Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Designing Schools in New Zealand (DSNZ)
Designing Quality Learning Spaces (DQLS)
LLighting and Visual
2.0, December 2020
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Document history
The table below is a record of the changes that have been made to this document.
Revision date
Summary of changes
First version for general release
December 2020
Document rewritten to align with the Ministry’s Te Rautaki
Rawa Kura - School Property Strategy 2030
The holistic interaction of internal environmental quality
factors is now clearly presented with effective control
Document rewritten for a target audience of architects,
designers and engineers involved in the design and
specification of schools
Document rewritten to separate the mandatory requirements
from the design guide to enhance navigation and readability
Revised performance requirements for measuring the quantity
and quality of daylight
Inclusion of mandatory requirements for new builds and
Inclusion of guidance for site planning for good daylighting
Inclusion of a verification methodologies for mandatory
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
The Designing Quality Learning Spaces (DQLS) series of documents has been prepared by the Ministry
of Education (the Ministry) and a panel of expert advisors, and compliance is mandatory for all projects
starting the preliminary design phase after 1 January 2021.
This document was first released by the Ministry of Education in partnership with the Building Research
Association of New Zealand (BRANZ) in 2007. The DQLS Lighting has been updated and replaced
with DQLS Lighting and Visual Comfort.
Changes in this latest version have been made to align with industry best practice, the latest research,
feedback received from design reviews, and responses to a wide range of technical queries.
The mandatory requirements have also been strengthened to improve lighting performance and to align
with the Ministry’s Te Rautaki Rawa Kura - School Property Strategy 2030, in particular the objective of
providing quality learning environments to support teaching and learning and the wellbeing of everyone
who use or occupy school buildings.
Although the mandatory requirements have been developed as a result of best practice and specific
Ministry requirements, it is not intended that this document addresses every conceivable condition.
Instead, it provides solutions where experience has indicated that problems commonly arise. The
document has been structured for continual improvement to incorporate new research, technologies,
developments, concepts and feedback.
This document is freely available for download from the Ministry’s Property pages.
The Ministry owns one of the largest property portfolios in New Zealand, with more than 18,000 buildings
and over 35,000 teaching spaces distributed across more than 2,100 schools. Learning space design
and upgrades are commissioned through various mechanisms nationally via Ministry-led programmes,
regionally through the Ministry’s Capital Works and Infrastructure Advisory Service divisions, and locally
through schools’ Boards of Trustees.
The objective of this lighting document is to ensure that the design and construction of school buildings
provide quality physical environments that support effective teaching and learning. The requirements are
not intended to be prescriptive to the degree of restricting thinking, but it is intended that the information
provided will help facilitate school design that represents the best value for expenditure, while supporting
a variety of teaching and learning styles.
The Ministry gratefully acknowledges the following DQLS Lighting Panel members for contributing to
this document:
David Fullbrook eCubed
Prof Michael Donn Victoria University of Wellington
Michael Warwick MAW Design
Renelle Gronert Senior Manager, School Design, Ministry of Education
Craig Cliff Senior Policy Manager, Ministry of Education
Aniebietabasi Ackley Technical Advisor, School Building Performance, Ministry of Education
The Ministry would like to thank Design Review Panel (DRP) members for reviewing this document and
Prendos New Zealand Limited for preparing the illustrations.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Feedback, Future Amendments
Where architects, engineers, designers, building scientists or users have feedback, they are encouraged
to contact the Ministry through the Scho[email protected]t.nz mailbox to facilitate continual
improvement and usability of this document. Your feedback will be reviewed and, where accepted,
incorporated into future amendments.
Kim Shannon
Head of Education Infrastructure Service
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
DOCUMENT HISTORY ............................................................................................................................................... 2
FOREWORD .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 3
FEEDBACK, REVIEW DATE ........................................................................................................................................ 4
CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
COLOURS AND HYPERLINKS IN THIS DOCUMENT ................................................................................................... 7
USING THIS DOCUMENT .......................................................................................................................................... 7
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Purpose and Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Te Haratau: Lifting the quality of New Zealand learning environments .............................................................. 9
Understanding Internal Environmental Quality ................................................................................................... 9
Importance of Good Lighting ............................................................................................................................. 11
SECTION 1: MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................... 13
1.1 Daylighting Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 13
1.2 Electric Lighting Requirements .................................................................................................................... 21
1.3 Surface Finishes Requirements .................................................................................................................... 25
1.4 Site Planning for Good Daylighting .............................................................................................................. 25
SECTION 2: LIGHTING RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................................................ 28
2.1 Daylighting Recommendations .................................................................................................................... 28
2.2 Electric Lighting Recommendations ............................................................................................................. 28
2.3 Surface Finishes Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 29
2.4 Refurbishment Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 30
SECTION 3: LIGHTING DESIGN GUIDANCE ............................................................................................................. 32
3.1 Integrated passive design approach ............................................................................................................ 32
3.2 The Components of Interior Daylight and Electric Light .............................................................................. 33
3.3 Orientation ................................................................................................................................................... 34
3.4 Building form................................................................................................................................................ 35
3.5 Window Area to Floor Area Ratio and Window to Wall Ratio ..................................................................... 36
3.6 Room Depth ................................................................................................................................................. 37
3.7 Position of the No Sky-Line .......................................................................................................................... 41
3.8 Window Design ............................................................................................................................................ 41
3.9 Daylighting Strategies .................................................................................................................................. 44
3.10 Electric Lighting .......................................................................................................................................... 48
3.11 General exterior and security lighting ....................................................................................................... 48
3.12 Lighting Control Strategies ......................................................................................................................... 50
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
SECTION 4: SPECIALIST LEARNING AND ANCILLARY SPACES ................................................................................ 51
4.1 Special needs facilities ................................................................................................................................. 51
4.2 Halls and Multi-Purpose Spaces ................................................................................................................... 54
4.3 Gymnasiums ................................................................................................................................................. 59
4.4 Libraries........................................................................................................................................................ 61
4.5 Music facilities.............................................................................................................................................. 62
4.6 Science Spaces ............................................................................................................................................. 63
4.7 Workshop and Technology Spaces .............................................................................................................. 64
4.8 Toilets ........................................................................................................................................................... 65
GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................................................... 66
TABLES .................................................................................................................................................................... 69
FIGURES .................................................................................................................................................................. 70
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................................... 71
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Colours and Hyperlinks in this document
Every underlined word is a hyperlink
It may be a defined term that takes you to the glossary, a reference or a link to a webpage that explains
a concept in more detail or gives background information. Hovering your pointer over a hyperlink will
give you information about that link and clicking it will take you there.
Using this document
In this document, the use of the word “must” and all requirements in tables and bold text indicates
that a requirement is absolutely mandatory.
The use of the words “should” and "recommendation" means that there may exist valid reasons or
circumstances where a requirement cannot be met. In such cases the full implications must be
understood and carefully weighed before choosing an alternative approach.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Purpose and Scope
This document is part of the Ministry of Education’s Designing Quality Learning Spaces (DQLS) suite of
design requirements for building quality learning environments for schools. The DQLS series covers the
four main internal environmental quality factors: lighting and visual comfort, acoustics, indoor air quality
and thermal comfort requirements. These requirements form part of a set of documents for Designing
Schools in New Zealand - Requirements and Guidelines (DSNZ), which is the overarching guidance for
school design.
This DQLS Lighting and Visual Comfort document has been developed to provide technical
requirements to assist architects, designers and engineers in creating quality physical learning
environments that are fit for purpose, and technical guidance for property managers undertaking school
The lighting requirements set out in this document apply to all ‘new-buildstructures including extensions,
pre-fabricated, and any new contracts for modular buildings. The requirements also apply to
refurbishments of existing school buildings, including significant alterations and temporary learning
spaces that are used at a school for more than 28 days.
Overall purpose of the DQLS Lighting document
To provide lighting performance standards that are appropriate to, and consistent
across, school facilities.
Create spaces and environments that are comfortable and support the
educational delivery process across different teaching styles and practices.
Set mandatory minimum requirements that are part of achieving quality learning
Set a basis for evaluating the lighting performance of project design submissions.
Set a basis for evaluating the lighting performance when undertaking Post
Occupancy Evaluation (POEs).
Facilitate school design that represents best value for expenditure while
supporting educational outcomes.
In order to demonstrate compliance with the mandatory requirements, design teams must submit the
completed IEQ Design Report with their design. Accuracy is critical as POE will be based on this report.
This document is divided into five key sections:
Section 1 specifies the mandatory requirements for lighting with which design teams must be
able to demonstrate compliance.
Section 2 provides recommendations that designers should consider when applying the
mandatory requirements.
Section 3 gives good practice design advice on the use of daylighting and electric lighting,
and provides design guidance for the main areas of lighting performance.
Sections 4 provides further lighting guidance for specialist learning and ancillary spaces.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Te Haratau: Lifting the quality of New Zealand learning environments
The Ministry’s programme Te Haratau: lifting the quality of NZ’s physical learning environments, is aimed
at delivering the strategic objective of quality learning environments, as set out in Te Rautaki Rawa Kura
The School Property Strategy 2030. Te Haratau involves collecting and analysing performance data
on the “quality” of all school assets for property planning and making evidence-based decisions. The Te
Haratau model consists of three interrelated objectives for the delivery of quality learning environments,
as set out in Table 1.
Table 1: The three main interrelated aspects of Te Haratau
Fitness for Purpose - Internal environment
(lighting, acoustics, thermal comfort and air
quality) and usability. Data sourced through
internal environment monitoring and user
feedback through the School Evaluation of the
Physical Environment (SEPE) tool.
Figure 1: Te Haratau Model
Asset condition assessment data relating to
condition grade and remaining useful life for
building and site elements is sourced through
detailed condition assessments.
Operational Efficiency - Energy and water
consumption, resilience, and maintenance
costs. Data is sourced through a range of
The Te Haratau model will capture data across these key aspects to provide information about a school’s
buildings and site, and how each of these three aspects moves from the design phase into operations.
The DQLS requirements provide the framework for assessing the internal environmental quality aspects
of fitness for purpose. For example, when reviewing data about light levels within a learning space the
acceptable threshold will be provided by DQLS (refer to Section 1.1.3).
Understanding Internal Environmental Quality
Internal environmental quality refers to the entire quality of a building’s environment in relation to the
health and wellbeing of the occupants within it. Internal environmental quality is determined by many
factors, including the four Te Haratau fitness-for-purpose aspects:
Internal Environment Quality Factors
Lighting and Visual Comfort illuminance, luminance ratios, view, reflection, etc.
Acoustic Quality noise from indoors, outdoors, vibrations, etc.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) fresh air supply, odour, indoor air pollution, etc.
Thermal Comfort temperature, air velocity, relative humidity, moisture, etc.
There is strong evidence that good lighting, temperature, humidity, acoustics, and indoor air quality
support educational outcomes (Barrett et al., 2015; Wall, 2016; Ackley et al., 2017). For example, a
United Kingdom study of 3766 students in 153 classrooms in 27 schools identified seven key design
parameters that together explain 16% of the variation in students’ academic progress. These design
parameters were Light, Colour, Temperature, Air Quality, Ownership, Flexibility, and Complexity (Barrett
et al., 2015).
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Better internal environmental quality in learning spaces could support teachers/kaiako and
learners/ākonga to succeed. For example, learning can be impeded if the lighting conditions cause visual
discomfort, which can lead to eyestrain and headaches and can disturb the circadian rhythm. Research
on biological lighting demands has revealed that the dosing of daylight is important for health purposes.
The amount of light that enters the eye affects our bio-rhythm: more light supresses melatonin
production, thereby making us more awake and alert.
Poor acoustics can make communication difficult and increase activity noise levels. Poorly ventilated
rooms can result in unwanted thermal effects (both through temperature and humidity) and lead to high
levels of carbon dioxide, which could cause drowsiness. Indoor air pollutants can be odorous and could
irritate the trigeminal nerve endings in nose and eyes, causing itching and other negative reactions
impeding learning.
The Ministry is committed to providing better internal environmental quality in learning spaces to achieve
the objectives of the Te Rautaki Rawa Kura The School Property Strategy 2030. Setting standards for,
monitoring, and evaluating internal environmental quality are extremely important across all stages of
the building process: design, construction, commissioning, operation and renovation.
The built internal environment is considered a system with sub-systems that do matter, but the system
will only function if all sub-systems (components) are optimised along with the total system, whether this
is related to health, comfort or sustainability issues. Internal environmental quality factors are one of the
key sub-systems that are interrelated in a building (Figure 2).
These factors must be considered during the design phase so that comfort is achieved. A holistic
approach is essential, and no single internal environmental quality factor should be altered without
assessing its effect on all the others. This is because they interact with one another e.g. achieving good
daylighting must be balanced against possible uncomfortable heat gain from the sun, and the need for
ventilation can increase noise levels inside.
Given the complex nature of the internal environment, design teams must ensure that the lighting
requirements set out in this document are applied together with the requirements set out in the other
DQLS series of documents (acoustics, and indoor air quality and thermal comfort).
This document sets out requirements and guidance that will produce acceptable lighting conditions to
the majority of occupants in a learning space. Special consideration for inclusive design is given in
Section 4.1.
To ensure that all new buildings and refurbishments provide comfortable environments, design teams
must consider the effective control strategies in Table 2.
Figure 2: What is internal environment quality, Source: Bluyssen, (2009)
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Table 2: Internal environment quality factors, parameters and effective control strategies.
Adapted from Bluyssen, (2009).
Lighting Quality
Acoustic Quality
Air Quality
Thermal Quality
Illuminance and
temperature and
colour index
View and
Sound level (s)
Sound insulation
Pollution sources
Carbon dioxide
Types of pollutants
Ventilation rate
and efficiency
(air and radiant)
Air velocity
Activity and
Electric lighting
Acoustic design
Sound insulation
Source control
Operable windows
Air cleaning
Activity control
Building design
(e.g. insulation,
façade, etc.)
