Accelerate Incident
Response with AIOps
An introduction to AIOps best practices with New Relic AI
Accelerate Incident Response with AIOps
Table of Contents
Automatically surface anomalies 06
Streamline the integration process 06
Correlate related alerts and events to reduce noise 07
Surface key details and streamline information 10
Dig deeper into issues 11
See the broader context 12
Deliver insights to the tools you already use 14
Direct issues to the right people 15
Provide feedback for continuous improvement 16
Automatically trigger remediation actions 17
Accelerate Incident Response with AIOps
Modern software practices and cloud native tech-
nologies help teams ship software faster, more
frequently, and with greater reliability. Unfortunately,
modern teams now have more to monitor and react
to—a wider surface area, rapidly evolving software,
more operational data emitted across fragmented
tools, and more alerts. There is more pressure than
ever to nd and x incidents as quickly as possible
and prevent them from occurring again.
For many on-call teams, it still takes too much time
to detect potential problems before they turn into
incidents. Teams often work reactively, reghting
incidents while never nding time to implement
processes that allow them to identify issues before
they cause outages. With so many alerts, it’s
increasingly hard to separate signals from noise,
making response fatigue all too common.
Every minute that DevOps, site reliability engineer-
ing (SRE), and operations teams spend interpreting
their telemetry data to detect anomalies, or man-
ually correlating, diagnosing, and responding to
incidents, is a minute that negatively impacts their
service-level objectives (SLOs), their companies’
reputations, and their teams’ bottom lines.
Accelerate Incident Response with AIOps
The Rise of AIOps
By putting machine learning and artificial intel-
ligence in the hands of DevOps and SRE teams,
Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps)
technology helps them combat these issues. With
a strong AIOps practice in place, teams can ana-
lyze and take action on their data to more quickly
detect, diagnose, and resolve incidents impact-
ing their systems.
When teams adopt AIOps technology, they gain
the advantage of:
Proactive anomaly detection that raises
issues before they hit production or impact
customer experience and SLOs
Incident correlation that prioritizes alerts,
reduces noise, and focuses on the issues that
matter most, by correlating related incidents
and enriching them with metadata and context
Intelligent alerting and escalation that
automatically route incidents to the indi-
viduals or teams who are best equipped to
respond to them
Automated incident remediation to better
diagnose and resolve incidents and reduce
mean time to resolution (MTTR)
Accelerate Incident Response with AIOps
Improving the Incident Response
Life Cycle: A Three-Step Framework
for AIOps Best Practices
The incident response life cycle can vary from
organization to organization, and even from team
to team, but a typical cycle consists of three steps:
1. Detect the incident through proactive moni-
toring and alerting
2. Understand where the incident is coming
from and its potential impact
3. Resolve incidents and improve the process for
how you detect and respond to future incidents
For DevOps teams, SRE teams, and on-call teams,
New Relic AI is an AIOps solution to help manage
and scale incident response cycles.
At New Relic AI’s core is a powerful, exible, hybrid
machine learning engine that reduces alert noise,
correlates incidents, and automatically detects
anomalies. It learns from your data and feedback
over time to deliver smarter incident context. To
ensure you can continue to use the notication
and collaboration tools already in place, New Relic
AI integrates with your existing tools. This includes
PagerDuty, New Relic Alerts violations, and others,
with critical insights delivered to your Slack chan-
nels, including intelligent incident context and
automatic anomaly detection.
New Relic AI is available as part of the New Relic
One platform.
New Relic AI comprises two essential capabilities:
1. Proactive Detection provides insights about
anomalies in your production system. Real-time
failure warnings alert you when an anomaly is
detected, and notications are sent directly
in your Slack channel where your teammates
can see them.
2. Incident Intelligence provides an overview of
all your incidents, their sources, and related
events. Incident Intelligence learns from your
data and your teams feedback to intelligently
suppress alerts you don’t care about and cor-
relate related incidents.
In this guide, you’ll learn how to use New Relic AI and
AIOps best practices to enhance the three-step
incident response cycle. The full process includes:
Step 1: Improve Your Detection Capabilities
Step 2: Diagnose and Understand Issues
Step 3: Resolve Incidents and Improve Your
Response Process
Accelerate Incident Response with AIOps
Step 1: Improve Your
Detection Capabilities
The first step in your incident response cycle is
detecting new issues when—or before—they occur.
