (nonmortgage) debt has remained on a
moderate uptrend this year.
Debt rose a little more slowly than personal income in
the rst quarter, so the nancial obligations ratio for the
household sector inched down, though it remained only a
bit below its historical high. Most households were able
to meet their debt service obligations, and measures of
household credit quality were generally little changed.
For example, delinquency rates on consumer loans and
prime mortgages—the two main components of total
household debt—stayed low through the spring of 2007,
as did those on subprime xed-rate mortgages. In addition,
household bankruptcy lings continued to be subdued in
the rst half of the year: They ran near the average pace
seen since early 2006, after the bulge that accompanied
the implementation of the new bankruptcy law in October
Some households, however, have experienced growing
nancial strains. Delinquency rates on subprime mort-
gages with variable interest rates, which account for about
9 percent of all rst-lien mortgages outstanding, continued
to climb in the rst ve months of 2007 and reached a level
more than double the recent low for this series, which was
recorded in mid-2005. The rise in delinquencies has begun
to show through to new foreclosures. In the rst quarter of
2007, an estimated 325,000 foreclosure proceedings were
initiated, up from an average quarterly rate of 230,000 over
the preceding two years; about half of the foreclosures this
year were on subprime mortgages. The decline in credit
quality in the subprime sector has likely stemmed from a
combination of several factors, including the moderation
in overall economic growth and some regional economic
weakness. In addition, a substantial number of subprime
borrowers with variable-rate mortgages have faced an
upward adjustment of the rates from their initial levels.
When house prices were rising rapidly and rates on new
loans were lower, many of these borrowers quali ed to
re nance into another loan with more-favorable terms.
With house prices having decelerated and rates having
moved higher, however, the scope for re nancing has
been reduced. Moreover, investor owners may have been
tempted to walk away from properties with little or no
equity. Subprime mortgages originated in late 2005 and
2006 have shown unusually high rates of early delin-
quency, suggesting that some lenders unduly loosened
underwriting standards during that period.
In recent months, credit has become less easily avail-
able in the subprime-mortgage market, as investors in
subprime-mortgage-backed securities reportedly have
scrutinized the underlying subprime loans more carefully
and lenders have tightened underwriting standards. For
example, more than half of the respondents to the ques-
tions on subprime residential mortgages in the Federal
Reserve’s April 2007 Senior Loan Of cer Opinion Survey
on Bank Lending Practices indicated that they had tight-
ened credit standards on such loans over the previous three
months. In June, the federal nancial regulatory agencies
issued a nal Statement on Subprime Mortgage Lending to
address issues relating to certain adjustable-rate mortgage
products. Credit spreads on the lower-rated tranches of
new subprime securitizations have increased sharply, on
balance, this year, and issuance of subprime-mortgage-
backed securities has moderated from its vigorous pace
of the past couple of years. However, despite the ongoing
Mortgage delinquency rates, 200107
Prime, fixed rate
Prime, variable rate
Subprime, fixed rate
Subprime, variable rate
: The data are monthly. Prime-mortgage data extend through April
2007, and subprime-mortgage data extend through May 2007. Delinquency
rate is the percent of loans ninety days or more past due or in foreclosure.
Prime mortgages include near-prime mortgages.
: First American LoanPerformance.
Basis points
Spreads over libor of securities backed by subprime
residential mortgages, 200607
: The data are weekly and extend through July 6, 2007.
: Merrill Lynch.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 9
problems, the subprime market has continued to function,
and new loans are being made.
The Business Sector
Fixed Investment
After having risen sharply over much of 2006, real busi-
ness xed investment (BFI) lost some steam in the fourth
quarter and posted a relatively meager gain in the rst
quarter of 2007. The slower rise in business output in
recent quarters has likely been a moderating in uence
on business investment expenditures. But on the whole,
economic and nancial conditions still appear to be favor-
able for capital spending: Corporate pro ts remain robust,
businesses have ample liquid assets at their disposal, and
conditions in nancial markets remain supportive.
Much of the recent softness in BFI was in spending on
equipment and software (E&S), which rose at an annual
rate of less than 2 percent in real terms in the rst quarter
after having fallen nearly 5 percent in the fourth quarter of
2006. Within the major components of E&S, real spend-
ing on high-tech equipment expanded at an annual rate of
more than 20 percent in the rst quarter of 2007 because
of both a surge in outlays on computers after the release
of a major new operating system and a spurt in investment
in communications gear. Aircraft purchases also posted
a sizable increase. However, spending on motor vehicles
tumbled, as many rms had accelerated their purchases of
medium and heavy trucks into 2005 and 2006 so that they
could take delivery before the Environmental Protection
Agency’s new emissions standards for engines went into
effect this year. Elsewhere, real investment in equipment
other than high-tech and transportation goods dropped at
an annual rate of 10 percent in the rst quarter after a fall
of nearly 5 percent in the previous quarter. The weakness
in this category, which accounts for roughly 40 percent
of investment in E&S when measured in nominal terms,
appears to have re ected, in part, appreciable declines in
spending on equipment disproportionately used by the
construction and motor vehicle industries and was most
pronounced around the turn of the year.
Although the weakness in truck sales apparently
extended through midyear, real E&S outlays apart from
transportation equipment appear to have posted a solid
increase in the second quarter. Incoming information
suggests that high-tech spending continued to move up in
real terms—albeit not as fast as it did in the rst quarter.
Moreover, shipments and orders for equipment other than
high-tech and transportation items regained some lost
Nonresidential construction activity turned up steeply
in 2006 after having been stagnant for several years, and
it continued to exhibit considerable strength in early 2007.
Outlays for of ce, retail, and industrial buildings are all
running well above year-earlier levels, and—given that
Billions of dollars, annual rate
Gross issuance of alt-A and subprime-mortgage-backed
securities, 200207
OTE: Alt-A includes such products as mortgages with limited income
verification and mortgages secured by non-owner-occupied properties.
Inside MBS & ABS.
Percent, annual rate
Change in real business fixed investment, 200107
Equipment and software
: High-tech equipment consists of computers and peripheral equip-
ment and communications equipment.
: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.
High-tech equipment and software
Other equipment excluding transportation
10 Monetary Policy Report to the Congress July 2007
vacancy rates have moved down over the past couple of
years—prospects for further gains in coming quarters are
good. One exception to the recent strength in this sector
is the drilling and mining category, in which real outlays
fell in the rst quarter after three years of sizable gains.
The recent softening in this category of investment may
re ect, in part, reported shortages of specialty equipment
and skilled labor.
Inventory Investment
Inventory investment slowed markedly in the fourth
quarter of 2006 as rms acted to stem rising inventory
imbalances, and it turned negative in the rst quarter of
2007. The downswing in inventory investment shaved
about 1 percentage point from the change in real GDP in
both the fourth and rst quarters, and it appears to have
brought stocks into better alignment with sales. Some of
the inventory correction was in the motor vehicle sector,
in which high gasoline prices have been causing demand
to shift to more-fuel-ef cient models—a trend that, by the
middle of 2006, had left dealers with bloated inventories
of light trucks and sport-utility vehicles. Facing little
prospect of signi cantly stronger sales of those vehicles
in the near term, the manufacturers instituted sharp cuts
in production starting in the second half of last year. The
production cuts, which in the rst quarter of 2007 brought
assemblies of light vehicles to their lowest level in more
than a decade, helped clear out dealers’ lots and thus set the
stage for a step-up in assemblies in the second quarter. The
automakers have scheduled a further rise in assemblies in
the third quarter, in part to get a good start on producing
the new, more-fuel-ef cient models that will be introduced
to the public in coming months.
Excluding motor vehicles, inventories appeared to be
well aligned with sales through much of 2006, but they
too started to look excessive as the growth of aggregate
demand slowed in the latter part of the year. The emerging
imbalances, some—though not all—of which appear to
have been at rms that supply the construction and motor
vehicle industries, prompted production adjustments that
reduced non-auto inventory investment to a very modest
rate in the rst quarter. According to the limited available
information, the pace of real stockbuilding appears to have
remained low in April and May, and, for the most part,
inventories seem to have moved back into rough alignment
with sales. In fact, businesses surveyed in June by the
Institute for Supply Management reported that their cus-
tomers were mostly comfortable with their current stock
levels, whereas earlier in the year an elevated number of
respondents had characterized these inventory positions
as too high.
