Copyright © 2021, author, e-ISSN 2580-0280
e-ISSN 2580-
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Universitas Airlangga
Volume 5 Issue 2
November 2021
Analisis Deiksis Lirik Lagu “Best Song Ever” One Direction
Khafidoh Hidayati
Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo
Abstrak: Lagu “Best Song Ever” karya grup vokal One Direction merupakan lagu yang bergenre
pop yang cukup terkenal. lagu ini awalnya dipopulerkan di London, Inggris pada tahun 2013.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi deiksis yang terdapat dalam
lagu “Best Song Ever” karya One Direction. Subjek yang digunakan penelitian dari penelitian ini
adalah lirik lagu “Best Song Ever” oleh One Direction. Peneliti menganalisis dan mengkaji setiap
syair lirik dalam lagu “Best Song Ever” karya One Direction untuk mempermudah dalam
melakukan pengambilan sampel lirik terhadap deiksis dalam lagu. nantinya hasil data deiksis
dalam lirik lagu “Best Song Ever” oleh One Direction akan ditinjau ulang guna mengidentifikasi
lanjut serta mengategorikan jenis deiksis, kajian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan luaran
hasil analisis yang realistis. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis telah menganalisis sebuah lagu yang
berjudul “Best Song Ever by One Direction” dan menemukan beberapa jenis kesalahan deiksis
yang sering muncul pada setiap bait lirik lagu tersebut, yaitu deiksis persona dan deiksis
temporal/waktu. Deiksis yang dominan dalam lirik lagu “Best Song Ever” karya One Direction
adalah deiksis persona.
Kata Kunci: Analisis, Deiksis, Lirik lagu
Abstract: The “best song ever” by the vocal group One Direction is a popular pop genre song.
This song was originally popularized in London, England in 2013. This study aims to analyze and
identify the deixis contained in the song "Best Song Ever" by One Direction. The subject of this
research is the lyrics of the song "Best Song Ever" by One Direction. The researcher analyzes and
examines each lyric in the song "Best Song Ever" by One Direction to make it easier to sample
the lyrics of the deixis in the song. Later, the results of the deixis data in the song "Best Song Ever"
by One Direction will be reviewed to further identify and categorize the types of deixis; this study
Naskah Dikirim: 28 Februari 2022; Direvisi: 25 Mei 2022; Diterima: 25 Mei 2022
How to cite (in APA style):
Hidayati, K. (2021). An Analysis of Deixis to Song Lyrics “Best Song Ever” by One
Direction. Etnolingual, 5(2), 152—158. https://doi/ 10.20473/etno.v4i2.34016
Copyright © 2021, author, e-ISSN 2580-0280
Hidayati, K. (2021). Analysis of Deixis….
uses a qualitative method with realistic analysis results. In this study, the author has analyzed a
song entitled "Best Song Ever by One Direction" and found several types of deixis errors that
often appear in each verse of the song's lyrics, namely persona deixis and temporal/time deixis.
The dominant deixis in the lyrics of the song "Best Song Ever" by One Direction is the persona
Keywords: analyze, deixis, song lyric
The song is one form of expression to communicate beautifully. Through songs, a person
can express his feelings indirectly to others. The song is also considered an art of
communication to express feelings, emotions, feelings, etc. In communicating, humans
do not only use writing or just speaking, communicating through songs is one way that
can give a person peace of mind because they can express or vent their hearts through the
beautiful stanzas of words that are rhythmic and pitched.
According to Yen-yen, Iman (2020), and Saarikalio (2010), music can affect mood
and behavior. Most music is important to people's lives because it can bring joy and mood
to help people create a beautiful atmosphere. Music has a relationship between the lyrics
and the meaning of the song because music has a specific meaning to the listener and
depends on the meaning of the lyrics related to the listener's experience. Poetry is an
expression that people have about what they have experienced, heard, or seen through the
lyrics of a song. The experience presented through expression is of interest to the listener,
with the characteristics of the songwriter using the game world and language.
Yen-yen, Iman (2020) quoting from Santoso, et al (2014) Language functions like
a personal work of language, that is the speaker states the attitude towards what is
presented. Language is the meaning of context that processes studies to know the meaning
of the text through study pragmatics. Pragmatics is the learning aspect of contextual
meaning from the language that uses it. However, it depends on the speakers, listeners,
and other things in the context of speech.
According to Aas, and Acep (2019), deixis is everyday communication and text,
such as short stories and speech. Language utterances often use Deiki to indicate the state
of a persona. Space and time. The jargon (from Greek) Yule (1996) supports this best.
