North Charleston Police Department Policy and Procedure Manual
Policy # A 38
Subject: Records Management
Issue/Rev. Date: July 12, 2017
Approved by:
Effective Date: July 19, 2017
CALEA Reference: 1.2.5, 11.4.4, 42.1.3, 74.1.3, 82.1.1 82.3.6
Page(s): 1 of 8
To establish procedures for the review, maintenance, control, and retrieval of records to establish a
reporting system for the documentation of criminal and non-criminal incidents.
The North Charleston Police Department has established a reporting system to ensure that official records
of law enforcement activities and actions are accurately prepared and maintained in compliance with state
and federal regulations while meeting the departments managerial, operational, and informational needs.
The Records Unit operates under the Information Services Bureau within the Special Operations
All Records Unit employees have a shift supervisor (Assistant Police Records Supervisors), who
are under direct supervision of the Police Records Supervisor.
The Police Records Supervisor reports directly to the Information Services Bureau Supervisor.
The function of the Records Unit includes record maintenance, retrieval, review, and control. The
Records Unit will control the confidentiality, availability, and disclosure of all reports and records
within its authority in accordance with applicable laws and agency policy.
Maintenance of Records
Most reports generated by the department are maintained in the Records Unit. Some records,
usually those of an administrative or confidential nature, are maintained in other specific units of
the department. Other locations where records are stored include:
Office of Professional Standards sensitive or confidential files related to internal
investigations, internal affairs files, employment application files, and disciplinary files.
Administrative Services Unit department personnel records and files, equipment issue
records, purchasing records, and budget files.
Detective Bureau Habitual Violent Offender Program files, open investigative case files,
homicide files.
Narcotics Unit active vice, drugs, and organized crime records and reports to include
confidential informant files.
Special Victims Unit juvenile arrest files, to include photos and other forms of
Training Section training and bloodborne pathogens files.
Others as designated by the Chief of Police.
Records pertaining to juveniles are collected, maintained, disseminated, and purged according to
the North Charleston Police Department Policy and Procedure Manual listed in Juvenile
Operations (Policy O-12).
Privacy and Security Precautions
The availability and confidentiality of all reports is the responsibility of the Records Unit. The
Records Unit will remain locked when records personnel are not on duty. During this time,
records information may be accessed through the computerized reporting system, excluding
accident reports. After hours, Duty Officer personnel will maintain a key to the Records Unit.
Only authorized personnel may enter the Records Unit. Authorized personnel are limited to the
rank of Lieutenant and above or any personnel assigned to the Information Services Bureau. The
Chief of Police has the authority to grant access to any other member of the department.
Juvenile arrest and criminal history records are maintained separately from the criminal records
of adult offenders:
Juvenile arrest files are forwarded to and maintained by the Special Victims Unit of the
Special Investigative Bureau.
Adult arrest records are maintained within the Records Unit.
Adult arrest case files are maintained in the Records Unit and shall not leave the records office
without being signed out by authorized personnel. Authorized personnel viewing records at the
records hall window will not be required to sign the document out.
Additional procedures for the handling of case files include:
All documents related to a General Sessions Court arrest are received by the Records Unit in
the form of a case file labeled with the arrestee’s name, the case officer’s name, arresting
charge, and the department case report number.
Access to case files is controlled by Records Unit personnel. Copies of reports within the
case file are provided by records personnel.
If an original file is needed by an officer for court purposes, it must be signed out by the
requesting officer. Case files may be released for preliminary hearings, grand jury hearings,
court trials, or for trial preparation. A sign out card is placed in the records file where the
case file was retrieved until the file is returned.
6. All efforts should be made to protect hard and electronic copies of Criminal Justice
Information (CJI) or Personal Identifying Information (PII) from access by unauthorized
persons. These precautions should be followed when handling, storing, or transporting
data in either format.
(a) The only portable hard drives or USB (flash/ jump devices) devices that can be used
on any city computer/ MDT must be department issued. Devices containing
Criminal Justice Information (CJI) or Personal Identifying Information (PII) must be
protected by either encryption (CJIS Policy Security Policy Standard) or physically
secured in a locked desk, drawer, etc.
Submitting and Processing Reports
All reports must be completed and submitted to the shift supervisor at the end of the officer’s tour
of duty. The only exception will be approved by a supervisor with the rank of Sergeant or higher.
