JC 05.2023
Deadline: July 26, 2023
NSF will have one submission deadline for all
CAREER proposals, regardless of Directorate.
NOTE: Applications must be submitted to
Harvard’s Office for Sponsored Programs for
internal review and approval by July 19, 2023.
Award Information
5 year duration
$400,000 MINIMUM (including indirect costs), except for applications to the Office of Polar Programs (OPP),
Directorate for Engineering (ENG), and Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO), which have a minimum of
No maximum award size funding should be requested in accordance with the scope of your project. When
determining the size of your request, review prior awards made by the Program(s) considering your application and
discuss your planned request with your Program Officer(s) (see NSF Organization List and Division CAREER
There may be discipline-specific guidelines. For example, proposals to the Directorate for Computer and Information
Science and Engineering are expected to request one month of PI salary per year, one graduate student per year, and
two trips per year; this can vary depending on individual circumstances, e.g., if the PI already has salary support.
Applicants must hold at least a 50% tenure-track (or tenure-track-equivalent) position as an Assistant
Professor as of the annual deadline. Associate Professors, with or without tenure, are not eligible for the
CAREER program.
You must hold a doctoral degree in a field supported by NSF and be engaged in research in an area of science,
engineering, or education supported by NSF.
CAREER eligibility is not limited by time from degree or years in a tenure-track appointment.
There are no citizenship restrictions.
You may only receive one CAREER award.
You may participate in three CAREER competitions; you may submit one proposal per competition.
You are eligible to apply even if you have previously received other types of NSF or federal funding.
You may not submit a proposal for a project that is substantially the same as another currently under review by NSF.
You may not submit a proposal that was previously declined by NSF and has not been revised to take into account the
major comments from the prior review.
The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER)
Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the
National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards
in support of early-career faculty who have the potential
to serve as academic role models in research and
education and to lead advances in the mission of their
department or organization. Activities pursued by early-
career faculty should build a firm foundation for a
lifetime of leadership in integrating education and
research. The CAREER competition is open to scholars
in all of the fields supported by NSF.
JC 05.2023
First Steps
1) Carefully review the program solicitation and FAQs.
2) Discuss your ideas with your Department Chair, academic mentors, and peers that have been successful in obtaining
awards from NSF. For a list of NSF CAREER Award winners at Harvard, contact FAS Research Development at
3) Determine which program area(s) at NSF is/are most appropriate to review your proposal (i.e. Molecular and Cellular
Biosciences, Earth Sciences) and identify a Program Officer in those area(s). Increasingly, CAREER proposals are co-
reviewed by more than one program within a Division or a Directorate, or across Directorates/Offices. For a list of
NSF’s program areas, see http://www.nsf.gov/staff/orglist.jsp.
4) Also identify the appropriate contact for the CAREER program in those Division(s), listed at:
5) If your project has an international component, identify the appropriate country representative(s) in the Office of
International Science and Engineering.
6) Send an email to the contacts you have identified, including a brief description of your proposed project and a request
for feedback. Below are several questions you may want to ask:
o Is the project a good fit for the program?
o What are the expectations for the scope of research and education plans in this particular program area?
o What is the typical award size in this program?
o What type of review process does this program undertake (i.e. panel or ad hoc reviews)?
Developing the CAREER Education Plan
NSF’s CAREER program requires that you include an education plan in addition to your plans for research and broader impacts.
The research and education plans can be described separately within the Project Description, or you may present them together
in an integrated narrative. Remember that reviewers who are subject experts in your field will be mostly familiar with your
research component. Some programs may also send your proposal for review to education experts in your field, and for that
reason, you should make sure that your education component is substantive and well-grounded in the literature. Education
activities should be consistent with research and best practices in curriculum, pedagogy, and evaluation. Education plans must
cite relevant publications, and local curricula and state education standards to be addressed, if applicable (e.g. for work with K-
12 classes).
While NSF expects your education plan to be distinctive, innovative, and beyond what is expected from a typical Assistant
Professor in your field, it should also be doable and not require so much time that other professional activities are compromised.
In addition, it is important to choose activities that really matter to you, and that fit well with your Department’s mission and
Proposed education activities may be in a broad range of areas and may be directed to any level: K-12 students, undergraduates,
graduate students, and/or the general public, but should be related to the proposed research and consistent with the career goals
of the PI.
Some examples are:
designing innovative courses or curricula;
supporting teacher preparation and enhancement;
contributing to museum exhibits or programs;
conducting outreach and mentoring activities to enhance scientific literacy or involve students from groups that have
been traditionally underrepresented in science;
researching students' learning and conceptual development in the discipline;
incorporating research activities into undergraduate courses;
teaching a graduate seminar on the topic of the research;
JC 05.2023
engaging the broader public with your research;
creating cyberinfrastructure that facilitates involvement of the broad citizenry in the scientific enterprise;
providing mentored international research experiences for U.S. students;
linking education activities to industrial, international, or cross-disciplinary work;
implementing innovative methods for evaluation and assessment;
designing new or adapting and implementing effective educational materials and practices, and plans for disseminating
build on, or otherwise meaningfully participate in, existing NSF-supported activities or other educational projects
ongoing on campus; and
using new or existing tools to broadly disseminate your research and education activities.