With traditional DevOps tools and processes, con-
figuring your system to reliably detect issues can
involve hours of configuration and require your
teams to have specific knowledge about your
production infrastructure and applications, as
well as your chosen monitoring and alerting tools.
When you do have monitoring systems in place,
they’re often noisy, making it difficult to detect
real problems among a collection of irrelevant,
low-priority, flapping, or duplicated alerts.
To improve your detection capabilities, you need to:
1. Automatically detect anomalies that may
not be captured by preconfigured monitor-
ing systems.
2. Streamline the integration process to easily
connect all your data sources for alerts, events,
and incidents.
3. Correlate related alerts and events to reduce
noise and increase the probability that critical
signals don’t go unnoticed.
Lets look at how you can achieve each of these
with New Relic AI.
Automatically surface
Conguring data sources and decisions for issues
that you anticipate is a critical step to quickly
detecting problems in your services and applica-
tions. However, some of the worst production inci-
dents can be caused by issues you don’t anticipate.
Proactive Detection in New Relic AI uses the fol-
lowing workow to detect anomalies in your appli-
cation data:
1. Proactive Detection monitors metric data
reported by New Relic APM agents monitoring
your applications, and builds a model of your
applications’ dynamics, focusing on through-
put, response time, and errors.
2. If one of these signals shows anomalous behav-
ior, the system ags it and tracks recovery to
normal behavior.
3. The system adapts to changes in your data,
and continuously updates models based
on new data.
With New Relic AI’s Proactive Detection, you can con-
gure real-time failure notications to be delivered
in Slack or your preferred notication channels via
webhook. Each notication is a response to an anom-
aly condition detected with respect to throughput,
response time, or errors, and includes information
about the anomaly, such as a graph of the recent
trend and the related target, condition, and policy.
See Congure Proactive Detection for Slack for spe-
cic instructions on having notications delivered
to Slack.
Streamline the
integration process
New Relic AI provides a simple integration ow for
getting incident data from popular sources, such as
PagerDuty. The Incident Intelligence data pipeline
includes sources (from where you want to ingest
Accelerate Incident Response with AIOps
incident and alert data), destinations (where you
want to send correlated incidents), and pathways
(configurable logic to direct incoming incidents
to the correct destination). Once configured to do
so, Incident Intelligence can ingest, process, cor-
relate, and enhance your incidents.
For example, to get data from PagerDuty:
1. Make sure your PagerDuty API key has
write access.
2. Go to > New Relic AI > Inci-
dent Intelligence > Sources > PagerDuty.
3. Enter your PagerDuty API key. This should be
either a personal or general access API key
with write access; if it’s user-created, the user
should be an admin.
4. Select the PagerDuty services you want to
connect to New Relic AI, and click Connect.
You can also integrate data inputs from many tools
and platforms you likely use, including Prometheus
Alertmanager, Splunk, Grafana, Amazon Web Ser-
vices (AWS), as well as virtually any additional inci-
dent management tool or source of alert data via
the New Relic AI REST API. As soon as you congure
these sources, new incidents and issues will begin
to appear in New Relic AI (and can be forwarded
to your congured destinations according to any
additional pathway logic you congure).
Correlate related alerts
and events to reduce noise
It’s not uncommon for teams to congure a broad,
comprehensive monitoring system and then nd
themselves overloaded by noisy notications. Their
system may have legitimate problems, but it can
be difcult to discern real alerts from streams of
low-priority, irrelevant, apping, and duplicate
alerts. Responding to noisy notications—if even to
simply acknowledge them—can lead your on-call
teams to experience alert fatigue, which can make
them less likely to notice, or have time for, real
issues. AIOps tools reduce alert noise through mul-
tiple levels of intelligent lters so that on-call SREs
and DevOps teams are notied about only import-
ant issues.
Filter the noise
To reduce incident noise, New Relic AI provides a
congurable set of lters in the System settings tab.
Here, you can specify a grace period for each issue
priority, which tells the system how long to wait
before surfacing a new incident. During this time,
New Relic AI will evaluate if the incident is correlated
with other incoming incidents, if it’s apping, or if it’s
auto-resolving. You can also congure an option to
auto-close inactive issues.
The differences between
sources, destinations, and
Sources are the data inputs to New Relic AI.