Corporate Pro ts and Business Finance
In the rst quarter of 2007, growth in corporate pro t-
ability slowed from last years pace, but the level of
pro tability remained high. Earnings per share for S&P
500 rms decelerated but still came in nearly 10 percent
above their year-earlier level. In the national income
accounts, pro ts of non nancial corporations in the rst
quarter were little changed from year-earlier levels after
double-digit gains in 2006; nonetheless, before-tax pro ts
measured as a share of sector GDP were nearly 13 percent,
close to the high levels posted last year.
Billions of chained (2000) dollars, annual rate
Change in real business inventories, 200107
OURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Before-tax profits of nonfinancial corporations
as a percent of sector GDP, 19792007
: The data are quarterly and extend through 2007:Q1. Profits are from
domestic operations of nonfinancial corporations, with inventory valuation
and capital consumption adjustments.
: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 11
Fueled in part by continued heavy merger and acquisi-
tion activity, non nancial business debt expanded at an
annual rate of 9 percent in the rst quarter of this year, only
a bit slower than in 2006, and data in hand suggest a robust
pace of expansion again in the second quarter. Net bond
issuance has been solid so far in 2007, and commercial and
industrial lending by banks has remained strong. Although
lower-quality corporate credit markets experienced some
strains, generally narrow credit spreads have encouraged
corporate bond issuance, and the growth of business loans
has been spurred by banks’ accommodative lending pos-
ture. Considerable net fractions of respondents to the April
2007 Senior Loan Of cer Opinion Survey indicated that
they had eased some terms—especially spreads of loan
rates over their costs of funds, costs of credit lines, and
loan covenants—on commercial and industrial loans over
the previous three months. Banks pointed to more-aggres-
sive competition from other banks or nonbank lenders and
to increased liquidity in the secondary market for these
loans as the most important reasons for having eased
business lending terms. Commercial paper outstanding
was at in the rst quarter but increased somewhat in the
second quarter.
Gross public issuance of equity by non nancial corpo-
rations has continued to be moderate so far this year, but
private equity issuance has apparently remained strong,
as leveraged buyout activity has continued to climb.
However, given the elevated levels of share repurchases
and equity retirements from cash- nanced mergers and
acquisitions in the rst quarter, net equity issuance con-
tinued to be deeply negative.
Despite some deceleration in pro ts, the credit quality
of non nancial rms has generally continued to be robust.
The six-month trailing bond default rate has stayed near
zero this year, and the delinquency rate on commercial
and industrial loans at banks remained extremely low in
the rst quarter. For public rms, balance sheet liquid-
ity was still high in the rst quarter, whereas corporate
leverage stayed near historical lows despite the large net
retirement of equity. In addition, net interest payments
relative to cash ow continued to be near the low end of
the range seen over the past two decades.
Commercial real estate debt expanded briskly in
the rst quarter of 2007, albeit not quite so rapidly as
Billions of dollars, annual rate
Selected components of net financing
for nonfinancial corporate businesses, 200307
Sum of selected
: The data for the components except bonds are seasonally adjusted.
The data for the sum of selected components are quarterly. The data for
2007:Q2 are estimated.
: Federal Reserve Board; Securities Data Company; and Federal
Financial Institutions Examination Council, Consolidated Reports o
Condition and Income (Call Report).
Commercial paper
Bank loans
Billions of dollars
Net equity issuance at nonfinancial corporations, 19912007
NOTE: The data are annual through 2006; for 2007, they are as of Q1. Data
for 2006:Q4 and 2007:Q1 are estimated. Equity issuance includes funds
invested by private equity partnerships and stock option proceeds.
: Federal Reserve Board, flow of funds data.
Default rate on outstanding corporate bonds, 19922007
NOTE: The data are monthly and extend through June 2007. The rate for a
given month is the face value of bonds that defaulted in the six months
ending in that month, multiplied by two to annualize the defaults and then
divided by the face value of all bonds outstanding at the end of the calenda
quarter immediately preceding the six-month period.
OURCE: Moodys Investors Service.
12 Monetary Policy Report to the Congress July 2007
in 2006, a pattern consistent with the net tightening of
credit standards on commercial real estate loans reported
in the Senior Loan Of cer Opinion Survey. Spreads
on BBB-rated commercial-mortgage-backed securities
(CMBS) soared in late February and have varied within
an elevated range since then. The increase reportedly came
in response to a reduction in investor interest in collater-
alized debt obligations, sponsors of which traditionally
have purchased many of these securities, and to plans by
the rating agencies to increase the level of credit support
required for such securities. However, because rents on
commercial properties have been increasing and vacancy
rates have remained moderate, credit quality has generally
continued to be good. Delinquency rates on commercial
mortgages held by life insurance companies and on those
backing CMBS have stayed near the bottom of their recent
ranges this year. The delinquency rate on commercial
mortgages held by banks edged up further in the rst
quarter in response to a deterioration in the performance
of loans for multifamily properties and for construction
and land development; nevertheless, this delinquency rate
remained low by historical standards.
The Government Sector
Federal Government
The de cit in the federal uni ed budget narrowed further
during the past year: Receipts continued to rise at a fairly
rapid rate, while growth in outlays was relatively subdued.
Over the twelve months ending in June, the uni ed bud-
get recorded a de cit of $163 billion, $113 billion less
than during the comparable period ending in June 2006.
When measured relative to nominal GDP, the de cit
has decreased steadily from a recent scal year high of
3.6 percent in 2004 to a little more than 1 percent during
the past twelve months.
Nominal federal receipts during the twelve months
ending in June were 8 percent higher than during the
same period a year earlier. This increase was considerably
smaller than the double-digit advances recorded in scal
2005 and scal 2006. Nonetheless, it was faster than the
increase in income and pushed up the ratio of receipts
to GDP to nearly 19 percent. Individual income tax
receipts continued to outpace the rise in taxable personal
income as measured in the national income and product
accounts (NIPA), likely a result, at least in part, of larger
Net interest payments of nonfinancial corporations
as a percent of cash flow, 19792007
: The data are quarterly and extend through 2007:Q1.
: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Basis points
Spreads of ten-year investment-grade commercial-mortgage-
backed securities over swaps, 19972007
OTE: The data are weekly and extend through July 11, 2007.
OURCE: Bloomberg.
Percent of nominal GDP
Federal receipts and expenditures, 19872007
excluding net interest
: Through 2006, receipts and expenditures are on a unified-budge
basis and are for fiscal years (October through September); GDP is for the
four quarters ending in Q3. For 2007, receipts and expenditures are for the
twelve months ending in June, and GDP is the average of 2006:Q4 and
: Office of Management and Budget.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 13
capital gains realizations (which are excluded from NIPA
income), the effect of some taxpayers moving into higher
tax brackets as their real incomes increased, and perhaps
a further shift in the distribution of income toward high-
income households, which typically face higher tax rates.
Corporate receipts, after rising at an annual rate of nearly
40 percent, on average, over the three years ending in
scal 2006, rose 15 percent during the year ending in
June, a rate more in line with the increase in corporate
pro ts.
Nominal federal outlays increased less than 3 percent
during the twelve months ending in June and edged down
to 20 percent of nominal GDP, around the lower end of
the narrow range that has prevailed since 2003. In large
part, the deceleration in outlays re ected the tapering off
of the temporary bulge in expenditures for ood insurance
and disaster relief associated with the 2005 hurricanes.
Meanwhile, spending on health programs continued to
rise briskly, only in part because of the net increment
to spending from the Medicare Part D prescription drug
program, which started in January 2006. Defense spending
was up 5 percent over the period, an increase somewhat
below those recorded in scal years 2005 and 2006. Total
federal outlays were also boosted by a sizable rise in net
interest payments as interest rates moved higher, although
the increase in debt service costs was signi cantly smaller
than that of a year earlier.
