Oracle Fusion
Cloud Project
Using Project Performance
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Copyright © "2011,2024", Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Author: Sumitha Vatsavai
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Get Help ................................................................................................................................ i
Project Performance Reporting
Tolerance Percentage ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Financial Plan Types Included in Summarization .................................................................................................................... 1
Performance Trend Indicators ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Example of KPI Thresholds with Different Currencies ........................................................................................................... 2
FAQs for Project Performance Reporting ................................................................................................................................. 3
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
Project Performance Data Summarization ............................................................................................................................... 5
KPI Components ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
How KPI Values Are Generated ................................................................................................................................................. 10
How KPI Trends Are Calculated ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Examples of KPI Value Calculations ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Import Project Key Performance Indicators ........................................................................................................................... 18
FAQs for Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs ........................................................................................ 19
Project Performance Analysis
Considerations for Analyzing Project Performance Using the Project Management Dashboard ............................... 23
Draw Insight on Project Health and Progress ........................................................................................................................ 26
How Project Progress is Calculated .......................................................................................................................................... 27
How Performance Status For Tasks And Resources Is Calculated .................................................................................... 29
FAQs for Project Performance Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 31
FAQs for Project Comparison Graphs ...................................................................................................................................... 32
FAQs for KPI Watchlist ................................................................................................................................................................ 33
FAQs for KPI Historical Trending .............................................................................................................................................. 34
FAQs for Project Financial Performance ................................................................................................................................. 35
FAQs for Task and Resource Level Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 36
Project Programs
Program Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................ 37
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Key Terms Used in Program Management ............................................................................................................................ 38
How is the Program Headlines page organized? ................................................................................................................. 40
Considerations for Managing Programs ................................................................................................................................. 41
How Project Calendars Are Mapped to Program Calendars .............................................................................................. 42
How do performance measures help me analyze programs? ........................................................................................... 43
How can I manage programs using the Oracle Visual Builder Plugin for Microsoft Excel? ......................................... 44
Program Communications ......................................................................................................................................................... 48
FAQs for Project Programs ........................................................................................................................................................ 50
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
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Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
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Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 1
Project Performance Reporting
1 Project Performance Reporting
Tolerance Percentage
Use tolerance percentages to compare the previous key performance indicator (KPI) value with the current value. The
application calculates trend indicators based on the percentage increase or decrease in a KPI value and the tolerance
percentage in the KPI definition.
Example of Tolerance Percentage
When you create a KPI, you must enter a tolerance percentage that's used to determine the trend indicator for a KPI.
The percentage change in KPI value is calculated using the following formula:
This table describes how the application uses tolerance percentage to calculate the trend indicator.
KPI Tolerance Percentage
and Trend Indicator
Current Period KPI
Value and Status
Previous Period KPI
Value and Status
Percentage Change Trend Indicator
Based on Previous
PTD Actual Invoice
5 percent
Up is Favorable
27 percent
Down, Unfavorable
PTD Actual Spent
Labor Effort
Up is Favorable
On Track
On Track
5.6 percent
Up, Favorable
PTD Actual Margin
2 percent
Up is Favorable
28.5 percent
30.2 percent
On Track
5.6 percent
Down, Unfavorable
Financial Plan Types Included in Summarization
Approved forecast and baseline budget versions of the following financial plan types are included in the summarization
of project performance data by default.
Approved Revenue Budget
Approved Cost Budget
Primary Revenue Forecast
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 1
Project Performance Reporting
Primary Cost Forecast
A budget or forecast financial plan type may support both cost and revenue in one version.
Additional Financial Plan Types Included in Summarization
Apart from the financial plan types that are included in the summarization by default, you can manually include up to
four financial plan types in summarization of project performance data.
Tip: You can include a financial plan type before it's used on a project for creating a version.
You can replace a financial plan type only until the project performance data is summarized for reporting. After that, you
can only disable the financial plan type to exclude it from further summarization.
Performance Trend Indicators
Project performance trend indicators show whether project performance is favorable or unfavorable.
You can view the following trends:
Trend What Does It Indicate
Up, favorable
An increasing KPI value is favorable to the project.
Up, unfavorable
An increasing KPI value is unfavorable to the project.
Down, favorable
A decreasing KPI value is favorable to the project.
Down, unfavorable
A decreasing KPI value is unfavorable to the project.
No change to the KPI value.
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Trend Indicators task to change the default sort order of
the trend indicators. Based on this sort order, the KPIs are listed in the KPI Watchlist region in the Project Performance
Example of KPI Thresholds with Different Currencies
You can set up different threshold ranges for each currency for currency-based KPIs to ensure that the thresholds apply
for a particular currency amount.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 1
Project Performance Reporting
Example of Threshold Levels with Different Currencies
The following example describes setting up of different threshold levels for each currency.
Vision Corporation sells and installs human resource software. A standard KPI used for installation projects is Period-to-
Date (PTD) Invoice Amount. Projects are executed in different countries having different project and ledger currencies,
such as United States dollars (USD), Japanese yen (JPY), and Indian rupees (INR).
The PTD invoice amount for projects with a ledger currency of USD is critical if the value is between 0 and 3,000 USD.
The PTD invoice amount for projects with a ledger currency of INR is critical if the value is between 0 and 50,000 INR.
The currency thresholds are independent of currency conversion.
FAQs for Project Performance Reporting
What budgets and forecasts are included in the summarization?
Certain financial plan types are included in summarization by default, while you must manually select others.
Approved forecast and baseline budget versions of the following financial plan types are automatically included in
summarization of project performance data:
Approved Revenue Budget
Approved Cost Budget
Primary Revenue Forecast
Primary Cost Forecast
Apart from the default financial plan types, you can include up to four others in summarization of project performance
Can I choose the regions to appear on Project Performance
Reporting dashboard?
Yes. Select the Edit Current Page link in the Personalization menu to show or hide regions. You can also modify the
arrangement of the region layouts using the Change Layout option.
Can I select the columns to appear in the Project Performance
Reporting dashboard tables?
Yes. The View menu in the region gives you options to add or remove columns in a region.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 1
Project Performance Reporting
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
2 Update Project Performance Data and
Generate KPIs
Project Performance Data Summarization
Project managers, project application administrators, and project administrators can run the Update Project
Performance Data process to summarize performance data for a project unit, business unit, a range of projects, or the
projects managed by a project manager.
The Update Project Performance Data process:
Summarizes data for different data sources, such as actual costs, commitments, contract revenue, invoice
amounts, budgets, control budgets, allocations, forecasts, and awards.
Summarizes data in the project currency, project ledger currency, and transaction currency.
Summarizes data in the accounting and project accounting calendars.
Summarizes contracts.
Generates KPI values and determines the overall project health status.
Updates the financial project plan with summarized amounts from actual cost transactions.
Updates Oracle Essbase cubes so that you can view the summarized data using Oracle Smart View for Office.
Summarized Data
Use the summarized data to analyze the health of projects and drill down to the causes of any deviation from set
You can use summarized data to:
Analyze project performance.
Analyze KPI categories and KPIs.
Track project health and progress across different periods.
View summaries for revenues, invoices, actual costs, budgets, allocations, forecasts, and commitments.
Note: On the Review Project Performance page, the transfer order commitments are reported as part
of Other Commitments. That is, the ITD Transfer Order Committed Cost is reported as part of ITD Other
Committed Cost, the PTD Transfer Order Committed Cost is reported as part of PTD Other Committed Cost,
and so on.
Build dashboards and analyses to review project performance using the Projects - Performance Reporting Real
Time subject area.
Create reports using Oracle Smart View for Office.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
When to Run the Update Project Performance Data Process
You can run the Update Project Performance Data process for different situations. For example, run it when:
The summarized data is out of date and you want to update it. For example, if you don't see the latest
summarized data in the Project Management infolets, in the Project Performance Dashboard regions, or in the
My Projects page.
Large volume of data isn't summarized yet, and you want to summarize the entire data in one run.
Note: If you have large volumes of data, run the Update Project Performance Data Without Producing Report
process when the workload is low. For example, you can run the process on a nightly basis.
The following processes run as part of the Update Project Performance Data process and summarize data. So, don't run
these processes if you're running the Update Project Performance Data process:
Process Notes
Distribute Project Resource and Task Effort
by Day
Update Project Contract Performance Data
or Update Project Contract Performance
Data Without Producing Report
The Update Project Performance Data process or the Update Project Contract Performance Data
process summarizes project and contract performance data. Submit or schedule either of these
processes without specifying any parameters that determine the range of projects or contracts for
the process. You must leave any such parameters (for example, project unit, business unit, and so on)
blank so that the application can summarize the eligible projects and contracts.
Generate KPI Values or Generate KPI
Values Without Producing Report
The Update Project Performance Data process doesn't spawn a subprocess for generating KPIs. KPIs
are generated as part of the Update Project Performance Data process.
Update Award Project Performance Data
Without Producing Report
Update Project Plan Data or Update
Project Plan Data Without Producing
If the Enable automatic pushing actual to project plan after every online cost summarization
profile option is enabled, the Update Project Plan Data process runs as part of the Update Project
Performance Data process. Otherwise, navigate to the Manage Financial Project Plan page, click
Update Amounts > Update Actual Amounts from the Actions menu, and submit the Update Project
Plan Data process.
Settings That Affect Performance Data Summarization
Tip: We recommended that you run the Update Project Performance Data process with the default parameter values.
Note: Data security checks are turned off when you run the Update Project Performance Data process with either
the Project Manager parameter or with the From Project Number and To Project Number parameters. All projects
for a project manager (if provided) or the projects between the From Project Number and To Project Number are
summarized and the latest summarized data for these projects is displayed in the Project Management infolets, in the
Project Performance Dashboard regions, and in the My Projects page.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
Before you run the Update Project Performance Data process from the Scheduled Processes page, select one of the
following summarization methods:
Summarization Method Usage
Summarizes new transactions that are yet to be summarized. Also, processes all the planning resource
breakdown structure and reporting resource breakdown structure changes that are associated to
summarized projects.
Delete and resummarize
Corrects summary data when the source system data changes outside the regular transaction flow.
