People Rely Less on Consumer Reviews for
Experiential than Material Purchases
An increasingly prevalent form of social influence occurs online where consumers
read reviews written by other consumers. Do people rely on consumer reviews differ-
ently when making experiential purchases (events to live through) versus when mak-
ing material purchases (objects to keep)? Though people often use consumer
reviews both when making experiential and material purchases, an analysis of more
than six million reviews on and four laboratory experiments reveal that
people are less likely to rely on consumer reviews for experiential purchases than for
material purchases. This effect is driven by beliefs that reviews are less reflective of
the purchase’s objective quality for experiences than for material goods. These find-
ings not only indicate how different types of purchases are influenced by word of
mouth, but also illuminate the psychological processes underlying shoppers’ reliance
on consumer reviews. Furthermore, as one of the first investigations into how people
choose among various experiential and material purchase options, these findings
suggest that people are less receptive to being told what to do than what to have.
Keywords: experiential purchases, material purchases, consumer reviews,
objective quality
n preparing for her first ski trip, this article’s first author
needs to book a hotel room and make restaurant reserva-
tions, and also get a camera and a pair of skis. While all of
these purchases will be instrumental to her enjoyment of
the trip, the former are more experiential (events to live
through), whereas the latter are more material (possessions
to keep). How might this difference in purchase type affect
her decision process? Will she rely on consumer reviews
equally when choosing a hotel and restaurants and when
choosing a camera and skis?
It is well known that people’s attitudes toward products,
services, and retailers are often shaped by others (Cialdini
and Goldstein 2004; Goldstein, Cialdini, and Griskevicius
2008), and an increasingly prevalent form of social influ-
ence occurs online where people read reviews written by
other consumers (Chen and Xie 2008; Keen 2008;
Mayzlin, Dover, and Chevalier 2012). Recent surveys re-
port that more than 90% of people read consumer reviews
before making a purchase (Marchant 2015), and two-thirds
of people trust opinions of anonymous online consumers
(Nielsen 2015). It is thus not surprising that consumer
reviews can have a considerable influence on product sales
Hengchen Dai is an assistant professor of management and organizations,
the UCLA Anderson School of Management, University of California, 110
Westwood Plaza, Suite A405, Los Angeles, CA, 90095 (hengchen.dai@; 310-206-2716); Cindy Chan is an assistant professor of mar-
keting, UTSC Department of Management and Rotman School of Management,
University of Toronto, 1095 Military Trail, Toronto, ON M1C 1A4, Canada
([email protected]; 416-978-1462); and Cassie Mogilner is an associate
professor of marketing, the UCLA Anderson School of Management, University
of California, 110 Westwood Plaza, Suite B515, Los Angeles, CA 90095
(; 310-794-7714). Correspondence: Hengchen
Dai. The authors thank Jeffrey Cai, Raghu Iyengar, Katherine Milkman, Katie
Shonk, and participants at the OPIM-DP lab at the Wharton School for their
helpful feedback on this article. The authors thank the Wharton Behavioral Lab,
the Anderson Behavioral Lab, Sheng Xu, Katie Wirtz, Sonia Fung, Kahini
Shah, Emily Short, and Mayoori Baskarasingham for their help with data collec-
tion. The authors thank Wharton Dean’s Research Fund, the Wharton Risk
Management and Decision Processes Center, Wharton’s Baker Retailing Center,
the UCLA Anderson School of Management, the Anderson Behavioral Lab,
Olin Business School, and the Department of Management at the University of
Toronto Scarborough for funding support. In addition to the fun from working
together on this project, the authors really appreciated the guidance gained from
consumer reviews to find the best quality ice cream makers available, as well as
the excuse to try out all their nearby ice cream shops to evaluate their goodness
for themselves! Supplementary materials are included in the web appendix ac-
companying the online version of this article.
Editors: Darren W. Dahl and Margaret C. Campbell
Associate Editor: Cait Lamberton
Advance Access publication September 10, 2019
The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Journal of Consumer Research, Inc.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected] Vol. 0 2019
DOI: 10.1093/jcr/ucz042
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(Chevalier and Mayzlin 2006; Godes and Mayzlin 2004;
Moe and Trusov 2011) and even stock prices (Tirunillai
and Tellis 2012). Given the increasing importance of con-
sumer reviews, it has become critical to understand the ex-
tent to which people rely on this source of information
across their various purchase decisions.
The current research compares experiential and material
purchases and tests how and why people rely on consumer
reviews differently when making these purchases. By
“reliance on consumer reviews,” we mean the extent to
which people find the consumer reviews they read useful
and are influenced by them. Although there are countless
review websites with endless numbers of consumer
reviews that shoppers can search for and read, not all of
these reviews are equally helpful to consumers in deciding
what to buy. Indeed, many shopping and review web-
sites—such as Amazon, Best Buy, Expedia, and
TripAdvisor—allow shoppers to vote whether the con-
sumer reviews on their site are helpful or not (Forman,
Ghose, and Wiesenfeld 2008; Yin, Bond, and Zhang 2014,
2017). This research examines whether the extent to which
people consider consumer reviews helpful differs depend-
ing on the type of purchase being made.
Though people often use consumer reviews both when
making experiential purchases and when making material
purchases, we find across an archival field study and four
laboratory experiments that people rely less on consumer
reviews for experiential purchases than for material pur-
chases. This is because people believe that assessments of
experiences (compared to material goods) are based less on
the purchase’s objective quality, which makes other con-
sumers’ reviews less helpful for their purchase decision.
These findings make important contributions to three
streams of literature. First, prior work comparing experien-
tial and material purchases has predominantly focused on
the post-purchase effects of experiences relative to material
possessions (see Gilovich, Kumar, and Jampol 2015a for a
review). Though newer work has begun focusing on pre-
purchase effects by examining when and why people might
choose one purchase type over the other (Goodman and
Lim 2018; Goodman, Malkoc, and Stephenson 2016;
Kumar and Gilovich 2015, 2016; Kumar, Killingsworth,
and Gilovich 2014; Pchelin and Howell 2014; Tully,
Hershfield, and Meyvis 2015), our work advances this lit-
erature by examining how the decision processes differ
when people are deciding what to buy within each pur-
chase type. Second, these findings inform the field’s under-
standing of how different types of purchases are influenced
by word of mouth (Berger 2014). By identifying beliefs
about objective quality as a key driver, this research further
illuminates the psychological processes underlying the per-
ceived usefulness of consumer reviews (Chen and Lurie
2013; de Langhe, Fernbach, and Lichtenstein 2016; Moore
2015; Yin et al. 2014, 2017). Third, building on new re-
search revealing that individuals vary in their beliefs about
the extent to which purchases are assessed based on objec-
tive quality (Spiller and Belogolova 2017), our findings
highlight that these beliefs also systematically vary across
different purchase types. Furthermore, we document an im-
portant implication of such beliefs by demonstrating their
impact on people’s reliance on consumer reviews.
Van Boven and Gilovich (2003) define experiential pur-
chases as “those made with the primary intention of acquir-
ing a life experience: an event or series of events that one
lives through” and material purchases as “those made with
the primary intention of acquiring a material good: a tangi-
ble object that is kept in one’s possession” (1194).
Although the two categories cannot always be precisely
separated, consumers share the intuition underlying this
classification and can readily place a purchase on the
experiential-material spectrum (Gilovich, Kumar, and
Jampol 2015b; Van Boven and Gilovich 2003).
To date, the research comparing experiential and mate-
rial purchases has largely focused on understanding the
consequences of these purchases, such as the happiness
(Van Boven and Gilovich 2003), satisfaction (Carter and
Gilovich 2010), gratitude (Walker, Kumar, and Gilovich
2016), and regret (Rosenzweig and Gilovich 2012) they
elicit, as well as their effect on interpersonal relationships
(Chan and Mogilner 2017). Research exploring the reasons
for these outcomes shows that compared to material pos-
sessions, experiential purchases are more closely tied to
one’s self-identity (Carter and Gilovich 2012), harder to
compare against forgone alternatives (Carter and Gilovich
2010), less interchangeable across options (Rosenzweig
and Gilovich 2012), subject to slower rates of hedonic ad-
aptation (Nicolao, Irwin, and Goodman 2009), more likely
to elicit intense emotions (Chan and Mogilner 2017), and
more often shared with others (Caprariello and Reis 2013;
Kumar and Gilovich 2015). For a review, see Gilovich
et al. (2015a).
More recently, research comparing experiential and ma-
terial purchases has begun examining differences that oc-
cur before a purchase is made. Researchers have found that
people derive greater utility from anticipating and talking
about future experiential purchases (Kumar et al. 2014;
Kumar and Gilovich 2015) and are therefore willing to
wait longer before consuming experiences than material
goods (Kumar and Gilovich 2016). Also, when deciding
between purchasing an experience versus a material good,
people prefer the material good when they feel financially
constrained (Tully et al. 2015), and they mistakenly fore-
cast that material goods are a better use of money (Pchelin
and Howell 2014). Further, people predict that material
goods will make better gifts (Goodman and Lim 2018), yet
Downloaded from by UCLA Digital Collections Services user on 20 February 2020
view experiences as better for celebrating special life
events (Goodman et al. 2016).
Though researchers have started to explore factors that
influence when and why people might decide to make one
type of purchase over the other, research has yet to exam-
ine differences that exist between experiential and material
purchases in terms of how people decide what option to
buy within a given purchase type. Our investigation con-
tributes by examining whether and why people are differ-
entially influenced by others when making an experiential
purchase versus a material purchase. We specifically ex-
amine the extent to which people rely on consumer reviews
when making these two types of purchases, as well as how
people’s beliefs about the basis of assessment play a key
Though price and personal taste can play a role, a key
factor that contributes to a consumer’s overall assessment
of a purchase option is its objective quality (Johansson,
Douglas, and Nonaka 1985; Zeithaml 1988). Quality-based
assessments reflect consumers’ judgments about a prod-
uct’s overall superiority (Zeithaml 1988), and this vertical
differentiation across products allows for options to be ob-
jectively ranked (de Langhe et al. 2016; Tirole 1988).
