NCAA is a trademark of the National Collegiate Athletic Association.
This document is designed to provide a quick reference
of NCAA Division III recruiting rules. It is not to serve as a
substitute for the legislation in the NCAA Division III Manual.
Division III recruiting rules apply to athletics-based recruiting
and are not meant to limit an institution’s admissions office
from the recruitment of prospective students generally.
Quick Reference Guide
CONTACTS (Bylaw 13.1)
Off-campus contacts are not permitted
until a PSA has completed his or her
sophomore year of high school.
No number limit on off-campus
Contact (including telephone calls if at
the event or aware of the competition)
may not be made with a PSA before
any athletics competition in which
the PSA is a participant until the PSA
has been released by the appropriate
institutional authorities. Exception:
An athletics staff member may
have on-campus contact prior to
competition with a PSA, provided the
PSA is not scheduled to compete on
that day on the institution’s campus.
Contact may occur with relatives,
guardian(s) or individual of comparable
relationship of a contactable PSA at the
site of a PSAs practice or competition
(including during the competition).
(Bylaw 13.4)
There are no restrictions on the timing
of providing recruiting materials or
letters to PSAs.
Institutions are permitted to provide
any official academic, admissions,
athletics and student-services
publications or electronic media
published or produced by the
institution and other information
of a general nature that is available to
all students.
EVALUATIONS (Bylaw 13.1)
There are no restrictions on the number
or timing on evaluations of a PSA
participating in practice or competition.
Athletics recruitment of any type of
an NCAA or NAIA four-year college
student-athlete is not permitted
without first obtaining written
permission from the student’s current
institution, regardless of who makes
the initial contact.
A student-athlete transferring from
a Division III institution to another
Division III institution can sign the self-
release form for proper permission.
Permission to contact is not required
for a two-year college prospect.
FORM (Bylaw 13.9)
Institutions may use a standard,
nonbinding athletes celebratory signing
form after a PSA has been accepted for
enrollment. The standard form shall be
made available by the NCAA national
office. The form is located on the
Legislative Services Database (LSDBi).
Official visits Unofficial visits
Number of
Visits Permitted
One financed visit per institution. Unlimited.
First Opportunity
to Visit
January 1 of the prospective
student-athlete’s (PSA) junior year
in high school.
Any time.
Length of Visit
Shall not exceed 48 hours. The
48-hour period begins at the time
the PSA arrives on campus.
No time limitations.
Meals Three on-campus meals per day for the
PSA and individuals accompanying the
PSA. Dessert or after-meal snack also
is permitted. May provide meals while in
transit to and from visit.
One on-campus meal
for the PSA only.
Lodging Campus or within 30-mile radius of
campus and comparable to student life.
May include other guests if no additional
cost. May provide a separate room for
parents/guardians. May provide lodging
while in transit to and from visit.
None, unless lodging
is generally available
to all visiting
prospective students.
Entertainment Maximum of $40 each day (no cash to the
PSA) within a 30-mile radius of campus.
$40 must cover PSA, the PSAs parents,
guardian(s), spouse or individual of
comparable relationship and student host.
Admissions to
Home Athletics
Admission for the PSA and any
individual accompanying the PSA
(no limit on the number of tickets).
No special seating.
Admission for the
PSA and any individual
accompanying the
PSA (no limit on the
number of tickets). May
not reserve additional
game tickets. May not
arrange special parking.
No special seating.
Transportation Round-trip (e.g., airfare, mileage) cost for
the PSA only (including other individuals
traveling in same automobile). The PSA
may receive special on-campus parking.
Transportation to view home practice and
competition sites in the PSAs sport or
other home institutional facilities.
Transportation to
view home practice
and competition sites
in the PSAs sport
or other home
institutional facilities.
See Bylaws 13.5, 13.6 and 13.7 for more information.
When Athletics may Athletics may not
Before the PSA submits
a financial deposit to
the institution
Send private/direct
messages to the PSA
(or PSAs family) using
social media.
Send a public message
to the PSA (or PSAs
family) on social media.
Post information about
the PSA on social media.
Like the PSAs post
(or a post the PSA is
tagged in).
Follow, friend, retweet,
tag or post to the PSAs
After the PSA submits
a financial deposit to
the institution, but before
May 1 of the senior year
in high school
Send private/direct
messages to the PSA
(or PSAs family) using
social media.
Use social media to
announce the PSAs
commitment to attend
the institution, without
tagging the PSA.
Send a public
message to the PSA
(or PSAs family) using
social media.
Like the PSAs post
(or a post the PSA is
tagged in).
Follow, friend, retweet,
tag or post to the
PSAs page/timeline.
After the PSA submits
a financial deposit to
the institution, and it is
after May 1 of the senior
year in high school
Send private/direct
messages to the PSA
(or PSAs family) using
social media.
Use social media to
announce the PSAs
commitment to attend
the institution.
Send a public message to
the PSA (or PSAs family)
using social media.
Like the PSAs post (or a
post the PSA is tagged in).
Follow, friend, retweet,
tag or post to the PSAs
See Bylaws 13.02.11 and 13.10 for more information.
No restrictions on the number or timing of telephone calls (including
videoconferencing and videophones) and private electronic correspondence
(electronic mail, text messages, private communication through social networking
site) to PSAs.