This option is disabled by default. But, if you want to delete and resummarize performance data, ask
your application administrator to set the Enable Maintain Project Performance Data job profile
option to Yes. The profile option is in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Resource breakdown structure
Migrates all summary data from one resource breakdown structure version to the next. If you select
this option, you must also specify the resource breakdown structure header.
If you update a project-specific resource breakdown structure that allows resource changes at project
level, then run the Update Project Performance Data process in the Resource breakdown structure
mode for the changes to reflect in reporting. If you want the changes to apply to new projects that use
this resource breakdown structure, then use the Manage Planning and Billing Resource Breakdown
Structures task in the Setup and Maintenance work area to make the changes at the setup level.
If you update a resource breakdown structure that doesn't allow resource changes at project level
and you want these changes to reflect in the projects that are currently associated with this resource
breakdown structure, then click Update Mapping or run the Update Project Performance Data process
in the Resource breakdown structure or Incremental mode.
Each time you run the summarization process manually, specify the summarization parameters and whether to
summarize the following transactions:
Transaction Data Summarized
Budget and Forecast
Approved current and previous forecasts, and current and original budgets that have a baseline
version. This includes approved budgets and primary forecasts.
Commitments such as supplier invoices, purchase orders, and requisitions from other Oracle Fusion
Cloud Applications.
Actual Costs
The actual costs incurred for your projects.
How to Run the Update Project Performance Data Process
Project application administrators can schedule the Update Project Performance Data process to run periodically by
clicking Schedule New Process on the Scheduled Processes page.
Project managers can submit these processes from the Project Performance Dashboard or the Project Management
work area. Project administrators can submit these processes from the Project Performance Dashboard or the Project
Financial Management work area.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
After you run the Update Project Performance Data process, you can track its progress on the Scheduled Processes
In a non-production instance, after a production-to-test refresh, you might notice these issues:
The latest values aren’t displayed in the Financial Performance section (go to the Project Overview page and
click the Financials tab), the Project Performance Dashboard, or the Review Project Performance page even
after the Essbase process was successful.
The Update Project Performance Data or Update Project Contract Performance Data process ends in a warning
if its sub process Maintain Project Performance Data: Maintain Oracle Essbase Cube ends in an error.
To fix these issues, regenerate the Projects Essbase cube by running the Maintain Project Performance Data Without
Producing Report process with the Recreate Cube with Existing Summary Data parameter set to Yes and the rest of the
parameters set to their default values. This is a mandatory step that must be completed after every P2T refresh.
If a production-to-test refresh hasn’t occurred and you are facing similar issues, then run the Update Project
Performance Data Without Producing Report process with all the parameters set to their default values. This spawns a
new Update Project Performance Data Without Producing Report job that automatically fixes the issue. Run the Update
Project Performance Data Without Producing Report process once again with all parameters set to their default values
to ensure the successful completion of the Maintain Project Performance Data: Maintain Oracle Essbase Cube process.
Related Topics
How Resource Mapping is Calculated
Reporting Resource Breakdown Structure Versions
KPI Components
A key performance indicator (KPI) lets you define thresholds of possible values for a performance measure for any
project in a project unit. During KPI definition, you associate a performance status indicator with each threshold level.
When you generate KPI values, the value is compared with the thresholds defined for the KPI. If the value falls within any
of the defined threshold levels, then the status indicator of that threshold is associated with the performance measure.
The key components of a KPI are:
Performance Measure
Performance Status Indicator
Threshold Level
Performance Trend Indicator
Tolerance Percentage
Performance Measure
Performance measures are predefined criteria for performance or schedule that are used to determine if a project is on
track. You can create your own performance measures based on existing custom performance measures to effectively
determine the overall health of your projects. Use any of the available performance measure to create a KPI.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
Performance measures are defined for budgets and forecasts, billing and revenue, costs, effort, margin, capitalization,
and so on. Following are examples of predefined performance measures:
EAC Budget Cost (the estimate at completion burdened cost from the current baseline approved budget)
ITD Forecast Revenue Variance (the inception-to-date current baseline budget revenue - inception-to-date
current approved forecast revenue)
Prior Period Margin Percentage Variance (the prior period current baseline budget margin percentage - prior
period actual margin percentage)
You can rename these performance measures to make the measure names more relevant for your business needs. For
example, rename EAC Budget Cost to Budget at Completion.
A performance measure is associated with one of the following time dimensions:
Estimate-at-completion (EAC)
Inception-to-date (ITD)
Prior Period
Period-to-date (PTD)
Quarter-to-date (QTD)
Year-to-date (YTD)
A performance measure set, such as Budget Cost, can have as many as six performance measures; one for each time
A performance measure can be expressed as a currency amount, as a percentage, or in time units such as hours when
effort is measured. If a KPI is used on projects that use different currencies, you can enter different thresholds levels for
each currency you need.
Performance Status Indicator
Performance status indicators indicate the status of a project, such as critical, at risk, and on track. Each icon indicates
the status and severity of performance.
During KPI definition, you first associate status indicators with performance statuses:
At risk
On track
You then associate these statuses with threshold levels. When KPI values are generated for a project, each value
is compared to the defined thresholds and the corresponding status indicator for the KPI appears in the project
performance reports.
A status can identify negative performance so that you can take the appropriate actions to prevent or quickly resolve
problems. Conversely, a status can identify positive performance to help you track expected or excellent performance.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
Threshold Level
During KPI definition, you define threshold levels to cover all possible values for a KPI. If a KPI value exceeds the
threshold levels you defined, the closest threshold is used to determine the KPI status. For example, if a KPI value falls
lower than the lowest threshold level, the status of the lowest threshold level is assigned to the KPI.
A status indicator can be associated with more than one threshold level. For example, both underutilization and
overutilization of resources can indicate a critical performance status.
Performance Trend Indicator
Performance trend indicators show the improving or worsening KPI value trends on the project. Each icon indicates
whether an increasing performance trend has a positive or negative impact. For example, an increase in nonbillable
costs is considered unfavorable to organizations that are able to bill costs to their clients. In this example, the
performance trend indicator shows a negative impact.
Tolerance Percentage
A tolerance percentage is used to compare the previous KPI value with the current value to show if the performance
trend is increasing, decreasing, or staying the same. For example, if the tolerance percentage is 10 percent for a KPI
and the difference between the previous KPI value and the current value is greater than 10 percent, then the trend is
increasing. If the difference is greater than -10 percent, then the trend is decreasing. If the difference is between -10
percent and 10 percent, then the trend shows no change. A single tolerance percentage value, such as 10 percent in this
example, represents both negative and positive tolerances.
Related Topics
How Performance Status For Tasks And Resources Is Calculated
How KPI Values Are Generated
Schedule or submit the Update Project Performance Data process to generate KPI values and analyze project
performance. However, if you want to generate KPI values for a particular period, then submit the Generate KPI Values
process with an appropriate KPI period determination date.
You can assign a threshold level for the KPI values. The KPI values are generated and then a status indicator is assigned
to the KPI based on the threshold you define.
Settings That Affect KPI Values
Before you submit the Generate KPI Values process from the Scheduled Processes page, you can set the following
Parameters Description
KPI Period Determination Date
Date used to derive the project accounting calendar and accounting calendar periods for performance
measure calculations when KPI values are generated.
Replace Current KPI Values Replaces the existing KPI values with the values that you're generating now.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
Parameters Description
Delete Previous KPI Values
Deletes the KPI values that were generated by prior runs of the Generate KPI Values process.
Number of Days to Retain KPI Values
Retains the KPI values for the specified number of days starting from the current date. The KPI values
generated prior to the specified number of days are deleted.
This parameter is applicable only when the Delete Previous KPI Values parameter is set to Yes.
Suppose that you set the KPI Period Determination Date parameter value and generate the KPI values as mentioned in
the following table:
KPI Period Determination Date Generation Date
October 29, 2010
November 12, 2010
September 30, 2010
October 15, 2010
If you select the Replace Current KPI Values parameter and generate KPI values on November 18, 2010, then the KPI
values generated on November 12, 2010 are replaced with the KPI values generated on November 18, 2010. You must
select to replace the current KPI values for a given period if you want to retain one set of KPI values during the period.
You can also delete KPI values that aren't required for reporting. The Delete Previous KPI Values and Number of Days
to Retain KPI Values parameters let you to delete KPI values that were generated prior to a specific number of days.
For example, if today is November 18, 2010 and you want to remove all KPI values generated in the previous year, then
select the Delete Previous KPI Values parameter and set the Number of Days to Retain KPI Values parameter to 322.
All KPI values generated since January 1, 2010 are retained and KPI values generated before that period are deleted.
Note: Don't delete previous KPI values if you're generating KPI values for the first time in a period or if you want to
see trending information for the KPIs over the life of the project.
How KPI Values are Generated
KPI values are calculated based on the value of the performance measure associated with the project. The Update
Project Performance Data process generates KPI values using the current date as the KPI period determination date.
If you submit the Generate KPI Values process to generate KPI values, the KPI period determination date is used to
determine the period. KPI values are generated for the period based on the options in the KPI definition.
Only one set of KPIs are maintained for a KPI period determination date. If KPIs are generated for the same date more
than once, then the existing KPI values are overwritten by the latest KPI values.
Suppose that the KPI values are generated with the KPI period determination date of August 24 at 8:15 a.m. for projects
A and B. For project B, KPI values are also generated with a KPI period determination date of August 24 at 10:45 a.m..
The KPI values for project B that are generated at 8:15 a.m. are deleted, but the KPI values of project A are retained.
Note: To keep historical information, use a unique KPI period determination date.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
Generate KPI Notifications
To automatically notify project managers after you generate KPI values:
1. Go to Projects > Project Financial Management.
2. In the My Projects page, right-click the project and select Manage Financial Project Settings.
3. In the Manage Financial Project Settings page, click Reporting.
4. Select the Notify project manager check box in the KPI Notifications section.
Related Topics
How KPI Trends Are Calculated
Trend indicators show whether the trend of a key performance indicator (KPI) is favorable or unfavorable for a project.
