*Corresponding author: Kadambini Kumari
Dr D. Y. Patil Vidhyapeeth, Pimpri, Pune
ISSN: 0976-3031
Research Article
*Kadambini Kumari and Vidya Nakhate
Dr D. Y. Patil Vidhyapeeth, Pimpri, Pune
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/ijrsr.2017.0803.0100
According to the report published by Economic Times Reality dated Jan 2016, in year 2015 56%
unsold inventory in Pune, Average pricing measure across 3,312 projects with average increase of
Rs. 35 per square feet. So all the above statistics said that market is saturated, demand & supply
equation is preferable for buyers. Products are not able to sale themselves alone, service need to be
more customer centric to differentiate themselves & positioning has to be unique. All the builders
have similar location, same facilities in terms of offers on amenities with similar pricing. What to do
next with this standardization in the product offers, the service approach become critical to attract
buyers for purchasing decision.
This paper is focus on the categorizing the buyers into different segment based on demographics.
Study was done on analysing preference on attributes in terms of Product & service. Attractiveness
of attributes differently trigger the different segment so mapping of attributes with buyer
The study was conducted for 205 respondents of Pune from PCMC. It is also observed that most of
the consumer bought the property for residential use and it seem to be not effected by their income.
The product and the service are effective when it comes to the buying behaviour of the consumer
and in most cases completed projects were preferred and it took around 6 months to 1 years for the
consumer to buy. Social network has been voted as the most preferred source of information by age
group of 20-40yrs.So investing on social networking will be future of buyer preference for
information search Income plays very important role on attributes preference in product & service
attributes. According to the income preference change significantly on attributes preference also.
As per the Gera Report, unsold housing units in the region
including, Pimpri-Chinchwad increased to 56 per cent in 2015
as compared to the previous year. The region witnessed the sale
of 88,815 units in 2015 as against 98,968 housing units sold in
2014, the report said. However, despite the dip in the sales with
increased unsold stocks, developers are still optimistic about
better sales in future and are not ready for any significant price
As per the report, the average property prices measured across
3,312 projects in the PuneMetropolitan Region increased by
only Rs 35 per square feet to Rs 5,096 per square feet.
According to the Pune’s real estate market over the past few
years has been witnessing a steady slowdown. The market,
which normally sees absorption of around 20,000-22,000 units
every six months, has been witnessing absorption of lesser than
15,000 units on a half-yearly basis. While realtors blame the
wait-and-watch policy of buyers and the global slowdown for
the trend, buyers on the other hand blame artificial inflation in
the market for deferring their investments. All this result in
slow down the sales & increase in inventory.
Analysis done by 99 acres after the government announcement
on demonetization of currency notes of Rs. 500 & Rs. 1000
will have impact on following five parameters.
Short term cash crunch & transactional problem
End of Corruption in real estate
Enhance transparency
Greater foreign investment
Reduce price & realistic pricing
All this has its pros on cons in short team but definitely
beneficial for long term growth for economical point of view &
as well as buyers point of view. All this leads to be more heat-
up on buying behavioural approach for decision making.
Buyers become more calculative, having fair choices & buying
Available Online at http://www.recentscientific.com
International Journal of
Recent Scientific
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research
Vol. 8, Issue, 3, pp. 16211-16215, March, 2017
Copyright © Kadambini Kumari and Vidya Nakhate, 2017, this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
Article History:
Received 18
December, 2016
Received in revised form 10
January, 2017
Accepted 06
February, 2017
Published online 28
March, 2017
DOI: 10.24327/IJRSR
Key Words:
Demographic factors, Housing Product
Attributes, Housing Service Attributes.
Decision Making.
Kadambini Kumari and Vidya Nakhate., A Study of Attributes Attracting The Residential Property Buyer for Purchasing Decision
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for better reasons. No decision is made just for utilizing the
cash in hand.
Focus on the purchasing decision is more driven towards the
factors influencing the buying decision. Attributes appealing
most to each buyers will be heterogeneous but it will have
convergence at the point based on demographics.
This dynamics must be understand by the sellers to attract right
people & design the right property in terms of product &
service attributes.
Definition of terms
Consumer Behaviour: Consumer Behaviour is defined
as activities people undertake when obtaining,
consuming and disposing of products & services. Field
of study that focuses on consumer activates. *Given by
Backwell, Miniard & Engel
Factors: A circumstance, fact, or influence that
contributes to a result.
External Influencing Factors
Seller Marketing Efforts: Include all P’s of Marketing.
Sociocultural Environment
1. Family
2. Reference Group
3. Non-commercial sources
4. Social class
5. Culture & sub-culture
Internal Influencing Factors
Psychological Field & Personal Demographic
1. Motivation
2. Perception
3. Learning
4. Personality
5. Attitude
6. Experience
7. Age
8. Occupation
9. Income
10. Lifestyle
*Consumer decision making model given by Leon G.Schiffman,
Leslie Lazar Kanuk & S. Ramesh Kumar
Attributes: A quality or feature regarded as a
characteristic or inherent part of someone or something.