Available sources include PagerDuty services,
New Relic Alerts violations, alerts and events
from Splunk, Prometheus, Grafana and Ama-
zon CloudWatch, as well as virtually any other
source via a exible REST API.
Destinations are the data outputs that will
receive streamlined, correlated, enhanced
incidents after they’re processed in New Relic AI.
Pathways are the logical routes from
enhanced incidents to specic destinations.
For example, you could specify that all inci-
dents with application/name containing
foo go to the Foo team’s dedicated Pager-
Duty service.
Accelerate Incident Response with AIOps
Use the Systems settings to set lters for evaluating incident noise.
Correlate issues to reduce noise
As issues arise in your system, New Relic AI con-
tinuously evaluates them and merges any issues
that should be correlated. In addition to providing
enhanced context and means to faster trouble-
shooting, issue correlation is a key tool for reducing
incident noise.
New Relic AIs correlation engine includes several
types of rule sets, called decisions:
Global decisions: Created by New Relic AI,
these decisions are applicable to many differ-
ent production environments.
Baseline decisions: Created by New Relic AI,
these decisions are created automatically for
your environment.
Suggested decisions: Created by New Relic
AI, based on analysis of your data, these deci-
sions require your review and approval to
become active.
Manually created decisions: These decisions
require conguration by your team.
For example, to create a decision to reduce noise
in your environment:
1. Go to > New Relic AI > Inci-
dent Intelligence > Decisions > Add a decision.
2. Specify which incidents to consider for correla-
tion. In this case, let’s examine all incidents from
New Relic Alerts and AWS.
The New Relic AI decision builder
3. Add logic to specify the conditions for cor-
relating incidents. For this example, we want
to correlate incidents with the sources we’ve
The decision builder can use any attribute of
your data for comparison, and the decision
builder will automatically add any new attri-
butes. For example, you can compare inci-
dents that have only a specic class or priority,
or you can compare incidents with descrip-
tions that include certain keywords. You can
also add any other custom logic to compare
New Relic AI automatically determines issue
priorities using a combination of factors,
including normalized priority data from the
incident source (if available). You can also
congure decision logic to change an issue’s
priority dynamically when it’s correlated with
other issues, using decisions.
Accelerate Incident Response with AIOps
specied (New Relic Alerts and AWS), if they
have similar hostnames and the same under-
lying symptoms.
4. Create a human-readable name for the deci-
sion logic specied in step 3.
5. In the Advanced settings tab, congure the
correlation logic as needed. For example, we
can modify the default settings to correlate
issues if they occur within 30 minutes of one
another, but only if there are at least three
issues that meet the specied conditions.
6. To activate the new rule set, click Create deci-
sion. You’ll be able to see how many issues are
correlated with this logic over time in the main
decisions view.
Conguring decisions based on your previous
experience with your environment, and enabling
the decisions that New Relic AI automatically
suggests based on trends in your production
data, can help dramatically reduce noise and
ensure that New Relic AI quickly surfaces real and
urgent problems.
After you congure New Relic AI systems to collect,
organize, and lter your data—for both anticipated
and unforeseen problems—you can have con-
dence in your ability to quickly and reliably detect
important issues. The next step in the incident
response cycle, then, is to diagnose and under-
stand the problems that do occur.
The default similarity algorithm, Levenshtein
distance, is a good choice for comparing
hostnames. (Hover over each algorithm in the
drop-down menu to learn more about it.)
Accelerate Incident Response with AIOps
Step 2: Diagnose and Understand Issues
After an on-call SRE or DevOps engineer receives
a notication, they need to determine the underly-
ing cause of the issue and take actions to resolve it.
Sometimes, the cause of an incident is obvious and
the diagnostic process is straightforward. Unfortu-
nately, the majority of incidents will require some
investigation and troubleshooting. AIOps tools,
such as New Relic AI, give on-call team members
a better chance of diagnosing and understanding
issues faster.
To more accurately diagnose and understand
issues, you need to:
1. Surface key details and streamline informa-
tion to prevent problems from escalating.
2. Dig deeper into issues to learn about affected
components, potential impact, and any
related issues.
3. See the broader context to understand the
full impact of an issue.
Surface key details and
streamline information
Now that you have some intelligent detection tools
and techniques in place, you have a better chance
of discovering problems before they get out of
control. However, if you hope to stop problems from
escalating or impacting your customers, the rst
moments after detection are critical. By streamlin-
ing the information presented for each new issue
and surfacing details that must be understood
quickly, New Relic AI helps your rst responders in
these crucial moments.