The shift supervisor will review each report for completeness and accuracy, having all errors
corrected prior to approving and or authorizing the report.
Each Originating Case Agency (O.C.A.) number will be annotated on the daily supervisor’s sheet.
The daily supervisor’s sheet will be forwarded to the Records Unit.
Reports found to be deficient will be returned to the writer for corrections with written notice to
the writer’s supervisor.
It is agency policy to document the following category of incidents, if they were reported to have
occurred within the agency’s jurisdiction:
Citizen reports of crimes.
Citizen complaints.
Criminal and non-criminal cases initiated by or coming to the attention of agency personnel.
All requests for services where an officer is dispatched, assigned to investigate a complaint,
or an official action is delayed, but may be initiated at a later time.
All traffic accidents reported to this agency.
Incidents involving arrests.
The nature of the incident being reported will determine the required documentation. The
documentation of law enforcement activity may be in the form of one or more of the following:
Computer Aided Dispatch (C.A.D.) entry.
Incident Report.
Supplemental Reports.
The South Carolina Uniform Traffic Collision Report.
Tow vehicle sheet.
Uniform Traffic Ticket.
Parking Citation
South Carolina Public Contact / Warning Citation
Arrest and Booking Report.
Voluntary statement form.
Probable Natural Death form.
Field Interview Card.
Guideline for Accomplishing Reports
Incident Reports
Reports of criminal offenses received by the North Charleston Police Department, which
occur within the agency’s jurisdiction, will be recorded on an Incident Report form
regardless of whether the complainant elects to pursue charges.
Incident Reports will be used to report all arrests and criminal offenses where a citation is
used in lieu of a warrant.
Non-criminal incidents that require an Incident Report include: deaths; missing persons;
complaints of animal attacks or bites; found or lost property; and any incident deemed
appropriate by the officer’s immediate supervisor.
Supplemental Reports
A Supplemental Report will be submitted to record any additional information on a
previously completed incident report. The supplemental report will also be used to change
the disposition of an incident report and for the service of a warrant.
The Supplemental Report O.C.A. number will be recorded on the Daily Supervisors sheet
and submitted to the Records Unit. This report will be scanned into the Archival Records
System for retention with the incident report whether it is submitted with the incident report
or at a later date.
Booking Report
A Booking Report will be filled out for every physical arrest and courtesy summons except
for traffic summons issued under Title 56 of the South Carolina Code of Laws. A Booking
Report will also be completed when a juvenile is placed into custody.
Files of arrested subjects are updated upon each subsequent arrest by the Records Unit.
Fingerprints and photographs
Fingerprints and photographs will be taken for every adult arrested, including physical arrests
for traffic offenses. This will be conducted by either the North Charleston Police
Departments Holding Facility or the County Jail personnel in the jurisdiction of the arrest.
Fingerprinting of juveniles is permitted in certain cases involving serious offenses. These
offenses are outlined in the North Charleston Police Department Policy and Procedure
Manual listed in Juvenile Operations (Policy O-12).
Field Interview Cards
A field interview card may be completed at the discretion of an officer in an effort to
document an officer-citizen contact. Field Interview Cards will also be completed when
directed by a supervisor. All field interview cards will be entered into the Records
Management System via computer by the officer completing the card.
The South Carolina Uniform Traffic Collision Report
The South Carolina Uniform Traffic Collision Report will be completed by officers
conducting traffic accident investigations in accordance with South Carolina Department of
Public Safety (S.C.D.P.S.) reporting procedures and agency policy.
Required Information
Specific instructions and procedures for completion of incident reports and accident reports are
available in the “Vision” Report Based Instruction Manual, the State Law Enforcement Division
(S.L.E.D.) Coding Instruction Manual and the S.C.D.P.S. Uniform Traffic Accident Report
Instruction Manual for Investigating Officers. All of these manuals are available to agency
personnel on the City “I” Drive under (I:\Reporting Instruction Manuals).
At a minimum, all incident reports will contain the following information:
O.C.A. number or incident number.
Date of report.
Name, if available, of victim and/or complainant.
Name of suspect and charges, if any.
Nature of the incident.
Reporting officer’s name.
Location of the incident.
Zone number.
