2024 Regional Project Evaluation Criteria
For PSRC’s FHWA Funds
As described in the adopted 2024 Policy Framework for PSRC’s Federal Funds,
the policy focus for the 2024 project selection process is to support the
development of centers and the transportation corridors that serve them. The
intent of this policy focus is to support implementation of VISION 2050, the
Regional Transportation Plan and the Regional Economic Strategy. For the
regional project competition, centers are defined as regional growth centers and
manufacturing / industrial centers as identified in VISION 2050 and designated
by PSRC.
Project Category
Projects may be located within a regional growth center, within a manufacturing /
industrial center, or along a corridor serving centers. Since these categories
represent three distinct types of projects that all support existing and new
development in centers, sponsors will select which category best fits their project
and respond to the corresponding criteria. The highest possible total score a
project can receive is 100 points, and projects from all three categories will be
ranked together based upon total points received for the final recommendation
Evaluation Criteria
A summary of the criteria that will be used to evaluate each project within
Regional Growth Centers is included in the table below and described in
greater detail in this document. Each criterion contains specific bullets that are of
equal value within that criterion, unless otherwise specified. The questions in the
application correspond to each of these bullets. As illustrated below, point values
vary depending on the funding source requested either Surface Transportation
Block Grant Program (STBG) or Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality
Improvement Program (CMAQ).
After each section, links are provided to additional guidance and resources to
assist sponsors in understanding how projects may score highly under that
Sponsors will also have the opportunity to provide information that is not
addressed in the evaluation criteria for additional consideration in the
recommendation process.
Section A: Identification of Equity Populations
Section B: Development of Regional Growth Centers
Section C: Mobility and Accessibility
Section D: Outreach and Displacement
Section E: Safety and Security 16 15
Section F: Air Quality/ Climate Change 20 50
Using the resources provided in the Call for Projects, sponsors are asked to identify the equity
populations (i.e., Equity Focus Areas (EFAs)) to be served by the project with supportive data.
PSRC’s defined EFAs are: people of color, people with low incomes, older adults, youth,
people with disabilities, and people with limited English proficiency (click here for more details).
Sponsors will then identify the most impacted or marginalized populations within the project
area. For example, areas with a higher percentage of both people of color and people with low
incomes, and/or other areas of intersectionality across equity populations such as areas with
low access to opportunity, areas disproportionately impacted by pollution, etc.
Each of the criteria in the following sections will refer to these identified EFAs and ask
additional specific questions.
Click here for Guidance and Examples for responding to this section.
28 Points STBG, 13 Points CMAQ
Describe how the project will support the existing and planned housing/employment
densities in the regional growth center.
Describe how the project will support the development/redevelopment plans and activities
of the center.
Describe how the project will support the establishment of new jobs/businesses or the
retention of existing jobs/businesses including those in the industry clusters identified in the
adopted Regional Economic Strategy. In addition, describe how the project supports a
diversity of business types and sizes within the community.
Describe how the project will expand access to high, middle and/or living wage jobs for the
identified EFAs.
Describe how the project will benefit a variety of user groups, including commuters,
residents, and/or commercial users and the movement of freight.
Click here for Guidance and Examples for responding to this criterion.
24 Points STBG, 12 Points CMAQ
Describe how the project provides access to major destinations within the center, such as
completing a physical gap, providing an essential link in the transportation network for people
and/or goods, or providing a range of travel modes or a missing mode.
Describe how the project will improve mobility within the center and enhance opportunities for
active transportation that can provide public health benefits. For example, through providing or
improving: walkability; public transit access, speed and reliability; bicycle mobility;
streetscapes; traffic calming; TDM; ITS and other efficiencies, etc.
Describe how the project remedies a current or anticipated problem (e.g., addressing
incomplete networks, inadequate transit service/facilities, modal conflicts, the preservation
of essential freight movement, addressing bottlenecks, removal of barriers, addressing
redundancies in the system, and/or improving individual resilience and adaptability to
changes or issues with the transportation system).
Identify the existing disparities or gaps in the transportation system or services for the
Identified EFAs. Describe how the project is addressing those disparities or gaps and will
provide benefits or positive impacts to these EFAs by improving their mobility.
Click here for Guidance and Examples for responding to this criterion.
12 Points STBG, 10 Points CMAQ
Part 1. Addressing outreach
Describe the public outreach process that led to the development of the project. This could be
at a broader planning level (comprehensive plan, corridor plan, etc.) or for the specific project.