Spiller and Belogolova (2017) recently found that individu-
als vary considerably in their quality assessment beliefs
that is, their beliefs about the extent to which assessments
of a purchase are based on its objective quality. For in-
stance, when explaining their choice of one option over an-
other, some people are more likely to describe their chosen
option as being objectively better than the alternative and
to treat the superiority of their chosen option as a matter of
We propose that beyond differences across individuals
(Spiller and Belogolova 2017), quality assessment beliefs
may also differ across product domains—and in particular,
between experiential and material purchases. As an exam-
ple, people might believe that someone’s assessment of
their visit to a hot springs resort is based less on objective
quality than their assessment of a new hot tub. This is be-
cause hot springs visits (experiential purchases) are harder
to compare than hot tubs (material purchases; Carter and
Gilovich 2010), and “evaluations of quality usually take
place in a comparison context” (Zeithaml 1988, 5). Unlike
material products that are manufactured to be identical
such that all consumers should get the same thing “out of
the box,” experiences are necessarily unique to a particular
time and person (Eliashberg and Sawhney 1994). Indeed,
the same hot springs will produce quite different experien-
ces for two consumers depending on such factors as the
weather that day and who else is there, whereas two
consumers who purchase the same model of hot tub will
own identical products that deliver the same level of per-
formance. Additionally, attributes of material goods tend
to be more objective and quantifiable, which helps con-
sumers compare options along a continuum from worst to
best, whereas attributes of experiential goods tend to be
more subjective, which makes them harder to compare
across options (Holbrook and Hirschman 1982). For exam-
ple, hot tubs are judged along such features as the speed of
heating up, the pressure level and number of jets, and the
durability of material—all dimensions along which the
options can be objectively ranked and compared. In con-
trast, hot spring resorts are typically judged on such fea-
tures as d
ecor, view, and service, which are subjectively
evaluated. Altogether, because experiences are less compa-
rable across consumers, time, and options than material
possessions (Carter and Gilovich 2010; Rosenzweig and
Gilovich 2012), and quality judgments rely on such compa-
rability for a relative ranking of options (de Langhe et al.
2016; Spiller and Belogolova 2017; Zeithaml 1988), we
propose that people believe another’s assessment of an ex-
periential purchase is based less on objective quality than
another’s assessment of a material purchase.
We conducted a pilot study to explore our proposed link
between experiential versus material purchase type and
quality assessment beliefs. We first compiled a list of 87
purchases culled from 16 published papers that compared
experiential and material purchases. We then presented
these purchases (e.g., beach vacation package, concert
ticket, digital camera, stereo system) to participants
recruited on Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) (N ¼ 263;
41% female, 2 unspecified; M
¼ 35.8). Each participant
saw a random subset of 10 purchases and rated the extent
to which each purchase was material or experiential (1 ¼
“primarily material,” 9 ¼ “primarily experiential”), as well
as the extent to which assessments of each purchase were a
matter of quality (1 ¼ “definitely not a matter of quality,”
9 ¼ “primarily a matter of quality”). We calculated the av-
erage material-experiential rating and the average quality
assessment beliefs rating for each purchase. The results
showed that the extent to which a purchase was viewed as
experiential (vs. material) was significantly and negatively
correlated with beliefs about its assessment as based on
quality (r ¼ –.27, p ¼ .01). That is, people viewed assess-
ments of experiential purchases as based less on objective
quality than material purchases. Similarly, when we cate-
gorized the purchases according to their treatment in the
prior papers (38 experiential purchases and 49 material
purchases), the results confirmed that people believed
assessments of experiential purchases to be based less on
objective quality (M ¼ 5.74, SD ¼ .93) than assessments of
material purchases (M ¼ 6.26, SD ¼ .97; t(85) ¼ 2.54, p ¼
.01, d ¼ .55). See web appendix A for the complete list of
papers and purchases, as well as the full survey and
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These results offer preliminary evidence to suggest that
compared to material purchases, people believe that experi-
ential purchases involve assessments that are less based on
objective quality. Next, we theorize why such differences
would influence people’s reliance on consumer reviews,
such that people rely less on consumer reviews for experi-
ential purchases than for material purchases.
People generally prefer advisors and are more willing to
use another’s behavior as a decision input when they be-
lieve the other’s judgment is objective rather than subjec-
tive (Gorenflo and Crano 1989; Olson, Ellis, and Zanna
1983; Spears, Ellemers, and Doosje 2009). For example,
males were more interested in knowing their peers’ ratings
of a female’s attractiveness when led to believe that beauty
is objective (vs. subjective; Olson et al. 1983). This ten-
dency to rely heavily on others’ objective judgments likely
translates into people’s tendency to rely more on consumer
reviews for purchases they believe to be assessed based on
objective quality.
Though people may search for and read reviews for a va-
riety of reasons, consumer reviews are useful to the extent
they help people predict what their own evaluations of an
option would be when (and if) consumed (Yaniv, Choshen-
Hillel, and Milyavsky 2011). Reviews that reflect the ob-
jective quality of an option are particularly predictive of
that option’s absolute value across consumers (Simonson
and Rosen 2014). Furthermore, when people believe there
to be less heterogeneity across people’s assessments of pur-
chase options, they expect others’ advice and reviews to be
more useful (Feick and Higie 1992; Price, Feick, and Higie
1989). Thus, people should be more likely to rely on con-
sumer reviews they perceive as based on objective quality.
Altogether, we hypothesize that compared to reviews for
material purchases, people believe reviews for experiential
purchases to be less based on the purchase’s objective
quality. We further hypothesize that this belief leads peo-
ple to rely less on consumer reviews for experiential pur-
chases than for material purchases.
We tested these hypotheses in five studies. In study 1,
we analyzed archival data of over six million consumer
reviews posted on and found that people
were less likely to rate reviews as helpful for purchases
that were more experiential (vs. material). We then repli-
cated this finding in a series of experiments where we ma-
nipulated participants’ consideration of a more experiential
or material purchase by instructing participants to identify
an experiential or material purchase they planned to make
(study 3), or choose between given experiential product
options (cooking classes in study 2; ice cream shops in
studies 4 and 5) or material product options (espresso
machines in study 2; ice cream makers in studies 4 and 5).
In these studies, we measured participants’ reliance on con-
sumer reviews that they actually found online (study 3) or
that we adapted from actual online consumer reviews
(studies 2, 4, and 5). We measured review reliance in mul-
tiple ways: participants’ ratings of review helpfulness
(study 3), selection of the option with a more favorable re-
view (study 2), and likelihood of changing their purchase
decision after reading a slightly negative review (studies 4
and 5). We tested for our proposed mechanism of quality
assessment beliefs through both measurement (studies 3
and 4) and manipulation (study 5) and found support for its
role in the effect of experiential (vs. material) purchase
type on review reliance. In each study, the target sample
size was determined in advance of conducting the study,
and all data exclusions and manipulations are reported. All
measures are listed either in the article or in the web
Study 1 examined whether people find consumer
reviews posted on to be less helpful for expe-
riential (vs. material) purchases. Amazon is one of the
world’s leading sources for consumer reviews (Ante 2009;
Hong 2015). For each review, people shopping on Amazon
are asked, “Was this review helpful to you?” to which they
can voluntarily respond “Yes” or “No.” For reviews that
have received at least one vote, Amazon displays both the
number of “Yes” votes and the number of total votes. Prior
research shows that Amazon reviews rated as more helpful
have a stronger influence on shoppers’ purchase decisions
than reviews rated as less helpful (Chen, Dhanasobhon,
and Smith 2008). In study 1, we analyzed whether shoppers
are less likely to assign a “helpful vote” to Amazon
reviews for experiential purchases than for material
Our data comprised consumer reviews posted on
Amazon between January 31, 2008, and December 31,
2012 (see web appendix B for details about the data source:
McAuley and Leskovec 2013). For each review, we gath-
ered the product name, product category, review title, re-
view date, review text, star rating (1–5 stars), the number
of shoppers who responded either “Yes” or “No” to the
question asking whether the review was helpful (hereafter,
total votes), and the number of shoppers who responded
“Yes” to indicate that the review was helpful (hereafter,
helpful votes). Following past research that analyzed the
helpfulness of online reviews, we operationalized the
Downloaded from by UCLA Digital Collections Services user on 20 February 2020
helpfulness of a review as the ratio of that review’s helpful
votes to its total votes in the main analysis, thus excluding
reviews that received zero total votes from the analysis
(Forman et al. 2008; Mudambi and Schuff 2010; Yin et al.
2014). The final data included 6,508,574 reviews written
about 997,845 products.
Review Helpfulness. The dependent variable equaled
the ratio of the number of helpful votes a review received
to the number of total votes it received (Forman et al.
2008; Mudambi and Schuff 2010; Yin et al. 2014). Helpful
votes exceeded total votes for 31 of the 6,508,574 reviews.
We assigned a ratio of 1 to these extremely rare cases of
data error, but the results were robust when we excluded
these reviews from the analysis.
Experiential (vs. Material) Rating. The primary inde-
pendent variable was the extent to which a given product
was experiential or material. Given that the data included
approximately one million different products, we assessed
the experiential (vs. material) rating of each product based
on its product category. To obtain these ratings, we
recruited 100 participants from MTurk to complete a prod-
uct survey in exchange for $.50 (see web appendix B for
the complete survey). We instructed participants to imag-
ine they were shopping on Amazon and presented them
with a list of 26 product categories (see table 1 for catego-
ries). These categories reflected Amazon’s 26 top-level
category labels (e.g., books, music, shoes), except for cases
that required additional description for clarity (e.g., we de-
scribed “Amazon instant videos” as “videos for stream-
ing”). After defining material and experiential purchases
(i.e., “material purchases provide something that a person
can keep in his/her possession, and experiential purchases
provide something that a person can do”; adapted from
Van Boven and Gilovich 2003), we asked participants to
rate the extent to which products in each category were
material or experiential (1 ¼ “purely material,” 9 ¼
“purely experiential”). Since interrater reliability was high
(intraclass correlation coefficient ¼ .98), we averaged par-
ticipants’ responses to form an experiential (vs. material)
rating for each product category.
Other Measures. We accounted for a number of other
factors that also might influence review helpfulness. First,
given that review helpfulness differs between hedonic
products (those purchased primarily for pleasure and fun)
and utilitarian products (those purchased primarily out of
necessity and for practical functions; Chu, Roh, and Park
2015; Moore 2015; Sen and Lerman 2007), we also asked
the product survey participants to rate the extent to which
products in each category were utilitarian or hedonic (1 ¼
“purely utilitarian,” 9 ¼ “purely hedonic”). Participants’
responses were averaged to form a hedonic rating for each
product category (intraclass correlation coefficient ¼ .99).