When you define KPIs you specify a value for tolerance percentage. The tolerance percentage is taken into account
while calculating trend indicators for a KPI.
Note: KPI trends may not be useful if KPI values are generated often. The reason is, if the tolerance percentage is 10
percent and KPI values are generated every day, the values decrease by 1 percent each day. In this scenario, no change
is observed in the trend as the decrease is well within the tolerance. However, if you generate KPI values at the start
and end of the month, a significant change is observed in the trend.
Settings That Affect KPI Trends
The trend indicator that appears for a KPI is based on the default set in the performance trend indicator setup. The
different trend indicators available are:
Up, favorable: The project performance trend is increasing in value and is desirable.
Up, unfavorable: The project performance trend is increasing in value and is undesirable.
Down, favorable: The project performance trend is decreasing in value and is desirable.
Down, unfavorable: The project performance trend is decreasing in value and is undesirable.
Unchanged: The project performance trend is unchanged.
You can change the sort order of the trend indicators based on how you want to sequence KPIs in a table based on the
performance of KPIs in a project.
How KPI Trends Are Calculated
Trend Indicators are calculated based on the percentage increase or decrease in a KPI value, while taking into
consideration the tolerance percentage specified while creating the KPI. The following example illustrates how trend
indicators are calculated for a KPI.
Consider a scenario where KPI values are generated for the first time on January 15, 2011, and again on February 15 and
April 15. KPI trends are calculated when there are at least two values that exist for a KPI.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
KPI Values Generated on January 15, 2011
This table displays the trend when KPI values are generated the first time on January 15, 2011. All values in the following
tables are percentages unless specified otherwise.
KPI Tolerance Percentage and
Trend Indicator Setting
Current KPI Value and
Status Indicator
Previous KPI Value and
Status Indicator
Trend Indicator
PTD Actual Spent Labor
Effort Percentage
Up is Favorable
On Track
PTD Actual Spent
Equipment Effort
Up is Unfavorable
On Track
PTD Actual Invoice Amount
Up is Favorable
Actual Billable Cost
Up is Favorable
On Track
PTD Actual Margin
Up is Favorable
On Track
After generating KPI values on January 15, 2011, the most critical KPI is PTD Actual Invoice Amount. The overall project
health status is Warning, because the most critical KPI, PTD Actual Invoice Amount, has a status of Warning.
KPI Values Generated on February 15, 2011
This table displays the trend when KPI values are generated on February 15, 2011.
KPI Tolerance Percentage and
Trend Indicator Setting
Current Period KPI Value
and Status Indicator
Previous Period KPI Value
and Status Indicator
Trend Indicator based on
Previous Period
PTD Actual Spent Labor
Effort Percentage
Up is Favorable
On Track
On Track
PTD Actual Spent
Equipment Effort
Up is Unfavorable
On Track
On Track
PTD Actual Invoice Amount
Up is Favorable
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
KPI Tolerance Percentage and
Trend Indicator Setting
Current Period KPI Value
and Status Indicator
Previous Period KPI Value
and Status Indicator
Trend Indicator based on
Previous Period
Actual Billable Cost
Up is Favorable
On Track
On Track
PTD Actual Margin
Up is Favorable
On Track
On Track
This table shows how the trend indicator is calculated based on the previous period. Although the KPI values for the
current period are different from the previous period, the difference in the values isn't significant enough to change
the trend indicator, based on the tolerance percentage defined for each KPI. For example, the PTD Actual Spent Labor
Effort Percentage is 71 percent, compared to the previous period KPI value of 70 percent. If the current period KPI value
is more than 73.5 percent, which is more than 5 percent higher than the previous period, then the trend indicator is Up,
Favorable. If the current period KPI value is less than 66.5 percent, which is more than 5 percent lower than the previous
period, then the trend indicator is Down, Unfavorable.
The overall project health status is Warning, based on the most critical of all KPI statuses. After generating KPI values on
February 15, 2011, the most critical KPI is PTD Actual Invoice Amount.
KPI Values Generated on April 15, 2011
This table displays the trend when KPI values are generated the on April 15, 2011.
KPI Tolerance Percentage and
Trend Indicator Setting
Current Quarter KPI Value
and Status Indicator
Previous Quarter KPI
Value and Status Indicator
Trend Indicator Based on
Previous Quarter
PTD Actual Spent Labor
Effort Percentage
Up is Favorable
On Track
On Track
Up, Favorable
PTD Actual Spent
Equipment Effort
Up is Unfavorable
On Track
On Track
Down, Favorable
PTD Actual Invoice Amount
Up is Favorable
Down, Unfavorable
Actual Billable Cost
Up is Favorable
On Track
On Track
PTD Actual Margin
Up is Favorable
On Track
Down, Unfavorable
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
This table shows how the trend indicator is calculated based on the previous quarter. The current KPI values are
compared to the latest generation date of KPIs for the previous quarter.
It is possible that the previous period trend and the previous quarter trend are calculated based on KPI values from the
same generation date. This occurs when the previous period generation date is the same as the latest generation date
in the previous quarter.
The first three KPI values changed enough since the previous quarter to change the trend calculator. For example,
the current quarter value of PTD Actual Invoice Amount is $3,500, which exceeds the threshold tolerance of 5 percent
from the previous quarter KPI value of $4,800. Therefore the KPI is in a Critical status, and the trend indicator is Down,
Unfavorable. If the current quarter value is greater than $5,040, which is more than 5 percent higher than the previous
quarter, then the trend indicator is Up, Favorable.
A project manager might review the KPI values, statuses, and trends shown in this table and determine that a
transaction was not billed, because the KPIs that are based on revenue and invoice amounts have both dropped.
The overall project health is critical because of the status of the PTD Actual Invoice Amount.
Related Topics
Performance Trend Indicators
Tolerance Percentage
Examples of KPI Value Calculations
A key performance indicator (KPI), if enabled for use, can be defined against one of two calendars: accounting calendar
or project accounting calendar.
To generate KPI values, you enter a KPI period determination date for the application to determine the accounting
calendar period and project accounting calendar period. This example shows you how current period, prior period, and
prior quarter KPI values are calculated.
Vision Corporation designs and implements heavy engineering projects for government and private customers. The
Finance department is interested in measuring revenue and margin on the accounting calendar, and budget to actual
variance of labor effort on the project accounting calendar. The KPIs defined for this purpose are Period-to-Date (PTD)
Revenue Variance Percentage on the accounting calendar and PTD Labor Effort Variance Percentage on the project
accounting calendar.
The following table shows the accounting calendar used by InFusion Corporation.
Period Name Period Start Date Period End Date Quarter Name Quarter Start Date Quarter End Date
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
Period Name Period Start Date Period End Date Quarter Name Quarter Start Date Quarter End Date
The following table shows the project accounting calendar used by InFusion Corporation.
Period Name Period Start Date Period End Date Quarter Name Quarter Start Date Quarter End Date
Assume the KPI period determination date is October 2, 2009. In the calendar shown, October 2, 2009, occurs in the
period OCT-09 on the accounting calendar, but in the W4-SEP-09 period on the project accounting calendar.
The following scenario describes how the current period, prior period, and prior quarter KPI values are calculated based
on different KPI period determination dates.
KPI Values Generated on October 3, 2009
The first generation of KPI values occurs on October 3, 2009. On the KPI watchlist, the key performance indicator PTD
Labor Effort Variance Percentage shows the current period as W4-Sep-09, prior period as W3-Sep-09, and prior quarter
as Q2. The key performance indicator PTD Revenue Variance Percentage shows the current period as Oct-09, prior
period as Sep-09, and prior quarter as Q2.
This table displays how the current period, prior period, and prior quarter KPI values are calculated for the date October
3, 2009 on the accounting and project accounting calendars.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
KPI Period
Period Name
for Generation
KPI Name Is KPI Value
Current Period Prior Period Prior Quarter
October 3
PTD Labor
Effort Variance
October 3
PTD Revenue
KPI Values Generated on October 4, 2009
KPI values are generated again on October 4, with a KPI period determination date of September 25, 2009. Even though
the KPI period determination date is prior to the previous generation date, the KPI values generated on October 4 for
September 25, 2009 are marked as current.
This table displays how the current period, prior period, and prior quarter KPI values are calculated for the date October
4, 2009 on the accounting and project accounting calendars.
KPI Period
Period Name
for Generation
KPI Name Is KPI Value
Current Period Prior Period Prior Quarter
October 3
PTD Labor
Effort Variance
October 3
PTD Revenue
October 4
PTD Labor
Effort Variance
October 4
PTD Revenue
KPI Values Generated on October 10, 2009
KPI values are again generated on October 10, 2009 with a KPI period determination date of October 10, 2009. These
KPI values are now used for the current period, prior period, and prior quarter.
This table displays how the current period, prior period, and prior quarter KPI values are calculated for the period
October 10, 2009 on the accounting and project accounting calendars.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
KPI Period
Period Name
for Generation
KPI Name Is KPI Value
Current Period Prior Period Prior Quarter
October 3
PTD Labor
Effort Variance
October 3
PTD Revenue
October 4
PTD Labor
Effort Variance
October 4
PTD Revenue
October 10
PTD Labor
Effort Variance
October 10
PTD Revenue
Import Project Key Performance Indicators
Import KPIs for project templates and projects that are enabled for financial management into Oracle Fusion Cloud
Project Management by using the Import Project Key Performance Indicators file-based data import feature.
You can also use the Excel template to update KPI assignments to project templates and projects that are enabled for
financial management. For example, if you no longer want to see the values of certain KPIs for a project, then you can
disable those KPIs for that project.
The Excel template is part of the External Data Integration Services for Oracle Cloud feature. To download the Project
Key Performance Indicators Interface Excel workbook template, see the File-Based Data Import (FBDI) for Project
Management guide.