Include specific outreach or communication with the EFAs identified in the previous section,
including activities reflective of best practices from PSRC’s Equitable Engagement Guidance.
These include, for example:
Compensating community members for their input
Effectively addressing language barriers
Partnering and co-creating with community-based organizations
Describe how this outreach influenced the development of the project, e.g., the location,
scope, design, timing, etc.
Part 2. Addressing displacement
Using PSRC’s Housing Opportunities by Place (HOP) tool, identify the typology associated
with the location of the project and identify the strategies the jurisdiction uses to reduce the risk
of displacement that are aligned with those listed for the typology.
Click here for Guidance and Examples for responding to this criterion.
16 Points STBG, 15 Points CMAQ
Describe how the project addresses safety and security. Identify if the project incorporates
one or more of FHWA’s Proven Safety Countermeasures, and specifically address the
How the project helps protect vulnerable users of the transportation system, by
improving pedestrian safety and addressing existing risks or conditions for pedestrian
injuries and fatalities, and/or adding or improving facilities for pedestrian and bicycle
safety and comfort.
How the project reduces reliance on enforcement and/or designs for decreased speeds.
Specific to the Identified EFAs, describe how the project will improve safety and/or address
safety issues currently being experienced by these communities.
Does your agency have an adopted safety policy? How did these policies inform the
development of the project?
(not scored) USDOT is developing a framework for assessing how projects align with the Safe
System Approach, and PSRC is developing a Regional Safety Action Plan due in early 2025.
Does your agency commit to adhering to the forthcoming guidance and continuing to work
towards planning and implementation actions under a Safe System Approach, to reduce
fatalities and serious injuries?
Please describe in greater detail your agency’s current and future plans as they relate to
this commitment. This could include plans to develop your own safety plan under a
Safe System Approach, for example utilizing Safe Streets and Roads For All grant
funding; a commitment to utilizing and planning under PSRC’s upcoming Regional
Safety Action Plan; planned updates as part of your agency’s upcoming comprehensive
plan; or other activities.
Click here for Guidance and Examples for responding to this criterion.
20 Points STBG, 50 Points CMAQ
Projects will be evaluated for their potential to reduce emissions, particularly of greenhouse
gases and diesel particulates, through one or more of the following:
Eliminating vehicle trips;
Inducing a mode shift away from single occupant vehicles (SOVs);
Reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT);
Improving traffic flow (e.g., through signal coordination or by removing a bottleneck);
Converting to cleaner fuels, equipment, fuel systems and/or vehicles.
Note: the application will provide specific questions for each applicable emissions reduction
opportunity identified above.
For CMAQ projects only: What is the anticipated useful life of the project?
Projects will also receive points based on their location within an area identified as a 7 or
higher for diesel pollution and disproportionate impacts in the Washington Environmental
Health Disparities map, for a maximum of 5 of the 20 points for STBG, and 10 of the 50 points
for CMAQ.
Click here for Guidance and Examples for responding to this criterion.
Considerations (no points)
Project sponsors have the opportunity to describe additional aspects of the project that are not
addressed in the evaluation criteria that could be relevant to the final recommendation and
decision-making process.
Describe any additional aspects of your project not requested in the evaluation criteria that
could be relevant to the final project recommendation and decision-making process.
Describe any innovative components included in your project: these could include design
elements, cost saving measures, or other innovations.
Describe the process that your agency uses to determine the benefits of projects; this could
include formal cost-benefit analysis, practical design, or some other process by which the
benefits of projects are determined.
Describe the jurisdiction’s Apprenticeship Utilization Program / Ordinance in place for
projects over $1 million with at least 15% Apprenticeship Utilization or programs that
prioritize the use of local hire and the diversification of the workforce.
Equity Focus Areas (EFAs) refer to areas that have concentrations of underserved
communities above the regional average. Project sponsors should use PSRCs Project
Selection Resource Map or Transportation System Visualization Tool to identify the Equity
Focus Areas (EFAs) within their project’s location. Both tools allow sponsors to zoom to the
area in which their project is located and identify EFAs in the area. When applicable, sponsors
are also encouraged to identify areas of intersectionality across equity populations or areas
with multiple EFAs (e.g., areas with a higher percentage of both people of color and people
with low incomes). Five pairs of areas of intersection between different EFAs are provided as
layers in the Project Selection Resource Map.
