Carroll Hall, Room 311 540-464-7560 c[email protected]
Revised 09/2023
Résumé Writing Guide
Yoursuprovides prospective employers with their first impression of youit is your chief marketing tool. It
helps prospective employers evaluate your skills, accomplishments, and educational background to see if they
would like to interview you.
If you have several career interests and you are applying for several positions that are unrelated, you may want to
develop multiple sumés with different objectives. The following pages will define different résumé features and
résumé types to help you develop your own unique résumé.
Talk with a Career Advisor: Visit the Office of Career Services in Carroll Hall, Room 311 or email to make an appointment with a career advisor to review yoursu.
Yoursu is unique to you and a critical marketing tool; it should be individually tailored for each application.
Cadets may create a “master” suwith all activities and experiences that can be rearranged or modified for
particular jobs. Remember: your résumé needs to show how YOU meet THEIR needs. Consider using the RAT
concept (Results, Accomplishments, Time) and not just your required duties.
Prior to creating your su, make a list of your various experiences (work, internship, volunteer, etc.). Then,
using that list, ask yourself how have you:
Solved any problems?
Demonstrated leadership?
Motivated others?
Saved the organization money?
Created something new?
Acquired industry knowledge?
Created new systems or procedures?
Made a process more efficient?
Made a process cheaper?
Improved a system?
Successfully fulfilled your duties/
Increased sales?
Increased membership or participation?
Accomplished a goal?
Went above and beyond your duties?
Used computer/ technical skills?
Planned an event?
Trained another individual?
Although there may be résu templates online, be mindful that templates may be difficult to edit and limit your
formatting options.
Your name, mailing address, cell number, and email address should always top your résumé (make sure that
your email address and voicemail are professional). Use your permanent or college address depending on the
proximity of your desired location. You may include a link to a professional blog or LinkedIn profile. This section
Carroll Hall, Room 311 540-464-7560 c[email protected]
Revised 09/2023
should align with your cover letter (usually, every résumé needs a cover letter).
While optional, an objective or summary statement sets a positive tone and informs the employer of the
position you are seeking and what strengths and skills you bring. It is especially beneficial when networking or
attending networking events because it gives some background on your skills, strengths, and interests. Be
brief and consider a job title, what you can offer the employer, a description of potential career path in a
particular field, or your short-term goals.
Example: Dean's List international studies major with research and study abroad experience;
seeking an internship with the US State Department for Summer 2020.
Include all colleges and universities from which you have earned a degree and list in reverse chronological
order (your most recent school listed first). Include your cumulative GPA and/or your major GPA, particularly if
one or both are above a 3.0.
If you’ve earned Dean’s List, scholarships, or are academically distinguished, make sure you include
this distinction with your degree information.
You can also include study abroad information here as well.
As a 2
or 1
class cadet, you usually don’t include your high school, unless you were involved in a
significant or unique experience relevant to your career goal.
For 4
and 3
class cadets, you may include your high school information, particularly experiences
related to your résumé summary.
Example: Virginia Military Institute (VMI), Lexington, VA Expected May 2020
Bachelor of Arts, International Studies
Minor: Psychology
Dean’s List (4), Cumulative GPA: 3.2, Major GPA: 3.5
St. Anne’s College, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom Summer 2019
Study Abroad
You may want to list appropriate college coursework in your résuif you apply for a position that is unrelated
to your major, OR if the coursework is unique/specialized in the career field.
Examples: If you apply for a writing position, but you majored in biology, it would be advantageous
to list your writing courses to highlight your skills -
Related Coursework: Writing and Rhetoric I&II (ERH 101/102) and Technical
Communication (ERH 314).
If you are applying for a civil engineering position with VDOT, you may want to include
Related Coursework: Transportation Engineering (CE333), Transportation Planning &
Design (CE436), and Construction Methods & Management (CE437).
Effective résumés translate Work Experience and VMI Activities into language that employers will value and
understand. Bullets are short, fragmented sentences that highlight transferrable skills used in your experiences
and activities. A paragraph format may allow for more text on the page, but can make the résumé seem dense
and more difficult to read.