Heating and
cooling systems
Importance of Good Lighting
Lighting and visual comfort is very important to people’s health and wellbeing. It affects the mood,
emotion and mental alertness of teachers and students. There is clear evidence that shows that good
daylight in learning spaces contributes to improved learning performance (Heschong Mahone Group,
1999; Nicklas & Bailey, 1997; Barrett et al, 2015; Ackley et al, 2017, 2020). A study by Heschong Mahone
Group, (1999, 2001, 2003) compared the school records of 21,000 students from 3 school districts in 3
states in California with day-lighting conditions in over 2,000 learning spaces. They found that
classrooms with good daylight had had better learning performance, increased attendance and 26%
higher results in reading tests and 20% in mathematics tests in one year than those with the least.
Good daylighting can support and adjust the circadian rhythms that influence people’s physiological and
psychological state, improve visibility, supress melatonin production which improves alertness, enhance
colour rendering, and also lead to energy savings.
Poorly designed daylighting can create visual discomfort and glare issues. Glare is the excessive
contrast between light and dark within a building which can be caused by the inadequate distribution of
daylight in a space, or by viewing the sun reflected on bright surfaces. In addition, poor daylight design
can introduce undesirable solar heat gain, causing discomfort and increasing ventilation and air
conditioning loads and energy use.
Good daylighting design requires understanding a building’s local climate, the location, placement,
orientation, usage, shading of windows and skylights relative to their solar orientation. A good daylighting
system provides:
balanced, diffuse, glare-free daylight from two or more directions
sufficient light levels for the tasks being undertaken in the space
operable shading devices to reduce light intensity for audio-visual programs and computer work;
windows for interest, relaxation, and communication with the outdoors
exterior shading devices as needed to minimize solar heat gains during the warmer season
When designing for daylight, design teams should consider measures to control potential summer
overheating, provide effective ventilation, and balance daylighting with the various factors in Figure 3.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Figure 3: Factors to consider when designing for daylight
The quantity of light within a learning space defines the visual quality of the indoor environment, and
how it impacts on the functions of the space (Ackley et al, 2020). Adequate lighting, whether by daylight
or electric light means, is essential for the tasks and activities undertaken in a school, and is a basic
functional requirement of lighting design.
Design teams must also provide electric lights that is energy efficient, has a long life, and requires
minimal maintenance. The electric light needs to work to supplement the daylight to achieve the design
goals but take over completely when the daylight is inadequate.
Blinds and
Legal and
Use of the
End User
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Section 1: Mandatory Requirements
The following section quantifies the Ministry’s mandatory performance requirements for daylighting and
electric light in schools. These performance requirements have been set to enable the design and
upgrade of schools in line with the Ministry’s expectations about the way physical spaces will support a
variety of teaching and learning approaches, while providing adequate levels of comfort, and ensuring
an environment conducive to good health and wellbeing.
Designers will need to consider four key performance outcomes and associated control measures:
Daylighting Section 1.1
Electric Light Section 1.2
Surface Finishes Section 1.3
Site Planning for Good Daylighting Section 1.4
The Ministry’s requirements and recommendations given in this DQLS document are intended to apply
to all school projects, and in particular to new school buildings and specialist learning spaces. The extent
to which upgrades to existing buildings can meet all requirements and recommendations will depend on
the nature and scale of the upgrade. A major upgrade would be expected to meet all or most of the
requirements and recommendations, whereas a minor upgrade should target specific requirements and
recommendations where the works involved are practically capable of achieving them (Refer to Section
In addition to daylighting and electric light, the Building Code requires emergency and escape route
lighting in the event of failure of the main lighting. The requirements for this lighting are prescribed in the
Building Code Clauses F6 and F8, and in AS/NZS 2293.1:2005, AS/NZS 2293.2:1995, and
1.1 Daylighting Requirements
The designer is to demonstrate within a project’s preliminary or developed design reports that the
daylighting provisions within the principal learning space meet the requirements and key performance
criteria set out in this document and summarised below.
Table 3: Daylighting Mandatory Requirements
(New Build and Refurbishments)
General Scope
Daylighting must be the main source of lighting in schools,
supplemented by electric light when daylight is insufficient to meet
the specified illuminance levels due to low daylight levels as a result
of weather conditions or use of the building before dawn or after
The Useful Daylight Illuminance (UDI) target for learning spaces is
300lx to 2000lx for 80% of school hours across more than 50% of the
usable floor level. Standard maintained illuminance values for different
learning spaces are provided in Table 4, below. Circulation and storage
areas are not subject to these performance criteria
Simple Building
A design statement and supporting calculations will be acceptable
for simple building forms (refer to Section 1.1.1 for the four-step
daylight sequence)
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Simple building forms are recognised as follows:
o Spaces with windows on one side less than 7m deep
o Spaces with windows on two opposite sides with a depth less
than 14m
o Window/wall ratio in the range of 30-50%
o The qualitative design recommendations described in Section 2
of this DQLS are adhered to
Design teams must use the Daylight Calculator Tool to demonstrate
compliance with the four-step daylight sequence.
Complex Building
Forms (Large open
plan spaces)
For more complex building forms outside the above simple building
criteria, a Climate Based Daylight Modelling (CBDM) must be carried
out at the preliminary design stage, in accordance with the daylight
modelling requirements and guidelines set out in Section 1.1.2
Where a design does not meet all requirements set out in this
document, a statement to this effect must be submitted to the
Ministry for approval. The statement must detail the reasons for non-
compliance, identify and quantify the adverse implications of non-
compliance, and provide justifications for the non-compliant design.
*Refer to Section 2.4 for design considerations relevant to refurbishments.
1.1.1 Simple Building Forms - Four-step Daylighting Design Sequence
The design statement must follow a four-step daylighting design sequence (Reinhart & Lo Verso, 2010)
for simple building forms:
1) Zoning: divide the design into daylit zones. Each zone should be characterised by a common
set of expected activity types. For each zone, calculate the effective sky angles (Figure 4), θ (in
degrees), and use a target average daylight factor of 2% for all potential daylight zones.
2) Daylight feasibility test: using 0.87 glazing transmittance value, determine the minimum
required window-to-wall ratio (WWR) for each zone from step (1) according to the following
Equation 1
Note that the minimum WWR given by Equation 1 excludes mullions and frames; only zones
with a minimum WWR 80% will be realistic candidates for daylighting. If the WWR calculation
suggests a value > 80% then the project will need to be revised.
3) Room proportions: for each zone with minimum WWR 80%, select surface reflectances of
0.2 (floor) and 0.6 (walls) and 0.75 (ceilings), space widths, and window-head-heights (WHH).
Use Equation 2, below, to determine the depth of the daylit area in each zone:
Depth of daylit area < Minimum
  
 
Equation 2
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
θ = Effective Sky Angle
According to Equation 2, the depth of the daylit area will be less than the lowest value given by
any of the three relevant expressions (A, B and C1 or C2).
Selection of space widths, and window-head-heights will be an iterative process until suitable
daylit depths are achieved for all zones.
4) Glazing area: calculate the Total Interior Surface Area (TISA), from floor, wall and ceiling areas
based on the daylit depth calculated by Equation 2 in 3) above (i.e. do not include areas outside
the daylit depth when calculating TISA. Calculate the required glazing area using Equation 3,
Required glazing area =
Equation 3
Note that this daylighting design sequence is intended to provide for adequate daylighting under generic
New Zealand conditions. It does not allow for regional variations in outdoor illuminance. The target
daylight factor of 3% is intended to yield approximately 300 lux at the working plane under standard clear
sky conditions. Higher target daylight factors may be used, with caution, where lower-than-typical
outdoor illuminance values are expected; refer to NZS 6703:1984, Section 5, for guidance.
The above daylighting design sequence does not allow for control of glare. Careful consideration should
be given to the orientation and location of windows, and provision of shading devices, in order to
minimise direct sunlight and control glare; refer to Section 3.8, below, for more information. The design
statement submitted to demonstrate compliance with the four-step daylighting design sequence
must also include consideration of shading and glare control options, and must make specific
recommendations to minimise glare and excessive heat gain where appropriate. Note that the
use of blinds to control glare is not enough.
Effective Sky angle calculation: For all walls with openings an effective sky angle will need to be
calculated. Use the equation below to do so and Figure 4 for reference.
 
  
  
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Figure 4: Effective Sky Angle Calculation (refer to Section 3.7)
Figure 5: The relationship between ‘window area to floor area’ ratio and ‘window to wall area’
ratio (refer to Section 3.5 for more guidance on WWR).
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
1.1.2 Complex Building Forms - Daylight Modelling Requirements and
Climate Based Daylight Modelling (CBDM) must be carried out in accordance with the following
requirements and guidelines:
When undertaking UDI analysis, the calculation grids should relate to the use of the space
and - where known - the furniture layout. If a space is flexible, then the calculation grid should
reflect that. Grid spacing must allow for 5 10 grid intervals along each grid axis (25 - 100
reference points per daylighting zone). Where it is known that desks or working areas will not be
directly against walls, then a 500 mm perimeter zone in each room can be eliminated from the
calculation area
Daylight modelling software must have been validated in accordance with CIE Report
171:2006 - Test Cases to Assess the Accuracy of Lighting Computer Programs (CIE,
2006). (See also Maamari et al., 2006, for examples of the application of the CIE test cases to
modelling programs)
The accuracy of the model plays a significant role in the accuracy of the results. A number of key
modelling requirements are listed below. The values used for these parameters must be detailed in the
modelling report.
Wall thickness: this must be modelled, including any window ledge or overhang
Window detail: the transmittance of the glazing is important for the accuracy of the model.
Equally important is the modelling of the window frame. It is not sufficient to allow an arbitrary
light loss factor. The depth, height and reflectance of the window frame is important
Internal details: items such as acoustic panels, ductwork, downstands, window reveals, and
light shelves need to be included in the modelling as they will affect the distribution of light. If
blinds are included in the modelling analysis, then UDI performance must be reported both with
and without blinds included in the analysis. The practicality of using the blinds as modelled must
be assessed
Reflectance values: must match the design and be supported with data from the paint supplier
or carpet manufacturer etc. Where a combination of vinyl and carpet is used the floor model
should reflect the locations and areas of different materials. At the early design stage when
furniture layouts and floor reflectances may not be known, a floor reflectance of 0.2 can be used
and the room should be modelled without any furniture to enable an understanding of the
distribution of daylight through the space. At detailed design stage the actual room layouts and
reflectances must be used to validate the design
External obstructions: external obstructions that may intermittently block sunlight and daylight
should be modelled. Similarly, accurate modelling of building orientation is very important
Weather data: Annual standardised weather data by region for New Zealand should be
downloaded from Energy Plus Website. In the Energy Plus website, use the weather data file
with the description “NIWA e.g. Auckland-Auckland AK 931190 (NIWA). This is because the
NIWA data is derived from 30 years of recorded information and it is intended to be typical of
New Zealand’s weather.
Analysis parameters:
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
o Hours of operation: 9:00 am until 3:00 pm. Full year data including weekends and holidays
should be used; only the summer holiday shall be excluded. For modelling purposes, the
academic year shall run from 1
February 20
o Time Step: In order to reduce computation time while maintaining modelling accuracy, an
hourly time-step over the full analysis period shall be used (see Sullivan & Donn, 2018)
o Grid Location: Working plane height (varies refer discussion below)
1.1.3 Rationale for Climate Based Daylight Modelling (CBDM) and Key
Performance Criteria
Historically, daylight factors and a uniform overcast sky have been used to determine the quantity of
daylight light available within a room. This conservative approach was suited to places in the northern
hemisphere where these factors were developed which have a greater proportion of overcast skies. They
were also suited to quick and imprecise estimates of the quantity of daylight. They relied on other
calculations to estimate the likely qualitative properties such as glare. By manipulation of the daylighting
design parameters, the aim was to deliver a certain percentage of diffuse light (normally 2.0 - 2.5%) into
the space, and to achieve a certain degree of illuminance uniformity. This approach does not, however,
consider the effects of direct sunlight or of varying illuminance over time. Building designs which
maximise daylight factors have resulted in over-sized glazing, with detrimental effects in terms of thermal
control and glare (Tsagrassoulis, Kontadakis, and Roetzel, 2015, Mardaljevic, Brembilla and Drosou,
Climate Based Daylight Modelling (CBDM) is better suited to the New Zealand climate and provides
information about the daylight distribution within a space throughout the year. CBDM uses realistic sun
and sky conditions derived from standardised weather data to predict the quality and quantity of daylight
distribution within a space (Mardaljevic, 2000; Reinhart & Herkel, 2000). This data should inform design
decisions at the preliminary design stage.
Figure 6: Image showing lighting visualisation.
Working Plane
Teaching is based around a wide variety of activities and ways of using spaces. Furniture should not be
considered fixed, as it may be rearranged between classes, and furniture arrangements will be adapted
many times during the building lifespan. Student group sizes and positions will also vary greatly, from
working at desks, to working on the floor, to a variety of types of seating.
For daylight measurements, it may not always be easy to identify the working plane, particularly in a
large open plan learning space. There may be multiple working planes in a space for example, close
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
to floor level if students may be sitting or lying on the floor while working, as well as at desk level and at
the level of other furniture such as couches or stools. Designers need to consider the likely uses of the
space when identifying working planes and selecting orientations for daylighting measurements;
assumption should be clearly stated in the modelling report.
Key Performance Criteria - Useful Daylight Illuminance:
UDI is defined as the annual occurrence of illuminances across the work-plane that are within a
range considered ‘useful’ by occupants; this range may vary depending on the activity
For example, it is common to set the useful minimum daylight level as the point where electric
light is no longer necessary for a particular task. Thus, UDI counts as potentially useful each
hour that daylight provides light in excess of the target. However, if the illuminance is higher than
the target, but is also too high for doing the task, then each hour where this occurs is not useful.