Example Response:
The proposed project area is located within a diverse community of equity focus areas (EFAs),
including People of Color, People with Low Incomes, People with Disabilities, Youth, and
People with Limited English Proficiency.
Below please find a summary of the key findings from the PSRC Project Selection Resource
Equity Focus Areas (EFAs) above the regional average:
People of Color: 56% of the total population; above the regional average of 35.9%
People with Low Incomes: 33% of total population; above the regional average 20.7%
People with Disabilities: 18% of total population; above regional average of 11%
Youth: 17% of total population; above regional average of 15.4%
People with Limited English Proficiency: 24% of total population; above regional
average of 8.5%
High: A project will receive a high rating if it:
clearly supports a significant amount of existing and/or planned population/employment
activity in the center, including employment within the industry clusters identified in the
adopted Regional Economic Strategy
implements specific policies or projects identified for the center in an adopted plan
supports a diversity of business types and sizes within the center
expands access to high, middle and/or living wage jobs for the identified EFAs
provides benefits to a broad variety of user groups within the center
Medium: A project will receive a medium rating if it:
supports a moderate amount of existing and/or planned population/employment activity and
users in the center, including employment within the industry clusters identified in the
Regional Economic Strategy
implements adopted general or programmatic policies for the center
supports a limited diversity of business types and sizes within the center
expands access to high, middle and/or living wage jobs for the identified EFAs
provides benefits to a variety of user groups within the center
Low: A project will receive a low rating if it:
supports a limited amount of existing and/or planned population/employment activity
and users in the center
is consistent with the development goals for the center
does not demonstrate support for a diversity of business types and sizes within the
does not demonstrate expanded access to high, middle and/or living wage jobs for the
identified EFAs
provides limited benefits to different user groups within the center
Regional growth centers are areas of compact, pedestrian-oriented development with a mix of
uses supporting existing and future population and employment. PSRC and local jurisdictions
have prioritized these areas for housing and job growth and regional investments.
Transportation projects are a fundamental part of implementing these plans by supporting land
use decisions that accommodate this growth. Applicants should look to their jurisdiction’s
comprehensive plan or applicable subarea plan to develop an understanding of how their
jurisdiction envisions the future of the regional growth center and use this guidance to address
the criteria above.
A jurisdiction may have a comprehensive plan policy that states that roadways within the regional
growth center should be redeveloped into multimodal, pedestrian friendly facilities. Proposed
projects that introduce or advance additional transportation modes on existing roadways, such as
new or improved sidewalks, landscaping, traffic calming, pedestrian crossings, bicycle lanes,
and/or bus facilities, would accomplish this objective.
Another example might be a subarea plan that calls for better circulation in the center through
improved cross-street connections and reduction in length of city blocks. A project proposing to
create a new cross-street with multimodal facilities for more direct access to center services,
where none previously existed, may meet this goal.
The applicant should review the project area and describe the current and planned densities
and activities related to housing and employment. How is the project supporting these specific
areas? A project proposing increased connectivity through a new pedestrian route could
provide a new customer base for businesses within a center by providing a new mode of
connection. A project may expand or improve person and goods carrying capacity within the
center, improving a facility providing direct connection to employment, services, recreation, etc.
A project may improve travel time for goods delivery benefiting the retention or establishment
of new jobs or businesses. The neighborhood surrounding the project may offer a diverse
range of businesses and job opportunities, including grocery stores, restaurants, corporate
offices, government offices, etc., and the project will improve access to these locations.
A project may be improving the ability of a business to draw its workforce and customer base
from an identified EFA in the project area. For example, completing a gap in the sidewalk
network or improving street crossings may provide better access for people with disabilities to
access higher wage jobs in the area.
High: A project will receive a high rating if it:
significantly improves safe and convenient access to major destinations within the regional
growth center for a variety of modes
significantly improves mobility within the center and enhances opportunities for active
remedies a clearly demonstrated existing or anticipated problem
clearly addresses disparities and provides benefits to identified EFAs in the project area
Medium: A project will receive a medium rating if it:
moderately improves access to major destinations within the center
moderately improves mobility within the center, including opportunities for active
addresses an existing or anticipated problem
moderately addresses disparities and provides benefits to identified EFAs in the project
Low: A project will receive a low rating if it:
improves access to a limited degree within the center
provides limited mobility benefits and limited opportunities for active transportation
does not clearly demonstrate resolution of an existing or anticipated problem
does not clearly address disparities and provide clear benefits to identified EFAs in the
project area
The applicant should describe how the proposed project provides access to destinations within
the center such as sports or recreation facilities, arts venues, employment concentrations,
government centers, transportation hubs, freight facilities, etc. Multimodal projects that
consider the needs not just of automobiles but of pedestrians, public transit, and bicycles have
positive benefits for a wider variety of users than do projects focusing on a single mode.