To attach or disable KPIs for project templates or projects:
1. Prepare your data in the Project Key Performance Indicators Interface macro-enabled Excel workbook template.
2. Click Generate CSV File in the template to create a comma-separated values file.
3. Navigate to the Scheduled Processes page.
4. Click Schedule New Process, select Load Interface File for Import from the Name drop-down list, select
Import Project Key Performance Indicators from the Import Process drop-down list, upload the data file, and
click Submit.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
Output Report
After the Import Project Key Performance Indicators process is complete, the Import Project Key Performance
Indicators: Generate Report process runs automatically and creates the Import Project Key Performance Indicators
Report. This output report details:
The number of KPIs and projects that were processed, attached successfully, and not attached. Also, lists the
KPIs and projects that weren't attached.
The errors due to which the records weren't processed. Correct these errors in the same output report and re-
upload it.
Review the output report and repeat the following steps until all rows are imported successfully and the KPIs are
attached to the project templates or projects:
1. Correct the errors in the Import Project Key Performance Indicators Report output report.
2. Generate CSV files.
3. Submit the Load Interface File for Import process.
FAQs for Update Project Performance Data and Generate
Who can run the summarization processes and what data can they
This table details the processes you can run if you’re assigned any of these job roles. It also lists the pages where you
can view the summarized data once the processes are complete.
Job Role Processes You Can Run Where You Can View Summarized Data
Project Manager Update Project Performance Data
Update Project Contract Performance Data
Maintain Project Performance Data
Generate KPI Values
Project Overview page ((Financials tab,
Financial Performance region)
Project Performance Dashboard
Project Management Dashboard
Project Manager Dashboard
Review Project Performance page
Analyze KPI Categories page
Project Performance, Project Insights, Task
Performance and Resource Performance REST
SmartView (An Excel plugin that is used to
develop custom reports based on Projects
Essbase Cube data)
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
Job Role Processes You Can Run Where You Can View Summarized Data
Project Administrator Update Project Performance Data
Update Project Contract Performance Data
Generate KPI Values
Project Performance, Task Performance and
Resource Performance REST API
Project Application Administrator Generate Project Updates E-Mail
Create Copy of Agile Project Progress Data
Update EPS Data
Maintain Project Performance Data
Enterprise Project Structure (Project Hierarchy
Custom Project Administrator Update Project Performance Data
Maintain Project Performance Data (when
Run Maintain Project Performance privilege is
Project Performance Dashboard, Project
Management Dashboard (when Manage Project
Performance privilege is assigned)
Review Project Performance page (when Review
Project Performance privilege is assigned)
Project Overview page (when View Project
Financial Performance in Project Home
privilege is assigned)
Analyze KPI Categories page (when Review
Project Performance Health privilege is
Project Accountant Update Project Contract Performance Data
Update Project Performance Data
Generate KPI Values
Review Project Performance page
Project Performance Dashboard
Project Performance, Task Performance and
Resource Performance REST API
Project Executive Update EPS Data Enterprise Project Structure (Project Hierarchy
Grants Administrator Update Award Performance Data
Update Project Performance Data
Update Project Contract Performance Data
Generate KPI Values
Project Performance, Task Performance and
Resource Performance REST API
Principal Investigator Update Award Performance Data Doesn’t have the privileges to view summarized
Project Integration Specialist Doesn’t have the privileges to run any process. Project Performance, Task Performance and
Resource Performance REST API
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
How can I view projects on the Project Performance Dashboard?
If you're a project manager, you can view your projects on the Project Performance Dashboard.
If you aren't a project manager, you can access the Project Performance Dashboard and view projects
using a custom role that includes the functional security privilege Manage Project Performance
(PJS_MANAGE_PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_PRIV). For example, if you're an administrator at the project, organization,
or business unit level, you can access the Project Performance Dashboard to view the projects that you administer, or
those that belong to the organizations or business units that you administer, or the ones to which you have access. You
can also navigate to the Project Overview page in context of the Project Financial Management work area.
Additionally, if the following data security privileges are granted to custom roles, you can navigate to the Review Project
Performance and Analyze KPI Categories pages from the Project Performance Dashboard:
PJS_REVIEW_PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_DATA to access the Review Project Performance page
PJS_REVIEW_PROJECT_PERFORMANCE_HEALTH_DATA to access the Analyze KPI Categories page
What's a key performance indicator?
The result of a business measure, for example product sales or operational costs, evaluated against a target for that
measure. You use KPIs to assess the performance of the strategic objectives and initiatives that are part of your
organizational strategy.
When you define KPIs you should ensure they have these characteristics:
Have measurable objectives that may vary over time.
Can be evaluated using targets to determine performance status.
Can be compared over time for trending purposes.
What actions trigger performance data summarization?
The following actions can trigger performance data summarization.
Running the Update Project Performance Data process from the Project Performance Dashboard or the Project
Financial Management work area.
Running or scheduling the Update Project Performance Data process from the process scheduler.
Creating revenue and invoice transactions.
Creating actual cost transactions.
Setting a baseline for an approved cost budget.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 2
Update Project Performance Data and Generate KPIs
How can I update project performance data and generate KPI
Project managers and project administrators can submit the Update Project Performance Data process from the Project
Performance Dashboard, My Projects page, or the Scheduled Processes page. Project application administrators can
submit the Update Project Performance Data process from the Scheduled Processes page.
To update performance data for all projects in a project owning organization or business unit, project administrators
must submit the Update Project Performance Data process from the Scheduled Processes page.
Project managers must ensure that they run the Update Project Performance Data process so that all the infolets on
the Project Management dashboard are up-to-date.
You don't need to submit the Generate KPI Values process separately as KPIs are generated as part of the Update
Project Performance Data process. However, if you want to generate KPI values for a particular period, then submit the
Generate KPI Values process with an appropriate KPI period determination date.
Related Topics
Project Performance Data Summarization
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 3
Project Performance Analysis
3 Project Performance Analysis
Considerations for Analyzing Project Performance Using
the Project Management Dashboard
Project managers can use the Project Management dashboard to review the overall health, progress, and financial
status of projects, and resolve issues. The dashboard consists of a group of infolets that displays critical information
about your projects.
Project managers can use the information on the Project Management dashboard for planning work and managing
financial projects. Project managers and project application administrators must run the Update Project Performance
Data process from the Scheduled Processes page to refresh the data on the Project Management dashboard.
If you don't see updated information on certain or all infolets, it could be because:
You haven't implemented either Project Execution Management or Project Financial Management.
You don't have transactions yet.
You haven't run the Update Project Performance Data process if you're using Project Financial Management.
Project Management Dashboard Infolets
Depending on whether you implemented Project Financial Management or Project Execution Management offering,
the corresponding infolets display data on the Project Management dashboard. You can also implement both offerings
simultaneously. You can hide the infolets that display no data. Use the Infolet Repository to enable or disable infolets on
the Project Management dashboard.
The Project Management dashboard comprises of the following infolets that project managers can use to review project
Infolet Data Source Data Displayed Actions to Perform
My Projects
All the projects that you manage
Total count of the projects that you
Navigate to the My Projects
page to analyze each project.
Analyze the overall progress
of projects and take
appropriate action.
Project health based on KPI
Project health in the order of
severity. The project that's most
severe appears first.
Run the Update Project
Performance Data process so that
this infolet displays up-to-date
View the health of your
projects that are enabled for
financial management in the
order of health status. For
example, critical projects are
listed topmost, at risk projects
follow next, and on track
projects follow thereafter.
Post messages on the project
wall from the infolet to draw
attention to the project health
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 3
Project Performance Analysis
Infolet Data Source Data Displayed Actions to Perform
Manage project costs and
budgets and analyze KPIs
that contribute to the current
project health status.
Time Cards
Missing or partially reported time
Missing or partial time cards for the
previous five weeks, including the
current reporting period week.
You can post messages:
On the project wall for time
cards that aren't accurately
To the project team members
who haven't submitted
accurate time cards.
Invoices pending approval
Invoices; review to determine
which invoices are pending
Approve or reject the invoices
if they're assigned to you for
Uninvoiced Cost
Billable cost transactions that are
uninvoiced or partially invoiced
Projects that have the highest
number of uninvoiced costs.
Drill down to view the project cost
transactions that contribute to the
uninvoiced amount.
Cost Budget
Comparison of project cost to
project budget
The cost budget for the project;
displays only the current baseline
approved cost budget.
Create a budget or navigate to
the Manage Project Budgets
and Manage Project Costs
pages to review budget and cost
You can perform the following
Determine the variance
between the spent and the
budget to date amounts
for over budget projects as
displayed in the donuts.
Ensure that the spent amount
includes both project costs
and commitments from the
start of the project to the
current reporting period.
Drill down to the Manage
Project Costs page. The
default view displays project
costs incurred within the last
30 days. Change the filter to
view data further in the past.
Team Allocation
Number of over or under allocated
Over and under allocated team
members on projects. You can
review resource allocations over
weekly periods.
Take appropriate action when:
Resources are over or under
allocated to the project.
Under allocated resources in
one project can be used in
another project.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 3
Project Performance Analysis
Infolet Data Source Data Displayed Actions to Perform
Under allocated resources
cause delays in projects.
Assignments ending within two
weeks and reserved assignments
Resource assignments for which
the assignment end date is within
two weeks.
Navigate to the Manage Project
Resources page to review resource
details and take appropriate action
Viewing the assignment
Adjusting the resource
Confirming or canceling the
Milestones past due, at risk, or due
Milestones past due, at risk, or due
Navigate to the expanded view
for additional details of project
milestones in a timeline view. From
this detailed view, take appropriate
action when project milestones are
Past Due, Due Soon, or At Risk.
Change Order
Change orders summarized by
additional labor hours and cost
Change orders.
From the expanded view, quickly
navigate to the details for a change
order and take appropriate action
Creating or accessing the
impact of the change order.
Approving or rejecting the
change order.
Project progress with respect to
planned dates
The target and actual percentage
of work completed on projects.
If exceptions exist, navigate to the
Manage Task Exceptions page
to resolve the exceptions. Take
appropriate action by:
Analyzing the list of projects
that aren't performing well
and require immediate action.
Performing the next steps
to improve the progress of
Related Topics
Project Performance Data Summarization
How can I update project performance data and generate KPI values?