Second, because people might care more about their ex-
periential purchases than their material purchases (Nicolao
et al. 2009), which could influence their reliance on
reviews, we also asked the product survey participants to
rate how much they would care about their purchase de-
cision when shopping for a product in each of the 26
categories (1 ¼ “not at all,” 7 ¼ very much”).
Participants’ responses were averaged to form a caring
rating for each product category (intraclass correlation
coefficient ¼ .94).
Following past research (Mudambi and Schuff 2010;
Yin et al. 2014, 2017; Forman et al. 2008), we compiled a
number of other review characteristics that could influence
review helpfulness. Specifically, for each review, we in-
cluded the number of words in the text (review length), the
number of words in the title (title length), the star rating
given (star rating), the number of days between its posting
and the final date of data collection, March 4, 2013 (review
age), and the total number of reviews the product in ques-
tion had (including reviews with zero total votes and those
with at least one total vote; review availability).
Table 1, panel A, displays descriptive statistics for each
product category in terms of experiential (vs. material) rat-
ing, review helpfulness, and other aforementioned meas-
ures. Table 1, panel B, displays the summary statistics of
and correlations between these measures.
As a first pass, we conducted a category-level analysis
by calculating the average proportion of helpful votes
across all reviews within a given product category
(figure 1).
In general, shoppers voted reviews as helpful: on aver-
age across all purchase categories, Amazon reviews were
identified as helpful by 69% of shoppers who voted. The
highest percentage of helpful votes was in the jewelry cate-
gory (86%), and the lowest percentage was in the movies
and TV shows category (59%), which was still the majority
of shoppers who voted. More importantly, consistent with
our hypothesis, the experiential rating of a product cate-
gory was negatively correlated with the percentage of help-
ful votes that reviews in this product category received
(r ¼ –.69, p < .0001; N ¼ 26). This suggests that the more
experiential the product category, the less likely shoppers
were to view the consumer reviews as helpful.
For a more precise analysis, we next turned to Ordinary
Least Squares (OLS) regressions at the review level, with
review helpfulness as the dependent variable. Similar to
prior work that analyzed the helpfulness of Amazon
Downloaded from by UCLA Digital Collections Services user on 20 February 2020
Product category
(descriptions used
in our survey)
of helpful
(in days)
(number of
reviews per
Shoes 2.57 77.16% 3.78 5.29 76.89 3.82 4.01 899.03 15.49 103,048 16,131
Watches 2.58 79.09% 4.75 4.48 95.20 4.00 3.94 1080.63 10.33 16,276 3,046
Office products 2.62 80.19% 2.68 4.00 91.16 4.26 3.81 964.99 10.34 36,736 6,503
Jewelry 2.72 85.75% 7.34 4.57 59.46 3.37 4.01 1180.35 5.06 15,291 5,710
Electronics 2.84 75.61% 4.08 5.38 112.62 4.48 3.68 1169.31 17.45 286,203 33,817
Home and kitchen
products (house-
2.89 82.59% 3.01 4.82 101.34 4.18 3.76 992.87 15.69 313,685 35,210
Automotive (parts,
tools, or
2.95 78.79% 2.61 4.61 87.13 4.18 3.86 838.97 6.40 61,218 17,563
Pet supplies 3.02 83.35% 2.89 4.51 108.38 4.38 3.79 867.88 16.58 76,192 9,653
Patio, lawn, and gar-
den products
3.15 82.57% 3.95 4.13 99.60 4.14 3.82 931.41 10.74 48,355 7,862
Baby products 3.26 78.64% 2.61 4.33 118.95 4.44 3.67 1040.25 30.44 32,944 2,950
Tools and home
3.73 79.01% 2.61 4.66 101.67 4.26 3.82 930.73 8.94 113,799 21,707
Scientific, lab, and
industrial supplies
3.75 73.53% 2.87 4.06 54.00 4.55 4.44 703.66 5.94 42,471 11,757
Beauty products 3.88 79.27% 6.15 4.16 86.96 3.99 3.91 887.32 11.12 87,684 14,853
Clothing and
3.89 79.39% 5.72 6.09 78.65 3.93 3.88 892.01 12.40 156,288 27,315
Health and personal
4.66 78.97% 3.50 5.28 93.38 4.11 3.88 872.29 12.69 159,564 21,346
Grocery and gour-
met foods
4.74 78.87% 3.92 5.46 81.06 4.14 4.01 981.17 8.02 56,084 12,112
Books 4.95 67.34% 5.72 5.14 164.85 4.76 3.99 982.65 6.97 2,220,093 374,686
Musical instruments 4.95 79.34% 6.27 4.49 105.76 4.23 4.03 889.79 9.90 30,174 7,302
Toys and board
5.05 80.51% 7.32 4.32 91.21 4.25 3.87 1049.11 8.77 88,300 20,525
Software 5.18 72.79% 4.88 5.30 116.68 4.64 3.20 1372.30 6.87 11,050 2,407
Arts, crafts, and
5.20 84.23% 5.80 3.86 88.93 3.93 3.97 790.51 7.19 9,866 2,080
Sports and outdoors 5.78 79.29% 5.82 4.52 100.87 4.09 3.92 929.90 10.38 140,771 24,015
Video games 5.93 60.15% 7.90 5.28 147.97 4.65 3.59 1237.53 12.99 56,681 8,532
Music 6.64 69.78% 7.38 5.08 156.15 4.78 4.23 1144.76 4.99 503,410 170,374
Movies and TV
6.70 58.91% 7.87 5.36 153.68 4.76 3.92 975.10 20.91 1,612,171 122,120
Videos for
7.12 59.66% 7.90 4.92 161.61 4.83 3.70 915.30 19.68 230,220 18,269
All 4.26 68.58% 4.97 4.77 141.18 4.60 3.93 989.15 11.22 6,508,574 997,845
NOTE.—In Table 1, Panel A, for experiential, hedonic, and caring ratings that were originally collected at the category level, the last row reports the mean value
across 26 product categories. For review availability that was originally collected at the product level, the last row reports the mean value across all products. For
variables that were originally collected at the review level (including review helpfulness, review length, title length, star rating, and review age), the last row reports
the mean value across all reviews in the data. For the number of reviews and products, the last row reports the total number of reviews and products in the data.
In Table 1, Panel A, product categories are ordered by experiential ratings (1 ¼ “purely material,” 9 ¼ “purely experiential”).
Downloaded from by UCLA Digital Collections Services user on 20 February 2020
reviews (Forman et al. 2008), we relied on the following
OLS regression specification:
Review helpfulness
¼ a
þ b experiential rating
þ X
þ e
where i indexes the review, j indexes the product, k indexes
the product category, X
is the vector of control variables,
and e
is the error term. Since more than 40% of the prod-
ucts had more than one review in our final data and the er-
ror terms are not independent among consumer reviews for
the same product, we clustered standard errors at the prod-
uct level.
We began with a regression that did not include any con-
trol variables and simply used experiential rating to predict
review helpfulness. The results of this basic model sup-
ported our prediction and are reported in model 1 in
table 2. Reviews for more experiential purchases were less
likely to be rated as helpful than reviews for less
experiential purchases (B ¼ –.0480, SE ¼ .0004, p <
.001). More specifically, a one-point increase in the experi-
ential rating on the nine-point Likert scale was associated
with an average 4.8 percentage-point decrease in the pro-
portion of people who found a review helpful.
Next, we ran a full model including the control varia-
bles. Again, consistent with our hypothesis, the relation-
ship between experiential rating and review helpfulness
remained negative and significant (B ¼ –.0368, SE ¼
.0009, p < .001; model 2 in table 2). Specifically, a one-
point increase in the experiential rating was associated
with an average 3.7 percentage-point decrease in the pro-
portion of people who found a review helpful. Though the
various control variables could not fully explain the effect
of experiential (vs. material) purchases on review helpful-
ness, the regression results (model 2 in table 2) did support
past research in showing that reviews for more hedonic
products were viewed as less helpful (B ¼ –.0131, SE ¼
.0007, p < .001; Sen and Lerman 2007).
Robustness Checks. The results of the OLS regressions
(models 1 and 2 in table 2) remained unchanged in terms
of magnitude and statistical significance irrespective of
whether we (1) clustered standard errors at the product cat-
egory level, (2) estimated standard errors without cluster-
ing, (3) omitted the 31 reviews for which helpful votes
exceeded total votes, or (4) used Tobit regression models
(Mudambi and Schuff 2010; Yin et al. 2014).
We also modeled helpful votes as an alternative depen-
dent variable and controlled for total votes (Yin et al.
2017) using various regression specifications. Because
most reviews in our sample received few helpful votes and
a small number of reviews received thousands of helpful
votes, the alternative dependent measure, helpful votes
(mean ¼ 3.05, variance ¼ 538.28), exhibited overdisper-
sion (overdispersion parameter ¼ 1.35, p < .0001 for the
log-likelihood ratio test of the null hypothesis that the over-
dispersion parameter equals zero). Therefore, we ran stan-
dard negative binomial regression models (instead of
Home and kitchen products
Beauty products
Video games
Movies and TV
Videos for
Category–average proportion of
helpful votes
eriential ratin
roduct cate
Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Experiential rating 5.22 1.36
2. Review helpfulness 68.58% 39.26% –.1657*
3. Hedonic rating 6.02 1.65 .9184* –.1656*
4. Caring rating 5.12 .34 .3052* –.0967* .3685*
5. Review length (words) 141.18 187.65 .0998* .1259* .0951* .0503*
6. Title length (words) 4.60 2.96 .0633* .0730* .0579* .0277* .2814*
7. Star rating 3.93 1.42 .0321* .2681* .0260* .0012* .0016* –.0246*
8. Review age (in days) 989.15 536.75 .0124* .0352* .0280* .0258* .0326* .0284* .0413*
9. Review availability 163.40 375.58 .0044* –.0667* .0179* .0681* –.0035* –.0033* –.0244* –.0612*
NOTE.— Table 1, Panel B, reports the summary statistics of and raw correlation among the independent measure, dependent measure, and covariates at the
review level (without clustering standard errors). *p < .05.
Downloaded from by UCLA Digital Collections Services user on 20 February 2020
Poisson regressions). To reduce computational complexity,
we excluded consumer reviews whose total votes were
more than three standard deviations above the mean (i.e.,
more than 80 votes), which accounted for .3% of all
reviews in the final dataset.
