Court File No. CV-20-00642970-00CL
R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36, AS AMENDED
GNC PUERTO RICO, LLC (the Debtors)
THIS MOTION, made by GNC Holdings, Inc. (“GNC Holdings”) in its capacity as
the foreign representative (the Foreign Representative) of the Debtors, pursuant to the
Companies Creditors Arrangement Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36, as amended (the CCAA) for
an order substantially in the form enclosed in the Motion Record was heard by judicial
videoconference via Zoom at Toronto, Ontario due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
ON READING the Notice of Motion, the affidavit of Andrea Das-Wieczorek affirmed
July 22, 2020 (the Das-Wieczorek Affidavit), the further affidavit of Andrea Das-
Wieczorek affirmed July 23, 2020 (the Das-Wieczorek Affidavit”), the First Report of the
Information Officer and the factum of the Foreign Representative, and upon hearing
submissions of counsel for the Foreign Representative, the Information Officer, and those
other parties present, no one appearing for any other person on the service list, although
properly served as appears from the Affidavits of Service of Leora Jackson affirmed July 22,
2020, the Affidavits of Service of John Giofu sworn July 22, 2020 and July 23, 2020 and the
Affidavit of Service of Cathy Pellegrini sworn July 23, 2020 and upon being advised that no
other persons were served with the aforementioned materials;
1. THIS COURT ORDERS that the time for service of the Notice of Motion and the
Motion Record is hereby abridged and validated so that this Motion is properly returnable
today and hereby dispenses with further service thereof.
2. THIS COURT ORDERS that capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined
have the meaning given to them in the Das-Wieczorek Affidavit affirmed July 22, 2020.
3. THIS COURT ORDERS that the following orders of the U.S. Court made in the
Chapter 11 Cases are hereby recognized and given full force and effect in all provinces and
territories of Canada pursuant to section 49 of the CCAA:
(a) the final Order (a) authorizing continued use of existing cash management
system, including maintenance of existing bank accounts, checks, and business
forms, (b) authorizing continuation of existing deposit practices, (c)
authorizing continuation of intercompany transactions, and (d) granting
administrative claim status to postpetition intercompany claims (“Final Cash
Management Order”);
(b) the final Order authorizing payment of certain prepetition critical vendor
claims (“Final Critical Vendors Order”);
(c) the final Order authorizing the Debtors to (i) maintain and administer
prepetition customer programs and (ii) pay prepetition obligations related
thereto (“Final Customer Programs Order”);
(d) the final Order (i) authorizing the Debtors to (a) obtain senior secured
postpetition financing, (b) grant liens and superpriority administrative expense
status, (c) use cash collateral of prepetition secured parties, and (d) grant
adequate protection to prepetition secured parties, (ii) schedule a final hearing
pursuant to Bankruptcy Rules 4001(b) and 4001(c), and (iii) granting related
relief (the “Final DIP Order”);
(e) the final Order establishing certain notice and hearing procedures for transfers
of, or worthlessness deductions with respect to, common stock and convertible
preferred stock of GNC Holdings (“Final Equity Trading NOL Order”);
(f) the final Order authorizing the Debtors to (a) pay prepetition insurance
obligations and prepetition bonding obligations and (b) maintain their
postpetition insurance coverage and bonding program (“Final Insurance
(g) the final Order authorizing payment of prepetition lien claims and import
claims and (b) confirming administrative expense priority of outstanding
orders (“Final Lien and Import Claims Order”);
(h) the final Order (a) approving procedures for store closing sales, (b) authorizing
customary bonuses to employees of closing stores (c) authorizing assumption
of the consulting agreements, and (d) granting related relief (“Final Store
Closing Order”);
(i) the final Order authorizing payment of prepetition taxes and fees (“Final Tax
(j) the final Order (a) prohibiting utility companies from altering or discontinuing
service on account of prepetition invoices, (b) approving deposit as adequate
assurance of payment, (c) establishing procedures for resolving requests by
utility companies for additional assurance of payment, and (d) authorizing
payment of any prepetition service fees (“Final Utilities Order”);
(k) the final Order (a) authorizing payment of certain prepetition workforce
obligations, (b) authorizing continuance of workforce programs, (c)
authorizing payment of withholding and payroll-related taxes, and (d)
authorizing payment of prepetition claims owing to workforce program
administrators (“Final Wages Order”);
(l) Orders (a) establishing bar dates and related procedures for filing proofs of
claim (including for claims arising under section 503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy
Code) and (b) approving the form and manner of notice thereof (“Bar Date
(m) Order approving (i) the bidding procedures in connection with the sale of all,
substantially all of the debtors’ assets, (ii) the procedures for the assumption
and assignment of executory contracts and unexpired leases, (iii) the form and
manner of notice of the sale hearing, assumption procedures, and auction
results, (iv) dates for an auction and sale hearing and (v) granting related relief
(“Bidding Procedures Order”);
(n) First (1
) Omnibus Order (a) authorizing rejection of certain unexpired leases
effective as of the Petition Date and (b) granting related relief (“First
Omnibus Order to Reject Certain Unexpired Leases”); and
(o) Third (3
) Omnibus Order (a) authorizing rejection of certain unexpired leases
effective as of the Petition Date and (b) granting related relief (“Third
Omnibus Order to Reject Certain Unexpired Leases”);
attached as Schedules A through O to this Order.
4. THIS COURT ORDERS that the Supplemental Order (Foreign Main Proceeding)
dated June 29, 2020 be and is hereby amended to change all references to the term “DIP
Order” in paragraphs 7, 20, 21 and 24 therein to “Final DIP Order”.
5. THIS COURT HEREBY REQUESTS the aid and recognition of any court, tribunal,
regulatory or administrative body having jurisdiction in Canada or in the United States of
America to give effect to this Order and to assist the Debtors, the Foreign Representative, the
Information Officer, and their respective counsel and agents in carrying out the terms of this
Order. All courts, tribunals, regulatory and administrative bodies are hereby respectfully
requested to make such orders and to provide such assistance to the Debtors, the Foreign
Representative, and the Information Officer, the latter as an officer of this Court, as may be
necessary or desirable to give effect to this Order, or to assist the Debtors, the Foreign
Representative, and the Information Officer, and their respective counsel and agents in
carrying out the terms of this Order.
6. THIS COURT ORDERS that each of the Debtors, the Foreign Representative, and the
Information Officer be at liberty and is hereby authorized and empowered to apply to any
court, tribunal, regulatory or administrative body, wherever located, for the recognition of this
Order and for assistance in carrying out the terms of this Order.
7. THIS COURT ORDERS that any interested party may apply to this Court to vary or
amend this Order or seek other relief on not less than seven (7) days’ notice to the Debtors,
the Foreign Representative, the Information Officer and its respective counsel, and to any
other party or parties likely to be affected by the order sought, or upon such other notice, if
any, as this Court may order.
8. THIS COURT ORDERS that this Order shall be effective as of 12:01 a.m. Eastern on
the date of this Order.
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Re: Docket Nos. 17 & 132
Upon the motion [Docket No. 17] (the Motion”)
of the Debtors for an order (this “Final
Order”), (a) authorizing, but not directing, the Debtors to continue to maintain and use their
existing cash management system, including maintenance of existing bank accounts, checks, and
business forms; (b) granting the Debtors an extension of time to comply with certain bank account
and related requirements of the U.S. Trustee to the extent that such requirements are inconsistent
with the Debtors’ practices under their Cash Management System or other actions described in the
Motion or herein; (c) authorizing, but not directing, the Debtors to continue to maintain and use
The debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
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Schedule A
their existing deposit practices; (d) authorizing, but not directing, the Debtors to continue certain
ordinary course intercompany transactions; and (e) according administrative claim status to
postpetition intercompany claims arising from certain of these transactions; and this Court having
reviewed the Motion, the First Day Declaration and the Interim Order [Docket No. 132] entered
on June 25, 2020; and this Court having determined that the relief requested in the Motion is in
the best interests of the Debtors, their estates, their creditors, and other parties in interest; and this
Court having jurisdiction to consider the Motion and the relief requested therein in accordance
with 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and 1334 and the Amended Standing Order of Reference from the United
States District Court for the District of Delaware dated as of February 29, 2012; and consideration
of the Motion and the relief requested therein being a core proceeding under 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2);
and this Court having authority to enter a final order consistent with Article III of the United States
Constitution; and venue being proper before this Court under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409; and it
appearing that proper and adequate notice of the Motion has been given and that no other or further
notice is necessary; and a hearing having been held to consider the relief requested in the Motion
(the Hearing”); and upon the First Day Declaration and the record of the Hearing and all the
proceedings before this Court; and after due deliberation thereon; and good and sufficient cause
appearing therefor, it is hereby
1. The Motion is GRANTED, on a final basis as set forth herein.
2. The Debtors are authorized, but not directed, to continue to use their current
existing Cash Management System and shall maintain through the use thereof detailed records
reflecting all transfers of funds, all under the terms and conditions provided for by, and in
accordance with, the existing cash management agreements, except as modified by this Final
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Order. In connection with the ongoing utilization of the Cash Management System, the Debtors
shall maintain accurate and detailed records with respect to all transfers, including with respect to
postpetition Intercompany Claims and Intercompany Transactions, so that all transactions can be
readily ascertained, traced, properly recorded, and distinguished between prepetition and
postpetition transactions.
3. The Debtors are authorized, but not directed, to continue to engage in Intercompany
Transactions – including scheduled distributions from GNC Puerto Rico, LLC to GNC Live Well
Ireland (as described in paragraph 13 of the Motion) (the “LWI Distributions”) – on a postpetition
basis and to make payments to, or set off amounts owed from, the applicable Debtor or non-Debtor
affiliate on account of postpetition Intercompany Claims, in a manner consistent with their
practices in effect as of the Petition Date in the ordinary course of business or as necessary to
execute the Cash Management System; provided that to the extent that the Debtors intend to make
cash transfers other than the LWI Distributions from a Debtor to a non-Debtor affiliate that will
exceed $20,000 in any calendar month, the Debtors shall provide advance notice and an
opportunity to object to the U.S. Trustee, counsel to the official committee of unsecured creditors
appointed in these Chapter 11 Cases (the Committee”), counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover
Lenders, and counsel to any stalking horse bidder approved by this Court in connection with a sale
of the Debtors’ assets (the “Stalking Horse Bidder”).
4. The Debtors are authorized to (a) continue to use the Bank Accounts at the Banks
in existence as of the Petition Date in the same manner and with the same account numbers, styles,
and document forms as are currently employed and subject to the existing cash management
agreements with the Banks; (b) deposit funds in and withdraw funds from the Bank Accounts in
the ordinary course by all usual means, including checks, wire transfers, drafts, ACH Payments,
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and electronic funds transfers or other items presented, issued, or drawn on the Bank Accounts;
(c) pay ordinary course Bank Fees in connection with the Bank Accounts, including any Bank Fees
arising prior to the Petition Date; (d) perform their obligations under the documents and
agreements governing the Bank Accounts; and (e) for all purposes, treat the Bank Accounts as
accounts of the Debtors in their capacities as debtors in possession.
5. Those certain existing cash management agreements between the Debtors and the
Banks shall continue to govern the postpetition cash management relationship between the Debtors
and the respective Bank, and all of the provisions of such agreements, including the termination,
chargeback, and fee provisions, offset rights and all other rights and remedies afforded under such
agreements, shall remain in full force and effect, and the Debtors and the Banks may, without
further order of this Court, agree to and implement changes to the Cash Management System and
procedures related thereto in the ordinary course of business, and any other legal rights afforded
to the Banks under applicable law shall be preserved.
6. The Debtors are authorized, but not directed, to continue to operate under the
Payment Processing Program. The Debtors are authorized to pay or reimburse the Payment
Processing Providers for all applicable fees and other applicable charges, whether arising
prepetition or postpetition, and the Payment Processing Providers are authorized to receive or
obtain payment for such fees and charges as provided under, and in the manner set forth in, the
applicable payment processing agreements. Any postpetition claim which a Payment Processing
Processor may have shall be entitled to, in addition to any other lien, collateral or payment priority
rights in support thereof, administrative expense priority status pursuant to Section 503(b) of the
Bankruptcy Code.
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7. The Banks and the Debtors’ financial institutions shall be, and hereby are,
authorized (a) when requested by the Debtors in their sole discretion, to process, honor, pay, and,
if necessary, reissue any and all checks, including prepetition checks that the Debtors reissue
postpetition, and electronic funds transfers drawn on the Debtors’ Bank Accounts relating to
payments permitted by an order of this Court, whether the checks were presented or funds transfer
requests were submitted prior to or subsequent to the Petition Date, provided that sufficient funds
are available in the applicable accounts to make the payments and (b) to debit the Debtors’ Bank
Accounts in the ordinary course of business for all undisputed prepetition Bank Fees outstanding
as of the date hereof, if any, owed to the Banks.
8. In the course of providing cash management services to the Debtors, each of the
Banks and the Payment Processing Providers are authorized, without further order of the Court, to
deduct the applicable fees and expenses associated with the nature of the deposit and cash
management services rendered to the Debtors (including, without limitation, the Payment
Processing Programs), whether arising prepetition or postpetition, from the appropriate accounts
of the Debtors, and further, to charge back to, and take and apply reserves from, the appropriate
accounts of the Debtors any amounts resulting from returned checks or other returned items,
including returned items that result from ACH transactions, wire transfers, merchant services
transactions or other electronic transfers of any kind, regardless of whether such items were
deposited or transferred prepetition or postpetition and regardless of whether the returned items
relate to prepetition or postpetition items or transfers.
9. In each instance in which the Debtors hold Bank Accounts at Banks that are not
party to a Uniform Depository Agreement with the U.S. Trustee, the Debtors shall use their good
faith efforts to cause the Banks to execute a Uniform Depository Agreement in a form prescribed
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by the U.S. Trustee within thirty days of the date of the Final Order, to the extent such Bank is a
domestic bank, without prejudice to the Debtors rights to seek a further extension. The U.S.
Trustee’s rights to seek further relief from this Court in the event that the aforementioned banks
are unwilling to execute a Uniform Depository Agreement in a form prescribed by the U.S. Trustee
are fully reserved.
10. Pursuant to Local Rule 2015-2(a), the Debtors are authorized to continue to use
their existing checks, correspondence, and other Business Forms without alteration or change and
without the designation “Debtor-in-Possession” or a bankruptcy case number imprinted upon
them. Notwithstanding the foregoing, once the Debtors’ existing checks have been used, the
Debtors shall, when reordering checks, require the designation Debtor-in-Possession” and the
main bankruptcy case number on all checks; provided that, with respect to checks that the Debtors
or their agents print themselves, the Debtors, shall print the “Debtor-in-Possession” legend and the
main bankruptcy case number on such items.
11. The Debtors are authorized to continue to utilize all third-party providers necessary
for the administration of their Cash Management System. In addition, the Debtors are authorized,
but not directed, to pay all prepetition or postpetition amounts due to such third-party providers.
12. Effective as of the Petition Date, and subject to the terms of this Final Order, all
Banks at which the Bank Accounts are maintained are authorized to continue to administer,
service, and maintain the Bank Accounts, and the Banks and Payment Processing Providers are
authorized to continue to administer, service, and maintain the Payment Processing Program, in
each case as such accounts were administered, serviced, and maintained prepetition, without
interruption and in the ordinary course (including making deductions and setoffs for any applicable
fees or charges related to such services, including the Bank Fees) and consistent with and subject
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to the applicable cash management agreements or payment processing agreements, to honor any
and all checks, drafts, wires, electronic funds transfers, or other items presented, issued, or drawn
on the Bank Accounts on account of a claim against the Debtors arising on or after the Petition
Date; provided, however, that unless otherwise ordered by the Court and directed by the Debtors,
no checks, drafts, electronic funds transfers (excluding any electronic funds transfer that the Banks
are obligated to settle), or other items presented, issued, or drawn on the Bank Accounts on account
of a claim against the Debtors arising prior to the Petition Date shall be honored. In no event shall
the Banks be required to honor overdrafts or to pay any check, wire, electronic funds transfers, or
other debit against the Bank Accounts that is drawn against uncollected funds or, subject to the
below, that was issued prior to the Petition Date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Banks are
authorized to rely on the Debtors’ designation of any particular check or electronic payment
request, funds transfer, or other transaction (including foreign currency exchanges, transactions or
trades) as being approved by order of the Court, and have no duty to inquire as to whether such
payments are authorized by an order of this Court, and shall not have any liability to any party for
relying on such representations.
13. If any Bank honors a prepetition check or item drawn on any account that is the
subject of this Final Order (a) at the direction of the Debtors to honor such prepetition check or
item, (b) in the good faith belief that the Court has authorized such prepetition check or item to be
honored, or (c) as a result of a good faith error, such Bank shall not be deemed to be nor shall be
liable to the Debtors or their estates on account of such prepetition check or item being honored
postpetition or otherwise deemed to be in violation of this Final Order.
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14. The Debtors are authorized to implement such non-material, reasonable changes,
consistent with this Final Order and subject to any existing cash management agreements, to the
Cash Management System as the Debtors may deem necessary or appropriate.
15. The Debtors may close any of the Bank Accounts (subject to the terms of their
existing cash management agreement) or open any additional bank accounts following the Petition
Date wherever the Debtors deem that such accounts are needed or appropriate. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, the Debtors shall open such new account(s) only at banks that have executed a
Uniform Depository Agreement with the U.S. Trustee for the District of Delaware, or at such banks
that are willing to immediately execute such an agreement. These new accounts are deemed to be
Bank Accounts and are similarly subject to the rights, obligations, and relief granted in this Final
Order. The Banks are authorized (but not required, except as set forth in the cash management
agreements between the Bank and the Debtors) to honor the Debtors’ requests to open or close (as
the case may be) such Bank Account(s). In the event that the Debtors open or close any Bank
Account(s), such opening or closing shall be timely indicated on the Debtors’ monthly operating
reports and notice of such opening or closing shall be provided to the U.S. Trustee, counsel to the
Committee, counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders, and counsel to any Stalking Horse
Bidder, within five business days after the opening or closing of any such account.
16. The Debtors are authorized to deposit funds in accordance with existing practices
under the Cash Management System as in effect as of the Petition Date, subject to any reasonable
non-material changes, consistent with this Final Order, to the Cash Management System that the
Debtors may implement, and, to the extent such practices are inconsistent with the requirements
of section 345(b) of the Bankruptcy Code, the Debtors are hereby granted an extension of 30 days
after entry of the Final Order (the Extension Period”) within which to either come into
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compliance with section 345(b) of the Bankruptcy Code or to make such other arrangements as
agreed with the U.S. Trustee. Such extension is without prejudice to the Debtors’ right to request
from this Court a further extension of the Extension Period or a final waiver of the requirements
under section 345(b).
17. The Debtors are authorized but not directed to (a) continue the Corporate Card
Programs, subject to any terms and conditions under the applicable servicing agreements, on a
postpetition basis consistent with their past practices; and (b) pay all obligations related to the
Corporate Card Programs, whether arising prepetition or postpetition; provided that the payment
of the prepetition obligations under the Corporate Card Programs shall not exceed $200,000 in an
aggregate final amount, inclusive of amounts paid pursuant to the Interim Order, or such higher
amount as may be set forth in any budget governing postpetition financing or the use of cash
collateral. To the extent the Debtors seek to increase credit limits for any cards under the Corporate
Card Program, the Debtors shall provide advance notice to, and opportunity to object by, the U.S.
Trustee, counsel to the Committee, counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders, and
counsel to any Stalking Horse Bidder.
18. The Debtors shall not be required to comply with the requirement of the U.S.
Trustee Guidelines to establish separate accounts for cash collateral and/or tax payments.
19. All Intercompany Claims arising after the Petition Date owed by a Debtor to
another Debtor under any postpetition Intercompany Transactions authorized hereunder are hereby
accorded administrative expense status under sections 503(b) and 507(a) of the Bankruptcy Code.
20. Nothing contained in the Motion, the Interim Order or this Final Order shall be
construed to (a) create or perfect, in favor of any person or entity, any interest in cash of a Debtor
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that did not exist or was not perfected as of the Petition Date, or (b) alter or impair any security
interest or perfection thereof, in favor of any person or entity, that existed as of the Petition Date.
21. Neither the provisions contained herein, nor any actions or payments made by the
Debtors pursuant to this Final Order shall be deemed an admission as to the validity of any
underlying obligation or a waiver of any rights the Debtors may have to dispute such obligation
on any ground that applicable law permits.
22. The terms and conditions of this Final Order are immediately effective and
enforceable upon its entry.
23. The Debtors are authorized and empowered to take all actions necessary or
appropriate to implement the relief granted in this Final Order.
24. This Court shall retain jurisdiction with respect to all matters arising from or related
to the implementation and/or interpretation of this Final Order.
Dated: July 21st, 2020
Wilmington, Delaware
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 497 Filed 07/21/20 Page 10 of 10
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Re: Docket Nos. 14 & 128
Upon the motion [Docket No. 14] (the “Motion”)
of the Debtors for an order authorizing
the payment of the Critical Vendor Claims and granting certain related relief (this Final Order”);
and this Court having reviewed the Motion, the First Day Declaration, and the Interim Order
[Docket No. 128] entered on June 25, 2020; and this Court having determined that the relief
requested in the Motion is in the best interests of the Debtors, their estates, their creditors, and
other parties in interest; and this Court having jurisdiction to consider the Motion and the relief
requested therein in accordance with 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and 1334 and the Amended Standing Order
of Reference from the United States District Court for the District of Delaware dated as of February
29, 2012; and consideration of the Motion and the relief requested therein being a core proceeding
under 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2); and this Court having authority to enter a final order consistent with
The debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
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Schedule B
Article III of the United States Constitution; and venue being proper before this Court under
28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409; and it appearing that proper and adequate notice of the Motion has
been given and that no other or further notice is necessary; and a hearing having been held to
consider the relief requested in the Motion (the Hearing”); and upon the First Day Declaration
and the record of the Hearing and all the proceedings before this Court; and after due deliberation
thereon; and good and sufficient cause appearing therefor, it is hereby
1. The Motion is GRANTED as set forth herein.
2. The Debtors are authorized, but not directed, to honor, pay, or otherwise satisfy the
Critical Vendor Claims in an aggregate final amount not to exceed $40.0 million, inclusive of
amounts paid pursuant to the Interim Order.
3. The form of the Trade Agreement, substantially in the form attached to the Motion
as Exhibit C, is approved in its entirety, and the Debtors are authorized, but not directed, to
negotiate, modify, or amend the Trade Agreement as entered into with any Critical Vendor in their
business judgment.
4. The Debtors are authorized, but not directed, to condition the honoring, payment,
or other satisfaction of any Critical Vendor Claim on the execution of a Trade Agreement, and the
Debtors are authorized, but not directed, to enter into such Trade Agreements when and if the
Debtors determine it appropriate, in their business judgment.
5. If any party accepts payment hereunder and does not continue supplying goods or
services to the Debtors in accordance with Customary Trade Terms, then, subject to the terms of
any Trade Agreement between the Debtors and such party: (a) the Debtors reserve the right to
seek relief from this Court to determine that (i) any payment made on account of any prepetition
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 544 Filed 07/22/20 Page 2 of 5
claim held by such party was an improper postpetition transfer and, therefore, immediately
recoverable by the Debtors in cash; and (ii) upon recovery by the Debtors, any prepetition claim
satisfied by such payment shall be reinstated as if the payment had not been made; and (b) if there
exists an outstanding postpetition balance due from the Debtors to such party, the Debtors may
request that the Court recharacterize and apply any payment made pursuant to the relief requested
by the Motion to such outstanding postpetition balance and such supplier or vendor will be required
to repay to the Debtors such paid amounts that exceed the postpetition obligations then outstanding
without the right of any setoffs, recoupments, provisions for payment of any claims, or otherwise.
6. Payments made to Critical Vendors shall be applied, in the first instance, against
claims held by such Critical Vendors which arise under section 503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code
(“503(b)(9) Claims”), in whole or in part as applicable; provided, that (a) payments to Nutra
pursuant to the Interim Order prior to entry of this Final Order shall be applied to 503(b)(9) Claims;
(b) payments made to Nutra pursuant to this Final Order shall be applied, in the first instance,
against claims that are not 503(b)(9) Claims, and (c) payments made to Nutra after entry of this
Final Order on account of Nutra’s remaining 503(b)(9) Claims shall be made after the General Bar
Date (as defined in the Order Establishing Bar Dates and Related Procedures for Filing Proofs of
Claim (Including for Claims Arising Under Section 503(B)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code) and
Approving the Form and Manner of Notice Thereof), consistent with the treatment of other
503(b)(9) Claims in accordance with the Final Order (I) Authorizing the Debtors to Obtain
Postpetition Financing, (II) Authorizing the Debtors to Use Cash Collateral, (III) Granting Liens
and Providing Superpriority Administrative Expense Claims, (IV) Granting Adequate Protection
to Prepetition Secured Lenders, (V) Modifying Automatic Stay, and (VI) Granting Related Relief
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and the procedures set forth therein with respect to the 503(b)(9) Escrow Account (as defined
7. Any Critical Vendor that accepts payment or other form of satisfaction from the
Debtors on account of all or a portion of a Critical Vendor Claim pursuant to this Final Order shall
be deemed to (a) agree to the terms and provisions of this Final Order and (b) have waived, to the
extent so paid or satisfied, any and all prepetition claims, of any type, kind, or priority (including
any reclamation claim), against the Debtors, their estates, and their assets and properties.
8. The Debtors’ banks and financial institutions shall be, and are hereby authorized,
when requested by the Debtors in their sole discretion, to process, honor, pay, and, if necessary,
reissue any and all checks and electronic fund transfers, including prepetition checks and electronic
payment and transfer requests that the Debtors reissue or re-request postpetition, drawn on the
Debtors’ bank accounts relating to the Critical Vendor Claims, whether those checks were
presented prior to or after the Petition Date, provided that sufficient funds are available in the
applicable accounts to make the payments.
9. The Debtors’ banks and financial institutions may rely on the representations of the
Debtors with respect to whether any check or other transfer drawn or issued by the Debtors prior
to the Petition Date should be honored pursuant to this Final Order, and any such bank or financial
institution shall not have any liability to any party for relying on such representations by the
Debtors as provided for in this Final Order.
10. Nothing in the Motion or this Final Order, or the Debtors’ payment of any claims
pursuant to this Final Order, shall be construed as: (i) an admission as to the validity of any claim
against any Debtor or the existence of any lien against the Debtors’ properties; (ii) a waiver of the
Debtors’ rights to dispute any claim or lien on any grounds; (iii) a promise to pay any claim; (iv) an
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 544 Filed 07/22/20 Page 4 of 5
implication or admission that any particular claim would constitute an allowed claim; (v) an
assumption or rejection of any executory contract or unexpired lease pursuant to section 365 of
the Bankruptcy Code; or (vi) a limitation on the Debtors’ rights under section 365 of the
Bankruptcy Code to assume or reject any executory contract with any party subject to this Final
Order. Nothing contained in this Final Order shall be deemed to increase, decrease, reclassify,
elevate to an administrative expense status, or otherwise affect any claim to the extent it is not
11. Notwithstanding Bankruptcy Rule 6004(h), to the extent applicable this Final Order
shall be effective and enforceable immediately upon entry hereof.
12. The Debtors are authorized and empowered to take such actions and to execute
such documents as may be necessary to implement the relief granted by this Final Order
13. This Court shall retain jurisdiction with respect to all matters arising from or related
to the implementation and/or interpretation of this Final Order.
Dated: July 22nd, 2020
Wilmington, Delaware
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 544 Filed 07/22/20 Page 5 of 5
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Re: Docket Nos. 12 & 126
Upon the motion [Docket No. 12] (the Motion”)
of the Debtors for a final order
authorizing them to maintain the Customer Programs and honor prepetition obligations arising
under the Customer Programs (this Final Order”); and this Court having reviewed the Motion,
the First Day Declaration, and the Interim Order [Docket No. 126] entered on June 25, 2020; and
this Court having determined that the relief requested in the Motion is in the best interests of the
Debtors, their estates, their creditors, and other parties in interest; and this Court having jurisdiction
to consider the Motion and the relief requested therein in accordance with 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and
1334 and the Amended Standing Order of Reference from the United States District Court for the
District of Delaware dated as of February 29, 2012; and consideration of the Motion and the relief
The debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 466 Filed 07/20/20 Page 1 of 3
Schedule C
requested therein being a core proceeding under 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2); and this Court having
authority to enter a final order consistent with Article III of the United States Constitution; and
venue being proper before this Court under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409; and it appearing that
proper and adequate notice of the Motion has been given and that no other or further notice is
necessary; and a hearing having been held to consider the relief requested in the Motion (the
Hearing); and upon the First Day Declaration and the record of the Hearing and all the
proceedings before this Court; and after due deliberation thereon; and good and sufficient cause
appearing therefor, it is hereby
1. The Motion is GRANTED on a final basis as set forth herein.
2. The Debtors are authorized, but not directed, to continue to administer the
Customer Programs currently in effect and honor any prepetition obligations related to the
Customer Programs.
3. The Debtors’ banks and financial institutions shall be, and are hereby authorized,
when requested by the Debtors in their sole discretion, to process, honor, pay, and, if necessary,
reissue any and all checks and electronic fund transfers, including prepetition checks and electronic
payment and transfer requests that the Debtors reissue or re-request postpetition, drawn on the
Debtors’ bank accounts relating to the Customer Programs, whether those checks were presented
prior to or after the Petition Date, provided that sufficient funds are available in the applicable
accounts to make the payments.
4. The Debtors’ banks and financial institutions may rely on the representations of the
Debtors with respect to whether any check or other transfer drawn or issued by the Debtors prior
to the Petition Date should be honored pursuant to this Final Order, and any such bank or financial
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 466 Filed 07/20/20 Page 2 of 3
institution shall not have any liability to any party for relying on such representations by the
Debtors as provided for in this Final Order.
5. Nothing in the Motion, the Interim Order, or this Final Order, or the Debtors
payment of any claims pursuant to this Final Order, shall be construed as: (i) an admission as to
the validity of any claim against any Debtor or the existence of any lien against the Debtors’
properties; (ii) a waiver of the Debtors’ rights to dispute any claim or lien on any grounds; (iii) a
promise to pay any claim; (iv) an implication or admission that any particular claim would
constitute an allowed claim; (v) an assumption or rejection of any executory contract or unexpired
lease pursuant to section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code; or (vi) a limitation on the Debtors’ rights
under section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code to assume or reject any executory contract with any
party subject to this Final Order. Nothing contained in this Final Order shall be deemed to increase,
decrease, reclassify, elevate to an administrative expense status, or otherwise affect any claim to
the extent it is not paid.
6. The Customer Programs shall not be terminated or altered absent further order of
this Court.
7. Notwithstanding Bankruptcy Rule 6004(h), to the extent applicable this Final Order
shall be effective and enforceable immediately upon entry hereof.
8. The Debtors are authorized and empowered to take such actions and to execute
such documents as may be necessary to implement the relief granted by this Final Order.
9. This Court shall retain jurisdiction with respect to all matters arising from or related
to the implementation and/or interpretation of this Final Order.
Dated: July 20th, 2020
Wilmington, Delaware
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 466 Filed 07/20/20 Page 3 of 3
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20–11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Ref. Docket Nos. 18 & 134
Upon the motion, dated June 24, 2020 (the Motion”)
of GNC Holdings, Inc.
(“Holdings”) and its affiliated debtors in the above-captioned chapter 11 cases (collectively, the
Chapter 11 Cases”), as debtors and debtors in possession (collectively, the “Debtors”), seeking
entry of the Interim Order (as defined below) and a final order (this Final Order”), as applicable,
pursuant to sections 105, 361, 362, 363, 364(c)(l), 364(c)(2), 364(c)(3), 364(d), 364(e), and 507 of
chapter 11 of title 11 of the United States Code (the Bankruptcy Code”) and Rules 2002, 4001,
6004, and 9014 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (the “Bankruptcy Rules”), and Rule
The debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502 Filed 07/21/20 Page 1 of 80
Schedule D
- 2 -
4001-2 of the Local Rules of Bankruptcy Practice and Procedure of the United States Bankruptcy
Court for the District of Delaware (the “Local Rules”) inter alia:
(i) authorizing the Debtors to obtain senior secured postpetition financing on a
superpriority basis in the aggregate principal amount of $200,000,000 (the DIP Term Facility,”
and all amounts extended under the DIP Term Facility, the DIP Term Loans”), consisting of (a) a
$100,000,000 new money delayed-draw term loan facility (“New Money DIP Term Loans”) and
(b) $100,000,000 (the “Term Roll-Up Amount”) of DIP Term Loans resulting from a dollar-for-
dollar “roll-upof the principal amount of prepetition term loans outstanding under the Prepetition
Term Credit Agreement (as defined below), pursuant to the terms and conditions of that certain
Debtor-in-Possession Credit Agreement (as the same may be amended, restated, supplemented,
waived or otherwise modified from time to time, the DIP Term Credit Agreement”), by and
among General Nutrition Centers, Inc., as borrower (in such capacity, theDIP Term Borrower”),
each of the entities listed on Exhibit A hereto as guarantors (the “Guarantors” and, together with
the DIP Term Borrower, the Loan Parties”), and GLAS Trust Company LLC as administrative
agent and as collateral agent (in such capacities, the DIP Term Agent”) for and on behalf of itself
and the lenders party thereto (collectively, including the DIP Term Agent, the DIP Term
Lenders”), substantially in the form of Exhibit 2 attached to the Motion;
(ii) authorizing the Debtors to execute and deliver the DIP Term Credit Agreement
and any other agreements, instruments, pledge agreements, guarantees, control agreements related
thereto, and other Loan Documents (as defined in the DIP Term Credit Agreement) and documents
related thereto (as amended, restated, supplemented, waived, and/or modified from time to time,
collectively, with the DIP Term Credit Agreement, the DIP Term Documents”), including the
Backstop Commitment Letter (as defined in the DIP Term Credit Agreement), and to perform such
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502 Filed 07/21/20 Page 2 of 80
- 3 -
other acts as may be necessary or desirable in connection with the DIP Term Documents;
(iii) authorizing the Debtors to borrow the remaining $70,000,000 of New Money
DIP Term Loans and roll-up the Term Roll-Up Amount of the DIP Term Loans (together with the
$30,000,000 interim loans authorized under the Interim Order, the DIP Term Loan Amount”)
upon entry of this Final Order;
(iv) granting the DIP Term Facility and all obligations owing thereunder and under,
or secured by, the DIP Term Documents to the DIP Term Agent and DIP Term Lenders
(collectively, and including all “Obligations” as described in the DIP Term Credit Agreement, the
DIP Term Obligations”) allowed superpriority administrative expense claim status in each of the
Chapter 11 Cases and any Successor Cases (as defined herein);
(v) authorizing the Debtors to incur senior secured postpetition obligations on a
superpriority basis in respect of a prepetition senior secured superpriority credit facility in the
aggregate principal amount of $275,000,000 (the DIP ABL FILO Facility and, together with
the DIP Term Facility, the DIP Facilities”), consisting solely of FILO term loans (the “DIP ABL
FILO Loans”) resulting from the “roll-up” of all outstanding FILO Term Loans (as defined in the
Prepetition ABL FILO Credit Agreement (as defined herein)) in the aggregate principal amount
of $275,000,000, together with all accrued and unpaid interest thereon (the ABL FILO Roll-Up
Amount”), pursuant to the terms and conditions of that certain Amended and Restated ABL Credit
Agreement (as the same may be amended, restated, supplemented, waived or otherwise modified
from time to time, theDIP ABL FILO Credit Agreement and, together with the DIP Term
Credit Agreement, the DIP Agreements”), by and among General Nutrition Centers, Inc. and the
other Loan Parties as borrowers or guarantors, and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as administrative
agent and collateral agent (in such capacities, the “DIP ABL FILO Agent” and, together with the
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502 Filed 07/21/20 Page 3 of 80
- 4 -
DIP Term Agent, the “DIP Agents) for and on behalf of themselves and the other lenders party
thereto (collectively, including the DIP ABL FILO Agent, the DIP ABL FILO Lenders and,
together with the DIP Term Lenders, the DIP Lenders”), substantially in the form of Exhibit 3
attached to the Motion;
(vi) authorizing the Debtors to pay the Prepetition ABL Loans (as defined herein) in
full in cash, to cash collateralize existing pre-petition letters of credit upon the entry of the Interim
Order pursuant to the LC Cash Collateral Agreement (as defined in the DIP ABL FILO Credit
Agreement), and to terminate hedge agreements and make termination payments;
(vii) authorizing the Debtors to execute and deliver the DIP ABL FILO Credit
Agreement and any other agreements, instruments, pledge agreements, guarantees, fee letters,
control agreements related thereto and other Loan Documents (as defined in the DIP ABL FILO
Credit Agreement) and documents related thereto (including any security agreements, intellectual
property security agreements, control agreements, or notes) (as amended, restated, supplemented,
waived, and/or modified from time to time, and collectively, with the DIP ABL FILO Credit
Agreement, the DIP ABL FILO Documentsand, together with the DIP Term Documents, the
DIP Documents”) and to perform such other acts as may be necessary or desirable in connection
with the DIP ABL FILO Documents;
(viii) granting the DIP ABL FILO Facility and all obligations owing thereunder and
under, or secured by, the DIP ABL FILO Documents, to the DIP ABL FILO Agent and DIP ABL
FILO Lenders (collectively, and including all “Obligations” as described in the DIP ABL FILO
Credit Agreement, the DIP ABL FILO Obligations and, together with the DIP Term
Obligations, the DIP Obligations”) allowed superpriority administrative expense claim status in
each of the Chapter 11 Cases and any Successor Cases;
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502 Filed 07/21/20 Page 4 of 80
- 5 -
(ix) granting to the each of (a) the DIP Term Agent, for the benefit of itself and the
DIP Term Lenders and the other Secured Parties (as defined in the DIP Term Credit Agreement)
under the applicable DIP Term Documents and (b) the DIP ABL FILO Agent, for the benefit of
itself and the DIP ABL FILO Lenders and the other Secured Parties (as defined in the DIP ABL
FILO Credit Agreement) under the applicable DIP ABL FILO Documents, automatically perfected
security interests in and liens on all of the DIP Collateral (as defined herein), including all property
constituting “cash collateral as defined in section 363(a) of the Bankruptcy Code (“Cash
Collateral”), which liens shall have the priorities set forth herein;
(x) authorizing and directing the Debtors to pay the principal, interest, premiums,
fees, expenses and other amounts payable under the DIP Documents as such become earned, due
and payable, including continuing commitment fees, closing fees, audit fees, appraisal fees,
valuation fees, liquidator fees, structuring fees, administrative agent’s fees, the fees and
disbursements of each DIP Agent’s and other DIP Lenders’ attorneys, advisors, accountants and
other consultants, all to the extent provided in, and in accordance with, the DIP Documents;
(xi) authorizing the Debtors to use the Prepetition Collateral (as defined herein),
including the Cash Collateral of the Prepetition ABL FILO Secured Parties under the Prepetition
ABL FILO Documents and the Prepetition Term Secured Parties under the Prepetition Term
Documents (each as defined herein), and providing adequate protection to the Prepetition ABL
FILO Secured Parties and Prepetition Term Secured Parties for, among other things, any
diminution in value resulting from the imposition of the automatic stay, the Debtors’ use, sale, or
lease of the Prepetition Collateral, including Cash Collateral, the priming of the Prepetition
Secured Parties’ respective interests in the Prepetition Collateral (including by the Carve-Out (as
defined below)) (“Diminution in Value”) of their respective interests in the Prepetition Collateral,
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502 Filed 07/21/20 Page 5 of 80
- 6 -
including the Cash Collateral as contemplated hereunder;
(xii) vacating and modifying the automatic stay imposed by section 362 of the
Bankruptcy Code to the extent necessary to implement and effectuate the terms and provisions of
the DIP Documents and this Final Order; and
(xiii) scheduling the Final Hearing (as defined below) within 35 days of the Petition
Date (as defined below) to consider the relief requested in the Motion and approving the form of
notice with respect to the Final Hearing.
The Court having considered the Motion, the exhibits attached thereto, the Declaration of
Tricia Tolivar, Chief Financial Officer of GNC Holdings, Inc. in Support of Chapter 11 Petitions
and First Day Pleadings, [Docket No. 21], the Declaration of Robert Del Genio of FTI Consulting
Inc. in Support of Debtors’ Motion of Debtors for Orders (I) Authorizing The Debtors to (A) Obtain
Senior Secured Postpetition Financing, (B) Grant Liens and Superpriority Administrative Expense
Status, (C) Use Cash Collateral of Prepetition Secured Parties, and (D) Grant Adequate
Protection to Prepetition Secured Parties; (II) Scheduling a Final Hearing Pursuant to
Bankruptcy Rules 4001(b) and 4001(c); and (III) Grant Related Relief, [Docket No. 19], the
Declaration of Pranav Goel of Evercore Group LLC in Support of Debtors’ Motion of Debtors for
Orders (I) Authorizing The Debtors to (A) Obtain Senior Secured Postpetition Financing, (B)
Grant Liens and Superpriority Administrative Expense Status, (C) Use Cash Collateral of
Prepetition Secured Parties, and (D) Grant Adequate Protection to Prepetition Secured Parties;
(II) Scheduling a Final Hearing Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rules 4001(b) and 4001(c); and (III)
Grant Related Relief, [Docket No. 20], and the evidence submitted and arguments made at the
interim hearing held on June 25, 2020 (the Interim Hearing”); and the Court having entered an
order approving the relief requested in the Motion on an interim basis on June 26, 2020 [Docket
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502 Filed 07/21/20 Page 6 of 80
- 7 -
No. 134] (the Interim Order”); and the Court having considered the Motion, the exhibits attached
thereto, the declarations, and the evidence submitted and arguments made at the final hearing held
on July 22, 2020 (the Final Hearing”); and notice of the Final Hearing having been given in
accordance with the Interim Order, Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 4001(b), (c) and (d), and all applicable
Local Rules; and the Final Hearing having been held and concluded; and all objections, if any, to
the relief requested in the Motion having been withdrawn, resolved, or overruled by the Court; and
it appearing that approval of the relief requested in the Motion on a final basis, as granted hereby,
is fair and reasonable and in the best interests of the Debtors, their estates, and all parties-in-
interest, and is essential for the continued operation of the Debtors’ businesses and the preservation
of the value of the Debtors’ assets; and it appearing that the Debtors’ entry into the DIP
Agreements and the other DIP Documents as approved hereby is a sound and prudent exercise of
the Debtors’ business judgment; and after due deliberation and consideration, and good and
sufficient cause appearing therefor;
A. Petition Date. On June 23, 2020 (the Petition Date”), each of the Debtors filed a
voluntary petition for relief under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code in this Court.
B. Debtors in Possession. The Debtors have continued in the management and
operation of their businesses and properties as debtors in possession pursuant to sections 1107 and
1108 of the Bankruptcy Code.
C. Jurisdiction and Venue. This Court has jurisdiction over the Chapter 11 Cases,
The findings and conclusions set forth herein constitute the Court’s findings of fact and conclusions of law
pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 7052, made applicable to this proceeding pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9014. To
the extent that any of the following findings of fact constitute conclusions of law, they are adopted as such. To
the extent any of the following conclusions of law constitute findings of fact, they are adopted as such.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502 Filed 07/21/20 Page 7 of 80
- 8 -
the Motion, and the parties and property affected hereby pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and 1334.
Consideration of the Motion constitutes a core proceeding pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2).
Venue for the Chapter 11 Cases and proceedings with respect to the Motion is proper before this
Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409.
D. Committee Formation. On July 7, 2020, the United States Trustee for the District
of Delaware (the U.S. Trustee”) appointed an official committee of unsecured creditors in the
Chapter 11 Cases (the Committee”) pursuant to section 1102 of the Bankruptcy Code [Docket
No. 275].
E. Notice. Notice of the Motion and the Final Hearing has been provided in
accordance with the Interim Order, Bankruptcy Code, the Bankruptcy Rules, and the Local Rules,
and no other or further notice of the Motion with respect to the relief requested at the Final Hearing
or the entry of this Final Order shall be required.
F. Debtors’ Stipulations. After consultation with their attorneys and financial
advisors, and without prejudice to the rights of parties in interest, including the Committee, as set
forth in paragraph 36 herein, the Debtors admit, stipulate, acknowledge, and agree as follows
(paragraphs F(i) through F(xii) below are referred to herein, collectively, as theStipulations”):
(i) Prepetition ABL FILO Facility. Pursuant to that certain ABL Credit
Agreement, dated as of February 28, 2018 (as amended by that certain First Amendment, dated as
of March 20, 2018, that certain Second Amendment, dated as of May 15, 2020, and that certain
Third Amendment, dated as of June 12, 2020, and as further amended, amended and restated,
supplemented or otherwise modified prior to the date hereof, the Prepetition ABL FILO Credit
Agreement” and, collectively with the Loan Documents (as defined in the Prepetition ABL FILO
Credit Agreement) and any other agreements and documents executed or delivered in connection
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502 Filed 07/21/20 Page 8 of 80
- 9 -
therewith, each as amended, restated, supplemented, waived, or otherwise modified from time to
time, thePrepetition ABL FILO Documents) among (a) GNC Corporation (Parent”),
(b) General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (in such capacity, the “Prepetition ABL FILO Administrative
Borrower”), (c) the subsidiaries of the Prepetition ABL FILO Administrative Borrower party
thereto (together with the Prepetition ABL FILO Administrative Borrower, the “Prepetition ABL
FILO Borrowers”), (d) JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as administrative agent and collateral agent
(in such capacities, the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent”), (e) the guarantors thereunder (in such
capacities, the Prepetition ABL FILO Guarantorsand, together with the Prepetition ABL FILO
Borrowers, the Prepetition ABL FILO Obligors”) and (f) the term lenders party thereto from
time to time (the “Prepetition FILO Lenders”), and the revolving lenders party thereto from time
to time (the “Prepetition ABL Lenders” and, together with the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent and
the Prepetition FILO Lenders, the Prepetition ABL FILO Secured Parties”), as applicable,
provided revolving credit, term loans and other financial accommodations to, and issued letters of
credit for the account of, the Prepetition ABL FILO Borrowers pursuant to the Prepetition ABL
FILO Documents (the “Prepetition ABL FILO Facility”).
(ii) Prepetition ABL FILO Obligations. As of the Petition Date, the
Prepetition ABL FILO Obligors were indebted to the Prepetition ABL FILO Secured Parties,
without defense, counterclaim, or offset of any kind, in respect of the loans and other financial
obligations incurred under the Prepetition ABL FILO Facility, and other obligations incurred
thereunder or secured thereby, (i) in the aggregate principal amount of not less than $60,000,000
of revolving credit loans outstanding under the Prepetition ABL FILO Facility (the Prepetition
ABL Loans”), (ii) in the aggregate principal amount of not less than $275,000,000 of term loans
outstanding under the Prepetition ABL FILO Facility (the “Prepetition FILO Term Loans”), and
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502 Filed 07/21/20 Page 9 of 80
- 10 -
(iii) in the face amount of $5,122,067.00 of outstanding Letters of Credit (as defined in the
Prepetition ABL FILO Credit Agreement) (the Prepetition Letters of Credit), and (iv) in respect
of the Specified Hedge Agreement (as defined in the Prepetition ABL FILO Credit Agreement)
entered into with the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent pursuant to an ISDA Master Agreement and
accompanying schedule dated March 16, 2007 and by subsequent trade confirmations, and which
was terminated on or about the Petition Date (the Agent Hedge Agreementand together with
the Prepetition ABL Loans, the Prepetition FILO Term Loans and the Prepetition Letters of Credit,
together with accrued and unpaid interest, outstanding bankers’ acceptances, any reimbursement
obligations (contingent or otherwise) in respect of letters of credit and bankers’ acceptances, any
fees, expenses and disbursements (including attorneys’ fees, accountants’ fees, auditor fees,
appraisers’ fees and financial advisors’ fees, and related expenses and disbursements), treasury,
cash management obligations including “Cash Management Obligations” (as defined in the
Prepetition ABL FILO Credit Agreement), bank product and derivative obligations including
“Obligationsin respect of “Specified Hedge Agreements” (each as defined in the Prepetition ABL
FILO Credit Agreement), indemnification obligations, guarantee obligations, and other charges,
amounts and costs of whatever nature owing, whether or not contingent, whenever arising,
accrued, accruing, due, owing, or chargeable in respect of any of the Prepetition ABL FILO
Borrowers’ or the Prepetition ABL FILO Guarantors’ obligations pursuant to, or secured by, the
Prepetition ABL FILO Documents, including all “Obligations” as defined in the Prepetition ABL
FILO Credit Agreement, and all interest, fees, prepayment premiums, costs and other charges
allowable under section 506(b) of the Bankruptcy Code, the Prepetition ABL FILO
(iii) Prepetition ABL FILO Liens and Prepetition ABL FILO Priority
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502 Filed 07/21/20 Page 10 of 80
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Collateral. As more fully set forth in the Prepetition ABL FILO Documents, prior to the Petition
Date, the Prepetition ABL FILO Borrowers and the Prepetition ABL FILO Guarantors granted to
the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent, for the benefit of itself and the Prepetition FILO Lenders, a
security interest in and continuing lien on (the Prepetition ABL FILO Liens”) substantially all
of their assets and property (with certain exceptions set out in the Prepetition ABL FILO
Documents) including (a) a first-priority security interest in and continuing lien on ABL Priority
Collateral (as defined in that certain Intercreditor Agreement referred to below) and all proceeds,
products, accessions, rents, and profits thereof, in each case whether then owned or existing or
thereafter acquired or arising (the foregoing clause (a) collectively, the Prepetition ABL FILO
Priority Collateral”), and (b) a second priority security interest in and continuing lien on Term
Priority Collateral (as defined in that certain Intercreditor Agreement referred to below) and
proceeds, products, and rents of any of the foregoing (collectively, the “Prepetition Term Priority
Collateral and, together with the Prepetition ABL FILO Priority Collateral, the Prepetition
Collateral”), subject in the case of (b) only to the liens of the Prepetition Term Agents (as defined
herein) on the Prepetition Term Priority Collateral and Prepetition ABL FILO Permitted Prior
Liens (as defined herein).
(iv) Prepetition Term Facility. Pursuant to that certain Amended and
Restated Term Loan Credit Agreement, dated as of February 28, 2018 (as amended by that certain
First Amendment, dated as of May 15, 2020, and that certain Second Amendment, dated as of June
15, 2020, and as further amended, amended and restated, supplemented or otherwise modified
from time to time, the Prepetition Term Credit Agreement and, collectively with the Loan
Documents (as defined in the Prepetition Term Credit Agreement) and any other agreements and
documents executed or delivered in connection therewith, each as amended, restated,
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502 Filed 07/21/20 Page 11 of 80
- 12 -
supplemented, waived, or otherwise modified from time to time, the Prepetition Term
Documents” and, collectively with the Prepetition ABL FILO Documents, the “Prepetition
Documents”) among (a) Parent, (b) General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (in such capacity, the
Prepetition Term Borrower and, together with the Prepetition ABL FILO Borrowers, the
Prepetition Borrowers”), (c) JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as administrative agent (in such
capacity, the Prepetition Term Administrative Agent”), (d) GLAS Trust Company LLC, as
collateral agent (in such capacity, thePrepetition Term Collateral Agent” and, together with the
Prepetition Term Administrative Agent, the Prepetition Term Agentsand, the Prepetition Term
Agents together with the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent, the Prepetition Agents”), (e) the
guarantors thereunder (the Prepetition Term Guarantors and, together with the Prepetition
Term Borrower, the Prepetition Term Obligors and, together with the Prepetition ABL FILO
Obligors, the Prepetition Obligors”), and (f) the lenders party thereto (the Prepetition Term
Lenders and, collectively with the Prepetition Term Agents, the Prepetition Term Secured
Parties” and, together with the Prepetition ABL FILO Secured Parties, the Prepetition Secured
Parties”), the Prepetition Term Lenders provided term loans to the Prepetition Borrower (the
Prepetition Term Facility and, together with the Prepetition ABL FILO Facility, the
Prepetition Secured Facilities”).
(v) Prepetition Term Obligations. As of the Petition Date, the
Prepetition Term Obligors were indebted to the Prepetition Term Secured Parties, without defense,
counterclaim, or offset of any kind, in respect of the loans incurred under the Prepetition Term
Facility (collectively, the “Prepetition Term Loans”), in an aggregate principal amount, as of the
Petition Date, not less than $410,800,000 (collectively, together with accrued and unpaid interest,
fees, expenses, and disbursements (including, without limitation, any accrued and unpaid
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attorneys’ fees, accountants’ fees, appraisers’ fees, financial advisors’ fees, Prepetition Term
Agents’ fees, fees and disbursements of the Prepetition Term Agents’ attorneys, advisors,
accountants and other consultants, and related expenses and disbursements), indemnification
obligations, and other charges, amounts, and costs of whatever nature owing, whether or not
contingent, whenever arising, accrued, accruing, due, owing, or chargeable in respect of any of the
Prepetition Term Obligors’ obligations pursuant to the Prepetition Term Documents, including all
“Obligations” as defined in the Prepetition Term Credit Agreement), in each case, as of the Petition
Date, and all interest, fees, costs, and other charges allowable under Section 506(b) of the
Bankruptcy Code (the Prepetition Term Obligationsand, together with the Prepetition ABL
FILO Obligations, the “Prepetition Secured Obligations”).
(vi) Prepetition Term Liens and Prepetition Term Priority Collateral.
As more fully set forth in the Prepetition Term Documents, prior to the Petition Date, the
Prepetition Term Borrower and the Prepetition Term Guarantors granted to the Prepetition Term
Agents, for the benefit of themselves and the Prepetition Term Lenders, a security interest in and
continuing lien on (the Prepetition Term Liensand, together with the Prepetition ABL FILO
Liens, the Prepetition Liens) substantially all of their assets and property (with certain
exceptions set out in the Prepetition Term Documents), including (a) a first-priority security
interest in and continuing lien on the Prepetition Term Priority Collateral, and (b) a second priority
security interest in and continuing lien on the Prepetition ABL FILO Priority Collateral, subject in
the case of (b) only to the liens of the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent on the Prepetition ABL FILO
Priority Collateral and Prepetition Term Permitted Prior Liens (as defined herein).
(vii) Priority of Prepetition Liens; Intercreditor Agreement. The
Prepetition ABL FILO Agent and the Prepetition Term Agents entered into that certain
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Intercreditor Agreement dated as of February 28, 2018 (as amended, restated, supplemented, or
otherwise modified from time to time in accordance with its terms, the Intercreditor Agreement”)
to govern the respective rights, interests, obligations, priority, and positions of the Prepetition
Secured Parties with respect to the assets and properties of the Debtors and other obligors. Each
of the Prepetition Obligors under the Prepetition Documents is also a party to the Intercreditor
Agreement. The Prepetition Intercreditor Agreement is a valid and enforceable “subordination
agreement” under section 510(a) of the Bankruptcy Code and is, as of the Petition Date, and shall
continue to be as provided herein binding on all parties thereto.
(viii) Validity, Perfection, and Priority of Prepetition ABL FILO Liens
and Prepetition ABL FILO Obligations. The Debtors acknowledge and agree that as of the Petition
Date (a) the Prepetition ABL FILO Liens on the Prepetition Collateral were valid, binding,
enforceable, non-avoidable, and properly perfected and were granted to, or for the benefit of, the
Prepetition ABL FILO Secured Parties for fair consideration and reasonably equivalent value;
(b) the Prepetition ABL FILO Liens were senior in priority over any and all other liens on the
Prepetition Collateral, subject only to (1) the Prepetition Term Liens on the Prepetition Term
Priority Collateral, and (2) certain liens otherwise permitted by the Prepetition ABL FILO
Documents (solely to the extent any such permitted liens were valid, properly perfected, non-
avoidable, and senior in priority to the Prepetition ABL FILO Liens as of the Petition Date or were
valid non-avoidable senior liens that are perfected subsequent to the Petition Date as permitted by
Section 546(b) of the Bankruptcy Code, the Prepetition ABL FILO Permitted Prior Liens”);
(c) the Prepetition ABL FILO Obligations constitute legal, valid, binding, and non-avoidable
obligations of the Debtors enforceable in accordance with the terms of the applicable Prepetition
ABL FILO Documents; (d) no offsets, recoupments, challenges, objections, defenses, claims, or
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counterclaims of any kind or nature to any of the Prepetition ABL FILO Liens or Prepetition ABL
FILO Obligations exist, and no portion of the Prepetition ABL FILO Liens or Prepetition ABL
FILO Obligations is subject to any challenge or defense including avoidance, disallowance,
disgorgement, recharacterization, or subordination (equitable or otherwise) pursuant to the
Bankruptcy Code or applicable non-bankruptcy law; (e) the Debtors and their estates have no
claims, objections, challenges, causes of action, and/or choses in action, including avoidance
claims under Chapter 5 of the Bankruptcy Code or applicable state law equivalents or actions for
recovery or disgorgement, against any of the Prepetition ABL FILO Secured Parties or any of their
respective affiliates, agents, attorneys, advisors, professionals, officers, directors, and employees
arising out of, based upon or related to the Prepetition ABL FILO Facility; (f) the Debtors have
waived, discharged, and released any right to challenge any of the Prepetition ABL FILO
Obligations, the priority of the Debtors’ obligations thereunder, and the validity, extent, and
priority of the liens securing the Prepetition ABL FILO Obligations; and (g) the Prepetition ABL
FILO Obligations constitute allowed, secured claims within the meaning of sections 502 and 506
of the Bankruptcy Code.
(ix) Validity, Perfection, and Priority of Prepetition Term Liens and
Prepetition Term Obligations. The Debtors acknowledge and agree that, as of the Petition Date,
(a) the Prepetition Term Liens on the Prepetition Collateral were valid, binding, enforceable, non-
avoidable, and properly perfected and were granted to, or for the benefit of, the Prepetition Term
Collateral Agent on behalf of the Prepetition Term Lenders for fair consideration and reasonably
equivalent value; (b) the Prepetition Term Liens were senior in priority over any and all other liens
on the Prepetition Collateral, subject only to (1) the Prepetition ABL FILO Liens on the Prepetition
ABL FILO Priority Collateral, and (2) certain liens otherwise permitted by the Prepetition Term
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Documents (solely to the extent any such permitted liens were valid, properly perfected, non-
avoidable, and senior in priority to the Prepetition Term Liens as of the Petition Date or were valid
non-avoidable senior liens that are perfected subsequent to the Petition Date as permitted by
Section 546(b) of the Bankruptcy Code, the Prepetition Term Permitted Prior Liens and,
together with the Prepetition ABL FILO Permitted Prior Liens, the Permitted Prior Liens”);
(c) the Prepetition Term Obligations constitute legal, valid, binding, and non-avoidable obligations
of the Debtors enforceable in accordance with the terms of the applicable Prepetition Term
Documents; (d) no offsets, recoupments, challenges, objections, defenses, claims, or
counterclaims of any kind or nature to any of the Prepetition Term Liens or Prepetition Term
Obligations exist, and no portion of the Prepetition Term Liens or Prepetition Term Obligations is
subject to any challenge or defense, including avoidance, disallowance, disgorgement,
recharacterization, or subordination (equitable or otherwise) pursuant to the Bankruptcy Code or
applicable non-bankruptcy law; (e) the Debtors and their estates have no claims, objections,
challenges, causes of action, and/or choses in action, including avoidance claims under Chapter 5
of the Bankruptcy Code or applicable state law equivalents or actions for recovery or
disgorgement, against any of the Prepetition Term Secured Parties, or any of their respective
affiliates, agents, attorneys, advisors, professionals, officers, directors, and employees arising out
of, based upon or related to the Prepetition Term Facility; (f) the Debtors have waived, discharged,
and released any right to challenge any of the Prepetition Term Obligations, the priority of the
Debtors’ obligations thereunder, and the validity, extent, and priority of the liens securing the
Prepetition Term Obligations; and (g) the Prepetition Term Obligations constitute allowed,
For the avoidance of doubt, as used in this Final Order, no reference to the Prepetition ABL FILO Permitted
Prior Liens, the Prepetition Term Permitted Prior Liens, or the Permitted Prior Liens shall refer to or include the
Prepetition ABL FILO Liens or the Prepetition Term Liens.
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secured claims within the meaning of sections 502 and 506 of the Bankruptcy Code.
(x) Indemnification. The Prepetition Secured Parties have acted in good
faith, and without negligence or violation of public policy or law, in respect of all actions taken by
them in connection with or related in any way to negotiating, implementing, documenting, or
obtaining the requisite approvals of the DIP Facilities and the use of Cash Collateral, including in
respect of the granting of the DIP Liens and the Adequate Protection Liens (as defined below), any
challenges or objections to the DIP Facilities or the use of Cash Collateral, and all documents
related to any and all transactions contemplated by the foregoing. Accordingly, the Prepetition
Secured Parties shall be and hereby are indemnified and held harmless by the Debtors in respect
of any claim or liability incurred in respect thereof or in any way related thereto; provided that no
such parties will be indemnified for any cost, expense, or liability to the extent determined in a
final, non-appealable judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction to have resulted primarily from
such parties’ gross negligence, actual fraud or willful misconduct. No exception or defense exists
in contract, law, or equity as to any obligation set forth, as the case may be, in this paragraph F(x),
in the Prepetition Documents, or in the DIP Documents, to the Debtors’ obligation to indemnify
and/or hold harmless the Prepetition Secured Parties.
(xi) No Challenges/Claims. No offsets, challenges, objections,
defenses, claims or counterclaims of any kind or nature to any of the Prepetition Liens or
Prepetition Secured Obligations exist, and no portion of the Prepetition Liens or Prepetition
Secured Obligations is subject to any challenge or defense including, without limitation,
avoidance, disallowance, disgorgement, recharacterization, or subordination (equitable or
otherwise) pursuant to the Bankruptcy Code or applicable non-bankruptcy law. The Debtors and
their estates have no valid Claims (as such term is defined in section 101(5) of the Bankruptcy
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Code) objections, challenges, causes of action, and/or choses in action against any of the
Prepetition Secured Parties or any of their respective affiliates, agents, attorneys, advisors,
professionals, officers, directors, and employees with respect to the Prepetition Documents, the
Prepetition Secured Obligations, the Prepetition Liens, or otherwise, whether arising at law or at
equity, including, without limitation, any challenge, recharacterization, subordination, avoidance,
recovery, disallowance, reduction, or other claims arising under or pursuant to sections 105, 502,
510, 541, 542 through 553, inclusive, or 558 of the Bankruptcy Code or applicable state law
equivalents. The Prepetition ABL FILO Obligations constitute allowed, secured claims within the
meaning of sections 502 and 506 of the Bankruptcy Code. The Prepetition Term Obligations
constitute allowed, secured claims within the meaning of sections 502 and 506 of the Bankruptcy
(xii) Releases. The Debtors hereby stipulate and agree that they forever
and irrevocably release, discharge, and acquit the Prepetition Secured Parties, the DIP Agents, all
current and future DIP Lenders, and each of their respective successors, assigns, affiliates,
subsidiaries, parents, officers, shareholders, directors, employees, attorneys, and agents, past,
present, and future, and their respective heirs, predecessors, successors, and assigns, each solely
in their capacities as such (collectively, the “Releasees), of and from any and all claims,
controversies, disputes, liabilities, obligations, demands, damages, expenses (including, without
limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees), debts, liens, actions, and causes of action of any and every
nature whatsoever relating to, as applicable, the Interim Order, this Final Order, the DIP Facilities,
the DIP Documents, the Prepetition Secured Facilities, the Prepetition Documents, and/or the
transactions contemplated hereunder or thereunder including, without limitation, (x) any so-called
“lender liability” or equitable subordination or recharacterization claims or defenses, (y) any and
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all claims and causes of action arising under the Bankruptcy Code, and (z) any and all claims and
causes of action with respect to the validity, priority, perfection, or avoidability of the liens or
claims of the Prepetition Secured Parties, the DIP Agents, or the DIP Lenders; provided, however,
the foregoing release shall not apply with respect to any act or omission of a Releasee that
constitutes gross negligence, actual fraud or willful misconduct. The Debtors further waive and
release any defense, right of counterclaim, right of set-off, or deduction to the payment of the
Prepetition Secured Obligations or the DIP Obligations that the Debtors may now have or may
claim to have against the Releasees arising out of, connected with, or relating to any and all acts,
omissions, or events occurring prior to the Court’s entry of this Final Order.
G. Cash Collateral. All of the Debtors’ cash, including any cash in their deposit
accounts, wherever located, whether as original collateral or proceeds of other Prepetition
Collateral, constitutes or will constitute Cash Collateral of the Prepetition Secured Parties and DIP
Lenders, as applicable.
H. Intercreditor Agreement. Pursuant to section 510 of the Bankruptcy Code, the
Intercreditor Agreement and any other applicable intercreditor or subordination provisions
contained in any of the other Prepetition Documents (i) shall remain in full force and effect,
(ii) shall continue to govern the relative priorities, rights, and remedies of the Prepetition Secured
Parties (including the relative priorities, rights, and remedies of such parties with respect to the
replacement liens, administrative expense claims, and superpriority administrative expense claims
granted or the amounts payable by the Debtors under the Interim Order, this Final Order or
otherwise), and (iii) shall not be deemed to be amended, altered, or modified by the terms of this
Final Order or the DIP Documents unless expressly set forth herein or therein. The DIP ABL
FILO Facility is deemed a “Refinancing” of the Prepetition ABL FILO Facility and shall constitute
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an “ABL Facility” as each such term is used in the Intercreditor Agreement, and any repayment of
the Prepetition ABL FILO Obligations pursuant to the Interim Order and reaffirmed by this Final
Order shall not be deemed to constitute a “Discharge” of “ABL Obligations” (as each is defined
in the Intercreditor Agreement). The DIP Term Facility is deemed a partial “Refinancing” of the
Prepetition Term Facility as such term is used in the Intercreditor Agreement, and any partial
repayment of the Prepetition Term Obligations pursuant to this Final Order through the DIP Term
Credit Agreement shall not be deemed to constitute a “Discharge” of “Term Obligations” (as each
is defined in the Intercreditor Agreement). To avoid confusion, both the DIP Term Credit
Agreement and the Prepetition Term Facility shall remain outstanding following the partial
refinancing of the Prepetition Term Obligations as provided hereinabove.
I. Findings Regarding Postpetition Financing and Use of Cash Collateral.
(i) Request for Postpetition Financing and Use of Cash Collateral. The
Debtors seek final approval of the DIP Facilities, the incurrence of the DIP Obligations, and the
use of Cash Collateral on a final basis on the terms described herein and in the DIP Documents, in
each case, to administer their Chapter 11 Cases and fund their operations.
(ii) Priming of the Prepetition Liens. The priming of the Prepetition
Liens under section 364(d) of the Bankruptcy Code, as contemplated by the DIP Documents and
as provided herein, will enable the Debtors to obtain the DIP Facilities and to continue to operate
their business during the pendency of the Chapter 11 Cases, to the benefit of their estates and
creditors. The Prepetition Secured Parties are entitled to receive adequate protection as set forth
in this Final Order pursuant to sections 361, 363, and 364 of the Bankruptcy Code, solely to the
extent of any Diminution in Value of their respective interests in the Prepetition Collateral
(including Cash Collateral).
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(iii) Need for Postpetition Financing and Use of Cash Collateral. The
Debtors have a need to use Cash Collateral on a final basis and to obtain credit in an amount equal
to the DIP Term Loan Amount plus the ABL FILO Roll-Up Amount, pursuant to the DIP Facilities
in order to, among other things, enable the orderly continuation of their operations and to
administer and preserve the value of their estates. The ability of the Debtors to maintain business
relationships with their vendors, suppliers, and customers, to pay their employees, and otherwise
finance their operations requires the availability of working capital from the DIP Term Facility
and the use of Cash Collateral, the absence of either of which would immediately and irreparably
harm the Debtors, their estates, and parties-in-interest. The Debtors do not have sufficient
available sources of working capital and financing to operate their businesses or maintain their
properties in the ordinary course of business without the authorization to use Cash Collateral and
to borrow the DIP Term Loans.
(iv) No Credit Available on More Favorable Terms. The DIP Facilities
are the best source of debtor-in-possession financing available to the Debtors. Given their current
financial condition, financing arrangements, and capital structure, the Debtors have been and
continue to be unable to obtain financing from sources other than the DIP Lenders on terms more
favorable than the DIP Facilities. The Debtors are unable to obtain unsecured credit allowable
under section 503(b)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code as an administrative expense. The Debtors have
also been unable to obtain (a) unsecured credit having priority over that of administrative expenses
of the kind specified in sections 503(b), 507(a), and 507(b) of the Bankruptcy Code; (b) credit
secured solely by a lien on property of the Debtors and their estates that is not otherwise subject
to a lien; or (c) credit secured solely by a junior lien on property of the Debtors and their estates
that is subject to a lien. Financing on a postpetition basis on better terms is not available without
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granting the DIP Agents, for the benefit of themselves and the DIP Lenders, (1) perfected security
interests in and liens on (each as provided herein) the DIP Collateral, with the priorities set forth
herein; (2) superpriority claims; and (3) the other protections set forth in this Final Order.
(v) Use of Cash Collateral and Proceeds of the DIP Term Facility. As
a condition to entry into the DIP Agreements, the extension of credit under the DIP Facilities and
the authorization to use the Prepetition Collateral, including Cash Collateral, the DIP Agents, the
DIP Lenders, and the Prepetition Secured Parties require, and the Debtors have agreed, that
proceeds of the DIP Term Facility and the Prepetition Secured Parties’ Cash Collateral shall be
used in a manner consistent with the terms and conditions of this Final Order and the DIP
Documents and in accordance with the budget (as the same may be modified from time to time
consistent with the terms of the DIP Term Documents and subject to such variances and exclusions
as permitted in the DIP Term Documents, and as set forth in paragraphs 16 and 17 hereof, the
solely for the purposes set forth in the DIP Documents and this Final Order, including
(a) ongoing working capital and other general corporate purposes of the Debtors; (b) permitted
payment of costs of administration of the Chapter 11 Cases, including restructuring charges arising
on account of the Chapter 11 Cases, including statutory fees of the U.S. Trustee and allowed
professional fees and expenses of the Debtor Professionals (as defined herein) and professionals
retained by the Committee, subject to the Investigation Budget Amount (as defined herein);
(c) payment of such prepetition expenses as consented to by the DIP Term Agent, acting at the
direction of the Required Term Lenders (as defined in the DIP Term Credit Agreement, the
Required Term Lenders”) or otherwise permitted under the DIP Documents in accordance with
the Budget (subject to Permitted Variances (as defined below)); (d) payment of interest, premiums,
A copy of the current Budget is attached hereto as Schedule 1.
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fees, expenses, and other amounts (including, without limitation, legal and other professionals’
fees and expenses of the DIP Agents and the DIP Lenders) owed under the DIP Documents,
including those incurred in connection with the preparation, negotiation, documentation, and Court
approval of the DIP Facilities whether incurred before or after the Petition Date; (e) payment of
certain adequate protection amounts to the Prepetition Secured Parties, as set forth in paragraphs
12-13 hereof; and (f) payment of obligations arising from or related to the Carve-Out.
(vi) Application of Proceeds of DIP Collateral. As a condition to entry
into the DIP Agreements, the extension of credit under the DIP Facilities, and authorization to use
Cash Collateral, the Debtors, the DIP Agents, the DIP Lenders, and the Prepetition Secured Parties
have agreed that as of and commencing on the date of the Interim Hearing, the Debtors shall utilize
the proceeds of the DIP Collateral in accordance with the Interim Order or this Final Order, as
(vii) Repayment of Prepetition ABL Loans. As authorized by the Interim
Order and ratified by this Final Order, the Debtors (1) repaid the Prepetition ABL Loans, together
with any interest or fees due thereunder, in full in cash and cancel the associated commitments, (2)
entered into the LC Cash Collateral Agreement and cash collateralized any outstanding Prepetition
Letters of Credit, and (3) made termination payments in respect of any terminated prepetition
hedge agreements, including the Agent Hedge Agreement. The Debtors are authorized (but not
directed) to renew any letters of credit cash collateralized under the LC Cash Collateral Agreement.
(viii) Roll-up Loans. Without any further action by the Debtors or any
other party, (x) $100,000,000 of Prepetition Term Loans shall be converted into DIP Term Loans
and (y) upon entry of the Interim Order and as ratified by this Final Order, $275,000,000 of
Prepetition FILO Term Loans, together with all accrued and unpaid interest thereon, was converted
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by amendment and restatement into DIP ABL FILO Loans in accordance with the DIP ABL FILO
Credit Agreement. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Final Order, the DIP Agreements
or the Intercreditor Agreement to the contrary, all rights of the Prepetition Secured Parties under
the Prepetition Documents shall be fully preserved. The Prepetition ABL FILO Secured Parties
would not otherwise have consented to the use of their Cash Collateral, the expansion of the
borrowing base, the release of reserves or the subordination of their liens to the DIP Liens without
the inclusion of the DIP ABL FILO Loans in the DIP Obligations. The conversion (or “roll-up”)
was authorized under the Interim Order and is reaffirmed hereunder as compensation for, in
consideration for, and solely on account of, the agreement of certain Prepetition FILO Lenders to,
inter alia, provide liquidity relief and permit access to Cash Collateral, and the agreement of
certain Prepetition Term Lenders to provide new-money liquidity and permit access to Cash
Collateral, and not as payments under, adequate protection for, or otherwise on account of, any
Prepetition Secured Obligations. The conversion and “roll-up” of Prepetition Term Loans into
DIP Term Loans and Prepetition FILO Term Loans into DIP ABL FILO Loans have and will
enable the Debtors to obtain urgently needed financing that will allow them to free up liquidity to
fund a reorganization process and emerge from these Chapter 11 Cases as a going concern.
Because the DIP ABL FILO Loans and the DIP Term Loans are subject to the reservation of rights
in paragraph 36 below, they will not prejudice the right of any party in interest.
(ix) DIP Election Procedures. The procedures to govern the
participation of the Prepetition Term Lenders in the DIP Term Facility, as set forth in section 2.3
of the DIP Term Credit Agreement, are fair and reasonable (the DIP Election Procedures”).
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J. Adequate Protection.
(i) Subject to paragraph 12(f), the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent, for the
benefit of the Prepetition ABL FILO Secured Parties, is entitled to receive adequate protection
solely to the extent of any Diminution in Value of their interests in the Prepetition Collateral,
including, without limitation, the Cash Collateral. Pursuant to sections 361, 363 and 507(b) of the
Bankruptcy Code, as adequate protection, subject in all respects to the Carve-Out and subject to
paragraph 36 of this Final Order, the Prepetition ABL FILO Secured Parties will receive (a) solely
to the extent of any Diminution in Value of their interests in the Prepetition Collateral, ABL FILO
Adequate Protection Liens (as defined below) with the relative priorities set forth on Exhibit B
hereto and ABL FILO 507(b) Claims (as defined below); (b) current payment of reasonable and
documented fees and expenses and other disbursements as set forth in paragraph 12 herein; and
(c) financial and other reporting, in each case, as set forth in paragraph 12 herein.
(ii) The Prepetition Term Agents, for the benefit of the Prepetition Term
Secured Parties, are entitled to receive adequate protection solely to the extent of any Diminution
in Value of their interests in the Prepetition Collateral, including, without limitation, the Cash
Collateral. Pursuant to sections 361, 363 and 507(b) of the Bankruptcy Code, as adequate
protection, subject in all respects to the Carve-Out and subject to paragraph 36 of this Final Order,
the Prepetition Term Secured Parties will receive (a) solely to the extent of any Diminution in
Value of their interests in the Prepetition Collateral, Term Adequate Protection Liens (as defined
below) with the relative priorities set forth on Exhibit B hereto and Term 507(b) Claims (as
defined below); (b) current payment of reasonable and documented fees and expenses and other
disbursements as set forth in paragraph 13 herein; and (c) financial and other reporting, in each
case, as set forth in paragraph 13 herein.
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K. Sections 506(c) and 552(b). In light of (i) the DIP Agents’ and the DIP Lenders’
agreement that their liens and superpriority claims shall be subject to the Carve-Out; (ii) the
Prepetition Secured Parties’ agreement that their respective liens and claims, including any
adequate protection liens and claims, shall be subject to the Carve-Out and in certain respects
subordinate to the DIP Liens (as defined below) as set forth herein; and (iii) the DIP Agents’, the
DIP Lenders’, and the Prepetition Secured Parties’ agreement to the payment (in accordance with
the Budget (subject to the Permitted Variances) and subject to the terms and conditions of this
Final Order and the DIP Documents) of certain expenses of administration of these Chapter 11
Cases, (a) upon entry of this Final Order, the Prepetition Secured Parties are entitled to a waiver
of any “equities of the case” exception under section 552(b) of the Bankruptcy Code and (b) upon
entry of this Final Order, the DIP Agents, the DIP Lenders, and, the Prepetition Secured Parties
are each entitled to a waiver of the provisions of section 506(c) of the Bankruptcy Code.
L. Good Faith of the DIP Agents and DIP Lenders and the Prepetition Secured
(i) Based upon the pleadings and proceedings of record in the Chapter
11 Cases, (i) the extensions of credit under the DIP Facilities are fair and reasonable, are
appropriate for secured financing to debtors in possession, are the best available to the Debtors
under the circumstances, reflect the Debtors’ exercise of prudent business judgment consistent
with their fiduciary duties, and are supported by reasonably equivalent value and fair
consideration; (ii) the terms and conditions of the DIP Facilities and the use of the Cash Collateral
have been negotiated in good faith and at arm’s length among the Debtors, the DIP Agents, the
DIP Lenders, and the Prepetition Secured Parties, with the assistance and counsel of their
respective advisors; (iii) the use of Cash Collateral, including, without limitation, pursuant to this
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Final Order, has been allowed in “good faith” within the meaning of section 364(e) of the
Bankruptcy Code; (iv) any actions under the DIP Documents, including credit to be extended,
loans to be made, and other financial accommodations to be extended to the Debtors, by the DIP
Agents, the DIP Lenders and the Prepetition Secured Parties, including, without limitation,
pursuant to this Final Order, have been allowed, advanced, extended, issued, or made, as the case
may be, in “good faith” within the meaning of section 364(e) of the Bankruptcy Code by the DIP
Agents, the DIP Lenders and the Prepetition Secured Parties in express reliance upon the
protections offered by section 364(e) of the Bankruptcy Code; and (v) the DIP Facilities, the DIP
Liens (as defined below), the DIP Superpriority Claims (as defined below), the Adequate
Protection Liens (as defined below), and the 507(b) Claims (as defined below) shall be entitled to
the full protection of section 364(e) of the Bankruptcy Code in the event that this Final Order or
any provision hereof is vacated, reversed, or modified, on appeal or otherwise.
(ii) Absent an order of this Court and the provision of Adequate
Protection Obligations and Adequate Protection Liens (each as defined below), consent of the
Prepetition Secured Parties is required for the Debtors’ use of Cash Collateral and other Prepetition
Collateral. The Prepetition Secured Parties have consented, or are deemed pursuant to the
Prepetition Documents to have consented, or have not objected, to the Debtors’ use of Cash
Collateral and other Prepetition Collateral or to the Debtors’ entry into the DIP Documents in
accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions in this Final Order and the DIP
M. Immediate Entry. Sufficient cause exists for immediate entry of this Final Order
pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 4001(c)(2).
Based upon the foregoing findings and conclusions, the Motion, and the record before the
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Court with respect to the Motion, and after due consideration and good and sufficient cause
appearing therefor,
1. DIP Facilities Approved on Final Basis. The Motion is granted on a final
basis as set forth herein. The DIP Term Facility, in an amount equal to the DIP Term Loan
Amount, and the DIP ABL FILO Facility, in an amount equal to the ABL FILO Roll-Up Amount,
are each hereby authorized and approved on a final basis to the extent set forth herein, and the use
of Cash Collateral on a final basis is authorized, in each case subject to the terms and conditions
set forth in the DIP Documents and this Final Order. All objections to this Final Order, to the
extent not withdrawn, waived, settled, or resolved, are hereby denied and overruled. This Final
Order shall become effective immediately upon its entry.
2. Authorization of the DIP Facilities. The DIP Facilities are hereby approved
on a final basis as set forth herein. The Debtors’ execution and delivery of, and continued
performance under, the DIP Facilities is hereby approved on a final basis. The Debtors are
expressly and immediately authorized and empowered on a final basis to incur the DIP Obligations
and continue to perform under the DIP Facilities in accordance with, and subject to, the terms of
this Final Order and the DIP Documents, including, without limitation, to pay the Prepetition ABL
Loans in full in cash, cancel the associated commitments, cash collateralize the Prepetition Letters
of Credit and to renew any such Prepetition Letters of Credit so cash collateralized, make
termination payments in respect of the Agent Hedge Agreement, and to deliver all instruments,
certificates, agreements, and documents that may be required or necessary for the performance by
the Debtors under the DIP Facilities and the creation and perfection of the DIP Liens (as defined
below). The Debtors are hereby authorized and directed to pay, in accordance with this Final
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Order, the principal, interest, premiums, fees, payments, expenses, and other amounts described in
the DIP Documents as such amounts become due and payable, without need to obtain further Court
approval, whether or not such fees arose before, on, or after the Petition Date, and whether or not
the transactions contemplated hereby are consummated, to implement all applicable reserves, and
to take any other actions that may be necessary or appropriate, all as provided in this Final Order
or the DIP Documents. All collections and proceeds, whether from ordinary course collections,
asset sales, debt or equity issuances, insurance recoveries, condemnations, or otherwise, will be
deposited and applied as required by this Final Order and the DIP Documents. The DIP
Documents represent valid and binding obligations of the Debtors, enforceable against each of the
Debtors and their estates in accordance with their terms. Upon the Closing Date (as defined in the
DIP Term Credit Agreement, the Closing Date”), the Commitment Premium (as defined in the
DIP Term Credit Agreement), the exit premium payable upon the Exit Conversion (as defined in
the DIP Term Credit Agreement) as set forth in section 2.14(b) of the DIP Term Credit Agreement,
and the “Backstop Premium” as defined and set forth in the Backstop Commitment Letter, were
fully earned and non-refundable and shall be payable in accordance with and at the times specified
in the DIP Documents. The Debtors are hereby authorized and directed to pay, in accordance with
this Final Order, the principal, interest, fees, payments, expenses, and other amounts described in
the DIP Documents as such amounts become due and without need to obtain further Court
approval, including, without limitation, backstop, closing, arrangement or commitment fees
(including the Commitment Premium, the Backstop Premium, and all fees and other amounts owed
to the DIP Lenders), administrative agent’s fees and collateral agent’s fees (including all fees and
other amounts owed to the DIP Agents), the reasonable fees and disbursements of counsel and
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other professionals, whether or not such fees arose before, on, and after the Petition Date, in
accordance with this Final Order or the DIP Documents.
3. Authorization to Borrow. From the entry of the Interim Order through and
including the DIP Termination Date (as defined below), and subject to the terms, conditions, and
limitations on availability set forth in the DIP Documents and this Final Order, the Debtors are
authorized on a final basis to (a) borrow (in the form of DIP Term Loans) under the DIP Term
Facility in an aggregate outstanding principal amount equal to the DIP Term Loan Amount and
(b) convert by amendment and restatement and “roll-up” Prepetition FILO Term Loans into DIP
ABL FILO Loans in an amount equal to the ABL FILO Roll-Up Amount.
4. Amendment of the DIP Documents. The DIP Documents may from time to
time be amended, modified, or supplemented by the parties thereto without further order of the
Court if the amendment, modification, or supplement is (a) non-material and (b) in accordance
with the DIP Documents. In the case of a material amendment, modification, or supplement to the
DIP Documents, the Debtors shall (i) provide notice (which may be provided through electronic
mail or facsimile) to counsel to the Committee, the U.S. Trustee, the DIP Agents, and the
Prepetition Agents; (ii) file with the Court; and (iii) obtain approval of the Court.
5. DIP Obligations.
(a) The DIP Documents and this Final Order shall constitute and evidence the
validity and binding effect of the DIP Obligations, which shall be enforceable against the Debtors,
their estates and any successors thereto, including, without limitation, any trustee appointed in the
Chapter 11 Cases or in any case under chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code upon the conversion of
any of the Chapter 11 Cases, or in any other proceedings superseding or related to any of the
foregoing (collectively, the “Successor Cases”). Upon entry of this Final Order, the DIP
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Obligations will include all loans and any other indebtedness or obligations, contingent or absolute,
which may now or from time to time be owing by any of the Debtors to the DIP Agents or any of
the DIP Lenders, in each case, under the DIP Documents or this Final Order or secured by the DIP
Liens (as defined below), including, without limitation, all principal, accrued and unpaid interest,
costs, fees, expenses, and other amounts owing under the DIP Documents. The Debtors shall be
jointly and severally liable for the DIP Obligations. The DIP Obligations shall be due and payable,
and the use of Cash Collateral shall automatically cease, in each case, without notice or demand
on the DIP Termination Date, except as provided in paragraph 25 herein and subject to the
requirements of the Carve-Out. Subject to paragraph 36, as applicable, no obligation, payment,
transfer, or grant of collateral security hereunder or under the DIP Documents (including any DIP
Obligation or DIP Liens (as defined below) but excluding any adequate protection provided to the
Prepetition Secured Parties hereunder) shall be stayed, restrained, voidable, avoidable, or
recoverable under the Bankruptcy Code or under any applicable law (including, without limitation,
under chapter 5 of the Bankruptcy Code, section 724(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, or any other
provision with respect to avoidance actions under the Bankruptcy Code or applicable state law
equivalents) or subject to any avoidance, reduction, setoff, recoupment, offset, recharacterization,
subordination (whether equitable, contractual, or otherwise), counterclaim, cross-claim, defense,
or any other challenge under the Bankruptcy Code or any applicable law or regulation by any
person or entity.
(b) Upon the closing of the DIP ABL FILO Facility, all existing cash
management obligations constituting “Cash Management Obligations” under the Prepetition ABL
FILO Credit Agreement and outstanding on the Petition Date were deemed Cash Management
Obligations under the DIP ABL FILO Credit Agreement. All existing cash management services
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constituting “Cash Management Services” under the Prepetition ABL FILO Credit Agreement,
which services are being continued by order of the Court entered contemporaneously with the
Interim Order or this Final Order, shall be deemed Cash Management Services under the DIP ABL
FILO Credit Agreement. The payment priorities in respect of the Cash Management Obligations
under the DIP ABL FILO Credit Agreement, as set forth in Section 2.21(b) thereof, shall not be
modified without the consent of the holders of all Cash Management Obligations, in each case
under the DIP ABL FILO Credit Agreement.
6. DIP Liens. As security for the DIP Obligations, effective immediately upon
entry of the Interim Order and as ratified by this Final Order, pursuant to sections 361, 362,
364(c)(2), 364(c)(3), and 364(d) of the Bankruptcy Code, the DIP ABL FILO Agent, for the benefit
of itself and the DIP ABL FILO Lenders, and the DIP Term Agent, for the benefit of itself and the
DIP Term Lenders, are hereby granted valid, binding, continuing, enforceable, non-avoidable, and
automatically and properly perfected security interests and liens on all real and personal property,
whether now existing or hereafter arising and wherever located, tangible or intangible, of each of
the Debtors (the DIP Collateral”) including, without limitation (a) all cash, cash equivalents,
deposit accounts, securities accounts, accounts, other receivables (including credit card
receivables), chattel paper, contract rights, inventory (wherever located), instruments (including,
without limitation, promissory notes), documents, securities (whether or not marketable) and
investment property (including, without limitation, all of the issued and outstanding capital stock
of each of Holdings’ subsidiaries, all securities accounts and security entitlements related thereto,
and financial assets carried therein, and all commodity accounts and commodity contracts), hedge
agreements, furniture, fixtures, equipment (including documents of title), goods, vehicles,
franchise rights, trade names, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, patents, license rights,
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intellectual property, general intangibles (including, for the avoidance of doubt, payment
intangibles), rights to the payment of money (including, without limitation, tax refunds and any
other extraordinary payments), supporting obligations, guarantees, letter of credit rights,
commercial tort claims, causes of action, and all substitutions, indemnification rights, all present
and future intercompany debt, fee interests in real property owned by the Debtors, books, records,
ledger cards, files, correspondence, customer lists, blueprints, technical specifications, manuals,
computer software, computer printouts, tapes, disks and other electronic storage media and related
data processing software related to the foregoing, and accessions, products, rents, profits and
proceeds of the foregoing, wherever located, including insurance or other proceeds; (b) all owned
real property interests and all proceeds of leased real property (but, for the avoidance of doubt, not
such real property leases themselves); (c) actions brought under section 549 of the Bankruptcy
Code to recover any post-petition transfer of DIP Collateral; (d) the proceeds of any avoidance
actions other than actions referenced in clause (c) above (such actions, Avoidance Actionsand
Avoidance Actions against insiders of the Debtors or any non-Debtor affiliates or joint venture
party of the Debtors or any non-Debtor affiliates or any joint venture involving the Debtors or their
non-Debtor affiliates, collectively, “Excluded Avoidance Actions”) brought pursuant to chapter 5
of the Bankruptcy Code or section 724(a) of the Bankruptcy Code or any other avoidance actions
under the Bankruptcy Code or applicable state law equivalents (the Avoidance Action
Proceeds”); provided, that, (i) so long as the DIP Obligations remain outstanding, no liens shall
attach to Avoidance Actions, and, (ii) so long as there is no event of default under the DIP
Agreements, the Debtors covenant not to prosecute any Avoidance Actions other than Excluded
Avoidance Actions until such time as such Avoidance Actions are sold pursuant to an order of the
Bankruptcy Court or otherwise disposed of pursuant to a plan of reorganization proposed by the
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Debtors with the consent of the DIP Lenders, which sale or plan of reorganization shall provide
for the retirement or extinguishment of such Avoidance Actions; (e) the proceeds of any exercise
of the Debtors’ rights under section 506(c) and 550 of the Bankruptcy Code; and (f) all assets of
the Loan Parties (including, without limitation, all equity in non-U.S. subsidiaries of the Loan
Parties) that do not constitute DIP Term Priority Collateral or DIP ABL FILO Priority Collateral
(each as defined below) and are not otherwise subject to valid, perfected, enforceable and
unavoidable security interests or liens in existence as of the Petition Date or valid liens perfected
(but not granted) after the Petition Date (to the extent such perfection in respect of a prepetition
claim is expressly permitted under the Bankruptcy Code) (the Unencumbered Collateral”); in
each case subject and subordinate to the Carve-Out and the Permitted Prior Liens, as set forth in
this Final Order and in accordance with the priorities set forth in Exhibit B hereto (all such liens
and security interests granted to the DIP Agents, for their benefit and for the benefit of the DIP
Lenders, pursuant to the Interim Order, this Final Order and the DIP Documents, the DIP Liens”);
provided, that, notwithstanding the foregoing, the DIP Collateral shall not include (and the DIP
Liens shall not extend to) any “Excluded Assets” (as defined in the applicable DIP Documents).
7. DIP Lien Priority. The DIP Liens shall have the priority as set forth below
and as illustrated in Exhibit B hereto:
(a) pursuant to Section 364(c) of the Bankruptcy Code, the liens
securing the DIP Term Facility (the DIP Term Liens”) shall be first-priority liens, as granted
under the Interim Order and ratified hereby, on all Unencumbered Collateral, other than “Excluded
Assets” (as defined in the DIP Documents), senior in priority on such Unencumbered Collateral to
the liens securing the DIP ABL FILO Facility (the DIP ABL FILO Liens”) and the Term
In the event of any conflict between the text of this Final Order and the illustrative chart contained in Exhibit B
hereof, the text of the Final Order shall control.