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 3
Project Performance Analysis
Draw Insight on Project Health and Progress
Use the project management infolets to review your project statuses, identify areas that require attention, and take
necessary actions to keep your projects on track.
Let's say you want to perform the following tasks using the Health and Progress infolets:
Task Infolet
Analyze transactions for a critical project
Review task exceptions
Analyze Transactions for a Critical Project
Use the Health infolet to review the project health based on the status of the KPIs. In this example, let's review a project
that's in Critical status.
1. Navigate to the Project Management Dashboard area on the Home page.
2. Click the Expand icon on the Health infolet.
3. Click the Actions menu for a project that's in Critical status.
4. Click View KPI Watchlist to examine the KPI Watchlist for the critical project.
Note: Instead of using the Actions menu, you can click the name the project to open the KPI Watchlist.
5. On the KPI Watchlist dialog box, place your mouse over various points on the charts and graphs to view the
values and generation dates.
6. Click the Actions menu for the ITD Actual Nonbillable Cost (%) KPI.
7. Click View Costs to study the cost transactions that are making this KPI critical.
8. On the Manage Project Costs page, locate an unbilled transaction.
9. Enable the check box for the transaction.
10. Click Set to Billable to make the transaction billable.
11. Click Done.
Review Task Exceptions
Use the Progress infolet to compare the target and actual percentage of work completed on your projects, and to
identify task exceptions. In this example, let's analyze a task with exceptions.
1. On the Progress infolet, locate a project that's behind schedule and has at least one exception.
Tip: Projects that are behind schedule appear at the beginning of the infolet.
2. Click the Exceptions number for the project.
3. On the Manage Task Exceptions page, click Preview Total Impact.
4. On the Preview Total Impact page, review the impact of the exceptions on the project schedule and compare
the current and proposed task values.
5. Click Accept All to update the project plan with the proposed values.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 3
Project Performance Analysis
Note: If you don't want to accept the changes, then you can decline the changes or discuss them with the
project team.
6. Click Done.
How Project Progress is Calculated
Project managers use the Progress infolet from the Project Management Dashboard to compare the target and actual
percentage of work completed on the projects they own.
Watch video
Projects with maximum variance between actual and target percent complete appear topmost. Projects with same
variance between actual and target percent complete are sorted in the reverse order of number of exceptions. If no
effort is planned for a project, then the infolet displays zero percent complete. As soon as the team members start
entering progress for tasks, the actual percent is calculated. From the Progress infolet, you can drill down to the Manage
Project Plan and Manage Task Exceptions pages to view the details.
Settings That Affect Project Progress
Values in the Progress infolet are derived from the Manage Project Plan page. The project progress depends on the
following values of a project:
Current date
Planned start date
Planned finish date
Planned effort in hours
Current effort in hours
Actual hours
Formulas to Calculate Project Progress
Here are the formulas to calculate the target and actual percent complete of a project:
target percent complete = (expected hours / planned effort in hours) * 100
expected hours = (expected duration * planned effort in hours) / planned duration
expected duration = current date - planned start date + 1
planned duration = planned finish date - planned start date + 1
actual percent complete = (actual hours / current effort in hours) * 100
Note: The actual percent complete is the rolled up percent complete of the project.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 3
Project Performance Analysis
This table shows the values used to calculate target and actual percent complete for Project 1. Assume the current date
is 2-Jun-2017, the calendar is 5 days a week with no holidays, and a workday contains 8 hours.
Name Planned
Effort in Days
Planned Start
Finish Date
Effort in
Actual Hours Remaining
Effort in
Project 1
Task 1
(10 * 80) / 10
= 80
Task 2
(2 * 56) / 7 =
Task 3
Task 4
(8 * 160) / 20
= 64
This table shows the values used to calculate target and actual percent complete for Project 2. Assume the current date
is 2-Jun-2017, the calendar is 5 days a week with no holidays, and a workday contains 8 hours.
Name Planned
Effort in Days
Planned Start
Finish Date
Effort in
Actual Hours Remaining
Effort in
Project 2
Task 1
(5 * 40) / 5 =
Task 2
(1 * 24) / 3 = 8
Task 3
The project progress is determined as follows:
If target percent complete is greater than actual percent complete then your project is behind schedule.
If target percent complete is less than actual percent complete then your project is ahead of schedule.
If target percent complete is equal to actual percent complete then your project is on schedule.
This table shows the calculation of target percent complete and actual percent complete for Project 1 and Project 2 and
their progress results. For Project 1, the planned and current effort are same. For Project 2, the current effort is less than
the planned effort.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 3
Project Performance Analysis
Project Expected Hours Actual Hours Target Percent
Actual Percent
Project 1
(160 / 456) * 100 = 35
(120 / 456) * 100 = 26
9 percent behind
Project 2
(48 / 128) * 100 = 37.5
(48 / 128) * 100 = 37.5
On schedule
How Performance Status For Tasks And Resources Is
Performance status is individually calculated for all levels of the task and resource hierarchy.
The performance status for individual tasks and resources is calculated only for percentage-based KPI values. These
calculations are based on the threshold values that you set while creating percentage-based KPIs.
Settings That Affect Performance Status for Tasks and Resources
In the Manage Financial Project Settings page, if you enable the Track KPI by Task and Track KPI by Resource settings
for a KPI, then a status indicator appears for the task and resource on project performance reports when the individual
KPI value isn't on track. This helps identify troubled tasks and resources in a hierarchical task and resource structure in a
Examples of Performance Status for Tasks and Resources Calculations
Let's assume that for the KPI named ITD Nonbillable Cost as a Percentage of Total Cost, the threshold values
are defined as listed in the following table. The status of the tasks and resources is calculated as listed in the Status
Indicator column.
Threshold Level Threshold Range From Threshold Range To Status Indicator
At Risk
On Track
At Risk
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 3
Project Performance Analysis
Suppose that the System Implementation main task contains six sub tasks: Planning, Definition, Build, Test, Release,
and Support. The table shows the corresponding costs for each sub task and the ITD Nonbillable Cost as a percentage
of the total cost. The sum of the cost of each sub task rolls up to the main task.
Task Hierarchy Task ITD Nonbillable Cost ITD Billable Cost ITD Total Cost ITD Nonbillable Cost
as a Percentage of
Total Cost
The ITD Nonbillable Cost as a Percentage of Total Cost KPI value for the Definition task is 10.53% (6,000/57,000).
Based on the threshold levels defined for this KPI, the Definition task shows the At Risk status indicator.
Lets take another example where the Consulting resource breakdown structure contains a Labor resource. Labor is
a parent to the Project Manager resource, which is a parent to the Maxwell Martin, Robert Altima, and Fred Jones
The ITD Nonbillable Cost as a Percentage of Total Cost KPI value for Labor is 12.97% and for Fred Jones is 0%. So,
Labor has a status indicator of Critical and Fred Jones doesn't have a status indicator. This is because the KPI value for
each row in the hierarchical structure is calculated separately.
Resource Hierarchy Resource ITD Nonbillable Cost ITD Billable Cost ITD Total Cost ITD Nonbillable Cost
as a Percentage of
Total Cost
Project Manager
Maxwell Martin
16.67% Robert Altima 8,400 0 8,400 100.00%
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 3
Project Performance Analysis
Resource Hierarchy Resource ITD Nonbillable Cost ITD Billable Cost ITD Total Cost ITD Nonbillable Cost
as a Percentage of
Total Cost
Fred Jones
If you track tasks and resources for a project, each task and resource with a KPI value that's not on track is designated as
an exception. The KPI value for the project doesn't impact the exception designation for individual tasks and resources.
For example, if a task has a Critical status indicator based on the KPI value and threshold definition, it's designated as an
exception even if the project has an On Track status indicator.
Note: Task and resource performance status is based on the latest summarized data, which may not be the same as
the summarized data that's used to generate the latest KPI values.
FAQs for Project Performance Analysis
Why did the overall health indicator not appear for the project?
The overall health indicator is visible only after the overall health is calculated. The overall health is calculated for a
project if KPIs are associated to the project and are enabled, and KPI values and summarized performance data are
generated for the project.
Why is the overall health for the project at risk when the status of
most of the KPIs is on track?
The KPI with the most severe status determines the overall health of the project. For example, if three out of four KPIs
on a project are on track, and one is at risk, then the overall health of the project is at risk.
You can also configure the overall health calculation during implementation.
Can a time card be reported as missing and also be included as an
unprocessed transaction?
No, both these situations can't coexist. Time cards that haven't been entered are considered missing. A time card
is an unprocessed transaction after it's entered into the application and before it's included in the Update Project
Performance Data process.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 3
Project Performance Analysis
How can I evaluate project performance if KPIs aren't tracked?
Use the Review Project Performance page to perform detailed financial performance analysis for a project than what's
possible on the Project Performance Dashboard. You can review amounts at the task or resource level, and drill down to
individual expenditure items.
Why can't I view the KPI category analysis?
You can't view the KPI category analysis due to the following reasons.
The project unit doesn't track KPIs.
No KPIs are associated with the project.
KPI values aren't generated.
FAQs for Project Comparison Graphs
Which currency is used on a project comparison graph?
The ledger currency is used if all projects in the project list are using the same ledger currency.
However, if the projects in the project list are using different ledger currencies, then the user-preferred currency is used
to bring all projects into the same currency.
Why can't I see all the KPIs for my project on the project
comparison graph?
KPI values that are generated for the project appear on the KPI analysis project comparison graphs. The remaining KPIs
are excluded.
When does a project appear in the Time Card Exceptions graph?
When a time card has an error, is pending, or is missing for a project.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 3
Project Performance Analysis
What's the difference between time card exceptions that are
missing, pending, or in error on the Time Card Exceptions graph?
Time transactions that are in error are received from the transaction source but failed the posting process.
Pending time transactions are received from the transaction source but haven't completed the posting process.
Time transactions are missing if the project cost for a team member doesn't exist for the transaction source, document,
and the time period specified in the reporting options for the project unit.
How many periods can be viewed on the Percent Complete
Analysis graph?
The Percent Complete Analysis graph displays data for the last 90 days with a maximum of 13 periods.
