224 Volume 40
Number 3
September 2005
Journal of Athletic Training 2005;40(3):224–245
q by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, Inc
National Athletic Trainers’ Association
Position Statement: Management of Asthma
in Athletes
Michael G. Miller*; John M. Weiler†; Robert Baker‡; James Collins§;
Gilbert D’Alonzo\
*Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI; †University of Iowa and CompleWare, Iowa City, IA; ‡Michigan
State University Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies, Kalamazoo, MI; §San Diego Chargers, San Diego, CA;
\Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
Michael G. Miller, EdD, ATC, CSCS; John M. Weiler, MD; Robert Baker, MD, PhD, ATC; James Collins, ATC; and Gilbert
D’Alonzo, DO, contributed to conception and design; acquisition and analysis and interpretation of the data; and drafting,
critical revision, and final approval of the article.
Address correspondence to National Athletic Trainers’ Association, Communications Department, 2952 Stemmons Freeway,
Dallas, TX 75247.
To present guidelines for the recognition, prophy-
laxis, and management of asthma that lead to improvement in
the quality of care certified athletic trainers and other heath care
providers can offer to athletes with asthma, especially exercise-
induced asthma.
Many athletes have difficulty breathing during
or after athletic events and practices. Although a wide variety
of conditions can predispose an athlete to breathing difficulties,
the most common cause is undiagnosed or uncontrolled asth-
ma. At least 15% to 25% of athletes may have signs and symp-
toms suggestive of asthma, including exercise-induced asthma.
Athletic trainers are in a unique position to recognize breathing
difficulties caused by undiagnosed or uncontrolled asthma, par-
ticularly when asthma follows exercise. Once the diagnosis of
asthma is made, the athletic trainer should play a pivotal role
in supervising therapies to prevent and control asthma symp-
toms. It is also important for the athletic trainer to recognize
when asthma is not the underlying cause for respiratory diffi-
culties, so that the athlete can be evaluated and treated prop-
The recommendations contained in this
position statement describe a structured approach for the di-
agnosis and management of asthma in an exercising popula-
tion. Athletic trainers should be educated to recognize asthma
symptoms in order to identify patients who might benefit from
better management and should understand the management of
asthma, especially exercise-induced asthma, to participate as
active members of the asthma care team.
Key Words:
airway hyperresponsiveness, airway obstruc-
tion, exercise-induced asthma, exercise-induced broncho-
spasm, pulmonary function tests, certified athletic trainer
sthma is defined as a chronic inflammatory disorder
of the airways characterized by variable airway ob-
struction and bronchial hyperresponsiveness.
obstruction can lead to recurrent episodes of wheezing, breath-
lessness, chest tightness, and coughing, particularly at night or
in the early morning.
Asthma can be triggered by many stim-
uli, including allergens (eg, pollen, dust mites, animal dander),
pollutants (eg, carbon dioxide, smoke, ozone), respiratory in-
fections, aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), inhaled irritants (eg, cigarette smoke, household
cleaning fumes, chlorine in a swimming pool), particulate ex-
posure (eg, ambient air pollutants, ice rink pollution), and ex-
posure to cold and exercise.
Airflow limitation is often re-
versible, but as asthma symptoms continue, patients may
develop ‘‘airway remodeling’’ that leads to chronic irreversible
airway obstruction.
Severe attacks of asthma can also cause
irreversible airflow obstruction that can lead to death.
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the Na-
tional Institutes of Health launched the National Asthma Ed-
ucation and Prevention Program (NAEPP) in March 1989 to
address the increasing prevalence of asthma in the United
States and its economic costs to the society; the program was
updated in 1997 (as NAEPPII).
An updated expert panel re-
port from the NAEPP is expected to be released in 2006. The
Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) was also developed to
provide worldwide guidelines for asthma awareness and man-
These guidelines are extremely comprehensive and
have been regularly updated to reflect advances in the diag-
nosis and management of asthma. Nevertheless, the guidelines
do not describe the role of certified athletic trainers or other
allied health care professionals in recognizing and managing
asthma in an athletic population.
The purpose of this position statement is to provide athletic
trainers and other allied health care professionals who care for
athletes with information to:
1. Identify the characteristics and diagnostic criteria of asth-
Journal of Athletic Training 225
ma, especially exercise-induced asthma (EIA) or exercise-
induced bronchospasm (EIB).
2. Provide guidelines for referral so that patients with asthma
and those in whom asthma is suspected can receive a thor-
ough evaluation.
3. Describe management plans to prevent attacks and to con-
trol asthma exacerbations when they occur.
4. Educate certified athletic trainers and athletes about phar-
macologic and nonpharmacologic therapies and techniques
to help control asthma.
Based on current research and literature, the National Ath-
letic Trainers’ Association provides the following guidelines
for the identification, examination, management, and prophy-
laxis of asthma, including EIA, and the education of athletes,
parents, coaches, and health care personnel about asthma. Not
all individuals who suffer from asthma present in the same
manner, nor do they all respond to the same management or
treatment plan. Therefore, these recommendations are intended
to provide the certified athletic trainer and other health care
professionals with an overall guide for a better understanding
of the asthmatic condition.
Asthma Identification and Diagnosis
1. All athletes must receive preparticipation screening eval-
uations sufficient to identify the possible presence of asth-
In most situations, this evaluation includes only
obtaining a thorough history from the athlete. However,
in special circumstances, additional screening evaluations
(eg, spirometry testing or the challenge testing described
below) should also be performed because the history
alone is not reliable.
2. Athletic trainers should be aware of the major signs and
symptoms suggesting asthma, as well as the following as-
sociated conditions
a. Chest tightness (or chest pain in children)
b. Coughing (especially at night)
c. Prolonged shortness of breath (dyspnea)
d. Difficulty sleeping
e. Wheezing (especially after exercise)
f. Inability to catch one’s breath
g. Physical activities affected by breathing difficulty
h. Use of accessory muscles to breathe
i. Breathing difficulty upon awakening in the morning
j. Breathing difficulty when exposed to certain allergens
or irritants
k. Exercise-induced symptoms, such as coughing or
l. An athlete who is well conditioned but does not seem
to be able to perform at a level comparable with other
athletes who do not have asthma
m. Family history of asthma
n. Personal history of atopy, including atopic dermatitis/
eczema or hay fever (allergic rhinitis)
Note: Although there is a correlation between the presence
of symptoms and EIA, the diagnosis should not be based
on history alone.
Rather, these symptoms should serve to
suggest that an athlete may have asthma.
3. The following types of screening questions can be asked
to seek evidence of asthma
a. Does the patient have breathing attacks consisting of
coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, or shortness of
breath (dyspnea)?
b. Does the patient have coughing, wheezing, chest tight-
ness, or shortness of breath (dyspnea) at night?
c. Does the patient have coughing, wheezing, or chest
tightness after exercise?
d. Does the patient have coughing, wheezing, chest tight-
ness, or shortness of breath (dyspnea) after exposure to
allergens or pollutants?
e. Which pharmacologic treatments for asthma or allergic
rhinitis, if any, were given in the past, and were they
4. Patients with atypical symptoms, symptoms despite proper
therapy, or other complications that can exacerbate asthma
(such as sinusitis, nasal polyps, severe rhinitis, gastro-
esophageal reflux disease, or vocal cord dysfunction)
should be referred to a physician with expertise in sports
medicine (eg, allergist; ear, nose, and throat physician;
cardiologist; or pulmonologist with training in providing
care for athletes).
