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Effective January 1, 2021, the Oakland International Airport has issued a revised and
restated version of the Rules and Regulations for Oakland International Airport (“Rules and
Regulations”). The Rules and Regulations govern the use and operation of the Oakland
International Airport, including ground transportation activities. The Aviation Division (Landside
Operations) of the Port administers and enforces the Rules and Regulations applicable to the
privilege of providing Ground Transportation Services, Taxicab Services, and TNC Services at the
The revised and restated Rules and Regulations are available on the Airport’s website at For a copy of the revisions that were
made to the prior version of the Rules and Regulations, please refer to the Agenda Report and
attachment for Item 5.1 for the November 19, 2020 meeting of the Board of Port Commissioners
available here:
As a courtesy, the Airport’s Landside Operations Office provides the summary below of
some of the changes made to the Rules and Regulations. This summary may not fully or accurately
reflect the changes, however. For the official rules that apply to Airport operations, including
ground transportation, please refer to the official version of the Rules and Regulations on the
Airport’s website at The Airport will
be enforcing the provisions in the official version of the Rules and Regulations, and not those in
the summary provided below.
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Summarized hereby is a list of the approved revisions applicable to the Rules and
Unless specifically defined otherwise herein, or unless a different meaning is apparent from
the context, the following terms used in these Rules and Regulations shall have the following
definitions, whether or not such terms are capitalized:
“Business Day” or “business day” shall mean any day that is neither a Saturday, a Sunday,
nor a day observed as a holiday, non-operating day, or non-working day by the Port.
“Designated Ground Transportation Area” shall mean the area or areas of the Airport
designated by the Landside Operations Manager for the loading and unloading of passengers from
Ground Transportation Vehicles, as such area or areas may be separately designated among
the Ground Transportation Services.
“Designated Taxicab Pick Up Area” shall mean the area or areas of the Airport designated by
the Landside Operations Manager for the pickup of Taxicab customers.
“Exempt Qualified Operator” shall mean a Qualified Operator that is not the operator of a
Courtesy Vehicle, that does not operate any Vehicle over 30 feet long on the roadways of the
Airport, and that makes no more than 120 trips to or from the Airport in any calendar year (based
on a trip as set forth in Section 8.7(a)). If an Exempt Qualified Operator makes more than 120
such trips in any calendar year, then on the date of the 121st of such trips the Qualified Operator
will cease to be an Exempt Qualified Operator, will be treated as a Qualified Operator, and will
become obligated to pay all additional fees owed by Qualified Operators, including the Airport
Permit Application Fee, security deposit, and trip fees.
“Holding Lot” shall mean one or more areas designated by the Landside Operations Manager
from time to time where Ground Transportation Vehicles or Taxicabs may stage prior to moving
to the Designated Ground Transportation Area or the Designated Taxicab Pick Up Area,
“Limousine” shall mean a sedan or sport utility vehicle, of either standard or extended length,
with a seating capacity of not more than ten (10) passengers, including the driver, used in the
transportation of passengers for hire on a prearranged basis at or to and from the Airport, as defined
in CPUC General Order 157 E, Section 2.05 (as the applicable CPUC General Order and
associated definition may be amended or superseded from time to time).
“Partially Exempt Qualified Operator” shall mean a Qualified Operator that is not the operator
of a Courtesy Vehicle, that does not operate any Vehicle over 30 feet long on the roadways of the
Airport, and that makes no more than 60 trips to or from the Airport in any calendar year (based
on a trip as set forth in Section 8.7(a)). If a Partially Exempt Qualified Operator makes more than
60 such trips in any calendar year, then on the date of the 61st of such trips the Qualified Operator
will cease to be a Partially Exempt Qualified Operator and will be treated as an Exempt Qualified
Operator and shall comply with all obligations of an Exempt Qualified Operator, including paying
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the full application fee for the Exempt Qualified Operator.
