This letter is to inform you, the partnership and partnership representative (taxpayer), of the services we will provide to
you, and the responsibilities you have for preparation of your tax return.
Tax Return Preparation
We will prepare your 2020 Form 1065, U.S. Return of Partnership Income, and state tax return(s) based on
information you provide. Services for preparation of your return do not include auditing or verification of information
provided by you.
This engagement agreement does not include any audit or examination of your books or records. In the event your
return is audited, you will be responsible for verifying the items reported.
The tax return preparation fee does not include bookkeeping. Additional fees apply for these services.
• Fees charged for tax return preparation do not include audit representation or preparing materials to respond to
correspondence from taxing authorities.
• Preparation fees do cover limited assistance and consultation during the year.
• The engagement to prepare your 2020 tax return terminates upon delivery of your completed return and original
documents to you. Please store your supporting documents and copies of your tax returns in a secure place for at
least seven years. You may be assessed a fee if you request a copy in the future.
Taxpayer Responsibilities
You agree to provide us with an income statement, a balance sheet, a trial balance and other supporting data
necessary to prepare your tax return. If you receive additional information after we begin working on your return, you
will contact us immediately to ensure your completed tax returns contain all relevant information.
You affirm that all income expenses or other deduction amounts are accurate, and that you have all the required
supporting written records. In some cases, we will ask to review your documentation.
You must be able to provide written records of all items included on your return if audited by either
the IRS or state tax authority. We can provide guidance concerning what evidence is acceptable.
• You must review the return carefully before signing it to make sure the information is correct.
• Fees must be paid before your tax return is delivered to you or filed for you. If you terminate this engagement before
completion, you agree to pay a fee for work completed. A retainer may be required for preparation of returns.
By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and accepted your obligations and
responsibilities, and that you understand our responsibilities in preparing your tax returns as explained above.
Engagement Letter for Partnership Tax Return Preparation
Partnership Name, Partnership Representative, Title of Representative
Privacy Policy. The nature of our work requires us to collect certain nonpublic personal information about you from
various sources. We collect financial and personal information from application, worksheets, reporting statements,
and other forms, as well as interviews and conversations with our clients and affiliate. We may also review banking
and credit card information about our clients in the performance of receipt of payment. Under our policy, all information
we obtain about you will be provided by you or obtained with your permission.
Our firm has procedures and policies in place to protect our confidential information We restrict access to your
confidential information to those within our firm who need to kw in order to provide you with services. We will not
disclose your personal information to any third party without your express permission, except where required by law.
We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards in compliance with federal regulations that protect your
personal information from unauthorized access. Please contact us with any questions regarding our privacy policy.
nFocus Tax Service, LLC
Clearwater, FL 33761
Tel.: 727-483-6993