Policy J-5.3.30 Admissions
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Admission Requirements
As required by the Code of Virginia and to ensure the welfare of Arlington’s children, all schools in
the Arlington Public Schools from kindergarten through Grade 12 are free to each person of school
age who resides in Arlington County and, with the exception of some students with disabilities, are
enrolled fulltime in the school division.
Pre-K enrollment for qualified students in the Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) and Pre-K Special
Education classes are free. Students enrolled in the Montessori and Community Peer Program Pre-K
programs may be subject to fees that are based on a sliding scale for family income as defined in
policy I-1.34 Early Childhood Preschool Programs.
A person is considered school age if they:
1. Have reached their fifth birthday on or before September 30 of the school year and have not
reached their twentieth birthday as of August 1 of the school year in which they wish to enroll;
2. Are an English Learner who:
a. does not speak English as their first language; and
b. entered school in Virginia for the first time after reaching their twelfth birthday; and
c. has not reached twenty-two years of age on or before August 1 of the school year, or
3. Are a Student with Disabilities who:
a. has been identified as a student with disabilities; and
b. who is at least two years of age by September 30; and
c. is no more than twenty-one years of age on September 30.
Every person of school age will be deemed to reside in Arlington County:
When the person is living with a natural parent or parent by legal adoption; or
When, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia § 22.1-360 [the Interstate
Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children], the person is living with a
noncustodial parent or other person standing in loco parentis, not solely for school purposes,
pursuant to a Special Power of Attorney executed under 10 U.S.C. § 1044b [Military powers
of attorney] by the custodial parent; or
When the parents of such a person are deceased and the person is living with a person in loco
parentis who actually resides within the school division; or
When the parents of such person are unable to care for the person and the person is living, not
solely for school purposes, with another person who resides in the school division and is:
a. the court-appointed guardian or has legal custody of the student, as determined by a court
of competent jurisdiction in the Commonwealth of Virginia; or
b. acting in loco parentis pursuant to placement of the student for adoption by a person or
entity authorized to do so under the Code of Virginia §63.2-1200; or
c. an adult relative providing temporary kinship care, as the term is defined in the Code of
Virginia §63.2-100 [the full-time care, nurturing, and protection of children by relatives]
[Arlington Public Schools defines relative as a person connected with another by blood or
When the person is living in the school division, not solely for school purposes, as an
emancipated minor; or
When all or any portion of the building in which such person resides (i) with another person
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as set forth in subdivisions 1 through 4 or (ii) as an emancipated minor as set forth in
subdivision 5 is taxable by the locality in which the school division is located; or
When the person living in the school division is a homeless child or youth, as set forth in this
subdivision, who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. Such persons shall
a. children and youths, including unaccompanied youths who are not in the physical custody
of their parents, who
are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship,
or a similar reason; are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds
due to lack of alternative adequate accommodations or in emergency or transitional
shelters; or are abandoned in hospitals;
have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for,
or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings; or
are living in parked cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard
housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings; and
b. migratory children, as defined in the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act of
1965, P.L. 89-10, as amended, who are deemed homeless as they are living in
circumstances set forth in clause (a).
Students Experiencing Homelessness
Arlington Public Schools shall comply with the requirements of Subtitle VII-B of the federal
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. § 11431 et seq.), to ensure that
homeless children and youths shall receive the educational services comparable to those offered to
other public school students. Students experiencing homelessness shall be enrolled in accordance
with School Board Policy J-5.3.1 Homeless Education Services.
Required Admissions Documents
School staff may ask to review pertinent documents in their original form (rather than PDF, faxes, or
copies) as necessary. Staff may make copies of portions of original documents as necessary but will
not retain original documents. Official translation must accompany documents printed in another
language. Students are eligible to attend Arlington Public Schools provided that they:
Present an original or certified copy of a birth certificate or other birth record. In cases where
the birth certificate or other birth record is unavailable, an affidavit is required setting forth
the student’s age, or sufficient information to estimate with reasonable certainty the age of
such child, and explaining the inability to present a certified copy of the birth record; and
Show proof of residency in Arlington. Only original documents will be accepted as proof of
residency. They include:
a. A complete, current lease signed by lessor and lessee or tenant and landlord to show that
the parent/guardian resides in Arlington County; or
b. A deed showing that the parent/guardian owns a home and resides in Arlington County
or, if the deed is not available, settlement documents showing the home has been
purchased; or
c. A complete, current affidavit from the parent/guardian showing that the student resides in
Arlington, and an affidavit from the owner or lessee of the residence to show that a family
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and student reside with them in Arlington County (Forms A and B-Residency Statement
of Parents/Guardians and Statement of Arlington resident). Forms A and B are only valid
for one academic year and must be refiled between July 1 and the beginning of the school
year or the student shall be withdrawn from Arlington Public Schools. The resident’s deed
or lease agreement must accompany all Forms A and B. Forms A and B should be filed at
the local school.
