Performance Evaluation and Analysis of MANET
Protocols at Varied Speeds
Russell Skaggs-Schellenberg Dr. Nan Wang Daniel Wright
Undergraduate Student: Dept. ECE Professor: Dept. ECE Undergraduate Student: Dept. ECE
California State University, Fresno California State University, Fresno California State University, Fresno
California, USA California, USA California, USA
AbstractA Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a decentralized
wireless network that does not rely on pre-existing infrastructure.
Instead, it is each node’s responsibility to forward data according
to its specified routing protocol. Although these protocols perform
the same task, their performance in a variety of scenarios differ.
This paper simulates four different routing protocols in NS-3 at a
variety of movement speeds and area sizes, comparing their Packet
Delivery Ratio (PDR) and Average End-To-End Delay (AETED).
The performance results reflect what would be expected if a system
would be implemented in a similar environment. Therefore it is
crucial in choosing a protocol to best suit a system.
Keywords—Reactive, Proactive, Communication Protocol, NS3
Originally designed for military use, over the past decades
MANET has made its way into the civilian market [1]. MANET
is the mobile implementation of an ad hoc network. Unlike a
centralized network where routing is performed by intermediary
devices, an ad hoc network does not require infrastructure.
Instead, each node is responsible for its peer-to-peer routing to
maintain a self-forming, self-healing network [2]. These nodes
communicate using wireless technology, including Bluetooth,
WiFi, and Zigbee. For nodes not directly connected, routing
protocols are utilized to determine how nodes forward packets
that require multiple hops to reach their destination [3]. A layout
of how a MANET network functions is illustrated in Fig. 1
This paper was inspired by previous work which compared
proactive and reactive protocols in NS-3. [4]. The work focused
on comparing the performance of systems that contained 5, 10,
and 30 nodes, which transmitted 64, 256, and 1024 bit data
packets. The simulation area size and speed remained static.
To accurately simulate a real-world application, the
parameters of the simulation must match the application. It was
predicted that the speed and density of the nodes would best
reflect real-world applications. The question was then asked,
would MANET protocols perform differently when nodes
moved at lower speeds comparatively to higher speeds? Lower
speeds could reflect a scenario where individuals are walking
about, whereas nodes moving at higher speeds could reflect
individuals driving.
Fig. 1. A MANET network.
This paper is broken down into five sections. In the next
section, the three different types of MANET protocols are
discussed. Section III discusses the simulation setup as well as
the performance metrics being evaluated. Section IV breaks up
the gathered results from the simulation between the two metrics
and evaluates the results. The last section summarizes what was
covered, and discusses how this paper will support future work.
MANET protocols can be classified into one of three
different categories: proactive, reactive, and hybrid. Proactive
routing protocols maintain a routing table consisting of each
node by periodically propagating update information.
Comparatively, reactive protocols establish a route on-demand
and maintain it until it is no longer used, or no longer accessible.
Lastly, hybrid protocols try to merge the advantages found in
both proactive and reactive protocols [3]. For the focus of this
paper all three will be discussed, though only proactive and
reactive protocols are being evaluated and analyzed. A diagram
of the three categories is shown in Fig.2.
Fig. 2. MANET routing protocols [4].
A. Proactive Protocols
The first proactive protocol is Destination-Sequenced
Distance-Vector Routing (DSDV). This is a table-driven routing
protocol, based off of the Bellman-Ford algorithm. The routing
table consists of each known destination node, as well as which
node the packet should be forwarded to. This assesses how many
hops the packet will need to travel to achieve efficient delivery.
DSDV also utilizes sequence numbers to ensure the fastest route
Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) is the other
proactive protocol being tested. This protocol focuses on
sending out “Hello” messages to its neighbors and topology
control to discover and compute its next hop destination. Once
determined, it uses the shortest hop path to deliver packets [6].
B. Reactive Protocols
The first reactive protocol being tested is Ad Hoc On
Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV). Like DSDV,
AODV uses sequence numbers to indicate how fresh a route is,
and to avoid loop formation. AODV utilizes three types of
routing messages: Route Request (RREQ), Route Reply
(RREP), and Route Error (RERR). In order to acquire a route to
a destination, AODV floods the network with RREQ. If the
RREQ reaches its destination, then the destination responds by
sending a RREP, otherwise the RREQ would time out and the
last node would respond by sending a RERR [7].
The second protocol is the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR).
DSR is similar to AODV in which it floods route requests to
acquire paths to a destination. However, DSR is different
because it relies on source routing over each node’s routing
table. In source routing, each address between the source and
destination is collected and processed. Once the best route is
processed, the address of each hop is included with the packet
and sent along its designated path [8] [9].
C. Hybrid Protocols
Hybrid protocols are created by merging the advantages of
proactive and reactive protocols. Specific characteristics can be
combined here to tailor a protocol to best suit an application.
Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) is an example of a hybrid protocol
[10]. In ZRP, zones are formed around each node, which encases
its neighboring nodes. Intra-zone Routing Protocol (IARP) is
used when communicating with neighbors that are within the
zone. At this time a proactive protocol would be used.
Otherwise, when communicating with nodes outside of the
zone, Inter-zone Routing Protocol (IERP) is used which would
consist of a reactive protocol.