Models 3 and 4 in table 2 re-
port the results of the negative binomial regressions, indi-
cating that reviews for more experiential purchases
received fewer helpful votes. Specifically, a one-point in-
crease in the experiential rating on the nine-point Likert
scale was associated with a decrease in the number of help-
ful votes by 6.33% (based on model 3; i.e., [e
100%) or 2.90% (based on model 4; i.e., [e
100%). We observed the same patterns when we used (1)
zero-inflated negative binomial regressions, (2) Tobit mod-
els with the left limit of the dependent variable set equal to
zero, and (3) OLS regressions with either helpful votes or
the log-transformed helpful votes as the dependent variable
(web appendix B).
Study 1 examined helpful votes provided by thousands
of actual Amazon shoppers for millions of real consumer
reviews. Although reviews were generally identified as
helpful across purchase categories, consistent with our hy-
pothesis, people were less likely to identify consumer
reviews as helpful for products deemed more experiential.
The results were robust to different model specifications
and data inclusion criteria.
Despite this study’s tremendous external validity, it has
several limitations that we sought to address in the subse-
quent experiments. First, the context of Amazon reviews
excludes the highly experiential purchases (e.g., restaurant
meals, event tickets, and vacations) that people typically
think of and that the literature comparing experiential and
material purchases has often examined. Even though there
was high variation in experiential ratings across Amazon’s
26 product categories (ranging from 2.57 to 7.12), 14 of
the categories were rated as clearly material (significantly
below the scale midpoint), whereas only five of the cate-
gories were rated as clearly experiential (significantly
above the scale midpoint). Thus, to include experiences
such as dining out and vacations, all of the remaining stud-
ies examined prototypical experiential and material pur-
chases. In particular, study 3 asked participants about an
experiential (or material) purchase they planned to make,
which allowed us to test our hypotheses across a broad
range of purchases—including the highly experiential pur-
chases that fill popular websites (e.g., Yelp and
Second, because it is impossible to know the number of
shoppers who read a review but did not provide a helpful
or unhelpful vote, we could not assess the true proportion
of readers who found a review helpful conditional on read-
ing the review. Notably, these results therefore reflect the
relationship between how experiential a purchase was and
the likelihood that shoppers gave a helpful vote conditional
on rating a review (as opposed to reading a review). In the
remaining studies, we use a variety of dependent measures
that more precisely capture the extent to which shoppers
find the reviews they read helpful and rely on the reviews
in their decision-making.
Another limitation of this archival field study is that de-
spite controlling for a number of alternative accounts, due
to the correlational nature of this data we were not able to
establish a causal relationship between purchase type and
review helpfulness. We thus conducted the subsequent
experiments to test the causal effect of experiential (vs.
material) purchases on people’s reliance on consumer
Dependent variable
Review helpfulness
measured by
proportion of helpful
votes (0%–100%)
by number of
helpful votes
Predictor variables
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Model 4
Experiential rating –.0480
(.0004) (.0009) (.0009) (.0024)
Hedonic rating –.0131
(.0007) (.0018)
Caring rating –.0488
(.0014) (.0037)
Review length .0003
(2.06e-06) (4.80e-06)
Title length .0073
(.0001) (.0001)
Star rating .0756
(.0008) (.0022)
Review age 1.40e-05
(1.28e-06) (3.56e-06)
Review availability –5.63e-05
(1.29e-05) (4.03e-05)
Number of total
(.0004) (.0004)
Observations 6,508,574 6,508,574 6,487,944 6,487,944
or pseudo R
.03 .14 .16 .18
Model specification OLS Negative binomial
These models exclude reviews whose total votes are more than three
standard deviations above the mean (because including these reviews with
rarely large total votes would cause the models to fail to converge).
Indicates significance at the .1% level. Standard errors are clustered at
the product level and are reported in parentheses.
1 When all reviews in our final dataset were included, the negative
binomial regression models were unable to converge. A careful exami-
nation suggested that the rare large values of helpful votes (maximum
¼ 32,208, mean ¼ 3.05) and total votes (maximum ¼ 32,506, mean ¼
4.75) were responsible.
Downloaded from by UCLA Digital Collections Services user on 20 February 2020
Study 2 experimentally tested whether people rely less
on consumer reviews for experiential purchases than for
material purchases. We assessed reliance on consumer
reviews by testing the influence of reviews among partici-
pants deciding between two experiential or two material
purchase options. We randomly varied which option within
each choice pair received a positive or negative review,
and predicted that participants deciding between the expe-
riential options would be less swayed to choose the posi-
tively reviewed option compared to participants deciding
between the material options. To make this a real choice,
we entered participants into a drawing, and winners re-
ceived their chosen option.
Participants. We recruited 212 university students to
complete this study. Since this research focuses on people
who are in the process of choosing what to buy, nine par-
ticipants who had previously consumed the products were
excluded from the analysis. Our analysis focuses on the
remaining 203 participants (50% female, M
¼ 20.4).
Purchase Type Manipulation. In this between-subjects
study, participants were presented with either two options
of cooking classes (experiential condition) or two options
of espresso machines (material condition) and asked to
choose which they would prefer. They were informed that
one in every 100 participants would be randomly selected
to receive their chosen option. All options were valued at
These purchases were selected based on a pretest
(N ¼ 172) showing that cooking classes and espresso
machines differed in how experiential (vs. material) they
were (1 ¼ “purely material,” 9 ¼ “purely experiential”;
¼ 6.44, SD ¼ 1.89 vs. M
4.42, SD ¼ 2.30; t(102) ¼ 4.89, p < .0001), but not in par-
ticipants’ caring, desire, or knowledge of these purchases
(all ps > .33).
Furthermore, study 1 found that material-
experiential ratings were positively correlated with
utilitarian-hedonic ratings (with experiences being viewed
as more hedonic) and that review helpfulness differed be-
tween hedonic and utilitarian products (as in past research;
Chu et al. 2015; Moore 2015; Sen and Lerman 2007).
Given these observations, we addressed the possibility that
the hedonic (vs. utilitarian) nature of the purchases might
explain the effect of experiential (vs. material) purchase
type by selecting a pair of purchases in which the
experiential purchase was not more hedonic than the mate-
rial purchase. A separate pretest (N ¼ 80) showed that a
cooking class was, in fact, viewed as less hedonic than an
espresso machine (1 ¼ “purely utilitarian,” 9 ¼ “purely
hedonic”; M
¼ 4.82, SD ¼ 1.47 vs.
¼ 6.41, SD ¼ 2.12; t(78) ¼ 3.89, p ¼
In the main study, for each of the two options, we pre-
sented participants with a picture and product description
(46–48 words, adapted from its online product information),
along with one consumer review. The two options within
each choice pair were presented side-by-side, with the order
randomized. See appendix A for the study stimuli.
Consumer Review Manipulation. Within each choice
pair, we randomly assigned a positive 5-star review to one
option and a more negative 3-star review to the other op-
tion, thereby counterbalancing which option received the
positive or negative review. These reviews were adapted
from real 5- and 3-star online consumer reviews for cook-
ing classes on Yelp and for espresso machines on Amazon.
We ensured that all reviews had the same length (83–85
words), and all reviews of the same valence had the same
structure (see appendix A). For example, positive 5-star
reviews in each condition had eight sentences, beginning
with the sentence “This is the best cooking class I have tak-
en [espresso machine I have owned],” and concluding with
the sentence “I would never have thought I could do it so
A pretest (N ¼ 120) confirmed that for both the cooking
classes and espresso machines, the positive reviews were
viewed as significantly more positive than the negative
reviews (–3 ¼ “very negative,” 3 ¼ “very positive”; M
cooking class
¼ 2.62, SD ¼ .93 vs. M
3-star cooking class
¼ .38,
SD ¼ 1.07; t(60) ¼ 16.88, p < .0001; M
5-star espresso machine
¼ 2.49, SD ¼ 1.15 vs. M
3-star espresso machine
¼ .37, SD ¼
1.16; t(58) ¼ 13.90, p < .0001). Also, within each pair of
options, the reviews were seen as significantly favoring the
option with the positive review over the option with the
negative review (–3 ¼ “the reviews definitely favor Option
A,” 3 ¼ “the reviews definitively favor Option B”;
cooking class
¼ 2.39, SD ¼ 1.05 vs. the scale midpoint of
0; t(60) ¼ 17.75, p < .0001; M
espresso machine
¼ 2.25, SD ¼
1.31 vs. the scale midpoint of 0; t(58) ¼ 13.24, p < .0001).
Importantly, there were no significant differences between
the cooking classes and espresso machines in terms of the
positivity of the positive reviews, the negativity of the neg-
ative reviews, or the extent to which the reviews favored
the option with the positive review over the option with the
negative review (all ps > .49). See web appendix C for the
results of all study 2 pretests and the procedure for generat-
ing consumer reviews.
Reliance on Consumer Reviews. Participants chose one
option from the two presented to them. The dependent
measure was whether a participant chose the option with
2 Pretest participants were presented with three purchases randomly
selected from 10 purchases.
Downloaded from by UCLA Digital Collections Services user on 20 February 2020
the positive review over the option with the negative re-
view. This measure thereby assessed whether participants
relied on the consumer reviews to make their choice.
Manipulation Check. Participants rated the extent to
which a cooking class [an espresso machine] is a material
or experiential purchase (1 ¼ “purely material,” 9 ¼
“purely experiential”).
Other Measures. Participants indicated whether they
had previously heard of or visited either of the cooking
schools (or had used either of the brands of espresso ma-
chine), and rated how knowledgeable they were about
cooking classes (or espresso machines; 1 ¼ “not at all
knowledgeable,” 7 ¼ “very knowledgeable”).
Results and Discussion
Manipulation Check. The manipulation check con-
firmed that a cooking class is viewed as more experiential
(M ¼ 6.08, SD ¼ 1.75) than an espresso machine
(M ¼ 4.85, SD ¼ 2.02; t(201) ¼ 4.62, p < .0001, d ¼ .65).
Reliance on Consumer Reviews. Participants in the ex-
periential condition were less likely to choose the option
with the positive review (66.34%) than those in the mate-
rial condition (79.41%; v
(1) ¼ 4.39, p ¼ .036
). This sug-
gests that though many participants relied on the consumer
reviews when deciding on an experiential purchase, even
more did when deciding on a material purchase. There was
not a significant difference in participants’ knowledge about
these purchases (M
¼ 2.33, SD ¼ 1.33 vs. M
¼ 2.38, SD ¼ 1.50; t(201) ¼ .28, p ¼ .78, d ¼ .04).