“Permit Period” shall mean the effective period of the Airport Permit, Airport Taxi Permit,
and TNC Permit, respectively, as such periods are established in the sole discretion of the
Landside Operations Manager for each type of permit. The Landside Operations Manager,
in his or her sole discretion, may amend the effective periods of Airport Permits, Airport
Taxi Permits, and/or TNC Permits to be issued in the future provided that any then-existing
Permit Holders or TNC Permit Holders, as applicable, shall be notified in writing at least
ninety (90) days prior to the date such amendments take effect. For Exempt Qualified
Operators and Partially Exempt Qualified Operators, “Permit Period” shall be the calendar
“Starter” shall mean the Person, process, technology, or alternative means that is employed by
or is at the direction of the Landside Operations Manager to: direct any Ground Transportation
Vehicle or Taxicab to exit a Holding Lot and proceed to the Designated Ground Transportation
Area or the Designated Taxicab Pick Up Area, respectively; direct the loading and unloading of
passengers; proceed to the Starter Location; collect Vouchers; and/or direct passengers to
“Starter Location” shall mean the location or locations at the Airport designated by the Landside
Operations Manager from time to time for the loading and departure of Taxicabs serving the
Terminal Complex.
“TNC Driver” shall mean an individual operating a privately-owned vehicle on TNC Airport
Property to perform TNC Services. Any Driver operating under an Airport Permit or an
Airport Taxi Permit shall not be allowed to operate at the Airport as a TNC Driver.
The revised Rules and Regulations allow for Electronic Signatures where the Rules and
Regulations refer to a signed or executed document, agreement, or other written instrument,
an electronic signature shall be deemed as effective as an original unless specified otherwise,
provided, however, that such electronic signature complies with and is permitted by
applicable law.
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Under the City Charter, the Board has the complete and exclusive power to provide for and
regulate the privilege of conducting commerce at the Airport. The Board may institute, or cause
to be instituted, any actions or proceedings as may be necessary to enforce the provisions of any
such privileged granted or to revoke, cancel, or annul such a privilege. This Article 8, in addition
to all other applicable regulations, establishes the rules and regulations applicable to the privilege
of providing Ground Transportation Services, Taxicab Services, and TNC Services at the Airport.
The provision of Ground Transportation Services, Taxicab Services, and TNC Services is a
privilege, not a right, and may be revoked by the Port in accordance with these Rules and
Regulations. The Landside Operations Manager shall be the Port representative authorized to
implement and enforce this Article 8.
No Person may operate or cause to be operated any Vehicle to provide commercial ground
transportation services to transport, pick up, or drop off passengers at the Airport unless such
Person is authorized to operate under one of the following categories:
The Airport Permit shall at all times remain the property of the Port and is subject to
suspension, cancellation, termination, expiration, or renewal by the Port in accordance with these
Rules and Regulations. No Airport Permit shall be required for Vehicles operated by the Port at
the Airport in furtherance of Airport operations, or vehicles used to offer Taxicab Services or TNC
Types of Ground Transportation Permits
Therefore, Qualified Operators (a Passenger Stage Carrier, Passenger Stage Sub Carrier,
operator of a Courtesy Vehicle or a Limousine) may apply for one or more of the following
categories of Airport Permits to provide Ground Transportation Services at or to and from the
Limousine Permit
Door-to-Door Reservation Shuttle Permit
Door-to-Door On-Demand Shuttle Permit
Hotel Courtesy Vehicle Permit
Parking Courtesy Vehicle Permit
Rental Car Courtesy Vehicle Permit
Scheduled Charter Operator Vehicle Permit
Temporary Operating Permit
Airport Ground Transportation Permits are mutually exclusive thus, Operators cannot
concurrently operate under permits issued for different modes.
Drivers who operate under a TNC Permit or Airport Taxi Permit will not be granted
or be permitted to maintain a separate Airport Permit as the authorizations are mutually
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Drivers who operate under more than one permit shall constitute a violation of these
Rules and Regulations enforceable under Appendix K (Ground Transportation Violation
Tables) in addition to being obligated to pay all per trip fees for all operations under such
permits, even if such operations constituted a violation.
Temporary Operating Permit (TOP)
The revised Rules and Regulations establishes a Temporary Airport Operating Permit
to be issued for infrequent GT operators (without requiring a full permit application process) to a
Vehicle to provide one or more types of Ground Transportation Services as outlined in
Section 8.1(b) on a temporary basis according to the application procedure described in
Section 8.1(c).