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Adequate Protection Liens, and, subject to paragraph 12(f), the Prepetition ABL FILO Liens and
the ABL FILO Adequate Protection Liens; provided, that, as to the Avoidance Action Proceeds,
the DIP Term Liens, as granted under the Interim Order and ratified hereby, shall be senior to the
DIP ABL FILO Liens solely to the extent of the aggregate outstanding principal amount of New
Money DIP Term Loans, plus unpaid interest on, the New Money DIP Term Loans and all fees,
and other expenses related thereto and arising and payable under the DIP Facility (the New Money
DIP Term Claims”) and pari passu with the DIP ABL FILO Liens to the extent of the aggregate
outstanding principal amount of, plus unpaid interest on, the Term Roll-Up Amount, and all fees,
and other expenses related thereto and arising and payable under the DIP Facility (the Roll-Up
DIP Term Claims”);
(b) pursuant to Section 364(c)(3) of the Bankruptcy Code, the DIP Term
Liens shall be immediately junior, as granted under the Interim Order and ratified hereby, to any
liens on all of each Loan Party’s present and future assets and properties, in each case other than
the DIP Term Priority Collateral and the DIP ABL FILO Priority Collateral (each as defined
below), that are subject to any validly perfected, enforceable and unavoidable security interest or
lien in existence as of the Petition Date (the Other Encumbered Collateraland such security
interests or liens, the Other Liens”), senior in priority on such Other Encumbered Collateral to
(x) the Term Adequate Protection Liens, (y) the DIP ABL FILO Liens, and (z) subject to paragraph
12(f), the Prepetition ABL FILO Liens and the ABL FILO Adequate Protection Liens;
(c) pursuant to Section 364(d) of the Bankruptcy Code, (i) the DIP
Term Liens shall be priming first-priority liens, as granted under the Interim Order and ratified
hereby, on DIP Collateral that constitutes or, but for the commencement of the Chapter 11 Cases
would have constituted, Prepetition Term Priority Collateral or proceeds or products thereof (the
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DIP Term Priority Collateral”), in all respects senior in priority to the Prepetition Term Liens,
the Term Adequate Protection Liens, the DIP ABL FILO Liens, and, subject to paragraph 12(f),
the Prepetition ABL FILO Liens and the ABL FILO Adequate Protection Liens thereon, and
(ii) the DIP ABL FILO Liens shall be priming first-priority liens, as granted under the Interim
Order and ratified hereby, on DIP Collateral that constitutes, or, but for the commencement of the
Chapter 11 Cases would have constituted, Prepetition ABL FILO Priority Collateral or proceeds
or products thereof (the DIP ABL FILO Priority Collateral”),
in all respects senior in priority
to the Prepetition ABL FILO Liens and the ABL FILO Adequate Protection Liens, to the extent
such foregoing liens are permitted pursuant to paragraph 12 below, and the DIP Term Liens, the
Prepetition Term Liens and the Term Adequate Protection Liens thereon;
(d) pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 364(d) or other applicable
law, (i) the DIP Term Liens shall be priming second-priority liens, as granted under the Interim
Order and ratified hereby, upon all DIP ABL FILO Priority Collateral, in each case junior in
priority to the DIP ABL FILO Liens, and, subject to paragraph 12(f), the Prepetition ABL FILO
Liens and the ABL FILO Adequate Protection Liens, but senior in priority to the Prepetition Term
Liens and the Term Adequate Protection Liens and (ii) the DIP ABL FILO Liens shall be priming
second-priority liens, as granted under the Interim Order and ratified hereby, upon all DIP Term
Priority Collateral, in each case junior in priority to the DIP Term Liens, the Prepetition Term
Liens, and the Term Adequate Protection Liens, but senior in priority to, subject to paragraph 12(f),
the Prepetition ABL FILO Liens and the ABL FILO Adequate Protection Liens; and
(e) other than as set forth herein (including with respect to the Carve-
For the avoidance of doubt, neither of the Operating Account nor the DIP Funding Account (each as defined in the
DIP Term Credit Agreement), nor the 503(b)(9) Escrow Account (as defined below), shall constitute or may be
deemed to constitute DIP ABL FILO Priority Collateral.
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Out) or permitted under the DIP Documents, the DIP Liens shall not be made subject to or pari
passu with any lien or security interest heretofore or hereinafter granted in the Chapter 11 Cases
or any Successor Cases and shall be valid and enforceable against any trustee appointed in the
Chapter 11 Cases or any Successor Cases, upon the conversion of any of the Chapter 11 Cases to
any Successor Case, and/or upon the dismissal of any of the Chapter 11 Cases or Successor Cases.
The DIP Liens shall not be subject to any of sections 510, 549 or 550 of the Bankruptcy Code
(subject, as applicable, to the Challenge Deadline (as defined below) and related provisions set
forth in paragraph 36 herein). No lien or interest avoided and preserved for the benefit of the estate
pursuant to section 551 of the Bankruptcy Code shall be pari passu with or senior to the DIP Liens.
8. Superpriority Claims. Subject and subordinate to the Carve-Out, upon entry
of the Interim Order and as ratified by this Final Order, and with respect to Avoidance Action
Proceeds, subject to the limitations set forth in paragraph 6(d) hereof, the DIP Agents, on their
own behalf and on behalf of the DIP Lenders, are hereby granted, pursuant to section 364(c)(1) of
the Bankruptcy Code, allowed superpriority administrative expense claims in each of the Chapter
11 Cases and any Successor Cases (collectively, the DIP Superpriority Claims) for all DIP
Obligations (a) with priority over any and all administrative expense claims and unsecured claims
against the Debtors or their estates in any of the Chapter 11 Cases or any Successor Cases, at any
time existing or arising, of any kind or nature whatsoever, including, without limitation,
administrative expenses of the kinds specified in or ordered pursuant to sections 105, 326, 328,
330, 331, 364, 503(a), 503(b), 507(a), 507(b), 546(c), 546(d), 726, 1113, or 1114 of the Bankruptcy
Code or any other provision of the Bankruptcy Code and (b) which shall at all times be senior to
the rights of the Debtors and their estates, and any successor trustee or other estate representative
to the extent permitted by law. Notwithstanding anything contained herein or in any of the DIP
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Documents to the contrary, the DIP Superpriority Claims granted to (x) the DIP ABL FILO
Lenders shall, at all times be in respect of any assets or property that constitute, or, but for the
commencement of the Chapter 11 Cases would have constituted, DIP ABL FILO Priority
Collateral, senior to the DIP Superpriority Claims granted to the DIP Term Lenders, and (y) the
DIP Term Agent, on their own behalf and on behalf of the DIP Term Lenders shall, at all times be
in respect of any assets or property that constitute, or, but for the commencement of the Chapter
11 Cases would have constituted, Prepetition Term Priority Collateral or proceeds or products
thereof, senior to the DIP Superpriority Claims granted to the DIP ABL FILO Lenders.
9. No Obligation to Extend Credit. The DIP Lenders shall have no obligation
to make any loan or advance or to issue, amend, renew, or extend any letters of credit or bankers’
acceptance under the DIP Documents unless (and subject to the occurrence of the Closing Date)
all of the conditions precedent to the making of such extension of credit or the issuance,
amendment, renewal, or extension of such letter of credit or bankers’ acceptance under the
applicable DIP Documents, the Interim Order, and this Final Order, as applicable, have been
satisfied in full or waived by the applicable DIP Agents in accordance with the terms of the
applicable DIP Agreement.
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10. Use of Proceeds of DIP Facilities.
(a) From and after the Petition Date, the Debtors shall use proceeds of
borrowings under the DIP Facilities only for the purposes specifically set forth in the DIP
Documents, the Interim Order, and this Final Order, as applicable, and, in each case, in compliance
with the Budget (subject to any Permitted Variances (as defined in the DIP Term Credit
Agreement, the Permitted Variances)) and the terms and conditions in the DIP Documents, the
Interim Order, and this Final Order, as applicable.
(b) The Debtors are authorized to cash collateralize any outstanding
Prepetition Letters of Credit issued under the Prepetition ABL FILO Credit Agreement pursuant
to the LC Cash Collateral Agreement and in compliance with the Budget (subject to Permitted
11. Authorization to Use Cash Collateral. Subject to the terms and conditions
of the DIP Documents, the Interim Order, and this Final Order, as applicable, and in accordance
with the Budget (subject to the Permitted Variances), the Debtors are authorized to use Cash
Collateral until the DIP Termination Date; provided, however, that during the Remedies Notice
Period (as defined below), the Debtors may use Cash Collateral solely to meet payroll obligations
and pay expenses necessary to avoid immediate and irreparable harm to the Debtors’ estates, in
accordance with the Budget (subject to the Permitted Variances). Nothing in this Final Order shall
authorize the disposition of any assets of the Debtors or their estates outside the ordinary course
of business, or any Debtor’s use of any Cash Collateral or other proceeds resulting therefrom,
except as permitted in this Final Order (including with respect to the Carve-Out), the DIP Facilities,
the DIP Documents, or by an order of the Court, and in accordance with the Budget (subject to the
Permitted Variances).
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12. Adequate Protection for the Prepetition ABL FILO Secured Parties.
Subject to the Investigation (as defined below) and paragraph 12(f), the Prepetition ABL FILO
Secured Parties are entitled, pursuant to sections 361, 362, 363(c)(2), 363(e), and 507 of the
Bankruptcy Code, to adequate protection of their interests in the Prepetition Collateral, including
the Cash Collateral, solely to the extent of any Diminution in Value of their interests in the
Prepetition Collateral (the ABL FILO Adequate Protection Obligations”). As adequate
protection, the Prepetition ABL FILO Secured Parties are hereby granted the following:
(a) ABL FILO Adequate Protection Liens. As security for the payment
of the ABL FILO Adequate Protection Obligations, the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent (for itself
and for the benefit of the Prepetition FILO Lenders) is hereby granted (effective and perfected
upon the date of the Interim Order and without the necessity of the execution by the Debtors of
security agreements, pledge agreements, mortgages, financing statements, or other agreements) a
valid, perfected replacement security interest in and lien on all DIP Collateral, including, upon
entry of the Final Order (and subject to the limitations set forth in paragraph 6(d) hereof), the
Avoidance Action Proceeds (the ABL FILO Adequate Protection Liens”), subject and
subordinate only to (i) the Carve-Out, (ii) the Permitted Prior Liens, (iii) with respect to DIP
Collateral that constitutes DIP Term Priority Collateral, the DIP Term Liens, the Prepetition Term
Liens, the Term Adequate Protection Liens (as defined below), and the DIP ABL FILO Liens,
(iv) with respect to the Unencumbered Collateral and the Other Encumbered Collateral, the DIP
Term Liens, the Term Adequate Protection Liens, and the DIP ABL FILO Liens, and (v) with
respect to DIP Collateral that constitutes DIP ABL FILO Priority Collateral, the DIP ABL FILO
Liens and the Prepetition ABL FILO Liens; provided, that, as to the Avoidance Action Proceeds,
the ABL FILO Adequate Protection Liens shall be pari passu with the Term Adequate Protection
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(b) ABL FILO Section 507(b) Claims. The ABL FILO Adequate
Protection Obligations shall constitute superpriority claims as provided in section 507(b) of the
Bankruptcy Code (the ABL FILO 507(b) Claims), with priority in payment over any and all
administrative expenses of the kinds specified or ordered pursuant to any provision of the
Bankruptcy Code, including, without limitation, sections 105, 326, 328, 330, 331, 503(a), 503(b),
506(c), 507(a), 507(b), 546(c), 546(d), 726, 1113, or 1114 of the Bankruptcy Code, whether
incurred in these Chapter 11 Cases or in any Successor Cases, subject and subordinate only to
(i) the Carve-Out and (ii) the DIP Superpriority Claims granted in favor of the DIP Obligations
and pari passu with the Term 507(b) Claims (as defined below). Except to the extent expressly
set forth in this Final Order, the Prepetition ABL FILO Secured Parties shall not receive or retain
any payments, property, or other amounts in respect of the ABL FILO 507(b) Claims unless and
until the Carve-Out is funded and, other than with regard to the DIP ABL FILO Priority Collateral,
all DIP Obligations shall have indefeasibly been paid in full in cash. Notwithstanding their status
as ABL FILO 507(b) Claims, the ABL FILO Adequate Protection Obligations may be satisfied in
a plan of reorganization confirmed in the Chapter 11 Cases in any manner set forth in such plan if
holders of more than 66-2/3% in amount of the ABL FILO Adequate Protection Obligations
consent to such treatment; provided, however, that nothing in this Final Order shall be construed
as establishing that the confirmation requirements for a chapter 11 plan have been satisfied,
predetermining any provision of a chapter 11 plan, or predetermining how any vote by any insider
is counted with respect to a chapter 11 plan.
(c) ABL FILO Adequate Protection Payments. The Debtors are
authorized and directed to pay, as adequate protection, in the form of payment in cash, solely to
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the extent that any Prepetition ABL FILO Obligations remain subject to a Challenge (as defined
below) pursuant to paragraph 36 hereof, all accrued and unpaid fees and reasonable and
documented disbursements, including professional fees, incurred by the Prepetition ABL FILO
Agent and the ad hoc group of holders of the Prepetition FILO Term Loans (the “Ad Hoc
Committee of FILO Lenders”), whether accrued before, on, or after the Petition Date, including,
without limitation, the reasonable and documented fees and expenses of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind,
Wharton & Garrison LLP (“Paul, Weiss”), as counsel to the Ad Hoc Committee of FILO Lenders,
AlixPartners LLP (“AlixPartners”), as financial advisor to the Ad Hoc Committee of FILO
Lenders, and Landis, Rath & Cobb LLP (“Landis and, together with Paul, Weiss and
AlixPartners, the Ad Hoc FILO Committee Advisors”), as Delaware co-counsel (excluding
success or transaction fees). The payment of the fees, expenses and disbursements set forth in this
paragraph (to the extent incurred after the Petition Date) shall be subject to paragraph 36 and the
review process set forth in paragraph 32. To the extent the DIP ABL FILO Loans are subject to a
successful Challenge in accordance with paragraph 36 hereof, interest on the ABL FILO Roll-Up
Amount shall be deemed to have accrued pursuant to the Prepetition ABL FILO Documents.
(d) Information. The Debtors shall concurrently deliver to the
Prepetition ABL FILO Agent and the legal and financial advisors to the Ad Hoc Committee of
FILO Lenders, all information, reports, documents, and other materials that the Debtors provide
to the DIP Lenders pursuant to the DIP Documents, the Interim Order, and this Final Order, subject
to the confidentiality provisions contained in the Prepetition ABL FILO Credit Agreement.
(e) Nothing in this Final Order or the DIP Documents shall prejudice
the rights, remedies and privileges of the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent, the Prepetition FILO
Lenders, and the Prepetition ABL Lenders provided under the Bankruptcy Code or as set forth in
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the Prepetition ABL FILO Documents, in either case, to the extent any payment of the Prepetition
ABL FILO Obligations, including termination payments made under the Agent Hedge Agreement,
as contemplated under the Interim Order, are required to be disgorged or otherwise avoided or
reinstated, and all of the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent’s, Prepetition FILO Lenders’, and
Prepetition ABL Lenders’ rights and remedies under the Bankruptcy Code and the Prepetition
ABL FILO Documents (including the Intercreditor Agreement) are hereby fully preserved,
including their right to seek additional or further adequate protection.
(f) The provisions for adequate protection in this paragraph 12 with
respect to the Prepetition ABL FILO Obligations, Prepetition ABL FILO Liens and any ABL FILO
Adequate Protection Obligations, including ABL FILO Adequate Protection Liens and ABL FILO
507(b) Claims, shall be deemed satisfied and discharged (and without any further obligation to
provide continuing adequate protection thereunder) upon both (x) the repayment in full of the
Prepetition ABL FILO Obligations in cash and/or through the conversion into the DIP ABL FILO
Loans as contemplated hereunder and (y) the expiration of the Challenge Deadline without a
Challenge in respect of the Prepetition ABL FILO Obligations and/or Prepetition ABL FILO Liens
being commenced (or if commenced, upon the dismissal of such Challenge, with prejudice).
13. Adequate Protection for the Prepetition Term Secured Parties. Subject to
the Investigation, the Prepetition Term Secured Parties are entitled, pursuant to sections 361, 362,
363(c)(2), 363(e), and 507 of the Bankruptcy Code, to adequate protection of their interests in the
Prepetition Collateral, including the Cash Collateral, solely to the extent of any Diminution in
Value of their interests in the Prepetition Collateral (the Term Adequate Protection Obligations”,
and, together with the ABL FILO Adequate Protection Obligations, the Adequate Protection
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Obligations”). As adequate protection, the Prepetition Term Secured Parties are hereby granted
the following:
(a) Term Adequate Protection Liens. As security for the payment of the
Term Adequate Protection Obligations, the Prepetition Term Collateral Agent (for itself and for
the benefit of the Prepetition Term Lenders) is hereby granted (effective and perfected upon the
date of the Interim Order and without the necessity of the execution by the Debtors of security
agreements, pledge agreements, mortgages, financing statements, or other agreements) a valid,
perfected replacement security interest in and lien on all of the DIP Collateral, including
Avoidance Action Proceeds (subject to the limitations set forth in section 6(d) hereof (the “Term
Adequate Protection Liensand, together with the ABL FILO Adequate Protection Liens, the
Adequate Protection Liens”), subject and subordinate only to (i) the Carve-Out, (ii) the Permitted
Prior Liens, (iii) as to all DIP Collateral constituting DIP Term Priority Collateral, the DIP Term
Liens and the Prepetition Term Liens, (iv) as to all DIP Collateral constituting DIP ABL FILO
Priority Collateral, the DIP ABL FILO Liens, the Prepetition ABL FILO Liens, the ABL FILO
Adequate Protection Liens, and the DIP Term Liens, and (v) as to the Unencumbered Collateral
and the Other Encumbered Collateral, the DIP Term Liens, and the DIP ABL FILO Liens;
provided, that, as to the Avoidance Action Proceeds, the Term Adequate Protection Liens shall be
pari passu with the ABL FILO Adequate Protection Liens.
(b) Term Section 507(b) Claims. The Term Adequate Protection
Obligations shall constitute superpriority claims as provided in section 507(b) of the Bankruptcy
Code (the Term 507(b) Claimsand, together with the ABL FILO 507(b) Claims, the 507(b)
Claims”), with priority in payment over any and all administrative expenses of the kinds specified
or ordered pursuant to any provision of the Bankruptcy Code, including, without limitation,
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sections 105, 326, 328, 330, 331, 503(a), 503(b), 506(c), 507(a), 507(b), 546(c), 546(d), 726, 1113,
or 1114 of the Bankruptcy Code, whether incurred in these Chapter 11 Cases or in any Successor
Cases, subject and subordinate only to (i) the Carve-Out and (ii) the DIP Superpriority Claims
granted in respect of the DIP Obligations, and pari passu with the ABL 507(b) Claims. Except to
the extent expressly set forth in this Final Order, the Prepetition Term Secured Parties shall not
receive or retain any payments, property, or other amounts in respect of the Term 507(b) Claims
unless and until the Carve-Out is funded and all DIP Obligations, ABL FILO Adequate Protection
Obligations, and Prepetition ABL FILO Obligations shall have indefeasibly been paid in full in
cash. Notwithstanding their status as Term 507(b) Claims, the Term Adequate Protection
Obligations may be satisfied in a plan of reorganization confirmed in the Chapter 11 Cases in any
manner set forth in such plan if holders of more than 66-2/3% in amount of the Term Adequate
Protection Obligations consent to such treatment; provided, however, that nothing in this Final
Order shall be construed as establishing that the confirmation requirements for a chapter 11 plan
have been satisfied, predetermining any provision of a chapter 11 plan, or predetermining how any
vote by any insider is counted with respect to a chapter 11 plan.
(c) Adequate Protection Payments. The Debtors are authorized and
directed to pay, as adequate protection, in the form of payment in cash all accrued and unpaid fees
and reasonable and documented disbursements incurred by the Prepetition Term Agents, their
advisors, including Dorsey & Whitney LLP, as counsel, and advisors to the ad hoc group of holders
of Prepetition Term Loans and Prepetition FILO Term Loans (the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover
Lendersand, together with the Ad Hoc Committee of FILO Lenders, the Ad Hoc Committees”),
including Milbank LLP (“Milbank”) as counsel, Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP
(“MNAT”) as Delaware counsel, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP (“Cassels”) as Canadian counsel
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and Houlihan Lokey, Inc. as financial advisor (“Houlihanand, together with MNAT, Cassels
and Milbank, the Ad Hoc Crossover Group Advisors and, together with the Ad Hoc FILO
Committee Advisors, the Ad Hoc Committee Advisors”), in each case whether accrued before,
on, or after the Petition Date. The payment of the fees, expenses and disbursements set forth in
this paragraph (to the extent incurred after the Petition Date) shall be subject to paragraph 36 and
the review process set forth in paragraph 32.
(d) Information. The Debtors shall concurrently deliver to the
Prepetition Term Agents, their legal advisors, and the legal advisors to the Ad Hoc Group of
Crossover Lenders all information, reports, documents, and other material that the Debtors provide
to the DIP Lenders pursuant to the DIP Documents, the Interim Order, and this Final Order, subject
to the confidentiality provisions contained in the Prepetition Term Credit Agreement.
14. Adequate Protection Reservation. Subject to the Carve-Out, nothing herein
shall impair or modify the application of section 507(b) of the Bankruptcy Code in the event that
the adequate protection provided to the Prepetition Secured Parties hereunder is insufficient to
compensate for any Diminution in Value of their respective interests in the Prepetition Collateral
during the Chapter 11 Cases or any Successor Cases. The receipt by the Prepetition Secured
Parties of the adequate protection provided herein shall not be deemed an admission that the
interests of the Prepetition Secured Parties are adequately protected. Further, this Final Order shall
not prejudice or limit the rights of the Prepetition Secured Parties to seek additional relief with
respect to the use of Cash Collateral or for additional adequate protection, subject in all respects
to the terms and limitations of the Intercreditor Agreement.
15. Effect of Order on Adequate Protection. In the event that it is determined
by a final order, which order shall not be subject to any appeal, stay, reversal, or vacatur, that (a) no
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Diminution in Value of any Prepetition Secured Party’s respective interests in the Prepetition
Collateral has occurred or (b) such Prepetition Secured Party is determined to be undersecured,
then a party in interest shall have the right to assert that payments on account of adequate protection
pursuant to this Final Order shall be applied toward repayment of the principal amount due under
the Prepetition Secured Facilities as is owing to such Prepetition Secured Party.
16. Budget Maintenance. The Debtors shall use the proceeds of all borrowings
under the DIP Facilities and Cash Collateral in accordance with the Budget, subject in all respects
to the Permitted Variance. The Budget annexed hereto as Schedule 1 shall constitute the current
Budget. On the first Wednesday that is four (4) full weeks after the Petition Date, and on the
Wednesday of each fourth week thereafter, the Debtors shall provide to the DIP Term Agent, their
legal advisors, the DIP ABL FILO Agent, and the Ad Hoc Committee Advisors (a) an updated
proposed rolling 13-week statement of the Debtors’ anticipated cash receipts and disbursements
for the subsequent 13-week period (a Proposed Budget”), which Proposed Budget shall modify
and supersede any prior Budget on the Wednesday of the week following the delivery of any
Proposed Budget, unless prior to such date the DIP Term Agent, at the direction of the Required
Term Lenders or Required Term Lenders notifies the Loan Parties in writing (which may be by
email) that such Proposed Budget is not in form and substance satisfactory to the Required Term
Lenders. If the DIP Term Agent, at the direction of the Required Term Lenders or Required Term
Lenders deliver such notice that such Proposed Budget is not in form and substance satisfactory to
the Required Term Lenders, the Budget then in effect shall continue as the then-effective Budget,
and the DIP Term Lenders shall have no obligation to fund such Proposed Budget. Each Budget
delivered to the DIP Term Agent and the Ad Hoc Committee Advisors shall be accompanied by
such supporting documentation as reasonably requested by the Ad Hoc Committee Advisors, and
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each Budget shall be prepared in good faith based upon assumptions the Debtors believe to be
reasonable. A copy of the Budget shall be delivered to the legal and financial advisors to the
Committee and the U.S. Trustee following such Budget’s approval.
17. Budget and Reporting Compliance. The Debtors shall at all times comply
with the Budget, subject to the Permitted Variances, and the Debtors shall provide all reports and
other information as required in the DIP Agreements (subject to the grace periods provided
therein). The Debtors’ failure to comply with the Budget (subject to the Permitted Variance) or to
provide the reports and other information required in the DIP Agreements shall constitute an Event
of Default (as defined below), following the expiration of any applicable grace period set forth in
the applicable DIP Agreement.
18. Modification of Automatic Stay. The automatic stay imposed under section
362(a)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code is hereby modified as necessary to effectuate all of the terms
and provisions of this Final Order, including, without limitation, to (a) permit the Debtors to grant
the DIP Liens, Adequate Protection Liens, DIP Superpriority Claims, and 507(b) Claims;
(b) permit the Debtors to perform such acts as the DIP Agents, the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent,
and the Prepetition Term Agents each may reasonably request to assure the perfection and priority
of the liens granted herein; (c) permit the Debtors to incur all liabilities and obligations to the DIP
Agents, DIP Lenders, and Prepetition Secured Parties under the DIP Documents, the DIP
Facilities, and this Final Order, as applicable; and (d) authorize the Debtors to pay, and the DIP
Agents, the DIP Lenders, and the Prepetition Secured Parties to retain and apply, payments made
in accordance with the terms of this Final Order.
19. Perfection of DIP Liens and Adequate Protection Liens. The Interim Order
and this Final Order shall each be sufficient and conclusive evidence of the creation, validity,
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perfection, and priority of all liens granted herein, including the DIP Liens and the Adequate
Protection Liens, without the necessity of filing or recording any financing statement, mortgage,
notice, or other instrument or document which may otherwise be required under the law or
regulation of any jurisdiction or the taking of any other action (including, for the avoidance of
doubt, entering into any deposit account control agreement) to validate or perfect (in accordance
with applicable non-bankruptcy law) the DIP Liens or the Adequate Protection Liens or to entitle
the DIP Agents, the DIP Lenders, and the Prepetition Secured Parties to the priorities granted
herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each of the DIP Agents, Prepetition ABL FILO Agent,
and Prepetition Term Agents are authorized to file or record, as it in its sole discretion deems
necessary or advisable, such financing statements, security agreements, mortgages, notices of
liens, and other similar documents to perfect its respective liens in accordance with applicable non-
bankruptcy law, and all such financing statements, mortgages, notices, and other documents shall
be deemed to have been filed or recorded as of the Petition Date; provided, however, that no such
filing or recordation shall be necessary or required in order to create or perfect the DIP Liens or
the Adequate Protection Liens. The Debtors are authorized and directed to execute and deliver,
promptly upon demand to the DIP Agents, Prepetition ABL FILO Agent, and Prepetition Term
Agents, all such financing statements, mortgages, notices, and other documents as the DIP Agents,
Prepetition ABL FILO Agent, or Prepetition Term Agents, as applicable, may reasonably request.
Each of the DIP Agents, Prepetition ABL FILO Agent, and Prepetition Term Agents, in its
discretion, may file a photocopy of the Interim Order and/or this Final Order as a financing
statement with any filing or recording office or with any registry of deeds or similar office, in
addition to or in lieu of such financing statements, notices of lien, or similar instrument, and all
applicable officials are hereby directed to accept a photocopy of the Interim Order and/or this Final
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Order for filing or recordation for such purpose. To the extent any of the Prepetition ABL FILO
Agent or Prepetition Term Agents are the secured party under any security agreement, mortgage,
leasehold mortgage, landlord waiver, credit card processor notices or agreements, bailee letters,
custom broker agreements, financing statement, account control agreements, or any other
Prepetition Documents or is listed as loss payee or additional insured under any of the Debtors’
insurance policies, the DIP Agents shall also be deemed to be the secured party or the loss payee
or additional insured, as applicable, under such documents. The Prepetition ABL FILO Agent and
Prepetition Term Agents, as applicable, shall serve as agents for the DIP Agents for purposes of
perfecting the DIP Liens on all DIP Collateral that is of a type such that, without giving effect to
the Bankruptcy Code and this Final Order, perfection of a lien thereon may be accomplished only
by possession or control by a secured party.
20. Protections of Rights of DIP Agents, DIP Lenders and Prepetition Secured
(a) Unless the DIP Agents, the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent, and the
Prepetition Term Agents shall have provided their prior written consent, or all DIP Obligations
and all Prepetition Secured Obligations (excluding contingent indemnification obligations for
which no claim has been asserted) have been indefeasibly paid in full in cash and the lending
commitments under the DIP Facilities have terminated, it shall be an Event of Default under each
of the DIP Agreements and this Final Order if there shall be entered in any of these Chapter 11
Cases or any Successor Cases any order (including any order confirming any plan of
reorganization or liquidation) that authorizes any of the following (unless such order provides for
the simultaneous satisfaction of such obligations): (i) the obtaining of credit or the incurring of
indebtedness that is secured by a security, mortgage, or collateral interest or other lien on all or
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any portion of the DIP Collateral or the Prepetition Collateral or that is entitled to administrative
priority status, in each case that is superior to or pari passu with the DIP Liens, the DIP
Superpriority Claims, the Prepetition Liens, the Adequate Protection Liens, or the 507(b) Claims,
except as expressly set forth in this Final Order or the DIP Documents; (ii) the use of Cash
Collateral for any purpose other than as permitted in the Budget, subject to the Permitted
Variances, the DIP Documents, and this Final Order; or (iii) any modification of any DIP Agent’s,
any DIP Lender’s, or any Prepetition Secured Party’s rights under this Final Order, the DIP
Documents, or the Prepetition Documents with respect any DIP Obligations or Prepetition Secured
(b) The Debtors (and/or their legal and financial advisors in the case of
clauses (ii) through (iv) below) will, whether or not the DIP Obligations (excluding contingent
indemnification obligations for which no claim has been asserted) have been indefeasibly paid in
full in cash, (i) maintain books, records, and accounts to the extent and as required by the DIP
Documents and the Prepetition Documents (and subject to the applicable grace periods set forth
therein); (ii) reasonably cooperate with, consult with, and provide to the DIP Agents and the
Prepetition Agents all such information and documents that any or all of the Debtors are obligated
(including upon reasonable request by any of the DIP Agents or the Prepetition Agents) to provide
under the DIP Documents, the Prepetition Documents, or the provisions of this Final Order;
(iii) authorize their independent certified public accountants, financial advisors, investment
bankers and consultants, including Evercore Group LLC and FTI Consulting Inc. to cooperate and
consult with the DIP Agents (and, so long as an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing,
each DIP Lender), the Ad Hoc Committee Advisors, and the Prepetition Agents; (iv) upon
reasonable advance notice, permit the DIP Agents, the DIP Lenders, and the Prepetition Agents to
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visit and inspect any of the Debtors’ respective properties, to examine and make abstracts or copies
from any of their respective books and records, to tour the Debtors’ business premises and other
properties, and to discuss their respective affairs, finances, properties, business operations, and
accounts with their respective officers, employees, independent public accountants, and other
professional advisors (other than legal counsel) as and to the extent required by the DIP Documents
and/or the Prepetition Documents; (v) permit the DIP Agents, the Prepetition Agents and the Ad
Hoc Committee Advisors to consult with the Debtors’ management and advisors on matters
concerning the Debtors’ businesses, financial condition, operations, and assets; and (vi) upon
reasonable advance notice, permit the DIP Agents and the Prepetition Agents to conduct, at their
discretion and at the Debtors’ cost and expense, field audits, collateral examinations, and
liquidation valuations at reasonable times in respect of any or all of the DIP Collateral or the
Prepetition Collateral, in accordance with the DIP Documents and the Prepetition Documents.
21. Credit Bidding. In connection with any sale process authorized by the
Court, whether effectuated through sections 363, 725, or 1123 of the Bankruptcy Code, the DIP
Agents, DIP Lenders, and the Prepetition Secured Parties may credit bid up to the full amount of
the outstanding DIP Obligations or the relevant Prepetition Secured Obligations, as applicable, in
each case including any accrued and unpaid interest, expenses, fees, and other obligations for their
respective priority collateral (each such bid, a Credit Bid”) pursuant to section 363(k) of the
Bankruptcy Code, subject in each case to paragraph 36 hereof, the Intercreditor Agreement, and
the priorities set forth herein; provided, that any Credit Bid includes cash consideration sufficient
to pay in full any obligations with senior liens on the collateral that is subject to the Credit Bid.
Notwithstanding anything in this Order to the contrary, the Committee reserves its rights under
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section 363(k) of the Bankruptcy Code and its challenge rights under paragraph 36 hereof with
respect to any credit bid.
22. Proceeds of Subsequent Financing. If the Debtors, any trustee, any
examiner with expanded powers, or any responsible officer subsequently appointed in these
Chapter 11 Cases or any Successor Cases shall obtain credit or incur debt pursuant to sections
364(b), 364(c), 364(d) of the Bankruptcy Code in violation of the DIP Documents or this Final
Order at any time prior to the indefeasible repayment in full of all DIP Obligations and the
termination of the DIP Agents’ and DIP Lenders’ obligation to extend credit under the DIP
Facilities, including subsequent to the confirmation of any plan with respect to any or all of the
Debtors (if applicable), then all the cash proceeds derived from such credit or debt shall
immediately be turned over to the DIP Term Agent or the DIP ABL FILO Agent, as applicable, to
be applied in accordance with the Prepetition Intercreditor Agreement, this Final Order and the
DIP Documents.
23. Maintenance of DIP Collateral. Until the indefeasible payment in full of all
DIP Obligations, all Prepetition Secured Obligations, and the termination of the DIP Agents’ and
the DIP Lenders’ obligation to extend credit under the DIP Facilities, the Debtors shall (a) insure
the DIP Collateral as required under the DIP Facilities or the Prepetition Documents, as applicable;
(b) maintain the cash management system in effect as of the Petition Date, as modified by any
order entered by the Court; and (c)(i) maintain accurate records of all transfers (including
intercompany transactions) within the cash management system so that all postpetition transfers
and transactions shall be adequately and promptly documented in, and readily ascertainable from,
their books and records, to the same extent maintained by the Debtors before the Petition Date,
and (ii) provide reasonable access to such records to the DIP Agents and the Ad Hoc Committee
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24. Disposition of DIP Collateral. The Debtors shall not sell, transfer, lease,
encumber, or otherwise dispose of any portion of the DIP Collateral other than in the ordinary
course of business without the prior written consent of the DIP Agents and the Prepetition Agents
(and no such consent shall be implied, from any other action, inaction, or acquiescence by the DIP
Agents, DIP Lenders, or the Prepetition Secured Parties), except as otherwise provided for in the
DIP Documents or as ordered by the Court, and subject in all respects to the Intercreditor
25. DIP Termination Date. On the DIP Termination Date (as defined below),
which, for the avoidance of doubt, shall include the “Maturity Date” under each DIP Agreement,
subject to the Carve-Out, (a) all DIP Obligations shall be immediately due and payable, all
commitments to extend credit under the DIP Facilities will terminate, other than as required in
paragraph 36 with respect to the Carve-Out; (b) all authority to use Cash Collateral shall cease,
other than as required in paragraph 36 with respect to the Carve-Out; provided, however, that
during the Remedies Notice Period, the Debtors may use Cash Collateral solely to meet payroll
obligations and pay expenses necessary to avoid immediate and irreparable harm to the Debtors’
estates, in accordance with the Budget (subject to the Permitted Variances), or as otherwise agreed
by the DIP Term Agent at the direction of the Required Term Lenders; and (c) subject to paragraph
28, the DIP Agents and DIP Lenders shall be otherwise entitled to exercise rights and remedies
under the DIP Documents in accordance with this Final Order.
26. Events of Default. The occurrence of any of the following events, unless
waived by the DIP Term Agent, at the direction of the Required Term Lenders, and/or the DIP
ABL FILO Agent (as applicable) in writing and in accordance with the terms of the applicable
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DIP Agreements, shall constitute an event of default (collectively, the “Events of Default”) under
this Final Order: (a) the failure of the Debtors to perform or comply with, in any respect, any of
the terms, provisions, conditions, covenants, or obligations under this Final Order, subject to a
three-day cure period (if such failure is capable of being cured); or (b) the occurrence of an “Event
of Default” under either of the DIP Agreements. Upon the indefeasible payment in full in cash of
the DIP Obligations (a “DIP Repayment”), the foregoing Events of Default may be waived by the
Prepetition Agents as set forth in the Prepetition Documents.
27. Milestones. The failure of the Debtors to comply with any of the
Milestones” set forth on Schedule 2 hereto (as to which any such Milestone may be extended in
writing by the Required Term Lenders (in their sole and absolute discretion)) shall (a) constitute
an Event of Default under (i) each of the DIP Agreements and (ii) this Final Order and, (b) subject
to the expiration of the Remedies Notice Period, result in the automatic termination of the Debtors’
authority to use Cash Collateral under this Final Order, and (c) permit the DIP Agents, subject to
the terms of paragraph 28, to exercise the rights and remedies provided for in this Final Order and
the DIP Documents.
28. Rights and Remedies Upon Event of Default. Immediately upon the
occurrence and during the continuation of an Event of Default or the “Maturity Date” under the
applicable DIP Agreement, notwithstanding the provisions of section 362 of the Bankruptcy Code,
without any application, motion or notice to, hearing before, or order of the Court, but subject to
the terms of this Final Order, (a) each of the DIP Term Agent and the DIP ABL FILO Agent may
declare (i) all outstanding DIP Obligations owing under the respective DIP Documents to be
immediately due and payable, (ii) the termination of any further commitment to extend credit to
the Debtors to the extent any such commitment remains under the respective DIP Facilities,
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(iii) termination of the respective DIP Facilities and the respective DIP Documents as to any future
liability or obligation of the applicable DIP Agents and the DIP Lenders, without affecting any of
the DIP Liens or the DIP Obligations, and (iv) that the application of the Carve-Out has occurred
through the delivery of the Carve-Out Trigger Notice (as defined below) to the Debtors; and
(b) subject to the provisions in paragraph 25, the Prepetition Agents may declare the termination
of the Debtors’ ability to use Cash Collateral (any such declaration shall be referred to as a “DIP
Termination Declarationand the date on which a DIP Termination Declaration is delivered shall
be referred to as the “DIP Termination Date”). A DIP Termination Declaration shall be delivered
by electronic mail (or other electronic means) to counsel to the Debtors, counsel to the Committee,
counsel to each of the DIP Agents (or the other DIP Agent, if made by one of the DIP Agents),
counsel to each of the Ad Hoc Committees, counsel to each of the Prepetition Agents (or the other
Prepetition Agent, if made by one of the Prepetition Agents), and the U.S. Trustee. The automatic
stay is hereby modified so that five (5) business days after the date a DIP Termination Declaration
is delivered (such five-day period, the Remedies Notice Period”), the DIP Agents and the DIP
Lenders shall be entitled to exercise their rights and remedies in accordance with their respective
DIP Documents, as applicable, and this Final Order, subject in all respects to the Carve-Out.
During the Remedies Notice Period, the Debtors and/or the Committee or any party in interest
shall be entitled to seek an emergency hearing from the Court, and upon and after delivery of the
DIP Termination Declaration, each DIP Agent delivering such DIP Termination Declaration shall
be deemed to have consented to such emergency hearing. The Debtors hereby waive their right to
and shall not be entitled to invoke section 105 of the Bankruptcy Code in an effort to restrict or
preclude the DIP Agents or DIP Lenders from exercising any rights or remedies set forth in this
paragraph 28 or elsewhere in the Final Order or DIP Documents. Unless the Court orders
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otherwise, the automatic stay shall automatically be terminated at the end of the Remedies Notice
Period without further notice or order as to the DIP Agents and the DIP Lenders. Upon the
occurrence and during the continuation of an Event of Default, the DIP Agents and any liquidator
or other professional will have the right to access and utilize, at no cost or expense, any trade
names, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property of the Debtors to the extent necessary
or appropriate in order to sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of any of the DIP Collateral, including
pursuant to any Court-approved sale process; provided, however, that the DIP Agents and the other
DIP Lenders may only enter upon a leased premises of the Debtors after a DIP Termination
Declaration in accordance with (i) a separate written agreement among the DIP Agents, the other
DIP Lenders, and the applicable landlord for the leased premises, (ii) pre-existing rights of the DIP
Agents or the other DIP Lenders under applicable non-bankruptcy law, (iii) written consent of the
applicable landlord for the leased premises, or (iv) entry of an order by this Court approving such
access to the leased premises after notice and an opportunity to be heard for the applicable landlord
for the leased premises.
29. Carve-Out.
(a) As used in this Final Order, the term Carve-Outmeans the sum
of: (i) all fees required to be paid to the Clerk of the Court and to the U.S. Trustee under 28 U.S.C.
§ 1930(a) plus interest at the statutory rate (without regard to the notice set forth in clause (iv)
below); (ii) all reasonable fees and expenses up to $75,000 incurred by a trustee under section
726(b) of the Bankruptcy Code (without regard to the notice set forth in clause (iv) below); (iii) to
the extent allowed at any time, whether by interim or final compensation order, procedural order,
or otherwise, all unpaid fees and expenses (including any monthly or success or Transaction Fee
(defined below) payable to estate professionals) (the Allowed Professional Fees”) incurred by
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persons or firms retained by the Loan Parties pursuant to section 327, 328, or 363 of the
Bankruptcy Code (the Debtor Professionals”) and the Committee pursuant to section 328 or 1103
of the Bankruptcy Code (the Committee Professionals and, together with the Debtor
Professionals, the Professional Persons”) at any time before or on the first business day following
delivery by the DIP Term Agent or the DIP ABL FILO Agent of a Carve-Out Trigger Notice (as
defined below), whether allowed by the Court prior to or after delivery of a Carve-Out Trigger
Notice (as defined below) (the amounts set forth in clauses (i) through (iii), the Pre-Carve-Out
Trigger Notice Cap”); and (iv) Allowed Professional Fees of Professional Persons in an aggregate
amount not to exceed $2,500,000 incurred after the first business day following the date of delivery
by the DIP Term Agent or the DIP ABL FILO Agent of the Carve-Out Trigger Notice (such date,
the Trigger Date”), to the extent allowed at any time, whether by interim order, procedural order,
or otherwise (the amounts set forth in this clause (iv) being the Post-Carve-Out Trigger Notice
Cap” and, together with the Pre-Carve-Out Trigger Notice Cap, the Carve-Out Cap”); provided,
that under no circumstances shall any success, completion, or similar fees be paid from the Carve-
Out following delivery of a Trigger Notice unless such fee was earned and payable prior to the
Trigger Date; provided, further that nothing herein shall be construed to impair the ability of any
party to object to the fees, expenses, reimbursement or compensation described in the Carve-Out
Cap on any other grounds.
(b) For purposes of the foregoing, Carve-Out Trigger Noticeshall
mean a written notice delivered by email (or other electronic means) by the DIP Term Agent or
the DIP ABL FILO Agent to each other, the Loan Parties, their lead restructuring counsel (Latham
& Watkins LLP), the U.S. Trustee, counsel to the Committee, and counsel to each of the Ad Hoc
Committees and the DIP Agents, which notice may be delivered following the occurrence and
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during the continuation of an Event of Default (as defined herein) and acceleration of the
obligations under either of the DIP Facilities, stating that the Post-Carve-Out Trigger Notice Cap
has been invoked.
(c) On the day on which a Carve Out Trigger Notice is given by either
DIP Agent to the Loan Parties with a copy to counsel to the Committee (the Termination
Declaration Date”), the Carve-Out Trigger Notice shall constitute a demand to the Loan Parties
to utilize (i) first, all cash in the DIP Funding Account, and then the Operating Account,
notwithstanding anything in the DIP Term Documents to the contrary, including with respect to
the existence of a default or an Event of Default, the failure of the Debtors to satisfy any or all of
the conditions precedent for the withdrawal of funds from the DIP Funding Account or the
Operating Account, including any Milestone or entry of this Final Order, or any termination of the
commitments under the DIP Term Facility, and (ii) second, to the extent the cash set forth in clause
(i) is insufficient, all cash on hand as of such date and any available cash thereafter generated by
the Debtors to deposit in a segregated account at the DIP Term Agent (the Escrow Account”) an
amount equal to the Carve-Out Cap and hold in trust to pay such amounts benefiting from the
Carve-Out. On or after the Termination Declaration Date, immediately following the
consummation of (A) the sale of the business as a going concern, whether in one or a series of
transactions, or (B) the consummation of a plan of reorganization (in each case, a “Consummated
Transaction”), in either case having the support of the Ad Hoc Committees, (1) the Post-Carve-
Out Trigger Notice Cap shall be increased in an amount not to exceed $4,500,000 by the
Restructuring Fee or Sale Fee (as defined in the engagement letter referred to below in this clause
(1)), as applicable, payable to Evercore Group L.L.C., as financial advisor of the Loan Parties (any
such fee, a “Transaction Fee”), in accordance with that certain engagement letter, dated April 16,
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2020 between Evercore Group L.L.C., Latham & Watkins LLP and GNC Holdings, Inc. in effect
on the date hereof, subject to the approval of the Court, earned as a result of such Consummated
Transaction, and (2) an amount equal to any such Transaction Fee,
not to exceed $4,500,000, shall
be deposited in the Escrow Account and used to pay any such Transaction Fees to the extent such
Transaction Fees are earned and payable and to the extent such Transaction Fees are not paid
directly to the applicable Debtor Professional at the consummation of the transaction.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Post-Carve-Out Trigger Notice Cap shall not be increased in
the event of a liquidation of the assets.
(d) The funds on deposit in the Escrow Account shall only be available
to satisfy the obligations set forth in the definition of Carve-Out herein, and the DIP Agents, the
DIP Lenders and the Prepetition Secured Parties (x) shall not sweep or foreclose on cash (including
cash received as a result of the sale or other disposition of assets) of the Debtors to the extent
necessary to fund the Escrow Account as provided above and (y) shall have a security interest only
upon any residual amount in the Escrow Account available following satisfaction in cash in full of
all obligations benefiting from the Carve-Out as further described in clause (f) below.
(e) All funds in the Escrow Account shall be used first to pay all
obligations benefitting from the Pre-Carve-Out Trigger Notice Cap, until paid in full, and then the
obligations benefitting from the Post-Carve-Out Trigger Notice Cap. If, after paying all amounts
set forth in the definition of Carve-Out, the Escrow Account has not been reduced to zero, all
remaining funds in the Escrow Account that are funded pursuant to paragraph 29(c) (i) out of the
proceeds of DIP Term Priority Collateral or the DIP Funding Account, shall be distributed to the
DIP Term Agent on account of the DIP Term Loans, and (ii) out of DIP ABL FILO Priority
Collateral or proceeds thereof, shall be distributed to the DIP ABL FILO Agent on account of the
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(f) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Final Order, (i) the
failure of the Escrow Account to satisfy in full the Allowed Professional Fees shall not affect the
priority of the Carve-Out, and (ii) in no way shall the Budget, the Carve-Out, the Escrow Account,
or any of the foregoing be construed as a cap or limitation on the amount of Allowed Professional
Fees due and payable by the Debtors. None of the DIP Agents, the DIP Lenders, or the Prepetition
Secured Parties shall be responsible for the payment or reimbursement of any fees or
disbursements of any Professional Persons incurred in connection with the Chapter 11 Cases or
any Successor Cases under any chapter of the Bankruptcy Code. Nothing in this Final Order or
otherwise shall be construed to obligate the DIP Agents, the DIP Lenders, or the Prepetition
Secured Parties, in any way, to pay compensation to, or to reimburse expenses of, any Professional
Person or to guarantee that the Debtors have sufficient funds to pay such compensation or
reimbursement. Any payment or reimbursement made on or after the occurrence of the Trigger
Date in respect of any Allowed Professional Fees shall permanently reduce the Carve-Out on a
dollar-for-dollar basis.
(g) Proceeds from the DIP Facilities not to exceed the Investigation
Budget Amount may be used on account of professional fees and expenses of Committee
Professionals in connection with the Investigation, which obligations will benefit from the Carve-
Out in an amount not to exceed the Investigation Budget Amount to the extent unpaid as of the
delivery of a Carve-Out Trigger Notice.
(h) For the avoidance of doubt, if a DIP Repayment occurs or the DIP
Facilities are otherwise terminated, the Final Order shall remain in full force and effect, including
with respect to the Debtors use of Cash Collateral, the Carve-Out, and all related provisions in
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respect thereof, and the Prepetition Agents shall assume any rights and obligations that the DIP
Agents previously had with respect to the Carve-Out.
30. Limitations on Use of DIP Proceeds, Cash Collateral, and Carve-Out. No
portion of the Carve-Out, the proceeds of any DIP Term Loans, or any Cash Collateral may be
used to (or support any other party to) litigate, object to, contest or challenge in any manner or
raise any defenses to the debt, collateral position, liens or claims of any of the DIP Lenders, the
DIP Agents, or the Prepetition Secured Parties, whether by challenging the validity, extent,
amount, perfection, priority or enforceability of the indebtedness under the DIP Facilities, the
Prepetition ABL FILO Credit Agreement or the Prepetition Term Credit Agreement, or the
validity, extent, perfection, priority or enforceability of any mortgage, security interest or lien with
respect thereto or any other rights or interests or replacement liens with respect thereto or any other
rights or interests of any of the DIP Lenders, the DIP Agents, or the Prepetition Secured Parties,
or by seeking to subordinate or recharacterize the DIP Facilities (or amounts outstanding
thereunder), the Prepetition ABL FILO Credit Agreement (or amounts outstanding thereunder) or
the Prepetition Term Credit Agreement (or amounts outstanding thereunder), or to disallow or
avoid any claim, mortgage, security interest, lien, or replacement lien or by asserting any claims
or causes of action, including, without limitation, any actions under chapter 5 of the Bankruptcy
Code, against any of the DIP Lenders, the DIP Agents, or the Prepetition Secured Parties, or any
of their respective officers, directors, agents, or employees; provided, however, that the Carve-Out
and such collateral proceeds and loans under the DIP Documents may be used for allowed fees
and expenses, in an amount not to exceed $150,000 (the Investigation Budget Amount”) incurred
solely by the Committee, in investigating (but not prosecuting or challenging) the validity,
enforceability, perfection, priority, or extent of the Prepetition Liens (the Investigation”) before
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the Challenge Deadline (as defined below). In addition, none of the Carve-Out, proceeds of DIP
Term Loans, nor any Cash Collateral shall be used in connection with (a) preventing, hindering or
delaying any of the DIP Lenders’, the DIP Agents’, or the Prepetition Secured Parties’ enforcement
or realization upon the DIP Collateral or the exercise of rights by the DIP Agents or the Prepetition
Agents once an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing, (b) using or seeking to use Cash
Collateral or selling or otherwise disposing of the DIP Collateral other than as provided herein,
(c) using or seeking to use any insurance proceeds related to the DIP Collateral without the consent
of the DIP Term Agent, the DIP ABL FILO Agent, the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent or the
Prepetition Term Agents, as applicable; or (d) incurring Indebtedness (as defined in the DIP Term
Credit Agreement) other than in accordance with the Budget or other than as permitted in the DIP
Documents; provided that the foregoing limitations shall not prevent the Loan Parties and their
professionals, or any other party in interest, from being heard on whether an Event of Default has
occurred and is continuing.
31. Good Faith Under Section 364(e) of the Bankruptcy Code; No Modification
or Stay of this Final Order. Based on the findings set forth in this Final Order and the record made
during the Final Hearing, and in accordance with section 364(e) of the Bankruptcy Code, in the
event any or all of the provisions of this Final Order are hereafter modified, amended, or vacated
by a subsequent order of this Court or any other court of competent jurisdiction, the DIP Agents,
the DIP Lenders, and Prepetition Secured Parties are entitled to the protections provided in section
364(e) of the Bankruptcy Code. Any such modification, amendment, or vacatur shall not affect
the validity and enforceability of any advances previously made or made hereunder, or lien, claim,
or priority authorized or created hereby, unless such authorization and the incurring of such debt,
or the granting of such priority or lien, is stayed pending appeal.
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32. Payment of Fees and Expenses. The Debtors are authorized and directed to
pay all reasonable and documented prepetition and postpetition fees and out-of-pocket expenses
of the DIP Agents and DIP Lenders, including the Ad Hoc Committees, in connection with the
DIP Facilities, as provided in the DIP Documents. Any time that professionals of the DIP Agents
and the DIP Lenders, including the Ad Hoc Committees, seek payment of fees and expenses from
the Debtors, each professional shall provide summary copies of its fee and expense statements or
invoices (which shall not be required to contain time entries and which may be redacted or
modified to the extent necessary to delete any information subject to the attorney-client privilege,
any information constituting attorney work product, or any other confidential information, and the
provision of such invoices shall not constitute any waiver of the attorney-client privilege or of any
benefits of the attorney work-product doctrine) to the U.S. Trustee and counsel to the Committee
contemporaneously with the delivery of such fee and expense statements to the Debtors. The
Debtors, the Committee, or the U.S. Trustee may, within ten (10) days of receipt of a statement,
dispute the payment of any portion of such invoiced fees and expenses (the Disputed Invoiced
Fees”) by notifying the submitting party in writing setting forth the specific objections to the
Disputed Invoiced Fees (to be followed by the filing with the Court, if necessary, of a motion or
other pleading, with at least ten (10) days prior written notice to the submitting party of any hearing
on such motion or other pleading). If no objection is timely made to a statement, then the Debtors
shall promptly pay in full in cash such invoiced fees and expenses. If an objection is timely made
to a statement, the Debtors shall promptly pay in full in cash all such invoiced fees and expenses
other than the Disputed Invoiced Fees. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Debtors are authorized
and directed to pay on the Closing Date all reasonable and documented fees, costs, and out-of-
pocket expenses of the DIP Agents and the DIP Lenders incurred on or prior to such date without
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the need for any professional engaged by either of the DIP Agents or by the DIP Lenders to first
deliver a copy of its invoice as provided for herein. No attorney or advisor to either of the DIP
Agents or to the DIP Lenders shall be required to file an application seeking compensation for
services or reimbursement of expenses with the Court.
33. Proofs of Claim. The DIP Agents, the DIP Lenders, and the Prepetition
Secured Parties will not be required to file proofs of claim in any of the Chapter 11 Cases or
Successor Cases for any claim allowed herein. Notwithstanding any order entered by the Court in
relation to the establishment of a bar date in any of the Chapter 11 Cases or Successor Cases to the
contrary, each of the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent and the Prepetition Term Agents is hereby
authorized and entitled, in its sole discretion, to file a master proof of claim on behalf of the
Prepetition ABL FILO Secured Parties and the Prepetition Term Secured Parties, as applicable, in
each of the Chapter 11 Cases or Successor Cases. Any proof of claim filed by the Prepetition ABL
FILO Agent or the Prepetition Term Agents shall be deemed to be in addition to and not in lieu of
any other proof of claim that may be filed by any of the Prepetition ABL FILO Secured Parties or
the Prepetition Term Secured Parties, respectively. The provisions of this paragraph 33 and each
master proof of claim are intended solely for the purpose of administrative convenience and shall
not affect the right of each Prepetition Secured Party (or its successors in interest) to vote separately
on any plan proposed in these Chapter 11 Cases or to assert that the amount of its claim is different
from that set forth on the applicable master proof of claim. The master proofs of claim shall not
be required to attach any instruments, agreements or other documents evidencing the obligations
owing by each of the Debtors to the applicable Prepetition Secured Parties, which instruments,
agreements or other documents will be provided upon written request to counsel to the applicable
Prepetition Secured Party.
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34. No Direct Responsibility for Fees or Disbursements. None of the DIP
Agents, the DIP Lenders or the Prepetition Secured Parties shall be responsible for the payment or
reimbursement of any fees or disbursements of any Professional Person incurred in connection
with the Chapter 11 Cases or any Successor Cases. Nothing in the Interim Order, this Final Order,
or otherwise shall be construed to obligate any of the DIP Agents, the DIP Lenders, or the
Prepetition Secured Parties in any way, to pay compensation to, or to reimburse expenses of, any
Professional Person or to guarantee that the Loan Parties have sufficient funds to pay such
compensation or reimbursement.
35. Payment of Compensation. So long as an unwaived Event of Default has
not occurred, the Debtors shall be permitted to pay fees and expenses allowed and payable by final
order (that has not been vacated or stayed, unless the stay has been vacated) under sections 328,
330, 331, and 363 of the Bankruptcy Code, as the same may be due and payable, in accordance
with the DIP Documents and subject to the Budget.
36. Effect of Stipulations on Third Parties.
(a) Generally. The Stipulations shall be binding on the Debtors, any
successor thereto (including, without limitation, any chapter 7 or chapter 11 trustee for any of the
Loan Parties or any other estate representative appointed in the Chapter 11 Cases or any Successor
Cases) in all circumstances and for all purposes. The Stipulations shall also be binding on all
creditors and other parties in interest and all of their respective successors and assigns, including,
without limitation, the Committee and any other person or entity acting or seeking to act on behalf
of the Loan Parties’ estates in all circumstances and for all purposes, unless (i) the Committee or
a party in interest (in each case, to the extent requisite standing is obtained pursuant to an order of
this Court entered prior to the Challenge Deadline) has timely commenced an appropriate
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proceeding or contested matter required under the Bankruptcy Code and Bankruptcy Rules,
including, without limitation, as required pursuant to Part VII of the Bankruptcy Rules (in each
case subject to the limitations set forth in this paragraph 36) by the Challenge Deadline challenging
any of the Stipulations (each such proceeding or contested matter, a “Challenge”) and (ii) there is
entered a final non-appealable order in favor of the plaintiff in any such timely filed Challenge;
provided that any pleadings filed in any Challenge (or in any application to extend the Challenge
Deadline) shall set forth with specificity the basis for such Challenge (and any Challenges not so
specified prior to the Challenge Deadline shall be deemed forever, waived, released and barred).
The Court may fashion any appropriate remedy following a successful Challenge.
(b) If any such Challenge is timely and properly filed prior to the
Challenge Deadline, the Stipulations shall nonetheless remain binding and preclusive (as provided
in paragraph 36(a) hereof) on the Committee and on any other person or entity, the Loan Parties
and any successor thereto (including, without limitation, any chapter 7 or chapter 11 trustee
appointed or elected for any of the Loan Parties in the Chapter 11 Cases or any Successor Cases),
except to the extent that such Stipulations were expressly and successfully challenged by such
Challenge as set forth in a final, non-appealable order of a court of competent jurisdiction. If any
such Challenge is timely and properly filed prior to the Challenge Deadline and remains pending
and the Chapter 11 Cases are converted to chapter 7, the chapter 7 trustee may continue to
prosecute such Challenge on behalf of the Debtors’ estates; provided that if the Challenge Deadline
has elapsed and no timely and properly filed Challenge has been commenced either before or after
conversion of the Chapter 11 Cases to chapter 7 cases, or any Challenge has been resolved prior
to the conversion of the Chapter 11 Cases to chapter 7 cases, the chapter 7 trustee shall be bound
by the Stipulations or such resolution, as applicable; provided further that if a chapter 7 trustee is
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appointed prior to the expiration of the Challenge Deadline, such trustee shall have until the
expiration of the Challenge Deadline to commence a Challenge.
(c) The Challenge Deadlineshall mean the later of (i) 60 days from
the date of the formation of the Committee and (ii) as to any particular Challenge, if and only if a
motion to obtain standing has been filed by a party seeking to file such Challenge prior to the
occurrence of the date in the foregoing clause (i), and such motion shall (A) have attached thereto
a copy of the complaint underlying such Challenge, and (B) seek an expedited hearing before the
Court brought on no more than seven (7) calendar days’ notice to all parties (and subject to the
Court’s calendar, an expedited hearing shall be so scheduled), then so long as the party seeking to
file the Challenge utilizes good faith best efforts to expedite the resolution of such motion, to two
(2) business days after the date such motion to obtain standing has been resolved by the Court by
entry of an order, as such deadline may be extended (x) in writing prior to the expiration of the
Challenge Deadline (which writing may be in the form of email by counsel) from time to time in
the sole discretion of the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent (with respect to the Prepetition ABL FILO
Liens and Prepetition ABL FILO Obligations or the adequate protection afforded to the Prepetition
ABL FILO Secured Parties) and the Prepetition Term Administrative Agent (with respect to the
Prepetition Term Liens and Prepetition Term Obligations or the adequate protection afforded to
the Prepetition Term Secured Parties) or (y) by this Court for good cause shown upon an
application for an extension filed and served by a party in interest, pursuant to an order entered
prior to the expiration of the Challenge Deadline; provided, that an extension pursuant to the
foregoing clause (y) shall only be applicable as to such party in interest and the particular
Challenge set forth in such application. Nothing in this Final Order vests or confers on any entity
(as defined in the Bankruptcy Code), including the Committee or any non-statutory committees
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appointed or formed in these Chapter 11 Cases, standing or authority to pursue any claim or cause
of action belonging to the Debtors or their estates, including, without limitation, Challenges with
respect to the Stipulations, and all rights to object to such standing are expressly reserved.
(d) Binding Effect. To the extent no Challenge is timely and properly
commenced by the Challenge Deadline, or to the extent such Challenge does not result in a final
and non-appealable judgment or order that is inconsistent with any of the Stipulations, then,
without further notice, motion, or application to, order of, or hearing before, this Court and without
the need or requirement to file any proof of claim, the Stipulations shall, pursuant to this Final
Order, become irrevocably binding on any person, entity, or party in interest in the Chapter 11
Cases, as well as their successors and assigns, and in any Successor Case for all purposes and shall
not be subject to further challenge or objection. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein,
if any Challenge is properly and timely commenced by a party in interest, the Stipulations shall
nonetheless remain binding on all other parties in interest. For the avoidance of doubt, initiation
of a timely and procedurally proper Challenge shall preserve the Challenge only with respect to
the party initiating such Challenge (and such Challenge shall be limited to the Challenge identified
with specificity prior to the expiration of the Challenge Deadline). To the extent any Challenge is
timely and properly commenced and is unsuccessful, the Prepetition Secured Parties shall be
entitled to, as adequate protection, payment of the related costs and expenses, including, but not
limited to, reasonable and documented attorneys’ fees, incurred in defending themselves against
any unsuccessful Challenge.
37. No Third-Party Rights. Except as explicitly provided for herein, this Final
Order does not create any rights for the benefit of any third party, creditor, equity holder, or any
direct, indirect, or incidental beneficiary.
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38. Section 506(c) Claims. Except to the extent of the Carve-Out, no costs or
expenses of administration that have been or may be incurred in the Chapter 11 Cases at any time
shall be charged against the DIP Agents, the DIP Lenders, the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent, the
Prepetition FILO Lenders, the Prepetition Term Agents, the DIP Collateral, or the Prepetition
Term Lenders, or the Prepetition Collateral pursuant to sections 105 or 506(c) of the Bankruptcy
Code, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the DIP Term Agent, the DIP ABL FILO
Agent, the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent, or the Prepetition Term Agents, as applicable, and no
such consent shall be implied from any action, inaction, or acquiescence by any party.
39. No Marshaling/Applications of Proceeds. The DIP Agents, the DIP
Lenders, the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent, the Prepetition FILO Lenders, the Prepetition Term
Agents, and the Prepetition Term Lenders shall at no time be subject to the equitable doctrine of
“marshaling” or any other similar doctrine with respect to any of the DIP Collateral or the
Prepetition Collateral.
40. Section 552(b). The Prepetition ABL FILO Agent, the Prepetition FILO
Lenders, the Prepetition Term Agents, and the Prepetition Term Lenders shall each be entitled to
all of the rights and benefits of section 552(b) of the Bankruptcy Code, and the “equities of the
case” exception thereunder shall not apply to any of them.
41. DIP Released Parties. The Debtors hereby absolutely and unconditionally
release and forever discharge and acquit the DIP Agents, the DIP Lenders and each of their
respective successors, assigns, affiliates, parents, subsidiaries, partners, controlling persons,
representatives, agents, attorneys, advisors, financial advisors, consultants, professionals, officers,
directors, members, managers, shareholders, and employees, past, present and future, and their
respective heirs, predecessors, successors and assigns, each in such capacity (collectively, the
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DIP Released Parties”) from any and all obligations and liabilities to the Debtors (and their
successors and assigns) and from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, responsibilities, disputes,
remedies, causes of action, indebtedness and obligations, rights, assertions, allegations, actions,
suits, controversies, proceedings, losses, damages, injuries, attorneys’ fees, costs, expenses, or
judgments of every type (in each case, arising on or prior to the date of the Final Order), whether
known, unknown, asserted, unasserted, suspected, unsuspected, accrued, unaccrued, fixed,
contingent, pending, or threatened including, without limitation, all legal and equitable theories of
recovery, arising under common law, statute or regulation or by contract, of every nature and
description, in each case, arising in connection with or relating to the DIP Facilities, the DIP Liens
or any of the DIP Documents; provided, that nothing herein shall relieve the DIP Released Parties
from fulfilling their obligations under the DIP Documents and/or this Final Order.
42. Limits on Lender Liability. Nothing in the Interim Order, this Final Order,
any of the DIP Documents, the Prepetition Documents, or any other documents related thereto,
shall in any way be construed or interpreted to impose or allow the imposition upon the DIP
Agents, the DIP Lenders, or the Prepetition Secured Parties of any liability for any claims arising
from any activities by the Debtors in the operation of their businesses or in connection with the
administration of these Chapter 11 Cases or any Successor Cases. The DIP Agents, the DIP
Lenders, and the Prepetition Secured Parties shall not, solely by reason of having made loans under
the DIP Facilities, authorizing the use of Cash Collateral or performing any act authorized by the
DIP Documents, be deemed in control of the operations of the Debtors or to be acting as a
“responsible person” or “owner or operator” with respect to the operation or management of the
Debtors (as such terms, or any similar terms, are used in the United States Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 9601 et seq., as amended,
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or any similar federal or state statute). Nothing in the Interim Order, this Final Order, or the DIP
Documents shall in any way be construed or interpreted to impose or allow the imposition upon
the DIP Agents, the DIP Lenders, or any of the Prepetition Secured Parties of any liability for any
claims arising from the prepetition or postpetition activities of any of the Debtors.
43. Insurance Proceeds and Policies. As of the date of the entry of the Interim
Order and to the fullest extent provided by applicable law, the DIP Agents (on behalf of the DIP
Lenders), the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent (on behalf of the Prepetition FILO Lenders), and the
Prepetition Term Agents (on behalf of the Prepetition Term Lenders), shall be, and shall be deemed
to be, without any further action or notice, named as additional insured and loss payee on each
insurance policy maintained by the Debtors that in any way relates to the DIP Collateral.
44. Joint and Several Liability. Nothing in this Final Order shall be construed
to constitute a substantive consolidation of any of the Debtors estates, it being understood,
however, that the Debtors shall be jointly and severally liable for the obligations hereunder and all
DIP Obligations in accordance with the terms hereof and of the DIP Documents.
45. Rights Preserved. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the
entry of this Final Order is without prejudice to, and does not constitute a waiver of, expressly or
implicitly, subject to the Prepetition Documents and the Intercreditor Agreement: (a) the DIP
Agents’, DIP Lenders’, and Prepetition Secured Parties’ rights to seek any other or supplemental
relief; (b) any of the rights of any of the DIP Agents, DIP Lenders, and/or the Prepetition Secured
Parties under the Bankruptcy Code or applicable non-bankruptcy law, including, without
limitation, the right to (i) request modification of the automatic stay imposed by section 362 of the
Bankruptcy Code, (ii) request dismissal of any of the Chapter 11 Cases or Successor Cases,
conversion of any of the Chapter 11 Cases to cases under chapter 7, or appointment of a chapter
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11 trustee or examiner with expanded powers, or (iii) propose, subject to the provisions of section
1121 of the Bankruptcy Code, a chapter 11 plan or plans; or (c) any other rights, claims, or
privileges (whether legal, equitable, or otherwise) of any of the DIP Agents, the DIP Lenders, or
the Prepetition Secured Parties. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the entry of this
Final Order is without prejudice to, and does not constitute a waiver of, expressly or implicitly,
the Debtors’, the Committee’s, or any party in interest’s right to oppose any of the relief requested
in accordance with the immediately preceding sentence except as expressly set forth in this Final
46. No Waiver by Failure to Seek Relief. The failure of the DIP Agents, the
DIP Lenders, or the Prepetition Secured Parties to seek relief or otherwise exercise their rights and
remedies under this Final Order, the DIP Documents, the Prepetition Documents, or applicable
law, as the case may be, shall not constitute a waiver of any of the rights hereunder, thereunder, or
otherwise of the DIP Agents, the DIP Lenders, or the Prepetition Secured Parties.
47. Binding Effect of Final Order. Immediately upon entry on the docket of
this Court, the terms and provisions of this Final Order shall become binding upon the Debtors,
the DIP Agents, the DIP Lenders, the Prepetition Secured Parties, all other creditors of any of the
Debtors, the Committee, and all other parties in interest and their respective successors and assigns,
including any trustee or other fiduciary hereafter appointed in any of the Chapter 11 Cases, any
Successor Cases, or upon dismissal of any Chapter 11 Case or Successor Case.
48. No Modification of Final Order. Until and unless the DIP Obligations and
the Prepetition Secured Obligations (other than contingent obligations with respect to then
unasserted claims) have been indefeasibly paid in full in cash (such payment being without
prejudice to any terms or provisions contained in the DIP Facilities which survive such discharge
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by their terms), and all commitments to extend credit under the DIP Facilities have been
terminated, the Debtors shall not seek or consent to, directly or indirectly, any modification, stay,
vacatur, or amendment to this Final Order without the prior written consent of the DIP Agents, the
Prepetition ABL FILO Agent, and the Prepetition Term Agents, and no such consent shall be
implied by any action or inaction of the DIP Agents or the Prepetition Agents.
49. Continuing Effect of Intercreditor Agreement. The Debtors, the DIP
Agents, the DIP Lenders, and the Prepetition Secured Parties each shall be bound by, and in all
respects of the DIP Facilities shall be governed by, and be subject to all the terms, provisions, and
restrictions of the Intercreditor Agreement.
50. Final Order Controls. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms
and conditions of the DIP Documents and this Final Order, the provisions of this Final Order shall
51. Discharge. The DIP Obligations and the obligations of the Debtors with
respect to the adequate protection provided herein shall not be discharged by the entry of an order
confirming any plan of reorganization in any of the Chapter 11 Cases, notwithstanding the
provisions of section 1141(d) of the Bankruptcy Code, unless such obligations have been
indefeasibly paid in full in cash (other than contingent indemnification obligations for which no
claim has been asserted), on or before the effective date of such plan of reorganization, or each of
the DIP Term Agent, the DIP ABL FILO Agent, the DIP Lenders, the Prepetition ABL FILO
Agent, and the Prepetition Term Agents, as applicable, has otherwise agreed in writing; provided,
that the DIP Term Loans and the DIP ABL FILO Loans shall convert into a first lien first out exit
loans, subject to and in accordance with the DIP Agreements.
52. Survival. The provisions of the Interim Order, this Final Order, and any
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502 Filed 07/21/20 Page 74 of 80
- 75 -
actions taken pursuant thereto or hereto shall survive entry of any order which may be entered:
(a) confirming any plan of reorganization in any of the Chapter 11 Cases; (b) converting any of
the Chapter 11 Cases to a case under chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code; (c) dismissing any of the
Chapter 11 Cases or any Successor Cases; or (d) pursuant to which this Court abstains from hearing
any of the Chapter 11 Cases or any Successor Cases. The terms and provisions of this Final Order
shall continue in the Chapter 11 Cases, in any Successor Cases, or following dismissal of the
Chapter 11 Cases or any Successor Cases notwithstanding the entry of any orders described in
clauses (a) and clauses (b)-(d) above, and all claims, liens, security interests, and other protections
granted to the DIP Agents, the DIP Lenders, and the Prepetition Secured Parties pursuant to this
Final Order and/or the DIP Documents shall maintain their validity and priority as provided by
this Final Order until: (i) in respect of the DIP Facilities, all the DIP Obligations have been
indefeasibly paid in full in cash (other than contingent indemnification obligations for which no
claim has been asserted); and (ii) in respect of the Prepetition ABL FILO Facility, all of the
Prepetition ABL FILO Obligations have been indefeasibly paid in full in cash (other than
contingent indemnification obligations for which no claim has been asserted); and (iii) in respect
of the Prepetition Term Facility, all of the Prepetition Term Obligations have been indefeasibly
paid in full in cash (other than contingent indemnification obligations for which no claim has been
asserted). The terms and provisions concerning the indemnification of the DIP Agents and the
DIP Lenders shall continue in the Chapter 11 Cases, in any Successor Cases, following dismissal
of the Chapter 11 Cases or any Successor Cases, following termination of the DIP Documents
and/or the indefeasible repayment of the DIP Obligations.
53. Payments Held in Trust. Except as expressly permitted in this Final Order
or the DIP Agreements, and subject to the Carve-Out, in the event that any person or entity receives
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502 Filed 07/21/20 Page 75 of 80
- 76 -
any payment on account of a security interest in DIP Collateral, receives any DIP Collateral or any
proceeds of DIP Collateral, or receives any other payment with respect thereto from any other
source prior to all DIP Obligations in accordance with the DIP Agreements, such person or entity
shall be deemed to have received, and shall hold, any such payment or proceeds of DIP Collateral
in trust for the benefit of the DIP Agents and the DIP Lenders and shall immediately turn over
such proceeds to the DIP Term Agent or the DIP ABL FILO Agent, or as otherwise instructed by
this Court, for application in accordance with the DIP Agreements and this Final Order.
54. Replacement Agent. Notwithstanding the resignation or replacement of any
collateral agent or administrative agent, including any of the Prepetition Agents, the Prepetition
Liens on the Prepetition Collateral shall remain continuously and properly perfected,
notwithstanding the transfer of control, possession, or title of any Prepetition Collateral to a new
collateral or administrative agent.
55. Headings. Section headings used herein are for convenience only and are
not to affect the construction of or to be taken into consideration in interpreting this Final Order.
56. Retention of Jurisdiction. The Court has and will retain jurisdiction to
enforce the terms of, any and all matters arising from or related to the DIP Facilities, and/or this
Final Order.
57. DIP Election Procedures; Roll-Up Allocation. The DIP Election
Procedures are hereby approved. The DIP Agents may, in connection with allocations of the
commitments under the DIP Facilities or any other allocations contemplated to be made pursuant
to the DIP Agreements, conclusively rely on, and shall have no liability whatsoever with respect
to, (i) ownership information with respect to the Prepetition Secured Obligations as set forth on
the Register (as defined in the Prepetition Term Credit Agreement) as of the Election Deadline (as
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502 Filed 07/21/20 Page 76 of 80
- 77 -
defined in the DIP Term Credit Agreement) and (ii) election information with respect to the DIP
Election Procedures, and other instructions, provided to the DIP Agents, in respect of allocations
for the “roll-up” and conversion of the Prepetition Term Loans into the DIP Term Loans.
58. Amendments to DIP Agreements. Each of the DIP Term Credit Agreement
and the DIP ABL FILO Credit Agreement are hereby amended as set forth in Exhibit C, effective
as of the entry of this Final Order.
59. Local Tax Authorities. Notwithstanding anything in this Final Order to the
contrary, to the extent that any Texas ad valorem tax authority (any such authority, aLocal Texas
Tax Authority”)
and the Maricopa County Treasurer (“MCT”; and together with the Local Texas
Tax Authorities, the “Local Tax Authorities”) has valid, perfected, enforceable, senior and non-
avoidable liens as of the Petition Date for prepetition ad valorem taxes arising under state law on
any DIP Collateral (the “Local Tax Authority Liens”), then the DIP Liens and the Adequate
Protection Liens shall not prime such Local Tax Authority Liens. To the extent any of the Debtors
assets subject to Local Tax Authority Liens is sold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, in each
case pursuant to and in accordance with the store closing procedures authorized by the Bankruptcy
Court, the Local Tax Authority Liens shall attach to the proceeds of such assets to the same extent
and with the same priority as existed prior to such sale, transfer, or other disposition. All parties’
rights to object to the priority, validity, amount, and extent of the claims and liens asserted by the
Local Tax Authorities are fully preserved.
The “Local Texas Tax Authorities” include (a) those entities represented in the objections to the Motion found at
D.I. 359 and D.I. 376, and (b) the following taxing authorities: Angelina County; Bexar County; Cameron County;
Cypress - Fairbanks ISD; Dallas County; Del Rio; Eagle Pass; Eagle Pass ISD; Ector CAD; El Paso; Ellis County;
Fort Bend County; Frisco; Galveston County; Grayson County; Gregg County; Harlingen; Harlingen CISD; Harris
County; Hidalgo County; Hunt County; Irving ISD; Jefferson County; La Porte; Matagorda County; McAllen;
Montgomery County; Northwest ISD; Nueces County; Orange County; Rockwall CAD; Tarrant County; Texas City
ISD; Tom Green CAD; Val Verde County; Victoria County.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502 Filed 07/21/20 Page 77 of 80
- 78 -
60. Stub Rent. Notwithstanding anything in the DIP Documents or this Final
Order to the contrary, including any Budget, upon entry of this Final Order, the Debtors are
authorized and directed to pay the landlords at the rate specified under the Debtors’ unexpired non-
residential real property leases (the “Landlords”) postpetition stub rent owed to such Landlords
of leased non-residential real property for the period commencing on the Petition Date and ending
on June 30, 2020 (“Stub Rent) within five (5) business days of the entry of the Final Order.
61. 503(b)(9) Escrow Account.
(a) After entry of this Final Order, the Debtors are authorized and
directed to establish a segregated non-interest bearing account (the503(b)(9) Escrow Account”),
as security for the payment of claims against the Debtors that may be allowed under section
503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code (to the extent allowed, the 503(b)(9) Claims”), and the Debtors
shall make commercially reasonable efforts to obtain acceptable trade terms from creditors holding
such claims, after which the Debtors shall pay such 503(b)(9) Claims from the proceeds of the
New Money DIP Term Loans in accordance with this paragraph. On the tenth (10) business day
after the entry of this Final Order, the Debtors shall deposit in the 503(b)(9) Escrow Account an
amount from the proceeds of the New Money DIP Term Loans sufficient to satisfy all remaining
unpaid reasonably anticipated 503(b)(9) Claims (such amount, as agreed among the Debtors and
the Required Term Lenders and reasonably acceptable the Committee, and as adjusted from time
to time as set forth herein, the “503(b)(9) Estimate”). If the amount of 503(b)(9) Claims exceeds
the initial 503(b)(9) Estimate, the 503(b)(9) Estimate shall be adjusted to such new estimated
amount in connection with the adoption of each new Budget in accordance with the terms hereof,
and additional funds from the proceeds of New Money Term Loans shall be deposited into the
503(b)(9) Escrow Account until the amount in the 503(b)(9) Escrow Account equals the new
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502 Filed 07/21/20 Page 78 of 80
- 79 -
503(b)(9) Estimate. Debtors shall pay the 503(b)(9) Claims of any creditor upon the earlier of (i)
obtaining acceptable trade terms from such creditor, or (ii) once a bar date relating to such
503(b)(9) Claims has been established in these Chapter 11 Cases, then upon allowance of such
creditor’s 503(b)(9) Claims or if the Debtors do not dispute such creditor’s asserted 503(b)(9)
Claim based upon a good faith evaluation thereof. To the extent the Debtors assert a bona fide
dispute as to any 503(b)(9) Claim, then such claim may be paid on the later of (x) the second
business day after such claim is allowed by the Court (or agreed to by the Debtors and such
creditor), or (y) the effective date of any confirmed plan of reorganization. Subject to paragraph
61(a), the DIP Term Obligations shall be secured by properly and automatically perfected first-
priority security interests in and liens on the 503(b)(9) Escrow Account and the funds therein,
which security interests and liens are hereby granted.
(b) Payments from the 503(b)(9) Escrow Account shall only be made
on account of allowed 503(b)(9) Claims; provided that in no event shall the amounts deposited in
the 503(b)(9) Escrow Account exceed the 503(b)(9) Estimate. In the event the amount on deposit
in the 503(b)(9) Escrow Account is in excess of the 503(b)(9) Estimate or if on the effective date
of any confirmed plan of reorganization the amount on deposit in the 503(b)(9) Escrow Account
is in excess of all allowed 503(b)(9) Claims, the Debtors shall distribute and apply the funds in
accordance with the terms of this Final Order, the Prepetition Documents, and the DIP Documents,
as applicable.
62. Chubb Reservation of Rights. For the avoidance of doubt, (a) to the extent
ACE American Insurance Company or any of its affiliates (together, and with each of its
predecessors and successors, “Chubb) had valid, enforceable, perfected, and non-avoidable liens
and/or security interests on property (including Cash Collateral) of the Debtors as of the Petition
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502 Filed 07/21/20 Page 79 of 80
- 80 -
Date, which liens and/or security interests were senior to the liens and/or security interests of each
of the Prepetition Secured Parties (collectively, the Chubb Liens”), the DIP Liens shall not prime
or otherwise have priority over the Chubb Liens; and (b) nothing, including the DIP Credit
Agreement and/or this Final Order, alters or modifies the terms and conditions of any insurance
policies or related agreements issued by Chubb.
Dated: July 21st, 2020
Wilmington, Delaware
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502 Filed 07/21/20 Page 80 of 80
Exhibit A
GNC Holdings, Inc.
GNC Parent LLC
GNC Corporation
General Nutrition Corporation
General Nutrition Investment Company
Lucky Oldco Corporation
GNC Funding, Inc.
GNC International Holdings, Inc.
GNC Canada Holdings, Inc.
General Nutrition Centres Company
GNC Government Services, LLC
GNC China Holdco, LLC
GNC Headquarters, LLC
Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd.
GNC Puerto Rico Holdings, Inc.
GNC Puerto Rico, LLC
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 1 of 4
Exhibit B
Lien Priority Ranking
The references herein to the ABL FILO Adequate Protection Liens are in the event the “roll-up” of Prepetition
FILO Term Loans is successfully challenged or not effective.
DIP Term
FILO Priority
(other than
(not DIP ABL
FILO Priority
Collateral nor
DIP Term
Carve-Out Carve-Out Carve-Out Other Liens
DIP Term Liens DIP Term Liens
(to the extent of
New Money
DIP Term
Term Liens;
Term Adequate
Protection Liens
Prepetition ABL
FILO Liens;
Protection Liens
Term Adequate
Protection Liens
DIP Term Liens
(to the extent of
Roll-Up DIP
Term Claims)
DIP Term Liens
Term Adequate
Protection Liens
Protection Liens
Prepetition ABL
FILO Liens;
Term Liens;
Term Adequate
Protection Liens
Protection Liens
Term Adequate
Protection Liens
Protection Liens
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 2 of 4
Exhibit C
Amendments to DIP Agreements
The following amendments to the DIP Term Credit Agreement are effective as of the date of this
Final Order:
Section 1.1 is hereby amended by deleting the definition of “Applicable Margin” therein
and substituting in lieu thereof the following:
o “Applicable Margin”: (a)(i) for New Money Loans that are Eurodollar Loans,
13.00% per annum, and (ii) for New Money Loans that are ABR Loans, 12.00%
per annum; and (b)(i) for Roll-up Loans that are Eurodollar Loans, 11.25% per
annum, and (ii) for Roll-up Loans that are ABR Loans, 10.25% per annum.
Section 2.17 is hereby amended by (i) redesignating the second clause (a) thereof (which
begins “If at any time the Administrative Agent (in consultation with the Required
Lenders and the Borrower) determines …”) as clause (b) and (ii) replacing all references
in the second clause (a) thereof to “clause (a)(i) of Section 2.17” with “clause (a) of this
Section 2.17”;
Section 5.1(B)(b) is hereby amended by replacing the phrase “in form acceptable to the
Required Lenders” where in appears in clause (x) thereof with the phrase “in form
reasonably acceptable to the Required Lenders”;
Section 6.3(a) is hereby amended by inserting a comma after the phrase “that are not
required to be paid pursuant to Section 5.3”;
Section 6.19 is hereby amended by replacing “$75,000” in the proviso thereto with
Section 9.2 is hereby amended by (i) redesignating clause (c) thereof as clause (d), (ii)
redesignating clause (b) thereof as clause (c), and (iii) redesignating the second clause (a)
thereof (which begins “Neither this Agreement nor any other Loan Document nor any
provision hereof or thereof …”) as clause (b); and
Section 9.3 is hereby amended by (i) redesignating clause (c) thereof as clause (d), (ii)
redesignating clause (b) thereof as clause (c), (iii) redesignating the second clause (a)
thereof (which begins “The Borrower shall indemnify the Ad Hoc Committee, the
Administrative Agent, each other Agent and each Lender …”) as clause (b), and (iv)
deleting the phrase “(except with respect to the Agents)” from clause (1) of the proviso to
the first sentence of newly-designated clause (b) thereof.
The following amendments to the DIP ABL FILO Credit Agreement are effective as of the date
of this Final Order:
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 3 of 4
Section 6.19 is hereby amended by replacing “$75,000” in the proviso thereto with
“$150,000”; and
Section 6.21 is hereby amended by deleting clause (i) thereof in its entirety and
substituting in lieu thereof the following: “(i) the first priority Lien created in favor of
the Secured Parties (as defined in the Term Loan DIP Credit Agreement) under the Term
Loan Documents and”.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 4 of 4
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502-2 Filed 07/21/20 Page 1 of 3
7/20 DIP Forecast
($ in 000s)
Filing Emergence
Operating Receipts
GOB Proceeds
Operating Disbursements
Inventory Purchases
Payroll Related
Rent and Occupancy (excl. Utilities)
Liquidating Fees
Other Operating
Non-Operating Disbursements
Capital Expenditures
Debt Service
Other Non-Operating
Restructuring Related Disbursements
Professional Fees
Utility Deposit
Credit Card Fee Deposit
Critical Vendors
Exit Costs
DIP Fees
DIP Interest
Net Cash Flow
Beginning Book Cash
Net Cash Flow
ABL Draw / (Repayment)
DIP Withdrawal
Ending Book Cash
Beginning ABL
Revolver Draw / (Repayment)
Ending Prepetition Revolver
Beginning DIP Balance
DIP Draw / (Repayment)
Ending DIP
Beginning DIP Escrow
Plus: DIP Revolver Draw
Less: Withdrawal
Ending DIP Escrow
Ending Book Cash
Less: Cash Pledged
Amendment Defined Liquidity
$ 23,617
$ 20,745
$ 22,234
$ 21,764
$ 24,075
$ 25,066
$ 20,631
$ 20,795
$ 29,241
$ 24,268
$ 25,998
$ 25,059
$ 24,144
$ 307,635
$ 23,617 $ 26,778 $ 31,285 $ 33,633 $ 31,048 $ 26,944 $ 22,039 $ 22,204 $ 29,616 $ 24,644 $ 26,186 $ 25,059 $ 24,144 $ 347,197
$ -
$ -
$ (18,589)
$ (5,430)
$ (9,110)
$ (5,451)
$ (3,452)
$ (5,252)
$ (3,012)
$ (4,974)
$ (1,431)
$ (7,183)
$ (11,528)
$ (75,412)
(10,466)$ (30,544)$ $ (27,055) $ (21,909) $ (18,272) $ (33,904) $ (8,935) $ (20,618) $ (10,961) $ (19,238) $ (19,400) $ (22,110) $ (19,438) $ (262,850)
$ -
$ (255)
$ (255)
$ (255)
$ (255)
$ (255)
$ (229)
$ (229)
$ (229)
$ (229)
$ (216)
$ (216)
$ (216)
$ (2,837)
$ $ (3,459) $ (255) $ (255) $ (255) $ (3,217) $ (229) $ (229) $ (229) $ (229) $ (3,179) $ (216) $ (216) $ (27,434)
$ -
$ (175)
$ -
$ -
$ (878)
$ (175)
$ -
$ (1,827)
$ (2,925)
$ -
$ (111)
$ (7,459)
$ -
$ (13,549)
$ (7,200) $ (296) $ (4,350) $ (2,000) $ (3,878) $ (5,525) $ (5,000) $ (6,827) $ (8,925) $ (7,148) $ (9,111) $ (7,459) $ (66,672) $ (134,389)
$ 93,920
$ 30,000
$ 30,000
$ 30,000
$ 39,469
$ 48,112
$ 32,409
$ 40,284
$ 34,815
$ 44,317
$ 42,347
$ 36,843
$ 32,117
$ 93,920
30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 39,469$ 48,112$ 32,409$ 40,284$ 34,815$ 44,317$ 42,347$ 36,843$ 32,117$ 30,000$
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ 60,000
$ 24,403 $ 16,883 $ 16,507 $ 16,507 $ 16,507 $ 86,507 $ 86,507 $ 86,507 $ 86,507 $ 86,507 $ 86,507 $ 86,507 $ 26,442 $ 26,442
$ 30,000
$ 30,000
$ 30,000
$ 39,469
$ 48,112
$ 32,409
$ 40,284
$ 34,815
$ 44,317
$ 42,347
$ 36,843
$ 32,117
$ 30,000
$ 30,000
30,000$ 30,000$ 30,000$ 39,469$ 48,112$ 32,409$ 40,284$ 34,815
$ 44,317$ 42,347$ 36,843$ 32,117$ 30,000$ 30,000$
Page 1 of 1
(77,477)$ (9,516)$ (7,521)$ (375)$ 9,469$ 8,643$ (15,703)$ 7,876$ (5,469)$ 9,502$ (1,970)$ (5,503)$ (4,726)$ (62,182)$
Forecast Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Week Ended 6/27/20 7/4/20 7/11/20 7/18/20 7/25/20 8/1/20 8/8/20 8/15/20 8/22/20 8/29/20 9/5/20 9/12/20 9/19/20
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502-2 Filed 07/21/20 Page 2 of 3
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 502-2 Filed 07/21/20 Page 3 of 3
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Re: Docket Nos. 4 & 116
Upon the motion [Docket No. 4] (the Motion”)
of the Debtors for an order establishing
certain notice and hearing procedures that must be satisfied before certain shareholders may make
transfers of, or worthlessness deductions with respect to, common stock and Series A convertible
preferred stock in GNC Holdings, Inc. (GNC”) (respectively, the Common Stock and the
Convertible Preferred Stock”); and the Court having reviewed the Motion, the First Day
Declaration, and the Interim Order [Docket No. 116] entered on June 25, 2020; and the Court
having determined that the relief requested in the Motion is in the best interests of the Debtors, the
Debtors’ estates, their creditors, and other parties in interest; and it appearing that proper and
The debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498 Filed 07/21/20 Page 1 of 6
Schedule E
adequate notice of the Motion has been given and that no other or further notice is necessary; and
upon the record herein; and after due deliberation thereon; and good and sufficient cause appearing
therefore, it is hereby:
1. The Motion is GRANTED as set forth herein on a final basis.
2. The purchase, sale, or other transfer
of, or the taking of any worthlessness
deduction with respect to, Common Stock and Convertible Preferred Stock in violation of the
procedures set forth herein shall be null and void ab initio as an act in violation of the automatic
stay under Bankruptcy Code Sections 362 and 105(a).
3. The following procedures and notices are approved and shall apply to transfers of
Common Stock and Convertible Preferred Stock (the “Equity Transfer Procedures”):
(a) Any person or entity (as defined in Treasury Regulations section
1.382-3(a)) who currently is or hereafter becomes a Substantial
Shareholder (as such term is defined in paragraph (e) below) must
file with the Court, and serve upon (i) the Debtors and counsel for
the Debtors and (ii) counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover
Lenders, a notice of such status, in substantially the form attached
hereto as Exhibit 1, on or before the later of (i) twenty (20) calendar
days after entry of the Interim Order or (ii) ten (10) days after
becoming a Substantial Shareholder
(b) At least twenty (20) calendar days prior to effectuating any transfer
of Common Stock (including options to acquire Common Stock, as
defined in paragraph (e) below) or Convertible Preferred Stock that
would result in an increase in the amount of Common Stock or
Convertible Preferred Stock beneficially owned by a Substantial
Shareholder, or would result in a person or entity becoming a
Substantial Shareholder, such Substantial Shareholder, person or
entity must file with the Court, and serve upon the Debtors and
counsel for the Debtors, an advance written notice of the intended
transfer of Common Stock or Convertible Preferred Stock, in
For purposes of this Final Order, a “transfer” includes any conversion of shares of Convertible Preferred Stock
into shares of Common Stock.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498 Filed 07/21/20 Page 2 of 6
substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit 2 (each a Notice
of Intent to Purchase, Acquire, or Otherwise Accumulate”).
(c) At least twenty (20) calendar days prior to effectuating any transfer
of Common Stock (including options to acquire Common Stock) or
Convertible Preferred Stock that would result in a decrease in the
amount of Common Stock or Convertible Preferred Stock
beneficially owned by a Substantial Shareholder, or would result in
a person or entity ceasing to be a Substantial Shareholder, such
Substantial Shareholder, person or entity must file with the Court,
and serve upon the Debtors and counsel for the Debtors, an advance
written notice of the intended transfer of Common Stock or
Convertible Preferred Stock, in substantially the form attached to
the Motion as Exhibit 3 (each a “Notice of Intent to Sell, Trade, or
Otherwise Transfer and, collectively with each Notice of Intent to
Purchase, Acquire, or Otherwise Accumulate, a Notice of
Proposed Transfer”).
(d) The Debtors shall have fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of a
Notice of Proposed Transfer, and after consultation with the Ad Hoc
Group of Crossover Lenders, to file with the Court and serve upon
such Substantial Shareholder, person or entity an objection to any
proposed transfer of Common Stock or Convertible Preferred Stock
described in the Notice of Proposed Transfer on the grounds that
such transfer might adversely affect the Debtors’ ability to utilize
their Tax Attributes. If the Debtors file an objection, such transfer
would not be effective unless approved by a final and non-
appealable order of the Court. If the Debtors do not object within
such 15-day period, such transfer shall be permitted to proceed
solely as set forth in the Notice of Proposed Transfer. Further
transfers within the scope of this paragraph (d) shall be the subject
of additional notices as set forth herein, with additional 15-day
waiting periods.
