Kindness in the Classroom® Caring
3rd Grade Lesson 2
Caring Comic
This lesson focuses on caring through helpfulness and gratitude. Small groups will
create a comic strip illustrating both of these concepts as they have observed them in
the classroom. Students will have access to both paper-based and online comic strip
templates/generators to assist them.
Caring Sub-Concept(s)
Caring, Helpfulness, Gratitude, Kindness
Lesson Timeframe
45 minutes
Required Materials
Comic Strip Template
Basic art supplies
Optional: Computers and Internet
Comic Strip Generator:
Standards Map
This lesson aligns with CASEL
Competencies, National Health
Education Standards, and Common
Core State Standards. Please refer to
the Standards Map for more information.
See last page for details.
Lesson Objective
Students will:
Explain how each person’s helpfulness contributes to the efficient
Illustrate how to show gratitude for the helpful actions of others.
Create a comic strip documenting a helpful deed and the subsequent
gratitude it evokes.
Teacher Connection/Self-Care
Helpfulness. The word alone can bring both positive and negative images to
mind. Are you the type to help with everything? Or are you one that avoids
helping because you can’t seem to find the time? Finding a balance when it
comes to helpfulness is vital for self preservation in this profession.
Establishing and maintaining clear boundaries with your team, your school,
and yes, even your own family will help you better organize your time, thus
allowing you to either pair down on the help you are providing or find time to
actually pitch in on more occasions. Helpfulness is a terrific character trait, but
can often be over-expected with teachers. Speak up when you are taxed. No
one likes a grumpy helper! Need ideas on HOW to say no? Check out this
Tips for Diverse Learners
Create diverse small groups of 3-4 to increase participation.
Assign tasks within each group that allow students to use their
natural skill set.
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3-5 minutes
Have everyone take out their affirmation stones. Use the following to guide a
Raise your hand if you have a picture of an animal on your stone.
Stand up if you have at least one picture of a special place on your
Squat down if you have a feeling word on your stone.
If you could add one extra word or phrase on your affirmation stone
what would it be? Why?
Are there any words or pictures on your stone that show people
helping? Tell me about it!
If you could add a picture of someone who helps you, who would it be
and why?
5-7 minutes
Explain that helpfulness can mean helping others without being asked and
without expecting anything in return. When you pitch in and help out, you are
caring for others. Your kind words and respectful actions show helpfulness
and inspire others to want to be around you. It does not take much effort to be
When others are helpful or caring to us we can feel a sense of gratitude or
thankfulness. We are grateful for their kind words, caring actions, and
generous offers of help. They have helped make our day a little easier or
happier and we are thankful for all they do. What is one thing you are grateful
for here at school? What is one thing you are grateful for at home? Did you
show gratitude for these things by telling your friend or family member how
happy they made you feel?
How do we show Helpfulness and Gratitude in our classroom?
10 minutes
Create a T-chart on a large piece of paper or whiteboard. Write the headings
HELPFULNESS and GRATITUDE on either side. Starting on the Helpfulness
side, ask for examples of ways students can help others in the class. After
each helpful example, have the class brainstorm a way to show gratitude for
that kind action. Encourage the class to come up with a different form of
gratitude after each example of helpfulness. How can we show caring and
help others at home and school?
Write the answers down and hang the chart up for use during the comic
strip activity.
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30 minutes
Explain that the class will break up into small groups to create a comic strip
that incorporates both acts of helpfulness and responses of gratitude. Refer to
the T-chart if groups are struggling to come up with a story for their comic
If using the paper-based comic strip format, see below for the
template. Explain that comics go from left to right, top to bottom. Both
words and illustrations are needed in each section. Each group must
use at least 4 boxes to explain their scenario.
If desired, you can combine this activity with your computer time and
incorporate the following comic strip generator as a technology
based option.
5-7 minutes
Have every group share their comic strip with the class. NOTE: it is important
to expect some duplication at this age and given the large classroom setting.
Encourage all students to present and explain, even if another group has
already discussed their option. They may have a different explanation on
HOW helpfulness and gratitude are expressed.
Extension Ideas
At Home Extension: Send home a blank comic strip template for
students to complete with their families, focusing on how helpfulness
and gratitude are demonstrated at their house. Read them aloud with
the class as they come back to school.
RAK Notebook Prompt (See RAK Notebook Project in the Respect unit for
more details):
You will need upbeat music for this extension.
Write down the word GRATITUDE at the top of your paper. As your
teacher plays upbeat music, allow yourself to free draw/write what
you think of when you hear the word gratitude.
The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) has been
reviewing evidence-based SEL programs since 2003. Kindness in the Classroom® meets
CASEL’s SELect Program and is included in the CASEL Guide to Effective Social and
Emotional Learning Programs.
Kindness in the Classroom® met or exceeded all of CASEL's criteria for high-quality SEL
programming. Kindness in the Classroom® received CASEL’s highest designation for
high-quality SEL programming.
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