As measured in the NIPA, real federal expenditures on
consumption and gross investment—the part of federal
spending that is a direct component of GDP—fell at an
annual rate of nearly 4 percent in the rst quarter, as a drop
in defense spending more than offset a moderate increase
in nondefense purchases. Defense expenditures tend to be
erratic from quarter to quarter, and the rst-quarter dip
followed a large increase in the fourth quarter. Defense
spending appears to have turned back up in the second
quarter, and, given currently enacted appropriations, it is
likely to increase further in coming quarters.
All else being equal, the signi cant narrowing of
the uni ed budget de cit over the past few years raises
national saving. However, the positive effect on national
saving of the smaller federal de cit has been largely offset
by a downward drift in nonfederal saving. Although busi-
ness saving has increased substantially over this period,
personal saving has dropped sharply. Accordingly, total
national saving (that is, federal plus nonfederal) has
recovered only a little from the exceptionally low levels
reached between 2003 and 2005; measured net of esti-
mated depreciation, it has uctuated between 1½ percent
and 2½ percent of GDP since the start of 2006. If not
boosted over the longer run, persistent low levels of saving
will be associated with either slower capital formation or
continued heavy borrowing from abroad, either of which
would retard the rise in the standard of living of U.S.
residents over time and hamper the ability of the nation
to meet the retirement needs of an aging population.
Federal Borrowing
Federal debt rose at an annual rate of 6¾ percent in the
rst quarter of 2007, a bit slower than in the corresponding
quarter of last year. As of the end of the rst quarter, the
ratio of federal debt held by the public to nominal GDP
was about 36 percent, a level little changed from that in
recent quarters.
The improvement in the budget position of the federal
government has led the Treasury to scale back issuance
of marketable coupon securities. As part of its reduction
Percent, annual rate
Change in real government expenditures
on consumption and investment, 200107
: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.
State and local
Percent of nominal GDP
Net saving, 19872007
Nonfederal saving
Federal saving
OTE: The data are quarterly and extend through 2007:Q1. Nonfederal
saving is the sum of personal and net business saving and the net saving o
state and local governments.
OURCE: Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis.
14 Monetary Policy Report to the Congress July 2007
in issuance, the Treasury announced in May that it was
discontinuing auctions of three-year nominal notes. This
move had been widely anticipated and elicited little reac-
tion in nancial markets.
Overall, foreign purchases of Treasury securities appear
to have increased further this year, thereby bringing the
share of these securities held by foreign investors to a new
high of almost 45 percent at the end of the rst quarter.
The proportion of nominal coupon securities purchased at
auctions by foreign investors moved up in late 2006 and
has stayed elevated thus far this year, albeit well off the
peak reached in 2004. Balance of payments data point to
sizable net purchases by foreign private investors between
January and March, whereas such investors sold Treasury
securities, on net, in 2006. In contrast, net purchases by
foreign of cial investors have declined somewhat this
year. Custody holdings at the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York on behalf of foreign of cial and international
accounts have only edged up since the end of 2006.
State and Local Government
On the whole, state and local governments continue to
enjoy strong scal positions as a consequence of several
years of robust revenue in ows and a period of appre-
ciable restraint on spending after these governments’
scal dif culties earlier in the decade. Accordingly, over
the past year or so, states and localities in the aggregate
have been able both to raise expenditures and to maintain
healthy balances in their reserve funds. However, revenue
ows in many states appear to have slowed a bit of late, a
pattern similar to the one that has emerged at the federal
level. For local governments, property tax receipts are
still being bolstered by the earlier run-up in real estate
values, but the deceleration in house prices over the past
year will likely slow the rise in local revenues down the
road. Moreover, many state and local governments expect
to face signi cant structural imbalances in their budgets
in coming years as a result of the ongoing pressures from
Medicaid and the need to provide pensions and health
care to an increasing number of retired state and local
government employees.
According to the NIPA, real expenditures on consump-
tion and gross investment by state and local governments
rose at an annual rate of nearly 4 percent in the rst quarter,
and they apparently posted a further increase in the second
quarter. Much of the strength in the rst half of 2007 was
in construction spending, which has been climbing since
the start of 2006, in part because of very rapid increases in
outlays on highways. Hiring by states and localities also
exhibited considerable vigor during the rst half of 2007,
both in the education sector and elsewhere; on average,
state and local government employment rose 30,000 per
month over the six months ending in June, compared with
an average monthly increase of 22,000 over the preceding
ten years.
State and Local Government Borrowing
Borrowing by state and local governments has been strong
thus far in 2007, largely because refundings in advance
of retirements have been elevated as interest rates have
remained relatively low. In contrast, issuance of short-
term debt has been moderate—a development consistent
with the strong budgets of state and local governments.
The credit quality of municipal bonds has remained solid
on the whole, as the number of bond-rating upgrades has
Percent of nominal GDP
Federal government debt held by the public, 19602007
: The final observation is for 2007:Q1. For previous years, the data
for debt are as of year-end, and the corresponding values for GDP are for Q4
at an annual rate. Excludes securities held as investments of federal
government accounts.
: Federal Reserve Board, flow of funds data.
Treasury securities held by foreign investors
as a share of total outstanding, 19982007
: The data are quarterly and extend through 2007:Q1.
: Federal Reserve Board, flow of funds data.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 15
outpaced the number of downgrades thus far this year. The
ratio of yields on municipal bonds to those on comparable-
maturity Treasury securities has stayed at the low end of
its range of the past decade.
The External Sector
In 2006, U.S. real net exports made a positive contribu-
tion to the full years economic growth for the rst time
since 1995. The contribution of net exports moved into
negative territory again, however, in the rst quarter of
this year, as imports rebounded and exports slowed from
their exceptional pace late last year. Data for April and
May point to a resurgence of exports and a moderation
of imports in the second quarter.
The U.S. nominal current account de cit widened a bit
in the rst quarter of 2007 to $770 billion at an annual rate,
or about 5¾ percent of nominal GDP, from $752 billion
in the fourth quarter of 2006. The larger de cit was due
to an increase in net unilateral transfers abroad. Although
the rst-quarter trade balance deteriorated in real terms,
increases in export prices outpaced those in import prices,
thereby leaving the nominal trade balance unchanged.
Despite the large negative U.S. net international invest-
ment position, the U.S. balance on investment income
remained positive and also was about unchanged in the
rst quarter.
International Trade
Despite continued solid foreign economic expansion and
persisting stimulus from earlier declines in the dollar, the
growth of real exports of goods and services slowed to
an annual rate of less than 1 percent in the rst quarter
from its exceptionally strong pace of more than 10 per-
cent in the fourth quarter. The slowdown was particularly
evident in sales of capital goods—especially aircraft and
computers—and industrial supplies, which fell in the rst
quarter after rising robustly in late 2006. Also contribut-
ing to the slowdown, real exports of services rose only
2 percent in the rst quarter after increasing more than
16 percent in the fourth quarter. Available data for nominal
exports in April and May suggest that real export growth
moved up in the second quarter, as increases in exports of
services, automobiles, industrial supplies, and consumer
goods more than offset a further contraction in exports
of capital goods.
Prices of exported goods rose at an annual rate of
4 percent in the rst quarter of 2007, up from the pace
of about 2½ percent seen in the second half of 2006.
Prices of non-agricultural industrial supplies, which had
been reduced in the fourth quarter by lower oil prices,
were pushed up in the rst quarter by higher prices for
metals and renewed increases in oil prices. In addition,
agricultural prices—especially those of corn, soybeans,
and wheat—have risen briskly over the past several
quarters, in part because of the direct and indirect effects
of the increased demand for ethanol. Monthly data
on trade prices in the second quarter point to further
increases in export prices on the strength of additional
run-ups in the prices of non-agricultural industrial sup-
plies, most notably metals.