A UDI value is reported for each position in the room, and indicates the percentage of the working
year that the daylight is useful
A full CBDM analysis produces a UDI value for each point in a room. A classroom UDI would
report what percentage of the floor area achieves a UDI target
The UDI target is 300lx to 2000lx for 80% of school hours across more than 50% of the
usable floor level
This ensures good quality daylight across more than 50% of the parts of the classroom that are
designed to be used for learning, teaching and administrative activities. Circulation and storage
areas need not be subject to such stringent performance criteria
Key Performance Criteria Built Verification:
As part of Te Haratau, the Ministry will monitor lighting levels within a selection of spaces using
multivariable internal environment monitoring devices in post occupancy evaluations and other
planning and asset management processes
These devices will provide an indication of the overall lighting levels (not specific to daylight or
electric light) over time. For the purposes of assessing spaces, the general rule will be that when
lighting levels are below the 300lx or above 2000lx threshold, this may indicate lighting issues
that need further investigations
Figure 7 below illustrate a summary of daylighting strategies that designers should consider (refer to
Section 3.9 for more daylighting principles).
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Figure 7: Summary of daylighting strategies
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
1.2 Electric Lighting Requirements
The minimum requirements for electric lighting in terms of standard maintained illuminances, uniformity
ratio, limiting glare index, lamp appearance group, and lamp colour rendering group, are given in Table
4 below.
Table 4: Electric lighting performance requirements
Type of Space
General Learning
> 80
> 80
Specialist Learning
Spaces requiring close
and detailed work (e.g.
art & craft rooms)
> 80
> 80
With task
lighting to
500 Lux
Science Learning
> 80
> 80
Music rooms
> 80
> 80
Multi-Purpose Halls:
General use
Social use
Theatre use (non-
exam mode)
> 80
> 80
> 80
> 80
Stack Areas
> 80
> 80
200 Lux on
> 80
> 80
With task
> 80
> 80
Circulation Spaces,
Corridors, Stairs &
> 80
> 80
Waiting Areas
> 80
> 80
Reception Areas
> 80
> 80
The definitions of each of the terms in Table 4 are as described in AS/NZS 1680 (Part 1 General, and
Part 2.3 Educational & Training Facilities).
Many of the rooms in educational buildings are used flexibly for a variety of purposes, without fixed
workspaces. This is particularly true of multi-purpose halls. Lighting arrangements must reflect this,
and provision must be made for controls/switching to satisfy the required flexibility. Task lighting
and locally dimmable lighting is preferable to higher general illuminance levels.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Electric lighting must meet the performance requirements given in Table 4 above. Additionally, new
buildings must comply with the following requirements:
Luminaires must be 100% based on LED lamp technology
LED luminaires must comply with AS/NZS 60598 and must be in accordance with the
o CRI of ≥ Ra80
o Driver power factor of ≥ 0.9
o LED chip binning of ≤ 3 McAdams
o LED luminaires must have a maintained output of 70% after 50,000 hours
LED luminaires shall have prismatic or opalescent style diffusers
Choice of a luminaire must be based on a holistic consideration of the following criteria:
o Luminaire application - general, accent, up/downlight, emergency, internal/external
and security
o Luminaire construction and materials, IP rating, weight and seismic restraint
o Type and ease of installation recessed/surface/suspended
o Performance - photometric and luminous efficacy
o Maintenance and durability
o Standards/safety/EMC compliance
o Cost
o Warranty provisions
1.2.1 Emergency Lighting
Emergency lighting must comply with AS/NZS 2293.1, AS/NZS 2293.2, AS/NZS 2293.3, the NZ Building
Code, and the specific Fire Engineer’s report for the building. A specific emergency lighting report shall
be prepared to support compliance with Clauses F6 and F8 of the NZ Building Code.
Self-contained single point systems shall include:
Emergency lighting batteries with a minimum ten (10) year life
Luminaires with sealed rechargeable battery cells of sufficient capacity for not less than half an
hour of emergency lighting after mains failure
Battery charger with full wave rectifier and automatic 2 rate output
High frequency fluorescent ballast, and miniature fluorescent lamp or LED driver and LED
Devices to switch the lamp on when mains voltage fails, and off when battery voltage fails
LED lamp to indicate battery charge condition, and test push button to interrupt mains supply
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Alternatively, one luminaire may incorporate battery cells of sufficient capacity to operate two
luminaires with the second connected as a slave
Testing Facility:
Provide a test facility on the front of each distribution board that tests emergency lighting systems to
AS/NZS 2293.1, energising emergency lights and exit signs and then automatically resetting after a pre-
set time
Photoluminescent emergency lighting and signage systems:
Exit Sign and Escape Route products must meet the exit sign requirements of New Zealand Building
Code Clause F8 Signs and the emergency lighting requirements of Clause F6 Visibility in Escape
Photoluminescent products shall only be used in areas where there is sufficient daylighting to charge the
1.2.2 Security Lighting
All new schools must have a security system, and all new facilities and building up-grades that
cost over $200,000 must install a security system (see Security Design in Schools, Ministry of
Education, 2018). Lighting forms an integral component of any security system.
If the floor area for the project is over 1000 m
, a security design report must be carried out to:
Identify local security issues.
Outline how the design will deal with these issues, with reference to Crime Prevention Through
Environmental Design (CPTED; available on the Ministry of Justice website).
Figure 8 below illustrate a summary of electric lighting strategies that designers should consider (refer
to Section 3.10 for more electric lighting principles).
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Figure 8: Summary of electric lighting strategies
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
1.3 Surface Finishes Requirements
The appearance of a space is largely controlled by the distribution of light within it. The minimum surface
light reflectance values (LRVs) given in Table 5, below, should be used to create spaces with adequate
Table 5: Minimum light reflectance values for selected surface types.
Surface Type
Display Boards
1.4 Site Planning for Good Daylighting
Master planning the layout of school buildings on a site or modifying the layout to accommodate roll
growth, presents opportunities to achieve good daylighting within buildings and the open spaces
between them.
Access to daylight can help to make buildings more energy efficient by reducing the use of electric
lighting, heating and cooling.
Design considerations that enhance daylighting at the master planning stage of a building include:
Building forms narrow versus deep plan, single storey versus two storey (refer to Table 8)
Building orientation - to maximise daylight, without exposing the interior to excess solar gain or
Separation distances between buildings to minimize overshadowing
The framing of specific views from buildings or from the site
Using light coloured hard landscaping close to buildings and under covered walkways
These considerations must form part of an overall environmental analysis of the site, including
wind, ventilation and acoustics. The form and relative position of buildings may have
implications for wind flow, acoustics, and sunlight distribution. Figures 9 and 10, below, illustrate
some of the shading implications of building form, orientation and layout. Shading depth is a function of
building height and is also influenced by site latitude. During site planning, consideration must be given
to shading of both buildings and external activity areas, especially outdoor learning spaces.
Modern architectural software allows designers to rigorously explore the daylighting benefits of a range
of site plans at concept stage.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Figure 9: The Effect of Building Form & Orientation on Exterior Sunlight
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Figure 10: The Effect of Building Form & Orientation on Exterior Sunlight
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Section 2: Lighting Recommendations
Learning spaces should be designed with the assistance of a lighting engineer. Lighting engineers are
professionals with the knowledge and experience required to design learning spaces. This section
provides recommendations that designers should consider when applying the mandatory requirements
above. Section 2 of this document provides advice about designing to optimise daylighting and electric
2.1 Daylighting Recommendations
The following daylighting recommendations should be considered:
Spaces that require higher lighting levels could be zoned to the North orientation, while spaces
with high heat loads (e.g. computer rooms) could be zoned to the South orientation
Where possible, it is preferable to place windows in more than one wall to improve the way light
is experienced within a room
In deeper single storey or upper storey spaces, the balance of daylight can be improved by the
introduction of a carefully designed clerestory window or skylight which excludes direct sunlight
on the working plane
Design characteristics that reduce glare include:
Orientation of the building
Fixed external sunshades, louvres, light shelving
Internal blinds
Splayed window reveals
Painting the window wall in a light colour and avoiding dark colours near the window
Rooms at the perimeter of the building should have glazed partitions to allow the use of borrowed
light in interior spaces
2.2 Electric Lighting Recommendations
The following electric lighting recommendations should be considered:
In single sided rooms with depths greater than 7.5 m, the walls remote from the windows should
be lit preferentially and separately from the general task lighting, and should be switched
separately, to balance supplementary electric lighting use and appearance with daylighting
In deep spaces beyond 7.5m from a window wall, the ceiling should be preferentially lit with
suspended up/down lighting to balance supplementary electric lighting use and appearance with
Add character and interest to flexible learning spaces by introducing some directional light to
provide modelling and variety to special areas by use of spotlights, feature pendants or wall
washing. These areas shall also be switched separately
Whiteboards and presentation/display walls should be lit preferentially by dedicated (separately
switched) ceiling mounted luminaires shielded from direct view and positioned above and in front
of the whiteboard such that veiling reflections are avoided
All luminaires should use LED lamp technology
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Luminaires should generally have a light output ratio of >0.7
Lamp efficiency should generally be greater than 100 Lumens/lamp watt
The maximum energy density from the lighting in any particular space should not exceed 8W/m²
For calculation in design, a light loss factor (LLF) of 0.8 should be used
Lamps and luminaires need to be regularly cleaned to minimize the deterioration of their light
output. Consider maintenance when selecting the lighting equipment, luminaires or luminaire
locations. Luminaires which require special arrangements for cleaning and re-lamping should
be avoided.
Special attention is required when positioning luminaires where ceiling sweep fans are used, in
order to avoid flicker/stroboscopic effects
Where not controlled by occupancy controllers, all luminaires should be time switch controlled,
or should be switched locally with the master switch linked to the security system
Luminaires in intermittently used spaces including Learning Spaces should be provided with
occupancy control with local on/off/auto switches
Luminaires within 5m of the perimeter of a space with side lighting should be separately
switched, ideally with daylight dimming
Luminaires should be designed in a flexible way that promotes adjustment (dimming) in
response to changes in daylight levels
Selected luminaires should be provided with dimming e.g. in classrooms, drama studios,
multipurpose halls, and in feature presentation areas of Learning Spaces
2.3 Surface Finishes Recommendations
In larger learning spaces, dull uniformity should be avoided by the judicious choice of reflectance and
colour to ensure that some areas have a different character than others. There is also advantage to be
gained in preferentially lighting certain focal areas of the learning space, such as book corners and
display walls.
Glossy ceiling and wall surfaces should be avoided to minimize confusing reflections and glare
Avoid using dark surfaces immediately adjacent to windows
Ceilings with exposed concrete surfaces intended to provide thermal mass in schools should be
painted matt white as this provides good light reflectance
Floor finishes:
When selecting floor finishes it is necessary to achieve a balance between the benefit of daylight
and the operational needs of cleaning and maintenance
Floor reflectance of between 20% - 40% should be provided in all learning spaces. Floor finishes
should have a surface reflectance lower than 40% to avoid scuff marks. A floor reflectance value
of 20% is generally used as standard in lighting calculations to assess unfurnished rooms; when
furniture is installed, it generally has a higher surface reflectance than 20%, and so compensates
for the low floor reflectance value used in standard calculations
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Furniture and window surrounds:
Gloss factor is different from reflectance and should not be confused. A highly reflective material
with a matt or diffuse finish is beneficial in delivering light within an internal space. However,
high gloss (specular) surfaces are likely to give rise to discomfort glare
Direct daylight can be reflected from specular surfaces such as window sills with a high level of
intensity and direction towards the internal occupants. This should be avoided
2.4 Refurbishment Recommendations
This section covers design considerations relevant to upgrading existing learning environments. It
explains how the Ministry’s mandatory requirements set out in Section 1 apply to upgrade projects, and
includes a range of potential strategies and design solutions.
Daylight and electric lighting design must endeavour to meet the Ministry’s mandatory
requirements as specified in Section 1, as well as any relevant requirements contained in other
DQLS documents.
As with new building projects, major upgrades require an integrated approach to a number of aspects of
building design and performance. This applies to upgraded spaces with different post-completion
occupancy, spatial layouts, and activity patterns.
In general terms, daylight and electric lighting strategies for upgrade projects are much the same as for
new buildings. There is generally room for some improvement in lighting provision as part of any
upgrade. However, for new buildings, specifying daylight and electric lighting provisions automatically
falls within the project scope. In contrast, it may not be immediately apparent whether an upgrade project
will necessitate modification of the existing daylight and electric lighting arrangements.
One aim of this section is to offer guidance in determining whether daylight and electric lighting
requirements should fall within an upgrade project brief. This discussion will centre on changes to key
parameters, including building envelope, layout, occupancy level, activity type, and equipment age; the
section will also consider how any proposed changes will affect the daylighting and electric lighting
provisions for the spaces concerned.
Figure 11: A flexible learning space in an upgraded building in use
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
2.4.1 Changes to building structure, occupancy and usage patterns
In general, daylight and electric lighting requirements may change due to alterations in the use of the
space, or in the external structure of the space. Designers should consider the implications for daylight
and electric lighting of an upgrade project.
Three questions should be investigated:
1. Will the expected use of the space (occupancy levels, activity types) change?
2. Will the upgrade involve significant modification of the building envelope?
3. Does the existing space perform poorly with respect to Ministry daylighting and electric
lighting requirements?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then further investigation of the daylight and electric
lighting implications are warranted.
If there are significant changes to layout, occupancy levels, activity types and/or there are
significant problems with the existing lighting provisions, then the daylight and electric lighting
requirements set out in Section 1 should be followed as far as is reasonably practicable.
Walls, windows, floors, ceilings, roofs, doors and partitions all form part of the envelope of a space. Any
change to these building elements should be investigated to determine its effect on daylighting and
electric lighting of the spaces.