(e) For purposes of these procedures: (i) a Substantial Shareholder
is any person or entity that beneficially owns in excess of:
(A) 4,018,926 shares of Common Stock (representing
approximately 4.75% of all issued and outstanding shares of
Common Stock); (B) 14,247 shares of Convertible Preferred Stock
(representing approximately 4.75% of all issued and outstanding
shares of Convertible Preferred Stock); or (C) 4.75% of all issued
and outstanding shares of stock of GNC, based on value, taking into
account all shares of Common Stock and Convertible Preferred
Stock owned by such person or entity, (ii) beneficial ownership
of equity interests means beneficial ownership for U.S. federal
income tax purposes as determined in accordance with applicable
rules under Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498 Filed 07/21/20 Page 3 of 6
amended (the Tax Code”), Treasury Regulations promulgated
thereunder (other than Treasury Regulations Section 1.382-
2T(h)(2)(i)(A)) and rulings issued by the Internal Revenue Service,
and thus, to the extent provided therein, from time to time shall
include, without limitation, (A) direct and indirect, actual and
constructive, beneficial ownership (for example, a holding company
would be considered to beneficially own all shares owned or
acquired by its subsidiaries), (B) ownership by such holder’s family
members and other related persons and persons acting in concert
with such holder to make a coordinated acquisition of stock, and (C)
ownership of shares which such holder has an option to acquire, and
(iii) an option to acquire stock includes all interests described in
Treasury Regulations Section 1.382-4(d)(9), including any option,
contingent purchase, right, warrant, convertible debt, put, call, stock
subject to risk of forfeiture, contract to acquire stock, or similar
interest, regardless of whether it is contingent or otherwise not
currently exercisable.
(f) Effective as of the Petition Date and until further order of the Court
to the contrary, any purchase, sale, or other transfer of beneficial
ownership of Common Stock or Convertible, including options to
acquire Common Stock, or Convertible Preferred Stock in violation
of these procedures shall be null and void ab initio as an act in
violation of the automatic stay under Bankruptcy Code Sections 362
and 105(a).
4. The following restrictions shall apply to taking worthlessness deductions, for
income tax purposes, with respect to Common Stock and Convertible Preferred Stock
(the “Worthless Stock Deduction Procedures”):
(a) Any person or entity that currently is or becomes a 50-percent
Shareholder (as such term is defined in paragraph (d) below) must
file with the Court, and serve upon (i) the Debtors and counsel for
the Debtors and (ii) counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover
Lenders, a notice of such status, in substantially the form attached
hereto as Exhibit 4, on or before the later of (i) twenty (20) calendar
days after entry of this Interim Order or (ii) ten (10) days after
becoming a 50-percent Shareholder
(b) At least twenty (20) calendar days prior to filing any income tax
return, or any amendment to such a return, taking any worthlessness
deduction with respect to Common Stock or Convertible Preferred
Stock for a tax year ending before the Debtors’ emergence from
chapter 11 protection, such 50-percent Shareholder must file with
the Court, and serve upon (i) the Debtors and counsel for the Debtors
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498 Filed 07/21/20 Page 4 of 6
and (ii) counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders, an
advance written notice of the intended worthlessness deduction, in
substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit 5 (each a Notice
of Intent to Take a Worthless Stock Deduction”).
(c) The Debtors shall have fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of a
Notice of Intent to Take a Worthless Stock Deduction, and after
consultation with the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders, to file
with the Court and serve upon such 50-percent Shareholder an
objection to any proposed worthlessness deduction described in the
Notice of Intent to Take a Worthless Stock Deduction on the
grounds that such deduction might adversely affect the Debtors’
ability to utilize their Tax Attributes. If the Debtors file an
objection, the filing of the income tax return with such deduction
would not be permitted or effective unless approved by a final and
non-appealable order of the Court. If the Debtors do not object
within such 15-day period, the filing of the income tax return with
such deduction shall be permitted as set forth in the Notice of Intent
to Take a Worthless Stock Deduction. Additional income tax
returns within the scope of this paragraph (c) shall be the subject of
additional notices as set forth herein, with additional 15-day waiting
(d) For purposes of these procedures: (i) a 50-percent Shareholder is
any person or entity that at any time during the three-year period
ending on the Petition Date has had beneficial ownership of 50% or
more of Common Stock or Convertible Preferred Stock or is
otherwise considered a 50-percent shareholder of GNC within the
meaning of Section 382(g)(4)(D) of the Tax Code and the applicable
Treasury Regulations thereunder; (ii) beneficial ownership of
equity interests means beneficial ownership for U.S. federal income
tax purposes as determined in accordance with applicable rules
under Section 382 of the Tax Code, Treasury Regulations
promulgated thereunder (other than Treasury Regulations Section
1.382-2T(h)(2)(i)(A)) and rulings issued by the Internal Revenue
Service, and thus, to the extent provided therein, from time to time
shall include, without limitation, (A) direct and indirect, actual and
constructive, beneficial ownership (for example, a holding company
would be considered to beneficially own all shares owned or
acquired by its subsidiaries), (B) ownership by such holder’s family
members and other related persons and persons acting in concert
with such holder to make a coordinated acquisition of stock, and (C)
ownership of shares which such holder has an option to acquire, and
(iii) an option to acquire stock includes all interests described in
Treasury Regulations Section 1.382-4(d)(9), including any option,
contingent purchase, right, warrant, convertible debt, put, call, stock
subject to risk of forfeiture, contract to acquire stock, or similar
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498 Filed 07/21/20 Page 5 of 6
interest, regardless of whether it is contingent or otherwise not
currently exercisable.
(e) In the event that a 50-percent Shareholder takes a worthlessness
deduction with respect to GNC stock in violation of these
procedures, such worthlessness deduction shall be null and void ab
initio as an act in violation of the automatic stay under Bankruptcy
Code Sections 362 and 105(a), and such 50-percent Shareholder
shall be required to file an amended income tax return, as applicable,
revoking such worthlessness deduction.
5. The Debtors may waive, in writing and in their sole and absolute discretion, any
and all restrictions, stays, and notification procedures contained in this Final Order, including those
set forth in the Interim Order.
5. The requirements set forth in this Final Order are in addition to the requirements of
Bankruptcy Rules 3001 and 3002 and all applicable securities, corporate and other laws, and do
not waive compliance or excuse non-compliance therewith.
6. The terms and conditions of this Final Order shall be immediately effective and
enforceable upon its entry.
7. The Court retains jurisdiction with respect to all matters arising from or related to
the implementation of this Final Order.
Dated: July 21st, 2020
Wilmington, Delaware
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498 Filed 07/21/20 Page 6 of 6
Notice of Status as a Substantial Shareholder
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 1 of 27
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
Re: Docket Nos. 4, 116, and ___
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that [Name of Substantial Shareholder] [is/has become] a
Substantial Shareholder
with respect to the common stock and/or Series A convertible preferred
stock in GNC Holdings, Inc. (“GNC”) (respectively, the “Common Stockand the Convertible
Preferred Stock”), a debtor and debtor in possession in Case No. 20-11662 (KBO) pending in the
United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the “Bankruptcy Court”).
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, as of [Date], [Name of Substantial
Shareholder] beneficially owns [__] shares of Common Stock and/or [__] shares of Convertible
The debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
For purposes of these procedures: (a) a “Substantial Shareholder is any person or entity that beneficially owns
in excess of: (A) 4,018,926 shares of Common Stock (representing approximately 4.75% of all issued and
outstanding shares of Common Stock); (B) 14,247 shares of Convertible Preferred Stock (representing
approximately 4.75% of all issued and outstanding shares of Convertible Preferred Stock); or (C) 4.75% of all
issued and outstanding shares of stock of GNC, based on value, taking into account all shares of Common Stock
and Convertible Preferred Stock owned by such person or entity, (b)beneficial ownership of equity interests
means beneficial ownership for U.S. federal income tax purposes as determined in accordance with applicable
rules under Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, Treasury Regulations promulgated
thereunder (other than Treasury Regulations Section 1.382-2T(h)(2)(i)(A))
and rulings issued by the Internal
Revenue Service, and thus, to the extent provided therein, from time to time shall include, without limitation, (i)
direct and indirect, actual and constructive, beneficial ownership (for example, a holding company would be
considered to beneficially own all shares owned or acquired by its subsidiaries), (ii) ownership by such holder’s
family members and other related persons and persons acting in concert with such holder to make a coordinated
acquisition of stock, and (iii) ownership of shares which such holder has an option to acquire, and (c) an “option
to acquire stock includes all interests described in Treasury Regulations Section 1.382-4(d)(9), including any
option, contingent purchase, right, warrant, convertible debt, put, call, stock subject to risk of forfeiture, contract
to acquire stock, or similar interest, regardless of whether it is contingent or otherwise not currently exercisable.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 2 of 27
Preferred Stock. The following table sets forth the date(s) on which [Name of Substantial
Shareholder] acquired or otherwise became the beneficial owner of such Common Stock and/
Convertible Preferred Stock:
Type of Shares
(Common Stock /
Convertible Preferred Stock)
Number of Shares Date Acquired
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the taxpayer identification number of
[Name of Substantial Shareholder] is [________].
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, under penalties of perjury, [Name of
Substantial Shareholder] hereby declares that it has examined this Notice and accompanying
attachments (if any), and, to the best of its knowledge and belief, this Notice and any attachments
that purport to be part of this Notice, are true, correct, and complete in all respects.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, pursuant to that certain Final Order
Establishing Certain Notice and Hearing Procedures for Transfers of, or Worthlessness
Deductions With Respect to, Common Stock and Convertible Preferred Stock of GNC Holdings,
Inc., this Notice is being (a) filed with the Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market Street, Wilmington,
Delaware, 19801 and (b) served upon (i) the Debtors, GNC Holdings, Inc., 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222, Attn.: Matthew Milanovich, (ii) counsel for the Debtors, Latham
& Watkins LLP, 330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2800, Chicago, Illinois 60611, Attn: Caroline
Reckler, Asif Attarwala, and Brett Newman, and 885 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022,
Attn: Jeffrey T. Mispagel, and (iii) counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders, Milbank
LLP, 2029 Century Park East, Los Angeles, California 90067, Attn: Mark Shinderman, Brett
Goldblatt, and Daniel B. Denny.
[Name of Substantial Shareholder]
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 3 of 27
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 4 of 27
Notice of Intent to Purchase, Acquire, or Otherwise Accumulate
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 5 of 27
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
Re: Docket Nos. 4, 116, and ___
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that [Name of Prospective Acquirer] hereby provides notice
of its intention to purchase, acquire, or otherwise accumulate
one or more shares of the common
stock (the Common Stock”), or an option with respect thereto, or Series A convertible preferred
stock (the Convertible Preferred Stock”) (the Proposed Transfer”) of GNC Holdings, Inc.
(“GNC”), a debtor and debtor in possession in Case No. 20-11662 (KBO) pending in the United
States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the “Bankruptcy Court”).
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, if applicable, on [Prior Date(s)], [Name of
Prospective Acquirer] filed a Notice of Status as a Substantial Shareholder
with the Bankruptcy
Court and served copies thereof on the Debtors and counsel for the Debtors.
The debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
For purposes of this Notice, “purchase, acquire, or otherwise accumulate” includes any conversion of shares of
Convertible Preferred Stock into shares of Common Stock.
For purposes of these procedures: (a) a “Substantial Shareholder is any person or entity that beneficially owns
in excess of: (A) 4,018,926 shares of Common Stock (representing approximately 4.75% of all issued and
outstanding shares of Common Stock); (B) 14,247 shares of Convertible Preferred Stock (representing
approximately 4.75% of all issued and outstanding shares of Convertible Preferred Stock); or (C) 4.75% of all
issued and outstanding shares of stock of GNC, based on value, taking into account all shares of Common Stock
and Convertible Preferred Stock owned by such person or entity, (b)beneficial ownership of equity interests
means beneficial ownership for U.S. federal income tax purposes as determined in accordance with applicable
rules under Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, Treasury Regulations promulgated
thereunder (other than Treasury Regulations Section 1.382-2T(h)(2)(i)(A)) and rulings issued by the Internal
Revenue Service, and thus, to the extent provided therein, from time to time shall include, without limitation, (i)
direct and indirect, actual and constructive, beneficial ownership (for example, a holding company would be
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 6 of 27
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that [Name of Prospective Acquirer] currently
beneficially owns [__] shares of the Common Stock and/or [__] shares of the Convertible Preferred
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, pursuant to the Proposed Transfer, [Name
of Prospective Acquirer] proposes to purchase, acquire, or otherwise accumulate [__] shares of the
Common Stock, or an option with respect to [__] shares of the Common Stock, and/or [__] shares
of the Convertible Preferred Stock. If the Proposed Transfer is permitted to occur, [Name of
Prospective Acquirer] will beneficially own [__] shares of the Common Stock and/or [__] shares
of the Convertible Preferred Stock after the transfer becomes effective.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the taxpayer identification number of [Name
of Prospective Acquirer] is [________].
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, under penalties of perjury, [Name of
Prospective Acquirer] hereby declares that it has examined this Notice and accompanying
attachments (if any), and, to the best of its knowledge and belief, this Notice and any attachments
that purport to be part of this Notice are true, correct and complete in all respects.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, pursuant to that certain Final Order
Establishing Certain Notice and Hearing Procedures for Transfers of, or Worthlessness
Deductions With Respect to, Common Stock and Convertible Preferred Stock of GNC Holdings,
Inc., this Notice is being (a) filed with the Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market Street, Wilmington,
Delaware, 19801 and (b) served upon (i) the Debtors, GNC Holdings, Inc., 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222, Attn.: Matthew Milanovich, and (ii) counsel for the Debtors,
Latham & Watkins LLP, 330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2800, Chicago, Illinois 60611, Attn:
Caroline Reckler, Asif Attarwala, and Brett Newman, and 885 Third Avenue, New York, New
York 10022, Attn: Jeffrey T. Mispagel.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Debtors have fifteen (15) days after
receipt of this Notice to object to the Proposed Transfer described herein. If the Debtors file an
objection, such Proposed Transfer will not be effective unless approved by a final and non-
appealable order of the Bankruptcy Court. If the Debtors do not object within such 15-day period,
then after expiration of such period the Proposed Transfer may proceed solely as set forth in the
considered to beneficially own all shares owned or acquired by its subsidiaries), (ii) ownership by such holder’s
family members and other related persons and persons acting in concert with such holder to make a coordinated
acquisition of stock, and (iii) ownership of shares which such holder has an option to acquire, and (c) an “option
to acquire stock includes all interests described in Treasury Regulations Section 1.382-4(d)(9), including any
option, contingent purchase, right, warrant, convertible debt, put, call, stock subject to risk of forfeiture, contract
to acquire stock, or similar interest, regardless of whether it is contingent or otherwise not currently exercisable.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 7 of 27
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any further transactions contemplated by
[Name of Prospective Acquirer] that may result in [Name of Prospective Acquirer] purchasing,
acquiring or otherwise accumulating additional shares of the Common Stock (or an option with
respect thereto) or the Convertible Preferred Stock will each require an additional notice filed with
the Court to be served in the same manner as this Notice.
[Name of Prospective Acquirer]
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 8 of 27
Notice of Intent to Sell, Trade, or Otherwise Transfer
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 9 of 27
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
Re: Docket Nos. 4, 116, and ___
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that [Name of Prospective Seller] hereby provides notice of
its intention to sell, trade, or otherwise transfer
shares of the common stock (the
Stock), or an option with respect thereto, or Series A convertible preferred stock (the
Convertible Preferred Stock”) (the
Proposed Transfer
of GNC Holdings, Inc. (GNC”), a
debtor and debtor in possession in Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
pending in the United States
Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the “Bankruptcy Court”).
NOTICE that, if applicable, on [Prior Date(s)], [Name
of Prospective Seller] filed a Notice of Status as a Substantial Shareholder
with the
Bankruptcy Court and served copies thereof on the Debtors and counsel for the Debtors.
The debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
For purposes of this Motion, “sell, trade, or otherwise transfer” includes any conversion of shares of Convertible
Preferred Stock into shares of Common Stock.
For purposes of these procedures: (a) a “Substantial Shareholder is any person or entity that beneficially owns
in excess of: (A) 4,018,926 shares of Common Stock (representing approximately 4.75% of all issued and
outstanding shares of Common Stock); (B) 14,247 shares of Convertible Preferred Stock (representing
approximately 4.75% of all issued and outstanding shares of Convertible Preferred Stock); or (C) 4.75% of all
issued and outstanding shares of stock of GNC, based on value, taking into account all shares of Common Stock
and Convertible Preferred Stock owned by such person or entity, (b)beneficial ownership of equity interests
means beneficial ownership for U.S. federal income tax purposes as determined in accordance with applicable
rules under Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, Treasury Regulations promulgated
thereunder (other than Treasury Regulations Section 1.382-2T(h)(2)(i)(A)) and rulings issued by the Internal
Revenue Service, and thus, to the extent provided therein, from time to time shall include, without limitation, (i)
direct and indirect, actual and constructive, beneficial ownership (for example, a holding company would be
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 10 of 27
NOTICE that [Name of Prospective Seller] currently
beneficially owns [__] shares of the Common Stock and/or [__] shares of the Convertible
Preferred Stock
that, pursuant to the Proposed Transfer, [Name
of Prospective Seller] proposes to sell, trade, or otherwise transfer [__]
shares of the Common
Stock, or an option with respect to [__] shares of the Common Stock, and/or [__] shares of the
Convertible Preferred Stock. If the Proposed Transfer is permitted to occur, [Name of Prospective
Seller] will beneficially own [__] shares of the Common Stock and/or [__] shares of the
Convertible Preferred Stock after the transfer becomes effective.
the taxpayer identification number of [Name
of Prospective Seller] is [________].
under penalties of perjury, [Name of
Prospective Seller] hereby declares that it has examined this Notice and accompanying attachments
(if any), and, to the best of its knowledge and belief, this Notice and any attachments that purport
to be part of this Notice are true, correct and complete in all respects.
that, pursuant to that certain
Certain Notice and Hearing Procedures for Transfers of, or Worthlessness
Deductions With Respect to, Common Stock and Convertible Preferred Stock of GNC Holdings,
, this Notice is being (a) filed with the Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market Street, Wilmington,
Delaware, 19801 and (b) served upon (i) the Debtors, GNC Holdings, Inc., 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222, Attn.: Matthew Milanovich, and (ii) counsel for the Debtors,
Latham & Watkins LLP, 330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2800, Chicago, Illinois 60611, Attn:
Caroline Reckler, Asif Attarwala, and Brett Newman, and 885 Third Avenue, New York, New
York 10022, Attn: Jeffrey T. Mispagel.
that the Debtors have fifteen (15) days after
receipt of this Notice to object to the Proposed Transfer described herein. If the Debtors file an
objection, such Proposed Transfer will not be effective unless approved by a final and non-
appealable order of the Bankruptcy Court. If the Debtors do not object within such 15-day period,
then after expiration of such period the Proposed Transfer may proceed solely as set forth in the
considered to beneficially own all shares owned or acquired by its subsidiaries), (ii) ownership by such holder’s
family members and other related persons and persons acting in concert with such holder to make a coordinated
acquisition of stock, and (iii) ownership of shares which such holder has an option to acquire, and (c) an “option
to acquire stock includes all interests described in Treasury Regulations Section 1.382-4(d)(9), including any
option, contingent purchase, right, warrant, convertible debt, put, call, stock subject to risk of forfeiture, contract
to acquire stock, or similar interest, regardless of whether it is contingent or otherwise not currently exercisable.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 11 of 27
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any further transactions contemplated
[Name of Prospective Seller] that may result in [Name of Prospective Seller] selling, trading,
otherwise transferring shares of the Common Stock (or an option with respect thereto) or the
Convertible Preferred Stock will
require an additional notice filed with the Bankruptcy Court
to be served in the same manner
[Name of Prospective Seller]
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 12 of 27
Notice of Status as a 50-percent Shareholder
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 13 of 27
In re:
et al.
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
Re: Docket Nos. 4, 116, and ___
that [Name of 50-percent Shareholder] [is/has become] a 50-
percent Shareholder
with respect to the common stock (the
Common Stock
”) and/or Series A
convertible preferred stock (the “
Convertible Preferred Stock
”) of GNC Holdings, Inc. (“
a debtor and debtor in possession in Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
pending in the United States
Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the
Bankruptcy Court
that, as of [Date], [Name of 50-percent
Shareholder] beneficially owns [__] shares of the Common Stock and/or [__] shares of the
Convertible Preferred Stock. The following table sets forth the date(s) on which [Name of 50-
The debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
For purposes of these procedures: (a) a “50-percent Shareholder is any person or entity that at any time during
the three-year period ending on the Petition Date has had beneficial ownership of 50% or more of the Common
Stock or Convertible Preferred Stock
or is otherwise considered a 50-percent shareholder of GNC
within the
meaning of Section 382(g)(4)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Tax Code) and the
applicable Treasury Regulations thereunder; (b) beneficial ownership of equity interests means beneficial
ownership for U.S. federal income tax purposes as determined in accordance with applicable rules under Section
382 of the Tax Code, Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder (other than Treasury Regulations Section
and rulings issued by the Internal Revenue Service, and thus, to the extent provided therein,
from time to time shall include, without limitation, (i) direct and indirect, actual and constructive, beneficial
ownership (for example, a holding company would be considered to beneficially own all shares owned or acquired
by its subsidiaries), (ii) ownership by such holder’s family members and other related persons and persons acting
in concert with such holder to make a coordinated acquisition of stock, and (iii) ownership of shares which such
holder has an option to acquire, and (c) an option to acquire stock includes all interests described in Treasury
Regulations Section 1.382-4(d)(9), including
any option, contingent purchase, right, warrant, convertible debt,
put, call, stock subject to risk of forfeiture, contract to acquire stock, or similar interest, regardless of whether it
is contingent or otherwise not currently exercisable.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 14 of 27
percent Shareholder] acquired or otherwise became the beneficial owner of such Common Stock
and/or Convertible Preferred Stock:
Type of Shares
(Common Stock /
Convertible Preferred Stock)
Number of Shares Date Acquired
that the taxpayer identification number of [Name
of 50-percent Shareholder] is [________].
that, under penalties of perjury, [Name of 50-
percent Shareholder] hereby declares that it has examined this Notice and accompanying
attachments (if any), and, to the best of its knowledge and belief, this Notice and any attachments
that purport to be part of this Notice are true, correct, and complete in all respects.
that, pursuant to that certain
Certain Notice and Hearing Procedures for Transfers of, or Worthlessness
Deductions With Respect to, Common Stock and Convertible Preferred Stock of GNC Holdings,
, this Notice is being (a) filed with the Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market Street, Wilmington,
Delaware, 19801 and (b) served upon (i) the Debtors, GNC Holdings, Inc., 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222, Attn.: Matthew Milanovich, (ii) counsel for the Debtors, Latham
& Watkins LLP, 330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2800, Chicago, Illinois 60611, Attn: Caroline
Reckler, Asif Attarwala, and Brett Newman, and 885 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022,
Attn: Jeffrey T. Mispagel, and (iii) counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders, Milbank
LLP, 2029 Century Park East, Los Angeles, California 90067, Attn: Mark Shinderman, Brett
Goldblatt, and Daniel B. Denny.
[Name of 50-percent Shareholder]
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 15 of 27
Notice of Intent to Take a Worthless Stock Deduction
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 16 of 27
In re:
et al.
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
Re: Docket Nos. 4, 116, and ___
that [Name of Prospective Claimant] hereby provides
notice of its intention to take a worthlessness deduction (the
Proposed Worthless Claim
”) with
respect to shares of the common stock (the “
Common Stock
”) and/or Series A convertible
preferred stock (the
Convertible Preferred Stock
”) of GNC Holdings, Inc. (“
”), a debtor and
debtor in possession in Case No. 20-11662 (KBO) pending in the United States Bankruptcy Court
for the District of Delaware (the “
Bankruptcy Court
that, if applicable, on [Prior Date(s)], [Name of
Prospective Claimant] filed a Notice of Status as a 50-percent Shareholder
with the Bankruptcy
Court and served copies thereof on the Debtors and counsel for the Debtors.
The debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
For purposes of these procedures: (a) a “50-percent Shareholder is any person or entity that at any time during
the three-year period ending on the Petition Date has had beneficial ownership of 50% or more of the Common
Stock or Convertible Preferred Stock
or is otherwise considered a 50-percent shareholder of GNC within the
meaning of Section 382(g)(4)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Tax Code) and the
applicable Treasury Regulations thereunder; (b) beneficial ownership of equity interests means beneficial
ownership for U.S. federal income tax purposes as determined in accordance with applicable rules under Section
382 of the Tax Code, Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder (other than Treasury Regulations Section
1.382-2T(h)(2)(i)(A)) and rulings issued by the Internal Revenue Service, and thus, to the extent provided therein,
from time to time shall include, without limitation, (i) direct and indirect, actual and constructive, beneficial
ownership (for example, a holding company would be considered to beneficially own all shares owned or acquired
by its subsidiaries), (ii) ownership by such holder’s family members and other related persons and persons acting
in concert with such holder to make a coordinated acquisition of stock, and (iii) ownership of shares which such
holder has an option to acquire, and (c) an “option to acquire stock includes
all interests described in Treasury
Regulations Section 1.382-4(d)(9), including any option, contingent purchase, right, warrant, convertible debt,
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 17 of 27
that [Name of Prospective Claimant] currently
beneficially owns [__] shares of the Common Stock and/or [__] shares of the Convertible Preferred
that, pursuant to the Proposed Worthless Claim,
[Name of Prospective Claimant] proposes to declare for income tax purposes that [__] shares of
the Common Stock and/or [__] shares of the Convertible Preferred Stock became worthless during
the tax year ending [____].
the taxpayer identification number of [Name
of Prospective Claimant] is [________].
that, under penalties of perjury, [Name of
Prospective Claimant] hereby declares that it has examined this Notice and accompanying
attachments (if any), and, to the best of its knowledge and belief, this Notice and any attachments
that purport to be part of this Notice are true, correct and complete in all respects.
that, pursuant to that certain
Certain Notice and Hearing Procedures for Transfers of, or Worthlessness
Deductions With Respect to, Common Stock and Convertible Preferred Stock of GNC Holdings,
”), this Notice is being (a) filed with the Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market Street,
Wilmington, Delaware, 19801 and (b) served upon (i) the Debtors, GNC Holdings, Inc., 300 Sixth
Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222, Attn.: Matthew Milanovich, and (ii) counsel for the
Debtors, Latham & Watkins LLP, 330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2800, Chicago, Illinois 60611,
Attn: Caroline Reckler, Asif Attarwala, and Brett Newman, and 885 Third Avenue, New York,
New York 10022, Attn: Jeffrey T. Mispagel.
that, pursuant to the Order, [Name of Prospective
Claimant] acknowledges that it is enjoined from filing an income tax return with respect to the
Proposed Worthless Claim unless and until [Name of Prospective Claimant] complies with the
procedures set forth in the Order, but the undersigned 50-percent Shareholder otherwise reserves
all rights regarding the Order or the motion granted prior thereto.
that the Debtors have fifteen (15) days after
receipt of this Notice to object to the Proposed Worthless Claim described herein. If the Debtors
file an objection, such Proposed Worthless Claim will not be permitted or effective unless
approved by a final and non-appealable order of the Bankruptcy Court. If the Debtors do not object
within such 15-day period, then after expiration of such period the Proposed Worthless Claim may
proceed solely as set forth in this Notice.
put, call, stock subject to risk of forfeiture, contract to acquire stock, or similar interest, regardless of whether it
is contingent or otherwise not currently exercisable.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 18 of 27
that any further transactions contemplated by
[Name of Prospective Claimant] that may result in [Name of Prospective Claimant] filing an
income tax return with respect to a Proposed Worthless Claim will each require an additional
notice filed with the Court to be served in the same manner as this Notice.
[Name of Prospective Claimant]
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 19 of 27
Notice of Order
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 20 of 27
In re:
et al.
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
Re: Docket Nos. 4, 116, and ___
that on June 23, 2020 (the
Petition Date
), GNC
Holdings, Inc.
”) and its above-captioned affiliates
(collectively, the
commenced chapter 11 cases
Chapter 11 Cases
”) under chapter 11 of title 11 of the
United States Code, 11 U.S.C. §§ 101-1532, as amended (the
Bankruptcy Code
”). Subject to
certain exceptions, Bankruptcy Code Section 362 operates as a stay of any act to obtain possession
of property of the Debtors’ estates or
exercise control over property of the
Debtors’ estates.
that on June 24, 2020, the Debtors filed
motion seeking entry of an order pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105(a), 362(a)(3),
and 541 establishing certain notice and hearing procedures that must be satisfied before certain
The debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 21 of 27
shareholders may make transfers of, or take worthlessness deductions with respect to, common
stock and Series A convertible preferred stock in GNC (respectively, the
Common Stock
the “
Convertible Preferred Stock
”) (the
on ________, 2020, the United
Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the
Bankruptcy Court
entered a final order
approving the procedures set forth in the Motion and below order to preserve the Debtors’ ability
to fully utilize their Tax Attributes (as defined in the Motion) pursuant to Bankruptcy Code
Sections 105(a), 362(a)(3), and 541 (the
Final Order
Capitalized terms used but not
defined herein shall have
same meanings ascribed to them in the Final Order, unless
otherwise stated. Any purchase, sale, or other transfer of, or the taking of any worthlessness
deduction with respect to, Common Stock and Convertible Preferred Stock in violation of the
procedures set forth below shall be null and void
ab initio
as an act in violation of the automatic
stay under Bankruptcy Code Sections 362 and 105(a).
that, pursuant to the Final Order, the following
procedures shall apply to owning and transferring Common Stock and Convertible Preferred Stock
(the “
Equity Transfer Procedures
Any person or entity (as defined in Treasury Regulations Section
1.382-3(a)) who currently is or hereafter becomes a Substantial
Shareholder (as such term is defined in paragraph (e) below) must
file with the Bankruptcy Court, and serve upon (i) the Debtors and
counsel for the Debtors and (ii) counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of
Crossover Lenders, a notice of such status (each a “
Notice of Status
as a Substantial Shareholder
”) on or before the later of (i) twenty
(20) calendar days after entry of the Interim Order or (ii) ten (10)
days after becoming a Substantial Shareholder.
At least twenty (20) calendar days prior to effectuating any transfer
of Common Stock (including options to acquire Common Stock, as
defined in paragraph (e) below) or Convertible Preferred Stock that
would result in an increase in the amount of Common Stock or
Convertible Preferred Stock beneficially owned by a Substantial
Shareholder, or would result in a person or entity becoming a
Substantial Shareholder, such Substantial Shareholder, person or
entity must file with the Bankruptcy Court, and serve upon the
Debtors and counsel for the Debtors, an advance written notice of
the intended transfer of Common Stock or Convertible Preferred
Stock (each a
Notice of Intent to Purchase, Acquire, or Otherwise
This summary is qualified in its entirety by reference to the provisions of the Final Order. To the extent any
inconsistency exists between this Notice and the Final Order, the terms of the Final Order shall govern and control.
For purposes of this Notice, a transfer includes any conversion of shares of Convertible Preferred Stock into
shares of Common Stock.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 22 of 27
At least twenty (20) calendar days prior to effectuating any transfer
of Common Stock (including options to acquire Common Stock) or
Convertible Preferred Stock that would result in a decrease in the
amount of Common Stock or Convertible Preferred Stock
beneficially owned by a Substantial Shareholder, or would result in
a person or entity ceasing to be a Substantial Shareholder, such
Substantial Shareholder, person or entity must file with the
Bankruptcy Court, and serve upon the Debtors and counsel for the
Debtors, an advance written notice of the intended transfer of
Common Stock or Convertible Preferred Stock (each a
Notice of
Intent to Sell, Trade, or Otherwise Transfer
and, collectively with
each Notice of Intent to Purchase, Acquire, or Otherwise
Accumulate, a “
Notice of Proposed Transfer
The Debtors shall have fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of a
Notice of Proposed Transfer, and after consultation with the Ad Hoc
Group of Crossover Lenders, to file with the Bankruptcy Court and
serve upon such Substantial Shareholder, person or entity an
objection to any proposed transfer of Common Stock or Convertible
Preferred Stock described in the Notice of Proposed Transfer on the
grounds that such transfer might adversely affect the Debtors’
ability to utilize their Tax Attributes. If the Debtors file an
objection, such transfer would not be effective unless approved by a
final and non-appealable order of the Bankruptcy Court. If the
Debtors do not object within such 15-day period, such transfer shall
be permitted to proceed solely as set forth in the Notice of Proposed
Transfer. Further transfers within the scope of this paragraph (d)
shall be the subject of additional notices as set forth herein, with
additional 15-day waiting periods.
For purposes of these procedures: (i) a
Substantial Shareholder
is any person or entity that beneficially owns in excess of:
(A) 4,018,926 shares of Common Stock (representing
approximately 4.75% of all issued and outstanding shares of
Common Stock); (B) 14,247 shares of Convertible Preferred Stock
(representing approximately 4.75% of all issued and outstanding
shares of Convertible Preferred Stock); or (C) 4.75% of all issued
and outstanding shares of stock of GNC, based on value, taking into
account all shares of Common Stock and Convertible Preferred
Stock owned by such person or entity, (ii)
beneficial ownership
of equity interests means beneficial ownership for U.S. federal
income tax purposes as determined in accordance with applicable
rules under Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended (the
Tax Code
”), Treasury Regulations promulgated
thereunder (other than Treasury Regulations Section 1.382-
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 23 of 27
2T(h)(2)(i)(A)) and rulings issued by the Internal Revenue Service,
and thus, to the extent provided therein, from time to time shall
include, without limitation, (A) direct and indirect, actual and
constructive, beneficial ownership (for example, a holding company
would be considered to beneficially own all shares owned or
acquired by its subsidiaries), (B) ownership by such holder’s family
members and other related persons and persons acting in concert
with such holder to make a coordinated acquisition of stock, and (C)
ownership of shares which such holder has an option to acquire, and
(iii) an
to acquire stock includes all interests described in
Treasury Regulations Section 1.382-4(d)(9), including any option,
contingent purchase, right, warrant, convertible debt, put, call, stock
subject to risk of forfeiture, contract to acquire stock, or similar
interest, regardless of whether it is contingent or otherwise not
currently exercisable.
Effective as of the Petition Date and until further order of the Court
to the contrary, any purchase, sale, or other transfer of beneficial
ownership of Common Stock, including options to acquire Common
Stock, or Convertible Preferred Stock in violation of these
procedures shall be null and void
ab initio
as an act in violation of
the automatic stay under Bankruptcy Code Sections 362 and 105(a).
that, pursuant to the Final Order, the following
procedures shall apply to taking worthlessness deductions, for income tax purposes, with respect
to GNC common stock (the “
Worthless Stock Deduction Procedures
Any person or entity that currently is or becomes a 50-percent
Shareholder (as such term is defined in paragraph (d) below) must
file with the Bankruptcy Court, and serve upon (i) the Debtors and
counsel for the Debtors and (ii) counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of
Crossover Lenders, a notice of such status (each a “
Notice of Status
as a 50-percent Shareholder
”) on or before the later of (i) twenty
(20) calendar days after entry of the Interim Order or (ii) ten (10)
days after becoming a 50-percent Shareholder.
At least twenty (20) calendar days prior to filing any income tax
return, or any amendment to such a return, taking any worthlessness
deduction with respect to Common Stock or Convertible Preferred
Stock for a tax year ending before the Debtors’ emergence from
chapter 11 protection, such 50-percent Shareholder must file with
the Bankruptcy Court, and serve upon (i) the Debtors and counsel
for the Debtors and (ii) counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover
Lenders, an advance written notice of the intended worthlessness
This summary is qualified in its entirety by reference to the provisions of the Final Order. To the extent any
inconsistency exists between this Notice and the Final Order, the terms of the Final Order shall govern and control.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 24 of 27
deduction (each a
Notice of Intent to Take a Worthless Stock
The Debtors shall have fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of a
Notice of Intent to Take a Worthless Stock Deduction, and after
consultation with the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders, to file
with the Bankruptcy Court and serve upon such 50-percent
Shareholder an objection to any proposed worthlessness deduction
described in the Notice of Intent to Take a Worthless Stock
Deduction on the grounds that such deduction might adversely
affect the Debtors’ ability to utilize their Tax Attributes. If the
Debtors file an objection, the filing of the income tax return with
such deduction would not be permitted or effective unless approved
by a final and non-appealable order of the Bankruptcy Court. If the
Debtors do not object within such 15-day period, the filing of the
income tax return with such deduction shall be permitted as set forth
in the Notice of Intent to Take a Worthless Stock Deduction.
Additional income tax returns within the scope of this paragraph (c)
shall be the subject of additional notices as set forth herein, with
additional 15-day waiting periods.
For purposes of these procedures: (i) a
50-percent Shareholder
any person or entity that at any time during the three-year period
ending on the Petition Date has had beneficial ownership of 50% or
more of Common Stock or Convertible Preferred Stock or is
otherwise considered a 50-percent shareholder of GNC within the
meaning of Section 382(g)(4)(D) of the Tax Code and the applicable
Treasury Regulations thereunder; (ii)
beneficial ownership
equity interests means beneficial ownership for U.S. federal income
tax purposes as determined in accordance with applicable rules
under Section 382 of the Tax Code, Treasury Regulations
promulgated thereunder (other than Treasury Regulations Section
1.382-2T(h)(2)(i)(A)) and rulings issued by the Internal Revenue
Service, and thus, to the extent provided therein, from time to time
shall include, without limitation, (A) direct and indirect, actual and
constructive, beneficial ownership (for example, a holding company
would be considered to beneficially own all shares owned or
acquired by its subsidiaries), (B) ownership by such holder’s family
members and other related persons and persons acting in concert
with such holder to make a coordinated acquisition of stock, and (C)
ownership of shares which such holder has an option to acquire, and
(iii) an
to acquire stock includes all interests described in
Treasury Regulations Section 1.382-4(d)(9), including any option,
contingent purchase, right, warrant, convertible debt, put, call, stock
subject to risk of forfeiture, contract to acquire stock, or similar
interest, regardless of whether it is contingent or otherwise not
currently exercisable.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 25 of 27
In the event that a 50-percent Shareholder takes a worthlessness
deduction with respect to Common Stock or Convertible Preferred
Stock in violation of these procedures, such worthlessness deduction
shall be null and void
ab initio
as an act in violation of the automatic
stay under Bankruptcy Code Sections 362 and 105(a), and such 50-
percent Shareholder shall be required to file an amended income tax
return, as applicable, revoking such worthlessness deduction.
upon written request, the Debtors’ notice
and claims agent, Prime Clerk LLC (“
Prime Clerk
”), will provide a form of each of the required
notices described above.
Prime Clerk can be contacted online at
https://cases.primeclerk.com/GNC, or by calling 1-844-974-2132 (for domestic callers) or 1-347-
505-7137 (for international callers).
the requirements set forth in this Notice of
Order are in addition to the requirements of Bankruptcy Rules 3001 and 3002 and all applicable
securities, corporate and other laws, and do not waive compliance or excuse non-compliance
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 26 of 27
Dated: ________, 2020
/s/ .
Michael R. Nestor (No. 3526)
Kara Hammond Coyle (No. 4410)
Andrew L. Magaziner (No. 5426)
Joseph M. Mulvihill (No. 6061)
Rodney Square
1000 North King Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19801
Telephone: (302) 571-6600
Facsimile: (302) 571-1253
Email: mnestor@ycst.com
Richard A. Levy (
pro hac vice
Caroline A. Reckler (
pro hac vice
Asif Attarwala (
pro hac vice
Brett V. Newman (
pro hac vice
330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2800
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Telephone: (312) 876-7700
Facsimile: (312) 993-9767
Email: richard.levy@lw.com
- and -
George A. Davis (
pro hac vice
Jeffrey T. Mispagel (
pro hac vice
885 Third Avenue
New York, New York 10022
Telephone: (212) 906-1200
Facsimile: (212) 751-4864
Email: george.davis@lw.com
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 498-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 27 of 27
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Re: Docket Nos. 8 & 121
Upon the motion [Docket No. 8] (the “Motion”)
of the Debtors for a final order
authorizing (a) payment of Prepetition Insurance Obligations and Prepetition Bonding
Obligations, and (b) maintenance of the Insurance Policies and the Bonding Program postpetition
(this Final Order”); and this Court having reviewed the Motion, the First Day Declaration, and
the Interim Order [Docket No. 121] entered on June 25, 2020; and this Court having determined
that the relief requested in the Motion is in the best interests of the Debtors, their estates, their
creditors, and other parties in interest; and this Court having jurisdiction to consider the Motion
and the relief requested therein in accordance with 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and 1334 and the Amended
The debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 493 Filed 07/21/20 Page 1 of 5
Schedule F
Standing Order of Reference from the United States District Court for the District of Delaware
dated as of February 29, 2012; and consideration of the Motion and the relief requested therein
being a core proceeding under 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2); and this Court having authority to enter a
final order consistent with Article III of the United States Constitution; and venue being proper
before this Court under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409; and it appearing that proper and adequate
notice of the Motion has been given and that no other or further notice is necessary; and a hearing
having been held to consider the relief requested in the Motion (theFinal Hearing”); and upon
the First Day Declaration and the record of the Final Hearing and all the proceedings before this
Court; and after due deliberation thereon; and good and sufficient cause appearing therefor, it is
1. The Motion is GRANTED on a final basis as set forth herein.
2. The Debtors are authorized, but not directed, to continue their Insurance Policies
and Bonding Program, and to pay any obligations arising thereunder, whether arising prepetition
or postpetition, including under the Premium Financing Agreement.
3. Payments on account of Prepetition Insurance Obligations and Prepetition Bonding
Obligations under the Motion and this Final Order shall not exceed $91,250 in an aggregate final
amount, inclusive of amounts paid pursuant to the Interim Order, or such higher amount as may
be set forth in any budget governing postpetition financing or the use of cash collateral. For the
avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Final Order shall limit payments arising under or in connection
with any of the U.S. Workers’ Compensation Policies or the Canadian Workers’ Compensation
Program (both as defined in the Motion of Debtors for Orders (A) Authorizing Payment of Certain
Prepetition Workforce Obligations, (B) Authorizing Continuance of Workforce Programs,
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 493 Filed 07/21/20 Page 2 of 5
(C) Authorizing Payment of Withholding and Payroll-Related Taxes, and (D) Authorizing Payment
of Prepetition Claims Owing to Workforce Program Administrators [Docket No. 15]).
4. The Debtors are authorized, but not directed, to revise, extend, supplement, or
change insurance coverage and/or their Bonding Program as needed and/or to enter into new
insurance policies and surety bonds including through renewal or purchase of new insurance
policies and surety bonds.
5. The Debtors are authorized to pay the fees, costs, and commissions of the Broker
in connection with the Insurance Policies and the Broker Agreement in the ordinary course of
business, including any accrued and unpaid amounts owed to the Broker as of the Petition Date.
6. The Debtors are authorized to pay the fees, costs, and commissions of the Broker
in connection with the Insurance Policies and the Broker Agreement in the ordinary course of
business, including any accrued and unpaid amounts owed to the Broker as of the Petition Date.
7. The Debtors’ banks and financial institutions shall be, and are hereby authorized,
when requested by the Debtors, to process, honor, pay, and, if necessary, reissue any and all checks
and electronic fund transfers, including prepetition checks and electronic payment and transfer
requests that the Debtors reissue or re-request postpetition, drawn on the Debtors’ bank accounts
relating to the insurance and bonding obligations, whether those checks were presented prior to or
after the Petition Date, provided that sufficient funds are available in the applicable accounts to
make the payments.
8. The Debtors’ banks and financial institutions may rely on the representations of the
Debtors with respect to whether any check or other transfer drawn or issued by the Debtors prior
to the Petition Date should be honored pursuant to this Final Order, and any such bank or financial
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 493 Filed 07/21/20 Page 3 of 5
institution shall not have any liability to any party for relying on such representations by the
Debtors as provided for in this Final Order.
9. Nothing in the Motion or this Final Order, or the Debtors’ payment of any claims
pursuant to this Final Order, shall be construed as: (i) an admission as to the validity of any claim
against any Debtor or the existence of any lien against the Debtors’ properties; (ii) a waiver of the
Debtors’ rights to Dispute any claim or lien on any grounds; (iii) a promise to pay any claim;
(iv) an implication or admission that any particular claim would constitute an allowed claim; (v) an
assumption or rejection of any executory contract or unexpired lease pursuant to section 365 of
the Bankruptcy Code; or (vi) a limitation on the Debtors’ rights under section 365 of the
Bankruptcy Code to assume or reject any executory contract with any party subject to this Final
Order. Nothing contained in this Final Order shall be deemed to increase, decrease, reclassify,
elevate to an administrative expense status, or otherwise affect any claim to the extent it is not
10. With regard to ACE American Insurance Company and/or any of its U.S.-based
affiliates (collectively, and together with each of their successors, the Chubb Companies”) and
any Insurance Policies (with respect to the Chubb Companies, the term Insurance Policies as used
in this Final Order shall include all insurance policies, issued or providing coverage at any time to
the Debtors, whether expired, current or prospective, and any agreements related thereto) they may
have provided for the benefit of the Debtors, nothing in this Final Order shall enlarge, abridge or
otherwise modify the Debtors’, the Chubb Companies’, or any other party in interest’s rights or
claims with regard to such Insurance Policies.
11. Notwithstanding Bankruptcy Rule 6004(h), to the extent applicable this Final Order
shall be effective and enforceable immediately upon entry hereof.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 493 Filed 07/21/20 Page 4 of 5
12. The Debtors are authorized and empowered to take such actions and to execute
such documents as may be necessary to implement the relief granted by this Final Order.
13. This Court shall retain jurisdiction with respect to all matters arising from or related
to the implementation and/or interpretation of this Final Order.
Dated: July 21st, 2020
Wilmington, Delaware
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 493 Filed 07/21/20 Page 5 of 5
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Re: Docket Nos. 13 & 127
Upon the motion [Docket No. 13] (the Motion”)
of the Debtors for an order,
(a) authorizing, but not directing, them to remit and pay in the ordinary course of business any
prepetition and postpetition amounts owing on account of (i) Lien Claims and (ii) Import Claims
and (b) confirming the administrative expense priority status of Outstanding Orders (this Final
Order”); and the Court having reviewed the Motion, the First Day Declaration, and the Interim
Order [Docket No. 127] entered on June 25, 2020; and the Court having determined that the relief
requested in the Motion is in the best interests of the Debtors, their estates, their creditors, and
other parties in interest; and the Court having jurisdiction to consider the Motion and the relief
requested therein in accordance with 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and 1334 and the Amended Standing Order
The debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 471 Filed 07/20/20 Page 1 of 4
Schedule G
of Reference from the United States District Court for the District of Delaware dated as of February
29, 2012; and consideration of the Motion and the relief requested therein being a core proceeding
under 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2); and the Court having authority to enter a final order consistent with
Article III of the United States Constitution; and venue being proper before this Court under 28
U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409; and it appearing that proper and adequate notice of the Motion has been
given and that no other or further notice is necessary; and a hearing having been held to consider
the relief requested in the Motion (the Hearing”); and upon the First Day Declaration and the
record of the Hearing and all the proceedings before the Court; and after due deliberation thereon;
and good and sufficient cause appearing therefor, it is hereby
1. The Motion is GRANTED on a final basis as set forth herein.
2. The Debtors are authorized, but not directed, to remit and pay in the ordinary course
of business any prepetition amounts owing on account of Lien Claims and Import Claims in an
amount not to exceed $6,251,000, in an aggregate final amount, inclusive of amounts paid pursuant
to the Interim Order, or such higher amount as may be set forth in any budget governing
postpetition financing or the use of cash collateral.
3. The Debtors are authorized, but not directed to remit and pay in the ordinary course
of business all undisputed, postpetition amounts owing on account of Lien Claims and Import
Claims consistent with the parties’ customary practices in effect prior to the Petition Date.
4. The Debtors shall determine which of the Obligations, if any, shall be paid under
this Final Order.
5. All undisputed obligations of the Debtors arising from the acceptance of goods
subject to Outstanding Orders is granted administrative expense priority status. Further, the
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 471 Filed 07/20/20 Page 2 of 4
Debtors are authorized, but not directed, to satisfy such obligations in the ordinary course of
6. The Debtors’ banks and financial institutions shall be, and are hereby authorized,
when requested by the Debtors, to process, honor, pay, and if necessary, reissue any and all checks
and electronic fund transfers, including prepetition checks and electronic payment and transfer
requests that the Debtors reissue or re-request postpetition, drawn on the Debtors’ bank accounts
relating to the Obligations, whether those checks were presented prior to or after the Petition Date,
provided that sufficient funds are available in the applicable accounts to make the payments.
7. The Debtors’ banks and financial institutions may rely on the representations of the
Debtors with respect to whether any check or other transfer drawn or issued by the Debtors prior
to the Petition Date should be honored pursuant to this Final Order, and any such bank or financial
institution shall not have any liability to any party for relying on such representations by the
Debtors as provided for in this Final Order.
8. Nothing in the Motion or this Final Order, or the Debtors’ payment of any claims
pursuant to this Final Order, shall be construed as: (i) an admission as to the validity of any claim
against any Debtor or the existence of any lien against the Debtors’ properties; (ii) a waiver of the
Debtors’ rights to dispute any claim or lien on any grounds; (iii) a promise to pay any claim; (iv)
an implication or admission that any particular claim would constitute an allowed claim; (v) an
assumption or rejection of any executory contract or unexpired lease pursuant to section 365 of
the Bankruptcy Code; or (vi) a limitation on the Debtors’ rights under section 365 of the
Bankruptcy Code to assume or reject any executory contract with any party subject to this Final
Order. Nothing contained in this Final Order shall be deemed to increase, decrease, reclassify,
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elevate to an administrative expense status, or otherwise affect any claim to the extent it is not
9. Notwithstanding Bankruptcy Rule 6004(h), to the extent applicable this Final Order
shall be effective and enforceable immediately upon entry hereof.
10. The Debtors are authorized and empowered to take such actions and to execute
such documents as may be necessary to implement the relief granted by this Final Order.
11. This Court shall retain jurisdiction with respect to all matters arising from or related
to the implementation and/or interpretation of this Final Order.
Dated: July 20th, 2020
Wilmington, Delaware
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 471 Filed 07/20/20 Page 4 of 4
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Re. Dockets No. 16, 131, 360 & 365
Upon the motion (the “Motion”)
of the Debtors for a final order (this “Final Order”),
(a) authorizing and approving the conduct of store closing or similar themed sales (the Store
Closings”) in accordance with the terms of the U.S. and Canadian store closing sale procedures
(the “U.S. Store Closing Procedures” and the “Canadian Store Closing Procedures”,
respectively, and, together, the “Store Closing Procedures”) attached hereto as Exhibit 1, with
such sales to be free and clear of all liens, claims and encumbrances; (b) authorizing the Debtors
to pay customary bonuses to non-insider managers of the stores where Store Closing sales will
occur; (c) authorizing the Debtors to assume the Consulting Agreements; and (d) granting related
The debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
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Schedule H
relief, all as more fully set forth in the Motion; and this Court having reviewed the Motion, the
First Day Declaration, and the Interim Order entered on June 25, 2020; and this Court having
determined that the relief requested in the Motion is in the best interests of the Debtors, their
estates, their creditors, and other parties in interest; and this Court having jurisdiction to consider
the Motion and the relief requested therein in accordance with 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and 1334 and the
Amended Standing Order of Reference from the United States District Court for the District of
Delaware dated as of February 29, 2012; and consideration of the Motion and the relief requested
therein being a core proceeding under 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2); and this Court having authority to
enter a final order consistent with Article III of the United States Constitution; and venue being
proper before this Court under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409; and it appearing that proper and
adequate notice of the Motion has been given and that no other or further notice is necessary; and
upon the First Day Declaration and all of the proceedings before this Court; and after due
deliberation thereon; and good and sufficient cause appearing therefor, it is hereby
A. The Debtors have advanced sound business reasons for seeking to implement the
Store Closing Procedures and assume the Consulting Agreements, as set forth in the Motion and at
the Hearing, and such relief is in the best interests of the Debtors and their estates.
B. The Store Closing Procedures are reasonable, and the conduct of the Store Closings
in accordance with the applicable Store Closing Procedures will provide an efficient means for the
Debtors to dispose of the Merchandise and the FF&E and will maximize the returns on the
Merchandise and the FF&E.
Findings of fact shall be construed as conclusions of law and conclusions of law shall be construed as findings
fact where appropriate.
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C. The Consulting Agreements were negotiated, proposed, and entered into by the
Debtors and the Consultant without collusion, in good faith, and from arm’s-length bargaining
positions, and the operation and effectiveness of the Consulting Agreements on a final basis is a
sound exercise of the Debtors’ business judgment.
D. The Store Closings are in the best interest of the Debtors’ estates.
E. The entry of this Final Order is in the best interest of the Debtors and their estates,
creditors, and interest holders and all other parties in interest herein; and now therefore it is hereby
1. The Motion is GRANTED on a final basis as set forth herein.
2. The Debtors are authorized, but not directed, to make payments under the Store
Closing Bonus Plan.
3. The Debtors and the Consultant are authorized to take all actions necessary to
effectuate the relief granted in this Final Order in accordance with the Motion. The failure to
specifically include any provisions of the Consulting Agreements in this Final Order shall not
diminish or impair the effectiveness of such provisions, it being the intent of this Court that the
Consulting Agreements and all of their provisions, payments, and transactions be, and hereby are,
authorized and approved as and to the extent provided in this Final Order.
4. The assumption of the Consulting Agreements by the Debtors pursuant to section
365 of the Bankruptcy Code is approved on a final basis. The Debtors are authorized to act and
perform in accordance with the terms of the Consulting Agreements, including making payments
required by the Consulting Agreements to the Consultant without the need for any application of
the Consultant or a further order of the Court.
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5. Subject to paragraph 15, to the extent of any conflict between this Final Order, the
Consulting Agreements, and the Store Closing Procedures, the terms of this Final Order shall
control. Notwithstanding any other term of this Final Order, the Canadian Store Closing
Procedures and the Canadian Sale Guidelines shall control in respect of Store Closings in Canada.
6. The Debtors and the Consultant are authorized, on a final basis pursuant to sections
105(a) and 363(b)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code, to continue to conduct Store Closings at the Closing
Stores in accordance with this Final Order, the applicable Store Closing Procedures, and the
Consulting Agreements as may be modified by a Side Letter (as defined below) between the
Debtors and the landlords at the closing locations.
7. The Store Closing Procedures are approved in their entirety on a final basis. The
Store Closing Procedures shall be used for all permitted Store Closings in these Chapter 11 Cases,
unless otherwise ordered.
8. The Debtors are authorized to discontinue operations at the Closing Stores in
accordance with this Final Order, the applicable Store Closing Procedures, and the Consulting
9. All entities that are presently in possession of some or all of the Merchandise or
FF&E in which the Debtors hold an interest that are or may be subject to this Final Order hereby
are directed to surrender possession of such Merchandise or FF&E to the Debtors.
10. Neither the Debtors nor any of their officers, employees, or agents shall be required
to obtain the approval of any third party, including, without limitation, any Governmental Unit (as
defined in Bankruptcy Code section 101(27)) or landlord, to conduct the Store Closings and to take
the related actions authorized herein.
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11. All media in which the Store Closings may be advertised and all landlords are
directed to accept this Final Order as binding authority so as to authorize the Debtors and the
Consultant to conduct the Store Closings and the sale of Merchandise, FF&E, and Additional
Consultant Goods (with respect to the U.S. Consulting Agreement), including, without limitation,
to conduct and advertise the sale of the Merchandise, FF&E, and Additional Consultant Goods
(with respect to the U.S. Consulting Agreement) in the manner contemplated by and in accordance
with this Final Order, the Store Closing Procedures, and the Consulting Agreements.
12. The Debtors and the Consultant are hereby authorized to take such actions as may
be necessary and appropriate to conduct the Store Closings without necessity of further order of
this Court as provided in this Final Order, the Store Closing Procedures, and the Consulting
Agreements, including, but not limited to, advertising the sale as a “store closing sale,” “sale on
everything,” “everything must go,” or similar-themed sales through the posting of signs (including
the use of exterior banners at non-enclosed mall closing locations, and at enclosed mall closing
locations to the extent the applicable closing location entrance does not require entry into the
enclosed mall common area), use of signwalkers, and street signage; provided, however, that only
Debtor-approved terminology will be used at each Closing Store in connection with the Store
13. Pursuant to the U.S. Consulting Agreement, and subject to the Debtors’ prior
written approval, the Consultant is authorized to supplement the Merchandise in the Closing Stores
with Additional Consultant Goods pursuant to the Debtors’ prior written approval of a plan with
respect to the placement and sale of such Additional Consultant Goods, and provided that any such
supplementing with Additional Consultant Goods must be of like kind and no lesser quality than
goods sold in the Closing Stores prior to the Petition Date. Sales of Additional Consultant Goods
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shall be run through the Debtors’ cash register systems; provided, however, that the Consultant shall
mark the Additional Consultant Goods using either a “dummy” SKU or department number or in
such other manner so as to distinguish the sale of Additional Consultant Goods from the sale of
14. Pursuant to the U.S. Consulting Agreement, all transactions relating to the
Additional Consultant Goods are, shall be construed as, and are acknowledged by the Debtors to
be, a true consignment from Consultant to the Debtors under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial
Code in effect in the State of Delaware (the “UCC”) and not a consignment for security purposes.
At all times and for all purposes, the Additional Consultant Goods and their proceeds shall be the
exclusive property of the Consultant, and no other person or entity (including, without limitation,
the Debtors, or any third person claiming a security interest in the Debtors’ property, including any
of the Debtors’ secured lenders) shall have any claim against any of the Additional Consultant
Goods or the proceeds thereof. The Additional Consultant Goods shall at all times remain subject
to the exclusive control of the Consultant. Pursuant to the U.S. Consulting Agreement, and to the
extent necessary, Consultant is hereby granted a first priority security interest in and lien upon (i)
the Additional Consultant Goods and (ii) the Additional Consultant Goods proceeds.
15. The sale of the Merchandise, FF&E, and Additional Consultant Goods (with
respect to the U.S. Consulting Agreement) shall be conducted by the Debtors notwithstanding any
restrictive provision of any lease, sublease, restrictive covenant, or other agreement relative to
occupancy affecting or purporting to restrict the conduct of the Store Closings (including the sale
of the Merchandise, FF&E, and Additional Consultant Goods (with respect to the U.S. Consulting
Agreement)), abandonment of assets, or “going dark” provisions, and such provisions shall not be
enforceable in conjunction with the Store Closings. Breach of any such provisions in these Chapter
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496 Filed 07/21/20 Page 6 of 21
11 Cases in conjunction with the Store Closings shall not constitute a default under a lease or
provide a basis to terminate the lease; provided that the Store Closings are conducted in accordance
with the terms of this Final Order and the applicable Store Closing Procedures. Subject to the
approval of Debtors’ secured lenders, including the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders and the
Ad Hoc FILO Term Lender Group, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and after
consultation with any stalking horse bidder approved by the Court in connection with a sale of the
Debtors’ assets (the “Stalking Horse Bidder”), the Debtors and/or the Consultant are authorized
to enter into agreements with landlords of the Closing Stores (“Side Letters”) between themselves
modifying the Store Closing Procedures without further order of the Court and such Side Letters
shall be binding as among the Debtors, the Consultant, and any such landlords. In the event of any
conflict between the Store Closing Procedures, the Consulting Agreements, this Final Order and
any Side Letter, the terms of such Side Letter shall control. The Expense Budget attached to each
of the Consulting Agreements may only be modified according to the procedures provided by the
respective Consulting Agreements and after consultation with counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of
Crossover Lenders and counsel to the Ad Hoc FILO Term Lender Group and counsel to any
Stalking Horse Bidder.
16. Except as expressly provided for herein or in the Store Closing Procedures, and
except with respect to any Governmental Unit (as to which paragraphs 27 and 28 shall apply) no
person or entity, including, but not limited to, any landlord, licensor, service provider, utility, or
creditor, shall take any action to directly or indirectly prevent, interfere with, or otherwise hinder
consummation of the Store Closings or the sale of the Merchandise, FF&E, or Additional
Consultant Goods (with respect to the U.S. Consulting Agreement), or the advertising and
promotion (including the posting of signs and exterior banners or the use of signwalkers) of such
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sales, and all such parties and persons of every nature and description, including, but not limited
to, any landlord, licensor, service provider, utility, and creditor and all those acting for or on
behalf of such parties, are prohibited and enjoined from (a) interfering in any way with,
obstructing, or otherwise impeding the conduct of the Store Closings, and/or (b) instituting any
action or proceeding in any court (other than this Court) or administrative body seeking an order or
judgment against, among others, the Debtors, or the landlords at the Closing Stores that might in
any way directly or indirectly obstruct or otherwise interfere with or adversely affect the conduct of
the Store Closings or other liquidation sales at the Closing Stores.
17. In accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions of the Consulting
Agreements, the Consultant shall have the right to use the Closing Stores and all related Closing
Store services, furniture, fixtures, equipment, and other assets of the Debtors for the purpose of
conducting the Store Closings, free of any interference from any entity or person, subject to
compliance with the applicable Store Closing Procedures and this Final Order.
18. All sales of the Merchandise, FF&E and Additional Consultant Goods (with respect
to the U.S. Consulting Agreement) shall be “as is” and final. Returns related to the purchase of
Store Assets shall not be accepted at stores that are not participating in the Store Closings.
However, as to the Closing Stores, all state and federal laws relating to implied warranties for latent
defects shall be complied with and are not superseded by the sale of said goods or the use of the
terms “as is” or “final sales.”
19. The Consultant shall accept the Debtors’ validly-issued gift certificates and gift
cards that were issued by the Debtors before the commencement of the Store Closings in
accordance with the Debtors’ gift certificate and gift card policies and procedures as they existed
on the Petition Date, and accept returns of merchandise sold by the Debtors before the
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commencement of the Store Closings for the first thirty (30) days of the Store Closings, provided
that such returns are otherwise in compliance with the Debtors’ return policies in effect as of the
Petition Date.
20. Nothing in this Final Order authorizes the Debtors to lease, sell, or otherwise
transfer to Consultant, or any other party, the personal identifying information (which means
information which alone or in conjunction with other information identifies an individual,
including but not limited to an individual’s first name (or initial) and last name, physical address,
electronic address, telephone number, social security number, date of birth, government-issued
identification number, account number and credit or debit card number (the “PII”) of any
customers unless such sale or transfer or lease is permitted by the Debtors’ privacy policy and state
or federal privacy and/or identity theft prevention laws and rules (collectively, the “Applicable
Privacy Laws”).
21. The Debtors shall remove or cause to be removed any confidential and/or PII in
any of the Debtors’ hardware, software, computers or cash registers or similar equipment which
are to be sold, donated, transferred, abandoned or otherwise disposed of so as to render the PII
unreadable or undecipherable. At the conclusion of the Store Closings, the Consultant shall
provide the Debtors with written verification that the Consultant has not removed, copied, or
transferred any customer PII and that any records containing PII were shredded, erased, or
otherwise modified to render the PII unreadable or undecipherable.
22. The Consultant shall accept return of any goods that contain a defect which the lay
consumer could not reasonably determine was defective by visual inspection prior to purchase for
a full refund, provided that the consumer must return the merchandise within the time period
proscribed by the Debtors’ return policy that was in effect when the merchandise was purchased,
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the consumer must provide a receipt, and the asserted defect must in fact be a “latent” defect,
which goods shall be considered returned Merchandise, and to the extent counted as Merchandise
shall be re-characterized as excluded defective Merchandise.
23. The Consultant shall not be liable for sales taxes except with respect to the
Additional Consultant Goods (with respect to the U.S. Consulting Agreement), and as expressly
provided in the Consulting Agreements, and the payment of any and all sales taxes is the
responsibility of the Debtors, subject to Consultant’s obligation to collect and remit the sales taxes
attributable to the sale of Additional Consultant Goods pursuant to the U.S. Consulting Agreement.
The Debtors are directed to remit all taxes arising from the Store Closings to the applicable
Governmental Units as and when due; provided that in the case of a bona fide dispute the Debtors
are only directed to pay such taxes upon the resolution of the dispute, if and to the extent that the
dispute is decided in favor of the applicable Governmental Unit. For the avoidance of doubt, sales
taxes collected and held in trust by the Debtors shall not be used to pay any creditor or any other
party, other than the applicable Governmental Unit for which the sales taxes are collected. This
Final Order does not enjoin, suspend, or restrain the assessment, levy, or collection of any tax
under state law, and does not constitute a declaratory judgment with respect to any party’s liability
for taxes under state law.
24. Pursuant to section 363(f) of the Bankruptcy Code, the Consultant, on behalf of the
Debtors, is authorized to sell Store Assets—and all sales of Store Assets whether by the Consultant
or the Debtors, shall be—free and clear of any and all of any liens, claims, encumbrances,
assignments, preferences, debts, easements, charges, suits, licenses, options, rights-of-recovery,
judgments, orders and decrees of any court or foreign or domestic governmental entity, taxes
(including foreign, state, and local taxes), licenses, covenants, restrictions, indentures, instruments,
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leases, options, off-sets, claims for reimbursement, contribution, indemnity or exoneration,
successor, product, environmental, tax, labor, ERISA, CERCLA, alter ego and other liabilities,
causes of action, contract rights, and claims, to the fullest extent of the law, in each case, of any
kind or nature (including, without limitation, all “claims” as defined in section 101(5) of the
Bankruptcy Code), known or unknown, whether pre-petition or post-petition, secured or
unsecured, choate or inchoate, filed or unfiled, scheduled or unscheduled, perfected or unperfected,
liquidated or unliquidated, noticed or unnoticed, recorded or unrecorded, contingent or non-
contingent, material or non-material, statutory or non-statutory, matured or unmatured, legal or
equitable (collectively, “Encumbrances”); as provided for herein because in each case, one or
more of the standards set forth in section 363(f)(1)–(5) has been satisfied; provided, however, that
any such Encumbrances shall attach to the proceeds of the sale of the Merchandise and the FF&E
with the same validity, in the amount, with the same priority as, and to the same extent that any
such Encumbrances have with respect to the Merchandise and the FF&E, subject to any claims and
defenses that any party may possess with respect thereto and subject to the Consultant’s fees and
expenses (as provided in the Consulting Agreements).
25. No FF&E sold or abandoned by the Debtors will contain personal and/or
confidential information about the Debtors’ employees and/or customers.
26. The Debtors are authorized and empowered to transfer Merchandise, FF&E, and
Additional Consultant Goods (with respect to the U.S. Consulting Agreement) among, and into,
the Closing Stores.
27. Nothing in this Final Order or the Store Closing Procedures releases, nullifies, or
enjoins the enforcement of any liability to a governmental unit under environmental laws or
regulations (or any associated liabilities for penalties, damages, cost recovery, or injunctive relief)
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to which any entity would be subject as the owner, lessor, lessee, or operator of the property after
the date of entry of this Final Order. Nothing contained in this Final Order, or the Store Closing
Procedures shall in any way: (a) diminish the obligation of any entity to comply with
environmental laws; or (b) diminish the obligations of the Debtors to comply with environmental
laws consistent with its rights and obligations as debtor in possession under the Bankruptcy Code.
The Store Closings shall not be exempt from laws of general applicability, including, without
limitation, public health and safety, criminal, tax, labor, employment, environmental, antitrust, fair
competition, traffic, and consumer protection laws, including consumer laws regulating deceptive
practices and false advertising (collectively, “General Laws”). Nothing in this Final Order, the
Consulting Agreements, or the Store Closing Procedures, shall alter or affect obligations to comply
with all applicable federal safety laws and regulations. Nothing in this Final Order shall be deemed
to bar any Governmental Unit (as such term is defined in section 101(27) of the Bankruptcy Code)
from enforcing General Laws, subject to the Debtors’ rights to assert in that forum or before this
Court that any such laws are not in fact General Laws or that such enforcement is impermissible
under the Bankruptcy Code or this Final Order. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Final
Order, no party waives any rights to argue any position with respect to whether the conduct was
in compliance with this Final Order and/or any applicable law, or that enforcement of such
applicable law is preempted by the Bankruptcy Code. Nothing in this Final Order shall be deemed
to have made any rulings on any such issues.
28. To the extent that the sale of Merchandise, FF&E, and Additional Consultant Goods
(with respect to the U.S. Consulting Agreement) is subject to any Liquidation Sale Laws, including
any federal, state or local statute, ordinance, or rule, or licensing requirement directed at regulating
“going out of business,” “store closing,” similar inventory liquidation sales, or bulk sale laws, laws
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restricting safe, professional and non-deceptive, customary advertising such as signs, banners,
posting of signage, and use of sign- walkers solely in connection with the sale and including
ordinances establishing license or permit requirements, waiting periods, time limits, or bulk sale
restrictions that would otherwise apply solely to the sale of the Merchandise, FF&E, and
Additional Consultant Goods (with respect to the U.S. Consulting Agreement), the Dispute
Resolution Procedures in this section shall apply:
a. Provided that the Store Closings are conducted in accordance with the terms of the
Interim Order or the Final Order, as applicable, and the applicable Store Closing
Procedures, and in light of the provisions in the laws of many Governmental Units
(as defined in the Bankruptcy Code) that exempt court-ordered sales from their
provisions, the Debtors will be presumed to be in compliance with any Liquidation
Sale Laws and are authorized to conduct the Store Closings in accordance with the
terms of the Interim Order or the Final Order, as applicable, and the applicable Store
Closing Procedures without the necessity of further showing compliance with any
such Liquidation Sale Laws.
b. Within three business days after entry of the Interim Order, the Debtors served by
email, facsimile, or first-class mail, copies of the Interim Order, the proposed Final
Order and the Store Closing Procedures on the following: (i) the landlords for the
Closing Stores; (ii) the Attorney General’s office for each state in which the Store
Closings are being held; (iii) the county consumer protection agency or similar
agency for each county in which the Store Closings are being held; (iv) the division
of consumer protection for each state in which the Store Closings are being held;
and (v) the chief legal counsel for each local jurisdiction in which the Store Closings
are being held (collectively, the “Dispute Notice Parties”).
c. With respect to any additional Closing Stores, within three business days after Court
authorization to close additional stores (each, an “Additional Closing Store List”),
the Debtors will serve by email, facsimile, or first-class mail, copies of the Final
Order and the Store Closing Procedures on the Dispute Notice Parties. To the
extent that there is a dispute arising from or relating to the Store Closings, the Final
Order, or the Store Closing Procedures, as applicable, which dispute relates to any
Liquidation Sale Laws (a “Reserved Dispute”), the Court shall retain exclusive
jurisdiction to resolve the Reserved Dispute. Any time within ten days following
service of any Additional Closing Store List, as applicable, any Governmental Unit
may assert that a Reserved Dispute exists by sending a notice (the “Dispute Notice”)
explaining the nature of the dispute to: (a) proposed counsel to the Debtors, Young
Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP, Rodney Square, 1000 North King Street,
Wilmington, DE 19801, Attn: Michael R. Nestor, Kara Hammond Coyle, and
Joseph M. Mulvihill ([email protected]; [email protected]; and
[email protected]) and Latham & Watkins LLP, 330 North Wabash Avenue,
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496 Filed 07/21/20 Page 13 of 21
Suite 2800, Chicago, IL 60611, Attn: Caroline Reckler, Asif Attarwala, and Brett
[email protected]); (b) the U.S. Trustee, 844 King Street, Suite 2207, Lock
Box 35, Wilmington, DE 19801, Attn: Jane Leamy ([email protected]); (c)
counsel to the DIP Term Agent, Dorsey & Whitney LLP, 51 West 52
Street, New
York, NY 10019, Attn: Erin E. Trigg and Samuel S. Kohn ([email protected]
and [email protected]); (d) counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover
Lenders, Milbank LLP, 2029 Century Park East, 33rd Floor, Los Angeles, CA
90067, Attn: Mark Shinderman ([email protected]) and Daniel B.
Denny ([email protected]); (e) counsel to the DIP ABL FILO Agent, Simpson
Thacher & Bartlett LLP, 425 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10017, Attn:
Sandy Qusba, Daniel L. Biller, and Jamie Fell ([email protected],
[email protected], and [email protected]); (f) counsel to the Ad Hoc
FILO Term Lender Group, (i) Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP,
1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019, Attn: Andrew N.
Rosenberg, Jacob Adlerstein, and Douglas R. Keeton ([email protected],
[email protected], and [email protected]); and (ii) Landis Rath &
Cobb LLP, 919 Market Street, Suite 1800, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, Attn:
Richard S. Cobb ([email protected]); (g) the indenture trustee for the Debtors’
prepetition convertible notes, The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company,
N.A., 525 William Penn Place, 38th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15259, Attn: Corporate
Trust Administration and BNY Mellon Corporate Trust, US Corporate Client
Service Management, 500 Ross Street, 12th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15262, Attn:
Mindy M. Wrzesinski ([email protected]); (h) lead counsel
to the Consultant, Tiger Capital Group, 60 State Street, 11
Floor, Boston, MA
02109, Attn: Mark P. Naughton ([email protected]); (i) counsel to the
official committee of unsecured creditors appointed in these chapter 11 cases, (i)
Lowenstein Sandler LLP, 1251 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York
10020, Attn: Jeffrey Cohen and Lindsay H. Sklar (email: [email protected]
and [email protected]) and One Lowenstein Drive, Roseland, New Jersey
07068, Attn: Michael S. Etkin, Michael Savetsky, Nicole Fulfree, and Colleen M.
[email protected], and [email protected]) and (ii) Bayard P.A.
600 N. King Street, Suite 400, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, Attn: Scott Cousins,
Erin R. Fay, and Gregory J. Flasser (emails: [email protected],
[email protected], and [email protected]); (j) counsel to any Stalking
Horse Bidder; and (k) landlords of the property affected by the Reserved Dispute.
If the Debtors and the Governmental Unit are unable to resolve the Reserved
Dispute within 15 days after service of the Dispute Notice, the Governmental Unit
may file a motion with the Court requesting that the Bankruptcy Court resolve the
Reserved Dispute (a Dispute Resolution Motion”).
d. In the event that a Dispute Resolution Motion is filed, nothing in the Interim Order
or the Final Order, as applicable, shall preclude the Debtors, a landlord, or any other
interested party from asserting (i) that the provisions of any Liquidation Sale Laws
are preempted by the Bankruptcy Code, or (ii) that neither the terms of the Interim
Order or the Final Order nor the conduct of the Debtors pursuant to the Interim
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496 Filed 07/21/20 Page 14 of 21
Order or the Final Order violates such Liquidation Sale Laws. Filing a Dispute
Resolution Motion as set forth herein shall not be deemed to affect the finality of
the Interim Order or the Final Order or to limit or interfere with the Debtors’ ability
to conduct or to continue to conduct the Store Closings pursuant to the Interim
Order or the Final Order, absent further order of the Court. Upon the entry of the
Interim Order or the Final Order, as applicable, the Court grants authority for the
Debtors to conduct the Store Closings pursuant to the terms of the Interim Order or
the Final Order, as applicable, the Store Closing Procedures and to take all actions
reasonably related thereto or arising in connection therewith. The Governmental
Unit will be entitled to assert any jurisdictional, procedural, or substantive
arguments it wishes with respect to the requirements of its Liquidation Sale Laws
or the lack of any preemption of such Liquidation Sale Laws by the Bankruptcy
Code. Nothing in the Interim Order or the Final Order will constitute a ruling with
respect to any issues to be raised in any Dispute Resolution Motion.
e. If, at any time, a dispute arises between the Debtors and a Governmental Unit as to
whether a particular law is a Liquidation Sale Law, and subject to any provisions
contained in the Interim Order or the Final Order related to the Liquidation Sale
Laws, then any party to that dispute may utilize the provisions of subparagraphs (c)
and (d) above by serving a notice to the other party and proceeding thereunder in
accordance with those subparagraphs. Any determination with respect to whether
a particular law is a Liquidation Sale Law shall be made de novo.
29. Subject to paragraphs 27 and 28 above, each and every federal, state, or local
agency, departmental unit, or Governmental Unit with regulatory authority over the Store
Closings, and all newspapers and other advertising media in which the Store Closings are
advertised shall consider this Final Order as binding authority that no further approval, license, or
permit of any Governmental Unit shall be required, nor shall the Debtors be required, to post any
bond, to conduct the Store Closings.
30. Within three business days of this Final Order, the Debtors shall serve copies of this
Final Order, and the Store Closing Procedures via e-mail, facsimile, or regular mail, on: (a) the
United States Trustee for the District of Delaware; (b) counsel for the agent for the Debtors’
postpetition financing facility; (c) counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders; (d) counsel
to the Ad Hoc FILO Term Lender Group; (e) counsel to the agent under the Debtors’ secured term
and asset-based financing facilities; (f) the indenture trustee for the Debtors’ prepetition
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496 Filed 07/21/20 Page 15 of 21
convertible notes; (g) counsel to any Stalking Horse Bidder; (h) the parties included on the
Debtors’ consolidated list of thirty (30) largest unsecured creditors; (i) the United States Attorney’s
Office for the District of Delaware; (j) the attorneys general for all 50 states and the District of
Columbia; (k) the United States Department of Justice; (l) the Internal Revenue Service; (m) the
Securities and Exchange Commission; (n) the United States Drug Enforcement Agency; (o) the
United States Food and Drug Administration; (p) all parties who are known by the Debtors to
assert liens against the Merchandise and the FF&E; (q) all state attorneys general in which the
Merchandise and the FF&E are located; (r) municipalities in which the Merchandise and the FF&E
are located; (s) all of the counterparties to the Debtors’ real property leases; (t) all applicable state
and consumer protection agencies; and (u) all parties requesting notice pursuant to Bankruptcy
Rule 2002. The Debtors submit that, in light of the nature of the relief requested, no other or
further notice need be given.
31. The Consulting Agreements are operative and effective on a final basis. The
Debtors are authorized to act and perform in accordance with the terms of the Consulting
Agreements, including, without limitation, reimbursing all expenses to the Consultant as required
by the Consulting Agreements without the need for any application of the Consultant or a further
order of the Court. For avoidance of doubt, the Debtors are also authorized to fund the Expense
Budgets in accordance with the terms of each of the Consulting Agreements.
32. Subject to the restrictions set forth in this Final Order and the applicable Store
Closing Procedures, the Debtors and the Consultant are hereby authorized to take any and all
actions as may be necessary or desirable to implement the Consulting Agreements and the Store
Closings, and each of the transactions contemplated by the Consulting Agreements, and any
actions taken by the Debtors and the Consultant necessary or desirable to implement the
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496 Filed 07/21/20 Page 16 of 21
Consulting Agreements and the Store Closings prior to the date hereof, are hereby approved and
ratified. The failure to specifically include any particular provision of the Consulting Agreements
in this Final Order shall not diminish or impair the effectiveness of such provisions, it being the
intent of this Court that the Consulting Agreements and all of their provisions, payments, and
transactions, be and hereby are authorized and approved as and to the extent provided for in this
Final Order.
33. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Consulting Agreements, the Debtors
and their estates shall not indemnify the Consultant for any damages arising primarily out of any
act or omission by the Consultant constituting fraud, gross negligence, or willful misconduct.
34. To the extent that the Debtors seek to conduct Store Closings at any location not
identified as a Closing Store on Exhibit 2 attached hereto (each an “Additional Closing Store”),
the Debtors shall (a) first consult with the DIP Term Agent and the DIP ABL FILO Agent, and
use commercially reasonable efforts to consult with the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders, the
Ad Hoc FILO Term Lender Group and any Stalking Horse Bidder, (b) file an Additional Closing
Store List, and (c) serve a notice of their intent to conduct Store Closings at those locations on the
Additional Closing Store landlords and their counsel (if known), counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of
Crossover Lenders, counsel to the Ad Hoc FILO Term Lender Group, and applicable governmental
units by email (to the extent available to the Debtors) or by overnight mail. The Additional Closing
Store landlords shall have seven (7) days after service of the applicable Additional Closing Store
List to object to the application of this Final Order to their store locations. If no timely objections
are filed with respect to the application of this Final Order to any store locations identified on any
Additional Closing Store List, then the Debtors shall be authorized, pursuant to section 105(a) and
section 363(b)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code, to conduct Store Closings at such store locations in
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496 Filed 07/21/20 Page 17 of 21
accordance with this Final Order, the applicable Store Closing Procedures, the Consultant
Agreement, and any Side Letter. If any objections are filed with respect to the application of this
Final Order to any store locations identified on any Additional Closing Store List and such
objections are not resolved, the objections and the application of this Final Order to any affected
store locations shall be considered by the Court at the next regularly scheduled omnibus hearing.
35. On a confidential basis and for professionals’ “eyes only” and upon the written
(including email) request of the U.S. Trustee, the agent for the Debtors’ postpetition financing
facility, the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders, the agent under the Debtors’ secured term and
asset-based financing facilities, the Ad Hoc FILO Term Lender Group, the indenture trustee for
the Debtors’ prepetition convertible notes, any Stalking Horse Bidder, or the committee of
unsecured creditors, if any, the Debtors shall provide such requesting party, if any, with copies of
periodic reports concerning the Store Closings that are prepared by the Debtors, their professionals
or the Consultant, provided, however, that the foregoing shall not require the Debtors, their
professionals, or the Consultant to prepare or undertake to prepare any additional or new reporting
not otherwise being prepared by the Debtors, their professionals, or the Consultant in connection
with the Store Closings.
36. The Consultant shall not be liable for any claims against the Debtors, and the
Debtors shall not be liable for any claims against Consultant, in each case, other than as expressly
provided for in the Consulting Agreements.
37. The Debtors shall not be required to comply with any state or local law requiring
that the Debtors pay an employee substantially contemporaneously with his or her termination;
provided, however, that the Debtors shall pay any accrued wages to terminated employees as
expeditiously as possible.
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38. Nothing in the Motion or this Final Order, or the Debtors’ payment of any claims
pursuant to this Final Order, shall be construed as: (i) an admission as to the validity of any claim
against any Debtor or the existence of any lien against the Debtors’ properties; (ii) a waiver of the
Debtors’ rights to dispute any claim or lien on any grounds; (iii) a promise to pay any claim; (iv) an
implication or admission that any particular claim would constitute an allowed claim; (v) an
assumption or rejection of any executory contract or unexpired lease pursuant to section 365 of
the Bankruptcy Code (other than the Consulting Agreements); or (vi) a limitation on the Debtors’
rights under section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code to assume or reject any executory contract with
any party subject to this Final Order. Nothing contained in this Final Order shall be deemed to
increase, decrease, reclassify, elevate to an administrative expense status, or otherwise affect any
claim to the extent it is not paid.
39. Nothing in this Final Order shall alter the claims and/or liens of the Local Tax
Authorities (as defined in the Final Order (I) Authorizing the Debtors To Obtain Postpetition
Financing, (II) Authorizing the Debtors to Use Cash Collateral, (III) Granting Liens and Providing
Superpriority Administrative Expense Claims, (IV) Granting Adequate Protection to Prepetition
Secured Lenders, (V) Modifying Automatic Stay, and (VI) Granting Related Relief (the “Final
DIP Order”)) which are hereby preserved. To the extent any Local Tax Authority has a properly
perfected Permitted Prior Lien (as defined in the Final DIP Order), proceeds from any respective
Store Closings in an aggregate amount not to exceed $45,847.46
shall be reserved by the debtors
This amount is comprised of (i) $7,846.60 for Bexar County, Texas; (ii) $8,384.78 for City of El Paso, Texas; (iii)
$2,026.59 for Galveston County, Texas; (iv) $6,025.63 for Harris County, Texas; (v) $2,045.75 for Hidalgo County,
Texas; (vi) $2,189.45 for Montgomery County, Texas; (vii) $3,419.87 for Nueces County, Texas; (vii) $3,578.37 for
Tarrant County, Texas; (ix) $2,390.42 for Victoria County, Texas; (x) $936.03 for Pasadena ISD, Texas, (xi) $385.65
for City of Houston, Texas; (xii) $1,173.63 for City of Willis, Texas; (xiii) $542.37 for Willis ISD, Texas; (xiv)
$167.07 for Woodlands RUD #1, Texas; (xv) $207.11 for Montgomery County MUD #47, Texas; (xvi) $2,437.00 for
Dickinson ISD, Texas; and (xvii) $2,091.14 for Maricopa County Treasurer.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496 Filed 07/21/20 Page 19 of 21
(on a book entry basis) as adequate protection in respect of such claims, and such liens shall attach
to these proceeds to the same extent and with the same priority as set forth in the Final DIP Order.
The Debtors will supplement this reserved amount in the event that Additional Closing Stores are
added to the Store Closings pursuant to a filing with this Court and additional claims are asserted
by the Local Tax Authorities, subject to the provisions of paragraph 34. These funds shall be on
the order of adequate protection and shall not constitute allowance of such claims, which shall
remain subject to any objections any party would otherwise be entitled to raise as to the priority,
validity or extent of such liens. These reserved funds may be distributed only upon agreement
between the respective Local Tax Authority and the Debtors, or by subsequent order of the Court,
duly noticed to the Local Tax Authorities.
40. Neither the provisions contained herein, nor any actions or payments made by the
Debtors pursuant to this Final Order shall be deemed an admission as to the validity of any
underlying obligation or a waiver of any rights the Debtors may have to dispute such obligation
on any ground that applicable law permits.
41. Notwithstanding Bankruptcy Rule 6004(h), to the extent applicable this Final Order
shall be effective and enforceable immediately upon entry hereof.
42. The requirements set forth in Bankruptcy Rule 6004(a) are hereby waived.
43. The Debtors are authorized and empowered to take such actions and to execute
such documents as may be necessary to implement the relief granted by this Final Order.
44. This Court shall retain jurisdiction with respect to all matters arising from or related
to the implementation and/or interpretation of this Final Order, including, but not limited to, (a)
any claim or issue relating to any efforts by any party or person to prohibit, restrict or in any way
limit banner and sign-walker advertising, including with respect to any allegations that such
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496 Filed 07/21/20 Page 20 of 21
advertising is not being conducted in a safe, professional, and non-deceptive manner, (b) any claim
of the Debtors, the landlords for protection from interference with the Store Closings, (c) any other
disputes related to the Store Closings, and (d) protection of the Debtors against any assertions of
any liens, claims, encumbrances, and other interests. No such parties or person shall take any
action against the Debtors, the landlords, or the Store Closings until this Court has resolved such
dispute. This Court shall hear the request of such parties or persons with respect to any such
disputes on an expedited basis, as may be appropriate under the circumstances.
Dated: July 21st, 2020
Wilmington, Delaware
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Store Closing Procedures
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 1 of 109
U.S. Store Closing Procedures
1. These U.S. Store Closing Procedures shall control the Store Closings in the United
2. The Store Closings shall be conducted so that the stores in which Store Closings
are to occur will remain open no longer than during the normal hours of operation or such hours
as otherwise provided for in the respective leases for the Closing Stores.
3. The Store Closings shall be conducted in accordance with applicable state and local
“Blue Laws,” where applicable, so that no Store Closing shall be conducted on Sunday unless the
Debtors had been operating such Closing Stores on a Sunday prior to the commencement of the
Store Closings.
4. On “shopping center” property, the Consultant shall not distribute handbills,
leaflets or other written materials to customers outside of any Closing Stores’ premises, unless
permitted by the lease or if distribution is customary in the “shopping center” in which such Closing
Store is located; provided that the Consultant may solicit customers in the Closing Stores
themselves. On “shopping center” property, the Consultant shall not use any flashing lights or
amplified sound to advertise the Store Closings or solicit customers, except as permitted under the
applicable lease or agreed to by the landlord.
5. At the conclusion of the Store Closings, the Consultant shall, subject to the
Consulting Agreements, vacate the Closing Stores in broom clean condition; provided that
Consultant may abandon any FF&E not sold in the Store Closings at the conclusion of the Store
Closings, without cost or liability of any kind to the Consultant. The Debtors will have the option
to remove the FF&E at their own cost prior to the termination date. Subject to a separately filed
rejection motion, any abandoned FF&E left in a Closing Store after a lease is rejected shall be
deemed abandoned by the Debtors, and the landlord may use or dispose of the same as the landlord
chooses without any further notice or liability whatsoever on the part of the landlord to any party
and without waiver of any damage claims against the Debtors. For the avoidance of doubt, as of
the Sale Termination Date, the Consultant may abandon, in place and without further responsibility
or liability of any kind, any FF&E.
6. The Consultant and the Debtors may advertise each Store Closing as a “store
closing,” “sale on everything,” “everything must go,” or similar themed sale, and to the extent
permitted in the Interim Order or Final Order, as applicable, “going out of business”. The
Consultant and the Debtors may also have “countdown to closing” signs prominently displayed in
a manner consistent with these Store Closing Procedures. All signs, banners, ads and other
advertising collateral, promotions, and campaigns will be approved by the Debtors in accordance
with these Store Closing Procedures.
Capitalized terms used but not defined in these U.S. Store Closing Procedures have the meanings given to them
in the Final Order to which these U.S. Store Closing Procedures are attached as Exhibit 1 or the Motion to
which the Final Order is attached as Exhibit B, as applicable.
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7. The Consultant shall be permitted to utilize sign walkers, display, hanging signs,
and interior banners in connection with the Store Closings; provided that such sign walkers, display,
hanging signs, and interior banners shall be professionally produced and hung in a professional
manner. The Debtors and the Consultant shall not use neon or day-glo on its sign walkers, display,
hanging signs, or interior banners. Furthermore, with respect to enclosed mall locations, no
exterior signs or signs in common areas of a mall shall be used unless otherwise expressly
permitted in these Store Closing Procedures. In addition, the Debtors and the Consultant shall be
permitted to utilize exterior banners at (i) non-enclosed mall stores and (ii) enclosed mall stores to
the extent the entrance to the applicable store does not require entry into the enclosed mall common
area; provided, however, that such banners shall be located or hung so as to make clear that the
Store Closings are being conducted only at the affected Closing Stores, and shall not be wider than
the storefront of the Closing Stores. In addition, the Debtors and the Consultant shall be permitted
to utilize sign walkers in a safe and professional manner and in accordance with the terms of the
Interim Order or Final Order, as applicable. Nothing contained in these Store Closing Procedures
shall be construed to create or impose upon the Debtors or the Consultant any additional restrictions
not contained in the applicable lease agreement.
8. Conspicuous signs shall be posted in the cash register areas of each of the affected
Closing Stores to the effect that “all sales are final.”
9. Except with respect to the hanging of exterior banners, the Consultant shall not
make any alterations to the storefront or exterior walls of any Closing Stores, except as authorized
by the applicable lease.
10. The Consultant shall not make any alterations to interior or exterior Closing Stores’
lighting, except as authorized by the applicable lease. No property of the landlord of a Closing
Store shall be removed or sold during the Store Closings. The hanging of exterior banners or in-
store signage and banners shall not constitute an alteration to a Closing Store.
11. The Consultant shall keep Closing Stores’ premises and surrounding areas clean and
orderly consistent with present practices.
12. Subject to the provisions of the Consulting Agreements, the Consultant shall have
the right to use and sell all FF&E. The Consultant may advertise the sale of the FF&E in a manner
consistent with these guidelines. The purchasers of any FF&E sold during the Store Closings shall
be permitted to remove the FF&E either through the back or alternative shipping areas at any time,
or through other areas after applicable business hours, provided, however that the foregoing shall
not apply to de minimis FF&E sales made whereby the item can be carried out of the Closing Stores
in a shopping bag. For the avoidance of doubt, as of the Sale Termination Date, the Consultant
may abandon, in place and without further responsibility, any FF&E.
13. At the conclusion of the Store Closings at each Closing Store, pending assumption
or rejection of applicable leases, the landlords of the Closing Stores shall have reasonable access
to the Closing Stores’ premises as set forth in the applicable leases. The Debtors, the Consultant,
and their representatives and agents shall continue to have access to the Closing Stores as provided
for in the Consulting Agreements.
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14. The rights of landlords against the Debtors for any damages to a Closing Store shall
be reserved in accordance with the provisions of the applicable lease.