Type and status of property involved.
OCA/Report Number
The filing and retrieval of Incident Report will be done by the assigned case number.
North Charleston Police Department O.C.A. numbers are assigned by the C.A.D. system. The
O.C.A. is a sequential number generated by the computer beginning with the year.
Records personnel will ensure that O.C.A. numbers are correct and accounted for.
Access to Agency Files
Agency records are confidential. Any release of records will be in accordance with agency policy
and local, state, and federal laws.
Records Unit information is accessible to agency employees 24-hours per day, either through
the Records Management System, Records Unit, or through the Duty Officer after hours.
The Records Unit is responsible for routing reports to various units of the department.
Public access to copies of reports is primarily the responsibility of the Records Unit. The
department will comply with all provisions of the Freedom of Information Act and other applicable
laws. The distribution of reports to the public will be during normal business hours.
All other requests for reports will be honored in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act
and the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, as amended. All formal written Freedom of
Information requests will be approved by the department Public Information Officer (P.I.O.).
The Records Unit will, upon request, provide copies of incident or accident reports to any person
specifically identified in the report or their insurance company.
Fee charges will be in accordance with fee schedules established by the City of North Charleston.
Victims listed on incident reports will receive these reports at no cost.
Law enforcement personnel may request copies of any reports for official use at no charge.
Authorized public agencies will be provided reports.
Reports which are solely the result of, or the fruits of, investigative efforts will not be released to
anyone other than law enforcement officers and the courts for official use only. The only
exception will be a formal written Freedom of Information Act request which is approved by the
City of North Charleston’s Legal Department. This includes all Supplemental Reports containing
investigative efforts, which list witnesses, suspects, informants, opinions, suppositions, hearsay,
investigative leads, and any other investigative information.
Traffic Reports and Data
Traffic data is maintained in the Computerized Records Management System. This data includes
the following:
Traffic Collision data.
Traffic enforcement data.
Roadway hazard report.
Communications Center personnel will enter all traffic stops and their dispositions, reported traffic
collisions, and roadway hazards into the C.A.D. system.
Department personnel may access traffic stops, their dispositions, and roadway hazards through the
C.A.D. System.
Traffic collision data may be accessed through the Police Records Archival System.
Traffic collision and enforcement analysis reports are obtained from the South Carolina
Department of Public Safety.
Traffic Citations
The Records Unit is responsible for control, maintenance and issuance of traffic citation
books. Each time a citation book is issued, the officer will sign for the book on a citation
log card. The log contains the officer’s name, date of issue, and the beginning / ending citation
number of the issued book.
Officers retain the white copies of each ticket until the entire book is expended. The white
copies are then turned into the Records Unit and filed. All traffic citation books will be audited by
the Records Unit on an annual basis.
New citation books are stored in a locked cabinet in the Records Unit.
Alphabetical Master Name Index
The Computerized Records Management System maintains an alphabetical Master Name Index of
persons identified and entered in the Computerized Records Management System. The Master
Name Index includes victims, complainants, suspects, arrestees, and witness involved in incidents.
A Master Name Link Number is automatically assigned by the Records Management System every
time a new person is entered into the Master Name Index.
If the subject has an assigned Master Name Link Number, the new information is assigned the
same number.
If no Master Name Link Number exists for a subject, a number will be assigned.
All persons entered into the system, including “unknowns” are given a Master Name Link Number.
Master Name Link Numbers are only issued one time to a subject. The same identification number
is then used for all subsequent custodial arrests or incidents involving the subject.
If it is discovered that a person has been issued more than one Master Name Link Number because
of using aliases, maiden names, etc., the numbers for the true name will be merged and used from
that date on.
Arrest information is available by cross-referencing the Master Name Index and the agency O.C.A.
The Crime Analysis Unit provides reference numbers from the Master Name Index File on each
person entered into the Records Management System.
Warrant and Wanted Person File
All arrest and bench warrants received from agency employees and the Municipal Court are
entered into the National Crime Information Center and the Records Management System by
Warrants Unit personnel.
The warrant is filed alphabetically. Warrants will remain on file until served by officers or
dismissed by the Court.
Only personnel from the following units can sign out warrants to officers for service attempts:
Records Unit personnel.
Warrant Unit personnel.
Duty Officer Unit personnel.
