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Scalability of MANET Routing Protocols for Heterogeneous and Scalability of MANET Routing Protocols for Heterogeneous and
Homogenous Networks Homogenous Networks
Huda Al Amri
University of Wollongong
Mehran Abolhasan
University of Wollongong
Tadeusz Wysocki
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Al Amri, Huda; Abolhasan, Mehran; and Wysocki, Tadeusz, "Scalability of MANET Routing Protocols for
Heterogeneous and Homogenous Networks" (2007).
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Scalability of MANET Routing Protocols for
Heterogeneous and Homogenous Networks
Huda Al Amri, Mehran Abolhasan , Tadeusz Wysocki
Telecommunication and Information Research Institute, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia
Abstract- In Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), mobility, traffic
and node density are main network conditions that significantly
affect the performance of routing protocols. Much of the previous
researches in MANET routing have focused on developing
strategies, which suit one specific networking scenario. Therefore,
there is no existing protocol that can work well in all different
networking scenarios. This paper reviews characteristics of each
different classes of routing protocols. Moreover, most of current
routing protocols assume homogeneous networking conditions
where all nodes have the same capabilities and resources.
Although homogenous networks are easy to model and analysis,
they exhibits poor scalability compared with heterogeneous
networks that consist of different nodes with different resources.
This paper presents extensive studies simulations for DSR,
AODV, LAR1, FSR and WRP in homogenous and heterogeneous
networks. The results showed that these which all protocols
perform reasonably well in homogenous networking conditions,
their performance suffer significantly over heterogonous
Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANET) are a group of wireless
mobile nodes that have no fixed infrastructure. Therefore each
node can act as router or an end-user node. Many routing
protocols have been proposed to mange the communication on
this kind of networking. Moreover, there are many issues that
must be considered in constructing any routing protocol such
as power consumption, reliable data delivery, and overheads
and delays.
Recent work on MANET routing protocols have focused on
achieving stability and reliability to reduce packet loss,
communication overheads, and to increase data delivery ratio.
Different approaches have been proposed to achieve those
goals. Some of those focused on improving physical layer to
provide reliable transmission, like diversity techniques, coding
and Single Path Parallel Relays (SPPR) strategies [1-3].
Cooperation between link layer and network layer was another
approach [3], where the state and the availability of the link on
link layer were analyzed before calculating the routes [3].
Others expanded the existing protocols like AODV, LAR, and
DSR by implementing the multipath strategy [4, 5]. However,
mobility of the nodes has not been the main focus of those
papers. We anticipate that several problems in MANETs arise
due to the mobility such as high data delay and low packet
delivery ratio. Hence, node mobility has to be considered in
order to achieve high stability and reliability. Different
strategies have been implemented in [6-8] to satisfy different
degrees of mobility. On the other hand, most existing routing
protocols have not been able to satisfy both scalability and
mobility. Many routing strategies have been proposed to
improve the performance of existing protocols or design new
ones to deal with mobility or node density. In [8], Adaptive
Cell Relay routing protocol (ACR) has been designed to deal
with different density degree of the nodes to achieve high
scalability. It uses two different routing strategies: the cell relay
(CR) routing for dense networks, the large cell (LC) routing for
sparse networks. It also monitors the node density changes to
determine which routing strategy to apply according to the
network density. A routing framework has been proposed in [6]
to work on different mobility classes that are low, normal and
fast. Mobility class was calculated using the proposed mobility
metric referred to as "Stability". Stability is based on
associativity that is defined as a time where the node can
communicate with other nodes, and according to the stability
value, a protocol is selected to route the packet. If a node is
classified to be slow then a proactive protocol, like DSDV, will
be used, if mobility class is normal then a reactive protocol like
AODV will be applies, and the introduced RUNNER protocol
will route the data if the mobility class is fast. In [9], two new
protocols have been proposed to work with high mobility
nodes in MANET. The idea behind these two protocols is that
there is a group of mobile nodes which move throughout the
entire network to receive and deliver data and control
messages. These nodes are called the support nodes. One of the
protocols is called Snake where the support nodes are
predefined and then a leader election is carried out. The leader
manages the movement of its group of support nodes in a form
of snake movement. While each support nodes in RUNNER
(second protocol) moves independently like a runner. However,
the idea of support protocols cannot be applied in homogenous
systems. Support nodes should have more capabilities and
Few comparisons between different existing protocols have
been published such as in [10, 11]. For example, in [10],
AODV protocol and RUNNNER protocol have been evaluated.