Carroll Hall, Room 311 540-464-7560 c[email protected]
Revised 09/2023
Below are critical considerations when writing effective accomplishment statements:
1. Emphasize skills, accomplishments, and leadership over duties; you want to focus on how you went
“above and beyondyour responsibilities.
2. State all information positively and relate your skills and background to the position/industry.
3. Each of your bullets should begin with a properly conjugated action verb and they should end with an
outcome (view action verbs here). No “I”, “me,” or “my.
4. Bullet points should be organized for the needs of each position you apply to; put the most relevant
bullet points at the top.
5. When possible include quantities by number, duration, or dollar amount, and scope of your experiences
to strengthen the impact of your message (e.g.: “supervised 12 employees,” “managed a $2,000
6. Be consistent with font type and size.
a. Font: Use standard, readable fonts like: Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Trebuchet, or Times New
b. Size: The font size for your bullets should be the same size as the rest of your headings except
for your name. Your name should be around 14-point font; the rest of your content should be no
smaller than 10-point font.
Example: Newspaper Internship, Large Newspaper, Large City, State - Summer 2018
Recorded and transcribed interview notes from three city council meetings
Authored three 500-word articles published in June and July 2018
Successfully increased followership of the Large Newspaper Twitter account by
Summarize your experiences by highlighting those that best reveal your skills and abilities in relation to
the type of job you are seeking.
Example: Investments Intern, Summer 2018, Merrill Lynch, New York, NY
You can include paid work experiences, volunteer work, and internships. You do not have to mention all of
your professional experiences; include those most relevant to the position. If you have several experiences that
are directly related to the type of job you are seeking, you may list them under a separate category called
“Related Experiences.” If you are having trouble coming up with effective points, Job Hero has résumé
samples that may help.
This section highlights college and professional organizations and clubs in which you participated.
This could include rank in the Corps of Cadets, clubs or organizations, RDC, Honor Court, Rat
Challenge, research projects, or other projects.
Include the name of the organization, any offices you held, and the dates you were a member.
Include a brief description of your activities and accomplishments if these would be relevant to the
position for which you are applying.
Describe activities using language someone not familiar with VMI would understand.
Example: Regimental Color Sergeant, August 2019 Present
VMI Corps of Cadets
Promoted from Color Corporal to Sergeant.
Executes the movements of a flag bearer in the Cadet Color Guard.
Maintains the colors and supporting equipment.
Supports various Institute functions by delivering, posting, and returning colors.
Carroll Hall, Room 311 540-464-7560 c[email protected]
Revised 09/2023
For participation on an athletic team, focus on transferable skills that you developed as a student athlete such as:
Time Management
Able to Accept Criticism
Works Well Under
Make sure to include:
Sport, division, position, and timeframe
Leadership experience (Captain, etc.)
Athletic scholarships
Awards and Honors (drafted, selected, recognized as, etc.)
Example: Student Athlete, VMI NCAA Division I Football Team, Defensive Back, August 2017 Present
Currently serve as one of four football captains.
Gained valuable leadership and teamwork experience while managing a demanding
academic schedule.
Recipient of the 2019 Defender of the Nation Award.
This is an optional section that will typically be near the end of your résumé. Entries in this category should
include the name of the honor, name of organization providing the honor, and the date when the honor was
Example: Honors Scholar, VMI Honors Program, Fall 2018 Present
Information about special skills that are relevant to your job objective can enhance your résumé, such as
computer skills, language skills, research skills, leadership skills, and technical skills. You can include this
information as a separate category or as part of other entries on your résumé. To express your skill level,
phrases like “expert in/ master in,” “proficient in,” and “experience with” can be helpful.
Example: Computer Skills: proficient in MS Office Suite, AutoCAD, and Mathcad
Consider any volunteer experiences you’ve had while enrolled at VMI (i.e. Habitat for Humanity, Special
Olympics, Relay for Life, Lexington Community Service Projects, Character Counts, etc.). Volunteer Work
should be used as a heading when the volunteering relates closely to your career goal. If your volunteering is
not related to your career goal, consider using Community Service as a functional heading.