Show documents which support proof of residency such as: current federal, state and/or
property tax returns, documentation of financial assistance from Arlington County, current
payroll withholding statements, vehicle registration showing parent’s name, or current utility
bill (within thirty days of enrollment date).
Determination of Residency
The enrolling office (school or Welcome Center) has the initial responsibility for determining if the
student is a resident of Arlington County. If residency cannot be determined or is questionable, the
Chief of School Support is responsible for making the determination of residency. In cases where there
are questions regarding residency, a home visit may be required.
The children of applicants providing false information on residency documents may be immediately
withdrawn from Arlington Public Schools if they do not meet the residency requirements in this policy.
In accordance with the Code of Virginia §22.1-264.1, any person who knowingly makes a false
statement concerning the residency of a child, as determined by the Code of Virginia §22.1-3, in a
particular school division or school attendance zone, for the purposes of (i) avoiding the tuition charges
authorized by the Code of Virginia §22.1-5 or (ii) enrollment in a school outside the attendance zone in
which the student resides, shall be guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor and shall be liable to the school
division in which the child was enrolled as a result of such false statements for tuition charges, pursuant
to the Code of Virginia §22.1-5, for the time the student was enrolled in such school division.
Confirmation of Residency
At any time, Arlington Public Schools staff may ask to review current versions pertinent documents in
their original form (rather than PDF, faxes, or copies) as necessary to confirm residency. Staff may
make copies of portions of original documents as necessary but will not retain original documents.
Children visiting Arlington are not considered to reside in Arlington.
Foreign Exchange Students
Foreign Exchange Students are admitted in accordance with School Board Policy M-2 Foreign Exchange
Student Programs.
Students entering Arlington Public Schools and Pre-K Programs for the first time must have a
comprehensive physical examination of a scope prescribed by the State Health Commissioner performed
by a qualified licensed physician no earlier than 12 months prior to the date of the child’s entry. The
physician’s report of that examination must be placed in the school records. This physical examination
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report shall be made available upon request to any official of the state or local health department. Any
student may be exempt whose parent/guardian objects on religious grounds if:
The student shows no evidence of illness.
The parent/guardian states in writing that to the best of their knowledge the student is in
good health and free of communicable disease.
Every student shall, prior to entry, furnish a certificate from a licensed physician or health department
official certifying that the student has those immunizations required by law. Any student may be exempt
whose parent/guardian objects on the grounds that the administration of the immunizing agents conflicts
with their religious tenets or practices, unless the State Board of Health has declared an emergency or
epidemic. To do so, the parent or guardian must furnish the school with a notarized statement of the parent’s
or guardian’s objections. Any student may be exempt if the immunization would be detrimental to their
health. In that case, the student’s physician must submit a written statement that the administration of the
immunizing agents would be detrimental to the health of the student.
Students entering Arlington Public Schools, including the Pre-K program, for the first time must provide
written proof of a negative risk assessment for tuberculosis infection or the results of a Tuberculin Skin
Test (TST) done within the 12 months prior to entry into school.
Should there be an outbreak or potential epidemic of a vaccine-preventable disease, a student who has
been exempted from a physical examination or immunization requirements may be required to take
protective measures until the danger has passed.
Special Admissions Situations
Students enrolled in private or parochial schools
Students who are enrolled in private or parochial schools are not permitted to participate in classes or
activities sponsored by the public schools.
Students receiving home instruction
Admissions and services for students receiving home instruction are provided according to School
Board Policy J-5.3.2 Home Instruction.
Students with Individual Educational Programs
Students with disabilities who are enrolled in private or parochial schools or home instruction programs
and whose Individualized Educational Programs call for selected services may receive those services
in the Arlington Public Schools.