The basics we do in language. For example, in the sentence "I love him". The pronouns
"I" and "he" can only be understood in the context of speech. The only known expression
in the context of the speech is called deixis. This supports Diesel’s (2012) saying so Audio
events are conceptualized from a different angle. In short, you refer to different entities
when used by different speakers, like me and you here and there. The purpose of this
study is to analyze and identify the deixis contained in the song "Best Song Ever" by One
Copyright © 2021, author, e-ISSN 2580-0280
Hidayati, K. (2021). Analysis of Deixis….
The result of the research is expected to be useful as a learning reference regarding
deixis in the song “Best Song Ever” by One Direction and can be useful for sharpening
knowledge about deixis in a song lyric.
There have been many related studies on this research, some of which are research by
Nguyen (2020) with the journal-title An Analysis of Deixis to Song Lyrics “My Heart
Will Go on” by Celine Dion” Deixis refers to words and phrases, such as “me” or “here”
that cannot fully understand without additional contextual information or deixis that point
to the time, place, or situation in which a speaker is speaking. Deixis is used in most
conversations or writing of literary works such as the writing of song lyrics. At this time,
the researchers are interested in analyzing how many deixis such as personal deixis, place
deixis, and time deixis are used in the lyric’s song by Celine Dion. Lyrics of a song are
the same as poetry because the song is a poem sung. In this research, the researchers used
Celine Dion ‘s lyrics and analyzed every single word. The problem raised in this research
was What kinds of deixis were found in the lyrics of the song “My Heart Will Go On'' by
Celine Dion. Some theories were used in this research namely Bouk (2016), Brown and
Yule (1983), Peccei (1999), and Yule (1996). Qualitative research was conducted in this
research with the source data taken from the lyrics of the song. The lyrics were analyzed
using the theories and to be classified into the types of deixis based on the theories
provided. After analyzing the data, the researchers found that there were three parts of
deixis depicted in the lyric’s song, namely: Personal deixis, Spatial deixis, and Temporal
A Deixis Analysis of Song Lyrics in Calum Scott’s “You Are the Reason''. Elsaria
Sitorus dan Herman. 2019. This research is entitled A DEIXIS ANALYSIS OF SONG
LYRICS IN CALUM SCOTT “YOU ARE THE REASON”. The mini-research aims to
analyze the kinds of deixis and the dominant deixis in the song lyrics “you are the reason”
by Calum Scott. The discussion began by taking the lyric “you are the reason” as the most
popular song at this time. Deixis comes from classical Greek deiknunai. It means to show
or point out which is used to denote those elements in the utterance which form directly
to the situation. The study in this paper is concerned with how the researcher explains the
kinds of deixis and the dominant deixis used in this lyric. Qualitative research was used
as the method of the research. The data used to complete this study is song lyrics. From
the data analysis taken from this lyric song, the researcher found that there are 67 words
including kinds of deixis in this song. From the data analysis, the researcher found there
are three kinds of deixis, they are Person deixis is used to point to objects (it, these, those
Copyright © 2021, author, e-ISSN 2580-0280
Hidayati, K. (2021). Analysis of Deixis….
books), all pronouns (I, you, we), possessives (your, our, they’re), Spatial deixis used to
point to a location (here, there, close to). Temporal indexical is expressed in time
adverbials like “now, soon, lately, recently, ago, today, tomorrow, yesterday” and the last
is Temporal deixis used to point to a time (now, then, next week, last month). Finally, the
researcher hopes this research will be useful to sharpen the reader in understanding deixis.
The advantage of this research compared to previous research is that it uses the
subject of songs from One Direction which did not exist in previous studies. This study
focuses more on two types of deixis, namely person deixis and temporal deixis, but the
type of person deixis is more dominant. Because the language used in the lyrics of the
song is very easy to understand, it is easy to classify the deixis in the research.
Song lyrics “Best Song Ever” by One Direction because in previous research no one has
examined the deixis in the lyrics of the song "Best Song Ever" by One Direction. The
writer collected deixis in song lyrics Best Song Ever” by One Direction, the writer
analyzed the deixis of the data that had been collected using qualitative research methods.
After analyzing the data that has been obtained, the researcher has found the deixis
contained in the song entitled “Best Song Ever” by One Direction. In this study, the
researcher used several steps, as follows: first, the researcher transcribed the song lyrics;
second, the researcher classified the deixis contained in the song into several types
including person deixis, temporal deixis; This can be proven by the details of the tables
Table 1. Deixis Analysis
NO Lyric of song Types of deixis
Maybe it's the way she walked (wow)
Straight into my heart and stole it
Through the doors and past the guards (wow)
Just like she already owned it
She (second person deixis), my (first
person deixis), past (temporal deixis)
I said, "can you give it back to me?"