Example: Cadet Facilitator | VMI Character Counts Program | Fall 2018 Present
Do not include personal data such as gender, ethnicity, birthplace, or personal interests in your résumé.
Carroll Hall, Room 311 540-464-7560 c[email protected]
Revised 09/2023
References are generally requested in a job application or after the interview process. Only include references in
a résumé when the employer asks for you to do so. Otherwise, create a separate reference sheet with your
contact information and the names and contact information for your references.
Seek the permission of potential references before including them in your résumé or on a reference
Working on a résumé for the US federal government? References should be included in this
résumé. Please contact us for specific resources on writing a federal résumé.
There are three general résumé formats: chronological, functional, and combination. The type of format you use
depends on your particular background and the type of work you are seeking. Most importantly, your résumé
should be well organized and easy to read.
Chronological Résumé Format (Most often used by college students and new graduates)
A chronological résumé emphasizes your work and/or experiences and organizes your information
around dates.
You should use the chronological format when your work or activity experience is strong and relevant to
your job objective, when previous job titles are impressive and job history shows growth, and when you
want to emphasize your accomplishments.
List jobs or experiences in reverse chronological order with your most recent position listed first.
This format can be disadvantageous for those with gaps in employment or for those whose recent
experiences do not showcase your related skills and abilities.
Functional sumé Format (Used typically by experienced candidates and/or for those with employment gaps)
A functional résumé organizes information under functional headings that highlight your major areas of
accomplishment or strength.
Experiences and skills are organized to support your job objective and are not limited by employment
You may draw upon all sources of experience (employment, volunteer work, college activities, and
coursework) to describe your skills.
Since the functional résumé emphasizes capabilities and skills, it can be useful when you want to enter a
different career field or illustrate your transferable skills.
Combination Résumé Format (Used typically by candidates with a few years of professional experience,
those who are changing careers, or STEM majors)
A combination résuis exactly what it sounds like: a combination of the chronological and function
résumé formats.
This type of résumé focuses on skills before returning to a chronological style with focus on
A combination résumé format will highlight skills you have acquired at military college settings,
internships, and other jobs, and connect those skills to your future goals.
The combination résumé is also a good choice if you are an alumnus with up to mid-level experience in
the posted job description. For example, a few years of experience after VMI, whether military or
See the list of Functional Headings listed later in this guide.
Carroll Hall, Room 311 540-464-7560 c[email protected]
Revised 09/2023
Be brief; a one-page résumé for most college graduates is adequate. Employers spend seconds
reviewing a résumé, so you will want your résumé to be concise and focus on the most important points.
Federal, teaching, and academic résumés (CVs) may be longer.
Margins should not be smaller than 0.5”.
Use action verbs to describe your accomplishments and void personal pronouns (view action verbs
Be consistent with format, type style, and type size.
Be consistent with verb tense and proofread for misspelled words and grammatical errors (have at least
two others review your résumé).
Use capital letters, bold print, or italics sparingly to highlight parts of your résumé.
Make sure to follow any instructions set by the employer for résumé submission.
During the editing process, you may find it helpful to save your résumé as a Word document.
Before sending your résumé to an employer, you should save your résumé as a PDF.
Use a consistent file naming system to help you keep track of your résumé documents. We recommend
using the format that includes your name, the type of document, and when it was last modified.
Example résumé file name: Resume_TracyJackson_10.6.19
With hard-copy résumés, do not fold or staple your résumé. It is helpful to have paper copies of your
résumé at job fairs and interviews.
Use language that those not familiar with VMI will understand.
Functional headings vary from résumé to résumé. Use functional headings that are relevant to your career goal.
Also, consider what recent (within the last 4 years) experiences and skills that will be relevant to include in your
résumé. Prioritize functional headings from most to least relevant.
