Project managers 500-1400 Blair Towers Place • Ottawa ON K1J 9B8 • 1-800-267-6684 •
Aug. 10/07 © 2023 Victor Insurance Managers Inc. 1
Errors and omissions insurance for project managers of construction projects
Applications can be submitted to [email protected]. Submitting broker, please complete
the following to assist us in processing this submission:
Name of brokerage:
Name of broker contact:
Brokerage address: City: Postal code:
For renewal purposes only: Policy number: ISN (Client’s number):
Insurance issued subsequent to this application would insure project managers of construction projects only in
circumstances wherein their agreement with the project owner DOES NOT MAKE THEM ASSUME CONTRACTUAL
RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT. Otherwise, application should be made for
either Design-build or Contractors Errors and Omissions Insurance.
The applicant
1. Name of applicant:
2. Address of head office:
3. Date established (dd/mm/yyyy): Telephone: Facsimile:
4. Location of branch offices:
5. Predecessor firms:
6. Total number of: Project management professionals (with designation):
Engineers: Architects:
Technical Personnel: Others:
Names of partners, active
directors (include sole
Year of
in firm
Province or state
in which
registered to
Please attach the curriculum vitae of those listed above.
8. Please list any association memberships of the firm:
9. Is the project management “team” for each project supervised by a professional architect, engineer, architectural
technologist or engineering technologist? YES NO
If no, please provide the curriculum vitae of “team” supervisors not qualified as such.
10. Has the applicant or predecessor firm previously carried errors and omissions insurance? YES NO
Company Limit Deductible
Expiry date
Previous Insurer $ $
Present Insurer $ $
Project managers 500-1400 Blair Towers Place • Ottawa ON K1J 9B8 • 1-800-267-6684 •
Aug. 10/07 © 2023 Victor Insurance Managers Inc. 2
11. Previous insurance—Has any application for insurance been made on behalf of the applicant or any of the present
partners, officers, directors or employees or, to the knowledge of the firm, on behalf of their predecessors in
business, been declined or cancelled, or has renewal been refused in the past five years? YES NO
If yes, please provide details:
12. Please indicate the limit and deductible required.
$250,000 per claim/$500,000 annual aggregate
$500,000 per claim/$1,000,000 annual aggregate
$1,000,000 per claim/$1,000,000 annual aggregate
$2,000,000 per claim/$2,000,000 annual aggregate
$3,000,000 per claim/$3,000,000 annual aggregate
$4,000,000 per claim/$4,000,000 annual aggregate
$5,000,000 per claim/$5,000,000 annual aggregate
Other deductible: $
13. In the firm’s capacity as project manager, does the applicant usually request proof of professional liability insurance
from architectural and engineering consultants rendering services in connection with projects? YES NO
If yes, please indicate the approximate percentage of contracts or mandates undertaken during the last 12 months
for which proof of insurance was obtained from such consultants: __________%.
Fee breakdown
14. Fee income (excluding disbursements):
Last 12 months
or last fiscal
next 12 months
or next fiscal
(a) Gross fees [include all amounts in 14 (b) to 14 (g)] $ $
(b) Fees emanating from projects for which the applicant IS NOT
$ $
(c) Fees emanating from projects for which the applicant IS
(d) Fees emanating from projects for which the applicant IS
$ $
(e) Fees emanating from projects and joint ventures separately insured $ $
(f) Fees emanating from projects or services performed in the U.S.
(CAN $) $ $
(g) Fees emanating from projects or services performed outside of
Canada or the U.S. (CAN $) $ $
15. Total construction values: $ $
16. (a) Please indicate the percentage of gross fees derived from the following:
Projects Percentage
Services not resulting in construction %
Buildings (excluding industrial) %
Industrial buildings %
Municipal (water, sewage, etc.) %
Heavy civil (bridges, dams, tunnels) %
Light civil, roads %
Marine %
Aviation %
Environmental %
Other (specify) %
Total 100%
Project managers 500-1400 Blair Towers Place • Ottawa ON K1J 9B8 • 1-800-267-6684 •
Aug. 10/07 © 2023 Victor Insurance Managers Inc. 3
(b) Do more than 25% of the applicant’s fees emanate from a single client? YES NO
If yes, please provide the client’s name:
Other activities
17. Does the applicant or any related company engage in actual construction, installation or erection?YES NO
18. Does the applicant or any related company engage in actual manufacture, fabrication or assembly?
19. Does the applicant or any related company assume responsibility for any of the activities mentioned in questions
17 and 18 above? YES NO
If the answer is “yes” to any of questions 17, 18 or 19, full details of operations must be provided.
Knowledge of prior errors or claims
20. Does the applicant or any of its partners, officers, directors or employees have any knowledge or information of:
(a) any error, omission or negligent act in the performance of professional services for others? YES NO
(b) any written or oral demand for money or any written or oral allegation of breach in the rendering or failure to
render professional services (in the last five years)? YES NO
(c) any unresolved job dispute or circumstance which might reasonably result in a claim? YES NO
(d) having been called upon to make any payment or to forego any claim for fees as a result of any job dispute
during the past five years? YES NO
(e) their licence having been suspended or their having been fined or reprimanded during the past five years?
In the event that the answer “yes” is given to any of the above questions, please provide full details of the
Without limitation of any other remedy of the insurers, it is agreed that, if the answer “yes” is given to any of the
questions in 20, any claim arising from the facts or circumstances reported therein are excluded from coverage.
Additional information
21. Please list details of projects/joint ventures insured separately:
Name of project/joint venture
Location Insurer Policy term
22. If a new applicant, please attach a list of the 10 largest projects completed in the applicant’s capacity as a project
manager during the past five years using the following format and attach recent company brochures:
Name of project Location Insurer Policy term
Project managers 500-1400 Blair Towers Place • Ottawa ON K1J 9B8 • 1-800-267-6684 •
Aug. 10/07 © 2023 Victor Insurance Managers Inc. 4
Applicant’s consent to the transmission of the information contained in the application form
I hereby acknowledge that the information collected in the application form is acquired by my insurance broker to be
transmitted to Victor Insurance Managers Inc. for the sole purpose of obtaining an insurance policy, and will be kept
Moreover, I authorize Victor Insurance Managers Inc., its insurers or service providers to:
conduct verification, using outside sources, of the information contained in the application form, in attached
documentation and in subsequently provided documentation;
in the event of a claim, transmit the submitted and verified information to loss adjusters, lawyers or other similar
offices for the purposes of investigating, defending, negotiating or settling any claims, as required.
I acknowledge that specific details of Victor’s Privacy Notice can be found at
Declarations and signature
The applicant has read the foregoing and understands that completion of this application does not bind the insurer or
the broker to complete the insurance on the terms requested or at all. Terms and conditions of coverage are as set out
in the policy without reference to the terms and conditions requested in the application herein or otherwise.
The applicant declares and warrants that he/she has made reasonable efforts to obtain sufficient information from each
prospective insured under the policy to fully and accurately complete this application, that this application is complete
and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief, and that all particulars which may have a bearing upon the
applicant’s acceptability as a professional liability insurance risk have been revealed. It is agreed that the answers to
the questions herein shall be binding on all insureds under the policy. It is understood that this application shall form
the basis of the contract should the insurer approve the coverage and should the applicant be satisfied with the insurer’s
It is further agreed that if, in the time between submission of this application and the requested date for coverage to be
effective, the applicant becomes aware of any information which would change the answers furnished in response to
question 20 of this application, such information shall be revealed immediately in writing to the insurer.
Signature of applicant (authorized representative) Date (dd/mm/yyyy)