These projects also provide opportunities for active transportation that can lead to public health
benefits. Transit-related improvements should address all types and durations of service not
just commuter routes.
Projects may provide mobility and accessibility improvements within the center by, for
example, providing a missing link or mode, transportation demand management (TDM)
programs or improving travel through the use of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). For
example, projects that include TDM activities designed to mitigate travel disruptions during the
construction of a project and/or to encourage desired use and performance upon the project’s
completion may influence travel behavior and provide long-term benefits. Projects completing
networks and providing critical connections that did not exist previously will tend to score
higher than those that do not.
The project should clearly identify the problem being remedied, and its impact on the center
and the populations being served. For example, is there a physical barrier in the network that
is being eliminated? Is there a gap that limits mobility that is being filled? Are there existing
conflicts between modes, or are there missing modes now being provided? Will the project
provide resilience to users when other aspects of the system break down, or improve the user
The project should also have the potential to improve access and mobility of the
disproportionately impacted equity populations in the project area. Additional resources are
provided in the Call for Projects to assist sponsors in determining the location of these equity
populations within their project area. Sponsors should also clearly describe how the project
reduces disparities or gaps currently experienced by the most marginalized communities,
rather than simply providing data on the location of any given group. Disparities are considered
imbalances in access, condition, experience, etc., while needs or gaps are considered missing
links in the transportation system. Additional resources, including an interactive web map and
the Transportation System Visualization Tool, are also provided in the Call for Projects to
assist sponsors in determining disparities and gaps experienced by equity populations within
their project area. Further, sponsors should be specific to equity population groups within the
project area and the relationship to the center, rather than at the jurisdiction level. Sponsors
are also encouraged to include data highlighting disparities experienced by these unique
Part 1. Addressing outreach
High: A project will receive a high rating if it’s shaped by feedback gathered using outreach
strategies included in the Equitable Engagement Guidance and clearly addresses a
demonstrated problem or need specifically identified by community members from the
identified EFAs, either from general or project specific outreach.
Medium: A project will receive a medium rating if it’s shaped by feedback gathered using
outreach strategies NOT included in the Equitable Engagement Guidance and addresses a
demonstrated problem or need identified through feedback provided by the wider community,
either from general or project specific outreach.
Low: A project will receive a low rating if there is no clear connection demonstrated between
the development of the project and outreach heard from members of the community.
Sponsors should clearly describe the feedback received from members of the EFAs within the
project area during the general or project specific outreach process and highlight how it
influenced the project, illustrating that this is a project these population groups want in their
community. Pathways for outreach are different for different projects, so whether the outreach
was at the planning or project level will not influence the score. For example, a sponsor for
complete streets may reference a comment from members of an EFA for a plan that may state,
“Please address the different needs of people using modes including but not limited to walking,
wheelchairs, running, biking, e-scooters, strollers, etc.” Or the sponsor may reference a
comment from members of an EFA specific to the project that may state,Please add
sidewalks and bike lanes to Dakota St. so people with different needs can get from the bus
stop on 42
St. to Gramercy Park.” Responses will be scored based on how well feedback
from members of relevant EFAs were taken into consideration and how well best practices
from PSRCs Equitable Engagement Guidance were implemented in this outreach.
Example of a High Scoring Project:
“The outreach process included creating an ad hoc committee comprised of older adults and
people with disabilities (i.e., the EFAs for this project) that met several times to identify project
needs and goals, review improvement options, and select recommended improvements. The
agency engaged in meaningful conversations with the committee to better understand their
needs and center the project on issues they shared with staff. Committee members were
compensated for their time and expertise.
Committee members were interested in street designs that would address access and safety
issues for older adults and people with disabilities who currently wait for the bus along the
edge of the road. More specifically, they cited a need for improved lighting, sidewalks, traffic
calming, and a street design that would keep residents safe from vehicle traffic. Many of the
concerns raised by the committee would be addressed by this project.”