Common Functional Headings:
Summary/ Objective
Related Coursework
College Activities
Community Service
Professional/ Work Experience
Honors & Awards
Additional Functional Headings:
Accounting Management
Advertising Programming
Analysis Projects
Certifications Public Speaking
Communication Research
Construction Sales
Customer Service Study Abroad
Data Analytics Volunteer Work
Fundraising Writing
Carroll Hall, Room 311 540-464-7560 c[email protected]
Revised 09/2023
First and Last Name
(123) 456 - 7891 | Professional email | City , state
Name and location of college/university attended, as well as month and year of graduation. Include your degree,
major(s), concentrations and minor areas of study, as applicable.
Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA Graduation Month & Year
Bachelor of (ADD) in DEGREE Concentration in ADD
Minor: ADD
Honors / Scholarships [if applicable]
GPA [if 3.00 or higher]
List your work experience in reverse chronological order. Don’t neglect nontraditional work experience that you have.
Place of Employment, City, State Month & Year Month & Year
Job Title
Using bullet points describe your experiences and job responsibilities in detail. List accomplishments and include skills,
technology, or techniques learned. Use action verbs and key words that are relevant to the position that you are
applying for.
Use this section to highlight clubs, organizations, and offices held. Include activities such as athletics, competitions,
presentations, research, and projects that illustrate relevant skills needed for the job. Describe your role and
competencies developed (i.e. leadership, teamwork, interpersonal communication).
Organization, Location Month & Year Month & Year
Role / Position Held
List your leadership and engagement experiences in reverse chronological order and in the same format (bullet points)
as your work experience.
Highlight technical skills and proficiencies (i.e. industry specific applications, techniques, knowledge base). Include
relevant certifications and languages in this section.
- Summary
- College Activities
- VMI Leadership
- Community Service
- Study Abroad
- Volunteer Work
Carroll Hall, Room 311 540-464-7560 c[email protected]
Revised 09/2023
(123) - 456 - 7891 | | Lexington, VA
Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA May 2025
Bachelor of Arts in Business and Economics Concentration in Financial Analysis
Minor: International Studies and Political Science
Dean’s List (6); Overall GPA: 3.7, Major GPA: 3.85
Cambridge College, United Kingdom January 2023 May 2023
Principles of International Finance
ABC Finance, Boston, MA May 2023 August 2023
Financial Intern
Managed ten client portfolios ensuring investment growth as a priority
Provided both individual and company analysis on rate of return, dividends and stock market predictions
Shadowed senior management in daily operations and meetings with investors
Utilized Quicken and xero for efficient recording of all transactions ensuring accuracy at all times
VMI Office of Career Services, Lexington, VA May 2023 Present
Career Ambassador
Provide students with a framework for personal and professional development whilst at the college
Greet employers and ensure they feel welcomed when attending information sessions,
Conduct career workshops on resumes and interviewing ensuring development as a priority
Utilize and understand how to efficiently use handshake, CareerShift, FOCUS 2, Firsthand and LinkedIn to help
VMI Women’s Soccer Team, Lexington, VA August 2021 Present
Division I Student Athlete
Received full athletic scholarship to Virginia Military Institution
Provide leadership as a team captain (2022 and 2023 seasons), effectively managed communication and built
team cohesiveness, and served as a liaison between team and coaching staff.
Balance a full-academic course load, while committing approximately 40 hours per week to training, meetings,
film study, travel, and games.
Serve as an ambassador for Virginia Military Institute in the community and the region and participate in
philanthropy events on behalf of the University and Athletic Department
VMI Corps of Cadets, Lexington, VA September 2022 Present
Training and Operations Lieutenant
Plan and compose operation orders for battalion level activities in a safe manner
Organize and supervise operations involving over 600 personnel ensuring development as a priority
Coordinate with VMI administration to develop training schedules that manage time effectively
Language: Spanish (Intermediate)
Computer: Microsoft Office Proficient
Carroll Hall, Room 311 540-464-7560 c[email protected]
Revised 09/2023
Tracy Ann Jackson
Permanent Address: Roanoke, VA
Email: jackson[email protected] Cell: (540) 111-1112
SUMMARY Academically Distinguished Economics and Business major with substantive summer
financial internship and leadership experience seeking opportunities related to finance.