Each Qualified Operator desiring to obtain a Temporary Operating Permit shall, at
least three (3) business days prior to the date of desired operation submit an Application for
Temporary Operating Permits (reference the application procedure described in Section
Temporary Operating Permit shall be valid only for the term specified in the
Temporary Operating Permit, not to exceed one (1) day, unless a longer term (not to exceed
seven (7) days) is otherwise approved by the Landside Operations Manager.
A Qualified Operator may only obtain up to three (3) Temporary Operating Permits
per calendar year. Each Temporary Operating Permit may apply to no more than three (3)
Additionally, with each application for the Temporary Operating Permit, each
Qualified Operator, Partially Exempt Qualified Operator, and Exempt Qualified Operator
shall pay to the Port a non-refundable Airport Permit Application Fee of $25 as set forth in
Appendix A (Airport Master Fee Schedule).
Application For Permits And Renewals
Each Qualified Operator desiring to provide one or more types of Ground Transportation
Services as outlined in Section 8.1(b) shall obtain an Airport Permit for each Ground
Transportation Vehicle and each type of service the Qualified Operator desires to provide.
Each such Qualified Operator shall for each Airport Permit (not including Temporary
Operating Permits) the Qualified Operator desires to obtain or renew:
Submit a completed application form provided by the Landside Operations Office;
Pay the application fees set forth in Sections 8.1(d) and 8.1(e); and
Provide such information and certifications deemed necessary by the Port, including, but
not limited to, the information set forth in Sections 8.1(f) through 8.1(k); provided,
however, that the Landside Operations Manager, upon receipt of adequate evidence
of current and valid certification, license, or approval by another applicable
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regulatory agency, such as the CPUC or the City, may deem such evidence as
compliance with any submissions or other information required under this
Section 8.1.
If the Qualified Operator is applying to be an Exempt Qualified Operator or Partially Exempt
Qualified Operator, then the information that it provides with its completed application form shall
include the Qualified Operator’s estimate of its annual trips to or from the Airport (based on a trip
as set forth in Section 8.7(a)) for all Vehicles that the Qualified Operator will operate at the Airport,
and its explanation, in reasonable detail, as to why such annual trips for all of such Vehicles will
not exceed 120 or 60, respectively. As part of the application, the Landside Operations
Manager may also require an Exempt Qualified Operator and/or Partially Exempt Qualified
Operator to maintain valid credit card information on file with the Landside Operations
Office for payment of all sums owed under these Rules and Regulations, including payment
of additional applicable fees and/or provision of a security deposit for when a Partially
Exempt Qualified Operator or Exempt Qualified Operator exceed their respective allotted
trips and is treated as an Exempt Qualified Operator or Qualified Operator, respectively.
Applications for Temporary Operating Permits
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section 8.1, each Qualified Operator desiring
to obtain a Temporary Operating Permit shall, at least three (3) business days prior to the
date of desired operation:
Submit a completed application form provided by the Landside Operations Office;
Pay the application fees set forth in Section 8.1(d); and
Provide the information set forth in Sections 8.1(f), 8.1(g), 8.1(j), and 8.1(k) only,
unless the Landside Operations Office determines it necessary for additional
information and certifications to be submitted; provided, however, that the Landside
Operations Manager, upon receipt of adequate evidence of current and valid
certification, license, or approval by another applicable regulatory agency, such as
the CPUC or the City, may deem such evidence as compliance with any submissions
or other information required under this Section 8.1.
Driver Identity
Each Qualified Operator shall file and maintain at the Landside Operations Office, and
shall update pursuant to Section 8.1(q), a current roster of Drivers who will operate the
Vehicles permitted under the Airport Permit applied for. For each Driver on such roster, the
Qualified Operator shall submit to the Landside Operations Office:
The full name, address, and telephone number of the Driver;
A copy of the Driver’s license of the appropriate class issued by the State of California,
which must not be suspended or revoked, together with any information required under
Section 3(g);
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For each Sub Carrier, (i) the PSC shall submit an executed copy of the contract
between the PSC and the Sub Carrier pursuant to which the Sub Carrier shall operate
under the control of the PSC, (ii) the Sub Carrier shall submit an executed release from
any other PSC with whom that Sub Carrier had an agreement to own and operate a
Ground Transportation Vehicle, and (iii) the Sub Carrier shall submit any required TCP
number issued by the Commission to the Passenger Stage Sub Carrier; and
A copy of the Driver Identification Badge to be issued by the Qualified Operator to the
Permit Holder or Driver shall provide prompt notice to Port of any suspension or
cancellation of a Driver’s License.