Section 2. Addressing displacement (6 points)
Using PSRC’s Housing Opportunities by Place (HOP) tool, identify the typology associated
with the location of the project and identify the strategies the jurisdiction uses to reduce the
risk of displacement that are aligned with those listed for the typology.
High: A project will receive a high rating if the sponsor identifies the Housing Opportunities by
Place (HOP) typology (i.e., Promote Investment & Opportunity, Improve Access & Housing
Choices, Improve Access & Affordability, Increase Access to Single Family Neighborhoods,
Transform & Diversify, and Strengthen Access & Affordability) associated with the location of
the project and demonstrates that it is located in a jurisdiction with at least one policy within
each category in the typology (Supply, Stability, and Subsidy).
Medium: A project will receive a medium rating if the sponsor fails to identify the Housing
Opportunities by Place (HOP) typology associated with the location of the project, OR the
policies are NOT aligned with their assigned typology in the Housing Opportunities by Place
(HOP) tool.
Low: A project will receive a medium rating if the sponsor fails to identify the Housing
Opportunities by Place (HOP) typology associated with the location of the project, AND the
policies are NOT aligned with their assigned typology in the Housing Opportunities by Place
(HOP) tool.
The focus of this criterion is to evaluate the likelihood that populations vulnerable to
displacement currently living in the surrounding community will enjoy the benefits of the project
in the future. PSRC’s Housing Opportunities by Place (HOP) tool provides information on
locations where residents are most at risk for displacement and tailored strategies to reduce
that risk. Sponsors should determine where their project is located on the HOP map and
identify the typology and anti-displacement strategies associated with that location. They
should then contact their Community Development or Planning Departments to learn more
about their local comprehensive plans and the broader jurisdiction wide mitigation strategies
that are currently in place to deter displacement that are aligned with their assigned typology
within the Supply, Stability, and Subsidy categories. For example, a jurisdiction that falls under
the “Strengthen Access and Affordability” typology could highlight that their comprehensive
plan includes policies that eliminate unnecessary large minimum lot size requirements for
development (Supply), mandate inclusionary zoning (Stability), fund affordable housing
through commercial linkage fees (Subsidy), etc. Sponsors that accurately identify the HOP
typology associated with their project’s location and clearly note the broader mitigation
strategies in place that are aligned with this typology will score higher than those that do not.
Example of a High Scoring Project:
“The project serves areas of high displacement risk / lower opportunity, which falls under the
“Improve Access and Affordability” typology. The Comprehensive Plan includes strategies that
align with this typology and reflect the jurisdiction’s commitment to reduce the risk of
displacement. Examples of these strategies include: no minimum parking requirements,
incentive / inclusionary zoning, and financial assistance programs. Attachment A includes
language from the comprehensive plan that provides additional details on these strategies.”
High: A project will receive a high rating if it:
identifies and addresses a clearly demonstrated existing or future safety or security
incorporates one or more of FHWA’s proven safety countermeasures, in particular those
that address vulnerable users of the system, reduce reliance on enforcement and/or
design for decreased speeds
improves safety and/or addresses a specific safety issue being experienced by the
identified EFAs in the project area
specifically implements the agency’s adopted safety policies
Medium: A project will receive a medium rating if it:
identifies and addresses a clearly demonstrated existing or future safety or security
incorporates one or more of FHWA’s proven safety countermeasures
improves safety and/or addresses a specific safety issue being experienced by the
identified EFAs in the project area
is consistent with the agency’s adopted safety policies
Low: A project will receive a low rating if it:
does not clearly demonstrate how it addresses an existing or potential future safety and
security issue
does not incorporate an FHWA proven safety countermeasure
does not clearly address safety for the identified EFAs in the project area
has no clear connection to the agency’s adopted safety policies, or policies were not
Applicants should clearly describe the safety or security related issue being addressed by the
project, and how the project will improve safety conditions, including for the identified EFAs in
the project area.
Consistent with a Safe System Approach, FHWA has identified a collection of 28 safety
countermeasures that have been proven to be effective in reducing roadway fatalities and
serious injuries. These measures address a variety of road users and locations and address
the key focus areas of speed management, intersections, roadway departures, pedestrians /
bicyclists, and cross-cutting strategies. Applicants should identify how their project utilizes one
or more of these safety countermeasures. Projects that are not roadway projects or do not fit
within these categories should still clearly identify how their project is addressing and
improving safety.