After falling at an annual rate of 2½ percent in the
fourth quarter, real imports of goods and services rose
at a 5½ percent rate in the rst quarter. A sharp increase
in oil imports, after a fourth-quarter decline, was the
most important contributor to the swing, but imports of
computers, semiconductors, and natural gas also acceler-
ated. Imports of other goods continued to be weak, likely
Percent of nominal GDP
U.S. trade and current account balances, 19992007
: The data are quarterly and extend through 2007:Q1.
: Department of Commerce.
Change in real imports and exports of goods and services,
SOURCE: Department of Commerce.
16 Monetary Policy Report to the Congress July 2007
a result, in part, of slower U.S. growth; imports of autos
and industrial supplies, in particular, contracted sharply.
The growth of real imports of services dropped from
6¼ percent in the fourth quarter to 2¾ percent in the rst
quarter. Data for April and May imply some slowing of
overall real imports in the second quarter. In particular,
imports of oil and computers displayed noteworthy
Prices of imported goods excluding oil and natural
gas rose at an annual rate of about 1½ percent in the rst
quarter of 2007, as prices of both nished and material-
intensive goods recorded higher rates of increase. Monthly
trade price data suggest that import prices accelerated in
the second quarter, partly because of higher metals prices,
which have uctuated widely in recent months but are up
substantially, on balance, so far in 2007. More generally,
prices of industrial supplies have been rising briskly,
a movement that may re ect, in part, a response to the
depreciation of the dollar in recent months. No such effect
of the dollars decline is readily apparent in the prices of
nished goods.
Oil prices fell at the beginning of 2007, as unusually
mild temperatures reduced oil demand and OPEC mem-
bers appeared less likely to implement fully production
cuts agreed to at the end of 2006. The spot price of West
Texas intermediate (WTI) crude oil, the U.S. benchmark,
fell from an average of $62 per barrel in December to
$54 per barrel in January. Oil prices then rose gradually as
it became apparent that OPEC, led by Saudi Arabia, indeed
would restrain oil production further. Oil prices also have
been supported by solid growth in demand, particularly
in developing countries, and by long-running concerns
about supply disruptions. Ongoing violence has depressed
oil production in Iraq and Nigeria; the Nigerian outage
recently worsened to about one-fourth of the country’s
estimated capacity. Since the start of the year, concerns
have also intensi ed about a possible future disruption
of oil exports from Iran. The spot price of WTI averaged
$72 per barrel in the rst half of July.
Despite its elevated level by historical standards, the spot
price of WTI has not increased as much in recent months
as have the prices of other grades of crude oil because
of high inventories of WTI in the central United States
arising from interruptions for maintenance and unplanned
outages at re neries. Since early March, the spot price of
Brent crude oil, the European benchmark, has risen about
$5 per barrel more than has the spot price of WTI; the price
of Brent averaged $76 per barrel in the rst half of July.
The Financial Account
The U.S. nominal current account de cit continued to be
nanced primarily by foreign purchases of U.S. debt secu-
rities. Driven by purchases of U.S. government securities
by Asian central banks, foreign of cial in ows moved up
noticeably in the rst quarter. Although demand for U.S.
Treasury securities by foreign of cial investors eased, it
was more than offset by increased of cial purchases of
bonds and mortgage-backed securities issued by govern-
ment-sponsored enterprises (GSEs). Preliminary data
indicate that of cial in ows remained strong through
Foreign private purchases of U.S. securities maintained
the extraordinary pace set in 2006. Demand for U.S.
Treasury bonds extended its fourth-quarter strength, while
demand for equities picked up from an already robust
level; purchases of corporate bonds moderated slightly,
Dollars per barrel
Prices of oil and of nonfuel commodities, 200307
January 2003 = 100
OTE: The data are monthly. The price of nonfuel commodities extends
through June 2007. The last observation for the oil price is the average for
July 1 through July 13, 2007. The oil price is the spot price of West Texas
intermediate crude oil. The price of nonfuel commodities is an index o
forty-five primary-commodity prices.
SOURCE: For oil, the Commodity Research Bureau; for nonfuel com-
modities, International Monetary Fund.
Billions of dollars
U.S. net financial inflows, 200307
: The data are quarterly and extend through 2007:Q1.
: Department of Commerce.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 17
and, on net, private foreigners sold debt issued by GSEs.
Foreign direct investment ows into the United States
weakened signi cantly; the rate of in ows in the rst
quarter was roughly half that in 2006.
Net purchases of foreign securities by U.S. residents,
which represent a nancial out ow, remained strong in
the rst quarter of this year. Net acquisitions of bonds
continued at the brisk pace recorded in the second half of
2006, while purchases of foreign stocks, although slowing
slightly, remained elevated. Out ows associated with U.S.
direct investment abroad strengthened to a near-record
The Labor Market
Employment and Unemployment
The demand for labor has been increasing at a moderate
rate this year, somewhat less quickly than in 2006. After
having averaged 190,000 per month in 2006, gains in pay-
roll employment averaged 145,000 per month in the rst
half of 2007. The civilian unemployment rate has changed
little since last fall and stood at 4.5 percent in June.
As was the case in 2006, job growth in the rst half
of 2007 was driven by solid gains in service-producing
industries. In particular, hiring at health, education, and
eating and drinking establishments remained on strong
uptrends, and job gains at businesses providing profes-
sional and technical services were sizable. However,
employment in the nancial activities and administra-
tive support sectors softened after two years of strong
advances. In the goods-producing sector, manufacturing
employment, which has been on a secular downtrend for
more than a quarter-century, declined again over the rst
half of 2007. The decline this year re ected cutbacks at
rms closely tied to the construction industry and at pro-
ducers of motor vehicles and parts, as well as the ongoing
downtrend in payrolls at manufacturers of apparel and
textiles. Employment in residential construction, which
had fallen in 2006 after two years of substantial increases,
declined just modestly, on net, over the rst half of 2007
despite the substantial contraction in housing activity.
Other labor market indicators have mostly remained
positive. Initial claims for unemployment insurance have
stayed relatively low in recent months. In addition, read-
ings from private surveys of hiring plans have remained
in a favorable range despite recent declines, and the job
openings rate has held at a high level. According to the
Conference Board, households’ assessments of job avail-
ability cooled a bit in the spring after having improved
somewhat earlier in the year; even so, the June value for
this indicator was still relatively positive.
Billions of dollars
Net private foreign purchases of long-term U.S. securities,
NOTE: The data are quarterly and extend through 2007:Q1.
OURCE: Department of Commerce.
Thousands of jobs, monthly average
Net change in payroll employment, 200107
: Nonfarm business sector.
: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Civilian unemployment rate, 19742007
: The data are monthly and extend through June 2007.
: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
18 Monetary Policy Report to the Congress July 2007
After hovering around 4¾ percent during the rst three
quarters of 2006, the unemployment rate fell to 4½ percent
in the fourth quarter, and it remained in that neighbor-
hood through June. The labor force participation rate has
continued to be buoyed by the favorable job market, and
it stood at 66.1 percent in June, within the narrow range
that has prevailed since 2005. Despite the recent atness,
the participation rate has fallen appreciably since the
start of the decade; the downtrend has largely re ected
longer-run demographic forces that include a leveling off
in the participation rate of women and an increase in the
proportion of the workforce in older age groups, which
have lower average participation rates than do younger
age groups.
Productivity and Labor Compensation
Gains in labor productivity have slowed lately. Accord-
ing to currently published data, output per hour in the
nonfarm business sector rose just 1 percent over the year
ending in the rst quarter of 2007, down from the pace of
2 percent per year recorded over the preceding two years
(and down from much larger increases in the rst half of
the decade). The slowing in productivity was associated
with the deceleration in output and thus was probably, at
least in part, a temporary cyclical phenomenon. Indeed,
the fundamental forces that in recent years have supported
a solid uptrend in underlying productivity—the driver of
real wage gains over time—remain in place. They include
the rapid pace of technological change and rms’ ongo-
ing efforts to use information technology to improve the
ef ciency of their operations. Increases in the amount
of capital, especially high-tech capital, available to each
worker also appear to be providing considerable impetus
to productivity growth.