One potential alternative explanation for this study’s
results is that the product information revealed more differ-
ences between the two cooking class options than between
the two espresso machine options. With more product in-
formation to distinguish between the experiential options,
people would not need to rely as much on the consumer
reviews to make their selection in the experiential condi-
tion as in the material condition. However, this did not
seem to be the case based on a pretest we conducted. In a
within-subjects pretest (N ¼ 30), we presented participants
with the same names, pictures, and product descriptions
(without a consumer review) for each pair of options in
random order, and asked participants to indicate which of
the two options they would be more likely to choose. We
found that the relative preferences for the two options did
not differ between the two purchase types (M
4.80, SD ¼ 1.69 vs. M
¼ 4.77, SD ¼ 1.87; t(29) ¼
.07, p ¼ .94).
Thus, the observed difference in reliance on
consumer reviews in the main study was unlikely driven by
variations in the provided product information.
Study 2 leveraged random assignment through an exper-
imental design and corroborated the results of study 1’s
field data. Using a behavioral measure for reliance on con-
sumer reviews and an incentive-compatible design, study 2
provided further evidence that people rely less on con-
sumer reviews when making an experiential purchase than
when making a material purchase.
We conducted two additional experiments that manipu-
lated participants’ focus on the experiential or material
aspects of the same purchase (a sleeping bag in web appen-
dix D and a mattress in web appendix E). Similar to Carter
and Gilovich (2010; study 6), this approach is based on the
insight that many purchases have both experiential and ma-
terial attributes (e.g., a mattress is a material possession
that offers the experience of a good night’s sleep). The
results indicated that participants relied less on consumer
reviews in the experiential conditions than in the material
conditions. With all aspects of the purchase held constant
other than its experiential or material nature, these studies
provide a conservative conceptual replication of the effect
observed in study 2.
The next study again tests for the effect of experiential
(vs. material) purchase type on review reliance, but in the
context of real consumer reviews for purchases that partici-
pants actually plan to make. Further, the next study
explores the psychological underpinnings for the effect.
Study 3 sought to conceptually replicate the effect ob-
served in study 2 across a broad array of actual planned
purchases by asking participants to describe either an ex-
periential or material purchase they intended to make in
the coming year. To further enhance realism, participants
then searched online for and read real consumer reviews
about their purchase, and reported the usefulness of these
reviews for their purchase decision. Finally, this study
tested the proposed mechanism by asking participants to
report the extent to which the reviews reflected the previ-
ous consumers’ assessments of the purchase’s objective
3 We conducted a logit regression to predict whether participants
chose the option with a positive review as a function of the experien-
tial (vs. material) manipulation. The binary indicator for the experien-
tial condition had an odds ratio of 0.51 (SE ¼ 0.16, p ¼ 0.038), which
can be translated into a Cohen’s d of –.37.
4 This pretest (described in detail in web appendix C) additionally
confirmed that the pair of cooking classes and the pair of espresso
machines did not significantly differ in terms of (1) how much partici-
pants desired each pair of options (p ¼ .57), (2) how much participants
cared about choosing between the two options within the pair (p ¼
.82), and (3) how familiar participants were with each option (ps for
all pairwise comparisons > .14).
Downloaded from by UCLA Digital Collections Services user on 20 February 2020
Participants. A total of 301 participants (54% female;
¼ 36.7, 2 unspecified) recruited through MTurk com-
pleted this study in exchange for $1.00.
Purchase Type Manipulation. In this between-subjects
study, participants were randomly assigned to specify ei-
ther an experiential or material purchase that cost at least
$50, which they planned to make in the coming year.
Participants in the experiential condition were instructed to
think of a purchase that “involves spending money with the
primary intention of acquiring a life experience—an event
or series of events that you personally will encounter or
live through.” Participants in the material condition were
instructed to think of a purchase that “involves spending
money with the primary intention of acquiring a material
possession—a tangible object that you obtain and keep in
your possession” (adapted from Van Boven and Gilovich
2003). To control for the possibility that experiential pur-
chases may be more hedonic or have fewer reviews avail-
able than material purchases, we additionally instructed
participants in both conditions to list a fun and enjoyable
purchase that had online consumer reviews available.
Reliance on Consumer Reviews. Participants were then
instructed to search for and read five online reviews written
by other consumers about the purchase they had specified.
They were told that they could look for consumer reviews
anywhere online and were asked to copy the five reviews
they read into the survey. Importantly, participants spent a
similar amount of time searching for and reading reviews
between the experiential (M ¼ 245.49 seconds, SD ¼
148.06) and material conditions (M ¼ 267.28 seconds, SD ¼
184.21; t(299) ¼ 1.11, p ¼ .27, d ¼ .13), suggesting that it
was not harder for participants to find reviews for one pur-
chase type than the other. For the consumer reviews they
read, participants reported how helpful the reviews were
(1 ¼ “not at all, 7 ¼ “extremely”), how useful the reviews
were (1 ¼ “not at all,” 7 ¼ “extremely”), and how much
they would rely on these consumer reviews for their pur-
chase decision (1 ¼ “not at all,” 7 ¼ “very much”). These
three items were averaged to serve as the primary dependent
variable: reliance on consumer reviews (a ¼ .93).
Quality Assessment Beliefs. To test the proposed mech-
anism, on the next page, we asked participants to indicate
the extent to which the reviews they read reflected other
consumers’ objective assessments of the purchase’s quality
(1 ¼ “not at all,” 7 ¼ “a great deal”), which was adapted
from Spiller and Belogolova (2017).
Manipulation Check. Participants rated the extent to
which their planned purchase was material or experiential
(1 ¼ “purely material,” 9 ¼ “purely experiential”).
Other Measures. Participants listed the website(s) on
which they found the consumer reviews. For controls, we
also asked participants to indicate the number of different
options their five reviews covered, as well as to rate how
much they cared about their purchase decision, how impor-
tant the purchase was to them, and how engaged they were
in this purchase decision (1 ¼ “not at all,” 7 ¼ “very
much”). These last three items were averaged to create a
measure of purchase importance (a ¼ .82). Finally, partici-
pants rated how knowledgeable they were about the pur-
chase (1 ¼ “not at all,” 7 ¼
“very much”) and indicated
how much money they would spend on the purchase. See
web appendix F for the complete measures.
Manipulation Check. Participants listed a wide range
of hedonic experiential purchases (e.g., dinner at a restau-
rant, vacations, and event tickets) and hedonic material
purchases (e.g., home accessories, fun clothing items, and
electronic gadgets). Participants in the experiential condi-
tion rated their planned purchase as more experiential
(M ¼ 7.81, SD ¼ 1.68) than participants in the material
condition (M ¼ 3.36, SD ¼ 2.29; t(299) ¼ 18.86,
p < .0001, d ¼ 2.19).
Reliance on Consumer Reviews. Participants largely
found reviews on popular websites such as Yelp, TripAdvisor,
Amazon, and Best Buy. On average, participants rated the
reviews they read to be somewhat useful (M ¼ 5.64, p <
.0001 vs. the midpoint of 4); however, they found the con-
sumer reviews for experiential purchases (M ¼ 5.44, SD ¼
1.39) to be less useful than those for material purchases (M ¼
5.80, SD ¼ 1.15; t(299) ¼ 2.49, p ¼ .01, d ¼ .29).
Mediation by Quality Assessment Beliefs. To test the
proposed mechanism, we examined the role of quality as-
sessment beliefs. As predicted, compared to material pur-
chases (M ¼ 5.28, SD ¼ 1.40), participants perceived that
reviews of an experiential purchase reflected quality
assessments to a lesser degree (M ¼ 4.86, SD ¼ 1.41;
t(299) ¼ 2.57, p ¼ .01, d ¼ .30). Moreover, a 5,000-sample
bootstrap analysis (model 4 in Hayes 2013) estimated an
indirect effect of purchase type on reliance on reviews via
quality assessment beliefs as –.13 (SE ¼ .06), and the 95%
bias-corrected confidence interval (CI) of the indirect ef-
fect did not include zero ([–.26, –.04]). Thus, quality as-
sessment beliefs mediated the influence of purchase type
on review reliance (figure 2).
Other Measures. The results indicated no significant
differences between experiential and material purchases in
the number of options discussed by the reviews participants
read (M
¼ 1.49, SD ¼ 1.05 vs. M
¼ 1.46, SD
¼ 1.09; t(292) ¼ .23, p ¼ .81, d ¼ .03), purchase importance
¼ 6.03, SD ¼ .96 vs. M
¼ 5.90, SD ¼
.97; t(299) ¼ 1.20, p ¼ .23, d ¼ .14), purchase knowledge
¼ 5.41, SD ¼ 1.27 vs. M
¼ 5.43, SD ¼
1.24; t(299) ¼ .18, p ¼ .86, d ¼ .02), or log-transformed
Downloaded from by UCLA Digital Collections Services user on 20 February 2020
expected cost (M
¼ 5.33, SD ¼ 1.21 vs. M
5.29, SD ¼ 1.04; t(298) ¼ .26, p ¼ .80, d ¼ .03).
Furthermore, when we included all of these measures in a
multi-mediator model (model 4 in Hayes 2013) along with
quality assessment beliefs, quality assessment beliefs was
the only significant mediator (indirect effect ¼ –.11, SE ¼
.05, 95% CI ¼ [–.24, –.03]).
Amongst an array of experiential and material pur-
chases that had consumer reviews readily available, peo-
ple found the reviews they read to be less useful for
experiential purchases than for material purchases.
Indeed, people viewed assessments of experiential pur-
chases to be less a matter of quality than material pur-
chases, which drove the effect. This study explored a
number of potential alternative explanations, none of
which gained supportive evidence. Overall, study 3’s
results provide initial evidence that quality assessment
beliefs play a unique role in the influence of purchase
type on the extent to which people rely on consumer
reviews. Though having participants search for and read
online consumer reviews for purchases they were actually
planning to make provided external validity, we sought to
conceptually replicate these findings using more tightly
controlled stimuli in the next study.