2.4.2 Daylighting design for refurbishments
As part of major upgrades, designers should consider the following:
whether existing daylighting provisions meet the Ministry’s minimum requirements
what opportunities the project brief offers for improving daylighting
whether to increase or decrease the area of existing windows, or whether to eliminate or
add windows
how to optimise the use of passive design within the bounds of the project scope
how to maximise the life cycle and economic performance of any new system
2.4.3 Electric lighting design for refurbishments
Designers should consider:
whether the existing lighting levels meet the performance requirements of Section 1
the age and condition of the luminaires, and whether they can still be sourced and replaced
with similar luminaires
the extent of the upgrade and the impact it will have on existing lighting arrangements
consider repositioning or expanding existing lighting arrangements
consider a full lighting replacement for extensive upgrades where existing luminaires are in
poor condition, or fail to meet the performance requirements of Section 1
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Section 3: Lighting Design Guidance
This section covers the basic design considerations, potential strategies and design solutions relevant
to good lighting design. The section is intended to provide guidance for building lighting design prior to
any analysis being carried out in accordance with the mandatory requirements of Section 1.
3.1 Integrated design approach
With traditional design processes, when just 10% of a project’s cost has been expended, 70-80% of the
life-time costs and consequences of the building will have been effectively locked in. An integrated whole
building design process develops an overall building design by ‘work-shopping’ a range of design options
and solutions that offer positive outcomes across all design disciplines architectural, structural,
services, acoustics, fire etc.
Integrated Design brings together the various specialist disciplines that contribute to the overall design
process of a building or project (Figure 12). For new school projects, collaboration between specialist
design disciplines should ideally occur early in the design process, at the Master planning and
Preliminary Design stages. Integrated design seeks to exploit available synergies between different
design disciplines, and to avoid conflicts between the various design strategies developed by each
discipline. Integrated design plays a key role in maximising indoor environmental quality and energy
efficiency across the range of relevant building services.
Figure 12: Integrated Design Process
Further guidance can be found in the Ministry for the Environment’s Integrated Whole Building Design
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Passive Design seeks to adopt design strategies that take advantage of local environmental and
climatic conditions. A principal aim of passive design is often to minimise the building’s energy use.
Passive design strategies may be employed across the range of specialist design disciplines, including
lighting, acoustics, heating/cooling, and ventilation. Passive design strategies frequently involve more
than one specialist design discipline a passive temperature control strategy, for example, may have
implications for lighting, ventilation, and structural design. Good passive design usually requires an
integrated design process, as described above, that brings together all of the specialist disciplines that
contribute to the overall design of a building or project.
Important elements of passive design include building location, form and orientation, internal layout and
finishes, window design, external shading of the building, and passive ventilation design. Each of these
elements should complement the others in order to achieve good daylighting, comfortable temperatures,
good indoor air quality, good acoustics, and a high degree of energy efficiency.
Building design features can either support or challenge the achievement of passive design goals.
Building design features that particularly affect passive lighting control are highlighted in Table 6 below.
Table 6: Key design features affecting the success of passive lighting control.
Success Factors
Problem Issues
Site layout planned for daylight.
Site layout detrimental for daylighting design.
Shallow plan building design or deep plan
buildings with side lighting and rooflights
Deep plan building design
Windows in multiple walls
Windows in one wall only
High ceilings
Low ceilings
Well designed and distributed windows
Poorly designed and distributed windows
Light internal finishes
Dark internal finishes
Flexibility of light switching & dimming to
specific areas (allows greater reliance on
Lighting grouped & switched together across
dissimilar zones (lack of flexibility)
3.2 The Components of Interior Daylight and Electric Light
The illuminance level of a space is determined by three components (Figure 13):
The Direct Sky Component, which is received directly at a point in the room with line of sight
to the brightness of the sky. At some point in the room the sky will not be visible, and this is
called the ‘no skyline’. The direct sky component is significantly influenced by the size and
configuration of the glazing and by the geometry of the room. This component is generally
dominant close to the windows
The Internally Reflected Component is dependent on the reflectances of the surfaces in the
room (walls, floor, ceiling and furniture). It is a dominant source of illumination at points remote
from the windows. A high proportion of internally reflected light indicates a greater degree of
lighting uniformity within the space
The Externally Reflected Component, which is received indirectly at a point in the room by
reflection of light from external surfaces (surrounding buildings or ground surfaces immediately
adjacent to the exterior of the glazing). This component is dependent on the reflectances of the
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
surfaces external to the building and in the field of view. This is a tertiary source of illumination
close to the windows
For good daylighting it is important to maximise the contribution of all 3 components, but also to
balance their contributions such that the space appears to be well lit with good uniformity and without
harsh contrasts and glare. Where adequate daylighting is not possible, daylight should be
supplemented with electric lighting. Again, the balance between the two is important and electric
lighting can be used to preferentially light surfaces such as walls and ceilings to improve the
uniformity of lighting and appearance throughout the space.
Figure 13: The Components of daylight & Electric Light
3.3 Orientation
Solar access and solar control are important aspects of school design.
Orienting a building on an east-west axis, with most glazing facing north and south, has traditionally been
the aim in school design. An east-west orientation allows for easier solar control by means of overhead
eaves, screens or shade structures due to the higher inclination of the sun. North facing buildings are
generally the most favourable as this allows for adjacent outdoor areas to receive winter sun and creates
bright, warming environments that can support outdoor learning and play. The southerly facing spaces
in an east-west aligned building receive very little, if any, sunlight during normal school hours. Depending
on the intended use and particular design of the southerly-facing spaces, this may allow for uniform
daylighting with minimal glare, or it may be disadvantageous if the spaces would benefit from some direct
sunlight. Consideration should be given to the intended uses of spaces when selecting their orientation.
In situations with deeper floor plans, say in excess of 12-14 m width, there may be merits to inclining the
axis away from a due east-west axis for the building so that all areas of the learning space will receive
some sunlight throughout the day.
An ideal orientation generally lies between +/- 30˚ North (Figure 14).
Where feasible through site planning, a due north-south axis with large elevations of east and west facing
glass should be avoided in order to control and prevent associated glare and solar gain issues.
Poor orientation can be mitigated with good shading, although this adds cost and complexity to the
building form
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Figure 14: Building Orientation shading to help manage solar gain.
3.4 Building form
The form of a building can impact on the daylight distribution within the spaces, hence the following
should be considered:
Deeper spaces are characterised by poor daylight uniformity, which leads to the use of electric
lighting in areas furthest from the window. Generally, narrow building forms allow greater
utilization of daylighting and natural ventilation
Single storey buildings also allow the roof design to be utilized more fully in deeper plan spaces
As building forms become deeper, more complex and more sub-divided internally, reliance on
daylighting becomes increasingly challenging
In planning school buildings consider the depth of the floor plate and its implications for teaching
and learning, as well as for daylight and natural ventilation
Buildings of around 12-14 metres depth will allow more building envelope per square metre of
floor area, with greater opportunities for light and ventilation to penetrate the building, even when
multi storey. They can relate well to outdoor learning areas but do not allow for as much internal
connectivity between learning areas
Buildings in excess of 12-14 metres depth increase the possibilities of educational connectivity,
particularly for maximizing cross curricular learning. The reduced building envelope per square
metre of floor area may therefore require overhead daylighting. Clerestory windows or roof lights
should therefore be considered. For larger learning spaces, increased building heights and
volumes can also help to improve the potential for daylighting. The ratio of height to depth is an
important factor in daylight design. Increased areas of taller glazing can assist in deeper plan
spaces, as will providing windows in more than one wall
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Atrium Design Considerations
Atria in schools are not common, as they are costly, but there will be occasions (on difficult sites and
more complex building forms) where they may have a place, as a means of introducing daylight.
Some general considerations in the design of atria are as follows:
The atrium shape and axes should follow the shape of the building to maximise the extent of
spaces benefiting from the daylight it introduces
The well index should be kept as low as possible
Increasing the floor-to-floor heights, particularly at the lowest floor, in deep form buildings with
atria to increase daylight penetration from the perimeter and atrium
If an atrium is to be fully daylit, its height should be less than 2.5 times its width
Use high reflectance walls within the atrium and maximise the area of reflective surfaces at the
upper parts of atrium to increase reflected light at the lower floors.
Keep windows within the atrium free from obstruction
Maximise the view of the sky from spaces adjoining the atrium by using tall windows, or
potentially by sloping atrium walls
Increase light transmission of any glazing adjoining the atrium
Maximise glazing and openings at the lower levels of the building opening to the atrium
The design of the atrium roof in relation to local climate and daylight availability should introduce
more indirect light in warmer parts of New Zealand, and more direct light in cooler parts. Shade
direct sunlight on any adjoining learning spaces (such as glare or solar gain), particularly for the
upper floors of the atrium building
3.5 Window Area to Floor Area Ratio and Window to Wall Ratio
Although light is a key design parameter, window size alone is not significantly correlated with learning
outcomes. Only when orientation, risk of glare, and overheating are taken into consideration can students
benefit from optimum glazing size.
A number of rules of thumb relating to daylighting design have been developed over time; these should
be used with caution (Ibrahim & Hayman, 2005), as many were created for climates dissimilar to our
own, and can result in overlit spaces. However, these rules of thumb can provide helpful shortcuts as
part of the analysis of daylighting requirements given in Section 1.1.
3.5.1 Window Area to Floor Area Ratio
This ratio has historically been used in a variety of overseas building regulations as a means of specifying
minimum glazing area for spaces. For example, 20% window area to floor area has been proposed by
various authors (Robson, 1888, 1972; Waldram, 1914; Hopkinson, 1963) for health, comfort and
effective teaching of children. Similarly, for schools in New York a ratio of 17-25% has been used (Price,
The area of glazing necessary to achieve the required quantity of daylight depends upon the
arrangement of the glazing. When side-lighting in one wall only is employed it is difficult without very
high ceilings to achieve the necessary quantities of daylight with a glazed area of less than 20% of the
floor area. If side lighting is in two or more walls the area could potentially be reduced to 12.5%, and if
the side lighting is supplemented by top lighting the area could potentially be reduced to 10%. Below
10% it is unlikely that a satisfactory view outside will be provided.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
3.5.2 Window to Wall Area Ratio
This is a commonly used environmental ratio which appears in the companion DQLS publication, ‘Indoor
Air Quality and Thermal Control’ to limit glazing area for thermal reasons, i.e. control of heat loss and
heat gain. It is also used in daylighting design for ensuring the adequate provision of view, and as an
alternative to the ‘window area to floor area’ ratio for ensuring adequate daylighting. For buildings in
general, window wall ratios typically range from 30 - 50% (other than in curtain wall type buildings). The
window to wall ratio for school buildings tends to be towards the lower end of this range, ie. 30-35%
primarily due to cost and the simpler construction methods and forms used for school buildings.
Table 7, below, indicates the minimum glazed areas below which research (IES, 1972; Ne’eman &
Hopkinson, 1970) has shown that windows do not provide sufficient view.
Table 7: Threshold window wall sizes conducive to occupant satisfaction
Depth of Room
(distance from the window
Window-to-Wall Ratio
When determining the window to wall ratio for the purposes of calculating an appropriate glazing
area, it should be noted that glazing beneath the working plane will not contribute significantly
towards daylight illumination; glazing beneath the working plane should therefore be minimized.
Figure 5, above, brings together these criteria into a visual form that provides a quick first check
on window area provisions for a typical learning space.
Most modern learning environments tend to be 11-14 m in depth, and so a window to wall ratio
of 30-35% is generally the minimum for adequate daylighting.
3.6 Room Depth
Room depth is another important determinant in the effectiveness of daylight design. This has been
expressed in a number of ways in daylighting publications including window head height to room depth
ratio and limiting depth.
3.6.1 Window Head Height to Room Depth Ratio
Window head height has been used in a number of ‘rules of thumb’ to help determine the maximum
room depth that will promote good daylighting. Maximum room depth to window head height ratios from
a number of studies are provided below:
Maximum room depth is 2 to 2.5 times window head height for continuous fenestration and
curtain wall construction where window heads are close to the ceiling (Kaufmann, 1975)
2.5 times window head height for continuous or near continuous windows under overcast skies
and 3 to 3.5 times under a clear sky (AIA, 1982)
2 times for continuous clear glazed and curtain walling (Rea, 1993)
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
2.5 with a daylight factor of 2% (Standards Australia, 1994)
2 to 2.5 times window head height as a general rule (Dekay & Brown, 2013)
1.5- or 2.5 times window head height with a north-facing (southern hemisphere) light shelf
(O’Connor, 1997)
These rules of thumb apply to unilateral or single-sided daylighting unless otherwise specified. A widely
proposed variant of these rules (e.g. Yeang, 1999) recommends a maximum floor depth of twice the
ceiling height.
These rules may provide useful guidance during early design stages. However, the iterative five-step
process set out in Section 1.1, above, should be used to determine the window head height, glazing
areas, and room depth required to ensure adequate daylighting.