15. If and to the extent that the landlord of any Closing Store affected hereby contends
that the Debtors or the Consultant is in breach of or default under these Store Closing Procedures,
such landlord shall email or deliver written notice by overnight delivery to the Debtors, the Ad
Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders, the Ad Hoc FILO Term Lender Group, and the Consultant as
If to the Debtors:
300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222
Attn: Amy Nathan
with copies (which shall not constitute notice) to:
Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP
Rodney Square, 1000 North King Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
Attn: Michael R. Nestor & Kara Hammond Coyle
Latham & Watkins LLP
330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2800
Chicago, IL 60611
Attn: Richard A. Levy & Caroline A. Reckler
If to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders:
Milbank LLP
2029 Century Park East, 33rd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Attn: Mark Shinderman & Daniel B. Denny
If to the Ad Hoc FILO Term Lender Group:
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
1285 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019-6064
Attn: Andrew Rosenberg & Jacob Adlerstein
If to the Consultant:
Tiger Capital Group
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 4 of 109
60 State Street, 11
Boston, MA 02109
Attn: Mark P. Naughton
with copies (which shall not constitute notice) to:
Great American Group, LLC
21255 Burbank Blvd., Suite 400
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Attn: Scott K. Carpenter and Marina Fineman
If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute, either the landlord or the Debtors shall have the
right to schedule a hearing before the Court on no less than five (5) days’ written notice to the
other party, served by email or overnight delivery.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 5 of 109
Canadian Store Closing Procedures
These Canadian Store Closing Procedures shall control the Store Closings in Canada. Each
of the U.S. Store Closing Procedures and the Canadian Sale Guidelines are incorporated by
reference herein, as described herein.
The Canadian Store Closing Procedures shall be conducted pursuant to the U.S. Store
Closing Procedures and the Canadian Sale Guidelines (attached as Exhibit A hereto), as each may
be modified hereby; provided, however, that in the event of a conflict between the terms of the
U.S. Store Closing Procedures and the terms of the Canadian Sale Guidelines, the terms of the
Canadian Sale Guidelines shall control.
If and to the extent that the landlord of any Closing Store in Canada affected hereby contends
that the Debtors or the Consultant is in breach of or default under these Canadian Store Closing
Procedures, such landlord shall email or deliver written notice by overnight delivery to the
Debtors, the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders, the Ad Hoc FILO Term Lender Group, and the
Consultant as follows:
If to the Debtors:
300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222
Attn: Amy Nathan
with copies (which shall not constitute notice) to:
Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP
Rodney Square, 1000 North King Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
Attn: Michael R. Nestor & Kara Hammond Coyle
Latham & Watkins LLP
330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2800
Chicago, IL 60611
Attn: Richard A. Levy & Caroline A. Reckler
Torys LLP
79 Wellington St. W., 30th Floor
Capitalized terms used but not defined in these Canadian Store Closing Procedures have the meanings given to
in the Final Order to which these Canadian Store Closing Procedures are attached as Exhibit 1 or the
Motion to which the Final Order is attached as Exhibit B, as applicable.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 6 of 109
Box 270, TD South Tower
Toronto, ON M5K 1N2
Attn: Scott A. Bomhof & Adam M. Slavens
If to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders:
Milbank LLP
2029 Century Park East, 33rd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Attn: Mark Shinderman & Daniel B. Denny
Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP
Suite 2100, Scotia Plaza, 40 King St. W.
Toronto, ON Canada M5H 3C2 Canada
Attn: R. Shayne Kukulowicz & Ryan C. Jacobs
If to the Ad Hoc FILO Term Lender Group:
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
1285 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019-6064
Attn: Andrew Rosenberg & Jacob Adlerstein
If to the Consultant:
Tiger Capital Group
60 State Street, 11
Boston, MA 02109
Attn: Mark P. Naughton
with copies (which shall not constitute notice) to:
Great American Group, LLC
21255 Burbank Blvd., Suite 400
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Attn: Scott K. Carpenter and Marina Fineman
If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute, either the landlord or the Debtors shall have the
right to schedule a hearing before the Court on no less than five (5) days’ written notice to the
other party, served by email or overnight delivery.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 7 of 109
Exhibit A
Canadian Sale Guidelines
The following procedures shall apply to the Sale to be conducted at the Stores of General Nutrition
Centres Company (the “Merchant”). All terms not herein defined shall have the meaning set forth
in the Consulting Agreement by and between a joint venture comprised of Tiger Asset Solutions
Canada, ULC and GA Retail Canada ULC (collectively with their respective U.S. affiliates, the
Consultant”) and the Merchant dated as of June 18, 2020 (the “Consulting Agreement”).
1. Except as otherwise expressly set out herein, and subject to: (i) the orders granted or issued
in the Merchant’s bankruptcy case (the “Bankruptcy Case”) in the United States of
America under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code (the “Bankruptcy Code”)
in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the “Court”) and the
Merchant’s ancillary proceedings (the “CCAA Proceedings”) in Canada under Part IV of
the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36, as amended (the
CCAA”) before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List) (individually, an
Order”, and, collectively, the “Orders”); or (ii) any subsequent written agreement
between the Merchant and the applicable landlord(s) (individually, a “Landlord” and,
collectively, the “Landlords”) and approved by each of the Consultant and Information
Officer in writing, or (iii) as otherwise set forth herein, the Sale shall be conducted in
accordance with the terms of the applicable leases/or other occupancy agreements to which
the affected Landlords are privy for each of the affected Stores (individually, a “Lease
and, collectively, the “Leases”). However, nothing contained herein shall be construed to
create or impose upon the Merchant or the Consultant any additional restrictions not
contained in the applicable Lease or other occupancy agreement.
2. The Sale shall be conducted so that each of the Stores remains open during its normal hours
of operation provided for in its respective Lease until the respective Sale Termination Date
for such Store. The Sale at the Stores shall end by no later than the Sale Termination Date.
Rent payable under the respective Leases shall be paid in accordance with the terms of the
Orders, as applicable.
3. The Sale shall be conducted in accordance with applicable federal, provincial and
municipal laws and regulations, unless otherwise set out herein or otherwise ordered by the
4. All display and hanging signs used by the Consultant in connection with the Sale shall be
professionally produced and all hanging signs shall be hung in a professional manner.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Leases, the Consultant may
advertise the Sale at the Stores as an “everything on sale”, an “everything must go”, a “store
closing” or similar theme sale at the Stores (provided however that no signs shall advertise
the Sale as a “bankruptcy”, a “going out of business” or a “liquidation” sale it being
understood that the French equivalent of “clearance” is “liquidation” and is permitted to be
used). Forthwith upon written request from a Landlord, the Landlord's counsel, the
Merchant or the Information Officer, the Consultant shall provide the proposed signage
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 8 of 109
packages along with the proposed dimensions and number of signs (as approved by the
Merchant pursuant to the Consulting Agreement) by e-mail to such Landlord(s) or to their
counsel of record and the Information Officer. Where the provisions of the Lease conflict
with these Canadian Sale Guidelines, these Canadian Sale Guidelines shall govern. The
Consultant shall not use neon or day-glow or handwritten signage (unless otherwise
contained in the sign package, including “you pay” or “topper” signs). In addition, the
Consultant shall be permitted to utilize exterior banners/signs at stand alone or strip mall
Stores or enclosed mall Stores with a separate entrance from the exterior of the enclosed
mall, provided, however, that where such banners are not explicitly permitted by the
applicable Lease and the Landlord requests in writing that the banners are not to be used,
no banners shall be used absent further Order of the Court. Any banners used shall be
located or hung so as to make clear that the Sale is being conducted only at the affected
Store and shall not be wider than the premises occupied by the affected Store. All exterior
banners shall be professionally hung and to the extent that there is any damage to the façade
of the premises of a Store as a result of the hanging or removal of the exterior banner, such
damage shall be professionally repaired at the expense of the Consultant. If a Landlord is
concerned with “store closing” signs being placed in the front window of a Store or with
the number or size of the signs in the front window, the Consultant and the Landlord will
discuss the Landlord’s concerns and work to resolve the dispute.
5. The Consultant shall be permitted to utilize sign walkers and street signage; provided,
however, such sign walkers and street signage shall not be located on the shopping centre
or mall premises.
6. The Consultant shall not make any alterations to interior or exterior Store lighting, except
as authorized pursuant to the applicable Lease. The hanging of exterior banners or other
signage, where permitted in accordance with the terms of these guidelines, shall not
constitute an alteration to a Store.
7. Conspicuous signs shall be posted in the cash register areas of each Store to the effect that
all sales are “final”.
8. The Consultant shall not distribute handbills, leaflets or other written materials to
customers outside of any of the Stores on any Landlord's property, unless permitted by the
applicable Lease or, if distribution is customary in the shopping centre in which the Store
is located. Otherwise, the Consultant may solicit customers in the Stores themselves. The
Consultant shall not use any giant balloons, flashing lights or amplified sound to advertise
the Sale or solicit customers, except as permitted under the applicable Lease, or agreed to
by the Landlord, and no advertising trucks shall be used on a Landlord property or mall
ring roads, except as explicitly permitted under the applicable Lease or agreed to by the
9. At the conclusion of the Sale in each Store, the Consultant shall arrange that the premises
for each Store are in “broom-swept” and clean condition, and shall arrange that the Stores
are materially in the same condition as on the commencement of the Sale, ordinary wear
and tear excepted. No property of any Landlord of a Store shall be removed or sold during
the Sale. No permanent fixtures (other than FF&E which for clarity is owned by the
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 9 of 109
Merchant) may be removed without the applicable Landlord's written consent unless
otherwise provided by the applicable Lease. Any fixtures or personal property left in a
Store after the Sale Termination Date in respect of which the applicable Lease has been
disclaimed by the Merchant shall be deemed abandoned, with the applicable Landlord
having the right to dispose of the same as the Landlord chooses, without any liability
whatsoever on the part of the Landlord.
10. Subject to the terms of paragraph 9 above, the Consultant may sell Offered FF&E which
is located in the Stores during the Sale. The Merchant and the Consultant may advertise
the sale of Offered FF&E consistent with these guidelines on the understanding that any
applicable Landlord may require that such signs be placed in discreet locations acceptable
to the applicable Landlord, acting reasonably. Additionally, the purchasers of any Offered
FF&E sold during the Sale shall only be permitted to remove the Offered FF&E either
through the back shipping areas designated by the applicable Landlord, or through other
areas after regular store business hours, or through the front door of the Store during store
business hours if the Offered FF&E can fit in a shopping bag, with applicable Landlord’s
supervision as required by the applicable Landlord. The Consultant shall repair any damage
to the Stores resulting from the removal of any Offered FF&E by Consultant or by third
party purchasers of Offered FF&E from Consultant.
11. The Merchant hereby provides notice to the Landlords of the Merchant and the
Consultant’s intention to sell and remove Offered FF&E from the Stores. The Merchant
will arrange a walk through with each Landlord that requests a walk through with the
Consultant to identify the Offered FF&E subject to the sale. The relevant Landlord shall
be entitled to have a representative present in the Store to observe such removal. If the
Landlord disputes the Consultant’s entitlement to sell or remove any FF&E under the
provisions of the Lease, such FF&E shall remain on the premises and shall be dealt with
as agreed between the Merchant, the Consultant and such Landlord, or pursuant to the
dispute resolution section of the Canadian Store Closing Procedures. If the Merchant has
rejected the Lease governing such Store in accordance with the Bankruptcy Code, it shall
not be required to pay rent under such Lease pending resolution of any such dispute (other
than rent payable for the notice period provided for under the Bankruptcy Code), and the
rejection of the Lease shall be without prejudice to the Merchant’s or Consultant’s claim
to the FF&E in dispute.
12. If a rejection notice is delivered to a Landlord pursuant to the Bankruptcy Code while the
Sale is ongoing and the Store in question has not yet been vacated, then: (a) during the
notice period prior to the effective time of such rejection, the applicable Landlord may
show the affected leased premises to prospective tenants during normal business hours, on
giving the Merchant and the Consultant 24 hours' prior written notice; and (b) at the
effective time of the rejection, the relevant Landlord shall be entitled to take possession of
any such Store without waiver of or prejudice to any claims or rights such Landlord may
have against the Merchant in respect of such Lease or Store, provided that nothing herein
shall relieve such Landlord of its obligation to mitigate any damages claimed in connection
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13. The Consultant and its agents and representatives shall have the same access rights to the
Stores as the Merchant under the terms of the applicable Lease, and the applicable
Landlords shall have the rights of access to the Stores during the Sale provided for in the
applicable Lease (subject, for greater certainty, to any applicable stay of proceedings).
14. The Merchant and the Consultant shall not conduct any auctions of Merchandise or Offered
FF&E at any of the Stores.
15. The Consultant shall designate a party to be contacted by the Landlords should a dispute
arise concerning the conduct of the Sale. The initial contact person for the Consultant shall
be Daniel Richer who may be reached by phone at 416-865-4445 or email at
[email protected]. Contact persons for the Merchant and the Information Officer are
set out in the Canadian Store Closing Procedures. If the parties are unable to resolve the
dispute between themselves, the notice and dispute sections of the Canadian Store Closing
Procedures shall be followed by the parties. For the duration of any such dispute, the
Consultant shall cease all activity in dispute other than activity expressly permitted herein,
pending the determination of the matter by the Court; provided, for greater certainty, that
if a banner has been hung in accordance with these Canadian Sale Guidelines and is
thereafter the subject of a dispute, the Consultant shall not be required to take any such
banner down pending determination of the dispute.
16. Nothing herein is, or shall be deemed to be a consent by any Landlord to the sale,
assignment or transfer of any Lease, or to grant to the Landlord any greater rights than
already exist under the terms of any applicable Lease.
17. These Canadian Sale Guidelines may be amended by written agreement between the
Merchant, the Consultant and any applicable Landlord (provided that such amended
Canadian Sale Guidelines shall not affect or bind any other Landlord not privy thereto
without further Order of the Court).
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Closing Stores
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Loc Number Location Name Location Address Location City Location State / Province
4297 Hillside Shopping Centre 1644 Hillside Avenue Victoria BC
4232 Robson Streetfront 1126 Robson Street Vancouver BC
4193 Guildford Town Center 10355 152 St Surrey BC
4243 Kelowna Mall 2271 Harvey Ave Kelowna BC
4038 Smart Centres Central @ G 1825-4720 Mcclelland Road Richmond BC
4016 Scotia Plaza 40 King St West Box 108 Toronto ON
4043 Sunridge Mall 2525-36Th Street Ne Calgary AB
4065 Market Mall 3625 Shaganappi Trail Calgary AB
4239 Deerfoot Mall #107 951 64 Av Ne Calgary AB
4188 Harvest Pointe Sc 5233 Ellerslie Rd Sw Edmonton AB
4048 Halifax Shopping Center 7001 Mumford Road Halifax NS
4124 Carrefour Angrignon 7077 Newman Boulevard Lasalle PQ
4022 St. Laurent S.C. 1200 St Laurent Blvd Ottawa ON
4028 Cornwall Square 1 Water Street East Cornwall ON
4059 Northgate Square 489 Albert Street North Regina SK
4184 Oshawa Centre 419 King Street West Oshawa ON
4050 Markville Town Centre 5000 Hwy 7 East Markham ON
4127 Stone Road Mall 435 Stone Road West Guelph ON
4117 Vaughan Mills 1 Bass Pro Mills Dr Vaughan ON
4201 Shoppes On Queen West 601 Queen Street West Toronto ON
4090 Argyle Mall 332 Clarke Road London ON
4174 Walker Place 4140 Walker Rd Windsor ON
4072 Driftwood Mall 2751 Cliffe Ave Courtenay BC
4235 Coquitlam Centre 2929 Barnet Highway Coquitlam BC
4278 Village Green Centre 4900 27Th Street Vernon BC
4504 Woodgrove Centre 6631 Island Highway N Nanaimo BC
4061 Londonderry Mall 137Th Ave & 66Th St Edmonton AB
4170 Erin Ridge Power Centre 935 St.Albert Trail St Albert AB
4180 Manning Town Centre 15733 37 Street Edmonton AB
4183 The Quarry 20 Quarry Street East Cochrane AB
4191 York Station 275 Broadway St E Yorkton SK
4286 Southlands Crossing 1991 Strachan Rd Medicine Hat AB
4503 Deerfoot Meadows 840-8180 11Th Street Se Calgary AB
4177 Avalon Mall 48 Kenmount Rd St. Johns NL
4131 Yarmouth Mall 76 Starrs Road Yarmouth NS
4052 Place D'Orleans 110 Place D'Orleans Dr Ottawa ON
4008 Southhill Shopping Centre 9325 Yonge Street Richmond Hill ON
4086 Bridgeport Plaza 13/14-94 Bridgeport Rd Ea Waterloo ON
4162 Gladstone Queen West Reta 4 Gladstone Ave Toronto ON
4171 Smartcentres Vaughan 3604 Major Mackenzie Dr Vaughan ON
4181 Shops At Don Mills 1090 Don Mills Rd Toronto ON
4186 North Park Sc 1405 Lawrence Ave W Toronto ON
4196 Shoppers World Danforth 3003 Danforth Ave Toronto ON
4204 Smartcentres St. Catharin 420 Vansickle Road St. Catharines ON
4248 Crossroads 2625B Weston Road North York ON
4256 Rio Centre Oakville 478 Dundas Street West Oakville ON
4506 Smart Centres Bradford 547 Holland St West Bradford ON
4150 Sudbury S Shopping Center 2408 Long Lake Rd Sudbury ON
4198 Collingwood Centre 99 Balsam Street Collingwood ON
4206 Smartcentres St. Thomas 1063 Talbot Street St. Thomas ON
4032 Lougheed Mall 9855 Austin Ave Burnaby BC
4084 Haney Place Mall 149-11900 Haney Pl Maple Ridge BC
4234 Tamarack Centre 1500 Cranbrook St N.#115 Cranbrook BC
4280 Capilano Mall 935 Marine Dr N. Vancouver BC
4199 Tsawwassen Mills 5000 Canoe Pass Way Tsawwassen BC
4267 Bankers Hall 315 8Th Avenue Sw Ste 345 Calgary AB
4039 St. Vital Center 130-1225 St Mary'S Rd Winnipeg MB
4054 Kildonan Place 1555 Regent Ave West Winnipeg MB
4066 Cornwall Mall 2102-11Th Ave Regina SK
4283 Southcentre Mall 100 Anderson Rd. S.E. Calgary AB
4207 Outlet Collection Winnipe 555 Sterling Lyon Parkway Winnipeg MB
4208 Premium Outlet Collection #1 Outlet Collection Way Edmonton Airport AB
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Loc Number Location Name Location Address Location City Location State / Province
4067 Mayflower Mall 800 Grand Lake Road Sydney NS
4229 Regent Mall 1381 Regent Street Fredericton NB
4200 Colby Village 920 Cole Harbour Road Dartmouth NS
4159 Quartier Dix 30 8900 Blvd Leduc Brossard PQ
4192 Smartcentres Mascouche 117 Montee Masson Mascouche PQ
4179 Les Promenades Gatineau 1000 Blvd Maloney Quest Gatineau PQ
4185 Kemptville Colonnade Reta 304 Colonnade Dr Kemptville ON
4000 The Promenade Mall 1 Promenade Circle Thorn Hill ON
4017 Upper Canada Mall 17600 Yonge St Newmarket ON
4026 Burlington Mall 777 Guelph Line Burlington ON
4037 Eglinton Square S.C. 1431-1437 Victoria Park A Toronto ON
4075 Cloverdale Mall 250 The East Mall Toronto ON
4144 Georgetown Market Place 280 Guelph Street Georgetown ON
4189 Centerpoint Mall 6464 Younge St Toronto ON
4203 Yonge Sheppard Centre 4841 Yonge Street Toronto ON
4157 Riocan Marketplace 2181 Steele Ave West Toronto ON
4194 410 At Steeles 35 Resolution Dr Brampton ON
4287 Rio-Can Milton 1155 Maple Avenue Milton ON
4091 Heritage Place 1350 16Th Street East Owen Sound ON
4225 Lambton Mall 1380 London Road Unit33 Sarnia ON
4263 White Oaks Mall 1105 Wellington Rd London ON
4270 Northgate Square 1500 Fisher St North Bay ON
4510 Station Mall 293 Bay Street Sault Ste Marie ON
4020 Intercity S/C 1000 Fort William Rd Thunder Bay ON
7467 330 5TH AVE 330 5Th Ave New York NY
1208 31 65 STEINWAY ST 31 65 Steinway St Astoria NY
3800 125 PARK AVENUE 125 Park Ave New York NY
9118 684 THIRD AVENUE 684 Third Avenue New York NY
1569 220 O'FARRELL ST 220 O'Farrell St San Francisco CA
2564 1034-1036 THIRD AVE 1034-1036 Third Ave New York NY
2479 HOLLYWOOD & HIGHLAND 6801 Hollywood Blvd Los Angeles CA
7621 159 COLUMBUS AVE 159 Columbus Ave New York NY
7123 BRATTLE SQUARE One Brattle Square Cambridge MA
8841 349 NEWBURY STREET 349 Newbury St Boston MA
1324 70 S 69TH ST 70 S 69Th St Upper Darby PA
2384 812 DAVIS ST 812 Davis St Evanston IL
6247 QUEENS CENTER 90-15 Queens Boulevard Elmhurst NY
8523 FASHION SHOW MALL 3200 Las Vegas Blvd Las Vegas NV
5047 ROOSEVELT FIELD MALL 630 Old Country Road Garden City NY
1443 PHEASANT LANE MALL 310 Daniel Webster Hghway Nashua NH
560 WESTFIELD BRANDON 356 Brandon Town Ctr Mall Brandon FL
360 DEPTFORD MALL 1750 Deptford Center Rd Deptford NJ
3079 STAMFORD TOWN CENTER 100 Greyrock Place Stamford CT
1220 WESTWOOD MALL 1754 West Michigan Ave Jackson MI
817 WESTFIELD ANNAPOLIS 1032 Annapolis Mall Annapolis MD
846 WHITE MARSH MALL 8200 Perry Hall Blvd. Baltimore MD
6273 PROVIDENCE PLACE MALL 54 Providence Place Providence RI
358 WESTLAND MALL 35000 W. Warren Road Westland MI
2956 BAYSHORE TOWNE CENTER 440 W Northshore Drive Glendale WI
5130 GURNEE MILLS 6170 W Grand Avenue Gurnee IL
3531 GLOUCESTER PREMIUM OUTLET 1125 S. Blackhorse Pike Blackwood NJ
1584 POTOMAC MILLS 2700 Potomac Mills Circle Woodbridge VA
366 CINCINNATI PREMIUM OUTLET 400 Premium Outlets Drive Monroe OH
88 TWIN CITIES PREMIUM OUTLE 3965 Eagan Outlets Pkwy Eagan MN
130 TANGER OUTLETS 400 South Wilson Road Sunbury OH
590 TANGER OUTLET - HWY 501 4635 Factory Stores Blvd Myrtle Beach SC
5333 TANGER OUTLETS SOUTHAVEN 5205 Airways Blvd Southaven MS
5920 PASEO COLORADO 300 E. Colorado Blvd Pasadena CA
2376 RIVERMARK VILLAGE 3935 Rivermark Plaza Santa Clara CA
7038 UNIVERSITY TC 140 University Tc Sarasota FL
5053 PHILIPS PLAZA 675 Sunrise Highway Lynbrook NY
8180 MARKETPLACE CENTER 1361 Covell Blvd Davis CA
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Loc Number Location Name Location Address Location City Location State / Province
9283 CROSS KEYS COMMONS 3501 Rt 42 Turnersville NJ
349 SHOPS AT NANUET 5107 Fashion Dr Nanuet NY
3474 CRANBERRY PLAZA 2991-J Cranberry Highway East Wareham MA
2644 EAST HANOVER SC 240 State Route 10 East Hanover NJ
7121 SHOPS AT FALLEN TIMBERS 6832 Russell Road Maumee OH
5273 HERSHEY SQUARE S. C. 1138 Mae Street Hummelstown PA
7230 NORTH HILLS CENTRE 1144 Lonnie Abbott Blvd Ada OK
5574 HAMPTON VILLAGE CENTER 2771 South Rochester Rd Rochester Hills MI
6101 PARKSIDE SC 7800 John Davis Drive Frankfort KY
7781 875 SIXTH AVE 875 Avenue Of Americas New York NY
2927 1569 FLATBUSH AVENUE 1569 Flatbush Ave Brooklyn NY
4358 EIELSON AFB Building 405 Broadway Eielson AK
9860 TYSENS PARK S/C 2722 Hylan Blvd Staten Island NY
5296 BRADLEE CENTER 3690 North King Street Alexandria VA
255 THE YARDS BOILERMAKER SHO 300 Tingey St Se Washington DC
5431 EL CERRITO PLAZA 230 El Cerrito Plaza El Cerrito CA
8759 CULVER CENTER 3810 Midway Avenue Culver City CA
1267 EAST HILLS VILLAGE 2671 Oswell Street Bakersfield CA
3389 SIMSBURY COMMONS 530 Bushy Hill Road Simsbury CT
9584 THE SHOWCASE AT INDIO 42425 C Jackson Street Indio CA
5150 PLAZA CAYEY Pr 1 Km 55.2 Cayey PR
6165 MONTVILLE COMMONS 2020 Norwich-New London T Montville CT
5219 SAN FELIPE PLAZA 1735 South Voss Houston TX
9028 VALLEY CENTRAL SC 44418 Valley Central Way Lancaster CA
8234 COLLEGE SQUARE 210 College Square Newark DE
311 WALMART PLAZA 656 New Haven Ave Derby CT
5085 WESTCLIFF PLAZA 1036 Irvine Ave Newport Beach CA
7354 KMART SHOPPING CENTER 3036 Route 35 South Hazlet NJ
2272 FOUNTAINS OF MIRAMAR 2933 Sw 160Th Ave Miramar FL
7421 JANTZEN BEACH HAYDEN ISLA 12152 N Pavilion Ave Portland OR
5463 BURBANK CROSSING 7929 S Harlem Avenue Burbank IL
5720 CORNERSTONE @ LAKE HEART 10524 Moss Park Rd Orlando FL
8866 CHERRY HILL SHOPPING CENT 462 Hempstead Turnpike West Hempstead NY
2416 EDGEWOOD TOWN CENTER 438-D E Edgewood Blvd Lansing MI
104 ORCHARD SC 208 S 72Nd Ave Yakima WA
5547 KENTLANDS SQUARE 251 Kentlands Boulevard Gaithersburg MD
9001 JACKSONVILLE PLAZA 2050 John Harden Drive Jacksonville AR
2025 OLD TOWN SQUARE 1237 North Clybourn Ave Chicago IL
5257 FIESTA TRAILS PLAZA 5238 Dezavala Road San Antonio TX
9673 ELMHURST CROSSING SHOPPIN 177 South Route 83 Elmhurst IL
3504 BRENTWOOD PLAZA 8485 Winton Road Cincinnati OH
5190 HILLSBORO SHOPPING CENTER 649 Route 206 Door 8 Hillsborough NJ
7000 BAYSHORE GARDENS 6028 14Th Street West Bradenton FL
2271 ROCHESTER CROSSING 160-162 Washington Street Rochester NH
7655 ORO VALLEY MARKETPLACE 2060 E Tangerine Road Oro Valley AZ
9801 SOUTHBRIDGE CROSSING 8082 Oak Carriage Court N Shakopee MN
2078 MASSILLON MARKET 38 Massillon Marketplace Massillon OH
2092 MERCHANTS PARK SHOPPING C 953 N Shepherd Dr Houston TX
5157 PLAZA SQUARE 667 Hamburg Turnpike Wayne NJ
2091 THE MARKET AT OAKLAND 3006 S Morgan'S Pt Rd Mt Pleasant SC
977 VIERA MARKETCENTER 6729 Colonnade Ave Viera FL
5289 COMMONS AT ISSAQUAH 755 West Gilman Blvd. Issaquah WA
1292 PINEHURST SQUARE 1001 W Interstate Ave Bismarck ND
9513 TRENTON CROSSING 7600 N. 10Th St Mcallen TX
8557 PIERPOINT CENTRE 716 Venture Drive Morgantown WV
7207 GOLDEN GATE SHOPPING CTR 1513 Golden Gate Rd Mayfield Heights OH
833 SUSSEX PLAZA 22881 Sussex Highway Seaford DE
617 HEARTLAND VILLAGE SHOPPES 8411 Windfall Lane Camby IN
5585 BATTLEGROUND PLAZA 3724-H Battleground Ave Greensboro NC
7810 SHOPPES @ PARADISE KEY 4433 Commons Drive East Destin FL
1268 AMSTERDAM COMMONS 330 Amsterdam Commons Amsterdam NY
7959 BLUE RIDGE CROSSING 4173 Sterling Ave Kansas City MO
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Loc Number Location Name Location Address Location City Location State / Province
8507 SUNSHINE SQUARE 546 East Woolbright Rd Boynton Beach FL
5160 WEST VOLUSIA REGIONAL S/C 2707 South Woodland Deland FL
1864 SHELBYVILLE SC 114 Lee Blvd Shelbyville IN
7323 HAVENDALE SQUARE 382 Havendale Square Auburndale FL
138 SHOPPES AT PRAIRIE RIDGE 9901 77Th Street Pleasant Prairie WI
24 BROOKDALE CORNER 5605 Xerxes Ave Brooklyn Center MN
9540 FRANCIS POINTE 106 Francis Lane Beaver Dam WI
1812 TRAMONTO MARKETPLACE S/C 3134 W. Carefree Hgwy Phoenix AZ
7388 MIDDLEBURG CROSSINGS 2640 Blanding Blvd Middleburg FL
5461 RIVER RUN SHOPPING CENTER 9929 Miramar Parkway Miramar FL
294 GRAVOIS BLUFFS #35 Gravois Bluffs Plaza Fenton MO
3923 HICKORY FLAT VILLAGE 6175 Hickory Flat Highway Canton GA
7158 FRANKLIN CENTRE 915 B Hwy 321 Lenoir TN
2023 OAK HOLLOW SQUARE 1589 Skeet Club Rd High Point NC
2861 CULVER RIDGE PLAZA 2255 East Ridge Rd Rochester NY
3618 EPHRATA MARKETPLACE 852 East Main Street Ephrata PA
2249 TUDOR SHOPS 975 Ne Rice Road Lee'S Summit MO
6812 OSWEGO PLAZA 140 State Rt 104 Oswego NY
9124 BEAR VALLEY SHOPPING CENT 3100 South Sheridan Blvd Denver CO
8684 TRI STATE MALL 10 E Route 23 N Montague NJ
3989 MOANALUA SHOPPING CTR 930 Valkenburgh St Honolulu HI
1733 SOUTHERN CROSSING 10922 South Memorial Dr Tulsa OK
1722 VALLEY STATION 1268 South Us189 Heber UT
9786 PINE TREE PLAZA 550 36Th Ave South West Altoona IA
6059 POPLAR CREEK PLAZA 305 Leonardwood Dr Frankfort KY
3678 THE PROMENADE 16255 N Scottsdale Rd Scottsdale AZ
8909 METRO JUNCTION 4894 Highway 18 West Jackson MS
7407 MCDONOUGH MARKETPLACE 117 Willow Lane Mcdonough GA
5608 TOWER PLAZA 1386 S Centerville Rd Sturgis MI
8637 BROOKDALE SQUARE 22351 Pontiac Trail South Lyon MI
1364 WHITNALL SQUARE 4698 S Whitnall Avenue Milwaukee WI
8771 MARKS SQUARE 4600 Mobile Highway #11 Pensacola FL
8770 MIDTOWN SQUARE SHOPPING C 1573 Gause Boulevard Slidell LA
1999 UNIVERSITY COMMONS 1930 1St Capitol Drive St Charles MO
702 GAINES MARKETPLACE 1827 Marketplace Dr Se Caledonia MI
2827 MARKETPLACE S.C. I-79 & Route 33 Weston WV
1300 FOREST PLAZA WEST BLD 1 3207-B Forest Brook Rd Lynchburg VA
6138 TWIN OAKS CENTER 2001 5Th Street Silvis IL
1441 1882 3RD AVENUE 1882 3Rd Avenue New York NY
9656 3453 JEROME AVE 3453 Jerome Ave Bronx NY
1393 1609 WESTCHESTER AVE 1609 Westchester Ave Bronx NY
3841 5530 WALNUT STREET 5530 Walnut Street Pittsburgh PA
4340 CAMP PENDLETON (MINI) 15100 Camp Pendleton Camp Pendleton CA
4360 FORT BRAGG (82ND) 82Nd Abn Troop Store Fort Bragg NC
4335 SAN DIEGO NB (DOCKSIDE) Naval Station San Diego CA
4430 LEMOORE NAS Building #795 Lemore Nas CA
4484 FORT BLISS (COMM CENTER) Bldg 20752 Gulf Victory W El Paso TX
4354 MOUNTAIN HOME AFB 625 Gunfighter Ave Mountain Home Afb ID
4322 BARKSDALE AFB 455 Curtis Road Barksdale Afb LA
4323 FAIRCHILD AFB Building 2465 Fairchild Afb WA
4356 VANDENBERG AFB Building 10400 Vandenberg Afb CA
4363 FORT LEE (PXTRA) Building 9025 Fort Lee VA
4414 PATUXENT RIVER NAS 22099 Cuddihy Road Patuxent River MD
4456 LOS ANGELES AFB 483 N. Aviation Blvd El Segundo CA
4339 EDWARDS AFB Abx Exchange Edwards Afb CA
4404 SEYMOUR JOHNSON AFB 1350 Edwards Street Goldsboro NC
4398 BELLE CHASE NAS JRB 400 Russell Ave Belle Chasse LA
4478 FORT BLISS (MINI) 13471 Sergeant Major Blvd El Paso TX
4418 HUNTER ARMY AIRFIELD 130 Haley Ave Savannah GA
4462 BEAUFORT MCAS Building 1283 Giegor Ave Beaufort SC
4352 F.E. WARREN AFB 617 Missle Drive Cheyenne WY
4304 DOVER AFB 266 Galaxy Way Dover Afb DE
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Loc Number Location Name Location Address Location City Location State / Province
4370 GULFPORT NCBC Bldg. 470 Gulfport MS
4435 PORTSMOUTH NAVAL HOSPITAL Store 39/30 Bldg 3 Portsmouth VA
4498 DYESS AFB 260 Commissary Road Abilene TX
4371 TYNDALL AFB 220 Mall Ln Ste 2 Tyndall Afb FL
4497 PARRIS ISLAND MCRD Building 406 Parris Island SC
4361 EGLIN AFB (MINI) 4310 77Th Special Forces Eglin Afb FL
2328 CHULA VISTA CENTER 555 Broadway Chula Vista CA
2540 PEAR TREE SHOPPING CENTER 532 East Perkins Street Ukiah CA
1131 LOS ALTOS CENTER 5555 Stearns St Long Beach CA
5820 CLAYTON STATION 5435H Clayton Road Clayton CA
7155 66-69 FRESH POND RD 66-69 Fresh Pond Rd Ridgewood NY
7657 TIMBERHILLS S.C. 1067 Mono Way Sonora CA
6782 SHOPPES @ FOXCHASE 4651 Duke St Alexandria VA
1856 NAPA JUNCTION 6040 Main Street American Canyon CA
7690 MILL POND VILLAGE 380-Cs Egg Harbor Road Sewell NJ
7120 SOUTHPORT TOWN CENTER 2050 Town Center Plaza West Sacramento CA
3303 TRI CITY PLAZA 160 Tri City Road Somersworth NH
2707 THE PROMENADE AT BOLINGBR 639 E Boughton Rd Bolingbrook IL
5511 BEARDS HILL PLAZA 971 Beards Hill Road Aberdeen MD
6216 MEADOWVIEW SQUARE 2500 State Rte 59 Ste # 8 Kent OH
1387 PLAZA PRADOS DEL SUR LOCA Intersection Of State Rds Santa Isabel PR
51 THE SHOPPES AT CINNAMINSO 127 Route 130 South Cinnaminson NJ
652 CROSSING AT LISBON 193 River Road Lisbon CT
7895 LONDON GROVE VILLAGE 905 Gap Newport Pike Avondale PA
3031 PINE CREEK S.C. 716-A Freeman Lane Grass Valley CA
3945 FOOD FOR THOUGHT 45 Northern Boulevard Greenvale NY
1245 PENNISULA CROSSING 26670 Centerview Drive Millsboro DE
2893 TANTALLON CENTER 10729 Indian Highway Fort Washington MD
2797 MISSION PLAZA 1412 N. H Street Suite C Lompoc CA
3433 NORTH PROVIDENCE MARKET 11 Smithfield Road North Providence RI
3719 TWINSBURG TOWN CENTER 8934 Darrow Road Twinsburg OH
5051 NISQUALLY PLAZA 1010 Yelm Ave E Yelm WA
9360 ALDEN BRIDGE SHOPPING CEN 8000 Research Forest Driv The Woodlands TX
8984 PLAZA DEL OESTE Ave Casto Perez #313 San German PR
2327 BERLIN CIRCLE PLAZA 116 Walker Ave West Berlin NJ
3028 SHILOH CENTER 6400 Hembree Lane Windsor CA
1479 GREENPORT COMMONS 424 Fairview Ave Hudson NY
2254 NORTH HAVEN PAVILION 200 Universal Drive North North Haven CT
7802 ROMEOVILLE TOWNE CENTER 427 North Weber Road Romeoville IL
8360 SUFFOLK SHOPPING CENTER 4046 Nesconset Hghwy #1B East Setauket NY
7624 GIBBSTOWN S.C. 401 Harmony Road Gibbstown NJ
2474 MEADOW BROOK CROSSING 124 State Road 101A Amherst NH
6173 LEXINGTON STATION 3833 Lexington Avenue Arden Hills MN
6512 VILLAGE COMMONS AT WESLEY 5922 Weddington Monroe Rd Wesley Chapel NC
5387 DUNLAWTON SQUARE 3859 South Nova Road Port Orange FL
8531 NEWPORT NORTH SC 1280 Bison Avenue Newport Beach CA
5351 NEW HOPE CITY CENTER 4237 Winnetka Ave New Hope MN
2765 REYNOLDA MANOR 2828 Reynolda Rd Nw Winston Salem NC
6292 GEORGESVILLE SQUARE 1617 Georgesville Square Columbus OH
8710 SANTA FE SHOPPING CENTER 13505 South Mur-Len Olathe KS
5727 WINTER SPRINGS TC 1188 Cliff Rose Dr Winter Springs FL
7322 BATTLE GROUND MARKET CTR 2210W Main Streetsuite113 Battle Ground WA
9859 SHERWOOD MARKET CENTER 16008 Sw Tualatin-Sherwoo Sherwood OR
6237 THE VILLAGE IN BLAINE 4335 Pheasant Ridge Dr Blaine MN
1368 MONROE PLAZA 19817 State Route 2 Monroe WA
7445 DANIEL'S CROSSING S/C 6900 Daniels Parkway Fort Myers FL
5482 CORALWOOD MALL 2301 Del Prado Blvd H-6 Cape Coral FL
5573 COLLEGE PARK SHOPPING CTR 3455 West 86Th Street Indianapolis IN
6524 NORTH MOUNTAIN VILLAGE 3431 W Thunderbird Rd Phoenix AZ
5855 YAKIMA 40TH AVE S.C 1300 N. 40Th Ave. Yakima WA
5567 SHOPS AT MALTA 15 Kendall Way Malta NY
9341 SAWGRASS PROMENADE 1335 South Millitary Trai Deerfield Beach FL
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Loc Number Location Name Location Address Location City Location State / Province
6316 WATERBURY PLAZA 152 Chase Ave Waterbury CT
2647 WARETOWN TOWN CENTER 501 Route 9 Suite 300 Waretown NJ
5307 PENN HILLS CENTER 28 Federal Drive Penn Hills PA
2670 SAM HOUSTON TC 12709 Interstate Hwy 45 N Willis TX
2094 PARADISE SHOPPES OF SUMME 1585 Central Ave Summerville SC
322 BROOKDALE SHOPPING CENTER 9651-100 Brookdale Drive Charlotte NC
7428 SETH CHILD COMMONS 830 Commons Place Manhattan KS
184 PALOMAR PLAZA 961 Palomar Airport Rd Carlsbad CA
1865 ANTIOCH CROSSING S/C 417 E Il Rte 173 Antioch IL
5460 KMART PLAZA EAST 4445 Buffalo Road Erie PA
3583 GIG HARBOR NORTH 11430 51St Ave Nw Gig Harbor WA
8831 SIGNAL MT VILLAGE SC 541 Signal Mountain Rd - Chattanooga TN
2336 OTTER CREEK S.C. 248 S. Randall Road Elgin IL
1376 SHOPRITE SHOPPING CENTER 360 Connecticut Ave Norwalk CT
6064 SUWANNEE PLAZA 6824 Suwannee Plaza Ln Live Oak FL
8364 WHEATLAND MARKET PLACE 3108 S. Route 59 Naperville IL
1575 TORRINGTON COMMONS 225 High Street Torrington CT
7619 SPRINGS VILLAGE S.C. 3953 S. State Hwy 97 Sand Springs OK
8401 KNOX VILLAGE SQUARE 1504-B Coshacton Ave Mt. Vernon OH
7348 DESERT MOUNTAIN PLAZA 4650 Woodrow Bean El Paso TX
5171 NORTHWEST PROMENADE 6737 Manatee Ave W Bradenton FL
7282 PARKWAY PLAZA 285 Cumberland Pkwy Mechanicsburg PA
3779 WAHIAWA TOWN CENTER 935 California Avenue Wahiawa HI
6882 OZARK TOWN CENTER 1 1721 S 20Th St Ozark MO
2406 SURPRISE LAKE SQUARE 900 East Meridian #22 Milton WA
5885 POKEGAMA ROAD 2046 S Pokegama Ave Grand Rapids MN
9190 WAYNE AVENUE PLAZA 949 Wayne Avenue Chambersburg PA
2166 NEWPORT COAST PLAZA 21151 Newport Coast Dr Newport Beach CA
7636 COBB PARKWAY SC 2774 N Cobb Parkway Kennesaw GA
1873 OVERLAND PLAZA 9126 Page Avenue Overland MO
3926 NORWALK KORNERS S.C. 201 Milan Avenue Norwalk OH
5537 NORTHWOOD PLAZA 1966 Northwood Plaza Franklin IN
5430 TRAIL PLAZA 1056 S.W. 67Th Ave Miami FL
1045 SHOREGATE S.C. 30010 Lakeshore Avenue Willowick OH
2236 BROOKGATE SHOPPING CENTER 5773 Smith Road Brook Park OH
7672 FOUNTAIN OAKS SC 4920 Roswell Rd Atlanta GA
9097 BLOOMFIELD AVENUE SHOPPES 6089 Haggerty Road West Bloomfield MI
8051 EDGEWOOD TOWN CENTER 1725 South Braddock Ave Pittsburgh PA
8611 WEST SHORE PLAZA 1831 Sherman Blvd Muskegon MI
626 PHOENIX CENTER II 3016 Phoenix Center Drive Washington MO
8846 THE WALNUT GROVE 4010 University Ave Madison WI
6587 PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER 1027 South Muskogee Talequah OK
27 LUMBERTON PLAZA 1636 Rt 38 & Earyestown Lumberton NJ
8193 COLONY SQUARE 726 East Main Street Lebanon OH
1571 JORDAN LANE 1416 Berlin Turnpike Wethersfield CT
2104 NAMEOKI VILLAGE 3455 Nameoki Road Granite City IL
7406 POST COMMONS 4100 North Wickham Rd Melbourne FL
6363 MERRY MEETING PLACE 147 Bath Road Brunswick ME
6845 APPLETREE MALL Orchard View Drive & Londonderry NH
8905 SHOPS AT EAGLE PROMENADE 3116 E State St Eagle ID
75 MANHATTAN PLACE 1801 Manhattan Blvd Harvey LA
3953 GEIST CROSSING 9805 Fall Creek Road Indianapolis IN
65 ONE YANKTON PLACE 3013 Broadway Ave Suite 4 Yankton SD
5578 MIRASOL WALK 6231 Pga Blvd Palm Beach Gardens FL
6683 SUGAR CREEK CENTER 36 Sugar Creek Center Bella Vista AR
5921 SOUTHLAND CROSSINGS 1220 Doral Rd Youngstown OH
6696 TOWN & COUNTRY S.C. 494 C.W. Plaza Drive Columbia City IN
1883 MOUNTAIN VIEW VILLAGE 4608 W Partridgehill Lane Riverton UT
5734 PUBLIX @ FISHHAWK RANCH 5662 Fishhawk Crossing Bl Lithia FL
6536 INDIAN TRAIL SQUARE 5739 Preston Hwy Louisville KY
835 BROOKS EDGE PLAZA 81A South Main Street Marlboro NJ
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Loc Number Location Name Location Address Location City Location State / Province
1145 CIRCLEVILLE PLAZA 1442 Circleville Plaza Dr Circleville OH
6661 CASTLE ROCK SQUARE 1163 East Main Street Price UT
5919 LAKEWOOD RANCH TC 8338 Market Street Bradenton FL
3692 GLENNWOOD COMMONS 820 Sunbury Rd Delaware OH
8695 LAKESHORE PLAZA 4137 Mountain Road Pasadena MD
6354 COCOA COMMONS 2301 State Hgwy #524 Cocoa FL
5246 NORTH STATION S.C. 1486 Garner'S Station Blv Raleigh NC
1266 SENTRY PLAZA 10244 W. National Ave West Allis WI
5421 FESTIVAL @ OLD BRIDGE 12359 Dillingham Square Lake Ridge VA
2722 FLEMING PLACE 4023 Sw 10Th Street Topeka KS
5603 KROGER CENTER 2028 S. Highway 53 Lagrange KY
528 MAPLE PARK PLAZA 283 North Weber Road Boilingbrook IL
6761 ELIZABETHTOWN S.C. 1575 South Market Street Elizabethtown PA
6037 WHISPERING WOODS PLAZA 20773 Gibralter Brownstone MI
2026 WESTRIDGE SQUARE 1059 West Patrick St Frederick MD
637 RANDALL'S CRYSTAL FALLS T 3501 N Lakeline Blvd Leander TX
7794 SHOPS OF MARCO 167 S. Barfield Dr Marco Island FL
8612 SOUTH VILLAGE S/C 1850-C 172Nd Ave Grand Haven MI
5374 SOUTHLAND SC 6855 Southland Dr Middleburg Heights OH
3580 MINER PLAZA 2625 N. Mesa El Paso TX
2744 KEYSTONE PLAZA 3574 Highway 31 South Pelham AL
7461 SHAW'S PLAZA 770 Roosevelt Trail Road Windham ME
5797 WALTERBORO PLAZA 321 Bells Highway Walterboro SC
1630 CLIFF LAKE S.C. 1960 Cliff Lake Road Eagan MN
3933 HOPEWELL CROSSING SC 800 Denow Road Hopewell Twp NJ
5447 TRADEWINDS SHOPPING CTR 101457 Us 1 Key Largo FL
6783 MERCHANTS WALK S.C. 215 Merchant'S Walk S.C. Summersville WV
2037 IMLAY PLAZA 1801 S. Cedar St Imlay MI
355 PINE RIDGE SQUARE 1417 West Main St Gaylord MI
490 DOTHAN PAVILION 4521 Montgomery Highway Dothan AL
8560 ROEBUCK MARKETPLACE 9172 Parkway East # 15 Birmingham AL
2096 FOX LAKE RETAIL CENTER 1390 Us Route 12 Fox Lake IL
7460 BELLAIR PLAZA 2661 North Atlantic Ave Daytona Beach FL
847 HILLCREST SHOPPING CENTER 233 Hillcrest Shopping Ct Lower Burrell PA
2863 WATSON CROSSING SHOPPING 33939 La Highway 16 Denham Springs LA
2757 MCCARTY CROSSING 1026 Main Street Jackson OH
6773 TARGET CENTER 955 Rockland Rd Lake Bluff IL
7325 BOGEY HILLS PLAZA 2039 Zumbehl Road Saint Charles MO
40 SHOPS AT VICTORIA 4109 Houston Highway Victoria TX
8807 GATEWAY COMMONS 3000 Pepperell Pkwy Opelika AL
6240 HARWOOD CENTRAL VILLAGE 2101 Harwood Road Bedford TX
8934 OLYMPIAD CENTER 23052 Alicia Parkway Mission Viejo CA
8501 SHENANDOAH SQUARE 13704 State Road 84 Davie FL
1456 PARKWAY COMMONS 3046 Columbia Ave Franklin TN
1320 NEWBERRY POINTE 144 Newberry Parkway Etters PA
2763 EMBASSY LAKES SHOPPING CE 2631 N. Hiatus Road Cooper City FL
3091 VILLAGE SHOP CENTER 1421 Losey Blvd. La Crosse WI
9063 WILLOW OAKS CROSSING 5011 Weddington Road Concord NC
8828 KENHORST PLAZA 1895 New Holland Rd Kenhorst PA
7465 HERITAGE MARKETPLACE 1800 Unser Blvd. Nw Albuquerque NM
9610 NEWTON CROSSROADS 5340 Ga Hwy 20 Covington GA
293 ALOMA SC 2275 Aloma Ave Winter Park FL
5933 MABELVALE SHOPPING CENTER 10101 Mabelvale Plaza Dr Little Rock AR
1289 HASTINGS MARKETPLACE 1793 Market Blvd Hastings MN
3836 RAPIDS PLAZA 4551 8Th Street South Wisconsin Rapids WI
6318 MOCKSVILLE TOWN COMMONS 223 Cooper Creek Dr Mocksville NC
8879 PINECREST PLAZA 324 Pinecrest Plaza Morehead KY
5652 POTRANCO OAKS VILLAGE 9230 Potranco Road San Antonio TX
8942 GREAT SOUTH BAY SHP CTR 709 W Montauk Highway West Babylon NY
6125 LA MARQUE CROSSING 6608 Gulf Freeway La Marque TX
3640 SEMINOLE CENTER 3631 Orlando Drive Sanford FL
8936 SHOPPES AT TRINITY LAKES 12472 Sr 54 Odessa FL
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Loc Number Location Name Location Address Location City Location State / Province
3512 PLAZA PALMA REAL Carr Pr-3, Km 77.8, Int Humacao PR
7162 SAN ANGELO PLAZA 614 W 29Th St #114 San Angelo TX
3429 EAST VIKING PLAZA 421 Viking Plaza Dr #500 Cedar Falls IA
8957 1890 RANCH SHOPPING CTR 1335 E. Whitestone Blvd Cedar Park TX
8964 CORTLANDT TOWNE CENTER 3141 East Main Street Mohegan Lake NY
1736 LOWE'S OUTLOT 2007 Us Highway 27 Somerset KY
1371 NAVY BLVD 503 N Navy Blvd Pensacola FL
6657 STAFFORD SQUARE S/C 297 Route 72 W Manahawkin NJ
8858 NORTH POINT VILLAGE 1456 North Point Village Reston VA
318 PORT CHARLOTTE MARKETPLAC 19400 Cochran Blvd Port Charlotte FL
8878 DURANT SHOPPING CENTER 519 University Place Durant OK
8568 PLAZA @ LANDMARK 6244-F Little River Trnpk Alexandria VA
3925 NORTHEAST PARK SHOPPING C 210 37Th Avenue N St. Petersburg FL
8961 MIRA MESA MALL 8250 Mira Mesa Blvd San Diego CA
9378 5TH AVENUE SHOPS 1954 Ne 5Th Avenue Boca Raton FL
9495 WILLIAMSBURG DOWNS 5338 Central Florida Pkwy Orlando FL
8405 218 FIRST AVE 218 1St Ave New York NY
2943 470 THIRD AVENUE/32ND STR 470 Third Avenue New York NY
2907 124 8TH AVENUE 124 8Th Avenue New York NY
2930 299 BROADWAY 1St Floor New York NY
3301 897 8TH AVE 897 8Th Ave New York NY
2884 302 CANAL ST 302 Canal St New York NY
2098 163 WEST 72ND STREET 163 West 72Nd Street New York NY
7466 305 6TH AVE 305 6Th Ave New York NY
1824 107 SUMMER STREET 107 Summer St 1St Fl Boston MA
9468 2049 86TH ST 2049 86Th St Brooklyn NY
547 145 EAST 116TH STREET 145 East 116Th Street New York NY
7243 STEINWAY STREET 30-62 Steinway Street Astoria NY
7473 ALAMEDA LANDING 2610 5Th St Alameda CA
2915 75-28 37TH AVE 75-28 37Th Ave Queens NY
5058 1212 KINGS HIGHWAY 1212 Kings Highway Brooklyn NY
2119 313A HARVARD STREET 313A Harvard St Brookline MA
3052 REGO PARK 96-16 Queens Blvd. Rego Park NY
2162 CITY CENTER 2675 Geary Blvd San Francisco CA
2850 1336 WISCONSIN AVE 1336 Wisconsin Ave Washington DC
5258 7017 18TH AVENUE 7017 18Th Avenue Brooklyn NY
6868 1003 BISHOP ST 1003 Bishop St Honolulu HI
9967 116-06 QUEENS BLVD 116-06 Queens Blvd Forest Hills NY
3958 1940 BEACON STREET 1940 Beacon Street Brighton MA
6659 247 3RD AVENUE 247 3Rd Avenue New York NY
575 14 W. 8TH STREET 14 W. 8Th Street Holland MI
9664 AMTRAK STATION 2955 Market St Philadelphia PA
3596 GALLERIA MALL 1210 S. University Ann Arbor MI
2841 17 WEST 1220 17Th Street Miami Beach FL
4453 ELLSWORTH AFB 2725 Lemay Blvd Bldg 4020 Ellsworth Afb SD
4374 SAN DIEGO MCRD 3800 Chosin Ave San Diego CA
4364 FORT HAMILTON 123 General Lee Ave Brooklyn NY
4349 HANSCOM AFB 100 Eglin Street Bedford MA
4405 COLUMBUS AFB Bldg #160 Columbus Afb MS
4443 HOMESTEAD ARS 29242 Coral Sea Blvd Homestead Afb FL
3744 INTERNATIONAL MARKET PLAC 2330 Kalakaua Avenue Honolulu HI
33 WILLOW BROOK MALL 1524 Willow Brook Mall Wayne NJ
737 WOODFIELD MALL 5 Woodfield Mall Schaumburg IL
327 PARK PLACE 5870 East Broadway Tucson AZ
816 STONERIDGE MALL 1304 Stoneridge Mall Road Pleasanton CA
7125 PALISADES CENTER 3490 Palisades Center Dr West Nyack NY
3695 WESTFIELD OAKRIDGE 925 Blossom Hill San Jose CA
3547 BAYSHORE MALL 3300 Broadway Eureka CA
2015 KING OF PRUSSIA PLAZA 160 North Gulph Road King Of Prussia PA
5076 APACHE MALL 646 Apache Mall Rochester MN
439 EASTRIDGE MALL 2200 Eastridge Loops San Jose CA
436 SUN VALLEY MALL 112A Sun Valley Mall Concord CA
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Loc Number Location Name Location Address Location City Location State / Province
90 NORTHPARK MALL 101 North Rangeline Joplin MO
444 MONTCLAIR PLAZA 5090 Montclair Plaza Lane Montclair CA
1255 STONESTOWN GALLERIA 3251 20Th Avenue San Francisco CA
232 WESTFIELD SOUTH SHORE 1701 Sunrise Highway Bay Shore NY
1436 FLORIDA MALL 8001 S Orange Blosson Tra Orlando FL
342 CROSS CREEK MALL 419 Cross Creek Mall Fayetteville NC
9836 PANORAMA CITY MALL 8401 Van Nuys Blvd Panorama City CA
60 SMITH HAVEN MALL 110 Smith Haven Mall Lake Grove NY
5213 PARK MEADOWS TOWN CENTER 8505 Park Meadows Center Lone Tree CO
505 WHITE OAKS MALL 2501 W. Wabash Ave. Springfield IL
5581 WESTFIELD FASHION SQUARE 14006 Riverside Drive Sherman Oaks CA
3659 MALL OF LOUISIANA 6401 Bluebonnet Blvd Baton Rouge LA
85 CAPE COD MALL 769 Iyanough Road Hyannis MA
862 DESERT SKY MALL 7611 West Thomas Road Phoenix AZ
2471 THE WESTCHESTER 125 Westchester Ave White Plains NY
843 CONNECTICUT POST 1201 Boston Post Road Milford CT