Issuance of Airport Permits: Renewal
Upon the submission of a completed application, the Port shall:
For Airport Permits (not including Temporary Operating Permits), review and
process, subject to the limitations set forth in Section 8.1(o), (i) an application for a Limousine,
Courtesy Vehicle, Door-to-Door Reservation Shuttle, Door-to-Door On-Demand Shuttle, or
Scheduled or Charter Operator Permit within fourteen (14) business days from the date that a
completed application is submitted, except for (ii) an application submitted by a Sub-Carrier,
which shall be reviewed and processed within twenty-one (21) business days from the date a
completed application is submitted.
For Airport Permits that are Temporary Operating Permits, review and process the
application within three (3) business days from receipt of the completed application.
For purposes of this Section 8.1(m), an application shall be considered complete only if the
Landside Operations Manager determines that (i) the applicant is a Qualified Operator, (ii) the
Ground Transportation Vehicles to be operated pursuant to the permit meet the requirements
of these Rules and Regulations; (iii) all Drivers named in the application hold valid California
driver’s licenses of the appropriate classes; (iv) the Qualified Operator has otherwise met all
of the requirements of these Rules and Regulations, has not had the Airport Permit that the
Qualified Operator is applying to renew cancelled, does not owe any money to the Port, and is
in good standing under any rules and regulations of the Commission; and (v) that the
application contains no omissions, untrue statements or fraudulent documentation.
Airport Permits (not including Temporary Operating Permits) shall be renewed after
the end of each Permit Period for Permit Holders according to the renewal procedures
established by the Landside Operations Manager and subject to the Airport Permit Renewal
Fees in the amounts set forth in Appendix A (Airport Master Fee Schedule). Temporary
Operating Permits shall not be renewable.
An Airport Permit (except a Temporary Operating Permit) shall be valid upon issuance
by the Port and shall expire at the end of the Permit Period for Permit Holders; provided, however,
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that the Port and the Permit Holder shall each have the right to terminate the Airport Permit prior
to the date on which it would otherwise expire by giving the other party at least thirty (30) days
prior written notice of such termination.
An Airport Permit that is a Temporary Operating Permit shall be valid only for the
term specified in the Temporary Operating Permit, not to exceed one (1) day, unless a longer
term (not to exceed seven (7) days) is otherwise approved by the Landside Operations
No Automatic Renewal of Permits
Airport Permits will not be automatically renewed. The Permit Holder must apply at the
end of each Permit Period to renew an Airport Permit (excluding Temporary Operating
Permits) pursuant to Section 8.1(m)(3). Airport Permits cannot be renewed after thirty (30) days
following the end of each Permit Period for Airport Permit Holders. In no event may a
Temporary Operating Permit be renewed.
Only Taxicab Drivers employed by a Qualified Taxicab Operator operating a Taxicab with
an Airport Taxi Permit issued by the Port in accordance with these Rules and Regulations may
pick up on-demand passenger(s) within the Airport for transportation in a Taxicab in accordance
with these Rules and Regulations. The Airport Taxi Permit shall at all times remain the property
of the Port and is subject to suspension, cancellation, termination, expiration, or renewal by the
Port in accordance with these Rules and Regulations. Registered Taxicabs and Unregistered
Taxicabs may operate at the Airport in a limited manner without an Airport Taxi Permit as defined
under 8.4(c), 8.4(j) and Table 8.4.1 of these Rules and Regulations.