Testing might include a stress electro-
cardiogram, upper airway laryngoscopy or rhinoscopy,
echocardiogram, or upper endoscopy.
Pulmonary Function Testing
5. Athletes with a history of asthma or of taking a medica-
tion used to treat asthma and those suspected of having
asthma should consult a physician for proper medical
evaluation and to obtain a classification of asthma severity
(Table 1). This evaluation should include pulmonary func-
tion testing.
6. An exercise challenge test is recommended for athletes
who have symptoms suggestive of EIA to confirm the
7. If the diagnosis of asthma remains unclear after the above
tests have been performed, then additional testing should
be performed to assist in making a diagnosis.
sicians should be encouraged, when possible, to test the
athlete using a sport-specific and environment-specific ex-
ercise-challenge protocol, in which the athlete participates
in his or her venue to replicate the activity or activities
and the environment that may serve to trigger airway hy-
In some cases, athletes should also
be tested for metabolic gas exchange during strenuous ex-
ercise to determine fitness (eg, to assess anaerobic thresh-
old and V
max), especially to rule out the diagnosis of
asthma or to rule in another diagnosis (eg, pulmonary fi-
brosis) for a patient with an unclear diagnosis.
Asthma Management
8. Athletic trainers should incorporate into the existing emer-
gency action plan an asthma action plan for managing and
urgently referring all patients who may experience signif-
icant or life-threatening attacks of breathing difficulties
(Figure 1).
Immediate access to emergency facilities
during practices and game situations should be available.
For example, athletic trainers should be familiar with ap-
propriate community resources and must have a fully
functional telephone (mobile or cellular) available, pre-
programmed with emergency medical care access num-
bers. A telephone might be the single most important de-
226 Volume 40
Number 3
September 2005
Table 1. National Asthma Education and Prevention Program II: Classification of Asthma Severity*
Clinical Features Before Treatment†
Symptoms Lung Function
Step 4
Severe persistent
Continual symptoms
Limited physical activity
Frequent exacerbations
Frequent FEV
or PEF #60% predicted
PEF variability .30%
Step 3
Moderate persistent
Daily symptoms
Daily use of inhaled short-acting beta
Exacerbations affect activity
Exacerbations $2 times/wk; may last
.1 time/wk FEV
or PEF .60%–,80% predicted
PEF variability $30%
Step 2
Mild persistent
Symptoms .2 times/wk but ,1 time/d
Exacerbations may affect activity
.2 times/mo FEV
or PEF $80% predicted
PEF variability 20–30%
Step 1
Mild intermittent
Symptoms #2 times/wk
Asymptomatic and normal PEF be-
tween exacerbations
Exacerbations brief (from a few hours to
a few days); intensity may vary
#2 times/mo FEV
or PEF $80% predicted
PEF variability ,20%
indicates forced expiratory volume in 1 s; PEF, peak expiratory flow.
†The presence of one of the features of severity is sufficient to place a patient in that category. An individual should be assigned to the most
severe grade in which any feature occurs. The characteristics noted in this figure are general and may overlap because asthma is highly variable.
Furthermore, an individual’s classification may change over time.
‡Patients at any level of severity can have mild, moderate, or severe exacerbations. Some patients with intermittent asthma experience severe
and life-threatening exacerbations separated by long periods of normal lung function and no symptoms.
vice to have on the practice field for a patient who is
experiencing an asthma exacerbation. In addition, athletic
trainers should have pulmonary function measuring de-
vices (such as peak expiratory flow meters [PFMs] or por-
table spirometers) at all athletic venues for athletes for
whom such devices have been prescribed and should be
familiar with how to use these devices.
9. Patients who are experiencing any degree of respiratory
distress (including a significant increase in wheezing or
chest tightness, a respiratory rate greater than 25 breaths
per minute, inability to speak in full sentences, uncon-
trolled cough, significantly prolonged expiration phase of
breathing, nasal flaring, or paradoxic abdominal move-
ment) should be referred rapidly to an emergency depart-
ment or to their personal physicians for further evaluation
and treatment. Referral to an emergency room or equiv-
alent facility should be sought urgently if the patient is
exhibiting signs of impending respiratory failure (eg,
weak respiratory efforts, weak breath sounds, uncon-
sciousness, or hypoxic seizures).
10. All patients with asthma should have a rescue inhaler
available during games and practices, and the certified ath-
letic trainer should have an extra rescue inhaler for each
athlete for administration during emergencies. In case of
emergencies, a nebulizer should also be available. With a
metered dose inhaler (MDI), athletes should be encour-
aged to use a spacer to help ensure the best delivery of
inhaled therapy to the lungs.
11. Athletic trainers and coaches should consider providing
alternative practice sites for athletes with asthma triggered
by airborne allergens when practical. Indoor practice fa-
cilities that offer good ventilation and air conditioning
should be considered for at least part of the practice if this
can be accomplished, although in most cases it will not
be practical. For example, indoor and outdoor allergens or
irritants, tobacco smoke, and air pollutants might trigger
asthma, and attempts should be made to limit exposure to
these triggers when possible. Another option is to sched-
ule practices when pollen counts are lowest (eg, in the
evening during the ragweed pollen season). Pollen count
information can be accessed from the National Allergy
Bureau at http://www.aaaai.org/nab.
12. Patients with asthma should have follow-up examinations
at regular intervals, as determined by the patient’s primary
care physician or specialist, to monitor and alter therapy.
In general, these evaluations should be scheduled at least
every 6 to 12 months, but they may be more frequent if
symptoms are not well controlled.
Asthma Pharmacologic Treatment
13. Athletic trainers should understand the various types of
pharmacologic strategies used for short- and long-term
asthma control and should be able to differentiate controller
from rescue or reliever medications (Figure 2).
14. Patients with EIA may benefit from the use of short- and
long-acting b
-agonists. Rapid-acting agents can be used
for prophylaxis during practice and game participation.
When the goal is to prevent EIA, a short-acting b
nist, such as albuterol, should be inhaled 10 to 15 minutes
before exercise. The excessive need (3–4 times per day)
for short-acting b
-agonist therapy during practice or an
athletic event should cause concern, and a physician
should evaluate the patient before return to participation.
Long-acting b
-agonists should, in general, only be used
for asthma prophylaxis and control and are usually com-
bined with an inhaled corticosteroid. Athletic trainers
should understand the use, misuse, and abuse of short-
acting b
15. Patients with asthma may also benefit from the use of
Journal of Athletic Training 227
Figure 1. Sample asthma action plan. Extracted from
Managing Asthma: A Guide for Schools.
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Available at: http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/prof/lung/asthma/asthpsch.htm. Accessed June 7, 2005.
leukotriene modifiers, inhaled or parenteral corticoste-
roids, and cromones (such as cromolyn sodium).
16. Pharmacotherapy should be customized for each asthma
patient, and a specialist (an allergist or pulmonologist with
expertise in sports medicine) should be consulted to max-
imize therapy when symptoms break through despite ap-
parently optimal therapy.
17. Patients with past allergic reactions or intolerance to as-
pirin or NSAIDs should be identified and provided with
alternative medicines, such as acetaminophen, as needed.
Asthma Nonpharmacologic Treatment
18. Health care providers should identify and consider non-
pharmacologic strategies to control asthma, including nose
breathing, limiting exposure to allergens or pollutants, and
air filtration systems.
However, these therapies should
be expected to provide only limited protection from asth-
ma in most circumstances.