FAQs for KPI Watchlist
Why did a performance measure that compares the current and
prior approved forecast show an unfavorable result when there is
only one approved forecast?
If you generate KPI values when no previous approved forecast exists, a zero value is used to generate KPI values. So,
the trend appears unfavorable because the difference between the current and prior forecast is the same as the current
The results will be accurate once a new forecast is approved, project performance data is summarized, and KPI values
are generated.
What happens if I use PTD amount-based measures for large
PTD amount-based measures use the same threshold values for all phases of the project. This may result in a spike in
the KPI values if the amounts that are used to calculate the KPI values vary widely throughout the project.
To avoid this problem, consider using different sets of threshold values for amount-based KPIs defined in small and
large projects.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 3
Project Performance Analysis
Can I change the default sort order of KPIs listed in the KPI
Yes. You can change the default sort order in the KPI watchlist by modifying the sort order of performance status
By default, KPIs are sorted based on the current period status, with the least favorable status appearing at the top of the
list and the most favorable status appearing at the bottom of the list. If there is no current period status, the KPIs are
sorted by name.
Related Topics
Performance Trend Indicators
Why are the KPIs visible on the Analyze KPI Categories page even
after I disable them?
Inactive KPIs, disabled KPIs, or KPIs for which future references are deleted continue to appear until you regenerate KPI
values. Determine if a KPI is enabled or active in the Reporting tab of the project definition.
Why can't I see my KPI in regions on the Analyze KPI Categories
Inactive KPIs, disabled KPIs, or KPIs for which future references are deleted continue to appear until you regenerate KPI
values. Determine if a KPI is enabled or active in the Reporting tab of the project definition.
FAQs for KPI Historical Trending
What happens if a KPI value exceeds the threshold limits defined
for the KPI?
An up or down arrow appears in the Exceeds Threshold column of the KPI History table, and the closest threshold is
used to determine the KPI status. If KPI values fall outside the threshold ranges, consider extending the upper and lower
threshold ranges.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 3
Project Performance Analysis
Why did the trend indicator show a downward trend when KPI
performance is improving?
While defining KPIs, you can determine if a positive increase between the current and previous KPI value is a favorable
or unfavorable trend. Therefore, an upward trend may not necessarily indicate that KPI performance is improving.
For example, for a KPI based on a non-billable percentage of total costs, a low value for non-billable costs is preferred.
Hence, a downward trend is favorable.
Why does the trend indicator differ from the KPI values on the
Analyze KPI page?
The variance is likely due to a small difference between the KPI values that's ignored while calculating the trend on the
Analyze KPI page for KPIs that are based on non-currency measures.
The KPI values on the Analyze KPI page are based on the currency definition for currency-based measures and user
preferences for non-currency-based measures. However, the trend indicator is determined by taking into account only
two places of decimal values for non-currency-based measures.
FAQs for Project Financial Performance
Why does the Financial Performance region show only the cost
budget and forecast effort?
When the cost and revenue budgets are contained in different budget versions, the effort represented in project
performance reporting is only for the cost budget.
Similarly, when the cost and revenue forecasts are contained in different forecast versions, the effort represented in
project performance reporting is only for the cost forecast.
Which budget and forecast are the numbers in the Financial
Performance region based on?
The Financial Performance region displays summarized financial data. The summarization process always includes the
original and current baseline budget, and current and previous forecasts for the financial plan types that are designated
as approved cost or revenue budgets and forecasts.
Additionally, any other financial plan types enabled for use on the project on the Summarization tab, and KPIs based on
custom measures, are included when the summarization process is run.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 3
Project Performance Analysis
Why can't I see all the revenue for my project on the Financial
Performance region?
The revenue amount in the Financial Performance region includes only external and interproject contracts. It doesn't
include any intercompany revenue associated with the project.
FAQs for Task and Resource Level Analysis
What's the relationship between task structure and resource
The task and resource structure regions share a master-detail relationship.
The Analyze KPI page lets you select which structure appears in the master and detail regions. Depending on your
selection, the detail structure region automatically displays the other structure. For example, if you select the task
structure to appear in the master region, the detail region displays the resource structure. Selecting a row in the Task
Structure region displays the assigned resource for that task in the Resource Structure region.
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Project Programs
4 Project Programs
Program Overview
The Program Management application enables you to track programs and review program performance. It helps you
roll-up projects under a program, analyze performance of these projects, and report overall program health to your
You can also use Program Management to analyze program performance and create action plans around programs and
projects that need attention.
Use Program Management to:
Group related projects, view project progress, and analyze related financial data.
Work with stakeholders to manage risks.
Centralize analysis while still managing specific deliverables at the project level.
Improve communication and coordination between program managers and stakeholders.
More specifically, use Program Management to:
Define your program using a guided process to describe its purpose, invite contributors and stakeholders, and
add projects.
Organize your programs into a hierarchical structure, where you can add child programs and grandchild
Report on projects in a program using a currency and calendar of your choice. For example, you can create
a report that lists values in pounds instead of dollars, and follows a financial calendar rather than the project
Use the Program Headlines and Analysis tabs to monitor program performance and identify risks. The
Headlines tab provides insights into program performance for four of your top measures. The Analysis
page displays details assciated with your program's performance, including actual cost and effort numbers,
nonbillable totals, budget and forecast, commitments, capitalization, earned value, margin, and revenue
Track programs and projects of interest in your watchlist.
Keep track of decisions, comments, and issues through the program life cycle by adding notes to programs and
Keep stakeholders informed by regularly publishing program communications. Program Managers can share
the program's health status with stakeholders, and stakeholders can view and collaborate on the shared
Create analysis using the Projects - Program Performance Reporting subject area in the Oracle Transactional
Business Intelligence (OTBI) work area.
How Not to Use Program Management
Program Management helps program managers effectively track and report on program progress. However, it may not
function as efficiently as an operational or organization-level reporting tool.
When you bring large numbers of org-wide or unrelated projects under a single program, it may become difficult
to create meaningful reports and generate actionable insights into program progress. The main reason for these
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Project Programs
difficulties is that Program Management is specifically designed to analyze and report on programs that have inter-
related projects. Adding multiple unrelated projects under a single program may lead to insights and reports that do not
offer any significant benefit.
Key Terms Used in Program Management
Here are a few terms that are extensively used in the Program Management application and user assistance.
A program is a collection of related projects and programs.
Program Manager
Program managers coordinate and oversee multiple programs and projects, track program and project progress, and
communicate program health to program stakeholders. Program managers use the Programs user interface to create,
edit, delete, and analyze programs and create action plans to address potential risks and issues. They have access to
programs that they own, and to programs on which they are contributors.
Program Stakeholder
A program stakeholder is a person that is interested in a program and has the ability to impact its success. Program
stakeholders use the Program Stakeholders user interface to view published reports where they are invited members.
They can share insights, provide guidance, and collaborate with their program manager and fellow stakeholders using
comments entered for each report version.
A project is a time-bound initiative that achieves a specific goal. This goal could be anything: a new building, a software
application, or even a methodology of performing specific tasks. Projects typically require planning, people, equipment,
materials, and budgets, each of which must be managed efficiently if the project is to succeed.
Program Members
Program members are stakeholders and other program managers who contribute to a program. Program members may
offer guidance on program management and tracking, and view program progress reports when the program manager
publishes them.
Program stakeholders are executives in the company who are interested in the initiative. Their key concerns are typically
around the timeline, scope, effort, and budget associated with the program.
In the Program Management application, stakeholders can view program reports when program managers publish
them. They can also add comments to programs after they review program reports.
Program Calendar
Use a program calendar to define periods for program analysis. This is typically the same calendar as your financial
project accounting calendar. The Project Application Administrator uses the Project Calendar Mapping Method to
determine how the project’s accounting calendar period maps to the program calendar, if the two are different.
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Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 4
Project Programs
Program Headlines
The Headlines tab enables program managers to:
Select and monitor key performance measures that enable them to quickly assess the overall health of
Create and review action plans.
During analysis, add programs and projects of interest to your watchlist.
Program Currency
The program currency is the currency into which project monetary amounts are converted for the purpose of program
analysis. Program managers set their currency preferences by selecting from the currencies enabled for programs
in the Program Headlines and Analysis tabs. Program Managers also specify the program currency for stakeholder
communication reports. Administrators enable currencies for programs and ensure that currency conversion rates exist
between the project and program currencies.
Program Analysis
The Program Analysis tab enables program managers to view the detailed performance of a program or project,
including actual cost and effort, nonbillable totals, budget and forecast, commitments, capitalization, earned value,
margin, and revenue performance. Program managers can flexibly choose the performance measures they'd like to see
while reviewing program progress and financial performance. They can also view and manage their watchlist, notes, and
action plans.
Program Performance Measures
Program performance measures indicate the health of a program. Approximately 145 measures are enabled for
programs, and 15 are set to display by default. Program managers can specify the measures that they want to see in
the Headlines tab. They can also identify the performance measures associated with program progress and financial
performance, in the Analysis page.
To reduce the list of measures that program managers have to review, administrators can disable unwanted measures
using the Manage Performance Measures task in the Project Financial Management offering. They can also modify
measure names and their default display settings using the same task.
Action Plans
Use action plans to track various situations that arise when managing programs. For example, create action plans to
mitigate risk that arises from unexpected events, or to quickly correct errors in business processing. Also, use them
to help with program administration activities, such as rolling out programs, working with staffing managers, and
completing retrospectives.
Project managers and team members can view action plans associated with their projects on the Project Management
Issues and My Work Issues pages.
Notifications inform owners about new action plan assignments and progress updates. Project managers and team
members can set notification preferences for the notifications they want to receive.
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Project Programs
Action plans and their close reasons and resolution commentary contribute to the overall program retrospective,
providing insights for both current and future programs.
Action plans contain one or more action items.
Action Items
Action items are the specific tasks included in an action plan. An action item is assigned an owner who's responsible for
completing it.
Program Communications
The Program Communications page enables program managers to configure, create, and publish reports. Stakeholders
view published reports using the Program Stakeholders work area.