Applications for Permits and Renewals
Each Qualified Taxicab Operator desiring to operate one or more Taxicabs at the Airport
shall apply for the issuance of an Airport Taxi Permit for each Taxicab the Qualified Taxicab
Operator desires to operate at the Airport. Each such Qualified Taxicab Operator shall, during a
period designated by the Landside Operations Manager, and with respect to each Airport Taxi
Permit the Qualified Taxicab Operator desires to obtain or renew, complete an application form
provided by the Port’s Landside Operations Office, pay the application fee set forth in Section
8.2(b)(1) and provide the information and certifications deemed necessary by the Port including
but not limited to the information set forth in Sections 8.2(b)(2) through 8.2(b)(6); provided,
however, that the Landside Operations Manager, upon receipt of adequate evidence of
current and valid certification, license, or approval by another applicable regulatory agency,
such as the CPUC or the City, may deem such evidence as compliance with any submissions
or other information required under this Section 8.2.
Issuance of Airport Taxi Permit
Airport Taxi Permits shall be renewed after the end of each Permit Period for Taxicab
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Permit Holders according to the renewal procedures established by the Landside Operations
Manager and subject to the Taxi Permit Renewal Fee in the amount set forth in Appendix A
(Airport Master Fee Schedule).
An Airport Taxi Permit shall be valid upon issuance by the Port and shall expire at the end
of the Permit Period for Taxicab Permit Holders, subject to cancellation or early termination, as
provided in these Rules and Regulations.
No Automatic Renewal of Permit
Airport Taxi Permits will not be automatically renewed. The holder of an Airport Taxi
Permit must complete and submit a Renewal Application at the end of each Permit Period for
each Airport Taxi Permit pursuant to Section 8.2(c), the approval of which is in the sole discretion
of the Port. Airport Taxi Permits cannot be renewed after thirty (30) days following the end of
each Permit Period for Airport Taxi Permit Holders.
Compliance with Laws
The TNC Permit Holder shall comply (and ensure that all of its TNC Drivers comply) with
all applicable federal, state, and local laws ordinances, rules, regulations, and directives, as they
may be amended from time to time (collectively, “Laws”), including (without limitation): these
Rules and Regulations; Airport Operating Directives from the Director, Assistant Director, or
Landside Operations Manager; all oral and/or written instructions applicable to TNC Services
given by the Landside Operations Manager or a designated Port representative; Laws relating to
public safety, safe driving practices, seat belts, child seats, and drug testing; the Americans with
Disabilities Act (42 USC § 12101, et seq.), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29
USC § 701, et seq.), and Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, to the fullest extent
applicable; Laws relating to hazardous materials; Laws relating to transportation; and any
applicable CPUC decisions, as they may be amended or superseded from time to time, or court
decision relating to TNC requirements. Each TNC Permit Holder shall Indemnify the Port. The
TNC Permit Holder and each Driver shall observe any and all orders, directives, or conditions
issued, given, or imposed by the Director with respect to the use of roadways, driveways, curbs,
sidewalks, parking areas, TNC holding lots, and the Terminal Complex in the Airport. The TNC
Permit Holder and each TNC Driver shall also obey all traffic directions given by Airport
personnel during times of construction.
TNC Permit Application and Renewals
Term and Renewal
TNC Permits shall be valid upon issuance by the Port and shall expire at the end of the
Permit Period for TNCs, unless terminated earlier under these Rules and Regulations. TNC
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Permits cannot be automatically renewed. TNC Permits shall be renewed according to the renewal
procedures established by the Landside Operations Manager.
Designated Operating Areas
All TNC Permit Holders shall strictly comply with, and shall ensure that all of its TNC
Drivers strictly comply with, the following requirements, which are in addition to all other
applicable requirements under these Rules and Regulations.
TNC Drivers shall perform TNC Services only on the roadways, curbs, and other areas
specifically designated by the Assistant Director from time to time. With the permission of a
traffic control officer, TNC Vehicles may load or unload at the Terminal Complex first curb
when loading or unloading disabled passengers (including disabled persons and disabled
veterans as defined in the California Vehicle Code).
The TNC Permit Holder shall demonstrate to the Port that the TNC Permit Holder has
incorporated a virtual perimeter of the TNC Airport Property (the “Geo-Fence”), as approved by
the Port, into the TNC Mobile App to be used to track and report the monthly activity of TNC
Drivers at the Airport.