It has been found that AODV has higher data delivery ratio and
lower data delay in dense network and low mobility of nodes.
This is because AODV can reach destinations easily in such
network conditions. On the other hand, RUNNER performs
better in high mobility network where the support nodes are
faster in delivering data. In [11], DSDV, AODV, and DSR
have been compared in different scenarios of nodes mobility
and traffic loads. The simulation results showed that reactive
protocols (DSR and AODV) performed better than proactive
protocols when nodes were moving. In addition, DSR works
well with low traffic while AODV behaves better in higher
traffic. A probabilistic model has been proposed in [12] to
evaluate overhead of routing protocols of MANET. This model
depends on network topology and data traffic parameters to
estimate the number of control packets. In addition it can help
identifying a protocol for particular situation. This model was
tested by comparing it with existing simulations of AODV,
Al Amri, Abolhasan & Wysocki in Proceedings og the International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (2007)
DSR, and OLSR. Reactive protocols again performed better
than proactive protocols when the mobility increases.
Most of current routing protocols assume homogeneous
network conditions where all nodes have the same capabilities
and resources. Although homogenous network are easy to
model and analysis, they exhibits poor scalability compared
with heterogeneous networks that consist of different nodes
with different resources. Heterogeneous MANET comprise of
mobile devices as Fig.1 that have different communications
capability such as radio range, battery life, data transmission
rate, etc. Moreover, in real world, some of MANET networks
are obviously heterogeneous like military battlefield networks
and rescue operations system. For instance, in a rescue
operations system as Fig.2, there are limited mobile devices
that are provided to individual rescuers, ambulances and police
vehicles, and helicobacter. Limited mobile devices have lowest
communication capabilities, while helicobacter is the most
powerful communication device which forms backbone of the
rescue team. Therefore, heterogeneity of nodes is another issue
that needs to be considered in constructing and developing
routing protocols for MANETs.
Figure. 1: Heterogeneous MANET.
Figure. 2: Heterogeneous MANET in rescue operations
Recently, a few publications have introduced some strategies
to develop routing protocols to accommodate heterogeneous
MANETs. On-demand Utility-Based Routing Protocol
(OUBRP) strategy has been proposed in [13] to develop
reactive routing protocols to efficiently utilize the
heterogeneity of nodes. A utility-based route discovery
algorithm is used to choose the richest nodes with highest level
of resources during route discovery stage. The utility level of
resources is reduced, if the route was not found. OUBRP
reduces the number of re-broadcasting nodes. This strategy has
been implemented over AODV. It has been found that this
strategy improves routing discovery and reduces effect of route
failure. In [14], scalability issue of OLSR in heterogeneous
MANET has been studied. The study show that OLSR it does
not differentiate distinct nodes with different communication
capability and resources. This paper proposed a strategy to
optimize OLSR to be scalable over large heterogeneous
MANET. OLSR was improved by organizing nodes in
hierarchal structure. Hierarchal OLSR (HOLSR) has eliminated
overheads and reduces the size of routing table. With HOLSR,
the nodes are organized in logical level, where nodes with
lowest resources are in lower level. Each level has many
clusters, where the cluster head is a powerful node with highest
communication capability. HOLSR and flat OLSR have been
compared in terms of control overhead, computations
overhead, and end-to-end delay. HOLSR shows significant
improvement to the performance of OLSR. Also it performs
well in large heterogeneous MANET.
A new routing protocol was proposed in [15] to make use of
heterogeneity in MANET. The entire network area was divided
into cells with same size. The most powerful node in a cell acts
as a gateway, where most the routing load goes through. This
powerful node is called B-node. All B-nodes form the
backbone of the entire networking. B-nodes reduce number of
hops because they have high communication capability to
transmit data.
Heterogeneous MANETs have the potential of reducing the
amount of power used at user nodes. In [16] author state that
supply of power in heterogeneous wireless ad hoc networking
can affect the lifetime of network. They proposed a cross- layer
for Device Energy-Load Aware Relaying (DELAR) strategy to
utilize powerful nodes. This strategy suggested having a
schedule to use different transmission powers in different
periods. They also proposed "mini-routing" and Asymmetric
MAC (A-MAC) to support link level acknowledgements with
unidirectional links. The simulation of DELAR showed that
this strategy can reduce power consumption and increase
lifetime of network.