19. Proper warm-up before exercise may lead to a refractory
period of as long as 2 hours, which may result in de-
228 Volume 40
Number 3
September 2005
Figure 1. Continued.
creased reliance on medications by some patients with
20. Patients who have been diagnosed previously as having
asthma or suspected of having asthma should follow the
recommendations of NAEPPII and GINA for evaluation
and everyday management and control.
Asthma Education
21. Athletes should be properly educated about asthma, es-
pecially EIA, by health care professionals who are knowl-
edgeable about asthma.
Athletes should be educated
about the following:
a. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of uncontrolled
b. Using spirometry recording devices to monitor lung
function away from the clinic or athletic training room.
c. Methods of limiting exposure to primary and second-
ary smoke and to other recognized or suspicious asth-
ma triggers (eg, pollens, animal allergens, fungi, house
dust, and other asthma sensitizers and triggers). Pa-
tients with asthma who smoke should be provided with
Journal of Athletic Training 229
Figure 1. Continued.
information about smoking cessation and encouraged
to participate in classes to change socialization patterns.
d. The need for increased asthma rescue medication (eg,
short-acting b
-agonists) as a signal for asthma flare-
up. Increased use of short-acting b
-agonists signals a
need for enhanced treatment with asthma controller
e. The proper techniques for using MDIs, dry powder in-
halers, nebulizers, and spacers to control asthma symp-
toms and to treat exacerbations. Health care profes-
sionals should periodically check the patient’s
medication administration techniques and should ex-
amine medication compliance.
f. Asthma and EIA among competitive athletes. These
conditions are common, and athletic performance need
not be hindered if the patient takes an active role in
controlling the disease and follows good practice and
control measures.
22. The athletic trainer should also be familiar with vocal cord
dysfunction and other upper airway diseases, which can
sometimes be confused with asthma.
Vocal cord
dysfunction may be associated with dyspnea, chest tight-
230 Volume 40
Number 3
September 2005
Figure 2. Asthma pharmacologic management.
PEF indicates peak expiratory flow.
ness, coughing, wheezing, and inspiratory stridor. In many
cases, the condition is triggered with exercise. Visual in-
spection of the vocal cords by a physician experienced in
examining the upper airway during exercise to differen-
tiate vocal cord dysfunction from asthma is recommended.
23. Patients with asthma should be encouraged to engage in
exercise as a means to strengthen muscles, improve re-
spiratory health, enhance endurance, and otherwise im-
prove overall well-being.
24. The athletic trainer should differentiate among restricted,
banned, and permitted asthma medications. Athletic train-
ers should be familiar with the guidelines of the Interna-
tional Olympic Committee Medical Commission, the
United States Anti-Doping Agency, the World Anti-Dop-
ing Agency, and the doping committees of the various
25. The athletic trainer should be aware of the various Web
sites that provide general information and frequently asked
questions on asthma and EIA. These sites include the
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
(www.aaaai.org); the American Thoracic Society (www.
thoracic.org); the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of Amer-
Journal of Athletic Training 231
ica (www.aafa.org); the American College of Allergy,
Asthma, & Immunology (www.acaai.org); and USA Swim-
ming (http://www.usaswimming.org/USASWeb/pRainbow/
Definition and Pathophysiology of Asthma
Asthma is a common condition that has been recognized for
more than 2000 years.
Asthma is usually defined operation-
ally as a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways.
In many patients, this chronic inflammation causes an increase
in airway hyperresponsiveness, leading to recurrent episodes
of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness (or chest pain in
children), and coughing, particularly at night or in the early
morning and after exercise, especially in cold, dry environ-
ments. These episodes are associated with widespread but var-
iable airflow obstruction that is often reversible, either spon-
taneously or with treatment.
This definition implies that
asthma has multiple causes, and indeed, it is a complex dis-
The chronic inflammatory process causes excess mucus pro-
duction and bronchial smooth muscle constriction,
result from a release of inflammatory mediators that include
histamine, tryptase, prostaglandin, and leukotrienes from mast
Airways may also accumulate thick, viscous secre-
tions produced by goblet cells and submucosal glands; more-
over, there is leakage of plasma proteins and accumulated cel-
lular debris.
Although airway narrowing affects the
tracheobronchial tree, small bronchi (2–5 mm in diameter) are
most affected.
Maximal expiratory flow rate is reduced
and residual lung volumes are increased as air is trapped be-
hind the blocked airways.
As a result, during an asthma at-
tack, the respiratory rate increases to compensate for the in-
creased obstruction of the airways and the inability of the
usually elastic lung to recoil (dynamic hyperinflation). The pa-
tient must work harder to breathe as the thorax becomes over-
inflated. With progression of the attack, the diaphragm and
intercostal muscles must compensate and contribute more en-
ergy during respiration.
In a severe attack, muscle efficiency
is eventually lost, and the increased breathing rate leads to
respiratory muscle fatigue and physical distress that may result
in death. Indeed, as many as 4200 to 5000 people die from
asthma each year in the United States.
Environmental Factors
Environmental factors, such as allergens, air pollution, oc-
cupational sensitizers, and tobacco smoke, may cause or ex-
acerbate asthma.
These factors are important triggers that
should be considered when evaluating a patient with asth-
Recently, concern about indoor air pollution has been
Indoor ambient air can contain allergens
and pollution that can cause or exacerbate asthma and other
respiratory ailments when susceptible individuals are exposed
to these environments.
Many factors should be considered
indoors, such as adequacy of ventilation, humidity level, pres-
ence of allergens, presence of wall-to-wall carpeting and up-
holstered furniture, and types of building materials.
door animal allergens (such as from cats, dogs, and other pets)
are an important trigger of symptoms in many people.
roach allergens are commonly seen indoors (such as in swim-
ming pool locker rooms), and the cockroach allergenic mate-
rials can remain for a long period of time, even after
Indoor mold and fungal spores, house dust
mites, and particulate matter, such as aerosols or smoke from
cigarettes, wood, or fossil fuels, also can trigger asthma symp-
Tobacco smoke is a risk factor for the development
of asthma, and smoking tobacco appears to increase asthma
Other indoor air irritants, such as chlorine, can exacerbate
asthma and cause eye and lung irritation.
children who frequently visit chlorinated pools may have an
increased risk of developing asthma, especially if they have
other risk factors for asthma.
Even individuals who do not
usually enter the water but who are exposed to indoor chlo-
rinated pools (eg, lifeguards, coaches) may have respiratory
irritation on exposure to chlorine.
Many actions can be taken to limit indoor allergen exposure,
including prohibiting smoking indoors, using air cleaners
equipped with a high-efficiency particulate air cleaner (HEPA)
filter, washing walls, vacuuming carpets, and cleaning mattress
covers weekly.
Additional measures include removing
carpets and installing linoleum or wood flooring, washing pets
(dogs and cats) and their bedding twice a week, keeping pets
out of the bedroom or living room at all times to reduce ex-
posure, covering mattresses and pillows, and controlling hu-
midity to help manage dust mites and mold.
Some of
these measures, such as the removal of a family pet from the
home, can be very difficult, so it is necessary to discuss the
effect of these exposures with the asthma patient. Although
air filters might help, the house should be cleaned thoroughly
before their use and regularly thereafter.
When inhaled, outdoor air pollution, caused by sulfur diox-
ide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and particulate
matter, can cause pulmonary function decrements, increased re-
liance on medications, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and in-
creased asthma symptoms.
Many pollens (trees, grasses,
and weeds) are inhaled into the bronchi and cause allergen-
induced asthma.
Tree pollens predominate in the spring,
grass pollens in the late spring or early summer (and fall), and
weed pollens in the late summer and fall in the United States,
depending on geographic location, but may be present at other
times of the year in locations outside of the United
Information about the pollen seasons in the Unit-
ed States can be accessed from the National Allergy Bureau
Web site.