Residential Property: A type of leased property,
containing either a single family or multifamily
structure, that is available for occupation for non-
business purposes.
Residential property buyers: A home buyer is defined as
a person who is in the process of buying a home.
Residential property Suppliers: Housing suppliers in
this research are defined as the people who provide
housing products and relative services to consumers.
Residential Property Investor Market: Housing
products in this study include residential houses and the
services provided by housing suppliers.
Purchase decisions: A purchase decision is defined as
occurring “when the buyer has paid for a product or has
made some financial commitment to buy some specified
amount during some specified time period. It is caused
by intention to buy”
Service quality: Service quality provided by housing
suppliers refers to the home buyer's assessment of
quality and focuses on all things that influence the home
buyer's perceptions of quality. It is a relative evaluation
in that it will vary from one customer to another.
Article written by (Roe, 2002) on Form and Function has study
the trends that are influencing the decision of developers in
purchasing products; analysis on the criteria of considering
savings versus value. Developers and building owners are
looking beyond economies of scale to control costs while
delivering quality. Quality in construction, facilities &
innovation is in trend to influence decision making.
Study conducted in Australia by (Zeng & Zhou, 2001) on A
geographical information system implication on decision
making. Researcher had spoken about the development of a
prototype real estate GIS (REGIS) by integrating fuzzy set (FZ)
theory, this system will guide seller & buyer both parallel.
(Bello, 2007) analysis residential property valuation & price as
a importance attributes to determine the Consumers'
preferences in Nigeria.
Stuart M. Dillon (1998) study conducted by the researcher to
know descriptive theory of decision making, explained the
situational concept which plays important role for decision
between alternatives available. There are some certain decision
behaviours that are always going to be present in unaided
decision making.
(Levy, Murphy, & Lee, 2008) Researcher talked about
influences and Emotions& Family collective decision making
process for buying a House. They spoke that this is different
from other investment as lots of family aspects come into the
Study was undertaken by (Daly, Gronow, Jenkins, & Plimmer,
2003) on a cross-national comparative basis in the UK, Ireland
and Australia as valuers overlook the economic sustainability
of the property asset, which has severe implications for housing
markets and national economies that interact with these
markets. The decision maker has behavioural pattern as per
economical sustainable parameter of the location as well.
(Kalia, 2013) has studied in Tirana ad explain the impact of
four factors demographic characteristics, Housing preferences,
marketing factors & psychological factors. According to the
finding, the price of a house or an apartment, and the interest
rate are very important factors in purchasing a house or an
apartment. Researchers are knowing the impact of uses of
social media for providing information, attracting potential
buyers and encouraging the buyers to visit their facilities on the
site. It is also recommended that construction companies’
creation of databases of customers either through direct
contacts or by phone or online contact is an essential element in
order to understand the buyers' preferences and creating sales.
(Seiler, Seiler, Harrison, & Luchtenberg, 2009) studied the
Role of Profit, Law, and Ethics in Residential Estate
Investments. The prospective purchasers effectively hold a call
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 8, Issue, 3, pp. 16211-16215, March, 2017
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option on the Property if they need to check fluctuation in
profit, law full execution & ethics.
Heidi Falkenbach (2010) explained external & internal factors
for motivation towards property purchasing. Internal factors
can be applicable to this situation also, as growth potential,
diversification of investment profile, industrial growth, local
infrastructure growth, property appreciation etc.
Niko Suhonen (2007) has given the argument based on
experimental research that normative and descriptive theories
are not mutually exclusive. According to the situation 100%
descriptive approach is not worked out & decision can be mix
normative and descriptive framework.
Sayali Sandbhor et.al (2013) explains the growth potential of
pune region due to infrastructural planning of development like
international airport & metro in long run. This will enhance the
quality of life & area near the Pune district also as great
opportunity to extend. This is exactly the situation on which
phase of growth of Pune & nearly districts are blessed.
Frank, Alejando Germán et.al (2013) says about the importance
of Investment alternatives selection involves a variety of
criteria that should be evaluated to provide a solid basis for
decision-making. This was focused on the rationally evaluating
the alternative to choose best.
According to the study by John W. Payne (1976) of two
characteristics of the search data, amount of information
searched per alternative and pattern of search, proved useful in
discriminating between four alternative models of decision
making. Social sites are the part of life & the fastest mode of
information exchange.
Ethel Lee (2013) had given the empirical evidence on the role
of Social media & which is increasing day by day. Social
media has wide acceptation because of transparency &
accessibility provided to the consumer.
M Duggan, J Brenner-2013 had given his empirical study on
that young adults are more likely than others to use
major social media. At the same time, other groups are
interested in different sites and services.
So there are enough evidence on different internet users differ
in the choice of search, intensity & dependency on information.
This hypothesis has helped to know the role of social site in
information search for decision making. The degree of
dependency is changing with the demography.
Research Questions
Two research questions addressed through the questionnaire on
which attributes are more important & what all they consider as
an important attribute before taking a purchase decision. This
research is helping to correlate the factors which influence the
different attributes preference by different group of people
based on demographics.
Research question 1: What all attributes are considered
by Indian Buyers while taking decisions for purchasing
residential property in India?