The common approach to dealing with heterogeneity of
nodes in previous papers [13-15] is to assign most of the
routing load for the powerful nodes, as they possess more
resources and communication capabilities. Consequently, this
approach eliminates number of hopes and can reduce delay.
However, this strategy may create critical problems if the
powerful nodes go off-line. For example, in a battlefield
network scenario, if a vehicle or a tank possessing more
powerful communication capabilities was destroyed, then the
communication with others including soldiers and vehicles
Al Amri, Abolhasan & Wysocki in Proceedings og the International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (2007)
could be lost. Most publications have not considered this
situation. There should be alternative strategies to recover any
fault on powerful nodes that have been assigned as routers.
Up to now, several reviews have been published which
described the functionality and theoretical performance of
MANET routing protocols. For example, in [17, 18] routing
protocols for MANETs have been revised and classified
according their scalability. However, no study has attempted to
evaluate the performances of current routing protocols in
heterogeneous MANETs. In this paper, different classes of
MANET routing protocols are reviewed. A suitable class of
routing protocols is suggested to perform well in a particular
network conditions. Additionally, the performances of DSR,
AODV, LAR1, FSR and WRP are compared by simulating
them in homogenous and heterogeneous MANET.
In section two, a review of the key features of existing
routing protocols is summarized. The performance of these
protocols is analyzed in section three. Section four describes
our simulations of different protocols in homogenous and
heterogeneous MANET. Section five discusses our results.
Last section concludes this paper.
Routing protocols for MANETs have been classified
according to the strategies of discovering and maintaining
routes into three classes: proactive, reactive, and hybrid [17].
Of course, each routing protocol reacts differently to node
mobility and density. A routing protocol for MANETs is
usually evaluated in terms of performance metrics that are end-
to-end delay, overhead, throughput and data delivery ratio. This
section outlines the main features of each class. Also, a brief
summary about the protocols that have been used in
simulations is given.
Proactive Routing Protocols
Proactive routing protocols acquire routing information
periodically and store then in one or more routing tables. The
differences among the protocols in this class are routing
structure, number of tables, frequency of updates, use of hello
messages and the existence of a central node. Therefore, each
protocol reacts differently to topology changes. Flooding of
routing information is the mechanism that is often used to
discover and update routes. However, it is common that
proactive protocols generate more control traffic and overhead
than other protocol classes because of periodic updating which
increases as the number of nodes increases. Moreover, they
extensively use memory for storing those tables. Examples
proactive routing protocols are: Wireless Routing Protocol
(WRP) and Fisheye State Routing (FSR). With WRP [19], each
node maintains four routing tables. As the network increases,
this protocol consumes significant amount of memory.
Moreover, hello messages are used to ensure the connectivity
with neighbors. Consequently, this will consume more
bandwidth and power.
FSR [20] is another proactive protocol. This protocol updates
network information frequently for nodes that are within its
scope only. Therefore, it is more scalable than WRP. However,
FSR is not adaptable to high mobility.
Reactive Routing Protocols
Reactive routing protocols discover or maintain a route as
needed. This reduces overhead that is created by proactive
protocols [17, 21]. Flooding strategy is used to discover a
route. Reactive routing protocols can be classified into two
groups: source routing and hop by hop routing. In source
routing, data packet headers carry the path to destination.
Hence, intermediate nodes do not care about maintaining the
routing information. On the other hand, this kind of protocols
may experience high level of overhead as the number of
intermediate nodes increases. Also they have a higher chance
of a route failure. Packets in the second group of reactive
protocols have to carry only destination and next hop addresses
which means that nodes have to maintain and store routing
information for active routes. In general, reactive protocols
suffer from delay because of the route discovery process. Ad
hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) [17, 22] and
Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR), and Location-Aided
Routing (LAR) are well-known reactive routing protocols.
AODV is a hop-by-hop routing protocol, which introduces a
more dynamic strategy to discover and repair route when
compared to DSR. Destination sequence numbers are used to
avoid the problem of infinite loops. AODV maintains only
active routes to reduce overheads and control traffic. This
protocol is applicable for different levels of node density,
mobility and loads. It is suitable for scenarios with moderate
mobility and density networks.