Although it is virtually impossible to avoid all outdoor pol-
lution and allergens, some practical precautions can be imple-
mented: move indoors and close all windows, close car win-
dows when traveling, limit exposure when pollen is at its
highest levels, monitor local weather stations for allergy re-
ports, and practice indoors if possible when pollen counts are
Diagnosis and Classification of Asthma
Asthma can be difficult to diagnose and classify (see Table
1). Some individuals, especially elite athletes, do not display
consistent signs or symptoms of asthma.
Asthma symp-
toms may be present only during certain times (seasons) of
232 Volume 40
Number 3
September 2005
the year or only after exercise and may be highly variable,
depending upon the athlete, the environment, and the activi-
The first step in determining whether asthma is present is
to obtain a detailed medical history. Questions regarding past
experiences, symptoms, smoking history, and family history
can help to rule out other respiratory disorders such as chronic
bronchitis, emphysema, bronchiectasis, allergic rhinitis, upper
respiratory infection, congestive heart failure, disorders of the
upper airway (eg, vocal cord dysfunction), and nonrespiratory
conditions such as anxiety. Most importantly, the athletic train-
er should ask general questions as listed in Recommendation
3 to assist in making a proper diagnosis.
If a patient appears
to have one or more symptoms suggestive of asthma, then lung
function testing should be performed (see Table 1).
it is important to recognize that the history and baseline phys-
ical examination will fail to identify many patients with
Lung function tests are essential to assess asthma severity
and airflow limitation and to determine whether the obstruc-
tion is fully reversible with treatment.
The most
common measures of airway function are the forced expiratory
volume in 1 second (FEV
), the forced vital capacity (FVC),
and the peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR). These tests can be
performed while the patient is at rest or after a challenge. The
measures the volume of air in liters forcefully exhaled
out of the airway in 1 second after a full inspiration. The FVC
measures the total volume of air in liters forcefully exhaled
out of the airway when the breath continues (usually for a
period of 6 or more seconds). The FVC procedure is effort
dependent and requires the patient to fully understand that he
or she needs to inhale a deep breath and then ‘blast’ the air
out of the lungs into the measurement device. The FVC testing
also requires considerable expertise by the technician and the
ability to communicate with the patient. The PEFR measures
the maximal flow rate of air (in L/s or L/min) out of the air-
ways and is easier to perform than an FEV
or FVC maneuver,
although PEFR testing is also effort dependent. A flow volume
curve (flow loop) provides a graphic depiction of the breathing
effort in which flow rate is plotted against volume (in L/s) of
air exhaled and inhaled (in L), as shown in Figure 3. A vol-
ume-time curve (called a spirogram) is another way to plot
the breath, in which the volume of air exhaled (in L) is plotted
against time (in seconds). The FEV
/FVC ratio is also exam-
ined, along with a variety of measures of flow, such as the
flow between 25% and 75% of the FVC (called the FEF
Asthma is an example of an obstructive lung disease in
which the airways obstruct the outflow of air. In contrast, pul-
monary fibrosis is an example of a restrictive lung disease in
which the functional size of the lungs decreases. In obstructive
lung diseases, the FEV
decreases, whereas the FVC remains
relatively normal, so the FEV
/FVC ratio decreases (until late
in the disease or with severe exacerbations, when the FVC
may also decrease).
In restrictive lung disease, both the
and the FVC decrease proportionally (so that the FEV
FVC ratio is normal). Nomograms exist to provide guidance
as to normal ranges for FEV
and FVC based on age, size and
It is important to recognize racial differences in the
normal values for these tests. Generally, levels should be at
least 80% of the predicted values to be considered ‘normal.’
/FVC ratio should also be above 80%. An increase
of 12% or more in FEV
after an inhaled bronchodilator (eg,
a b
-agonist such as albuterol) suggests reversible airway dis-
ease and may be used as a diagnostic criterion of asthma.
A decrease in FEV
after a challenge (such as after inhalation
of methacholine or running on a treadmill) suggests that the
airways are reactive to the stimulus.
It is important to de-
termine a patient’s personal best FEV
, FVC, and PEFR,
which are identified by plotting these values over time. These
values can also demonstrate variability between morning and
evening and over time, which may reflect airway hyperreac-
Spirometers are used in the clinic or training room to de-
termine these pulmonary function values.
Patients may also
be given a PFM to measure PEFR away from the clinic or
athletic training room (Tables 2 and 3). The PFM is a small,
handheld device that measures maximal flow rate during
forced exhalation.
Maximal flow rate usually occurs
within the first 120 to 150 milliseconds of a forced exhala-
When used properly, a PFM can be somewhat helpful
in following the course of asthma and might even be useful
in suggesting the presence of asthma. The PFM can also be
used to identify asthma triggers and to monitor medication
changes, and it may help to reduce asthma morbidity.
The device allows the asthmatic patient to measure lung var-
iability over time to assist in determining when to seek med-
ical attention. The PFM should be used at least daily (in the
morning after awakening) and preferably also in the late af-
ternoon or evening.
At least 2 or 3 trials should be per-
formed at each specified time and the highest value recorded.
The device should be used before taking any medications and
at least 4, but preferably 8, hours after inhalation of a bron-
chodilator, if possible. The device should be used for at least
a 2- to 3-week monitoring period. Some devices record the
PEFR electronically, which can assist the patient in keeping
the data secure and available. Over time, the patient’s personal
best value will be determined. Subsequently, if the PEFR value
is less than 80% of the personal best or if daily variability is
greater than 20% of the morning value, then the patient should
be reevaluated in an attempt to find better control measures.
If the PEFR value is less than 50% of the personal best, the
individual should seek immediate attention (see Table 2).
rometry, including the use of PFMs, may be especially useful
in patients who do not perceive the severity of their symp-
The PFM should be used regularly, even if asthma symp-
toms appear to be well controlled.
Patients who have
good PFM technique (see Table 3) adhere to their treatment
plan and control their symptoms better than those who have
poor technique. The PFM should be available in all athletic
training facilities and on the field in medical kits.
Unfortunately, some reports suggest that PFM recordings
are not always reliable indicators of airflow obstruction.
In certain cases, elite or well-trained athletes may possess large
lung capacities, which may exceed the measuring capacity of
the PFM. In addition, it appears that PFM values are not con-
sistent from one to another PFM from the same manufacturer,
across different PFM devices, when men and women use
PFMs, with different techniques while using a single PFM,
and at high altitudes.
The most accurate spirometry test-
ing is performed with office-based spirometry testing equip-
However, as noted above, spirometry testing requires
and may be impractical for everyday asthma
management, especially in primary care settings in which most
patients are not being seen for asthma.
If baseline lung function tests are within normal values and
Journal of Athletic Training 233
Figure 3. Flow volume loop and volume time curve.
Table 2. Peak Flow Zones for Asthma Management*
Green zone
PEF values are between 80% and 100% of personal best
No asthma management changes are necessary at this time
Yellow zone
PEF values are between 50% and 80% of personal best
Caution is warranted; use of medications is required
Red zone
PEF values are less than 50% of personal best
Danger: emergency action is needed, including medications or
hospital visit
*Adapted with permission from Li JTC.