She said, "never in your wildest dreams"
I (first person deixis), you (second person
deixis), she (second person deixis)
Copyright © 2021, author, e-ISSN 2580-0280
Hidayati, K. (2021). Analysis of Deixis….
And we danced all night to the best song ever
We knew every line, now I can't remember
How it goes but I know that I won't forget her
Cause we danced all night to the best song ever
We (first-person deixis), night (temporal
deixis), now (temporal deixis), I (first
person deixis)
I think it went oh, oh, oh
I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah
I think it goes (ooh)
I (first person deixis)
Said her name was Georgia Rose (wow)
And her daddy was a dentist
Said I had a dirty mouth (I got a dirty mouth)
But she kissed me like she meant it
Her (second person deixis), I (first person
deixis), she (second person deixis)
I said, "can I take you home with me?"
She said, "never in your wildest dreams"
I (first person deixis), you (second person
deixis), she (second person deixis), your
(second person deixis)
And we danced all night to the best song ever
We knew every line, now I can't remember
How it goes but I know that I won't forget her
Cause we danced all night to the best song ever
We (first-person deixis), night (temporal
deixis), now (temporal deixis), I (first
person deixis)
I think it went oh, oh, oh
I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah
I think it goes (ooh)
I (first person deixis)
You know, I know, you know I'll remember you
And I know, you know, I know you'll remember
And you know, I know, you know I'll remember
And I know, you know, I hope you'll remember
How we danced, how we danced (one, two, one,
two, three)
You (second person deixis), I (first person
deixis), me (first person deixis), we (first
person deixis)
And we danced all night to the best song ever
We knew every line, now I can't remember
How it goes but I know that I won't forget her
Cause we danced all night to the best song ever
We (first-person deixis), night (temporal
deixis), now (temporal deixis), I (first
person deixis)
I think it went oh, oh, oh
I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah
I (first person deixis)
Copyright © 2021, author, e-ISSN 2580-0280
Hidayati, K. (2021). Analysis of Deixis….
I think it goes (ooh)
Best song ever
It was the best song ever
It was the best song ever
It was the best song ever
Based on the table above, the author has classified the types of deixis contained in the
song “Best Song Ever” by One Direction. With these groupings, the author can easily
analyze the types of deixis that exist.
According to Fitriani, the first-person pronoun is a reference to the speaker himself.
In other words, the first-person pronoun refers to the speaker. Personal pronouns can be
divided into two parts: singular and plural. The singular pronouns come in several forms,
such as me. Plural pronouns, on the other hand, have several forms: we, us, and ours.
The indication of the results of the deixis research on the song is the use of words that
are light and easy to understand. Then the song uses more personal deixis and temporal
deixis, but more personal deixis appears because the song tells the story of someone who
falls in love at first sight through a first-person perspective. In the previous study, the first
song entitled "My Heart Will Go On" used a lot of person deixis, which means that in the
text it explains or shows that the song refers to the person being spoken of in the song.
Meanwhile, the second song entitled "You are The Reason" still uses more personal
deixis, which means that the song explains the meaning that refers to the person being
spoken of in the song.
It can be interpreted that these songs use more personal deixis because the theme of
the song talks about a person or describes someone who is being talked about and refers
to the inclusive or plural form.
In this study, the author has analyzed a song entitled “Best Song Ever” by One Direction
and found several types of deixis that often appear in each verse of the song's lyrics,
namely person deixis and temporal/time deixis using qualitative research methods. The
dominant deixis in the lyric song “Best Song Ever” by One Direction is person deixis. It
means that the song can help as a medium to learn about several types of deixis such as
personal deixis and temporal deixis which are widely found in the song.
Asmarita, A., & Haryudin, A. (2019). An Analysis Deixis in Ridwan Kamil’S Speech At
Copyright © 2021, author, e-ISSN 2580-0280
Hidayati, K. (2021). Analysis of Deixis….
the Asia Africa Conference (Kaa). PROJECT (Professional Journal of English
Education), 2(5), 622.
Natalia, Y. Y., & Santoso, I. (2020). Person Deixis and Spatial Deixis of King Dangdut
By Rhoma Irama Songs. PROJECT (Professional Journal of English Education),
3(3), 348.
Sitorus, E. (2019). A Deixis Analysis of Song Lyrics in Calum Scott “You Are the
Reason.” International Journal of Science and Qualitative Analysis, 5(1), 24.
Van Thao, N., & Herman, N. (2020). An Analysis of Deixis to Song Lyrics “My Heart
Will Go on” by Celine Dion. Communication and Linguistics Studies, 6(2), 23.
Sunjani, Riki. (2012, 19 Desember). All About Pragmatics. Youth Hand Success.