A competitive proposal will include plans for assessing or evaluating your educational activities, tools, or materials. You are
encouraged to make connections with appropriate education experts, and to include the necessary letters of collaboration in
your application. NSF recommends that applicants leverage existing NSF-supported activities or other educational projects on
campus. For assistance identifying resources and programs at Harvard that you can leverage, contact FAS Research
Development at [email protected].
See the appendix to this document for examples of Harvard
programs with which CAREER applicants commonly collaborate. Please note the recommended deadlines listed in
the table below if you plan to request this type of assistance.
Broader Impacts
The Project Description in your CAREER proposal must include a separate section entitled “Broader Impacts.” While your
discussion of broader impacts will likely refer to the education and outreach activities outlined in your education plan, you will
also want to include information in this section about how your research advances scientific knowledge and contributes to the
achievement of societally relevant outcomes, such as: full participation of women, persons with disabilities, and underrepresented
minorities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); improved STEM education and educator development
at any level; increased public scientific literacy and public engagement with science and technology; improved well-being of
individuals in society; development of a diverse, globally competitive STEM workforce; increased partnerships between
academia, industry, and others; improved national security; increased economic competitiveness of the U.S.; use of science and
technology to inform public policy; and enhanced infrastructure for research and education.
Application ComponentsPlease see NSF’s Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) for
detailed information about each of these sections.
Cover Sheet (completed by administrator)
Project Summary (1 page limit divided into Overview, Intellectual Merit, Broader Impacts)
Project Description (15 pages, including Broader Impacts and Results from Prior NSF Support sections)
References Cited (no page limit)
Budget and Budget Justification (5 pages)
PI Biosketch (3 pages, provided through use of an NSF-approved format
Current and Pending Support (provided through use of an NSF-approved format for each individual designated as
senior personnel)
Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources (no page limit)
Departmental Letter from Chair committing institutional support for the professional development and mentoring of
the PI, supporting the proposed activities and confirming that they fit well with the department/organization’s mission,
and certifying that the PI is eligible to apply (2 pages)
Letters of Collaboration, NOT letters of support or recommendation (1 page each, should use NSF’s single-sentence
Plans for Data Management and Sharing of the Products of Research (2 pages)
Post-doctoral Researcher Mentoring Plan, if applicable (1 page)
JC 05.2023
PECASE Eligibility Statement (if applicable, in NSF’s single-sentence format)
Collaborators and Other Affiliations Information (in NSF Excel template
List of Suggested Reviewers or Reviewers Not to Include (optional)
JC 05.2023
Research Support Services Provided for Faculty by FAS Research Development
Application Component
Research Support Service We Provide
Assistance with determining the appropriate directorate(s)/program(s) for your
Provide samples of successful Harvard proposals
Introduction to Harvard program(s) to support your education plan and related
assessment/evaluation activities (draft proposal ideally provided at least one
month in advance of NSF deadline)
Recommendations on how to leverage existing resources for your Broader
Impacts plan
"Responsiveness Review" to ensure your narrative addresses NSF’s
evaluation/review criteria
General grantsmanship advice and strategy
Resubmission advice/strategies for drafting a competitive resubmission if you
were declined in a previous round
Template available
Template available
Template available
Template available
For assistance, please contact FAS Research Development at resear[email protected]arvard.edu.
JC 05.2023
Appendix A
The Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning
Potential activities by which the Bok Center can support
faculty applying for NSF CAREER proposals:
Brainstorming educational activities to include in your
CAREER proposal.
Helping faculty design new courses or revise existing
courses to engage students with scientific inquiry and
incorporate evidence-based teaching practices. Example
activities might include:
o developing active learning exercises to transform
the classroom;
o creating exercises or case studies in which
students investigate original data;
o developing multimedia materials that allow faculty
to share their research with students;
o designing alternative assignments that allow
students to explore concepts and data in ways
other than traditional problem sets or essays; and
o implementing a blended learning approach that
combines out-of-class assignments and videos
with in-class activities.
Identifying appropriate references to cite in your
Education Plan.
Providing referrals to other campus groups that support
educational programming for local K-12 students.
Mission: By supporting experimentation, innovation,
and evidence-based practices, the Derek Bok Center
for Teaching and Learning seeks to create
transformational learning experiences for faculty,
graduate students, and undergraduates in Harvard's
Faculty of Arts and Sciences and John A. Paulson
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
Requested Timeline: In order to provide the most
effective support, the Bok Center requests that
CAREER applicants initiate discussions at least one
month prior to the grant deadline.