Broad measures of hourly compensation have been
bounced around in recent years by the lumpiness of bonus
payments, stock option exercises, and sharp swings in
employer bene t costs. However, on balance, the evidence
points to some pickup recently in the underlying pace of
compensation gains, a development consistent with the
tight labor market. The employment cost index (ECI) for
private industry workers, which measures both wages and
the cost of bene ts, increased 3¼ percent in nominal terms
between March 2006 and March 2007, compared with an
Labor force participation rate, 19742007
: The data are monthly and extend through June 2007.
: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Percent, annual rate
Change in output per hour, 19482007
2001 2003 2005 2007
: Nonfarm business sector. Change for each multiyear period is
measured from the fourth quarter of the year immediately preceding the
period to the fourth quarter of the final year of the period.
: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Measures of change in hourly compensation, 19972007
Nonfarm business
compensation per hour
cost index
: The data are quarterly and extend through 2007:Q1. For nonfarm
business compensation, change is over four quarters; for the employment cost
index (ECI), change is over the twelve months ending in the last month o
each quarter. The nonfarm business sector excludes farms, government,
nonprofit institutions, and households. The sector covered by the ECI used
here is the same as the nonfarm business sector plus nonprofit institutions. A
new ECI series was introduced for data as of 2001, but the new series is
continuous with the old.
: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 19
increase of 2½ percent over the preceding twelve months.
Adjusted for in ation, as measured by the increase in the
overall PCE price index, the ECI rose nearly 1 percent
over the year ending in March after having fallen nearly
½ percent over the preceding year. Data on hourly com-
pensation in the second quarter are not yet available, but
a sharp rise in overall consumer prices during that period
probably offset much—if not all—of the nominal gains
that were realized.
The step-up in the rate of increase in the ECI over the
past year was concentrated in its wage and salary com-
ponent, which rose 3½ percent over the year ending in
March, 1¼ percentage points more than the increase over
the year-earlier period. Meanwhile, increases in the cost
of providing bene ts have slowed dramatically of late, in
part because premiums for health insurance have stopped
rising at double-digit rates. The increase in bene t costs
over the year ending in March, which amounted to just
2¼ percent, was also held down by a sharp drop in em-
ployer contributions to retirement plans. The lower contri-
butions appear to have re ected several factors, including
the strong performance of the stock market in 2006 and a
high level of employer contributions over the past several
years; taken together, these factors signi cantly boosted
the funding levels of de ned-bene t plans.
According to preliminary data, compensation per hour
in the nonfarm business (NFB) sector—an alternative
measure of hourly compensation derived from the data in
the NIPA—rose 3¼ percent over the year ending in the
rst quarter of 2007, the same rise as in the ECI. Over
the year ending in the rst quarter of 2006, NFB hourly
compensation had risen 5¾ percent, in part because of
an apparent surge in the value of stock option exercises
(which are excluded from the ECI) early last year. Largely
re ecting the slower growth in NFB hourly compensation,
unit labor costs rose 2¼ percent over the year ending in
the rst quarter of 2007 after increasing 3½ percent over
the preceding four quarters.
Headline in ation picked up again in the rst half of
2007, as energy prices surged after having eased late last
year and increases in food prices quickened. The PCE
chain-type price index increased at an annual rate of
4.4 percent between December 2006 and May 2007
after rising 2.2 percent over the twelve months of 2006.
Core PCE prices—which exclude the direct effects of
movements in food and energy prices—rose at an annual
rate of 2.0 percent over the rst ve months of the year,
0.1 percentage point less than the increase over the twelve
months of 2006.
Energy prices, which had fallen substantially in the
fourth quarter of 2006, decreased further in January in
response to declines in the price of crude oil, unseason-
ably mild temperatures in North America and Europe, and
historically high inventories of petroleum products and
natural gas. However, energy prices shot up from Febru-
ary to May, and the rise brought the net increase in the
PCE price index for energy over the rst ve months of
the year to 14 percent (not at an annual rate). The increase
was especially large for gasoline, the price of which was
boosted not only by higher prices for crude oil beginning
in late winter but also by numerous re nery shutdowns,
re ecting both planned maintenance and unplanned dis-
ruptions. Retail gasoline prices have fallen some since
May as re ners have made some progress in bringing
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 200719962000
Percent, annual rate
Change in unit labor costs, 19962007
: Nonfarm business sector. The change for 1996 to 2000 is measured
from 1995:Q4 to 2000:Q4.
: Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Percent, annual rate
Change in core consumer prices, 200107
: Through 2006, change is from December to December; for 2007,
change is from December to May.
: For core consumer price index, Department of Labor, Bureau o
Labor Statistics; for core PCE price index, Department of Commerce, Bureau
of Economic Analysis.
Core consumer price index
Chain-type price index for core PCE
20 Monetary Policy Report to the Congress July 2007
output closer to seasonal norms, but they are still about
$0.70 per gallon above the levels of late December.
Food prices have also picked up this year, in part
because of the jump in the price of corn, which is now in
demand not only as a feedstuff and food but also as an
input to the production of ethanol. Between December
2006 and May 2007, the PCE price index for food and
beverages increased at an annual rate of nearly 6 percent.
The higher cost of corn was partly responsible for a
10½ percent rise over the period in prices for meats, poul-
try, sh, and eggs. The index for fruits and vegetables also
posted a double-digit increase, mainly because a severe
freeze in California in January destroyed a substantial
portion of the citrus crop and set back the harvest of many
other fruits and vegetables. Prices for food consumed
away from home, which typically are in uenced more by
labor and other business costs than by farm prices, rose
at an annual rate of 4 percent over the rst ve months
of the year.
The edging down of core PCE in ation this year largely
re ected some waning of the sizable increases in shelter
costs that were recorded in 2006. Core PCE in ation in the
most recent few months was also held down signi cantly
by transitory factors—most notably, a sharp drop in the
price of apparel. In addition, the retail price of tobacco,
which, like apparel, tends to be volatile from month to
month, attened out after a steep increase earlier in the
year. Meanwhile, the rate of increase in the core consumer
price index (CPI) has dropped from 2.6 percent in 2006
to an annual rate of 2.1 percent so far this year; the main
reason for the sharper deceleration in the core CPI than
in core PCE prices is that housing costs receive a much
greater weight in this index than they do in the core PCE
More fundamentally, the behavior of core in ation so
far this year has been shaped by many of the same forces
that were at work in 2006. Resource utilization in labor
and product markets remains fairly high. And although last
autumn’s drop in energy prices may have offered some
temporary relief, the resurgence in prices for energy and
other commodities is likely putting some upward pressure
on core in ation. Regarding in ation expectations, the
Reuters/University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers
(Reuters/Michigan) suggest that the median expectation
for year-ahead in ation has moved up in response to
the energy-driven pickup in headline in ation: It rose
from 3.0 percent in the rst three months of the year to
3.3 percent in April and remained at about this level
through early July. However, longer-run in ation expecta-
tions appear to have remained contained. In fact, accord-
ing to the Reuters/Michigan surveys, the median ve- to
ten-year expectation, at 3.1 percent in early July, has
stayed within the narrow range that has prevailed for the
past two years. According to the Survey of Professional
Forecasters, conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia, expectations of in ation over the next ten
years remained around 2½ percent in the rst half of 2007,
a level that has been essentially unchanged since 1998.
In ation compensation as measured by the spreads of
yields on nominal Treasury securities over those on their
in ation-protected counterparts has also stayed within its
range of recent years.
Broader, NIPA-based measures of in ation, which are
available only through the rst quarter of this year, slowed
relative to the pace of the past couple of years. The latest
data show a rise in the price index for GDP less food and
energy of 2¾ percent over the year ending in the rst quar-
ter, down ¼ percentage point from the year-earlier gure.
Although core PCE in ation picked up slightly during the
Percentage points
TIPS-based inflation compensation, 200307
Five-year, five-year ahead
: The data are daily and extend through July 13, 2007. Based on
comparison of the yield curve for Treasury inflation-protected securitie
(TIPS) with the nominal off-the-run Treasury yield curve.
: Federal Reserve Board calculations based on data provided by th
Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Barclays.