DSR is a reactive source routing protocol [17, 23]. It
discovers routes on demands using route discovery and
maintenance strategy. Multiple routes are applied to achieve
load balancing and to increase robustness. DSR can operate
well with high mobility nodes because it can recover from
routes failure quickly. It can support up to one hundred node
which means it can work well over medium network density.
LAR [24] uses GPS information to detect the location of
nodes. This reduces overhead due to flooding. This protocol
has two strategies for route discovery. Firstly, it limits the
RREQ propagation for define area (i.e. Request Zone).
Secondly, stores the coordinates of destination node where the
route request packets travel toward the destination
coordinators. This reduces overheads. However, each node
must have GPS.
Hybrid Routing Protocols
Hybrid protocols exhibit both reactive and proactive
features. Proactive strategy is used to discover and maintain
routes to near by nodes, while routes to far away nodes are
discovered reactively. Consequently, overheads and delay that
are introduced by proactive protocols and reactive protocols,
respectively, are minimized. Hybrid protocols have been
known to be more scalable than others fewer nodes take part in
routing and topology discovery. In Zone Routing Protocol
Al Amri, Abolhasan & Wysocki in Proceedings og the International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (2007)
(ZRP), the nodes are grouped into zones. Communications
between nodes depend on their locations in the zone. Another
example of hybrid protocol that can adapt to changes in node
density and mobility is Scalable Location Update Routing
Protocol (SLURP). It uses GPS information to mange node
location and eliminates global routing. Each node is associated
with a home region and sends its new location to its home
region as it moves .Hence, when a route is required, the source
node only have to query the home region of the destination.
This protocol is suitable for large networks where the number
of nodes and their mobility are high [17, 25].
Hierarchal and Geographic Routing Protocols
MANET routing protocols can be divided also according to
routing structures into flat routing protocols, hierarchal routing
protocols, and geographic position information assisted routing
protocols [18, 26]. Each protocol routes data proactively or
reactively or uses the combination of the two strategies. Flat
protocols can be tables driven (proactive) like DSDV and on
demand protocols (reactive) like DSR. Those protocols have
been described previously.
The idea of wireless hierarchal routing protocols is to group
mobile nodes to reduce the area of flooding. The nodes are
grouped in terms of clusters, trees or zones where there is a
leader that manages routing in its area. Each node has different
functionality depending on its location inside the group or
outside it. This strategy reduces the size of routing tables and
the routing information [18]. Example of wireless hierarchal
routing protocols is the ZRP. The advantages of those protocols
are in the reduction of overheads and improved scaling of large
networks compared to flat routing protocols. However, when
node mobility is high, hierarchal routing may introduce more
overhead due to cluster re-calculation. In addition, a cluster
head is a critical node and communication breaks if it goes
Geographic position information assisted routing protocols
improve routing by using Global Position System (GPS)
receivers built into the nodes to get their location information
[18]. Those protocols route the data using Geographic
Addressing and Routing (GeoCast) where messages are sent to
all nodes in specific geographical area. GeoCast uses the
geographical information rather than logical addresses.
Geographical information about nodes eliminates propagation
of routing information. Hence, geographical protocols have
more efficiency in adapting to changes in node density
compared to other protocols. Examples of geographic routing
are DREAM and SLURP. However, mapping address to
location produces more overheads. In addition, using GPS
consumes the power of a mobile node.
In this section, comparison of proactive, reactive and hybrid
protocols is outlined by combining their published theoretical
performance [27] [12]. That comparison is further verified
through the published simulation results [6, 11, 27-30]. Based
on that comparison, a suitable class of routing protocols is
suggested to perform well in a particular network conditions.
A. Theoretical and model based analysis
Proactive protocols are the oldest protocols that have been
derived from wired network routing protocols to work in the
wireless environment. Therefore, they possess many features of
wired routing protocols like routing tables that are used to keep
the routing information, which are periodically updated even if
not needed. As the node moves, there is a flooding of packets
containing the topology changes causing high overheads.
Hence, in general, proactive protocols produce more overheads
resulting in a lower throughput in case of high mobility as
illustrated in theoretical and model based analysis below.
In order to compare the protocols, the following set of
parameters is usually defined:
N=number of nodes.
L=average path length (in hops).
R=average number of active routes per node.
µ=average number of link breakage per second (reflect
mobility degree).
α=route activity, which gives how the frequently the node is
changing its destination.