Children of Persons on Active Military Duty
In accordance with the requirements of Va. Code 22.1-7.2(B), any student residing on a military
installation or in military housing within the school division, may, upon the request of his or her parent,
be enrolled in any appropriate school in the division in which space is available. Transportation will not
be provided for school assignments outside of the attendance area in which the student lives, and a
student may be disqualified from attending another school in the event of disciplinary action.
In accordance with the requirements of Va. Code 22.1-3(B), school-age children of persons on active
military duty who have been attending Arlington Public schools free of charge will not be charged
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tuition upon such child's relocation pursuant to orders his or her parent receives to relocate to a new
duty station, or to be deployed, through the end of the school year. In addition, children of persons on
active military duty who will be relocating to Arlington pursuant to military orders received, and who
are otherwise eligible to attend Arlington Public Schools, will not be charged tuition.
Children of persons who are on active military duty who were attending Kindergarten in their previous
school may be admitted to Arlington Public Schools, even if they have not yet met minimum age
requirements. Families should contact the Early Childhood Office for readiness evaluation and
guidance on forms and documents required for admission. (Ref. Va. Code 21.1-199 C.)
Children of Families with Special Circumstances
Students who are not residents of Arlington will not be accepted for enrollment and are not eligible for
services under an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 except:
1. as required by the Code of Virginia; or
2. as required by the Foreign Exchange Program; or
3. as participants in the Non-Resident Arlington Public Schools Employee Tuition Initiative; or
4. as provided in this policy.
Families who have been bona fide residents of Arlington County within the last school year and whose
children had been enrolled in Arlington Public Schools (APS), but because of extenuating
circumstances have voluntarily or involuntarily been temporarily displaced and have relocated to within
30 miles of Arlington County, with the demonstrated intentions of returning to Arlington County within
180 school calendar days, shall be regarded as Arlington County residents for the purposes of this
policy. Implementation shall be in accordance with the provisions and limitations in applicable Policy
Implementation Procedures. Siblings that will be age-eligible to attend public school within the
designated time period stipulated are included under this policy. In order to be considered as residents
under this provision, please refer to Policy Implementation Procedure J-5.3.32 PIP-1 Administrative
Placements for specifics.
Admission of Non-Resident Employees’ Children (Non-Resident Arlington Public Schools
Employee Tuition Initiative)
Arlington Public Schools non-resident employees’ children who are enrolled in Arlington Public
Schools as of October 2015 may continue to attend through high school or until the employee is no
longer employed full-time with Arlington Public Schools. Due to increased enrollment, Arlington
Public Schools employees’ children who reside outside of Arlington County and are not enrolled in
Arlington Public Schools as of October 2015 will not be eligible for enrollment. Siblings of non-
resident students not enrolled as of October 2015 also are not eligible for enrollment.
Before the start of each school year, the Chief of School Support will verify the non-resident
employee’s continued, full-time employment status to confirm a student’s eligibility for continued
enrollment in Arlington Public Schools under this initiative.
This initiative is not part of the transfer process detailed in School Board Policy J-5.3.31 Options and
Transfers, and no Administrative Placement for a student who is an Arlington Public Schools resident
shall be denied on the basis of capacity, at a school in which non-resident employees’ children are
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English Learners
Students with limited English proficiency will be referred to the Welcome Center for assistance in
enrollment, assessment, and placement.
Extenuating Circumstances (appeals)
Under certain extenuating circumstances, Arlington Public Schools may provide educational services
to persons who do not meet the qualifications described in this policy. Requests for an administrative
placement shall be submitted and evaluated according to Policy J-5.3.32 Administrative Placements.
Code of Virginia §22.1-3 and §22.1-3.1
School Board Policy J-5.3.1 Homeless Education Services
School Board Policy J-5.3.2 Home Instruction
School Board Policy J-5.3.31 Options and Transfers
School Board Policy J-5.3.32 Administrative Placements
School Board Policy M-2 Foreign Exchange Student Programs
Policy Implementation Procedure I-1.34 Underage Placements
Policy Implementation Procedure J-5.3.32 PIP-1 Administrative Placements
Policy Adoption and Revision History
Adopted March 9, 2017, Effective March 9, 2017
Renumbered (former Policy 25-2.1) effective July 1, 2018
Revised September 6, 2018, Effective September 6, 2018
Amended October 4, 2018, Effective October 4, 2018
Revised June 25, 2020, Effective June 25, 2020
Amended March 16, 2023. Effective March 16, 2023