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Indian Lake Christian Camp Rental Agreement
On behalf of , I would like to reserve Indian Lake Christian Camp for the
following dates: .
The Renter will pay for the use of cabins, dining hall, outdoor chapel, fire pit, bathhouse and campsites.
The Renter will provide a copy of their insurance 30 days prior to our arrival (see Addendum B.5).
Campers are expected to provide their own bedding (for single bunks). There is NO Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs,
Vapes, illegal or controlled dangerous substances, or Fireworks/Arms on the campgrounds.
Enclosed is our deposit of $500, to confirm this reservation. We understand this deposit will be cashed, but
will be returned to us BY MAIL AFTER RENTAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED, provided there has been no
damage done by our group and the camp has been cleaned up as required by Addendum D, Camp Closeout
Form. This DEPOSIT IS NOT TO BE SUBTRACTED FROM THE AMOUNT DUE. If we cancel within 30 days of our
rental date, we forfeit our deposit.
I also understand that full payment is expected UPON OUR ARRIVAL as calculated by
Addendum A - Rental Fees.
Person in Charge
City , State Zip
Phone: Email:
Additional contact’s Name ,
Phone: Email:
*This is the address the deposit will be mailed to after rental inspection has been completed
Date & Time of Arrival: am/pm
Date & Time of Departure: am/pm
Please check group type Men Women Teens
Children Couples Young Adults
Any activities checked below must be confirmed no later than 30 days prior to your arrival.
Activities Requested Day/Time - These activities require additional fees.
Archery Sling Shots
V-Climb ________________________
Additional Set-up Requests
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Indian Lake Christian Camp Rental Agreement
Initial – You have read and agree with the following:
________ Addendum A – Rental Fees
________ Addendum B – Land Use Agreement
________ Addendum C – Camp Usage Agreement
________ Addendum D – Camp Closeout Checklist
Renter Signature Indian Lake Christian Camp Signature
Date Date
Please return pages 1-3 of this rental agreement to the Camp Manager with your deposit to confirm your
reservation to:
Indian Lake Christian Camp
P.O. Box 184
Benson, MD 21018
You may also email the completed form to [email protected] and mail the deposit to the
above address.
We will email the Renter the final signed copy of this agreement.
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Addendum A – Rental Fees
Base Rental Fee: $500 per day and the Per Person Rate: $5 a day. If renting camp for a weekend, you would
put 2 days for the base fee and 2 days for the per person fee.
Archery & Sling Shot fees – you can request the use of one or both activities. One activity is $10 per person
and both activities is $15 per person. (Minimum of 20 people, or $200 fee).
V-Climb is a challenging tree climb on a belay line and the chance to repel out of the tree. This activity is $10
per person (Minimum of 20 people, or $200 fee).
Indian Lake Christian Camp employs a trained Chef that would love to cook you amazing meals for your rental.
Menus can be tailored to your group’s needs. Meal prices vary depending on the group size and meals
requested. Breakfasts – $6 per person, Lunches – $7 per person, Dinners – $9 per person.
Camp Rental Calculator
Rental Costs:
# of days X Base rental Fee $500 = (A)
# of People X # of Days X $ 5 per day = (B)
Camp rental cost: (A) + (B) = (C)
Activity fees:
Archery/Sling shot
# of people X $10 or $15 (circle one) = (D)
# of people X $10 (circle one) = (D)
Camp provides meals:
Breakfast: # of meals X # of people X $ per meal = (E)
Lunch: # of meals X # of people X $ per meal = (F)
Dinner: # of meals X # of people X $ per meal= (G)
Kitchen help (see Addendum C.4) # of meals X # of helpers x $30 per meal (H)
Total cost for meals = (I)
If your group requires private insurance, you can get a quote by calling Amanda at 301-739-2260 ext. 217.
Total cost: (C) + (D) + (I) =
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Addendum B – Land Use Agreement
Indian Lake Christian Camp (Camp) agrees to allow the Renter to use Camp provided that the following terms
and conditions are met.
It is therefore agreed by and between the parties:
1. Camp agrees to let Renter, use the premises as described in the rental agreement for the above
purpose described in the rental agreement.
2. Renter agrees that it will not use the premises for any unlawful purposes, and will obey all laws, rules,
and regulations of all governmental authorities while using the facilities.
3. Renter agrees it will not use the premises for any purpose that is contrary to the mission, purpose or
belief of the Camp, which is a biblical based religious organization.
4. Renter agrees to abide by any rules or regulations for the use of the premises that are attached to this
5. Renter promises and warrants that it carries liability insurance with a minimum liability occurrence of
$1,000,000. The Renter will provide a certificate of insurance to the Camp at least 30 days prior to the
date upon which the Renter begins to use the premises. The certificate of insurance will indicate that
Renter has made Camp “additional insured” on Renter’s policy with respect to the use by Renter of the
premises. If Renter does not have Liability insurance Renter will pay Camp additionally for such
coverage. Please contact to arrange this coverage.
6. Renter agrees to hold harmless, indemnify, and defend Camp (including Camp’s agents, employees,
and representatives) from any and all liability for injury or damage including, but not limited to bodily
injury, personal injury, emotional injury, or property damage which may result from any person using
the premises, it entrances and exits, and surrounding areas, for Renter’s purposes, regardless of
whether such injuries or damage results from the negligence of the Camp(including Camp’s Agents,
employees and Representatives) or otherwise.