Alternative measures of price change, 2006–07
Chain-type (Q1 to Q1)
Gross domestic product (GDP) ......................... 3.1 2.8
Excluding food and energy ........................... 2.9 2.7
Gross domestic purchases ................................. 3.5 2.5
Personal consumption expenditures (PCE) ....... 3.0 2.2
Excluding food and energy ........................... 2.0 2.3
Market-based PCE excluding food and
energy ........................................................ 1.6 2.1
Fixed-weight (Q2 to Q2)
Consumer price index ....................................... 4.0 2.6
Excluding food and energy ........................... 2.4 2.3
OTE: Changes are based on quarterly averages of seasonally adjusted data.
For the consumer price index, the 2007:Q2 value is calculated as the average for
April and May compared with the average for the second quarter of 2006 and is
expressed at an annual rate.
OURCE: For chain-type measures, Department of Commerce, Bureau of
Economic Analysis; for xed-weight measures, Department of Labor, Bureau
of Labor Statistics.
Price measure 2006 2007
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 21
past four quarters, prices for some other components of
nal demand, especially construction, decelerated.
U.S. Financial Markets
U.S. nancial markets have functioned well thus far in
2007 despite episodes of heightened volatility. As the year
opened, nancial market quotes put considerable weight
on the expectation of an easing of monetary policy some-
time soon. By the spring, however, investors apparently
had become more optimistic about the economic outlook
and, as a result, had concluded that less Federal Reserve
easing would be forthcoming than they had anticipated
earlier. In line with the upward shift in policy expecta-
tions, two-year Treasury yields rose about 10 basis points,
on balance, through mid-July; ten-year yields increased
40 basis points. Supported by solid corporate pro ts and
the more upbeat economic outlook, equity prices advanced
roughly 10 percent on net. Despite some widening in
recent weeks, risk spreads on corporate credits generally
remained narrow, re ecting strong and liquid corporate
balance sheets. Measures of investors’ uncertainty about
prospects for a number of nancial asset prices widened
somewhat, on balance, from low levels.
Market Functioning and Financial Stability
In late February and early March, financial market
volatility increased sharply amid a pullback from riskier
assets that was reportedly spurred by a variety of fac-
tors, including a sharp dip in the Chinese equity market,
mounting concerns about conditions in the subprime-
mortgage sector, and some softer-than-expected U.S.
economic data. During the period, spreads on indexes
of subprime-mortgage credit default swaps (CDS)
spiked; equity markets in the United States and abroad
declined; Treasury yields dropped across maturities;
spreads of riskier xed-income instruments over com-
parable Treasuries widened somewhat; and measures of
market uncertainty, including implied volatilities derived
from options prices, moved up sharply. Despite some
capacity-related technical dif culties in equity markets
on February 27, nancial markets generally handled
the volatility well. Liquidity in the Treasury market
continued to be good, as record-high trading volumes
were accompanied by bid–ask spreads within ranges of the
past few years. Market sentiment subsequently improved—
apparently a result, in part, of reduced anxiety about
spillovers to broader markets of the problems in the
subprime-mortgage sector—and financial markets
gradually stabilized. Many asset prices reversed their
earlier declines, and measures of uncertainty moved
Strains in nancial markets increased again late in the
spring, prompted largely by renewed concerns about the
subprime-mortgage sector. A considerable widening in
spreads on indexes of subprime-mortgage CDS contrib-
uted to, and was likely reinforced by, troubles at a few
small and medium-sized hedge funds that had taken posi-
tions designed to pro t from an improvement in subprime
credit quality. These pressures intensi ed as a result of
actual and anticipated downgrades of some securities
backed by subprime mortgages. Investors’ uncertainty
Implied S&P 500 volatility, 200007
: The data are weekly and extend through July 13, 2007. The series
shownthe VIXis the implied thirty-day volatility of the S&P 500 stoc
price index as calculated from a weighted average of options prices.
: Chicago Board Options Exchange.
Basis points
Spreads on BBB- indexes of credit default swaps on
subprime mortgages, 200607
OTE: The data are daily and extend through July 13, 2007; the spreads are
relative to libor. The series shown refer to pools of mortgages originated in
specific half-years, as follows: Series 2007-1 corresponds to mortgages
originated in 2006:H2, series 2006-2 to those originated in 2006:H1, and
series 2006-1 to those originated in 2005:H2.
OURCE: Markit.
22 Monetary Policy Report to the Congress July 2007
about a range of asset prices increased, and lower-quality
corporate credit spreads widened, reportedly re ecting,
in part, heightened uncertainty about the valuation of
structured credit products, which are an important source
of funding in the subprime-mortgage market and in other
nancing markets. These pressures have been contained,
though: In spite of the recent rise, spreads on lower-quality
corporate credits remain near the low end of their histori-
cal ranges, and, although investors recently have balked at
some aggressively structured deals, nancing activity in
bond and other credit markets continues at a fairly brisk
pace. Market participants do not appear to have pulled
back from risk-taking more generally, in that equity prices
have moved higher in recent weeks, and Treasury bid–ask
spreads have stayed within normal ranges despite elevated
trading volumes.
The effects on nancial institutions of this years dif-
culties in the subprime-mortgage sector have depended
on the institutions’ exposure to the sector. Several mort-
gage lenders—particularly monoline subprime lenders—
experienced substantial losses, as they had to repurchase
larger-than-expected volumes of previously securitized
loans because of so-called early payment defaults. Con-
sequently, a number of these lenders have gone out of
business since the beginning of the year. Large investment
banks active in the securitization of subprime mortgages
suffered modest hits to their earnings, and their CDS
spreads are considerably higher than at the beginning of
the year. To date, most large depository institutions appear
to have been less affected by the subprime dif culties, in
part because of their greater diversi cation and generally
limited subprime lending activity. CDS spreads for these
institutions have moved up only a little, on the whole,
thus far in 2007.
Interest Rates
Since the beginning of the year, investors appear to have
become more optimistic, on balance, about the outlook
for economic activity and consequently have raised their
expected path for the federal funds rate. Judging from
futures markets, market participants currently anticipate
that the rate will decline about 25 basis points through the
end of 2008; at the end of last year, market participants
had expected about 75 basis points of easing over the
same period. Investors also have apparently become more
certain about the path for the federal funds rate: Implied
volatilities derived from options on Eurodollar futures
over the next year have moved down, on net, this year
and remain near historical lows. Estimated probability
distributions for the target federal funds rate between six
and twelve months ahead were somewhat skewed toward
lower rates through mid-July.
Interest rates on selected Treasury securities, 200307
: The data are daily and extend through July 13, 2007.
: Department of the Treasury.
Percentage points
Spreads of corporate bond yields over comparable
off-the-run Treasury yields, by credit rating,
: The data are daily and extend through July 13, 2007. The spreads
shown are the yields on ten-year bonds less the ten-year Treasury yield.
: Derived from smoothed corporate yield curves using Merrill
Lynch bond data.
Re ecting the reduced odds placed on policy easing,
yields on two-year nominal Treasury securities increased
about 10 basis points over the year through mid-July. Ten-
year Treasury yields rose 40 basis points over the same
period. A portion of the increase in longer-term yields
appears to be attributable to a widening of term premi-
ums, although estimated term premiums remain relatively
low by historical standards. Yields on in ation-indexed
Treasury securities moved nearly in line with those on
their nominal counterparts, thereby leaving inflation
compensation only a little higher.
In the corporate bond market, yields on investment-
and speculative-grade securities rose about as much, on
balance, as those on comparable-maturity Treasury securi-
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 23
ties through mid-July, and so risk spreads on such instru-
ments are little changed on the year. The narrow spreads
on corporate bonds appear to re ect investors’ positive
outlook for business credit quality over the medium term.
The term structure of forward risk spreads for corporate
bonds supports this view, as forward spreads for the next
few years are low while spreads further out the curve are
more in line with historical norms.