For each issue it uncovers, New Relic AI creates
an issue card and populates it with the follow-
ing details:
New Relic AI issue cards surface critical information to help you more quickly respond to incidents.
Accelerate Incident Response with AIOps
1. An intelligent (human-readable) issue title.
The names and descriptions of new incidents
don’t always explain the issue in intuitive ways
(especially to new team members, who may
have limited experience with the systems
they’re helping troubleshoot). New Relic AI
uses natural language processing to create
a more readable title for each issue based on
keywords in incident payloads.
2. An analysis summary. New Relic AIs machine
learning engine automatically classies each
issue according to throughput, response time,
and error measurements, then provides sug-
gestions for components or services that may
be related to the underlying problem.
3. Correlated issues and decision descriptions.
If issues are correlated, New Relic AI will pro-
vide details in the parent issue card of each
correlated issue and the reason (the decision
name and description) for each correlation.
This allows you to understand, at a glance,
other services or components that may be
impacted and the underlying logic correlating
the issues.
Dig deeper into issues
After glancing through the issue details to under-
stand high-level information about a problem—e.g.,
affected components, potential impact, and related
issues—you’ll likely perform more diagnostic steps
before you fully understand the issue’s root cause.
Here are ve ways to perform deeper investigation
into an issue:
1. In the Analysis summary, New Relic AI provides
valuable metadata and contextual enrich-
ment to help you diagnose incidents faster. It
automatically classies your incidents to tell
you if they’re related to throughput, response
time, or error issues, to help determine the
probable causes of problems. Next, New Relic
AI tells you which components in your envi-
ronment are affected by an issue, so you can
gure out where the issue occurs and more
quickly isolate it. Finally, New Relic AI tells you
who on your team is best equipped to respond
to the problem and suggests responders to
whom you should route incidents.
2. For each issue’s analysis summary, use the full
issue payload to get details such as the issue’s
progress over time, including new events for
the same incident, as well as newly correlated
Accelerate Incident Response with AIOps
3. To quickly understand the progress of and
changes to each issue since its creation—
which can be particularly helpful for issues
that are escalating or impacting other ser-
vices—use the issue log, which describes each
signicant event to occur for the issue, includ-
ing its activation and resolution, correlation,
and any notications associated with it.
From the issue log, you can also navigate to
the details card for correlated issues. Follow
the Another Issue link to see the description
lines for correlated events.
4. If an issue was merged with others, you can nd
more detail about the correlated issues and
decision logic in the issue card. Select the Cor-
relation Decision description to see the specic
rule logic that governed the correlation, which
can be helpful for gaining greater insight into
the problem as a whole. For example, if a deci-
sion involves comparing application names for
similarity, you know that a specic application
or application group may be affected by a par-
ticular issue.
5. Use the Related activity section to get infor-
mation about previous issues that may have a
similar cause or affected components/services
to the issue you’re currently troubleshooting.
Compared with correlated issues, which are
current and related to the immediate under-
lying cause of the open issue, Related activity
gives you clues about historical issues that you
may be able to learn from. Click into the issue
payload for related activity from the current
issue details to see more information.
See the broader context
Having insight into open issues and understand-
ing where issues are directly related (correlated)
or similar based on historical data (related activ-
ity) is critical in the diagnosis phase of the incident
response cycle. However, you may need to take a
broader look at issues to understand their impact
on your production system. New Relic AI gives you
multiple tools to see that broader context.
Proactive Detection provides information about
the historical data surrounding an anomaly event
in Slack, so you can quickly understand context
without having to switch tools. From there, you
have several options for seeing more information
about the anomaly:
Accelerate Incident Response with AIOps
Click View Incident to go directly to the inci-
dent details in New Relic AI.
Click Go to Runbook for information about inci-
dent resolution.
Click Application Overview for details about
the application experiencing an anomaly.
Get information about the historical data surrounding an
anomaly event in Slack.
New Relic can also help enrich New Relic Alerts
webhooks with broader context by stitching infor-
mation from other sources (NRDB, for example) into
the webhook payload.
You can access this functionality—including inte-
grating with additional notication sources and
enriching incidents with the output of New Relic
Query Language (NRQL) queries—by modifying the
custom payload of a New Relic webhook.