PEF indicates peak expiratory
Table 3. General Instructions for Using a Mechanical Peak Flow
1. The movable indicator is placed at the beginning of the numbered
2. The patient stands or sits tall and straight.
3. The patient then inhales maximally.
4. The patient places his or her lips tightly around the mouthpiece.
5. The patient is told to ‘‘blast’’ the air out of his or her lungs and into
the device. The patient then forcefully exhales as fast and hard as
6. The value is recorded.
7. Steps 1–6 are repeated 2 more times.
8. The highest number is marked as the value for that time period.
*For example, a Mini-Wright peak flow meter (Clement Clarke Interna-
tional Ltd, Essex, UK). Adapted with permission from Li JTC.
234 Volume 40
Number 3
September 2005
Table 4. National Asthma Education and Prevention Program II: Usual Dosages for Long-Term Control Medications*
Medication Dosage Form Adult Dose Child Dose
Inhaled corticosteroids
Systemic corticosteroids
2, 4, 8, 16, 32 mg tablets
5 mg tablets
5 mg/5 cc
15 mg/5 cc
1, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 50 mg tablets:
5 mg/cc, 5 mg/5cc
7.5–60 mg daily in a single dose
or qod as needed for con-
Short-course ‘‘burst’’ to achieve
control; 40–60 mg/d as single
or 2 divided doses for 3–10 d
0.25–2 mg/kg daily in single dose
or qod as needed for con-
Short-course ‘‘burst’’: 1–2 mg/kg/
d, maximum 60 mg/day for 3–
10 days
Long-acting inhaled beta
-agonists (Should not be used for symptom relief or for exacerbations. Use with inhaled corticosteroids.)
MDI 21 mcg/puff
DPI 50 mcg/blister
DPI 12 mcg/single-use capsule
2 puffs q12h
1 blister q12h
1 capsule q12 h
1–2 puffs q12h
1 blister q12h
1 capsule q12h
Combined medication
Fluticasone/salmeterol DPI 100, 250, or 500 mcg/50 mcg 1 inhalation bid; dose depends on
severity of asthma
1 inhalation bid; dose depends on
severity of asthma
Cromolyn and nedocromil
MDI 1 mg/puff
Nebulizer 20 mg/ampule
MDI 1.75 mg/puff
2–4 puffs tid–qid
1 ampule tid–qid
2–4 puffs bid–qid
1–2 puffs tid–qid
1 ampule tid–qid
1–2 puffs bid-qid
Leukotriene modifiers
Montelukast 4 or 5 mg chewable tablet
10 mg tablet
10 mg qhs 4 mg qhs (2–5 yrs)
5 mg qhs (6–14 yrs)
10 mg qhs (.14 yrs)
10 or 20 mg tablet
300 or 600 mg tablet
40 mg daily (20 mg tablet bid)
2,400 mg daily (give tablets qid)
20 mg daily (7–11 yrs) (10 mg tablet
Methylxanthines (Serum monitoring is important [serum concentration of 5–15 mcg/mL at steady state])
Theophylline Liquids, sustained-release tablets,
and capsules
Starting dose 10 mg/kg/d up to 300
mg max; usual max 800 mg/d
Starting dose 10 mg/kg/d; usual
,1 year of age: 0.2 (age in wk)
15 5 mg/kg/d
$1 year of age: 16 mg/kg/d
*qod indicates every other day; bid, twice a day; tid, 3 times a day; qid, 4 times a day; qhs, at bedtime; MDI, metered dose inhaler; DPI, dry
powder inhaler.
the reversibility test with a b
-agonist is equivocal, then a
challenge test (eg, with methacholine) may be performed to
test for bronchial hyperresponsiveness.
During these tests,
progressively increasing concentrations of the aerosolized drug
are administered during a multistage procedure.
After each
stage, spirometry testing is performed to determine whether a
20% reduction in FEV
from baseline is obtained. If the re-
duction is less than 20% after all stages have been performed,
then the test is considered negative, and the patient is deter-
mined not to have bronchial hyperresponsiveness. It is impor-
tant to note, however, that these tests alone are not diagnostic
of asthma. A positive test must be interpreted in the context
of other information to make the definitive diagnosis of asth-
Exercise challenge and other surrogate challenges (such as
eucapnic hyperventilation) are described in the EIA section of
this statement.
Pharmacotherapy for Asthma
It is important to ascertain the correct diagnosis before med-
ications are prescribed and for the health care professional to
know the types of medications that are prescribed.
Only a small percentage of asthmatic patients take their med-
ications precisely as prescribed by their physician; the most
common cause of treatment failure is failure to use the pre-
scribed treatment.
Regardless, asthma can be managed
through various medications to prevent or control symptoms;
for an updated medication list, refer to the NAEPPII and
GINA guidelines.
The medications used to treat asthma are
classified as either controller or rescue (reliever) medications.
Controller Medications. Controller medications are daily,
long-term interventions used prophylactically to manage the
symptoms of mild, moderate, and severe asthma and gener-
ally should not be used to manage acute asthmatic symp-
Examples include inhaled corticosteroids, sys-
temic corticosteroids, cromones (sodium cromolyn and
nedocromil sodium), long-acting inhaled b
-agonists, theoph-
ylline, and leukotriene modifiers (Table 4 provides sample
Inhaled corticosteroids are effective controller medications
for treating persistent mild, moderate, and severe asthma.
They act by decreasing airway inflammation, mucus produc-
tion, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness.
Proper use of
inhaled corticosteroids can lead to a decrease in the number
and severity of asthma exacerbations, improve lung function,
lessen bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and reduce the need for
symptom relief with short-acting b
corticosteroids should not be used to treat acute asthmatic at-
Their adverse effects include hoarseness, coughing,
Journal of Athletic Training 235
and occasionally thrush or oral candidiasis.
rinsing the mouth after inhalation and using a spacer generally
help to prevent oral candidiasis.
Systemic corticosteroids are administered orally or paren-
terally for individuals who have severe persistent asthma that
remains poorly responsive to inhaler therapy.
Systemic ther-
apy has the same mechanisms of action as inhaled corticoste-
roids. However, long-term use of systemic agents can cause
more significant systemic adverse events than inhaled corti-
costeroids, including osteoporosis, glucose intolerance, glau-
coma, weight gain, skin thinning, bruising, fluid and electro-
lyte abnormalities, growth suppression, and muscle
To minimize these adverse events, oral corti-
costeroids are often taken daily in the morning or every other
day, and patients should be monitored closely by a physi-
Oral corticosteroids are used much less frequently to-
day than in the past since the advent of high-potency inhaled
corticosteroids such as fluticasone and budesonide.
The cromones, cromolyn sodium and nedocromil sodium,
are inhaled asthma medications used to control mild persistent
asthma and are considered less effective anti-inflammatory
agents than inhaled corticosteroids.
Although the exact
mechanisms of action are poorly understood, they are thought
to inhibit IgE-mediated mediator release from mast cells and,
thus, to inhibit acute airflow limitations induced by exercise,
cold air, and allergens. The cromones are generally used to
treat mild persistent asthma and to prevent EIA.
should be used as second-line drug therapy alternatives for
treating mild persistent asthma, perhaps combined with an in-
haled b
-agonist; however, several doses each day are usually
needed to control asthma.
Only minimal adverse events are
seen with these agents, including occasional coughing and an
unpleasant taste, particularly with nedocromil sodium.
Long-acting inhaled b
-agonists (eg, salmeterol and for-
moterol) have the same mechanisms of action as short-acting
-agonists but a 12-hour duration of action, compared with
4 to 6 hours for the short-acting agents.
A single dose
of formoterol or salmeterol before exercise can protect the ath-
lete from asthma symptoms associated with exercise for up to
12 hours.