3.6.2 Limiting Room Depth
Daylighting rules of thumb specifying absolute room depth also have a long history. Again, these are
usually stated without additional limitations, although room geometry, surface reflectances, window
orientation, window transmissivity, and site latitude all affect daylight penetration. The rules of thumb
provided below apply to unilateral daylighting:
Maximum floor depth of approximately 8 metres and a ceiling height of 2.7 metres for adequate
daylight and ventilation in reference to 1930’s New York skyscrapers (Willis, 1995)
Six metres for buildings with window to window to wall area of between 15 and 20% (e.g. Yeang
1999, Ibrahim and Hayman, 2005)
Five metres for windows or roof lights illuminating a room from one side (Ruck, 1995)
Fully daylit to 4.5 metres (Manning, 1965) and partially lit to 9 metres (Lechner, 2001)
Full and effective daylighting at 3.6 metres (Manasseh and Cunliffe, 1962)
The above rules may provide useful guidance during early design stages. However, the depth of the
daylit area in a space shall be calculated using the iterative five-step process set out in Section 1.1,
Table 8 brings together room depth criteria into a visual form that provides a quick first check on the
depth of spaces and the approach to daylight design. The daylight analysis required by Section 1.1 can
then be used to refine the design further.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Table 8: Building Form & Daylighting
School building forms
Building type
Advantages & disadvantages
plan single
day lit
Simple learning space
Larger surface area of external
wall/ glazing
Low energy use/ passively
Side windows at rear of room
can assist
windows in
Smaller building
learning spaces
day lit
Allows larger learning spaces to
be accommodated
Low energy use
May need electric lighting to be
on in centre of room
Zone lighting for perimeter and
interior lighting switching/
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
School building forms
Building type
Advantages & disadvantages
Larger learning
day lit
Allows larger learning spaces to
be accommodated
Low energy use
May need electric lighting to be
on in centre of room
Zone lighting for perimeter and
interior lighting switching/
Deep plan
Larger learning
Balance of
daylight and
Allows for a range of smaller
and larger learning spaces
closely adjoined to the central
circulation spine or atrium for 2
storey forms
Building form and internal
subdivision affects natural
Can potentially be naturally lit if
the learning spaces are open to
the atrium/ circulation space but
may require electric lighting to
maintain acceptable year round
Natural light may be
compromised to some extent
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
3.7 Position of the No Sky-Line
If a significant area of the working plane (normally more than 20%) lies beyond the no sky-line (i.e. it
receives no direct skylight) then the distribution of daylight in the room will look poor, and supplementary
electric lighting will be required. This should be considered at the design stage; switching and preferential
lighting of surfaces should be designed accordingly.
Figure 15: Position of the ‘No Sky-Line’ in a room
3.8 Window Design
Good design should incorporate a mix that ensures that the appearance of the building from the exterior
and the delivery of good quality daylight are balanced. A better approach is to prioritise users of the
space, and to investigate window design opportunities that provide a view to the outside, and which
provide good daylight penetration.
3.8.1 Window Placement
A number of considerations besides optimal daylighting design may inform placement of windows. Other
considerations may include placement so that staff and students can enjoy specific views, or to allow
good supervision of outdoor learning areas. Hence:
Windows can also be positioned to optimise the even distribution of daylight as an illumination
source. This will generally require that the windows be reasonably evenly distributed in the
available window walls
In deeper single storey or upper storey spaces the balance of daylight can be improved by the
introduction of windows to the rear and side, or by introducing carefully designed clerestory
windows or skylights which exclude direct sunlight on the working plane
Window area below the working plane is less useful than above the working plane
Horizontal rooflights in the plane of the roof (as compared to clerestory glazing) are generally
problematic and should be avoided, other than in covered walkways
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
3.8.2 Window aspect ratio
The preferred shape of windows may depend on whether a window is being considered primarily for
view, or for illumination. Shorter wide aspect ratio windows tend to be good for views, whereas narrower
and taller aspect ratio windows are more helpful for daylight penetration. Wide aspect ratio windows may
be appropriate overlooking outdoor learning areas, while taller aspect ratio windows would maximise
light penetration into the room interior and might be positioned to the rear or sides of learning spaces.
It may be more important to provide a view to the exterior in shallow learning spaces, and to prioritise
illumination in deeper learning spaces. Alternatively, a low-level wide aspect window with solar shading
may be used to provide a view to the exterior, with a high-level window above to provide daylight
penetration into the space.
3.8.3 Glazing Type
A wide selection of glazing is available, variously designed to maximise acoustic insulation, minimise
transmitted solar gain, maximise thermal insulation, or some combination thereof. A useful rating value
for light transmission through glazing is its visible light transmission (VLT).
There is a preference in schools for the use of clear (or at most, lightly tinted) glass with a VLT > 70%
(in conjunction with shading devices where necessary). Reflective or heavily tinted glass should be
Additional shading can be provided in a variety of architectural ways, such as by overhangs, louvres,
brise soleil, fins and covered walkways.
3.8.4 Shading
The use of sunshades should be considered as appropriate to the orientation of each façade and the
extent of the glazing. These may consist of simple overhangs for north facing orientations, or fins or
outriggers for orientations facing east and west.
Shading by itself is seldom fully effective at all times of the day and year, and internal blinds should
therefore also be provided where required to control glare and direct sunlight. The interaction between
internal blinds and ventilation openings needs to be carefully considered. Window design should allow
the deployment of blinds without obstructing ventilation openings.
The achievement of daylighting goals will have implications for the thermal design strategy employed;
passive lighting and passive thermal control are closely allied, and the two need to be carefully
considered and jointly optimised.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Figure 16: Combination of sunscreens and overhangs provide a good level of solar shading
and daylighting
Figure 17: Use of external sunshade screen to manage heat gain and glare.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
3.8.5 Reflectors
Reflectors can help balance daylight distribution within a space and minimize the need for blinds to
control glare. The most common reflecting device is a light shelf. This is either used at the perimeter for
side lighting or associated with clerestories at high level. A light shelf is a horizontal or near horizontal
baffle which provides shade below it and reflects light into the building from its top surface. Light shelves
reduce light levels to the front of the room and redirect light onto the ceiling for a more balanced daylit
In perimeter daylighting applications light shelves are fitted some way up a window, dividing the window
into two parts - a view window below the shelf and a clerestory/daylighting window above the shelf.
Ideally light shelves should be at a height of just over 2.0m above floor level, and they should have a
semi-specular finish (ensuring they have self-cleaning surfaces (rain) if outdoors and can be readily
cleaned inside). Light shelves can be internal, external, or both. In addition to redistributing light, they
can also provide a more pleasant environment by reducing glare close to the window line.
Figure 18: Daylight Reflectors
Prismatic or laser-cut glazing tuned to particular sun angles for specific orientations have been used in
the top sections of windows and in clerestories in some Australian schools with high sunshine hours.
These deflect daylight towards the back of the room. They are less effective in cloudy locations as they
tend to reduce daylight levels (Santos, 2009).
3.9 Daylighting Strategies
3.9.1 General
Daylighting shall meet the performance requirements of Section 1.1.
Daylighting can be provided solely by side windows. This strategy is typically used for smaller rooms up
to 6-8 m deep, or for larger rooms up to 12-14 m deep if windows are provided in two or more sides.
Spaces deeper than 12-14 m should also consider vertical clerestory/lightwell rooflighting where feasible.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
3.9.2 Side Lighting Principles
The main advantage of side lighting is that it provides both daylight and a view to the outside.
Windows with heads close to the ceiling give higher levels of light towards the back of a space compared
to similarly sized windows set lower into the wall.
Being horizontal, the light from side windows provides strong modelling of peoples’ faces and of solid
objects. If it is too strong, the effect may be harsh.
When windows are placed in multiple walls in a space, the resulting shadows and modelling effect will
be softened. Too much glazing in multiple walls can, however, make the daylight too diffuse and the
modelling effect too flat and lacking interest.
Figure 19: Side Lighting Design Principles tall windows in more than one wall, with borrowed
light via glazed walls to break out/study space
3.9.3 Roof-Lighting Principles
Rooflights provide a measure of contact with, and awareness of, the outside environment - particularly
with regard to changes in weather. However, they are less effective in this respect than windows in side-
In combination with side-windows, rooflights can modify the overall flow of light so that shadows are
softened and walls that do not receive direct light from side-windows are brightened. For this reason,
rooflights are particularly helpful in relatively deep-plan spaces.
Carefully designed rooflights also provide a more even distribution of light than side-lighting.
The nearer the slope of glazing is to the horizontal, the more light it will transmit. However, it will also
transmit more sunlight (as opposed to diffuse daylight), which is undesirable with respect to solar heat
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
gain and glare. For maximum solar control, roof glazing should be vertical and should face due south.
Vertical roof glazing is generally referred to as clerestory glazing. However, to produce the same level
of daylight, a south-facing rooflight will require at least 3 times as much glazed area as would a nearly
horizontal rooflight. Horizontal rooflights have the disadvantages of being more difficult to weatherproof,
and more difficult to use as part of a natural ventilation strategy. They should therefore generally be
Clerestory glazing with orientations other than due south require careful consideration. Over-hangs,
shading fins, or a combination of both may be required to limit direct sun penetration at all times of the
Figure 20: The effect of balancing overhead and side lighting in deeper spaces
Figure 21: A very deep plan space with high ceiling, central clerestory rooflights, and
suspended luminaires with up/down lighting components.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Figure 22: High ceiling and central clerestory rooflight.
Figure 23: Extensive natural roof light system with more limited side lighting maintains good
daylight levels, but with reduced outside awareness
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
3.10 Electric Lighting
A well designed and flexible general lighting layout will normally provide uniform horizontal illuminance
over the whole of the working area. It will provide sufficient light for the tasks to be carried out anywhere
within the room. The pattern of lights can be varied, but it is generally better to align luminaires parallel
to the major axis of the space. This arrangement is also complementary to the flow of daylight from side
windows, particularly if daylight dimming or switching is considered, as described in Section 2.2.
Diagonal and ‘herring-bone’ patterns can cause a disturbing visual effect and should be avoided, other
than potentially as a specific lighting highlight feature.
Even lighting is achieved by spacing the luminaires correctly: spacing guidance is given by the luminaire
supplier in the form of a recommended spacing to height ratio (s/hm). Provided the ratio has not been
exceeded, the uniformity of horizontal illuminance over the whole of the working area should not vary by
more than 0.7 - 1.0 (this is known as the uniformity ratio). This assumes that there are no vertical
obstructions within the working area.
Disadvantages to this type of regular lighting layout include:
The lighting may be monotonous and flat.
The lighting may lack a sense of flow, although normally this is provided in daylight hours by
daylight from side windows.
There may be inadequate light on the ceiling.
These disadvantages can to some extent be mitigated by preferential local lighting to feature areas or
feature walls where display material may be hung. Preferential lighting of walls and ceilings remote from
side-lit windows can be helpful in balancing daylighting and electric lighting.
3.11 General exterior and security lighting
General exterior lighting
General exterior lighting for afterhours school use should provide an adequate and safe level of light for
staff, students and visitors in car parks, walkways, courtyards, entries and other frequently used areas.
The period after normal school hours when electric external lighting is required will vary throughout the
year. Automated controls are best set using a time clock with seasonal adjustment; an after-hours
override button with adjustable timer should be provided for unplanned use.
Control of external lighting using photocells only, which turn lights on when it gets dark and off again in
daylight, is not recommended. Photocells may be appropriate if used in conjunction with a time clock.
External lighting controlled solely by photocells may waste energy by keeping lights on for an excessive
period of time, and neighbours can become accustomed to the school being ‘lit up’ and may not notice
when security lighting is triggered. It is recommended that after normal school hours, external lighting
revert to security lighting.
Good general exterior lighting:
should provide even illuminance across a public area
should light up those parts of the building that can be seen from public areas, including exterior
doorways and parking areas
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
should not create blind spots and shadows
should not use in-ground luminaires due to cost and reliability
External lighting design considerations include:
positioning of luminaires so that they don’t cast shadows in dark corners
use of luminaires that cast a light pattern over a broad horizontal area, rather than a tall vertical
use of light-coloured surfaces that reflect light more efficiently than dark-coloured surfaces
use of ‘dark sky’ luminaires which direct light down to where it is needed are generally
Security Lighting
Security lighting only turns on if someone enters the school after hours. It is specifically designed to
provide natural surveillance, to work well with CCTV systems, and to discourage unwanted visitors.
It is best practice not to have security lights on all night; they should instead be triggered by motion
sensor switches (such as passive infrared sensors). By activating suddenly, security lights should:
surprise intruders and discourage them from going further
send a message to trespassers that they have entered a private area and can now be seen
signal to neighbours and passers-by that someone may be trespassing
To make security lighting most effective:
use passive infrared sensors to activate lighting when there is a human presence
mount security lighting sufficiently high so that it cannot be vandalised or stolen
ensure that motion-sensor detector heads are inaccessible, so that intruders cannot tilt the
sensor to stop it from detecting their presence
design security lighting to complement the use of any CCTV cameras; if an area cannot be
overlooked or observed at night, then lighting will only help an intruder to see what they are
doing, rather than deter them. In this case, other security measures such as actively monitored
CCTV, or patrols of the area by security staff, will be required
higher lighting levels may be required for more vulnerable areas as identified by a CPTED report
use luminaires that provide adequate light and colour rendering for an offender to be identified
by CCTV; LED lamps provide a white light that makes it easier to identify colours
Additional guidance on security system design may be found on the Ministry of Education’s website.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
3.12 Lighting Control Strategies
Lighting control for schools can be relatively simple, and should consist at a minimum of one of the
following strategies:
1. Time switched control of lights with On/Off/Auto override switches in each space. Zones can be
set up for separate areas e.g. learning spaces, administration spaces, multi-purpose hall, and
2. A better arrangement would use occupancy sensing in each principal space, again with a local
On/Off/Auto override switch. This has the advantage over time-switched controls of lighting the
room only when it is occupied
3. Time switches and occupancy control can also be combined to provide simple daylight control
of perimeter zones (< 4.5 m from the window wall) in well daylit areas. This can be used to
automatically switch off the lighting at the perimeter between the hours of e.g. 10:00 am to 3:00
pm, with local manual override facilities for when daylight is inadequate on dark days. This
arrangement has the advantage of reducing the amount of electric lighting used when the
classroom is occupied
4. A more sophisticated and costly option is to dim the lighting at the perimeter in response to
daylight levels. This overcomes the need for a manual override facility and provides for a more
graduated integration of daylighting and electric lighting across the space
5. The most sophisticated lighting system includes occupancy control and full dimming capability
of all luminaires. This enables daylight dimming at the perimeter, maintenance dimming by
reducing the higher illuminance levels available when luminaires/lamps are new, and reduced
lighting levels for activities’ such as cleaning
For new schools, strategy 3 is recommended and for upgrades, strategy 2 or 3 is recommended.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Section 4: Specialist Learning and
Ancillary Spaces
Specialist spaces usually require special lighting arrangements to meet their particular design
characteristics and activities.
