Powderpuff Football Rules
Powderpuff game follows the general guidelines of flag football:
Flag football is designed to be a game of skill, speed, ability and cunning.
It is not meant to be a physical, pushing and pounding game.
It is of utmost importance that sportsmanship and fair play be exercised at all times by all involved.
All players who are members of a team are expected to play.
Dead Ball:
The ball is dead when it:
1. goes out of bounds
2. the ball carrier goes out of bounds
3. when the ball touches the ground (except in an exchange by a kick)
Upon being pulled, the flag is to be raised in the air immediately at the point pulled; it is then to be handed
back to the offensive player. (If this is not done, such action can be termed unsportsmanlike conduct and a
15 yd. penalty may be assessed).
The team scoring the safety shall receive the ball on the 35 yd. line to start play as usual.
A safety counts 2 points for the defensive team.
A touchdown counts 6 points.
Extra Point is 2 points.
Length of Game:
The game will consist of 2, 20 minute periods with a running clock.
The clock WILL stop during the last two minutes of the game.
Halftime will be 6-8 minutes in length.
One time out per team, per half.
Start of Each Game:
The choice of goal, kickoff or receiving is decided by the flip of a coin in the presence of captains and
officials before the play starts.
First Downs:
Possession of the ball is retained as long as the offensive team is able to continue obtaining first down. The
team must cover 10 yards in four plays.
Fourth Downs:
On fourth down, a team must indicate whether they intend to PUNT or go for it.
Clock Stops:
Clock stops will be allowed for injury to a player at anytime during the game. During the last 2 minutes of
the game, the clock will stop after a touchdown, safety or touchback or whenever the referee suspends
play. Time begins when the ball is put into play.
Time Outs:
A time out is taken when a captain requests a suspension of play.
The time out is not to exceed 2 minutes.
Players and Substitutions:
There shall be 11 players on a team.
There shall be 7 linemen and 4 backfield men.
Substitutions: Any number of substitutions can be made without reporting when ball is dead.
Carrying the Ball:
A ball carrier who has fallen to the ground without being legally tackled may not resume her run.
At no time may the ball carrier pass the ball to herself.
Forward, Backward and Lateral Passes:
One forward pass may be thrown from any place behind the line of scrimmage.
Any number of lateral passes or backward passes may be attempted from any point on the field.
Legal receivers are the two ends and the four backs.
There must be no interference with the receiver of a forward pass.
Interceptions behind the Goal Line:
If a defensive player, while standing behind her own goal, intercepts a forward pass and is tackled in the
end zone, a touchback results.
The kicking team must inform their opponents that they intend to punt. A kick must be fielded cleanly or it
results in a dead ball.
Tackling shall consist of pulling flags without holding the ball carrier with the hand or any part of the body.
A tackler who forces the ball carrier to the ground is guilty of aggressive tackling.
Flags must be worn on the outside of all types of clothing and the entire flag must be exposed.
Flags must be in place on either side of the runner, failure to do this results in a five-yard penalty from the
line of scrimmage.
If a player with the ball loses her flag during play, the ball is dead at the point of the flag fall.
Only screening of the defensive player is allowed. Use of arms, hands, legs, running over, cutting or pushing
a defender is not allowed. (All these violations result in a 5 yd. penalty)
5 Yard Penalties:
1. Delay of game (Failure of the offensive team to pout the ball into play within 45 second.)
2. Illegal use of flags
3. Off sides
4. Too many players
5. Offense not being set (judgment of officials)
15 Yard Penalties:
Two of these penalties by any one player in any combination will result in suspension from the game:
1. Forcing the runner to the ground.
2. Unsportsmanlike conduct
3. Straight-arming defense
4. Hackling at tacklers (to protect flags)
5. Clipping
6. Running over defenders
7. Blocking by pushing defenders
8. Defensive play that is characterized by pushing over or on offensive lockers.
9. Pushing the ball carrier out of bounds.
10. Swearing
11. Harassment of officials.
Stressed Rules:
1. Unnecessary violent behavior will result in the players’ ejection from the game and may then be subject
to further disciplinary action.
2. Flags must be worn correctly. NO rolling or tucking of flag in belts or pants.
3. Everything besides flags must be tucked in.
4. All jewelry must be removed.