ρ=route concentration factor that monitors the traffic hot-
spots in MANET.
Proactive, reactive and hybrid protocols have been evaluated
theoretically in [27]. It has been found that asymptotic
overhead for proactive is O(N
) due to the process of
maintaining and forwarding tables to keep periodic updates. In
reactive protocols, route requests and reply messages create
overhead of cost O(N
), while in hybrid protocols this is
). The number of packets that are produced by proactive
protocols per second is µ*L*N
while for reactive protocols is
. Reactive is found to be better than proactive
if µ*L*N
> (α+ρ*R*µ)*L*N
. It has been concluded in [25]
that proactive protocols can be used mostly in static or quasi-
static networks, reactive protocols are preferred in more
dynamic networking, while hybrid protocols are more efficient
in adapting to changes in network conditions.
Analytical model that compared control overhead with
mobility and data traffic for proactive and reactive protocols
for MANETs has been also presented in [12]. It has been found
that number of packets produced by optimized reactive
protocols in MANET is o
and o
for optimized
proactive protocols, where
= route request optimization factor.
=active next hops ratio.
a= number of active routes per node (activity).
= broadcast optimization factor.
As a result of comparing those two approaches with existing
simulations, it has been observed that OLSR is more scalable
than DSR. Moreover, rough high mobility asymptotic for both
classes have been compared. It has been found that reactive
protocols are better than proactive in high mobility if reactive
protocols use routes that do not share links.
Al Amri, Abolhasan & Wysocki in Proceedings og the International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (2007)
Hierarchal routing protocols, geographic position
information assisted routing protocols, and hybrid routing
protocols are more adaptable to various node destination than
flat protocols [17, 18]. In [17], hierarchal routing protocols
have been found to be more scalable than flat protocols
because they limit the propagation area by structuring the
network nodes. However, overheads are increasing with those
routing schemes due to location management. Therefore,
hierarchal protocols are suitable in scenario like high density
but low mobility. Geographic routing protocols also perform
well in high density because of the simplicity of location
management localized route discovery.
B. Simulation Observations
MANET routing protocols are commonly evaluated
according to performance metrics such as: delay, delivery ratio,
and overheads. Delay is the delay of data processing and
queuing in intermediate nodes. Delay increases usually as
mobility increases in all different classes of routing protocols.
The delivery ratio is the ratio of the number of received packets
at the destination to the number of packets that are sent by the
source node. This ratio usually decreases as mobility increases.
The last metric is the overhead consuming the network
bandwidth, which is often high as nodes increase their speed.
Adaptable protocol to particular scenario of density and
mobility has lower delay and overhead and higher delivery
ratio. Several simulations have been carried out to compare
different protocols from different classes in different scenarios
of nodes mobility and density [6, 11, 27-30].
The results of these simulations indicated that proactive
protocols have higher overhead than reactive and hybrid
protocols in terms of mobility and density while they have
smaller delay than reactive ones. On the other hand, reactive
protocols have lower delay than hybrid protocols. Although it
is noticed that as the density increases and the mobility
decreases, the delivery ratio increases. Proactive protocols have
better delivery ratio but hybrid protocols have the best delivery
ratio. Hence, they perform better in high density networks.
In [30], several simulations of four protocols have been
carried out using GloMoSim simulator. These protocols were
distance vector (DV), DSR and AODV as reactive protocols,
and WRP as proactive protocol. The simulations have been run
under different network conditions like different mobility
degrees and different nodes density. It has been found that
DSR has highest delay, while WRP has the lowest overhead as
mobility increases.
To conclude what we have outlined theoretically and from
existing simulations, proactive protocols class perform well in
network with low mobility nodes. However, this class can
adapt different node density, because they include hierarchal
and geographical routing protocols. Moreover, hierarchal,
geographic and, and hybrid routing protocols, have been more
flexible with high density networks. Therefore, they can
operate with medium and high density. In medium density and
mobility, reactive protocols can work well.
In this section we present simulations that have been carried
out to compare the performances of different protocols from
different classes in heterogeneous and homogenous MANET.