Formoterol has a shorter onset of action than
salmeterol, approximately 5 minutes as compared with 15 to
30 minutes.
All b
-agonists, including formoterol and
salmeterol, are restricted asthma medications according to the
International Olympic Committee, World Anti-Doping Agen-
cy, and United States Anti-Doping Agency; elite athletes tak-
ing these medications, their physicians, and their athletic train-
ers should review the guidelines posted by these agencies.
Patients using long-acting b
-agonists regularly may display
a decrease in the duration of action.
In one study, for-
moterol had a shortened duration of action by day 14 of reg-
ular daily use.
Thus, patients should not expect these drugs
to remain effective over the 12-hour dosing interval after reg-
ular, daily, extended use. Studies also show that the use of
long-acting b
-agonists does not affect persistent airway in-
These agents should only be used in combi-
nation with inhaled corticosteroids, which may be more ben-
eficial than ingesting each drug separately.
therapy (an inhaled, long-acting b
-agonist and an inhaled cor-
ticosteroid) has been shown to decrease the need for short-
acting b
-agonists, decrease nocturnal asthma, improve lung
function, decrease asthma exacerbations, and prevent
Leukotriene modifiers, taken orally, block leukotriene syn-
thesis or block leukotriene receptors.
Leukotriene mod-
ifiers can be used to control allergen-, aspirin-, and exercise-
induced bronchoconstriction; improve lung function; and de-
crease asthma exacerbations.
Used primarily as second-
line therapy, leukotriene modifiers can reduce the dose of an
inhaled corticosteroid required to treat mild persistent asthma
and may improve asthma control.
Adverse events are
usually minimal, with reports of headaches and gastrointestinal
discomfort. However, zileuton (Zyflo, Abbott Laboratories,
Abbott Park, IL) may be associated with liver toxicity; there-
fore, liver function should be monitored regularly when using
this medication.
Unlike b
-agonists, the duration of action
of the leukotriene modifiers does not diminish over time.
In the past, theophylline has been used alone as a controller
agent, but now it is usually used in combination with another
agent, such as an inhaled corticosteroid.
Finally, some patients who have allergic asthma may benefit
over the long term from the administration of various forms
of allergy immunotherapy.
The decision to initiate such
therapy must be made by the patient and physician after a
careful evaluation. Even in the most successful cases, addi-
tional medical therapy is often required in conjunction with
Rescue (Reliever) Medications. Rescue medications act
rapidly to treat acute bronchoconstriction and associated symp-
toms of coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath (dyspnea),
and chest tightness.
Several classes of drugs act in this
manner, including rapid-acting inhaled b
-agonists, inhaled an-
ticholinergics, and short-acting theophylline.
Rapid-acting inhaled b
-agonists are the most commonly
used reliever therapy for chronic asthma. These b
act quickly to cause bronchodilation by relaxing airway
smooth muscle, decreasing vascular permeability, and modi-
fying mediator release from mast cells.
Rapid-acting in-
haled b
-agonists are also the most frequently used agents to
prevent EIA and to treat its symptoms.
These medications
can be used as ‘rescue therapy’ at times of an acute attack.
However, because of their relatively short duration of action
(2–4 hours), repeat treatments may be necessary for EIA.
Some authors
suggest that repeated use of short-acting
-agonists can lead to tolerance and less effectiveness over
time. Furthermore, the chronic use of long-acting inhaled b
agonists can decrease the effectiveness of the short-acting in-
haled b
Inhaled anticholinergic agents (eg, ipratropium) may be
used as bronchodilators.
These agents block acetylcholine
release from cholinergic innervation in airway smooth muscle
but have no anti-inflammatory action.
Short-acting theophylline is a bronchodilator that has been
used for many years to relieve asthma exacerbations.
Theophylline’s onset of action is delayed when compared with
that of b
-agonists, and so it is not currently used as first-line
rescue therapy.
Theophylline is a controversial drug because
its benefits might be outweighed by potential adverse events
such as seizures.
Adverse events can be serious and severe
if dosing is not closely monitored. Short-acting theophylline
should not be administered to patients who are already receiv-
ing chronic therapy with sustained-release theophylline thera-
Short-acting oral b
-agonists, although rarely used, function
primarily by relaxing airway smooth muscle within a few min-
utes after administration and for a period of up to 4 hours;
however, they have no anti-inflammatory actions.
236 Volume 40
Number 3
September 2005
Table 5. Sample Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Name(s) Manufacturer
Diclofenac, miso-
Arthrotec GD Searle LLC, Chicago, IL
Celecoxib Celebrex GD Searle LLC
Diclofenac Voltaren Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp,
East Hanover, NJ
Diclofenac Cataflam Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp
Diflunisal Dolobid Merck & Co, Inc, West Point, PA
Etodolac Lodine Wyeth-Ayerst International Inc,
Madison, NJ
Flurbiprofen Ansaid Pharmacia & Upjohn Co, Kalama-
zoo, MI
Ibuprofen Motrin McNeil-PPC, Fort Washington, PA
Advil Wyeth, Madison, NJ
Indomethacin Indocin Merck & Co, Inc
Ketoprofen Orudis Rhoˆne-Poulenc Rorer New Zealand
Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand
Ketorolac Toradol Roche Pharmaceuticals, Nutley, NJ
Nabumetone Relafen GlaxoSmithKline, Research Trian-
gle Park, NC
Naproxen Naprosyn Roche Pharmaceuticals
Aleve Bayer, Morristown, NJ
Oxaprozin Daypro GD Searle LLC
Piroxicam Feldene Pfizer Inc, New York, NY
Rofecoxib Vioxx Merck & Co, Inc
Salsalate Disalcid 3M Pharmaceuticals, Northridge,
Sulindac Clinoril Merck & Co, Inc
events include tachycardia, hypertension, and decreased ap-
petite. If used chronically, increasing doses of short-acting oral
-agonists might indicate loss of control of asthma.
athletes using short-acting oral b
-agonists should be advised
that many sporting organizations restrict or prohibit the use of
these agents.
Finally, systemic glucocorticosteriods are administered oral-
ly or parenterally for individuals who have acute asthma ex-
acerbations. The mechanisms of action are similar to those for
corticosteroids used to treat chronic severe asthma.
Asthma Medication Delivery Techniques
Many of the newer asthma medications are delivered to the
lungs by inhalation devices.
The most common types of in-
halers are MDIs and dry powder inhaler devices. The MDIs
release a specific amount of a drug from a pressurized canister
to propel medication into the lungs when the patient takes a
breath. When using MDIs, patients must exhale first, then
place the inhaler at or slightly in front of the lips, and slowly
inhale at the same time that they are activating the inhaler to
release the drug. Patients hold their breath for a few seconds
(approximately 10) before exhaling. Patients who have diffi-
culty coordinating MDI activation with breathing generally
benefit from the use of a spacer.
A spacer is attached to
the MDI device to reduce side effects of inhaled corticoste-
roids in the mouth and for patients who have difficulty coor-
dinating the activation of an MDI and breathing. Dry powder
inhalers are often easier to use than MDIs, and they do not
permit use of a spacer.
Aspirin, Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, and
Aspirin-sensitive athletes may manifest nasal congestion;
itchy, watery, or swollen eyes; coughing; difficulty breathing;
wheezing; urticaria; and possible shock when they ingest as-
pirin or other NSAIDs.
This is not a true allergy because
it is not caused by IgE, but it is treated in the same manner
as an allergic reaction. Athletic trainers should also be aware
of triad syndrome: athletes with asthma, nasal polyps, and as-
pirin sensitivity may have a severe asthma attack when they
take an NSAID.