5203 SQUARE ONE MALL 1201 Broadway Drive Saugus MA
1452 ROGUE VALLEY MALL 1600 North Riverside Medford OR
492 SOUTH HILL MALL 3500 S. Meridian Puyallup WA
50 WESTLAND MALL 1675 West 49Th Street Hialeah FL
784 CROSSROADS MALL 6650 South Westnedge Portage MI
1032 TUCSON MALL 4500 North Oracle Road Tucson AZ
388 OCEAN COUNTY MALL 1201 Hooper Avenue Toms River NJ
35 PARK CITY CENTER 581 Park City Center Lancaster PA
468 WOODLAND HILLS MALL 7021 South Memorial Tulsa OK
1444 MARLEY STATION 7900 Governor Ritchie Hwy Glen Burnie MD
73 KINGS PLAZA SHOPPING CTR 5283 Kings Plaza Brooklyn NY
5591 VISALIA MALL 2157 South Mooney Blvd Visalia CA
1219 SCOTTSDALE FASHION SQ 7014 E Camelback Rd Scottsdale AZ
718 ACADIANA MALL 5725 Johnston Lafayette LA
1098 WINDWARD MALL 46056 Kam Highway Kaneohe HI
285 SOUTHLAKE MALL 2014 Southlake Mall Merrillville IN
1506 LANSING MALL 5234 West Saginaw Hwy Lansing MI
7792 STONEWOOD CENTER 173 Stonewood Downey CA
1602 APPLE BLOSSOM MALL 1850 Apple Blossom Drive Winchester VA
1062 ARDEN FAIR MALL 1689 Arden Way Sacramento CA
2654 HUDSON MALL Rt 440 Jersey City NJ
245 SOUTHPARK MALL 4600 16 Street Moline IL
380 NORTH RIVERSIDE PARK 7501 West Cermak Road North Riverside IL
1502 PENN SQUARE MALL 2078 Penn Square Oklahoma City OK
386 HANES MALL 3320 Silas Creek Parkway Winston-Salem NC
1251 WESTFIELD PALM DESERT 72840 Highway Iii Palm Desert CA
377 QUAKER BRIDGE MALL 150 Quaker Bridge Mall Lawrenceville NJ
326 SANTA ROSA MALL 300 Mary Esther Cutoff Mary Esther FL
1583 CHICO MALL 1950 E. 20Th Street Chico CA
412 INLAND CENTER 154 Inland Center Dr San Bernardino CA
9548 NORTHLAKE MALL 6801 Northlake Mall Dr Charlotte NC
406 CHERRYVALE MALL 7200 Harrison Ave Rockford IL
1036 WILLOWBROOK MALL 1658 Willowbrook Mall Houston TX
7693 FLAT IRON CROSSING MALL 1 Flat Iron Circle Broomfield CO
693 HICKORY POINT MALL 1395 Hickory Point Mall Forsyth IL
3879 FRANCIS SCOTT KEY 5500 Buckeystown Pike Frederick MD
314 COUNTRYSIDE MALL 27001 Us Highway 19 North Clearwater FL
5186 MONMOUTH S.C. 180 Route 35 South Eatontown NJ
1420 MCKINLEY MALL 3601 Mckinley Parkway Buffalo NY
178 LIVINGSTON MALL 112 Eisenhower Parkway Livingston NJ
163 SUNRISE MALL 6073 Sunrise Mall Citrus Heights CA
7685 POLARIS FASHION PLACE 1500 Polaris Parkway Columbus OH
923 EASTWOOD MALL 5555 Youngstown-Warren Rd Niles OH
8682 NORTHTOWN MALL N 4750 Division Street Spokane WA
1627 ROSEDALE CENTER 10 Rosedale Center Roseville MN
269 MILLCREEK MALL Space #160 Erie PA
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Loc Number Location Name Location Address Location City Location State / Province
392 OAK PARK MALL 11161 West 95Th Street Overland Park KS
3055 RIDGEDALE CENTER 12505 Wayzata Blvd. Minnetonka MN
369 OAKDALE MALL 3111 E. Main Street Johnson City NY
1434 TOWN CENTER AT COBB 400 Earnest Barrett Pkwy Kennesaw GA
340 ORANGE PARK MALL 1910 Wells Rd Orange Park FL
773 OAKLAND MALL 422 W 14 Mile Rd Troy MI
1395 WIREGRASS COMMONS MALL 900 Common Ave Dothan AL
1039 GREAT NORTHERN MALL 232 Great Northern Mall North Olmsted OH
147 CITY CREEK CENTER 51 South Main St Salt Lake City UT
1440 EDEN PRAIRIE CENTER 8251 Flying Cloud Drive Eden Prairie MN
1169 YORKTOWN SHOPPING CENTER 203 Yorktown S/C Lombard IL
6294 MACARTHUR CENTER 300 Monticello Avenue Norfolk VA
9395 THE SHOPS AT WILLOW RD 6121 W Park Blvd Plano TX
55 SOUTHERN PARK MALL 7401 Market St Youngstown OH
3703 CAPITAL MALL 625 Black Lake Blvd Sw Olympia WA
5378 CASCADE MALL 414 Cascade Mall Burlington WA
571 SOUTHLAND MALL 20505 South Dixie Highway Miami FL
2752 SANTA MARIA TOWN CTR 222 Town Center East Santa Maria CA
9564 GALLERIA AT SOUTH BAY 1815 Hawthorne Blvd Redondo Beach CA
226 FASHION SQUARE MALL 4724 Fashion Square Mall Saginaw MI
7295 PACIFIC VIEW 3301 E. Main Street Ventura CA
1427 NORTHTOWNE MALL 1500 N Clinton St Defiance OH
204 NORTHTOWN SHOPPING CENTER 275 Northtown Dr Blaine MN
110 SOUTHRIDGE MALL 5300 S 76Th Street Greendale WI
2803 LAKELINE MALL 11200 Lakeline Mall Blvd Cedar Park TX
1546 SUPERSTITION SPRINGS 6555 East Southern Ave. Mesa AZ
874 LYNNHAVEN MALL 701 Lynnhaven Pkwy Virginia Beach VA
510 WESTLAND MALL 550 South Gear Ave West Burlington IA
37 KENNEDY MALL 555 John F Kennedy Road Dubuque IA
166 BELTWAY PLAZA 6080 Green Belt Road Greenbelt MD
310 CUMBERLAND MALL Delsea Drive & Route 47 Vineland NJ
190 CONCORD MALL 4737 Concord Pike Wilmington DE
8420 CENTER AT SALISBURY 2300 N. Salisbury Blvd. Salisbury MD
7898 WESTFIELD BROWARD 8000 W. Broward Blvd Plantation FL
500 THE COMMONS AT FEDERAL WA 1823 South Commons Federal Way WA
2641 HUTCHINSON MALL 1060 Highway 15 South Hutchinson MN
1449 PEMBROKE MALL 4554 Virginia Beach Blvd Virginia Beach VA
641 MEADOWS 4300 Meadows Lane Las Vegas NV
3390 SOLOMON POND MALL 601 Donald Lynn Blvd Marlborough MA
481 THE SHOPS AT ITHACA MALL 40 Catherwood Road Ithaca NY
3438 SOUTHSIDE MALL Rd 2 Southside Oneonta NY
820 FAIR OAKS MALL 11850 U Fair Oaks Road Fairfax VA
2848 BUFFALO MALL 2400-8Th Ave Sw Jamestown ND
1421 COLUMBIA MALL 2300 Bernadette Dr. Columbia MO
7090 WAKEFIELD MALL Tower Hill Road & Wakefield RI
159 WESTFIELD NORTH COUNTY 200 East Via Rancho Parkw Escondido CA
799 OLD HICKORY MALL 2021 North Highland Ave Jackson TN
503 MONTGOMERY MALL 712 Montgomery Mall North Wales PA
1265 JEFFERSON VALLEY MALL 650 Lee Boulevard Yorktown Hgts NY
636 CARY TOWNE CENTER 1105 Walnut Street Cary NC
1469 MID RIVER MALL 1080 Mid Rivers Mall Driv Saint Peters MO
1578 WESTFIELD MERIDEN 470 Lewis Avenue Meriden CT
38 MARION CENTRE S/C 1475 Marion Waldo Rd Marion OH
5883 BAY CITY TOWN CENTER 4101 Wilder Road Bay City MI
809 THE GALLERY AT SOUTH DEKA 24 South Dekalb Mall Decatur GA
1425 VILLAGE MALL 2917 Vermillion St Danville IL
836 QUAIL SPRINGS MALL 2501 West Memorial Road Oklahoma City OK
5498 MERIDAN MALL 1982 West Grand River Okemos MI
3105 WILTON MALL 3065 Rte 50 Space B-12 Saratoga Springs NY
5138 THE LAKES MALL 5600 Harvey Road Muskegon MI
224 NORTHWOODS MALL 2200 War Memorial Drive Peoria IL
1472 HAMILTON MALL 4403 Black Horse Pike Mays Landing NJ
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Loc Number Location Name Location Address Location City Location State / Province
277 VOLUSIA MALL 1700 W Internatl Sdwy Blv Daytona Beach FL
1352 TOWSON TOWN CENTER 825 Dulaney Valley Road Towson MD
5411 THE GALLERY AT THE HARBOR 200 East Pratt St Baltimore MD
1666 SALEM CENTER 480 Center Street Ne Salem OR
8882 FASHION PLACE MALL 6191 State St Murray UT
2662 VILLAGE SQUARE MALL 83 Village Square Mall Effingham IL
1592 ENFIELD SQUARE MALL 90 Elm Street Enfield CT
41 COURTLAND CENTER 4190 East Court St Burton MI
9443 WINONA MALL 1213 Gilmore Ave Winona MN
9788 MERLE HAY MALL 3800 Merle May Mall Des Moines IA
1076 CRYSTAL RIVER MALL 1801 Nw Hwy 19 Crystal River FL
353 FOX VALLEY MALL 2356 Fox Valley Center Aurora IL
1448 GOLF MILL SHOPPING CENTER 247 Golf Mill Center Niles IL
2432 SANTA ROSA MALL Pr 2 Bayamon PR
414 FAIRLANE TOWN CENTER 18900 Michigan Avenue Dearborn MI
9956 EDGEWATER PLAZA 2600 Beach Blvd Biloxi MS
3904 THUNDERBIRD MALL 1421 B 12Th Ave S Virginia MN
1111 EAST HILLS MALL 3700 Frederick Ave St. Joseph MO
1471 THE MALL OF MONROE 2121 N Monroe St Monroe MI
291 INDEPENDENCE CENTER 18813 East 39Th St South Independence MO
9014 OAKWOOD SHOPPING CENTER 197 West Bank Expressway Terrytown LA
701 SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER 200 Towne Center Circle Sanford FL
25 ALMEDA MALL 12200 Gulf Freeway Houston TX
501 RIDGMAR MALL 2178 Green Oaks Road Fort Worth TX
208 LINDALE MALL 4444 First Ave N E Cedar Rapids IA
3591 HOLIDAY VILLAGE MALL 1753 Highway 2 W Havre MT
5584 PARAMUS PARK MALL 2040 Paramus Park Mall Paramus NJ
5642 MARSHFIELD MALL 503 East Ives Street Marshfield WI
3169 OLD ORCHARD MALL 4999 Old Orchard Center Skokie IL
514 MALL ST. VINCENT 1133 St. Vincent #110 Shreveport LA
5264 WESTFIELD SARASOTA SQUARE 8201 S Tamiami Trail Sarasota FL
695 PARADISE VALLEY MALL 4550 East Cactus Rd. Phoenix AZ
3082 STEEPLEGATE 270 Louden Road Concord NH
5028 LEE PREMIUM OUTLETS 50 Water Street Lee MA
5139 TANGER OUTLET CENTER DAYT 1100 Cornerstone Blvd Daytona Beach FL
8903 TANGER OUTLETS @ THE ARCH 1387 The Arches Circle Deer Park NY
2776 OUTLETS OF DES MOINES 545 Bass Pro Drive Nw Altoona IA
3776 THE OUTLET SHOPPES AT LAR 1600 Water Street Laredo TX
5026 TANGER OUTLET CENTER JEFF 8000 Factory Shops Blvd Jeffersonville OH
3613 NEBRASKA CROSSING OUTLET 21355 Nebraska Crossing D Gretna NE
3745 LOUISIANA BOARDWALK OUTLE 490 Boardwalk Blvd Bossier City LA
3600 EMPIRE OUTLETS 35B Richmond Terrace Staten Island NY
8804 OUTLETS AT CORPUS CHRISTI 500 North Ih 69 Robstown TX
1124 LAGUNA 99 PLAZA 8451 Elk Grove Blvd Elk Grove CA
3220 VINTAGE OAKS 120 Vintage Way Novato CA
7995 HERTITAGE PARK PLAZA 448 North Main Street East Longmeadow MA
14 CENTURY CENTER 353 Memorial Blvd West Springfield MA
8672 VILLAGE SHOPS 95 Washington Street Canton MA
8527 UNIVERSITY CENTER 4237 Campus Drive Irvine CA
9959 ESPLANADE SHOPPING CENTER 365 West Esplanade Drive Oxnard CA
9637 BLUE STAR SHOPPING CENTER 1701 Rt 22 West Watchung NJ
5587 SULLY PLAZA 13936 Lee Jackson Hwy Chantilly VA
2355 SHOPS @ DUNES ON MONTEREY 130 General Stilwell Dr Marina CA
8558 ARLINGTON SHOPPING CENTER 804 Us Highway 46 Parsippany NJ
7338 WAREHAM CROSSING 2421 Cranberry Hwy Wareham MA
8974 LANTANA SQUARE 206 Lantana Drive Hokessin DE
5916 GREAT LAKES MALL 7850 Mentor Avenue Mentor OH
47 THE SHOPS AT LA CANTERA 15900 La Cantera Pkwy San Antonio TX
6604 PARROT PLAZA 1401 W. North Avenue Melrose Park IL
8232 WESTFORD PLAZA 175 Littleton Rd Westford MA
2726 CATHEDRAL VILLAGE 69185 Ramon Road Cathedral City CA
5125 ARLINGTON SQUARE 4725 Reed Road Columbus OH
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Loc Number Location Name Location Address Location City Location State / Province
971 PAVILIONS PLACE 16420 Beach Blvd Westminster CA
8314 MORGAN HILL SHOPPING CENT 1057 Cochrane Rd Morgan Hill CA
7432 HIGHLAND COMMONS 56 Highland Commons East Hudson MA
7884 CROSS POINT CENTRE 101 E. Alex Bell Rd Centerville OH
9737 COPPER TREE PLAZA 350 Ramapo Valley Rd Oakland NJ
1135 NORTHBOROUGH CROSSING 9113 Shops Way Northborough MA
8731 SILVERNAIL SHOPPING CENTE 2116 Silvernail Rd Pewaukee WI
8357 TRIANGLE SHOPPING CENTER 20 Triangle Center Yorktown Heights NY
585 WOODBURN PLAZA SHOPPING C 3040 Sprague Lane Woodburn OR
8566 ROCKFORD PLAZA 4190 Vinewood Lane Plymouth MN
9230 THE ORCHARD TOWN CENTER 14583 Orchard Parkway Westminster CO
5221 COMMERCE TOWN CENTER 3050 Union Lake Rd Commerce MI
7876 THE SHOPPES AT HAWK RIDGE 6115 Ronald Reagan Drive Lake St. Louis MO
8733 RIVERVIEW WEST MARKETPLAC 3770 W. Mcfadden Ave Santa Ana CA
2724 GIBBS CROSSING 350 Palmer Rd Ware MA
9963 SHARP'S PLAZA 175 Route 70 East Medford NJ
9107 COTTONWOOD SHOPPING CENTE 1100 S. Hwy 260 #17A Cottonwood AZ
9353 PORT PLAZA 45 Storey Ave Newbury Port MA
1379 CURRY HOLLOW CENTER 314 1/2 Curry Hollow Dr Pleasant Hills PA
3515 EDMOND CROSSING S.C. 72 S.E. 33Rd Street Edmond OK
9184 TRAVER VILLAGE 2627 Plymouth Road Ann Arbor MI
1048 CRYSTAL CITY SHOPS @1750 1670 Crystal Sq Arcade Arlington VA
3619 WAYLAND TOWN CENTER 77 Andrew Ave Wayland MA
559 MUNDELEIN CROSSINGS 3022 Route 60 Mundelein IL
1558 SHOPPES @ PGH MILLS 2015 Pgh Mills Blvd Tarentum PA
5167 WALMART LAFAYETTE 1217 Diamond Circle Lafayette CO
1618 MIDDLESEX S.C. 1342 Eastern Blvd. Baltimore MD
1348 SUNRISE VILLAGE SHOPPING 4776 East Sunrise Drive Tucson AZ
5823 WEST MARKET SC 109 S Parket Street - 109 Olathe KS
7371 SPRING CREEK JUNCTION 681 South Green Bay Road Neenah WI
8069 WINDSOR COMMONS 3143 Cape Horn Road Red Lion PA
6997 SOUTHGATE PLAZA 3501 S Tamiami Trail Sarasota FL
1691 PADUCAH TOWNE CENTER 3216 Irvin Cobb Drive Paducah KY
7493 RIVER HILL VILLAGE CENTER 6030 Daybreak Circle Clarksville MD
8941 FALLS GROVE VILLAGE CTR 14933 F Shady Grove Rd Rocville MD
3270 SOUNDVIEW MARKETPLACE 20 Soundview Marketplace Port Washington NY
8954 GREENTREE ROAD S/C 1969 Greentree Rd Pittsburgh PA
9258 MALL @ SIERRA VISTA 2200 El Marcado Loop Sierra Vista AZ
9256 WHITTWOOD TOWN CENTER 15702 Whittwood Lane Whittier CA
9178 TROPICANA BELTWAY CENTER 5130 S. Ft Apache Rd Las Vegas NV
6775 THE SHOPPES AT OLD BRIDGE 3849 Us Highway 9 Old Bridge NJ
3894 NIAGARA CONSUMER SQUARE 7314 Niagara Falls Blvd Niagara Falls NY
9338 SHEEPSHEAD BAY 1710 Sheepshead Bay Rd Brooklyn NY
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Store List - Additional Locations
Loc Location Location Location
Number Name City State
11 Summit Mall Fairlawn OH
39 Berkshire Mall Wyomissing PA
137 Merced Mall Merced CA
155 Rivergate Mall Goodlettsville TN
187 Valley Mall Hagerstown MD
201 Northpark Mall Davenport IA
324 Foothills Fashion Mall Ft Collins CO
454 Columbia Center Kennewick WA
472 Westmoreland Mall Greensburg PA
536 Brea Mall Brea CA
596 Stroud Mall Stroudsburg PA
700 Montgomery Mall Bethesda MD
762 Midway Mall Elyria OH
1194 Valley Plaza Bakersfield CA
1239 Shawnee Mall Shawnee OK
1252 Ward Parkway Kansas City MO
1286 Rogers Plaza Wyoming MI
1830 Westfield Topanga Canoga Park CA
1855 Galleria At Roseville Roseville CA
2677 Dyersburg Mall Dyersburg TN
2694 Crossroads Mall Ft. Dodge IA
2965 Calhoun Square Minneapolis MN
3428 Hillsdale Mall San Mateo CA
5124 Palmer Park Mall Easton PA
5184 Westwood Mall Marquette MI
5548 Birchwood Mall Fort Gratiot MI
7098 Sierra Vista Mall Clovis CA
7906 Central Mall Salina KS
8227 Mall @ Robinson Pittsburgh PA
120 Valley Fair Mall West Valley UT
260 Fort Steuben Mall Steubenville OH
270 Westfield Sunrise Massapequa NY
313 Golden East Crossing Rocky Mount NC
463 Galleria Ft Lauderdale Ft Lauderdale FL
619 Lancaster Mall Salem OR
644 Independence Mall Wilmington NC
659 Boulevard Mall Amherst NY
785 Sangertown Square New Hartford NY
1091 Eastern Hills Mall Williamsville NY
1152 Clarion Mall Clarion PA
1217 Alpena Mall Alpena MI
1242 Richland Mall Mansfield OH
1243 Crossroads Of San Antonio San Antonio TX
1244 Fox Run Mall Newington NH
1307 Village Mall Auburn AL
1438 Midway Mall Sherman TX
1557 Ashtabula Mall Ashtabula OH
2688 Circle Centre Indianapolis IN
3191 Glenwood Springs Glenwood Springs CO
3271 Indian River Mall Vero Beach FL
3603 The Mall At Waycross Waycross GA
5081 Senorial Plaza Rio Piedras PR
5522 Lakeland Square Lakeland FL
5875 Clearview Shopping Center Metairie LA
7699 Eagle Ridge Mall Lake Wales FL
8388 Mt. Berry Square Mall Rome GA
8912 Triangle Town Center Raleigh NC
9598 Durango Mall Durango CO
58 Subtotal: Stores
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U.S. Consulting Agreement
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ϳϰϲϳ ϯϯϬϱd,s ϯϯϬϱdŚǀĞ EĞǁzŽƌŬ Ez
ϭϮϬϴ ϯϭϲϱ^d/Etz^d ϯϭϲϱ^ƚĞŝŶǁĂLJ^ƚ ƐƚŽƌŝĂ Ez
ϯϴϬϬ ϭϮϱWZ<sEh ϭϮϱWĂƌŬǀĞ EĞǁzŽƌŬ Ez
ϵϭϭϴ ϲϴϰd,/ZsEh ϲϴϰdŚŝƌĚǀĞŶƵĞ EĞǁzŽƌŬ Ez
ϭϱϲϵ ϮϮϬKΖ&ZZ>>^d ϮϮϬKΖ&ĂƌƌĞůů^ƚ ^ĂŶ&ƌĂŶĐŝƐĐŽ 
Ϯϱϲϰ ϭϬϯϰͲϭϬϯϲd,/Zs ϭϬϯϰͲϭϬϯϲdŚŝƌĚǀĞ EĞǁzŽƌŬ Ez
Ϯϰϳϵ ,K>>ztKKΘ,/',>E ϲϴϬϭ,ŽůůLJǁŽŽĚůǀĚ >ŽƐŶŐĞůĞƐ 
ϳϲϮϭ ϭϱϵK>hDh^s ϭϱϵŽůƵŵďƵƐǀĞ EĞǁzŽƌŬ Ez
ϳϭϮϯ Zdd>^YhZ KŶĞƌĂƚƚůĞ^ƋƵĂƌĞ ĂŵďƌŝĚŐĞ D
ϴϴϰϭ ϯϰϵEthZz^dZd ϯϰϵEĞǁďƵƌLJ^ƚ ŽƐƚŽŶ D
ϭϯϮϰ ϳϬ^ϲϵd,^d ϳϬ^ϲϵdŚ^ƚ hƉƉĞƌĂƌďLJ W
Ϯϯϴϰ ϴϭϮs/^^d ϴϭϮĂǀŝƐ^ƚ ǀĂŶƐƚŽŶ />
ϲϮϰϳ YhE^EdZ ϵϬͲϭϱYƵĞĞŶƐŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ ůŵŚƵƌƐƚ Ez
ϴϱϮϯ &^,/KE^,KtD>> ϯϮϬϬ>ĂƐsĞŐĂƐůǀĚ >ĂƐsĞŐĂƐ Es
ϱϬϰϳ ZKK^s>d&/>D>> ϲϯϬKůĚŽƵŶƚƌLJZŽĂĚ 'ĂƌĚĞŶŝƚLJ Ez
ϭϰϰϯ W,^Ed>ED>> ϯϭϬĂŶŝĞůtĞďƐƚĞƌ,ŐŚǁĂLJ EĂƐŚƵĂ E,
ϱϲϬ t^d&/>ZEKE ϯϱϲƌĂŶĚŽŶdŽǁŶƚƌDĂůů ƌĂŶĚŽŶ &>
ϯϲϬ Wd&KZD>> ϭϳϱϬĞƉƚĨŽƌĚĞŶƚĞƌZĚ ĞƉƚĨŽƌĚ E:
ϯϬϳϵ ^dD&KZdKtEEdZ ϭϬϬ'ƌĞLJƌŽĐŬWůĂĐĞ ^ƚĂŵĨŽƌĚ d
ϭϮϮϬ t^dtKKD>> ϭϳϱϰtĞƐƚDŝĐŚŝŐĂŶǀĞ :ĂĐŬƐŽŶ D/
ϴϭϳ t^d&/>EEWK>/^ ϭϬϯϮŶŶĂƉŽůŝƐDĂůů ŶŶĂƉŽůŝƐ D
ϴϰϲ t,/dDZ^,D>> ϴϮϬϬWĞƌƌLJ,ĂůůůǀĚ͘ ĂůƚŝŵŽƌĞ D
ϲϮϳϯ WZKs/EW>D>> ϱϰWƌŽǀŝĚĞŶĐĞWůĂĐĞ WƌŽǀŝĚĞŶĐĞ Z/
ϯϱϴ t^d>ED>> ϯϱϬϬϬt͘tĂƌƌĞŶZŽĂĚ tĞƐƚůĂŶĚ D/
Ϯϵϱϲ z^,KZdKtEEdZ ϰϰϬtEŽƌƚŚƐŚŽƌĞƌŝǀĞ 'ůĞŶĚĂůĞ t/
ϱϭϯϬ 'hZED/>>^ ϲϭϳϬt'ƌĂŶĚǀĞŶƵĞ 'ƵƌŶĞĞ />
ϯϱϯϭ '>Kh^dZWZD/hDKhd>d ϭϭϮϱ^͘ůĂĐŬŚŽƌƐĞWŝŬĞ ůĂĐŬǁŽŽĚ E:
ϭϱϴϰ WKdKDD/>>^ ϮϳϬϬWŽƚŽŵĂĐDŝůůƐŝƌĐůĞ tŽŽĚďƌŝĚŐĞ s
ϯϲϲ /E/EEd/WZD/hDKhd>d ϰϬϬWƌĞŵŝƵŵKƵƚůĞƚƐƌŝǀĞ DŽŶƌŽĞ K,
ϴϴ dt/E/d/^WZD/hDKhd> ϯϵϲϱĂŐĂŶKƵƚůĞƚƐWŬǁLJ ĂŐĂŶ DE
ϭϯϬ dE'ZKhd>d^ ϰϬϬ^ŽƵƚŚtŝůƐŽŶZŽĂĚ ^ƵŶďƵƌLJ K,
ϱϵϬ dE'ZKhd>dͲ,tzϱϬϭ ϰϲϯϱ&ĂĐƚŽƌLJ^ƚŽƌĞƐůǀĚ DLJƌƚůĞĞĂĐŚ ^
ϱϯϯϯ dE'ZKhd>d^^Khd,sE ϱϮϬϱŝƌǁĂLJƐůǀĚ ^ŽƵƚŚĂǀĞŶ D^
ϱϵϮϬ W^KK>KZK ϯϬϬ͘ŽůŽƌĂĚŽůǀĚ WĂƐĂĚĞŶĂ 
Ϯϯϳϲ Z/sZDZ<s/>>' ϯϵϯϱZŝǀĞƌŵĂƌŬWůĂnjĂ ^ĂŶƚĂůĂƌĂ 
ϳϬϯϴ hE/sZ^/dzd ϭϰϬhŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJdĐ ^ĂƌĂƐŽƚĂ &>
ϱϬϱϯ W,/>/W^W> ϲϳϱ^ƵŶƌŝƐĞ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJ >LJŶďƌŽŽŬ Ez
ϴϭϴϬ DZ<dW>EdZ ϭϯϲϭŽǀĞůůůǀĚ ĂǀŝƐ 
ϵϮϴϯ ZK^^<z^KDDKE^ ϯϱϬϭZƚϰϮ dƵƌŶĞƌƐǀŝůůĞ E:
ϯϰϵ ^,KW^dEEh
ϱϭϬϳ&ĂƐŚŝŽŶƌ EĂŶƵĞƚ Ez
ϯϰϳϰ ZEZZzW> ϮϵϵϭͲ:ƌĂŶďĞƌƌLJ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJ ĂƐƚtĂƌĞŚĂŵ D
Ϯϲϰϰ ^d,EKsZ^ ϮϰϬ^ƚĂƚĞZŽƵƚĞϭϬ ĂƐƚ,ĂŶŽǀĞƌ E:
ϳϭϮϭ ^,KW^d&>>Ed/DZ^ ϲϴϯϮZƵƐƐĞůůZŽĂĚ DĂƵŵĞĞ K,
ϱϮϳϯ ,Z^,z^YhZ^͘͘ ϭϭϯϴDĂĞ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ,ƵŵŵĞůƐƚŽǁŶ W
ϳϮϯϬ EKZd,,/>>^EdZ ϭϭϰϰ>ŽŶŶŝĞďďŽƚƚůǀĚ ĚĂ K<
ϱϱϳϰ ,DWdKEs/>>'EdZ Ϯϳϳϭ^ŽƵƚŚZŽĐŚĞƐƚĞƌZĚ ZŽĐŚĞƐƚĞƌ,ŝůůƐD/
ϲϭϬϭ WZ<^/^ ϳϴϬϬ:ŽŚŶĂǀŝƐƌŝǀĞ &ƌĂŶŬĨŽƌƚ <z
ϳϳϴϭ ϴϳϱ^/yd,s ϴϳϱǀĞŶƵĞKĨŵĞƌŝĐĂƐ EĞǁzŽƌŬ Ez
ϮϵϮϳ ϭϱϲϵ&>dh^,sEh ϭϱϲϵ&ůĂƚďƵƐŚǀĞ ƌŽŽŬůLJŶ Ez
ϰϯϱϴ />^KE& ƵŝůĚŝŶŐϰϬϱƌŽĂĚǁĂLJ ŝĞůƐŽŶ <
ϵϴϲϬ dz^E^WZ<^ͬ ϮϳϮϮ,LJůĂŶůǀĚ ^ƚĂƚĞŶ/ƐůĂŶĚ Ez
ϱϮϵϲ Z>EdZ ϯϲϵϬEŽƌƚŚ<ŝŶŐ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ůĞdžĂŶĚƌŝĂ s
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 41 of 109
Ϯϱϱ d,zZ^K/>ZD<Z^,K ϯϬϬdŝŶŐĞLJ^ƚ^Ğ tĂƐŚŝŶŐƚŽŶ 
ϱϰϯϭ >ZZ/dKW> ϮϯϬůĞƌƌŝƚŽWůĂnjĂ ůĞƌƌŝƚŽ 
ϴϳϱϵ h>sZEdZ ϯϴϭϬDŝĚǁĂLJǀĞŶƵĞ ƵůǀĞƌŝƚLJ 
ϭϮϲϳ ^d,/>>^s/>>' ϮϲϳϭKƐǁĞůů^ƚƌĞĞƚ ĂŬĞƌƐĨŝĞůĚ 
ϯϯϴϵ ^/D^hZzKDDKE^ ϱϯϬƵƐŚLJ,ŝůůZŽĂĚ ^ŝŵƐďƵƌLJ d
ϵϱϴϰ d,^,Kt^d/E/K ϰϮϰϮϱ:ĂĐŬƐŽŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ /ŶĚŝŽ 
ϱϭϱϬ W>zz Wƌϭ<ŵϱϱ͘Ϯ ĂLJĞLJ WZ
ϲϭϲϱ DKEds/>>KDDKE^ ϮϬϮϬEŽƌǁŝĐŚͲEĞǁ>ŽŶĚŽŶd DŽŶƚǀŝůůĞ d
ϱϮϭϵ ^E&>/WW> ϭϳϯϱ^ŽƵƚŚsŽƐƐ ,ŽƵƐƚŽŶ dy
ϵϬϮϴ s>>zEdZ>^ ϰϰϰϭϴsĂůůĞLJĞŶƚƌĂůtĂLJ >ĂŶĐĂƐƚĞƌ 
ϴϮϯϰ K>>'^YhZ ϮϭϬŽůůĞŐĞ^ƋƵĂƌĞ EĞǁĂƌŬ 
ϯϭϭ t>DZdW> ϲϱϲEĞǁ,ĂǀĞŶǀĞ ĞƌďLJ d
ϱϬϴϱ t^d>/&&W> ϭϬϯϲ/ƌǀŝŶĞǀĞ EĞǁƉŽƌƚĞĂĐŚ 
ϳϯϱϰ <DZd^,KWW/E'EdZ ϯϬϯϲZŽƵƚĞϯϱ^ŽƵƚŚ ,ĂnjůĞƚ E:
ϮϮϳϮ &KhEd/E^K&D/ZDZ Ϯϵϯϯ^ǁϭϲϬdŚǀĞ DŝƌĂŵĂƌ &>
ϳϰϮϭ :EdE,,zE/^> ϭϮϭϱϮEWĂǀŝůŝŽŶǀĞ WŽƌƚůĂŶĚ KZ
ϱϰϲϯ hZE<ZK^^/E' ϳϵϮϵ^,ĂƌůĞŵǀĞŶƵĞ ƵƌďĂŶŬ />
ϱϳϮϬ KZEZ^dKEΛ><,Zd ϭϬϱϮϰDŽƐƐWĂƌŬZĚ KƌůĂŶĚŽ &>
ϴϴϲϲ ,ZZz,/>>^,KWW/E'Ed ϰϲϮ,ĞŵƉƐƚĞĂĚdƵƌŶƉŝŬĞ tĞƐƚ,ĞŵƉƐƚĞĂĚ Ez
Ϯϰϭϲ 'tKKdKtEEdZ ϰϯϴͲĚŐĞǁŽŽĚůǀĚ >ĂŶƐŝŶŐ D/
ϭϬϰ KZ,Z^ ϮϬϴ^ϳϮEĚǀĞ zĂŬŝŵĂ t
ϱϱϰϳ <Ed>E^^YhZ Ϯϱϭ<ĞŶƚůĂŶĚƐŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ 'ĂŝƚŚĞƌƐďƵƌŐ D
ϵϬϬϭ :<^KEs/>>W> ϮϬϱϬ:ŽŚŶ,ĂƌĚĞŶƌŝǀĞ :ĂĐŬƐŽŶǀŝůůĞ Z
ϮϬϮϱ K>dKtE^YhZ ϭϮϯϳEŽƌƚŚůLJďŽƵƌŶǀĞ ŚŝĐĂŐŽ />
ϱϮϱϳ &/^ddZ/>^W> ϱϮϯϴĞnjĂǀĂůĂZŽĂĚ ^ĂŶŶƚŽŶŝŽ dy
ϵϲϳϯ >D,hZ^dZK^^/E'^,KWW/E ϭϳϳ^ŽƵƚŚZŽƵƚĞϴϯ ůŵŚƵƌƐƚ />
ϯϱϬϰ ZEdtKKW> ϴϰϴϱtŝŶƚŽŶZŽĂĚ ŝŶĐŝŶŶĂƚŝ K,
ϱϭϵϬ ,/>>^KZK^,KWW/E'EdZ ϲϰϵZŽƵƚĞϮϬϲŽŽƌϴ ,ŝůůƐďŽƌŽƵŐŚ E:
ϳϬϬϬ z^,KZ'ZE^ ϲϬϮϴϭϰdŚ^ƚƌĞĞƚtĞƐƚ ƌĂĚĞŶƚŽŶ &>
ϮϮϳϭ ZK,^dZZK^^/E' ϭϲϬͲϭϲϮtĂƐŚŝŶŐƚŽŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ZŽĐŚĞƐƚĞƌ E,
ϳϲϱϱ KZKs>>zDZ<dW> ϮϬϲϬdĂŶŐĞƌŝŶĞZŽĂĚ KƌŽsĂůůĞLJ 
ϵϴϬϭ ^Khd,Z/'ZK^^/E' ϴϬϴϮKĂŬĂƌƌŝĂŐĞŽƵƌƚE ^ŚĂŬŽƉĞĞ DE
ϮϬϵϮ DZ,Ed^WZ<^,KWW/E' ϵϱϯE^ŚĞƉŚĞƌĚƌ ,ŽƵƐƚŽŶ dy
ϱϭϱϳ W>^YhZ ϲϲϳ,ĂŵďƵƌŐdƵƌŶƉŝŬĞ tĂLJŶĞ E:
ϮϬϵϭ d,DZ<ddK<>E ϯϬϬϲ^DŽƌŐĂŶΖ^WƚZĚ DƚWůĞĂƐĂŶƚ ^
ϵϳϳ s/ZDZ<dEdZ ϲϳϮϵŽůŽŶŶĂĚĞǀĞ sŝĞƌĂ &>
ϱϮϴϵ KDDKE^d/^^Yh, ϳϱϱtĞƐƚ'ŝůŵĂŶůǀĚ͘ /ƐƐĂƋƵĂŚ t
ϭϮϵϮ W/E,hZ^d^YhZ ϭϬϬϭt/ŶƚĞƌƐƚĂƚĞǀĞ ŝƐŵĂƌĐŬ E
ϵϱϭϯ dZEdKEZK^^/E' ϳϲϬϬE͘ϭϬdŚ^ƚ DĐĂůůĞŶ dy
ϴϱϱϳ W/ZWK/EdEdZ ϳϭϲsĞŶƚƵƌĞƌŝǀĞ DŽƌŐĂŶƚŽǁŶ ts
ϳϮϬϳ 'K>E'd^,KWW/E'dZ ϭϱϭϯ'ŽůĚĞŶ'ĂƚĞZĚ DĂLJĨŝĞůĚ,ĞŝŐŚƚƐ K,
ϴϯϯ ^h^^yW> ϮϮϴϴϭ^ƵƐƐĞdž,ŝŐŚǁĂLJ ^ĞĂĨŽƌĚ 
ϲϭϳ ,Zd>Es/>>'^,KWW^ ϴϰϭϭtŝŶĚĨĂůů>ĂŶĞ ĂŵďLJ /E
ϱϱϴϱ dd>'ZKhEW> ϯϳϮϰͲ,ĂƚƚůĞŐƌŽƵŶĚǀĞ 'ƌĞĞŶƐďŽƌŽ E
ϳϴϭϬ ^,KWW^ΛWZ/^<z ϰϰϯϯŽŵŵŽŶƐƌŝǀĞĂƐƚ ĞƐƚŝŶ &>
ϭϮϲϴ D^dZDKDDKE^ ϯϯϬŵƐƚĞƌĚĂŵŽŵŵŽŶƐ ŵƐƚĞƌĚĂŵ Ez
ϳϵϱϵ >hZ/'ZK^^/E' ϰϭϳϯ^ƚĞƌůŝŶŐǀĞ <ĂŶƐĂƐŝƚLJ DK
ϴϱϬϳ ^hE^,/E^YhZ ϱϰϲĂƐƚtŽŽůďƌŝŐŚƚZĚ ŽLJŶƚŽŶĞĂĐŚ &>
ϱϭϲϬ t^dsK>h^/Z'/KE>^ͬ ϮϳϬϳ^ŽƵƚŚtŽŽĚůĂŶĚ ĞůĂŶĚ &>
ϭϴϲϰ ^,>zs/>>^ ϭϭϰ>ĞĞůǀĚ ^ŚĞůďLJǀŝůůĞ /E
ϳϯϮϯ ,sE>^YhZ ϯϴϮ,ĂǀĞŶĚĂůĞ^ƋƵĂƌĞ ƵďƵƌŶĚĂůĞ &>
ϭϯϴ ^,KWW^dWZ/Z/Z/' ϵϵϬϭϳϳdŚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ WůĞĂƐĂŶƚWƌĂŝƌŝĞ t/
Ϯϰ ZKK<>KZEZ ϱϲϬϱyĞƌdžĞƐǀĞ ƌŽŽŬůLJŶĞŶƚĞƌ DE
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 42 of 109
ϵϱϰϬ &ZE/^WK/Ed ϭϬϲ&ƌĂŶĐŝƐ>ĂŶĞ ĞĂǀĞƌĂŵ t/
ϭϴϭϮ dZDKEdKDZ<dW>^ͬ ϯϭϯϰt͘ĂƌĞĨƌĞĞ,ŐǁLJ WŚŽĞŶŝdž 
ϳϯϴϴ D/>hZ'ZK^^/E'^ ϮϲϰϬůĂŶĚŝŶŐůǀĚ DŝĚĚůĞďƵƌŐ &>
ϱϰϲϭ Z/sZZhE^,KWW/E'EdZ ϵϵϮϵDŝƌĂŵĂƌWĂƌŬǁĂLJ DŝƌĂŵĂƌ &>
Ϯϵϰ 'ZsK/^>h&&^ ηϯϱ'ƌĂǀŽŝƐůƵĨĨƐWůĂnjĂ &ĞŶƚŽŶ DK
ϯϵϮϯ ,/<KZz&>ds/>>' ϲϭϳϱ,ŝĐŬŽƌLJ&ůĂƚ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJ ĂŶƚŽŶ '
ϳϭϱϴ &ZE<>/EEdZ ϵϭϱ,ǁLJϯϮϭ >ĞŶŽŝƌ dE
ϮϬϮϯ K<,K>>Kt^YhZ ϭϱϴϵ^ŬĞĞƚůƵďZĚ ,ŝŐŚWŽŝŶƚ E
Ϯϴϲϭ h>sZZ/'W> ϮϮϱϱĂƐƚZŝĚŐĞZĚ ZŽĐŚĞƐƚĞƌ Ez
ϯϲϭϴ W,ZdDZ<dW> ϴϱϮĂƐƚDĂŝŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ƉŚƌĂƚĂ W
ϮϮϰϵ dhKZ^,KW^ ϵϳϱEĞZŝĐĞZŽĂĚ >ĞĞΖ^^Ƶŵŵŝƚ DK
ϲϴϭϮ K^t'KW> ϭϰϬ^ƚĂƚĞZƚϭϬϰ KƐǁĞŐŽ Ez
ϵϭϮϰ Zs>>z^,KWW/E'Ed ϯϭϬϬ^ŽƵƚŚ^ŚĞƌŝĚĂŶůǀĚ ĞŶǀĞƌ K
ϴϲϴϰ dZ/^ddD>> ϭϬZŽƵƚĞϮϯE DŽŶƚĂŐƵĞ E:
ϯϵϴϵ DKE>h^,KWW/E'dZ ϵϯϬsĂůŬĞŶďƵƌŐŚ^ƚ ,ŽŶŽůƵůƵ ,/
ϭϳϯϯ ^Khd,ZEZK^^/E' ϭϬϵϮϮ^ŽƵƚŚDĞŵŽƌŝĂůƌ dƵůƐĂ K<
ϭϳϮϮ s>>z^dd/KE ϭϮϲϴ^ŽƵƚŚhƐϭϴϵ ,ĞďĞƌ hd
ϵϳϴϲ W/EdZW> ϱϱϬϯϲdŚǀĞ^ŽƵƚŚtĞƐƚ ůƚŽŽŶĂ /
ϲϬϱϵ WKW>ZZ<W> ϯϬϱ>ĞŽŶĂƌĚǁŽŽĚƌ &ƌĂŶŬĨŽƌƚ <z
ϯϲϳϴ d,WZKDE ϭϲϮϱϱE^ĐŽƚƚƐĚĂůĞZĚ ^ĐŽƚƚƐĚĂůĞ 
ϴϵϬϵ DdZK:hEd/KE ϰϴϵϰ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJϭϴtĞƐƚ :ĂĐŬƐŽŶ D^
ϳϰϬϳ DKEKh',DZ<dW> ϭϭϳtŝůůŽǁ>ĂŶĞ DĐĚŽŶŽƵŐŚ '
ϱϲϬϴ dKtZW> ϭϯϴϲ^ĞŶƚĞƌǀŝůůĞZĚ ^ƚƵƌŐŝƐ D/
ϴϲϯϳ ZKK<>^YhZ ϮϮϯϱϭWŽŶƚŝĂĐdƌĂŝů ^ŽƵƚŚ>LJŽŶ D/
ϭϯϲϰ t,/dE>>^YhZ ϰϲϵϴ^tŚŝƚŶĂůůǀĞŶƵĞ DŝůǁĂƵŬĞĞ t/
ϴϳϳϭ DZ<^^YhZ ϰϲϬϬDŽďŝůĞ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJηϭϭ WĞŶƐĂĐŽůĂ &>
ϴϳϳϬ D/dKtE^YhZ^,KWW/E' ϭϱϳϯ'ĂƵƐĞŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ ^ůŝĚĞůů >
ϭϵϵϵ hE/sZ^/dzKDDKE^ ϭϵϯϬϭ^ƚĂƉŝƚŽůƌŝǀĞ ^ƚŚĂƌůĞƐ DK
ϳϬϮ '/E^DZ<dW> ϭϴϮϳDĂƌŬĞƚƉůĂĐĞƌ^Ğ ĂůĞĚŽŶŝĂ D/
ϮϴϮϳ DZ<dW>^͘͘ /ͲϳϵΘZŽƵƚĞϯϯ tĞƐƚŽŶ ts
ϭϯϬϬ &KZ^dW>t^d>ϭ ϯϮϬϳͲ&ŽƌĞƐƚƌŽŽŬZĚ >LJŶĐŚďƵƌŐ s
ϲϭϯϴ dt/EK<^EdZ ϮϬϬϭϱdŚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ^ŝůǀŝƐ />
ϭϰϰϭ ϭϴϴϮϯZsEh ϭϴϴϮϯZĚǀĞŶƵĞ EĞǁzŽƌŬ Ez
ϵϲϱϲ ϯϰϱϯ:ZKDs ϯϰϱϯ:ĞƌŽŵĞǀĞ ƌŽŶdž Ez
ϭϯϵϯ ϭϲϬϵt^d,^dZs ϭϲϬϵtĞƐƚĐŚĞƐƚĞƌǀĞ ƌŽŶdž Ez
ϯϴϰϭ ϱϱϯϬt>Ehd^dZd ϱϱϯϬtĂůŶƵƚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ WŝƚƚƐďƵƌŐŚ W
ϰϯϰϬ DWWE>dKE;D/E/Ϳ ϭϱϭϬϬĂŵƉWĞŶĚůĞƚŽŶ ĂŵƉWĞŶĚůĞƚŽŶ 
ϰϯϲϬ &KZdZ'';ϴϮEͿ ϴϮEĚďŶdƌŽŽƉ^ƚŽƌĞ &ŽƌƚƌĂŐŐ E
ϰϯϯϱ ^E/'KE;K<^/Ϳ EĂǀĂů^ƚĂƚŝŽŶ ^ĂŶŝĞŐŽ 
ϰϰϯϬ >DKKZE^ ƵŝůĚŝŶŐηϳϵϱ >ĞŵŽƌĞEĂƐ 
ϰϰϴϰ &KZd>/^^;KDDEdZͿ ůĚŐϮϬϳϱϮ'ƵůĨsŝĐƚŽƌLJt ůWĂƐŽ dy
ϰϯϱϰ DKhEd/E,KD& ϲϮϱ'ƵŶĨŝŐŚƚĞƌǀĞ DŽƵŶƚĂŝŶ,ŽŵĞĨď /
ϰϯϮϮ Z<^>& ϰϱϱƵƌƚŝƐZŽĂĚ ĂƌŬƐĚĂůĞĨď >
ϰϯϮϯ &/Z,/>& ƵŝůĚŝŶŐϮϰϲϱ &ĂŝƌĐŚŝůĚĨď t
ϰϯϱϲ sEEZ'& ƵŝůĚŝŶŐϭϬϰϬϬ sĂŶĚĞŶďĞƌŐĨď 
ϰϯϲϯ &KZd>;WydZͿ ƵŝůĚŝŶŐϵϬϮϱ &Žƌƚ>ĞĞ s
ϰϰϭϰ WdhyEdZ/sZE^ ϮϮϬϵϵƵĚĚŝŚLJZŽĂĚ WĂƚƵdžĞŶƚZŝǀĞƌ D
ϰϰϱϲ >K^E'>^& ϰϴϯE͘ǀŝĂƚŝŽŶůǀĚ ů^ĞŐƵŶĚŽ 
ϰϯϯϵ tZ^& ďdždžĐŚĂŶŐĞ ĚǁĂƌĚƐĨď 
ϰϰϬϰ ^zDKhZ:K,E^KE& ϭϯϱϬĚǁĂƌĚƐ^ƚƌĞĞƚ 'ŽůĚƐďŽƌŽ E
ϰϯϵϴ >>,^E^:Z ϰϬϬZƵƐƐĞůůǀĞ ĞůůĞŚĂƐƐĞ >
ϰϰϳϴ &KZd>/^^;D/E/Ϳ ϭϯϰϳϭ^ĞƌŐĞĂŶƚDĂũŽƌůǀĚ ůWĂƐŽ dy
ϰϰϭϴ ,hEdZZDz/Z&/> ϭϯϬ,ĂůĞLJǀĞ ^ĂǀĂŶŶĂŚ '
ϰϰϲϮ h&KZdD^ ƵŝůĚŝŶŐϭϮϴϯ'ŝĞŐŽƌǀĞ ĞĂƵĨŽƌƚ ^
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ϰϯϱϮ &͘͘tZZE& ϲϭϳDŝƐƐůĞƌŝǀĞ ŚĞLJĞŶŶĞ tz
ϰϯϬϰ KsZ& Ϯϲϲ'ĂůĂdžLJtĂLJ ŽǀĞƌĨď 
ϰϯϳϬ 'h>&WKZdE ůĚŐ͘ϰϳϬ 'ƵůĨƉŽƌƚ D^
ϰϰϯϱ WKZd^DKhd,Es>,K^W/d
^ƚŽƌĞϯϵͬϯϬůĚŐϯ WŽƌƚƐŵŽƵƚŚ s
ϰϰϵϴ z^^& ϮϲϬŽŵŵŝƐƐĂƌLJZŽĂĚ ďŝůĞŶĞ dy
ϰϯϳϭ dzE>>& ϮϮϬDĂůů>Ŷ^ƚĞϮ dLJŶĚĂůůĨď &>
ϰϰϵϳ WZZ/^/^>EDZ ƵŝůĚŝŶŐϰϬϲ WĂƌƌŝƐ/ƐůĂŶĚ ^
ϰϯϲϭ '>/E&;D/E/Ϳ ϰϯϭϬϳϳdŚ^ƉĞĐŝĂů&ŽƌĐĞƐ ŐůŝŶĨď &>
ϮϯϮϴ ,h>s/^dEdZ ϱϱϱƌŽĂĚǁĂLJ ŚƵůĂsŝƐƚĂ 
ϮϱϰϬ WZdZ^,KWW/E'EdZ ϱϯϮĂƐƚWĞƌŬŝŶƐ^ƚƌĞĞƚ hŬŝĂŚ 
ϭϭϯϭ >K^>dK^EdZ ϱϱϱϱ^ƚĞĂƌŶƐ^ƚ >ŽŶŐĞĂĐŚ 
ϱϴϮϬ >zdKE^dd/KE ϱϰϯϱ,ůĂLJƚŽŶZŽĂĚ ůĂLJƚŽŶ 
ϳϭϱϱ ϲϲͲϲϵ&Z^,WKEZ ϲϲͲϲϵ&ƌĞƐŚWŽŶĚZĚ ZŝĚŐĞǁŽŽĚ Ez
ϳϲϱϳ d/DZ,/>>^^͘͘ ϭϬϲϳDŽŶŽtĂLJ ^ŽŶŽƌĂ 
ϲϳϴϮ ^,KWW^Λ&Ky,^ ϰϲϱϭƵŬĞ^ƚ ůĞdžĂŶĚƌŝĂ s
ϭϴϱϲ EW:hEd/KE ϲϬϰϬDĂŝŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ŵĞƌŝĐĂŶĂŶLJŽŶ 
ϳϲϵϬ D/>>WKEs/>>' ϯϴϬͲƐŐŐ,ĂƌďŽƌZŽĂĚ ^ĞǁĞůů E:
ϳϭϮϬ ^Khd,WKZddKtEEdZ ϮϬϱϬdŽǁŶĞŶƚĞƌWůĂnjĂ tĞƐƚ^ĂĐƌĂŵĞŶƚŽ 
ϯϯϬϯ dZ//dzW> ϭϲϬdƌŝŝƚLJZŽĂĚ ^ŽŵĞƌƐǁŽƌƚŚ E,
ϮϳϬϳ d,WZKDEdK>/E'Z ϲϯϵŽƵŐŚƚŽŶZĚ ŽůŝŶŐďƌŽŽŬ />
ϱϱϭϭ Z^,/>>W> ϵϳϭĞĂƌĚƐ,ŝůůZŽĂĚ ďĞƌĚĞĞŶ D
ϲϮϭϲ DKts/t^YhZ ϮϱϬϬ^ƚĂƚĞZƚĞϱϵ^ƚĞηϴ <ĞŶƚ K,
ϭϯϴϳ W>WZK^>^hZ>K /ŶƚĞƌƐĞĐƚŝŽŶKĨ^ƚĂƚĞZĚƐ ^ĂŶƚĂ/ƐĂďĞů WZ
ϱϭ d,^,KWW^d/EED/E^K ϭϮϳZŽƵƚĞϭϯϬ^ŽƵƚŚ ŝŶŶĂŵŝŶƐŽŶ E:
ϲϱϮ ZK^^/E'd>/^KE ϭϵϯZŝǀĞƌZŽĂĚ >ŝƐďŽŶ d
ϳϴϵϱ >KEKE'ZKss/>>' ϵϬϱ'ĂƉEĞǁƉŽƌƚWŝŬĞ ǀŽŶĚĂůĞ W
ϯϬϯϭ W/EZ<^͘͘ ϳϭϲͲ&ƌĞĞŵĂŶ>ĂŶĞ 'ƌĂƐƐsĂůůĞLJ 
ϯϵϰϱ &KK&KZd,Kh',d ϰϱEŽƌƚŚĞƌŶŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ 'ƌĞĞŶǀĂůĞ Ez
ϭϮϰϱ WEE/^h>ZK^^/E' ϮϲϲϳϬĞŶƚĞƌǀŝĞǁƌŝǀĞ DŝůůƐďŽƌŽ 
Ϯϴϵϯ dEd>>KEEdZ ϭϬϳϮϵ/ŶĚŝĂŶ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJ &ŽƌƚtĂƐŚŝŶŐƚŽŶ D
Ϯϳϵϳ D/^^/KEW> ϭϰϭϮE͘,^ƚƌĞĞƚ^ƵŝƚĞ >ŽŵƉŽĐ 
ϯϰϯϯ EKZd,WZKs/EDZ<d ϭϭ^ŵŝƚŚĨŝĞůĚZŽĂĚ EŽƌƚŚWƌŽǀŝĚĞŶĐĞ Z/
ϯϳϭϵ dt/E^hZ'dKtEEdZ ϴϵϯϰĂƌƌŽǁZŽĂĚ dǁŝŶƐďƵƌŐ K,
ϱϬϱϭ E/^Yh>>zW> ϭϬϭϬzĞůŵǀĞ zĞůŵ t
ϵϯϲϬ >EZ/'^,KWW/E'E ϴϬϬϬZĞƐĞĂƌĐŚ&ŽƌĞƐƚƌŝǀ dŚĞtŽŽĚůĂŶĚƐ dy
ϴϵϴϰ W>>K^d ǀĞĂƐƚŽWĞƌĞnjηϯϭϯ ^ĂŶ'ĞƌŵĂŶ WZ
ϮϯϮϳ Z>/E/Z>W> ϭϭϲtĂůŬĞƌǀĞ tĞƐƚĞƌůŝŶ E:
ϯϬϮϴ ^,/>K,EdZ ϲϰϬϬ,ĞŵďƌĞĞ>ĂŶĞ tŝŶĚƐŽƌ 
ϭϰϳϵ 'ZEWKZdKDDKE^ ϰϮϰ&ĂŝƌǀŝĞǁǀĞ ,ƵĚƐŽŶ Ez
ϮϮϱϰ EKZd,,sEWs/>/KE ϮϬϬhŶŝǀĞƌƐĂůƌŝǀĞEŽƌƚŚ EŽƌƚŚ,ĂǀĞŶ d
ϳϴϬϮ ZKDKs/>>dKtEEdZ ϰϮϳEŽƌƚŚtĞďĞƌZŽĂĚ ZŽŵĞŽǀŝůůĞ />
ϴϯϲϬ ^h&&K><^,KWW/E'EdZ ϰϬϰϲEĞƐĐŽŶƐĞƚ,ŐŚǁLJηϭ ĂƐƚ^ĞƚĂƵŬĞƚEz
ϳϲϮϰ '/^dKtE^͘͘ ϰϬϭ,ĂƌŵŽŶLJZŽĂĚ 'ŝďďƐƚŽǁŶ E:
Ϯϰϳϰ DKtZKK<ZK^^/E' ϭϮϰ^ƚĂƚĞZŽĂĚϭϬϭ ŵŚĞƌƐƚ E,
ϲϭϳϯ >y/E'dKE^dd/KE ϯϴϯϯ>ĞdžŝŶŐƚŽŶǀĞŶƵĞ ƌĚĞŶ,ŝůůƐ DE
ϲϱϭϮ s/>>'KDDKE^dt^>z ϱϵϮϮtĞĚĚŝŶŐƚŽŶDŽŶƌŽĞZĚ tĞƐůĞLJŚĂƉĞů E
ϱϯϴϳ hE>tdKE^YhZ ϯϴϱϵ^ŽƵƚŚEŽǀĂZŽĂĚ WŽƌƚKƌĂŶŐĞ &>
ϴϱϯϭ EtWKZdEKZd,^ ϭϮϴϬŝƐŽŶǀĞŶƵĞ EĞǁƉŽƌƚĞĂĐŚ 
ϱϯϱϭ Et,KW/dzEdZ ϰϮϯϳtŝŶŶĞƚŬĂǀĞ EĞǁ,ŽƉĞ DE
ϲϮϵϮ 'KZ'^s/>>^YhZ ϭϲϭϳ'ĞŽƌŐĞƐǀŝůůĞ^ƋƵĂƌĞ ŽůƵŵďƵƐ K,
ϴϳϭϬ ^Ed&^,KWW/E'EdZ ϭϯϱϬϱ^ŽƵƚŚDƵƌͲ>ĞŶ KůĂƚŚĞ <^
ϱϳϮϳ t/EdZ^WZ/E'^d ϭϭϴϴůŝĨĨZŽƐĞƌ tŝŶƚĞƌ^ƉƌŝŶŐƐ &>
ϳϯϮϮ dd>'ZKhEDZ<ddZ ϮϮϭϬtDĂŝŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚƐƵŝƚĞϭϭϯ ĂƚƚůĞ'ƌŽƵŶĚ t
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ϵϴϱϵ ^,ZtKKDZ<dEdZ ϭϲϬϬϴ^ǁdƵĂůĂƚŝŶͲ^ŚĞƌǁŽŽ ^ŚĞƌǁŽŽĚ KZ
ϲϮϯϳ d,s/>>'/E>/E ϰϯϯϱWŚĞĂƐĂŶƚZŝĚŐĞƌ ůĂŝŶĞ DE
ϭϯϲϴ DKEZKW> ϭϵϴϭϳ^ƚĂƚĞZŽƵƚĞϮ DŽŶƌŽĞ t
ϳϰϰϱ E/>Ζ^ZK^^/E'^ͬ ϲϵϬϬĂŶŝĞůƐWĂƌŬǁĂLJ &ŽƌƚDLJĞƌƐ &>
ϱϰϴϮ KZ>tKKD>> ϮϯϬϭĞůWƌĂĚŽůǀĚ,Ͳϲ ĂƉĞŽƌĂů &>
ϱϱϳϯ K>>'WZ<^,KWW/E'dZ ϯϰϱϱtĞƐƚϴϲdŚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ /ŶĚŝĂŶĂƉŽůŝƐ /E
ϲϱϮϰ EKZd,DKhEd/Es/>>' ϯϰϯϭtdŚƵŶĚĞƌďŝƌĚZĚ WŚŽĞŶŝdž 
ϱϴϱϱ z</DϰϬd,s^͘ ϭϯϬϬE͘ϰϬdŚǀĞ͘ zĂŬŝŵĂ t
ϱϱϲϳ ^,KW^dD>d ϭϱ<ĞŶĚĂůůtĂLJ DĂůƚĂ Ez
ϵϯϰϭ ^t'Z^^WZKDE ϭϯϯϱ^ŽƵƚŚDŝůůŝƚĂƌLJdƌĂŝ ĞĞƌĨŝĞůĚĞĂĐŚ &>
ϲϯϭϲ tdZhZzW> ϭϱϮŚĂƐĞǀĞ tĂƚĞƌďƵƌLJ d
Ϯϲϰϳ tZdKtEdKtEEdZ ϱϬϭZŽƵƚĞϵ^ƵŝƚĞϯϬϬ tĂƌĞƚŽǁŶ E:
ϱϯϬϳ WEE,/>>^EdZ Ϯϴ&ĞĚĞƌĂůƌŝǀĞ WĞŶŶ,ŝůůƐ W
ϮϲϳϬ ^D,Kh^dKEd ϭϮϳϬϵ/ŶƚĞƌƐƚĂƚĞ,ǁLJϰϱE tŝůůŝƐ dy
ϮϬϵϰ WZ/^^,KWW^K&^hDD ϭϱϴϱĞŶƚƌĂůǀĞ ^ƵŵŵĞƌǀŝůůĞ ^
ϯϮϮ ZKK<>^,KWW/E'EdZ ϵϲϱϭͲϭϬϬƌŽŽŬĚĂůĞƌŝǀĞ ŚĂƌůŽƚƚĞ E
ϳϰϮϴ ^d,,/>KDDKE^ ϴϯϬŽŵŵŽŶƐWůĂĐĞ DĂŶŚĂƚƚĂŶ <^
ϭϴϰ W>KDZW> ϵϲϭWĂůŽŵĂƌŝƌƉŽƌƚZĚ ĂƌůƐďĂĚ 
ϭϴϲϱ Ed/K,ZK^^/E'^ͬ ϰϭϳ/ůZƚĞϭϳϯ ŶƚŝŽĐŚ />
ϱϰϲϬ <DZdW>^
ϰϰϰϱƵĨĨĂůŽZŽĂĚ ƌŝĞ W
ϯϱϴϯ '/',ZKZEKZd, ϭϭϰϯϬϱϭ^ƚǀĞEǁ 'ŝŐ,ĂƌďŽƌ t
ϴϴϯϭ ^/'E>Dds/>>'^ ϱϰϭ^ŝŐŶĂůDŽƵŶƚĂŝŶZĚͲ ŚĂƚƚĂŶŽŽŐĂ dE
Ϯϯϯϲ KddZZ<^͘͘ Ϯϰϴ^͘ZĂŶĚĂůůZŽĂĚ ůŐŝŶ />
ϭϯϳϲ ^,KWZ/d^,KWW/E'EdZ ϯϲϬŽŶŶĞĐƚŝĐƵƚǀĞ EŽƌǁĂůŬ d
ϲϬϲϰ ^htEEW> ϲϴϮϰ^ƵǁĂŶŶĞĞWůĂnjĂ>Ŷ >ŝǀĞKĂŬ &>
ϴϯϲϰ t,d>EDZ<dW> ϯϭϬϴ^͘ZŽƵƚĞϱϵ EĂƉĞƌǀŝůůĞ />
ϭϱϳϱ dKZZ/E'dKEKDDKE^ ϮϮϱ,ŝŐŚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ dŽƌƌŝŶŐƚŽŶ d
ϳϲϭϵ ^WZ/E'^s/>>'^͘͘ ϯϵϱϯ^͘^ƚĂƚĞ,ǁLJϵϳ ^ĂŶĚ^ƉƌŝŶŐƐ K<
ϴϰϬϭ <EKys/>>'^YhZ ϭϱϬϰͲŽƐŚĂĐƚŽŶǀĞ Dƚ͘sĞƌŶŽŶ K,
ϳϯϰϴ ^ZdDKhEd/EW> ϰϲϱϬtŽŽĚƌŽǁĞĂŶ ůWĂƐŽ dy
ϱϭϳϭ EKZd,t^dWZKDE ϲϳϯϳDĂŶĂƚĞĞǀĞt ƌĂĚĞŶƚŽŶ &>
ϳϮϴϮ WZ<tzW> ϮϴϱƵŵďĞƌůĂŶĚWŬǁLJ DĞĐŚĂŶŝĐƐďƵƌŐ W
ϯϳϳϵ t,/tdKtEEdZ ϵϯϱĂůŝĨŽƌŶŝĂǀĞŶƵĞ tĂŚŝĂǁĂ ,/
ϲϴϴϮ KZ<dKtEEdZϭ ϭϳϮϭ^ϮϬdŚ^ƚ KnjĂƌŬ DK
ϮϰϬϲ ^hZWZ/^><^YhZ ϵϬϬĂƐƚDĞƌŝĚŝĂŶηϮϮ DŝůƚŽŶ t
ϱϴϴϱ WK<'DZK ϮϬϰϲ^WŽŬĞŐĂŵĂǀĞ 'ƌĂŶĚZĂƉŝĚƐ DE
ϵϭϵϬ tzEsEhW> ϵϰϵtĂLJŶĞǀĞŶƵĞ ŚĂŵďĞƌƐďƵƌŐ W
Ϯϭϲϲ EtWKZdK^dW> ϮϭϭϱϭEĞǁƉŽƌƚŽĂƐƚƌ EĞǁƉŽƌƚĞĂĐŚ 
ϳϲϯϲ KWZ<tz^ ϮϳϳϰEŽďďWĂƌŬǁĂLJ <ĞŶŶĞƐĂǁ '
ϭϴϳϯ KsZ>EW> ϵϭϮϲWĂŐĞǀĞŶƵĞ KǀĞƌůĂŶĚ DK
ϯϵϮϲ EKZt><<KZEZ^^͘͘ ϮϬϭDŝůĂŶǀĞŶƵĞ EŽƌǁĂůŬ K,
ϱϱϯϳ EKZd,tKKW> ϭϵϲϲEŽƌƚŚǁŽŽĚWůĂnjĂ &ƌĂŶŬůŝŶ /E
ϱϰϯϬ dZ/>W> ϭϬϱϲ^͘t͘ϲϳdŚǀĞ DŝĂŵŝ &>
ϭϬϰϱ ^,KZ'd^͘͘ ϯϬϬϭϬ>ĂŬĞƐŚŽƌĞǀĞŶƵĞ tŝůůŽǁŝĐŬ K,
ϮϮϯϲ ZKK<'d^,KWW/E'EdZ ϱϳϳϯ^ŵŝƚŚZŽĂĚ ƌŽŽŬWĂƌŬ K,
ϳϲϳϮ &KhEd/EK<^^ ϰϵϮϬZŽƐǁĞůůZĚ ƚůĂŶƚĂ '
ϵϬϵϳ >KKD&/>sEh^,KWW^ ϲϬϴϵ,ĂŐŐĞƌƚLJZŽĂĚ tĞƐƚůŽŽŵĨŝĞůĚ D/
ϴϬϱϭ 'tKKdKtEEdZ ϭϳϮϱ^ŽƵƚŚƌĂĚĚŽĐŬǀĞ WŝƚƚƐďƵƌŐŚ W
ϴϲϭϭ t^d^,KZW> ϭϴϯϭ^ŚĞƌŵĂŶůǀĚ DƵƐŬĞŐŽŶ D/
ϭϲϵϬ WZ^/Ed/>WZ<tzW> ϭϲϴ<ĞƵůZĚ ŝdžŽŶ />
ϲϮϲ W,KE/yEdZ// ϯϬϭϲWŚŽĞŶŝdžĞŶƚĞƌƌŝǀĞ tĂƐŚŝŶŐƚŽŶ DK
ϴϴϰϲ d,t>Ehd'ZKs ϰϬϭϬhŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJǀĞ DĂĚŝƐŽŶ t/
ϲϱϴϳ W>^,KWW/E'EdZ ϭϬϮϳ^ŽƵƚŚDƵƐŬŽŐĞĞ dĂůĞƋƵĂŚ K<
Ϯϳ >hDZdKEW> ϭϲϯϲZƚϯϴΘĂƌLJĞƐƚŽǁŶ >ƵŵďĞƌƚŽŶ E:
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ϴϭϵϯ K>KEz^YhZ ϳϮϲĂƐƚDĂŝŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ >ĞďĂŶŽŶ K,
ϭϱϳϭ :KZE>E ϭϰϭϲĞƌůŝŶdƵƌŶƉŝŬĞ tĞƚŚĞƌƐĨŝĞůĚ d
ϮϭϬϰ EDK</s/>>' ϯϰϱϱEĂŵĞŽŬŝZŽĂĚ 'ƌĂŶŝƚĞŝƚLJ />
ϳϰϬϲ WK^dKDDKE^ ϰϭϬϬEŽƌƚŚtŝĐŬŚĂŵZĚ DĞůďŽƵƌŶĞ &>
ϲϯϲϯ DZZzDd/E'W> ϭϰϳĂƚŚZŽĂĚ ƌƵŶƐǁŝĐŬ D
ϲϴϰϱ WW>dZD>> KƌĐŚĂƌĚsŝĞǁƌŝǀĞΘ >ŽŶĚŽŶĚĞƌƌLJ E,
ϴϵϬϱ ^,KW^d'>WZKDE ϯϭϭϲ^ƚĂƚĞ^ƚ ĂŐůĞ /
ϳϱ DE,ddEW> ϭϴϬϭDĂŶŚĂƚƚĂŶůǀĚ ,ĂƌǀĞLJ >
ϯϵϱϯ '/^dZK^^/E' ϵϴϬϱ&ĂůůƌĞĞŬZŽĂĚ /ŶĚŝĂŶĂƉŽůŝƐ /E
ϲϱ KEzE<dKEW> ϯϬϭϯƌŽĂĚǁĂLJǀĞ^ƵŝƚĞϰ zĂŶŬƚŽŶ ^
ϱϱϳϴ D/Z^K>t>< ϲϮϯϭWŐĂůǀĚ WĂůŵĞĂĐŚ'ĂƌĚĞŶƐ &>
ϲϲϴϯ ^h'ZZ<EdZ ϯϲ^ƵŐĂƌƌĞĞŬĞŶƚĞƌ ĞůůĂsŝƐƚĂ Z
ϱϵϮϭ ^Khd,>EZK^^/E'^ ϭϮϮϬŽƌĂůZĚ zŽƵŶŐƐƚŽǁŶ K,
ϲϲϵϲ dKtEΘKhEdZz^͘͘ ϰϵϰ͘t͘WůĂnjĂƌŝǀĞ ŽůƵŵďŝĂŝƚLJ /E
ϭϴϴϯ DKhEd/Es/ts/>>' ϰϲϬϴtWĂƌƚƌŝĚŐĞŚŝůů>ĂŶĞ ZŝǀĞƌƚŽŶ hd
ϱϳϯϰ Wh>/yΛ&/^,,t<ZE, ϱϲϲϮ&ŝƐŚŚĂǁŬƌŽƐƐŝŶŐů >ŝƚŚŝĂ &>
ϲϱϯϲ /E/EdZ/>^YhZ ϱϳϯϵWƌĞƐƚŽŶ,ǁLJ >ŽƵŝƐǀŝůůĞ <z
ϴϯϱ ZKK<^'W> ϴϭ^ŽƵƚŚDĂŝŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ DĂƌůďŽƌŽ E:
ϭϭϰϱ /Z>s/>>W> ϭϰϰϮŝƌĐůĞǀŝůůĞWůĂnjĂƌ ŝƌĐůĞǀŝůůĞ K,
ϲϲϲϭ ^d>ZK<^YhZ ϭϭϲϯĂƐƚDĂŝŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ WƌŝĐĞ hd
ϱϵϭϵ ><tKKZE,d ϴϯϯϴDĂƌŬĞƚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ƌĂĚĞŶƚŽŶ &>
ϯϲϵϮ '>EEtKKKDDKE^ ϴϮϬ^ƵŶďƵƌLJZĚ ĞůĂǁĂƌĞ K,
ϴϲϵϱ ><^,KZW> ϰϭϯϳDŽƵŶƚĂŝŶZŽĂĚ WĂƐĂĚĞŶĂ D
ϲϯϱϰ KKKDDKE^ ϮϯϬϭ^ƚĂƚĞ,ŐǁLJηϱϮϰ ŽĐŽĂ &>
ϱϮϰϲ EKZd,^dd/KE^͘͘ ϭϰϴϲ'ĂƌŶĞƌΖ^^ƚĂƚŝŽŶůǀ ZĂůĞŝŐŚ E
ϭϮϲϲ ^EdZzW> ϭϬϮϰϰt͘EĂƚŝŽŶĂůǀĞ tĞƐƚůůŝƐ t/
ϱϰϮϭ &^d/s>ΛK>Z/' ϭϮϯϱϵŝůůŝŶŐŚĂŵ^ƋƵĂƌĞ >ĂŬĞZŝĚŐĞ s
ϮϳϮϮ &>D/E'W> ϰϬϮϯ^ǁϭϬdŚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ dŽƉĞŬĂ <^
ϱϲϬϯ <ZK'ZEdZ ϮϬϮϴ^͘,ŝŐŚǁĂLJϱϯ >ĂŐƌĂŶŐĞ <z
ϱϮϴ DW>WZ<W> ϮϴϯEŽƌƚŚtĞďĞƌZŽĂĚ ŽŝůŝŶŐďƌŽŽŬ />
ϲϳϲϭ >/d,dKtE^͘͘ ϭϱϳϱ^ŽƵƚŚDĂƌŬĞƚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ůŝnjĂďĞƚŚƚŽǁŶ W
ϲϬϯϳ t,/^WZ/E'tKK^W> ϮϬϳϳϯ'ŝďƌĂůƚĞƌ ƌŽǁŶƐƚŽŶĞ D/
ϮϬϮϲ t^dZ/'^YhZ ϭϬϱϵtĞƐƚWĂƚƌŝĐŬ^ƚ &ƌĞĚĞƌŝĐŬ D
ϲϯϳ ZE>>Ζ^Zz^d>&>>^
ϯϱϬϭE>ĂŬĞůŝŶĞůǀĚ >ĞĂŶĚĞƌ dy
ϳϳϵϰ ^,KW^K&DZK ϭϲϳ^͘ĂƌĨŝĞůĚƌ DĂƌĐŽ/ƐůĂŶĚ &>
ϴϲϭϮ ^Khd,s/>>'^ͬ ϭϴϱϬͲϭϳϮEĚǀĞ 'ƌĂŶĚ,ĂǀĞŶ D/
ϱϯϳϰ ^Khd,>E^ ϲϴϱϱ^ŽƵƚŚůĂŶĚƌ DŝĚĚůĞďƵƌŐ,ĞŝŐŚƚƐ K,
ϯϱϴϬ D/EZW> ϮϲϮϱE͘DĞƐĂ ůWĂƐŽ dy
Ϯϳϰϰ <z^dKEW> ϯϱϳϰ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJϯϭ^ŽƵƚŚ WĞůŚĂŵ >
ϳϰϲϭ ^,tΖ^W> ϳϳϬZŽŽƐĞǀĞůƚdƌĂŝůZŽĂĚ tŝŶĚŚĂŵ D
ϱϳϵϳ t>dZKZKW> ϯϮϭĞůůƐ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJ tĂůƚĞƌďŽƌŽ ^
ϭϲϯϬ >/&&><^͘͘ ϭϵϲϬůŝĨĨ>ĂŬĞZŽĂĚ ĂŐĂŶ DE
ϯϵϯϯ ,KWt>>ZK^^/E'^ ϴϬϬĞŶŽǁZŽĂĚ ,ŽƉĞǁĞůůdǁƉ E:
ϱϰϰϳ dZt/E^^,KWW/E'dZ ϭϬϭϰϱϳhƐϭ <ĞLJ>ĂƌŐŽ &>
ϲϳϴϯ DZ,Ed^t><^͘͘ ϮϭϱDĞƌĐŚĂŶƚΖ^tĂůŬ^͘͘ ^ƵŵŵĞƌƐǀŝůůĞ ts
ϮϬϯϳ /D>zW> ϭϴϬϭ^͘ĞĚĂƌ^ƚ /ŵůĂLJ D/
ϯϱϱ W/EZ/'^YhZ ϭϰϭϳtĞƐƚDĂŝŶ^ƚ 'ĂLJůŽƌĚ D/
ϰϵϬ Kd,EWs/>/KE ϰϱϮϭDŽŶƚŐŽŵĞƌLJ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJ ŽƚŚĂŶ >
ϴϱϲϬ ZKh<DZ<dW> ϵϭϳϮWĂƌŬǁĂLJĂƐƚηϭϱ ŝƌŵŝŶŐŚĂŵ >
ϮϬϵϲ &Ky><Zd/>EdZ ϭϯϵϬhƐZŽƵƚĞϭϮ &Ždž>ĂŬĞ />
ϳϰϲϬ >>/ZW> ϮϲϲϭEŽƌƚŚƚůĂŶƚŝĐǀĞ ĂLJƚŽŶĂĞĂĐŚ &>
ϴϰϳ ,/>>Z^d^,KWW/E'EdZ Ϯϯϯ,ŝůůĐƌĞƐƚ^ŚŽƉƉŝŶŐƚ >ŽǁĞƌƵƌƌĞůů W
Ϯϴϲϯ td^KEZK^^/E'^,KWW/E' ϯϯϵϯϵ>Ă,ŝŐŚǁĂLJϭϲ ĞŶŚĂŵ^ƉƌŝŶŐƐ >
Ϯϳϱϳ DZdzZK^^/E' ϭϬϮϲDĂŝŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ :ĂĐŬƐŽŶ K,
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ϲϳϳϯ dZ'dEdZ ϵϱϱZŽĐŬůĂŶĚZĚ >ĂŬĞůƵĨ
ϳϯϮϱ K'z,/>>^W> ϮϬϯϵƵŵďĞŚůZŽĂĚ ^ĂŝŶƚŚĂƌůĞƐ DK
ϰϬ ^,KW^ds/dKZ/ ϰϭϬϵ,ŽƵƐƚŽŶ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJ sŝĐƚŽƌŝĂ dy
ϴϴϬϳ 'dtzKDDKE^ ϯϬϬϬWĞƉƉĞƌĞůůWŬǁLJ KƉĞůŝŬĂ >
ϲϮϰϬ ,ZtKKEdZ>s/>>' ϮϭϬϭ,ĂƌǁŽŽĚZŽĂĚ ĞĚĨŽƌĚ dy
ϴϵϯϰ K>zDW/EdZ ϮϯϬϱϮůŝĐŝĂWĂƌŬǁĂLJ DŝƐƐŝŽŶsŝĞũŽ 
ϴϱϬϭ ^,EEK,^YhZ ϭϯϳϬϰ^ƚĂƚĞZŽĂĚϴϰ ĂǀŝĞ &>
ϭϰϱϲ WZ<tzKDDKE^ ϯϬϰϲŽůƵŵďŝĂǀĞ &ƌĂŶŬůŝŶ dE
ϮϵϬϭ ZZ<EdZ ϯϮϭϴ>ĂĐůĞĚĞ^ƚĂƚŝŽŶZĚ DĂƉůĞǁŽŽĚ DK
ϭϯϮϬ EtZZzWK/Ed ϭϰϰEĞǁďĞƌƌLJWĂƌŬǁĂLJ ƚƚĞƌƐ W
Ϯϳϲϯ D^^z><^^,KWW/E' ϮϲϯϭE͘,ŝĂƚƵƐZŽĂĚ ŽŽƉĞƌŝƚLJ &>
ϯϬϵϭ s/>>'^,KWEdZ ϭϰϮϭ>ŽƐĞLJůǀĚ͘ >ĂƌŽƐƐĞ t/
ϵϬϲϯ t/>>KtK<^ZK^^/E' ϱϬϭϭtĞĚĚŝŶŐƚŽŶZŽĂĚ ŽŶĐŽƌĚ E
ϴϴϮϴ <E,KZ^dW> ϭϴϵϱEĞǁ,ŽůůĂŶĚZĚ <ĞŶŚŽƌƐƚ W
ϳϰϲϱ ,Z/d'DZ<dW> ϭϴϬϬhŶƐĞƌůǀĚ͘Eǁ ůďƵƋƵĞƌƋƵĞ ED
ϵϲϭϬ EtdKEZK^^ZK^ ϱϯϰϬ'Ă,ǁLJϮϬ ŽǀŝŶŐƚŽŶ '
Ϯϵϯ >KD^ ϮϮϳϱůŽŵĂǀĞ tŝŶƚĞƌWĂƌŬ &>
ϱϵϯϯ D>s>^,KWW/E'EdZ ϭϬϭϬϭDĂďĞůǀĂůĞWůĂnjĂƌ >ŝƚƚůĞZŽĐŬZ
ϭϮϴϵ ,^d/E'^DZ<dW> ϭϳϵϯDĂƌŬĞƚůǀĚ ,ĂƐƚŝŶŐƐ DE
ϯϴϯϲ ZW/^W> ϰϱϱϭϴdŚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ^ŽƵƚŚ tŝƐĐŽŶƐŝŶZĂƉŝĚƐ t/
ϲϯϭϴ DK<^s/>>dKtEKDDKE^ ϮϮϯŽŽƉĞƌƌĞĞŬƌ DŽĐŬƐǀŝůůĞ E
ϴϴϳϵ W/EZ^dW> ϯϮϰWŝŶĞĐƌĞƐƚWůĂnjĂ DŽƌĞŚĞĂĚ <z
ϱϲϱϮ WKdZEKK<^s/>>' ϵϮϯϬWŽƚƌĂŶĐŽZŽĂĚ ^ĂŶŶƚŽŶŝŽ dy
ϴϵϰϮ 'Zd^Khd,z^,WdZ ϳϬϵtDŽŶƚĂƵŬ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJ tĞƐƚĂďLJůŽŶ Ez
ϲϭϮϱ >DZYhZK^^/E' ϲϲϬϴ'ƵůĨ&ƌĞĞǁĂLJ >ĂDĂƌƋƵĞ dy
ϯϲϰϬ ^D/EK>EdZ ϯϲϯϭKƌůĂŶĚŽƌŝǀĞ ^ĂŶĨŽƌĚ &>
ϴϵϯϲ ^,KWW^ddZ/E/dz><^ ϭϮϰϳϮ^ƌϱϰ KĚĞƐƐĂ &>
ϯϱϭϮ W>W>DZ> ĂƌƌWƌͲϯ͕<ŵϳϳ͘ϴ͕/Ŷƚ ,ƵŵĂĐĂŽ WZ
ϳϭϲϮ ^EE'>KW> ϲϭϰtϮϵdŚ^ƚηϭϭϰ ^ĂŶŶŐĞůŽ dy
ϯϰϮϵ ^ds/</E'W> ϰϮϭsŝŬŝŶŐWůĂnjĂƌηϱϬϬ ĞĚĂƌ&ĂůůƐ /
ϴϵϱϳ ϭϴϵϬZE,^,KWW/E'dZ ϭϯϯϱ͘tŚŝƚĞƐƚŽŶĞůǀĚ ĞĚĂƌWĂƌŬ dy
ϴϵϲϰ KZd>EddKtEEdZ ϯϭϰϭĂƐƚDĂŝŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ DŽŚĞŐĂŶ>ĂŬĞ Ez
ϭϳϯϲ >KtΖ^Khd>Kd ϮϬϬϳhƐ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJϮϳ ^ŽŵĞƌƐĞƚ <z
ϭϯϳϭ Esz>s ϱϬϯEEĂǀLJůǀĚ WĞŶƐĂĐŽůĂ &>
ϲϲϱϳ ^d&&KZ^YhZ^ͬ ϮϵϳZŽƵƚĞϳϮt DĂŶĂŚĂǁŬŝŶ E:
ϴϴϱϴ EKZd,WK/Eds/>>' ϭϰϱϲEŽƌƚŚWŽŝŶƚsŝůůĂŐĞ ZĞƐƚŽŶ s
ϯϭϴ WKZd,Z>KddDZ<dW> ϭϵϰϬϬŽĐŚƌĂŶůǀĚ WŽƌƚŚĂƌůŽƚƚĞ &>
ϴϴϳϴ hZEd^,KWW/E'EdZ ϱϭϵhŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJWůĂĐĞ ƵƌĂŶƚ K<
ϴϱϲϴ W>Λ>EDZ< ϲϮϰϰͲ&>ŝƚƚůĞZŝǀĞƌdƌŶƉŬ ůĞdžĂŶĚƌŝĂ s
ϯϵϮϱ EKZd,^dWZ<^,KWW/E' ϮϭϬϯϳdŚǀĞŶƵĞE ^ƚ͘WĞƚĞƌƐďƵƌŐ &>
ϴϵϲϭ D/ZD^D>> ϴϮϱϬDŝƌĂDĞƐĂůǀĚ ^ĂŶŝĞŐŽ 
ϵϯϳϴ ϱd,sEh^,KW^ ϭϵϱϰEĞϱdŚǀĞŶƵĞ ŽĐĂZĂƚŽŶ &>
ϵϰϵϱ t/>>/D^hZ'KtE^ ϱϯϯϴĞŶƚƌĂů&ůŽƌŝĚĂWŬǁLJ KƌůĂŶĚŽ &>
ϴϰϬϱ Ϯϭϴ&/Z^ds Ϯϭϴϭ^ƚǀĞ EĞǁzŽƌŬ Ez
Ϯϵϰϯ ϰϳϬd,/ZsEhͬϯϮE^dZ ϰϳϬdŚŝƌĚǀĞŶƵĞ EĞǁzŽƌŬ Ez
ϮϵϬϳ ϭϮϰϴd,sEh ϭϮϰϴdŚǀĞŶƵĞ EĞǁzŽƌŬ Ez
ϮϵϯϬ ϮϵϵZKtz ϭ^ƚ&ůŽŽƌ EĞǁzŽƌŬ Ez
ϯϯϬϭ ϴϵϳϴd,s ϴϵϳϴdŚǀĞ EĞǁzŽƌŬ Ez
Ϯϴϴϰ ϯϬϮE>^d ϯϬϮĂŶĂů^ƚ EĞǁzŽƌŬ Ez
ϮϬϵϴ ϭϲϯt^dϳϮE^dZd ϭϲϯtĞƐƚϳϮEĚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ EĞǁzŽƌŬ Ez
ϳϰϲϲ ϯϬϱϲd,s ϯϬϱϲdŚǀĞ EĞǁzŽƌŬ Ez
ϭϴϮϰ ϭϬϳ^hDDZ^dZd ϭϬϳ^ƵŵŵĞƌ^ƚϭ^ƚ&ů ŽƐƚŽŶ D
ϵϰϲϴ ϮϬϰϵϴϲd,^d ϮϬϰϵϴϲdŚ^ƚ ƌŽŽŬůLJŶ Ez
ϱϰϳ ϭϰϱ^dϭϭϲd,^dZd ϭϰϱĂƐƚϭϭϲdŚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ EĞǁzŽƌŬ Ez
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ϳϮϰϯ ^d/Etz^dZ
ϯϬͲϲϮ^ƚĞŝŶǁĂLJ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ƐƚŽƌŝĂ Ez
ϳϰϳϯ >D>E/E' ϮϲϭϬϱdŚ^ƚ ůĂŵĞĚĂ 
Ϯϵϭϱ ϳϱͲϮϴϯϳd,s ϳϱͲϮϴϯϳdŚǀĞ YƵĞĞŶƐ Ez
ϱϬϱϴ ϭϮϭϮ</E'^,/',tz ϭϮϭϮ<ŝŶŐƐ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJ ƌŽŽŬůLJŶ Ez
Ϯϭϭϵ ϯϭϯ,ZsZ^dZ
ϯϭϯ,ĂƌǀĂƌĚ^ƚ ƌŽŽŬůŝŶĞ D
ϯϬϱϮ Z'KWZ< ϵϲͲϭϲYƵĞĞŶƐůǀĚ͘ ZĞŐŽWĂƌŬ Ez
ϮϭϲϮ /dzEdZ Ϯϲϳϱ'ĞĂƌLJůǀĚ ^ĂŶ&ƌĂŶĐŝƐĐŽ 
ϮϴϱϬ ϭϯϯϲt/^KE^/Es ϭϯϯϲtŝƐĐŽŶƐŝŶǀĞ tĂƐŚŝŶŐƚŽŶ 
ϱϮϱϴ ϳϬϭϳϭϴd,sEh ϳϬϭϳϭϴdŚǀĞŶƵĞ ƌŽŽŬůLJŶ Ez
ϲϴϲϴ ϭϬϬϯ/^,KW^d ϭϬϬϯŝƐŚŽƉ^ƚ ,ŽŶŽůƵůƵ ,/
ϵϵϲϳ ϭϭϲͲϬϲYhE^>s ϭϭϲͲϬϲYƵĞĞŶƐůǀĚ &ŽƌĞƐƚ,ŝůůƐ Ez
ϯϵϱϴ ϭϵϰϬKE^dZd ϭϵϰϬĞĂĐŽŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ƌŝŐŚƚŽŶ D
ϲϲϱϵ ϮϰϳϯZsEh ϮϰϳϯZĚǀĞŶƵĞ EĞǁzŽƌŬ Ez
ϱϳϱ ϭϰt͘ϴd,^dZd ϭϰt͘ϴdŚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ,ŽůůĂŶĚ D/
ϵϲϲϰ DdZ<^dd/KE ϮϵϱϱDĂƌŬĞƚ^ƚ WŚŝůĂĚĞůƉŚŝĂ W
ϯϱϵϲ '>>Z/D>> ϭϮϭϬ^͘hŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJ ŶŶƌďŽƌ D/
Ϯϴϰϭ ϭϳt^d ϭϮϮϬϭϳdŚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ DŝĂŵŝĞĂĐŚ &>
ϰϰϱϯ >>^tKZd,& ϮϳϮϱ>ĞŵĂLJůǀĚůĚŐϰϬϮϬ ůůƐǁŽƌƚŚĨď ^
ϰϯϳϰ ^E/'KDZ ϯϴϬϬŚŽƐŝŶǀĞ ^ĂŶŝĞŐŽ 
ϰϯϲϰ &KZd,D/>dKE ϭϮϯ'ĞŶĞƌĂů>ĞĞǀĞ ƌŽŽŬůLJŶ Ez
ϰϯϰϵ ,E^KD& ϭϬϬŐůŝŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ĞĚĨŽƌĚ D
ϰϰϬϱ K>hDh^& ůĚŐηϭϲϬ ŽůƵŵďƵƐĨď D^
ϰϰϰϯ ,KD^dZ^ ϮϵϮϰϮŽƌĂů^ĞĂůǀĚ ,ŽŵĞƐƚĞĂĚĨď &>
ϯϳϰϰ /EdZEd/KE>DZ<dW> ϮϯϯϬ<ĂůĂŬĂƵĂǀĞŶƵĞ ,ŽŶŽůƵůƵ ,/
ϯϯ t/>>KtZKK<D>> ϭϱϮϰtŝůůŽǁƌŽŽŬDĂůů tĂLJŶĞ E:
ϳϯϳ tKK&/>D>> ϱtŽŽĚĨŝĞůĚDĂůů ^ĐŚĂƵŵďƵƌŐ />
ϯϮϳ WZ<W> ϱϴϳϬĂƐƚƌŽĂĚǁĂLJ dƵĐƐŽŶ 
ϴϭϲ ^dKEZ/'D>> ϭϯϬϰ^ƚŽŶĞƌŝĚŐĞDĂůůZŽĂĚ WůĞĂƐĂŶƚŽŶ 
ϳϭϮϱ W>/^^EdZ ϯϰϵϬWĂůŝƐĂĚĞƐĞŶƚĞƌƌ tĞƐƚELJĂĐŬ Ez
ϯϲϵϱ t^d&/>K<Z/' ϵϮϱůŽƐƐŽŵ,ŝůů ^ĂŶ:ŽƐĞ 
ϯϱϰϳ z^,KZD>> ϯϯϬϬƌŽĂĚǁĂLJ ƵƌĞŬĂ 
ϮϬϭϱ </E'K&WZh^^/W> ϭϲϬEŽƌƚŚ'ƵůƉŚZŽĂĚ <ŝŶŐKĨWƌƵƐƐŝĂ W
ϱϬϳϲ W,D>> ϲϰϲƉĂĐŚĞDĂůů ZŽĐŚĞƐƚĞƌ DE
ϰϯϵ ^dZ/'D>> ϮϮϬϬĂƐƚƌŝĚŐĞ>ŽŽƉƐ ^ĂŶ:ŽƐĞ 
ϰϯϲ ^hEs>>zD>> ϭϭϮ^ƵŶsĂůůĞLJDĂůů ŽŶĐŽƌĚ 
ϵϬ EKZd,WZ<D>> ϭϬϭEŽƌƚŚZĂŶŐĞůŝŶĞ :ŽƉůŝŶ DK
ϰϰϰ DKEd>/ZW> ϱϬϵϬDŽŶƚĐůĂŝƌWůĂnjĂ>ĂŶĞ DŽŶƚĐůĂŝƌ 
ϭϮϱϱ ^dKE^dKtE'>>Z/ ϯϮϱϭϮϬdŚǀĞŶƵĞ ^ĂŶ&ƌĂŶĐŝƐĐŽ 
ϮϯϮ t^d&/>^Khd,^,KZ ϭϳϬϭ^ƵŶƌŝƐĞ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJ ĂLJ^ŚŽƌĞ Ez
ϭϰϯϲ &>KZ/D>> ϴϬϬϭ^KƌĂŶŐĞůŽƐƐŽŶdƌĂ KƌůĂŶĚŽ &>
ϯϰϮ ZK^^Z<D>> ϰϭϵƌŽƐƐƌĞĞŬDĂůů &ĂLJĞƚƚĞǀŝůůĞ E
ϵϴϯϲ WEKZD/dzD>> ϴϰϬϭsĂŶEƵLJƐůǀĚ WĂŶŽƌĂŵĂŝƚLJ 
ϲϬ ^D/d,,sED>> ϭϭϬ^ŵŝƚŚ,ĂǀĞŶDĂůů >ĂŬĞ'ƌŽǀĞ Ez
ϱϮϭϯ WZ<DKt^dKtEEdZ ϴϱϬϱWĂƌŬDĞĂĚŽǁƐĞŶƚĞƌ >ŽŶĞdƌĞĞ K
ϱϬϱ t,/dK<^D>> ϮϱϬϭt͘tĂďĂƐŚǀĞ͘ ^ƉƌŝŶŐĨŝĞůĚ />
ϱϱϴϭ t^d&/>&^,/KE^YhZ ϭϰϬϬϲZŝǀĞƌƐŝĚĞƌŝǀĞ ^ŚĞƌŵĂŶKĂŬƐ 
ϯϲϱϵ D>>K&>Kh/^/E ϲϰϬϭůƵĞďŽŶŶĞƚůǀĚ ĂƚŽŶZŽƵŐĞ >
ϴϱ WKD>> ϳϲϵ/LJĂŶŽƵŐŚZŽĂĚ ,LJĂŶŶŝƐ D
ϴϲϮ ^Zd^<zD>> ϳϲϭϭtĞƐƚdŚŽŵĂƐZŽĂĚ WŚŽĞŶŝdž 
Ϯϰϳϭ d,t^d,^dZ ϭϮϱtĞƐƚĐŚĞƐƚĞƌǀĞ tŚŝƚĞWůĂŝŶƐ Ez
ϴϰϯ KEEd/hdWK^d ϭϮϬϭŽƐƚŽŶWŽƐƚZŽĂĚ DŝůĨŽƌĚ d
ϱϮϬϯ ^YhZKED>> ϭϮϬϭƌŽĂĚǁĂLJƌŝǀĞ ^ĂƵŐƵƐ D
ϭϰϱϮ ZK'hs>>zD>> ϭϲϬϬEŽƌƚŚZŝǀĞƌƐŝĚĞ DĞĚĨŽƌĚ KZ
ϰϵϮ ^Khd,,/>>D>> ϯϱϬϬ^͘DĞƌŝĚŝĂŶ WƵLJĂůůƵƉ t
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 48 of 109
ϱϬ t^d>ED>> ϭϲϳϱtĞƐƚϰϵdŚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ,ŝĂůĞĂŚ &>
ϳϴϰ ZK^^ZK^D>> ϲϲϱϬ^ŽƵƚŚtĞƐƚŶĞĚŐĞ WŽƌƚĂŐĞ D/
ϭϬϯϮ dh^KED>> ϰϱϬϬEŽƌƚŚKƌĂĐůĞZŽĂĚ dƵĐƐŽŶ 
ϯϴϴ KEKhEdzD>> ϭϮϬϭ,ŽŽƉĞƌǀĞŶƵĞ dŽŵƐZŝǀĞƌ E:
ϯϱ WZ</dzEdZ ϱϴϭWĂƌŬŝƚLJĞŶƚĞƌ >ĂŶĐĂƐƚĞƌ W
ϰϲϴ tKK>E,/>>^D>> ϳϬϮϭ^ŽƵƚŚDĞŵŽƌŝĂů dƵůƐĂ K<
ϭϰϰϰ DZ>z^dd/KE ϳϵϬϬ'ŽǀĞƌŶŽƌZŝƚĐŚŝĞ,ǁLJ 'ůĞŶƵƌŶŝĞ D
ϳϯ </E'^W>^,KWW/E'dZ ϱϮϴϯ<ŝŶŐƐWůĂnjĂ ƌŽŽŬůLJŶ Ez
ϱϱϵϭ s/^>/D>> Ϯϭϱϳ^ŽƵƚŚDŽŽŶĞLJůǀĚ sŝƐĂůŝĂ 
ϭϮϭϵ ^Kdd^>&^,/KE^Y ϳϬϭϰĂŵĞůďĂĐŬZĚ ^ĐŽƚƚƐĚĂůĞ 
ϳϭϴ /ED>> ϱϳϮϱ:ŽŚŶƐƚŽŶ >ĂĨĂLJĞƚƚĞ >
ϭϬϵϴ t/EtZD>> ϰϲϬϱϲ<Ăŵ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJ <ĂŶĞŽŚĞ ,/
Ϯϴϱ ^Khd,><D>> ϮϬϭϰ^ŽƵƚŚůĂŬĞDĂůů DĞƌƌŝůůǀŝůůĞ /E
ϭϱϬϲ >E^/E'D>> ϱϮϯϰtĞƐƚ^ĂŐŝŶĂǁ,ǁLJ >ĂŶƐŝŶŐ D/
ϳϳϵϮ ^dKEtKKEdZ ϭϳϯ^ƚŽŶĞǁŽŽĚ ŽǁŶĞLJ 
ϭϲϬϮ WW>>K^^KDD>> ϭϴϱϬƉƉůĞůŽƐƐŽŵƌŝǀĞ tŝŶĐŚĞƐƚĞƌ s
ϭϬϲϮ ZE&/ZD>> ϭϲϴϵƌĚĞŶtĂLJ ^ĂĐƌĂŵĞŶƚŽ 
Ϯϲϱϰ ,h^KED>> ZƚϰϰϬ :ĞƌƐĞLJŝƚLJ E:
Ϯϰϱ ^Khd,WZ<D>> ϰϲϬϬϭϲ^ƚƌĞĞƚ DŽůŝŶĞ />
ϯϴϬ EKZd,Z/sZ^/WZ< ϳϱϬϭtĞƐƚĞƌŵĂŬZŽĂĚ EŽƌƚŚZŝǀĞƌƐŝĚĞ />
ϭϱϬϮ WEE^YhZD>> ϮϬϳϴWĞŶŶ^ƋƵĂƌĞ KŬůĂŚŽŵĂŝƚLJ K<
ϯϴϲ ,E^D>> ϯϯϮϬ^ŝůĂƐƌĞĞŬWĂƌŬǁĂLJ tŝŶƐƚŽŶͲ^ĂůĞŵ E
ϭϮϱϭ t^d&/>W>D^Zd ϳϮϴϰϬ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJ/ŝŝ WĂůŵĞƐĞƌƚ 
ϯϳϳ Yh<ZZ/'D>> ϭϱϬYƵĂŬĞƌƌŝĚŐĞDĂůů >ĂǁƌĞŶĐĞǀŝůůĞ E:
ϯϮϲ ^EdZK^D>> ϯϬϬDĂƌLJƐƚŚĞƌƵƚŽĨĨ DĂƌLJƐƚŚĞƌ &>
ϭϱϴϯ ,/KD>> ϭϵϱϬ͘ϮϬdŚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ŚŝĐŽ 
ϰϭϮ /E>EEdZ ϭϱϰ/ŶůĂŶĚĞŶƚĞƌƌ ^ĂŶĞƌŶĂƌĚŝŶŽ 
ϵϱϰϴ EKZd,><D>> ϲϴϬϭEŽƌƚŚůĂŬĞDĂůůƌ ŚĂƌůŽƚƚĞ E
ϰϬϲ ,ZZzs>D>> ϳϮϬϬ,ĂƌƌŝƐŽŶǀĞ ZŽĐŬĨŽƌĚ />
ϭϬϯϲ t/>>KtZKK<D>> ϭϲϱϴtŝůůŽǁďƌŽŽŬDĂůů ,ŽƵƐƚŽŶ dy
ϳϲϵϯ &>d/ZKEZK^^/E'D>> ϭ&ůĂƚ/ƌŽŶŝƌĐůĞ ƌŽŽŵĨŝĞůĚ K
ϲϵϯ ,/<KZzWK/EdD>> ϭϯϵϱ,ŝĐŬŽƌLJWŽŝŶƚDĂůů &ŽƌƐLJƚŚ />
ϯϴϳϵ &ZE/^^Kdd<z ϱϱϬϬƵĐŬĞLJƐƚŽǁŶWŝŬĞ &ƌĞĚĞƌŝĐŬ D
ϯϭϰ KhEdZz^/D>> ϮϳϬϬϭhƐ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJϭϵEŽƌƚŚ ůĞĂƌǁĂƚĞƌ &>
ϱϭϴϲ DKEDKhd,^͘͘ ϭϴϬZŽƵƚĞϯϱ^ŽƵƚŚ ĂƚŽŶƚŽǁŶ E:
ϭϰϮϬ D</E>zD>> ϯϲϬϭDĐŬŝŶůĞLJWĂƌŬǁĂLJ ƵĨĨĂůŽ Ez
ϭϳϴ >/s/E'^dKED>> ϭϭϮŝƐĞŶŚŽǁĞƌWĂƌŬǁĂLJ >ŝǀŝŶŐƐƚŽŶ E:
ϭϲϯ ^hEZ/^D>> ϲϬϳϯ^ƵŶƌŝƐĞDĂůů ŝƚƌƵƐ,ĞŝŐŚƚƐ 
ϳϲϴϱ WK>Z/^&^,/KEW> ϭϱϬϬWŽůĂƌŝƐWĂƌŬǁĂLJ ŽůƵŵďƵƐ K,
ϵϮϯ ^dtKKD>> ϱϱϱϱzŽƵŶŐƐƚŽǁŶͲtĂƌƌĞŶZĚ EŝůĞƐ K,
ϴϲϴϮ EKZd,dKtED>> EϰϳϱϬŝǀŝƐŝŽŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ^ƉŽŬĂŶĞ t
ϭϲϮϳ ZK^>EdZ ϭϬZŽƐĞĚĂůĞĞŶƚĞƌ ZŽƐĞǀŝůůĞ DE
Ϯϲϵ D/>>Z<D>> ^ƉĂĐĞηϭϲϬ ƌŝĞ W
ϯϵϮ K<WZ<D>> ϭϭϭϲϭtĞƐƚϵϱdŚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ KǀĞƌůĂŶĚWĂƌŬ <^
ϯϬϱϱ Z/'>EdZ ϭϮϱϬϱtĂLJnjĂƚĂůǀĚ͘ DŝŶŶĞƚŽŶŬĂ DE
ϯϲϵ K<>D>> ϯϭϭϭ͘DĂŝŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ :ŽŚŶƐŽŶŝƚLJ Ez
ϭϰϯϰ dKtEEdZdK ϰϬϬĂƌŶĞƐƚĂƌƌĞƚƚWŬǁLJ <ĞŶŶĞƐĂǁ '
ϯϰϬ KZE'WZ<D>> ϭϵϭϬtĞůůƐZĚ KƌĂŶŐĞWĂƌŬ &>
ϳϳϯ K<>ED>> ϰϮϮtϭϰDŝůĞZĚ dƌŽLJ D/
ϭϯϵϱ t/Z'Z^^KDDKE^D>> ϵϬϬŽŵŵŽŶǀĞ ŽƚŚĂŶ >
ϭϬϯϵ 'ZdEKZd,ZED>> ϮϯϮ'ƌĞĂƚEŽƌƚŚĞƌŶDĂůů EŽƌƚŚKůŵƐƚĞĚ K,
ϭϰϳ /dzZ<EdZ ϱϭ^ŽƵƚŚDĂŝŶ^ƚ ^Ăůƚ>ĂŬĞŝƚLJ hd
ϭϰϰϬ EWZ/Z/EdZ ϴϮϱϭ&ůLJŝŶŐůŽƵĚƌŝǀĞ ĚĞŶWƌĂŝƌŝĞ DE
ϭϭϲϵ zKZ<dKtE^,KWW/E'EdZ ϮϬϯzŽƌŬƚŽǁŶ^ͬ >ŽŵďĂƌĚ />
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ϲϮϵϰ DZd,hZEdZ ϯϬϬDŽŶƚŝĐĞůůŽǀĞŶƵĞ EŽƌĨŽůŬ s
ϵϯϵϱ d,^,KW^dt/>>KtZ ϲϭϮϭtWĂƌŬůǀĚ WůĂŶŽ dy
ϱϱ ^Khd,ZEWZ<D>> ϳϰϬϭDĂƌŬĞƚ^ƚ zŽƵŶŐƐƚŽǁŶ K,
ϯϳϬϯ W/d>D>> ϲϮϱůĂĐŬ>ĂŬĞůǀĚ^ǁ KůLJŵƉŝĂ t
ϱϯϳϴ ^D>> ϰϭϰĂƐĐĂĚĞDĂůů ƵƌůŝŶŐƚŽŶ t
ϱϳϭ ^Khd,>ED>> ϮϬϱϬϱ^ŽƵƚŚŝdžŝĞ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJ DŝĂŵŝ &>
ϮϳϱϮ ^EdDZ/dKtEdZ ϮϮϮdŽǁŶĞŶƚĞƌĂƐƚ ^ĂŶƚĂDĂƌŝĂ 
ϵϱϲϰ '>>Z/d^Khd,z ϭϴϭϱ,ĂǁƚŚŽƌŶĞůǀĚ ZĞĚŽŶĚŽĞĂĐŚ 
ϮϮϲ &^,/KE^YhZD>> ϰϳϮϰ&ĂƐŚŝŽŶ^ƋƵĂƌĞDĂůů ^ĂŐŝŶĂǁ D/
ϳϮϵϱ W/&/s/t ϯϯϬϭ͘DĂŝŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ sĞŶƚƵƌĂ 
ϭϰϮϳ EKZd,dKtED>> ϭϱϬϬEůŝŶƚŽŶ^ƚ ĞĨŝĂŶĐĞ K,
ϮϬϰ EKZd,dKtE^,KWW/E'EdZ ϮϳϱEŽƌƚŚƚŽǁŶƌ ůĂŝŶĞ DE
ϭϭϬ ^Khd,Z/'D>> ϱϯϬϬ^ϳϲdŚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ 'ƌĞĞŶĚĂůĞ t/
ϮϴϬϯ ><>/ED>> ϭϭϮϬϬ>ĂŬĞůŝŶĞDĂůůůǀĚ ĞĚĂƌWĂƌŬ dy
ϭϱϰϲ ^hWZ^d/d/KE^WZ/E'^ ϲϱϱϱĂƐƚ^ŽƵƚŚĞƌŶǀĞ͘ DĞƐĂ 
ϴϳϰ >zEE,sED>> ϳϬϭ>LJŶŶŚĂǀĞŶWŬǁLJ sŝƌŐŝŶŝĂĞĂĐŚ s
ϱϭϬ t^d>ED>> ϱϱϬ^ŽƵƚŚ'ĞĂƌǀĞ tĞƐƚƵƌůŝŶŐƚŽŶ /
ϯϳ <EEzD>> ϱϱϱ:ŽŚŶ&<ĞŶŶĞĚLJZŽĂĚ ƵďƵƋƵĞ /
ϭϲϲ >dtzW> ϲϬϴϬ'ƌĞĞŶĞůƚZŽĂĚ 'ƌĞĞŶďĞůƚ D
ϯϭϬ hDZ>ED>> ĞůƐĞĂƌŝǀĞΘZŽƵƚĞϰϳ sŝŶĞůĂŶĚ E:
ϭϵϬ KEKZD>> ϰϳϯϳŽŶĐŽƌĚWŝŬĞ tŝůŵŝŶŐƚŽŶ 
ϴϰϮϬ EdZd^>/^hZz ϮϯϬϬE͘^ĂůŝƐďƵƌLJůǀĚ͘ ^ĂůŝƐďƵƌLJ D
ϳϴϵϴ t^d&/>ZKtZ ϴϬϬϬt͘ƌŽǁĂƌĚůǀĚ WůĂŶƚĂƚŝŽŶ &>
ϱϬϬ d,KDDKE^d&Z>t ϭϴϮϯ^ŽƵƚŚŽŵŵŽŶƐ &ĞĚĞƌĂůtĂLJ t
Ϯϲϰϭ ,hd,/E^KED>> ϭϬϲϬ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJϭϱ^ŽƵƚŚ ,ƵƚĐŚŝŶƐŽŶ DE
ϭϰϰϵ WDZK<D>> ϰϱϱϰsŝƌŐŝŶŝĂĞĂĐŚůǀĚ sŝƌŐŝŶŝĂĞĂĐŚ s
ϲϰϭ DKt^ ϰϯϬϬDĞĂĚŽǁƐ>ĂŶĞ >ĂƐsĞŐĂƐ Es
ϯϯϵϬ ^K>KDKEWKED>> ϲϬϭŽŶĂůĚ>LJŶŶůǀĚ DĂƌůďŽƌŽƵŐŚ D
ϰϴϭ d,^,KW^d/d,D>
ϯϰϯϴ ^Khd,^/D>> ZĚϮ^ŽƵƚŚƐŝĚĞ KŶĞŽŶƚĂ Ez
ϴϮϬ &/ZK<^D>> ϭϭϴϱϬh&ĂŝƌKĂŬƐZŽĂĚ &ĂŝƌĨĂdž s
Ϯϴϰϴ h&&>KD>> ϮϰϬϬͲϴdŚǀĞ^ǁ :ĂŵĞƐƚŽǁŶ E
ϭϰϮϭ K>hD/D>> ϮϯϬϬĞƌŶĂĚĞƚƚĞƌ͘ ŽůƵŵďŝĂ DK
ϳϬϵϬ t<&/>D>> dŽǁĞƌ,ŝůůZŽĂĚΘ tĂŬĞĨŝĞůĚ Z/
ϭϱϵ t^d&/>EKZd,KhEdz ϮϬϬĂƐƚsŝĂZĂŶĐŚŽWĂƌŬǁ ƐĐŽŶĚŝĚŽ 
ϳϵϵ K>,/<KZzD>> ϮϬϮϭEŽƌƚŚ,ŝŐŚůĂŶĚǀĞ :ĂĐŬƐŽŶ dE
ϱϬϯ DKEd'KDZzD>> ϳϭϮDŽŶƚŐŽŵĞƌLJDĂůů EŽƌƚŚtĂůĞƐ W
ϭϮϲϱ :&&Z^KEs>>zD>> ϲϱϬ>ĞĞŽƵůĞǀĂƌĚ zŽƌŬƚŽǁŶ,ŐƚƐ Ez
ϲϯϲ ZzdKtEEdZ ϭϭϬϱtĂůŶƵƚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ĂƌLJ E
ϭϰϲϵ D/Z/sZD>> ϭϬϴϬDŝĚZŝǀĞƌƐDĂůůƌŝǀ ^ĂŝŶƚWĞƚĞƌƐ DK
ϭϱϳϴ t^d&/>DZ/E ϰϳϬ>ĞǁŝƐǀĞŶƵĞ DĞƌŝĚĞŶ d
ϯϴ DZ/KEEdZ^ͬ ϭϰϳϱDĂƌŝŽŶtĂůĚŽZĚ DĂƌŝŽŶ K,
ϱϴϴϯ z/dzdKtEEdZ ϰϭϬϭtŝůĚĞƌZŽĂĚ ĂLJŝƚLJ D/
ϴϬϵ d,'>>Zzd^Khd,< Ϯϰ^ŽƵƚŚĞŬĂůďDĂůů ĞĐĂƚƵƌ '
ϭϰϮϱ s/>>'D>> ϮϵϭϳsĞƌŵŝůůŝŽŶ^ƚ ĂŶǀŝůůĞ />
ϴϯϲ Yh/>^WZ/E'^D>> ϮϱϬϭtĞƐƚDĞŵŽƌŝĂůZŽĂĚ KŬůĂŚŽŵĂŝƚLJ K<
ϱϰϵϴ DZ/ED>> ϭϵϴϮtĞƐƚ'ƌĂŶĚZŝǀĞƌ KŬĞŵŽƐ D/
ϯϭϬϱ t/>dKED>> ϯϬϲϱZƚĞϱϬ^ƉĂĐĞͲϭϮ ^ĂƌĂƚŽŐĂ^ƉƌŝŶŐƐ Ez
ϱϭϯϴ d,><^D>> ϱϲϬϬ,ĂƌǀĞLJZŽĂĚ DƵƐŬĞŐŽŶ D/
ϮϮϰ EKZd,tKK^D>> ϮϮϬϬtĂƌDĞŵŽƌŝĂůƌŝǀĞ WĞŽƌŝĂ />
ϭϰϳϮ ,D/>dKED>> ϰϰϬϯůĂĐŬ,ŽƌƐĞWŝŬĞ DĂLJƐ>ĂŶĚŝŶŐ E:
Ϯϳϳ sK>h^/D>> ϭϳϬϬt/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚů^ĚǁLJůǀ ĂLJƚŽŶĂĞĂĐŚ &>
ϭϯϱϮ dKt^KEdKtEEdZ ϴϮϱƵůĂŶĞLJsĂůůĞLJZŽĂĚ dŽǁƐŽŶ D
ϱϰϭϭ d,'>>Zzdd,,ZKZ ϮϬϬĂƐƚWƌĂƚƚ^ƚ ĂůƚŝŵŽƌĞ D
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ϭϲϲϲ ^>DEdZ ϰϴϬĞŶƚĞƌ^ƚƌĞĞƚEĞ ^ĂůĞŵ KZ
ϴϴϴϮ &^,/KEW>D>> ϲϭϵϭ^ƚĂƚĞ^ƚ DƵƌƌĂLJ hd
ϮϲϲϮ s/>>'^YhZD>> ϴϯsŝůůĂŐĞ^ƋƵĂƌĞDĂůů ĨĨŝŶŐŚĂŵ />
ϭϱϵϮ E&/>^YhZD>> ϵϬůŵ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ŶĨŝĞůĚ d
ϰϭ KhZd>EEdZ ϰϭϵϬĂƐƚŽƵƌƚ^ƚ ƵƌƚŽŶ D/
ϵϰϰϯ t/EKED>> ϭϮϭϯ'ŝůŵŽƌĞǀĞ tŝŶŽŶĂ DE
ϵϳϴϴ DZ>,zD>> ϯϴϬϬDĞƌůĞDĂLJDĂůů ĞƐDŽŝŶĞƐ /
ϭϬϳϲ Zz^d>Z/sZD>> ϭϴϬϭEǁ,ǁLJϭϵ ƌLJƐƚĂůZŝǀĞƌ &>
ϯϱϯ &Kys>>zD>> Ϯϯϱϲ&ŽdžsĂůůĞLJĞŶƚĞƌ ƵƌŽƌĂ />
ϭϰϰϴ 'K>&D/>>^,KWW/E'EdZ Ϯϰϳ'ŽůĨDŝůůĞŶƚĞƌ EŝůĞƐ />
ϮϰϯϮ ^EdZK^D>> WƌϮ ĂLJĂŵŽŶ WZ
ϰϭϰ &/Z>EdKtEEdZ ϭϴϵϬϬDŝĐŚŝŐĂŶǀĞŶƵĞ ĞĂƌďŽƌŶ D/
ϵϵϱϲ 'tdZW> ϮϲϬϬĞĂĐŚůǀĚ ŝůŽdžŝ D^
ϯϵϬϰ d,hEZ/ZD>> ϭϰϮϭϭϮdŚǀĞ^ sŝƌŐŝŶŝĂ DE
ϭϭϭϭ ^d,/>>^D>> ϯϳϬϬ&ƌĞĚĞƌŝĐŬǀĞ ^ƚ͘:ŽƐĞƉŚ DK
ϭϰϳϭ d,D>>K&DKEZK ϮϭϮϭEDŽŶƌŽĞ^ƚ DŽŶƌŽĞ D/
Ϯϵϭ /EWEEEdZ ϭϴϴϭϯĂƐƚϯϵdŚ^ƚ^ŽƵƚŚ /ŶĚĞƉĞŶĚĞŶĐĞ DK
ϵϬϭϰ K<tKK^,KWW/E'EdZ ϭϵϳtĞƐƚĂŶŬdžƉƌĞƐƐǁĂLJ dĞƌƌLJƚŽǁŶ >
ϳϬϭ ^D/EK>dKtEEdZ ϮϬϬdŽǁŶĞĞŶƚĞƌŝƌĐůĞ ^ĂŶĨŽƌĚ &>
Ϯϱ >DD>> ϭϮϮϬϬ'ƵůĨ&ƌĞĞǁĂLJ ,ŽƵƐƚŽŶ dy
ϱϬϭ Z/'DZD>> Ϯϭϳϴ'ƌĞĞŶKĂŬƐZŽĂĚ &ŽƌƚtŽƌƚŚ dy
ϮϬϴ >/E>D>> ϰϰϰϰ&ŝƌƐƚǀĞE ĞĚĂƌZĂƉŝĚƐ /
ϯϱϵϭ ,K>/zs/>>'D>> ϭϳϱϯ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJϮt ,ĂǀƌĞ Dd
ϱϱϴϰ WZDh^WZ<D>> ϮϬϰϬWĂƌĂŵƵƐWĂƌŬDĂůů WĂƌĂŵƵƐ E:
ϱϲϰϮ DZ^,&/>D>> ϱϬϯĂƐƚ/ǀĞƐ^ƚƌĞĞƚ DĂƌƐŚĨŝĞůĚ t/
ϯϭϲϵ K>KZ,ZD>> ϰϵϵϵKůĚKƌĐŚĂƌĚĞŶƚĞƌ ^ŬŽŬŝĞ />
ϱϭϰ D>>^d͘s/EEd ϭϭϯϯ^ƚ͘sŝŶĐĞŶƚηϭϭϬ ^ŚƌĞǀĞƉŽƌƚ >
ϱϮϲϰ t^d&/>^Z^Kd^YhZ ϴϮϬϭ^dĂŵŝĂŵŝdƌĂŝů ^ĂƌĂƐŽƚĂ &>
ϲϵϱ WZ/^s>>zD>> ϰϱϱϬĂƐƚĂĐƚƵƐZĚ͘ WŚŽĞŶŝdž 
ϯϬϴϮ ^dW>'d ϮϳϬ>ŽƵĚĞŶZŽĂĚ ŽŶĐŽƌĚ E,
ϱϬϮϴ >WZD/hDKhd>d^ ϱϬtĂƚĞƌ^ƚƌĞĞƚ >ĞĞ D
ϱϭϯϵ dE'ZKhd>dEdZz
ϴϵϬϯ dE'ZKhd>d^Λd,Z, ϭϯϴϳdŚĞƌĐŚĞƐŝƌĐůĞ ĞĞƌWĂƌŬ Ez
Ϯϳϳϲ Khd>d^K&^DK/E^ ϱϰϱĂƐƐWƌŽƌŝǀĞEǁ ůƚŽŽŶĂ /
ϯϳϳϲ d,Khd>d^,KWW^d>Z ϭϲϬϬtĂƚĞƌ^ƚƌĞĞƚ >ĂƌĞĚŽ dy
ϱϬϮϲ dE'ZKhd>dEdZ:&& ϴϬϬϬ&ĂĐƚŽƌLJ^ŚŽƉƐůǀĚ :ĞĨĨĞƌƐŽŶǀŝůůĞ K,
ϯϲϭϯ EZ^<ZK^^/E'Khd>d ϮϭϯϱϱEĞďƌĂƐŬĂƌŽƐƐŝŶŐ 'ƌĞƚŶĂ E
ϯϳϰϱ >Kh/^/EKZt><Khd> ϰϵϬŽĂƌĚǁĂůŬůǀĚ ŽƐƐŝĞƌŝƚLJ >
ϯϲϬϬ DW/ZKhd>d^ ϯϱZŝĐŚŵŽŶĚdĞƌƌĂĐĞ ^ƚĂƚĞŶ/ƐůĂŶĚ Ez
ϴϴϬϰ Khd>d^dKZWh^,Z/^d/ ϱϬϬEŽƌƚŚ/Śϲϵ ZŽďƐƚŽǁŶ dy
ϭϭϮϰ >'hEϵϵW> ϴϰϱϭůŬ'ƌŽǀĞůǀĚ ůŬ'ƌŽǀĞ 
ϯϮϮϬ s/Ed'K<^ ϭϮϬsŝŶƚĂŐĞtĂLJ EŽǀĂƚŽ 
ϳϵϵϱ ,Zd/d'WZ<W> ϰϰϴEŽƌƚŚDĂŝŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ĂƐƚ>ŽŶŐŵĞĂĚŽǁ D
ϭϰ EdhZzEdZ ϯϱϯDĞŵŽƌŝĂůůǀĚ tĞƐƚ^ƉƌŝŶŐĨŝĞůĚ D
ϴϲϳϮ s/>>'^,KW^ ϵϱtĂƐŚŝŶŐƚŽŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ĂŶƚŽŶ D
ϴϱϮϳ hE/sZ^/dzEdZ ϰϮϯϳĂŵƉƵƐƌŝǀĞ /ƌǀŝŶĞ 
ϵϵϱϵ ^W>E^,KWW/E'EdZ ϯϲϱtĞƐƚƐƉůĂŶĂĚĞƌŝǀĞ KdžŶĂƌĚ 
ϵϲϯϳ >h^dZ^,KWW/E'EdZ ϭϳϬϭZƚϮϮtĞƐƚ tĂƚĐŚƵŶŐ E:
ϱϱϴϳ ^h>>zW> ϭϯϵϯϲ>ĞĞ:ĂĐŬƐŽŶ,ǁLJ ŚĂŶƚŝůůLJ s
Ϯϯϱϱ ^,KW^ΛhE^KEDKEdZz ϭϯϬ'ĞŶĞƌĂů^ƚŝůǁĞůůƌ DĂƌŝŶĂ 
ϴϱϱϴ Z>/E'dKE^,KWW/E'EdZ ϴϬϰhƐ,ŝŐŚǁĂLJϰϲ WĂƌƐŝƉƉĂŶLJ E:
ϳϯϯϴ tZ,DZK^^/E' ϮϰϮϭƌĂŶďĞƌƌLJ,ǁLJ tĂƌĞŚĂŵ D
ϴϵϳϰ >EdE^YhZ ϮϬϲ>ĂŶƚĂŶĂƌŝǀĞ ,ŽŬĞƐƐŝŶ 
ϱϵϭϲ 'Zd><^D>> ϳϴϱϬDĞŶƚŽƌǀĞŶƵĞ DĞŶƚŽƌ K,
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 51 of 109
ϰϳ d,^,KW^d>EdZ
ϭϱϵϬϬ>ĂĂŶƚĞƌĂWŬǁLJ ^ĂŶŶƚŽŶŝŽ dy
ϲϲϬϰ WZZKdW> ϭϰϬϭt͘EŽƌƚŚǀĞŶƵĞ DĞůƌŽƐĞWĂƌŬ />
ϴϮϯϮ t^d&KZW> ϭϳϱ>ŝƚƚůĞƚŽŶZĚ tĞƐƚĨŽƌĚ D
ϮϳϮϲ d,Z>s/>>' ϲϵϭϴϱZĂŵŽŶZŽĂĚ ĂƚŚĞĚƌĂůŝƚLJ 
ϱϭϮϱ Z>/E'dKE^YhZ ϰϳϮϱZĞĞĚZŽĂĚ ŽůƵŵďƵƐ K,
ϵϳϭ Ws/>/KE^W> ϭϲϰϮϬĞĂĐŚůǀĚ tĞƐƚŵŝŶƐƚĞƌ 
ϴϯϭϰ DKZ'E,/>>^,KWW/E'Ed ϭϬϱϳŽĐŚƌĂŶĞZĚ DŽƌŐĂŶ,ŝůů 
ϳϰϯϮ ,/',>EKDDKE^ ϱϲ,ŝŐŚůĂŶĚŽŵŵŽŶƐĂƐƚ ,ƵĚƐŽŶ D
ϳϴϴϰ ZK^^WK/EdEdZ ϭϬϭ͘ůĞdžĞůůZĚ ĞŶƚĞƌǀŝůůĞ K,
ϵϳϯϳ KWWZdZW> ϯϱϬZĂŵĂƉŽsĂůůĞLJZĚ KĂŬůĂŶĚ E:
ϭϭϯϱ EKZd,KZKh',ZK^^/E' ϵϭϭϯ^ŚŽƉƐtĂLJ EŽƌƚŚďŽƌŽƵŐŚ D
ϴϳϯϭ ^/>sZE/>^,KWW/E'Ed Ϯϭϭϲ^ŝůǀĞƌŶĂŝůZĚ WĞǁĂƵŬĞĞ t/
ϴϯϱϳ dZ/E'>^,KWW/E'EdZ ϮϬdƌŝĂŶŐůĞĞŶƚĞƌ zŽƌŬƚŽǁŶ,ĞŝŐŚƚƐ Ez
ϱϴϱ tKKhZEW>^,KWW/E' ϯϬϰϬ^ƉƌĂŐƵĞ>ĂŶĞ tŽŽĚďƵƌŶ KZ
ϴϱϲϲ ZK<&KZW> ϰϭϵϬsŝŶĞǁŽŽĚ>ĂŶĞ WůLJŵŽƵƚŚ DE
ϵϮϯϬ d,KZ,ZdKtEEdZ ϭϰϱϴϯKƌĐŚĂƌĚWĂƌŬǁĂLJ tĞƐƚŵŝŶƐƚĞƌ K
ϱϮϮϭ KDDZdKtEEdZ ϯϬϱϬhŶŝŽŶ>ĂŬĞZĚ ŽŵŵĞƌĐĞ D/
ϳϴϳϲ d,^,KWW^d,t<Z/' ϲϭϭϱZŽŶĂůĚZĞĂŐĂŶƌŝǀĞ >ĂŬĞ^ƚ͘>ŽƵŝƐ DK
ϴϳϯϯ Z/sZs/tt^dDZ<dW> ϯϳϳϬt͘DĐĨĂĚĚĞŶǀĞ ^ĂŶƚĂŶĂ 
ϮϳϮϰ '/^ZK^^/E' ϯϱϬWĂůŵĞƌZĚ tĂƌĞ D
ϵϵϲϯ ^,ZWΖ^W> ϭϳϱZŽƵƚĞϳϬĂƐƚ DĞĚĨŽƌĚ E:
ϵϭϬϳ KddKEtKK^,KWW/E'Ed ϭϭϬϬ^͘,ǁLJϮϲϬηϭϳ ŽƚƚŽŶǁŽŽĚ 
ϵϯϱϯ WKZdW> ϰϱ^ƚŽƌĞLJǀĞ EĞǁďƵƌLJWŽƌƚ D
ϭϯϳϵ hZZz,K>>KtEdZ ϯϭϰϭͬϮƵƌƌLJ,ŽůůŽǁƌ WůĞĂƐĂŶƚ,ŝůůƐ W
ϯϱϭϱ DKEZK^^/E'^͘͘ ϳϮ^͘͘ϯϯZĚ^ƚƌĞĞƚ ĚŵŽŶĚ K<
ϵϭϴϰ dZsZs/>>' ϮϲϮϳWůLJŵŽƵƚŚZŽĂĚ ŶŶƌďŽƌ D/
ϭϬϰϴ Zz^d>/dz^,KW^ΛϭϳϱϬ ϭϲϳϬƌLJƐƚĂů^ƋƌĐĂĚĞ ƌůŝŶŐƚŽŶ s
ϯϲϭϵ tz>EdKtEEdZ ϳϳŶĚƌĞǁǀĞ tĂLJůĂŶĚ D
ϱϱϵ DhE>/EZK^^/E'^ ϯϬϮϮZŽƵƚĞϲϬ DƵŶĚĞůĞŝŶ />
ϭϱϱϴ ^,KWW^ΛW',D/>>^ ϮϬϭϱWŐŚDŝůůƐůǀĚ dĂƌĞŶƚƵŵ W
ϱϭϲϳ t>DZd>&zdd ϭϮϭϳŝĂŵŽŶĚŝƌĐůĞ >ĂĨĂLJĞƚƚĞ K
ϭϲϭϴ D/>^y^͘͘ ϭϯϰϮĂƐƚĞƌŶůǀĚ͘ ĂůƚŝŵŽƌĞ D
ϭϯϰϴ ^hEZ/^s/>>'^,KWW/E' ϰϳϳϲĂƐƚ^ƵŶƌŝƐĞƌŝǀĞ dƵĐƐŽŶ 
ϱϴϮϯ t^dDZ<d^ ϭϬϵ^WĂƌŬĞƚ^ƚƌĞĞƚͲϭϬϵ KůĂƚŚĞ <^
ϳϯϳϭ ^WZ/E'Z<:hEd/KE ϲϴϭ^ŽƵƚŚ'ƌĞĞŶĂLJZŽĂĚ EĞĞŶĂŚ t/
ϴϬϲϵ t/E^KZKDDKE^ ϯϭϰϯĂƉĞ,ŽƌŶZŽĂĚ ZĞĚ>ŝŽŶ W
ϲϵϵϳ ^Khd,'dW> ϯϱϬϭ^dĂŵŝĂŵŝdƌĂŝů ^ĂƌĂƐŽƚĂ &>
ϭϲϵϭ Wh,dKtEEdZ ϯϮϭϲ/ƌǀŝŶŽďďƌŝǀĞ WĂĚƵĐĂŚ <z
ϳϰϵϯ Z/sZ,/>>s/>>'EdZ ϲϬϯϬĂLJďƌĞĂŬŝƌĐůĞ ůĂƌŬƐǀŝůůĞ D
ϴϵϰϭ &>>^'ZKss/>>'dZ ϭϰϵϯϯ&^ŚĂĚLJ'ƌŽǀĞZĚ ZŽĐǀŝůůĞ D
ϯϮϳϬ ^KhEs/tDZ<dW> ϮϬ^ŽƵŶĚǀŝĞǁDĂƌŬĞƚƉůĂĐĞ WŽƌƚtĂƐŚŝŶŐƚŽŶEz
ϴϵϱϰ 'ZEdZZK^ͬ ϭϵϲϵ'ƌĞĞŶƚƌĞĞZĚ WŝƚƚƐďƵƌŐŚ W
ϵϮϱϴ D>>Λ^/ZZs/^d ϮϮϬϬůDĂƌĐĂĚŽ>ŽŽƉ ^ŝĞƌƌĂsŝƐƚĂ 
ϵϮϱϲ t,/ddtKKdKtEEdZ ϭϱϳϬϮtŚŝƚƚǁŽŽĚ>ĂŶĞ tŚŝƚƚŝĞƌ 
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GNC - US Consultant's Expenses
Signs, Banners & Shipping $564,810
Signwalker Program 1,002,969
Subtotal: Advertisement 1,567,779
Supervision 1,611,201
Miscellaneous 40,000
Total (1) (2) (3) $3,218,980
(1) Assumes an average of 11.6-week Sale.