Program Communications Reports and Template
Program managers create program templates to design the content and layout of program reports. Templates contain
metrics, text blocks, and other elements, which the program manager can organize and save as reusable content
groups, or use as-is in the template.
How is the Program Headlines page organized?
The Program Headlines page offers a graphical display of measures and trends, offering program managers insight into
the progress and performance of their projects and programs.
Program Selection
By default, the Headlines page displays details associated with the alphabetically first program. Click the program name
to view all your programs. Select a program to view its progress and performance details.
Edit Preferences
Use the Edit Preferences button on the Headlines page to perform the following tasks:
Select the Currency in which you want to view performance measures for a program. By default, this field
displays the currency that's configured for the program. When you change the value in this field, the application
displays performance measures in that currency until you change it again.
For more information on how program analysis currencies are configured, see Manage Program Options.
Select the Period for which you want to view program performance measures. Choose from the following
Current: The current program calendar period, based on the date.
Last: The previous program calendar period, based on the date.
Select period: A unique selection that you can make by
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 4
Project Programs
Change the primary performance measure for each scorecard, or select None to hide the scorecard and related
visualizations. For example, select the ITD actual margin performance measure in the Margin field to view
related numbers and visualizations in the Margin scorecard.
Program Performance Details
The Program Headlines page offers the following scorecards, each offering numbers and visualizations associated with
the performance measure you choose for it using the Edit Preferences button:
Earned Value
Action Plan
Review each scorecard to view key details associated with the performance measure you selected for it. Click a
scorecard to review associated performance numbers and related visualizations.
The Action Plans Tab
The Action Plans tab displays all the action plans and action items created for a program. It also enables you to search
for a specific action plan or action item. You can also use the Ellipsis icon associated with each action plan or action
item to view and perform related tasks.
The Action Plans tab also lists out a graphical visualization that organizes action plans by status, and another that
organizes action plans by age.
Considerations for Managing Programs
Here are a few considerations to manage your programs.
Program Structures
You can create a program hierarchical structure up to three levels. A root parent program can have two child
You can move the program to another hierarchy or make it a root parent program.
A project can be assigned to a program hierarchy only once. But, you can add as many projects under a
Use the drag and drop feature on the user interface to move projects and programs.
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Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 4
Project Programs
Program Security
The access to programs is determined by the members' access value.
Program managers can create, edit, delete, and analyze programs they own, and programs in which they're
added as contributors. They can also view Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) analyses for the
same set of programs.
Project executives can only view OTBI analyses for programs in which they're added as members.
The child program inherits the public access setting plus the members and access types from the parent
Program Performance
The Update Project Performance Data process updates projects that match the criteria you entered. If the
project is assigned to a program, summarized program totals are recalculated based on the project’s latest
performance. Parent and grandparent program totals are also recalculated when the program is part of a
The Update Program Performance Data process updates programs matching your criteria. The performance
for the assigned projects is updated first and then summarized and calculated for the program. Parent and
grandparent program totals are also recalculated when the program is part of a hierarchy. Use this process for
ad hoc requests and to refresh program totals when making changes to program options and currencies.
Program Manager Preference
When you change the default values, the application saves your preferences. Preferences include headline insights,
currency, and analysis views for progress and financial measures. You can also create one custom analysis view.
How Project Calendars Are Mapped to Program
You select the program calendar and mapping method using the Manage Program Options task in the Setup and
Maintenance work area. Let's say the program uses the standard monthly calendar and the project uses the fiscal 4-4-5
Here's a table explaining how project periods map to program periods if their calendars are different.
Example of calendar mapping between project and programs
Project Calendar Program Calendar How Mapping Method Works
Period Name: Feb-FY2022
Period Start Date: January 30
Period End Date: February 26
Period Name: Jan-2022
Period Start Date: January 1
Period End Date: January 31
If you select the mapping method as start date,
then January 30 is compared to the program
period start and end dates to find the period
that includes it. In this example, the project
period Feb-FY2022 will map to Jan-2022 in the
program calendar.
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Project Programs
Project Calendar Program Calendar How Mapping Method Works
Period Name: Feb-2022
Period Start Date: February 1
Period End Date: February 28
If you select the mapping method as end date,
then February 26 is compared to the program
period start and end dates to find the period
that includes it. In this example, the project
period Feb-FY2022 will map to Feb-2022 in the
program calendar.
How do performance measures help me analyze
Performance measures help you assess the efficiency and effectiveness of a program, which leads to better insight into
its performance. Performance measures help program managers perform a range of tasks, including:
Identifying areas for improvement: Program managers use performance measures to identify areas where a
program needs improvement. They track deviations in expected performance measure numbers, such as actual
work plan effort and work plan complete percentage, to identify issues and work to improve them.
Monitoring program progress: Performance measures enable program managers to monitor program
progress over time. Program managers can track performance metrics to determine whether a program is
meeting its objectives, and identify action plans to expedite progress toward program goals.
Evaluate program success: Performance measures help the program manager evaluate program success by
comparing performance metrics to agreed upon benchmarks or goals.
Allocate resources to specific projects or tasks: Performance measures help program managers flexibly
allocate resources to projects or tasks as required. Program managers can analyze program performance
metrics to identify areas that require additional resources or investment, as well as those areas that have more
resources than required.
Program managers can use insights drawn from program analysis to recommend actions to project managers.
Let's say a hospital is constructing a new wing. Here's how performance measures, such as budget cost and cost
variance, can help analyze this program:
Track budget cost: Program managers can compare planned construction and equipment numbers against
actual costs to check whether the hospital wing construction program is within budget. In simple terms, budget
cost reviews help program managers ensure that implementation costs don't exceed the assigned budget.
Identify budget overruns: Program managers can use task and project level cost variance (the difference
between the planned and actual costs associated with a project) to see when–and where–a program is going
over budget. For example, if the planned costs associated with a specific task is $200,000, but the task needs
$30,000 more, the program manager can identify the cost variance, do a quick root cause analysis, work to
manage the underlying problems, and communicate unavoidable additional requirements to stakeholders if
Identify opportunities for improvement: Budget cost and cost variance numbers also help the program
manager identify opportunities for performance improvement. For example, if program managers can see that
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Project Programs
cost variance is consistently high in specific tasks, they can review task progress, effort, and costing numbers to
quickly identify issues and work to manage them.
Evaluate program success: As task after task gets completed, and project teams start signing off, the program
manager can review budget cost and cost variance numbers in combination with time and effort details to
quickly assess whether the program is on track for successful completion.
Program managers can similarly use other program performance measures to identify issues as they emerge, track
performance and expenditures, identify areas for improvement, evaluate program success, and so on.
How can I manage programs using the Oracle Visual
Builder Plugin for Microsoft Excel?
Use Oracle Visual Builder Plugin for Microsoft Excel to quickly create and update programs, program stakeholders, and
program projects.
Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel integrates Microsoft Excel spreadsheets with your web application to retrieve,
analyze, and edit business data from the application. You download your data to an Excel spreadsheet, work with it, and
then upload your changes back to the service.
Download and Install the Oracle Visual Builder Plugin for Microsoft Excel
For guidance on installing the Oracle Visual Builder Plugin for Microsoft Excel, see Install Oracle Visual Builder Add-in
for Excel in the Developing Integrated Spreadsheets Using Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel guide.
If you have downloaded and installed VBAFE, but the Oracle Visual Builder ribbon tab doesn’t appear:
1. Click File > Options > Add-ins in Microsoft Excel. The list of available Excel add-ins appears.
2. Select Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Add-in for Excel from the list of add-ins.
3. Click the Manage field below the list of add-ins, select COM Add-ins, and click Go. The COM Add-ins modal
Select the Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel check box and click OK.
The Oracle Visual Builder ribbon tab appears, and you can start using it to create and update programs as required.
Download the Manage Programs XLSM File
Once you have VBAFE installed, download the Manage Programs XLSM file, which we’ve designed to simplify work with
Program Management data.
If you do not want to use the Manage Programs XLSM file and wish to use the Oracle Visual Builder plugin directly with
Excel, see the Introduction to Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel topic in the Developing Integrated Spreadsheets
Using Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel guide.
Set up the Manage Programs Spreadsheet
The VBAFE spreadsheet comprises three worksheets:
Project Programs: Enables you to manage your programs.
Program Stakeholders: Enables you to manage stakeholders associated with your programs.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 4
Project Programs
Program Projects: Enables you to manage projects associated with your programs.
You cannot use the VBAFE spreadsheet to create projects and their properties. You can only assign them to
programs or delete these assignments.
Some of the cells in these sheets display a list of values when clicked. You will be asked to log into your account
before these LOVs can be displayed, though.
The last column in each worksheet is the Key This is an internal column, and it is important that you do not edit
this field.
Click on each column header to learn more about it.
Log into Your Account
You will be asked to log into your account once, either when you attempt to connect to your instance, or when you land
on a cell that displays an LOV. Enter your User Name and Password in the fields provided to log into your account.
Connect to Your Oracle Applications Instance
You must connect the Manage Programs XLSM file to your Oracle Applications instance to access the data associated
with your account.
1. Navigate to the Oracle Visual Builder ribbon tab.
2. Click the Manage Catalogs button on the left side of the toolbar.
The Manage Business Object Catalogs modal appears. By default, the list of business objects that you need
to work with programs is already populated. However, you must connect to your Oracle Applications instance
before you can manage your data.
3. Select the projectPrograms catalog and click Edit Business Object Catalog.
The Business Object Catalog Editor modal appears.
4. In the General tab, update the Host field using the URL of your environment and click Done.
For example, if the URL that appears in your address bar when you log in is https://fa-abcd-, enter the following in the Host field:
5. Click Done in the Manage Business Object Catalogs modal.
Your Excel sheet is now connected to your Oracle Applications environment.
Download Your Program Data
To download your program data, click the Download Data button in the Oracle Visual Builder toolbar.
You are now ready to start making updates to your program, stakeholder, and program project details.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 4
Project Programs
Create a Program
To create a program using the Excel sheet:
1. Open the Project Programs sheet in the Program Management XLSM file.
2. In a new row, enter the Program Name and Program Number of the program that you want to create, in the
columns provided.