Although only a small percentage of the population has as-
pirin-sensitive asthma,
this condition is particularly con-
cerning in an athletic population because many athletes who
have asthma use anti-inflammatory drugs to treat injuries.
Therefore, athletic trainers must understand that some patients
who have asthma could suffer fatal consequences if they take
aspirin or NSAIDs.
Aspirin-sensitive athletes should also avoid COX-2 inhibi-
tors, but acetaminophen in moderate doses can usually be tak-
en without difficulty.
Salsalate, choline magnesium trisali-
cylate, and dextropropoxyphene may be used as substitute
medication in patients with aspirin sensitivity if tolerat-
Athletic trainers should be familiar with the many
prescription and over-the-counter products that contain aspirin
and other NSAIDs, including ibuprofen (eg, Motrin, McNeil-
PPC, Fort Washington, PA; Advil, Wyeth, Madison, NJ) and
naproxen (eg, Aleve, Bayer, Morristown, NJ). Health care pro-
fessionals should supply as much information to the patient as
possible, including a list of products to avoid (Table 5).
Nonpharmacologic Treatment for Asthma
Athletes with asthma need to keep their asthma under op-
timal control to prevent exercise-induced breathing symp-
Masks and nose breathing help to warm and
moisturize inhaled air before it reaches the smaller airways.
This may decrease the inflammatory reaction in the airways
and thus decrease the frequency and intensity of EIA. These
maneuvers are effective for some but not all athletes.
breathing is not effective at high ventilation rates. Limiting
environmental exposures (eg, to cold air and pollen) may de-
crease symptoms in susceptible athletes; however, this may not
be practical in some sports.
Theoretically, exercise training might decrease symptoms by
conditioning the body to exercise, but research has not sup-
ported this theory.
Nevertheless, an asthmatic individual
should participate in exercise programs tailored to his or her
capacity to perform.
A refractory period can occur after exercise, when the air-
way response to exercise is inhibited for up to 2 to 3 hours.
Some athletes have taken advantage of this phenomenon to
help control EIA.
However, there are no specific
guidelines to follow, and each athlete must experiment to de-
termine the best individual protocol.
Because hyperosmolarity plays a role in mediating EIA,
limiting sodium in the diet has received some attention. Re-
stricting dietary salt may cause a relative decrease in airway
Both sodium and chloride appear to play
roles, but this remains an area of active investigation, and no
specific guidelines are available.
A diet supplemented with
n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid in fish oil has shown favorable
results in elite athletes with EIA.
Journal of Athletic Training 237
Exercise-Induced Asthma or Bronchospasm
Most asthmatic individuals have a flare of their asthma after
Some individuals only have asthma signs and
symptoms associated with exercise.
By definition, a tempo-
rary narrowing of the airways (bronchospasm) induced by
strenuous exercise in which the patient has no symptoms is
known as EIB.
When symptoms are present, EIB is de-
scribed as EIA.
This section reviews the incidence of EIA
and EIB in the athletic population and considers special di-
agnostic or therapeutic measures that should be taken in an
athletic population.
Exercise-induced asthma is commonly seen in athletes in all
levels of athletic competition.
In most pa-
tients who have chronic asthma (at least 80%), exercise is a
trigger for bronchoconstriction.
Exercise-induced asthma
can also occur in patients who do not otherwise have asthma,
such as in about 40% of patients who suffer from allergic
rhinitis in season.
The incidence of EIA in the gen-
eral population has been estimated to be between 12% and
Rates as high as 23% have been reported in school-
age children, and the incidence in athletes may also be this
Exercise-induced asthma may be more com-
mon in urban environments than in rural areas.
Other fac-
tors, such as high ozone levels, might also account for in-
creased EIA rates.
Exercise-induced asthma can be a significant disability for
the athlete, especially in endurance sports.
For ex-
ample, EIA is relatively common in cross-country skiers, and
some studies suggest that the cold air athletes breathe while
cross-country skiing may provoke inflammation.
larly, athletes who participate in swimming and long-distance
running have a high incidence of asthma.
Among Olympic
athletes, asthma appears to be more common in those who
participate in winter sports than in those who participate in
summer sports.
At least 1 in 5 United States athletes who
participated in the 1998 Winter Olympics had the condition,
compared with 1 in 6 at the 1996 Summer Olympic
Wilber et al
found a 23% overall incidence
of EIA among athletes in the 7 winter sports tested. In addi-
tion, more females than males participating in the Winter
Games reported an asthma condition or medication
Of the winter sports athletes tested, females had
an incidence of 26%, compared with 18% in males.
Although EIA impairs performance, it can be overcome.
Amy Van Dyken, an athlete who suffered from relatively se-
vere asthma, won 4 gold medals in swimming in the 1996
Olympic Games.
Other well-known elite athletes have also
been able to excel when their asthma was under good con-
Pathophysiology of Exercise-Induced Asthma
Two major theories exist to explain EIA: the cooling/warm-
ing hypothesis and the drying hypothesis.
As ventilation increases, airways progressively cool, which re-
sults in bronchoconstriction. This theory is supported by the
higher incidence of EIA in athletes participating in cold en-
In addition to cooling, the increased ventilation
can lead to airway dehydration as inhaled air is humidified.
The main effect of inhaling cold air is actually attributable to
the fact that cold air carries less moisture. As with chronic
asthma, inflammatory cells and mediators may increase in the
lung in response to exercise in patients with EIA.
Environmental allergens may enhance the likelihood of bron-
choconstriction, and irritants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen
dioxide, ozone, and chlorine have been implicated as causing
patients to have exercise-induced symptoms.
Exercise-Induced Asthma Diagnosis
Two requirements are needed to diagnose EIA: symptoms
and obstructed airways, both associated with exercise.
First, the patient has any of a constellation of symptoms
associated with exercise, including shortness of breath (dys-
pnea), coughing, chest tightness (or chest pain in children),
wheezing, and decreased exercise tolerance.
toms generally occur 5 to 8 minutes after sufficiently intense
exercise starts. The EIA may be associated with specific sports
as well as specific environments.
Where allergens are
present, outdoor activities and cold air exposure may be more
likely to foster the appearance of EIA, which would not occur
in other environments.
Second, the patient should have objective evidence of air-
way obstruction associated with exercise.
Generally, a drop
from baseline of at least 10% to 15% in FEV
after a challenge
test supports the diagnosis of EIA.
Pulmonary function
should be monitored 5, 10, 15, and 30 minutes after the chal-
The exercise needs to last for 6 to 8 minutes at an
intensity level high enough to raise the athlete’s heart rate to
at least 80% of maximum
and ventilation to approximately
40% to 60% of maximum.
Exercise challenges can be per-
formed in a laboratory (using a treadmill, a cycle ergometer,
a rowing machine, or a free running asthma screening test
Alternatively, an exercise challenge test in the
laboratory can attempt to mimic the conditions and intensity
of the sport.
Indeed, 78% of cross-country skiers reported
a false-negative test during standard laboratory exercise chal-
lenges, suggesting that the standard tests are not as sensitive
as sport-specific exercise challenge tests for endurance ath-
Cold, dry air and near-maximal exercise intensity
(greater than 90% peak heart rate) are required to provoke a
positive result, especially in the cold-weather athlete. Time of
day can be important: in a group of asthmatics, a greater drop
in pulmonary function (FEV
) to exercise challenge was mea-
sured in the evening than in the morning.