(2) If Stores open on a staggered basis, Budget will be mutually modified to reflect potential increase in expenses.
(3) Advertisement budget includes an additional charge for relabeling due to the delay in shipping.
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Store List - Additional Locations
Loc Location Location Location
Number Name City State
11 Summit Mall Fairlawn OH
39 Berkshire Mall Wyomissing PA
137 Merced Mall Merced CA
155 Rivergate Mall Goodlettsville TN
187 Valley Mall Hagerstown MD
201 Northpark Mall Davenport IA
324 Foothills Fashion Mall Ft Collins CO
454 Columbia Center Kennewick WA
472 Westmoreland Mall Greensburg PA
536 Brea Mall Brea CA
596 Stroud Mall Stroudsburg PA
700 Montgomery Mall Bethesda MD
762 Midway Mall Elyria OH
1194 Valley Plaza Bakersfield CA
1239 Shawnee Mall Shawnee OK
1252 Ward Parkway Kansas City MO
1286 Rogers Plaza Wyoming MI
1830 Westfield Topanga Canoga Park CA
1855 Galleria At Roseville Roseville CA
2677 Dyersburg Mall Dyersburg TN
2694 Crossroads Mall Ft. Dodge IA
2965 Calhoun Square Minneapolis MN
3428 Hillsdale Mall San Mateo CA
5124 Palmer Park Mall Easton PA
5184 Westwood Mall Marquette MI
5548 Birchwood Mall Fort Gratiot MI
7098 Sierra Vista Mall Clovis CA
7906 Central Mall Salina KS
8227 Mall @ Robinson Pittsburgh PA
120 Valley Fair Mall West Valley UT
260 Fort Steuben Mall Steubenville OH
270 Westfield Sunrise Massapequa NY
313 Golden East Crossing Rocky Mount NC
463 Galleria Ft Lauderdale Ft Lauderdale FL
619 Lancaster Mall Salem OR
644 Independence Mall Wilmington NC
659 Boulevard Mall Amherst NY
785 Sangertown Square New Hartford NY
1091 Eastern Hills Mall Williamsville NY
1152 Clarion Mall Clarion PA
1217 Alpena Mall Alpena MI
1242 Richland Mall Mansfield OH
1243 Crossroads Of San Antonio San Antonio TX
1244 Fox Run Mall Newington NH
1307 Village Mall Auburn AL
1438 Midway Mall Sherman TX
1557 Ashtabula Mall Ashtabula OH
2688 Circle Centre Indianapolis IN
3191 Glenwood Springs Glenwood Springs CO
3271 Indian River Mall Vero Beach FL
3603 The Mall At Waycross Waycross GA
5081 Senorial Plaza Rio Piedras PR
5522 Lakeland Square Lakeland FL
5875 Clearview Shopping Center Metairie LA
7699 Eagle Ridge Mall Lake Wales FL
8388 Mt. Berry Square Mall Rome GA
8912 Triangle Town Center Raleigh NC
9598 Durango Mall Durango CO
58 Subtotal: Stores
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GNC - US Budget
Consultant Expenses:
Advertisement (In-store signage & Shipping)
Total Consultant Exp. $21,750
(1) Budget reflects 29 GOB Stores and 29 Transfer locations.
Should the numbers and/or classifications of the Stores fluctuate from
these amounts, Merchant and Consultant shall mutually agree to
amend the Budget and Consultant Fees.
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Canada Consulting Agreement
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This Consulting Agreement (“Agreement”) is made as of June 18, 2020 (the “Effective Date”), by and
among General Nutrition Centres Company (“Merchant”) and a joint venture comprised of Tiger Asset
Solutions Canada, ULC (“Tiger”) and GA Retail Canada ULC (“GA”) (collectively, the “Consultant” and
together with Merchant, the “Parties” and each aParty”).
WHEREAS, Merchant operates retail stores throughout Canada and desires that the Consultant act as
Merchant’s exclusive consultant for the limited purposes of (a) assisting Merchant (i) in determining stores to
close immediately (or not to reopen) (the “Closing Stores”) and stores at which to conduct a Sale as defined
below (the “GOB Stores”) and (ii) with the logistics of transferring Merchandise (as defined below) from the
Closing Stores to the GOB Stores; (b) selling all of the Merchandise (as defined below) from Merchant’s
Closing Stores and GOB Stores identified on Exhibit A attached hereto (as may be modified prior to the Sale
Commencement Date (as defined below) including by adding or removing stores, in each case pursuant to
Section 1 below) (each such store identified on Exhibit A individually a “Store,” and collectively the “Stores”)
by means of a “store closing”, “location closing”, “sale on everything”, “everything must go”, or similar
themed sale as agreed between the Parties at the GOB Stores (as further described below, the “Sale”); and (c)
selling or otherwise disposing of Merchant owned furniture, furnishings, trade fixtures, machinery, equipment,
office supplies, supplies and other tangible personal property that are located in the Stores (collectively,
“FF&E”) in the Stores, each upon the terms set forth herein.
WHEREAS, Merchant and certain related entities intend to commence a bankruptcy case (the
“Bankruptcy Case”) in the United States of America under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code
(the “Bankruptcy Code”) and ancillary proceedings (the “CCAA Proceedings”) in Canada under Part IV of the
Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36, as amended (the “CCAA”) before the Ontario
Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List) (the Court”).
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, and
for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the
Consultant and Merchant hereby agree as follows:
Section 1. Appointment of Consultant
Effective as of the date hereof, subject to the entry of the Approval Order (as defined below) by the Court,
Merchant hereby appoints the Consultant, and the Consultant hereby agrees to serve, as Merchant’s consultant
for the purpose of conducting the Sale in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement as more
definitively set forth in Section 4 hereof. Subject to Section 11, Consultant shall be authorized to advertise
the Sale as a “store closing”, “location closing”, “sale on everything”, “everything must go”, or similar-themed
sale in accordance with the terms hereof, provided that no signs shall advertise the Sale as a “bankruptcy”, a
“going out of business” or a “liquidation” sale with it being understood that the French equivalent of
“clearance” is “liquidation” and is permitted to be used.
After the date hereof, at the option of the Merchant and if necessary subject to requisite approval Orders entered
in the Bankruptcy Case or granted in the CCAA Proceedings and/or the Information Officer appointed by the
Court (the “Information Officer”), Merchant may add additional Closing Stores and GOB Stores for Consultant
to serve as Merchant’s independent consultant in connection with the conduct of a Sale (the “Additional
Stores”) with respect to such Additional Stores on the terms and conditions of this Agreement subject to
appropriate adjustments as agreed for the Sale Commencement Date, the Sale Termination Date, the Expense
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Budget, the Consulting Fee and the FF&E Fee (each as defined below) for such Additional Stores (as may be
applicable), which Additional Stores and such terms shall be set forth in a written addendum hereto. The
Additional Stores and the initial Stores shall be collectively referred to as the “Stores” herein.
Section 2. Merchandise
For purposes hereof, “Merchandise” shall mean all goods, saleable in the ordinary course, located in the Stores
on the Sale Commencement Date (as defined below) or delivered thereto after the Sale Commencement Date
pursuant to the terms hereof. “Merchandise” does not mean and shall not include: (1) goods that belong to
sublessees, licensees, or concessionaires of Merchant or are leased and licensed from third parties by Merchant,
or are held by Merchant on memo, on consignment or as bailee, in each case, to the extent identified by
Merchant as excluded from Merchandise; (2) landlord owned furnishings, trade fixtures, equipment and
improvements to real property that are located in the Stores (3) FF&E; (4) expired goods or goods that expire
prior to the Sale Termination Date (as defined below); (5) damaged or defective merchandise that cannot be
sold for the purpose for which it was intended; or (6) gift cards (third party and Merchant branded).
Section 3. Sale Term
Subject to obtaining the Approval Order (as defined herein) from the Court, the Sale shall commence as
mutually agreed; provided, however, (a) for GOB Stores that are currently operating, the Sale shall commence
on or about June 25, 2020, and (b) for GOB Stores that are not currently operating, the Sale shall commence
on or about the date that is the later of the date upon which Merchant reopens each such GOB Store and June
25, 2020 (the “Sale Commencement Date”). The Sale shall conclude no later than September 30, 2020 (the
“Sale Termination Date”); provided, however, that Merchant may agree in writing in its sole discretion to
extend or terminate the Sale at any GOB Store prior to the Sale Termination Date (it being understood that, if
the timing set forth herein changes, Merchant and Consultant shall mutually agree on any adjustments to the
Expense Budget (as defined below) and Consultant’s compensation); provided further, however, that Merchant
may agree in writing in its sole discretion to make any GOB Store a Closing Store prior to the Sale Termination
Date. The period between the Sale Commencement Date and the Sale Termination Date shall be referred to
as the “Sale Term.” Upon the removal of Merchandise from each Store and at the conclusion of the Sale at
each GOB Store, (a) Consultant shall surrender the premises for such Store to Merchant in broom-swept and
clean condition with any unsold FF&E abandoned in place at such Store, and (b) Consultant shall reasonably
assist Merchant to photographically document the condition of each such Store upon the conclusion of the Sale
Section 4. Project Management
(A) Consultant’s Undertakings
Consultant shall (a) conduct a review and assessment of Merchant’s current store closing plan and
accompanying assumptions in light of the current market environment, (b) make recommendations in order to
minimize expenses and maximize the return from the sale of Merchandise, (c) consult with Merchant as to
which stores to close immediately (or to not reopen) and at which to conduct the Sale, and (d) consult with
Merchant as to the logistics of transferring merchandise from the Closing Stores to the GOB Stores. During
the Sale Term, Consultant shall, in collaboration with Merchant, (a) provide one or more qualified supervisors
(the “Supervisors”) engaged by Consultant and reasonably approved in advance by Merchant to oversee the
Sale and management of the GOB Stores in an effort to maximize revenue and sell all of the Merchandise prior
to the end of the Sale; (b) determine appropriate point-of-sale and external advertising, reasonably approved
in advance by Merchant and in accordance with the Canadian Sale Guidelines attached as Exhibit D; (c)
determine appropriate discounts of Merchandise, staffing levels, and appropriate bonus and incentive
programs, if any, for the GOB Stores’ employees, in each case reasonably approved in advance by Merchant;
(d) oversee display of Merchandise for the GOB Stores; (e) evaluate sales of Merchandise by category, provide
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sales reporting and monitor expenses; (f) maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary or non-public
information regarding Merchant in accordance with the provisions of the confidentiality agreement signed by
the Parties and for Merchant Confidential Information (as defined below) in accordance with the next
paragraph; (g) assist Merchant in connection with managing and controlling loss prevention and employee
relations matters; (h) to the extent necessary, assist Merchant in obtaining all required permits and
governmental consents required to conduct the Sale; (i) price, market, and sell the FF&E on behalf of Merchant;
(j) provide such other related services deemed necessary or appropriate by Merchant and Consultant; (k)
provide such information and reporting as may be requested by the Information Officer; and (l) comply with
all applicable Orders entered in the Bankruptcy Case or granted in the CCAA Proceedings.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all information of a business nature relating to the pricing,
sales, promotions, marketing, assets, liabilities, or other business affairs of Merchant, its customers, parent,
subsidiaries, or other affiliated entities (for purposes of this paragraph, all such entities are included within
each reference to “Merchant”) is Merchant’s confidential, trade secret information (“Merchant Confidential
Information”), which is and shall remain the exclusive intellectual property of Merchant. Except as may be
required for Consultant to perform its obligations under this Agreement in respect of the Sale, Consultant shall
not divulge, furnish, make available, or in any other manner disclose such information to any third party other
than to the Information Officer and the respective affiliates, officers, employees, representatives, attorneys and
agents of each party comprising Consultant. Each party comprising Consultant shall take and shall cause its
respective affiliates, officers, employees, representatives, attorneys and agents to take such action as shall be
reasonably necessary or advisable to preserve and protect the confidentiality of Merchant Confidential
Information. Each party comprising Consultant agrees to maintain strict confidentiality and agrees that it may
use Merchant Confidential Information only as reasonably necessary in the performance of its obligations
related to the Sale.
The Parties expressly acknowledge and agree that Merchant shall have no liability to the Supervisors for wages,
benefits, severance pay, termination pay, vacation pay, pay in lieu of notice of termination or any other liability
arising from Consultant’s hiring or engagement of the Supervisors, and the Supervisors shall not be considered
employees of Merchant. Merchant shall only be responsible for reimbursing Consultant for the cost of such
Supervisors as part of the Expense Budget (as defined below). Consultant shall vacate the GOB Stores on the
Sale Termination Date, or such other date as agreed between the Merchant and the Consultant in accordance
with the terms hereof.
(B) Merchant’s Undertakings
During the Sale Term, Merchant shall, as applicable, (a) remain the employer of the Stores’ employees; (b)
remain responsible for all taxes, costs, expenses, accounts payable, and other liabilities relating to the Stores,
the Stores’ employees and other representatives of Merchant; (c) prepare and process all tax forms and other
documentation; (d) collect all sales taxes and pay them to the appropriate taxing authorities for the Stores; (e)
use reasonable efforts to cause Merchant’s employees to cooperate with Consultant and the Supervisors; (f)
execute all agreements mutually determined by the Merchant and the Consultant to be necessary or desirable
for the operation of the GOB Stores during the Sale; (g) arrange for the ordinary maintenance of all point-of-
sale equipment required for the GOB Stores; and (h) ensure that Consultant has quiet use and enjoyment of the
GOB Stores for the Sale Term in order to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
Merchant shall provide throughout the Sale Term central administrative services typically provided to Stores
in the ordinary course and necessary for the Sale, including internal payroll processing, MIS services, cash and
inventory reconciliation, data processing and reporting, email preparation and distribution, information
technology updates, functionality, and maintenance, and accounting, all at no cost to Consultant.
The Parties expressly acknowledge and agree that Consultant shall have no liability to Merchant’s employees
for wages, benefits (including any pension related benefits and obligations), severance pay, termination pay,
accrued vacation entitlement, vacation pay, pay in lieu of notice of termination or any other liability arising
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from Merchant’s employment, hiring, retention, furlough, layoff, or termination of its employees, and such
employees shall not be considered employees of Consultant.
The Parties acknowledge that this Agreement is being entered into in the midst of the outbreak of the COVID-
19 pandemic and that local, provincial, and national laws and responses are continuously developing and
evolving, often in unpredictable ways. Merchant hereby agrees that, while Consultant will fully cooperate with
Merchant to adhere to any restrictions, laws, regulations, recommendations, or orders imposed by
governmental entities, or similar regulatory or authoritative agencies, that may be imposed on any aspect of
Merchant’s ability to operate the Stores in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the responsibility and expense
of complying with any such restrictions, laws, regulations, recommendations, or orders, including their
enforcement and implementation, shall be the sole responsibility of Merchant. Examples of such restrictions,
regulations or recommendations may include, without limitation: (a) providing protective gear (such as masks,
sanitizers, and similar items) aimed at reducing the spread of the virus to Merchant’s employees, customers,
vendors, etc.; (b) implementing physical restrictions with regard to Store operations, including monitoring the
number of customers allowed into a Store at any given time; and (c) enforcing daily cleaning and sanitizing
procedures at the Stores. Merchant and its employees shall be responsible to facilitate, enforce, and implement
any such restrictions or regulations, however, Consultant agrees not to violate any such restrictions, laws,
regulations, recommendations or orders in the performance of its services hereunder.
Section 5. The Sale
All sales of Merchandise and FF&E shall be made on behalf of, and solely in the name of, Merchant.
Consultant does not have, nor shall it have, any right, title, or interest in the Merchandise or FF&E. Subject to
the terms of the Approval Order, all sales of Merchandise and FF&E shall be by cash, gift card, gift certificate,
merchandise credit, debit card, or credit card and, at Merchant’s discretion, by check or otherwise in
accordance with Merchant’s policies, and shall be “final” with no returns accepted or allowed unless otherwise
directed by Merchant or mandated by law. The right to honor gift cards, gift certificates or merchandise credit,
after the commencement of the Bankruptcy Case and the CCAA Proceedings shall be subject to further Orders
entered in the Bankruptcy Case and granted in the CCAA Proceedings.
Section 6. Consultant Fee and Expenses in Connection with the Sale
(A) Consultant’s Fee
Consultant shall be entitled to a base fee for its services equal to USD$1,000 per GOB Store and
USD$500 per Closing Store (the “Base Fee”) payable as follows: (x) 50% upon entry of the Interim Order (as
defined below), and (y) 50% upon entry of the Final Order (as defined below). In addition, Merchant may
earn an additional incentive fee (the “Incentive Fee” and together with the Base Fee, the “Consulting Fee”)
based upon the following thresholds of Gross Proceeds (as defined below) received during the Sale divided by
the Cost Value (as defined below) of the Merchandise sold during the Sale (the “Gross Recovery Percentage”)
calculated back to the first dollar received:
Gross Recovery Percentage
Total Incentive Fee
Between 120% to 134.99%
.50% of Gross Proceeds
Between 135% to 149.99%
.75% of Gross Proceeds
150.0% or above
1.25% of Gross Proceeds
For the avoidance of doubt, the above Incentive Fee, if achieved, is in addition to the Base Fee.
After it is determined that Consultant has earned an Incentive Fee, Merchant shall pay such Incentive Fee as
earned as part of the weekly reconciliations and in any event no later than the Final Reconciliation (as
defined below).
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For purposes of this calculation, (i) “Gross Proceeds” shall mean the sum of the gross proceeds of all sales of
Merchandise that is sold through the Sale (including, as a result of the redemption of any gift card, gift
certificate or merchandise credit as well as wholesale sales to third parties and miscellaneous income) during
the Sale Term, after the application of all discounts including, without limitation, any discount coupons issued
by Merchant in the ordinary course of its business, and net only of sales taxes, and (ii) “Cost Value” shall mean
the aggregate gross cost of Merchandise sold during the Sale per the Merchant’s books and records. The Parties
shall mutually agree upon the Consulting Fee for any Additional Stores in writing.
For purposes of calculating Gross Proceeds, Consultant and Merchant shall jointly keep (i) a strict count of
gross register receipts less applicable sales taxes and (ii) cash reports of sales within each Store. Register
receipts shall show for each item sold the retail price (as reflected on Merchant’s books and records) for such
item, and the markdown or other discount granted in connection with such sale. All such records and reports
shall be made available to Consultant and Merchant during regular business hours upon reasonable notice.
(B) Expenses
Merchant shall be responsible for all reasonable and documented costs and expenses of the Sale, including all
Store level operating expenses. To control expenses of the Sale, Merchant and Consultant have established a
budget (the “Expense Budget”) of certain delineated expenses in connection with the Sale, including
supervision (including Supervisors’ wages, fees, travel and any other compensation and any travel expenses
of Consultant), advertising costs and signage. The Expense Budget for the Sale is attached hereto as Exhibit
B. The Expense Budget may only be modified by mutual written agreement of Consultant and Merchant, and
with the approval of the Information Officer from and after the date of the Approval Order. Notwithstanding
anything herein to the contrary, unless otherwise agreed to by Merchant, Merchant shall not be obligated to
pay costs of supervision, advertising costs and signage that exceed the budgeted amount, on an aggregate basis.
The Parties acknowledge that the Expense Budget will be updated as appropriate in connection with any
modification of the lists of GOB Stores or the terms of the Sale and agree to cooperate in good faith with
respect to such updates or to any Additional Stores.
(C) Reconciliation
Consultant shall maintain books and records as it relates to the services rendered under this Agreement. Subject
to the terms of the Approval Order, all accounting matters (including, without limitation, any Consulting Fees
and expenses per the Expense Budget that are reimbursable or payable to Consultant) shall be reconciled on
every Wednesday for the prior week and shall be paid within seven (7) days after each such weekly
Within twenty (20) days following the Sale Termination Date for each GOB Store, the Parties shall complete
a final reconciliation and settlement based upon the total Gross Proceeds received and all amounts earned and
due to Consultant and contemplated by this Agreement (including, without limitation, Expense Budget items)
(the “Final Reconciliation”). Upon completion of the Final Reconciliation, if a payment is due from either
Party, such Party shall pay the other Party any amounts calculated to be due as part of such Final Reconciliation
after considering any amount previously paid to the Consultant (including without limitation Expense Budget
items and any other payments under this Agreement). Merchant or its firm of auditors appointed by Merchant
has the right, upon reasonable written notice to Consultant, to inspect at reasonable times and locations such
documentation, records, and equipment that reasonably relate to the services provided for under this Agreement
for purposes of ensuring performance of Consultant’s obligations under this Agreement.
(D) Advance on Expenses
Subject to the terms of the Approval Order, as an advance against the expenses of the Sale, and to secure
payment of the same and any other amounts due to Consultant, no later than five (5) days after the Effective
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Date, and in no event later than the last business day before the earliest of filing by Merchant of a Bankruptcy
Case or CCAA Proceedings, Merchant shall pay to Consultant a deposit in the amount of USD$200,000, which
is an estimate of the costs of signage, advertising and Supervisors for a two (2) week period, and is calculated
based on the number of Stores included on Exhibit A as of the Effective Date (the “Advance”). The Parties
agree that the Advance may only be used to pay for expenses pursuant to the Expense Budget and to secure
reimbursement of the Expenses and payment of the Consulting Fee and other amounts due hereunder. The
Parties further agree to increase the sum of the Advance in the event that Additional Stores are added and as
needed, provided, however, that Merchant must expressly approve such increases in writing. The Advance
shall be applied against the reimbursement of expenses or payment of the Consulting Fee at the end of the Sale
Term to the extent not otherwise paid, and to the extent not expended when the Sale concludes, and any
unapplied balance shall be returned to Merchant as part of the Final Reconciliation or such other time that
Merchant and Consultant mutually agree.
(E) Taxes on Payments
Merchant acknowledges that the amounts payable to Consultant hereunder may be subject to sales or other
taxes and agrees to pay to Consultant all such taxes in accordance with applicable laws in addition to the
amounts payable hereunder.
Section 7. Indemnification
(A) Merchant’s Indemnification
Except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement, Merchant shall indemnify, defend, and hold each party
comprising Consultant and its consultants, members, managers, partners, officers, directors, employees,
attorneys, advisors, principals, affiliates, and Supervisors (collectively, "Consultant Indemnified Parties")
harmless from and against all liabilities, claims, demands, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable
attorneys' fees) arising from or related to: (a) the willful or grossly negligent acts or omissions of Merchant or
the Merchant Indemnified Parties (as defined below); (b) the material breach of any provision of this
Agreement by Merchant; (c) any liability or other claims, including, without limitation, product liability claims,
asserted by customers, any Store employees (under a collective bargaining agreement or otherwise), or any
other person (excluding Consultant Indemnified Parties) against Consultant or a Consultant Indemnified Party,
except claims arising from Consultant’s negligence, willful misconduct, or unlawful behavior; (d) any
harassment, discrimination or violation of any laws or regulations or any other unlawful, tortious or otherwise
actionable treatment of Consultant’s Indemnified Parties or Merchant’s customers by Merchant or Merchant’s
Indemnified Parties (as defined below); (e) Merchant’s failure to collect, remit and pay over to the appropriate
taxing authority all sales and other taxes required to be collected, remitted or paid by Merchant during the Sale
Term in accordance with applicable law; and (f) any claims of Merchant’s employees for wages, benefits
(including pension related benefits and obligations), severance pay, termination pay, accrued vacation,
vacation pay, pay in lieu of notice of termination or any other liability arising from Merchant’s employment,
hiring, retention, furlough, layoff or termination of its employees.
(B) Consultant’s Indemnification
Except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement, Consultant shall, on a joint and several basis, indemnify,
defend and hold Merchant and its affiliates and their respective consultants, members, managers, partners,
officers, directors, employees, attorneys, advisors, principals, and affiliates (other than the Consultant or the
Consultant Indemnified Parties) (collectively, “Merchant Indemnified Parties”) harmless from and against all
liabilities, claims, demands, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising from
or related to (a) the willful or grossly negligent acts or omissions of Consultant or the Consultant Indemnified
Parties; (b) the breach of any provision of, or the failure to perform any obligation under, this Agreement by
Consultant; (c) any liability or other claims made by Consultant’s Indemnified Parties or any other person
(excluding Merchant Indemnified Parties) against a Merchant Indemnified Party arising out of or related to
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Consultant’s conduct of the Sale, except claims arising from Merchant’s negligence, willful misconduct, or
unlawful behavior; (d) any harassment, discrimination or violation of any laws or regulations or any other
unlawful, tortious or otherwise actionable treatment of Merchant Indemnified Parties or Merchant’s customers
by Consultant or any of the Consultant Indemnified Parties and (e) any claims made by any party engaged by
Consultant as an employee, agent, representative or independent contractor arising out of such engagement.
Section 8. Insurance
(A) Merchant’s Insurance Obligations
Merchant shall maintain, throughout the Sale Term, liability insurance policies (including products liability in
the amounts currently provided, commercial general liability insurance and auto liability insurance) covering
injuries to persons and property in or in connection with the Stores, and shall cause Consultant to be included
as an additional insured with respect to all such policies. At Consultant’s request, Merchant shall provide
Consultant with a certificate or certificates evidencing the insurance coverage required hereunder and that
Consultant is an additional insured thereunder. In addition, Merchant shall maintain throughout the Sale Term,
in such amounts as it currently has in effect, workers compensation insurance in compliance with all applicable
statutory requirements.
(B) Consultant’s Insurance Obligations
As an expense of the Sale and as set forth on the Expense Budget, Consultant shall maintain, throughout the
Sale Term, liability insurance policies (including products liability/completed operations, contractual liability,
comprehensive commercial general liability, without limitation, including auto liability insurance) on an
occurrence basis in an amount of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and an aggregate
basis of at least five million dollars ($5,000,000) for commercial general liability covering injuries to persons
and property in or in connection with Consultant's provision of services at the Stores and $5,000,000 per
occurrence combined single limit for auto. Consultant shall name Merchant as an additional insured and loss
payee under such policies, and upon execution of this Agreement provide Merchant with a certificate or
certificates of insurance evidencing the insurance coverage required hereunder. In addition, Consultant shall
maintain throughout the Sale Term workers compensation insurance compliant with all statutory requirements.
Further, should Consultant employ or engage third parties to perform any of Consultant's undertakings with
regard to this Agreement, Consultant will ensure that such third parties are covered by Consultant's insurance
or maintain all of the same insurance as Consultant is required to maintain pursuant to this paragraph and name
Merchant as an additional insured and loss payee under the policy for each such insurance.
Section 9. Representations, Warranties, Covenants and Agreements
(A) Merchant’s Representations, Warranties, Covenants and Agreements.
Merchant warrants, represents, covenants and agrees that (a) Merchant is a company duly organized, validly
existing and in good standing, with full power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to
perform its obligations hereunder (subject to any requisite approval in the Bankruptcy Case or in the CCAA
Proceedings), and maintains its principal executive office at the address set forth herein, (b) the execution,
delivery and performance of this Agreement has been duly authorized by all necessary actions of Merchant
and this Agreement constitutes a valid and binding obligation of Merchant enforceable against Merchant in
accordance with its terms and conditions, and the consent of no other entity or person is required for Merchant
to fully perform all of its obligations herein, (c) all ticketing of Merchandise at the Stores has been and will be
done in accordance with Merchant’s customary ticketing practices, and (d) all normal course hard markdowns
on the Merchandise have been and will be, taken consistent with customary Merchant’s practices.
(B) Consultant’s Representations, Warranties, Covenants and Agreements.
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Each party comprising Consultant respectively warrants, represents, covenants and agrees that (a) it is a
company duly organized, validly existing and in good standing, with full power and authority to execute and
deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder, and maintains its principal executive office
at the addresses set forth herein, (b) the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement has been duly
authorized by all necessary actions of such Consultant party and this Agreement constitutes a valid and binding
obligation of such Consultant party, enforceable against such Consultant party in accordance with its terms
and conditions, and the consent of no other entity or person is required for such Consultant party to fully
perform all of its obligations herein, (c) subject to Section 4(A) above, it shall comply with and act in
accordance with any and all applicable local laws, rules, regulations, and other legal obligations of all
governmental authorities in conducting the Sale, (d) no non-emergency repairs or maintenance in the Stores
will be conducted without Merchant’s prior written consent, (e) it will not take any disciplinary action against
any employee of Merchant, (f) subject to the terms of the Approval Order, Consultant will comply with lease
terms, obligations and restrictions for each Store while performing the services hereunder, and (g) it shall
conduct the Sale in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the Approval Order.
Section 10. Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment
Subject to evaluation by the parties on a case by case basis to determine what may be sold from each Store as
provided below, Consultant shall sell the FF&E in the GOB Stores and, to the extent applicable, the Closing
Stores. Merchant shall reimburse Consultant for Consultant’s reasonable and documented out of pocket costs
and expenses incurred by Consultant in connection with the sale of FF&E, which costs and expenses shall be
incurred pursuant to a written budget or budgets to be established from time to time by mutual written
agreement of the Parties (the “FF&E Budget”). Consultant shall have the right to abandon at the Stores any
unsold FF&E, in a neat and orderly fashion. Unless otherwise agreed to by Merchant, the sale of the FF&E in
each Store shall conclude no later than the Sale Termination Date for each Store.
Consultant shall be entitled to a commission equal to fifteen percent (15.0%) of the Gross FF&E Proceeds (as
defined below) from the sale of the FF&E (theFF&E Fee”) for the Stores set forth on Exhibit A.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Merchant may inform Consultant that it intends to remove certain fixtures from
the Stores and such fixtures shall not be included in the FF&E. Prior to the commencement of the Sale,
Merchant will provide a list of any such fixtures at each store location to Consultant and will remove such
fixtures from the Stores as soon as practical before or during the Sale. Consultant will use commercially
reasonable efforts to ensure that the designated fixtures remain in good condition throughout the Sale.
Consultant shall remit to Merchant all Gross FF&E Proceeds. For purposes of this Agreement, “Gross FF&E
Proceeds” means gross receipts from the sale of FF&E, net only of applicable sales taxes. During each weekly
reconciliation described above, Consultant’s FF&E Fee (if any) shall be calculated, and Consultant’s calculated
FF&E Fee and all FF&E costs and expenses then incurred shall be paid within seven (7) days after each such
weekly reconciliation.
Section 11. Advertising, Promotions, Signwalkers and Signage
Consultant shall obtain prior written approval from Merchant for any advertising, promotions, signwalkers,
and signage, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, and except as provided otherwise in the Approval
Order shall cooperate with Merchant to ensure reasonable compliance with provincial and local government
regulations and Store lease agreements. All advertising shall comply with the Sale Guidelines attached as
Exhibit “D”. Advertising and signage shall be at the expense of Merchant as provided in Exhibit B or as
otherwise agreed between the parties.
Section 12. Termination
The following shall constitute “Termination Events” hereunder:
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(a) Merchant’s or Consultant’s failure to perform any of their respective material obligations
hereunder, which failure remains uncured for seven (7) days after receipt of written notice
thereof to the defaulting Party;
(b) Any representation or warranty made by Merchant or Consultant is untrue in any material
respect as of the date made or at any time and throughout the Sale Term;
(c) The Sale is terminated or materially interrupted or impaired for any reason other than an event
of default by Consultant or Merchant;
(d) The Approval Order is not issued on or before July 7, 2020, or the Approval Order is
overturned on appeal, materially varied or set aside;
(e) Any trustee, receiver, secured party or other third party acquires title, possession or control of
all or substantially all of the Merchandise; or
(f) An Order is entered in the Bankruptcy Case or granted in the CCAA Proceedings requiring
the termination of this Agreement.
If a Termination Event occurs, the non-defaulting Party (in the case of an event of default) or either Party (if
the Sale is otherwise terminated or materially interrupted or impaired) may, in its discretion, elect to terminate
this Agreement by providing seven (7) business days’ written notice thereof to the other Party and, in the case
of an event of default, in addition to terminating this Agreement, pursue any and all rights and remedies and
damages resulting from such default. If this Agreement is terminated, Merchant shall be obligated to pay
Consultant all undisputed amounts due under this Agreement through and including the termination date.
Merchant will be permitted to terminate this Agreement for any reason upon thirty (30) days’ written notice to
Consultant and, in such case, subject to the terms of the Approval Order, Consultant shall be paid its fee for
selling Merchandise and FF&E through the date of such termination.
Section 13. Notices
All notices, certificates, approvals, and payments provided for herein shall be sent by fax or by recognized
overnight delivery service as follows: (a) To Merchant: General Nutrition Centres Company, Box 997, 800-
1959 Upper Water Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2X2 with a copy to General Nutrition Centers, Inc.,
Attention: Accounts Payable Dept, 300 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222; (b) to Consultant: Tiger Capital
Group, 60 State Street, 11
Floor, Boston, MA 02109, Attn: Mark P. Naughton, with a copy to Great American
Group, LLC, 21255 Burbank Blvd., Suite 400, Woodland Hills, CA 91367, Attn: Scott K. Carpenter and
Marina Fineman; and (c) such other address as may be designated in writing by Merchant or Consultant. A
copy of all notices provided hereunder shall be sent by fax or recognized overnight delivery service to the
Information Officer: FTI Consulting Canada, 79, TD South Tower Toronto Dominion Centre Toronto ON CA
M5K 1G8, Wellington St W suite 2010, Toronto, ON M5K 1B1 (Attention: Nigel Meakin).
Section 14. Independent Consultant
Consultant’s relationship to Merchant is that of an independent contractor without the capacity to bind Merchant
in any respect. No employer/employee, principal/agent, joint venture or other such relationship is created by this
Agreement. Merchant shall have no control over the hours that Consultant or its employees or assistants or the
Supervisors work or the means or manner in which the services that will be provided are performed and Consultant
is not authorized to enter into any contracts or agreements on behalf of Merchant or to otherwise create any
obligations of Merchant to third parties, unless authorized in writing to do so by Merchant.
Section 15. Non-Assignment
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Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights hereunder may be transferred or assigned by either Party without
the prior written consent of the other Party. From and after the date of the Approval Order, any assignment
shall also require the consent of the Information Officer. No modification, amendment or waiver of any of the
provisions contained in this Agreement, or any future representation, promise or condition in connection with
the subject matter of this Agreement, shall be binding upon any Party to this Agreement unless made in writing
and signed by a duly authorized representative or agent of such Party. This Agreement shall be binding upon
and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and permitted
Section 16. Severability
If any term or provision of this Agreement, as applied to either Party or any circumstance, for any reason shall
be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, unenforceable, inoperative or otherwise
ineffective, that provision shall be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that this
Agreement shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable. If the surviving portions of the
Agreement fail to retain the essential understanding of the Parties, the Agreement may be terminated by mutual
consent of the Parties.
Section 17. Governing Law, Venue, Jurisdiction and Jury Waiver
This Agreement, and its validity, construction and effect, shall be governed by and enforced in accordance
with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein (without reference
to the conflicts of laws provisions therein). Merchant and Consultant waive their respective rights to trial by
jury of any cause of action, claim, counterclaim, or cross-complaint in any action, proceeding and/or hearing
brought by either Consultant against Merchant or Merchant against Consultant on any matter whatsoever
arising out of, or in any way connected with, this Agreement, the relationship between Merchant and
Consultant, any claim of injury or damage or the enforcement of any remedy under any law, statute, or
regulation, emergency or otherwise, now or hereafter in effect.
Section 18. Security
Consultant has implemented and shall operate at all times the technical and organizational security measures
set forth on Exhibit C hereto.
Section 19. Entire Agreement
This Agreement, together with all additional schedules and exhibits attached hereto, constitutes a single,
integrated written contract expressing the entire agreement of the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof.
No covenants, agreements, representations or warranties of any kind whatsoever have been made by any Party
except as specifically set forth in this Agreement. All prior agreements, discussions and negotiations are
entirely superseded by this Agreement.
Section 20. Execution
This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in counterparts (including by means of electronic mail,
facsimile or portable document format (pdf) signature pages), any one of which need not contain the signatures
of more than one party, but all such counterparts taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument.
This Agreement, and any amendments hereto, to the extent signed and delivered by means of electronic mail,
a facsimile machine or electronic transmission in portable document format (pdf), shall be treated in all manner
and respects as an original thereof and shall be considered to have the same binding legal effects as if it were
the original signed version thereof delivered in person.
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Section 21. Court Approval
Concurrent with, or as soon as possible following, the commencement of the CCAA Proceedings, Merchant
shall file a motion with the Court to approve this Agreement and utilize its commercially reasonable efforts to
ensure that such motion is approved by an order substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit E (the
“Approval Order”, and any interim and final orders obtained in the Bankruptcy Case in connection with the
consulting services described herein and similar services, the Interim Order” and the “Final Order”,
respectively) that provides for, among other things, as follows: (i) approval of this Agreement; (ii) approves
the payment of all fees and reimbursement of expenses hereunder to Consultant, free and clear of all liens,
claims and encumbrances, on a weekly basis and otherwise in accordance with this Agreement; (iii) approval
of the transaction contemplated hereby; (iv) authorizing the Sale and providing that any Sale conducted
hereunder shall be free of all claims, liens and encumbrances that existed prior to or after such Court Order
including any Charges created by any Order of the Court; in accordance with the Canadian Sale Guidelines
attached as Exhibit D; (v) declaring that this Agreement shall not be rejected or disclaimed by Merchant, and
that the obligations of Merchant hereunder shall not be compromised in any plan, and (vi) authorizing Merchant
to take such further actions as are necessary or appropriate to carry out the terms and conditions of this
Agreement. The Parties acknowledge that Court approval is required for Merchant to enter into and perform
under this Agreement. In the event of such a filing, any legal action, suit or proceeding arising in connection
with this Agreement shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court having jurisdiction over
Merchant, and each Party hereby waives any defenses or objections based on lack of jurisdiction, improper
venue, and/or forum non conveniens. From and after entry of the Approval Order, Consultant shall conduct
the Sale in accordance with the terms of the applicable Orders granted in the Bankruptcy Case and in the
CCAA Proceedings in all material respects.
Section 22. Currency
All references herein to money amounts are in Canadian currency, unless otherwise noted herein.
Section 23. Authorized Consultant Party
Tiger and GA have formed a joint venture, and, as such, share in the rights and liabilities of Consultant as set
forth in this Agreement. Tiger is hereby designated as the lead and authorized party to deal directly with
Merchant on behalf of Consultant and has the authority to contractually bind Consultant under this Agreement
without having to obtain any express written concurrent approval(s) from GA. Tiger and GA will be jointly
and severally liable for all acts, omissions, and obligations of Consultant hereunder.
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Exhibit A
Store List
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Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 81 of 109
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Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 82 of 109
Exhibit B
Expense Budget
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GNC - Canada Consultant's Expenses ($ in USD)
Signs, Banners & Shipping $102,800
Signwalker Program 543,900
Subtotal: Advertisement $646,700
Supervision 419,287
Miscellaneous 30,000
Total Consultant Exp. (1) (2) $1,095,987
(1) Assumes an average of 14.0-week Sale starting Thu, 06/25.
(2) Budget reflects 82 GOB Stores and 4 Transfer locations.
Should the numbers and/or classifications of the Stores fluctuate from these amounts,
Merchant and Consultant shall mutually agree to amend the Budget and Consultant Fees.
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Exhibit C
Security Requirements
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GNC Contract Security Exhibit
Consultant has implemented and shall operate at all times
the following technical and organizational
security measures to safeguard and monitor the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of GNC data; the
systems that store, process or transmit GNC data; and the services provided to GNC.
1. A written information security policy and program based on an industry-recognized security
framework such as NIST 800.53 or ISO 27001/27002. Consultant shall provide a copy of the written
information security program they have implemented.
2. An ongoing security awareness program to educate and test personnel about confidentiality and
information security at the time of hire and periodically thereafter. Training includes both general-
purpose security awareness and job-specific security responsibilities and procedures.
3. Policies, controls, and procedures to control, limit and monitor physical access to facilities where
GNC data is processed, systems that provide services to GNC are located, and personnel that
provide services to GNC are employed.
4. Policies, controls, and procedures to safeguard and monitor the networks and systems that process
GNC data or provide services to GNC. Consultant utilizes current versions of operating systems,
applications, software, and hardware that are covered by manufacturer support.
5. Policies, controls, and procedures to prevent the loss or corruption of GNC data and to ensure the
confidentiality and integrity of all integrations, system interconnections, and transmissions
between Consultant and GNC.
6. Policies, controls, and procedures to manage the creation, use, periodic re-certification, revocation,
and deletion of access credentials and to authenticate, authorize, and audit access to data,
networks, systems, services, and other information assets.
7. Policies, controls, and procedures to document, review, approve, test, and implement changes to
software, hardware, data, applications, and services.
8. Policies, controls, and procedures to create automated logs and audit trails of system operations,
user activities, and security events; to review logs, reports, or alerts of security events for all system
components to identify anomalies or suspicious activity in a timely manner; and to investigate and
addresses security events identified through its monitoring practices.
9. Policies, controls, and procedures for asset management, record retention, and record destruction
to identify, classify, and manage information assets, software, and systems. Consultant shall
immediately and securely remove from its systems and media, and at GNC's option return or
destroy, all data at the end of its agreement with GNC, upon GNC's request, or when the data is no
longer required to provide services to GNC. Consultant shall provide suitable documentation and
certification of the removal processes and results.
10. Policies, controls, and procedures for a secure System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that involves
security in product development and implementation, trains personnel in secure development and
coding concepts and practices, and verifies that products meet security requirements prior to
delivery. The secure SDLC incorporates leading practices for authentication, authorization, and
access control; data validation, transmission, and storage; cryptography; session management; and
error handling.
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11. Policies, controls, and procedures to assess, report, manage, and address internal and third-party
risk. Consultant operates a continuous vulnerability management program that includes periodic
scanning and penetration tests of systems, services, and networks; application security tests; and
the timely installation of all relevant vendor security patches. Consultant subscribes to relevant
manufacturer and industry security advisory services. Consultant develops and executes timely risk
treatment and remediation action plans.
12. Policies, controls, and procedures for computer security incident response. Consultant designates
and trains an incident response team and performs periodic incident response exercises. In the
event of an incident that affects the security of the Consultant or the Consultant's third party
service providers, Consultant shall notify GNC within 24 hours. Consultant shall cooperate with GNC
and GNC’s authorized representatives in the design and execution of any public notice and
communication regarding the security incident and its impacts. Consultant shall cooperate with
GNC to address the incident and implement corrective action plans.
13. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that all data received from GNC is owned by GNC. Consultant
shall use data solely for the purpose of providing services to, and solely for the benefit of, GNC.
Consultant shall not disclose GNC data to third parties or affiliates without the express written
consent of GNC. Consultant shall store regulated personably identifiable data and personal data
received from and owned by GNC within the US and will not transmit, transfer, or replicate the data
to any location outside of the United States.
14. Consultant shall only disclose or transfer GNC data to authorized third parties for the purpose of
rendering services to GNC. Consultant shall maintain an inventory of third parties to which
Consultant discloses or transfers GNC’s data. Consultant will provide this inventory to GNC upon
request. Consultant shall require of its third parties, and accept responsibility to ensure that its
third parties shall have in place equivalent safeguards for the protection of GNC data and services
as specified in Consultant’s agreement with GNC.
15. If Consultant processes, transmits, accesses, or stores payment card data in rendering services to
GNC, then Consultant (and related applicable third parties) shall meet the requirements for a PCI
Service Provider and shall demonstrate ongoing PCI Data Security Standard and/or Payment
Application Data Security Standard compliance as a Service Provider annually by furnishing to GNC
its then-current authorized Attestation of Compliance developed by a certified, independent PCI
Qualified Security Assessor.
16. If Consultant processes personal data of European Union data subjects as a data processor
rendering services to GNC, then Consultant (and related applicable third parties) shall implement
appropriate technical and organizational measures in such a manner that processing will meet the
requirements of GDPR and ensure the protection of the rights of the data subject, execute a data
protection agreement with GNC, assist GNC to fulfill GDPR data subject rights requests. Consultant
shall make available to GNC all information necessary to demonstrate compliance with GDPR
17. Consultant shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes and regulations
governing Consultant’s use, transmission, storage, and destruction of data.
18. Consultant has disclosed any breach of security or unauthorized access or unauthorized use of its
systems or services that occurred in the past 36 months. Consultant has described the response
and remedies implemented to address the cause of any breach.
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19. Consultant has provided current attestation of privacy and security trust principles such as an SSAE
16 SOC 2 report (or equivalent) from an independent registered public accountant (or equivalent)
covering all locations and functions that store, process, transmit, or access GNC data and/or
20. Upon reasonable notice, Consultant shall permit GNC, or a third-party provider acting on GNC’s
behalf, to conduct security vulnerability testing of the systems and/or software developed on
behalf of GNC and/or used to render services to GNC. Consultant shall develop and implement
timely corrective action plans to remediate defects and vulnerabilities noted during the testing.
21. Consultant shall reasonably cooperate with any investigation carried out by or on behalf of GNC
relating to the security, integrity, confidentiality, availability, or accuracy of GNC data, including
promptly providing information or material in its possession or control in support of such
investigation, and making all necessary personnel available to respond to any questions or issues
that may arise.
22. Consultant has executed GNC’s non-disclosure agreement (or equivalent).
Revised 8/7/2018
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Exhibit D
Canadian Sale Guidelines
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The following procedures shall apply to the Sale to be conducted at the Stores of General Nutrition
Centres Company (the “Merchant”). All terms not herein defined shall have the meaning set forth in
the Consulting Agreement by and between a joint venture comprised of Tiger Asset Solutions
Canada, ULC and GA Retail Canada ULC (collectively with their respective U.S. affiliates, the
Consultant”) and the Merchant dated as of June 18, 2020 (the “Consulting Agreement”).
1. Except as otherwise expressly set out herein, and subject to: (i) the orders granted or issued
in the Merchant’s bankruptcy case (the “Bankruptcy Case”) in the United States of America
under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code (the “Bankruptcy Code”) in the
United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the “Court”) and the Merchant’s
ancillary proceedings (the “CCAA Proceedings”) in Canada under Part IV of the Companies
Creditors Arrangement Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36, as amended (the “CCAA”) before the
Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List) (individually, an “Order”, and,
collectively, the “Orders”); or (ii) any subsequent written agreement between the Merchant
and the applicable landlord(s) (individually, a “Landlord” and, collectively, the “Landlords”)
and approved by each of the Consultant and Information Officer in writing, or (iii) as otherwise
set forth herein, the Sale shall be conducted in accordance with the terms of the applicable
leases/or other occupancy agreements to which the affected Landlords are privy for each of
the affected Stores (individually, a “Lease” and, collectively, the “Leases”). However, nothing
contained herein shall be construed to create or impose upon the Merchant or the Consultant
any additional restrictions not contained in the applicable Lease or other occupancy
2. The Sale shall be conducted so that each of the Stores remains open during its normal hours
of operation provided for in its respective Lease until the respective Sale Termination Date
for such Store. The Sale at the Stores shall end by no later than the Sale Termination Date.
Rent payable under the respective Leases shall be paid in accordance with the terms of the
Orders, as applicable.
3. The Sale shall be conducted in accordance with applicable federal, provincial and municipal
laws and regulations, unless otherwise set out herein or otherwise ordered by the Court.
4. All display and hanging signs used by the Consultant in connection with the Sale shall be
professionally produced and all hanging signs shall be hung in a professional manner.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Leases, the Consultant may
advertise the Sale at the Stores as an “everything on sale”, an “everything must go”, a “store
closing” or similar theme sale at the Stores (provided however that no signs shall advertise
the Sale as a “bankruptcy”, a “going out of business” or a “liquidation” sale it being understood
that the French equivalent of “clearance” is “liquidation” and is permitted to be used).
Forthwith upon written request from a Landlord, the Landlord's counsel, the Merchant or the
Information Officer, the Consultant shall provide the proposed signage packages along with
the proposed dimensions and number of signs (as approved by the Merchant pursuant to the
Consulting Agreement) by e-mail to such Landlord(s) or to their counsel of record and the
Information Officer. Where the provisions of the Lease conflict with these Canadian Sale
Guidelines, these Canadian Sale Guidelines shall govern. The Consultant shall not use neon
or day-glow or handwritten signage (unless otherwise contained in the sign package,
including “you pay” or “topper” signs). In addition, the Consultant shall be permitted to utilize
exterior banners/signs at stand alone or strip mall Stores or enclosed mall Stores with a
separate entrance from the exterior of the enclosed mall, provided, however, that where such
banners are not explicitly permitted by the applicable Lease and the Landlord requests in
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 90 of 109
writing that the banners are not to be used, no banners shall be used absent further Order of
the Court. Any banners used shall be located or hung so as to make clear that the Sale is
being conducted only at the affected Store and shall not be wider than the premises occupied
by the affected Store. All exterior banners shall be professionally hung and to the extent that
there is any damage to the façade of the premises of a Store as a result of the hanging or
removal of the exterior banner, such damage shall be professionally repaired at the expense
of the Consultant. If a Landlord is concerned with “store closing” signs being placed in the
front window of a Store or with the number or size of the signs in the front window, the
Consultant and the Landlord will discuss the Landlord’s concerns and work to resolve the
5. The Consultant shall be permitted to utilize sign walkers and street signage; provided,
however, such sign walkers and street signage shall not be located on the shopping centre
or mall premises.
6. The Consultant shall not make any alterations to interior or exterior Store lighting, except as
authorized pursuant to the applicable Lease. The hanging of exterior banners or other
signage, where permitted in accordance with the terms of these guidelines, shall not
constitute an alteration to a Store.
7. Conspicuous signs shall be posted in the cash register areas of each Store to the effect that
all sales are “final”.
8. The Consultant shall not distribute handbills, leaflets or other written materials to customers
outside of any of the Stores on any Landlord's property, unless permitted by the applicable
Lease or, if distribution is customary in the shopping centre in which the Store is located.
Otherwise, the Consultant may solicit customers in the Stores themselves. The Consultant
shall not use any giant balloons, flashing lights or amplified sound to advertise the Sale or
solicit customers, except as permitted under the applicable Lease, or agreed to by the
Landlord, and no advertising trucks shall be used on a Landlord property or mall ring roads,
except as explicitly permitted under the applicable Lease or agreed to by the Landlord.
9. At the conclusion of the Sale in each Store, the Consultant shall arrange that the premises
for each Store are in “broom-swept” and clean condition, and shall arrange that the Stores
are materially in the same condition as on the commencement of the Sale, ordinary wear and
tear excepted. No property of any Landlord of a Store shall be removed or sold during the
Sale. No permanent fixtures (other than FF&E which for clarity is owned by the Merchant)
may be removed without the applicable Landlord's written consent unless otherwise provided
by the applicable Lease. Any fixtures or personal property left in a Store after the Sale
Termination Date in respect of which the applicable Lease has been disclaimed by the
Merchant shall be deemed abandoned, with the applicable Landlord having the right to
dispose of the same as the Landlord chooses, without any liability whatsoever on the part of
the Landlord.
10. Subject to the terms of paragraph 9 above, the Consultant may sell Offered FF&E which is
located in the Stores during the Sale. The Merchant and the Consultant may advertise the
sale of Offered FF&E consistent with these guidelines on the understanding that any
applicable Landlord may require that such signs be placed in discreet locations acceptable
to the applicable Landlord, acting reasonably. Additionally, the purchasers of any Offered
FF&E sold during the Sale shall only be permitted to remove the Offered FF&E either through
the back shipping areas designated by the applicable Landlord, or through other areas after
regular store business hours, or through the front door of the Store during store business
hours if the Offered FF&E can fit in a shopping bag, with applicable Landlord’s supervision
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 91 of 109
as required by the applicable Landlord. The Consultant shall repair any damage to the Stores
resulting from the removal of any Offered FF&E by Consultant or by third party purchasers of
Offered FF&E from Consultant.
11. The Merchant hereby provides notice to the Landlords of the Merchant and the Consultant’s
intention to sell and remove Offered FF&E from the Stores. The Merchant will arrange a walk
through with each Landlord that requests a walk through with the Consultant to identify the
Offered FF&E subject to the sale. The relevant Landlord shall be entitled to have a
representative present in the Store to observe such removal. If the Landlord disputes the
Consultant’s entitlement to sell or remove any FF&E under the provisions of the Lease, such
FF&E shall remain on the premises and shall be dealt with as agreed between the Merchant,
the Consultant and such Landlord, or pursuant to the dispute resolution section of the
Canadian Store Closing Procedures. If the Merchant has rejected the Lease governing such
Store in accordance with the Bankruptcy Code, it shall not be required to pay rent under such
Lease pending resolution of any such dispute (other than rent payable for the notice period
provided for under the Bankruptcy Code), and the rejection of the Lease shall be without
prejudice to the Merchant’s or Consultant’s claim to the FF&E in dispute.
12. If a rejection notice is delivered to a Landlord pursuant to the Bankruptcy Code while the Sale
is ongoing and the Store in question has not yet been vacated, then: (a) during the notice
period prior to the effective time of such rejection, the applicable Landlord may show the
affected leased premises to prospective tenants during normal business hours, on giving the
Merchant and the Consultant 24 hours' prior written notice; and (b) at the effective time of the
rejection, the relevant Landlord shall be entitled to take possession of any such Store without
waiver of or prejudice to any claims or rights such Landlord may have against the Merchant
in respect of such Lease or Store, provided that nothing herein shall relieve such Landlord of
its obligation to mitigate any damages claimed in connection therewith.
13. The Consultant and its agents and representatives shall have the same access rights to the
Stores as the Merchant under the terms of the applicable Lease, and the applicable Landlords
shall have the rights of access to the Stores during the Sale provided for in the applicable
Lease (subject, for greater certainty, to any applicable stay of proceedings).
14. The Merchant and the Consultant shall not conduct any auctions of Merchandise or Offered
FF&E at any of the Stores.
15. The Consultant shall designate a party to be contacted by the Landlords should a dispute
arise concerning the conduct of the Sale. The initial contact person for the Consultant shall
be Daniel Richer who may be reached by phone at 416-865-4445 or email at
[email protected]m. Contact persons for the Merchant and the Information Officer are set
out in the Canadian Store Closing Procedures. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute
between themselves, the notice and dispute sections of the Canadian Store Closing
Procedures shall be followed by the parties. For the duration of any such dispute, the
Consultant shall cease all activity in dispute other than activity expressly permitted herein,
pending the determination of the matter by the Court; provided, for greater certainty, that if a
banner has been hung in accordance with these Canadian Sale Guidelines and is thereafter
the subject of a dispute, the Consultant shall not be required to take any such banner down
pending determination of the dispute.
16. Nothing herein is, or shall be deemed to be a consent by any Landlord to the sale, assignment
or transfer of any Lease, or to grant to the Landlord any greater rights than already exist
under the terms of any applicable Lease.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 92 of 109
17. These Canadian Sale Guidelines may be amended by written agreement between the
Merchant, the Consultant and any applicable Landlord (provided that such amended
Canadian Sale Guidelines shall not affect or bind any other Landlord not privy thereto without
further Order of the Court).
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 93 of 109
Exhibit E
Approval Order
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Court File No.
R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36, AS AMENDED
R.S.C. 1985, c. C 36, AS AMENDED
THIS MOTION, made by GNC Holdings, Inc. (“GNC”, in its capacity as the foreign
representative of the Debtors (as defined below, and GNC, in such capacity, the Foreign
Representative”), pursuant to the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-
36, as amended (the “CCAA”), for an Order among other things, approving the consulting
agreement entered into between, on the one hand, General Nutrition Centres Company (“GNC
Canada”) and on the other hand, a joint venture comprised of Tiger Asset Solutions Canada,
ULC and GA Retail Canada ULC (collectively, the “Consultant”) dated as of , 2020 (the
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 95 of 109
- 2 -
“Consulting Agreement”), and other related relief was heard this day by judicial
videoconference via Zoom at Toronto, Ontario due to the COVID-19 crisis.
ON READING the affidavit of sworn June , 2020, and the Exhibits thereto, and the
pre-filing report of FTI Consulting Canada Inc. in its capacity as proposed Information Officer
dated June , 2020 (the “Pre-Filing Report”), and on hearing the submissions of counsel for
the Foreign Representative and the other entities listed on Schedule “A” hereto (collectively, the
“Debtors”), FTI Consulting Canada Inc. in its capacity as court-appointed Information Officer
(the “Information Officer”), the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders, the Consultant, and no
one appearing for any other person on the service list, although properly served as appears from
the affidavit of sworn on , 2020.
1. THIS COURT ORDERS that the time for service of the Notice of Motion and the
Motion Record is hereby abridged and validated so that this Motion is properly returnable today
and hereby dispenses with further service thereof.
2. THIS COURT ORDERS that any capitalized term used and not defined herein, shall
have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Affidavit of dated .
Recognition of Chapter 11 Store Closings Order
3. THIS COURT ORDERS that the Chapter 11 Store Closings Order (as defined in the ,
and a copy of which is attached as Schedule to this Order) of the United States Bankruptcy
Court for the District of Delaware made in the bankruptcy cases commenced by the Debtors
under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code (the “Bankruptcy Case”) is hereby
recognized and given full force and effect in all provinces and territories of Canada pursuant to
Section 49 of the CCAA, and, while this Order provides additional guidance in terms of dealing
with Property (as defined below) in Canada, in the event of any conflict between the terms of
the Chapter 11 Store Closings Order and this Order, the Chapter 11 Store Closings Order shall
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- 3 -
Approval of the Consulting Agreement
4. THIS COURT ORDERS that the Consulting Agreement, including, without limitation,
the Canadian Sale Guidelines attached thereto as Schedule “A” (the “Canadian Sale
Guidelines”), and the transactions contemplated under the Consulting Agreement, are hereby
approved with such minor amendments to the Consulting Agreement (but not the Canadian Sale
Guidelines) as the Debtors, with the consent of the Information Officer, the Ad Hoc Group of
Crossover Lenders, and the Consultant may deem necessary and agree to in writing. The
Debtors, and each of them are hereby authorized and directed to take such additional steps and
execute such additional documents as may be necessary or desirable to implement the
Consulting Agreement, including, without limitation, the Canadian Sale Guidelines, and the
transactions contemplated therein.
The Sale
5. THIS COURT ORDERS that the Debtors, or any of them, with the assistance of the
Consultant, are authorized and directed to conduct the Sale in accordance with the Chapter 11
Store Closings Order, this Order, the Canadian Store Closing Procedures, the Canadian Sale
Guidelines and the Consulting Agreement and to advertise and promote the Sale within the
Stores in Canada, all in accordance with the foregoing. If there is a conflict between the Chapter
11 Store Closings Order, the Canadian Store Closing Procedures, the Canadian Sale Guidelines
and the Consulting Agreement, the order of priority of documents to resolve each conflict is as
follows: (1) the Chapter 11 Store Closings Order; (2) this Order; (3) the Canadian Store Closing
Procedures; (4) the Canadian Sale Guidelines; and (5) the Consulting Agreement.
6. THIS COURT ORDERS that the Debtors, with the assistance of the Consultant, are
authorized to market and sell the Merchandise and, subject to the Canadian Sale Guidelines, the
Offered FF&E, free and clear of all liens, claims, encumbrances, security interests, hypothecs,
prior claims, mortgages, charges, trusts, deemed trusts, executions, levies, financial, monetary or
other claims, whether or not such claims have attached or been perfected, registered or filed and
whether secured, unsecured, quantified or unquantified, contingent or otherwise, whensoever
and howsoever arising, and whether such claims arose or came into existence prior to the date of
this Order or arise or come into existence following the date of this Order (in each case, whether
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 97 of 109
- 4 -
contractual, statutory, arising by operation of law, in equity or otherwise) (all of the foregoing,
collectively “Claims”), including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing: (a) any
encumbrances or charges created by the the Supplemental Order dated , 2020, each made in
the within proceedings, and any other charges hereinafter granted by this Court in the within
proceedings; and (b) all charges, security interests or claims evidenced by registrations pursuant
to the Personal Property Security Act (Ontario) or any other personal property registry system
(all of which are collectively referred to as the “Encumbrances”), which Claims will attach
instead to the proceeds received from the Merchandise and the Offered FF&E, other than
amounts due and payable to the Consultant pursuant to the Consulting Agreement, in the same
order and priority as the Claims existed as at the date hereof.
7. THIS COURT ORDERS that, subject to the terms of the Chapter 11 Store Closings
Order, this Order, the Canadian Store Closing Procedures and the Canadian Sale Guidelines, the
Consultant shall have the right to use the Stores in Canada and all related store services,
furniture, trade fixtures and equipment, including the FF&E, located at the Stores in Canada,
and other assets of the Debtors as designated under the Consulting Agreement for the purpose of
conducting the Sale, and for such purposes, the Consultant shall be entitled to the benefit of the
stay of proceedings provided for in the Initial Recognition Order, as applicable and as such stay
may be extended from time to time.
8. THIS COURT ORDERS that until the Sale Termination Date which, for greater
certainty, shall be the earlier of September 30, 2020, and the effective date of a lease rejection in
the Bankruptcy Case, the Consultant shall have access to the Stores in Canada in accordance
with the applicable leases and the Canadian Store Closing Procedures and the Canadian Sale
Guidelines on the basis that the Consultant is assisting the Debtors and the Debtors have granted
the right of access to the applicable Store to the Consultant. To the extent that the terms of the
applicable leases are in conflict with any term of the the Chapter 11 Store Closings Order, this
Order, the Canadian Store Closing Procedures or the Canadian Sale Guidelines, the terms of the
Chapter 11 Store Closings Order, this Order, the Canadian Store Closing Procedures and the
Sale Guidelines shall govern.
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- 5 -
9. THIS COURT ORDERS that nothing in this Order shall amend or vary, or be deemed to
amend or vary, the terms of the leases for the Stores in Canada. Nothing contained in this Order,
the Canadian Store Closing Procedures or the Canadian Sale Guidelines shall be construed to
create or impose upon the Debtors or the Consultant any additional restrictions not contained in
the applicable lease.
10. THIS COURT ORDERS that nothing herein is, or shall be deemed to be, a consent by
any Landlord to the sale, assignment or transfer of any Lease, or to grant to the Landlord any
greater rights than already exist under the terms of any applicable Lease.
11. THIS COURT ORDERS that until the Sale Termination Date, the Consultant shall have
the right to use, without interference by any intellectual property licensor, the trademarks of the
Debtors, or any of them, trade names and logos, customer/marketing lists, website and social
media accounts as well as all licenses and rights granted to the Debtors, or any of them, to use
the trade names, and logos of third parties, relating to and used in connection with the operation
of the Stores in Canada solely for the purpose of advertising and conducting the Sale in
accordance with the terms of the Chapter 11 Store Closings Order , this Order, the Canadian
Store Closing Procedures, the Canadian Sale Guidelines and the Consulting Agreement.
Consultant Liability
12. THIS COURT ORDERS that the Consultant shall act solely as an independent
consultant to the Debtors and that it shall not be liable for any claims against the Debtors, or any
of them, other than as expressly provided for in the Chapter 11 Store Closings Order, Consulting
Agreement, the Canadian Sale Guidelines and the Canadian Store Closing Procedures, and more
(a) the Consultant shall not be deemed to be an owner or in possession, care, control
or management of the Stores in Canada or the assets located therein or associated
therewith or of the employees of the Debtors, or any of them, located at the Stores
in Canada or any other property of the Debtors, or any of them;
(b) the Consultant shall not be deemed to be an employer, or a joint or successor
employer or a related or common employer or payor within the meaning of any
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 99 of 109
- 6 -
legislation governing employment or labour standards or pension benefits or
health and safety or other statute, regulation or rule of law or equity for any
purpose whatsoever, and shall not incur any successorship liabilities whatsoever;
(c) the Debtors shall bear all responsibility for any liability whatsoever (including
without limitation losses, costs, damages, fines, or awards) relating to claims of
customers, employees and any other persons arising from events and closings
occurring at the Stores in Canada during and after the term of the Consulting
Agreement, except to the extent that such claims are the result of events or
circumstances caused or contributed to by the gross negligence or wilful
misconduct of the Consultant, its employees, agents or other representatives, or
otherwise in accordance with the Consulting Agreement.
Consultant as Unaffected Creditor
13. THIS COURT ORDERS that, subject only to paragraph 7 of this Order, the Consultant
shall not be affected by the stay of proceedings in respect of the Debtors, or any of them, and
shall be entitled to exercise its remedies under the Consulting Agreement in respect of claims of
the Consultant pursuant to the Consulting Agreement (collectively, the “Consultant’s Claims”).
14. THIS COURT ORDERS that notwithstanding the terms of any order issued by this
Court in the within proceedings, the Debtors, or any of them, shall not be entitled to repudiate,
disclaim or resiliate the Consulting Agreement or any of the agreements, contracts or
arrangements in relation thereto entered into with the Consultant.
15. THIS COURT ORDERS that the Debtors, or any of them, are hereby authorized and
directed to remit, in accordance with the Consulting Agreement, or any other agreement contract
or arrangement in relation thereto, all amounts that become due to the Consultant thereunder.
16. THIS COURT ORDERS that subject to any order made in the Bankruptcy Case, no
Claims shall attach to any amounts payable by the Debtors, or any of them, to the Consultant
pursuant to the Consulting Agreement, including any amounts that must be reimbursed by the
Debtors, or any of them, to the Consultant, and the Debtors, or any of them, shall pay any such
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 100 of 109
- 7 -
amounts to the Consultant free and clear of all Claims, notwithstanding any enforcement or
other process, all in accordance with the Consulting Agreement.
17. THIS COURT ORDERS that notwithstanding (a) the pendency of these proceedings; (b)
any application for a bankruptcy order now or hereafter issued pursuant to the Bankruptcy and
Insolvency Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. B-3, as amended (the “BIA”), in respect of the Debtors, or any
of them, or any bankruptcy order made pursuant to any such applications; (c) any assignment in
bankruptcy made in respect of the Debtors, or any of them; (d) the provisions of any federal or
provincial statute; or (e) any negative covenants, prohibitions or other similar provisions with
respect to borrowings, incurring debt or the creation of encumbrances, contained in any existing
loan documents, lease, mortgage, security agreement, debenture, sublease, offer to lease or other
document or agreement (each, an “Agreement”) that binds the Debtors, or any of them, the
Consulting Agreement, including, without limitation, the Canadian Sale Guidelines attached
thereto as Schedule “A” (the “Canadian Sale Guidelines”), and the transactions contemplated
thereby, including, without limitation, the payment of amounts due to the Consultant, shall be
binding on any trustee in bankruptcy that may be appointed in respect of the Debtors, or any of
them, and shall not be void or voidable by any Person (as defined in the BIA), including any
creditor of the Debtors, nor shall they, or any of them, constitute or be deemed to be a
preference, fraudulent conveyance, transfer at undervalue or other challengeable reviewable
transaction, under the BIA or any applicable law, nor shall they constitute oppressive or unfairly
prejudicial conduct under any applicable law.
18. THIS COURT ORDERS that notwithstanding (a) the pendency of these proceedings; (b)
any application for a bankruptcy order now or hereafter issued pursuant to the BIA in respect of
the Debtors, or any of them, or any bankruptcy order made pursuant to any such applications;
(c) any assignment in bankruptcy made in respect of the Debtors, or any of them; (d) the
provisions of any federal or provincial statute; or (e) any Agreement that binds the Debtors, or
any of them, any obligation to clean up or repair any of the leased premises contained in this
Order, the Canadian Store Closing Procedures or the Canadian Sale Guidelines, shall be binding
on any trustee in bankruptcy that may be appointed in respect of the Debtors, or any of them,
and shall not be void or voidable by any Person (as defined in the BIA), including any creditor
of the Debtors, or any of them, nor shall they, or any of them, constitute or be deemed to be a
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 101 of 109
- 8 -
preference, fraudulent conveyance, transfer at undervalue or other challengeable reviewable
transaction, under the BIA or any applicable law, nor shall they constitute oppressive or unfairly
prejudicial conduct under any applicable law.
19. THIS COURT ORDERS that this Order shall have full force and effect in all provinces
and territories in Canada.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 102 of 109
Schedule “A”
List of Debtors
GNC Holdings, Inc.
General Nutrition Centres Company
GNC Parent LLC
GNC Corporation
General Nutrition Centers, Inc.
General Nutrition Corporation
General Nutrition Investment Company
Lucky Oldco Corporation
GNC Funding Inc.
GNC International Holdings Inc.
GNC China Holdco, LLC
GNC Headquarters LLC
Gustine Sixth Avenue Associated, Ltd.
GNC Canada Holdings, Inc.
GNC Government Services, LLC
GNC Puerto Rico Holdings, Inc.
GNC Puerto Rico, LLC
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 103 of 109
Schedule “B”
Canadian Sale Guidelines
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 104 of 109
The following procedures shall apply to the Sale to be conducted at the Stores of General Nutrition
Centres Company (the “Merchant”). All terms not herein defined shall have the meaning set forth
in the Consulting Agreement by and between a joint venture comprised of Tiger Asset Solutions
Canada, ULC and GA Retail Canada ULC (collectively with their respective U.S. affiliates, the
Consultant”) and the Merchant dated as of June 18, 2020 (the “Consulting Agreement”).
1. Except as otherwise expressly set out herein, and subject to: (i) the orders granted or
issued in the Merchant’s bankruptcy case (the “Bankruptcy Case”) in the United States
of America under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code (the “Bankruptcy
Code”) in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the “Court”)
and the Merchant’s ancillary proceedings (theCCAA Proceedings”) in Canada under
Part IV of the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36, as amended
(the “CCAA”) before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List) (individually,
an “Order”, and, collectively, the “Orders”); or (ii) any subsequent written agreement
between the Merchant and the applicable landlord(s) (individually, a “Landlord” and,
collectively, the “Landlords”) and approved by each of the Consultant and Information
Officer in writing, or (iii) as otherwise set forth herein, the Sale shall be conducted in
accordance with the terms of the applicable leases/or other occupancy agreements to
which the affected Landlords are privy for each of the affected Stores (individually, a
Lease” and, collectively, the “Leases”). However, nothing contained herein shall be
construed to create or impose upon the Merchant or the Consultant any additional
restrictions not contained in the applicable Lease or other occupancy agreement.
2. The Sale shall be conducted so that each of the Stores remains open during its normal
hours of operation provided for in its respective Lease until the respective Sale
Termination Date for such Store. The Sale at the Stores shall end by no later than the
Sale Termination Date. Rent payable under the respective Leases shall be paid in
accordance with the terms of the Orders, as applicable.
3. The Sale shall be conducted in accordance with applicable federal, provincial and
municipal laws and regulations, unless otherwise set out herein or otherwise ordered by
the Court.
4. All display and hanging signs used by the Consultant in connection with the Sale shall be
professionally produced and all hanging signs shall be hung in a professional manner.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Leases, the Consultant may
advertise the Sale at the Stores as an “everything on sale”, an “everything must go”, a
“store closing” or similar theme sale at the Stores (provided however that no signs shall
advertise the Sale as a “bankruptcy”, a “going out of business” or a “liquidation” sale it
being understood that the French equivalent of “clearance” is “liquidation” and is permitted
to be used). Forthwith upon written request from a Landlord, the Landlord's counsel, the
Merchant or the Information Officer, the Consultant shall provide the proposed signage
packages along with the proposed dimensions and number of signs (as approved by the
Merchant pursuant to the Consulting Agreement) by e-mail to such Landlord(s) or to their
counsel of record and the Information Officer. Where the provisions of the Lease conflict
with these Canadian Sale Guidelines, these Canadian Sale Guidelines shall govern. The
Consultant shall not use neon or day-glow or handwritten signage (unless otherwise
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- 2 -
contained in the sign package, including “you pay” or “topper” signs). In addition, the
Consultant shall be permitted to utilize exterior banners/signs at stand alone or strip mall
Stores or enclosed mall Stores with a separate entrance from the exterior of the enclosed
mall, provided, however, that where such banners are not explicitly permitted by the
applicable Lease and the Landlord requests in writing that the banners are not to be used,
no banners shall be used absent further Order of the Court. Any banners used shall be
located or hung so as to make clear that the Sale is being conducted only at the affected
Store and shall not be wider than the premises occupied by the affected Store. All exterior
banners shall be professionally hung and to the extent that there is any damage to the
façade of the premises of a Store as a result of the hanging or removal of the exterior
banner, such damage shall be professionally repaired at the expense of the Consultant.
If a Landlord is concerned with “store closing” signs being placed in the front window of a
Store or with the number or size of the signs in the front window, the Consultant and the
Landlord will discuss the Landlord’s concerns and work to resolve the dispute.
5. The Consultant shall be permitted to utilize sign walkers and street signage; provided,
however, such sign walkers and street signage shall not be located on the shopping centre
or mall premises.
6. The Consultant shall not make any alterations to interior or exterior Store lighting, except
as authorized pursuant to the applicable Lease. The hanging of exterior banners or other
signage, where permitted in accordance with the terms of these guidelines, shall not
constitute an alteration to a Store.
7. Conspicuous signs shall be posted in the cash register areas of each Store to the effect
that all sales are “final”.
8. The Consultant shall not distribute handbills, leaflets or other written materials to
customers outside of any of the Stores on any Landlord's property, unless permitted by
the applicable Lease or, if distribution is customary in the shopping centre in which the
Store is located. Otherwise, the Consultant may solicit customers in the Stores
themselves. The Consultant shall not use any giant balloons, flashing lights or amplified
sound to advertise the Sale or solicit customers, except as permitted under the applicable
Lease, or agreed to by the Landlord, and no advertising trucks shall be used on a Landlord
property or mall ring roads, except as explicitly permitted under the applicable Lease or
agreed to by the Landlord.
9. At the conclusion of the Sale in each Store, the Consultant shall arrange that the premises
for each Store are in “broom-swept” and clean condition, and shall arrange that the Stores
are materially in the same condition as on the commencement of the Sale, ordinary wear
and tear excepted. No property of any Landlord of a Store shall be removed or sold during
the Sale. No permanent fixtures (other than FF&E which for clarity is owned by the
Merchant) may be removed without the applicable Landlord's written consent unless
otherwise provided by the applicable Lease. Any fixtures or personal property left in a
Store after the Sale Termination Date in respect of which the applicable Lease has been
disclaimed by the Merchant shall be deemed abandoned, with the applicable Landlord
having the right to dispose of the same as the Landlord chooses, without any liability
whatsoever on the part of the Landlord.
10. Subject to the terms of paragraph 9 above, the Consultant may sell Offered FF&E which
is located in the Stores during the Sale. The Merchant and the Consultant may advertise
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- 3 -
the sale of Offered FF&E consistent with these guidelines on the understanding that any
applicable Landlord may require that such signs be placed in discreet locations acceptable
to the applicable Landlord, acting reasonably. Additionally, the purchasers of any Offered
FF&E sold during the Sale shall only be permitted to remove the Offered FF&E either
through the back shipping areas designated by the applicable Landlord, or through other
areas after regular store business hours, or through the front door of the Store during store
business hours if the Offered FF&E can fit in a shopping bag, with applicable Landlord’s
supervision as required by the applicable Landlord. The Consultant shall repair any
damage to the Stores resulting from the removal of any Offered FF&E by Consultant or
by third party purchasers of Offered FF&E from Consultant.
11. The Merchant hereby provides notice to the Landlords of the Merchant and the
Consultant’s intention to sell and remove Offered FF&E from the Stores. The Merchant
will arrange a walk through with each Landlord that requests a walk through with the
Consultant to identify the Offered FF&E subject to the sale. The relevant Landlord shall
be entitled to have a representative present in the Store to observe such removal. If the
Landlord disputes the Consultant’s entitlement to sell or remove any FF&E under the
provisions of the Lease, such FF&E shall remain on the premises and shall be dealt with
as agreed between the Merchant, the Consultant and such Landlord, or pursuant to the
dispute resolution section of the Canadian Store Closing Procedures. If the Merchant has
rejected the Lease governing such Store in accordance with the Bankruptcy Code, it shall
not be required to pay rent under such Lease pending resolution of any such dispute (other
than rent payable for the notice period provided for under the Bankruptcy Code), and the
rejection of the Lease shall be without prejudice to the Merchant’s or Consultant’s claim
to the FF&E in dispute.
12. If a rejection notice is delivered to a Landlord pursuant to the Bankruptcy Code while the
Sale is ongoing and the Store in question has not yet been vacated, then: (a) during the
notice period prior to the effective time of such rejection, the applicable Landlord may
show the affected leased premises to prospective tenants during normal business hours,
on giving the Merchant and the Consultant 24 hours' prior written notice; and (b) at the
effective time of the rejection, the relevant Landlord shall be entitled to take possession of
any such Store without waiver of or prejudice to any claims or rights such Landlord may
have against the Merchant in respect of such Lease or Store, provided that nothing herein
shall relieve such Landlord of its obligation to mitigate any damages claimed in connection
13. The Consultant and its agents and representatives shall have the same access rights to
the Stores as the Merchant under the terms of the applicable Lease, and the applicable
Landlords shall have the rights of access to the Stores during the Sale provided for in the
applicable Lease (subject, for greater certainty, to any applicable stay of proceedings).
14. The Merchant and the Consultant shall not conduct any auctions of Merchandise or
Offered FF&E at any of the Stores.
15. The Consultant shall designate a party to be contacted by the Landlords should a dispute
arise concerning the conduct of the Sale. The initial contact person for the Consultant shall
be Daniel Richer who may be reached by phone at 416-865-4445 or email at
[email protected]m. Contact persons for the Merchant and the Information Officer are
set out in the Canadian Store Closing Procedures. If the parties are unable to resolve the
dispute between themselves, the notice and dispute sections of the Canadian Store
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- 4 -
Closing Procedures shall be followed by the parties. For the duration of any such dispute,
the Consultant shall cease all activity in dispute other than activity expressly permitted
herein, pending the determination of the matter by the Court; provided, for greater
certainty, that if a banner has been hung in accordance with these Canadian Sale
Guidelines and is thereafter the subject of a dispute, the Consultant shall not be required
to take any such banner down pending determination of the dispute.
16. Nothing herein is, or shall be deemed to be a consent by any Landlord to the sale,
assignment or transfer of any Lease, or to grant to the Landlord any greater rights than
already exist under the terms of any applicable Lease.
17. These Canadian Sale Guidelines may be amended by written agreement between the
Merchant, the Consultant and any applicable Landlord (provided that such amended
Canadian Sale Guidelines shall not affect or bind any other Landlord not privy thereto
without further Order of the Court).
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 108 of 109
Court File No.
ACT, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-36, AS AMENDED
Proceeding commenced at TORONTO
Torys LLP
79 Wellington St. W., 30th Floor
Box 270, TD South Tower
Toronto, ON M5K 1N2
Fax: 416.865.7380
Scott A. Bomhof (LSO #: 37006F)
Tel: 416.865.7370 | sbom[email protected]
Adam M. Slavens (LSO #: 54433J)
Tel: 416.865.7333 | [email protected]
Jeremy Opolsky (LSO #: 60813N)
Tel: 416.865.8117 | jopolsky@torys.com
Leora Jackson (LSO #: 68448L)
Tel: 416.865.7547 | [email protected]
Lawyers for the Applicant
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 496-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 109 of 109
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Re: Docket Nos. 9 & 122
Upon the motion [Docket No. 9] (the Motion”)
of the Debtors for a final order
authorizing the Debtors, to pay any prepetition Taxes and Fees owing to the Taxing Authorities
(this Final Order”); and this Court having reviewed the Motion, the First Day Declaration, and
the Interim Order entered on June 25, 2020 [Docket No. 122]; and this Court having determined
that the relief requested in the Motion is in the best interests of the Debtors, their estates, their
creditors, and other parties in interest; and this Court having jurisdiction to consider the Motion
and the relief requested therein in accordance with 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and 1334 and the Amended
Standing Order of Reference from the United States District Court for the District of Delaware
dated as of February 29, 2012; and consideration of the Motion and the relief requested therein
being a core proceeding under 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2); and this Court having authority to enter a
The debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 475 Filed 07/20/20 Page 1 of 4
Schedule I
final order consistent with Article III of the United States Constitution; and venue being proper
before this Court under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409; and it appearing that proper and adequate
notice of the Motion has been given and that no other or further notice is necessary; and a
hearing having been held to consider the relief requested in the Motion (the Hearing”); and
upon the First Day Declaration and the record of the Hearing and all the proceedings before this
Court; and after due deliberation thereon; and good and sufficient cause appearing therefor, it is
1. The Motion is GRANTED on a final basis as set forth herein.
2. The Debtors are authorized to pay all Taxes and Fees owing to the Taxing
Authorities in the ordinary course of their business, as and when due, up to an aggregate amount
of $10,280,000, inclusive of amounts paid pursuant to the Interim Order, or such higher amount
as may be set forth in any budget governing postpetition financing or the use of cash collateral,
on account of prepetition Taxes and Fees without further order of this Court.
3. The Debtors may seek additional relief from this Court in the future in the event
that the Debtors subsequently determine that additional prepetition Taxes and Fees are owed by
the Debtors.
4. The Debtors rights to contest the amounts of any Taxes and Fees on any grounds
they deem appropriate are reserved and extend to the payment of Taxes and Fees relating to tax
audits that have been completed, are in progress, or arise from prepetition periods.
5. Nothing in the Motion or this Final Order shall be construed as impairing the
Debtors’ right to contest the validity, amount, or priority of any Taxes and Fees allegedly due or
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 475 Filed 07/20/20 Page 2 of 4
owing to any Taxing Authorities, or any claim or lien against the Debtors and all of the Debtors’
rights with respect thereto are hereby reserved.
6. The Debtors’ banks and financial institutions shall be, and are hereby authorized,
when requested by the Debtors, to process, honor, pay, and, if necessary, reissue any and all
checks and electronic fund transfers, including prepetition checks and electronic payment and
transfer requests that the Debtors reissue or re-request postpetition, drawn on the Debtors’ bank
accounts relating to the Taxes and Fees, whether those checks were presented prior to or after the
Petition Date, provided that sufficient funds are available in the applicable accounts to make the
7. The Debtors’ banks and financial institutions may rely on the representations of
the Debtors with respect to whether any check or other transfer drawn or issued by the Debtors
prior to the Petition Date should be honored pursuant to this Final Order, and any such bank or
financial institution shall not have any liability to any party for relying on such representations
by the Debtors as provided for in this Final Order.
8. Nothing in the Motion or this Final Order, or the Debtors’ payment of any claims
pursuant to this Final Order, shall be construed as: (i) an admission as to the validity of any
claim against any Debtor or the existence of any lien against the Debtors’ properties; (ii) a
waiver of the Debtors’ rights to Dispute any claim or lien on any grounds; (iii) a promise to pay
any claim; (iv) an implication or admission that any particular claim would constitute an allowed
claim; (v) an assumption or rejection of any executory contract or unexpired lease pursuant to
section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code; or (vi) a limitation on the Debtors’ rights under section 365
of the Bankruptcy Code to assume or reject any executory contract with any party subject to this
Final Order. Nothing contained in this Final Order shall be deemed to increase, decrease,
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 475 Filed 07/20/20 Page 3 of 4
reclassify, elevate to an administrative expense status, or otherwise affect any claim to the extent
it is not paid.
9. Neither the provisions contained herein, nor any actions or payments made by the
Debtors pursuant to this Final Order shall be deemed an admission as to the validity of any
underlying obligation or a waiver of any rights the Debtors may have to dispute such obligation
on any ground that applicable law permits.
10. Notwithstanding Bankruptcy Rule 6004(h), to the extent applicable this Final
Order shall be effective and enforceable immediately upon entry hereof.
11. The Debtors are authorized and empowered to take such actions and to execute
such documents as may be necessary to implement the relief granted by this Final Order.
12. This Court shall retain jurisdiction with respect to all matters arising from or
related to the implementation and/or interpretation of this Final Order.
Dated: July 20th, 2020
Wilmington, Delaware
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 475 Filed 07/20/20 Page 4 of 4
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Re: Docket Nos. 10 & 123
Upon the motion [Docket No. 10] (the Motion”)
of the Debtors for entry of a Final Order,
(a) prohibiting the Debtors’ Utility Companies from altering, refusing, discontinuing service or
discriminating against the Debtors, (b) approving the Adequate Assurance Deposit as adequate
assurance of postpetition payment to the Utility Companies, (c) establishing procedures for
resolving any subsequent requests by the Utility Companies for additional assurance of payment,
and (d) authorizing payment of any prepetition Service Fees; and this Court having reviewed the
Motion, the First Day Declaration, and the Interim Order entered on June 25, 2020 [Docket
No. 123]; and this Court having determined that the relief requested in the Motion is in the best
The debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are:GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234).The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 501 Filed 07/21/20 Page 1 of 9
Schedule J
interests of the Debtors, their estates, their creditors, and other parties in interest; and this Court
having jurisdiction to consider the Motion and the relief requested therein in accordance with 28
U.S.C. §§ 157 and 1334 and the Amended Standing Order of Reference from the United States
District Court for the District of Delaware dated as of February 29, 2012; and consideration of the
Motion and the relief requested therein being a core proceeding under 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2); and
this Court having authority to enter a final order consistent with Article III of the United States
Constitution; and venue being proper before this Court under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409; and
it appearing that proper and adequate notice of the Motion has been given and that no other or
further notice is necessary; and a hearing having been held to consider the relief requested in the
Motion (the Final Hearing”); and upon the First Day Declaration and the record of the Final
Hearing and all the proceedings before this Court; and after due deliberation thereon; and good
and sufficient cause appearing therefor, it is hereby
1. The Motion is GRANTED on a final basis, as set forth herein.
2. The hearing as to the Motion is CONTINUED with respect to the Objection of
Certain Utility Companies to the Motion of Debtors for Orders (A) Prohibiting Utility Companies
from Altering or Discontinuing Service on Account of Prepetition Invoices, (B) Approving Deposit
as Adequate Assurance of Payment, (C) Establishing Procedures for Resolving Requests by Utility
Companies for Additional Assurance of Payment, and (D) Authorizing Payment of Any Prepetition
Service Fees [Docket No. 338] (the “Utility Objection” and the Utility Companies who filed such
objection, the Objecting Utilities”). The Objecting Utilities will continue to be bound by the
Interim Order until the earlier of (a) an agreement is reached between the Debtors (after
consultation with counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders and the Ad Hoc FILO Term
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 501 Filed 07/21/20 Page 2 of 9
Lender Group) and the Objecting Utilities or (b) a further order of the Court is entered with respect
to the Utility Objection. The Debtors and the Objecting Utilities may agree to resolve the Utility
Objection without further order of the Court. If the Debtors and the Objecting Utilities are unable
to resolve the Utility Objection, they will request that the Utility Objection be heard at the hearing
currently scheduled before the Court on August 19, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. prevailing Eastern Time
(subject further continuation as may be agreed between the Debtors and the Objecting Utilities).
3. Absent further order of this Court, the Utility Companies, including any
subsequently-added Utility Companies, are hereby prohibited from altering, refusing, or
discontinuing service to, or discriminating against, the Debtors on account of unpaid prepetition
invoices or due to the commencement of the Chapter 11 Cases, or requiring the Debtors to pay a
deposit or other security in connection with the provision of postpetition Utility Services, other
than in accordance with the Additional Assurance Procedures contained herein.
4. To the extent not already deposited pursuant to the Interim Order, the Debtors shall
deposit a total of $947,000 (the Adequate Assurance Deposit”) into an existing, segregated,
interest-bearing account at JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. in the name of Debtor GNC Holdings,
Inc. with last four digits 7167,
upon entry of this Final Order; provided, however, that the liens
of the agent for the Debtors’ postpetition financing facility shall extend to the Debtors’ and their
estates’ reversionary interest in the Adequate Assurance Deposit. The Adequate Assurance
Deposit shall serve as a cash security deposit to provide adequate assurance of payment for Utility
Services provided to the Debtors after the Petition Date and through the pendency of these cases.
More information on the Debtors’ bank accounts and cash management system are set forth in the Motion of
Debtors for Orders (A) Authorizing Continued Use of Existing Cash Management System, Including Maintenance
of Existing Bank Accounts, Checks, and Business Forms, (B) Authorizing Continuation of Existing Deposit
Practices, (C) Authorizing Continuation of Intercompany Transactions, and (D) Granting Administrative Claim
Status to Postpetition Intercompany Claims.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 501 Filed 07/21/20 Page 3 of 9
The amount of the Adequate Assurance Deposit will remain $947,000 throughout the Chapter 11
Cases (i.e., the amount will not be recalculated), unless otherwise adjusted as provided for herein.
The Debtors shall maintain the Adequate Assurance Deposit until the earlier of the Court’s entry
of an order authorizing the return of the Adequate Assurance Deposit to the Debtors or the effective
date of a plan of reorganization for the Debtors (at which time the funds comprising the Adequate
Assurance Deposit shall automatically, without further order of the Court, be returned to the
Debtors or reorganized Debtors, as applicable).
5. The Debtors are authorized, but not directed to pay prepetition Service Fees (to the
extent not already paid pursuant to the Interim Order) to the Payment Processor in an amount not
to exceed $2,915 and to continue to pay postpetition Service Fees in the ordinary course of
6. The following procedures (the Additional Assurance Procedures”) are hereby
approved with respect to all Utility Companies, including all subsequently added Utility
(a) Except as provided by the Additional Assurance Procedures, the Utility
Companies are forbidden to (i) alter, refuse, or discontinue services to, or
discriminate against, the Debtors on account of unpaid prepetition invoices
or any objections to the Debtors’ Adequate Assurance Deposit, or due to the
commencement of the Chapter 11 Cases or (ii) require the Debtors to pay a
deposit or other security in connection with the provision of postpetition
Utility Services, other than the establishment of the Adequate Assurance
(b) The Debtors shall serve on the Utility Companies copies of this Final Order
within forty-eight (48) hours after the entry hereof.
(c) In the event that a Utility Company asserts that the Adequate Assurance
Deposit is not adequate assurance of payment as contemplated by
section 366(c)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code, that Utility Company shall serve
a written request (an Additional Assurance Request) for adequate
assurance in addition to or in lieu of its rights in the Adequate Assurance
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 501 Filed 07/21/20 Page 4 of 9
Deposit. All Additional Assurance Requests shall be delivered by mail and
email (where available) to each Utility Notice Party.
(d) Any Additional Assurance Request must (i) set forth the location(s) for
which Utility Services are provided, (ii) set forth the account number(s) for
which Utility Services are provided, (iii) include a summary of the Debtors
payment history relevant to the affected account(s), including any security
deposit(s), (iv) set forth what the Utility Company would accept as
satisfactory adequate assurance of payment and (v) provide a facsimile
number and an email address to which the Debtors may respond to the
Additional Assurance Request.
(e) Upon the Debtors’ receipt of an Additional Assurance Request, the Debtors
shall promptly negotiate with the Utility Company to resolve the Additional
Assurance Request.