EDUCATION Virginia Military Institute (VMI), Lexington, VA
Bachelor of Arts, Economics and Business, May 2019
Minor: History; Concentration: Finance
Dean’s List (6); Overall GPA: 3.7, Major GPA: 3.85
RELATED Vice President, Fall 2018 Present; Junior Analyst, Fall 2017 Spring 2018
EXPERIENCE VMI Cadet Investment Group
Manages a $310,000 VMI Foundation portfolio of diversified stocks
Analyzes, reports, and recommends stock investments to the group
Corresponds with external agencies to present our team’s progress
Facilitated recruitment tutorials and conducted new recruit interviews
Coordinates with advisors and officers to assess program direction and growth
Summer Intern, Summer 2018
Merrill Lynch, New York City, NY
Assisted financial advisors in Merrill’s Global Private Client Division
Guided $1,000,000 in assets by placing calls on behalf of intern team
Researched investment philosophies and portrayed findings in a presentation
Analyzed extensive data on prospective clients
SKILLS Language: Spanish (Intermediate)
Computer: Microsoft Office Suite (Excel Advanced)
COLLEGE Vice President, Fall 2017 Present
ACTIVITIES VMI Chapter of Sigma Beta Delta Honor Society
Facilitates involvement among cadets interested in Business, Management and
Assistant Prosecutor, Fall 2017 Present
VMI Honor Court
Educates the Corps of Cadets on honor and integrity as a representative of the
Honor Court
Investigates breaches of the Honor Code to ensure the health and preservation of
VMI tradition
Academic Mentor, Fall 2016 Spring 2017
VMI Miller Academic Center
Mentored freshmen by helping them identify academic priorities, set goals, construct
and implement plans, and evaluate their progress
Reverse Chronological Résumé | Body = 11pt Tahoma font | Name = 14pt Tahoma font
The top half of the sumé demonstrates the candidate’s potential to be successful in an entry-level finance position. The
bottom half of the résumé adds additional information that tells the story of the candidate’s experiences.
Carroll Hall, Room 311 540-464-7560 c[email protected]
Revised 09/2023
Brian Brooks
Permanent Address:
8. E. Washington St.
Roanoke, VA 24016
Current Address:
VMI Box 11111
Lexington, VA 24450
Cell: 540-111-1112 - Email:
OBJECTIVE Dean's List Civil and Environmental Engineering major and NCAA athlete with substantive
internship and leadership experience seeking a position at VDOT.
SKILLS Engineering: Proficient in AutoCAD 3D, MATLAB, & Mathcad
Language: French (Conversational), Arabic (Basic)
Computer: MS Office
EDUCATION Virginia Military Institute (VMI), Lexington, VA
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, May 2020
Dean’s List (5); GPA: 3.6
COMMUNICATION Guided a team of 10 cadets in concrete canoe project implementation
Presented water treatment research to governing board of engineers
Published weekly updates and information on timber building projects
ENGINEERING Summer Intern, Summer 2018
EXPERIENCE Stearns and Wheeler, Roanoke, VA
Designed solids handling portion of a wastewater treatment plant
Researched new technologies to be use in water treatment
Reviewed and edited Preliminary Engineering Reports
Met with clients, visited sites, and edited site plans
Structural Team Leader, Concrete Canoe Project, September 2018 Present
Timber Framer, VMI Timber Framing Guild, April 2018 Present
Member/Participant, ASCE Conference, Roanoke, VA September 2018
Project Manager, VMI Transportation Class, January 2018 March 2018
LEADERSHIP Training and Operations Lieutenant, August 2018 Present
EXPERIENCE VMI Corps of Cadets
Plans and composes operation orders for battalion level activities
Organizes and supervises operations involving over 600 personnel
Coordinates with VMI administration to develop training schedules
Prepares weekly schedules for the student body
Instructs junior leaders in Corps of Cadets
COLLEGE Student Athlete, August 2017 Present
ACTIVITIES VMI NCAA Division I Water Polo Team
Balance a rigorous set of academic and co-curricular military requirements with a 20-hour per
week training and competition schedule
Earned the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference Offensive Player of the week in March 2018
Team Member, February 2017 Present
VMI Ethics Club
Discuss a range of scenarios and ethical dilemmas during weekly meetings
Selected as the only freshman to represent VMI at the US Naval Academy’s Ethics Case
Competition in April 2017
Combination Résumé | Body = 10pt Arial font | Name = 15pt Arial font
This résumé demonstrates the value of posting skills followed by experiences using a combination résumé format
Carroll Hall, Room 311 540-464-7560 c[email protected]
Revised 09/2023
James Taylor
Current Address: Lexington, VA Cell: 540-111-2222 Email:
SUMMARY Dean’s List English major with writing and policy internship experience; seeking an
internship for Summer 2020.