Fee for Services: No
Tamara Brenner, Executive Director
JC 05.2023
Appendix B
Harvard Museums of Science and Culture
HMSC staff will partner with faculty members to generate a
custom educational and broader impacts plan for their NSF
CAREER proposal among mutual fields of interest that
enhance public and/or K-12 understanding of their research
field. Exhibits and programming will be hosted and guided by
HMSC staff in collaboration with faculty and members of
their lab.
Potential activities by which HMSC can support faculty
applying for NSF CAREER proposals:
Developing curricula, materials, and trainings for K-12
students and educators. This can include:
o Professional development learning opportunities
for K-12 teachers hosted by HMSC
o Museum classes or gallery materials that align
with Next Generation Science Standards
Creating museum-based public outreach and community
engagement components including:
o Exhibits and gallery activities
o Public lectures and symposia
o Family events and programming
Support in creating and delivering programs in the
Harvard learning eco-system and within other
community-settings, including but not limited to:
o Workshops for graduate students, post docs, and
scientists to develop science communication and
o Internships for underrepresented students
o Events and interactive experiences for families
Helping to draft appropriate narrative text and budget
information for the proposal.
and youth
education skills
Mission: The mission of the Harvard Museums of
Science & Culture (HMSC) is to foster curiosity and
a spirit of discovery in visitors of all ages, enhancing
public understanding of and appreciation for the
natural world, science, and human cultures. HMSC
works in concert with Harvard faculty, museum
curators, and students, as well as with members of
the extended Harvard community, to provide
interdisciplinary exhibitions, events and lectures,
and educational programs for students, teachers,
and the general public. HMSC draws primarily upon
the extensive collections of the member museums
and the research of their faculty and curators to
present exhibitions and programming at the
Harvard Museum of Natural History, Harvard
Museum of the Ancient Near East, Peabody
Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, and the
Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments.
Requested Timeline: HMSC requests faculty
begin to reach out at least a month before the grant
deadline to discuss options for educational activities
and broader impacts.
Fee for Services: None for HMSC staff. Exhibit
and programming projects have moderate to
substantial material costs.
Elizabeth Solinga, Executive Director, HMSC
JC 05.2023
Appendix C
Harvard Ed Portal
HEP and PSP staff work with faculty, graduate students, and
departments seeking opportunities to make positive impacts
on science education, science communication, career
trajectories, and ultimately, the quality of life for students and
families in Cambridge and Boston. We develop programs in
response to needs articulated by our communities and
neighboring schools.
Potential activities by which the Ed Portal can support
faculty applying for NSF CAREER proposals:
Community showcase for families and 1st-8th grade
children - Try your hand at communicating a concept by
engaging families and children in a hands-on activity engaging
as part of our informal, family-friendly open house.
“Project Teach” and “STEAM” campus visit days for
Boston and Cambridge Middle Schools - Help middle
school students learn what it means to go to college by
offering a 45-minutes hands-on activity or demo-rich class on
High School STEM “Pizza Talks” - visit one of our
partner BPS high schools in Allston-Brighton and talk to
students over pizza about your career, the research you do,
and why you love it.
School-Day Laboratory Internships
Provide a laboratory internship (April/May-June) for a
senior attending a BPS high school in Allston-Brighton.
Provide a lab internship to a Cambridge high school
student as part of OEB’s Emerging Scientists program
After School Class and Summer Lab Internship - an impactful
STEM career program for motivated, underserved teens attending
BPS high schools in Allston-Brighton.
In partnership with the Department of Chemistry
and Chemical Biology (CCB), we offer a Thursday
afternoon science class led by CCB graduate students
followed by paid summer lab internships at CCB.
We are looking for departments to partner with us as
we expand this important STEM career pathways
program for area teens.
After School Lab Internship
Science Research Mentoring Program in partnership
with Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge STEAM
Initiative, and Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
(year long).
Mission: The Harvard Ed Portal, located in
Harvard’s Allston Campus, serves as a gateway for
the Allston-Brighton community to explore and
access Harvard. In partnership with local non-profit
organizations, HEP offers educational
programming for residents of all ages and interests.
Public School Partnerships team (PSP) works
with both Boston and Cambridge Public Schools to
offer collaborative, responsive, and sustainable
programming in support of district and school
goals, and student-, teacher-, and administrator-
identified needs.
Requested Timeline: We ask that faculty contact
us as with as much lead time as possible to discuss
possible ways to engage with our programs and
community audiences. Please fill out this form
request a meeting.
Fee for Services: None for consultation and
planning. Some initiatives will require financial support
for materials.
Contact: Susan L. Johnson, Assistant Director,
Socially Engaged Learning