Research question 2: Is the Product Attribute or service
attribute which is more important for the buyers?
Research Objectives
1. To analyse impact of residential property attributes and
services provided by housing suppliers on residential
buyers` purchase decision in Pune Region.
2. To study the decision making process of residential
property buyers for residential property purchasing.
3. To identify the residential property attributes that have
the major influence on investors purchase decisions.
H1: The Social Site preference for information search in
decision making process is varies significantly with
Qualification, age & Occupation:
H2: Product and service attributes are significantly varies
based on income & purpose of purchasing.
Research Design
The empirical study was carried out. Population was defined as
all individual are planning to buy the real state property from
January 2015–December 2017 year in Pune Region. The
research would be carried out in the physical location of Pune
City & Pimpri-Chinchwad Sample was defied as each
individual who had bought the real state property after January
2015 &December 2017 planning to buy by in Pune region.
The questionnaire was administered through the minimum
sample size of 205 of the total population. Research was be
carried out by using convenience data from the questionnaire
would be coded and tabulated for further treatment. Data was
analysed by using the techniques of Descriptive Statistics as
well as Inferential Statistics.
Data Analysis
The descriptive data analysis
Average salary of most of the customers is between
1lakh to 6lakhs
34% bought for residential purpose while most of
them bought as a form of investment and very few of
them about 2% bought as a gift
57% of them preferred a completed and ready to move
projects and next to them under construction and not
started projects got 22% and 23% of preference
Most of the consumers took about 6months to 1year to
buy the property
More than half of the consumers are aged between 40
to 60 years
Average family size of consumers is 3
Most of the customers have a minimum education of
bachelors and only 19% of them are not graduates
21% works with the state owned enterprises, 25%
works in private business enterprises, while the other
19 % and 20% are government employees and public
sector employees respectively. And finally 14.6%
have their own business
30% has a salary between 3l to 6l, 25% earn in
between 1l to 3l
25% voted newspaper as not a preferred source while
social network and property exhibition received 27%
and 24% of preference as a source of information
Kadambini Kumari and Vidya Nakhate., A Study of Attributes Attracting The Residential Property Buyer for Purchasing Decision
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Customers gave 24% preference to the surroundings
to while taking purchase decision
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to
determine whether any significant relationships exist among
respondents. In addition, the .05 level of statistical significance
was set at all statistical tests in the present study. Social Site
preference for the Information search is analysed according to
the Age, Qualification & Occupation are significant or not.
It can be seen that the significance level of age, qualification
and occupation are 0.005, 0.582 and 0.385 respectively. The
significance values of qualification and occupation are above
0.05, therefore, the social network preference is statistically
independent on qualification and occupation. Social network
preference is statistically significant different based on age.
Different age group have difference preference on dependency
on social networking site.
But the significance value of age is 0.005, which is below 0.05
i.e., the social network preference is statistically dependent on
age of the customers. So, post hoc test is done for further
inference. Form post hoc test, it is observed that social network
sites are most preferred by consumers aged between 20 to 40
From table no. 3 is can be observed that the significance values
of purpose of purchase is 0.501, which are above 0.05.
Therefore, the product and service attributes are statistically
independent of consumer’s purpose of buying. But the
significance values of income is 0.000, which is less than 0.05,
which means that the product and service attribute is
statistically dependent on income of the consumer.
Income & purpose of purchasing goes hand & hand. In Indian
economy Most of the earning group comes under the salary
range of 1 to 6Lakhs. Earning people still think that purchasing
house is big return on investment so 37% people purchase
home for investment. May be due to large inventory in housing
in India, people start preferring completed project & near to
passion project than awaiting. From the analysis it is observed
that the average consumer’s age is around40. It is also observed
that most of the consumer bought the property for residential
use and it seem to be not effected by their income. The product
and the service are effective when it comes to the buying
behaviour of the consumer and in most cases completed
projects were preferred and it took around 6 months to 1 years
for the consumer to buy. Social network has been voted as the
most preferred source of information. By age group of 20-
40yrs. Income plays very important role on attributes
preference in product & service attributes.
Future scope
Based on the analysis, for good business development the
target consumers will be middle aged people. And the most
useful observation is that most of the social networking sites
effect the consumers buying behaviour.
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Total 81.776 204
Between Groups 6.217 4 1.554 0.716 0.582
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200 2.17
Total 440.224
Between Groups 7.361 4 1.84 1.046 0.385
Within Groups 351.878
200 1.759
Total 359.239
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Source_Social_network N
Subset for alpha = 0.05
1 2 3
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Preferred 55 1.6 1.6
not preferred 32 1.84 1.84 1.84
least preferred 43
1.86 1.86
Most preferred 33
0.124 0.115 0.835
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
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Total 338.761 204
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Within Groups 152.264 203 0.75
Total 152.605 204
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How to cite this article:
Kadambini Kumari and Vidya Nakhate.2017
, A Study of Attributes Attracting The Residential Property Buyer for Purchasing
Decision. Int J Recent Sci Res. 8(3), pp.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/ijrsr.2017.0803.0100