D. Modified Protocols
Protocols can also be modified beyond their initial
configuration to improve performance. Mai et al. [11]
implemented a congestion control scheme to AODV to lower
the performance degradation caused by packet congestion. Jhajj
et al. [12] is another example of where AODV was modified. In
this case, the time to live (TTL) factor was used to assist in route
discovery to avoid flooding the network. In both of these cases
AODV was modified to outperform its original protocol.
The simulation software that was used is NS-3, a robust
network simulator. NS-3 was chosen since it supports mobility
and WiFi models as well as MANET routing protocols. It has
excellent documentation and allows for simple network
analysis. NS-3 can also utilize other tools like NetAnim.
NetAnim visualizes the simulation, allowing for the movement
and communication of the nodes to be observed. An example of
a simulation being run through NetAnim is shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. NetAnim visualizing a simulation with a 1000 m
A. Simulation Setup
There are a total of 50 nodes with 10 of them acting as sinks
and 10 sending application data. The data is sent at a constant
rate of 256 bytes per second in the form of four 64 byte UDP
packets. Each simulation runs over a period of 200 seconds and
the application packets start being sent between the 100 and 101
second marks. The nodes use WiFi 802.11b in ad hoc mode and
the transmit power is fixed at 7.5 dBm.
Simulations were run for each protocol (AODV, DSDV,
DSR, OLSR) across several nodes speeds: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25,
and 30. Each set of simulations were run for areas of 500 m
750 m
, and 1000 m
. The complete configuration of the
simulation is tabulated below in Table I.
Network Simulator v3.29
Operating System
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Simulation Area (m
500, 750, 1000
Total amount of nodes 50
Amount of sink nodes 10
Node Speed (m/s)
0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30
Simulation Time
200 seconds
Channel Type
Wireless Channel
Mac Protocol
Data Packet Size
64 bit
Data Packet Type
Transmit Power
7.5 dBm
B. Metrics
The two metrics that was evaluated during these simulations
were PDR and AETED. Equation (1) was used to determine
PDR for all of the simulations.
Equation (2) was used to determine AETED for all of the
simulations. The variable n represents the total number of
packets received by the sink nodes. Time Receivedi represents
the simulation time at the moment when a sink node receives a
Packeti and Time Senti represents the time when that packet was
A. Packet Delivery Ratio Results and Justification
The first set of simulations shown in Fig. 4 compares the
protocols’ PDR across different node speeds in a 500 m
AODV has a higher PDR at higher node speeds, but has a lower
PDR than OLSR and DSR at 5 and 10 m/s. DSDV has the lowest
PDR at each simulated speed.
Fig. 4. PDR vs node speed in a 500 m
In the 750 m
area simulations, shown in Fig. 5, OLSR has the
highest PDR at 0 m/s and AODV being a close second. AODV
has the highest PDR for each other node speed. DSDV has the
lowest PDR for each speed value.
Fig. 5. PDR vs node speed in a 750m2 area.
The last set of simulations have an area of 1000 m
and are
shown in Fig. 6. DSR, OLSR, and AODV have similar PDR at
speed 0 m/s, but AODV tends to have a higher PDR than the
others at higher node speeds.
Fig. 6. PDR vs node speed in a 1000 m
The data collected during the simulations and used for the
PDR line charts is tabulated in Table II.
Area Size
Speeds (m/s)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
AODV .86 .63 .57 .58 .43 .35 .40
DSDV .79 .39 .27 .24 .27 .12 .14
DSR .99 .70 .48 .47 .41 .33 .30
OLSR .99 .68 .48 .39 .32 .23 .21
AODV .97 .50 .51 .41 .38 .35 .27
DSDV .34 .13 .16 .15 .10 .10 .05
DSR .80 .30 .3 .27 .23 .20 .17
OLSR .98 .31 .27 .19 .13 .11 .07
AODV .29 .30 .27 .28 .24 .22 .21
DSDV .10 .05 .03 .07 .12 .08 .03
DSR .30 .14 .11 .22 .20 .22 .20
OLSR .29 .08 .07 .12 .12 .10 .06
B. Average End-to-End Delay Results and Justification
The set of simulations for the 500 m
area in Fig. 7 shows that
DSR has much higher AETED than the other protocols for
speeds greater than 0 m/s with the exception of the 20 m/s
simulation. OLSR has the lowest AETED for speeds below 30
Fig. 7. AETED vs node speed in a 500m
Fig. 8. AETED vs node speed in a 750m
For the 750 m
area in Fig. 8 and the 1000 m
area in Fig. 9,
DSR has a much higher AETED after 0 m/s and OLSR has the
lowest AETED for each node speed.
Fig 9. PDR vs node speed in a 1000m
The data collected during the simulations and used for the
AETED line charts is tabulated in Table III.
In this experiment, the PDR and AETED performance metrics
were applied to four different routing protocols. Each protocol
was simulated with nodes traveling at speeds ranging from 0-30
m/s, and area sizes ranging from 500−1000 m
. The data
analyzed will be applied to improve the efficiency of real-world
systems, improvement of protocols, and creation of hybrid
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation
under Grant No. 1816197.
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