Marketing Your Transferable Skills
The DMACC Career Center is here to help you!
DMACC Career Center | Ankeny Campus, Building 1
Hours: Monday Friday | 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Appointments: (515) 964 - 6200; Dial “0”
Email: careers@dmacc.edu
Phone: (515) 964 - 6463
database of 400+ customers.”
Basic Style:
The Fashion Boutique, Des Moines, Iowa
Sales Associate, May 20xx - Present
Provide customer service and handled register
Assist with clothing displays
Improved Style:
The Fashion Boutique, Des Moines, Iowa
Sales Associate, May 20xx - Present
Provide sales, merchandising, and customer
service in a busy clothing store, proofing cash
register with low error rate
Interact with over 30 customers daily,
achieving $300 to $500 in daily sales
Resolve customer complaints diplomatically
Assigned managerial responsibilities for
opening and closing the store
Developed loyal clientele, increasing sales by 15%
Basic Style:
Chili’s Bar and Grill, Ankeny, Iowa
Server, Summers of 20xx-20xx
Waited on tables
Performed additional cleaning duties
Improved Style:
Chili’s Bar and Grill, Ankeny, Iowa
Server, Summers of 20xx-20xx
Demonstrated suggestive selling to promote daily
Selected to train new employees on providing
excellent customer service
An effective resume markets your skills and experiences. Your resume should focus on transferable skills and
accomplishments. To sell yourself, you need to know three things: what you learned or accomplished through the
experience, what difference you made to the employer and what skills the prospective employer is seeking.
Knowing these three things will help you transform your resume from a list of job titles into a personal
marketing tool. The same technique should be used for volunteer and campus activities. Notice how the
examples below take a basic resume entry and expand it to highlight skills and successes. Whenever
possible, put your accomplishments in concrete terms, such as “Increased attendance by 13%” or “Managed
Basic Style:
Varsity Tennis Team Member, Fall 20xx - Present
Captain, Spring 20xx - Fall 20xx
Led team to conference title
Improved Style:
Varsity Tennis Team Member, Fall 20xx - Present
Captain, Spring 20xx - Fall 20xx
Dealt with players’ personal challenges and
varying skill levels to lead team to first-ever
conference title
Coordinate daily practices in absence of coach
Serve as liaison between coach and players
Basic Style:
Fellowship Church, West Des Moines, Iowa
Youth Worker, Summer 20xx
Assisted youth minister with summer programs
Led puppet ministry
Improved Style:
Fellowship Church, West Des Moines, Iowa
Youth Worker, Summer 20xx
Created new contact system about upcoming
activities, resulting in 23% increase in attendance
Evaluated and selected scripts for puppet ministry;
led weekly rehearsals
Contacted local churches and social service groups
to schedule puppet shows; expanded ministry into
3 new churches
Abstracted Classified Directed Founded Lifted Predicted Schemed
Achieved Coached Discovered Gained Listened Prepared Screened
Acquired Collaborated Discriminated Gathered Located Presented Set goals
Acted Collected Dispatched Gave Logged Prioritized Shaped
Adapted Comforted Displayed Generated Made Produced Skilled
Addressed Communicated Dissected Governed Maintained Programmed Solicited
Administered Compared Documented Guided Managed Projected Solved
Advertised Completed Drafted Handled Manipulated Promoted Specialized
Advised Complied Drove Headed Mapped Proposed Spoke
Advocated Composed Edited Helped Mastered Protected Stimulated
Aided Computed Eliminated Identified Maximized Proved Strategized
Allocated Conceived Empathized Illustrated Mediated Provided Streamlined
Analyzed Conducted Enabled Imagined Memorized Publicized Strengthened
Answered Conserved Enforced Implemented Mentored Published Stressed
Anticipated Consulted Enlightened Improved Met Purchased Studied
Applied Contracted Enlisted Improvised Minimized Queried Substantiated
Appraised Contributed Ensured Inaugurated Modeled Questioned Succeeded
Approved Converted Established Increased Modified Raised Summarized
Arranged Cooperated Estimated Indexed Monitored Ran
Ascertained Coordinated Evaluated Indicated Narrated Ranked Supervised
Assembled Copied Examined Influenced Negotiated Rationalized Supported
Assessed Correlated Exceeded Initiated Observed Read Surveyed
Assisted Counseled Excelled Inspected Obtained Reasoned Sustained
Attained Created Expanded Instituted Offered Recorded Symbolized
Audited Critiqued Expedited Integrated Operated Received Tabulated
Augmented Cultivated Experimented Interpreted Ordered Reduced Talked
Authored Dealt Explained Interviewed Organized Referred Taught
Bolstered Debated Explored Introduced Originated Related Theorized
Briefed Decided Expressed Invented Overcame Relied Trained
Brought Defined Extracted Inventoried Oversaw Reported Translated
Budgeted Delegated Facilitated Investigated Participated Researched Upgraded
Built Delivered Fashioned Judged Perceived Responded Utilized
Calculated Designed Financed Kept Perfected Restored Validated
Cared Detected Fixed Launched Performed Revamped Verified
Charged Determined Followed Learned Persuaded Reviewed Visualized
Chartered Developed Formulated Lectured Planned Scanned Won
Checked Devised Fostered Led Practiced Scheduled Wrote
Clarified Diagnosed