(f) Without further order of the Court or notice to the Court and after
consultation with counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders and
the Ad Hoc FILO Term Lender Group, the Debtors may resolve an
Additional Assurance Request by entering into agreements granting
additional assurance to the requesting Utility Company if the Debtors agree
to alternative provisions with the Utility Company; provided, however, that
the Debtors shall maintain a summary record of such agreements and their
respective terms, to be made available, on request, to (i) counsel to the agent
for the Debtors’ postpetition financing facility, (ii) counsel to any statutory
committee appointed in these Chapter 11 Cases, (iii) counsel to any stalking
The Utility Notice Partiesare: (a) GNC Holdings, Inc., 300 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222,
Attn:Cam Lawrence (email: cam-lawrence@gnc-hq.com); (b) proposed co-counsel to the Debtors, Latham &
Watkins LLP, 330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2800, Chicago, Illinois 60611, Attn: Caroline Reckler, Asif
Attarwala, and Brett V. Newman (email:caroline.rec[email protected]m, asif.attarwala@lw.com, and
brett.n[email protected]om); and (c) proposed co-counsel to the Debtors, Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP,
Rodney Square, 1000 North King Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, Attn:Joseph Mulvihill and Jared
Kochenash (email:jmulvihill@ycst.com and jkochena[email protected]m); (d) counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of
Crossover Lenders (i) Milbank LLP, 2029 Century Park East, Los Angeles, California 90067, Attn: Mark
Shinderman, Brett Goldblatt, and Daniel B. Denny (email: mshin[email protected];
bgoldblatt@milbank.com; and ddenny@milbank.com); and (ii) Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP, 1201
North Market Street, 16th Floor, P.O. Box 1347, Wilmington, Delaware 19899-134, Attn: Robert J. Dehney
(rdehney@mnat.com); (e) counsel to the Ad Hoc FILO Term Lender Group (i) Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton &
Garrison LLP, 1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019, Attn: Andrew N. Rosenberg, Jacob
Adlerstein, and Douglas R. Keeton (email: arosenberg@paulweiss.com, jadlerstein@paulweiss.com, and
[email protected]); and (f) counsel to the official committee of unsecured creditors appointed in these
chapter 11 cases, (i) Lowenstein Sandler LLP, 1251 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10020, Attn:
Jeffrey Cohen and Lindsay H. Sklar (email: jcohen@lowenstein.com and lsklar@lowenstein.com) and One
Lowenstein Drive, Roseland, New Jersey 07068, Attn: Michael S. Etkin, Michael Savetsky, Nicole Fulfree, and
Colleen M. Maker (emails: metkin@lowenstein.com, msavetsky@lowenstein.com, [email protected],
and cmaker@lowenstein.com) and (ii) Bayard P.A. 600 N. King Street, Suite 400, Wilmington, Delaware 19801,
Attn: Scott Cousins, Erin R. Fay, and Gregory J. Flasser (emails: scousins@bayardlaw.com,
[email protected], and [email protected]) (each, a “Utility Notice Party”).
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 501 Filed 07/21/20 Page 5 of 9
horse bidder approved by this Court in connection with a sale of the
Debtors’ assets, and (iv) the U.S. Trustee.
(g) If the Debtors are not able to reach a resolution with the Utility Company
within ten (10) days of the Debtors receipt of an Additional Assurance
Request (or such later date as agreed to by the Debtors and the requesting
Utility Company), the Debtors shall request a hearing (the Determination
Hearing”) before this Court to determine the adequacy of assurance of
payment with respect to the particular Utility Company pursuant to section
366(c)(3) of the Bankruptcy Code.
(h) The Determination Hearing shall be an evidentiary hearing at which the
Court shall determine whether the Adequate Assurance Deposit and the
additional assurance of payment requested by the Utility Company should
be modified pursuant to section 366(c)(3)(A) of the Bankruptcy Code.
Pending resolution of any Additional Adequate Assurance Request, the
Utility Company making such request shall be prohibited from altering,
refusing, or discontinuing service to the Debtors, or from discriminating
against the Debtors with respect to the provision of Utility Services, on
account of unpaid charges for prepetition services, the filing of the Chapter
11 Cases, or any objection to the adequacy of the Additional Adequate
Assurance Procedures.
(i) Any Utility Company that does not serve an Additional Assurance Request
in accordance with the Additional Assurance Procedures shall be deemed
to have received adequate assurance of payment that is satisfactory to the
Utility Company within the meaning of section 366(c)(2) of the Bankruptcy
(j) All Utility Companies, including subsequently added Utility Companies,
shall be prohibited from altering, refusing or discontinuing Utility Services
to the Debtors, or from discriminating against the Debtors with respect to
the provision of Utility Services, absent further order of this Court.
7. The Debtors are authorized to amend Exhibit C attached to the Motion to add or
delete any Utility Company, and this Final Order shall apply in all respects to any Utility Company
that is subsequently added to Exhibit C to the Motion. For those Utility Companies that are
subsequently added to Exhibit C, the Debtors shall serve a copy of the Motion and this Final Order
on the Utility Company, along with an amended Exhibit C that includes the Utility Company.
The Debtors shall increase the amount of the Adequate Assurance Deposit in the event an
additional Utility Company is added to the Utility Company List by an amount equal to fifty
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 501 Filed 07/21/20 Page 6 of 9
percent of the estimated average monthly cost of such Utility Services based on historical averages
over the preceding twelve months. Any such subsequently-added Utility Company or Additional
Assurance Request shall otherwise be subject in all respects to the Additional Assurance
8. The Debtors may amend the Utility Company List to delete a Utility Company, or
may seek to terminate a Utility Company, only if the Debtors have provided fourteen days’
advance notice to such Utility Company, and have not received any objection from such Utility
Company. If an objection is received, the Debtors shall request a hearing before this Court at the
next omnibus hearing date, or such other date that the Debtors and the Utility Company may agree.
The Debtors shall not deduct from the Adequate Assurance Deposit the amount set aside for any
Utility Company that the Debtors seek to terminate or delete from the Utility Company List unless
and until the fourteen days’ notice period has passed and the Debtors have not received any
objection to termination or deletion from such Utility Company, or until any such objection has
been resolved consensually or by order of the Court.
9. The Additional Adequate Assurance Procedures, the Adequate Assurance Deposit,
and the Debtors’ ability to pay for future Utility Services in the ordinary course of business
constitute adequate assurance of future payment to the Utility Companies to satisfy the
requirements of section 366 of the Bankruptcy Code.
10. The Debtors’ banks and financial institutions shall be, and are hereby authorized,
when requested by the Debtors to process, honor, pay, and, if necessary, reissue any and all checks
and electronic fund transfers, including prepetition checks and electronic payment and transfer
requests that the Debtors reissue or re-request postpetition, drawn on the Debtors’ bank accounts
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 501 Filed 07/21/20 Page 7 of 9
relating to the Taxes and Fees, whether those checks were presented prior to or after the Petition
Date, provided that sufficient funds are available in the applicable accounts to make the payments.
11. The Debtors’ banks and financial institutions may rely on the representations of the
Debtors with respect to whether any check or other transfer drawn or issued by the Debtors prior
to the Petition Date should be honored pursuant to this Final Order, and any such bank or financial
institution shall not have any liability to any party for relying on such representations by the
Debtors as provided for in this Final Order.
12. Nothing in the Motion or this Final Order, or the Debtors’ payment of any claims
pursuant to this Final Order, shall be construed as: (i) an admission as to the validity of any claim
against any Debtor or the existence of any lien against the Debtors’ properties; (ii) a waiver of the
Debtors’ rights to Dispute any claim or lien on any grounds; (iii) a promise to pay any claim;
(iv) an implication or admission that any particular claim would constitute an allowed claim; (v) an
assumption or rejection of any executory contract or unexpired lease pursuant to section 365 of
the Bankruptcy Code; or (vi) a limitation on the Debtors’ rights under section 365 of the
Bankruptcy Code to assume or reject any executory contract with any party subject to this Final
Order. Nothing contained in this Final Order shall be deemed to increase, decrease, reclassify,
elevate to an administrative expense status, or otherwise affect any claim to the extent it is not
paid. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, nothing in this Final Order affects the rights
and obligations of the Debtors and their landlords under section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code with
respect to nonresidential real property leases.
13. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Motion or this Final Order, any
payment made or authorization hereunder shall be subject to the applicable budget and/or cash
collateral authorization requirements imposed on the Debtors under any order(s) of the Court
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 501 Filed 07/21/20 Page 8 of 9
authorizing the Debtors’ use of cash collateral and postpetition debtor-in-possession financing
14. Neither the provisions contained herein, nor any actions or payments made by the
Debtors pursuant to this Final Order shall be deemed an admission as to the validity of any
underlying obligation or a waiver of any rights the Debtors may have to dispute such obligation
on any ground that applicable law permits.
15. Notwithstanding Bankruptcy Rule 6004(h), to the extent applicable this Final Order
shall be effective and enforceable immediately upon entry hereof.
16. The Debtors are authorized and empowered to take such actions and to execute
such documents as may be necessary to implement the relief granted by this Final Order.
17. This Court shall retain jurisdiction with respect to all matters arising from or related
to the implementation and/or interpretation of this Final Order.
Dated: July 21st, 2020
Wilmington, Delaware
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 501 Filed 07/21/20 Page 9 of 9
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Re: Docket Nos. 15 & 130
Upon the motion [Docket No. 15] (the Motion”)
of the Debtors for an order, (this Final
Order”) (a) authorizing, but not directing, the Debtors, in their discretion, to pay, continue, or
otherwise honor their prepetition Workforce Obligations; (b) confirming the Debtors’ authority to
continue each of the Workforce Programs in the ordinary course of business; (c) authorizing the
Debtors to pay any and all local, state, and federal withholding and payroll-related or similar taxes
and other Deductions relating to the Workforce Obligations; and (d) authorizing the Debtors, in
their discretion, to pay any prepetition claims owing to the Administrators in the ordinary course
The debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 495 Filed 07/21/20 Page 1 of 8
Schedule K
of business; and this Court having reviewed the Motion, the First Day Declaration, and the Interim
Order entered on June 25, 2020 [Docket No. 130]; and this Court having determined that the relief
requested in the Motion is in the best interests of the Debtors, their estates, their creditors, and
other parties in interest; and this Court having jurisdiction to consider the Motion and the relief
requested therein in accordance with 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and 1334 and the Amended Standing Order
of Reference from the United States District Court for the District of Delaware dated as of February
29, 2012; and consideration of the Motion and the relief requested therein being a core proceeding
under 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2); and this Court having authority to enter a final order consistent with
Article III of the United States Constitution; and venue being proper before this Court under 28
U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409; and it appearing that proper and adequate notice of the Motion has been
given and that no other or further notice is necessary; and a hearing having been held to consider
the relief requested in the Motion (the Hearing”); and upon the First Day Declaration and the
record of the Hearing and all the proceedings before this Court; and after due deliberation thereon;
and good and sufficient cause appearing therefor, it is hereby
1. The Motion is GRANTED, on a final basis as set forth herein.
2. Aggregate payments authorized by this Final Order shall not exceed $23,931,283
in an aggregate final amount, inclusive of amounts paid pursuant to the Interim Order, or such
higher amount as may be set forth in any budget governing postpetition financing or the use of
cash collateral.
3. Subject to the requirements of sections 507(a)(4) and (a)(5) of the Bankruptcy
Code, the Debtors are authorized, but not directed, to pay or otherwise honor their prepetition
Workforce Obligations to, or for the benefit of, the Workforce under the Workforce Programs,
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 495 Filed 07/21/20 Page 2 of 8
provided that the Debtors are authorized to pay one Employee the aggregate amount of $15,371,
which amount is on account of prepetition Wage Obligations (to the extent not already paid
pursuant to the Interim Order), and to continue paying Wage Obligations owed to such Employee
in the ordinary course of business postpetition. For the avoidance of doubt, the Debtors are
authorized but not directed to pay any prepetition obligations (including, but not limited to, all
premiums (including insurance premiums and audit premiums), deductibles, funded deductibles,
expenses, assessments, surcharges, service fees and all other amounts (including any collateral))
arising under or in connection with the U.S. Workers’ Compensation Policies.
4. The Debtors are authorized but not directed, to pay the Non-Employee Director
Fees and Non-Employee Director Expenses, to the extent any amounts are accrued and unpaid.
The Debtors shall provide advance notice to (a) counsel to the official committee of unsecured
creditors appointed in these Chapter 11 Cases (the “Committee”); (b) counsel to any stalking horse
bidder approved by this Court in connection with a sale of the Debtors’ assets; and (c) counsel to
the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders, in the event that total Non-Employee Director Expenses
are expected to exceed $10,000 in any given Fiscal Quarter.
5. The Debtors are authorized to (a) continue each of the Workforce Programs,
including, but not limited to, the U.S. Workers’ Compensation Policies, in the ordinary course of
business during the pendency of the Chapter 11 Cases in the manner and to the extent that such
Workforce Programs were in effect immediately prior to the filing of the Chapter 11 Cases, and
(b) continue to fund and to make payments in connection with the costs of and the expenses
For the avoidance of doubt, the term U.S. Workers’ Compensation Policies shall include all workers’
compensation insurance policies (including, but not limited to, the Monopolistic Workers’ Compensation Policies
and the Non-Monopolistic Workers’ Compensation Policies) issued or providing coverage at any time to the
Debtors or their predecessors for claims arising from or related to the employment of the Debtors U.S.
Employees, whether expired, current or prospective, and any agreements related thereto.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 495 Filed 07/21/20 Page 3 of 8
incurred in the administration of any Workforce Program, including, but not limited to, the U.S.
Workers’ Compensation Policies and the Canadian Workers’ Compensation Program, in the
ordinary course of business.
6. The Debtors are authorized to maintain the NQDC Plan during the pendency of
these Chapter 11 Cases, provided, however, that the Debtors are not authorized to make any
distributions under the NQDC Plan absent further order of this Court.
7. The Debtors are authorized to reimburse the Employees with respect to all
Reimbursable Expenses Obligations incurred prior to the Petition Date. In addition, the Debtors
are authorized to make direct payments to third parties owed amounts in connection with such
Reimbursable Expenses Obligations.
8. The Debtors are authorized, but not directed to pay any and all local, state, and
federal withholding and payroll-related or similar taxes related to the Workforce Obligations and
to withhold and pay amounts that are attributable to the Deductions, including, but not limited to,
all withholding taxes, social security taxes, and Medicare taxes, whether such taxes relate to the
period before or after the Petition Date.
9. The automatic stay under section section 362(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, if and to
the extent applicable, is hereby lifted to permit (a) current and former employees to proceed with
any U.S. Workers’ Compensation Claims or claims under the Canadian Workers’ Compensation
Program (“Canadian Workers’ Compensation Claims and together with the U.S. Workers’
Compensation Claims, Workers’ Compensation Claims”) (whether arising prior to or subsequent
to the Petition Date) in the appropriate judicial or administrative forum; (b) insurance carriers and
third party administrators to handle, administer, defend settle and/or pay Workers’ Compensation
Claims and direct action claims; and (c) any insurance carriers and third party administrators
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 495 Filed 07/21/20 Page 4 of 8
providing coverage for any Workers’ Compensation Claims or direct action claims to draw on any
and all collateral provided by or on behalf of the Debtors therefor without further order of the
Court if and when the Debtors fail to pay and/or reimburse any insurance carriers and third party
administrators for any amounts in relation thereto and solely to the extent permitted and in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the policies and agreements governing the U.S.
Workers’ Compensation Policies. This modification of the automatic stay pertains solely to
Workers’ Compensation Claims and direct action claims.
10. The Debtors are authorized but not directed to pay amounts owed in connection
with claims of the Administrators in connection with administering and delivering payments or
providing other services and benefits to the Workforce for prepetition services rendered and claims
for reimbursement based on prepetition disbursements made by the Administrators.
11. The Debtors are authorized but not directed to pay prepetition amounts due and
owing to the Staffing Agencies in connection with the provision of ICs and Temporary Employees
and to continue to pay the Staffing Agencies for such services postpetition in the ordinary course
of business.
12. Subject to the following proviso, the Debtors are authorized but not directed to
continue the Incentive Programs and Severance Plans on a postpetition basis in the ordinary course
of business, and in each case to pay any accrued amounts thereunder as they become due; provided
that (i) no payments with respect to any Incentive Program or Severance Plan shall be made
pursuant to this Final Order to any individual Employee who is an Insider and (ii) nothing in this
Final Order shall be deemed to authorize the payment of any amounts in satisfaction of retention
bonus or severance obligations that are prohibited by section 503(c) of the Bankruptcy Code. The
Debtors shall consult with (a) counsel to the Committee; (b) counsel to any stalking horse bidder
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 495 Filed 07/21/20 Page 5 of 8
approved by this Court in connection with a sale of the Debtors’ assets; and (c) counsel to the Ad
Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders prior to the implementation of any new Incentive Programs not
identified in the Motion or the resumption of any Incentive Programs that are suspended as of the
date of the entry of this Final Order.
13. The Debtors’ banks and financial institutions shall be, and are hereby authorized,
when requested by the Debtors in their sole discretion, to process, honor, pay, and, if necessary,
reissue any and all checks and electronic fund transfers, including prepetition checks and electronic
payment and transfer requests that the Debtors reissue or re-request postpetition, drawn on the
Debtors’ bank accounts relating to the Workforce Obligations, whether those checks were
presented prior to or after the Petition Date, provided that sufficient funds are available in the
applicable accounts to make the payments.
14. The Debtors’ banks and financial institutions may rely on the representations of the
Debtors with respect to whether any check or other transfer drawn or issued by the Debtors prior
to the Petition Date should be honored pursuant to this Final Order, and any such bank or financial
institution shall not have any liability to any party for relying on such representations by the
Debtors as provided for in this Final Order.
15. Any authorization under this Final Order to pay, and the payment of, any amounts
on account of the Workforce Obligations shall not affect the Debtors’ right to contest the amount
or validity of any Workforce Obligation, including without limitation, any amounts that may be
due to any taxing authority.
16. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Final Order, the Debtors retain
their right to modify or terminate any Workforce Program to the extent that such right exists under
the terms of the Workforce Program or as may be required by applicable law.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 495 Filed 07/21/20 Page 6 of 8
17. Nothing in the Motion or this Final Order, including, for the avoidance of doubt,
paragraphs 9 and 18 of this Final Order, or the Debtors’ payment of any claims pursuant to this
Final Order, shall be construed as: (i) an admission as to the validity of any claim against any
Debtor or the existence of any lien against the Debtors’ properties; (ii) a waiver of the Debtors
rights to Dispute any claim or lien on any grounds; (iii) a promise to pay any claim; (iv) an
implication or admission that any particular claim would constitute an allowed claim; (v) an
assumption or rejection of any executory contract or unexpired lease pursuant to section 365 of
the Bankruptcy Code; or (vi) a limitation on the Debtors’ rights under section 365 of the
Bankruptcy Code to assume or reject any executory contract with any party subject to this Final
Order. Nothing contained in this Final Order shall be deemed to increase, decrease, reclassify,
elevate to an administrative expense status, or otherwise affect any claim to the extent it is not
18. With regard to ACE American Insurance Company and/or any of its U.S.-based
affiliates (collectively, and together with each of their successors, the Chubb Companies”) and
any U.S. Workers’ Compensation Policies they may have provided for the benefit of the Debtors,
nothing in this Final Order, shall enlarge, abridge, or otherwise modify the Debtors’, the Chubb
Companies’, or any other party in interest’s rights, claims or ability to handle, administer, defend,
settle, and/or pay workers’ compensation claims with regard to such U.S. Workers’ Compensation
19. Notwithstanding Bankruptcy Rule 6004(h), to the extent applicable this Final Order
shall be effective and enforceable immediately upon entry hereof.
20. The Debtors are authorized and empowered to take such actions and to execute
such documents as may be necessary to implement the relief granted by this Final Order.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 495 Filed 07/21/20 Page 7 of 8
21. This Court shall retain jurisdiction with respect to all matters arising from or related
to the implementation and/or interpretation of this Final Order.
Dated: July 21st, 2020
Wilmington, Delaware
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 495 Filed 07/21/20 Page 8 of 8
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Re: Docket No. 237
Upon the motion [Docket No. 237] (the Motion”)
of the Debtors for an order,
establishing Bar Dates and related procedures by which creditors must file their Proofs of Claim,
as more fully described in the Motion; and the Court having reviewed the Motion; and the Court
having determined that the relief requested in the Motion is in the best interests of the Debtors,
their estates, their creditors, and other parties in interest; and the Court having jurisdiction to
consider the Motion and the relief requested therein in accordance with 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and 1334
and the Amended Standing Order of Reference from the United States District Court for the District
of Delaware dated as of February 29, 2012; and consideration of the Motion and the relief
requested therein being a core proceeding under 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2); and the Court having
The Debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each Debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The Debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
Motion, unless otherwise noted.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499 Filed 07/21/20 Page 1 of 10
Schedule L
authority to enter a final order consistent with Article III of the United States Constitution; and
venue being proper before this Court under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409; and it appearing that
proper and adequate notice of the Motion has been given and that no other or further notice is
necessary; and a hearing having been held to consider the relief requested in the Motion (the
Hearing); and upon the record of the Hearing and all the proceedings before the Court; and after
due deliberation thereon; and good and sufficient cause appearing therefor, it is hereby
1. The Motion is GRANTED as set forth herein.
2. The Court hereby approves (i) the forms of the Bar Date Notice, the Proof of Claim
Form, and the Publication Notice, substantially in the forms attached to this Bar Date Order as
Exhibit 1, Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3, respectively, and (ii) the manner of providing notice of the
Bar Dates as described in the Motion.
3. Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 3003(c)(2), any creditor (as defined in section 101(10)
of the Bankruptcy Code) or equity security holder (as defined in section 101(17) of the Bankruptcy
Code) who asserts a claim (as defined in section 101(5) of the Bankruptcy Code) against the
Debtors that arose, or is deemed to have arisen, prior to the Petition Date and whose claim is either
(a) not listed on the Debtors’ schedules of assets and liabilities (collectively, the Schedules”) or
(b) is listed on the Schedules as disputed, contingent or unliquidated, must file a Proof of Claim
on or prior to 5:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern Time) on the date (the General Bar Date”) that is
37 days after the later of (i) the date the Debtors file their Schedules with the Court, and (ii) the
date of entry of this Bar Date Order.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499 Filed 07/21/20 Page 2 of 10
4. Notwithstanding paragraph 3 above, the deadline for governmental units (as
defined in section 101(27) of the Bankruptcy Code) to file a Proof of Claim against the Debtors is
December 21, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern Time) (the “Governmental Bar Date”).
5. Any person or entity that holds a claim that arises from the rejection of an executory
contract or unexpired lease must file a Proof of Claim based on such rejection by the later of (a) the
General Bar Date or (b) 5:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern Time) on the date that is thirty (30) days
following service of an order approving such rejection (the “Rejection Damages Bar Date”). For
the avoidance of doubt, claims arising from the rejection of unexpired leases of the Debtors for
purposes of this Bar Date Order shall include any claims under such unexpired leases as of the
Petition Date, and such parties shall not be required to file Proofs of Claim with respect to
prepetition amounts unless and until such unexpired lease has been rejected.
6. If the Debtors amend their Schedules, then the deadline to submit a Proof of Claim
for those creditors affected by any such amendment shall be the later of (a) the applicable Bar Date
or (b) 5:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern Time) on the date that is twenty-one (21) days from the date
that the Debtors provide written notice to the affected creditor that the Schedules have been
amended (the Amended Schedules Bar Date and, together with the General Bar Date, the
Governmental Bar Date, and the Rejection Damages Bar Date, as applicable, the Bar Date
or “Bar Dates”).
7. Any person or entity (including, without limitation, each individual, partnership,
joint venture, corporation, estate, trust and governmental unit), that holds, or seeks to assert, a
claim (as defined in section 101(5) of the Bankruptcy Code) against the Debtors that arose, or is
deemed to have arisen, prior to the Petition Date, no matter how remote, contingent, or
unliquidated, including, without limitation, secured claims, unsecured priority claims (including,
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499 Filed 07/21/20 Page 3 of 10
without limitation, claims entitled to priority under sections 507(a)(3) through 507(a)(10) and
503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code) and unsecured non-priority claims (the holder of any such
claim, the “Claimant”), must properly file a Proof of Claim on or before the applicable Bar Date
in order to share in the Debtors’ estates.
8. All Claimants must submit (by overnight mail, courier service, hand delivery,
regular mail, in person or electronically through the online Proof of Claim Form available at
https://cases.primeclerk.com/GNC an original, written proof of claim that substantially conforms
to the Proof of Claim Form so as to be actually received by Prime Clerk, the Debtors’ claims and
noticing agent, by no later than 5:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern Time) on or before the applicable
Bar Date at the following address: GNC Holdings Inc. Claims Processing Center c/o Prime
Clerk LLC 850 Third Avenue, Suite 412, Brooklyn, NY 11232.
9. A Proof of Claim must satisfy all of the following requirements to be considered
properly and timely filed in these Chapter 11 Cases:
a. Each Proof of Claim must: (a) be legible; (b) include a claim amount
denominated in United States dollars using, if applicable, the exchange rate
as of 5:00 p.m., prevailing Eastern Time, on the Petition Date (and to the
extent such claim is converted to United States dollars, state the rate used
in such conversion); (c) set forth with specificity the legal and factual basis
for the alleged claim; (d) conform substantially with the Proof of Claim
Form provided by the Debtors or Official Form 410; and (e) be signed by
the Claimant or by an authorized agent or legal representative of the
Claimant on behalf of the Claimant, whether such signature is an electronic
signature or is ink.
b. Any Proof of Claim asserting a claim entitled to priority under section
503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code must also (a) set forth with specificity:
(i) the date of shipment of the goods the Claimant contends the Debtors
received in the twenty (20) days before the Petition Date; (ii) the date, place,
and method (including carrier name) of delivery of the goods the Claimant
contends the Debtors received in the twenty (20) days before the Petition
Date; (iii) the value of the goods the Claimant contends the Debtors received
in the twenty (20) days before the Petition Date; and (iv) whether the
Claimant timely made a demand to reclaim such goods under section 546(c)
of the Bankruptcy Code; (b) attach any documentation identifying the
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499 Filed 07/21/20 Page 4 of 10
particular invoices for which the 503(b)(9) claim is being asserted; and
(c) attach documentation of any reclamation demand made to the Debtors
under section 546(c) of the Bankruptcy Code (if applicable).
c. Proofs of Claim signed electronically by the Claimant or an authorized
agent or legal representative of the Claimant may be deemed acceptable for
purposes of claims administration. Copies of Proofs of Claim or Proofs of
Claim sent by facsimile or electronic mail will not be accepted.
d. Each Proof of Claim must clearly identify the Debtor against which a claim
is asserted, including the individual Debtor’s case number. A Proof of
Claim filed under the joint administration case number (Case No. 20-11662
(KBO)), or otherwise without identifying a specific Debtor, will be deemed
as filed only against GNC Holdings, Inc.
e. Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, each Proof of Claim must state a
claim against only one Debtor, clearly indicate the Debtor against which
the claim is asserted, and be filed on the claims register of such Debtor. To
the extent more than one Debtor is listed on the Proof of Claim, such claim
may be treated as if filed only against GNC Holdings, Inc.
f. Each Proof of Claim must include supporting documentation in accordance
with Bankruptcy Rules 3001(c) and 3001(d). If, however, such
documentation is voluminous, such Proof of Claim may include a summary
of such documentation or an explanation as to why such documentation is
not available; provided that any creditor shall be required to transmit such
documentation to Debtors’ counsel upon request no later than ten (10) days
from the date of such request.
g. Each Proof of Claim must be filed, including supporting documentation so
as to be actually received by Prime Clerk on or before the applicable Bar
Date as follows: electronically through the interface available at
http://cases.primeclerk.com/GNC, or if submitted through non-electronic
means, by U.S. Mail or other hand delivery system to, GNC Holdings, Inc.
Claims Processing Center c/o Prime Clerk LLC 850 Third Avenue, Suite
412, Brooklyn, NY 11232
h. Claimants wishing to receive acknowledgment that their Proofs of Claim
were received by Prime Clerk must submit (a) a copy of the Proof of Claim
Form (in addition to the original Proof of Claim Form sent to Prime Clerk)
and (b) a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
10. Proofs of Claim sent to Prime Clerk by facsimile, telecopy, or electronic mail will
not be accepted and will not be considered properly or timely filed for any purpose in these
Chapter 11 Cases.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499 Filed 07/21/20 Page 5 of 10
11. Notwithstanding the above, holders of the following claims are not required to file
a Proof of Claim on or before the applicable Bar Date solely with respect to such claim:
a. a claim against the Debtors for which a signed Proof of Claim has already
been properly filed with the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court for the District
of Delaware or Prime Clerk in a form substantially similar to Official
Bankruptcy Form No. 410;
b. a claim that is listed on the Debtors’ Schedules if and only if (a) such claim
is not scheduled as “disputed,” “contingent,” or “unliquidated” and (b) the
holder of such claim agrees with the amount, nature and priority of the claim
as set forth in the Schedules;
c. an administrative expense claim allowable under sections 503(b) and
507(a)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code as an expense of administration (other
than any claim allowable under section 503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code);
d. an administrative expense claim for post-petition fees and expenses
incurred by any professional allowable under sections 330, 331, and 503(b)
of the Bankruptcy Code;
e. a claim that has been paid in full by the Debtors in accordance with the
Bankruptcy Code or an order of this Court;
f. a claim that has been allowed by an order of this Court entered on or before
the applicable Bar Date;
g. a claim of any Debtor against another Debtor;
h. any fees payable to the office of the United States Trustee for the District of
Delaware (the “U.S. Trustee”) under 28 U.S.C. § 1930; and
i. a claim for which specific deadlines have been fixed by an order of this
Court entered on or before the applicable Bar Date.
12. Any Claimant exempted from filing a Proof of Claim pursuant to paragraph 11
above must still properly and timely file a Proof of Claim for any other claim that does not fall
within the exemptions provided by paragraph 11 above.
13. Any person or entity holding an equity security (as defined in section 101(16) of
the Bankruptcy Code and including, without limitation, common stock, preferred stock, warrants,
or stock options) or other ownership interest in the Debtors (an “Interest Holder”) is not required
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499 Filed 07/21/20 Page 6 of 10
to file a proof of interest on or before the applicable Bar Date; provided, however, that an Interest
Holder that wishes to assert claims against the Debtors that arise out of or relate to the ownership
or purchase of an equity security or other ownership interest, including, but not limited to, a claim
for damages or rescission based on the purchase or sale of such equity security or other ownership
interest, must file a Proof of Claim on or before the applicable Bar Date. The Debtors reserve the
right to seek relief at a later date establishing a deadline for Interest Holders to file proofs of
14. The DIP Agents, the DIP Lenders, and the Prepetition Secured Parties are not
required to file Proofs of Claim in any of the Chapter 11 Cases or Successor Cases for any claim
allowed under a final order entered by the Court authorizing postpetition financing for the Debtors.
Each of the Prepetition ABL FILO Agent and the Prepetition Term Agents is hereby authorized
and entitled, in its sole discretion, to file a master Proof of Claim on behalf of the Prepetition ABL
FILO Secured Parties and the Prepetition Term Secured Parties, as applicable, in each of the
Chapter 11 Cases or Successor Cases. Any Proof of Claim filed by the Prepetition ABL FILO
Agent or the Prepetition Term Agents shall be deemed to be in addition to and not in lieu of any
other Proof of Claim that may be filed by any of the Prepetition ABL FILO Secured Parties or the
Prepetition Term Secured Parties, respectively. The provisions of this paragraph 14 and each
master Proof of Claim are intended solely for the purpose of administrative convenience and shall
not affect the right of each Prepetition Secured Party (or its successors in interest) to vote separately
on any plan proposed in these Chapter 11 Cases or to assert that the amount of its claim is different
from that set forth on the applicable master Proof of Claim. The master Proofs of Claim shall not
be required to attach any instruments, agreements or other documents evidencing the obligations
owing by each of the Debtors to the applicable Prepetition Secured Parties, which instruments,
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499 Filed 07/21/20 Page 7 of 10
agreements or other documents shall be provided upon written request to counsel to the applicable
Prepetition Secured Party.
15. Within five (5) business days after the later of (i) the date the Debtors file their
Schedules with the Court, and (ii) the date of entry of this Bar Date Order, the Debtors shall serve
the Bar Date Notice, together with a copy of the Proof of Claim Form (the “Bar Date Package”),
by first class United States mail, postage prepaid (or equivalent service), to the following parties:
a. all known potential Claimants and their counsel (if known), including all
persons and entities listed in the Schedules at the addresses set forth therein
as potentially holding claims;
b. all parties that have requested notice of the proceedings in these Chapter 11
Cases pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 2002 as of the date of the Bar Date
c. all parties that have filed Proofs of Claim in these Chapter 11 Cases as of
the date of the Bar Date Order;
d. all known holders of equity securities in the Debtors as of the date of the
Bar Date Order;
e. all known parties to executory contracts and unexpired leases with the
Debtors as of the Petition Date, as identified in the Schedules;
f. all known parties to litigation with the Debtors as of the date of the Bar Date
g. the United States Drug Enforcement Agency;
h. the United States Food and Drug Administration;
i. the District Director of the Internal Revenue Service for the District of
j. all known taxing authorities for the jurisdictions in which the Debtors
maintain or conduct business;
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in this paragraph shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms
in the Interim Order (I) Authorizing the Debtors to Obtain Postpetition Financing, (II) Authorizing the Debtors
to Use Cash Collateral, (III) Granting Liens and Providing Superpriority Administrative Expense Claims,
(IV) Granting Adequate Protection to Prepetition Secured Lenders, (V) Modifying Automatic Stay,
(VI) Scheduling a Final Hearing, and (VII) Granting Related Relief [Docket No. 134.]
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499 Filed 07/21/20 Page 8 of 10
k. the Securities and Exchange Commission;
l. the United States Attorney for the District of Delaware; and
m. any party on the service list in the CCAA recognition proceeding.
16. In accordance with Bankruptcy Rule 2002(a)(7), service of the Bar Date Package
in the manner set forth in this Bar Date Order is and shall be deemed to be good and sufficient
notice of the Bar Date to known Claimants.
17. Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 2002(l), the Debtors shall cause the Publication
Notice to be published once in The Wall Street Journal (national edition) and The Globe and Mail
as soon as practicable after entry of this Bar Date Order but no later than twenty-one (21) days
before the General Bar Date, and in such other local newspapers or publications, if any, as the
Debtors deem appropriate. Such form and manner of publication notice is hereby approved and
authorized and is and shall be deemed to be good and sufficient notice of the Bar Dates to unknown
18. Properly filing an original, written Proof of Claim that substantially conforms to
the Proof of Claim Form shall be deemed to satisfy the procedural requirements for the assertion
of administrative priority claims under section 503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code; provided,
however, that all other administrative claims under section 503(b) of the Bankruptcy Code must
be made by separate requests for payment in accordance with section 503(a) of the Bankruptcy
Code and will not be deemed proper if made by Proof of Claim.
19. Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 3003(c)(2), any Claimant that is required to file a
Proof of Claim in these Chapter 11 Cases pursuant to the Bankruptcy Code, the Bankruptcy Rules
or this Bar Date Order with respect to a particular claim against the Debtors, but that fails to do so
properly by the applicable Bar Date, shall not be treated as a creditor with respect to such claim
for purposes of voting and distribution.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499 Filed 07/21/20 Page 9 of 10
20. Nothing contained in this Bar Date Order or in the Motion, the Publication Notice
or the Bar Date Notice is intended or should be construed as a waiver of any of the Debtors’ rights,
including, without limitation, their rights to: (a) dispute, or assert offsets or defenses against, any
filed claim or any claim listed or reflected in the Schedules as to the nature, amount, liability, or
classification thereof; (b) subsequently designate any scheduled claim as disputed, contingent, or
unliquidated; or (c) otherwise amend the Schedules. In addition, nothing contained in this Bar
Date Order or in the Motion, the Publication Notice, or the Bar Date Notice is intended to be an
admission of the validity of any claim against the Debtors or an approval, assumption, or rejection
of any agreement, contract, or lease under section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code.
21. The provisions of this Bar Date Order apply to all claims of whatever character or
nature against the Debtors or their assets, whether secured or unsecured, priority or non-priority,
liquidated or unliquidated, fixed or contingent.
22. All Claimants who desire to rely on the Schedules with respect to filing a Proof of
Claim in these Chapter 11 Cases shall have the sole responsibility for determining that their
respective claim is accurately listed therein.
23. The terms and conditions of this Bar Date Order are immediately effective and
enforceable upon its entry.
24. The Debtors and Prime Clerk are authorized and empowered to take all actions
necessary or appropriate to implement the relief granted in this Bar Date Order.
25. This Court shall retain jurisdiction with respect to all matters arising from or related
to the implementation and/or interpretation of this Bar Date Order.
Dated: July 21st, 2020
Wilmington, Delaware
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499 Filed 07/21/20 Page 10 of 10
Exhibit 1
Bar Date Notice
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 1 of 20
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Please take notice that on June 23, 2020 (the Petition Date”), the debtors and debtors in
possession in the above-captioned cases (together, the Debtors”) filed voluntary petitions for
relief under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code with the United States Bankruptcy Court for the
District of Delaware (the “Court”).
Please take further notice that on [●], 2020, the Court entered an order (the Bar Date
Order”) establishing certain dates by which parties holding prepetition claims against the Debtors
must file proofs of claim, including requests for payment pursuant to Section 503(b)(9) of the
Bankruptcy Code (“Proofs of Claim”).
For your convenience, except with respect to beneficial owners of the Debtors’ debt and
equity securities, enclosed with this notice (this Notice) is a Proof of Claim Form, which
identifies on its face the amount, nature, and classification of your claim(s), if any, listed in the
Debtors’ schedules of assets and liabilities filed in these cases (the Schedules”). If the Debtors
believe that you hold claims against more than one Debtor, you will receive multiple Proof of
The Debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each Debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The Debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 2 of 20
Claim forms, each of which will reflect the nature and amount of your claim as listed in the
As used in this Notice, the term “creditorhas the meaning given to it in section 101(10)
of the Bankruptcy Code, and includes all persons, entities, estates, trusts, governmental units and
the United States Trustee. In addition, the termspersons,” “entities,” and “governmental units
are defined in sections 101(41), 101(15) and 101(27) of the Bankruptcy Code, respectively.
As used in this Notice, the term “claim” or Claim” has the meaning given to it in section
101(5) of the Bankruptcy Code, and includes as to or against the Debtors: (a) any right to payment,
whether or not such right is reduced to judgment, liquidated, unliquidated, fixed, contingent,
matured, unmatured, disputed, undisputed, legal, equitable, secured, or unsecured; or (b) any right
to an equitable remedy for breach of performance if such breach gives rise to a right to payment,
whether or not such right to an equitable remedy is reduced to judgment, fixed, contingent,
matured, unmatured, disputed, undisputed, secured, or unsecured.
General Information about the Debtors’ Cases. The Debtors’ cases are being jointly
administered under case number 20-11662 (KBO). No trustee or examiner has been requested in
these Chapter 11 Cases.
Individual Debtor Information. The last four digits of each Debtor’s federal tax identification
number are set forth below. The Debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania 15222.
Case No.
(Last 4 Digits)
GNC Holdings, Inc. 20-11662 (KBO) 6244
GNC Parent LLC 20-11663 (KBO) 7572
GNC Corporation 20-11664 (KBO) 5170
General Nutrition Centers, Inc. 20-11665 (KBO) 5168
General Nutrition Corporation 20-11666 (KBO) 4574
General Nutrition Investment Company 20-11667 (KBO) 3878
Lucky Oldco Corporation 20-11668 (KBO) 7141
GNC Funding Inc. 20-11669 (KBO) 7837
GNC International Holdings Inc. 20-11670 (KBO) 9873
GNC China Holdco, LLC 20-11671 (KBO) 0004
GNC Headquarters LLC 20-11672 (KBO) 7550
Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. 20-11673 (KBO) 0731
GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. 20-11674 (KBO) 3879
General Nutrition Centres Company 20-11675 (KBO) 0939
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 3 of 20
GNC Government Services, LLC 20-11676 (KBO) 2295
GNC Puerto Rico Holdings, Inc. 20-11677 (KBO) 4559
GNC Puerto Rico, LLC 20-11678 (KBO) 7234
The Bar Date Order establishes the following bar dates for filing Proofs of Claim in these
Chapter 11 Cases (collectively, the “Bar Dates”):
a. General Bar Date. Except as expressly set forth in this Notice, all entities
(except governmental units) holding claims against the Debtors that arose or are deemed to have
arisen prior to the Petition Date, including requests for payment pursuant to section 503(b)(9) of
the Bankruptcy Code, are required to file Proofs of Claim by 5:00 p.m., prevailing Eastern time
on []. Except as expressly set forth in this Notice, the General Bar Date applies to all types of
claims against the Debtors that arose on or prior to the Petition Date, including secured claims,
unsecured priority claims, and unsecured non-priority claims.
b. Governmental Bar Date. All governmental units holding claims against
the Debtors that arose or are deemed to have arisen prior to the Petition Date are required to file
Proofs of Claim by December 21, 2020, at 5:00 p.m., prevailing Eastern Time. The
Governmental Bar Date applies to all governmental units holding claims against the Debtors
(whether secured, unsecured priority, or unsecured non-priority) that arose on or prior to the
Petition Date, including governmental units with claims against the Debtors for unpaid taxes,
whether such claims arise from prepetition tax years or periods or prepetition transactions to which
the Debtors were a party.
c. Rejection Damages Bar Date. Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, all
entities holding claims against the Debtors arising from the rejection of executory contracts and
unexpired leases of the Debtors are required to file Proofs of Claim by the later of (a) the General
Bar Date or the Governmental Bar Date, as applicable, and (b) 5:00 p.m., prevailing Eastern Time,
on the date that is thirty (30) days following entry of an order approving the rejection of any
executory contract or unexpired lease of the Debtors. For the avoidance of doubt, claims arising
from the rejection of unexpired leases of the Debtors for purposes of the Bar Date Order shall
include any claims under such unexpired leases as of the Petition Date, and such parties shall not
be required to file Proofs of Claim with respect to prepetition amounts unless and until such
unexpired lease has been rejected.
d. Amended Schedules Bar Date. If, subsequent to the date of this Notice, the
Debtors amend or supplement their Schedules to reduce the undisputed, noncontingent, and
liquidated amount of a claim listed in the Schedules, to change the nature or classification of a
claim against the Debtors reflected in the Schedules, or to add a new claim to the Schedules, the
affected creditor is required to file a Proof of Claim or amend any previously filed Proof of Claim
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 4 of 20
in respect of the amended scheduled claim by the later of (a) the General Bar Date or the
Governmental Bar Date, as applicable, and (b) 5:00 p.m., prevailing Eastern Time, on the date that
is twenty-one (21) days from the date on which the Debtors mail notice of the amendment to the
Schedules (or another time period as may be fixed by the Court).
Any person or entity that has or seeks to assert a claim against the Debtors which arose, or
is deemed to have arisen, prior to the Petition Date, including, without limitation, a claim under
section 503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code, MUST FILE A PROOF OF CLAIM ON OR
BEFORE THE APPLICABLE BAR DATE in order to potentially share in the Debtors’ estates.
Under the Bar Date Order, the filing of a Proof of Claim Form shall be deemed to satisfy
the procedural requirements for the assertion of administrative priority claims under section
503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code. All other administrative claims under section 503(b) of the
Bankruptcy Code must be made by separate requests for payment in accordance with section
503(a) of the Bankruptcy Code and shall not be deemed proper if made by Proof of Claim. No
deadline has yet been established for the filing of administrative claims other than claims under
section 503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code. Claims under section 503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy
Code must be filed by the applicable Bar Date.
Acts or omissions of the Debtors that occurred or arose before the Petition Date may give
rise to claims against the Debtors that must be filed by the applicable Bar Date, notwithstanding
that such claims may not have matured, are contingent or have not become fixed or liquidated prior
to or as of the Petition Date.
A. Claims For Which No Proof of Claim is Required to be Filed.
Notwithstanding the above, holders of the following claims are not required to file a Proof
of Claim on or before the applicable Bar Date solely with respect to such claim:
a. a claim against the Debtors for which a signed Proof of Claim has already
been properly filed with the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware or Prime
Clerk LLC (Prime Clerk”) in a form substantially similar to Official Bankruptcy Form No. 410;
b. a claim that is listed on the Debtors’ Schedules if and only if (i) such claim
is not scheduled as “disputed,” contingent,” or “unliquidated” and (ii) the holder of such claim
agrees with the amount, nature and priority of the claim as set forth in the Schedules;
c. an administrative expense claim allowable under sections 503(b) and
507(a)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code as an expense of administration (other than any claim allowable
under section 503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code);
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 5 of 20
d. an administrative expense claim for post-petition fees and expenses
incurred by any professional allowable under sections 330, 331, and 503(b) of the Bankruptcy
e. a claim that has been paid in full by the Debtors in accordance with the
Bankruptcy Code or an order of this Court;
f. a claim that has been allowed by an order of this Court entered on or before
the applicable Bar Date;
g. a claim of any Debtor against another Debtor;
h. any fees payable to the United States Trustee under 28 U.S.C. § 1930; and
i. a claim for which specific deadlines have been fixed by an order of this
Court entered on or before the applicable Bar Date.
Please take notice that any Claimant exempted from filing a Proof of Claim pursuant to
paragraph A above must still properly and timely file a Proof of Claim for any other claim
that does not fall within the exemptions provided by paragraph A above. As set forth above,
creditors are not required to file a proof of claim with respect to any amounts paid by the Debtors.
B. No Bar Date for Proof of Interest.
Any person or entity holding an equity security (as defined in section 101(16) of the
Bankruptcy Code and including, without limitation, common stock, preferred stock, warrants, or
stock options) or other ownership interest in the Debtors (an Interest Holder”) is not required to
file a proof of interest on or before the applicable Bar Date; provided, however, that an Interest
Holder that wishes to assert claims against the Debtors that arise out of or relate to the ownership
or purchase of an equity security or other ownership interest, including, but not limited to, a claim
for damages or rescission based on the purchase or sale of such equity security or other ownership
interest, must file a Proof of Claim on or before the applicable Bar Date. The Debtors have
reserved the right to establish at a later time a bar date requiring Interest Holders to file proofs of
interest. If such a bar date is established, Interest Holders will be notified in writing of the bar date
for filing of proofs of interest at the appropriate time.
All Claimants must submit (by overnight mail, courier service, hand delivery, regular mail,
or in person) an original, written Proof of Claim that substantially conforms to the Proof of Claim
Form so as to be actually received by Prime Clerk, the Debtorsclaims and notice agent, by no
later than 5:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern Time) on or before the applicable Bar Date at the following
GNC Holdings Inc. Claims Processing Center
c/o Prime Clerk
850 Third Avenue, Suite 412
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 6 of 20
Alternatively, Claimants may submit a Proof of Claim electronically by completing the
Proof of Claim Form that can be accessed at Prime Clerk’s website,
Proofs of Claim will be deemed timely filed only if actually received by Prime Clerk on
or before the applicable Bar Date. Proofs of Claim may not be delivered by facsimile, telecopy,
or electronic mail transmission. Any facsimile, telecopy, or electronic mail submissions will not
be accepted and will not be deemed filed until a Proof of Claim is submitted to Prime Clerk by
overnight mail, courier service, hand delivery, regular mail, in person, or through Prime Clerk’s
website listed above.
Claimants wishing to receive acknowledgment that their Proofs of Claim were received by
Prime Clerk must submit (a) a copy of the Proof of Claim and (b) a self-addressed, stamped
envelope (in addition to the original Proof of Claim sent to Prime Clerk).
With respect to preparing and filing of a Proof of Claim, the Debtors propose that each
Proof of Claim be required to be consistent with the following:
a. Each Proof of Claim must: (a) be legible; (b) include a claim amount
denominated in United States dollars using, if applicable, the exchange rate as of 5:00 p.m.,
prevailing Eastern Time, on the Petition Date (and to the extent such claim is converted to United
States dollars, state the rate used in such conversion); (c) set forth with specificity the legal and
factual basis for the alleged claim; (d) conform substantially with the Proof of Claim Form
provided by the Debtors or Official Form 410; and (e) be signed by the Claimant or by an
authorized agent or legal representative of the Claimant on behalf of the Claimant, whether such
signature is an electronic signature or is ink.
b. Any Proof of Claim asserting a claim entitled to priority under section
503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code must also (a) set forth with specificity: (i) the date of shipment
of the goods the Claimant contends the Debtors received in the twenty (20) days before the Petition
Date; (ii) the date, place, and method (including carrier name) of delivery of the goods the Claimant
contends the Debtors received in the twenty (20) days before the Petition Date; (iii) the value of
the goods the Claimant contends the Debtors received in the twenty (20) days before the Petition
Date; and (iv) whether the Claimant timely made a demand to reclaim such goods under section
546(c) of the Bankruptcy Code; (b) attach any documentation identifying the particular invoices
for which the 503(b)(9) claim is being asserted; and (c) attach documentation of any reclamation
demand made to the Debtors under section 546(c) of the Bankruptcy Code (if applicable).
c. Proofs of Claim signed electronically by the Claimant or an authorized
agent or legal representative of the Claimant may be deemed acceptable for purposes of claims
administration. Copies of Proofs of Claim or Proofs of Claim sent by facsimile or electronic mail
will not be accepted.
d. Each Proof of Claim must clearly identify the Debtor against which a claim
is asserted, including the individual Debtor’s case number. A Proof of Claim filed under the joint
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 7 of 20
administration case number (Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)), or otherwise without identifying a
specific Debtor, will be deemed as filed only against GNC Holdings, Inc.
e. Unless otherwise ordered by the Court, each Proof of Claim must state a
claim against only one Debtor, clearly indicate the Debtor against which the claim is asserted, and
be filed on the claims register of such Debtor. To the extent more than one Debtor is listed on the
Proof of Claim, such claim may be treated as if filed only against GNC Holdings, Inc.
f. Each Proof of Claim must include supporting documentation in accordance
with Bankruptcy Rules 3001(c) and 3001(d). If, however, such documentation is voluminous, such
Proof of Claim may include a summary of such documentation or an explanation as to why such
documentation is not available; provided that any creditor shall be required to transmit such
documentation to Debtors’ counsel upon request no later than ten (10) days from the date of such
g. Each Proof of Claim must be filed, including supporting documentation so
as to be actually received by Prime Clerk on or before the applicable Bar Date as follows:
electronically through the interface available at http://cases.primeclerk.com/GNC, or if submitted
through non-electronic means, by U.S. Mail or other hand delivery system at the following address:
GNC Holdings, Inc. Claims Processing Center c/o Prime Clerk LLC 850 Third Avenue, Suite 412,
Brooklyn, NY 11232
h. Proofs of claim sent by facsimile or electronic mail will not be accepted.
i. Claimants wishing to receive acknowledgment that their Proofs of Claim
were received by Prime Clerk must submit (i) a copy of the Proof of Claim Form (in addition to
the original Proof of Claim Form sent to Prime Clerk) and (ii) a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Any Claimant that is required to file a Proof of Claim in these chapter 11 cases pursuant to
the Bankruptcy Code, the Bankruptcy Rules, or the Bar Date Order with respect to a particular
claim against the Debtors, but that fails to do so properly by the applicable Bar Date, shall not be
treated as a creditor with respect to such claim for purposes of voting and distribution.
Acts or omissions of or by the Debtors that occurred, or that are deemed to have occurred,
prior to the Petition Date, including, without limitation, acts or omissions related to any indemnity
agreement, guarantee, services provided to or rendered by the Debtors, or goods provided to or by
the Debtors, may give rise to claims against the Debtors notwithstanding the fact that such claims
(or any injuries on which they may be based) may be contingent or may not have matured or
become fixed or liquidated prior to the Petition Date. Therefore, any person or entity that holds a
claim or potential claim against the Debtors, no matter how remote, contingent, or unliquidated,
MUST file a Proof of Claim on or before the applicable Bar Date.
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You may be listed as the holder of a claim against the Debtors in the Schedules. The
Schedules are available free of charge on Prime Clerk’s website at
https://cases.primeclerk.com/GNC. If you rely on the Schedules, it is your responsibility to
determine that your claim is accurately listed in the Schedules. As described above, if (a) you
agree with the nature, amount and status of your claim as listed in the Schedules and (b) your
claim is NOT described as “disputed,” “contingent,” or “unliquidated,” then you are not required
to file a Proof of Claim in these Chapter 11 Cases with respect to such claim. Otherwise, or if you
decide to file a Proof of Claim, you must do so before the applicable Bar Date in accordance with
the procedures set forth in this Notice and the Bar Date Order.
Nothing contained in this Notice or the Bar Date Order is intended or should be construed
as a waiver of any of the Debtor’s rights, including without limitation, their rights to: (a) dispute,
or assert offsets or defenses against, any filed claim or any claim listed or reflected in the Schedules
as to the nature, amount, liability, or classification thereof; (b) subsequently designate any
scheduled claim as disputed, contingent, or unliquidated; or (c) otherwise amend or supplement
the Schedules. In addition, nothing contained herein of the Bar Date Order is intended or should
be construed as an admission of the validity of any claim against the Debtors or an approval,
assumption, or rejection of any agreement, contract, or lease under section 365 of the Bankruptcy
Code. All such rights and remedies are reserved.
The Schedules, the Proof of Claim Form and Bar Date Order are available free of charge
on Prime Clerk’s website at https://cases.primeclerk.com/GNC. If you have questions concerning
the filing or processing of Claims, you may contact the Debtorsclaims agent, Prime Clerk, toll-
free at (844) 974-2132. If you require additional information regarding the filing of a Proof of
Claim, you may contact counsel for the Debtors in writing at the addresses below.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 9 of 20
Dated: ___________, 2020
Wilmington, Delaware
/s/ .
Michael R. Nestor (No. 3526)
Kara Hammond Coyle (No. 4410)
Andrew L. Magaziner (No. 5426)
Joseph M. Mulvihill (No. 6061)
Rodney Square
1000 North King Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19801
Telephone: (302) 571-6600
Facsimile: (302) 571-1253
Email: mnestor@ycst.com
Richard A. Levy (admitted pro hac vice)
Caroline A. Reckler (admitted pro hac vice)
Asif Attarwala (admitted pro hac vice)
Brett V. Newman (admitted pro hac vice)
330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2800
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Telephone: (312) 876-7700
Facsimile: (312) 993-9767
Email: richard.lev[email protected]
- and -
George A. Davis (admitted pro hac vice)
Andrew C. Ambruoso (admitted pro hac vice)
Jeffrey T. Mispagel (admitted pro hac vice)
885 Third Avenue
New York, New York 10022
Telephone: (212) 906-1200
Facsimile: (212) 751-4864
Email: george.davis@lw.com
Proposed Counsel for Debtors and Debtors in Possession
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 10 of 20
Exhibit 2
Proof of Claim Form
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 11 of 20
Proof of Claim
page 1
Part 1:
United States Bankruptcy Court, District of'HODZDUH
0RGLILHGOfficial Form 410
Proof of Claim 4/1
Read the instructions before filling out this form. This form is for making a claim for payment in a bankruptcy case. Do not use this form to
make a request for payment of an administrative expenseRWKHUWKDQDFODLPHQWLWOHGWRSULRULW\XQGHU86&E. Make such a
request according to 11 U.S.C. § 503.
Filers must leave out or redact information that is entitled to privacy on this form or on any attached documents. Attach redacted copies of any
documents that support the claim, such as promissory notes, purchase orders, invoices, itemized statements of running accounts, contracts, judgments,
mortgages, and security agreements. Do not send original documents; they may be destroyed after scanning. If the documents are not available,
explain in an attachment.
A person who files a fraudulent claim could be fined up to $500,000, imprisoned for up to 5 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. §§ 152, 157, and 3571.
Fill in all the information about the claim as of the date the case was filed. That date is on the notice of bankruptcy (Form 309) that you received.
Identify the Claim
1. Who is the current
Name of the current creditor (the person or entity to be paid for this claim)
Other names the creditor used with the debtor
2. Has this claim been
acquired from
someone else?
Yes. From whom?
3. Where should notices
and payments to the
Where should notices to the creditor be sent? Where should payments to the creditor be sent? (if
creditor be sent?
Federal Rule of
Bankruptcy Procedure
(FRBP) 2002(g)
4. Does this claim amend
one already filed?
Yes. Claim number on court claims registry (if known) Filed on
5. Do you know if anyone
else has filed a proof
of claim for this claim?
Yes. Who made the earlier filing?
Fill in this information to identify the case (Select only one Debtor per claim form):
GNC Holdings, Inc.
(Case No. 20-11662)
GNC Funding, Inc.
(Case No.)
GNC Government Services, LLC
(Case No. )
GNC Parent LLC
(Case No. 20-11663)
GNC International Holdings, Inc.
(Case No.)
GNC Puerto Rico Holdings, Inc.
(Case No. 20
GNC Corporation
(Case No. 20-11664)
GNC China Holdco LLC
(Case No.)
GNC Puerto Rico, LLC
(Case No. 20-)
General Nutrition Centers, Inc.
(Case No)
GNC Headquarters LLC
(Case No. )
General Nutrition Corporation
(Case No. )
Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd.
General Nutrition Investment Company
(Case No)
GNC Canada Holdings, Inc.
Lucky Oldco Corporation
(Case No.)
General Nutrition Centres Company
Number Street
City State ZIP Code
Contact phone
Contact email
Number Street
State ZIP Code
Contact phone
Contact email
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 12 of 20
Proof of Claim
page 2
Part 2:
Give Information About the Claim as of the Date the Case Was Filed
6. Do you have any number
you us
e to identify the
Yes. Last 4 digits of the debtor’s account or any number you use to identify the debtor:
7. How much is the claim?
. Does this amount include interest or other charges?
Yes. Attach statement itemizing interest, fees, expenses, or other
charges required by Bankruptcy Rule 3001(c)(2)(A).
8. What is the basis of the
Examples: Goods sold, money loaned, lease, services performed, personal injur
y or wrongful death, or credit card.
Attach redacted copies of any documents supporting the claim required by Bankruptcy Rule 3001(c).
Limit disclosing information that is entitled to privacy, such as health care information.
9. Is all or part of the claim
Yes. The claim is secured by a lien on property.
Nature of property:
Real estate. If the claim is secured by the debtor’s principal residence, file a Mortgage Proof of Claim
Attachment (Official Form 410-A) with this Proof of Claim
Motor vehicle
Other. Describe:
Basis for perfection:
Attach redacted copies of documents, if any, that show evidence of perfection of a security interest (for
example, a mortgage, lien, certificate of title, financing statement, or other document that shows the lien has
been filed or recorded.)
Value of property:$
Amount of t
he claim that is secured: $
Amount of the claim that is unsecured: $ (The sum of the secured and unsecured
amounts should match the amount in line 7.)
Amount necessary to cure any default as of the date of the petition: $
Annual Interest Rate (when case was filed) %
10. Is this claim based on a
Yes. Amount necessary to cure any default as of the date of the petition. $
11. Is this claim subject to a
right of setoff?
Yes. Identify the property:
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 13 of 20
Proof of Claim
page 3
12. Is all or part of the claim
entitled to priority under
11 U.S.C. § 507(a)?
A claim may be partly
priority and partl
nonpriority. For example,
in some categories, the
law limits the amount
entitled to priority
Amount entitled to priority
Yes. Check one:
Domestic support obligations (including alimony and child support) under
11 U.S.C. § 507(a)(1)(A) or (a)(1)(B).
Up to $,0* of deposits toward purchase, lease, or rental of property or services for
personal, family, or household use. 11 U.S.C. § 507(a)(7).
Wages, salaries, or commissions (up to $1,50*) earned within 180 days before the
bankruptcy petition is filed or the debtor’s business ends, whichever is earlier.
11 U.S.C. § 507(a)(4).
Taxes or penalties owed to governmental units. 11 U.S.C. § 507(a)(8).
Contributions to an employee benefit plan. 11 U.S.C. § 507(a)(5).
Other. Specify subsection of 11 U.S.C. § 507(a)( ) that applies.
* Amounts are subject to adjustment on 4/01/ and every 3 years after that for cases begun on or after the date of adjustment.
13. Is all or part of the
claim entitled to
administrative priority
ant to
11 U.S.C. § 503(b)(9)?
Yes. Indicate the amount of your claim arising from the value of any goods received
by the Debtor within 20 days before the date of commencement of the above case, in
which the goods have been sold to the Debtor in the ordinary course of such
Debtors business. Attach documentation supporting such claim.
$ ____________________
Part 3: Sign Below
The person completing
this proof of claim must
sign and date it.
FRBP 9011(b).
If you file this claim
electronically, FRBP
5005(a)(2) authorizes courts
to establish local rules
specifying what a signature
A person who files a
fraudulent claim could be
fined up to $500,000,
imprisoned for up to 5
years, or both.
18 U.S.C. §§ 152, 157, and
Check the appropriate box:
I am the creditor.
I am the creditor’s attorney or authorized agent.
I am the trustee, or the debtor, or their authorized agent. Bankruptcy Rule 3004.
I am a guarantor, surety, endorser, or other codebtor. Bankruptcy Rule 3005.
I understand that an authorized signature on this Proof of Claim serves as an acknowledgment that when calculating the
amount of the claim, the creditor gave the debtor credit for any payments received toward the debt.
I have examined the information in this Proof of Claim and have a reasonable belief that the information is true
and correct.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
1ame of the person who is completing and signing this claim:
First name Middle name Last name
Identify the corporate servicer as the company if the authorized agent is a servicer.
Number Street
City State ZIP Code
Contact phone Email
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 14 of 20
0RGLILHGOfficial Form 410
Instructions for Proof of Claim
United States Bankruptcy Court 12/15
These instructions and definitions generally explain the law. In certain circumstances, such as bankruptcy cases that debtors
do not file voluntarily, exceptions to these general rules may apply. You should consider obtaining the advice of an attorney,
especially if you are unfamiliar with the bankruptcy process and privacy regulations.
How to fill out this form
Fill in all of the information about the claim as of the
date the case was filed.
Fill in the caption at the top of the form.
If the claim has been acquired from someone else,
then state the identity of the last party
who owned the
claim or was the holder of the claim and who transferred
it to you before the initial claim was filed.
Attach any supporting documents to this form.
Attach redacted copies of any documents that show that the
debt exists, a lien secures the debt, or both. (See the
definition of redaction on the next page.)
Also attach redacted copies of any documents that show
perfection of any security interest or any assignments or
transfers of the debt. In addition to the documents, a
summary may be added. Federal Rule of Bankruptcy
Procedure (called “Bankruptcy Rule”) 3001(c) and (d).
Do not attach original documents because
attachments may be destroyed after scanning.
If the claim is based on delivering health care goods
or services, do not disclose confidential health care
information. Leave out or redact confidential
information both in the claim and in the attached
A Proof of Claim form and any attached documents
must show only the last 4 digits of any social security
number, individual’s tax identification number, or
financial account number, and only the year of any
person’s date of birth.
See Bankruptcy Rule 9037.
For a minor child, fill in only the child’s initials and the
full name and address of the child’s parent or
For example, write A.B., a minor child (John
Doe, parent, 123 Main St., City, State). See Bankruptcy
Rule 9037.
Confirmation that the claim has been filed
To receive confirmation that the claim has been filed, enclose a
stamped self-addressed envelope and a copy of this form. You
may view a list of filed claims in this case by visiting the
Claims and Noticing Agent's website at
Understand the terms used in this form
Administrative expense: Generally, an expense that arises
after a bankruptcy case is filed in connection with operating,
liquidating, or distributing the bankruptcy estate.
11 U.S.C. § 503.
Claim: A creditor’s right to receive payment for a debt that
the debtor owed on the date the debtor filed for bankruptcy.
11 U.S.C. §101 (5). A claim may be secured or unsecured.
A person who files a fraudulent claim could be fined up
to $500,000, imprisoned for up to 5 years, or both.
18 U.S.C. §§ 152, 157 and 3571.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 15 of 20
Claim Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. §503(b)(9): A claim arising
from the value of any goods received by the Debtor within
20 days before the date of commencement of the above case,
in which the goods have been sold to the Debtor in the
ordinary course of the Debtor's business. Attach
documentation supporting such claim.
A person, corporation, or other entity to whom a
debtor owes a debt that was incurred on or before the date the
debtor filed for bankruptcy. 11 U.S.C. §101 (10).
Debtor: A person, corporation, or other entity who is in
bankruptcy. Use the debtor’s name and case number as shown
in the bankruptcy notice you received. 11 U.S.C. § 101 (13).
Evidence of perfection: Evidence of perfection of a security
interest may include documents showing that a security
interest has been filed or recorded, such as a mortgage, lien,
certificate of title, or financing statement.
Information that is entitled to privacy: A Proof of Claim
form and any attached documents must show only the last 4
digits of any social security number, an individual’s tax
identification number, or a financial account number, only the
initials of a minor’s name, and only the year of any person’s
date of birth. If a claim is based on delivering health care
goods or services, limit the disclosure of the goods or services
to avoid embarrassment or disclosure of confidential health
care information. You may later be required to give more
information if the trustee or someone else in interest objects to
the claim.
Priority claim: A claim within a category of unsecured
claims that is entitled to priority under 11 U.S.C. §507(a).
These claims are paid from the available money or
property in a bankruptcy case before other unsecured
claims are paid. Common priority unsecured claims
include alimony, child support, taxes, and certain unpaid
Proof of claim: A form that shows the amount of debt the
debtor owed to a creditor on the date of the bankruptcy filing.
The form must be filed in the district where the case is
Redaction of information: Masking, editing out, or deleting
certain information to protect privacy. Filers must redact or
leave out information entitled to
privacy on the Proof of
Claim form and any attached documents.
Secured claim under 11 U.S.C. §506(a): A claim backed by
a lien on particular property of the debtor. A claim is secured
to the extent that a creditor has the right to be paid from the
property before other creditors are paid. The amount of a
secured claim usually cannot be more than the value of the
particular property on which the creditor has a lien. Any
amount owed to a creditor that is more than the value of the
property normally may be an unsecured claim. But exceptions
exist; for example, see 11 U.S.C. § 1322(b) and the final
sentence of 1325(a).
Examples of liens on property include a mortgage on real
estate or a security interest in a car. A lien may bevoluntarily
granted by a debtor or may be obtained through a court
proceeding. In some states, a court judgment may be a lien.
Setoff: Occurs when a creditor pays itself with money
belonging to the debtor that it is holding, or by canceling a
debt it owes to the debtor.
Unsecured claim: A claim that does not meet the
requirements of a secured claim. A claim may be unsecured in
part to the extent that the amount of the claim is more than the
value of the property on which a creditor has a lien.
Offers to purchase a claim
Certain entities purchase claims for an amount that is less than
the face value of the claims. These entities may contact
creditors offering to purchase their claims. Some written
communications from these entities may easily be confused
with official court documentation or communications from the
debtor. These entities do not represent the bankruptcy court,
the bankruptcy trustee, or the debtor. A creditor has no
obligation to sell its claim. However, if a creditor decides to
sell its claim, any transfer of that claim is subject to
Bankruptcy Rule 3001(e), any provisions of the Bankruptcy
Code (11 U.S.C. § 101 et seq.) that apply, and any orders of
the bankruptcy court that apply.
Please send completed Proof(s) of Claim to:
Do not file these instructions with your form
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 16 of 20
Exhibit 3
Publication Notice
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 17 of 20
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
On June 23, 2020 (the Petition Date”), the Debtors filed voluntary petitions for relief
under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code with the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District
of Delaware (the Court”). On [●], 2020, the Court entered an order [Docket No. ●] (the Bar
Date Order”)
establishing certain deadlines for the filing of proofs of claim in the Chapter 11
Cases of the following debtors and debtors in possession (together, the “Debtors”):
Debtor Case No.
(Last 4 Digits)
GNC Holdings, Inc. 20-11662 (KBO) 6244
GNC Parent LLC 20-11663 (KBO) 7572
GNC Corporation 20-11664 (KBO) 5170
General Nutrition Centers, Inc. 20-11665 (KBO) 5168
General Nutrition Corporation 20-11666 (KBO) 4574
General Nutrition Investment Company 20-11667 (KBO) 3878
Lucky Oldco Corporation 20-11668 (KBO) 7141
The Debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each Debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The Debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 18 of 20
GNC Funding, Inc. 20-11669 (KBO) 7837
GNC International Holdings, Inc. 20-11670 (KBO) 9873
GNC China Holdco, LLC 20-11671 (KBO) 0004
GNC Headquarters LLC 20-11672 (KBO) 7550
Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. 20-11673 (KBO) 0731
GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. 20-11674 (KBO) 3879
General Nutrition Centres Company 20-11675 (KBO) 0939
GNC Government Services, LLC 20-11676 (KBO) 2295
GNC Puerto Rico Holdings, Inc. 20-11677 (KBO) 4559
GNC Puerto Rico, LLC 20-11678 (KBO) 7234
Pursuant to the Bar Date Order, each person or entity (including, without limitation, each
individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation, estate, and trust) that holds or seeks to assert a
claim (as defined in section 101(5) of the Bankruptcy Code) against the Debtors that arose, or is
deemed to have arisen, prior to the Petition Date (including, without limitation, claims entitled to
administrative priority status under section 503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code), no matter how
remote or contingent such right to payment or equitable remedy may be, MUST FILE A PROOF
OF CLAIM on or before 5:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern Time), on [●], 2020 (theGeneral Bar
Date”), by sending an original proof of claim form to Prime Clerk LLC (“Prime Clerk”), or by
completing the online proof of claim form available at https://cases.primeclerk.com/GNC, so that
it is actually received on or before the General Bar Date; provided that, solely with respect to
governmental units (as defined in section 101(27) of the Bankruptcy Code), the deadline for such
governmental units to file a proof of claim against the Debtors is December 21, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
(prevailing Eastern Time) (the “Governmental Bar Date”).
All entities holding claims against the Debtors arising from the rejection of executory
contracts and unexpired leases of the Debtors are required to file proofs of claim by the later of
(a) the General Bar Date or the Governmental Bar Date, as applicable, and (b) 5:00 p.m., prevailing
Eastern Time, on the date that is thirty (30) days following entry of an order approving the rejection
of any executory contract or unexpired lease of the Debtors (the “Rejection Damages Bar Date”).
For the avoidance of doubt, claims arising from the rejection of unexpired leases of the Debtors
for purposes of the Bar Date Order shall include any claims under such unexpired leases as of the
Petition Date, and such parties shall not be required to file Proofs of Claim with respect to
prepetition amounts unless and until such unexpired lease has been rejected.
All entities asserting claims against the Debtors that are affected by an amendment or
supplement to the Schedules are required to file a proof of claim or amend any previously filed
proof of claim in respect of the amended scheduled claim by the later of (a) the General Bar Date
or the Governmental Bar Date, as applicable, and (b) 5:00 p.m., prevailing Eastern Time, on the
date that is twenty-one (21) days from the date on which the Debtors mail notice of the amendment
to the Schedules (or another time period as may be fixed by the Court) (the “Amended Schedules
Bar Date”).
Proofs of claim must be sent by overnight mail, courier service, hand delivery, regular mail,
or in person, or completed electronically through Prime Clerk’s website. Proofs of claim sent by
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 19 of 20
facsimile, telecopy, or electronic mail will not be accepted and will not be considered properly or
timely filed for any purpose in these Chapter 11 Cases.
A copy of the Bar Date Order and proof of claim form may be obtained by contacting the
Debtors’ Claims Agent, in writing, at Prime Clerk, GNC Holdings, Inc. Claims Processing Center
c/o Prime Clerk LLC 850 Third Avenue, Suite 412, Brooklyn, NY 11232, or online at
https://cases.primeclerk.com/GNC. The Bar Date Order can also be viewed on the Court’s website
at www.deb.uscourts.gov. If you have questions concerning the filing or processing of claims,
you may contact the Debtors’ claims agent, Prime Clerk, toll-free at (844) 974-2132.
Dated: ___________, 2020 BY ORDER OF THE COURT
Wilmington, Delaware
/s/ .
Michael R. Nestor (No. 3526)
Kara Hammond Coyle (No. 4410)
Andrew L. Magaziner (No. 5426)
Joseph M. Mulvihill (No. 6061)
Rodney Square
1000 North King Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19801
Telephone: (302) 571-6600
Facsimile: (302) 571-1253
Email: mnestor@ycst.com
Richard A. Levy (admitted pro hac vice)
Caroline A. Reckler (admitted pro hac vice)
Asif Attarwala (admitted pro hac vice)
Brett V. Newman (admitted pro hac vice)
330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2800
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Telephone: (312) 876-7700
Facsimile: (312) 993-9767
Email: richard.lev[email protected]
- and -
George A. Davis (admitted pro hac vice)
Andrew C. Ambruoso (admitted pro hac vice)
Jeffrey T. Mispagel (admitted pro hac vice)
885 Third Avenue
New York, New York 10022
Telephone: (212) 906-1200
Facsimile: (212) 751-4864
Email: george.davis@lw.com
Proposed Counsel to the Debtors and Debtors in Possession
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 499-1 Filed 07/21/20 Page 20 of 20
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20–11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Re: Docket No. 227
Upon the motion [Docket No. 227] (the Motion”)
of the above-captioned debtors and
debtors in possession (collectively, the Debtors) for entry of an order (thisOrder”),
(a) approving the bidding procedures attached hereto as Exhibit 1 (the “Bidding Procedures”) in
connection with the sale of the Assets, (b) approving procedures for assuming and assigning
executory contracts and unexpired leases, including notice of proposed cure amounts, (c)
approving the form and manner of (1) notice of the Auction and Sale Hearing (the “Sale Notice”),
attached hereto as Exhibit 2; (2) notice of the Assumption Procedures (the “Assumption Notice”),
The debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein have the meanings ascribed to them in the Motion or the
Bidding Procedures, as applicable.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559 Filed 07/22/20 Page 1 of 17
Schedule M
attached hereto as Exhibit 3; and (3) the post-auction notice (“Post-Auction Notice”), attached
hereto as Exhibit 4, (d) establishing dates and deadlines in connection with the Sale and the
approval thereof, including the Bid Deadline, the date of the Auction, if any, and the Sale Hearing,
and (e) granting related relief, all as more fully set forth in the Motion; and this Court having
jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and 1334; and this Court having found
that this is a core proceeding pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2), and this Court may enter a final
order consistent with Article III of the United States Constitution; and this Court having found that
venue of this proceeding and the Motion in this district is proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408
and 1409; and this Court having found that the relief requested in the Motion is in the best interests
of the Debtors’ estates, their creditors, and other parties in interest; and this Court having found
that the Debtors’ notice of the Motion and opportunity for a hearing on the Motion were
appropriate and no other notice need be provided; and this Court having reviewed the Motion and
having heard the statements in support of the relief requested therein at a hearing before this Court
(the “Hearing”); and this Court having determined that the legal and factual bases set forth in the
Motion and at the Hearing establish just cause for the relief granted herein; and upon all of the
proceedings had before this Court; and after due deliberation and sufficient cause appearing
A. Statutory Predicates. The predicates for the relief granted herein are sections 105,
363, 365, 503, and 507 of the Bankruptcy Code and Bankruptcy Rules 2002, 6004 and 9014.
B. Notice of Motion. The Debtors’ notice of the Motion, the Hearing, and the
proposed entry of this Order was sufficient under the circumstances of this case and complied with
all applicable requirements of the Bankruptcy Code, the Bankruptcy Rules, and the applicable
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559 Filed 07/22/20 Page 2 of 17
Local Rules. Accordingly, no other or further notice of the Motion or the entry of this Order is
necessary or required.
C. Bidding Procedures. The Debtors have articulated good and sufficient reasons for
authorizing and approving the Bidding Procedures, which were developed in good faith, are fair,
reasonable, and appropriate under the circumstances, and are designed to maximize the recovery
on, and realizable value of, the Debtors’ assets (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any causes
of action belonging to the Debtors, rights under leases or other contracts, and intellectual property
rights or other intangible assets) (the Assets), as determined by the Debtors in an exercise of
their business judgment.
D. Sale Notice. The notice provided by the Debtors regarding the Sale (the Sale
Notice) is reasonably calculated to provide all interested parties with timely and proper notice of
the proposed Sale, including: (i) the date, time, and place of the Auction (if one is held); (ii) the
Bidding Procedures and certain dates and deadlines related thereto; (iii) the objection deadline for
the Sale and the date, time, and place of the Sale Hearing; (iv) reasonably specific identification
of the assets for sale; (v) representations describing the Sale as being free and clear of liens,
claims, interests, and other encumbrances, with all such liens, claims, interests, and other
encumbrances attaching with the same validity and priority to the sale proceeds subject to
customary exceptions for permitted liens; and (vi) notice of the proposed assumption and
assignment of the Assigned Contracts to the Successful Bidder and the rights, procedures, and
deadlines for objecting thereto, and no other or further notice of the Sale shall be required.
E. Assumption Procedures. The Contract Assumption Notice (as defined herein) is
reasonably calculated to provide counterparties to the Assigned Contracts with proper notice of
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559 Filed 07/22/20 Page 3 of 17
the intended assumption and assignment of their executory contracts, any Cure Payments
(as defined herein), and the Assumption Procedures (as defined herein).
F. Other Findings. The findings and conclusions set forth herein constitute the Court’s
findings of fact and conclusions of law pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 7052, made applicable to this
proceeding pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9014. To the extent that any of the preceding findings of
fact constitute conclusions of law, they are adopted as such. To the extent any of the preceding
conclusions of law constitute findings of fact, they are adopted as such.
1. The Motion is granted to the extent set forth in this Order.
2. All objections to the relief requested in the Motion that have not been withdrawn,
waived, or settled prior to or at the Hearing are overruled.
I. Important Dates and Deadlines.
3. Sale Objection Deadline. August 21, 2020, at 4:00 p.m., prevailing Eastern Time
(the Sale Objection Deadline”) is the deadline by which objections to the entry of an order by
the Court approving the Sale must (a) be in writing, (b) state, with specificity, the legal and factual
bases thereof, and (c) be filed with the Court and served so as to be actually received by: (i) co-
counsel to the Debtors, (A) Latham & Watkins LLP, 330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2800,
Chicago, Illinois 60611, Attn: Richard A. Levy (richard.levy@lw.com) and Caroline A. Reckler
([email protected]), and (B) Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP, 1000 North King
Street, Wilmington, DE 19801, Attn: Michael Nestor (mnestor@ycst.com) and Kara Hammond
Coyle (kco[email protected]); (ii) counsel to the administrative agent under the DIP Term Facility,
Dorsey & Whitney LLP, 51 West 52
Street, New York, New York 10019, Attn: Erin E. Trigg
and Samuel S. Kohn (email: trigg.erin@dorsey.com and kohn.samu[email protected]); (iii) counsel
to the Ad Hoc FILO Term Lender Group (A) Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP,
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559 Filed 07/22/20 Page 4 of 17
1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019, Attn: Andrew N. Rosenberg, Jacob
Adlerstein, and Douglas R. Keeton (email: arosenberg@paulweiss.com,
[email protected], and [email protected]); and (B) Landis Rath & Cobb LLP,
919 Market Street, Suite 1800, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, Attn: Richard S. Cobb
([email protected]); (iv) counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders (A) Milbank LLP,
2029 Century Park East, Los Angeles, California 90067, Attn: Mark Shinderman, Brett Goldblatt,
and Daniel B. Denny (email: mshinderman@milbank.com; [email protected]; and
[email protected]); and (B) Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP, 1201 North Market
Street, 16th Floor, P.O. Box 1347, Wilmington, Delaware 19899-1347, Attn: Robert J. Dehney
([email protected]); (v) counsel to the Ad Hoc FILO Term Lender Group (A) Paul, Weiss,
Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, 1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019,
Attn: Andrew N. Rosenberg, Jacob Adlerstein, and Douglas R. Keeton (email:
arosenberg@paulweiss.com, jadlerstein@paulweiss.com, and dkeeto[email protected]); and
(B) Landis Rath & Cobb LLP, 919 Market Street, Suite 1800, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, Attn:
Richard S. Cobb ([email protected]); (vi) the Office of the United States Trustee for the District
of Delaware, 844 King Street, Suite 2207, Lockbox 35, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, Attn: Jane
Leamy (email: jane.m.leam[email protected]); and (vii) counsel to the Committee, Lowenstein
Sandler LLP, 1251 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 Attn: Jeffrey Cohen and
Lindsay H. Sklar (emails: [email protected] and lsklar@lowenstein.com) and One
Lowenstein Drive, Roseland, NJ 070686, Attn: Michael S. Etkin, Michael Savetsky, Nicole
Fulfree and Colleen M. Maker (email: metkin@lowenstein.com, msavetsky@lowenstein.com,
[email protected], and [email protected]) (the parties identified in (i) through
(vii), collectively, the Objection Notice Parties). Any party or entity who fails to timely make
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559 Filed 07/22/20 Page 5 of 17
an objection to the Sale on or before the Sale Objection Deadline shall be forever barred from
asserting any objection to the Sale, including with respect to the transfer of the assets free and clear
of all liens, claims, encumbrances, and other interests.
4. Bid Deadline. September 4, 2020, at 4:00 p.m., prevailing Eastern Time, is the
deadline by which all Qualified Bids must be actually received by the parties specified in the
Bidding Procedures.
5. Auction. September 8, 2020, at 10:00 a.m., prevailing Eastern Time, is the date
and time the Auction, if one is needed, will be held in accordance with the Bidding Procedures at
the offices of counsel to the Debtors: Latham & Watkins LLP, 330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite
2800, Chicago, Illinois 60611 telephonically, or by video via Zoom. The Debtors shall send
written notice of the date, time, and place of the Auction to the Qualified Bidders no later than two
business days before such Auction, and will post notice of the date, time, and place of the Auction
no later than two business days before such Auction on the website of the Debtors’ notice, claims,
and solicitation agent, Prime Clerk LLC, at https://cases.primeclerk.com/gnc.
6. Reply Deadline. All replies to any Sale Objection, except for those filed after the
Sale Objection Deadline, must be filed by 5:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern Time) on September 9,
2020 (the “Reply Deadline”).
7. Auction Objection Deadline. September 9, 2020, at 4:00 p.m. (the Auction
Objection Deadline”), prevailing Eastern Time, is the deadline by which objections to the conduct
of the Auction and the choice of Successful Bidder and/or Back-Up Bidder must be filed with the
Court and served on the Objection Notice Parties.
8. Sale Hearing. September 14, 2020, at 1:00 p.m., prevailing Eastern Time, is the
date and time for the hearing for the Court to consider the Successful Bid, pursuant to which the
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559 Filed 07/22/20 Page 6 of 17
Debtors and the Successful Bidder will consummate the Sale; provided, however, that the Sale
Hearing may be continued by the Debtors in accordance with the Bidding Procedures, from time
to time, without further notice to creditors or parties in interest.
9. Adequate Assurance Hearing. In the event the Successful Bidder is not the
Stalking Horse Bidder, objections to adequate assurance of future performance of the Assigned
Contracts by such Successful Bidder must be filed with the Court and served on the Objection
Notice Parties no later than September 15, 2020 at 8:00 p.m., prevailing Eastern Time (“Adequate
Assurance Objection Deadline”), and the Court will hear such adequate assurance objections on
September 18, 2020 at 2:00 p.m., prevailing Eastern Time (“Adequate Assurance Hearing”),
provided, however, that the Adequate Assurance Hearing may be continued by the Debtors from
time to time, without further notice to creditors or parties in interest.
10. Modification of Dates. Notwithstanding anything in this Order to the contrary, if
the Debtors have not filed a Stalking Horse Selection Notice (as defined below) within one
business day after August 3, 2020, the Sale Objection Deadline will be extended to August 28, the
Bid Deadline will be extended to September 11, 2020, the Auction date will be extended to
September 15, 2020, the Reply Deadline and Auction Objection Deadline will be extended to
September 16, 2020, the Sale Hearing will be extended to September 17, 2020 at 1:00 p.m.,
prevailing Eastern Time, the Adequate Assurance Objection Deadline will be extended to
September 22, 2020, and the Adequate Assurance Hearing will be extended to September 29, at
1:00 p.m., prevailing Eastern Time. The dates and deadlines set forth in this Order are subject to
further modification by the Debtors in accordance with the Bidding Procedures.
II. Stalking Horse and Bid Protections.
11. On or prior to August 3, 2020, subject to receiving the requisite approvals from the
Required Sale Consenting Parties (as such term is defined in the Restructuring Support
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559 Filed 07/22/20 Page 7 of 17
the Debtors are authorized, but not directed, to select one or more Bidders to act as
Stalking Horse Bidder(s), and are authorized, but not directed, to enter into a Stalking Horse
Agreement (which shall be binding, non-contingent, and accompanied by a Good Faith Deposit
(as defined in the Bidding Procedures)) with each such Stalking Horse Bidder.
12. No later than one business day after the selection of a Stalking Horse Bidder (if
such selection is made), the Debtors shall file with the Court and post on the case website at
https://cases.primeclerk.com/GNC a notice that contains information about the Stalking Horse
Bidder and the Stalking Horse Bid, including any Bid Protections (the “Stalking Horse Selection
Notice), together with the proposed Stalking Horse Agreement, and serve the Stalking Horse
Selection Notice on the Objection Notice Parties.
13. Parties in interest may file objections to the designation of the Stalking Horse
Bidder or any of the terms of the Stalking Horse Agreement, including to any of the proposed Bid
Protections, within seven days after service of the Stalking Horse Selection Notice (the “Stalking
Horse Objection Deadline”). Regardless whether an objection to the designation of the Stalking
Horse Bidder, the Stalking Horse Bid, and/or the proposed Bid Protections is received by the
Stalking Horse Objection Deadline, the Debtors will present evidentiary support and seek approval
of the Stalking Horse Bidder, Stalking Horse Bid, and Bid Protections at a hearing of this Court at
least ten days following the filing of the Stalking Horse Selection Notice.
14. The Debtors shall file with the Court and serve via email on the Objection Notice
Parties and Counterparties (as defined below) and their counsel (if known) financial and other
information demonstrating adequate assurance of future performance of the Assigned Contracts
A copy of the Restructuring Support Agreement is attached as Exhibit B to the Declaration of Tricia Toliver, Chief
Financial Officer of GNC Holdings, Inc. in Support of Chapter 11 Petitions and First Day Pleadings [Docket No.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559 Filed 07/22/20 Page 8 of 17
by any Stalking Horse Bidder (including the name of the Stalking Horse Bidder and a description
of its business) on or prior to August 10, 2020. Any objections to adequate assurance of future
performance by any Stalking Horse Bidder must be filed and served on the Objection Notice
Parties by the Sale Objection Deadline.
III. Auction, Bidding Procedures, Sale Notice, and Related Relief.
15. The Bidding Procedures, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 1, are
incorporated herein and are hereby approved in their entirety, and the Bidding Procedures shall
govern the submission, receipt, and analysis of all Bids relating to any proposed Sale. Any party
desiring to submit a Bid shall comply with the Bidding Procedures and this Order. The Debtors
are authorized to take any and all reasonable actions necessary to implement the Bidding
16. For the avoidance of doubt and notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained
in this Order, this Order does not approve the sale of the Assets or authorize the consummation of
the Sale, such approval and authorization (if any) to be considered only at the Sale Hearing and all
rights of all parties in interest to object to such approval and authorization are reserved.
17. Subject to the terms of the Bidding Procedures, in the event of a competing
Qualified Bid, the Stalking Horse Bidder (if any) will be entitled, but not obligated, to submit
overbids and will be entitled in any such overbids to credit bid all of its claims for Bid Protections
pursuant to section 363(k) of the Bankruptcy Code.
18. Except as provided in any Stalking Horse Agreement agreed to by the Debtors (subject
to receiving the requisite approvals from the Required Sale Consenting Parties) and approved by
a separate order of this Court, no person or entity shall be entitled to any expense reimbursement,
break-up fee, “topping,” termination, or other similar fee or payment in connection with any Sale,
and by submitting a bid, such person or entity is deemed to have waived their right to request or
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559 Filed 07/22/20 Page 9 of 17
to file with this Court any request for expense reimbursement or any fee of any nature, whether by
virtue of section 503(b) of the Bankruptcy Code or otherwise.
19. Any deposit provided by a Qualified Bidder shall be held in a segregated account
by the Debtors or their agent in accordance with the Bidding Procedures, and shall not become
property of the Debtors’ bankruptcy estates unless and until released to the Debtors pursuant to
the terms of the purchase agreement with such Qualified Bidder or order of this Court.
20. The Sale Notice, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 2, is hereby
approved. As soon as reasonably practicable following the entry of this Order, the Debtors will
cause the Bidding Procedures, Sale Notice, and Assumption Notice to be served upon the
following parties, and their respective counsel, if known (collectively, the Notice Parties”):
(a) the Committee; (b) the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders; (c) Ad Hoc FILO Term Lender
Group; (d) the agent for the Debtors’ DIP Term Facility; (e) the agent for the Debtors’ DIP ABL
FILO Facility; (f) the U.S. Trustee for the District of Delaware; (g) the United States Attorney’s
Office for the District of Delaware; (h) the Internal Revenue Service; (i) the attorneys general for
the states in which the Debtors operate; (j) any parties known or reasonably believed to have
expressed an interest in the Debtors’ assets; (k) all entities known or reasonably believed to have
asserted a lien, encumbrance, claim, or other interest in any of the Debtors’ assets; (l) any party
that has requested notice pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 2002; and (m) all known creditors of the
Debtors. In addition, as soon as practicable, after entry of this Order, the Debtors will publish the
Sale Notice, with any modification necessary for ease of publication, once in The Wall Street
Journal (national edition), La Presse and The Globe and Mail to provide notice to any other
potential interested parties.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559 Filed 07/22/20 Page 10 of 17
IV. The Assumption and Assignment Procedures.
21. The procedures set forth below regarding the assumption and assignment of the
executory contracts proposed to be assumed by the Debtors pursuant to section 365(b) of the
Bankruptcy Code and assigned to the Successful Bidder pursuant to section 365(f) of the
Bankruptcy Code in connection with the Sale (the Assumption Procedures”) are hereby approved
to the extent set forth herein.
22. These Assumption Procedures shall govern the assumption and assignment of all
of the Debtors’ executory contracts and unexpired leases to be assumed and assigned in connection
with the Sale (each, an Assigned Contract,” and, collectively, the “Assigned Contracts”), subject
to the payment of any payments necessary to cure any defaults arising under any Assigned Contract
(the “Cure Payments”):
a. Contract Assumption Notice. On or prior to July 31, 2020 (the
Assumption Notice Deadline”), the Debtors shall file with the Court and
serve a notice of contract assumption (the “Assumption Notice”), in
substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit 3, via overnight delivery
on all counterparties to all potential Assigned Contracts (each, a
Counterpartyand, collectively, the “Counterparties”). The Assumption
Notice shall include, without limitation, a list of Assigned Contracts (the
Assigned Contract List”) that may be assumed and assigned in connection
with the Sale and the Cure Payment, if any, that the Debtors believe is
required to be paid to the applicable Counterparty under Bankruptcy Code
sections 365(b)(1)(A) and (B) for each of the Assigned Contracts. If no
Cure Payment is listed on the Assigned Contracts List for a particular
Assigned Contract, the Debtors’ asserted Cure Payment for such Assigned
Contract shall be deemed to be $0.00; provided, however, if an Assigned
Contract is not listed on the Assigned Contracts List attached to an
Assumption Notice, supplemental Assumption Notice or revised
Assumption Notice at all, it may not by assumed and assigned via the
Motion. If a Counterparty objects to the Cure Payment, the Counterparty
must file with the Court and serve on the Objection Notice Parties a written
objection (a Contract Objection”) on or before the Sale Objection
Deadline. Service of an Assumption Notice does not constitute an
admission that such contract is an executory contract or unexpired lease or
that such stated Cure Payment constitutes a claim against the Debtors or a
right against the Successful Bidder (all rights with respect thereto being
expressly reserved). Further, the inclusion of a contract or lease on the
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559 Filed 07/22/20 Page 11 of 17
Assumption Notice is not a guarantee that such contract will ultimately be
assumed and assigned.
b. Cure Payments. The payment of the applicable Cure Payments specified
in the Assumption Notice by the Successful Bidder or the Debtors, as
applicable, after the expiration of the applicable objection period and the
failure of any applicable Counterparty to object to the proposed Cure
Payment or to the assumption or assignment of its unexpired lease or
executory contract, shall (i) effect a cure of all defaults existing thereunder
as of the filing of the Assumption Notice, and (ii) compensate for any actual
pecuniary loss to such counterparty resulting from such default.
c. Contract Objections (Other Than Adequate Assurance Objections).