EDUCATION Virginia Military Institute (VMI), Lexington, VA May 2021
Bachelor of Arts in English
Dean’s List (2); Overall GPA: 3.4; Major GPA: 4.0; Army ROTC Scholarship
WRITING Poverty & Housing Policy Considerations August 2019 Present
Independent Research
Currently researching the impact of public housing policy on impoverished
Completed research will be presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium
in March 2020
Operations Plan and Report April 2019
Technical Communications Class Paper
Developed a policy and plan to implement new software at a large organization
Prepared summary and marketing materials for entry, mid, and executive level
POLICY Legal Intern Summer 2018
United Planning Organization (UPO) | Washington, DC.
Scribed meetings and drafted policy briefs for the Director of Legal Affairs
Prepared and facilitated the Community Leadership Academy for 50 teenagers
Presented on UPO programs during community events around the city
Developed an assessment dashboard in Excel to track attendance and identify
COMMUNITY Community Relations Intern Summer 2019
RELATIONS City of Roanoke | Roanoke, VA
Compiled research on community and non-profit organizations in Roanoke
Designed a brochure to promote the city government’s resources for businesses
COLLEGE Club Athlete, VMI Rugby Team February 2018 Present
ACTIVITIES Club Member, VMI Rotaract Club September 2018 Present
Functional Résumé | Body = 11pt Trebuchet font | Name = 15pt Trebuchet font
This résumé demonstrates the value of posting more relevant experiences above the most recent experiences using a
functional résumé format.
Carroll Hall, Room 311 540-464-7560 c[email protected]
Revised 09/2023
Amelia Martin
Email: Cell: (540) 111-1112
Current Address: Lexington, VA Permanent Address: Roanoke, VA
NCAA athlete and Psychology major seeking a position as an Assistant Human Resources Manager at Target.
Virginia Military Institute (VMI), Lexington, VA
Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Minor: Leadership Studies, Expected Graduation May 2020
Dean’s List (2); Overall GPA: 3.1, Major GPA: 3.3
Student Athlete, August 2016 Present
VMI NCAA Division I Lacrosse Team, Defender
Serve as the Team Captain, providing guidance and leadership to teammates while developing communication
Manage a full-time student course load and military requirements with an extensive training schedule.
Earned the National Strength and Condition Association (NSCA) Athlete of Year Award.
Named to the United States Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association (USILA) South All-Star Team Spring 2019.
Developed a strong work ethic to meet personal goals.
Career Ambassador, January 2018 Present
VMI Office of Career Services
Serve as the CIC (Cadet in Charge) since August 2019, which includes training new Career Ambassadors and
ensuring proper coverage for the office including nights and weekends.
Greet visitors, answer phones, and ensure cadet sign-in, all while providing excellent customer service.
Assist with events, including Employer Information Sessions, Career Fairs, and workshops.
Market and promote the resources and services provided by the Office of Career Services.
Human Resources Intern, Summer 2019
RAINN, Washington, DC
Completed data entry and database maintenance with a high degree of accuracy.
Filed and organized records, ensuring records compliance.
Complied and edited reports.
Respected the confidentiality of the position.
Club Member, Fishing Club, August 2018 Present
Club Member, Bass Fishing Club, August 2017 May 2018
Microsoft Office (Expert in Excel, Proficient in PowerPoint and Word)
Athletic Résumé | Body = 11pt Calibri font | Name = 16pt Calibri font
Along with the combination résumé, this résumé demonstrates how to include athletic experience on a résu.