In homogenous MANETs, all nodes have same capabilities and
resources while with heterogeneous MANET different nodes
have different resources like transmission range and power
We preformed the simulations using the GloMoSim [31]
package. Each simulation run for 900s with different values of
seeds. There was a 50-node network on a 1500x300 grid, a
100-node network on a 2200x600 grid, and a 200-node
network on a 3000x1000 grid. Random way point was used as
mobility model with eight different values of pause times that
were 0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 700 and 900. Speeds of the
nodes were varied from 1 to 20 m/s. Different traffic loads
flows have been created between random pairs of nodes. There
were 10 flows from source to destination over 50-node, 110
flows over 100-node and 210 flows over 200-node. Constant
Bite Rate (CBR) was used to generate data traffic of rate 4
packets per second. Each packet was 512 bytes and transmitted
at 250 ms intervals.
IEEE 802.11 was used as MAC protocol with constant
transmission bandwidth of 2Mbps. The transmission power
was 15dbm for all nodes in homogenous network. In
heterogeneous MANET, nodes have different transmission
powers (1-20 dbm) and receiver powers (-81.0 - -110.0 dbm).
The simulations run five different protocols that were DSR,
AODV, LAR1, FSR and WRP. Packet delivery ratio (PDR),
End-to-End Delay and packet loose percentage, control
overhead and hop counts were used as performance metrics of
each protocol.
V. R
In this section, we present the results of simulating DSR,
AODV, FSR, LAR1 and WRP with different number of nodes
within heterogeneous and homogenous networks. DSR, AODV
and LAR1 were simulated with 50, 100 and 200 nodes while
FSR has simulated with 50 and 100 nodes and WRP with 50
only. This is because FSR and WRP are not scalable to large
number of nodes.
Fig 3 (a-e) shows End-to-End delay of each protocol. This
graph shows that all protocols behave differently with
heterogeneous nodes. The delay with 50 and 100 homogenous
nodes are nearly constant. They all have higher delay in
heterogeneous MANET comparing with homogenous MANET
and with same number of nodes. For example, AODV has
delay less than 0.2 with 50 homogenous nodes while it is more
than 0.3 with 50 heterogeneous nodes. Also, the delay is
extremely high with 200 heterogeneous nodes for all protocols.
DSR behaves better in heterogonous MANT than other
protocols do where delay is very low except for 200
heterogeneous nodes as shown in Fig3(b). FSR has high delays
with 100 nodes for both homogenous and heterogeneous
networks as in Fig.3(c). Fig.3 (d) illustrates the delay for
Al Amri, Abolhasan & Wysocki in Proceedings og the International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (2007)
LAR1, all delays of different number of nodes in
heterogeneous MANET are the highest where it varies from 6
to 10 comparing with other protocols. All these reflect that
current routing protocols are not adaptable for heterogeneous
Fig 4 (a-e) illustrate the packet delivery ratio (PDR) of
different protocols with homogenous and heterogeneous
networks. PDR of all protocols is nearly 1 in homogenous
networking with different number of nodes. It decreases with
heterogeneous networking. The difference between the PDR in
homogenous and in heterogeneous networks with same number
of nodes is higher with proactive protocols like FSR and WRP.
This difference is 20% for reactive protocols while it is nearly
60% with proactive protocols. This shows that those protocols
do not make use of the different resources that different nodes
have it.
(a): End-to-End Delay of AODV for 50, 100, and 200 homogenous and
heterogeneous nodes.
(b): End-to-End Delay of DSR for 50, 100, and 200 homogenous and
heterogeneous nodes.
(c): End-to-End Delay of FSR for 50 and 100 homogenous and heterogeneous
(d): End-to-End Delay of LAR1 for 50, 100, and 200 homogenous and
heterogeneous nodes.
(e): End-to-End Delay of WRP for 50 homogenous and heterogeneous nodes.
Figure.3. (a-e): End-to-End Delay of AODV, DSR, FSR, LAR1, and WRP for
both homogenous and heterogeneous networks.
Al Amri, Abolhasan & Wysocki in Proceedings og the International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (2007)
Packet loss percentage is illustrated in Fig 5(a-e). In
homogenous network, the rate of packet loss is very low
compared to heterogeneous networking. Packet loss percentage
in heterogeneous networking with reactive protocols is
between 20 and 25 while it ranges from 60 to 70 for proactive
Overheads are illustrated in Fig 6(a-e). Overhead is higher
too with heterogeneous networking. 200 nodes with
heterogeneous networking has very high overhead with
AODV, DSR and LAR1. This illustrates the scalability issue.
Proactive protocols as expected have the highest overhead in
both homogenous and heterogeneous networking. This is
because of periodical updating of routing information.