Objections, if any, to the proposed assumption and assignment of a contract
or lease (other than an objection based on the ability of a Successful Bidder
or Back-Up Bidder other than the Stalking Horse Bidder to provide
adequate assurance of future performance) or the Cure Payment proposed
with respect thereto, must (i) be in writing, (ii) comply with the applicable
provisions of the Bankruptcy Rules, and the Local Rules, (iii) state with
specificity the nature of the objection and, if the objection pertains to the
proposed Cure Payment, the correct cure amount alleged by the objecting
counterparty, together with any applicable and appropriate documentation
in support thereof, and (iv) be filed with the Court and served upon, so as to
be actually received by, the Objection Notice Parties, before the Sale
Objection Deadline, except as otherwise set forth below with respect to
Assigned Contracts added to the Assigned Contracts List (or for which the
proposed Cure Payment is modified) after the Assumption Notice Deadline.
d. Changes to Assigned Contract List and Cure Payments. Any time after
the Assumption Notice Deadline and before the date one (1) business day
prior to the Sale Hearing, the Debtors are authorized but not directed, to
(i) add previously omitted Assigned Contracts to the Assigned Contracts
List as contracts that may be assumed and assigned to a Successful Bidder
in accordance with the definitive agreement for the Sale, (ii) remove an
Assigned Contract from the Assigned Contract List that a successful bidder
proposes be assumed and assigned to it in connection with the Sale, or
(iii) modify the previously stated Cure Payment associated with any
Assigned Contract.
e. Revised Assumption Notices and Objections Thereto. If, after the
Assumption Notice Deadline additional executory contracts or unexpired
leases of the Debtors are determined to be Assigned Contracts in connection
with the Sale, as soon as practicable thereafter and in no event less than one
(1) business day before the date of the Sale Hearing, the Debtors shall file
with the Court and serve, by overnight delivery, on the applicable
Counterparties a supplemental or revised Assumption Notice, and such
Counterparties shall file any Contract Objections not later than (a) the Sale
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559 Filed 07/22/20 Page 12 of 17
Objection Deadline in the event that such Assumption Notice was filed and
served at least ten (10) days prior to the Sale Objection Deadline, (b) two
(2) days prior to the Sale Hearing in the event that such Assumption Notice
was filed and served at least seven (7) days prior to the commencement of
the Sale Hearing, and (c) seven (7) days from the date such supplemental or
revised Assumption Notice was filed and served in accordance with the
above, in the event that such supplemental or revised Assumption Notice
was filed and served less than seven (7) days prior to the commencement of
the Sale Hearing. In the event that such supplemental or revised
Assumption Notice was filed and served less than seven (7) days prior to
the commencement of the Sale Hearing, assumption of any Assigned
Contract added to such supplemental or revised Assumption Notice will not
be adjudicated at the Sale Hearing and will be set for a subsequent hearing.
f. Post-Auction Notice/Adequate Assurance Objections. As soon as
practicable after the Auction and in no event later than 12 hours after the
Auction, the Debtors shall file with the Court and post on the case website,
https://cases.primeclerk.com/gnc, the notice, substantially in the form
attached hereto as Exhibit 4 (thePost-Auction Notice”), identifying any
Successful Bidder and Back-Up Bidder(s), together with a copy of the
Successful Bidder’s proposed purchase agreement and financial and other
information regarding adequate assurance of future performance of
Assigned Contracts by the Successful Bidder (including the name of the
Successful Bidder and description of its business), and serve the Post-
Auction Notice on the Counterparties by overnight delivery, and the
Counterparties shall file any Contract Objections solely on the basis of
adequate assurance of future performance by the Successful Bidder other
than any Stalking Horse Bidder (each, an Adequate Assurance
Objection”) not later than the Adequate Assurance Objection Deadline.
g. Selected Assigned Contracts. At the Sale Hearing, the Debtors will seek
Court approval of the assumption and assignment to the Successful Bidder
of only those Assigned Contracts that have been selected by the Successful
Bidder to be assumed and assigned (collectively, the Selected Assigned
Contracts”); provided that, in the event the Successful Bidder is not the
Stalking Horse Bidder, objections to adequate assurance of future
performance of the Assigned Contracts by such Successful Bidder will be
heard at a subsequent hearing, as set forth in paragraph 9 above. The
inclusion of an Assigned Contract on an Assumption Notice will not
(a) obligate the Debtors to assume any Assigned Contract listed thereon nor
the Successful Bidder to take assignment of such Assigned Contract or
(b) constitute any admission or agreement of the Debtors that such Assigned
Contract is an executory contract.
h. Dispute Resolution. To the extent that the parties are unable to
consensually resolve any Contract Objection prior to the commencement of
the Sale Hearing, including, without limitation, any dispute with respect to
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559 Filed 07/22/20 Page 13 of 17
the cure amount required to be paid to the applicable Counterparty under
Bankruptcy Code sections 365(b)(1)(A) and (B) (any such dispute, a Cure
Dispute”), such Contract Objection will be adjudicated at the Sale Hearing
or at such other date and time as may be fixed by the Court; provided,
however, that if the Contract Objection relates solely to a Cure Dispute, the
Selected Assigned Contract may be assumed by the Debtors and assigned
to the Successful Bidder, provided that the cure amount the Counterparty
asserts is required to be paid under Bankruptcy Code section 365(b)(1)(A)
and (B) (or such lower amount as agreed to by the Counterparty) is
deposited in a segregated account by the Debtors pending the Court’s
adjudication of the Cure Dispute or the parties’ consensual resolution of the
Cure Dispute. Any counterparty to an Assigned Contract for which the Cure
Payment is disputed as of or following the closing shall be entitled to request
a prompt hearing in connection with such disputed Cure Payment, including
fixing the liability, amount and timing of payment thereof.
i. Back-Up Bidder Adequate Assurance Objections. In the event that a
Successful Bidder does not consummate the Sale and a Back-Up Bidder has
been previously identified, the Debtors shall file with the Court and post on
the case website, https://cases.primeclerk.com/gnc, a Notice of Intent to
Proceed with Back-Up Bid, together with a copy of the Back-Up Bidder’s
proposed purchase agreement and financial and other information regarding
adequate assurance of future performance of the Assigned Contracts by the
Back-Up Bidder (including the name of the Back-Up Bidder and description
of its business), and serve the Notice of Intent to Proceed with Back-Up Bid
on the Counterparties by overnight delivery, and the Counterparties shall
have seven (7) days to file and serve on the Objection Notice Parties a
Contract Objection solely on the basis of adequate assurance of future
performance by the Back-Up Bidder. If any objections are filed, the
Debtors shall schedule a hearing, which may be expedited, upon reasonable
notice under the circumstances (which shall be no less than ten (10) days
after the Notice of Intent to Proceed with Back-Up Bid is filed), with respect
to such Contract Objections.
j. Contract Assumption. No Assigned Contract shall be deemed assumed
and assigned pursuant to section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code until the later
of (i) the date the Court has entered an order authorizing the assumption and
assignment of such Assigned Contracts or (ii) the date the Sale has closed.
23. Any party failing to timely file an objection to the Cure Payment or the proposed
assumption and assignment of an Assigned Contract listed on the Contract Assumption Notice is
deemed to have consented to (a) such Cure Payment, (b) the assumption and assignment of such
Assigned Contract, (c) the related relief requested in the Motion, and (d) the Sale. Such party shall
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559 Filed 07/22/20 Page 14 of 17
be forever barred and estopped from objecting to the Cure Payments, the assumption and
assignment of the Assigned Contract, adequate assurance of future performance, the relief
requested in the Motion, whether applicable law excuses such counterparty from accepting
performance by, or rendering performance to, the Successful Bidder for purposes of section
365(c)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code, and from asserting any additional cure or other amounts against
the Debtors and the Successful Bidder, as applicable, with respect to such party’s Assigned
V. Assumption Notice and Post-Auction Notice.
24. The Assumption Notice attached hereto as Exhibit 3 and the Post-Auction Notice
attached hereto as Exhibit 4 are hereby approved.
VI. Back-Up Bidder.
25. Following entry of the Sale Order, if the Successful Bidder fails to consummate the
Successful Bid, the Debtors may, in consultation with the Consultation Parties, designate the Back-
Up Bid to be the new Successful Bid and the Back-Up Bidder to be the new Successful Bidder,
and, subject to resolution of any adequate assurance objections filed pursuant to paragraph 22(i)
above, the Debtors will be authorized, but not required, to consummate the transaction with the
Back-Up Bidder without further order of this Court, so long as such Back-Up Bid shall have been
approved in connection with the Court’s approval of the Successful Bid, or subject to Court
approval if not. In such case of a breach or failure to perform on the part of the Successful Bidder
and in such other circumstances as may be specified in the definitive documentation governing the
Successful Bid, the defaulting Successful Bidder’s deposit shall be forfeited to the Debtors. The
Debtors’ right to seek all available damages, including specific performance, from any defaulting
Successful Bidder (including any Back-Up Bidder designated as a Successful Bidder) in
accordance with the terms of the Bidding Procedures are reserved.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559 Filed 07/22/20 Page 15 of 17
VII. Miscellaneous.
26. The failure to include or reference a particular provision of the Bidding Procedures
specifically in this Order shall not diminish or impair the effectiveness or enforceability of such a
27. In the event of any inconsistencies between this Order and the Motion, this Order
shall govern in all respects. In the event of any inconsistencies between this Order and the Bidding
Procedures, the Bidding Procedures shall govern in all respects.
28. Any substantial contribution claims by any Bidder are deemed waived, to the extent
based solely on such Bidder’s submission of a Bid in accordance with the Bidding Procedures.
29. This Order shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the Debtors, including
any chapter 7 or chapter 11 trustee or other fiduciary appointed for the estates of the Debtors.
30. This Order shall constitute the findings of fact and conclusions of law.
31. To the extent this Order is inconsistent with any prior order or pleading with respect
to the Motion in these cases, the terms of this Order shall govern.
32. To the extent any of the deadlines set forth in this Order do not comply with the
Local Rules, such Local Rules are waived and the terms of this Order shall govern.
33. Notice of the Motion as provided therein shall be deemed good and sufficient notice
of such Motion and the requirements of Bankruptcy Rule 6004(a) and the Local Rules are satisfied
by such notice.
34. Notwithstanding Bankruptcy Rule 6004(h), the terms and conditions of this Order
are immediately effective and enforceable upon its entry.
35. The Debtors shall serve this Order in accordance with all applicable rules and shall
file a certificate of service evidencing compliance with this requirement.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559 Filed 07/22/20 Page 16 of 17
36. The Debtors are authorized to take all reasonable actions necessary to effectuate
the relief granted in this Order in accordance with the Motion.
37. This Court retains exclusive jurisdiction with respect to all matters arising from or
related to the implementation, interpretation, and enforcement of this Order.
Dated: July 22nd, 2020
Wilmington, Delaware
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559 Filed 07/22/20 Page 17 of 17
Exhibit 1
Bidding Procedures
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 1 of 34
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
On June 23, 2020, the above-captioned debtors and debtors in possession (collectively,
the “Debtors”) filed voluntary petitions for relief under chapter 11 of title 11 of the United States
Code, 11 U.S.C. §§ 101–1532 (the “Bankruptcy Code”), in the United States Bankruptcy Court
for the District of Delaware (the “Bankruptcy Court”).
On [●], 2020, the Bankruptcy Court entered an order [Docket No. [●]] (the “Bidding
Procedures Order”)
approving, among other things, these bidding procedures (the Bidding
Procedures”). The Bidding Procedures set forth the process by which the Debtors are authorized
to solicit the highest or otherwise best bid or bids (each, a Bid”) for the Debtors’ assets (including,
for the avoidance of doubt, any causes of action belonging to the Debtors, rights under leases or
other contracts, and intellectual property rights or other intangible assets) (the “Assets”),
culminating in an auction (the “Auction”) if more than one Qualified Bid (as defined herein) is
received. The sale is contemplated to be implemented under section 363(b) of the Bankruptcy
Code (the “Sale”) pursuant to the terms and conditions of an asset purchase agreement upon the
receipt of a Successful Bid (as defined herein) that the Debtors have determined in their business
judgment is the best or highest bid in accordance with these Bidding Procedures. The Debtors’
proposed chapter 11 plan [Docket No. 382] filed pursuant to the RSA (as may be modified,
amended, or supplemented from time to time, the “Plan”) contemplates that the proceeds from
Sale, if consummated, will be used to pay in full the outstanding DIP Facility Claims at Closing
and the remaining proceeds will be distributed in accordance with the Plan.
The debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Capitalized terms used but not defined herein have the meanings ascribed in the Bidding Procedures Order.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 2 of 34
Copies of the Bidding Procedures Order, the Plan, or any other documents in
the Debtors’ chapter 11 cases are available upon request to Prime Clerk LLC,
by calling (844) 974-2132 (Domestic) or (347) 505-7137 (International),
or by visiting https://cases.primeclerk.com/GNC.
A. Potential Bidder.
For purposes of the Bidding Procedures, a “Potential Bidder” shall refer to any person or
entity interested in submitting a Bid.
B. Due Diligence.
(i) Access to Due Diligence.
Any Potential Bidder that (i) executes a confidentiality agreement on customary terms that
are reasonably acceptable to the Debtors (a “Confidentiality Agreement”),
(ii) provides sufficient
evidence, as reasonably determined by the Debtors in consultation with the Consultation Parties,
that the Potential Bidder intends to obtain due diligence and participate in the sale process for a
bona fide purpose consistent with these Bidding Procedures and (iii) provides evidence of such
Potential Bidder’s financial capability to acquire the Assets, the adequacy of which will be
assessed by the Debtors (with the assistance of their advisors) (any such Potential Bidder being
referred to as an “Acceptable Bidder”) will be eligible to receive due diligence materials and access
to certain non-public information regarding the Assets. The Debtors will provide each Acceptable
Bidder with such information as is reasonably contemplated to enable such Acceptable Bidder to
make a Bid for Assets. The Debtors will also provide to each Acceptable Bidder reasonable due
diligence information as requested by such Acceptable Bidder in writing, as soon as reasonably
practicable after such request. The Debtors will post substantially all written due diligence
provided to any Acceptable Bidder to the Debtors’ electronic data room (the “Data Room”). The
Debtors may restrict or limit access of an Acceptable Bidder to the Data Room if the Debtors
determine, based on their reasonable business judgment and in consultation with the Consultation
Potential Bidders may obtain a copy of a Confidentiality Agreement by contacting the Debtors’ advisors listed
Each “Consultation Party,” and collectively, the “Consultation Parties” means: (i) counsel and financial advisors
to the ad hoc group of holders of Tranche B-2 Obligations and FILO Term Loan Obligations represented by
Milbank LLP (the “Crossover Ad Hoc Group”), (ii) counsel and financial advisors to the ad hoc group of holders
of FILO Term Loan Obligations represented by Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP (the “FILO Ad
Hoc Group”); (iii) counsel and financial advisors to the official committee of unsecured creditors appointed in
these Chapter 11 Cases (the “UCC”) and (iv) counsel and financial advisors to the ad hoc group of holders of
1.5% Convertible Senior Notes Due 2020 issued by debtor GNC Holdings, Inc. comprised of Cowell & Lee Asia
Credit Opportunities Fund, Luxor Capital Group, LP, Citadel LLC, and CIC Market Solutions; provided, that
notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing, no person or entity that constitutes a Potential Bidder,
Acceptable Bidder, Qualified Bidder, Stalking Horse Bidder, Successful Bidder or Back-Up Bidder (as
determined by the Debtors, in their reasonable discretion) shall be deemed a Consultation Party for so long as
such person constitutes a Potential Bidder, Acceptable Bidder, Qualified Bidder, Stalking Horse Bidder,
Successful Bidder or Back-Up Bidder.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 3 of 34
Parties, that certain information in the Data Room is sensitive, proprietary, or otherwise not
appropriate for disclosure to such Acceptable Bidder.
The initial due diligence period will end on the Bid Deadline (as defined herein). Following
the Bid Deadline, the Debtors may, in their reasonable discretion and in consultation with the
Consultation Parties, furnish additional non-public information to a Qualified Bidder or Qualified
Bidders that submitted a Qualified Bid (each as defined herein), but shall have no obligation to do
Each Potential Bidder shall comply with all reasonable requests for additional information
and due diligence access requested by the Debtors or their advisors, regarding qualification as an
Acceptable Bidder or Qualified Bidder, the terms of the Potential Bidder’s Bid, or the ability of
the Potential Bidder to acquire the Assets. Failure by a Potential Bidder to comply with such
reasonable requests for additional information and due diligence access may be a basis for the
Debtors, in consultation with the Consultation Parties, to determine that such bidder is no longer
a Potential Bidder or that any bid made by such Potential Bidder is not a Qualified Bid.
In connection with the provision of due diligence information to Acceptable Bidders, the
Debtors will not furnish any confidential information relating to the Debtors, the Debtors’ Assets
or liabilities, or the Sale to any person except an Acceptable Bidder or such Acceptable Bidder’s
duly-authorized representatives, in each case, to the extent provided in the applicable
Confidentiality Agreement.
The Debtors and their financial advisors will coordinate all reasonable requests for
additional information and due diligence access from Acceptable Bidders; provided that the
Debtors may decline to provide such information to Acceptable Bidders who, in the Debtors’
reasonable business judgment, in consultation with the Consultation Parties, have not established
that such Acceptable Bidders intend in good faith to, or have the capacity to, consummate their
Bid. If the Debtors deny access or information to an Acceptable Bidder, the Debtors shall promptly
inform the Consultation Parties. No conditions relating to the completion of due diligence will be
permitted to exist after the Bid Deadline.
The Debtors also reserve the right, in consultation with the Consultation Parties, to
withhold any diligence materials from an Acceptable Bidder who the Debtors reasonably
determine in consultation with the Consultation Parties is a competitor of the Debtors or is
affiliated with any competitor of the Debtors. Neither the Debtors nor their representatives will
be obligated to furnish information of any kind whatsoever to any person that is not determined to
be an Acceptable Bidder. The Debtors will make any diligence information available to any
Stalking Horse Bidder if such diligence has been made available to any other Acceptable Bidder.
Each Acceptable Bidder will be deemed to acknowledge and represent that it: (a) either directly
or through its advisors has had an opportunity to conduct any and all due diligence regarding the
Debtors’ Assets and liabilities prior to making any Qualified Bid; (b) has relied solely upon its
own or its advisors’ independent review, investigation, and/or inspection of any documents and/or
the Assets and liabilities in making any Qualified Bid; and (c) did not rely upon any written or oral
statements, representations, promises, warranties, or guaranties whatsoever, whether express,
implied, by operation of law, or otherwise regarding the Debtors’ Assets or liabilities, or the
completeness of any information provided in connection therewith, except as expressly stated in
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 4 of 34
these Bidding Procedures or the Acceptable Bidder’s proposed purchase agreement (including, in
the case of any Stalking Horse Bidder, its Stalking Horse Agreement). Neither the Debtors nor
any of their employees, officers, directors, affiliates, subsidiaries, representatives, agents, advisors,
or professionals are responsible for, and will bear no liability with respect to, any information
obtained by Acceptable Bidders in connection with the Sale.
The Debtors have designated Evercore Group L.L.C., 55 E. 52nd Street,
New York, NY 10055, Attn: William Jurist (William.Jurist@Evercore.com), Alexandra
Vergeau (Alexandra.Vergeau@Evercore.com), and Ed Lee (Ed.Lee@Evercore.com), to
coordinate all reasonable requests for additional information and due diligence access.
(ii) No Communications Among Acceptable Bidders.
There must be no communications regarding the Debtors’ sale process between and
amongst Acceptable Bidders (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any Stalking Horse Bidder),
unless the Debtors, in consultation with the Consultation Parties, have previously authorized such
communication in writing. The Debtors reserve the right, in their reasonable business judgment,
in consultation with the Consultation Parties, to disqualify any Acceptable Bidders that have
communications between and amongst themselves.
C. Stalking Horse Bidder and Bid Protections
Up until August 3, 2020, subject to receiving the requisite approvals from the Required
Sale Consenting Parties (as such term is defined in the Restructuring Support Agreement),
Debtors shall be authorized, but not obligated, in the exercise of their business judgment and in
consultation with the Consultation Parties, to: (i) select one or more Bidders to act as stalking
horse bidders in connection with the Sale (each, a “Stalking Horse Bidder,” and the bid of a
Stalking Horse Bidder a “Stalking Horse Bid”) and enter into purchase agreements with respect to
a Sale with such Stalking Horse Bidder(s) (each, a “Stalking Horse Agreement”) (which shall be
binding, non-contingent, and accompanied by a Good Faith Deposit (as defined below)),
(ii) provide a breakup fee (the “Breakup Fee”), (iii) agree to reimburse reasonable and documented
out-of-pocket fees and expenses (the “Expense Reimbursement”), and/or (iv) agree to provide
minimum overbid protections, all as reasonably acceptable to the Debtors, after consultation with
the Consultation Parties, and as otherwise approved by the Court (together with the Breakup Fee
and Expense Reimbursement, the “Bid Protections”). Subject to the below paragraph, no later
than one business day after the selection of a Stalking Horse Bidder, the Debtors shall file a notice
with the Court of such selection and a copy of an executed and binding Stalking Horse Agreement.
The Debtors will provide notice of each such Stalking Horse Bidder, Bid Protections
(including the amount and calculation thereof) and how to obtain copies of the Stalking Horse
Agreement (the “Stalking Horse Selection Notice”). Parties in interest may file objections to the
designation of the Stalking Horse Bidder or any of the terms of the Stalking Horse Agreement,
A copy of the Restructuring Support Agreement is attached as Exhibit B to the Declaration of Tricia Toliver,
Chief Financial Officer of GNC Holdings, Inc. in Support of Chapter 11 Petitions and First Day Pleadings
[Docket No. 21].
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 5 of 34
including to any of the proposed Bid Protections, within seven days after service of the Stalking
Horse Selection Notice (the “Stalking Horse Objection Deadline). Regardless whether an
objection to the designation of the Stalking Horse Bidder, the Stalking Horse Bid, and/or the
proposed Bid Protections is received by the Stalking Horse Objection Deadline, the Debtors will
present evidentiary support and seek approval of the Stalking Horse Bidder, Stalking Horse Bid
and Bid Protections at a hearing of this Court at least ten days following the filing of the Stalking
Horse Selection Notice.
The Debtors will file with the Court and serve on the counterparties to Assigned Contracts
financial and other information demonstrating adequate assurance of future performance of the
Assigned Contracts by any Stalking Horse Bidder (including the name of the Stalking Horse
Bidder and a description of its business) on or prior to August 10, 2020.
Notwithstanding anything in these Bidding Procedures to the contrary, in the event that the
Debtors do not file a Stalking Horse Selection Notice one business day after August 3, 2020, the
Bid Deadline (defined below) will be extended to September 11, 2020, the Auction date will be
extended to September 15, 2020 and the Sale Hearing will be extended to September 17, 2020 at
1:00 p.m., prevailing Eastern Time.
D. Bid Requirements.
To be eligible to participate in the Auction, a Potential Bidder other than a Stalking Horse
Bidder (who the Debtors designate as a Stalking Horse Bidder) must deliver to the Debtors and
their advisors, a written, irrevocable offer that must be determined by the Debtors, in their
reasonable business judgment and in consultation with the Consultation Parties, to satisfy each of
the following conditions (collectively, the “Bid Requirements”):
(i) Purpose. Each Potential Bidder must state that the Bid includes an offer by the
Potential Bidder to purchase some or all of the Assets, and identify the Assets with
reasonable specificity and the particular liabilities, if any, the Potential Bidder seeks
to assume.
(ii) Purchase Price. Each Bid must clearly set forth the purchase price to be paid for
the Assets (the “Purchase Price”) and must (a) indicate the source of cash
consideration, including funding commitments, and confirm that such
consideration is not subject to any contingencies, and (b) identify separately the
cash and non-cash components of the Purchase Price, which non-cash components
shall be limited only to credit-bids and assumed liabilities. The Bid should include
a detailed sources and uses schedule. The Purchase Price must include (i) an
aggregate amount of cash sufficient to pay all DIP Facility Claims outstanding at
the closing (or, if the holder of any such DIP Facility Claims so consents, such
payment may be effected, in lieu of cash, by way of credit bid pursuant to section
363(k) of the Bankruptcy Code), (ii) (x) additional cash sufficient to pay in full all
of the Allowed Tranche B-2 Term Loan Claims, or (y) to the extent the Required
Lenders (as defined in the Tranche B-2 Term Loan Agreement) have agreed in their
sole discretion on behalf of all Tranche B-2 Term Lenders, some other form of
consideration (including, without limitation, any or a combination of cash and debt
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 6 of 34
and/or equity securities, as determined by such Required Lenders in their sole
discretion), (iii) the assumption or payment in cash of all Allowed Administrative
Claims, all Allowed Tax Priority Claims, all Allowed Other Priority Claims, and
all Allowed Other Secured Claims, (iv) the payment of all cure amounts and all
other amounts required to effect the assumption and assignment of all applicable
executory contracts and unexpired leases pursuant to section 365 of the Bankruptcy
Code, and (v) the assumption of certain liabilities (other than any assumed liabilities
referenced in clause (i) above) (collectively, the “Minimum Purchase Price”).
Debtors’ advisors will provide the dollar amount of these claims upon request.
(iii) Minimum Bid. The value of each Bid for all or substantially all of the Debtors’
Assets, as determined by the Debtors in their business judgment (in consultation
with the Consultation Parties), must exceed (a) the Minimum Purchase Price, plus
(b) the amount of the Bid Protections payable to any Stalking Horse Bidder, if
applicable, plus (c) the minimum Bid increment of $5 million (or such other
amount as the Debtors may determine in consultation with the Consultation Parties,
which amount may be less than $5 million, including with respect to a Bid for less
than all Assets). Each Bid seeking to acquire an individual asset or combination of
assets that are less than all of the Debtors’ Assets must have a value that in the
Debtors’ reasonable business judgment, in consultation with the Consultation
Parties, either independently or in conjunction with one or more other Bids, exceeds
the value that would be realized for such individual asset or combination of assets
pursuant to a Bid for substantially all of the Debtors’ Assets. The Debtors and their
advisors, in consultation with the Consultation Parties, will determine, in their
reasonable business judgment, the value of any assumed liabilities in any Bid.
(iv) Bid Deposit. Each Bid must be accompanied by a cash deposit (made by wire
transfer or certified or cashier’s check) equal to 7.5% of the aggregate value of the
cash and non-cash consideration of the Bid (the “Good Faith Deposit”), which will
be held in a segregated account established by the Debtors in consultation with the
Consultation Parties. To the extent a Qualified Bid is modified before, during, or
after the Auction in any manner that increases the purchase price contemplated by
such Qualified Bid, the Debtors reserve the right, in consultation with the
Consultation Parties, to require that such Qualified Bidder increase its Good Faith
Deposit so that it equals ten percent of the increased Purchase Price.
(v) Committed Financing. If a Bid is not accompanied by evidence of the Potential
Bidder’s capacity to consummate the Sale transaction set forth in its Bid with cash
on hand, each Bid must include committed financing documented to the Debtors’
satisfaction, in consultation with the Consultation Parties, that demonstrates that
the Potential Bidder has received sufficient debt and/or equity funding
commitments to satisfy the Potential Bidder’s Purchase Price and other obligations
(including any assumed liabilities) under its Bid. Such funding commitments or
other financing must not be subject to any internal approvals, syndication
Capitalized terms used but not defined in this sentence have the meanings ascribed in the Plan.
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requirements, diligence, or credit committee approvals, and shall have covenants,
conditions and term and termination provisions acceptable to the Debtors, in
consultation with the Consultation Parties.
(vi) Pro Forma Capital Structure. Each Bid must include a description of the
Bidder’s pro forma capital structure.
(vii) Good Faith Offer. Each Bid must constitute a good faith, bona fide offer to
purchase the Assets set forth in such Bid.
(viii) Marked Agreement. The Debtors have drafted a form of purchase and sale
Agreement (the “PSA”) for parties interested in acquiring the Assets. The Debtors
intend to provide copies of the form of PSA (or a Stalking Horse Agreement, if one
exists) to all parties who express interest in submitting a Bid and will also make
such form of PSA (or Stalking Horse Agreement) available in the electronic data
room established by the Debtors in connection with their sale process. Each Bid
must be accompanied by clean and duly executed transaction documents including,
at a minimum, a draft purchase agreement, including the exhibits and schedules
related thereto, and any related material documents integral to such Bid pursuant to
which the Potential Bidder proposes to effectuate the Sale, along with redlines of
such agreements marked to reflect any amendments and modifications from the
PSA (or the Stalking Horse Agreement, if one exists), which amendments and
modifications may not be inconsistent with these Bidding Procedures. Each such
draft purchase agreement must provide for (i) payment in cash at closing of the
Expense Reimbursement and the Breakup Fee payable to any Stalking Horse
Bidder, and (ii) a representation that the Potential Bidder will: (a) with respect to a
sale of the U.S. Assets, make all necessary filings under the Hart-Scott-Rodino
Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, as amended (the “HSR Act”), if applicable,
and submit and pay the fees associated with all necessary filings under the HSR
Act as soon as reasonably practicable; provided, however, that the timing and
likelihood of receiving HSR Act approval will be a consideration in determining
the highest or otherwise best Bid; or (b) with respect to a sale of the Canadian
Assets, make all necessary filings under the (x) Competition Act (R.S.C., 1985, c.
C-34, as amended (the “Competition Act”); and (y) Investment Canada Act,
(R.S.C., 1985, c. 28 (1st Supp.)) (the ICA”), if applicable, and submit and pay the
fees associated with all necessary filings under the Competition Act as soon as
reasonably practicable; provided, however, that the timing and likelihood of
receiving Competition Act and ICA approval will be a consideration in determining
the highest or otherwise best Bid. The documents contemplated by this
Section C(viii) shall herein be referred to as the “Qualified Bid Documents”.
(ix) Contracts and Leases; Employees. Each Bid must identify an initial schedule, of
each executory contract and unexpired lease to be assumed and assigned to the
Potential Bidder in connection with the Sale. Each Bid must identify with
specificity (i) the party responsible for satisfying cure amounts and other amounts
that have accrued under assumed and assigned contracts and leases after the Petition
Date and prior to Closing, including amounts that have accrued but not yet become
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due prior to the Closing, (ii) the Debtors’ store leases to be assumed and assigned
to the Potential Bidder; and (iii) which of the Debtors’ employees or groups thereof
will be offered employment with the Potential Bidder to the extent it is the
Successful Bidder and Closing occurs. Each Bid must expressly assume the
Debtors’ Compensation and Benefits Programs (as defined in the Plan).
(x) No Contingencies. A Bid must contain a clear statement that it is not conditioned
on any contingency, including, among others, on obtaining any of the following
(a) financing, (b) shareholder, board of directors, or other approvals (including
regulatory approvals), and/or (c) the outcome or completion of a due diligence
review by the Potential Bidder.
(xi) Binding and Irrevocable. A Potential Bidders Bid must be irrevocable unless
and until the Debtors accept a higher Bid and such Potential Bidder is not selected
as the Back-Up Bidder (as defined herein). In the event a Bid is chosen as the Back-
Up Bid (as defined below), it must remain irrevocable until the Debtors and the
Successful Bidder consummate the Sale.
(xii) Joint Bids. The Debtors will be authorized to approve joint Bids in their reasonable
discretion, in consultation with the Consultation Parties, on a case-by-case basis.
(xiii) Adequate Assurance Information. Each Bid must be accompanied by sufficient
and adequate financial and other information (the “Adequate Assurance
Information”) to demonstrate, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Debtors, in
consultation with the Consultation Parties, that such Potential Bidder (a) has the
financial wherewithal and ability to consummate the acquisition of the Assets
covered by the Bid (the “Closing”), and (b) can provide adequate assurance of
future performance in satisfaction of the requirements under section 365(f)(2)(B)
of the Bankruptcy Code, and the Potential Bidder’s willingness to perform, under
any contracts that are proposed to be assumed and assigned to such party. Such
information, solely with respect to real estate leases, should include: (i) the exact
name of the entity that will be designated as the proposed assignee of the leases;
(ii) audited or, if not available, non-audited financial statements and any
supplemental schedules for the calendar years ended 2018 and 2019 for the
proposed assignee and any proposed guarantor; (iii) any documents regarding the
proposed assignee’s and any guarantor’s experience in operating retail stores;
(iv) the number of retail stores the proposed assignee and any guarantor operates
and the trade names used; and (v) any additional evidence of the assignee’s
financial wherewithal, including available cash and any debt or equity
commitments or other forms of liquidity post-closing. Such evidence may also
include audited and unaudited financial statements, tax returns, bank account
statements, a description of the proposed business to be conducted at the premises
and/or any other documentation that the Debtors further request. The Bid must also
identify a contact person that parties may contact to obtain additional Adequate
Assurance Information.
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(xiv) Identity. Each Bid must fully disclose the identity of each entity that will be
participating in connection with such Bid (including any equity owners or sponsors,
if the purchaser is an entity formed for the purpose of consummating the acquisition
of the Assets), and the complete terms of any such participation, along with
sufficient evidence that the Potential Bidder is legally empowered, by power of
attorney or otherwise, to complete the transactions on the terms contemplated by
the parties. A Bid must also fully disclose any connections or agreements with the
Debtors, any known, potential, prospective bidder, or Qualified Bidder (as defined
herein), or any officer, director, or equity security holder of the Debtors.
(xv) Authorization. Each Bid must contain evidence that the Potential Bidder has
obtained authorization or approval from its board of directors and, if required, its
shareholders (or a comparable governing body reasonably acceptable to the
Debtors) with respect to the submission of its Bid and the consummation of the
transactions contemplated in such Bid.
(xvi) No Fees. (a) Each Potential Bidder presenting a Bid or Bids will bear its own costs
and expenses (including legal fees) in connection with the proposed transaction;
(b) by submitting its Bid, each Potential Bidder agrees to waive its right to request
or receive fees or reimbursement of expenses on any basis, including under
section 503(b) of the Bankruptcy Code; and (c) each Bid must expressly state that
the Bid does not entitle the Potential Bidder to any break-up fee, termination fee,
expense reimbursement, or similar type of payment or reimbursement; provided
that, subject to Bankruptcy Court approval, the Debtors are authorized in their
discretion to provide the Bid Protections to one or more Stalking Horse Bidders in
accordance with these Bidding Procedures, in consultation with the Consultation
(xvii) Adherence to Bidding Procedures. By submitting its Bid, each Potential Bidder
is agreeing to (a) abide by and honor the terms of these Bidding Procedures and
agrees not to submit a Bid or seek to reopen the Auction after conclusion of
the Auction and (b) serve as Back-Up Bidder, if its Bid is selected as the next
highest or next best bid after the Successful Bid with respect to the applicable
(xviii) Regulatory Approvals and Covenants. A Bid must set forth each regulatory and
third-party approval required for the Potential Bidder to consummate the applicable
Sale, if any, and the time period within which the Potential Bidder expects to
receive such governmental, licensing, regulatory, or third-party approvals (and in
the case that receipt of any such approval is expected to take more than thirty days
following execution and delivery of the asset purchase agreement, those actions the
Potential Bidder will take to ensure receipt of such approvals as promptly as
(xix) As-Is, Where-Is. Each Bid must include a written acknowledgement and
representation that the Potential Bidder (a) has had an opportunity to conduct any
and all due diligence regarding the Debtors’ Assets and liabilities prior to making
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its Bid, (b) has relied solely upon its own or its advisors’ independent review,
investigation, and/or inspection of any documents and/or the Assets and liabilities
in making its Bid, and (c) did not rely upon any written or oral statements,
representations, promises, warranties, or guaranties whatsoever, whether express,
implied, by operation of law, or otherwise, regarding the Assets, liabilities, or the
completeness of any information provided in connection therewith or the Auction,
except as expressly stated in the Potential Bidder’s proposed purchase agreement
for the Assets.
(xx) Time Frame for Closing. A Bid by a Potential Bidder must be reasonably likely
(based on antitrust or other regulatory issues, experience, and other considerations)
to be consummated, if selected as the Successful Bid (as defined herein), within a
time frame reasonably acceptable to the Debtors in consultation with the
Consultation Parties.
(xxi) Consent to Jurisdiction. The Potential Bidder must submit to the jurisdiction of
the Bankruptcy Court and waive any right to a jury trial in connection with any
disputes relating to the Debtors’ qualification of Bids, the Auction, the construction
and enforcement of these Bidding Procedures, the Plan, the Sale documents, and
the Closing, as applicable.
Bids fulfilling all of the preceding requirements, as determined by the Debtors and their
advisors, in their reasonable business judgment and in consultation with the Consultation Parties,
will be deemed to be “Qualified Bids,” and those parties submitting Qualified Bids will be deemed
to be “Qualified Bidders.” For the avoidance of doubt, and notwithstanding anything herein, any
Stalking Horse Bidder (who complies with the Bid Requirements) will be deemed to be Qualified
Bidder and any Stalking Horse Agreements will be deemed Qualified Bids, which qualify such
Stalking Horse Bidder to participate in the Auction (if any). If a Stalking Horse Bid is chosen as
the Successful Bid, the rights and obligations of the Stalking Horse Bidder shall be as set forth in
the Stalking Horse Agreement (as the same may be modified in connection with the Auction). If a
Stalking Horse Bid is selected as the Back-Up Bid, it must remain irrevocable only for so long as
is required under the Stalking Horse Agreement.
All information disclosed by any Potential Bidder in connection with all of the preceding
requirements will be made available by the Debtors to the Consultation Parties promptly upon the
Debtors’ receipt thereof but in any event no later than the earlier of one business day or two
calendar days following the Debtors’ receipt of such information; provided that the Debtors shall
provide any Stalking Horse Bidder with the number of Qualified Bids received and the amount of
each respective Qualified Bid; provided, further, that any confidential financing and/or equity
commitment documents received from a Potential Bidder shall only be shared with the
Consultation Parties on a professional-eyes’-only basis. The Debtors reserve the right, in
consultation with the Consultation Parties, to work with any Potential Bidder in advance of the
Auction to cure any deficiencies in a Bid that is not initially deemed to be a Qualified Bid.
In addition, the Debtors, with the consent of the Consultation Parties, reserve the right to
waive any of the Qualified Bid requirements set forth above and deem a Bid to be a Qualified Bid
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notwithstanding any non-compliance with such requirements. Within three business days after the
Bid Deadline, the Debtors and their advisors, in consultation with the Consultation Parties, will
determine which Potential Bidders are Qualified Bidders and will notify the Potential Bidders
whether Bids submitted constitute, alone or together with other Bids, Qualified Bids so as to enable
such Qualified Bidders to bid at the Auction. Any Bid that is not deemed a Qualified Bid will not
be considered by the Debtors.
Subject to paragraph C above, Qualified Bids must be received by each of the
Debtors’ advisors so as to be actually received no later than September 4, 2020, at 4:00 p.m.,
prevailing Eastern Time (the “Bid Deadline”).
E. Evaluation of Qualified Bids.
Prior to the Auction, the Debtors and their advisors will evaluate Qualified Bids and
identify the Qualified Bid that is, in the Debtors’ reasonable business judgment, in consultation
with the Consultation Parties, the highest or otherwise best Bid (the “Starting Bid”).
In determining the Starting Bid, the Debtors will take into account, among other things, (i) the
amount and nature of consideration offered in each Qualified Bid, (ii) the impact on customers,
vendors, and employees, (iii) the certainty of a Qualified Bid leading to a confirmed plan, and
(iv) the execution risk attendant to any submitted Bids, (v) the number, type, and nature of any
changes to the PSA (or Stalking Horse Agreement, if one exists), if any, requested by the Qualified
Bidder, including the type and amount of Assets sought and obligations to be assumed in the
Qualified Bid; (vi) the net economic effect of any changes to the value to be received by the
Debtorsestates from the transaction contemplated by the Qualified Bid, (vii) the tax consequences
of such Qualified Bid, (viii) the impact on employees, including the number of employees
proposed to be transferred and the Employee Obligations; (ix) the assumption of liabilities,
including obligations under contracts and leases, and (x) the cure amounts to be paid (collectively,
the “Evaluation Criteria”). Not later than two business days prior to the date of the Auction, the
Debtors will (1) notify the Consultation Parties as to which Qualified Bid is the Starting Bid and
(2) distribute copies of the Starting Bid to each Qualified Bidder who has submitted a Qualified
Bid and the Consultation Parties.
If any Bid is determined by the Debtors not to be a Qualified Bid, the Debtors will refund
such Potential Bidder’s Good Faith Deposit and all accumulated interest thereon on or within
ten business days, or as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter, after the Bid Deadline.
F. Only One Qualified Bid.
If only one Qualified Bid is received by the Bid Deadline and such Bid is acceptable to the
Debtors after consultation with the Consultation Parties, then the Auction will not occur, the sole
Bidder will be deemed the Successful Bidder, and the Debtors will pursue entry of an order by the
Bankruptcy Court approving and authorizing the Sale to the sole Bidder at the Sale Hearing (as
defined herein).
G. Credit Bidding and Credit Bid Backup Bid.
At the Auction, any Qualified Bidder who has a valid and perfected lien on any Assets of
the Debtors’ estates (a “Secured Creditor”) shall have the right to credit bid all or a portion of such
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Secured Creditor’s allowed claims pursuant to section 363(k) of the Bankruptcy Code; provided
that a Secured Creditor shall have the right to credit bid its claim only with respect to the collateral
securing such claim; provided, further that a credit bid shall not constitute a Qualified Bid if the
bid does not include a cash component sufficient to pay in full, in cash, all claims for which there
are valid, perfected and unavoidable liens on any Assets included in such Bid that are senior in
priority to those of the party seeking to credit bid (unless such senior lien holder consents to
alternative treatment) and to pay in full, in cash, any Bid Protections of any Stalking Horse Bidder;
provided, further, that any Secured Creditor, other than the prepetition Term Loan agent, DIP Term
Agent, prepetition ABL FILO agent, or the DIP ABL FILO Agent, that intends to participate in
the Auction with a Bid that includes a credit bid shall, as a condition to such participation, (i) notify
the Debtors at least five (5) calendar days prior to the Bid Deadline that it intends to submit a credit
bid, and (ii) provide all documentation requested by the Debtors to establish the lien, claims, and
encumbered assets that will be the subject of the Secured Creditor’s potential credit bid. For the
avoidance of doubt, a Secured Creditor shall be required to provide cash consideration in respect
of any Assets to be acquired but that do not constitute collateral securing such Secured Creditor’s
With respect to a Bid for its own leases, a non-Debtor lease counterparty may credit bid
only an amount equal to the cure amount for such lease that is mutually acceptable to the Debtors
(in consultation with the Consultation Parties) and such lease counterparty or such other amount
as may be determined by the Court. The lease counterparty shall receive a dollar-for-dollar credit
in the amount of its credit bid when such lease counterparty bids for its own lease.
H. Auction.
If more than one Qualified Bid is received by the Bid Deadline, the Debtors will conduct
the Auction with respect to the Debtors’ Assets. For the avoidance of doubt, the Debtors may also
conduct more than one Auction with respect to non-overlapping material portions of the Debtors’
Assets. Subject to paragraph C above, the Auction will commence on September 8, 2020, at
10:00 a.m., prevailing Eastern Time, at the offices of Latham & Watkins LLP, 330 North
Wabash Avenue, Suite 2800, Chicago, Illinois 60611, telephonically, or by video via Zoom, or
such later time or other place as the Debtors will timely notify all other Qualified Bidders, in
consultation with the Consultation Parties.
The Auction will be conducted in accordance with the following procedures (the “Auction
(i) the Auction will be conducted openly;
(ii) only the Qualified Bidders, including any Stalking Horse Bidder, will be entitled to
bid at the Auction;
(iii) the Qualified Bidders, including any Stalking Horse Bidder, must appear in person,
telephonically, or by video via Zoom, or through duly-authorized representatives at
the Auction;
(iv) only the duly-authorized representatives of each of the Qualified Bidders (including
any Stalking Horse Bidder) and the Consultation Parties will be permitted to attend
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the Auction; provided that, in addition, any party in interest that requests permission
from the Debtors to attend the Auction shall also be permitted to attend ;
(v) bidding at the Auction will begin at the Starting Bid;
(vi) subsequent Bids at the Auction, including any Bids by any Stalking Horse Bidder,
must be made in minimum increments of $5 million (or such other amount as the
Debtors may determine in consultation with the Consultation Parties, which amount
may be higher or lower than $5 million) of additional value, if applicable;
(vii) each Qualified Bidder will be informed of the terms of the previous Bids and the
Debtors shall, during the course of the Auction, promptly inform each Qualified
Bidder of which subsequent Bids reflect, in the Debtors’ reasonable business
judgment, and in consultation with the Consultation Parties, the highest or
otherwise best bid(s) for the applicable Assets;
(viii) the Auction will be transcribed to ensure an accurate recording of the bidding at the
(ix) each Qualified Bidder will be required to confirm on the record of the Auction that
it has not engaged in any collusion with respect to the bidding or the Sale;
(x) the Auction will not close unless and until all Qualified Bidders have been given a
reasonable opportunity to submit an overbid at the Auction to the then prevailing
highest or otherwise best Bid, subject to the Debtors’ right to require, in
consultation with the Consultation Parties, last and final Bids to be submitted on a
“blind” basis;
(xi) the Debtors reserve the right, in their reasonable business judgment and in
consultation with the Consultation Parties, to adjourn the Auction one or more times
to, among other things, (a) facilitate discussions between the Debtors and Qualified
Bidders, (b) allow Qualified Bidders to consider how they wish to proceed, and
(c) provide Qualified Bidders the opportunity to provide the Debtors with such
additional evidence as the Debtors, in their reasonable business judgment and in
consultation with the Consultation Parties, may require to establish that the
Qualified Bidder has sufficient internal resources or has received sufficient non-
contingent debt and/or equity funding commitments to consummate the proposed
transaction at the prevailing amount; and
(xii) the Auction will be governed by such other Auction Procedures as may be
announced by the Debtors and their advisors, after consultation with the
Consultation Parties, from time to time on the record at the Auction; provided that
such other Auction Procedures are (a) not inconsistent with the Bidding Procedures
Order, the Bankruptcy Code, or any other order of the Bankruptcy Court,
(b) disclosed orally or in writing to all Qualified Bidders and other attendees at the
Auction and recorded on the record, and (c) determined by the Debtors, in good
faith and in consultation with the Consultation Parties, to further the goal of
attaining the highest or otherwise best offer for the Assets.
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To remain eligible to participate in the Auction for a particular Asset, in each round of
bidding, (i) each Qualified Bidder must submit a Bid in such round of bidding that is a higher or
otherwise better offer than the immediately preceding highest or otherwise best Bid submitted by
a Qualified Bidder in such round of bidding, and (ii) to the extent a Qualified Bidder fails to submit
a Bid in such round of bidding that is a higher or otherwise better offer than the immediately
preceding highest or otherwise best Bid submitted by a Qualified Bidder in such round of bidding,
as determined by the Debtors, in their reasonable business judgment and in consultation with the
Consultation Parties, such Qualified Bidder shall be disqualified from continuing to participate in
the Auction for such Asset.
For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in the Auction Procedures will prevent the Debtors
from exercising their respective fiduciary duties under applicable law (as reasonably determined
in good faith by the Debtors in consultation with their outside legal counsel).
I. Acceptance of the Successful Bid or Successful Bids.
Upon the conclusion of the Auction (if such Auction is conducted), the Debtors, in the
exercise of their reasonable business judgment and in consultation with the Consultation Parties,
will identify the highest or otherwise best Qualified Bid or Qualified Bids for the Assets (each,
a “Successful Bid,” and each person or entity submitting a Successful Bid, a “Successful Bidder”),
which will be determined by considering, among other things, (a) the type and amount of Assets
sought to be purchased in the Bid or Bids and whether such Assets should or can be severed from
other Assets (whether subject to competing Bids or otherwise), (b) the total expected consideration
to be received by the Debtors, taking into account any Stalking Horse Bidder’s rights to any Bid
Protections, (c) the Qualified Bidder or Qualified Bidders’ ability to close a transaction and the
timing thereof (including any anticipated delays to Closing and the cost to the Debtors of such
delays), and other matters affecting the execution risk associated with a particular Bid or Bids, (d)
the expected net benefit to the estates, taking into account any Stalking Horse Bidder’s rights to
any Bid Protections, (e) the impact on customers, vendors, and employees, (f) the certainty of the
Debtors being able to confirm a plan (whether the Plan or some other plan), and (g) any other
criteria, including the Evaluation Criteria, as may be considered by the Debtors in their reasonable
business judgment (including the consideration of any considerations raised by the Consultation
Parties that the Debtors determine, in their reasonable business judgment, are pertinent to the
decision of the highest or otherwise best Bid). The Successful Bidder or Successful Bidders and
the Debtors shall, as soon as commercially reasonably practicable after the conclusion of the
Auction, complete and sign all agreements, contracts, instruments, or other documents evidencing
and containing the terms upon which such Successful Bid or Successful Bids were made.
The Debtors shall file a notice in substantially the form annexed to the Bidding Procedures
Order as Exhibit 4 (the “Post-Auction Notice”) identifying the Successful Bidder(s), together with
financial and other information demonstrating adequate assurance of future performance of
Assigned Contracts (including the name of the Successful Bidder and a description of its business)
and the proposed asset purchase agreement(s) with the Successful Bidder(s), no later than 12 hours
after the conclusion of the Auction. Such Post-Auction Notice shall also identify the Back-Up
Bidder(s) and contain either (i) a summary of the material terms of the Back-Up Bid(s) or (ii)
proposed asset purchase agreement(s) with the Back-Up Bidder(s).
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The Debtors will present the results of the Auction to the Bankruptcy Court at the Sale
Hearing, at which certain findings will be sought from the Bankruptcy Court regarding the
Auction, including, among other things, that (a) the Auction was conducted, and the Successful
Bidder or Successful Bidders were selected, in accordance with these Bidding Procedures, (b) the
Auction was fair in substance and procedure, and (c) consummation of the Successful Bid or
Successful Bids will provide the highest or otherwise best value for the Debtors’ Assets and is in
the best interests of the Debtors’ estates.
If an Auction is held, the Debtors will be deemed to have accepted a Qualified Bid only
when (a) such Qualified Bid is declared a Successful Bid at the Auction, and (b) definitive
documentation has been executed in respect thereof. Such acceptance is conditioned upon
approval by the Bankruptcy Court of the Successful Bid or Successful Bids and entry of an order
approving such Successful Bid or Successful Bids (the “Sale Order), which Sale Order may be
(but is not required to be) the order confirming the Plan or another chapter 11 plan.
J. Sale Hearing.
Subject to paragraph C above, a hearing before the Bankruptcy Court to consider approval
of the Successful Bid or Successful Bids (the “Sale Hearing”), pursuant to which the Debtors and
the Successful Bidder or Successful Bidders will consummate the Sale, will be held on
September 14, 2020, at 1:00 p.m., prevailing Eastern Time, before the Bankruptcy Court. The
Sale Hearing may also be the hearing to consider confirmation of the Plan or another chapter 11
The Sale Hearing may be continued to a later date by the Debtors, in consultation
with the Consultation Parties, by sending notice prior to, or making an announcement at,
the Sale Hearing. No further notice of any such continuance will be required to be provided
to any party.
At the Sale Hearing, the Debtors will present the Successful Bid or Successful Bids to the
Bankruptcy Court for approval.
K. Designation of Back-Up Bidder or Back-Up Bidders.
If for any reason the Successful Bidder or Successful Bidders fail to consummate the sale
contemplated by the Qualified Bid or Qualified Bids within the time permitted after the entry of
the Confirmation Order approving the Sale to the Successful Bidder or Successful Bidders, then
the Qualified Bidder or Qualified Bidders with the next-highest or otherwise second-best Bid or
Bids for the applicable Assets (each, a Back-Up Bidder”), as determined by the Debtors after
consultation with their advisors and the Consultation Parties, at the conclusion of the Auction and
announced at that time to all the Qualified Bidders participating therein, will automatically be
deemed to have submitted the highest or otherwise best Bid or Bids (each, a “Back-Up Bid”), and
the Debtors will be authorized, but not required, to consummate the transaction pursuant to the
Back-Up Bid or Back-Up Bids as soon as commercially reasonably practicable pursuant to the
expedited procedures set forth in the Bidding Procedures Order.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 16 of 34
Upon designation of the Back-Up Bidder or Back-Up Bidders at the Auction, the Back-Up
Bid or Back-Up Bids must remain open until the Closing of the Successful Bid or Successful Bids,
as applicable.
L. Return of Good Faith Deposit to Qualified Bidders that Submit Qualified Bids.
The Good Faith Deposit of the Successful Bidder or Successful Bidders will, upon
consummation of the Successful Bid or Successful Bids, become property of the Debtors’ estates
and be credited to the portion of the Purchase Price. If the Successful Bidder or Successful Bidders
(or Back-Up Bidder or Back-Up Bidders, if applicable) fails to consummate the Successful Bid or
Successful Bids (or Back-Up Bid or Back-Up Bids, if applicable), then the Good Faith Deposit of
such Successful Bidder or Successful Bidders (or Back-Up Bidder or Back-Up Bidders, if
applicable) will be irrevocably forfeited to the Debtors and may be retained by the Debtors as
damages, in addition to any and all rights, remedies, or causes of action that may be available to
the Debtors, in each case, subject to the terms and conditions of the purchase agreement(s) with
the Successful Bidder(s) or Back-Up Bidder(s), as applicable.
The Good Faith Deposit of any unsuccessful Qualified Bidders (except for the Back-Up
Bidder or Back-Up Bidders) will be returned within the earlier of five business days after the
conclusion of the Auction or upon the permanent withdrawal of the proposed Sale of the Debtors
Assets. The Good Faith Deposit of the Back-Up Bidder or Back-Up Bidders, if any, will be
returned to such Back-Up Bidder or Back-Up Bidders no later than five business days after the
Closing with the Successful Bidder or Successful Bidders for the Assets bid upon by such Back-Up
Bidder or Back-Up Bidders.
Except as set forth in the first paragraph of this Section K, all deposits shall be held in a
segregated account maintained by the Debtors and at no time shall be deemed property of the
Debtors’ estates absent further order of the Bankruptcy Court.
M. Reservation of Rights.
The Debtors reserve their rights, in consultation with the Consultation Parties, to modify
these Bidding Procedures in good faith, including by setting procedures for an Auction, to further
the goal of attaining the highest or otherwise best offer for the Assets, or impose, at or prior to the
Auction, additional customary terms and conditions on the Sale of the Assets. The Debtors shall
provide notice of any such modification to any Qualified Bidder, including any Stalking Horse
All parties expressly reserve all of their rights (and do not waive any such rights) to seek
Bankruptcy Court relief with regard to the Auction, the Bidding Procedures, the Sale, and any
related items (including, if necessary, to seek an extension of the Bid Deadline). All Consultation
Parties will be permitted to seek relief from the Bankruptcy Court on an expedited basis if they
disagree with any actions or decision made by the Debtors as part of these Bidding Procedures or
during the Auction. The rights of all Consultation Parties with respect to the outcome of the
Auction are reserved.
For the avoidance of doubt and notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, nothing in
these Bidding Procedures shall, or shall be construed to, in any way amend, impair, prejudice,
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 17 of 34
alter, or otherwise modify the terms of the RSA or the Debtors’ debtor-in-possession financing
facilities, or the rights of any party thereunder.
N. Consent to Jurisdiction.
All Qualified Bidders at the Auction will be deemed to have consented to the jurisdiction
of the Bankruptcy Court and waived any right to a jury trial in connection with any disputes
relating to the Sale, the Auction, the construction and enforcement of these Bidding Procedures,
and/or the Indication of Interest Documents, as applicable, and consented to the entry of a final
order or judgment in any way related to these Bidding Procedures, the bid process, the Auction,
the Sale Hearing, or the construction and enforcement of any agreement or any other document
relating to a Sale if it is determined that the Bankruptcy Court would lack Article III jurisdiction
to enter such a final order or judgment absent the consent of the parties.
Any parties raising a dispute relating to these Bidding Procedures must request that such
dispute be heard by the Bankruptcy Court on an expedited basis.
O. Fiduciary Out.
Nothing in these Bidding Procedures will require any director, manager or officer of any
Debtor to take any action, or to refrain from taking any action, with respect to these Bidding
Procedures, that would violate his or her fiduciary duties to any Debtor.
P. Sale Is As Is/Where Is.
The Assets sold pursuant to these Bidding Procedures will be conveyed at the Closing in
their then present condition, “as is, with all faults, and without any warranty whatsoever, express
or implied,” except as otherwise expressly provided in the purchase agreement with the Successful
* * * * *
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 18 of 34
Exhibit 2
Sale Notice
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 19 of 34
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Re: Docket No. 227
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-captioned debtors and debtors in possession
(collectively, the Debtors”) each filed a voluntary petition for relief under chapter 11 of title 11
of the United States Code in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the
Court”) on July 23, 2020 (the “Petition Date”).
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, on July 1, 2020, the Debtors filed a motion
(the Motion”)
with the Court seeking entry of orders, among other things, (a) approving the
Debtors’ bidding procedures (the “Bidding Procedures”) in connection with the proposed auction
(the Auction”) for the sale (theSale) of substantially all of the Debtors’ assets (the Assets”),
(b) approving procedures for the assumption and assignment of executory contracts and unexpired
leases in connection with the Sale, including notice of proposed cure amounts (the Assumption
Procedures”), (c) approving the form and manner of notices related to the Sale and Assumption
Procedures, and (d) establishing dates and deadlines in connection with the Sale.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, on __________, 2020, the Court entered an
order (the Bidding Procedures Order”) granting certain of the relief sought in the Motion,
including, among other things, approving the (a) Bidding Procedures, which establish the key dates
and times related to the Sale and the Auction and (b) Assumption Procedures. All interested
The debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico Holdings,
Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania 15222.
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Bidding
Procedures Motion.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 20 of 34
bidders should carefully read the Bidding Procedures Order and the Bidding Procedures in their
The Bidding Procedures set forth the requirements for becoming a Qualified Bidder and
submitting a Qualified Bid, and any party interested in making an offer to purchase the Assets
must comply strictly with the Bidding Procedures. Only Qualified Bids will be considered by the
Debtors, in accordance with the Bidding Procedures.
Any interested bidder should contact, as soon as possible:
Evercore Group L.L.C., 55 E. 52nd Street New York, NY 10055 Attn: William Jurist
(William[email protected]), Alexandra Vergeau (Alexandra.Ver[email protected]),
and Ed Lee (Ed.Lee@Evercore.com).
Copies of the Bidding Procedures Motion, the Bidding Procedures, and the Bidding
Procedures Order, as well as all related exhibits, and all other documents filed with the Court, are
available free of charge on the Debtors case information website, located at
https://cases.primeclerk.com/gnc or by calling (877) 422-5170 (Domestic) or (917) 947-2680
1. Bid Deadline. Subject to extension as set forth in paragraph 10 of the Bidding Procedures
Order, the deadline to submit a Qualified Bid is September 4, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.
(prevailing Eastern Time).
2. Auction. If more than one Qualified Bid is received by the Bid Deadline, the Debtors will
conduct the Auction with respect to the Debtors’ Assets. Subject to extension as set forth
in paragraph 10 of the Bidding Procedures Order, the Auction will commence on
September 8, 2020, at 10:00 a.m., prevailing Eastern Time, at the offices of Latham &
Watkins LLP, 330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2800, Chicago, Illinois 60611,
telephonically, or by video via Zoom, or such later time or other place as the Debtors will
timely notify all Qualified Bidders, in consultation with the Consultation Parties. Only the
Debtors, the Consultation Parties, and Qualified Bidders will be permitted to attend the
Auction; provided that, in addition, any party in interest that requests permission from the
Debtors to attend the Auction shall also be permitted to attend. Only Qualified Bidders
will be entitled to make overbids at the Auction. All interested or potentially affected
To the extent of any inconsistencies between the Bidding Procedures and the summary descriptions of the Bidding
Procedures in this notice, the terms of the Bidding Procedures shall control in all respects.
The following dates and deadlines may be extended by the Debtors or the Court pursuant to the terms of the
Bidding Procedures and the Bidding Procedures Order.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 21 of 34
parties should carefully read the Bidding Procedures and the Bidding Procedures
3. Auction Objection and Sale Objection Deadlines. Subject to extension as set forth in
paragraph 10 of the Bidding Procedures Order, the deadline to file an objection to (i) the
Sale and/or (ii) the potential assumption or assumption and assignment of the Assigned
Contracts and cure amounts related thereto (except as otherwise set forth in the Assumption
Procedures) is August 21, 2020 at 4:00 pm. (prevailing Eastern Time) (the Sale
Objection Deadline”). If the Auction is held, subject to extension as set forth in paragraph
10 of the Bidding Procedures Order, the deadline to file an objection to the conduct of the
Auction, and the choice of Successful Bidder and/or Back-Up Bidder is September 9, 2020
at 4:00 pm. (prevailing Eastern Time) (the “Auction Objection Deadline”).
4. Sale Hearing. Subject to extension as set forth in paragraph 10 of the Bidding Procedures
Order, a hearing (theSale Hearing”) to consider approval of the proposed Sale free and
clear of all liens, claims, interests and encumbrances will be held on September 14,
2020 at 1:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern Time) before the Honorable Karen B. Owens,
Bankruptcy Judge, United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, at District
of Delaware, at 824 Market Street North, 6th Floor, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, or at
such other place (which may be by video conference) and time as the Debtors shall notify
all Qualified Bidders, the Consultation Parties, and all other parties entitled to attend the
Auction. The Debtors have the right to adjourn or cancel the Auction at or prior to the
5. Adequate Assurance Objection. Subject to extension as set forth in paragraph 10 of the
Bidding Procedures Order, in the event the Successful Bidder is not the Stalking Horse
Bidder, objections to adequate assurance of future performance of the Assigned Contracts
by such Successful Bidder must be filed with the Court and served on the Objection Notice
Parties no later than September 15, 2020 at 8:00 p.m., (prevailing Eastern Time)
(“Adequate Assurance Objection Deadline”).
6. Adequate Assurance Hearing. Subject to extension as set forth in paragraph 10 of the
Bidding Procedures Order, in the event the Successful Bidder is not the Stalking Horse
Bidder, objections to adequate assurance of future performance of the Assigned Contracts
by such Successful Bidder will be heard by the Court on September 18, 2020 at 2:00 p.m.
(prevailing Eastern Time) (theAdequate Assurance Hearing”) before the Honorable
Karen B. Owens, Bankruptcy Judge, United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of
Delaware, at District of Delaware, at 824 Market Street North, 6th Floor, Wilmington,
Delaware 19801, or at such other place (which may be by video conference) and time as
the Debtors shall notify all Qualified Bidders, the Consultation Parties, and all other parties
entitled to attend the Auction.
Sale Objections, Auction Objections, and Adequate Assurance Objections, if any, must
(a) be in writing, (b) state, with specificity, the legal and factual bases thereof, (c) be filed with the
Court by no later than the Sale Objection Deadline, Auction Objection Deadline, or Adequate
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 22 of 34
Assurance Objection Deadline, as applicable, and (d) be served on (i) co-counsel to the Debtors,
(A) Latham & Watkins LLP, 330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2800, Chicago, Illinois 60611,
Attn: Richard A. Levy (richard.levy@lw.com) and Caroline A. Reckler
(caroline.reckl[email protected]m), and (B) Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP, 1000 North King
Street, Wilmington, DE 19801, Attn: Michael Nestor (mnestor@ycst.com) and Kara Hammond
Coyle (kco[email protected]); (ii) counsel to the administrative agent under the DIP Term Facility,
Dorsey & Whitney LLP, 51 West 52
Street, New York, New York 10019, Attn: Erin E. Trigg
and Samuel S. Kohn (email: trigg.erin@dorsey.com and kohn.samu[email protected]); (iii) counsel
to the Ad Hoc FILO Term Lender Group (A) Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP,
1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019, Attn: Andrew N. Rosenberg, Jacob
Adlerstein, and Douglas R. Keeton (email: arosenberg@paulweiss.com,
[email protected], and [email protected]); and (B) Landis Rath & Cobb LLP,
919 Market Street, Suite 1800, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, Attn: Richard S. Cobb
([email protected]); (iv) counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders (A) Milbank LLP,
2029 Century Park East, Los Angeles, California 90067, Attn: Mark Shinderman, Brett Goldblatt,
and Daniel B. Denny (email: mshinderman@milbank.com; [email protected]; and
[email protected]); and (B) Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP, 1201 North Market
Street, 16th Floor, P.O. Box 1347, Wilmington, Delaware 19899-1347, Attn: Robert J. Dehney
([email protected]); (v) the Office of the United States Trustee for the District of Delaware, 844
King Street, Suite 2207, Lockbox 35, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, Attn: Jane Leamy (email:
[email protected]); and (vi) counsel to the Committee, Lowenstein Sandler LLP, 1251
Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 Attn: Jeffrey Cohen and Lindsay H. Sklar (emails:
[email protected] and [email protected]) and One Lowenstein Drive, Roseland, NJ
070686, Attn: Michael S. Etkin, Michael Savetsky, Nicole Fulfree and Colleen M. Maker (email:
metkin@lowenstein.com, msavetsky@lowenstein.com, nfulfree@lowenstein.com, and
Any party who fails to make a timely Sale Objection on or before the Sale Objection
Deadline in accordance with the Bidding Procedures Order and this Notice shall be forever
barred from asserting any Sale Objection, including with respect to the transfer of the assets
free and clear of all liens, claims, encumbrances and other interests.
Any party who fails to make a timely Auction Objection on or before the Auction
Objection Deadline in accordance with the Bidding Procedures Order and this Notice shall be
forever barred from asserting any Auction Objection, including with respect to the transfer of
the assets free and clear of all liens, claims, encumbrances and other interests.
Any party who fails to make a timely Adequate Assurance Objection on or before the
Adequate Assurance Objection Deadline in accordance with the Bidding Procedures Order and
this Notice shall be forever barred from asserting any Adequate Assurance Objection, including
with respect to the transfer of the assets free and clear of all liens, claims, encumbrances and
other interests.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 23 of 34
The Sale will be free and clear of, among other things, any claim arising from any conduct of
the Debtors prior to the closing of the Sale, whether known or unknown, whether due or to
become due, whether accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise, so long as such claim arises
out of or relates to events occurring prior to the closing of the Sale. Accordingly, as a result of
the Sale, the Successful Bidder will not be a successor to any of the Debtors by reason of any
theory of law or equity, and the Successful Bidder will have no liability, except as expressly
provided in the Successful Bidder’s asset purchase agreement, for any liens, claims,
encumbrances and other interests against or in any of the Debtors under any theory of law,
including successor liability theories.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 24 of 34
Exhibit 3
Assumption Notice
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 25 of 34
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Re: Docket No. 227
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-captioned debtors and debtors in possession
(collectively, the Debtors”) each filed a voluntary petition for relief under chapter 11 of title 11
of the United States Code in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware
(the “Court”) on July 23, 2020 (the “Petition Date”).
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, on the July 1, 2020, the Debtors filed a
motion (the “Motion”)
with the Court seeking entry of orders, among other things, (a) approving
the Debtors’ bidding procedures (the Bidding Procedures”) in connection with the proposed
auction (the “Auction) for the sale (the Sale”) of substantially all of the Debtors’ assets
(the “Assets”), (b) approving procedures for the assumption and assignment of executory contracts
and unexpired leases in connection with the Sale, including notice of proposed cure amounts
(the “Assumption Procedures”), (c) approving the form and manner of notices related to the Sale
and the Assumption Procedures, and (d) establishing dates and deadlines in connection with the
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, on __________, 2020, the Court entered an
order (the Bidding Procedures Order”) granting certain of the relief sought in the Motion,
including, among other things, approving the (a) Bidding Procedures, which establish the key dates
and times related to the Sale and the Auction and (b) Assumption Procedures.
The debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico Holdings,
Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania 15222
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Bidding
Procedures Motion.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 26 of 34
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, subject to extension as set forth in paragraph
10 of the Bidding Procedures Order, a hearing (the Sale Hearing”) to consider approval of the
proposed Sale free and clear of all liens, claims, interests and encumbrances will be held on
September 14, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern Time) before the Honorable Karen B.
Owens, Bankruptcy Judge, United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, at District
of Delaware, at 824 Market Street North, 6th Floor, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, or at such other
place (which may be by video conference) and time as the Debtors shall notify all Qualified
Bidders, the Consultation Parties, and all other parties entitled to attend the Auction. The Debtors
have the right to adjourn or cancel the Auction at or prior to the Auction.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Bidding Procedures Order, among other
things, established procedures for (a) the assumption of certain executory contracts and unexpired
leases that the Debtors believe they might seek to assume and assign to the Successful Bidder in
connection with a Sale (collectively, the Assigned Contracts”) and (b) the determination of
related Cure Costs (as defined below). The Debtors are parties to numerous Assigned Contracts
and, in accordance with the Bidding Procedures Order, hereby file this notice identifying (x) the
Assigned Contracts, which may be assumed and assigned to the Successful Bidder in connection
with a Sale, if one occurs and (y) the proposed amounts, if any, the Debtors believe are owed to
the counterparty to the Assigned Contract to cure any defaults or arrears existing under the
Assigned Contract (the “Cure Costs”), both as set forth on Exhibit 1 attached hereto. Other than
the Cure Costs listed on Exhibit 1, the Debtors are not aware of any amounts due and owing under
the Assigned Contracts listed therein.
Contract listed on Exhibit 1 attached hereto does not constitute an admission that such Assigned
Contract is an executory contract or unexpired lease or that such Assigned Contract will be
assumed and assigned as part of the Sale. The Debtors reserve all of their rights, claims and
causes of action with respect to the Assigned Contracts listed on Exhibit 1 attached hereto.
Pursuant to the Assumption Procedures, objections to the proposed assumption and
assignment of an Assigned Contract (a “Contract Objection”), including any objection relating to
the Cure Cost or adequate assurance of future performance by any Stalking Horse Bidder, must
(a) be in writing; (b) comply with the Bankruptcy Rules and Bankruptcy Local Rules; (c) state
with specificity the grounds for such objection, including, without limitation, the fully liquidated
cure amount and the legal and factual bases for any unliquidated cure amount that the Counterparty
believes is required to be paid under Bankruptcy Code sections 365(b)(1)(A) and (B) for the
applicable Assigned Contract, along with the specific nature and dates of any alleged defaults, the
pecuniary losses, if any, resulting therefrom, and the conditions giving rise thereto; (d) be served
on (i) co-counsel to the Debtors, (A) Latham & Watkins LLP, 330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite
2800, Chicago, Illinois 60611, Attn: Richard A. Levy (ri[email protected]) and Caroline A.
Reckler ([email protected]), and (B) Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP, 1000 North
King Street, Wilmington, DE 19801, Attn: Michael Nestor (mnestor@ycst.com) and Kara
Hammond Coyle (kcoyle@ycst.com); (ii) counsel to the administrative agent under the DIP Term
Facility, Dorsey & Whitney LLP, 51 West 52
Street, New York, New York 10019, Attn: Erin
E. Trigg and Samuel S. Kohn (email: [email protected] and kohn.sam[email protected]); (iii)
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 27 of 34
counsel to the Ad Hoc FILO Term Lender Group (A) Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
LLP, 1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019, Attn: Andrew N. Rosenberg,
Jacob Adlerstein, and Douglas R. Keeton (email: arosenberg@paulweiss.com,
[email protected], and [email protected]); and (B) Landis Rath & Cobb LLP,
919 Market Street, Suite 1800, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, Attn: Richard S. Cobb
([email protected]); (iv) counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders (A) Milbank LLP,
2029 Century Park East, Los Angeles, California 90067, Attn: Mark Shinderman, Brett Goldblatt,
and Daniel B. Denny (email: mshinderman@milbank.com; [email protected]; and
[email protected]); and (B) Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP, 1201 North Market
Street, 16th Floor, P.O. Box 1347, Wilmington, Delaware 19899-1347, Attn: Robert J. Dehney
([email protected]); (v) the Office of the United States Trustee for the District of Delaware, 844
King Street, Suite 2207, Lockbox 35, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, Attn: Jane Leamy (email:
[email protected]); and (vi) counsel to the Committee, Lowenstein Sandler LLP, 1251
Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 Attn: Jeffrey Cohen and Lindsay H. Sklar (emails:
[email protected] and [email protected]) and One Lowenstein Drive, Roseland, NJ
070686, Attn: Michael S. Etkin, Michael Savetsky, Nicole Fulfree and Colleen M. Maker (email:
metkin@lowenstein.com, msavetsky@lowenstein.com, nfulfree@lowenstein.com, and
cmaker@lowenstein.com) (collectively, the “Objection Notice Parties”), and (e) be filed with the
Clerk of the Court and served by no later than August 21 2020, at 4:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern
Time), subject to extension as set forth in paragraph 10 of the Bidding Procedures Order.
Any objections solely to the ability of a Successful Bidder other than the Stalking Horse
Bidder to provide adequate assurance of future performance (each, an Adequate Assurance
Objection”) must be filed with the Court and served on the Objection Notice Parties no later than
September 15, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern Time), subject to extension as set forth in
paragraph 10 of the Bidding Procedures Order.
Subject to extension as set forth in paragraph 10 of the Bidding Procedures Order, in the
event the Successful Bidder is not the Stalking Horse Bidder, objections to adequate assurance of
future performance of the Assigned Contracts by such Successful Bidder will be heard by the Court
on September 18, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern Time) (theAdequate Assurance
Hearing”) before the Honorable Karen B. Owens, Bankruptcy Judge, United States Bankruptcy
Court for the District of Delaware, at District of Delaware, at 824 Market Street North, 6th Floor,
Wilmington, Delaware 19801, or at such other place (which may be by video conference) and time
as the Debtors shall notify all Qualified Bidders, the Consultation Parties, and all other parties
entitled to attend the Auction.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 28 of 34
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that although the Debtors have made a good-faith
effort to identify all Assigned Contracts that might be assumed and assigned in connection with a
Sale, the Debtors or the Successful Bidder may identify certain other executory contracts that
should be assumed and assigned in connection with a Sale. Accordingly, the Debtors have
reserved the right, at any time until the date one (1) business day prior to the Sale Hearing, to
(i) supplement the list of Assigned Contracts on this Assumption Notice with previously omitted
Assigned Contracts in accordance with the definitive agreement for a Sale, (ii) remove an Assigned
Contract from the list of contracts ultimately selected as a Assigned Contract that may be assumed
and assigned in connection with a Sale, and/or (iii) modify the previously stated Cure Costs
associated with any Assigned Contract.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that in the event that the Debtors supplement the
list of Assigned Contracts or modify the previously stated Cure Costs for a particular Assigned
Contract, the Debtors will promptly file and serve, and in no event less than one (1) business day
before the date of the Sale Hearing, a revised Assumption Notice on each counterparty affected.
Such counterparties shall file any Contract Objections with respect to the revised Assumption
Notice not later than (i) the Contract Objection Deadline in the event that the revised Assumption
Notice was filed and served at least ten (10) days prior to the Contract Objection Deadline,
(ii) two (2) days prior to the Sale Hearing in the event that the revised Assumption Notice was
filed and served at least seven (7) day prior to the commencement of the Sale Hearing, and
(iii) seven (7) days after the date of filing and service of the revised Assumption Notice in the
event that the revised Assumption Notice was filed and served less than seven (7) days prior to the
commencement of the Sale Hearing. In the event that such supplemental or revised Assumption
Notice was filed and served less than seven (7) days prior to the commencement of the Sale
Hearing, assumption of any Assigned Contract added to such supplemental or revised Assumption
Notice will not be adjudicated at the Sale Hearing and will be set for a subsequent hearing.
Copies of the Bidding Procedures Motion, the Bidding Procedures, and the Bidding
Procedures Order, as well as all related exhibits, and all other documents filed with the Court, are
available free of charge on the Debtors case information website, located at
https://cases.primeclerk.com/gnc or by calling (877) 422-5170 (Domestic) or (917) 947-2680
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 29 of 34
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 30 of 34
Exhibit 4
Post-Auction Notice
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 31 of 34
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Re: Docket No. 227
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, on ______, 2020, the United States Bankruptcy Court for
the District of Delaware (the Court”) entered an order [Docket No. __] (the “Bidding Procedures
(a) approving the Debtors’ bidding procedures (the Bidding Procedures”) in
connection with the proposed auction (the “Auction) for the sale (theSale”) of substantially all
of the Debtors’ assets (the Assets”), (b) approving procedures for the assumption and assignment
of executory contracts and unexpired leases in connection with the Sale, (c) approving the form
and manner of notice related to the Sale, and (d) establishing dates and deadlines in connection
with the Sale.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that on September 8, 2020, pursuant to the
Bidding Procedures Order, the Debtors conducted the Auction with respect to the Assets.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, at the conclusion of the Auction, the Debtors,
in consultation with their professionals and Consultation Parties, selected the following Successful
Bidder and Back-Up Bidder with respect to the Assets:
Asset(s) Successful Bidder Back-Up Bidder
The debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Bidding Procedures
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PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Sale Hearing to consider approval of
(i) the Sale, (ii) transfer of the Assets to the Successful Bidder, free and clear of all liens, claims,
interests, and encumbrances, in accordance with section 363(f) of the Bankruptcy Code, and
(iii) approval of the releases contemplated by the asset purchase agreement, will be held before the
Honorable Karen B. Owens, Bankruptcy Judge, United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of
Delaware, at District of Delaware, at 824 Market Street North, 6
Floor, Wilmington, Delaware
19801, or pursuant to the Court’s video hearing procedures on September 14, 2020 at 1:00 p.m.
(prevailing Eastern Time). The Sale Hearing may be adjourned from time to time without further
notice to creditors or other parties in interest other than by announcement of the adjournment in
open court or by notice filed on the docket in these Chapter 11 Cases.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any objections (a) to the manner in which the
Auction was conducted and/or (b) to the identity of the Successful Bidder or the Back-Up Bidder
must be filed with the Court and served on the Objection Notice Parties (defined below) so as to
be received no later than September 9, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern Time).
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that any objections solely to the ability of a
Successful Bidder other than the Stalking Horse Bidder to provide adequate assurance of future
performance (each, an Adequate Assurance Objection”) must be filed with the Court and served
on the Objection Notice Parties no later than September 15, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. (prevailing Eastern
Time), subject to extension as set forth in paragraph 10 of the Bidding Procedures Order.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that subject to extension as set forth in paragraph
10 of the Bidding Procedures Order, in the event the Successful Bidder is not the Stalking Horse
Bidder, objections to adequate assurance of future performance of the Assigned Contracts by such
Successful Bidder will be heard by the Court on September 18, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. (prevailing
Eastern Time) (the Adequate Assurance Hearing”) before the Honorable Karen B. Owens,
Bankruptcy Judge, United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, at District of
Delaware, at 824 Market Street North, 6th Floor, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, or at such other
place (which may be by video conference) and time as the Debtors shall notify all Qualified
Bidders, the Consultation Parties, and all other parties entitled to attend the Auction.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Objection Notice Partiesare: (i) co-
counsel to the Debtors, (A) Latham & Watkins LLP, 330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2800,
Chicago, Illinois 60611, Attn: Richard A. Levy (richard.levy@lw.com) and Caroline A. Reckler
(caroline.reckl[email protected]m), and (B) Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP, 1000 North King
Street, Wilmington, DE 19801, Attn: Michael Nestor (mnestor@ycst.com) and Kara Hammond
Coyle (kco[email protected]); (ii) counsel to the administrative agent under the DIP Term Facility,
Dorsey & Whitney LLP, 51 West 52
Street, New York, New York 10019, Attn: Erin E. Trigg
and Samuel S. Kohn (email: trigg.erin@dorsey.com and kohn.samu[email protected]); (iii) counsel
to the Ad Hoc FILO Term Lender Group (A) Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP,
1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019, Attn: Andrew N. Rosenberg, Jacob
Adlerstein, and Douglas R. Keeton (email: arosenberg@paulweiss.com,
[email protected], and [email protected]); and (B) Landis Rath & Cobb LLP,
919 Market Street, Suite 1800, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, Attn: Richard S. Cobb
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([email protected]); (iv) counsel to the Ad Hoc Group of Crossover Lenders (A) Milbank LLP,
2029 Century Park East, Los Angeles, California 90067, Attn: Mark Shinderman, Brett Goldblatt,
and Daniel B. Denny (email: mshinderman@milbank.com; [email protected]; and
[email protected]); and (B) Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP, 1201 North Market
Street, 16th Floor, P.O. Box 1347, Wilmington, Delaware 19899-1347, Attn: Robert J. Dehney
([email protected]); (v) the Office of the United States Trustee for the District of Delaware, 844
King Street, Suite 2207, Lockbox 35, Wilmington, Delaware 19801, Attn: Jane Leamy (email:
[email protected]); and (vi) counsel to the Committee, Lowenstein Sandler LLP, 1251
Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 Attn: Jeffrey Cohen and Lindsay H. Sklar (emails:
[email protected] and [email protected]) and One Lowenstein Drive, Roseland, NJ
070686, Attn: Michael S. Etkin, Michael Savetsky, Nicole Fulfree and Colleen M. Maker (email:
metkin@lowenstein.com, msavetsky@lowenstein.com, nfulfree@lowenstein.com, and
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, at the Sale Hearing, the Debtors will seek
Court approval of the Successful Bid, and the assumption and assignment of the Assigned
Contracts (as defined in the Bidding Procedures Order) to the Successful Bidder; provided,
however, that if the Successful Bidder is not a Stalking Horse Bidder, Adequate Assurance
Objections will be heard at the Adequate Assurance Hearing. Unless the Court orders otherwise,
the Sale Hearing shall be an evidentiary hearing on matters relating to the sale of the Debtors
assets and there will be no further bidding at the Sale Hearing. In the event that the Successful
Bidder cannot or refuses to consummate the Sale because of the breach or failure on the part of the
Successful Bidder, the Back-Up Bidder will be deemed the new Successful Bidder and the Debtors
shall be authorized, but not required, to close with the Back-Up Bidder on the Back-Up Bid
pursuant to the expedited procedures set forth in the Bidding Procedures Order.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that this Notice is subject to the terms and
conditions of the Bidding Procedures Order, with such Bidding Procedures Order controlling in
the event of any conflict, and the Debtors encourage parties in interest to review the Bidding
Procedures Order in its entirety. Parties with questions regarding this Notice should contact the
Debtors’ counsel at the contact information provided herein.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that parties interested in receiving more
information regarding the contemplated sale and/or copies of any related documents may visit the
websites maintained by Prime Clerk, LLC, the Debtors’ claims and noticing agent, at
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 559-1 Filed 07/22/20 Page 34 of 34
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Docket Ref. No. 23
Upon the motion (the Motion”)
of the Debtors for an order (this Order”), (a) authorizing
the Debtors to reject certain unexpired leases of real property (each, a Rejection Lease,” and
collectively, theRejection Leases”), a list of which is annexed as Schedule 1 hereto, effective as
of the Petition Date; and (b) authorizing the Debtors to abandon the Remaining Property located
at the Premises as of the Petition Date; and this Court having reviewed the Motion and the First
Day Declaration; and this Court having determined that the relief requested in the Motion is in the
best interests of the Debtors, their estates, their creditors, and other parties in interest; and this
Court having jurisdiction to consider the Motion and the relief requested therein in accordance
with 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and 1334 and the Amended Standing Order of Reference from the United
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
The debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 477 Filed 07/20/20 Page 1 of 4
Schedule N
States District Court for the District of Delaware dated as of February 29, 2012; and consideration
of the Motion and the relief requested therein being a core proceeding under 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2);
and this Court having authority to enter a final order consistent with Article III of the United States
Constitution; and venue being proper before this Court under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409; and it
appearing that proper and adequate notice of the Motion has been given and that no other or further
notice is necessary; and upon the First Day Declaration and all of the proceedings before this
Court; and after due deliberation thereon; and good and sufficient cause appearing therefor, it is
1. The Motion is GRANTED as set forth herein.
2. Pursuant to sections 105(a) and 365 of the Bankruptcy Code, and Bankruptcy Rule
6006, the Rejection Leases identified in Schedule 1 attached hereto, to the extent not already
terminated in accordance with their applicable terms or upon agreement of the parties, are hereby
rejected effective as of the Petition Date.
3. The Debtors are authorized, but not directed, to abandon the Remaining Property that
is owned by the Debtors and located on the Premises. Any FF&E or other personal property
remaining on the Premises as of the Petition Date is deemed abandoned effective as of the Petition
Date without further order of the Court, free and clear of all liens, claims, interests, or other
encumbrances. The Landlords to each Rejection Lease are authorized to use or dispose of any
such property in their sole discretion, without notice or liability to the Debtors or any third party
and without further notice or order of the Court and, to the extent applicable, the automatic stay is
For the avoidance of doubt, the rejection of a lease is deemed effective no earlier than the Debtors’ unequivocal
surrender of the leased premises via the delivery of the keys, key codes, and alarm codes to the premises, as
applicable, to the applicable Landlord, or, if not by delivering such keys and codes, then by providing notice that
the Landlord may re-let the premises.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 477 Filed 07/20/20 Page 2 of 4
modified to allow such disposition. The Debtors shall have removed from the Premises any property
leased by the Debtors from third parties on or prior to the Petition Date.
4. Nothing in this Order authorizes the Debtors to abandon personal identifying
information (which means information which alone or in conjunction with other information
identifies an individual, including but not limited to an individual’s first name (or initial) and last
name, physical address, electronic address, telephone number, social security number, date of
birth, government-issued identification number, account number and credit or debit card number)
(the PII”) of any customers. Nothing in this Order relieves the Debtorsof their obligation to
comply with state or federal privacy and/or identity theft prevention laws and rules with respect to
PII. Prior to abandonment of any Remaining Property, the Debtors shall remove or cause to be
removed any confidential and/or PII in any of the Debtors’ hardware, software, computers, cash
registers, or similar equipment which are to be abandoned or otherwise disposed of so as to render
the PII unreadable or undecipherable.
5. Nothing herein shall prejudice any party’s rights to assert that the Rejection Leases
are not, in fact, executory within the meaning of section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code.
6. Any proofs of claim for damages in connection with the rejection of the Rejection
Leases, if any, shall be filed on or before the later of (a) the claims bar date established by the
Court in these Chapter 11 Cases, if any, and (b) thirty (30) days after entry of this Order.
7. Nothing in the Motion or this Order, shall be construed as: (i) an admission as to
the validity of any claim against any Debtor or the existence of any lien against the Debtors’
properties; (ii) a waiver of the Debtors’ rights to Dispute any claim or lien on any grounds; (iii) a
promise to pay any claim; or (iv) an implication or admission that any particular claim would
constitute an allowed claim. Nothing contained in this Order shall be deemed to increase, decrease,
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 477 Filed 07/20/20 Page 3 of 4
reclassify, elevate to an administrative expense status, or otherwise affect any claim to the extent
it is not paid.
8. The requirements set forth in Bankruptcy Rules 6006 and 6007 are satisfied.
9. This Court shall retain jurisdiction with respect to all matters arising from or related
to the implementation and/or interpretation of this Order.
Dated: July 20th, 2020
Wilmington, Delaware
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In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. 20-11662 (KBO)
(Jointly Administered)
Docket Ref. No. 25
Upon the motion (the Motion”)
of the Debtors for an order (this Order”), (a) authorizing
the Debtors to reject certain unexpired leases of real property (each, a Rejection Lease,” and
collectively, theRejection Leases”), a list of which is annexed as Schedule 1 hereto, effective as
of the Petition Date; and (b) authorizing the Debtors to abandon the Remaining Property located
at the Premises as of the Petition Date; and this Court having reviewed the Motion and the First
Day Declaration; and this Court having determined that the relief requested in the Motion is in the
best interests of the Debtors, their estates, their creditors, and other parties in interest; and this
Court having jurisdiction to consider the Motion and the relief requested therein in accordance
with 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and 1334 and the Amended Standing Order of Reference from the United
Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the
The debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each debtor’s United States federal tax
identification number, if applicable, or other applicable identification number, are: GNC Holdings, Inc. (6244);
GNC Parent LLC (7572); GNC Corporation (5170); General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (5168); General Nutrition
Corporation (4574); General Nutrition Investment Company (3878); Lucky Oldco Corporation (7141); GNC
Funding, Inc. (7837); GNC International Holdings, Inc. (9873); GNC China Holdco, LLC (0004); GNC
Headquarters LLC (7550); Gustine Sixth Avenue Associates, Ltd. (0731); GNC Canada Holdings, Inc. (3879);
General Nutrition Centres Company (0939); GNC Government Services, LLC (2295); GNC Puerto Rico
Holdings, Inc. (4559); and GNC Puerto Rico, LLC (7234). The debtors’ mailing address is 300 Sixth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 479 Filed 07/20/20 Page 1 of 4
Schedule O
States District Court for the District of Delaware dated as of February 29, 2012; and consideration
of the Motion and the relief requested therein being a core proceeding under 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2);
and this Court having authority to enter a final order consistent with Article III of the United States
Constitution; and venue being proper before this Court under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409; and it
appearing that proper and adequate notice of the Motion has been given and that no other or further
notice is necessary; and upon the First Day Declaration and all of the proceedings before this
Court; and after due deliberation thereon; and good and sufficient cause appearing therefor, it is
1. The Motion is GRANTED as set forth herein.
2. Pursuant to sections 105(a) and 365 of the Bankruptcy Code, and Bankruptcy Rule
6006, the Rejection Leases identified in Schedule 1 attached hereto, to the extent not already
terminated in accordance with their applicable terms or upon agreement of the parties, are hereby
rejected effective as of the Petition Date.
3. The Debtors are authorized, but not directed, to abandon the Remaining Property that
is owned by the Debtors and located on the Premises. Any FF&E or other personal property
remaining on the Premises as of the Petition Date is deemed abandoned effective as of the Petition
Date without further order of the Court, free and clear of all liens, claims, interests, or other
encumbrances. The Landlords to each Rejection Lease are authorized to use or dispose of any
such property in their sole discretion, without notice or liability to the Debtors or any third party
and without further notice or order of the Court and, to the extent applicable, the automatic stay is
For the avoidance of doubt, the rejection of a lease is deemed effective no earlier than the Debtors’ unequivocal
surrender of the leased premises via the delivery of the keys, key codes, and alarm codes to the premises, as
applicable, to the applicable Landlord, or, if not by delivering such keys and codes, then by providing notice that
the Landlord may re-let the premises.
Case 20-11662-KBO Doc 479 Filed 07/20/20 Page 2 of 4
modified to allow such disposition. The Debtors shall have removed from the Premises any property
leased by the Debtors from third parties on or prior to the Petition Date.
4. Nothing in this Order authorizes the Debtors to abandon personal identifying
information (which means information which alone or in conjunction with other information
identifies an individual, including but not limited to an individual’s first name (or initial) and last
name, physical address, electronic address, telephone number, social security number, date of
birth, government-issued identification number, account number and credit or debit card number)
(the PII”) of any customers. Nothing in this Order relieves the Debtorsof their obligation to
comply with state or federal privacy and/or identity theft prevention laws and rules with respect to
PII. Prior to abandonment of any Remaining Property, the Debtors shall remove or cause to be
removed any confidential and/or PII in any of the Debtors’ hardware, software, computers, cash
registers, or similar equipment which are to be abandoned or otherwise disposed of so as to render
the PII unreadable or undecipherable.
5. Nothing herein shall prejudice any party’s rights to assert that the Rejection Leases
are not, in fact, executory within the meaning of section 365 of the Bankruptcy Code.
6. Any proofs of claim for damages in connection with the rejection of the Rejection
Leases, if any, shall be filed on or before the later of (a) the claims bar date established by the
Court in these Chapter 11 Cases, if any, and (b) thirty (30) days after entry of this Order.
7. Nothing in the Motion or this Order, shall be construed as: (i) an admission as to
the validity of any claim against any Debtor or the existence of any lien against the Debtors’
properties; (ii) a waiver of the Debtors’ rights to Dispute any claim or lien on any grounds; (iii) a
promise to pay any claim; or (iv) an implication or admission that any particular claim would
constitute an allowed claim. Nothing contained in this Order shall be deemed to increase, decrease,
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reclassify, elevate to an administrative expense status, or otherwise affect any claim to the extent
it is not paid.
8. The requirements set forth in Bankruptcy Rules 6006 and 6007 are satisfied.
9. This Court shall retain jurisdiction with respect to all matters arising from or related
to the implementation and/or interpretation of this Order.
Dated: July 20th, 2020
Wilmington, Delaware
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Court File No.
Proceeding commenced at TORONTO
Torys LLP
79 Wellington St. W., 30th Floor
Box 270, TD South Tower
Toronto, ON M5K 1N2
Fax: 416.865.7380
Scott A. Bomhof (LSO #: 37006F)
Tel: 416.865.7370 | [email protected]
Adam M. Slavens (LSO #: 54433J)
Tel: 416.865.7333 | [email protected]
Jeremy Opolsky (LSO #: 60813N)
Tel: 416.865.8117 | [email protected]
Leora Jackson (LSO #: 68448L)
Tel: 416.865.7547 | [email protected]
Lawyers for the Applicant