Here are a few ways to do this:
Execute NRQL queries and add their output
to the webhook. In the example below, adding
a eld to the webhook payload denition will
stitch the NRDB output (the details of a trans-
action for the erroring application) into the nal
payload. Notice the use of {{template_text}};
other elds from the webhook payload can
then be mapped into the query string.
nrql_execution: “SELECT * FROM Trans-
action WHERE appName = {{applica t i o n _ 1}}
Map attributes from the webhook to make
the output easier to parse in your end des-
tination. Here, the owner eld specied in the
default webhook payload is mapped into a
new eld called service_owner, and a new
priority eld is dened with a static value:
“map_attri b ut e s”: {
service_owner: “{{o w n e r}}”,
“priorit y”: 2
Send New Relic webhooks to new destina-
tions. In this example, we add awseventbridge
as a notication channel for new webhooks to
be directed to:
notication_ch a n n el s”:[
t y p e”: a w s e v e n t b r i d g e ”,
endpoint: “<your eventbridge
See the documentation for more information.
Armed with intelligent tools for quickly under-
standing the main aspects of the problem, easily
exploring more detailed issue information, and
seeing the broader context surrounding produc-
tion incidents, on-call SREs will be able to achieve
faster MTTR.
Accelerate Incident Response with AIOps
Step 3: Resolve Incidents and
Improve Your Response Process
The nal step of the incident response cycle is the
response itself. As we’ve seen, AIOps tools can
enable faster detection and diagnosis of produc-
tion issues, which in turn leads to faster incident
response. New Relic AI can help accelerate your
response in four important ways:
1. Deliver insights to the tools you already use
without changing your existing workow.
2. Direct issues to the right people who are best
equipped to resolve them.
3. Provide feedback for continuous improvement,
so New Relic AI can make smarter recommenda-
tions in the future.
4. Automatically trigger remediation actions
to proactively detect and x problems with as
little human involvement as possible.
Deliver insights to the
tools you already use
If your DevOps and SRE teams use a variety of tools
to monitor their systems and incident responses,
that incident data can become fragmented, requir-
ing more steps and more tool-specic knowledge
to discover, acknowledge, and resolve issues. New
Relic AI delivers incident information directly to the
tools you already use so you can take advantage of
the benets of intelligent correlation, event enrich-
ment, and anomaly detection without needing to
change or add to your existing workow.
Congure Proactive
Detection for Slack
To set up Proactive Detection for Slack:
1. Go to > New Relic AI > Proac-
tive Detection > Notications.
2. Select Real-time failure warnings in Slack.
Then click Add conguration.
Proactive Detection integrates with Slack, but
you can also congure anomaly events to be
delivered via webhook.
Accelerate Incident Response with AIOps
3. Input the following information into the form:
Select an account.
Select applications. Note that certain appli-
cations with low throughput might not be
good candidates for Proactive Detection,
as they can be more sensitive to smaller
amounts of data uctuation.
Choose which Slack channels receive noti-
cations (you can send them to an existing
channel or create a new one). This prompts
the workow to add the New Relic AI Slack
application to your selected channel.
Tip: If you experience an error when assign-
ing Slack channels, make sure that the New
Relic AI Slack application has been added to
your Slack workspace.
Choose a name for your conguration that
helps you to easily distinguish it from others
in your account.
Enable the conguration. You can modify
the applications for each conguration at
any time by selecting Edit conguration in
the conguration table.
Congure PagerDuty as an
Incident Intelligence destination
You can also integrate Incident Intelligence with
your existing incident management tools, such
as PagerDuty. In this case, PagerDuty is a destina-
tion—a data output to New Relic AI, where you can
view your automatically correlated incidents.
To congure the PagerDuty destination:
1. Go to > New Relic AI > Inci-
dent Intelligence > Destinations > PagerDuty.
2. Enter your PagerDuty API key. This should be
either a personal or general access API key
with write access; if it’s created by a user, the
user should be an admin. This can be the
same API key used for the PagerDuty source (if
you congured this source).
3. Select the PagerDuty services you want to
connect to New Relic AI, and click Connect.
Getting data in the right tools is a critical step to
accelerating incident resolution time. Instead of
juggling multiple notication streams or learning
new workows, you can stay focused and keep
using and improving the process your team has
developed over time.