Upon the Port’s request, the TNC Permit Holder shall also create one or more
additional virtual perimeters within the Geo-Fence for the purpose of allowing the Port to
obtain and analyze a subset of data relating to TNC Services. The TNC Permit Holder, at
no expense to the Port, shall provide access to such data to the Port.
Excluded TNC Drivers
Upon notification from the Port, the TNC Permit Holder shall immediately ensure that any
Excluded TNC Drivers (i.e., individuals identified by the Port for exclusion from providing TNC
Services on TNC Airport Property because of prior violations of these Rules and Regulations) do
not have the ability to use the TNC Mobile App to provide TNC Services on TNC Airport Property.
Drivers operating under an Airport Permit or Airport Taxi Permit are not authorized to
operate under a TNC Permit at the Airport.
Federal, State and Local Laws
The Permit Holder and each Driver shall observe all applicable laws, ordinances, statutes,
rules, regulations, or orders of any governmental authority (whether federal, state, or local),
including (without limitation, as applicable, and as may be amended): the Americans with
Disabilities Act (42 USC § 12101, et seq.), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29
USC § 701, et seq.), the California Vehicle Code, Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations,
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and Chapter 10.56 of the City Municipal Code (“Airport Ground Traffic Regulations”), and the
City’s requirements for holding Fleet Management Permits and Operating Permits (as such terms
are defined in the City Municipal Code).Loading/Unloading of Passengers
Loading/Unloading of Passengers
No Ground Transportation Driver may pick up or discharge passengers or their luggage at
any location other than the Designated Ground Transportation Area. No Taxicab Driver may
pick up or discharge passengers or their luggage at any location other than those designated by the
Landside Operations Manager for such purpose.
Major Refusal to Convey Fares
Driver refuses to convey a short fare or any other fare by leaving the Designated Taxicab
Pick Up Area and returning to work within forty-eight hours.
Vehicle Inspection
The Landside Operations Manager shall have the right (but not the obligation) to inspect
any Ground Transportation Vehicle or Taxicab at any time to determine if they comply with the
requirements contained in these Rules and Regulations. A Permit Holder must correct any
deficiency noted in the Vehicle inspection checklist issued by the Landside Operations Manager
by the date specified in the checklist. No Ground Transportation Vehicle or Taxicab will be
considered to have “passed” any inspection until all deficiencies have been corrected and the
Ground Transportation Vehicle or Taxicab has been satisfactorily re-inspected by the Landside
Operations Manager. If the Landside Operations Manager determines that a Ground
Transportation Vehicle or Taxicab is in an unsafe or unsanitary condition or does not otherwise
comply with these Rules and Regulations, the Permit Holder shall not operate such Ground
Transportation Vehicle or Taxicab at the Airport until the Permit Holder has corrected the unsafe
or unsanitary condition and is otherwise in compliance with these Rules and Regulations.
Off-Site GT Vehicle Inspections
The revised Rules and Regulations allows for optional Off-site GT vehicle inspections.
Accordingly, the Landside Operations Manager shall have the sole discretion to allow
Ground Transportation Vehicles or Taxicabs to be inspected at a location outside the
Airport, provided, however, that such inspections shall require prepayment of applicable
fees in the amounts set forth in Appendix A (Airport Master Fee Schedule).
Starters for Taxicabs
The Landside Operations Manager shall determine the number of Starters necessary
to provide sufficient services to passengers at all times when there is any flight activity at the
Terminal Complex.
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Professional Standards
All Drivers (Ground Transportation Vehicle and Taxicab) shall, at all times while on duty,
perform operations in a courteous, sanitary, and helpful manner while dealing with passengers
and the public.
“Professional Standards” substitutes GT and Taxi operator “General Appearance” and
“Hygiene” requirements.
Annual Fees Payable by Partially Exempt Qualified Operator and Exempt Qualified
The revised Rules and Regulations establishes the following transitional steps from
Partially Exempt Qualified Operators (those making 60 or fewer trips/year) to Exempt Qualified
Operators (those making 120 or fewer trips/year) to a Qualified Operator.