(a): Packet Delivery Ratio of AODV for 50, 100, and 200 homogenous and
heterogeneous nodes.
(b): Packet Delivery Ratio of DSR for 50, 100, and 200 homogenous and
heterogeneous nodes.
(c): Packet Delivery Ratio of FSR for 50, and 100 homogenous and
heterogeneous nodes.
(d): Packet Delivery Ratio of LAR1 for 50, 100, and 200 homogenous and
heterogeneous nodes.
(e): Packet Delivery Ratio of WRP for 50 homogenous and heterogeneous
Figure.4. (a-e): Packet Delivery Ratio of AODV, DSR, FSR, LAR1, and WRP
for both homogenous and heterogeneous networks.
Al Amri, Abolhasan & Wysocki in Proceedings og the International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (2007)
Generally, most protocols behave inefficiently and
unexpectedly in heterogeneous networks. One of the problems
that cause misbehaving is unidirectional link. Some protocols
support only bidirectional link between two similar nodes.
Unidirectional link problem is shown in Fig 7, where node B
has higher transmission range than node A. Therefore
B includes A in its transmission range while A does not
include B. Consequently, the link between B and A is
unidirectional from B to A only. However, AODV assumes all
links between two nodes are bidirectional which gives incorrect
routing information. Therefore, this incorrect information
creates large delay and packet loss in heterogeneous
However, in heterogeneous networking, there are nodes
which have high transmission range to connect to large number
of nodes. Therefore, the number of neighbor nodes increases.
Hence, as network size increases, powerful nodes will consume
more memory and bandwidth in storing neighbor tables and
updating routing information. Therefore, proactive protocols
might experience higher percentage of packet losing and lower
(a): Packet Loss Percentage of AODV for 50, 100, and 200 homogenous and
heterogeneous nodes.
(b): Packet Loss Percentage of DSR for 50, 100, and 200 homogenous and
heterogeneous nodes.
(c): Packet Loss Percentage of FSR for 50, and 100 homogenous and
heterogeneous nodes.
(d): Packet Loss Percentage of LAR1 for 50, 100, and 200 homogenous and
heterogeneous nodes.
(e): Packet Loss Percentage of WRP for 50 homogenous and heterogeneous
Figure.5. (a-e): Packet Loss Percentage of AODV, DSR, FSR, LAR1, and
WRP for both homogenous and heterogeneous networks.
Al Amri, Abolhasan & Wysocki in Proceedings og the International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (2007)
(a): Control Overhead of AODV for 50, 100, and 200 homogenous and
heterogeneous nodes.
(b): Control Overhead of DSR for 50, 100, and 200 homogenous and
heterogeneous nodes.
(c): Control Overhead of FSR for 50, and 100 homogenous and heterogeneous
Figure.6. (a-e): Control Overhead AODV, DSR, FSR, LAR1, and WRP for
both homogenous and heterogeneous networks.
(d): Control Overhead of LAR1 for 50, 100, and 200 homogenous and
heterogeneous nodes.
(e): Control Overhead of WRP for 50 homogenous and heterogeneous nodes.
Figure.7: Unidirectional Link Problem in Heterogeneous MANET.
In Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), mobility, traffic and
node density are main network conditions that significantly
affect the performance of the network. This issue has been
reviewed in this paper. In addition, most of current routing
protocols assume homogeneous network conditions where all
nodes have the same capabilities and resources. Although
homogenous networks are easy to model and analysis, they
exhibits poor scalability compared to heterogeneous networks,
which consist of different nodes with different resources. In
this paper, different simulations have been carried out to
compare the performance of different routing protocols in
Al Amri, Abolhasan & Wysocki in Proceedings og the International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (2007)
homogenous and heterogeneous networks. All simulated
protocols misbehave in heterogeneous networks. They also
suffer from high delays and achieve very low PDR. Current
MANET routing protocols have unidirectional link problem
and do not scale well if node density is increasing. This shows
that the current routing protocols for MANET are inadaptable
for heterogeneous networking. More works needs to be carried
out to investigate the problems that rise with routing protocols
in heterogeneous networking. In addition, most publications of
routing issues in heterogeneous MANET proposed to assign
most routing loads to powerful nodes. However, those nodes
may create critical problems if they go off-line. Hence, there
should be alternative strategies to recover any fault on powerful
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