7. Renter agrees to be responsible for preparing for use and returning to the pre-use condition of all
areas of the premises which Renter will use.
8. Renter agrees to conduct a visual inspection of the premises prior to use and warrants that the
premises will be used only if it is in a safe condition.
9. This agreement may be cancelled unilaterally by either party within 30-day written notice to the other
10. Renter agrees that it will not assign any of its rights under this agreement, and any such assignment
will void this agreement at the sole option of the Camp.
11. Camp and Renter agree that any disputes arising under this agreement will be resolved via a mutually
acceptable alternative dispute resolution process. If Camp and Renter cannot mutually agree upon
such as process, the dispute will be submitted to a three-member arbitration panel of the American
Arbitration Association for final resolution.
12. This document which in its entirety is 6 pages contains the entire agreement of the parties and
supersedes all prior written or oral agreements relating to the subject matter.
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Addendum C – Camp Usage Agreement
Arrangements must be made with the Camp Director for the opening and closing of camp for your stay.
The kitchen dishwasher may be used by an authorized operator (someone who has been shown by
the camp director or Cook the proper way to use the machine). If not, it is suggested that you use all
paper products.
Groups using the kitchen are to supply all of their own food, drinks, paper products and utensils
that they will need.
All pots and pans used must be cleaned and returned to the appropriate area in which they
came from. Stove and ovens must be clean.
If Camp is providing the food, we ask for renters to send volunteers to help prepare and clean
up after each meal. If you choose not to send helpers, then an additional fee will be charged
to hire kitchen help for your rental. Additional help is based on the number of people renting.
0-30 people is 1 additional helper, 31-60 people is 2 additional helpers, over 60 people is 3
helpers. The cost is $30 per meal per helper.
All lunch tables in the dining hall are to be cleaned and folded up. All chairs and tables need to
be stored in the closet at the back of the dining hall. Floor must be swept and mopped.
At departure, all facilities used must be cleaned. All windows must be closed, remove all trash
from all cans in used areas and take bags to dumpsters located near the bath house and dining
hall. All trash cans must be re-lined with trash bags
Any damages must be reported to the Camp Director immediately 443-693-2588.
8. A campfire pit with seating for 60 people is located near the bathhouse. If firewood is not provided by
renter, camp requests a donation to cover the cost of cutting, splitting and stacking the wood.
If you use the campfire area you need to stretch the garden hose to the campfire area, keep fire
inside fire ring at all times, have water turned on, and the fire must be completely extinguished
before you leave the camp fire area. You are responsible for the campers that attend the
campfire. No Liquid fuel permitted at camp. Once fire has been extinguished, please roll up the
garden hose.
Please make sure that the lights and water are turned off prior to leaving the bath house and the
dining hall and all doors are closed.
All lost and found items are the responsibility of the Renter of camp.
12. Camp will provide all toilet paper, hand soap, paper towels and trash bags
Should Camp require any cleanup following your rental it will be billed $100.00 per hour.
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Addendum D – Camp Closeout Checklist
To receive your full security deposit back, please check that all items are completed.
o Make sure all personal supplies from your
rental are removed
o Make sure flags have been taken down and
returned to the Chapel cabinet
o stack benches
o Sweep floor
o All decorations removed
o Take trash to dumpster
o Put new liner in trash can and replace lid
o Sliding doors are closed
o Remove all personal items
o Sweep cabin (especially under bunks) and
o Close all windows, unplug fans, turn off lights
and breakers, lock doors
o Take trash to dumpster
o Put new trash liner in trash can
o Take lost and found to Nurse’s cabin for
o Sweep floors
o Wipe down sinks and scrub toilets (supplies are
in the cabinet or in the middles of the
o Take trash to dumpster, reline trash cans
o Refill toilet paper, paper towels and soap
o Shut windows
o Shut and lock bathroom doors
o Turn off hot water heater (in between the
bathrooms is a door by the water fountain.
Open the door and on the right-hand side is a
red switch, turn it off)
Rec. supplies
o Store all balls and equipment in the Rec Shed or
pump house
o Roll up hose
o Take trash to the dumpster
o Reline trash can
o Erase all the boards
o Stack chairs, if you used metal folding chairs,
return them to the closet in the dining hall
o Sweep floors
o Turn off/unplug coffee maker
o Turn gas off to cooking equipment
o Turn off all fans
o Trash out to dumpsters
o Reline trash cans
o Trash out of bathrooms
o Sweep & mop floors in kitchen & dining hall
o Close all windows and lock all the doors
o If you used any paper products that were
purchased by camp, please replace items or
make a donation to cover the cost of replacing
those items. (this includes cups, plates,
napkins, coffee, etc)
General Camp
o Walk camp with trash bags, picking up trash,
bottles, etc
o Pick-up sticks and branches to help clean
grounds for mowing (put sticks and branches in
the fire ring)
o In general, please leave camp better than you
found it!
o Return all keys to the lock box and leave
payment in the lock box
Report all maintenance or damages to
JJ or Chris Hill 443-693-2588