Equity Markets
Broad equity indexes increased between 8½ percent and
12 percent, on net, through mid-July. Stock prices were
boosted by solid rst-quarter earnings that generally met
or exceeded investors’ expectations and by the more
upbeat economic outlook. Share prices rose for a wide
range of industries, although basic materials and energy
rms outperformed the broader market because of strong
global demand for commodities. The spread between
the twelve-month forward earnings–price ratio for the
S&P 500 and a real long-run Treasury yield—a rough
gauge of the equity risk premium—narrowed a bit and
now stands close to the middle of its range of the past
few years. After a spike in connection with the period of
unsettled conditions in nancial markets in late February
and early March, the implied volatility of the S&P 500
calculated from options prices fell back, but it picked up
again recently in response to renewed concerns about the
subprime-mortgage market.
Debt and Financial Intermediation by Banks
The total debt of the domestic nonfinancial sectors
expanded at an annual rate of 7¼ percent in the rst
quarter of 2007, a somewhat slower pace than in 2006.
The deceleration in borrowing was mainly accounted for
by a slowdown in household debt, particularly mortgage
debt. In contrast, borrowing by non nancial businesses
remained robust in the rst quarter. Preliminary data
for the second quarter suggest slightly slower growth in
total domestic non nancial sector debt. The step-down
in growth is particularly noticeable in the federal gov-
ernment sector, in which strong receipts this tax season
held down borrowing. However, the recent data suggest
somewhat faster growth in non nancial business debt in
the second quarter, a pickup fueled by heavy merger and
acquisition activity.
Commercial bank credit increased at an annual rate of
about 6½ percent in the rst half of 2007. However, ad-
justed to remove the effects of a conversion of a bank to a
thrift institution, bank credit expanded at an annual rate of
about 8¼ percent over the same period, somewhat slower
than in 2006.
Excluding this bank-to-thrift conversion, total loans
grew briskly in the rst half of the year, with most bank
loan types expanding vigorously. Rapid growth in com-
mercial and industrial loans was supported by the con-
tinued robust merger and acquisition activity. Growth in
commercial real estate loans was also strong even though
construction and land development loans, a portion of
which is used to fund residential development, decelerated
sharply. Despite the ongoing adjustment in the housing
January 3, 2005 = 100
Stock price indexes, 200507
Russell 2000
Wilshire 5000
: The data are daily and extend through July 13, 2007.
: Frank Russell Company; Dow Jones Indexes.
Change in domestic nonfinancial debt, 19912007
held by public
: For 2007, change is from 2006:Q4 to 2007:Q1 at an annual rate. Fo
earlier years, the data are annual and are computed by dividing the annual
flow for a given year by the level at the end of the preceding year. The total
consists of components shown. Nonfederal debt consists of the outstanding
credit market debt of state and local governments, households, nonprofi
organizations, and nonfinancial businesses. Federal debt held by the public
excludes securities held as investments of federal government accounts.
OURCE: Federal Reserve Board, flow of funds data.
24 Monetary Policy Report to the Congress July 2007
market, residential real estate loans on banks’ books
(adjusted for the bank-to-thrift conversion noted earlier)
expanded at a strong pace. But home equity loans grew
only modestly. Because rates on these loans are generally
tied to short-term market interest rates, the attening of
the yield curve last year made them a relatively more
expensive source of credit. Consumer loans held by banks
picked up in the rst quarter, but they slowed in the second
Commercial bank pro tability declined somewhat in
the rst quarter of 2007 but remained solid. The net inter-
est margin of the industry continued to narrow, a likely
result of ongoing competitive pressures and the at yield
curve. Bank pro tability was also restrained by growth
in non-interest expenses and a modest increase in provi-
sions for loan losses. Credit quality stayed strong overall:
Delinquency and charge-off rates remained generally low,
although delinquency rates on residential and commer-
cial real estate loans moved up further from last years
The M2 Monetary Aggregate
M2 expanded at an annual rate of about 7½ percent over
the rst half of 2007. The increase evidently outstripped
growth in nominal GDP by a substantial margin and
exceeded the rate that would have been expected on the
basis of the aggregate’s previous relationship with income
and interest rates. M2 rose at an annual rate of 8 percent in
the rst quarter before slowing to a pace of 6¾ percent in
the second quarter. Liquid deposits, by far the largest com-
ponent of M2, have followed a similar pattern this year.
Small time deposits and retail money market funds both
grew rapidly last year, as the rates paid on them moved
up with short-term market interest rates. However, these
components have decelerated this year because market
rates have changed relatively little. Currency growth has
remained modest in 2007, apparently a result of weak
demand for U.S. dollars overseas.
International Developments
Foreign economic growth remained strong in the rst
quarter of 2007, supported by increased domestic demand
in many key countries. Most recent indicators point to
continued strength in foreign economies in the second
quarter as well. Canada, the euro area, Japan, and the
United Kingdom all posted above-trend growth rates in
the rst quarter. Although the expansion of the Japanese
economy moderated somewhat in the rst quarter, growth
remained brisk relative to the average pace seen in recent
years. Output accelerated in emerging Asia, led by China,
and growth in Mexico appears to be picking up again after
a lull in the rst quarter.
Rising energy prices boosted consumer prices in
many regions of the world last year, and, in some cases,
substantial increases in food prices also contributed to
in ation pressures. Broad measures of price in ation have
continued to rise in many foreign economies this year, as
economic growth has remained strong, and core in ation
has moved up noticeably in a number of these economies.
In response, monetary policy has been tightened in many
M2 growth rate, 19912007
NOTE: Through 2006, the data are annual on a fourth-quarter over
fourth-quarter basis; for 2007, change is calculated from 2006:Q4 to 2007:Q2
and annualized. M2 consists of currency, travelers checks, demand deposits,
other checkable deposits, savings deposits (including money market deposit
accounts), small-denomination time deposits, and balances in retail money
market funds.
OURCE: Federal Reserve Board, Statistical Release H.6, Money Stock
Consumer prices for major foreign economies, 200407
Euro area
United Kingdom
NOTE: The data are monthly; they extend through May for Canada, Japan,
and the United Kingdom and through June for the euro area. Change is from
one year earlier.
: Haver.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 25
major industrial countries as well as in some emerging-
market economies. Longer-term foreign interest rates have
also risen.
Global nancial markets were calm at the beginning
of 2007, and volatilities for many asset prices were at, or
close to, record lows. Toward the end of February, condi-
tions changed, as international investors scaled back their
exposure to risky positions—particularly those funded in
yen—in response to a sharp drop in Chinese stock prices
and concerns about the U.S. economy. As a result, equity
prices in most industrial and emerging economies fell
over the course of several days, while the yen appreciated
sharply against most other currencies.
More-placid conditions returned in early March, and
by early June share prices around the world had posted
solid gains, reaching multiyear highs or even record highs
in many countries. In particular, Chinese stock prices
resumed their steep climb, although the rise was inter-
rupted by occasional additional periods of heightened
volatility. These episodes had no apparent disruptive
effects on other global nancial markets.
Most major global equity indexes experienced another
increase in volatility during June and July amid concerns
about the U.S. subprime-mortgage market, but they
were little changed, on net, over this period. On balance,
equity indexes in the major foreign industrial countries
have increased between 5 percent and 12 percent in
local-currency terms since the beginning of 2007. The
Shanghai composite index is up more than 45 percent this year
after a remarkable increase of about 130 percent last
year. Leading equity indexes in other emerging Asian
economies and in Latin America have also posted siz-
able gains in the range of 10 percent to 35 percent so far
this year.
As in the United States, long-term bond yields in
Canada, the euro area, and Japan rose signi cantly, on
balance, in the rst half of 2007; increases on ten-year
nominal sovereign debt ranged from 25 to 70 basis points.
Starting in early February, yields declined in global
markets for several weeks amid growing concerns about
the outlook for the U.S. economy. Since then, market
participants seem to have become more optimistic about
prospects for both U.S. and foreign economic growth, and
yields have more than reversed the declines. Yields on
Week ending January 6, 2006 = 100
Equity indexes in selected foreign industrial economies,
Euro area
United Kingdom
: The data are weekly. The last observation for each series is the
week ending July 13, 2007.