The objective of study 4 was to provide further evidence
that quality assessment beliefs are responsible for the dif-
ference in review reliance between experiential and mate-
rial purchases. Study 4 built on the previous studies in two
ways. First, like study 2, study 4 involved an incentive-
compatible design, but used a new behavioral measure for
reliance on consumer reviews: whether participants
changed their mind after reading a negative review about
their initial choice. Second, in addition to using a pair of
experiential and material purchases that were in the same
hedonic consumption domain (ice cream), study 4 pre-
sented all participants with a virtually identical consumer
review. Not only did this ensure a high degree of experi-
mental control, but it allowed us to test whether people
perceive assessments written in consumer reviews for ex-
periential purchases as less reflective of the purchase’s ob-
jective quality than those for material purchases and,
consequently, rely less on reviews for experiential
Participants. We recruited 238 participants from a uni-
versity’s subject pool that included students and commu-
nity members. Given that this research focuses on people
who are in the process of choosing what to buy, as in study
2, we excluded from the analysis 19 participants who had
previously consumed the products. In addition, one partici-
pant who reported not being able to view the stimuli in the
online survey was excluded from the analysis. The final
sample included 218 participants (67% female, 3 unspeci-
fied; M
¼ 23.6, 1 unspecified).
Purchase Type Manipulation. In this between-subjects
study, participants were presented with either two options
of nearby ice cream shops (experiential condition) or two
options of ice cream makers that could be shipped to them
for free (material condition) and asked to choose the op-
tion they would prefer. They were informed that one in
every 100 participants would be randomly selected to re-
ceive their chosen option. All options were valued at $50
(with the prize in the experiential condition being a $50
gift certificate for the chosen ice cream shop). The two
options within each pair were presented side-by-side,
with the order randomized. See appendix B for the
Experiential (vs. material) purchases
Quality assessments beliefs
Reliance on consumer reviews
-.42 (.16)*
.32 (.05)***
-.36 (.15)*
-.23 (.14)
NOTE.—Unstandardized regression coefficients are shown, and standard errors are presented in parentheses. The coefficient above the path from purchase type to re-
liance on consumer reviews represents the total effect without the mediator in the model; the coefficient below the path represents the direct effect when the mediator
was included in the model. Coefficients significantly different from zero are indicated by asterisks (
p < .05,
p < .01,
p < .001).
5 When asked how many options were discussed in the five reviews
they read, seven participants did not write down a valid number; these
participants were excluded from the analysis for this question. Also,
one participant did not give a valid value for expected cost and was ex-
cluded from the analysis involving expected cost.
Downloaded from by UCLA Digital Collections Services user on 20 February 2020
A pretest (N ¼ 54) that presented participants with the
same stimuli confirmed that the pair of ice cream shops
and the pair of ice cream makers were comparable in the
extent to which participants preferred one option over the
other. Specifically, 66.67% of participants in the experien-
tial condition and 70.37% of participants in the material
condition preferred the same option in the pair over the
other (v
(1) ¼ .09, p ¼ .77).
Reliance on Consumer Reviews. Participants were first
asked to choose one of the two presented options, with the
understanding that they had a chance of actually receiving
their selected option. After participants made their initial
selection, they saw a review ostensibly written by another
consumer about their selected option. All participants were
presented with the same slightly negative review: When I
visited this ice cream shop [used this ice cream maker], I
was not very satisfied. I’m not sure I’d recommend it.”
Participants were then offered an opportunity to change
their mind and select the other option. The dependent mea-
sure was whether participants changed their mind and
switched to the other option after reading a negative review
about their initial choice.
Quality Assessment Beliefs. On the next page, partici-
pants were instructed to indicate the extent to which the re-
view reflected the consumer’s assessment of the objective
quality of the ice cream shop [ice cream maker] (1 ¼ “not
at all,” 9 ¼ “a great deal”), adapted from Spiller and
Belogolova (2017).
Manipulation Check. Participants rated the extent to
which a visit to an ice cream shop [an ice cream maker] is
material or experiential (1 ¼ “purely material,” 9 ¼
“purely experiential”).
Other Measures. Participants next rated how much
they cared about their decision, how important the choice
was to them, and how engaged they were in this decision
(1 ¼ “not at all,” 7 ¼ “very much”). We averaged these
three items to create a measure of purchase importance (a
¼ .88). Participants indicated how knowledgeable they
were about ice cream shops [ice cream makers] (1 ¼ “not
at all knowledgeable,” 7 ¼ “very knowledgeable”) and
whether they had previously heard of or visited [used] ei-
ther of the ice cream shops [ice cream makers]. In addition,
they rated the extent to which a visit to an ice cream shop
[an ice cream maker] was hedonic (1 ¼ “purely utili-
tarian,” 9 ¼ “purely hedonic”). See web appendix G for
the complete measures.
Manipulation Check. Participants viewed a visit to an
ice cream shop as more experiential (M ¼ 6.21, SD ¼ 1.98)
than an ice cream maker (M ¼ 5.17, SD ¼ 2.01; t(216) ¼
3.84, p ¼ .0002, d ¼ .52).
Reliance on Consumer Reviews. Participants in the ex-
periential condition were less likely to change their mind
(34.95%) after reading the negative review than those in
the material condition (52.17%; v
(1) ¼ 6.54, p ¼ .01,
d ¼ .39
). This suggests that participants relied less on the
consumer review when deciding on an experiential pur-
chase than when deciding on a material purchase.
Mediation by Quality Assessment Beliefs. Participants
viewed the consumer review to be less reflective of the
consumer’s assessment of the option’s objective quality for
the experiential purchase (M ¼ 4.08, SD ¼ 2.11) than for
the material purchase (M ¼ 5.03, SD ¼ 1.91; t(216) ¼
3.52, p ¼ .0005, d ¼ .48). Moreover, a 5,000-sample boot-
strap analysis (model 4 in Hayes 2013) estimated an indi-
rect effect of purchase type on reliance on reviews via
quality assessment beliefs as –.30 (SE ¼ .12), and the 95%
bias-corrected CI of the indirect effect did not include zero
([–.58, –.12]). These results suggest that quality assessment
beliefs mediated the influence of purchase type on review
reliance (figure 3).
Other Measures. Purchase importance did not differ
between conditions (M
¼ 3.56, SD ¼ 1.31 vs.
¼ 3.43, SD ¼ 1.40; t(216) ¼ .74, p ¼ .46,
d ¼ .10). We did find that participants were more knowl-
edgeable about ice cream shops compared to ice cream
makers (M
¼ 2.87, SD ¼ 1.67 vs. M
1.83, SD ¼ 1.24; t(216) ¼ 5.30, p < .0001, d ¼ .72) and
rated a visit to an ice cream shop as more hedonic
¼ 7.54, SD ¼ 1.45 vs. M
¼ 6.65, SD ¼
1.77; t(216) ¼ 4.03, p ¼ .0001, d ¼ .55). Notably, however,
when we included these items in a multi-mediator model
(model 4 in Hayes 2013) along with quality assessment
beliefs, quality assessment beliefs was the only significant
mediator (indirect effect ¼ –.31, SE ¼ .05, 95% CI ¼
[–.61, –.11]).
Employing a tightly controlled pair of experiential and
material purchases, a new behavioral measure of review re-
liance, and a virtually identical consumer review across
conditions, study 4 showed that people relied less on con-
sumer reviews when making an experiential purchase than
when making a material purchase. This effect was driven
by people’s view that consumer reviews of experiential
purchases are less likely to reflect objective quality than
consumer reviews of material purchases. Furthermore,
study 4 showed that alternative explanations (knowledge,
importance, and the hedonic nature of a purchase) were not
6 We conducted a logit regression to predict whether participants
chose the option with a positive review as a function of the experien-
tial (vs. material) manipulation. The binary indicator for the experien-
tial condition had an odds ratio of 0.49 (SE ¼ 0.14, p ¼ 0.01), which
can be translated into a Cohen’s d of –.39.
Downloaded from by UCLA Digital Collections Services user on 20 February 2020
responsible for the difference in review reliance between
purchase types, thus highlighting the critical role of quality
assessment beliefs. In the next study, we sought additional
evidence through a test of moderation that quality assess-
ment beliefs are responsible for the influence of purchase
type on review reliance.
The objective of study 5 was to provide further evidence
for the underlying role of quality assessment beliefs by ma-
nipulating whether reviews explicitly contained quality-
based assessments. If people believe that assessments of
experiential purchases are less based on objective quality
and this drives people to rely less on consumer reviews for
experiential purchases than material purchases, then the
difference in review reliance between purchase types
should decrease when a review for an experiential purchase
explicitly contains an assessment based on objective qual-
ity. This study followed a 2 (purchase type: experiential vs.
material) 2 (purchase assessment: control vs. quality)
between-subjects design.
Participants. A total of 808 participants recruited
through MTurk completed this study in exchange for $.40.
As in studies 2 and 4, we excluded from the analysis 36
participants who had previously consumed the products. In
addition, 15 participants who reported that they could not
view the stimuli in the online study were excluded from
the analysis. The final sample included 757 participants
(45% female, 3 unspecified; M
¼ 36.1).
Purchase Type Manipulation. Participants were asked
to imagine that they were planning to go to an ice cream
shop (experiential condition) or buy an ice cream maker
(material condition), and that they were deciding between
two options of approximately the same price. Using the
same stimuli as in study 4 (see appendix B for stimuli), we
presented participants with either two options of ice cream
shops or two options of ice cream makers.
Quality Assessment Manipulation. Participants were
first asked to choose one of the two presented options.
After making their initial selection, participants saw a re-
view ostensibly written by another consumer about their
selected option. The structure of the review was the same
across all conditions, but the review in the quality condi-
tion explicitly assessed the objective quality of the option
(see appendix B for stimuli).
Reliance on Consumer Reviews. After being presented
with the slightly negative review, participants were asked
whether they would change their mind and choose the
other option (1 ¼ “definitely stick to my original choice,”
7 ¼ “definitely switch to the other ice cream shop [ice
cream maker]”). The likelihood of being influenced by the
review in their final decision served as the dependent mea-
sure of review reliance.
Manipulation Checks. On the next page, participants
were instructed to indicate the extent to which the review
they just read reflected the consumer’s assessment of the
objective quality of the ice cream shop [ice cream maker]
(1 ¼ “not at all,” 9 ¼ “a great deal”), adapted from Spiller
and Belogolova (2017). Participants also rated the extent to
which a visit to an ice cream shop [an ice cream maker] is
material or experiential (1 ¼ “purely material,” 9 ¼
“purely experiential”).
Other Measures. We used the same scales and meas-
ures as in study 4 to assess purchase importance (three
items; a ¼ .90), knowledge about ice cream shops [ice
cream makers], familiarity with the brands used in the
study, and the hedonic nature of the purchase. See web ap-
pendix H for the complete measures.