Particular focus should be paid to those measures that improve conditions for the most
vulnerable users of the system. For example, projects that separate modes, improve lighting
and other security conditions, improve steep grade conditions, etc. may improve conditions for
pedestrians, bicyclists and/or wheelchair users. Older adults face disproportionate risks while
walking and rolling; high visibility crosswalks and leading pedestrian intervals (LPI) are two
examples of countermeasures that reduce the likelihood and severity of collisions and may
address disparities for this EFA population.
Examples of project measures that may result in decreased vehicle speeds could include
decreasing the number of vehicle travel lanes and/or travel lane widths, adding a pedestrian
crossing median, implementing a more restrictive intersection geometry, etc. Features that
may support a reduced reliance on enforcement could include improved signage and
technologies such as radar speed signs, variable message signs, red light cameras, etc.
In terms of policy, there is a spectrum of safety policies adopted by jurisdictions across the
region, from broad safety-supportive statements to more precise calls for improvements in
specific locations. Policies are found in a range of documents from comprehensive plans to
sub-area plans to standalone safety plans. Applicants should identify what their agency’s
policies on safety are and discuss how the project implements or was informed by these
policies. Specific factors to consider include the project location, the scope of the project and
the specific safety issue being addressed.
Safety Commitment
Safety is one of the key policy focus areas of the Regional Transportation Plan, and the 2024
project selection process has further emphasized the importance of safety in the evaluation
and recommendation of project funding. More information on the Safe System Approach and
FHWA’s Proven Safety Countermeasures may be found in the Safety Guidance contained in
the Call for Projects.
The adopted 2024 Policy Framework for PSRC’s Federal Funds further called for each
sponsor in the 2024 project selection process to make a commitment to continued planning
and implementation in alignment with a Safe System Approach. There is not a requirement for
each agency to have developed a safety plan for the 2024 process; however, a commitment is
asked to follow federal, state and regional guidance and requirements as they are developed.
To support this commitment, each sponsor will be asked to provide a brief statement on their
current and future plans related to safety and following the Safe System Approach. For
example, some agencies have received, or are applying for, funding from the Safe Streets and
Roads For All grant program to support this work. Other agencies have already developed
aligned safety plans and are implementing actions consistent with FHWA’s proven safety
countermeasures. Still others may be in the process of updating their comprehensive plans
with policies and actions that align with a Safe System Approach.
High: A project will rate high if it will substantially reduce fine particulates from diesel exhaust
or will substantially reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants, and the air
quality benefits will occur by 2035.
Medium: A project will rate medium if it will moderately reduce fine particulates from diesel
exhaust or will moderately reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants (for
example, a project that reduces VMT by shortening a vehicle trip but does not eliminate a
vehicle trip), and the air quality benefits will occur by 2035.
Low: A project will rate low if it results in a limited amount of emission reductions, and the air
quality benefits will occur after 2035.
Projects will receive additional points if they are located in an area identified in the Washington
Environmental Health Disparities map as a 7 or above for diesel pollution and disproportionate
impacts, as long as some estimated emission reduction is estimated to occur. Scores will be
tiered based on location:
STBG Points
CMAQ Points
The objective of this criterion is to evaluate projects with the highest potential to reduce
emissions of both traditional air pollutants as well as greenhouse gas emissions, with
increased emphasis on the reduction of diesel particulate emissions. These pollutants pose
significant health risks, such as an increase in respiratory ailments, heart disease and cancer,
as well as environmental risks such as damage to agriculture and Puget Sound. The
application will include specific questions relevant to different types of projects to assist with
this estimation.
Projects resulting in a substantial decrease in emissions will score the highest under this
criterion. High scoring projects may eliminate a substantial number of trips, reduce a
significant amount of VMT or reduce fine particulates through diesel vehicle and equipment
retrofits or the reduction of diesel truck idling (e.g. along a freight corridor). Converting fleets to
alternative fuels may also score high under this criterion, if substantial emissions benefits will
be achieved. Projects eliminating vehicle trips would generally be expected to produce greater
emissions reductions than projects solely reducing VMT, but as mentioned above, the
magnitude of the project and the timing of the anticipated benefits will play a role in the final
The Air Quality Guidance document in the Call for Projects provides additional resources
regarding the estimation of emissions reductions from a variety of types and scales of
transportation projects, information on the technical tool PSRC uses to estimate emissions
reductions, and a link to the Washington Environmental Health Disparities map.