: Bloomberg.
Week ending January 6, 2006 = 100
Equity indexes in selected emerging-market economies,
Latin American
OTE: The data are weekly. The last observation for each series is the
week ending July 13, 2007. For the Latin American and Asian groups, each
economys index weight is its market capitalization as a share of the groups
total. The Latin American economies are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia,
Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela. The Asian economies are China, India,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, and
Thailand. The series for China is the Shanghai Composite Index.
OURCE: For Latin America and Asia, Morgan Stanley Capital
International (MSCI) index; for China, Bloomberg.
Yields on benchmark government bonds in selected
foreign industrial economies, 200407
United Kingdom
: The data are for ten-year bonds and are weekly. The last observation
for each series is the week ending July 13, 2007.
: Bloomberg.
26 Monetary Policy Report to the Congress July 2007
in ation-protected long-term securities also rose during
the rst half of 2007 in the major industrial countries, but,
with the exception of those in the euro area, they did not
rise quite as much as nominal yields did, implying some
modest increases in in ation compensation.
Our broadest measure of the nominal trade-weighted
foreign exchange value of the dollar has declined about
3½ percent, on net, since the beginning of 2007. Over
the same period, the major currencies index of the dollar
has moved down more, about 4½ percent. On a bilateral
basis, the dollar has depreciated 10 percent against the
Canadian dollar and roughly 3½ percent against the
euro and sterling; in contrast, it has appreciated about
2½ percent against the yen. The bulk of the change against
the Canadian dollar occurred in the second quarter
after better-than-expected news about economic activity
and expectations of monetary policy tightening in Canada.
The U.S. dollar has depreciated 3 percent, on net, against
the Chinese renminbi since the beginning of 2007; the
pace of change in the renminbi–dollar rate has accelerated
somewhat over the past two and a half months.
Industrial Economies
The major foreign industrial economies experienced
above-trend growth in the rst quarter of this year. In
Canada, real GDP grew at an annual rate of 3¾ percent
after rising nearly 2 percent during 2006; inventory accu-
mulation gured prominently in the faster growth. In the
United Kingdom, real GDP increased at an annual rate of
2¾ percent in the rst quarter. Robust expansions in both
countries have been accompanied by increases in in ation
rates, which in recent months have hovered at or above
those countries’ in ation targets of 2 percent. Although
the pickup in headline in ation partly re ected higher
energy prices, core in ation has also trended up in recent
months in both Canada and the United Kingdom. In the
midst of elevated in ation and increasing rates of resource
utilization, monetary policy was tightened three times this
year in the United Kingdom (by 25 basis points each time)
after two increases in the policy rate last year. The Bank of
Canada also recently raised its policy rate 25 basis points.
Market participants expect that both countries’ central
banks will raise their policy rates further.
Week ending January 2, 2004 = 100
U.S. dollar exchange rate against
selected major currencies, 200407
U.K. pound
Japanese yen
: The data are weekly and are in foreign currency units per dollar.
The last observation for each series is the week ending July 13, 2007.
: Bloomberg.
Official or targeted interest rates in selected
foreign industrial economies, 200407
Euro area
United Kingdom
: The data are daily. The last observation for each series is through
July 13, 2007. The data shown are the overnight rate for Canada, the
refinancing rate for the euro area, the call money rate for Japan, and the
repurchase rate for the United Kingdom.
: The central bank of each area or countr
Week ending January 2, 2004 = 100
U.S. dollar nominal exchange rate, broad index, 200407
: The data are weekly and are in foreign currency units per dollar.
The last observation is the week ending July 13, 2007. The broad index is a
weighted average of the foreign exchange values of the U.S. dollar against
the currencies of a large group of the most important U.S. trading partners.
The index weights, which change over time, are derived from U.S. export
shares and from U.S. and foreign import shares.
OURCE: Federal Reserve Board.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 27
Growth of real GDP in the euro area moved down to
2¾ percent in the rst quarter after posting growth of
3¼ percent over the four quarters of 2006. Although export
growth moderated from its strong performance of 2006,
recovery of domestic demand appears to have taken rmer
hold, as investment accelerated in the rst quarter. Private
consumption in Germany had been muted earlier this year,
partly because of a hike in the value-added tax at the start
of the year, but lately retail sales in Germany and the euro
area more broadly have picked up, on balance, from their
January lows. Survey indicators of consumer and business
sentiment also point to relatively strong growth in the
euro area during the second quarter. Overall consumer
price in ation has remained just below the European
Central Bank’s 2 percent ceiling since the fall of last
year, while core in ation has risen to about 2 percent from
around 1½ percent last year. To combat potential in ation
pressures, the Bank continued to tighten monetary policy
during the rst half of this year, implementing two more
increases of 25 basis points in its policy rates.
Japanese economic growth moderated in the rst quar-
ter of this year to a still-brisk annual rate of 3¼ percent.
Household consumption rose at a robust rate of about
3 percent, and real exports increased almost 14 percent.
Investment growth slowed, although recent surveys report
that businesses are optimistic about the outlook. The
labor market in Japan improved further in the rst ve
months of the year: The unemployment rate fell below
4 percent, and the ratio of job offers to applicants
remained elevated. Despite the strong growth of output
and improved labor markets, consumer prices were about
unchanged on a twelve-month basis in May; the GDP
de ator has continued to fall, though, during the period.
Core consumer prices have shown small twelve-month
declines over the past several months, and wages have
declined relative to their year-earlier levels.
Emerging-Market Economies
Economic activity in China accelerated in the rst quarter
of 2007 and appears to have remained robust in the second
quarter. Growth was supported by a surge in exports and a
pickup in xed investment, which had slowed somewhat
in the second half of 2006. The strength of exports has
resulted in a ballooning of the Chinese trade surplus. Since
late 2006, in ation in China has increased—reaching
a rate of 3½ percent over the twelve months ending in
May—largely because of higher food prices. Continuing
rapid growth of aggregate demand and liquidity pressures
from the accumulation of foreign exchange reserves have
raised concerns about broader, more-sustained upward
pressures on in ation. Chinese authorities have tightened
monetary policy through several increases in banks’
reserve requirements and two increases in interest rates
so far this year; they have also continued to use steriliza-
tion operations to partially offset the effect of the reserve
accumulation on the money supply.
Elsewhere in emerging Asia, real GDP surged in India
and the Philippines in the rst quarter and remained
strong in Malaysia and Singapore. Growth was generally
supported by domestic demand in all four economies.
Growth held steady in South Korea, as stronger domestic
demand was partially offset by a drag from net exports.
Incoming data point to strength in the region in the sec-
ond quarter. Outside of China, in ationary pressures in
several emerging Asian economies have eased somewhat
this year because of the unwinding of previous increases
in food prices and, in some cases, the effect of currency
appreciations. During the past year, political tensions in
Thailand and uncertainty about the government’s policy
on capital controls have periodically disrupted markets
and economic activity.
In a continuation of the deceleration that started about
the middle of last year, Mexican output rose a scant
½ percent in the rst quarter; manufacturing (particularly
in the automobile sector) was restrained by the moderation
in the U.S. economic expansion, and construction slowed
sharply. Recent data on industrial production, however,
suggest that growth may have rebounded in the second
quarter. Mexican headline consumer price in ation con-
tinues to hover at the upper limit of the Bank of Mexico’s
target range of 2 percent to 4 percent. Monetary policy
was tightened in Mexico in April for the rst time since
March 2005.
In Brazil, the growth of real GDP moderated to about
3 percent in the rst quarter, as the appreciation of the
Brazilian real weighed on the external sector. The strong
real has also helped keep in ation in check despite fairly
strong economic growth and a lowering of the policy inter-
est rate. Economic growth in Argentina moved down in
the rst quarter, in part because of a contraction in exports,
and reported data suggest that in ation has continued to
decline. Growth in Venezuela appears to have slowed
sharply so far in 2007 after three years of double-digit
performances, driven by expansionary scal policy funded
by high petroleum revenues. Venezuelan twelve-month
in ation picked up to nearly 20 percent in June.