For each specialist space, the following issues will be considered in turn:
Daylight Design
Electric Lighting Design
In general, the requirements and recommendations contained in Section 1 and 2 will apply to general
and specialist learning spaces. However, specialist spaces may have additional requirements, such as
local and flexible task and dimmable lighting, stage lighting, or black-out and grey-out shade devices.
Specialist spaces such as gymnasiums, multi-purpose halls and theatres may require complex and
elaborate lighting, and specialised controls.
Designers must:
consider that stage lighting and specialist lighting are significant investments for schools
arrange with the appropriate service contractor to provide proper training to school staff to
ensure that they are able to maintain and operate the lighting and control systems
arrange for a service manual to be supplied to the school
4.1 Special needs facilities
Lighting designers should consider the needs of students with a wide range of impairments, including
visual, hearing, physical, behavioural, and learning disabilities. NZS 4121:2001 Design for Access
and Mobility provides general guidance. The particular lighting needs of students with visual or other
impairments can be varied. It is difficult, therefore, to make general lighting design prescriptions that
would accommodate all special needs.
Due to the diversity of impairments to be expected among the typical school roll, general school buildings
are best served by good general lighting design in accordance with the Ministry’s requirements and
recommendations set out in Section 1 and elsewhere in this document, and in accordance with the
design guidance contained in NZS 4121:2001. Other resources such as Design Guidelines for the Visual
Environment (National Institute of Building Sciences, 2015) may also provide useful general design
This section is primarily concerned with lighting design features particular to special needs facilities,
rather than with impairment-friendly lighting design advice for general school buildings.
Design guidance for special needs facilities
Special needs facilities may include Sensory Resource Centres catering to students with hearing or
vision impairments, or Special School satellite units. Design guidance particular to special needs facilities
is summarised below:
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Lighting Flexibility:
Special needs facilities provide an opportunity to tailor lighting design to the specific requirements of
individual students. The particular lighting requirements of students with visual or other impairments can
be varied. Designed flexibility is therefore important to accommodating a wide range of individual needs.
For many visually impaired individuals increased general illuminance improves their visual performance,
however, increased illuminance may be detrimental for others. Task lighting and locally dimmable
lighting is preferable to higher general illuminance levels.
Individuals with certain impairments, such as autism, may be particularly sensitive to lamp colour
temperature. Some individuals show a marked preference for ‘coldlight, and others for ‘warmlight.
Task lighting should be available in a range of colour temperatures.
Controls for lighting, window blinds, screens etc. should be accessible and operable by the
student themselves. Controls should be located within reach of students while they are working.
Glare Minimisation:
Heightened sensitivity to glare is common for people with visual impairment. Particular care should be
taken to shield light sources from view. In the case of flexible task lighting, this may require movable
partitions between task areas in special needs facilities. Window blinds and movable screens should be
used to control glare from windows and from internal light sources.
Contrast Maximisation:
Visual contrast helps to demarcate and identify building elements, furniture, etc. Visual contrast is a
function of the colour, reflectance and texture of the surfaces themselves, and also a function of the
colour rendering index of the light source.
Doors, door frames, and door furniture should be chosen with colours and textures that contrast strongly
with each other and with the surrounding wall.
Handrails should be chosen with colours and textures that contrast strongly with the background wall.
Walls should contrast strongly with both floors and ceilings; corners should be marked by a change in
wall finish or by a contrasting nosing.
Floor finishes should be chosen to give a floor cavity reflectance at the higher end of the range given in
Section 1.3, above, (towards 40%).
Types of visual impairment
Designers should consider a range of visual impairments, including:
Tunnel vision narrows the field of vision to a central area, with loss of peripheral vision. This
may hinder mobility and peripheral awareness, while supporting fine task work and reading
Loss of central vision, with retained peripheral vision. This is frequently caused by macular
degeneration. This may hinder fine task work, without substantial impairment of mobility.
Additional task lighting is typically not required by people with a restricted field of vision, although
they may be particularly sensitive to glare
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Loss of colour vision, with retained ability to distinguish shades and textures. Where colour is
used as a visual cue, complementary use of other cues such as texture or contrast may assist
in making the cue more accessible
General blurring of vision or low acuity, which may require the person to be in close proximity
to objects in order to see them best. Glare can be particularly troublesome light contrasts that
may not be problematic for a typical person may cause disabling glare for a visually impaired
person. In some cases, brighter task lighting may help a person with low acuity; in other cases,
it may hinder them
Some behavioural conditions can be triggered or exacerbated by bright or flickering light.
Flickering light can cause seizures in some epilepsy sufferers (including some blind epilepsy
sufferers); people with autism can be hypersensitive to flickering light and to luminaires that emit
noise; bright glare, especially when intermittent (flickering) can cause migraines or other
reactions in photosensitive people
Design guidance specific to different types of visual impairment is summarised in Table 9, below:
Table 9: Specific lighting design measures for occupants with special visual needs.
Beneficial Lighting Design
Detrimental Lighting Design
Tunnel Vision
Strongly contrasting edges, stair
nosings, handrails, handles, doors
Flexible task lighting
Loss of Central Vision
Strongly contrasting edges, stair
nosings, handrails, handles, doors
Loss of Colour Vision
Use of contrasting
textures/reflectances to distinguish
Use of homogenous
textures/reflectances on
adjacent surfaces
Hypersensitivity to Light
Locally dimmable lighting
Inflexible lighting arrangements
Provide a range of lamp colour
Stroboscopic Sensitivity
Cheap/poor quality LEDs;
ceiling or other fans coincident
with strong light sources
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
4.2 Halls and Multi-Purpose Spaces
Many schools have a large hall which is used for a variety of activities such as assemblies, theatrical
productions, musical recitals, gymnastics, teaching, examinations and lectures. Such facilities might also
be used out of hours by the local community and may even be a source of revenue for the school as a
venue. Each of these different activities has its own range of lighting requirements.
In general, the greater the variety of likely activities, the greater the flexibility and versatility required of
the lighting design. It may be difficult to predict all of the activities the hall will be regularly used for, but
provision of a flexible lighting system in terms of lighting level, effect and switching, should allow for the
most common activities. The lighting designer should seek a good understanding of the anticipated uses
to which the space will be put, including the dimensions and likely positions of permanent or movable
stages, platforms, sports paraphernalia (netball nets, goals etc.) and other indoor furniture. It may be
possible to exclude the likelihood of certain activities if these are already provided with a dedicated
specialist space for example a dedicated performing arts centre, or gymnasium.
The proposed lighting design should be flexible, durable, and easy to manage, operate and maintain.
Figures 24 and 25 shows electric lighting and natural lighting in events centre.
Figure 24: Performing Arts Centre
Figure 25: Events Centre
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
4.2.1 Daylighting Design
To the extent allowed by the acoustic and thermal design requirements of the space, daylighting
should form part of the lighting design. Some activities, such as assemblies or recreation
activities, may require minimal electric lighting if good daylighting is provided
Robust and user-friendly shade devices should be provided to control glare and to provide grey-
out. Where internal blinds are provided in a space that will be used for indoor sports, blinds
should be able to withstand impact from balls and other projectiles
Surfaces should be selected to maximise the distribution and uniformity of daylighting, while
minimising glare. Light-coloured matt surfaces are generally recommended
If it is expected that the hall will be used for performing arts (drama, dance, music) or for film
projection, then blackout capability will also be required
4.2.2 Electric Lighting Design
In general, these spaces are flexible and multi-functional. The lighting design should provide suitable
lighting for common activities and should also have the flexibility to cater for additional equipment and
specialised lighting to be hired by the school for particular activities. The lighting designers should allow
for adjustable stage lighting rail systems to support any additional lighting equipment for these occasions.
Lighting designers should inform the structural engineer when overhead lights and specialised
gear are to be used in the space, identifying:
Number, type, and location
General ambient lighting should be appropriately zoned and separately switched so that maximum use
can be made of available daylighting without compromising overall lighting standards. Ambient lighting
sufficient to meet the requirements of the most demanding expected activity should be provided refer
to the requirements in Table 4, above. A lighting control management system should be provided. It
should be easily accessible and centrally located - where possible, in close proximity to the activity (e.g.
The controls should be grouped, well labelled, and easy to manage and operate. The system should
allow for:
the permanent lights in the space
any specialised lighting and related equipment that is to be used intermittently
ambient lighting for performances, etc
any overlaps in the lighting requirement for different activities
daylighting controls such as motorised blinds and daylight sensors
Lighting designers should consider:
access requirements to all luminaires and equipment for cleaning and maintenance
luminaire fittings that are long life (LED) and are easy to clean and maintain
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Guidance for some common activities with more complex requirements is provided in Tables 9 11.
Seek specialist lighting advice if a broad range of activities is anticipated, particularly those with complex
requirements such as performing arts.
If the space is to be used for examinations, ambient lighting to 300 lux at the working plane shall
be provided (as per Table 4, above). This should be appropriately zoned, and separately switched to
allow for maximum flexibility.
Assemblies, Lectures, Speeches etc.:
At assemblies, lectures and similar events, it may be desirable to preferentially illuminate a stage, dais
or lectern, for which purpose spotlights should be provided. These should be selected and positioned to
clearly illuminate the speaker(s) particularly their face without casting shadows or causing glare for
audience and speaker. Preferential dais lighting should illuminate the whole dais, with additional
illumination for the speaker provided such that neither glare nor shadows affect the other individuals
present on the dais. Stage lighting and general ambient hall lighting should be dimmable and separately
switched to provide maximum flexibility.
Table 10 Design guidance for common activities in halls and multi-purpose spaces
Assemblies, Lectures, Speeches etc.:
Design Consideration
Daylighting Guidance
Electric Lighting Guidance
Illumination of a stage, dais, or
lectern: locate spotlights to
clearly illuminate the speaker
(particularly their face) without
casting shadows or causing
glare for the audience and
Control glare - provide blinds to
any windows behind the stage
or dais.
Use dedicated spotlights or use
stage lights if provided.
Spotlighting to be separately
switched to allow for flexibility
and glare control depending on
Allow for a number of people
on the dais while a person
addresses an audience.
Control glare
Allow for illumination of the
whole dais, with additional
spotlighting for the speaker.
Ensure that glare and shadows
do not affect people on the
dais. Lighting should be
dimmable and separately
Allow for a number of people
on the dais for panel
Control glare
Allow for even illumination of
the whole dais. Ensure that
glare and shadows do not
affect people on the dais.
Lighting should be dimmable
and separately switched.
Use daylighting as much as
Allow windows for general
ambient lighting; control glare -
provide blinds to windows &
skylights; use overhangs &
interior baffles to control direct
Provide daylight sensors to
luminaires and integrate into
the lighting management
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Sports & Physical Activities:
Specialist lighting for sports activities will generally only be necessary at secondary school level. Expert
advice should be sought for complex lighting designs, particularly for larger secondary school facilities
and where a space is to be used as a competition venue. Useful sports lighting advice is provided in
Artificial Sports Lighting Updated Guidance for 2012 (Sport England, 2012). See also Section 4.3
Gymnasiums, below.
If activities involving balls or other projectiles are anticipated, light fittings should have impact resistant
protection, designed to ensure that balls etc. cannot become trapped.
Table 11: Design guidance for common activities in halls and multi-purpose spaces Sports &
Physical Activities
Design Consideration
Daylighting Guidance
Electric Lighting Guidance
Lighting should either be
impact resistant or protected by
Windows & skylights are to
withstand the direct impact of a
football at full force and when
impacted shall not produce
sharp, heavy or dangerous
fragments, especially if
mounted at high level. Use
window grilles that do not trap
shuttle-cocks and balls.
Light fittings are to withstand
the direct impact of a football at
full force and when impacted
shall not produce sharp, heavy
or dangerous fragments,
especially if mounted above.
Use light protection grilles that
do not trap shuttle-cocks and
Participants & spectators
should not be affected by glare
Identify problematic window
and rooflight positions through
use of a daylight modelling tool.
Control glare with user-friendly
shade devices.
Shade bright lamps from direct
view; consider the varied view-
lines of both participants and
Specialised activities such as
gymnastics may have specific
and varied lighting
requirements, & may involve
participants in elevated
positions (e.g. performing from
a pommel horse or balance
Consider the view lines and
position of both participants &
spectators; control glare -
provide blinds to windows &
skylights; use overhangs &
interior baffles to control direct
Lighting should be flexible to
allow for different disciplines
and equipment configurations,
e.g. a gymnast on a balance
beam 1.25m above the floor
performs moves 2m or more
above it. Bars and rings require
an elevated view; use purpose
lighting to suit.
Performing Arts:
The provision of specialist lighting for activities such as drama, music and dance productions may be
beyond the available Ministry budget, and may be provided instead either by school fundraising, or by
hiring lighting equipment as needed. If it is expected that lighting equipment (and other stage equipment)
will be hired for such activities, then adequate electrical outlets and access for rigging should be provided
in defined locations.
Stage lighting requirements in a primary school may be fairly modest and intuitive; those in a secondary
school may be elaborate and involve complex controls. Stage lighting is a specialised field, and expert
advice should be sought in the design of more elaborate stage lighting particularly for larger secondary
school facilities.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
A wide range of specialised stage lighting is available, capable of being adjusted in terms of brightness,
colour, focus angle, lateral position (follow spots), and direction. Modern ‘intelligent stage lighting
(automated lighting/moving heads) can be programmed to achieve a range of lighting effects that would
formerly have been achieved by several different lighting units. These may offer a cost effective way of
providing a range of lighting options for simple stage productions.
