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2023 1065 Partnership/LLC Income Tax Return Engagement Letter
This letter confirms the services you have asked ABLRE TAX to perform and the terms under which we have
agreed to do that work. Please read this letter carefully because it is important to both ABLRE TAX and you that
you understand what you can and cannot expect from our work.
This engagement letter represents the entire agreement regarding the services described herein and supersedes
all prior negotiations, proposals, representations, or agreements, written or oral, regarding these services. The
Internal Revenue Service imposes penalties on taxpayers, and on us as preparers, for failure to observe due care
in reporting for income tax returns. To ensure an understanding of our mutual responsibilities, we ask all clients
for whom we prepare tax returns to confirm the following arrangements.
Tax Preparer Responsibilities
1. We will prepare your 2023 federal and resident state income tax Form 1065 and related schedules from
information you furnish to us. Any other required services, forms or actions on our part require a
separate engagement letter. In the absence of such, our services will be limited to and governed by the
terms of this engagement letter. Our services are not intended to determine whether you have filing
requirements in taxing jurisdictions other than the one(s) stated.
2. We will perform a limited amount of bookkeeping and analysis necessary for the preparation of the tax
return. We will not audit, review, compile or otherwise verify the data you submit. We may ask you to
clarify some information. We will use our professional judgment in preparing your returns. Whenever
we are aware that a possibly applicable tax law is unclear or that there are conflicting interpretations of
the law by authorities (e.g., tax agencies and courts), we will explain the possible positions that may be
taken on your return. We will adopt whatever position you request on your return as long as it is
consistent with the codes, regulations and interpretations that have been promulgated. If the Internal
Revenue Service should later contest the position taken, there may be an assessment of additional tax
plus interest and penalties. We assume no liability for any such additional penalties or assessments.
3. We do not automatically file tax extensions. You must notify us in writing, email, or fax if you want us
to file an extension.
4. It is our policy to keep records related to this engagement for three years after which they are
destroyed. However, we do not keep any original client records. We will return them to you at the
completion of the services rendered under this engagement.
5. Tax preparation services conclude upon delivery of the completed income tax return. The preparation
fee does not include tax planning, advisory services, or responding to inquires or examination by
taxing authorities or third parties. These services are available and require a separate engagement and
incur additional fees.
6. Due to privacy laws, we are prohibited from providing confidential information or copies of tax returns
to anyone other than you without your specific written authorization. To comply with these regulations,
we will provide copies of tax returns to you either via a secure web portal or in paper form.
Taxpayer Responsibilities
1. You are responsible for providing information required for the preparation of complete and accurate
returns, including but not limited to Financial Statements, W-2s, 1099s, K1s, 1098s, 1095s, receipts, bank
statements, loan balances, and similar items, including business assets purchased, sold, or disposed of.
You also confirm you have filed all required W-2s, W-3s and 1099s. All provided forms will be returned
to you. It is your responsibility to maintain, in your records, the documentation necessary to support the
income/expense data used in the preparation of your tax returns. In the event that your return is
audited, you are responsible for verifying the items reported.
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2. We must receive your information by March 1st to complete your return in a timely manner.
Information received after that date may cause your return to be extended and completed after the
March 15
due date.
3. It is your responsibility to carefully examine and verify that the information in your completed tax
returns is true and accurate before signing them. ABLRE TAX is required to e-file returns upon receipt of
the signed Form 8879-PE and cannot hold signed returns.
4. All invoices are due and payable when the returns are completed. Fees must be paid before your tax
returns are delivered to you or e-filed for you.
5. US citizens and certain other individuals are required to report worldwide income on their tax returns. In
addition, there are reporting requirements for taxpayers who have a financial interest in or signature
authority over financial accounts located in a foreign country or with other foreign corporation
associations. By your signature below you accept responsibility for informing us of such relationships
and agree to provide us with all information necessary to prepare the appropriate form(s). We assume
no liability for penalties associated with the failure to file or untimely filing of any of these forms.
6. In 2021, Congress enacted a law that created a new beneficial ownership information (BOI) reporting
requirement. Starting January 2024, this report is required for many entities. Companies that are
required to report (reporting companies) include corporations, limited liability companies (LLCs),
companies that were created under state or tribal law, or foreign companies registered to do business in
the U.S. A separate report must be submitted for each registered entity. Any assistance by ABLRE TAX in
the preparation/filing of these BOI reports require a separate engagement and will incur additional fees.
Other Items
1. As a service to you, we may use a secure web portal. Your use of this portal is limited and must comply
with our standards of use. Your access to files maintained on the portal will be password protected and
limited to 30 days, after which the files will be electronically deleted. We use a 3
party service provider
that has established procedures and controls designed to protect client confidentiality and maintain
data security. While we use our best efforts to keep communications confidential, you recognize and
accept that we have no control over unauthorized interception once they have been sent. You consent
to our use of these devices during this engagement.
2. In connection with this engagement, we may communicate with you and others via email. As emails can
be intercepted and read, disclosed, or misdelivered, we specifically disclaim and waive any liability or
responsibility whatsoever for the interception or unintentional disclosure of emails. DO NOT SEND
3. In recognition of the relative risks and benefits of this agreement, you agree, to the fullest extent
permitted by law, to limit the liability of ABLRE TAX to you for any and all claims, costs, and damages of
any nature whatsoever not to exceed the total fee for services rendered under this agreement. Both
parties agree that there is a one-year limitation period to bring claim against ABLRE TAX for errors and
omissions. The one-year period commences upon the date of the tax professional’s signature on the tax
returns covered by this engagement letter.
We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Please sign and date this letter to acknowledge your
agreement and acceptance of your responsibilities and the terms of this engagement. It is our policy to
initiate services after we receive the executed engagement letter. If any provision of this agreement is
declared invalid or unenforceable, no other provision of this agreement is affected, and all other provisions
remain in full force and effect.
ABLRE TAX Associates
_________________________________________________ (Signature) ____________________(Date)
General Manager or LLC Member Manager