Manipulation Checks. A 2 (purchase type) 2 (pur-
chase assessment) ANOVA on the quality assessment
Experiential (vs. material) purchase
Quality assessments beliefs
Reliance on a consumer review
-.96 (.27)***
.32 (.08)***
-.71 (.28)*
-.47 (.29)
NOTE.—Unstandardized regression coefficients are shown, and standard errors are presented in parentheses. The coefficient above the path from purchase type to re-
liance on consumer reviews represents the total effect without the mediator in the model; the coefficient below the path represents the direct effect when the mediator
was included in the model. Coefficients significantly different from zero are indicated by asterisks (
p < .05,
p < .01,
p < .001). A logistic regression was used to
predict reliance on consumer reviews (a binary variable).
Downloaded from by UCLA Digital Collections Services user on 20 February 2020
manipulation check revealed a main effect of the quality
assessment manipulation (M
¼ 6.93, SD ¼ 1.67 vs.
¼ 5.50, SD ¼ 2.18; F(1, 753) ¼ 108.44, p <
.0001, g
¼ .13), a main effect of purchase type
¼ 5.74, SD ¼ 2.18 vs. M
¼ 6.67, SD ¼
1.85; F(1, 753) ¼ 44.35, p < .0001, g
¼ .06), and a sig-
nificant interaction (F(1, 753) ¼ 14.34, p ¼ .0002, g
.02). Consistent with our theory, participants in the control
condition reported that the review of the experiential pur-
chase was based less on quality (M ¼ 4.79, SD ¼ 2.13)
than the review of the material purchase (M ¼ 6.22, SD ¼
1.99; F(1, 753) ¼ 55.36, p < .0001, d ¼ .69), and this dif-
ference was attenuated in the quality condition (M
¼ 6.74, SD ¼ 1.75 vs. M
¼ 7.13, SD ¼ 1.58; F(1,
753) ¼ 4.07, p ¼ .04, d ¼ .24).
A two-way ANOVA on the experiential-material manip-
ulation check showed only the expected main effect of pur-
chase type (M
¼ 6.54, SD ¼ 2.09 vs. M
4.33, SD ¼ 2.21; F(1, 753) ¼ 200.95, p < .0001, g
.21). There was neither a significant main effect of the
quality manipulation (F(1, 753) ¼ 3.22, p ¼ .07, g
.004) nor an interaction (F(1, 753) ¼ .14, p ¼ .70, g
Reliance on Consumer Reviews. A two-way ANOVA
on review reliance revealed a main effect of purchase type
¼ 4.28, SD ¼ 1.71 vs. M
¼ 4.72, SD ¼
1.47; F(1, 753) ¼ 13.72, p ¼ .0002, g
¼ .02), a main ef-
fect of quality assessment (M
¼ 4.81, SD ¼ 1.56 vs.
¼ 4.20, SD ¼ 1.60; F(1, 753) ¼ 28.88, p < .0001,
¼ .04), and the predicted interaction (F(1, 753) ¼ 4.31,
p ¼ .038, g
¼ .01). Specifically, in the control condition,
participants relied less on the presented consumer review
when making an experiential purchase (M ¼ 3.87, SD ¼
1.66) than when making a material purchase (M ¼ 4.53, SD
¼ 1.47; F(1, 753) ¼ 16.95, p < .0001, d ¼ .42); however,
when the review explicitly assessed the option’s objective
quality, the difference between purchase types was not sta-
tistically significant (M
¼ 4.72, SD ¼ 1.65 vs.
¼ 4.90, SD ¼ 1.46; F(1, 753) ¼ 1.31, p ¼ .25,
d ¼ .12; figure 4).
Other Measures. A two-way ANOVA shows that pur-
chase type had a main effect on purchase importance
¼ 4.39, SD ¼ 1.45 vs. M
¼ 4.84, SD ¼
1.37; F(1, 753) ¼ 19.01, p < .0001, g
¼ .02), knowledge
¼ 3.86, SD ¼ 1.56 vs. M
¼ 2.75, SD ¼
1.64; F(1, 753) ¼ 91.84, p < .0001, g
¼ .11), and hedonic
ratings (M
¼ 7.76, SD ¼ 1.50 vs. M
¼ 6.34,
SD ¼ 2.19; F(1, 753) ¼ 107.36, p < .0001, g
¼ .12), and
the assessment manipulation influenced importance
¼ 4.73, SD ¼ 1.46 vs. M
¼ 4.50, SD ¼ 1.39;
F(1, 753) ¼ 4.49, p ¼ .03, g
¼ .006) but not knowledge
or hedonic ratings (both ps > .27, g
< .002). Importantly,
there were no significant purchase type assessment inter-
actions on any of these measures (all ps > .13, g
< .003).
Furthermore, when we included these measures as covari-
ates in a two-way ANCOVA model predicting review reli-
ance, the main effect of purchase type (F(1, 753) ¼ 5.40, p
¼ .02, g
¼ .01), the main effect of quality assessment
(F(1, 753) ¼ 25.44, p < .0001, g
¼ .03), and their interac-
tion (F(1, 753) ¼ 6.10, p ¼ .01, g
¼ .01) all remained sta-
tistically significant.
As observed in our previous studies, study 5 showed that
participants were less willing to rely on a consumer review
when making an experiential purchase than when making a
material purchase. However, when the review explicitly
contained an assessment of the option’s objective quality,
people making an experiential purchase decision were as
likely to rely on the review as those deciding on a material
purchase. These findings provide further evidence for our
hypothesis that beliefs about the extent to which consumer
reviews contain assessments of objective quality are re-
sponsible for the lower reliance on consumer reviews ob-
served for experiential purchases (relative to material
Online consumer reviews have become a pervasive form
of social influence (Chen and Xie 2008). The present re-
search examines whether and why the type of purchase—
experiential or material—affects the extent to which people
rely on this prevalent source of information in their
Across one archival study, four experiments, and two ad-
ditional replications reported in the web appendix, this re-
search shows that although people often find reviews
useful for both experiential and material purchases, they
Reliance on consumer reviews
eriential Material
Downloaded from by UCLA Digital Collections Services user on 20 February 2020
rely less on consumer reviews for experiential purchases
than for material purchases. This effect was robust across
millions of actual shoppers on Amazon (study 1), people
reading real consumer reviews they found online for a pur-
chase they intended to make (study 3), and people making
a consequential choice between two purchase options (stud-
ies 2 and 4). Across these studies, we observed the differ-
ence in review reliance for purchases that were relatively
more experiential or material at different points along the
material-experiential spectrum, including those closer to
the material end (study 1) or the middle or experiential end
(studies 2, 4, and 5). In particular, in study 3, the naturally
occurring purchases participants intended to make tended
to fell on one of the two ends of the material-experiential
spectrum, which allows us to replicate our effects with pro-
totypical material and experiential purchases.
This research also offers insight into the effect’s under-
lying mechanism. Specifically, people believe assessments
of experiential purchases are less based on objective qual-
ity than assessments of material purchases, and this belief
undermines people’s willingness to rely on other consum-
ers’ reviews for their experiential purchase decisions.
Studies 3 and 4 provided evidence for this mechanism
through mediation analyses, and study 5 provided evidence
through moderation. Furthermore, the studies ruled out al-
ternative explanations, such as purchase importance, pur-
chase knowledge, cost, and product desirability, through
stimuli selection, study design, and measurement.
Theoretical and Practical Implications
This research makes important contributions to the liter-
ature comparing experiential and material purchases.
Whereas the bulk of that literature has compared the down-
stream consequences of making experiential versus mate-
rial purchases (Gilovich et al. 2015a), the current findings
add to emerging work that tests pre-purchase differences.
While this emerging work has identified when and why
people might decide to make one type of purchase over the
other (Goodman et al. 2016; Goodman and Lim 2018;
Kumar et al. 2014; Kumar and Gilovich 2015, 2016;
Pchelin and Howell 2014; Tully et al. 2015), our research
further contributes by documenting a difference in how
people decide which option to buy within each purchase
type. Furthermore, by identifying the underlying role of
people’s beliefs about assessments as based on objective
quality, our research adds this variable to the list of per-
ceived differences—such as comparability, interchange-
ability, personal relevance, feelings of gratitude, and
emotional intensity (Carter and Gilovich 2010, 2012; Chan
and Mogilner 2017; Rosenzweig and Gilovich 2012;
Walker et al. 2016)—that psychologically distinguishes ex-
periential and material purchases.
This research also contributes to the body of research ex-
amining people’s willingness to rely on consumer reviews
in two ways (Chen and Lurie 2013; de Langhe et al. 2016;
Moore 2015; Naylor, Lamberton, and Norton 2011; Yin
et al. 2014, 2017). First, our findings reveal the critical role
of quality assessment beliefs in affecting review reliance.
Second, these findings identify the experiential versus ma-
terial nature of a purchase as a distinct and novel delinea-
tion across product domains that determines reliance on
consumer reviews. This categorization is distinct from a
product’s hedonic versus utilitarian nature, which has also
been shown to influence review helpfulness (Chu et al.
2015; Moore 2015; Sen and Lerman 2007). We show that
the experiential-material effect persisted when we
controlled for the purchase’s hedonic (vs. utilitarian) nature
(studies 1, 3, 4, and 5), and when the experiential purchase
was viewed as less hedonic than the material purchase
(study 2). This categorization is also distinct from the de-
lineation between search goods and experience goods,
which too has been shown to influence the impact of con-
sumer reviews (Mudambi and Schuff 2010; Park and Lee
2009). While the experiential (vs. material) distinction cen-
ters on consumers’ primary purpose of making a purchase
(i.e., gaining an experience vs. acquiring a possession; Van
Boven and Gilovich 2003), the search (vs. experience)
goods distinction reflects how easily consumers can evalu-
ate a product prior to consumption (Huang, Lurie, and
Mitra 2009; Nelson 1970). Not only is the difference be-
tween search and experience goods blurred in the online
context our research examines (Huang et al. 2009), but we
replicated our effect controlling for differences in evalu-
ability by having participants focus on the experiential (vs.
material) aspects of the very same purchase (see the repli-
cation experiments in web appendixes D and E). The cur-
rent research thus suggests a new way of slicing the
consumer product landscape to identify the types of prod-
ucts that are more likely to benefit from word of mouth.