The utility and versatility of elaborate stage lighting designs are limited by the competence of the
operator, and this needs to be considered before committing to a system that may be too elaborate to
use. Schools considering significant investments in stage lighting should ensure that competent stage
lighting designers and stage lighting technicians will be available. It should not be assumed that non-
specialist teachers will be able to acquire stage lighting expertise without specialised training. Aside from
technical stage design considerations, there are a range of safety issues associated with rigging
suspended/motorized lighting trusses/battens, and only competent personnel should undertake such
If it is expected that the hall will be used for performing arts (drama, dance, music) or for film projection,
then blackout capability will most likely be required and blinds should be provided accordingly.
Table 12: Design guidance for common activities in halls and multi-purpose spaces
Performing Arts
Design Consideration
Daylighting Guidance
Electric Lighting Guidance
Allow black-out for theatrical
and music performances
Allow for user-friendly black-out
blinds to windows & skylights
Specific egress and emergency
Specialist lighting may be hired
for particular events.
The lighting control
management system, power
supply sizing, & electrical
outlets should allow for
temporary lighting equipment.
Adjustable lighting for both stage
and audience
Ability to dim and set the colour
for a number of specialist stage
and house luminaires
Stage lighting design can be
highly specialised & involve
substantial capital expenditure.
Seek specialist design advice
for complex stage lighting
Stage lighting can require
complex controls, particularly in
secondary schools.
Ensure provision is made for
proper training of staff.
Installation & adjustment of
stage lighting rigs can involve
working at height, heavy loads,
& other hazards
Ensure provision is made for
proper training of staff.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
4.3 Gymnasiums
Gymnasiums are used for a wide range of sports activities, with goals, nets, etc. located in different areas
within the space. It is important that light distribution is uniform throughout the space - gymnasiums
require good illumination at floor level and at all planes through which a ball or other projectile might
pass. This is usually best achieved through a mix of daylighting and electric lighting.
Figure 26: Auckland Grammar School gym sports centre. High level translucent glazing with
sloped ceiling to minimise glare. Limited low level windows for view; glare risk mitigated by
non-reflective external surface.
4.3.1 Daylighting Design
Gymnasiums have extensive wall and roof areas, with an unobstructed interior space. Glare
from windows and skylights must be controlled as they can be a distraction for spectators and
participants. Gym users require a global view of the space to follow the trajectory of a ball or
other object, or when using a variety of sporting equipment such as trampolines, gymnastic bars
etc. Designers should consider
High level windows and skylights to provide daylight into the gym in conjunction with shade
devices or translucent/ diffusing glazing to control glare. Consider whether these shade devices
will be used on a regular basis, whether their controls are user friendly, whether they should be
automated, and whether they should have a default position
Daylight modelling may be required to predict which windows or skylights will pose a glare risk
during activities. Daily and seasonal changes in the sun-path should be taken into account;
provision should be made to adjust shades where necessary
Low level windows are less likely to transmit glare from direct sunlight. However, they can
cause glare from reflective surfaces around the gym perimeter; they should be located so as to
minimise glare
Non-reflective external surfaces such as grass, vegetation, dark or matt building surfaces,
and asphalt can minimize reflective glare from outside
Reflective external surfaces that should be avoided include white or reflective wall surfaces,
glazing on neighbouring buildings, and light ground coloured surfaces. These should be
identified and included as part of the building design parameters
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Identify possible implications of future external developments, and whether these should be
included in the daylighting design
Window parameters such as:
o size
o location
o impact resistance
o thermal performance
o uniform distribution of both daylighting and electric light
Figure 27: Glare risk from low-level windows with reflective external surface.
4.3.2 Electric Lighting Design
Gymnasium lighting should:
have impact-resistant protection that is designed to prevent balls etc. becoming trapped
be able to withstand direct impact from a football launched at full force
not produce sharp, heavy or dangerous fragments when impacted, especially if located
be accessible for maintenance and adjustment to suit different activities
use light fittings that are long life
Gymnasiums may often be used for activities such as examinations or performing arts, and by the local
community for diverse activities. If the space is used on a regular basis for such activities, purpose
lighting should be provided accordingly (temperature control and ventilation design may also need to be
adjusted; careful consideration should therefore be given to whether the costs of equipping the space
for disparate activities outweigh the benefits). The required light level for examinations and similar
activities is 300 lux measured at the work plane refer to Table 4, above, for other uses.
Lighting for these activities should be separately switched where it does not form part of the general
lighting design for typical gymnasium activities. Additional zoning and separate switching of the general
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
gymnasium lighting may be required for performance arts and other uses, together with provision of
electrical sockets for any additional temporary lighting rigs.
4.4 Libraries
Lighting designers should consider:
the range of expected activities, such as group learning, storytelling, individual study, and
sunlit reading spaces, each with different lighting requirements
creating cohesive and attractively lit spaces
reflectance values of materials, furniture, floor and wall coverings
the form, volume, orientation, use and size of the library, as these vary significantly between
whether the library functions as a separate building, or as part of a social hub for students
any learning spaces that are integrated within the library space
Different lighting requirements may include general ambient lighting, lighting for bookcases (sufficient to
clearly illuminate all books on tall and narrowly spaced bookcases), task lighting for reading areas,
librarian desks and check-out counters, accent lighting for display areas, and more indirect lighting in
computer areas. A high ceiling in a library assists in creating ambience, and allows for high-level or tall
aspect ratio windows, which assist with daylighting.
Figure 28: Library: a mix of side lighting, clerestory lighting and suspended luminaires.
4.4.1 Daylighting Design
Wall, floor and ceiling reflectances should be selected to optimise use of available
daylighting. Windows may contribute towards ambient space lighting and may provide pleasant
daylit spaces along the perimeter of the space for reading. Where daylighting is intended to
provide a primary lighting source, supplementary electric lighting should be provided for use
during overcast weather. This should be switched separately from general ambient lighting
Where daylighting is used, book stacks should be protected from UV light by positioning
them away from direct sunlight, and away from high levels of daylight and UV light
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
The risk of glare should be assessed, including from working surfaces such as study desks and
computer areas. Where necessary, fixed or adjustable shade devices should be used.
Adjustable shades should be robust and user-friendly
Computer laboratories and IT hubs associated with libraries may have high IT equipment loads
in addition to the normal learning space thermal loads. Glazing design in these areas should
take into consideration the cumulative effect of solar heat gain and IT thermal loads.
Desks and computer screens should be orientated to minimise glare
4.4.2 Electric Lighting Design
Opportunities to minimise energy use should be investigated, including separate switching of peripheral
lighting, and the use of occupancy sensors in less frequented areas of the library.
Due to its distribution characteristics, overhead ambient lighting in stack areas needs careful
consideration as it will generally fail to illuminate the lower shelves. This is generally less of a problem in
school libraries as the shelving tends to be sparser and the heights lower. However, orientation of the
lights in relation to the stacks still requires careful consideration. This may be overcome through the use
of directional luminaires and light-coloured floor surfaces. Tilting lower shelves slightly to expose the
book spines to overhead illumination would also make it easier for library users to examine books without
kneeling. Illumination of 200 lux on the vertical plane just above floor level is adequate, so long as the
light source is sufficiently diffuse to avoid shading of overhead lights by the library user.
The layout within the library may change over time, and lighting designers should therefore consider:
movable bookcase lighting, such as task lighting fixed to the top of the bookcase
movable ceiling-mounted lighting
other design measures to minimise rearrangement costs
If movable or bookcase-mounted lighting is not feasible, designers should consider orientating the
overhead aisle lighting to be perpendicular to the bookshelves. However, there are drawbacks to this
approach, such as:
Uneven distribution of lighting
Lighting over bookcases, rather than in between the aisles, will create a shadowing effect from
bookcases and library users
Less amenable to localised switching
The recommended illumination for computer and reading areas is 300 lux across the work plane,
with additional task lighting for dedicated work desks where necessary (up to a maximum of 500 lux). In
the case of computer areas, sources of glare and veiling reflections should be identified and minimised.
4.5 Music facilities
Music facilities range from small solo practice rooms, to large rehearsal and performance spaces
designed to accommodate multiple performers and an audience.
The principal factor constraining passive design for music facilities is the need for good acoustic
performance. This requirement may limit reliance on daylighting, as acoustic insulation requirements
may preclude the use of extensive glazing. The DQLS Acoustics document should be consulted to
identify acoustic requirements and how they may affect daylighting options. The lighting designer should
coordinate with the acoustic consultant.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
4.5.1 Daylighting design
Where possible, daylight should be included in the design of music spaces particularly for one-
on one practice rooms and for spaces which do not require high levels of acoustic isolation.
Acoustically insulated glazing may be appropriate. However, acoustic requirements should take
precedence over daylighting in the design of music spaces. Practice spaces should have
observation windows for supervision purposes
4.5.2 Electric Lighting Design
Performance spaces, practice rooms, and studios may be subject to after-hours use; building-
wide lighting-control systems should make allowance for after-hours use. Lighting should be
controlled by timer-switches or occupancy sensors, particularly in the case of practice rooms.
General ambient lighting should be dimmable in all music performance spaces. Where
appropriate, additional task lighting should be provided for sheet-music stands, keyboard
instruments, sound desks, etc
4.6 Science Spaces
Science spaces may have variable ambient and task lighting requirements, depending on occupancy
and activity. In primary schools, science activities will generally take place in general learning spaces,
and standard ambient and task lighting will usually suffice.
Secondary schools have dedicated science labs, and activities will include making detailed observations
and taking accurate measurements. Hazardous equipment and materials may also be used, requiring
the hazardous environment rating of ambient lighting and any additional task lighting. Where naked flame
and hazardous equipment is used, the risks from glare are amplified, requiring that internal shades
should be provided.
Figure 29: A secondary school science laboratory
4.6.1 Daylighting Design
Daylighting may be required for a number of science activities - particularly in biology labs, but potentially
also in physics and chemistry experiments. This may include growing plants or exposing experiments to
daylight. A suitable workspace adjacent to a window should be available.
Daylighting should be included in the lighting design of the space in a similar way to more general
learning spaces. Lighting designers should, however, be particularly careful to eliminate sources of glare.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Internal blinds should be provided. Their use should be controlled by teachers, who should be aware of
the risks posed by visual glare when manipulating hazardous materials. There may be specific
requirements for black-out in certain science areas for light experiments.
4.6.2 Electric Lighting Design
Activities in specialist science labs may include making detailed observations and taking
accurate measurements, requiring a high level of ambient and task lighting. Illuminance of at
least 300 lux should be provided to the working plane in science spaces where practical
work is conducted, with a maximum Unified Glare Rating (UGR) of 19
Some processes need to be terminated or otherwise made safe prior to the emergency
evacuation of a space. This may include securing hazardous materials or shutting down
dangerous equipment particularly if it poses a risk or impediment to the evacuation. In
such cases, emergency task lighting should be provided to specific areas and items of
equipment. Any such requirements should be brought to the attention of the lighting
designer and the fire engineer. It may be necessary to plan escape routes such that they avoid
hazardous areas, and to provide emergency evacuation route lighting that minimises the risk
posed by hazards
Depending on the size and geometry of the space, peripheral lighting in areas which receive
daylighting should be separately switched so that it can be turned off when not needed
Educational displays are a common feature of many science spaces (e.g. anatomical models,
botanical and zoological specimens, instruments etc.) Accent lighting may be appropriate for
such displays. The anticipated location of such displays should be brought to the attention of the
lighting designer
Some science spaces may include fixed equipment such as fume cupboards or demonstration
apparatus. Depending on the nature of the equipment, additional task or accent lighting may be
required. The anticipated location and method of use of such equipment should be brought to
the attention of the lighting designer
4.7 Workshop and Technology Spaces
Workshop and technology spaces have a range of work benches at varying heights (seated desks,
standing work benches, and assorted machinery). The anticipated location and working height of these
areas should be available to the lighting designer so that appropriate ambient and task lighting can be
provided as necessary. Special emergency lighting provisions may be required around hazardous
equipment, and evacuation procedures and routes may need to take into account the location of
hazardous equipment.
Coordination between the fire engineer, service engineer and the lighting designer is required.
4.7.1 Daylighting Design
Where possible, daylighting should contribute to the lighting design of workshop and technology
spaces. Traditionally, workshops used overhead south lights, and this remains a good strategy
where site and building planning permit. Where hazardous equipment is used, the risks from
glare are amplified. If daylighting may pose a glare-risk, internal shades should be provided, and
teachers should be diligent in enforcing their use
Where daylighting may meet part of the ambient lighting requirement, peripheral ambient lighting
should be separately switched so that it may be turned off when not needed
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
4.7.2 Electric Lighting Design
The use of occupancy-controlled lighting is not recommended where hazardous
equipment is used, as the sudden loss of illumination while machinery is in operation may
create a serious risk of injury
The risks from glare are amplified when hazardous equipment is being used. Electric
ambient lighting should be provided sufficient to deliver illuminance of at least 300 lux at
the working plane, with a maximum UGR of 19. Good colour rendering is important. Where
dust or moisture are generated, light fittings should have a minimum rating of IP44
Workshops may release dust and other debris into the air (although this should be minimised by
dust extract hoods). This may necessitate regular cleaning of light fittings; they should be
positioned for ease of access and should be protected by robust diffusers and grilles where
necessary. It is important that an appropriate cleaning schedule which includes luminaires be
established, and that the schedule be properly enforced
Task lighting should be provided in addition to the general ambient lighting. This should be
suitable for the particular item of equipment, bearing in mind different tasks that users may need
to carry out around it, and the directionality of the lighting required to illuminate these tasks. More
than one directional luminaire may be required. Where task lighting is fixed directly to machinery,
it should be supplied on extra low voltage and should not obstruct the safe operation of the
equipment. All task lights should be positioned so as to minimise glare for other spaces users,
and so that they do not obstruct clearance areas around equipment or interfere with the safe use
of machinery
Display areas for completed work etc. are a common feature of technology spaces; accent
lighting may be appropriate for such displays. The anticipated location of display areas should
be brought to the attention of the lighting designer
Figure 30: A secondary school workshop space
4.8 Toilets
The Ministry has also prepared a Toilet Reference Design Guide which also contains Ministry specific
requirements for toilets.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Annual sunlight
exposure (ASE)
A measure of the direct sunlight received by a space, expressed as the percentage
floor area receiving above a specified lux for more than a specified number of
occupied hours per year. ASE 1000/250h measures the percentage floor area that
receives at least 1000 lux for at least 250 occupied hours per year. ASE was
developed by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America as an indicator
of the extent to which a space receives excessive direct sunlight.