When a warrant is served, the Warrant or Records Unit personnel will update the status of the
warrant in the Records Management System. Personnel will also remove the warrant from
National Crime Information Center (N.C.I.C). Personnel assigned to the Duty Officer Unit will
be responsible for removing warrants N.C.I.C. when Warrant and Records Unit personnel are
not available.
Warrant information can be accessed through the Master Name Search feature of the Records
Management System.
Warrant information is accessible 24 hours a day through the Records Management System and by
viewing actual warrants in the warrant file located in the Records Unit Office.
The department participates in S.L.E.D.’s Criminal Justice Information Computer System
(C.J.I.C.S.) and in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (F.B.I.) N.C.I.C., which have
computerized wanted persons files. The department follows all C.J.I.C.S. and N.C.I.C.
requirements listed in the N.C.I.C. users manual located in the Records Unit for entering,
receiving, and canceling information in reference to wanted persons.
Criminal History Records Information
The privacy and security precautions for criminal history record information will be followed
within the guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Justice Regulations (28 Code of
Federal Regulation, Part 20) with regard to dissemination, completeness, accuracy, audits, security
requirements, access, and review.
Personnel authorized to access the C.J.I.S. and N.C.I.C. computer terminals will be provided
passwords to access computers throughout the department that have been designated as N.C.I.C.
terminals. N.C.I..C. operators will not leave a terminal unattended while they are logged into the
All personnel in the department who operate an N.C.I.C. terminal will attend and successfully
complete N.C.I.C. certification training in accordance with N.C.I.C. policies.
The Chief of Police will designate a supervisor as the Terminal Agency Coordinator (T.A.C.). An
alternate T.A.C. will also be appointed to work closely with the T.A.C., to ensure he/she may
assume the duties prescribed.
The T.A.C. will be responsible for validation of all N.C.I.C. records originating within the
department in accordance with N.C.I.C. procedures.
The T.A.C. will conduct regular inspections of the department’s compliance with N.C.I.C.
procedures and will maintain documentation of any non-compliance, training, or disciplinary
The T.A.C. will conduct administrative investigations, as required by N.C.I.C. policies, and will
turn over any findings of misconduct to the Office of Professional Standards.
Status of Reports
Whenever the status of any case changes, the assigned investigating officer must notify the
complainant or victim of the change in status. This notification must be noted on a Supplemental
Report Form.
Records personnel are responsible for the entry of disposition information received from
Magistrate and General Sessions Court.
Records Retention
In accordance with 30-1-90 (B) of the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, as amended, and the
Archives Division of the State of South Carolina, a schedule of retention and destruction of records
has been established. The schedule will be maintained in the Records Unit. No records are to be
retained, transferred, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of in violation of this schedule. Reports and
files relating to capital crime prosecutions will be maintained on a permanent basis.
Records personnel will, upon receipt of a court order outlining the exact offense record that is to
be expunged, promptly destroy all records and computer data relating to such arrest. The Records
Unit Supervisor will ensure that no evidence of the arrest record outline in the expungement order
is retained by this agency. The order will then be filed for a period of ninety (90) days.
National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS)
Information on incident reports containing crimes included in the South Carolina Incident-Based
Reporting System (S.C.I.B.R.S.) will be transmitted to S.L.E.D.
The North Charleston Police Department participates in S.C.I.B.R.S. in conjunction with S.L.E.D.
and adheres to all policies and procedures set by S.L.E.D. for the collection and submission of this
Every other year, the S.L.E.D. Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) audit team will conduct
an audit. The N.C.I.C. computer system will be audited by the F. B. I. every other year.
The City of North Charleston Management Information System Department (M.I.S.) is responsible
for the security, access, and daily back-up of the department’s computerized network.
The M.I.S. Department is responsible for the authorization and installation of all computer
software and data disks onto any department controlled computer. Anti-virus software is also
incorporated into the computer network and will assist in automatically checking new software for
viruses. If a virus is detected, the software will not be allowed to load.
The Supervisor of the Crime Analysis Unit in coordination with the M.I.S. Department, will
conduct a yearly audit of passwords or access codes assigned to department personnel. This will
ensure the integrity of the computerized network. This report will be forwarded to the Chief of
Police, via chain of command, and will be due no later than January 15
of each year.