Additional challenge tests include eucapnic voluntary hy-
perventilation or inhalation of hypertonic saline.
former test requires the athlete to hyperventilate dry air con-
taining 5% carbon dioxide, 21% oxygen, and the balance of
nitrogen at 30 times FEV
for 6 minutes.
It is important to evaluate athletes with atypical EIA symp-
toms because upper airway conditions such as vocal cord dys-
function or abnormal movement of the arytenoids region may
be the cause.
The signs and symptoms of vocal cord dys-
function can be similar to asthma and can be confused with
This laryngeal disorder involves the unintention-
al paradoxic adduction of the vocal cords with breathing and
can be triggered by exercise.
The patient is often female
and may also have gastroesophageal reflux disease or a psy-
chiatric illness. Vocal cord dysfunction often occurs with asth-
ma, making control of EIA difficult. Diagnosis of vocal cord
dysfunction involves the direct visualization of the paradoxic
vocal cord motion, but the condition is often suspected when
voice changes and inspiratory stridor occur during an attack,
as well as when the inspiratory (bottom) portion of the flow
volume loop is truncated.
238 Volume 40
Number 3
September 2005
Table 6. National Asthma Education and Prevention Program II:
Treatment of Exercise-Induced Asthma*
One goal of management is to enable patients to participate in any
activity they choose without experiencing asthma symptoms. EIB should
not limit either participation or success in vigorous activities.
Recommended treatments include:
C Beta
-agonists will prevent EIB in more than 80 percent of patients.
Short-acting inhaled beta
-agonists used shortly before exercise
(or as close to exercise as possible) may be helpful for 2 to 3
Salmeterol has been shown to prevent EIB for 10 to 12 hours
(Kemp et al 1994
C Cromolyn and nedocromil, taken shortly before exercise, are also
acceptable for preventing EIB.
C A lengthy warmup period before exercise may benefit patients who
can tolerate continuous exercise with minimal symptoms. The
warmup may preclude a need for repeated medications.
C Long-term–control therapy, if appropriate.
There is evidence that appropriate long-term control of asthma
with anti-inflammatory medication will reduce airway responsive-
ness, and this is associated with a reduction in the frequency and
severity of EIB (Vathenen et al, 1991
Teachers and coaches need to be notified that a child has EIB, should
be able to participate in activities, and may need inhaled medication
before activity. Individuals involved in competitive athletics need to be
aware that their medication use should be disclosed and should adhere
to standards set by the U.S. Olympic Committee (Nastasi et al, 1995
The U.S. Olympic Committee’s Drug Control Hotline is 1-800-233-0393.
EIB indicates exercise-induced bronchospasm.
Table 7. United States Anti-Doping Agency Regulated Asthma
Drug class: b
Advair* (GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC)
Brethaire* (Riker Laboratories, Inc, Northridge, CA)
Combivent* (Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc, Ridgefield
Foradil* (Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp, East Hanover, NJ)
Proventil* (Schering-Plough Corp, Kenilworth, NJ)
Serevent* (GlaxoSmithKline)
Ventolin* (GlaxoSmithKline)
Xopenex* (Sepracor, Marlborough, MA)
Available at: http://www.usantidoping.org. Accessed June 6, 2005.
*Allowed by inhaler or nebulizer only to prevent or treat asthma or ex-
ercise-induced asthma. Abbreviated Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE)
must be on file with United States Anti-Doping Agency or international
federations, as appropriate. A salbutamol (albuterol) level greater than
1000 ng/mL is prohibited even with abbreviated TUE.
Exercise-Induced Asthma Treatment
Most of the drugs described for the treatment of chronic
asthma are used to prevent EIA attacks.
Table 6
contains recommendations from the NAEPPII for the treat-
ment of EIA.
The key feature is that a b
-agonist can be used
both to prevent attacks and to treat them when they occur.
Once an asthmatic individual meets the requirements for stage
1 through 4 asthma, the NAEPPII treatment guidelines should
be followed.
Asthma Education
Throughout this position statement, information has been
presented to inform and educate the athletic trainer and allied
health personnel about asthma and asthma management. Of
particular importance is a properly prepared asthma manage-
ment plan. Educating athletes about asthma and having a writ-
ten management plan will help control their disease.
eral groups
have shown that an effectively written
management plan can reduce medication errors, asthma ex-
acerbations, and hospital visits. Without a written asthma ac-
tion plan, many patients have a difficult time controlling their
asthma symptoms.
It is also imperative that an acces-
sible line of communication between the patient and health
care professional be identified.
An effective management plan should include a written doc-
ument that addresses the following: (1) goals of the patient,
(2) proper use and frequency of PEFR monitoring, (3) guide-
lines for altering medications based upon readings from PFMs
or asthma symptoms, (4) contact numbers for all health care
professionals, including emergency numbers, and (5) environ-
mental factors to avoid or monitor. The health care profes-
sionals developing the asthma management plan should dis-
cuss all goals or expectations with the athlete. This education
empowers the athlete and promotes better compliance.
Athletic trainers working with elite or Olympic athletes
must be familiar with International Olympic Committee,
World Anti-Doping Agency, and United States Anti-Doping
Agency medication guidelines (Table 7). Certain asthma med-
ications may be banned, restricted, or permitted, depending on
the organization and the medication. A banned medication is
one the athlete cannot take. In some cases, a prohibited sub-
stance is prohibited at all times or only prohibited in compe-
tition, meaning the athlete must allow sufficient time for the
substance to clear the system before competition. Restricted
medications must have prior physician approval and comple-
tion of forms (such as the Therapeutic Use Exemption, or
TUE) before the athlete can compete. For example, the United
States Anti-Doping Agency lists salbutamol/albuterol, salme-
terol, terbutaline, and formoterol as restricted b
-agonists that
require a TUE before competition.
Additional information about the diagnosis and management
of asthma can be obtained at the National Asthma Education
and Prevention Program Web site (http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/
health/prof/lung/index.htm or http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/about/
naepp/) and the GINA Web site (www.ginasthma.com).
Asthma can affect individuals regardless of age, sex, or so-
cioeconomic status. This National Athletic Trainers’ Associa-
tion asthma position statement is designed to present guide-
lines for the recognition, prophylaxis, and management of
asthma. The information should lead to improvements in the
quality of care certified athletic trainers and other heath care
providers can offer to patients with asthma, particularly ath-
letes and especially those with EIA. In the end, these guide-
Journal of Athletic Training 239
lines should reduce the incidence of asthma complications and
improve the quality of life for patients with asthma, especially
those in whom exercise is an important trigger.
The NATA publishes its position statements as a service to
promote the awareness of certain issues to its members. The
information contained in the position statement is neither ex-
haustive not exclusive to all circumstances or individuals. Var-
iables such as institutional human resource guidelines, state or
federal statutes, rules, or regulations, as well as regional en-
vironmental conditions, may impact the relevance and imple-
mentation of these recommendations. The NATA advises its
members and others to carefully and independently consider
each of the recommendations (including the applicability of
same to any particular circumstance or individual). The posi-
tion statement should not be relied upon as an independent
basis for care but rather as a resource available to NATA mem-
bers or others. Moreover, no opinion is expressed herein re-
garding the quality of care that adheres to or differs from
NATAs position statements. The NATA reserves the right to
rescind or modify its position statements at any time.
We gratefully acknowledge the efforts of Michael C. Koester, MD,
ATC; James L. Moeller, MD, FACSM; Kenneth W. Rundell, PhD;
Chad Starkey, PhD, ATC; Randall L. Wilber, PhD; and the Pro-
nouncements Committee in the preparation of this document.
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