3. Click the cell corresponding to the Program Status Name and select the new program’s initial status.
4. Update additional details using the other columns provided, as appropriate.
5. You can create multiple programs similarly.
6. Once you’re ready to upload your changes to your environment, click Upload Changes. The plugin now
attempts to create your programs using the details you provided and displays the status of the operation once
Update a Program
To update the details associated with a program:
1. Open the Project Programs worksheet and navigate to the row that contains the program details that you want
to update.
2. Edit the Program Name in the columns provided. You can’t update the program number.
3. Click the cell corresponding to the Program Status Name and update the program’s status as required.
4. Update additional details using the other columns provided, as appropriate.
5. You can update multiple programs similarly.
6. Once you’re ready to upload your changes to your environment, click Upload Changes. The Oracle Visual
Builder plugin now attempts to update your changes and displays upload details once done.
Delete a Program
To delete a program:
1. Open the Project Programs worksheet and navigate to the row that contains the program details that you want
to delete.
2. Click the Table Row Changes button in the Oracle Visual Builder ribbon tab and, from the options that appear,
select Mark for Delete.
The word ‘Delete’ appears in the Change column associated with the row.
Note: If you want to cancel the deletion, delete the word ‘Delete’ in the Change column.
3. You can similarly select multiple programs for deletion.
4. Once you’re ready to upload your changes to your environment, click Upload Changes.
5. A warning message asks you to confirm the deletions. Click Yes to proceed.
The Oracle Visual Builder plugin now attempts to delete the programs you selected and displays the status of
the operation once done.
Manage Program Stakeholders and Members Using the Oracle Visual
Builder Plugin for Microsoft Excel
To associate stakeholders and members with a program:
1. Open the Program Stakeholders sheet.
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Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 4
Project Programs
2. In a new row, enter the Person ID, Access Type Code, and Program ID to respectively specify a person, their
access level to a program, and the ID of the program with which they must be associated.
Note: You must ensure that the combination of values in the Person ID, Access Type Code, and Program ID
fields are unique; otherwise, the Create operation fails.
3. You can similarly add multiple stakeholders to multiple programs.
4. Once you’re ready to upload your changes to your environment, click Upload Changes. The Oracle Visual
Builder plugin now attempts to create program stakeholders using the details you provided and displays the
status of the operation once done.
Note: When your update is done, the plug-in automatically displays the first (Project Programs) worksheet.
You must navigate to the Program Stakeholders worksheet to view your updates.
Once you’ve added a stakeholder to a program, you can only update the stakeholder’s Access Type Code. To do so,
navigate to the cell that contains the detail, select the updated access type code, and click Update Changes.
Associate Projects with Programs
To associate a project with a program:
1. Open the Project Programs sheet.
2. Navigate to the last row in the list of records retrieved.
3. In a new row, enter the Project ID and Program ID to specify the project that must be associated with a
Note: You must ensure that the combination of values in the Project ID and Program ID fields are unique;
otherwise, the create operation fails.
4. You can similarly associate multiple projects with multiple programs.
5. Once you’re ready to upload your changes to your environment, click Upload Changes. The Oracle Visual
Builder plugin now attempts to create project-program associations using the details you provided and displays
the status of the operation once done.
Note: When your update is done, the plug-in automatically displays the first (Project Programs) worksheet.
You must navigate to the Program Stakeholders worksheet to view your updates.
You can update the values in the Project ID and Program ID fields to update project-program associations as required.
Remove Projects from Programs
To remove a project from a program:
1. Open the Program Projects worksheet and navigate to the row that contains the project-program association
that you want to remove.
2. Click the Table Row Changes button in the Oracle Visual Builder ribbon tab and, from the options that appear,
select Mark for Delete.
The word ‘Delete’ appears in the Change column associated with the row.
Note: If you want to cancel the deletion, delete the word ‘Delete’ in the Change column associated with the
3. You can similarly select multiple project-programs associations from deletion.
4. Once you’re ready to upload your changes to your environment, click Upload Changes.
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Using Project Performance Reporting
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Project Programs
5. A warning message asks you to confirm the deletions. Click Yes to proceed.
The Oracle Visual Builder plugin now attempts to delete the project-program association you selected and
displays the status of the operation once done.
Program Communications
How do program communication templates and reports work
A program communications report offers details associated with a program's progress. At the back-end of each report
lies a report template.
Program managers use performance measures, text, and other elements, such as graphs, to create these templates in
the Program Management application. For details on how to create a report template, see How can I create a program
communications report template?
When program managers use a template to create a report for a program, the application runs data associated with the
program on the elements in the template, creating a report that contains data unique to the program.
Templates, therefore, contain all the details that appear in a report. When you edit a report, you can only edit the
report's properties. To edit its contents, you must edit the template used with the report.
How can I create a program communications report?
Program communications reports help you ensure that your stakeholders are kept updated of the latest status of your
To create a program communications report:
1. Navigate to Programs > Communications and click Create Report. The Create report side-panel drawer
2. Select the Program for which you want to create a report, and give the report a Name and a Description.
3. If the currency that you want to use in the report is different from the default currency associated with the
program, select the Currency that you want to use in the report.
4. Specify the Reporting Period that you want to use for the report.
Select the report-through period as the current period or the last period. For example, you can review the
report data for April during the first few days of May when your monthly communication report is set with a
reporting period value of Last and the first due date is May 5th. When ready, you can manually publish the
report by the due date, or it will automatically publish on May 5th if your report is configured to automatically
publish on the report due date.
5. Use the First Due Date to specify when the first report is due, and specify the Frequency with which you want
the report published.
The frequency and first due date of a report determine the report's due date. The numerical date in the first
due date is used for monthly, quarterly, and yearly frequencies. To set a report due date for the end of the
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month, pick the 31st of any month earlier than today. The due date is automatically adjusted for shorter
months. If using weekly and bi-weekly frequencies, the date's day of the week determines the due date.
6. If you want the application to publish the report automatically on the dates and frequency you specified, select
the Publish automatically on the due date checkbox. You can pause and resume automatic publishing as
7. Click Create Report. You must now search and select the template that you want to use for your report.
Searching and Using Report Templates
To search for an existing template:
1. Enter the name or owner of the template, and press Enter. Templates that match your search criteria appear.
2. Click on each template to preview it on the right side of the page.
3. Either click Start from Scratch to create a new template for your report, or select a template and use the Start
from Existing options to specify how you want to create your report.
a. If you want to use the existing template as-is, click Start from Existing > Use Existing. The application
generates your report and displays it in the Communications page.
b. If you want to start a new template from a copy of an existing template, click Start from Existing >
Modify Existing. The template opens in Edit mode, and you can modify its contents as required before
you publish your report using the new template. For details on working with templates, see How can I
create a program communications report template?
4. Click Refresh Report to view the working draft of your report with the latest data. Report data is automatically
refreshed when performance is collected for the program—or its projects—using the Update Project
Performance Data process. When you click Refresh Report, the application triggers the Update Program
Performance Data process.
5. After you have completed designing your report, click Publish Report.
Once you publish your report, you can't delete it, and it remains available to stakeholders.
Publish a report only after you have reviewed the content, updated any free-form text fields, and selected the
program health value, if you've added this element.
When you publish a report, the application automatically creates a working version.
Once your report is published, stakeholders and program managers who have access to your program can download
your report and add comments in the Headlines page.
How can I create a program communications report template?
Program communications templates enable you to design the contents and layout of your program communications
To create a program communications template:
1. Navigate to Programs > Communications and click Actions > Create Template. The Create template side-
panel drawer appears.
2. Enter a Name, and optionally, a Description of the template.
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3. If you want to use a custom BIP file for your template, enter the complete location, including the file name
and .xdo extension, of the BIP file in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher. Example: /Custom/Projects/
LandscapeExecutiveCommunication.xdo. For detailed guidance on creating and designing reports
using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, see Design Reports in Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher
4. Click Create Template. Your template details are saved, and you must now populate your template with
program and project-related details.
5. On the page that appears, search for and select the template that you want to use as the base for your new
Adding Content to your Report Template
Report templates in Program Management use pre-set components, which you can easily search and add to your
template. These components are organized into content types, which are available as tabs in the Add content section.
You can add the following types of content to your report templates:
Groups: Groups are flexible groups of metrics and text that you can create and reuse in your templates.
Metrics: Each metric in this tab represents a program performance measure, which you can include into your
Text: These are static text elements, such as display text, headings, enterable paragraph, and so on, that you
can add to your template.
Others: These are prebuilt charts and tables that you can add to your template with a single click.
To add a component to your template, navigate to the appropriate tab, and search and click on components that you
want to add to include them in the template.
Updating Report Template Components
After you add a component to a report template, click its handle on the top-right to edit, move, duplicate, or remove it.
Depending on the nature of the component, the edit options you encounter may be different.
When you include a group to your template, you can separately edit each component in the group.
Publishing Report Templates
Once you're satisfied with your template, click Publish Layout to update the template and make it available to you for
use in reports.
FAQs for Project Programs
Can I move a project or program under another program?
Yes. Select the project or program from the list on the Programs page and drag and drop it under the program you want
to. You can assign a project just once in a hierarchy.
You can't move a program if:
The move exceeds a maximum of three levels in the program hierarchy.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 4
Project Programs
You are making the existing child program as the parent of the selected program.
Can I change the performance measure names for program
analysis and insights?
Yes, you can modify the measure names and the default display values, in the Analysis and Insights UI, using the
Manage Performance Measures task.
How can I specify additional details that must be provided while
creating a program?
If you want to create custom fields to capture additional program details, you must get them deployed for your
organization, so they are available in both the user interface and the Project Program REST API.
For example, if you want program managers in your organization to capture the name of the business unit associated
with a program, ask your Projects administrator to deploy Business Unit as an additional field in the Create Program
interface. Once this field is deployed, it will be available in the user interface as well as in the Project Program REST API,
and program managers will be able to capture this detail when they create a program.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
Using Project Performance Reporting
Chapter 4
Project Programs