Borrowed light
Light supplied to an internal space through an adjacent room.
Clerestory window
A window located high on a wall, usually at a change in roof level.
Climate Based
Daylight Modelling
Daylighting analysis that uses meteorological datasets, building geometry, and
window orientation to predict annual and seasonal irradiance, illuminance, radiance,
luminance, etc. for a particular space. Unlike simple numeric daylighting analysis,
which typically assumes a static overcast sky and which targets daylight values
averaged across a whole space, CBDM considers both direct and diffuse daylight
components. CBDM is able to map predicted daylighting values for all positions
within the space across the whole year. It provides greater detail about light
distribution and intensity, allowing for more realistic daylighting assessments, and
enabling designers to achieve more uniform daylighting outcomes.
Colour rendering
The effect of a light source on the colour appearance of an object, in comparison
with a reference illuminant; often stated in terms of a ‘colour rendering index’ (CRI).
A commonly used CRI is the CIE Ra value, with a maximum value or Ra = 100
signifying the most faithful colour rendering. High CRI values are typically achieved
by incandescent/halogen bulbs and by high-CRI LED lamps. It should be noted that
a high CRI does not guarantee a high colour fidelity. The yellow light of an
incandescent bulb can achieve a high CRI due to the definition of CRI; care should
be taken in the interpretation of CRI values.
Daylight factor
The ratio between the daylight illuminance measured on a horizontal plane at a
point inside a space, and the daylight illuminance from an unobstructed and
overcast cast sky measured on a horizontal plane outside. Daylight Factor is only
relevant for diffuse light from a cloudy sky and so cannot help identify problems due
to direct sunlight; nor can it distinguish between the different orientations of
Daylight glare
probability (DGP)
Expresses the probability that an occupant will be dissatisfied with the visual
environment due to glare. The metric is also sensitive to high ambient lighting levels.
DGP measurements are particular to specific orientations, which must be carefully
selected based on expected occupant positions and orientations. In a flexible
learning space, this may require that multiple measurements be taken.
Measurements are then processed through specifically developed software.
Direct glare
Discomfort or vision impairment caused by bright objects in the field of vision.
Indirect glare
Discomfort or vision impairment caused by light from bright objects reflecting off
secondary surfaces in the field of vision.
Diffuse lighting
Lighting having a distribution of luminous intensity such that the fraction of emitted
luminous flux reaching the surface directly (i.e. without being reflected by other
surfaces first) is between 90-100%. Cf. ‘direct lighting’.
Direct lighting
Lighting having a distribution of luminous intensity such that the fraction of emitted
luminous flux reaching the surface directly (i.e. without being reflected by other
surfaces first) is between 40-60%. Cf. ‘diffuse lighting’ and ‘directional lighting’.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Directional lighting
Lighting in which the light incident on a surface arrives predominantly from a
particular direction. Directional lighting is typically used to accentuate particular
objects or features, to emphasise surface textures, and to generate shadows and
patterns of contrast. Misuse of directional lighting may create glare or generate
undesirable shadows and contrasts.
Disability glare
Glare that impedes one’s ability to carry out detailed work, without necessarily
causing discomfort.
Discomfort glare
Glare that causes discomfort without necessarily impeding one’s ability to carry out
detailed work.
Discomfort Glare
Probability (DGP)
A specific measure of the probability that occupants will be affected by discomfort
glare. The DGP calculation takes into account the contrast ratios within the field of
vision, as well as empirical assessments of typical subjective reactions to glare. A
DGP value > 4.5 indicates intolerable glare; DGP < 0.3 indicates imperceptible
glare. DGP values pertain to a specified view direction.
Glare index
A numerical index for the evaluation of discomfort glare.
Glazing system
The glass and framing of windows and doors; these may be specified to achieve a
variety of lighting, temperature control, ventilation, and acoustic outcomes. The
glazing system may be an integral part of a lighting, heating, ventilation, or acoustic
design strategy.
Gloss factor
Gloss is an optical property of surfaces. It describes their ability to reflect light in a
specular (mirror-like) manner. Gloss should be distinguished from reflectance,
which refers to the proportion of incident light reflected from a surface whether in
a specular or diffuse manner. High gloss (specular) surfaces are likely to give rise
to discomfort glare. Standards for measuring gloss differ by jurisdiction and by
material; ISO-2813 and AS-1580 provide equivalent standardised measurement
conditions for paints.
A measure of the luminous flux falling on a surface from all directions, expressed
per unit surface area. The SI units of illuminance are lux (lx) or lumens per square
Light output ratio
A measure of the efficiency of a luminaire, given by the ratio of its light output to the
light output from the lamp(s) that it houses. It is hence a measure of how much of
the light emitted by the lamp(s) is lost within the luminaire fitting.
A measure of luminous intensity of light travelling in a given direction, expressed
per unit area. ‘Luminous intensity’ is a measure of light power per unit solid angle;
‘luminance’ expresses this per unit area on which the light falls. The SI unit of
luminance is the candela per square metre (cd/m
Light reflectance value
A measure of the visible light reflected from a surface
A light fitting
Luminous flux density
A measure of the total light output from a source, weighted according to the
wavelength sensitivity of a standardised human eye. Unlike ‘luminous intensity’,
luminous flux is not expressed per unit angle. If the focus angle of a lamp with fixed
luminous output is halved, its luminous flux density will remain unchanged (the total
light output does not change), but its luminous intensity in the direction defined by
the focus angle will double. The SI unit of luminous flux is the lumen (lm).
Luminous intensity
A measure of the power emitted by a light source per unit solid angle, weighted
according to the wavelength sensitivity of a standardised human eye. The SI unit of
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
luminous intensity is the candela (cd). If the focus angle of a lamp with fixed
luminous output is halved, its luminous intensity will double.
The minimum illumination which should be maintained in a space or on a working
plane throughout operational hours (or at all times, where no operational hours are
specified). It is the minimum illuminance at which maintenance operations such as
cleaning of room surfaces, glazing, and luminaires, and the replacement of lamps,
should take place to ensure adequate illumination of the space.
The ratio of light reflected from a surface, against the light falling on it.
Splayed window reveal
A window reveal is a surface connecting the edge of the window to the adjacent
wall; it may be perpendicular to the window face or angled (splayed).
Task lighting
Lighting that provides a high level of localised light for a visually demanding task.
Ultraviolet light (UV)
An invisible component of sunlight, corresponding to wavelengths of between 30
PHz 750 THz, exposure to which may cause damage to eyes, skin and various
materials (particularly some plastics, pigments and dyes).
Unified Glare Rating
A parameter calculated from the luminance values of the luminaires in a space, and
from the background luminance. The calculation provides a rating from 10 30,
which can be used to express the statistical perception of glare among a sample of
observers. A UGR value <10 indicates that any glare is insignificant; a UGR
approaching 30 indicates strong glare. A UGR value of 19 indicates that ̴35% of
observers would be disturbed by the glare. UGR values are frequently quoted for
luminaires, based on standard reference conditions. These conditions may not
pertain in the actual space where the luminaire is to be deployed, but UGR values
may be used to make comparisons between luminaires so long as the values are
quoted with respect to the same reference conditions.
Useful Daylight
Illuminance (UDI)
The annual occurrence of illuminance across a work plane that is within a useful
range. The range deemed ‘useful’ may be task specific. Three sub-categories are
commonly used:
UDI-a (for lux values x - y): the proportion of time during which daylighting
falls within the useful range bounded by x & y lux values.
UDI-e (for lux values >y): the proportion of time during which daylighting
exceeds the useful range, and during which blinds or shades would be
required in order to avoid glare.
UDI-s (for lux values <x): the proportion of time during which daylighting
would fail to meet the useful threshold, and during which electric light
would be required.
Well index
The well index is a way to describe the geometry of rectilinear atria with a number;
it expresses the relationship between the light admitting area open to the sky, and
the surfaces of the atrium well.
I =
A high well index value indicates an atrium space that is deep and narrow, resulting
in low levels of daylight at the base of the atrium. Conversely, a low well index
indicates a space that is shallow and wide in proportion to its height. As most
atrium-type school buildings are only likely to be 2 to 3 storeys high, a low well
index should be easily achievable.
Working plane
The height at which a task is carried out, and hence at which illuminance values
for task- or general-lighting should be determined.
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Table 1: The three main interrelated aspects of Te Haratau ........................................................................ 9
Table 2: Internal environment quality factors, parameters and effective control strategies. Adapted from
Bluyssen, (2009). ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Table 3: Daylighting Mandatory Requirements ........................................................................................... 13
Table 4: Electric lighting performance requirements ................................................................................... 21
Table 5: Minimum light reflectance values for selected surface types. ....................................................... 25
Table 6: Key design features affecting the success of passive lighting control. ......................................... 33
Table 7: Threshold window wall sizes conducive to occupant satisfaction ................................................. 37
Table 8: Building Form & Daylighting .......................................................................................................... 39
Table 9: Specific lighting design measures for occupants with special visual needs. ................................ 53
Table 10 Design guidance for common activities in halls and multi-purpose spaces Assemblies,
Lectures, Speeches etc.: ............................................................................................................................. 56
Table 11: Design guidance for common activities in halls and multi-purpose spaces Sports & Physical
Activities ...................................................................................................................................................... 57
Table 12: Design guidance for common activities in halls and multi-purpose spaces Performing Arts ... 58
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Figure 1: Te Haratau Model .......................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 2: What is internal environment quality, Source: Bluyssen, (2009) ................................................. 10
Figure 3: Factors to consider when designing for daylight .......................................................................... 12
Figure 4: Effective Sky Angle Calculation (refer to Section 3.7) ................................................................. 16
Figure 5: The relationship between ‘window area to floor area’ ratio and ‘window to wall area’ ratio (refer
to Section 3.5 for more guidance on WWR). ............................................................................................... 16
Figure 6: Image showing lighting visualisation. ........................................................................................... 18
Figure 7: Summary of daylighting strategies ............................................................................................... 20
Figure 8: Summary of electric lighting strategies ........................................................................................ 24
Figure 9: The Effect of Building Form & Orientation on Exterior Sunlight ................................................... 26
Figure 10: The Effect of Building Form & Orientation on Exterior Sunlight ................................................. 27
Figure 11: A flexible learning space in an upgraded building in use ........................................................... 30
Figure 12: Integrated Design Process ......................................................................................................... 32
Figure 13: The Components of daylight & Electric Light ............................................................................. 34
Figure 14: Building Orientation shading to help manage solar gain. .......................................................... 35
Figure 15: Position of the ‘No Sky-Line’ in a room ...................................................................................... 41
Figure 16: Combination of sunscreens and overhangs provide a good level of solar shading and
daylighting ................................................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 17: Use of external sunshade screen to manage heat gain and glare. ........................................... 43
Figure 18: Daylight Reflectors ..................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 19: Side Lighting Design Principles tall windows in more than one wall, with borrowed light via
glazed walls to break out/study space ........................................................................................................ 45
Figure 20: The effect of balancing overhead and side lighting in deeper spaces ....................................... 46
Figure 21: A very deep plan space with high ceiling, central clerestory rooflights, and suspended
luminaires with up/down lighting components. ............................................................................................ 46
Figure 22: High ceiling and central clerestory rooflight. .............................................................................. 47
Figure 23: Extensive natural roof light system with more limited side lighting maintains good daylight
levels, but with reduced outside awareness ................................................................................................ 47
Figure 24: Performing Arts Centre .............................................................................................................. 54
Figure 25: Events Centre ............................................................................................................................ 54
Figure 26: Auckland Grammar School gym sports centre. High level translucent glazing with sloped
ceiling to minimise glare. Limited low level windows for view; glare risk mitigated by non-reflective
external surface. .......................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 27: Glare risk from low-level windows with reflective external surface. ........................................... 60
Figure 28: Library: a mix of side lighting, clerestory lighting and suspended luminaires. ........................... 61
Figure 29: A secondary school science laboratory ..................................................................................... 63
Figure 30: A secondary school workshop space ......................................................................................... 65
Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Ackley, A., Donn, M., & Thomas, G. (2020). Measuring Lighting in a National School Property Portfolio.
Architectural Science Review, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/00038628.2020.1806780
Ackley, A., Donn, M., & Thomas, G. (2018). Measuring the Daylight Performance of Classrooms: Can a
One Point Sensor Measurement Predict the Daylight Distribution within a Space? 52nd International
Conference of the Architectural Science Association, pp. 4352, Australia.
Ackley, A., Donn, M., and Thomas, G. (2017). The Influence of Indoor Environmental Quality in Schools,
51st International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA)), pp. 625 634,
AIA. (1982). Architect’s Handbook of Energy Practice: Daylighting, American Institute of Architects, New
Barrett, P., Zhang, Y., Davies, F., and Barrett, L. (2015). Clever Classrooms Summary report of the
HEAD Project. University of Salford, Manchester.
Barrett, P., Zhang, Y., Moffat, J., and Kobbacy, K. (2013). A holistic, multi-level analysis identifying the
impact of classroom design on pupils’ learning. Building and Environment; 59: 678-689.
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Designing Quality Learning Spaces Lighting and Visual Comfort
Published by the New Zealand Ministry of Education, Education Infrastructure
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