Direct issues to the
right people
In addition to directing incident information to the
correct tools, it’s important that you send issues to
the people who can solve them. This is especially
critical if you’ve adapted a hybrid organizational
model for your incident response process, or if
you’re transitioning from a traditional operations
to a DevOps or SRE model. In New Relic AI, you can
congure pathways for alerts, and, over time, New
Relic AI will use historical incident data to sug-
gest responders who may be able to help resolve
an incident.
Accelerate Incident Response with AIOps
Pathways are the logical connections between
sources (data inputs) and destinations (data out-
puts) in the Incident Intelligence system.
To congure a pathway:
1. Go to > New Relic AI > Inci-
dent Intelligence > Pathways, and select
Add a pathway. Give your pathway a
human-readable name.
2. In the query builder box, specify or select an
attribute, such as application/name. Select
from the list that includes all the attributes
available in PagerDuty incidents and New Relic
Alert violations, or add your own attributes.
3. Select a logical operator; for example, contains.
4. Enter a specic value to complete the logical
To include all issues created by the sources
you congured, select Send everything. (This
is recommended if your team uses only one
PagerDuty service to manage all incidents.)
To build more complex logic, use the AND/OR
5. Select the destination (e.g., PagerDuty) you
If the person who receives the incident needs
extra help xing the problem, New Relic AI pro-
vides a suggested responder (e.g., another team
member) based on previous trends for who has
responded to similar issues in the past. Like many
aspects of New Relic AI, this functionality will get
more accurate over time based on your interac-
tion and feedback.
Provide feedback for
continuous improvement
The more data New Relic AI collects, both from your
production system and your team’s feedback, the
smarter it will become—from the suggestions it
makes for decisions to suggested responders and
to anomaly events. Smarter recommendations will
in turn enable faster incident resolution on your
part. Some ways to give feedback to New Relic
AI include:
Accepting or rejecting newly sug-
gested decisions
Giving thumbs up/down feedback on cor-
related issues
Clicking yes” or no” under Did the original
warning indicate an actual problem? in real-
time failure warnings
Accelerate Incident Response with AIOps
Automatically trigger
remediation actions
As AIOps technologies mature, you can expect
more automation in the incident response cycle—
for example, being able to proactively detect and
x problems without any human involvement.
Although a pager-free reality is still a thing of the
future, New Relic AI is able automatically trigger
actions to remediate issues.
Here’s an example of how you can integrate with
Amazon EventBridge to proactively prevent an
issue with automation. Lets say a service in your
app is an AWS Lambda function that should never
time out. Here’s how to integrate with EventBridge
to prevent disruptions to your service functionality
and uptime:
1. Write a NRQL query to scan New Relic Logs for
AWS Lambda functions timing out. For example:
Find logs where has:aws.logGroup”
timed out”
2. Congure a webhook to send data into Event-
Bridge. Include the NRQL query from Step 1 in
the webhook payload denition.
3. Write an AWS Lambda function to increase the
timeout of a different function, using a place-
holder Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to rep-
resent the function timing out. (Check out the
AWS Lambda documentation for guidance.)
4. Create an EventBridge rule, triggered by the
New Relic webhook you congured in Step
2 and using the NRDB output included in its
payload, to activate the Lambda function you
wrote in Step 3. (See EventBridge resources for
walkthroughs and examples.)
With this workow, you will be able to prevent tem-
porary issues from disrupting the uptime or func-
tionality of your services that use AWS Lambda
functions, without requiring an SRE or developer to
make changes manually.
This is just one example. Imagine scaling appli-
cations automatically with increased demand,
responding to infrastructure anomalies, and gath-
ering more information based on custom events
captured in New Relic. This use case, and more, are
the future of AIOps.
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Accelerate Incident Response with AIOps
Implementing an AIOps solution, such as New Relic
AI, can help you tackle alert noise across your entire
tech stack and create a continuously improving,
streamlined system that enhances your incident
response cycle. We believe it’s critical to embrace
solutions that are easy to connect and congure,
work with the tools that teams already use, create
value throughout the entire observability process,
and learn from data patterns and user feedback to
get smarter over time.
When you’re able to resolve issues faster, you’ll be
better prepared to focus on higher-value, creative
work while decreasing stress and toil.
Now is the time to empower your busy DevOps and
SRE teams with intelligence and automation. Get
started with New Relic AI on the New Relic One plat-
form today.
Ready to learn more about how AIOps? Check out
our webinar, Accelerate Incident Response with