Each Partially Exempt Qualified Operator and Exempt Qualified Operator shall pay the
Airport a Partially Exempt Qualified Operator Annual Fee and Exempt Qualified Operator Annual
Fee in the amounts set forth in Appendix A (Airport Master Fee Schedule). These fees shall be
deemed paid on the Airport’s receipt of the Airport Permit Application Fee payable by the Partially
Exempt Qualified Operator or Exempt Qualified Operator, respectively, pursuant to Section 8.1(d).
Each Partially Exempt Qualified Operator that makes more than 60 trips shall be treated as
an Exempt Qualified Operator and be obligated to pay all fees (including the full application
fee) required of an Exempt Qualified Operator. Each Exempt Qualified Operator that
makes more than 120 trips shall be treated as a Qualified Operator and be obligated to pay
all fees (including the full application fee) and security deposit required of a Qualified
Operator. In addition, the Landside Operations Manager may require that Partially Exempt
Operators and/or Exempt Qualified Operators provide valid credit card information with
the application required in Section 8.1 and maintain such credit card information so that
such credit cards may be used by the Airport to pay for all amounts owed under these Rules
and Regulations, including payment of application fees, security deposits, and/or trip fees.
Payment of Ground Transportation Fees
The revised Rules and Regulations includes modifications to the methods for payment of
Ground Transportation fees to include online automated payments using the Port’s GTMS
Each Door-to-Door Reservation Shuttle, Scheduled or Charter Shuttle Operator, Door-to-
Door On-Demand Shuttle, Limousine, and Courtesy Vehicle Permit Holder (other than any
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Partially Exempt Qualified Operator or Exempt Qualified Operator) shall timely pay the Port for
the total aggregate per trip fees, use fees, and dwell time fees according to the methods
determined by the Landside Operations Manager consistent with these Rules and
Regulations. Fees on Ground Transportation Vehicles owned and operated by Sub Carriers shall
be payable by the holder of the PSC Permit with whom the Sub Carrier has a contract to operate
under the Commission certificate of that PSC Permit.
The methods for payment of fees may include, without limitation, monthly billing that
is owed within ten (10) days of receipt of invoice, pre-payment of fees from which amounts
are deducted, and/or the creation and maintenance of an account and payment method with
a designated online payment or other system as approved by the Landside Operations
Manager. Failure to comply with any such methods for payment of fees determined by the
Landside Operations Manager shall constitute a violation of these Rules and Regulations
enforceable under Appendix K (Ground Transportation Violation Tables).
Each Taxicab Driver wishing to pick up a fare at the Airport shall purchase Vouchers for
the payment of per trip fees from the Landside Operations Office. Vouchers shall be paid for in
cash, by credit card, or by utilizing an electronic debit card. Each time a Taxicab Driver picks up
a passenger at a Starter Location, the Taxicab Driver will present a Voucher in the amount of the
trip fee to the Starter. A Starter may not accept cash in payment of a trip fee, and a Taxicab
Driver’s attempt to pay a Starter in cash will constitute a violation of these Rules and Regulations
and may result in the Port’s immediate cancellation of the Airport Taxi Permit for the Taxicab the
Taxicab Driver was operating at the time of the incident. The Port reserves the right to require the
Taxicab Driver to pay per trip fees by utilizing an alternative system to Vouchers, including,
without limitation, an electronic debit card system or similar system through which fees are
pre-paid and amounts are deducted and/or the creation and maintenance of an account and
payment method with a designated online payment or system. Failure to comply with any
such methods for payment of fees determined by the Landside Operations Manager shall
constitute a violation of these Rules and Regulations enforceable under Appendix K (Ground
Transportation Violation Tables).
8.1(d) Airport Permit Application Fee
Qualified Operator Applying for Temporary Operating Permit: $25
8.5(d) Off-Site Vehicle Inspection Fee
Inspection Fee for Site 30 Miles or Less: $805
Inspection Fee for Site Over 30 Miles: $1,525
Fee for Inspections Cancelled Without At Least Two (2) Business Days’ Written Notice:
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(GT.1) Violation of Sections 8.6 (a) – (c), regarding Professional Standards, English
language, and driver identification.
(GT.19) Operating under more than one permit (Section 8.1(b)).
(GT.20) Failure to provide or maintain required methods of payment (Section 8.7(b)-(c)).
(GT.2119) Any other failure to adhere to Article 8 (low level of severity).