In addition, this research contributes to more recent re-
search on quality assessment beliefs (Spiller and
Belogolova 2017) by showing that beliefs about quality
assessments systematically differ across product domains
and affect people’s susceptibility to social influence. Our
results may also provide new insight into the construct. In
Spiller and Belogolova (2017), participants were given the
opportunity to justify their choice of option in one of three
ways by reporting: a) the chosen option was objectively
better than the forgone option, b) their choice was a matter
of taste, or c) they did not have enough knowledge to
judge. This implies that if people believe a purchase is pri-
marily assessed based on objective quality, it is not based
on taste. Interestingly, however, when we asked partici-
pants in the pilot study and study 3 to separately rate the
extent to which they believed assessments of a purchase
are (1) a matter of objective quality and (2) a matter of
taste, we did not observe a significant negative correlation
between these items. Moreover, though participants be-
lieved that assessments of experiential purchases were
Downloaded from by UCLA Digital Collections Services user on 20 February 2020
more based on taste than material purchases, such beliefs
did not significantly predict review reliance (see web ap-
pendixes A and F). We speculate this is because people
tend to assume that other consumers share their tastes
(Naylor et al. 2011) and thus may not discount reviews
even if reviews contain taste-based assessments. Future re-
search should more systematically examine the relationship
between taste and quality assessment beliefs and compare
their roles in social influence.
The current research offers a number of practical impli-
cations for firms and review websites. For instance, our
results suggest that firms should take their product type
(experiential vs. material) into account when designing
their optimal communication strategy. In an additional ex-
periment (N ¼ 243 MTurk participants, 40% female, M
¼ 30.6), we found that whereas people relied less on con-
sumer reviews for an experiential purchase (a Broadway
show ticket) than a material purchase (a pair of speakers),
there was no significant difference in how useful people
considered company-provided information (web appendix
I). Noting that people do not discount all information more
for experiential purchases, firms could leverage these
insights to emphasize whichever would be the more per-
suasive source of information for their products. Further,
retailers may be able to dampen the impact of a negative
consumer review by highlighting the experiential aspects
of their product. In addition, this research advises review
websites (particularly those featuring experiential pur-
chases) to address users’ doubts about another consumer’s
evaluation as bearing on their own by helping users iden-
tify reviews that provide quality-based judgments or by
encouraging review writers to explicitly include quality-
based assessments in their reviews.
Future Directions
These findings may lead readers to wonder about the
popularity of websites that feature consumer reviews for
experiential purchases. Indeed, websites such as Yelp and
TripAdvisor have no shortage of engaged and active users.
Importantly, the current findings do not suggest that people
do not visit review websites or read reviews for experien-
tial purchases. Rather, this research examined the extent to
which people find the reviews they read useful and are
influenced by them. More precisely, this research compares
the extent to which people rely on consumer reviews for
experiential purchases relative to material purchases during
their decision process. Indeed, in our studies, we observe
that people generally consider consumer reviews useful for
both experiential and material purchases: the average re-
view reliance was significantly above the scale midpoint
for both experiential and material purchases in studies 1, 2,
and 3 (ps < .002). However, we also observe across all of
the studies that people rely less on consumer reviews for
experiences than for material goods.
Moreover, there are other factors—such as consumers’
motivations to write reviews—that might also contribute to
the popularity of review websites featuring experiential
purchases. Self-enhancement and the desire to converse are
two important drivers of individuals’ motivation to spread
word of mouth (Lovett, Peres, and Shachar 2013). Since
people are judged more positively when talking about their
experiential purchases than their material purchases (Van
Boven, Campbell, and Gilovich 2010) and derive greater
enjoyment from doing so (Kumar and Gilovich 2015), peo-
ple may be more motivated to write and post a review
about their recently acquired experience than about their
newly acquired possession. Also, consumers are more
likely to express gratefulness in their reviews for experien-
ces than for material possessions (Walker et al. 2016).
Future research should systematically explore the extent to
which activity on review websites is driven by the motiva-
tions of the consumers writing the reviews.
At first glance, the findings documented in this research
seem to counter those showing that conversation partners
enjoy hearing more about each other’s recent experiential
purchase than each other’s recent material purchase (Van
Boven et al. 2010). Importantly, however, people likely
have different motives when reading a review from an
anonymous consumer to inform a purchase decision than
when meeting someone in person and hearing his or her
story about a recent purchase. Whereas people read con-
sumer reviews with the primary intention to use those
reviews to predict their own evaluations of a product, peo-
ple engage in conversation with the primary intention to
connect with others. Thus, the reasons people more easily
connect with others who tell stories about their experiential
purchases (Van Boven et al. 2010)—experiential purchases
evoke stronger emotions (Chan and Mogilner 2017), are
less stigmatized as materialistic (Van Boven et al. 2010),
and are more revealing of the storyteller’s sense of self
(Carter and Gilovich 2010)—are not factors that would ob-
viously contribute to the usefulness of consumer reviews.
Still, future research could examine how shoppers’ social
motives influence their reliance on others’ opinions, in-
cluding those of anonymous online reviewers, in-store
sales associates, and friends.
Study 4 showed that even when the review content was
exactly the same, people perceived the review to be less re-
flective of the option’s objective quality when the purchase
was experiential (vs. material). This suggests that it may
not just be the content of the reviews, but rather shoppers’
beliefs about the basis of other consumers assessments that
underlie the observed effect on review reliance. This poses
the interesting question of whether it is appropriate for peo-
ple to discount the value of consumer reviews for experien-
tial purchases (relative to material purchases). Notably,
people’s lay beliefs about the alignment between their own
preferences and those of a stranger are not always accurate
(Barasz, Kim, and John 2016; Naylor et al. 2011), and
Downloaded from by UCLA Digital Collections Services user on 20 February 2020
people underestimate the value of knowing others’ reactions
to an event in predicting their own reactions to that event
(Eggleston et al. 2015; Gilbert et al. 2009; Mu¨ller-Trede
et al. 2018). So, do people underestimate the value of con-
sumer reviews for experiential purchases? An exploratory
study that we conducted suggests so (web appendix J). In
the study, half of the participants simply read a product re-
view written by another participant who had tried the prod-
uct (a bag of chips in the experiential condition or a
flashlight in the material condition). These participants con-
sidered the review of the experiential purchase to be less
useful than the review of the material purchase (as found in
studies 1–5). The other half of participants actually tried the
product prior to evaluating it and reading a review about it;
the discrepancy in product evaluations between these partic-
ipants and their corresponding review writers did not signifi-
cantly differ between the experiential and material
conditions. This observation provides preliminary evidence
to suggest that people underestimate how much consumer
reviews can predict their enjoyment of experiential pur-
chases (relative to material purchases). It would be interest-
ing for future research to identify whether people’s
reluctance to rely on reviews for experiential purchases (rel-
ative to material goods) might lead to inferior purchase deci-
sions (Fitzsimons and Lehmann 2004).
Study 5 showed that people rely on reviews for experi-
ential and material purchases equally when the reviews ex-
plicitly involve quality judgments. That is, when it is
salient to shoppers that consumers’ judgments of experien-
tial purchases reflect objective quality, shoppers are more
willing to rely on consumer reviews for experiential pur-
chases. Future research could explore other cases in which
such perceptions are heightened, perhaps from aggregated
consumer ratings (e.g., average star ratings; de Langhe
et al. 2016) or when the text of reviews contains minimal
self-referencing language (Spiller and Belogolova 2017).
Gaining a broader understanding of when people rely more
on reviews for experiential purchases would be valuable.
Finally, future research might explore how characteris-
tics of reviews and product type jointly influence review
helpfulness. For instance, we conducted a post hoc analysis
to examine the role of review valence using Amazon
reviews (study 1). The positive and significant interaction
between star rating and experiential rating (p < .001; web
appendix B) suggests that the differences in review help-
fulness between experiential and material purchases may
be smaller for positive reviews than for negative reviews.
We note, however, that the negative relationship between
experiential ratings and review helpfulness remained statis-
tically significant at each star rating level (all ps < .001),
which suggests that the negative effect of experiential (vs.
material) purchase type on review helpfulness holds for
both positive and negative reviews. Research could simi-
larly examine how experiential-material purchase type
interacts with other well-established purchase categoriza-
tions. For example, we explored whether the hedonic (vs.
utilitarian) nature of a purchase moderates the effect of ex-
periential (vs. material) purchase type on review reliance,
but we did not find consistent results for the interaction
across studies 1, 4, and 5 (see web appendixes B, G, and
H). Future research that systematically investigates the in-
teraction between review characteristics and various types
of purchases would not only be theoretically interesting,
but also practically meaningful to marketers who worry
about the impact of negative reviews while wanting to le-
verage positive reviews.
This research highlights that experiential and material
purchases differ not only in their likelihood of being con-
sumed or in their enjoyment once consumed, but also in
the decision processes through which people choose which
option to buy. Our findings reveal that people believe
assessments of experiential purchases to be less a matter of
objective quality than assessments of material purchases.
Thus, people rely less on consumer reviews when deciding
among experiences than when deciding among material
goods, thereby suggesting that people are less receptive to
advice on what to do than on what to have.
Study 1 relied on data that was collected and made
publicly available by other researchers (McAuley and
Leskovec 2013; available at
data/web-Amazon.html). The first author cleaned the
original data to create a dataset appropriate for this
article, and all authors jointly interpreted the data. For the
experimental studies (studies 2–5), all authors supervised
data collection, and the first author conducted analyses.
Study 2 was run by research assistants at the University
of Toronto in summer 2015 among participants recruited
on campus and through the university behavioral lab.
Studies 3 and 5 were conducted online using Amazon
Mechanical Turk panelists and were run in spring 2018.
Study 4 was conducted online using the subject pool of
the Behavioral Lab at Anderson School of Management
in spring 2018. Data from laboratory experiments are
available at
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Study Stimuli (Study 2)
Below are the pictures, product descriptions, and consumer reviews used in study 2. We randomized which side (left or
right) each option appeared, as well as which of the options received a positive review. One display order is shown here as
an example.
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Study Stimuli (Studies 4 and 5)
Below are the pictures and consumer reviews
used in studies 4 and 5. We randomized which side (left or right) each
option appeared. One display order is shown here as an example.
7 When developing the stimuli, our goal was to make the review in the control condition less explicitly based on judgments of quality than the review
in the quality condition. Since individuals differ in their preference for variety (Steenkamp and Baumgartner 1992; Van Trijp et al. 1996), which sug-
gests that a greater amount of variety is not objectively better than less variety and that variety is not considered a dimension of quality, we included
mention of this attribute in the review for the control condition. The manipulation check confirmed that our manipulation was effective.
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